-4 Til o Post. Widdjcburgpt. 23, 1880. I. CrO'J3Z. Editor & Proprelor. gi:n. jamk.s a oaui ii;ld, of CIin. FOR VIl.'K HHtimiF.r, GEN. CUK-H'KU A. ARITU'R, of Now York. rRC-i!KN ri.vt. ki.k.i: rous. i i.crTuit-AT I. Mini:, IJwIn M. Ilouem M.-nrj W Olver. l1Tf'T KLK.-r.llt. w.,.t(- P-rkint, U-M - '. KIMnre, yf:. m II. I I I . W. i:-- -. l hriic. -. Hal -i ii 4-..I unra It. i t ti. -.. It H K i n, ..l,. I.' HI, !-.tj in II. w. , ( I l II n n V V' I ,1 'Ill' I. In I - h. il . r, 11 I-- 1 4-a r Im -il. IJ-J.hil vt , t !-r , . 1J ni' 1 I . ii'i I I. 11 Uharl.-a II. .iru 'ti. 1" H. W. Weiainng-It- l i. . I S ii .. .,lVV. W. A n-., J'-.l. I'. t i :,rl,-n, i: ,. i.iin l", .., i, -i-. K. W. Painter. I U. ! K"llli:i ij V il . i . ..i ,. WrMtiinj I .-i.'.iiiu iv. (i,i ,,; """.hi -i rii cue rurii r, JIL.Mi (;KI;M:,.i.riliaii,1,ioii Co K.m Arm run iit:xi:!ti. JOHN A. I.KMO.V, oi :.iir foiinly. COUNTY TICKET. foil COS'lHEHS Hoi. ii u tio ii. ns,ii:it, of lluming Ion. Vi'K Ai4:Mllt.Y L. N'. MVi:itrt. of Mi l llelmr. vi.tl irs t "snivr.Yoii GKOItiJK II. IIKVKKK, of .1 ir-k.nn.1 tho livt'i-y biittlu for tha lifo of Nation, for tl.o into-'ritv of the I ', tfU -r--' ',,' 4-.;, 7 ion. for tho public credit nud tlie'did Rcpiili-icau inuioiitv. Maine pnlinc faith, has been foii'ut and won nej-unst iM ik'mocratic party. jiniiiiii'tmin .mini 'if. Oold is now pulling into this couotry from F.utopo to pay for tho larjjo excess of our cxpoits ov-r im ports. Hi yon wiHU a "ciiano'" back to Democratic adiuiiii.stratioii, undor which il took nil our earnings to pay liniisii iirmuf.ictiirers f ir what woujw make at our home un der our eysteiu of "protoirtiou 1" No ''cbano" backward. Colored men win vote for Han Cock voto to put themselves back in to hi ivory, for if ho should bo fleet ed the.ro will be a nowcrful oll'ort inado to ipe out tho amendments I 10 llio constitution and restore that ' uuciimuiit as u was uu.'oru llio war Colored moil should consider well how they voto at this critical juoc turo, as their own freedom id at frtuko. .1 . I . M'ti lo Hampton said in 1SIW, when ppcikiiirf for tno South : "That the ri'ht of suTiii'o belongs to toe tStatos is a policy which suits im," Will anybody duny that tho South is nf-sertiue that ri'ht to-day '( Ala Laun and .Mississippi assort it when tbeycjunt out a Republican majori ty. South Carolina inserts it when it scircs a part of tho It mulilie i voto from the polls, and overcome the rest with tissue ballots. V le Hampton said at length in His what ho coudoused into the famous dcclarutioii at Stauntoii in 1 St That is why ho has kicku.l up ao live ly a comiuoliou. The Ally ot the Slut Gun. Wiido 7 1 nptoa id u it tho only SjntU Ciro!iu:a:i who a D.i aox-riU ou'Ut to shut up. Mr. H, R ljrry. wlu was I'rovisi mil (Tjvoiu or of th Ktatj under Andrew Johnson, lias written a letter t) citizens of f nt State, which is printed in tho Ureen ville At'c. 1'olloiviu.f ii a fair spe cimcu : ' Every rno Democrat and every bouorabb iu ia uhould liso up in the Uiftjesty of bis strength, .im 1 s ve ir o.i tha altar of his oi nitry a i I his tio l that this (Itep.ib'ieau Biieeess, fehull uot be, lut the cousnjueucos lio what they may. Tho poor, mis orablo, uiipritieiplu.l wlntu nun wu() ines io restore tlio Kadioal parly to poser in S.nitli Carolina nUoal'l be socially ohliiu iied, and iiot even epokeu toon the str tet i. Ho s'i i.il I bo treated as ua eu t nv t bis i a ; i. 'II siis hum n:i generis.'' Tuo col- orc.i man hiioiim bo told that hi. leaier me iiinkiii? tools of him on ly to gratify their piiiable ambition and huvo achaueu of stoiliur bis Imrd caruinnrs. jj0 Bi10i,i, bu told tio, that if he will votti to phco ro Rues and beouii liols in ortica ,k,i I power, no honorable Dciiioerat will finploy him iu any way. This ebould bo resolved ou and a lheird to tbrou.'hout tbo Stulo o..i..l ootraoism for the whito tuaa au 1 uo eupioyment for the colored man. f l ! . .. . . . . union lottusiup, .MuUiu county, Las ou her lut ot votora 31 persoiis named Yodor, and all of them are Jlepublicaus. There arn nls,. io Zooka, and strange to