The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 09, 1880, Image 1

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    iiilf, column. era j-r,
nirtli comnm, iMiu j ,
..IM liiutjll InlnrLim.
'.. ., l.lifinnxl insertion.
:: .1 ami IVlMIlM Card of
'.. .,.,.ri than 5 linos, per year, 6.00
I. top 1 1 tor. Miiiiuunumui
Asaiirnoo Notice, 2.50
notices per lino. 15
II iininneiit advertising; less thnn
II hilvcrtiKCiiloni lor n nrmrinr pe
I than otic year sre payable at llif
. ti.ov rrt ordered, ftiul it not nnid
person ordering them will oe held;
happy J! of ohlMliool,
Wbsn 'l ;S hflgbl to 1 flr,
it .prklin, ;, ant ro ohek,
Tba wtTtiiC. loy blr,
ben lift t'ri drram appears,
All Inyoim. np,)y, bright, .
I od ithrrit r ! ylcl.l on (harm,
And 'l ibini ft? delight.
fhe Rnl.trS daya of ohil Ih0r I,
How quirk ly goia ara (bay i
B.iks p'!n( cIjh It In aainmar lima,
Tint awini r"i I
fl.lks prirly ' drnpi oa tin (lowers.
Tin) 1 "u".
Ia tfr-cbnf oing eolora bright,
Thro vanish ami ara fan .'
Th sunny dya of chlMbnot,
Tb simply Jya ara jial t
And, lik tbt r'!y summer flower,
Too frill lad fair ti tit
Vet mf mory. aver In delight,
Turin ta lhos hippy hour,
Yhta ikira abo?a wrre always, bright,
Tbt pathway Urcwn with flowers.
Tb Jnym day. of ctill lliooo 1,
Mcthlnki I Ibem no ;
I The trumlnK ind the loving mile.
The iofily aha led brow.
The buiimliug fep, ibo nvrry voice.
Tbejoyoii bsart r.optk
labile roaming 'mil ibe flagrant floweis
The butlrrlly to terk.
I The merry hf-a-a of ehi'.Jvool
Is ever drr to in.
I The 'ilTpry roica I lave lo heir,
The fair, rniin I firm It eco i
I Aa I Kufl, il.rk ryra, as mlnn Iboy meet
Jo raiitnt betnty thine,
Fsinl emblems of lb a ml wlikln
The epirit h ilf diTine,
Aui yi bow ofl aach fl jtreri fi !e
An I ihl low pie'h hy
The ohniiki grow ooIJ, t!io ejen grjw
And low the form di'li lin
WbiU lli pooir Hnirit '.-k the worlj
Of liliiii onei nbuT-tt
I An! jjiu Ihcm ih Ihrl- brv of gi'd
III mtif of pro!,, an J ,r,
mu tlin Jnn'Aifl Tnlo'i".
A f lira J of oiirg Tia mt1 t'm poo :i b
friuj i MiM ti nan: ty U'e, w'lich
j ibo wy giiU la t'jt rcioo go for
!iful yo.i'x "I'm ud bar tiicy prire
? jn-nr p.-iilog4. blftri Loir:
hjt'u to In it rciioiivo to
Sr isr Losi!oi, Mim.n Co..
f'ifir rjunrd
I i:i wrilo (o yon, tnv .ljr,
K lri in i ua J i:j in, 1 mitii) ,'
And U.ipj jr hi will nil C4i,
J; J ir i iii i ii iM v.irl uiiiiii J
1 n lint your I jnlrt-d ij,
Ail I I li'ij li y 1 n jir.ivf,
T.itl luip ar (tirl iii Jin,
iirim i uiiu,) t K I vii j :.iiuo ;
I am just tlio di'iiroi! n'.f,
l;lirl uiiitrt .' KUirl :ain !
I'a l.O' mi's for o r i-r i,.tf,
KJ.ri iiiion ! KlmrJ .'
1 j is' kno I !,
AuJ I liopu you tbiok j Ijj,
1 040, pniuiie in be mi",
Ki viri miu.i J IM v4i I miiio .'
Tbl U leap yar in I 1 know It
Edward miod ! JM rl jiino !
Now lo you toy 1 I iIumw It
iwird lain hdwird oiiue I
No .' I b jpe you wou'i refute,
Oh, no inloed I cun't eiome
Tli 'a la trap- yeir, aa l I cboona
Kdwari loiaa ! Elart uiiaof
' Tbla my lova ia my proposal.
KJrJ miaa I Elird uiiuo I
1 ng now at your UUpoiil
Edward mio I Edward inlua
Ob you will hearken unto tbla '
And afford ma untold blUa
Uy jour answer wblob la Vie,
Edward aim I Edward uiluol
Tbo' I'm famed aa beiog pretty
Edward mine ! Edward mine I
And I'm noted beiog witty,
Edward uilue I Edward mine .'
Yet I tbiuk ao much of you,
No maat-axa em out In two
All the lore I bald for you,
Edward mine I Edward tnlue J
"Ob I oarer aball forget,"
Slward miua J Edward tulua I
The night that wa flrat met,
Edward mine I Edward miua I
Ob bow bippy you did appear
That, put by, your modest fear,
Oh I tor? making you my dear
Edward mine? Edward mine1'
VOL. 18.
IST0. 10
miia .jlot. ........
PtiliH.-iliivl ever Thur.'1jiv ETfltiinjr,
JEnEMIAn cnoUOE, PropV
Tcrnii of R,i1)oriition,
TWd noi.t, a in vv.n AMrf. ry.
nl !o vitliiti s i T niiiiithsi. or $'..0ifnol
'i:iiu tb. Jitt pnir dit
m , t i 1 1 1 i . 1 until nil nrx 'lrnirca ar4
1 miV nl tl 1 0 i'1'lioii of tlio ()ul
li"' it r r,i,!'i!!i(.-,iilf) of tlio coantt
I' W ;u IV AI'VAM.'K.
