fll-titlnjt it JU.'tO . . 15.00 7 60 nn one Jnr, if, column, one year, -th column, nnn jwir, urpMOIiiiHU'Wti.Mi additional Insertion, .relhaUO lines, Jr y.j:r, tj.ini Ktecntor. Administrator J.ii:nee Notify, C..10 v notices P" 10 vt.cintil mKoniiiii; loss man 1 I iM'lH'l li in. i.-,.rti.nmcnts for fi shorter ne- In one year are pa vs hie at the y are (iruoreu, sou 11 nor pnm ,n ordering thorn will oe hold; ,e for tuo ntonev. -OTA fit MB II; VOL. 18. MIDDLE BURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., SUL'TEMBKK 23, 18S0. NO. 12 80 ol GjoJ Cheer. git I Vri Uh't knil hi; b , Lrlljf rue ll, touch of FallUr Tim y will niira un ln it. Tlmn. dirlio, U Noililng It 1st t hurt frUnl l gins f(. 11I Ibt wort I't Inrnh drilling J ,le at anrr-KTS on orf aid. uirll warn of kilting; Yet w nil. If pnrr Nil, rJ keepelb .ul fjrever. I, ill ouunl. Vt etunt, w gi, mtl.ti. toil Hi 1 filler ; mMiiiir lo fob of wl sod rruo 1! can glr or niter. Ho lenJctta HgM, lit rn If lb "Irfht. ing gie oo ftrevar lube life wilh cheerful (nut, b in lh eironjih of weiknOM f levpt Af rar its het.l , uriip, yet wltb uicekj8Jifc A tunny fuca lliih holy grioo, lb fin forTtr, 11I ever, my .1 trltnf yc . an I lot r mi I. lag ; muMi-n an I 0 ire. of irth tijcl fr.tn the first fir tlyinf, ll, ir wy l'uU In ide furrow "now .' Ibe lilli if al g-olij, the ernnh wilt ftrever SjQiCSt. iit m t.nr . iiiin.rnuii. k of Arm ti 1 1 ir i of I iy ji.illy fa"n. the furroir. rich nnl deep lo I jo mi'ihp 1 n 1 w ir.n. L t 1 li 0 (in c I. tul fiol lit 0 t I t ll I pfu'.ly In Ilia wnnlng breejf, j ui.o nrtlib u it ll I Ik the hett'i'4 rlo'i 1 -pih, n I iii-rnv I-im hi -f.'l. ni hilf nKi), sill H in I !. I th il h tru iiie (t il Inn fjmuia of ilil I it truili. Hki fiiotiiig "piril, wiuj of I ii I 'Ii ptlm fiir. i .m N y !nr ri'ti'it, fiirjit t'alui, lull lli"y )inr, II f g.n'giou. fVirlm," die I. til ll I gJtM'll, r'D' I cli tno I to fiirjr Uiil. il, boill.'riug 'Ircitm. tiu'l tinill tif mitiil, onr itli i ire of III iin'ii, ti imny g'lllon (I -lit, wbvro k yrir h ub t i ig:it i bt f'uU of ur.'otDHi rliylbni, ici ni liH h 4T I I'tnit, if ir.iili, it'll elu uinf .owo uii fir cirlb w y iu ig . Fiere wbero biilt Iiiti wro1!, Iii'l bit heel ilntil 2 In A joyu'H pel to ili gifiJ ib valiant f brn, M hriui lha ,il loo tli. lillf ilium iIko, m - - Far thu Ladles. taaJfuDcy baa notioe 1 ; uoy who is iiunt afraii ' m tho first to ba cor- 'trimony. 'oa Ioto the mea ba luve everything they have Ol. 'a love llielp it. wift loves lor husband ' ue baa no tbaujUta for She Didn't Work. A Colornil.) miner telle the follow injy elory. I ilropped into the "Cur bonnto Suloou" to eee tbe proprietor nn 01 j irieiiii uom 1 bait kuowu iu llnutnnn years before, and it was nhilo itittinif talking over early ex perienooa with him that the iuciJent took p'aae. "The b)ya" were soat trcil here and tbore over the room, iiui) talking "loaJa'' and "pros' oota," dome reading late Uenvor pa pern and others otidoavorinj; to as Ci-rluin l eames of card 4 who bIiohI I weiili out the dilut for the drinks. Sevoral poker games for coin were in full operation, and the clicking of the iory cheeks, the itntfintf nf silver coin and the innni cut cliuk of litjnor kIuhhos Mondod in not nnpluiminp; molody. Snd.lunly a Hix-fo t inilivi.IiiAl svvatrerea in. whotte brand new buckskin suit, and general "fresh" appnaraono, at ouoe Kvo him away to the crowd as bo- itiif one of tboso lunatics just from the states who imagine that bray an 1 lil:ilcr will at oncu puin for a now (Miner the rnpntaliou of bointf "a terror" and boiat bim riht up to tht top notch iu the estimation of every onn, Tim stranger reeled up to the bir, and drawing an enormmu "ix-s'in iler, Hlainmed it tlowu with a jaf tUiit ma lutho wator-coolor daoco aii I ri"iitrk, i " i , .'. '' Tho barkeeper nkippo I l Ilia pnpt of tiiity, sitt up a ith uu ui tis- tiu ll'i'ii ish, and iinkud : "Wlmt'llyo Imvo?'' I).wn eamo tho revolver ajain, iiC(."itnviijii.,l with : H7'.i.;. WlU K'A-KX " Tlmn turninir to tlio crowd the uijivemiieV said ; "O.in't one o' you fi.