say, they are 4U in puuucuus, Tonty yeara of fautin hag boon a tiniblo task fof the Deinooraey, but it should wait until it yets somo thing a little more solid in its atom, acb than the Maiuo busiucsa before it niakos bo much noise. We are now importing ico from twinajr, i Attar Maine, What? Tbe Republican lirilliuntlf cirri 1 ttie lirnt kirminli line itl Ver mont on tlui ioc tn l line in M'line w hare iiifTereil a reverae. Tk lay it is disappointment t '..nr weeks airo it would liave Riirpriaed nobody four weeks benoe it way prove to liiivn been a timely tocsin of alarm. At the on'ot it was recognized as n vi rr b tr I mil d nilitfnl battle. Tbe K'-pnbliciiia lia.l Lm ii in a mi nority if the whole vole fir tm V'tir. Tbiy liail fiieeil auJ fought u litHpcrnto and prolonM.! alrule Willi mi tinprinciik'd and nnciii'H Ion eouliti io. After the ui'ihI ln.r ruli'Hii f-1 1 nwilo tln-y bud ntill fulli-n hlioitifa mujoiity. Under lliem- I'ilClllll' (aiiccm, tlie" I'titolul tlt) contest witli llio o liU a;; iiii.U (hoiu. A lit' i tli njo our owu l(Hmtcliin from M:tiuu foivnYi 1 jw 1 1 it I'i.'iim and niii'i rliiiii eonllict Since t licit. I ... .1 I 1 : - e . i IIII.IIM UIU IIC IVJ CUNIIUli:! HU,( Ol .Ml', J'.'ullltl And Ijl8 llUlltotllllltH, tlllj l!i publican rli'iticcH have to bo improv ing, but tliia proHpLft Lis proved to I io ilolilnivo Tbirn was one man who wae not dioeivod. Jt lUiiiKi Imi not. cliiiin od tlio Stato, Ho know the dt!pt'i ato cliitrui'tt'r of the battle and the lm. inU of llio Ntrnto. A co.n binati Hi wliioli did not lioHitute nt ' tho itif.imo'iii conspiracy im I ih ii iu linn iif I'ist Viir.A'liiili tl i rr.intlv ami an ih ioii-i.v iiu.Mup.c i io ficai ! tho Statu hi the tenth of tho popu- jlar will would liotHi-i nplo at atiy- thin;,' Hut tlicru w,m ouo con 4i ler .. . I - .. I . . . l - .i l . . . . i BMoniiiore poieni man an oilier .'1 mm st iu li alone and dies not I share the ureat business revival. H r dii. f industry ii ship building. I and slnpi mo not bmii built. Her a. ti .ntleiua i. a id hi-j -Ii ua t r chief production is lumber, and her ' nl ,,.,.,! ,, ,t s.-nator Wo have lumber m not tfoiu luto kuoU mid l,oth bueii earnest in the advocanv ill). While all tho rest of the, (f ,,,. ,iiir(!r,.,it views, but I am No.l'i brirfhtt-n with tho i;l.-aiuiiu i I,,,,,,, I t,j v that I have been ro sunMhitio of prosperity. Ma.uo still. I ,,,( jv (,.,,, , ,,y l)U llinor. HUlTeri tho biubt of depression , ,,1,,., tu,,iv, uli CTon o MiHiiUiruto 1 our years ii.i there w is a cry for a .in towards bis opponents, audi oui'),'o all alone; tl, ,0. ! ot,. ,ljf tl,llllm,,,to (i,0l.HUor durii.ef ex. I it States have bad their cbaii'o in a ,.,i,.,t ,.f ,i.,i,.,i r l ...l ....... n,,.f! now nA ikeninef of business and i.i-.l(, ondoavornl to bo faithful in d.iMtry, but .I..iijo is fctill -rnif? for.,,1! ,jH ,,u)lio ltjon((, lin, ,M wt, hers, llio ililloi cure is palpabbi in i ,, f ,MtMy l(.,,l(,8(.,)t,l hia Con tho vote of hint week and tho vote of i ui;i,. ri...., .. ,n i, .... :t i , , . 'this. Wmo.it is lately ii inaiiiis faetUl inStatoishlfo Is (he V V V ,l!,ut"i'u"1. wi-mnTHMj I 1 1 ... I ... . I ( h as on ou! irely dilT ireui iuiuiost an I t,'JMll.l lt1 IJ1IIJIJI ll feels no such impulse' Thero is not another Northern Statu where tho conditions mo like thoKuin Maine cither political or business ; not another Noillu-ru State where tho (jrooub ackers ate tisi Ntroti,'. wli "im tlij y c 'i liti I th t sainu depression, to feed on, or win-re they have any such c.iinbi- nation with tho Douiuci.it s. I'.o tho past two ye irs Maino b is sto-i.l Mr. McN'imi.i,. Mr. Prcsi lent. I in an entirely exceptional ptjitini. have ha I the pleasuie of u more hi lt is prove 1 by tbo contrast with I timste personal uc pi iintance, p- r Vermont this year. Tuki i tho ro-j haps, with Senator Fis-n li than any suit in Maino ut tho worst and it l other Senator on tlii il tor, and from only continues tho nttitndo if a ' that aeon i;i t'llico I li:ne I vu nn l to y 5'ii'i, Whit then 1 Wueii the ; Coalitiotii sis carried a inni ritv in Maine, the Republic ins