THE BLOODY BENDERS. enrrroa in o'u.linjr ns long. TLo
' ol 1 trai mi 1 bis wifi ntul Kato hpt
I Sltil Hc .SliA Hi JfJncil to nndiT arn-Bt in Iokb llinn nn lim.r
Tbo Cliicno 2V;(.'. publishpa tbo
following litltor from i)wiTO, Ktn
nits, 1"cril)iii tbfl nlL'jro I killiu of
tho Il.Miilern, ninl written by one
whrt cUiniH to bavo onsinloJ at tbo
work of voii;riioH :
''Tbnro in no djulit U.nt Hie Hon
.li ra nro 1. ri 1, Tboy arc fully
Uni. an. I t'uoit' hoiua nro wbitcnpil
by tbo prrx'ciHcs of nnt'iro ero tbi
I Nucnk tbna ili'iively liccai-o I
know aboroof I Hjio.ik. It is not
piiftoiu.-try for ono to boitst of act of
la'i"(acs'. nn.l it id not in tlmt
opiiit that I ont'-r upon tho roeilal
of tbo lat cbuplcr of t'u Moo ly
oiroor of t!io brnriili Hon 1t. I
m pin lent r-moli. t ., i wwn t
bo.lijo tnynulf tinst p.itibli nnnoy
inci. an. I 1ml T nt riT.'ivol
your solemn Hqmrfln.w t'nt yon j
would uot ilivnld my na:;n', iIimi
not iinhk.jiv I fibo'tM bivo l.'lt ll
Jobn, jr., wits moro fotlun.ito lh:in
tbo otbt-r m-ml)era of tbo tribo, for
bo conlrin? to ev.rla ih for nn bonr
p""Kii ' u" H v ii'ii;iu run ioi
fiof an I foivo l to B tnoo.ljr.
Evoiyntio nf tbom tfliowo l fllit, but
witli tbo fxocption of Kutn tby nil
wiMikniio.l wbon it c.tne to tbo
H'Tiitcb. Tliin rlmrra ntf bor.lct
bounty omptio.l ovi-ry cu:mib,r of boi
rovolv. r int.) our fn'o.t, hut bnr nitn
was l). J unJ elm di I no smiou cJim
no ."bi y jiiil nmimin ono of our
horHt a ninl clipping t l,i-k of b iii
from my to uplo. Tlio bnllot rn'ie 1
a ri.lo ulon tlio akin, t!in mark of
wbicll tthows to Huh rtay. Sbo liu
ally Hu.'iMiaibo l to Hupi'i-ior sJriMitM.
but tvi Hid iiuintiiu.' l tlio f toni il i.
Jovil, ri'i'klctia ddiui anur Tim jiriM
ouorei wi-ro ui'o-ir.liuly un-.iiuu.l
uuJ uli l what tb..y bit I to fay iti
tbi ir ilifciiso. Tim ol I o:inn n
milluu :tj 1 n-'lv, bit tlu two iii.-n
writtiiiK of tbiw bimuo of liintory
o'.bor baaJt,
Wlmri i.-irr.'i
l(,;"lioTi' 1 ri;,'iin of fi!tiiiotf. II-il tlmv!
.liPL-nkfttJ tliomiflv.-s lin y woitbl :
Whoa aoarch win iii-. , v" to lull o uiiu.tnioiin lioyon l .i
stitutp.I fur tho of lr. York, in
April, l' ., HUHpi 'iju wtt ilitccto.l
a;;uiiif,t thj 1ti 1o: - : mi l contrary
to peiitMiil bi lii f a t a wntcli wh
Ba Frank.
IIrw tnunb f 'ftl plia!iuro wonM wi
insi'ri', buJ' hour tmioli rcnl piiio
-oul ! wo rfciip'i, if wo woul.l only
bo flunk wild ono another ! Then"
why ru wo not f Moo tuna wo nr..
irow.u.l. Wo nro afiail to aav
wbon wo think. n:ty. what v kn nv
tobo Into i an 1 wo thna nut onl
luisbwl iidiiTi bet onrNfilvca No.
in tliii h!I By tmr wo d
rual b inn by Id ling a I ii :;o nu:n
bir of our ft ten N to bi.licvti that
npprovo what, wo tv.a'ly crin l 'inn ;
'out, what in nti!l worun, wo brtrav
our nianboovl a i l iliih.mnr trut'i b
r.-'u n ; to av.i.v nr ih-fiui.! our i.m
vii'li nn. Sain.itiMiiM wo nro ilnat.
ti'iiii4ri or a;)nr ivo, w'lou wc
hIduTI ppoal:, dissent, or con l.vnn ;
in 1 thua our ju.l'cniot)t mil inll t
'nro ai o pri viu N .1 an I l.M,
"ooictilin'B our tuj ..sfy an. I n.iiiin
ti nra our ir of ivi nt'.'.-rvo b i U
(H t ) this cotirn.). V.'ii would not bi'
obtrnsivo fir o.r":isivo i but wo iniv
avoi botii by it 'kim I an 1 courti'o i
ivpio!-iioti of niir vi'i.vt an I
f. iilin'H. To b fr.v.k it ia n it two.
kirpt on tbo PUiVfillaiiiv, nt the
li rut fipport.inity they oVcivnp"-!.
Tho report tlint Ui'.y took tbo tiaiu
1 loubt. Tho ami .I.!., Kalu ,,;,.niv.,.l ! !.. 1,0 l,r "V( r
Mhia, nn.l thiiikiu it woul.l pleasu! , ' O'liy aim .nt nnylhin
Itho vi-i:.uit(..i too tnu-li to limr cm. '' ""y 11 1 1 t ,'J V 'l of tr !
u-smo.H. hIio f.,11 to cursing ber!1 J , -n , ,
mothf.r ati.1 f.ith.n-for their oowar.l.', ,f ,lllH "W 1 ln! 1,10 rut.-,
it-o l-'onler litnirnn . t,... ho-v Int'Sitita iblo t itj vi .l.iti ti in
Th3 POiVJr of Cij
('ornparatiuly f'i pnoplo poHosn
ii'iiformly cheerful iliHpositinna.
Most of ti'i h:vo our o.t.l bouia nn.l
mo il, Mut. wb t'over hit ilipposi
lion, a nt ia in It iu i I by llu 1 i.n of
hit own beiti., anil by thoo of ti in
xoeiil rel t'ioun. to cu'.t.iva'o tho v i i
til ) of riiei-rf'ilnrt ai lu oimly nn.l
o u t anlly. Ho h ta no more riiii
to injure bit noijhhof'a trippine
tit in t iali'i'fiiru til!t lm p ci nu v
oropeitv. an 1 ho cunu )l inlnl. in
rentioif ill bninor or coini laiiiia, in , puro
evou carrying a nut. Bonr, ffowninj
vis ion, xvithont Konsilily iliuiiuisliin...