-llora dire lo iuk or breathu till I analler tnv pi zMi, or wit!i blood ! I'm llo.vlin' Sun. tho lil.Mi.l-Hticknr o' the (iuniiiHoii llane an' I iilletH leave my patli strewn itli bloetlin' c irpnes ! I'm a torna do, tui'iioil looto to iluntroy tho uui-vei-rttj ! H''i''i I'm a '' A little drii'd up old fell i, not ovor Ii va foot four, utt-pped up. slap P'.' l to; tin lo sooially on tho baitk, uid H-ii.l : "I'ard. I ak! a friend's advice, an' softer snpM'Ha yer vntbiiHiastii. Jmt tono u .iowq n mil.!, ye know. I is-j, of tl.ntll o n in ineKO in mm una I ir i; nu on l 'ini'tuen yeara, au'hi'V seed Homo o thti hiiv leftist dostruyiu' iineln that ver hi rack the mines. Now, fritm tmcos, I liar was a eaio a few ni mtlm njii. fcllor went into iun.ly's e:il ion an' nnnoiiueel thet in was the i lijiitictl I'evil Jack. t!io 'lan-Katin' Imp nf Wyoming O ileh. in' one o' the 1.)K tuk hia l'nt an' Uncle Etck'i Wil'JOm. Tho conversation of most people is nothing more than their radical ism gone to seed. No man is envious of whatbocau equal, or even imitate. The mau who is ever ready to take tile cLaunns will probably tuke his mat one in llie aliusliotlao. .'en have been knon to correct their vanity, subdue their pri.le, and overcome their snneratitions. but once impregnated with it, it is im- posiblo for a man to cet riJ of bin ulgarity. Tho man who Jives for others muni "ipoct most of bis piy iu self s His faction. Most successes spring up, PIkp. nixliko, fioui the aahtfs of some fall uro. The most cunning of all egotists is tho mau who uover spuuka well of bimxolf. Good breading is a letter of credit all ovor tho world. Bible With Queer Names. An interesting olloctiwu of liib les was reeontly exhibited itl Lon don, which comprised copios of all tho editions that, bocaii'o of pooii- bar errors of tho printer, or from s nno oth'ir roaso-i, have boon known by slrango names. Am mg the ISibles on oxhibitioa wore tho f illow iug ThA f7''.",'-r 7.M.The eaili oat book known, pt iot ii fi o n in iv. aliln metal types, is tho I.ilin UU issu-il by 1 itenboig, at Mont!, A. I). i i:o.' ri iu:, n;w,m-r si caiui friitn its run I n in ol 'hI ih si :": 'Afraid of bugs by night" Oir present version veals, Terror hi uight " A. I) lto'i. The HiwhtH lHit. Tim Geneva version ia that popularly knov as tho Hreeches Iblile. from its render ing of tteaenis iii :7: "Miking themselves breeches out of fl A mau of true genius is generally ''oavea. l!ns tr-tnslati -i of fit I .ii, " ' ! L!....' .... .1 . I. m , t . The I JI3133J ol Girls. Don't Fan Fiftf- Anolhgr great mistako that many If you should enmo d-n ptairs of our girls are making, an. I tli it somo day and sen a huiouI I.u -ing tbeir moiu. rs are miner euoouraifing Iflro j it starting in ono of your until twin th-i'ii to m ike. is Hut of I iloors. slculiliilv ftarting iuto vour 'p'ltidiug tlinir tuna out of siiho il in i lleiiesj or in frivolous a nusnm mts, doing no work to xpnak of, and learn ing uot'iing a'l t'it t in praeiic il d t ties an I t'io S M-io is cires of lif.i. ft isiiototilv iu the wealtoinr ftniilii'i that too girls are growing up iuli lout, an I uupritice l in housed il l work ; iu loe I, I tliiu!; tliitm irn a! tuuti on is piil to tin io liMlnil training of girls in the weiltdier fianli .s t ii'i iu I'll fi iiiliiM of ; iti'ie'i iriies vi I of p t l i i i ni 1 1 r I lie circil'iuti'iens, where tho m itli eni inn co u;)iil!e I to ivork bird all' tint w'lile, I "Within t!m lnl w dk," sivs on t ' of my c trresp m l nits, Ii iv carpet, von would not bo very liki ly to sit down lnmi.li) it nn I fin it. mil -h less would you run over to a ni'iglilmi'ri and bavo Inr bring I lie It' ll )ws lo Mo.v it up. Not if you w. 