The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 16, 1880, Image 1

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    4 t,..toi rolu;nn. one ycir, 30.00
Uiie fonrth ooln?rin,ono TMf,
Professional and DmintH cur Is of
not mnrf than 5 line, por year,
Auditor, Executor, Aunuuisirawir
nml Assignee Notice,
vK..ridl noiiaci nor linn.
i All transient advertising 1et than
', ri milts, linn.
i All advertisement, for A shorter pe
rind than one year are payable at the
time wej hid""," i
the pcr'in oriioniiR mem win no iicm;
ctnonsihle for tho money.
"A Ringing Speech.
The Ilt of th Campiijn Forel
bljf Slated by a Southern
The following magnificent speech
kviu delivered by Hon. Samuel Mc
Ceo, of Kentucky, at Dowling Green
a that Stste, one eroding last inontli.
t in an admirable exposition of tlio
olitical issues of the campaign, ami
common JeJ to the earnest alten-
ion of our renders t
Fellow CttUent .-The next Pro
lent of the United Stttot will l i a
tepublican, not a Democrat. Why
Ha I sty ao " Hocanse the people
I . . . 1 . I I, : 1 i
pi till country ui wt t 1 ust.ioui.ii
Save not tost their souses or their
(nemorios yet. Tn a struggle of i
hioretbati twenty year with the ad-
koeatea of the miserauie n icirino oi i
State rights the great people of
Ibis couutry have grown stronger
knd stronger in the ono t i n that
this renubho ii a ottt on. In the
Vroat cooflict of arms and battle the
state rights heresy s butteti. In
he roar of crashing arms il was
trushod, and its a Irocatos compull 1
o surrender. Our people do not In-
Uod thitt what was lost on tho b it-
to field shall ever triu nph at the
i!lot boi, Thny inten I thtt thu
lupnblin, as a nation, shall live for-
tver. I nny are not ioois, an i no
ot intend now to k'vo it into con-
jrol uf that party wlnoli stood by au 1
iitained those who sought to do
it roy it- An tutolhgout an t a freo
Inople will never J jxart tho p irty
nd the pnneipli'n wiim pros irval
Ind kept their libcrnos and tbuir
lonutrv for thotu. 1 ho ho who have
lofen lcjl the home fro u tim uttacks
f burglars are bettor keepers of tlio
. 1
inse ana its iniurests ttinn tnoao
tho sought to rob and destroy it.
borofore, I say the p.-nplo of this
Liuutry will coulitiue iu power the
irty wuicu B tvoJ the cmntiy to
liem, Tho next l'i'esid"Ot of tho
oitdd Statos wiil bo n It iimlilic in,
ud his niuie ia Jit icet A. (i.iil'uld.
on Tear op pabtus sd p.usc.I'.'.ks
Tbis is a content uf parties mi 1
riooiples, u jt of luon. T.m leadors
:a hilt the reprndoiitalivus uf th
urties aud tlioir piineiiibis. The
publican p.'ixty damauds it 1 1 I ex
cts the people to sustain it. It ile
trvts Ibi-ii Biippoi t. uui wliy !" It
s a history oovciod ull over with
reutiiess, and gloat douds, and i
'tit say, great glory. It hegan its
lli'M llV A fi ill Hifdinut. utiLVHI'V
niprOHni ju and wroug. U is, un.l
m ttltviivd been, tho bold udvocste
p freudom of tUuii''iit, fim-Joui of
jteh, aud lb 3 su uo freedom of
tutu for every living li.uu ni ueiug
ho. i siavury h i I bilging 1 and e ns
I tho faiiost portiaus of our hmd,
I iiu ii it bad ieopirduo I the
Iuho of ilu udvocatus, the llepubli-
Iiu p u ty sprung iulo existjiice au I
tired to say, "lima f ir this cuise
isgouo, bit it shall g uo furtlier,''
lieu i!s advuentos kill, "Ufc
luiuund its further extension, and a
(Usui will bo mot by un establish-
out uf a guvoiuuiL'iit of our own,"
a clear, iiugiug, dubant peal, thu
publicau party auHwetetl. "ou
nil uot, aud can not ex loud this
ime. l.very foot ul soil is now
!e, aud under our dig, sh ill tuuiaiu
us forever.
Tbeu. when treason, with uplifted
kdJh, struck at the nation's lito. the
publican party, with a mighty
'ico, dared say : This nation shall
rs and slavery shall die !
Unfit nobly it has kept iU sacred
prd through long, weary years of
K at s cost of moneys, at bucii-
of the best blood of the land t
inch sacrifices as no people had
lor sustained mo ground treason,
iMlhoa and slavery into the dust.
tiling destroyed slavery, it made
do and freemen of more than four
illious of people who had been held
cuattles, bought and sold in their
rubles by . the slavemasters, who
l'3iok 1 ia human flesh and blood.