Iliii enjoyment or c iinf.irt of other,
m l thUH infriiiiti on til )ir li'litt
ny itnlivi laal who has trio I to ..
4o ci!i will liirmelf from .1 'xpon Inn
'" It'l l fsili'lillse. Til'l p uvur nf o'l-
ij ivni rnl m in tt toll a i teuiiy cipaiil.-
of irolirovi"tint. au t at prainiei- al
wtvt puliani'ea power, it it a
I i i ti : t form llu habit of eni iv-
.nn it. It. it not ti n ) that t I
, sun vet nf p'easuro mo fv ail
lire, bit i' it Into an I ntllv tru-
toil wj entirely pat them by uuno-
V o o.Mi ariayn tn.) u vO.te.a i'it
of p ilit ton, ov taoii in t-
b! life, an. I f iii'i't tno worl I ef inrio
ivnt eiijiyni"'it that wo tr.tiiipl"
nn.ler -Naturo nn.l art oiler
tboir tf"inrt in vain tho 1 v.;Ii
net of eV.l 1! I'm uMr.i.!
Virlui and Vice la Ccnhail.
icn it nin.f. rpveltiiiT
in cjtitrant with virtu...
ninn lalelurij f.irtli infit anion;;
tbom who rt . c r nwear i nn iitbii'si
t.: h
i:i.l f!
I." hiM'ii; Hii'l iHitij paperg
i iih 'r beeijiiir I
In f.irihe pi ico nf thepiipcr
tl- m Will BE SORRY
pi-ntinj; f.uMi bl wpbemii a in U-
r vi ri 'i
I I i i. . i
'I l.olv tiii l H i tent tm ti
in in. .tin it", lilihy nn l
miti:;! in; il li p. r""nf w'r
I tu vei
tilll. ll tl .tl.nlir i Ul.;,i ; tl).
v ii-(ai' libel thin c rt iipi in' tlio nu
vitn ipi i;.i.' run apci-i'.i, to tie
Im ; ! of tn.n.i w'i . -. r 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 a. e
in c vary B'.ic'i inlaie' i v.i'.i i
it ulo'i ,n a mn, li lt at a li irri.l
deformity. It, in t o.i!y briii;-t dea'li
li it ii'h i t'i nil) ltiio oiiiv w ';
1 but vile, Il in lint, only wini,'
li lt very mean. How l. vi ly by tin
"i nor mlM'il ibii v.rtne nppear !
!1 iv t.v..' t o I pi .if i ! a iny. l o v
pare the bpt i.f 1 1 vn . 1. 1 p.ety : ln:
' '. .'iit the bin ..f hI .itinei ;
t ut eiii l
lb., li n t l v, 1;
;o. let too W III I-
rj't" ")V,
-J 4w aw I
i I I' l nn i
.' ill' .'t .ti
' n i, v I .
l I
I nut one
3 Pump,
li. I f..T. infill
. vi, itthors
II .' .'41
ji." i mi
f 'lr
1. Wt
t i : ni no more cost
'I li
: .. i.
I .l.c I ,
i. ' i li. iM, Tbe
... V .rl p, J tr't
. i; ,.i , . rfl
: i i 1 'ijf a... m it
,,, , ho v blest tho evi i
lli.i in i in.', i.-link-piesrt.'t
t l i Vo'l i r,
Ito.'i Ttirliino Vind Cnaino
. , if.! I,-. r .
I .... i ... I .1;
' li II I - a l ' I - - a
!! I. I t:.
... I ! I 'li .
r i ir
!', llli M r'iN.
I. .ii.mi.
i. . .int , In
0'. nil I Hl.i
Ulit jacvef.
Illetlt t!l"MI bv itt
iIihiiivo-i liceil
, if bushiest.
Tj G.rli,
i r.v that, you iilj
V.lU t liiiiK. nf , ,:ll l ,
an I it. will b..
;et In. urn.. I l'.e.t
I 'links In-'f. I'.iiii..' in
f l.iv
bi'in. rnirli' 1.
it is all veiv
H'ei r u in l
it won't. "A
IUI tli-
nil tin ti'i.i.
..I r iji 1 L, a.'. w ! iXhllLt I
: fi.' o if 1
, . -I i irtr
tlf !' M..
- .1-1
i . ...ii
, rn i ... i i
. ,.. . . ...It ti. .. ....... ... I. , III ll'lllUll 111 J ..... . . . . ....
IJ1P I in au fa iu from t ie in iiftl.i., ' -o, niemoeii iii , ". .1 1 1 ,i i" " i .,
at Thayer, a Htation a fow njeH !"""' " ,lr" vuo to apply : . , : , , ,.. ',, , , , ,,,, i" it tm on t. .i.e.nt .iwi .. , . ,
. - ... . - I . I .!.:.. . . . . . !.' - IIIHIlllieHt II I II Hi Il 1. 1.1 tilt nn I 1 llllll'. I III Kllllll 111 llll'llMlirO ill lit ll . . . - ' " ' t .' I ! .1
north of Cborryvae, mil weut to ' auves, 1 li.iy 1001; it Hiillen ! ' . . ,. , ', , " , , '.niit'.ii an.t you ,,in t ..iii.v .1:0. Ii i...
ii i ii. i i i li K nt f'n nt In) Hiim .ii'iinii '., ,r i. ..'"I'l'y t)o:ion irn injury to n tlutij'a all p-n I fr uttor an to, but . , liu, J , ,, , . '.n. : r. - (ki.
llu nb il It. final which n aeo t hm r- 111 KI " 11 H'' 1,1 t'""; of her v,' ' '. J., " '., ,, . . . einl l.iut. it inn-.t conl i ,nvn , j : i i ,
. , r t . i ' reck is Mi.irit inf im. I Itw.i.i ... I il . !!. o oilrli It:) 1 lual liroi uol'ri 111). , o if uuilso I neni. I lO.v 1 III wo nm. , . . ,.. ,.i,.i..,
took tiattii'O f ,ir Texas, h ii lultiike. rLC"-!' t.pirii ini.tHo I liicni an I they . . , , . ., , , i r i . i , , mmi:'U lie imi at in in v t :.o , t a . , ' , , "rr 1 r''1' ' ' "r"r
1 ? i .1 i , 1 to i i liini.l in Hi., tint 1.. Ti, i lMster pariiiit.t an I v. iillreti, n:il sest a eU,it fal nptiit nnl n ulal,.,,,. . . . , i t..i . ,.. . -i.i,, . ,Uy , ,r , ,r) .