'r. a w mi in in iitir right smisis Von know inito well what fpi'iulv mi' tsiii cs lo i wool I take to sui thoi or "I'h'iico it. Ileiryiung housekiiepcrs, tlli'fi' am worse liic wiii rli s- n t tii mi Ii nt Iv in h i ii -s tlia i wir ever km ll I by l.m-ifi r tinili'lii'H. Tlii-v b i;iii sin til' t'r.iHs words ns'iiilly stat I t'li'Ot. Ii it h iw tlic lire ijiii't li wlimi ni'! i ki'id e I, if "ti y it gels a liiilr titi'ii'ig ! Ono Mine way to fan tin liltX't i. to run over 1 1 a iH iglilior's rnlilldltPtl every T1irslT Evening; JEREMIAH CROU3B, PropV Terms of Subscription, TWO iKHXAnS PER Alf NtJM. Pay alile vitliin six month, or $ JiOifnfr! paid wiitiin thsyear. No rmtirr dis cotilitiiii'd unli all srrearatjns arj paid on I Pes st tho option of the pub' lislirr. Hul.ier!ptions niifxido of tho eonntf" I'AV.llll.R IN AtlVaNtt. l-'TI'ersoiis lifting ntut using papers 4!dresei n o!li rs hrC'iiv' siilsi riliera tnd arr liul'lo for I he iiricc of tbe ,anr YOU WILL BB f t-i fnp! nil hmp with a nt ot n I l i n il rtril i'if ifullr istiiitiir (Kit Buckcyo Force Pump, l lie ll'i.'lei., I. II,. . I..I..I lmpMrn7ri, . It l r Ir ic'i- I villi lr r ' n,l -rlt wlni- i i,iii, It . r p.-it !' iipi'i.-. . ItuiHictrj I i il.. ii.-l t,i thr Itn, ..,v., ruin. n. wti-r rso if Iliri.tii mi ni tiy I, , ill In, v in r,i ,if nr.-. Vn i ,n ,i. r U.'.l.fi aii Vii, WhIi Wlml ., W,h IIiikIi ., .n I liarr a FIHE ENGINE vcrr' tr nn r."tr nn ir:nl-el t no Bir cof Iliftti to Mr.lnr )ii in p. It Cannot Freeze lioai'd two iii ilu. irs, w nvhv ni vi inn I tikn your troubhi over. Tell in in ist rotpects.say.tlm lir.st. Id it ju -t ho v unro is in ilile Iviliu is, and her d iu jhtnr imver di I any a v t ; Ii nv liltle li.i symp itmz -s with vour ing. W .iv. ll s-io wants lo say to n in i-i.:,iii. r. It. initio It. vnti I . ilirilit. Tue vrrv p.ritii f 'r 'lonp vtiiHil. Tun w,,rlillli tier i,e I , i h r ii-ii, i ti, .i. t.... tlilri . t.trrr In" line I t'U uiirr. MtthlnK In I, c aiiuin it I do Iron TurliinQ Wind Engine i. l " nn-.! iii.pr v. tnet tn Wind Kmi'ni'. r.tn .ei i 4..i, t.i""i' iunii. in oir Him, ,ir fur I'.rtit uiar. al trre. W. r, llll ITTHM, l' ixtiivn, O't.M l?.ir, IMimin i.timiy, pfc 1 e uo inions 'I nnvitr svnota aa simple as a chil I, and is as nnejii- scions of bis power as an oleph.int. it wo would measure our happi- nSH, the coiiililiou of thoso below us, instead of those, above, we should Qod ourselves very well off. The man who can distinguish b'j. twoeii good alviee and poor does not need either. Every man makes his own reputa tion i tlio world only puts on tho statu p. hero ia a great de il of mo lnalv in this world which will gaze nt ai : m iHt anything -provided it can bo seen turongu a crack. Silence is a bard opinion to beat, v. i . ..rt . . tho walla iH.OBpiltered!,. '"" '' nrev.iy- i, f it . -i ...o1 .... '"ui wish in, ins Htroii'th tin 1 tho fool'e rtfugu. Scriptures the result nf labors of tho Englisli exiles at (leneva ws the English Family Hilda during tlio reign of Qu"en Elizilteth and until si;,illit)l by t'tn priMrit authoriz ed vernitin of King James I. Thf ,.,v.i,i,i(',.f.,' ;;,',,,. From a remark tiblo typo?inphical error whied occurs iu Matthew v. : '.) : Hlessnd are tho ''l.i !o makers." in stead of I'eai'e-iiiiikeia. A. U. Vu I- Tin: 7V(.'.i'i' IV!i!t . Trotii its reu- de g of Jereniiih viii. :21: " A gentleman will never insult any: one, and a loafer c mnot. Bigotry knows of but ono wHy to! reach baavou, while faith knows of a j Ullll.ll'ud. M:tn is a two legged, eccentric an. imal that deals iu politics, religion aud general iifirchandiae. It is well to givx bond t vour I ...i.i e . . i ' ii.iuois lor iney hio ollen llie tl.iwn- Ihi'iB no trench) instead ol balm) Uileud r A O I viS 7'c A'o.; I'.ilil,'. I'rom tlms.rne text, but ti'iiuslated "U isiu" iu the' loiiitl velsiui- A. D. loll' j Thf lie ,vl S ;'.... -Kr itnj Mm ri'Hpjeiivo len lei ings of Itnth ! iii. : lo one ma ling th it '"lm went i into tlio tntv." The other has it that! lie went." .1. I. IHt I. Th'. WiAxl '.!. I'Vorn tlm' f.iet thit fin tie,' itivi hns I) ' ui left out of the S"V "iit'i (! i o il i i I iie i I. (!ao Ins xx :l I) f or whied thu print er was lined C t J . . A. H.l'i It- j I'liK Xlftmh ;'''.'