HJL "ft fft win or liuton. O. e-'-flim one year, i wxt nite-Hatf, enliimn, one year, 30.K) ,iJae"'or column, one year, . 13.00 a-aaxftar (10 lino) 1 Immtirm- 75 LaW additional Insertion, 80 trofte1onal Ami BuMneancarJs of notuiUff thdnS linos per jrour, 5.00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator - and Aeeignce Notice, 20 Alitor!! notice per Una, "15 All tranaoioiit advertising less than t saontha 10 coulee line. All advertisements for a shortor pe riod than one year are payablo at the time thojr are ordorod, and il not paid Hha pemon ordering thorn will ue held; (MnotMibiA lor me monev. 1 o o t r .v Other Frlowt Think So Too. ftaV Jawo thing a man en hava la all thla worlJ of wos n l irlfe, Taat waVe th bmlnea aot Ioj b I, Aal that oi Ibia'i an ny wife. I) gat faacy that I lov my girl f or Mi thtakt or rve btir ? Bat koliU n hrt beiu tli li'ijt'ii Seoao th laughs, anl Joein't ear. pat sly boot juit were It lulu, Aa4 and thee where I p it thou, to ; the U a thing, yoa mutt allow. A akap sea very iiMon do. I Isav air paper on my Jk ( Ska btt dual llttn la a beep, Or lake to .it'll tbt kiteHan doe Tka Vry on I want to keep. a viator nlgbu my oiy dam - Will warm btr toot be fur th Art Ska evr scold about Ibt lamp, Or wants tka wiek a trill bighor. Oa Sun Jay eh li aot to Rot Bat whet bar ruffle I cn log ; I light my plpejuit wher I plea, Aad spill th eab oa tin rug. be bod la afr 6tlJ with 'hara'' A tblng nni women vilely plm To worry itrvaot half to death, Aad apotl Ibo temper of a man. flka lets ma ilecp to any hour, Nor ratoct toy horrid dio If It Just happen, bow oa I then, Tebf,ui( 1st wheal come In. I tn you Jiok, tfyou would wtJ, Jen got a girl wbo let ibiogi run ; fiba'U keep her 'omprr like Unb, Aad help you oa to lot of fun. Doa't look for raioey. etjrle or ohow, Or bluihiog bcuty, ripe tad rre j Juel Uk tbo on wbo leughe it fat Wbo Uughi,oad ohowo lb Jjou't or. Tea think, perbkp, our houneliol J nay Are J net ptrohono a IlltU iclied ; Oh, when Ibey get too horrid bJ, W tir about and get Ihinje Bel. What eoaBptiiiiou b u a una Wbo arn hi brenl by eit of brow If home le mad a b attic .ground, And Ur on loaj, eternal rov t Jlarper't Mvjntinf fur September. My First Cigar. Twail behind the wuodabed. On glorloua tu n n.ir d iy, Tar o'ar the bill tli ai nkio aua Puriued it westward wiy. Aad In my Ion (volution, Bofely remoft I fr Vom all cf earth' condition, I uukd my Oral oigr. Jib, bright Hi boyish fanoln Wrapped iu tbe wreittbvt of bin f Vy rye grrw dim, my Lead waa light, Tka wooJshad aroun I m flew. Dark night oloeed Id and around me, Rataaa without a tar, 3rim death I thought had found tur, And ipoiltd my Brat cigar, Ah, pallid wa my nobl trow, Tb craning might araa lato, Wjr (tartlfd mother eried la feur, "My child what have you at f I beard my rather amalberel U'Jgk, It iremed ao ttraoga and far ; I kow k kew, I knew be kne I'd imoked my Aral cigar. liui'lington Hauler ye awaawawa?ai,MMM, , Van Veltman's Dream A COMSTOCUB VP AMOHU THI PLNETa. Tk worried about a dream I bad laat night," said Veltman yesterday, m be Mated himself ia a bar-room chair, after swallowing bis matutinal oookUil. ! never bad aaeh a dream. Everything seemed plain nd reasonable enough in tbo dream, bat now I cau't separata the aeuao from tho nonsense." lleoeiving some eneourageraent, Mt. Veltman proceeded to relate bia Tuion as follows ; "I dreamed died aad went to " Heaven, or to wbat should have bee a somewhere in that neighborhood, I got there all aloue away up among tho stars, which seemed a mighty alialanoo opart . All was cold and fitrango and unoomfortable. Pre sently I saw tbe now moon, wbicb looked somewhat home-like and familiar, ao I went over to it and seated myself io a enrvo of it, where there waa a oomfortablo resting place for my back, tbiukio? I'd take tbiogs easy and look ab out for a timo. I bad hardly got comfortably fil ed bofore a rather briak-looking per onage with a paper cup on bis head, wearing a leather apron and carry ing a monkey wreuoli in hi band, appeared before me. 