r icy fimtilv biluJ is 1 tuiir -rooiLt '' J ,,""i " mo lira In. 1 !io clinrus i .' . "v" , , ,, , ! iy a. In. t .. nnl in r, ,i. in re. i.. ' :
I, , , i,,f hi will., nv tlmt ... mi .... f , , ' vi'U biivlund.t an I wiv,.s, do lieaitil wo eiirr, fully iles nso our .; , . . . ;. ,. . i.. mu.i s-v i ri; ,,,t
into two watroiiH iu. i t-turtod for iniMiiony urni Weill n i Ironi , , ... ... . . ' , , , , . '. alien I... m..s unr ..iu ii ,. , . , , ...
ii- t ti ,. , . ' t'nUi .i 1 1 ,t ,! ,n .treat, eaeo othnr w.t'i I Hit frankn-'Mt iHiinpUi phMturea hverv lunoeeut ! , , ,. , , , . . i .. h.ri,i. .so,iU,
Iu.lian IVliUul'V 1 bi'V ib I n,, , lil.H"lel ciilse I a hIiii I I ! I .... , ,. ..... 1 1 , , . ., , , le, ilulv t ; in., ill, in .-,;!, !i i .!!
... , y, j ... . i wliu-o ia .. .1- b.'-.itfol to a r.uis iii, int of li.itiiiiiiavM hIioiI. I be ... . 1 o r...r
ct. atoncu to thin-it.. ht ination. i" " irous:i our party. illii , , , , . . ., . , , , . .i., . !':IP '' ' atel i. n ia nil ml tl l....ov.i.i.
. . I T. . I . . .:. . . .i . . HI ' H M'.U . ii' ' . Il'l . 1 U i. ;.' -I '.Vl t' IIII'"' 1. Ill ir 111' I. II V LL1 .1 ' I I .1 ' . T - . . i t . . .
v " - - irin u Inili iiiin- ...... ..... i i ... i . .. - . ' . e. i' I CII illV.
' ...W-tos. rf-odeid O, Wl,,, ..... itll., l .., ,. .
I,.,v..rh M, IIM 'hvr, in. Hull ia lr nl'. u ,: ,.,,., f .,., .,,
, . . , . , . ' . ' " - i'II I I'l 'LI I i I i I'll I I il, il . Ill L I , .." i I I ... I V Ml Will
lilm oil w.mvi .'hii-im,! m i,tu-'y;" I1'' t ".''"'' I "I bin s .,;;;., . , i.lP , v . .1 I. w ,t !,, r 1.,-. I,,.t , ,. " .'...! . 1 ,:' i . v": !;'.-'.""
I V III !.!,, J i. li I.i' t'.,!.;,.!!.. I i'I.o. '"
! .Ni ver lual; a a loan on lr.m.irtu-
i..t w. ii ..i...n..!. : t : : ' . " ;':r?-i1
' i-i h.ui i i w !!. ; v-. S t'jLi
1,1 v i , -i - v v.vV
ifi.-i n. At. i , : : , . '5
if, indeed, tin y li 1 1 liny drttination
inuiki.'d out, but erofsi 1 over t i
J nit o:ii"fV eoillity uu l hiU4ttv I
near Vrdi:,iiit Kivcf to await dn
vi lojuiientt. Tho Jistanco from
tbciv f.uui mii ti.iniutliii) bl.e
twctily un (.o, John, or .John
m. tmnli) daily tiijit hack to the y of Clicrrv vtilij utid took
itu iilariin: tiieui ia tlio I'.eo th. i
cur.titiL' ns an I lann ntinL'
I heir in ibility t i do ua bai m. Sue:,
til ili.'ioly 1 in, vi r ki v . t lie I. liven
lb-) o! I w.imvi fhipim.l in oeeision-
ally, an. I In r nppeitruncfi indicate. 1
that t-bii upprovcl of tbo fam
ily demon; 'ration. When ehar;,'ed
with tbo laid ut their doms
iibfielvutionH. It rus tboir iutentio'i ,m' '"i''-r wat a eurso, lullowe l by
toi'cttirn if tbo fuitomeut hhonld '"or.- cu'.nt nn l then it voll.-v, it fu
..... . I . mi. l . . e i ,, .
Ill iV over, I'Ut lilt CiUlinne.l wuntl """" " eio i-.s mil rm n, m,i ,
they ttoul.l ;;o on as orujin lily pin-,) "' thionli vithtb
ind. 'J'lnv knew of tho discovery t.f i f pn':iihi:d and tin n animnne...
their crU.Ki itbiti an hour after tb
bodies '.vei c duviut of tbt ir haul
pravot, and tbev lost no timu
hi! living tlieir tent-. Tb'-y uri'',
oiH lor tin.. w.'.it ii. ink (,l tin vie:
aaJ htaite.l to Uh.varJ pot,t hasto.
J'lieir lli'lit h.iii li. ciiii i a pinie,
and t i u li Ij tin ir di -c ouiiitaro one
i..r ii. ,i- ... . i . .i ...... ii . .t.
.'I i.ijn uiuitu .j.i.vij J Ul. l
in,' what th y ml I of tlio Laid i n
tie bo.i.ea they pilnd tip what was
tuft, Hot luo to ii ut.d buriii.'J on
a fi nieuco in .n atii. I lie tiuiioilne...
iili ut .w r. CL'ivi d with jeer.t from
'i.i'i i nn i i r.uiii . ii': ii I. il i . i ; u
always, wboti cp.ot.... 1 in kiu I left,
s'l" 1 i i urleli j.iy in tho Hiilll
If every iii":n! r in i'.ih family eutil I
niako all tho ot!i na p irtakeiM of In i
ll. ,11 I !o 1. .in I I.,.. f.......
hoiv n.n,'!i we.!. I!,a !..,.,.l..,f in!. ,. p. etf.l r.tuil.t
est an I a.T-i'ti.ei b i ;',ii. n.. 1
and ho.r deb '!.! f.;l woul I bit
family int .'ivourHo ! M tell of fin'
iu ii!l'.-i enef and even nv.'i ion whi.-V
m lo. in. I a'.i iii ini'iitli. : t i.flliii.
one lion-eh ild it no do ibt traei' i- '
I'l.. toll... want of fi in!;!i,. ;t I'r.s.