carried New 1 "r" against a L into 1 l'eni icracr. I ioreput list ye ir lo ios M line, but it carries Now York and oivm tho couiitrv. : With this reverse in Maine con fi-ont u ; (h-ni RepubliiMus will ro Hew liio lielit iilon tho Viholo line l with ledoublud cm r'y. We know and indent ind all that it Involves, but hmv uii.it.i!ie tho temper of the country if il does lint rise to the hi'h (leiuan.l. It means a stubborn battle. It means hat I work. It must wake up to the risks of Demo cralie success, with all its uncer tainties and dinors We believo .that th-'V Mill, and that from now on i the yrntt patllotic hosts will m ikn . 'spleab l ii,'ht. They h ivn be.; i ;awal:cuel from their sense of secur ity to ii sense of peril. I).tii)e the i w ir tho reverse o i a s!;iruiisa linn I only in i lo th yallaiit fiivits in ire ai ii'o, inert and risiluti f i ti ,'i'eat Htnu'iilo. And this is tho oil il'l.t over niiu t'AiUJcii.'iot V..s. At thii late dito, S .pi 21 ; anl since tho above was put iu type tho result in M tine has beeu iluclualiii from on i si 1 1 1 j tin other, loiviu the matter 1 1 be determined by tho ollkial canvat-s of the returns. Wat Tiu Oi nnntij Party Has Do.c They prediote I w ml I bo peauoihlo that aecoision They preliclol tint the States would not rusp 111 1 to I'lebiduiit Liu c jlo s eill for aii.itia. et 1 . 1 . 1. . & . 1 -i . 1 iji-v iio ocio 1 iiKit 1110 uiiiina would 1 ef iso to cross the I'otomiic .1:1 1 iuva lo Virginia- They pre lided that the money OJlHuotb-i riis.id to sustain the army. And the people lilted tliu treasury. Til iy prolictnl that the people would not tilco Hie reinbattk. Tney pro betel that tho I'reeti biek dollar would be as vuluuluns as ra's. J hey pre-lictiil thai frrass would gro v iu tho streets of New York, They predicted thai England an 1 Frauuu wjull firm an alliauuo witti lao Smith to seeui e o it toil. 1 hey predicted that a "poverty, stricken po tplo in the North wmil c impel t!u ovji uiuout to teruiiuute the war " They predioiod fait Grant would never capture Richmond. T'h.iy predicted that tho war for llie Union would bo a failure. They prodictol that tho Confeder ates would never bo overthrown. They predicted that tho people woul 1 never consent to emauu ipa tion. They prodietol that tha neotile would uover ratify the atuouJoiuuU to the Coustitutiin. Tuey pre licfco I that the freed ne- efroes wouIJ bojoiuj a race of pau pers. J. hoy prodicto l thlt the people would never Doru: ' ' ' at tha ballotsl,ov Thiy predioted tbut the war wonl l 'lenainate io A vat standing eruiy aim a military iiictator. Tliey predicted that tlie cbil.l was nnborn that would live to eeo gold and silver restored to tha currency of the country. They predicted that the interest on tbe vast publio debt could never be paid. They predicted tbst specie psy ment would not be resumed on tbe 1rt of .1 inunrv. 1S73. Tilt' prc.lnrlp 1 th. it the reomp tion of spe.citi pivmu:it would til ing iiiiiviirsal disavt'T and ruin upon the ItiKinpss an I iiidiiHlrica of the ooiiu try. AT, 1. Cuinmf.rcinl A'iier ti i r. Hon. H G. Fislior. Iiclow wo uivo our lendora the tes timony of some of tho loiidintr demo ciat.i couccrnin our niiilidat.o for (.'onri'SH, voluntarily piven on the 3d of .March 1 870. when Mr. Fishor, then a State Suualor, tuudutud bis rcBi;;uation. Mil. Lkmkntroi t, (Then a Sena tor, now tbo Dumoiu-atio Cuudidato for ConruKS in the Ilctk's diutrict) Whilut I cannot s iy that tbo vor dict priiiiounccd by tho pcoplo of tlui ilmtt-ii'l. iint tfilti.it rii.i ia nliftiil l,i I " r,.pr,.Hi-iit in ;.inri'ss would have (,,, ,,,,,,1,,,,.,) .y m.-.for oltvioun n a Hoiis.vi t I fed it mv dot v.on behalf of (, f,. ,.,.,.,ji j Senators on our ;,) f ,!H ,.,.lmir ., , ..v ed witli Senatot I'isillR diliinr tho ll'mt. MiriMi viai4. In iliiri'tiu tnv nn. 1 piwiation (if his char.ieler iw n. r..,.i. dlllililn J . lliry mil lU IUIIIIIII1U II ,,v ,;, H1,(.(:,.KHr who will re I ,'.., them with eoual zeal and , . Tibilit v- Ju bin pirv.ito interroiirNr -ith his f,-llo Senat .rs, bo bis at tai'hu l to himself a L-reuter numliel of pi'l'ioli-1 fi i. u 1 4 t Ii in most men do. 