14 wickedly made gain, while they
fmed tee spirit in the souls oi
ir follow una. . Out this work
not stoo here. When it had
Me them free it dared say these
Wis shall be protected in alt tlie
ibt of men. It has made one cods
i one set of laws for alb t has
"U berever our broad ' bauner
fate, on every foot of soil of the
rublio, every human being shall
! the same rights, the same equal
"Uiction of the laws the same
mleges to servo Ood and bis
"utiy t and no poer under the
woiHUte risuts snail ciroam-
Fbe or limit tbess privileges. If
a attempt it, the mighty arm of
F nation stxetcbes forth it srreat
roog hand even to the most remote
4 secluded part of the land, and
f still narrow State laws, which
(1 teek to hold distiuotion between
i the citizens, airalnst whom
fo distinctions are made, and the
'"si coart in this lUpublio says;
Nation's laws are. aud must be,
ihtll bo supreme " The humb
1 citizen in auy part 'ot onr laud
1 Bow tba very highest couVt ol
"public to whjoli be c-iu carry
ei whan inatica la denied bim
' 'of tho UsiUd Sutes has said
1 U amsnd-nents ntude tu this
"htution ty tie BepUblioan par
J Uicl r-Tiosrncjr has ia
VOL. 18.
ery possible way sought to render
null and void, nro the anpreme law
or tlio land in every Slate in ibis
Union, and iu every part of every
The war stamped outtbi IJoa that
a Stuto h is rights snporlor to tho
nation. It established the doctrine
that there is but one ovoroiintv,
that the sovereignty of the nation,
and that this authority Is. snpromein
every part of the United Stales.
Shall wo now, when after ao long
a slrugglo and so many sacrifice
made to gain all thin, cowardly give
op octroi of the government iti t
the bunds of those who for twenty
years buve fought against tho suc
cess of this idea f Mil ill we plana
the control in tho hands of thoso
who did their mightiest to destroy
it t Shall wo put nrnn in power to
administer the very lawn which for
years they fought ngniust and do
nonnced aa
tninuHoua and wrong.
which they have over and over again
declared should not ManJ .one
moment if they bad the power?
7hoso, ft'llow-citizcnn. are the quua
lions which tho American people are
to answer at the polU iu Novo ulxir i
and 'when tho auswur couioi, it sh ill
bo ou the right side.
A 1.1. ITS PLEimF.9.
In twenty years it has nnvor mado
a pledtre or undertaken a moiisure,
and failod. Aud why ban it not fail
ed T lii'Miwo it w9 right. It was
right when it dure I defy and check
biiiuaii slavei y. It wn right whou
it met. armed treason with tho whole
armed power of tho (Jovcrnuiont I
It was right when it sent million of
men, gnKant soldiers, to cruah out
tho boHts of robelliou. It was right
alien it declined, we plodgo nil wo
Imvo of money mid of wealth, nud of
mull, aud v'o will iivo thorn all, rath
cr h:iii se this fniou destroyed It
.1,4 ail . rx t tMi a'aiiiiii.l 1 1 It
1 ' " ."" " V. "
(ho robelliou Klavury shall din nud
puss from our land forevor- It was
right when it said all men uuderonr
A.ig shall be frooiuen. It was light
when it said every freeman shall
have the same protection and the
snnin rights under tho laws. It was
right when it iniido provision to euro
for, at tho nation's expense, tho wi 1
ows aud Iho orphatis of soldiers who
perished of disease or iu battle, aud
the mail and aud wonndo i heruus
w ho survived tho fonifnl struggle
whii b gave victory to t lie great
urn o for which tlioirsol 1 er fought,
(t was right whou it said every doN
l ir it hna cost to pror.erve onr Union
our people will pay, nnd you have
b cu (he cause of all this great d. lit
-Ii ill ho'p to pay it. It was right
ivhon it gave na enrrrncy, n d dlar
.f ivhieh is adollir thn name in New
York, Kentucky and Texas. It was
right when it Slid wo intend that
every promise of ours to pay a dol
lar shall bo uiudvl good us gold, t
was right when it liol a tiiuo whou
these promi-ies should bo redeemed,
(t wsH rijrht when it said this would
revive onr prostrated industries, sot
in motion tba wheels of our manu
factories, iuitucustily inoreuwo onr
c uiiiuerce und tra lo, bring miilioiis
of money to our shores from abroad.
for products sent by us lo countries
boy Mid the bi ns give ouip'oyment
to our lubiring moil j clotho tho
deutitnto and givo unexampled pros
perity to our whole land ug iin. I
repeat it has keut all its promises
not one has failol. Its courso has
made us to-day the- grandest,
the strongest, tho most iutoligeut,
the best educated, the most pros
perous, the freest, and the happiest
as well as the proudest poople iu the
Wo bavo to-day mora pnblio im
provements i more, and more varied
manufacturing interests; nioro farms;
more farm ore ; more workshops ;
more cattle, and horses, and sheep,
and bogs ; mora wheat, and corn,
and tobacco more school-bouses
and school-children t more churches,
and more good Christitn people, and
more good lookiug womon aud chil
dren than any other land on which
the sun shines.
to briug all this about tbat we
should now turn to them and invito
thorn to take tho con troll of this
happy and great glorious people t
What great fact rises up in their
history in tweoty-fiva long years
tbat stand as a beuoon light to draw
this people to them, I - ask f Its
history is marked all over with
wrong and failure and false prophecy.
It sought to extend tho area of hu
man slavery, and failed. It sought
to perpetuate this course where it
existed, and failed. It struck at the
life of the nation, and tried to dis
member the Uuion. and failed. It
sought to tear down onr flag, but
the proud banner atill floats, and
even Uetnooiacy aro now made to
glory in its stars. In 1864 it de
clared tho war for the Union a fail
ure, but it was only their party and
cause tbat failed ' It suid you never
can by armsoouipel the people of
tho south to submit to the las j
but tbo last boary beaded . sinner
not only submits; has sobinited, but
ho throws np bis bat high in tbo air
und shouts himself boarao over the
naui,of llanoookt who with the
Uuiou soldiers. on ft 'hundred battle
fields, foiled back their rebel armies
and crushed them out of existence.