I! nun r.
T.i.s Useful a:U 3j.ii.iful.
Tim tomb of M
, but tii i iMvciYr i.i
i.i n,-a
It UI1 VI-11VI1
hi i ttiiisl ;
WI.ell .iiir
I di al I)!' .! a .'l t ii,
t , In. unli t : ta
I ei 1 1 . l i f ii in hi.
w it inn.,' Iiin
n. Ji. li be
if j.;. 1 lm.; ..ut ol' tl.
.v.ini in. pro, i ie', t i.
i.. in,' nt you ean
:d Hi ) A e nil t
t .m in h i ii'... in t i
N...-1-r mi .'.il atn d.'rtvr than vou .marry l.ll I. .ri-tim
arc a'.iio In l is... u y el los.i nt a.l. .
..f-t borrow niotiey to peea: at. i a
I Willi.
I ( ) vo no iu ill iiny'.h i .
I'e nali'.tie I willi a mo lmato rent
to a 'f ind (en. int.
Never lull I a li i r f: i -n 1
inoin th in you aro w.l!i:i to 1 ise if
lie e Hi I i, IV.
. v.
nu 1
w i..
it 1-mi.l.
I by tini vi
i al i aro ,
.I W.-!l ili-nlt'od.
p iliey.
Mir consult a nian on buain is
of .let (.. W.l.i loes Hot in il. a;.' veil hH own.
iblo ylorv ' Avoi iii h.cul m nt;i.;. for a
Iresti loan.
mikclli hi'do to bn licit i.
on i
I. it
Iu tLn un.autiroo a vmiJjnc
conimitteo ba I in ell f or uc-1. Tbif
uovo Wiis tati-u with tbo
HecteB.v, and noun but trimly men
woio uJiudied to tbo or.uii.att in.
I'tiO uUiiobL eircii'ii.sjio.'tioii w.u ua.
e l, for, tbo ti iirfon that in n now
immunity li.,o t!iia tlio d lublf.i!
.ihaiiitdbco ot KUspi u nit cbaraeters
wan a t li iur 1 1 l.o drea le . The
vi''.a did not uuiubor iu ire
than o:u b lndie l men all I, but
aro ii s p. ; r. el Ho Hi i
lit uellliee'iir.. not Wim.
j titoini is l. ft
ei arri i 'e if
they meant bilhiuens, u3 tho eeipiel
tli" harden" I cnmiii ilt, nbo had de
l.-rniiue l to In livn it out to tho last
twit that the iiinr, bna
i iii ....
Huoui i oe kiiot, at ii wonl.l t,,ko t oo s -, , )r ,n ,,H ., ,
m um t i'iio to;r tliom. 1 he mm 1 0. ,;, w is. ;t j w, all hi. si. iv n v, I
wit hi. a iv n.'iliy .nn on I the . .tn I cvi-n tli i '.-r.n
mi i i .Af oi np'.roa.'.jiu,: m-u wer- j,.,,,, i, ,;; ,..Vl
do.'l'. time; Ihno on Ibo boldets ,,f t i , ,j D.-itv h
.t 1 1... t it.. i i 1 1 I
i iiiu ...n.sii ii. a e. i..;i i.iiiiirs Wei e ,S, ,;, .,in )iA :. -,. ,,-v, ,i , (
tied to n.ipplinotau.l told t i prpar-j w ..v, ,-. tli h .',,';
f.rileit'i. tlua of our numbm. who !f .l0 j,,,, , ,. ,,. ..,,., w i,.fl ; l.,v;.:tv w ie. bar t
i id not .jnito fi!Mltoil I.ih f illy ol-,, , nol in r. bnl toe p i ii of I :. -t it both pirti- a will w..rl: and h ;v,i.
ueaii m, undertook to oiler a piaye,', ... . . ., . ,., ,,. t, i ,..;. ,. ....-. i Thciroh h'l" tlmsj w'ri ''Ut t.m lovely Kalo npit r. bis I ie, . ..,... lt ., ...Iit (' ,;,
AliiIuLO Wits) ll I. IreHsm tlio throne ..., ,,f j ,!n iUl, , J ,
of,..'.ee i,l bn ,, t ri-'il iu tli vi.,( , d I t, il i e:-.'i ro ail I al,i
mid llo of a Bolit:.K-.. and diew o!F i'.ldu.'t, lenuin u c'lall.-.i-o ..iir a 1 ai,
d.s-U.-t Ibo fjur de- I VMl'i cui-.eM ,,(,,, In, j.,.,!, 1, , ))t- N,., ,
luuiiiu. up, niui'ii..iniiiiiiiii.iii.ilHlmM ,, i ii is, lm'. 1 1 Hi Ao ii
jt int to t ei but. Tie r.! in lint lon. lv iClaudi.i ti!l po ns into K iim it-.
loiHinai Hp it. avvay iniyon l uto cm-, ij ,,ln,l h; ,.,.;lm. Too louiplu
iliaetof civiIi.Uioii limy met a!s.,a. al. T lu r in tho Will
. i,;u, .,.... I.'.IHIIIII l"l IIM ll' li Jill' j, w fa , .). l I H f'lll'.t till
Iv.'s iicn no 1 w nn i:i.
pr.eni-vM n i! .iin.f t.i i do
ii bttio
. i ; Ji ll
ft a. 1 1 ft IV il
:f lie.
Tll"'i I,
tpai ill-
A Bitter To nguo.
It is strange bat trua that Rome
fiooplo delight ' ia eayioj bitter
tiling to tboir neighbors. Yyu aro
never Bute wttl tboin. Wlmu yon
fwuinfj very kindly and pleaHuntly,
nt ; will pop some nodorbaod utab,
which yoa ftlone can nndorat iu 1 a
euoor which is niaekoJ, but wbiuh iu
wo well made to bo tniuanderBlood.