'J'Ih'mo will sinci'i'i'l v reioico to ; learn of Hiicce.s io his new career. I I'tiut his new imofialca will soon learn to respect an t iipireriate bito c iiinot lie il oolite I. I In will take I with him the best u iilim of th one ! who havo eel ved iilll liim ou bis 1 lloor. - steeiii nun as a faithful, piiiutak-! i''. and counteons Senat r, mi. I formed a warm priNinal at I aliment ' snul p u t wii.li ln:n i i I Ins t.ociu:y with tint feeling which is uUv.ivs piod'ieid by tho loss ut u ilcui Ii ten, I. Tho 1'iiKstr.ENT p'o t.iiiitnrf. When a legislator wins for hiiuself a I rtell-deserie 1 teplltut I m f,,- hii'a- city, wisdom, and honesty. Lo lias . a vi iire 1 ii ilist-.t.etion t nat W llllsl I 'we ill imt t n vv. 4n cirtaiiilv can mi attempt to emulate .-ii.- i I b- lievo to be tho iinuvi :;ei aied s'ate I iiielit of tile record of Senator l'i ;:i I tli whilst be bus been m-tiii;' n it h us, laud 1 think I am si.nplv relied iny llie senlimellt nf every Selialoi beie, Aithont di-tincti oi uf party, her 1 iy h" wi'l leive us nit a a inetn tr v ,that will b.. mute prrcio'is thau ri,- bi s and lu.il'o a',u'ul) tli m line -ol I. Who bears snuh titHtiuriny res pertit. his S il iry-i al.Liiiej oppo Uelit 11. Milton Sped' T Reasons For Supporting tlia Republi can Patty. 1st. Tho Rcpnblioan party, in op position to that wiujj of llio Dom cralio which now controls it, saved the country from destruction. I'd. It has ivi'ii tho country a sound currency from which in main has resulted tlio oiienil prosperity. :M, Il is patriotic and nival, and . i . , . . ... . returns ine i line. I ,-,i,iics as a na tion and tint a i-ipe of sand, 1th. It sui ks lo maintain the Con stitutioti and to eufirci ull laws m ide iu puiso.ino j thereof. ot h. It seeks that union and re conciliation which is tho triumph of principles fought for, mid not that of tissue ballots and intimidation. tit. i. t demands that every man ho counts or represents those who coutit, in tbo euiliuoratiou to ijive i cpi esi -ntaiiou in tho elector il col- It'Kii, shall cast bis vote iust as lie pleases, and shall have it counted just as be cast it. "th It believes Hint tho perpetui ty and success of K, publican insti lotions di pt lids npou uuivi-rsal edu cation, and it piomoles the sumo by every means iu its power. ntli- His the only party which has laKeii any practical steps for tho no proveiiieut of the i.'ivil Service, and from which further reforms can rea sonably be expected- Situ. All depai tments of the Gov ernment are now adiuiiiistero I with ability and inte'iity lOih. Tho Republican party bro't the war to a successful issue eman cipated the blacks i placed the cred it of the uatiou upou a higher basis than ever before. 11th. Continued, multiplied aud e.vioniiuo our lUOUSir CS. so t int w ' are now anions the Hist of the rr,ettt ooiumereiiil natious of the world Ia it wise or safe to entrust the I administration of the Government I ,, ,i . ill ."-" to lue party which has opposed and oiiMirucieu tnese measures by every i mean ia iU nower T TAa liroml-1 1 A man in.Cbampaigo. Ill,, proudly weare a watch-guard made of hair bo pnlled from an enemy's beard in A prize of forty acres of land it offered to the couple who will be married in front of tho grand aland at tbe iMichigan State fair, Tbe Democrats really do not know what they are hallooing for. Insist ed, the next Governor of Maine, ac cording to thpir estimates, isand has always been a Kepublicail. "Malt Hiiters" are a Brain, Nerve, and flood food, peculiarly adapted to. and warmly irrniiinintidcd by, our ilrui!L'its and physicUns for (loners) Debility, .Venial and I'liysical Kxhaiis lion, ysteria, Nervoimnoss, Sloepless. noes, Kmiiciiitioo, and Dropsy. FRESn FROM THE -O- A new smt rlrcsnl finnmonl nf I hi. InieM ij Iph C'llKVIHT, CAMMMKIlau l sll oikor k in is of lull. I UVf ptronr in nnniincinf 'tn n y ratrrnn nn I In ilm piMio gmrrf Him I hsvr jnsl ri'lurncl fruiii the Ki-i.tii Co. ' vitjt birce nn l well tclooicl mock of ft Mrn and ltnr. wlilnh Inrnvlm. minlil v finl price cannot he eXc.