'Juat arrived V he said briskly. . " 'J net this minute landed,' said I. 1 'Well,' said tba man, wbo looked .like an engineer, or soma kind of machinist, 'tbia is no place for Idlers i yoa most go to work.' 'To work 1 said I feebly. -Am I not ia Heaven 1' . M -Heaven I I don't know what yoar ideas of Heaven may be, bat I can tell you that you are iu tbe great wornatwp , , or ins universe. TKo idiars ksVe, I oao assure yon.' f i-r-l t'ioo'jbt 1 badooms bere 4ortVr " tll. - 1 1 " - annaa m tha WT ' r . . . i "srs ' looking f.,r i s .ii:sl.:irs ibotxlu VOL. 18. all tho worlds to ureti. Aral tj be kept tip io all the a no a. aud ocoaoa of uobttlvitia ant tur ti be looltod af ter, ami worked intj aateroida and thina, Lota of work io do, and jtint now wo nre very ahort-bandod been xtandirifr our rogulur worka out into Kpnre.' "Juat tiiou I waa atiutlod at the night of an iintnotiae flory ball that caruo mailing aUnr with a terrible touring eound. and wblcli left bxliiud s trotuundoua trail of aparka. ear ona t what it tuut a ooiuot f I cried. " 'A eomot,' eaM tba poraonaqfe bofore mo, 'I bulievo it is wbat you bare been tttnlit to cull a comet b it you'll find out eiaotly wbat it ia be fnfo y i t'e b ma hera I ) i. II w oror, I may aa toll yoj what you aea ia tbo apociul car of one of Ibe boMsen. Tlure are millions of them in all wbo K' tliroilb iutor atolla pparo inapnctinf-tbiufa mill iuua of them, and to tue tlior auetu to be puHaiu ovcry five tntuutea, but where you come from they aeotn l be visible only at lou i laleivuls.' " 'Where ia tbe bi boaa of all Doea bu too, have a car I' asked I, "'No, yon fool! yjj wtnt aie to kuot-k you off tbe born of that moou ? No one here hua ever yet aeon tbollranl Hi t I Jj iter.' ' 'But inn t tbia lleaveo V "'Why do you kuop HHkinjj tue that pi!htiou 't llavuu't I told yoil that you are cow in tho great work shop of the univerao f It wua uuveu where you came from lint you did not know it. You will have no HUt-li i;ood timtia heie, I cun to'l yon. You will uot bo allowed to lout about note tuM ao ua you , pijrtse. inure you una a uotiy atu fuulina to tell yon when niivtlii'i hurt Jon to lull yon when you .wan tired, au I o on. Down thi-re you hit I ii (tiling to d bitt m t'ie your ttclf huppy to eii joy yonixt-lf t but. like it pcl of foolx, you all go to piling up lujnuy, or trying to, an 1 wony youtHulvua about netting tlj'us Hint uio of little mo to you, coumJeitn the timo you have to at.iy, Yoa havo been up here hund red of tiiuo before, but you don't kuow it yet, aud a ill uot ronittmher it till you have been here a million jears a-d have paseed throu,;li a iiii;u j mi U'iva hoi juv buou. i ii were only aeiit do n to tho enith for u hiiiicu tif lilioeu miuutus f irtt uud letiehhiiKiutii. Now you've got to go to wni k. I've ju.it boou euut over heie by olio of tbo lonie to lull joti ho. l.'p Lijio y J 1 wout Irivo x liibbery body that you muat care for." " Mint,' said I, o htva ash tpo ua I see,' " Yen,' Bui 1 tho being buforo mo t 'up buru you liavo a b.idy aud you dou't have one ; you fuel mi I tiro hurt, but not ildiuaged. You know how it was tlotvti there on your lit tle out I U "Hua man who had lout uu in iu, or bad auy part of biui cjmo on ltoforu liis main hulk f You kuow tho foeliug he hit 1 iu a tiling that bad oVp ii'toj ftoiu hiiu ?' 'Yea. "'Yea Well, yott might have guessed from tbut aometuiiig aa to what would preHutitly bu the condi iou of your whole body. That with in you which uevor dies focla hh koeuly through the whole aa through apart, lull are now all leg, all arm all any part you will, Isnt time llica, and I must set you to work, Whoro aro yon from f 'From Virginia City," said I, tnrniug my bead and lo iking oil towards where a little bluck atar abuut tea foot iu diameter waa waltzing rouud tbo moon, with oth ers atill smaller whizzing round it in varioaa directions Wbat I From tho Co uitiak, bey !' and the puraonage began to eoowl. 