. t tin g o'i i ! Literary men, as a cl iss, nro tin satisfactory c imp inions ; if yon flit ter their vanity o unig'i to in ike them tigiooa'olu, you disgust yourself. Ho who does a good duod ma';cs heaven his delit'ir. Cliastiiy is liko a brokeu vase; it cm bo uieii lod, but cm never bo made whole. A thoroug': good man ia invari ably a brave one. h is much more difficult for a km in to make a circuuiatuuco th in it is for u tircmubtauco to man. It requires wisdom and it requires honesty ing to call things by uamus. Man ia tho only creature 'teat a tattoo on tho bloke's face,' till ilia head looked hkn homebody hud tiiu a pla.i in' foothill with it inn slaughter house ! 'Twaut but about i week arter thet afore tho Texas Hyena howled out his little speech it thia very bar, tin' viheu the coron er cut him down up thur iu the gulch the Iv-..zards he 1 free-lntiehed o3'u him till he lo 'ked was- u Mm Itivil ucurcoly wi ilh bnrryin ! Thou the Tiger Cat thet bed jist dran down outen a thiindiir cloud raised hie getillo voice in Futty.s fa-'l'iughs; angels do not, animals can ro-rooui, nn old Jotu llilsoo sot, not ami ilevils will not .Srrih- iueli hiimi'h and h ilf an iueh tlvek. wus publisho 1 at Aojr ltj.i A.I), liiM. 7'it! Vim-; if :;'! So nanml from the heal-lnm of llie '.' tli chai'tef nf fiU'l '. whie'i rea Is, " I'll .i I'aralile of tho Viueg ir." instead of the Viimv ir I, A. I). 1717- Ti.' '.' ( If.',!.: -Wo am t il I by Colt ni M tiher tint in a KiliSe print", rprior to I 7.12. a bl'io b ring ivp i gr I't'ter in i lo lviu ' Mivii ex 'claim tint Printers ( nsleil r 1 1 ii I in in v lifo ,' and l ikes any comfort ' in it, let her h iv it ;' an I yet t'nt i ui ither is sorrowing over Hi t s'i u-t- ci. mug i ol int very l nig iter. The otli.ir sai l, hIio w iu! 1 not, l"t her daughter do auvtoi ig in llm kitchen. Poor d On lei worn in ! Sim di I it all h-rself i wt ttl .'' Tlio hihit of in I il.'tieo mil of helplessness ill it is til Is f irm I nro n it tho greit'nt. evils rot ilting fr i u this In I pr.ict.iiU i the selii ,!i'tes tint it fosters is the worst tiling s about, it. II i.v 1 iv ii I of c insi'ieiien. in ' Ii v lacking in all true mmis.i of ten I . eruess, or even of j i.liee. a (jnl must b t wli wdl c n eit, t .1 iv it i ill h u- f i ti i i ' of s 1 1 il 1 1 )l i is ir ing, whd'i her in ither is b "iriu ; all llm heavy b ird ots of the h ins -hoi I ! n 1 tho f i ills. i w iv in w i'i' i in t i -era tlmmselve i soomtitn is t il'i ah nit this, even iu llm ires"iie.i of tlmir chil Ire'i, is niwehievoiis iu llm ex- (treinn "t ), H ill ie, is so ab.orlied wild h r b i t'is, or It tr criv i is, or l.er emlii oy lei'v, tint slm t ik- h ti i in- teres! ill hoits.ttlold III ittel'S. lit) I I do n it like toc tll upon her '' As if tho i liu;:iter I '.. t ti git I t a m t, -ri r ot del of biting , sil l 11111-11 Hot soil 1 her inn I't or ru .1 1 1 1 . t- tn nper wild ; ntM't'Ms it y I.o0"o.t oi U Tim mother 1 is the drn l -e ; tim diughter is the IMon Papi'Jar Tliai Ever ! I The Genuine NEW SINGER FAMILY deiii'intl for Iho N IK 'i In IHT i .t- e.U.I tlitt ,tl inv i.r.vl ,. vn ,r , irln thn.ii.rie lul t ".v.Mry In li lt,. " I,, I H-ll I'd." M ,. '.iiine t. i n i... I .re net ..i'.i IniiT1!. we til 111. I 1 1 ii "i n : in it; i .,. in,. 117 ! i.'l.l.ja.- ; f x,'.-4 nv.,r .my irevtiij. re.ir. 1 t.l l. ; i fir .1". I it e ir tr-re sf ttierttnifnr.tr I ten .... . iu U 1 i l'i n I ty ,ir i . ry Into- i rtr-i 1'iv I'. tie- V"ir I III. ui.:. HI I.I Mil, I'," sin IKU l.the c., in. i, .i i, . ,i i t ui ui .luriil.t .settlui, ' .tl t, lilnu . vt jet. -trui'ti- l. j S. DZioERT, Asctil ft r '.y Inr nrninty. .1 ,ti i .11 line la Iv for whom hIih toils. Nt ni tiller w'to s i.i'.rs H'l ei a si lie ol lover them things as this e in prose I ve the respect 1,1;,, Mioiut'i ot lier il nigliler, iiti'l tlio re-peet nlfi,Hif.,.,iiuui'iiid an I tint Iter il inghtor no mother can nil r.l ,1 ,wn An I. oh, how g to I isij. jt, ,t The fair f iliiii! of trials uu I iinl'.'hs your ft ieiid is an one i'ii ii i'iiy s ne w, mi in, yon will g t h tni't ii' iiit wretched than yon im ti". mil failing birder than ever tivirl .1 i in. Vol h tvo g line I ooinmg, mu you navo IiirniHiie.l , c.:,.