-HvJ. Kor Men, Youtks SUil Il0y. 0ercoH UNDER-CLOTHING In Imniensn variety, lo-ver iban ei enn nll.ir l In i-ll iboiu, All rI.AN.StL SIIUll'3. n limlv km. Is ot HAT ? I nmltn n-ci illy, n I n'n nfe In eivbiii tint 1 linvc t lie liirge! ii..,lri ,,f in I lie c.iiiiiijr. A lull liue ol ULDVtd uf ill Km Ice. TRUNKS & VALIC23, .if nil kiiiM. I'M Hit KI.L VS. NKi'K FIKS, iiiel it lull lock of luruieuin j g-uJi pon erully. ti. nilomen. c ime 1 mj. giro "' y'l will bt k4liui,hul iiriren. in full t llie lo.r Thanking ynn fur psnt fvnr a rnniinti miuuuf Ibc mine in rc-.eoilully eulioili-l. S. O.PEMIlEI-vie??. Sept. 21 SO. ficlnivruve. I'a. SALS. IV virtue of a writ r.f Ven n t ..nt .r th t: . iri ..r t:,. ,i,,,.i Kx. pi -. IS- " V l r-.ii'v.i. ... ii-... -i . vi: . t i u i'. I- .1 .- nt i.e ll.iLirt Ij.uii i,i u. . el M i.l.ll. I. ir.;. on S it tn , lay Sept. LV.h. US). 4 10 .. -I .- -. .. h . f I ,W J li e-lo II - il K-i ve, t-i we : Ill 1 val- I'llhT Mi, Miiuii -m A hum rn.. s.i 'e n l-, l'i., t -iii i w. -.t i.v i ,,r .., Kr. h-, .S .rill I., -,'ili,- a. 1. 1, :,,t ,v , , i.i, i.i.-l 41 iioi'i l.cirs, nil S.i.itu hylau l I rt-.l.-ii.-ll iljni.rrf.x, i- niuiitt'i T.vo Acres, in tr. ... nher-- .11 r .--e-U I .1 T nt.l. I.' i'l' N . 'i- 4: 1. 1 it., in the t'jf ... it. I , ir.l T .-- - . I 1. ..t 1 I.- I N .rlli ,v . '-. I 11 hv I. II I -tf .1 . .1 ... ..jt, I .1 .. -.I..-I II iy, , ,, ... I I in l 1 1 I J n.llllili U.iJ- .it IIUI.14 Fifty Ai:iea, I.T-O 'If V f s, . .,., ii(,.i, n rreMitt.n mul t. lu Hie 11r.11 0 t of I'rU'i I. il .ii... hi m II IIUI.KVDKII. HIimlT. SlierlH'a li.'ll-e, Ml.lll.-u.iiV I'-"-. -'" I'- !. 1 MIAL L!ST-S"T. TERM-1333 :i'T m j . i.i. I S-il'l. I ' 'llill.-l I II !', K-.l jht ve. n tiin.lr.liii. I II- vr ve. Imv Iljver u I .1 ill II s, C'.ll-t. i. W . M 4-. I Suit 10 4, MmiwiyM. s. v, Will i. II. si, ,.l.. i vi. I,. J n..ph Dl-lil m I II . ne u. i.f J ic ih c. Am It I,- mill il.- Wil 1 II II -I'r.it Will. II. M .1 .'.11 S, J Mi -I. Miy,l Hilh'.ilry n I I.ewKt iwn 1..'WJW.I II. .I 'll" M. Ilino ve, Sieilmrr en I 14. II. I .1. I'. llX I ulit .-. Il,.,l.. .,hr.-r. I'. A. Hern. 11 v. Ah.. I ll-ri..! I. l-4 ! II. 0V, r e.eli'li, Ii - v., .1 -hn I), l iuil, 4 e Hurii. in v.. lie .. 11. Il --,.-r. Jnhn S. Il -av.-r fttal,ii-- ),e ve- Mh-b.-l UllU'll 4- .1 . II. S liil.-k. The '...vi. .-e. eio el i.e in en.l f ir Mil i 5. -i-t. T. l-. J. t'lKH'SK. I'r.tn.r. I'roilo'enUli-n, M l.l,llibnr Aihi. -.a, Irniu. Esamina'n of Teachers WITT,1 examination nf the teachers i.f the co.nily Ink . ilc ou til d.ye l.l et the l!4di.e KiVHIl Ii-i,iw : THHTUII-rs, ri.AI-KH, M. I ik-.T.-oli, Wctzei'. .-s. ho.il Home I'- till Nel-ln t'AVrt. 8 -iH. -.M I. J; Mni.r ie, Sh'iiikln Hem, Weehluilloo t'ri-i-l.urit, I'nrry, rrni-nt. I-.v.iii.I ile, I'ln-rrr U ill Mehn.i.hnie " IVrry IVeit Mehl'e s, i., " ...eu, Ar.iiil.Ce s,-h i.,l.l,e1 ll.it. I'l'H'ii, Purl rrevnrl.iu, Jl--ui.r, ll.-NV.-rtowii, ii ll.iv. r Woet, Mi.ii.-ew,irili' S, 11. Al .n.e, Tn. 1 III.., ll t'e.itre, ('el,ir.-it!le, I. ,1'i.kei.ii, KielK-rville. -i r..e eieniliiati,,,,, Wii uola at I ovl Kk, A. II. ul ee.-li .lay, Aip:l iiee will (irnvi U tli"u.lTei wit n I.I-i.ii ..f riur, lei'lii.-iull, u e 1'jeUmiil cr ll.l.li., A I en- I nv 1 1, ,1 hi etten.l. The Ih.untv lueliliile will lie h-. at S-lln.. ur-.ve. ai,.i in u.-in at 1 oVluck r. M M ni ly All leici.ire are eipn-lei . atlen.l llie Ineli W. I".!eu. i:o.Sll.. S. it. , IS80. ' PublicSale. n in m . 'I 'iir, ninioiHine.l will c.lTer at 1 Fitlilla S ile, nn the l r4inliei, Ihe lulluw- -vnu. i.-u iii cai.ie, un Siiturdav, September 23th, 1850, eltuate In Oentre tnwneliln, Snr lor enunty, I'Min'e., almul uue liair mile Irum ei.ttevllle, ailJ.ilnlUH l.i i..l nf William reatler, Juhu k. Me.-keui uin an I Jauiua Iilhuumau, oua lalulng 70 Acros, n AOIIKS Dl.K Ml, m a blxli itata nfaultlvt i'.ii ei.ii uuner nue.1 lence l the I.4I1111 e well l.'l With velllehle llllllier I wltMre.... . r. .r......l a Hi.11.1 twn an.l a half atury iruta, weathar- kuariltul Uellu- riouse, ew Hank Barn, Bummer bruit. 