The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 19, 1880, Image 3
Tna foot Iliddlebiirg, Aug. 19, 1830. Tot I'ntrsTr fntTSTa fbe Cnartt of atnyder County ar. held on the fourth Mondays bv e enraerv, n.y, end September, kail second M.eSay of bonember. All communication, business lot Wi c, for tins nilire, to secure prompt attention should be S'Mrpsserl m follows: Tiir roar, MiuMleburg, ttaytler Ginnty, Pa, Atlverlisnincnta oomnuniration Ac. must he hanttotl In liy Monday noon, to secure inser tion in next Issue CommKtei Melting. The Republican Standing; Com mittee wilt mcetal the Court-house, in Vitliltehiirir, on Saturday, Aug. 24th at 1 o'clock p. m. A full attendance I earnestly re quested. By order Ac. I. II. lIARF.MAtf, Tr". V. Wittonmycr, Chairman, Porrotarv. Oyster in a fat wee. ITeavy dew these morning Are you froing to cmp meeting ? Bummer is on the home strcitteh. Republicans, ce that yuuaro regis tered. 7he Orpheus Cornet IWid, of Lewis, town, hut ceMed its blowintr. Col, MoCtur btt our thank for copy f argument Beoeb, Bar aa I Pratt. Last Thursday, Aurint the Ihnndor etorm, liqhtning struck Sheriff II lou ders tobacco patch ud killed a hun tired stalks. Adjourned Orp'ian Court Silo of the Roal Estate of Oeorgt Schneo de ceased. .Sept. M, ISil See advertise ment in auollier column. onry Robert and Mcala Linr killed eiiflit copparhe,! and twenty, three rattle-snakes, in fill V Alley, one day recently. Ituntinj I i Qlfie. Ktlph T R illitn l, tho noted critni rial and Clianihorsbiirg; hank robber, diad in the Eastern 'cnilpnlinry.wlinre he was serving out a ton years' sentence, lust Saturday. Dial famous hog, "Pudro," belonging to-Vc Jacob rCromcr, of tlio .Million House, Ifulsoninwii, weighs now over nine hundred pounds. It is exported that he will reach one thousand pounds by Ibe'first of September. Tloavcrtnwn is erecting "iho boss" school house. They've got the "boss Insurance Company and they're try- inf to be "boss" nil round. Moses Spceht, thin whom them is 110 more energetic bushiest im in tin; county, is tbo contractor ; and it is well understood and generally coucedi'd jtliat wliatever he undertakes must move forward rapidly. The dead bidy of Kj'iert AHisTi Tmintnr. was fomi l in tit.) c.irn fieVl of Christian Slouiftir, a wealthy farmer, near Ciiamherslurg, Pa., en tfi.ilty of last week, when tliii alar.n was given Stouflfer confessed that ho ha t shot tho man. bee tuso, sec'inti him in the field on 8aturd,iy nijiht. lie sup Dosed hint to be atetliiK c.tro. Sio.if- fur is in jail. Huntiwidon (Slulie. Charlie immelwriglit, living over the crenk, was ah nit II ilT urn's coal yard on M in lay morning, while the men were unljsiiin; coal, whou tlie derrick broke down and before he could get out of the way the bucket struck him, knocking him down and the rim coming on his foot cut oft two toes a clean aa if it had been done will a cleaver. Lewittoicii G uetttt . Shot. List week, tv? b jys, sous of Christian Doncy, residing in Adams township, went out to shoot a crow. The fellow with the gun eiercised tho precaution and care usual tit similar cases and accidentally it was discharg ed, the contents, a small bullet, to ik effect in the other fellow posterior. Doctors Suhnmao and i'Uindel were summoned. Last Wednesday, James Hackon burg's house tumbled into the cellar. James resides in Centre township, lie bad built a house intending to bniUl a cellar under it. fa and family were occupying the house. The heavy rains loosened the ground t tho props Cave way and down went the house, the family, cooking utensils, glass, china and crockery-ware in one pro miscuous auetHblage into the cellar. No lives lost some crooked furni ture, coffee pots Ac. Dr. Tanner, who has been creating furore by his fisting 40 days, com pleted his self-imposed task at Claren don