'From the Comatock why, I've a notion toaeud you right out to aliovoliug oomet dust iulo tbe sun.' "'Pray donoL'aaid I, 'for though I'm from the Comatock I never worked ia the lower levels.' M 'What, then do you feel like do ng what kind of a job would you like V " 'Well, if there is a vcaoy I think I'd like the plaoeof watchman on one of the moons of Jupiter.' " 'Yes you'd like a uioecool place ebf " 'I'd prefer euoh a phoa to start in o n.' ' 'Well. I'll fU you. I ahV.l give yoa a nice eool job near your late home.' " ' Thaak oa, sir.' . " 'Yea, f'll aot you to work dowa oa your earth at tbe North Pole. Nothiug to do there but to chop the ice off the big gudgeon aud keep it well greased. Come right along now and get to work.' 'Saturn has eight moons,' said , 'and there might be a vaotuoy.' " 'Yea, and also a big lot of fly wheels wbat you eill rings I can't trust you there. You'll chop ice awhile a million years or ao then 1 11 see if I oan nud, a vacancy some where an! put yott ia es watchmau. Come aloug and bore be snatched ma off the moon and I felt myself falling, fulling, falling, for weeks and mouths tilt at laat 1 landed oa a big eukeofice. 'Are you oat of bed you old brut V said an angel voice wbioh I at ouoe reeognised aa being the pri vate property of my will, and I fait ao relieved and happy that 1 would have kisaed ber if ahe bad not made diaparanlnt ranrirka ab'it u v ! I ' 4 .it. it ! r i. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, How It tUppam. Day by day we are more aa 1 more iinpreasod with the fact that Durlinu; tou ia a city of original ideaa, broad judgment, ptofouuJ viea and nni paralleled activity. It only needs a brief rovle of the ehroui-len of local events which are datlv placed belore the taloreated public by our paioa taking au I iuduxtrio is c ille t ie o the forth p to of this paper, to con vice any one tli.tt llurlin ton ia a city of not m il merit and oriio ll po euliaritioa. During the eilit tnoutha p int, the I io t recjr U liov th it in one department alone, that of orii unl acuiddnta, the city of tho hills baa more than diatinniahed her self. They will allow that. A North Hill Rirl fell into the riv er and wia reuouod with both stock ing full of tilth A Pond atreot girl jabbc.l a hair pin throuh her car tvice in the anion week, each time in a new place, and uow ahecati we.tr double-b-trrol oar- A Sonth Hill baby swallowed a glaas button with a brmHye. H.ibv now woihs tweuty-eijfht pouudaand d oesa't cry once a week, aul hi the cheek of a peddlur. A North M.iu atreet nna dropped a apoou ful of rod-hot solder in bin shoe while tnou liutf a totkuttlo, and auuoomtfully buruej out a soft com th.it two pfofostitiitl ehirop lists had chiro dropped iu vain. A JolLra u atront inurnlit-it atep pod ou it li.in tu t peel and full over a dry hj ! b m. kn jinr oit the on y '""Hid tooth iu bia hell, only iniuuii luiiHiioa aitor I'oclor WiUon had pounded eight dollars' worth of gold into it. A Vino street man swallowo I a roijuterfeit (jitartor, and it long-haired Mlappiiiff doctor audnn Ottuuiwa healer knocked aoveuty-oibt dollurn of goj 1 mouoy out of him trying t J lin t it. The iu n as-nvo better than a Leadvillo silver claiip, a lon aa his pile lueted. A woman on Columbia atroet acci dentally dropped a uiue-yoar old oeut try pl tut, pot and all, out of a ae- Coii.l Mtorir u n.lnw fi, . ..;.. ti ikin-her liUHban l in the back, tlio h.i J::!t lnl I ;m r fr n In win I. ,, ttll obstruction tll.lt. Il l l U,.n. him coui:liiu'' eviii'v ui.Lt for u week, A tramp from Illinois dipped through uu open grutiugiu tho d uk, foil through iut too ajwer aul lit right Htu.tclc on a ailvor watah an 1 a two-dollar bill The watch will st in I lepairing at Wataon'a, as tiau il. b it tho two-dollar bill is intact, wher ever it u.lturliiittOH UmcArie. A Texas EJitor's Diary. Tbe editor of aToxts paptr given tli a I'olUvio? figure Id u a ttitnui cat iiibiu ra i J uni ul uU lifj in am wor t tlio oju