In 18U0 thoy said your reconstruct
ion aoU are frauds i your constitu
tions! amendments null and void,
aud wo will sweep them all away
. t the still stand, ai wil) ttand
ntit.I the end of time. Oar ro,,l''i;
i T i .i ! 1,1 y
......... iimi Tuii can never pay me no cohorts to rally at bis call i
tho nation a debt. I.nt we bate nirKal!ant an, brave legions alon,
tho money we want, and at a lower j whoso lines in battle to lido, and at
rate or interest than evor this conn- whoso pi e-once and word of clu e,
try Iris known. We have paid mora , they loap- d agaiust tlio adv incinj;
tbau four thousand in. li .ns of our hosts of tre ison. poure I d.nth an I
war debt, and have less than to destruction in their rank-, sent them
thousand millions to rmv. Tlmv , H. r...,. n, i .... i
snid your bon is would not bo worth
tho paper they are printed on, and
tho country can nnvor redeem thetu.
and to-day every Democrat who has
a hundred dollars extr.i m mev Is
".' " iiiMMi i-mirn n'lirloinin singing songs or prtMO
v.,.. inuTr unarm o mm. an, l
eg! io pny a premium or seven t,
ton per emit, to gee it. Th.-v aaid ,'
your paper cuirenay will bo worth.
less. It will onlv be so mnnv m. .
Hut theso roiM bavo irrown Imltcr
aud brighter nntil every rag it n.wi,mV .m l tho cnndi.i it. s rilut pir
more prized than tho shining i'oldl
an.l I silver it prominoH to pay.
In IHii thoy were so poor, and had
so often miserably failed, that, hop
ing lo becomo resnnrtubW. thv vot.
e.l for tbo groat and good Horace
(ireelev, their life 1 onir enemv. thus
seeking to gain power nnd iilace.
Uut in this they sadly failed' tn
they put up Samuel J. Tilden.
with a great cry of "Koforni." an 1
they promised to sweep tho ground
iroui un.ler our foot,
followed them again.
iney say. o di.i eioct Xil.len. nn 1
you Kepnhlioaiw slolo thn I'resi len- j ,!,; ,,,,,,,1,11,, , t,n n mglit to mat.
cy through au hleetoral Oo-nmission ' r(ll t tho highest pi ie in
( whicU by tbo way. they help ,d t. n, x.ti.n II n iia 1 no wealth of
setup). It was a fraud such as the f,mjv ( i.l ,i, . favors from
world bad never before known. In (10 (Jovernmeiit to ivo bim place in
the language of tho Sago of drainer- l,vhood : onn who. without In
ey I ark, -a crimn that the po .pl of H,,mit.ui friends, bv' the labor of his
this country nover will an 1 never !wn hands and his" own strong arms
can condone, I pushed him,elful . ng as a farm Ul.
And now, in this year IsS), wo;tvl., H C llm boat duver. a cu pnu
seotheui lot tho poor old fcllo.v (To. : ,.r , av... Iiih bttlo earnings that
I hoy let tho fraud go, nnd nro ready ,, mii.:tt 4 the n to e l icito his
to concede anything, nyo everything,
if only thoy can get Kepublioans to
it putel at homo nud uivo them
tho uext I'loHidout of tho Uuited
Dill my countrymon ! My Dem
ocratic) countryiiie'n ! Wh it a ron
ord is all this i What is there in i!
to outitle tho Douiocriitie p it ty oven
to a decent c uisijerati m in too
mill. Is of tlio American p.ioplo
llavo 1 overdrawn tin picturo 7
itnvo I sal. I ono word which history!
loos nut j.istiry niti in mi l sustain f
If I bavo I will ghdly uiiko tiio cor
rection. I don t want to d i the
Democratic party injustice. Tuoir
record is a fourful one w h.m only tho
truth is told II w awful w nil I
it look did 1 paint it to you in colors
ouly tho most slightly ovui' 1
Whilo I stand hero to-night, und
nstert that tho Kepublicu i party ha
kept nil its pie 1 res. r.i Kmum I all its
promises, and to it its en no and its
uourso have bonu an I nro right, 1
want to in iliooiio other i in
In twenly-five long yours of oui
past history tho Democratic part,'
nay not prolTorod one siugln pnuci
plo that tho peopln uf this cuuntr;
linvo ucceptod or al iptud- Tho
bavo not, as a party, deelartid in f.iv
or of nsinglo meas iru that lias nt
boon u failure ; uot ono that has no
beou ivpj lintod. Almost every
thing tliev have u.lvocatod the
themselves to-day have openly
abandoned or nro utibuuijd of.
Aghiii I sav, I do but want to bo
unjust to iho Democratic parly. If
auy '.iinocrat within tho sound of
my voice can tia no ouo priuciple,
one uioaiuru or ono i lea tiny h ivo
originated uud advocated, which the
people have accepted, I pause now
to bear bim name it out,
And with this reoord of wrong ;
this barruuuoss of ideas of right ;
this failure in all their plana, their
impudence bus no parallel, except
that of the great arch lioud, tho
Devil, whon, standing on a mountuiu
overlooking all tho kingdoms of the
earth, be said to tbo Saviour of
msukind, ''All those will 1 give to
thee if ouly thou wilt fall down and
worship me," whou he had not ouo
single thiug in the wholo wide world
under his controllti give. V'arties
must stand or fall by their records,
just as individuals stand or full by
theirs. This is what the people
look to. This is what will guide
and direot thorn, aud with tho re
cords of tho two parties before a
great, intelligent aud liberty-loving
people, thoy will not fail in Novem
ber next to select tho represeuta-
tive of tho party whose record
stand as does that of tho Republi
can party to-day.