It may bo at your pfy uou, or yoar
moatal fooling, yoar fonlish habit of
luougut on aoiao Itttla ooi'nt opm.
ioa ooofoeMd io a uiomnut of pen
nine nfirifl.tiif a. It iiirIIiHi not
Jiow iocred it may bo to you. ho will
uv nig QiDg at it i and tnuo tbo
U ia to make yon a bn it all
!t happior tbo nearor, he tmuuai
-'"if heart. How mouli imhimn
....... ......... ..u...... ... ..v., ,v . lw "' i-i in us f.iy:!. at wen leiuiiuti ol
provel- It w.ia my oo 1 or lu 1 , '' : Hr"' Jud-jo. I bei;' o.weulioni'is ; worsliipji. in tbioiioed iia 1 illy ,
fo.tuiio'ti bo ono of tho elect jtrealnd tie ir innocent victim t, eol mnad s SuouM l.nidon hIi.i'o,
Seoul crn Hoi.l nut in all direct-1 l-'hoy wrm killed fj'f.ckly nil I p tin., ( Ut f,t., 0f Ibiovl o i an I n lwi' bil
ioiiH nu 1 it!iin foify-f i.flit houra ofj1''8'1)'' uot hutebofed brutally. To! n, f,, ,lall it Va.o tbu m.einla ..f1
the d .paituio of tho Isadora from hui'o. uot muc'i tuun wm w i.,tcd;1.r..,m):MU bfi.-k-.vnr!;, tbo Tliam. t
tliL-ir camp iu the next comity the! i'l buri.-I. but it w it rjrowin ' lato aud : ,Vl)ilia Ul)U j t 1 ,,v iw it dona I
A man noit-l a
eiav lio I i il .
I.i'tll coins
.v i'.-i-, will li'.l a b.
A i w so,v in to
.hall r.aip
Saort. Rettloine'itt
ti i o i i .hi;.H
I n tun. t a.o in 1 1
and naMiiot.
M iic y e l ul v" if lit i!l it a mil sou
M ,iiiv earned is in mey valued
ll il eu-iinr to loon. .ii up g
pv.iii rty than to --t ibli'-li it.
r. nnati'i
swi th"art t
by m i m l:..
i. 'i.t, iMiim
tell 0 01 tl.l V I
pro ii. : ,Sn
nn.l'ii ie nth tli
I 'veiil d
II.. e in. 'I, I h I
! in.; to the r
ib- tr bfii. ep ...
fret lllld to bn
t.ei I
III. it.
il. li, ! .Miii-
iil! Lu !.. n
end il n
lli'lll ! I i! ;
i'!;. tin.-ii
yoiin ti, in ;.
take a w i!l; wi
t on tin' i ivi r I
u , ion a. .- 'i
ll half way llli
I tl! fill
1" I
I. lull lit
III! l.
(ilO I'll'
,. : 1 ; j .( i : i I lie
I llo I'ro.t.i
i l.ll ii.ill,
.IU. .N. V.
t invo-ei ni ,ir
hi'i.l lr.o. .1.
.I iii- :i, J.y
"My a s'i.iki h ui iu a I. , i
Iill a I U t l!;-s
f one i'ics ,, ;
., I
ii da
it ..
i. i :
i ;i
in iko
bv I) it'l.i. I
t ' .ni
I. !!.'
I V .pllfk.
-tii! t!..i
I'd K "I." bo I
tii' . er i,i . I
I this po'1,1 hi. e i
j-!'. -ai nt il
j f . I. I Inly i t'
I I ii a Ii- I ; i u ir..
I In I : 'mi in I
: i inn.l ti a"li."nl
lot I.iili; was I.i
f an I Iniii j mi f r
; t . l i 1.1 a linn b" 1
.Iw I in pn .-.-a on
I ne V nlj in in
f'el l.ialiii.l, .
I... I-I ! I I.i. on
p. .' e.V I 1 'V II"
iffi k. kirn
n - T.lf !
. i - .
. Is
I . I. .1 1 1
: -. i. 'k i ii :
i ii., i.i:
I' tilps.-T In V.'W
.1.11 VI. HIM l.O.
1 I 'rrt'.'i v in ll...
li. . MlN IHI II
. V.. rk I' ..I nil, ...
I i..lVt.
to '
ii'U. N'.veU
, i .. . sen. I ..r
. s. sn I i'htiv
i ' i . Hill' .1 t
, Mi. h
t 1 1. d.l
-.- to I., Ir
i 1 1 : i' ia i
l.l l l.ll
t ! I. 1:
til- I' I".
i :! -i.i
! ie!e 1 u
no 1
i. t
!l li
or i
1 I
i-'. i
M kll
I t:
', l'i tin 'u.
fact wiih d ily reportc I to utt About
forty of ua or.rutti.':d into a pntnu
tug patty find htartod utter the
butchers, (Jnco ou tb"ir tiail wo
had no diflienlty in following it.
i'bo miirdofoua ifiutut hud takuu
to tho open country wcb' of tho
river, but woro kwepiu-r within con
venient distance of tho thick timber
that growa iu tho valley wutorod by
tbia stream. They wore expecting
pnrfluit oud hoped to escape by Iob
ing tbotntolvcH in this timber, if it
carao to tho wornt. As wo jiroceed
tbo vigilant. m ha I a l.iii: rt lo bufor.i
I now, Aud if any wo:!c f i.r'
them. A boln, m i do by tbo lia rKoovcr tho doopocnti of tiino,
..! ........ ..f ..f i!.. .. . .... . t t II : 1
piae.niiein oi mo room tu u Iaileu;
cottonwood, was m i In a lit tlo lar;.
tr aud deeper and tho bo bet thrown
in mill hastily covor3 1 with IjohiiI
earth, rncka and brushwood. On
rcacliiui tbo lovul again tbo effects I
Iu,' bu.siiio.iH di-a.;
Khould menU keep cool.