8nr n hnnee. M l. i,.,,.. l,;"11' ,Ul1 u,il,r ou,-,u,,,1,u'' " ' Good Orchard. of erfuti eeuotes mi i...t ..o..u. ... If.'Vw"!, '? ,M"rlus ' , """' funm eprlim naer Iu houee-rnnnliiii weier In rr "Mi o-mveuieui to thnroh... kouuoi. m m u fcioona vsjj' .8,'tn '""'' tioo'eieii. m. oiiu by, lAMCbieMbTZOeU. ' Altornfiis-At-La IV. " ' ' ) .. IT 0. DElTKIClf, I11, , a a r m ij.i vv Marlcrt St., Srlinjroee, Pa. All prnrenilnnni liotuwi promntlv ktlnl4 . vvn8ai4ftuoas ib CjDUs Ana irnina J B. AVUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. MiMUlnrp, Smj U t 0 . 1'.t run lKminnill-.it In -i'riifculei cUlini Vll-h nrllitrunn l-ir t'ulnn, A a j.iu. i,'is, I n. myi:us, Attorn f tt-. At- I.ittf, ill l-ll-hui K, Pfnn' All prif"i!-tntl ihiiiii4 n-trittsj to bin urfl will re-clvn pr-nnpt nltent -n-i, C'eBiiiiUtliiui lu tun.h iil iiieiian. n. l. io,t. JACOIt GlLlii;itT, AttoiMiov- At-Law, MiubLhiirtta, r.. Alllmln4 uniru-IS'l Io liln onr will mcnlv iruiiiit nltutl.in. July 'ift.'ls, E. UOWKIl, AflORNLY-AT-LAW, Mttftlflnirrf, 1'it (!ronniilr, fcni ) (II Hc In odlr of .t. P rnl'ii(iion mil. nn-l (leriiiAit. (!oDnulmtnn In Knllh June 13, A.if, M. 1-. SCIIOCll, ATTORNET-AT-LA, Am- lli iiin, I'nion Co. Pit. rr-i'i'Hlonnl Itniiic. intrti-le.l In lil e.rn will rai-lvi protiiiii mti-nllon. June so,'.. (JIIA-S V t'LKICJT, Attorupy 4 Ooun?llor-At-Law, (iftloe In Ai-'ii Hitilillntf una Suoi Nurin ul K K 14 l ilN K 111! l-KU-St4 Itt V. 10 II It'll. I'ollepllnn H'i-1 'l -utier pri-Minnl hul ni. i. .niii-lf l ami will rtd ln rarHiil an I l-rouiiit aitaailun. A't.ll,'!.ll. J. CRONMir-r.ni:, Arruil.NKV AT .vt. MilKitilnirr, I'ii., tiller" til prnteioti eerricee In I br ( uli lie. Oulleillniie snl all oilier onfr-i.'lii.l liusinein i-nirn-ie l to die cure will reoi-ivi-(.romjil mienliun. Jan B, 't'.Vif T J. SMITH. ATTdtlVf'V AT f.AW. VltlliT.V.IU'H'l, ,SN Y t.DH III t,, PA itre-i 1;t lr .'!' I .nnl Serelcen In the ul,ll 'bnulltl.infl In t: n v 1 1 e Ii nn.l Herman. J. R. ZFJiLER, .4 Trnnxr:r..i t-l. tr JfifjHiifmrrf, ('iihm Ciuiiifi, Pit, Ml hi;-ln itril-le.l t.i I. Ill rim will ell n i I i-iii.iliv itun t. . t.i. Win pru.-tle nt the -eier-il c -it.-ti ii Snv ler in-l n-lf.ii.in. unit e.. I'm li.-i-.in-ulle I In llie Knwll'h nt ll-rniMlt Inr.ime Oct. Ill , '7UII rtilARIilvS HOW Kit. ai'toiini:y at law, Scli'isirrnvc, Pa. 'Iffcre ril f rnfetnnnl prvlce 10 llie rmh 1 1 0 - full. -ri bins mul ! ntlrr firnf.-i-ii us huine enlrnsiel In bis nre will re rire -rnn. I nitioitinn. I 'Hi i-e t w n ilnnr -.mill nf llie Nnrnnil He linnl, (.Inn f, ' li I -M. . (-4. i.TVV, A-ILDIU, '.".if In t. V.h .1. II. I.len.l ATI 1 'It N K I S AT LAW, l.,.ivi,hm ?, p.-. ilit.'r Ih.-ir i.r'ifcs.iiitinl ecrvioes in III. .ml. tie. r.ittccri-.ii nitil nil r.tl.i-r j.rn I- -. i.iitnt liiisincss of, t rilel 4-'I In tlu-lr cur .viM roci-ivi-jironijil sllrutinn. f.lau. II, '!' W w. i'orn:;t, ' .inonx;:y a r . t ip. Solins'crovo. Pa , tIS'rr tlicir pr..fc-siiiii-kt eirvi.-oe In 11. i i.it.lic. At'. lij;.il tin-'inrfieeiitrii'iie- In il.eir -me will rcci'ive p-ni.i.t ullcnliun. (l.'Sc. nl hi Ii .-in nn tin .Siruul. J.il". till '7.'. tmt. a umi s. A T To S V I S ,1 7 L .1 !!'. prnf.-s-iun.il tin-im-ea ta ? . 1 cnilH.M be. enlrilsie'l I 1 I lieir Mt e wiM I. prnlMJIiv ItliMIC I li), I'lin It ire.!li,! la r.olir-i. .r llori.isn. (I. lice, M irl.e' S.(ii.iri. il. H. (iiiiiim. Wm. II. Dill OIllMMiV; Dllr. Vttorncy3 Gyancclloi'S .1 .' - l . 1 ir, i)'Vi ... Near tint Dost l):Vn-o. I'ri'eb:n a, I'lMtti:!. r'nn-iiltnil'iii ill Imih i " 1 -r ' i - 1 1 s'i.1 t'evnimi l.iti;;n njji-M. Deo I Tin'. JOHN II. ARNOLD, iVttoriM'y nt liitw, MIDDLblll'llO, I' A I'rnfesalottol hnelneae entrtiHleil In hie can !!! he iriiiiiplly atlemleil In, f Teh T THfj.TTlAKTHt e Vt t lMIO.Va I -Ijliw, Lewlsr.urir. t'nioii Co., P IJfOiin be cnnsultii.l iu the loijjliab su Onrniiin Isiiirnmr.