j i Ira u ia laat tu lut.i'a I'rinter't-A loerlitcr i linen asked to drink Drunk llMieted to retract Did retract luvitud to parties ai 1 rewp tioua by parties Balling for pull Took the hint Didn't lake tbe biat l'lirealoueJ le bo whip;isl li nut whip'ial 1 l.VVl ll.lilij 416 41H 3,:m a:) 3.3JI I'd V 4 1GI Wliippod tho other Cello lhdu't Oil in e to time liooa proiuised whiakey, gin, eto., if we would g after tliein llaen nftar them fl.OtO Been asked what' tho aos 3'JO.OiJ T el 1 21 Didn't know 200,00(1 Liod ubout it UU.977 Itooo te church 2 Changed publics 3 Kipeut to cli logo stilt 5 J Qive to obtrity tSOt Gave for a terrier dog J5.0d Cash on baod 1.00 Tbe mere lapse of years ia not life To eat and drink aul ateop to be exposed to d irknota and to light to naoe around in the mill of habit. and turn thought iuto aa implement of trade this is not life, ia all this, but a poor fi ij'-ion of ttieoiawiei tiousuees of Immunity ie awakened, and the sanctities still alumbor, wbicb make it worth while to be. Knowlenga, truth, love, beauty. goo luoss faith aloue Oin give vitality to the meohanisin of existeuoe. Tue laugh of mirth that vibrato through the heart tho tears that freshen the dry waatoa within themuaio that urines oliibluoo.l back tue prayer that ealls the future near-tho hard ship which forces ua to struggle tbo anxiety which ends in trust are tbe true nourishment of our natural being James JIartiueau. A new boarder spilt soma milk on his oout and was fearful lost it would leave agra aeapot. Au old atager aaaurel him tbut there waa not the alighteat danger, bat bo might look for a otiulk mark wbea it dried. Ao exebunge aay: "lua typ's lust week made ua ay thai "tbe uowr were not snftioioot to meat the want ol the milkmen." etc., in stead ol "uiilluivn." A man at Augnta Go., na rocelva in a doettr' bill for medietas auJ'of viaita wrote that be wnll piy far uu .uidljinu as I retura tbe visit. , I fames 7 ,r&x RailroiJ Qjldj to Haisn. Tbe Cntholia Heine, m prints tbe following Itiilroa l g tide for trav elers on their way to boaven i" 1. No return ticket or eicuraion traiua. 2. Infanta in tbe nrma of their ho ly mother, the Catholic Church, free. 3. No doadhoads or half-faros al lowed. 4. Travelers are particularly re iiucated to bring nothing with them but good works, otherwise llioy nuy tnias tbe train or incur serious trou ble on the frontier, 5. Clergy na well as others carry ing tnotinv run great risks no in surance taken on auch luggage. t. I'asnongera are received at all points on this route. 7. No runners, gamblers, drunk ards, thieve J or scalp ticket pjrmit ted. H. Travelera ahoul I bo bow.iro of counterfeit tickets issue 1 by uiiaii thort.ed agnuta, and also tho pick pocket, pri lo and bouxtiug. 0. Higage ehoul t be eti'aitnl from time to time for fo.tr of rjxl or moths. 10. farents aro re pteate I to keep aa eye on their e'lildren as they may do niiiriio I away iiy lal ponple nud fallen angola t tliev are aU i re 1 1 nt- ed not to e.xpoao tli iir chil l.e i t t dauger ou tho plitfor u. II. Young people should avoid the dangeroita oustniu of looking out of the widows ant aluiiiu the scenery, a d.ist nu t p ji.iou are iu tho air. 12. N) liy-ovnr tidteU imiud. Ticketa non-trausfor th le. IU. For further information apply at the boi l o H -e, an 1 lio it fully un derstood that fat Lit. an I wnon pini blo good worka, aro iihodh iry uccom. plinlimeuta fir all time wuj desire to travel this w ay. To ell of which the C.'irl.itl iD -it Work ud U tlii-t c iiui -at : j 'Iu order to aotf i n u 1 ltd all,, HHVeral Hpeeial ti iim wiil mn, known aa the liuptibt train, Mi'thodiat. Pioh byturiau, tO,in!i,ut, l.il i irin. It i- ! formed, I'otcli a id other trains ; the I ) input of fut) gul on all; on the liipLiiit tt tin p.n t of the trip in by water, but too dulin ition and! conditions of travel uio tho b.i uo.'' RilWi lc Crop Hcporls. Tlio truth crop ia f air lo average, hot ho niW 1 1 with n i.'ch iriu.i n iiti mentality .11 1 1 li i