... Ij"1! wisdom ll r'ni'lirc l to
nt II
may wull luliuvo that
iiuitiier a ) alaeo nor a
some vast n.piml'ict or rctervoir i
uul if any uaino u!i l ll.i .h tbr nt'n
tbo mi .Int of untiijuily, it wool I
probably bo that of tun man who, in
it will bo 111 "i".v man lo liuep ii accuroiy wn.m i
toiiio e. but i "in to.
it I n
of the JJondors woro etackod and j .y, 8lt tl1() buppimms of 'hi
buruod i a nort of an all'uriuir to
ueavon. o then prooondod north
ward, sop.irutino; before reaching tbo
Hottlumoiitt, ciu'li Becking bit liomn
imetly. lhuro waa no bio mado
od the trail frcshcuod ami oro Iour 'about our auhiovuuiunt oaeli man
we came acroaa the half coiiKinnod
ruins of tbo wajjon loft by tho Hond
era iu their flight. From the di
rcction they woro taking it bccuiuo
ovidont to tbo mind of tbono ou
fjuainted with tbo country that tliey
woro poiutiu' for that paradito of
cut tbrouta located uuar tbo mouth
of the Kod fork of tho Arkaonaa.
The country bcrtiuiouU ia a bleak
and dosolato region, iufuatod by
horso thieves, half-brood Croka.
1'awueoa and Cborokoca.' Once
there tbey knew they would bo nafo
front put suit, l'.von tbo Uuitod
States troops have never boon able
to ponotrato that t mt iueoynila
It is a safo rotroat for the border
rulhans aud is known to bo such all
though tliid soctiou of tho couutry.
This haven for the wicked is distant
about 140 miles from ' poiut wboro
tho Vurdigtla river outors Indian
Territory, .
1 ho murderers bad about Ioi ty
miloa to travel before icaohiutf tan
bouudary of the territory ami tboy
woro probably twenty miles beyond
tho line wbon our boouts oauuhl
sight of tbom. .. lSurdcoed as tboy
wore with much cumbrous baao,
they bad not beou able to tuuko very
great spogd, but they had used ov
ary possible effort to put space bo
him! tho oi. it was . about throe
o'clock oa a hot, sultry May after
uoou that we oamo ia sight of the
party. They saw as as soon as wo
came from oover, and abandoning
Keeping uis ou counsui. luo so
cret was well kept, uud it was wen ki
before outnidnrt utoppiid prowliiiif
iiiound iu eeaicb of the Ihtuders
TIiobu immediately coucoiuod very
spoodily loat intiirost iu tho chuso,
bowevor, uud, tbouoh nothing wan
sai l otl tbo snbjuct, it caiao to bo
tacitly uu l.irstool through Label to
aud Montgomery couutios that it
would bo a waste of tiuao to piOHO
cute inquiry further. This is tho
true history of tbo futo of tbo ltoud
crs, and wbon, iu future, you hour of
tbo apprehension of any of tbo tribe
yoa can put it do u as a canard.
fi llow-mou rather til in k'hn'V. ninl
linked Lis memory to some grout
work of national utility or bouovos
lcnoo. This is tbo trnu glory which
outlives nil others, and shines with
undyiug ludtro from gjiiet itiju to
geiimatiou, imparting to works some
of its own immortality, uud in some
dcroo retcuin tbom from tbo ruili
which overtakes tho ordinary moini
tuout of Lihtoi icul tradition or wcro
I !V:i i 'ill
lie.-n tr iiin' I (n
its Irui, t; in a :.!
l.ll, 11 W US ll Ml "'
r 1. 1 I I'..- . I.
k"V s I', in it bui t ml ,)
'I.'U'I. ' V'h it ii I . MlU,
ni-1." I i's l,....;.. r. I'lju p i r
e. ill! I iinly I 0 t.t f i 'he iv ry
A lis ! tin v wui'o in i lo of tbo
of bis inotlii r-
"If I hit yor," sai l ouo littlo bay
to aunt'ior, "yer'll ba usiu yorsclf lor
snuff ter-uiorrow. "
A Vcrmout man toll tho tr ith
iu a boi'io trade, and his neighbors
oo. rtluie to a-aKiiato with bmi.
"flontloinnn," sai 1 a farimr, writ
iu to tbo ehairniao ut' aa agriaultur il
tocitity, '-put mo dju uu yoar lUt ol
c-uttbi lot a calf."
Tlie m"a'i(3tt m in wa know of Is
the man wli i sued another for ( tear
luK au expdusive lao collar, wbilo
rescuing the formur's little sua from
D'Kstors rooomtnood people to (jn
to sloop lying on the right side.
Tldt Is all tbe better if you ' are u
littlo doaf In tbo left car and don't
gut bouio till lute.
'rosonntions for profane awoar-
everythiugr thev bruko for tho forest.
IThoy ' plunged ' ipto tho woods and
'-s do such menu attacks tsluso s'''tU,,""' We wore close opou tutnr;iug are frefptent iu Mercer, .'La
?.ijiheart4 bjqu Bud wwmou. i ihocls, however, and tbey did uot renea aud Wui-roti counties,
A Perfect Home.
Tho niont pctfuct homn I cvor'saw
was a little houHe into tho sweet iu
ccuho of wUoho liruH went no contly
thiugs. A tbout ind d ill u t servo I
us a year's living for futbur, mother,
aud tbroo children. Hut the mother
was tbo creator of a homo ; her re
lations with tho children wore tho
most beautiful I huvo ever seen ;
oven tho dull and coinmou-pUco
mau was lifted np and enabled to do
good work for tbo souli by an nt
tuoHphcro which this woman created i
every inuiato of the bonne iuvuluiiH
tardy looked into bur face for tbo
keynote of tho day, aud it always
rang clour. From tbe roses bud or
clover leaf, which iu spito of her
bard housework she al.vays found
time to put by our plates nt brouk
fast, do'.va to tbe story she had on
hand to road iu the evening there
wss no iutormisbion to her influence.
Sbo has always boon an I always
will ba my ideal of a mother, wifo
aud borne maker. If to her quick
brain, loving bourt and ox'ptitite
faoo had been added the sppliauoes
of wealth and culture, bers would
have boon absolutely tbo ideal home
As it was. it was tho boat 1 bavo ever
seen. Hulen Hunt.
woman who went t i a cotu'eri .
i to bear lllii.d Tom "piny by tar
nnv !.mv.i t ut ti .i imii K,v:,..v,.,'i ...!'
bo hiiH:
that innt nd of p!nin' bv nir liol
played with bin liu n'cis, jus. JiLo
other pi lfjf inert.