I am not here to make attacks on
tbo Democratic candidates,- I am
quite auro 1 am glad that tho head
of tbo ticket was a gallant Uuion
soldier. I will not bo the man to
rob biin of a single one of the lau
rels be so nobly gained, and so gal
lantly won in battle aud iu boating
the life out of the Democratic robell
iou. I only ask tbat tho Democrats
who are now so ready to vute for
this Union soldier, uud so ready to
praise bim, no cease to denounce
tho men and tho party who fought
with bim and sustained biin ou the
fiercest bittla fluids of tho lUpublio
men who, with biiu. upheld this
this great oa'jue iu whioh bo gained
all bis fame. When you stand by
bim and glory iu bis duels, you
iustify our cause, our acts and - our
Without tho Republican pirty
standing by him and the great oause
iu wuioti bo . fought, in tho four
o&rs of twiibl wax, Jlnaoook
would have had no soldiers to load ;
DO Rr,n.v l" mM0h nt com mod i
lory to the cuiso uf frjo lorn and tb
N i ion.
It is a goo 1 1'iin t!i it al tast yon
Ihimoerats crnno up to 1 1 1 i - tint'
you tflorv is our dooN, nn 1 n nv
f .1
; (im vietori. s wo acliievo 1 over
a wn achieve I over von
j tho lion iriu of tu.) iu ;n w'.u lo I
im to vietoi v.
And now" that v m iu-tifv our ne'-
Ln.l i. . i.
1 n.....i r. i .i...
i vioi .hum. ovr whioh you now
, ir ,.:, ii',.. ... .i .
thin, I fiar tipire is not tunc i sincer
ity and but iitllo boniMty iu
shonta mi l your profoasi uis.
y Jiir
)i you want a soldier f Tho Ko
publican party gives you out", wiio,
it is true, wis not trained from bis
infancy at tho ex per. so uf tho I'nietd
Stn',e in her military schools one
who Ini l no roval ron ui vmi him lv
nni Miiuroi0,PrH, l,,,t who went up tint palh
Oii ! ves ; but ,,iv which is better thin rivilty.
.... I ,ui
j tl) j tl.l. Was not too proud to swo.i
ol1t t.tto Ii iIIh iiti. rooms au I bail 1
the tires in Iho school hoiiso t piyj
for his tuition i who en. hue, I ul. j
sorts of privations that bo might
gain laiowlol ,'u. I'll) no'oihty ofj
this republic is th it wliwli mi'. us it i
s.if liy tho work nf tho liaudi, the'
cultivation of too iniii-l an I the.
honesty uf the heart. Th iols l id !;
iu this count ry it is no ili-giMen to!
work and labor, dames A. (iaili.'l.l
; by toil an I work made 1 1 i i u f a ;
I in iu, Whiaithowarfor the l'u m
' ' 'ill. into it. ifo bel mged
Aith him nn i Inn tuavo inn,.,
Hout a Htorm of lire und iron lea b n
hail ngaiiiHt thn vii-tonoua and ml
v incing iiokIs uf lbagg, lull to 1 thmu
in thoir ui ul caiour, uud our army
wan tuvod, lnt 1 nun l not rooount
hiidi', llo was brave, (,'all,int
and eniiio'ia and faithful, uud nil
that aHoldiur uuo.1 bo. Ho was nil
that ouo could bu. Hut ho in morn
than n soldier for morn than six
toon years ho has boon sunt yoar af
li.r vitur hv Llin oomiln with whom lut
grew up as a boy aud a man. ii8:mn-t a lvmiliigiioiisly ilinpl.iyul.
tbuir roproHontativu to tho ('ongrnHs
of the Uuitod .Statos. Tholu bis
c! mrso has h.'.in tha i no as in all
his life il r-ing hiuhor and biglmr.
nnlil ho liecaiiia tha ackuowlo l'ud
loador of bis n.irtv in tho llouio. !
Kiicoguizing bis grout luoriU, tho
Republican party ol tho great Statu
of Ohio last yoar oloctod him a Seua
tur of the Uuitod btutoa, tho high-
oHt pi mo a oitizjn in this country
can attain, except ono, that higher
place ou tuo -d of next rnovoiutior
the people of our country intend to
givo bim by their votes at tho ballot-box
that is, thoy iuteud to miiku
h'm I'rusidont of tho United Statos,
Of course, be will bo nttackod
and slandorod j but no man who
knows Jaiuos A. Ourfiol 1 will quos
tion bis honesty, his honor, or bis
integrity. At homo a abroad, in
private and in public, he is a guntlu
man I ouo you only need know to
admire, lie, bimsolf, knows what
work and labor mean t nn 1 he is tho
the friend of the laboring man.
Scholarly, jjreat and loaruod us bu
has uiade himself, the humblest
mau in tbo land c m approach Li u
with the ussurauoo that he will bi
mot with a kind heart. Iiu U a
statesman with broid and
views t and, auovo all tueie, be is a
Ohiristiau. Under bis control our
country will go un in her career of
great-iof s and prosperity. Then why
shall we uot elect bim f Oh, say
our oppjuents, "we waut a ohango. ''
No doubt you Dout ocrata do want a
ohftuge. But what do you want a
change fort Dj you propose to un
do what has been done in teuty
years t I'o you propone to restore
human slavery t Ou you propose t i
repeal 'thn constitutional aoioud-
ineuts T i'o you propone to repu
date th National debt? Dj job
pronoun to riloro Iho old "wild
cat" banks nnd piper money wn h 1 1
before Iho war f lo you propone lo
repeiil the laws which bavo provi led
that the United States shall led
its obligations in coin t ll.i yoil pio.