u ot 1 1 vr irt il jh I bo hop uu 1 m lit crop,, iu li pi I form, 1110 large, lint loirs are et preniied that tlioro will b a f t nine before tho uloeli in 11 or jr. tir ii i dcali'lM, however, ktili keep thiir npirilit, mi I t.10 fo ira iu iy bo iniilcn, Tiio uuwnpaper clip will bo t ru men Inn between toil an I Novem ber, aul there aill be more ncinaora tli 111 wheat ground, the kuowiug ouca nuy. The lawyer b irvent will be largely n .veiled by gralnates from the col logori, and fully up to tho demand. Prime lots, however, will continue to com.u in I go I pi'icen. .Mi I lling to poor will be ueglucted more thuu ever. The boai yield will be fully up to tho average, Tbia hits loug bceu looked 011 as a aafo crop, The chicken's crop ia a full one. Indian corn (or coruel luliiu) prouiisua well. Sovut.il loads of wkiiky havo boou sout to the fi'ou tier. Hair raining on tho plaint will also be quite lively. The barbers' cropa are rathor short, owiug to the receut extreme heat. Iron ia tho Nremost among the at iplos. titaploa are gwuorully made of it. The acrenge of tears sown in small boys trousers has lucreitned wonder fully since the begiuuiug of vacation Wild outs are sown bromlcait There appears no fulliug off in this branch of farming. llye is running' down fait. Clover is plentiful on the boaohes, where people are living iu it. The youug ladies there aro study iog busbaudry. ' ino crop or grievances aro as abundant as ever. A worn 10 asked a New York edi tor ''whether or not women in any age bave io vented anything of oonse quouoe,'' and the editor treats it aa 4 oouundrum aud gives it up. Ha must forgot that, aooordiug to the Bible, she invested Sin with a big 3 an 1 that is of considerable con- eequnaae. it has given hundreds of thousands of preaabers employment. bue also invented tbe fuahion of ait- liug up with a young man oa Sun day nights also of great importance to the youth of our laud. Physio, aays ao old surgeon, is tbe airof amuiog thepitieut while na- ture oures the disease. e-" wewaweaflna A Bos toe. tappy thought is to tors tbt adtaoo of tbe apple eras te sesenat far tba poor people Ut city. Br ar farm -w- w'.ll tri U. i0i.U iv V' "m'' PA., SEPTEMBER Did You Eever. l)id you ever see a baM-bea lod roan who didn't have a "beautiful bead of hair" till "that fever'' that something or other, took it off t Hid you ever see au old bachelor wbo waa not forever seeking for muriiittfa infelicities to reconcile himaelf to bis own lonely bit f lid you ever think how much the great ( pic pools have to bo thank ful for tothoHu who have taken the trouble to separate tho gold from the drops of their writingi f Iid you over know an Irishman who didn't thoroughly nnclenland thn inyHteriea of "Forty-foives"f I'id yott ever know a (lerman who dil n t contrive to end every other sentence Wlthau "already V lid yon ever ee a aniult boy ao wanting in opirit that ono diurnal doubling up throughout the Rum mer could effect a radical cure iu bia immature fruit eating proclivities f I 'id yoil ever ceo it young lady who wouldn't rather bear ber Iiiih bund pram) I by a lady iu the tiutt town than by the lady iu tho next bonne T Iid you ever know a man who ha- , hitu illy tolls al! ho kno.vi who did not cverliintingly repent bimxolf 7 j I'id you ever known man who i;,lkd much of Iii:ni4,.lf who ii i uot: have n poor subject for bis dulion f couver - Jid you cvor know n r...l I . tool who wan aware that bu waa a fool f Did yoil ever think that VOIl miht bo self T thus oblivioua to your lid you ever see another do the namti thing three tiuiea with out thinking Hint you could doit mn cli better 1 Ii I you ever know a an iudlnd man wbae b irta fteio not partially denied by bearing of uuothrir man being swindled in like mnmicr f lid you ever know a young lady with ft new aud tienlly fitting ai-t who tbonglit tho weather waa cold enough for a wrap ? I'll you ever aeon in nil with largo feet who did not iloeluru that bia liootn were two nies too big that