Ila'.l, New York, on Saturday at 12 o'olok noon. He broke his fast by first eating a poach, that agreeing with his stomach he next drank two tumblers of milk, and eata part ofa watermelon, after which he was driven to the residence of Dr. Qunn. Appar ently no bad effecU followed his fast, ife drank water during his fast. SskKt. Says the Opinio i On Monday tho 28tb nit., as W. Jf. .Mo Cleary, Clayton Poe, Jaoob Por and George Poe, were walking along the f'wt of the North Mountain, near White Rock, above Ifiu. Keefers, lun they came upon a den of rattle takes. Cutting sticks, they propar J f'r the battle, and ohtrged upon tho enemy, killing seventeen from o to four foet in length. Two large '"piiles escaped tiudor the ros'ts. In ' eonilict a great many rattlos ' were I off, but two were aomtrol : .' rattle et - inking II ,var old. I Club on SAturJfty evening August 25. iv i - rttrvi r.i . 11.1 iiia i The Centreville ficnio of Saturday last was the best arranged J most boun teously provided-for ; most tastefully arranged ; most pieasently conducted affair that has taken plsce lit that vi cinity for years. The article contrib uted lor the general table, were abun dant to overflowing, Good cheer and good will wereequally abundant. Every body was dolightnd, and all who par ticipated in its arrangement doservo credit, yet to the young ladies belong the lion's share of praises. Tho Band visited MifJlinburg on Saturday night Inst and rame homo in eestaeies about tho line manner in which th.y were received and enler tained"'.'iring their stay. Whilst they received the courteous Attentions of many of the cltixens, we may be par doned for mentioning the names of John P. Cronmiller Esq , Hamiiel War her, II II. JHarvey. Oeorgo Sehoch. Hut as we write, we are informed that tho citizens generally gave the Itaud an impromjJn 'supper which was por crllrnct and that their services are nl the command of tho .lfillliuburers at any and all times. Fin ssi) Isscranck. -Last Friday, John Itadel's liouso with Commits wa destroyed by flro. 21io personal goods were insured in tho ffeavertoivn Fire insuraneo company, I lie loss was i in m cil intely adjusted and tho insur ance paid. This is prompt work and brought immediate relief to the insur ed, who would have suffered erea'. in convenience and distress if there hail been the usual amount of "red tape" in the adjustment. This speaks well for the manage ment of the company and should rec ommend it to our peoplo who are in sured in nut-sido, wild cat institution. James Tliarp, of Union twp,, met witn quite a serious aceidont on lands of John Shotsberger on.Fri I ty in rn -ing. For s vno ho an I others had been enga iu I in prepaing Iom to supply tho saw mill c'oso by. O i the morningoftlio acci l.iut hn wis alono engaged in felling trees. 71 io tree xvhich ho hadjust clioppn I full up in another at rilit angles o io on I hiv ing rested upoa a at imp. After tho latter tree had fallen tho tw.i eni insneod ro!iin down a sli'it e ii!mk niont. I.i d ling so Mr. Tuary's leg came under the trees which rolled over his body to tho bro-ist and then only prevented fro m invijg firther by a stone iuturftiring. iff. 0. '. Dent, who is din part of t'l hilliof fir tho party who leased tho groan Is. heard the shrieks of the wouiide I m 1 1 and nt oiioh nip tired to tho sa v mill, a hundred or moro yards d;stant, fir help, liy mean of his Iioi s.m hit :U e I to one of th') trees ant by a miriil cfl'.nt in lifting t'10 otn r tli i uit n t i alo man was extricated fr i h his per- j iloiis condition. His hip-bouo was dis located from the back bone, the pel vis li mo br iken an I was olhcraisit bruised, Ili liad been unconscious lull a short lime. Since tho accident tin con verses iruoiy u:i l su;leri no pain. Moiroo Item. l'icnii's nhout these parts are plenty. Onn was