ivise lo reasn lo lav taxes to pay uli'
tho delil culso I by the war I li t yo i
propose to ii'iolisli p nsions lo wid
wa and orph itis au I wounded h ,1
lirrs f the Union ? I 'aro you pro
pose any nnil nil of thriii thin;", und
.n November in'Tt, von will not Ii ive
eft yon croiin I ruouh ou w hu'li
thutiusofit Democrat's feet e in' I
to-ie'i in urn- Nirllvrn 'tito in Inn
Union, If yon don't prop is then
changes, w'l i sort of a 'hin,o do
von wint. T onliavo josliliel onr
lets You di'cla'e tho jss.ies of the
war an I all t'l it, trio v o it ot it as
ieltl.i l and ende 1. You praisn a
o'dier who ni lo I in be itm ; you in
to suiiinissioii urn whom in ilu-
uot gonn by von I - ! i ; t t I to
ill n hireling of .Vlirih inl I i 1 1 v . 1 1 i .
I'cirn l '!i ii!i iiU'i y ul are retly t i
vote as a su-'C'ssor to Abraham Liu-,
c iln, wh i iu ti i no is tiio griMte-l in
our c itintry's histiry, nn I wIumk,
ti.iniii and memory will never perish
whilo the world et lures. Then 1
what cli'tugn is it tint you favor.',
What ch:i'i.;n is it you writ I Win'
urn jou longing for 1 I think I ,
know what it is. You are a hun
gry mil thirs:y lot. You II 170 fed
on leeks, and gar'.mgo, n" 1 bitter
herbs for I won ty long yens. Yoa
sigh as .Ii I lh ) Uri'ilit m of ol I, f ir '
tlio ilesh pots of I'.gypt. Iu a word,
you w int tlio oi'.i.M Thii is 1 1 .
eli m go tho I Li n km-icy i'l i n irs for. j
Well, we can in mage that for so no
tun.) to conic, nt, least. S e in n n it
in I u'iv of ine'i in onr pntyti till
them nil. nn 1 I it wi h er ii'.
too. hell Wn l lltl out of lll lt.'llll
you can drop in. Hut, inv countr
nen. long li-f iri that limn cones
till) ll.ltll.ll'l':!' IC Itll-tV lilt 1m llc;L,l
!an 1 bui m I so dn.'p' tli at it wiil In
heard of no morn forever. .1 ii 1 1-
is eternal. Ti nt Ii never dies, iiitn
lid Ii Oil of (ill. (lo I wi!is dial
Iho right triumph. It I'll Iriuinpo
e l g.aur illy iu our Ian I tri'imp i
c I nv 'f the f il" t, wr in ' ever tit .
tc'iit.. 1 in t ho civil..-. I woill, tli. i
nt t' nipt nf t !in I )t in nni! I in pirt to
lest i .i" ' ho 0 olllli-lt a id lltl-.t I i IV
crnoi ii.t ever H. t up liy niiin. Their
"ll'ort, pcritlmtl, li'iMOMii jii.ticn.
truth an 1 ri ;'it wvr.i n;iiiat. tain.
I'll I in n I i ll'l 'f ll'n miseraUle
.1 id mien whi'i i prompt ..1 In it. u-
I i.'lc on our i'.iiou i,i-.! p uiih. n i I
with their dtMili uiut nn I will tin
tlio i Miiocrat ie party.
Wo h ive right on our hM,, Iruf'u
hi onr hi I... ii'n cu our ni I 1
, ...- it .i.i.
it o iii I li) w ii an a Hewn i-i I an 1 1 1 it
.aa .I ' ll' to oni' pnii;'!.'
V th it wn
: lorn un I
.11 J .,!, . 1 . 1 . . I IliMCU. U 1
it'.Mity t i all. uud in N'o.e nh. r nel
our t wiiiily yc iia of c nit nini I mil
ii'iiiroki'ii s ici'iMrt wil1 lie ciowiH' l
vith Mich a i 'toiy in will l.i iiig ul!
ho iir.i ng lin-it ut in i iiin, with nil
l.ii-ir b hext hopes of power, but
great gam lo our wholo nopli! mill
prosperity, un 1 h ippniein to every
ll t. nf tlio nation
I'lieii will liny Luow their raun
ia tinally den I ; and when I hey linvo
u i longer h ipe, licci i'.o tho niigiity
voico of tho piiopln will bavo nni I
tho light hIihII Htand, tho limn icrat
ic party will becomo bapi'int un I
hotter oitiz 'im.
Hints Ahaul rtJ.vurs.
Tlio nrt of nrrnnning bo pii'ti in
very iimpl. Hiving eoll.'ciul tho
Hower-to ho h-h. mi n ti iy, a'l thn
Niipi.rll'M'H Inivtn hIi did Inl htl'tppti'l
friiiii tho t-tHin-1, and hy placing tli.'
Ilowci'it Ki'I'i liy hi i, vmi can easily
Hie the order IU which lle'V C HI h
vorv prt't'y hand lnipiot can In
ula la by lukinit n hum 11, n r.i 1 1: li t ntlrk
ii..t over a inrti-r ul au inch in tie
ani'tcr, tio a Hiring over tho tip ol ll,
an I b
iiiu by t'l-ten (ig on a few
nn ouu very lian. Is nil ) one,
II ''
lor a coiiifti piniio, winding thn string
attiiiit feh stem as you nd J the fljtv
era and lcavea lo ill ' ! i"t. Al
w.iya phii'o tho flowers with tho
rtlinrlost ult'uis nt tip) top, prohcrv
ing tlm hmg Htoui! f ir Hie b!e, and
linisli off the b '"'plot with a Iriujo
of flnoly cut I'uli itfo. Tlum cut nil
the -terns fvouly, wi'an damp o.itton
a ound them, an I Oliver b"n with
paper cut in a very pretty hum b-
H'ltn. in iiiamng KJ iipi' is tram Rir-
bin ll iwers. Biicli as are lunst rusy to
lirocuro, tin' fl iwrrs fn be nrrang
nd flatty, and back-ground luu'Je
from ipruys nf evoraroon.