-. TVT-.t.'--f.olfor etusilerihlo Hcind.l. lor CGWing iflaClllll3. il il Inn.' travels fist. a' thin Hot ill (l . tm.vs to it 's t an laid in t get al m ' rP 1 l 'Hal ir .-..ii i i i... ...!... i ? 1 iiiai im: si 'i, ,'-., I1-!, il I, n, i: ..I-. only a If UHient ll isli of 1 1 1 1 .: 1 1 : f h n bei u hl.i.vii iot t a eon:! igr.iii u Id it is likely to burn up your domet.- tlC IlippilieS, S. mi l one m ix if there is ever ' anyt'ii'ig fir winch o urn '.lnnkfnl. it is for an ;ry words not t-;i l.eii, I .f ull 1 l 1 1 f ir d t il stii! hkeli't mis wo b I n il ex n'nl Ii 'i tr t td t v ti l I . li.'llel keep theill loek , up in their el i s U, To "V Mill u it m!. ) : or Ii tr row yi.ir HciiMiliiiiii.'H half so lulled , theie. j (lulv possess your soul ill tpliel , lies, and the tiro will die mil. 1 1 o ir in oust cotiM-i msiiess tells you Hint you have tint tine and devoted I ive of your lni-.bin I, yon will not lie. n i iu iv. 1 1 It, luil. t tool's lens and life's uiiituil joys and hoi i own w ill iliaw nil trim Ik it it h el in r to one atiother, and the oiiee VeX lli, HIS tilings Will Meenl like Iri ! lies, us you glaiico I'ltekwiild over tlleltl, Keuietnlier that Molliing helps il mg ilo'iiiisi i Ir. i, ililes like talkmg nothing Miiiolhera them A III tin p itleni'O ll'l I ll isll lies id you Ul'e vour houio rv..Yrrii mill .MiDDi.ii-.iiiKit: Weil 1. 1 V"ll Im rol ire 1 t'l MIM' l T 9 )"l " 1. 1 tint ll.lt Mil: III In .' ln t i. ivnl.llis. ,,. I i' -. I'll if I. V. K I I N, i)s lenmnirs, N.V. .Iiil J .--v.-. I y The wt,i vet w tnt I tei s"-tin. I Invfotl-in of f lite ' Si. nnr i.iitit':ili'l . srnl Im. .1. . I.'t t.V. ll.tn'..tnir, X. V. July 'it. "Kit U, Novel. o. Mon 1 1 ir j I ne r s-ilt or all this is to form in ; ,tppii.ss Ins not been consumed. -' llm miu Is of in my girls n.tt only a ,t in tin Hnr.il AV" lt7.' I .li-t.isto for l.tltor, but a coi. teuipt ' , . t f .r it, an i a put 11 ino to av ti I it as I waBwwavaaMBa or to 1)0 to bo their p..;. ...., i., i i.; .. ...ii. ...i .. 'long us iney nvu ny utuio inciita . i lit, , i F !"- -li If, i, ..ni'iiv II eatim." .See IViluia cs'z, :I U. r":,'i1"' . , I hole is scarcely one of these for Tli .IAaA (:-' ;''.' St ill.. I ly letters which does not inetiti.ni from an error in the n.x'c i ltd v o s .' ihis us one .if the chief errors iu the ..I. O '.l. . t.l .1 I . .. m - . .. . luakoiil 1 1 ,. ! ' '"i", ino won iniioing ot girls al Urn present May. 'nir ierers n ting us 1 1 inu.u ol I Ii is not movers il, b it all igetd.-r M irniuis." A. I IS 2. too prevalent ; nn I I want to sty to Tt i'ii.rtn Mm irittl UlMo 1 vou. girls, that if you are allowing nble, will- lightl WI...II.. ....i..... I .... I I. .... I : . .... .!.. . t'lin rd.il tltiu l.i ir.'.ivu mi .villi uiluli II IIUUJ jlll'l'lll ll'l I III 'l I III IWU1VII, I'".' " ' ' ' I,' " " I' ....... , - . habits of in I ilituee an I sued notions ' ' . . , ,, 1 in ' on go. nl leruis Willi vourseii. i This Yoursuli. You c iiiuot liii' I a iiioro conipan. ion ililu person th in yourself, if pro per attention Im paid to tho individ ual. Yourself will go with yon wherever you like an I come away whciiyou pleas approve your jokes, assent t i your propositions, and, in short, bo is every w iv agree. ilile, if CI tin a .rli'i. Il-l. il KM I's in nil p ut. i.i i no I1, s an. I dans !: wsnit.1. I '. i . It,' til.t, t h tin , lililnrl. em in I U i n t l - -i i rr, Ikrrlrjn S.rlni(i, Mich July ii:, H,i Iv. J. 0, KE51PFEB, Mill! llM IIQI3 kBt for rtMii.v i(ii:i,i:s. ki:i.iu lul u t i ru: uric IKtDliS, couiity, IVnn'ii, .11 ini'-l.iirg, .S'nyder .luly iJ.'s.t.nin. S88;;;:i' WKHK In vour own turn. nut ir..t N.i rlU. II 'vlor. If WtMt ft ' all Kl Wlilftl iinrs'iti i, t ittit'r not ' ti iu iktt ur V jt.ty Kti thu tl'tpi ihy v.iru, wrltn lur ,i.r tl ul-n tu 11. HM.IKir r,, I'.trMnnl, lntne. .hii.r ;4. 