"Iioelor.'' sail n ciiriful v.ifnlo'
tho praet itioiier. who was initlino
o;ie:i In r Inn. band h nhirt nt l:o w:m
in a lit of upnpiery, "cut, if you
pli.asn, lilting the neiiin."
Tim mo li i'n society bell.t in li'in a
loiJoinntiVM ; S in dia,' f a train uftni-
llotUlohom is full of scarlet over.
"GoaJ-hyc, Mr."
It it with deep regret wo announce
tho depnitiiio fitmi our midst if
good, honest, old fashioned "Mr."
llo's until ly nil gouo How. Once
iu a w bile you may sco him t but
vory Hi-Kloin.
Ho doesn't amount lo much
moro. Ho s got to bo too comiuou t w.ii.ts tbo fraud expos d
I A . - I . . I
also ioo uoii'-ni.
As tbo old fiiHhioned und com
paratively hoiiett rat was snptUMiid
od by tho higli tonnd and mischiev
ous N :rwav, his "Mr.'' uow super
coded by "Col."
Wo went "Mr." very eel lotn on
tbo streets now j and only in toUr
able high-toned assemblages eiin sen
bi ll st ail. Hut there you will liu I
"Col" all tho time j ninl he's proud
er thuu a peacock that hatn'i, seun
bis foot for livo minutes, "Col." it
Tbo vain gentleman, having beut
fn nit old Mr. "Mr.'' is uow cngag.!
ed in a conthet of tho blooiulessj
avago kind with "on.," who is a
great socioty personago, also, whnlh
er he's lioiioralihi or dishonorable.
Hut wo think iu tho latter geutlo
u:nu tbo "Col." bus bis match for
bo's up to all tho tricks of tho pro
fession, and can probably consume
moro wiky aud play a better game
of poker tbuu "Col." can,
AU of ono long happy hour mam-,
ma had been reading to tbo littlu
ones Sunday afternoon, aud titlkintr
to thorn about heaven aud the nuels
with thoir snowy wings. Suddenly
Jack sboutod, "Mother, whoa I'm nn
angel want to bo a shanghai I '
Shocked silonco on the part of the
family circle, followed by tho ex
planatory clauso by Jack- ."Feath
ers ou niv los, you know J" Mother
dis'iiisHul tbo cougrygatioii without
tho usual teiio lietion ,
I In" .1 IV n
t to-l '
l 1. i 1
v. ,tl.
It. ,!
on oi.
I tl..
, .1 ,'
o i i .'"
m n -i
. . u
lu 1.
vr L'J
..n r. II
l I'd
i lll.ik'l
I..r sr.
I' .rltj.uit,
I i v r. n i- tr
. n. In n
. c ..: O a . hf
o. . n i ..n.'sr-
.1 in
( I .
J .ii.
I .11 inula.
1 il C
Vkn nip Iqti
ia tlio Achno-ylecljcd
Superior of all Grain
& Grci;:i Cutting
I' Mafhino lias been fully endors
ed by the in. -t Kpcrt Authoris
it v. after Mont Thov.mgh
tentn, at to l!a Chpacity
nnd liecutuiii, ss tbo niCfl
Wotidctful Miichino ever invtntod.
. If there is not a flood tbo saw mills
of Williaomport aud Loek llaveu
muft BUfja.rad,
her. Hut. c imo to of it.
thorn's a di'Veienci! between tlcm i
one bus ii In ad li.;lit, Ibe t tber hat a
lijjht head.
"My ! what a steep bill ! And sco
tboso tun or eleven wretnlioi pu-kn 1
iu ono w'lgou that tlio p nir slSirgiir
ing hoi mi can Inn dly iliaw "
"Wretches ? Them me nil Chrint
inns, mum, going to ciiinp-n.eetiti."
A man calltil at a la,,'o;' sa
loon in Kastnn for a glass of fl ir
(ul 1 beer. Tbo pr iptietorgve Lim
a mug ( f wuttr.
I.uboror.t woik;ngo'i tbo S i n ir
gut and Cambiii radio.i l 1 itn t vi
to throii ila.vs ev.-ry week by druuk
euuess in .Johnstown.
Tbo county jails uu 1 poor housot
of tbo north uto btiin-; cmptiod of
tboir vagabond ium itiat. Tiio exi
dus of tho tramps uow runs south
Whilo flvn hnndiol veterans havol
iolned the Hanciick chili in 1'lnla b 1 I
.i,:.. ,1 a u .11.. I ... I OS mow hut ll r. I Ci-U.v 1"i.j jU
I'" " " I.1..U I .!
uarlb lit. Alio soMiers witn lew cx-
Oi ptions will vote as they shut,
Ko'.r ivhent Sells for eighty could a
Lubhul iu WuuLiutJU county.
Hniif.mlier, u I ir nn ilrrnmtneii (tinuU
Vuu Lay a I c .j.i i " r "t v ti uulll ynn lisio ax.
imliel Tlte. ellO Tl'i-i. Wlan .r .ia
l.c if ( lino ot IDus M f uli n In cur flolnllr.
In n il lull I ' o... It IL ii'iu'ilf. ' ''
1,1 l.ini." "' ti.nfi. I'" lUivi'l. iu Murtmanl,
lis si iii-l. Itv. .nil.. .it iutlo A ill isluitnl
in o . ri- i- .i.i i -n i I ... 'i. 1 1 an nnl f ill I"
r.iun.'i-l ll i ' r sit ntlKirH I'.rm OS will b
in., i iii.inerfi- i-.'i 'o l..-n Hi.y InvH.ti
iu in ..i iiio.ii 1 ...u. i. f ..i(i vtnrtty. an.l"
f I !(. l.ll "I 'I I 1 1" ". I l"l! Ilin till U
l ius lics.i flu to li'ill.VK U ba fra
il is i stl-i.e I lv ttia m ilt taiapaiam jt t ias
tli. it li'.'' imf-li j!i il in i 'I .y am I ilf
Oi,. I'li't..! M itu I ii-irif .f'a wea on a
lilimt urusjU b
M. II U A i. i I ll,
ie n r n f i-i'M 0.
J. I. JH..M A.V,
tin.l il) iir Ilia Travolluy Aaant,
J.WII. I 1.1'Lt.V, Lalsl-st(.'
Hi llii'irnfa.
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