-ii. y,sj ill'Klt'i: l ti kel -Sireet, oppoelte Wnll- niiili Co' Store 8 -i'.ly T.M. van ;i:i:i, ' ATTOHNBV AT LAW, liewisbnrjr Pa, )irrs hi prnftianinnal ssrvioa lo is puh :io. (Jnlluolinn anil nil nllier l'loioeeinn l InieineHe enlriine I to bis cure will re. ceive prompt at tf nt ion. T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT I. AW, tfb'LINSailOVK, 8.VVUEII CtlUNTV. P ( rtepi. t,i, 'liltt A U. SIMDSON, " Al TUllSKV AT LAW, Solinsrove, Pa. Jifon hi profossioinil aorvioea lo llio pub io. All buaiiioas euirusicj to kit ome bo promptly aiteuJcJ lo. fJn. 17, '07U taAMUKLII. OltWIG, ATIOHXEYAT LAW, lrlliUiiiiHii'tr, I' ii I on Co.. n: Oin,- neit.li.r to Telagrapb frlnllnii oiBca leo. ju, un.tf. Physicians, DU. J. Y. SHIN DHL, BURGHiUN AND I'llVSICIAN, Middh'burir. Pa. '.Ifler ! bla professional lervioee to tbe oil ni or .wiaaieoarg auti vloiutiy. f Maioii 2107 JJ J. SMITH, . Physician & Surgeon, Fremont, Sntitar County, Pa. Offeri h i piole.jlnoal lorvloei to the publl PiTsicians. ftc. J)U. J. O. WAQNEIt, I'liysUlan and SMrfeon, Offt M4 prtfionl MrvleM to k emtni of Adftambnrtf fend vicinity. Aug. 1,'SiMf. D tt.- J. P. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i)ifrre lii prufetisiounl (trvlcvt la the I'tiiiii.i. c .t:if II. j. i;cK!!i:nr, SURGEOiM OENTIST. k.1 KHI.ICr'S HI.OOK, Minyrote, I'rnua. rrnfeMlonikl hail mil pro nptlf tnnilS tn, jli. I. ORIElt ISAltlUUt, PHYSICIAN AMD SURCI:0'. hnrlnc 1nelel si Mlt'Dt.rbflKl. VS., nlline few ilnnrs Wii nf tbe I i iirllinti.e. in Itioiver's liriek Imllilin, (iWi-r li is ri-fi-4'mnfil iiprviueii in tne fjiihlio. lie I ck Duglinb tnJ Uerinnn ' OcU7.'7. KRCIVAL HERMANN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Krtit:rrritli; .Viivf'T Co., Pit. OSr hl4 n-if4lnnl iirlo to lhi4 fit I in ol Kr iitrlliit tn I .-lnitr. m. i'.'r D R. A. M. SMITH, pirsici.ix axd sennnos iltli-rn hU iirnfe-nional i-rvicee Io the citl en of Aibinmburi stul vicinity. lei l, 7-1 F. VAN 15Ui?KIUIv, wL'K0IC.VL k MKOII NICAL DrNTIST J?e I i imir Vf. IVlili'ii. Jit sfic a of t lie Peace. A DAM SMITH, i. Jj3tic3 of tin Pc33j$Cj:i7.OTcr llntfcrSpri iujs. Snyiur Co., Pit. All .iHlclal hteln-ei -ukln .lepnmtl int e., pri.mptiy attemle l tn. Uulleetluue an.l rrm.t. tn. e ir niti.v uieilo. Maylj.'. i. yyTLLIAM II. SNYDMIi. Jnstiro of l do ivaro. Salem, Snyder County Pcnn'a. All Collections mil rcmitanceh promptly tnade. Nov. si.'T tr. J ' A AC DE A Vl'Il, wsTici: oFtiie peace nn Oeiioi'iil Collector . MM llehurr. Sin 'cr fi.ttnly. Pa. Ppeci il HHt'inien p ti I to ciillcolinn nf ntl kiit'ls. I!i"tiiilnii'ee will b niaJe .f..ni.tlv fur all c.l'.euliuns mule. Mar. -M 1S7S If. T II. W AON K IJ, Ks,,., Jt Jl'STK-'K Y TIIK I'KXCfi. Iiu'ltsoa Township. Siiydci Co. I'n., V ill iiltrti l tn all I iieinrse enlriiHtnl In 'lis rare mill on tUo m oh I rpiis,niiil,'e t "i-in-i. March i, 'liSlf yWiI S. 3llOLLi Jusl ico of the IVnce, ( ititnt 'J oii n!i li, FtrJt i ( ii., I'ii. Will nlictel In nil Iniiiie- f-turnsit'il 1.1 Ills cire n" iii .el rcr'.e, ih!, 1,-r-ne. I'. I). nJJres.4, biimluri', Snr l. rl'n , I'a. ,M,ir. I, '. J II. II.YUTMAV, '.ir rir'i: or t:ii: r::t i;. at (.'iiiv'.Viiiirci',v CKSI li:-;V ; l.LK, Hny..-r County. IV t'nllectt. ne nn I all t pertnlrlnit tn ti e ,in -u ,0 .'n'tlce nl the 1'eace will he alt- v. t.-. tc ai vlmrt null" Ap r V77t s i;i ll MllcMIELL, I ust ico of the Ponce A- C'onvoynnccr, J.. knn T"wnehlp, Sim nr C'liinty, T. II -1 1 . - Hun-, I'.-'ivrViiu.-n- , an.l all other hit- lit. e. I,,-, ll, I, it. y t i tl..' -I.'J,-.- will re. -el ve .",n:i aii.-titi.iii. I'.i-tuiA.iea-i.lr.'ee: Near M-rli... trnhii. . .nn,,) , i. Auk. li-, l-;?. JOUN K. lIUiillKS, Bsq.," JJL8TICE OF TIIK I'EACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. Pi. t j AMi.-s middlk-swaiitT Justice ot the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co., Pa. Will attenil pr,.iiittly to all nmnnernl liutl peeetMrtiilnina In theotfli-e. tlulluri Inn tna ie, Iteeilt, Arlli'lofko., written. (July Jt3,'To-lt. y.M. II. IIAUDINO, ji'sricK or run I'Uifi: & CoiivoviiiKuir, FltEK.UuM', .suy.ler oounly, I'a. Cnlle.'tlnn ami a I bnaineta pertaltilni tn the .Xhi i-.ir .1 ii.llou of llie l'i ace will be atl.-ii'lr.t to al abort notice, Apr. 27';d, 1 A. WKTZKL, Justice of tho :Peace, lienrvrtutPit, Smjihr Co., Pa. All kiiula nfflolleolintia insJe on liheral I nr iu h. Promptly nlleuil to all luminpe, iuiriialol lo his care. (June M, 'Till KlTlJ. JIIDDbESWAKTlI, Jtsnci; of the pkace AND CONVEVANCEn,: KcOure City, Snyder Co., Pa. 1 rnlleeilnna anil all Imalnett nartalnlna- lo the otn.