'rto.lv. that women because husband nn Invna hia lovea all women for her married man is at tn I'UU killimr ainomr th ply hacauso ha has found tool enough to marry "ely husbands are tbe never forget the eora them by their wivea in ore. - j wivea are the truost. uow to make the most T hove, Lightning sel la the eaiue nft0. .n.i "ao feels that a similar question popping. omr man who prattles uaiea'' wonlil I,.,, .o i . ni. a trembla like an annuo " ahould but look at 'ooruer of ber eyo. a who loves hi wife othor wouiou. 't be aaya about hia '.woinun tha snoothar 'Miwoolaloareor, . OOmmaodad la lna jouraolves, we ahould M our neighbor la a pug woaao. no to atop, for fear 'a'ltt beuonio luvu aiok. down on him so boavy thet bis own mother couldn't ha' recognized the corpse, lie wa'nt scarcely under tho ground afore wo henr'n a twhoop !' from tho lower country stage us it diawed up tn the hotel, an' wheu tho whnoper called fer bis giu be respeckfully iuformed us thet bia christian name war Cannibal Bill: tbet be lived on human flush an' war hungry, and perposad tor try and make out a dinner offu the fust man thet refused to driuk with bim I The boya poured coal ile all over bim, an' touchod a match to bim, an' he run back o' Aleck Davis giu mill an' full into the wood pile an' sot it afire. ..llock was the maddest mo yon ever seed, aa' would .ba' made trouble if tbe boys bedu t paid bim fur the wood an' hired a Chinamau to drag tbe carcass away. Take my advice, llowliu' Sammy, nu' sorter begine easy aud temperate don't crow too loud on the fust acquain tance J" Tho stranger stooped down and whispered in the little raau's car : "bay, take this live dollar piece an ax tuo boys up to drink, an 1 11 slip ont. If any of thorn axes you who I am, tell 'em I'm a travelu, Bible agent from .lassachusotts, an would ot harm a flea. Kinder keep 'em oo ol till I kin git out o' towu, you know 1" lea minutes later bo was making about fire miles au bonr over the grade towar the next camp, frequent ly looking baok over bis shoulder and muttering t u5he didn't work, an' I reckon this howliu' hurricane bed better bio ovtr far the present, or els be suro of a camp afore it falls again it I St. Louis girls say that those of Chicago uevor have shoos that are mates, because ot the difSuulty of finding two sides of leather alike. - Some one cieaonbes the opera as that sort of tnuaio whore they fcqueal aud go up, and then choke aud comedown.'1 Jouos fi ids drinkiug like a flab makes bis head swim. The flesh. butcher who trusts loses Tlio Leaves and the Wind. Once on a time a little, leaf was heard to sigb.au 1 cry as leaves of teti do when t gentle, wind is ubout. Aud tho twig said i 'What's tlu malter little loaf t' "The wind," said the leaf, jiiRt told me that one day it would pull me off, and throw me to tha grouud 1.-1 . Tho twig told it to tho branch, aud the branch told it to the tree. And when the tree heard it, it rusllo l all ovor, and sout back word to the leaf. "0o not be afraid hold oo tightly, and you shall not go off till you want to.'' Aud so the leaf stopped sighing, and wont on singing and rustling. And so it grew all summer long till October. And when tho bright days of autumn camo, tho leaf saw all a I a uio leaves arouna become very beautiful. Some wore yellow, and some were scarlet, aud some were striped with colors. Then it asked tbe troe what it moaut. Aud the tree aaid s "All theso loaves ara getting ready to fly away, and they have put oo these colors because of their joy." Then the little leaf began to want to go, aud grew very beautiful iu thinkiug of it. And when it was very gay iu colors, it saw that the branches of the tree had oo color in them, and so the leaf said i ' O brauah, wby are you so lead colored, and we golden 1 ' "We must keep on our work clothes,' said tho tree, for our work is not yet done, but your clothes aro for a holiday, because your task is over.'1 Just then a little puff of wind came, and the loaf let go without thiukiug of it, and tho wind took it np and turuod it ovor, and then let it fall goutly down uoder the edge of a fuuoo among hundreds of leaves and it never waked up to toll what it dreamed about. Hours, ui:l only mm lininlre.l copies struck off. A. L IS 