Ii Milton Spner, of Huntingdon,
known as ono of the most rapacious
salary grabbers in the State, baa
benn noiniiialod for Cougross in Ihe
XVIIIth district, comiohol of the
counties of Franklin, Fulton, Juni
ata, Huntingdon, Snydor uud Terry.
Spoor is the same man who tried to
play chairman of the Democratic
state committee a few years ago and
made a ridiculous failure, boon af
ter bis famous salary grub bo bo
came so odious in bis own party
that he was hooted out of tho Dem
ocratic stnta convontiou at Wilkos
barre, which was then trying to wear
the garb of honesty by way of ex
n rim an r. lie will be defeated by
Sir Fiahor, a gooJ Republican, also
o; Uuutiugdou.
Puraoorats in all parts of the
country aro flocking to tho support
'of Oarfiold and Arthur.
Hi, 1880. NO. II
Poo t I .V
M t M U H r .
nv Jams a caiiiiio.h,
Tis l. iirin nlchl
nrllilty town
llm rlHTK I.i.k
I'i,i.i in- . ih. .I.oliifl in bor r.ilio nf
1 rulij nf
mo my
'i: aii I I i
1 i lirflo islfimi ii itm in, 1 1
I VN b it'll Hives its c'lfirr l mi I ii
I Ana n n-iiS nii.'.'l,.4
ll"l Hv0l'l V-
'II I l.'l I . ti ll!y ir,
V'i Ii-.t :i
i'ivh r.- Il t;l.
; " 1 1 ,i r, r. i ,i,',,'iv i, I, ,,t,.r ,lll(
ii- I-In-it.. ..., , ,.;.r ,, fl, i
i un i'o . .leu n' iiil,ij. .,., !,,,,.
'I r l . ..t, .,
I: lii-. ui fi;l-i. c!i.'
I ml
nn 1
iiu :-ii 1 1 ? I i.v il
'i I n it niin'iii
ni'-isrnlnl c;'Tr.n
iiiii'ItiI iinl..i4 me
la lit- it 'ii'ii mvii i . pj, ,., j! ,
i'i it-(-v
j I in
o i.
I'm .Iri-imv li.-'il ot itinini
l I l I'l-l.T.' I j IV I TPlin .if HIIlT
t'im ll s jit-ti: Iv r-1. i i ti In!;. I ... I.
I'll-. i'l'.itl4 will. . .t . ., ,.f i,,. ,,,.r,
l.vs ;
a I
I l-l.l
ill t It ll
' II .1.' If li.. Il l 0 I .., . i,u
I I'll,
U In-r.-'i r niir li..iiiir-i f ill
iipni til.)
VUvy fi il ntrc mIh' iiijf ii... fr en mil
.I i-i
Of !- "" loii'. "ili'iil voir, r. em I
Man I.
V i -t I lev hi l...f jr.. Id I ri m l.ll'i
ilff -iv.. I ilimr ul i niilini in v , .ee U- - -h
Tilt' hi' tri'114 llltl 'i Ml ii'iivi" tlill Un
in.' Ini'ij
Willi i' mi I. nf T iri.iiM Iiiii' ; ? iino . rk
nn I null,
ftuivii ii '. I soi r v.f i. lli i,' j.jiilii i.
nil ill
I'i .ui i Ii.. -un iv. ,i t v.i it 1 in I Ii -Itv ;
Hill T.ltil llu .till). Ihl llil I lm illritny
IVlnl ,. t, l In.
Willi ,; ,,1 n
fill. ii.; "uivv t!ifir
in ilia; i Hi
I I Mi.ll-t' 11 )ell'
III 'il' lii I-
...t . i ill i
I j. .n i Ii . li ny, ry iix-'v ls un I
-i in
11 li'.l' ll:l I nv nl' ll'l 'III'i'I h I
iV li. ll I I ml. ! I. 1 1 1 i .. . I Iiu
I t I'V.'IIIU - 'iM !.- ',,l!-i
lir ill,
i. .1 -Hi. .
mi I lit
I I- .'in I a v i;.' itT ... i Ut tea -v yt'iit
I V I I it I ii .1 -I v..'.. .. ui ni ..I y ' lull t
W .l.'l" fitl'l ii ail 1 ii in .l.r i ir, I.. i in
ii I ' K'ui'i ry iti
il 'i t n- t iitilivi'in
I 'in-.
1 WI,.-
i-.. v ike l!in rirti-rt.ii.i.'iilii'i'c I h iiiii N i
r. i. t, It
I',, i Hi.' i -il' in c'nl I ,
A i t -. ui liii'iii ( iiioiioi',
i-i I f irty i,i. .rn ;
.ii.iu i Hi j nil i iii(
ii , I
.V I'
I my
.i! Ill
ni i' r
i I
in in in -I
rin- p n li i f y.nilli
! III IIIV It Vlil.
will It ll.MVII llittlll)!)t
! V ii I ...i iii It. ink ,.f ni my
I - i n .tie .i n , ... ! iviin ,
i li'..i,
i'. i 1 ul.y-,
i l, i I-1 ul
v . inn a
in n a I'll in I -nn .Iui'.m for tlid
i A'"' '"'i
lovvirl t!i
Aiiii.i !