he liken then) aiy, you know ,' Did you ever think that men are the biggent fooln in crentioii, uud Unit woiueu riijuv tiie Inn of letting i tlieiu reuiiiiii utieoilKi'ioua of it f Did you ever Heo 11 young man who carried 11 cane who would lint repel tLo iiitiiiualiou of lainu IK .1.1 t Did you ever sen n drinker or a Niuoiiker wlm cuiil In't leave off at any time, if ho only wanted to ? Jhd you over think f BcnutiLs ot Singing Singing is ono of tho most benlth ful 1 xemeinos iu which meu, women . uud children can engage. Tho mud icnl Wochoiirichrift, of St. I'etein burg, baa an tirticlo Limnl upon ex huuativo renenrclien made by I'rof. MotiHHHuin during the iiutum of wbeu examiuiug '11 aingera ringing botweeu tho uges of nine and lilty three. Ho bud chief weight upou tho growth nud nbaolutu circniufer enco of the cheat, upon tho compa rative relalaou of tho latter to tho Inline.-. of the anbjoi.'t, aud upon tho pneumittoiuotric aud spiroumotria conditiou of the eiugcr. It upear to be an nnccrtaiuud fact from Dr. .Vonanneiu'e oipeiunoutn that tho relative, and even the absolute, cir cumference of the chuit ia greater among dingers than among thoae who 1I0 not aiug, uu j that it lueivan - ea with the growth uu I age uf tho singer. 'i'Ue Profennor evuu anys that tinging may bu placed phynic il ly as the antithuaia of driukiug spir ituotta li.pioin. Daniel Webster onco said t ''The wild (lower will bloom iu beauty ou the tiold of buttle, and abovo the crmhed skeleton tho destroying augel of the pestilouco will retire t"hen bis erraud ia done tho bar- run hops of famine will oeaso at lust the cloud will be prodigal of bis bonrdod ruin but for moral dosoU tiou there ia no revival of spring let impudence, iutegrity and our ruption triuu.ph over honesty and iutullect, and our liberties uud strength will depart forever." "Here, Jmuei, tike these two cukes and give the smaller ouo to your little brother." James examines tbe eakea careful ly, appears undecided, and iiuully tukea a beroio bite out of one of them, which be passed over to bis brother with the remark .' "There Tommy, I've made you a smaller ouo they were the same size. "I bave left all my fortune to my wife," says tbe pbiloaophie spouse of a Xantippn, "oa oouditiou that ahe ahall marry again." "What iaMiatforf" "f wish to bo eure that there a-il! be eouio one to regret my death wbeu I am gone. ' At Loganaville, Wis-, Henry Reatcmasu married tbe girl whom Otto wanted. Otto went to tbe wed diug with a knife, and when tbe cer emou) was over be etabbed tha bridegroom three times. There waa a young lady named Maud, wbo recently came fr" a'oioa 1 1 bur '" a an I her 1 "hich satoti 'b' "ir1 30, 18S0. NO. 13 Ho at Oysters Are Barn. Our bivalve, however, dioi not apawu after the ruauuer of iiiollunka generally. It Is, iu its own way, vivap iroiH. It doea n it e nit ojgs. but at the proper time sends forth its youn ativo. The "gg aro dis lodged from the ovaries and com mitted to the nurnitig cure of the gill and mantle At Hrnt each egg Menem to bo eticlonuil in n rapHiilu It ia of a yellowish Color, but aa iu cub ition and development prorun en the color change, first to giay, then to browu, nfturwardi to a vio let. This iaanigu Iliat tlio time of eviction ia at hand, for nature now ineilen Imr wilt to that ellect. Aud won b ifi.l little beitign tliey are ivbeii the wiil arriven 1 1 vacate the homo ilea. I, for wholj troops of t loin can go gracefully 'i I without jost ling tlilongh the mi.ieit eroliitiona in that tiiiient upbere a drop of water. Aa cited by F. V. I'ellowon, in lliu the -nei!' ti Sti'tr tit, rnyn M Dovuiiio t "Nothing ia more curi ous than to nop, under the micro cok, tlii'Ho liltlo tiiollunlv-t travel iu a drop of water iu vant lunubern, mutually avoiding one another, cronniiig each other's track in every direction with a wonderful rnniditv. never touchim.' nud never iueilimr " Tho imreiit ovnter ban. iudoud.'n . prodigious famiiy to turn out upon illio won t, lint when