77. "Wood ! sxw woo 1 nor !" ha'd the tra u;i horror, lli.t I obi lor my din WltO It III ll X t ui ion I w ml. It isn't et to I .Inr. My no m.ians If you lot trouble sit upon jour soul like a beo npoa her pett, you way expect tho batching oft large brooj. I uKsaro ynu. I viel l lo no man In ro-oiH'Ot f.ir tho (ItiNgivcrj privilege ef earning my mvoct I mcmi sweat ing my earn by the brow nf vou know what I mean. I qui realy, nay anxleus towoi'k. (live mo Homo buy to spreul right on t herd in tho snow Show mo wtiei'o th ire is a t mo wall lo lay bohiol. Anything but h 'til ing in the most distant any lo .lev is (a'e the tuiithty I'orosU ot this lir t.i l land, that tho Almighty hil meant to L-a'h ir mo'stura ui indaoa the reviving rain to fall upon tda pircd ed earth. Why, do ymi knv-v that this O'liilineut is doom 1 to bucome an arid tissort if this Jasirnoti'in goes on. It's I'act and I wont boa party to it. No forests, oo rain ev. erything dry as I am. I decliao llm resp lositiiiity lor it. ivii ma you vu got some coal to carry in, and if I can t send ym a buy to but no wood Hawing for me, please. I II sou do it ; if you C'ir I by the ton.v I It' k . ira. in ln. ..ll'l HI l".H n.i.l nil.'. I.V ' 1 1 iMiiihaTirir " ;.i ii.",iip. ritunr. Ills 'it ill,'", i v unltitr'O. Tie It nielli P'lli:inil III itny nri ui the I , s. r t ' oi el .. I'. ill I'.rilo. iilsr- Iff... . I Im.., It. s. Mi-".:-!..!.! , 1 1 .i.i','iii".i s.,i.) liorrii'S 'iirlast, lnh. about work, you are preparing for y nirs, Ives a miserablu future. A'avit '. July .'J.'Hu.iy. Judgment of Men. Don't ju Igo a man by tho clotlios ho wears, (lod made one an I tha ttilor the other. Don't judge him by bis family connections, for Cain belonged to a very good family. Don't judgo a mau by bis failure ia life, for many a m m fails booausu be is too houost to succeed. Don't judge a mau by bis spooch, for a parrot talks, but the tougue is but au iuatrutueut of souud. Don't judgo a man by tho house he lives in, for tho lizard aud tho rat often inhabit the grandest structures. The truest solf-rospoct lies, not in exacting honor that in uudusorved, but in striving to attain that worth which reeoivea bunor and obeisance aa its rightful due. Ordor is the sanity of the mind, the health of tho body, the pea-ju of tbe city, the security of tha plate. Strength of resolution is, in itself. domiuion and ability and tbore is a seed of sovereignty ia the barroa tieus of nnfliuchiug determination.. C.i.dioiis In Eal nj. 1. Of c lurso I tu't e it to i m i ld. Tim digns'iivi ll ii U aro lioi t il in iiiulity. All all ivj eu n go is uu tli osto I, irritai ing an 1 tve.tkeiiing tho syst.nui. a i 1 oflou ctitug ptr alysis of the brtiu by drawing on thu ti irvois for so uurj rijii lly th in it ia gt neifited. 2 Ibu't eat bntwoeu moals ; the st vu ic.'i must rest, or it will sootmr or liter broik d iwu. liou the heart h i to re.it between tho beats, 3 Diu't tut a full moil wlmn ev liiistnl. Tdu Hto.utcd is aa ex ba isto I as td rest of t'l t b t ly. 4, 1 m l takj lu'icd at ti ion nu 1 eat hoirtily at nig'it Too whole digestivo si'Mtoiu nee. is t J uharo in i the roit au I ro ) i; tr i.i ) i of mIi j,). li tsi ljs tha tniiloncy ia tl put a full mo il into a woukonod stouiiod j. Diu't sudstitntn Htimulusu fir foo l liko many woman who d Inlf a il tv s worit ou strong oil to or t't t. Va well, iu tho case of a borso sub stitute tho whip for oats. G. Dou t h ive a d ui nivitto iy of dishes. Variety is nanotsiry for relish, au lroliiiUia uoojdiiry to g) 1 digustiou. 7. Don't oat blin lly. Tlmrooiu be nothing iu tho b ly musclos, meuilirauos, bonus, nurvo, brain whieu ia not iu our foo l. One arti cle furnishes, oue or more elements, and another others. Wo could starve ou line llitir. Soma articles do not nourish only warm. 8. K it aco irditig to tho season one. third Una iu sumnior th in in winter. In the latter, fat moat, su gar aud starch aro appropriate, as being heat-maker. In the former, milk, vegetables, and every variety of ripe fruit. 