111.' Ilt l,
n 1 I.,' i
ill lilit mi l liu cutiiliiui' iui I
L 1 "II,
ll.l: III.' ( I' ll li- I til
i,ui.i.'ny bcliuois.
A III I I tNo'.i'-l I ,'(.'-t
At Iho lot iit New York S(-.lo
Sun. lav School (!oiiven' ion.
lul l ni this city, i:, v. Dr. Unfit! W
(Hull; pri si'iile.l, ill an n MrosH w liicli
was piilili.-ln'il in Iho J.infiinf .liinn
7 ll . .1 pi I'I I'll' H.'C.liillg fill Is tl
pi int Snn lay Schools ovi-r the
Wholo Wnl I I. Ill vit'W of till' llllll -
vi lous ejtowth of thin institution Iho
pant eeiitiiiy, having flout U'liclt
liaikes' niinill I'l'i'.iniiiiig iu 17N:t.
leaclied ll IIX'UI It.'i'.-ll i p ill tll.'Hti
l ulled St. it i S liloiio of over HeV'.m
uiillit.'iis and thico bun (red tlmm-
. land, in viow of what has beou tu;
! i'i 1 . 1 1 :
iv un ihihIh ' l witu thorough organi
zation by thn various Women's
ll iirds of Foreign MiHioiis iu tho
last ton yours, their aggregate un
ijiiil iiicomo being now ticirly half
a million of dollars, mi l iu viow of
what has been douu within i-itocu
years by tho foreign S tu lay School
Association, iu piloting Snnliy
Schools iu (ioruiany, France, Sp un,
Italy, Hungary, liim.ia, .Mexico,
South America. .I.ipnu, and ('hina.
Or, Clark urgucd that the timn bad
oomu for tho Sunday School to
uitilfo a grand udvauci movement,
and ort'iinuo to lnisti funds to es
tabliMli Sunday Schools over tho
world. Tbo Foreign Sunday School
Association, in tho pros juti ni of
its work, bua nnxor expomlotl more
than four thousand dollars a year,
nnd they to i d ,u iiciou ly no any
amount placed in their bands.
I'lirough their thirty secretaries,
who moot weekly and concHpund
in the lionurtii, 1'ioncii, Italian.
Spntiislt nud other language, with
foreign mitioiis, lUey Hio liiunliar
with the wide and promising tiulda
that tiro opeu for thoir work.
W till a eonti ihuuou of one cent a
hear fiom each lumubor of the Hun-
.lav School iu our laud tho Associn-
lion would have an auuuil incomo ..fl
j.,,,.,,, ii':.i. . . ..,,..i, I
thoy would reciovo tbrcu mid a half
million dollars a l-ar. Since the
.l..livai nf lir (llni'k'a tx l.lieud l,n
itoitveiy oi it. iiaik s a itiiess mo
AhsociiiIioii liavu adopt.e4 this plan, Imnt.. isn Tr nn.i, hn iu.'t lnv-.ti
. , , r 1 l . lit io 'ni l oltiu.. ol tup ii. ruy. an.l.
ami have prepared liesitliful buses ,.tii nUil,r..u- ,ivnii.-. n.i t nu i u
with gilt letteiiug, to bu huug up in n'1' "fuiuir ma maouiiX k u u ira.
the Sunday School room to receive' it i,'rtln.i.ii hy ttini..iiMiMtinit'ja. ja
tnnli-.l.iilinna (liilli.i of I.., ; llit ovar ona-h .11 "I iha Uy ul Ui -In l'r..f
eontt ibitiions. ui) ino lop oi , mo ln lh, I itlr. i in.r.uii unoiiA.ii
box ore Uio words, Thn litldia thn ov i iwkiis h kkpiks. tkw s.ia.
world ' On one side tho id-j-.cls of WttftS ' K ttn.
tha Aasmiiatiou are cloarlv stated, f ' i'lf K T "".l ' ' ti Wl.iolr.'ii.
On anothor .id.), the as fol-
lows i "Will each nisnibvr of this'
Suuuaj oouool put ono ooui a joar
T11K lOHTr
Published every Tbursdav Evening '
Texmi of Subscription,
slilo vitlon six niontlis, or i'.oOifin't
paid within the yrnr. No tin per di
coiitiiiiieil until all nrfenrsucs srS
paid unlcKs ut Iho option of tho pub
lisher. riiil seriitions miUitlo of llio county
f'TVlruiis lining and using pnpers
Mre.'iei ,n nth ts lieconir sulwcritMirs
ind me liaMo forlhc price oftliPpnpir
inl i Ibis box. forth) Foreign Sunday
Snhool As e.iution, to establish
v'mi la v Schools nil over the wtllld.''
I'bis p'nn cerliiinlv Ins onr cordial
eli Jormiuient, nnd wo bopn tbme
i.ll In. n hor placed in every Sunday
School in the laud, nnd that even
inoie Ihan a c tit a yrar may bo
cuutnliirp I. Itli state! on tho
lux II a' cintriliu'iiina slioul 1 lm
sent t i ( II. Davenp rt, Tioisurr,
17 llituiiiie hin t t. New Yoil;, ur tr
Allieit WoodinT. the Mi)
-'ta'e street. I'.r i-.!;lvn, N. Y. ISoxes
can be nlil lined of tlicu gratuitous
I. !'i niy I,' ! t j . ff
. O
f r i r t.-" I'm . I I ; i ii i. woli n ' nn
II I I . n ' ! .1 "f.ll.T . .4 II I II- .