-enl luatieeortlie Heaue will heallemlel to al abort nolle. Juli iM.'lliil. Y J IIOltNBKKGKit, l 11 STICK OP THE PEACE Perrj Towuihlp.Snr.ler (!nunty, Pa. tlnlleetii.t.e, Ui.nvey atn-lnu. an.l all other but oenaper-.slnlna' to th oitlt will he promptly eii.le.lt.., ll nue near Troutinoivllla TXI'XJUTORS' NOTICK. Utters J J lettamentary nn tha entateof John Smith, ilei-e ire.1, lata ol Waeblnuiun lownalilp.Snvder e-untv, f no a . have been nrante.1 to the un-lertliineil. Alt permna knuwlntt lueinaelve. Ill.H.nll to ael.l e-lete era reiU.-ale.l loiuak Ii.iiiio. Wi'e payiuenl. lu.e thote havoiK elaltut are re.ueta l l-i preeeul Ibaia ilulv autueulloa tail lur vttlauiaDl to JOHN . KMITI1, bAUAU KMITII, May 87, IS80. itg tori. FOR SALE CHEAP. ATtoil Power an.l Macbine with Rliaker anil erervlhliiy lo good working oriler, nearly aa g.iihl ae new. Al.Sll.a John lle r:tiRiua and SO bjr 40 Inch Empire N-iterator wl"i loa feet of beat L-ath.. bell. Thre.ibe.1 aleiul I.K) bll.h.la. Hpeulal lue dnoeni. nie will be lren aud I'laraulaeJ for one ir. Uall ou or auur.ea BIRHL IIH08 , Bapl. t, I Mil. laemabmn, fa, ri TttJ Corner SOSt.x) ud botb American I., id viimi e, J U J .... . 1 ...... ..nvu,,., t orrupuwi the entire en.. ..M,lal..-4 .i ... - , - - .ici. ntll.f the meet l'i;inl m I K-ieS In the el't i i." Irnl nllmmlern lini.ri one i-.aro nl Ihe iW, . Al.M.1. I.tlvll.4 B the llr-.i-lwe; eiL,,','J flwm ll prt nf Hi-cm. ; Prdr. Hpoclel raioi t'J tiebl tjueete. k Ao. S1.'0.lf. rnilK lTniterline-l . 1 fnrm the lravl!in . m. n lln..u. ...4 i.. . I I.MirU lll.t hn h.. m.,l . I n-rie.n mm pitr-me in R.. rm.-'ii.t'ie rie4, lintfll,, -I in oie ucurl ll n. a .... O.i l-r. ai v. i f. :MiiUo), i JOHN LI M UK . "l I ItP llinvs tiAneil-ia it . till rn turn lata ek.1 is !.. a lorniion inttCft It rirIT. oTiiflrf wn njre r .n , j tir If ft,? Ay R(ipU I W" kM tti Hit wtto m t'j tiiitti tv oirtfuri hinu' c KXTRKVir.T.T,' fl 'ateilaiai.il. .. PETKK 11ART.Va Thlt InnKeitabll'I.M ,1 .mrma .iron p.irennae.l I,. 1 Ik-Hi a ihare of tli pu' ll I JtI, LW1H MOUNT IKvl jrinLE:ci Till lionee ll In clo, , lepni ami haa lately h,,.. litte.l. Knnniicnniinu.il nppliuil eiitli Ihe heit ii.l a. nl Icrma niouerale. fJIIE NATIONAL ! JOHN B. FOrKI Solijisl nun in it vrry uenirniHf p.,, ihe HKTi f ..tir.iuii'ilMi ... iI'Mtphlir OtlCIt W ill l,v ,a of nf liipinr tn tlir lM ' 0i-A urMlclam lit-turi- $1 crc hunts1 -1 1 : $ il SOUTH TIIIUD STKKt I Torms'li-o HENRY Sll r.w.n.uaj, f ieri. mm iaawaBewoeaaewari Pliilna'clikh J. S. FeAKfttl wira JONES, HOI Import en ;i'j!;3ry,N3!;c!is, Hi fleiifs CI 312 Ts FuriiK No. .ill M.irl" ITiiL T. II. Innt, . 'I. II n. I kt .r IV '.I. V ITU ri it AYr.iLi, c..., VoT V,' ii.it.it. i WOOD AITD WIU1 'lit rimlm, Vlnilnw.hidr IV.iehe I'niion Lap. S'ete, H;i.'ki-tH, Tivinea, i No. 4 Ji liirkat Hired, r i l). 7. '!( i At ob ii. r.ii f.n.!l ' WHol.KSALlI PORKIUN & do: N. :t:in m-.u-i Iiilln.tllphid iiouer, and Sti Power PRINT WIioonm le &' No 529 Market 1 PIIILADELPK Proinitiie. One f Price Marked On AH 61 ffiirea. Apr. lfi."2. D AVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture of & VbolrnI tlllt, JIahoKiiiiy, Malnoti LOOKING GL Picture Sc Photograph Koi. 230 and 2W Irrb Pliiladotilii Nl Frame Repaired in tt 1 Alao, Itegil-lluK in all ll kj A DMINlSTRATOnsI 4l Latter of a.lmlniatritlol ul 11)411 11 A KM AV. dH WarblnatoD Twp., Hnyler l baviUK been k ran led lo th "H iraoiia knowlnar tliiiilvei " aetata ar ra.iuaeled touiake" n.enl, while linn havlnii elaliaj ibaui dulv authenl leelM.1 I..! a WILLIAM M O-'P, I, 1MU, 1 THIS PAPFn airtn-if, wnrra ua-r mm luiiw rouirftota iw 1U4V lor A Iw.' t B. Ktnnl. f OfT atone. eat Keaila. IfaaiHitH oiti)uti a.Hoinj Nwin rae. UANll, f. eitATTV. -v raiuener eare'j JOtlltiUll tru UtteMaVWI ttiMt WraA aaliri loeal j we if. i mrr "V "' 'V MUMleaaea1' OUii.0 ua Wain tuaet. June 11 M,, vex ViiWai gTaHu.fWwAVeW -4i eaaapunie-- -a-A e!vwr4eie.e(e...eewe eW" 'f