'J. Eat with choor. Cheer pro motes digestion i care, frot and passiou aTrrost it. Lively od tt, raoy aueodotos, and innooeut gossip are butter than Halford sanco. however; ia not ho easy as m nun imagine who do not often try tho experiment. Yourself, adieu it catches you iu company with no oilier pel sou. is apt to be a severe critic on your faults, and wheu yon are censured by yourself, it is gen erally tlm Neveit'st tin I moat iutol ertbi i species of repro f II is on this account that yon am afraid of yourself, aud Meek any associates, no in liter bo v inferior, wlioi't lnl led it m iy keep vo iiself from playing the 'e in sir. ins ill n uls i t jul i is friend. If noglijcted and slighted it In u h a ii i j, ail t, i ho lufi a Hlmrt tune "by youist'll is I lien in g lide 1 as actually a cruel pen nice, us m my tin I when ymitn, healtu or wealth bath departe I. How import ant it is then to "know thyself,'' to cultivate t ivsolf, t respect thyself, to love thyself warmly but rationally. V htihiIiIo self is thu best of gui les, for fo.v c iniiuit errors liutiu broi l disregard of ils a 1 iiotiilions. It t.l g t contiuu illy at tlio skirt of men to draw tdem front their clicrish.i I vices, it holds up its shadowy lin ger in warning wheu you g i nstiay, aud it sermonizes sharply ou your sins after they buvo been committed, ') ir inturu is tv if tl I, a i I its no blest part is the self to hich were fer, It stands ou the alert to check the excess oft 10 an ml i no lis is, no I .though it bee I'uoi weaker iu the fn1- filliueut of its tasli by rope, lie I dis appoiiitiiieutM, ia rarely so enfeebled as to ba uoablo to rise up occasion ally sheeted and pale, like Kicdaid's victim, to overwhelm the offender with bitter reproaches. Study, therefore, to bo ou good terms with yourself it is U ippiuoss to bo truly pleased with yourself. MONARCH OF THE FIE -o- is tho A new tl ootriue should be fitted to tha tuiud as womsu fit dresses. Haste it loosely, try it oo carefully, examine it thoroughly, take it in here aud let it out there, and finally, when it is juBt right, sew it together with strong '"read. It is aotrec sb' Style is the gossamer on which '.he woods of truth llout through tho world. If those who over-cat and those who half starve wuld strike a bal ance, the woild would be well fed. if you win by cnuniug you also lose by it Ioho that whieli is of more valuo than auy object gaiued by it cburaoter. Ifamanhsva '""" in his heart, he may t tnuiA'. but it wi1' who Champion Acknowledged Superior of all Grain & Grass Catting Machinery. This Machine 1ms been fully endors ed by tho most 11 pert Authori it y. after M ist ThormigU tesi, ns to its Capacity mil Execution, as I'm iifht Wonderful Maeliiuo ever invented. Itntneiiitinp, nn1er n i i-ireiiniitnoe.. rh'tul I Tun 1'iiv ltnprr ur ,iw,'r until Vfit h.vc ml, el I',!"'. , il'l'lti Wlien,-ver ys te..irut o.'in nl tin'.. -1 .,'iiliiit. di our vu'lnlty, In n.it l.ili ,i ecitiil'in it tli r .oitly. ;t. 1,1 Oitiin.. U It. si,. It. Msrvvl i". M.ivenient, Ii. .-. 1 1 .1 1 , 1 1 e I ' r . atl llti till in il, i' A l' tititi.nl tn v. ry .M.iilol'iit el tun iti'l l. -'i tj -l t.tll la etiiiiiiiitii t ll iver all ullior. V'.rm r. will li ui.irit ttisii evur ettl-an.l, srimn 'tasr ltoai.l nte It. iit.it. '..II nl.iii. nt .1,, ilirlty. ,m iv.t It. nil nereis e.lvs.itittfn.. I'.iit th . HI il I'luN Ii ouruiuly in ll Ai'il I N t tu Ii r.. fermil. It U i-i.ll natel by th mni nnrnpetsnt Ju1.i ttit ttviir uiie-U ll nl tho tl ty nn l itr On Cri-p In tuo t'. in . I -i.te. i.i h.ir.e.loj Hlib i"l x tiv Mii.VKits i iiKirn;.,, riieu cul. hrate-l Msrliiiiei ,i.e. .14 liv i II. tl tuns Kit, S.ll..rnt. IIIIIIKK I' S 11 I il, tMil.lletilirs. J. 1. HIMIVM.VM, Troilvll . an I itt.ii ny il. Ttavellns Awenl, .1AMI.S I KI'LtV, LaaUlturc, pr.l, ltilt. ' Valuable Farm at MVATEJALE ! fPlir, fits of ti.toi'go Moala. do- 1 eeit.ril. oB.r a valnahla K.rm. al i, fir it I., .IIU.U uu mil. Susiu ... MUII burs, ouuialulus atMiat 100 Acre3, wLercun ara aroi, a HlliJB TWU-STOKr Stone Dwelling Htf'so, Now ' Itabk Us' t'D'llH