Buclieyo Force Pump,
I i Hni'1 1-,,. i. o n .,r lni.ii I lui.r.iTri.irtil
I -
I It' I
ii mr- i.,iiiI.t4
a'0 . ll'.-.-i'u
mi. .i I Hull r i-n
'nil.l'.i.r .'. !.. of Srr,
ilniil. ii mi I r,1. Wul
W $ H ii.
ii I iiti
"Vrrr-i Ir y.-nr ...Vh .r !iHeB At no aior cml
lliMtl sVi III lltlitl 1'J-',., Il
Cannot Freoza
Ill .1.1 w..i
li. vnn.l ll il llll.l.
v. r. ! I
i.i' ! ,:li r
1 1". lino I .
mi 1 1 al
I ii. -..n. m,;
It t'U'i. r
f IIHI'l .
Hi! ID .! CHjr litiul It
Iron Turl)ir;c Wind Engine
.' ! .. - ..-iPi,l . Wi... ,.tna,
. I t . I .
'i. i.litr
i I lri
iii, hi .....r.itiiiti,ir l.r
V. , Ml M TliV.
II -I. I" 1 T -l . f.
I. -
..Milt), '.
Iyer !
The Genuine
c c wiil,? r,Xn clime.
'int". p
"liar ilciii'itid f,;r Mi.
it i:risi
ilV'iei: in In:. t.-..r.l,..l
..I ii '
. 1 . 1 1 i
.I it.iy ..r '. I ... v-lr
.lit ui y lit w 1 . '.'I-, ii.i
I 'i"!i s llm niiri. f
" I Hull i .la" M ...
'' '" ' !l In w
" : . i .-: . t. i n..
i. i .i
I. 1 ...
1 i.ij
ot .-r
y I'rnvliiui jvm.
Our ..( irrrn II 0 f,in ( f nrif
I III. I s-i.f.iK .It-- .In -.lir r bu-1.
lir ' I I y I i I.;.. ' i ' '
I III. "lll.ll lir.l.t Mil," sl.J.tKU
.. ,Mlr,,lt, now n
! Mi 1. 1 no . i.-r c..r -in,.:;- I. "
.Inii" a . I" Acnt fir sr,i,!,.r iwuniy.
:'"d mi'!)i.i;..h.:i:d:
il l v ni I.. r"-l .r t., -in vrl
' i I .'ii .n. n 'rl y i.l win ,:,.t
l.'l In .iU' 1 H ivoI'MIV ,.
V. !: I A.s, . u l3ii-:ur, N. Vi
tl i. I'll. IK .1,
inly V'.'.'i. i.i y.
Ii!i!)cri;i! Tnia
ii win! y..- n
i Hit n.' i
Thn K-fit
I Itllljllil-'t
''UK, X. V
t'ifi'in if
:rnt .1,
mi, Hi), jy
. I. I V. i'i
V7 fiTVTn 'i.'ii-. xov.,i.
ii.- - iti nn . iri-i in i nn i . nnl i-iinn-
ift- it. i ...I. t .. I . 1 1 1 I.i. .V I ll I . I ill ii irt.
" "'i I U .iiiil'ici icor., Iljirltu MiirliKit, .MKIi
lull ilt. yi iv.
i fr rtiui.v itri.if;.
.1.1 iiiilnir.', .'nyili-r itiiiiity,
July .'J.'M'.i'tii.
i lin :K
A v.'KI'.K In ynur "-rn i iwn. f
I'lll In o rl'k. U i liT. II tvml m l.'i.lne! fit w.iI.mi
,,..r...n. ,, ,.ii,-r i-.i', intk.t
u r. .iti ,..i y :t . I l do 1 1 i.i ii i .i v irk. wrllt. I .r ;
tl nl. M lil II, ll 1. 1.1. II M'll., fiirllHn.l.
Iiiti :t. '
IlirtT'' "rt i.yil.ivi.v
11 '11 1 I TM rilr. In
lltnu .tn I m 1 runt ih.,. i
,.AftAjmru 'iy .eli'T nn oh. iulir-
Iiik or li. ..... ri,..ii''0. I re tlinniit -liliipoil ..i
Mi V 1'iirt nl Mil I '. s. or '..r t I t. fr'nil p irllo
ul trii Iron. .V'l lrr-.. II. S, "ii-p .s ,i- v,
1 1 .iiiili. l.i. ) Horn. -u n rloi, .MlcU.
.lulj ;-,'
i3 tho Acknowledged
Superior of all Grain
& Grass Cutting
This Mnchino has been fully endors
ed by tho nil. st Hxpert Aolboris
ity, after M.ft TboroitgU
tents, ni to its Capacity
nnd Kxor-utioii, ns tho nu fit
Wondtiiful .Machine ever invented.
Kmrmtr, no lrinnitaiM Ita.ioll
Toa tmy l;nier or M.nrer uatll voa btv air-
'"" T' eiumpiui. r
ber o( on of tln H nrhlnoi In juur l Iti'-,
I tlo not Ull lit imln It lii'.rouiihlji. :u
. I.l.blnen nt )rn, lt Murvali'tn Muvtmant,
III slmvllolly. mi l In Antmsslio A.ljnlmenl
lo t rj imu.l.ilou . I lm nol.l, .'n noi 111 l
,,,,) ,t JV,P al) ,ir, VmT, . wlll ,
J, a. lii.MISal A ?l, rr.nlvil,
, M llo lif Ut TaT,,B Ag,nlt
jai,'.i i Et-Liv, Uwbisvsx
n. ...... i
I ' ...!' ' 1
Le '
. .1.
""41 '