held in Clements park. It whs the "annual generation picnic of iho ICckert family," of Northumber land, Also one in tho woods of Mr. John Young, by tho peoplo of Wine ill and vicinity, 11 ilh wero held on Saturday, the 7th inst. There was a pole-raising by the Hancock Club of Monroe township, at Shamokin Dam, on Saturday the rth inst. It was attended by a ntim ber of tho citizens, as well as by a few from Siinlmry, and a delegation from .Sehnsgrove. llio polo, about 00 or 100 feet high, was placed iu the ground about five feet, without any accident The chairman. Mr. Isaao llotteni stino, said that the pole stands on soil that has been Democratic f-r tiiuety- two years. The speakers on the occa sion were Jfessrs. PurJy, L'lricli, Koi- meusuydor, and Dewart. E. W. Y. . Letter from Nebraska. Fbkmoht, Neb. Aug. 13 1890 Eo Yost. My long silence is not owing to a loss of interest in you or your valuable paper, but to a lack of lime and perhaps a want of energy. Our weather is very warm. The thermometer to-day stands 103 in tho shade. farvestiug throughout the County is nearly completed. The farmers are all jubilant over a larger crop than was expected. On Tuesday our busy town was en livened by P. T. B.irnum's "Greatest show on earth." Over 6000 wore in attendance. A party, supposed to be the Kan- ta butchers, old John fonder and wife, were arrested and lodged here in jail until last Saturday, when sheriff bonder from Libnlte Co., Kansas, came and took them to the place where the crime were committed, to be identified, A report roaohod this plaoe that a mob of five hundred had raided the train, that the Bonder's were on, and lynched them. Il'e do not know how much truth there is iu it, but we know they are left lo the tender mer ries of the Kansas people. We saw a statement that apple woro selling, at Middlohurg, for thirty cents a bushel. We would be highly pleas el if we oould got thent for thirty ounls peck, They are soiling here for 4 ) cent a peck. The melon -oolio days have ootne, the happiest of the. year. - Afolou patches ur daily searched ud perhaps ni.'h'-ly. O'id. Tht narrlart of Ornrfs 0 antler, and tbt death of ftttr 5iaifn wars golisn IT' on Th Tost, at a ftarful eost to tho anlbtr if lbs ptrpalralor war properly riorsusd la lb erlminal surts. To grt ibis off on ns rfqnlrsd a bilo rosasav ws bold th manusarlt an 4 tt will, aot tit difSouH I tX tk sffene upoa lbs right iBdiviilual. m Itobart ".wlnaford of 8llnsgroT died on .Monusy last, .Vr. 8. was wall koooa in ibis and adj lining souniles at a fair'draU Ing, upright man a gamltman of Ini.lli. genet i rjetPtnt moral obarsoier, and a Jenlal . oonipmlon onnservaiivo In hi vlewa, yel, when bs knew ba was rif,ht he msinialned it l.h igr. II p..,Me,l many virtues, an I tXoellenelei of obarao ler which msdt blm many warn personal ineous wno win tymptibU with tb btrtaetd. nusinets sailed ns Io Heaverlown on Monday lael, and w wrs t,inisliat aur. prised la Bm the Improvernenla Th. clrsnliness oflht streets, alter,. Ian... si lo-walks-th nealnee and elesnlines. or lb dwellings, oui-buil.lings, faolnrlas ., demonstrate Ibal her oiliiant have a dut regard lo health and general comfort. And then, ber lowa.f.ilas, wt don't psr licul .rue. we mean all, art to hj tpiiahle ibal il ll wrrt ptraible lo tctrpt, a tiailur con I J readily be ttated tj a eoort ut din. ners. rtiilr Wend bat treeted an Office wbieh is bulb ornaoienlal and useful. Ii is tocaled In the heart of town. Uuib un the "ctitiagt atla" lit ecnv.nienot as a buiuceiilace It at onut tug getled. Tbt following items we eopy from the Nsw IlLOunrisLD Tins, of last wtrk. Ou Saturdsy a wock. John A., of Newport, killed Iwenly tii topper.beade at Ki.ber'a urt bank. As a slock train coming east, on flunday a work, was a short distanoa east of Lew. isiown, the horats oonlaiued