this time doe .ii., . inn na men iiniuri ina pniiiia in I NTS, w eonie, t iouh winfcr be ueiir. . Iin..i i r.e. 1 1 1 nn.Mi n.i. ; in ian nin u.. Lotion UIO Hlliuiuarv. mid thn i bililtia lire evorv ou imbon,! from, iioiiio- iiiey uro npn lortu, or I ejected from thoHhell l iliod with j water the v.ilvoa aro no 1 l.mly -uap-1 pod together. Kvery nu ip e uiU a i nuiiill wliilinh cloud. Though a lit. itlo ol tlio inilkev Hind bum it, thin i wlntiHti cloud ii couipoHod chietly of tlio tiny fry ; for, iu lui lu illy, tuny aro iilinoHt Mi viHililn. ludeed, who ! hliMll count tho oyster's offspring .' j Science, by ber oau imttboda, baa m tdo tlio coinpiit itioti, aud ho ni.e given ua tho nHtoun liiu' loniirauco that u niuglo oyster, dunug ono ' npa nitig season, ouiita tno tnilliou lOllll VMM ! i. ... .... J . Stopping a Kola. Our folk., liavo got a Hi Idy of tho Tiirioun kiud. .Shu ii u ipiear duck and good tialureil 'ua u basket of cliipn. Well, ntio Sunday, us wo .were sitting ilo.vu to dinner, wo found tiie old cat with three yonn , giiinulUiiiH largely engaged in the unrniuy buniuoHM under the tuhlo, liiddy, sol 1 wo, 'take tins C it and ber kittens and put them where wo nli'ill never neo them more,' 11 bint of dreadful import, but Uot uudur blood. 'Faith, sir, that I will,' The fulino family were removed mid wo pioi'ccded to dino. Hy uud by Hi. bly reentered with an iiuproi j moil 011 her f ico that doomed lo hiiv, I 'bo d id, 1 guess thoy uro iu safe I keeping now.' I 'Well, liiddy, what have you douo j with the old cut and ber kittens .'' j "Do gor, hir. they're aafo euough. aur;ilu mill I tho wood huiiiu iforniust t'.ie atahlo f Well, I pit ! them nil in there, uud fnntouud tho Idoora un l win lien. Thou, aeeing , there was a hole benide' whero they ; might get out, I stopped that up, too, unl si, y il aoe, they wout trouble you any nioro." We were a itiaiied, un l wo uto mir dinners in peace ; afterward walked into tbo 3 m il. wbeu we wiw tho 'diiitical' old cat aud her kittoun lit 1 Itbtu tv (.'ailing Lii.l ly, wo Kai l : 'Did yon nuy you tuhletiod the! kitlenn iu the wuod Iioiimo t' Faith, uu' did, sir.' '-Iu I stojiped tho holo f 'Yen, sir. Well, she bad, that's a fact, but what do you auppone alio stopped the holo with ! S m '.u:k a acvtiou of stove pipo in it I We thought wo would unlit. Aud there vat ono of , tho little imps at the inoutli of it licking its just as it crawled out paw aud looking us aaucy as .thuu- lur. Things It vVould bs Fumy to See, A patent mudiuiuo that wasn't warruutod u dead shot for auy thing. from corn to cousuuiptiou. A roso without a thoru and a wo rn mi without a fault. A tarpauliu stout enough to keep tho ram from soaking through the backs of our milkman's cows. A poor plumber and a rich news paper man. A piaa wbo can rap eteruul smuuli out of his favorite buuiou while muk tug a tight croipiot and atill keep the air brake ou tu touguo. The man who wasn't always able aud williug to give an editor a few poiuteraiu the uewapapur Dasiuese. A doctor who hadn't bolieved all aloug that Tanner would come out all right. A bald beaded man wbo never lost bia temper. A ciroua juat to roliove tbo monot ony. A ohromo of the man wbo invent ed tbe dance called tho "racket. fVtrVaVuiM H'orM. A wealthy man of Detroit, alone wife aud children were ou the steam er Marine City when it bainoliu niMpa l With their ' .H wort'i 111- 99 Publlahr-d every Thurnilav lCvsuliisf JArBMIAU CnOU.B, Prop' Terms of Subacrtptirm, TWO DOf.T.A IW PER ANXUM. Pay. able vithin six nioiitlm, or .'.otliftiot paid within tha year. No pa-f die conlluunl until all arrr-nregrcs are) riaid union at the option of Uie putn iohcr. Kubarrlptiona nittnlite of the conntf PAYAIlLB 1.1 AHVANCK. l9"Prraona liflitijr and tming papers adilrrnurd Vn oth-m licromeaiiUcriiiera and are liable forthp price of tbe paper YOU WILLo 1 SORRY f r rit that ni l Pu na wih a at ml .to U"l Url carnlullr xt. alne Ilia Buckeye Force Pump, Th" Hiittkev lalhe ear? Ile-I lmpneniral In Pinn.. Ii la e tM.Hil wilt alr rhanibrr whirii nakK tl r-rv . t.i nMrma . Iluaaeaa I ai't.-iH .1 in i;,r Uu, k-r Piiiiip, ant ait r thrown i.n anr Imll Hn in ram of Si,, Vo'i . ao n. r ..nr Harden an1 Varit, Waa - miltiaf, null IMIKii I-,, nn.l bava a FIRE ENGINE "'"id? on ynur own pr'iuleaa al ao aiora taat Ikan au or.hnarj pump. It Cannot Freeze InlflM w-atllrf. llllr.ttlM fa-ri,n.l AA-ia. Tha "rH"""i fur l.-, niia. tue ris parla lain lloel rh.iui.or. N. iuiua lo Si-oae abuait it Iron Turbine Wind Ft.gine la atana art linprn,mnt Iu Wma Kailao. Call ami .rr (,,' iMi,y.. opxratlon, or tot parllculara OiHrata W. C, I)RATTflf, Od. nri.ir, ijra iina, Mlltliil rwtiul,, ra. im Foplsr M Im ! The Genuine NEW SINGEH FAMILY Sewing Machines " ! rP" K r"T'lir demand for the ib.ioi .n,,7 I'i'i . ,""t m "in .-mm h i hiii,i." m wl art.nlnrv In a lal.-K llili. "lli.l ';? '''"'" "' any prv ton ar, '"ir -! It year vara at h rata if near ..... .-n.ii, .. ii. i, m i, j ir a,arj vuai- n. lay ! tiie re ir I It I: -111. Il l I.I.I AMI. K' StV'lSR lath trn iiif .I, aiuip e.t. a ul inoal ilaralila Hewlug S. DEI8ERT, Jnn 'ii.tr Agent f r Xnyilar ennnty. tX.Y(l"ni mi. I MIDDI.K-.K.KI): Wnnl.l ynii l.o ret .rl in aoi'VO IHilil ilil Jll . alvl a In a.i.ali.aa. AJ. di-a, ' li 1 1 K J. V. K 1. ..(, I Ij leaaliarn, M.r, Joiy :,'ii.ir. RUPTURE The Imperial Trass aim inn anl. Tiie a-reala a Inranllon of lliraka' Sao our ii.intililt Y. 1.1 IX, ilKileuatiur. N. Y Vent Ira. J, Julr iu, ao.iy WATCHES,;? loeV, NoveU tlaa, Km. (tea tot rin Hit. ill.v ri io all inria ir aa t'.M ana tlaa a. il wtnie.l. ). f . ii: Iii.k f k int., Iiuimrt arran t U mniauturera, llarrlea Cprlom, illca July il.Vvl.lv. J. 0. KEMPFER, for roill.V 1)1 111.1:4. ItKl.lG IIOOH!, Jdaninburg, Snyder county, Tcnn'a. JalyJi.'M.ein. $66; A WKKK In tour nwn town. OilttH Irae. Nu rlk. Kaxkr. If vmi want a I'U'lnaae at whlek iiar- iua ol -It li.-r .ax can maka r. hi .,y ml ilia tlma they aurii, writ for par. il. al.ra to H. MALLLIT a, CO,. Hnriland, aame. lunall.'ao.iT. I OPHl til ail aV ire I bv lha ()i Thiik eura. In lea li.'.a contliau by tiiir niaaoa. I lua i.r iiirun, uui.iui-a. lia,tniant Mpp4 to any pari ul ilia I', s. or I'ana-laa. Pull panto ; uUra lr,e. A l.lraaa. U. N, lliNfaaaaHV, I Kaii..ah.l lvi.j Uarrl u .-frluai, Mlok. July '.'.,'ku.ly. MONARCH OF THE is the Acknowledged Superior of all Grain & Grass Catting Machinery. Tbia Muchino has been fully endora e l by the mont Kxpert Authori ity, after M.at Thorough tests, as to ils Ciit.acity and Kxecntion, as the luubt Wonderful Machine evx;- invtutcd. Kamambar. onlar aa r!renmatane-a ibAnl.l I vnu liuy a Hnaper nr M erar uuill yua bave ex j ami .. rilK i ll i HI11S. Wiiem-aar yua hair ul una ul thua- M ai-tiiraa In your vietalty, t'' n-it Uli la atiiuiu It lit .rnuaKlv. :ta , I.I hiat'it i.f liraii, Ik Irrili.na Mntainant, 1 H ! ia 1 1 1 1 1 v . ami It. Am .-nalie Aiiialmanl . la at iv cnuil.tl m r( lia nol.l. . an nui lall la euajiiirii I II -var all oiticra r'arm. ra "III b 1 uinru ilia 1 erer fao-nal, wa -o Diuy loraall alalia iuii'ilil nlaiin. nl ajp rkrltf. ai le-l Ua num'Tua ail.autaaa, l'Bt lha lilt 4 V I'HIS la carumly tue M J.l IM K to te r. It la aatl nai I by lha nnnt lonratanl juilnaa i that oi vr ona-h .11 l tna II if an a itraia rnia in ma i mi l l ilc. ia narve'i tile, ia harva'l 4 alia OH AH n.v mow Kits a htMPtlta lnate.t iahtiiat araiaia k Thaav eol. M. II mil'iSKH, 8riiiaKrova. UilllKK r SMI t il, kllndlaliura. J. 1. KiX.IAMAN, TrmaUilia, alta .f the Trarello- Aseat, JAVK1 I tl'LtY, A pr.su, ltau. I.eal.liarg, Valuable Farm at PRIYATESALE ! fH II E eira of George Moati, da- L eaaaad, etar a relnatle farm, at rrlval aala, allaala n mil buaUl ( MI0.1I. bars, aoulalalu abt 100 Acres, aeroaarrt4a V Wltt T ftHTOSt Slouo Dwelling llonse, NvW lin k Dum - I - ' - "t ulna Hum. aailar B.at-1 hraia. au and Alba aai'.ill.llna Val. 1.1. . Vla. . ro-niiriava'a), ihii au4 liiual I. fill all Uu i i Allililianraa t ut luriaar FBELy)!