in one of I he cars got lo kicking and knocked the tide of I he rar out. Three boraet fell out on to the track and were killed. ItaoKKS Doxss. On Friday ttenlng Mrs. Ilurd, mother of Mit. Jam. a ;, benny, of this plaoe, met with a seeere accident. Mrt. Mullbenny bad gone out for a few moments, b-aving her mother silling iu tht room. W hile the was gone, iba ol I ludj took a noiiun lo go up ktsirs, slid when tithrr parity, or all tbt war up. by tome means Ml, breaking her left arm ai.J two ribs, and badly bruising her face. When founl. tbt wts inonil,le. er injuries wert alien lei to by br. 8lrickl.r. and at thit, Mrs U.irl It gelling along as well as oould ha eipccled, IlimiwAT RuBBKiir. On Monday morn ing of last week, a buclixter named llvni from Sirehon, was atoj'ptd by highway mau while uear Mt. Patrick, and robbed of ab'jtn f.ii. Tlu roiilitit ilraggtd him from his wagon Sat lie I hit liar,ds ao te eunly thai b bal lo wait fjr balp from a farmer lo rtleaae him. Istii rim limit. ii-iiaiiuA iittis 5ihl tub Victii. Il.iweeu eight and nine o'clock. Moalay evening, a seven year old daughter of John llooib, residing on IVplnr nrrcl. died iu Lorrible agon) or ny tropin, Inn, in re.ull of a but ill j Hide I by mi I dog t3lnt liou a i. Ii w. nearly tw.i in mitis a i l!i.u lte little (ir,ci.attile on.i of h,.r friends lo the ller.hey farm oo Hie oulekint of Ibt city for milk. While It or o upaiiiin was get ting the milk she ran into tho yard lo pick t sme e'lerriri tb tl were ly 1114- un ler a tree, but did not tje a dug w hich was lied 10 the tree, un I which, whan ahe got i thin resell sprang at ber and bit her 00 Ibowiiel. This dog had lie day before bowu pyinpi.;ma of hydrophobia aud bad been tied up by lit owner, who wished lo await deeel'ip noms. Tho next morning after it bit the oil it 1 it died. The paremttf Ihechtll wero much alarmed, fearing that ber life was in dm ger, but ibt wound healo l up nioety and iba mattor wi f.irgjtie-i. Oi d.t. urday and Sunday, hnev r, the com plained of feeling unell, sod yesttrdsy morning fell into a faint on toe door of lbs hall, ribs gralaally rsojeerjl. but when they otfttrad bur wa tr sbs wat seit. td with stvtrt int.ins. Ur. T. B. Cos waatummootl aid both bs aal Or. M. L. Ilerr, with whom ba oousulitd, did all in their power lo 11 Ibt child, whoso suffering! were b -.rr.b. 1 to witness. When lb morphia, wbi 4 Whs tbt o nly remedy that would afford any ralief, w at adminis tered tb child would map at Ibt tpooa and grind tl leelh together. At laat. however, lb morphia failed to do any good any spatm followed spaitn until near ly tint o'clock, when sleath reliered tht ufftrtr. Lasositsb Gxamiisb. The Stato Normal School at Blooms- burg is surprising even it friends by its success. Although the Winter term was one of the most flourishing in its history, the number of ladies having doubled within a year, the Spring term completely eclipsed it, in the number both of boarders and of day pupils. The Trustees were ob liged to enlarge the corps of teacher. The number of students in the main school was larger than ever before, and although the Senior class was the larg est iu the history of the School the Slate Board of Examiners voted to graduate every one of ihein. The prospect for the next year, that opens Sept. 6th., is most promising. Aug. 12,4w. Excuhsion, An exoursiou train to tho Sorailoeillo Camp raeetiajf will rn oer the S. St L. tt. 11 oa Suo day, Auir. ajul. Train will leave Mi'Mleburg at 8.51 A. M. for Sora- ddtillo. lleluruiug will leave Sura dorillo at 0 P, II. Oroat reduction in price at 8. Wei', Selinsgrove, Northumberland County Republtoau llekel! 0 ingros -A N. Riiee, Buiibury, rsinalo Win. A, csiber, As.euilily No nomination. District Attorney Oil a. U. Clom. ent, A'unbury. County Surrovor D. J. LowU. jl CaoiBl. . Pelinsgrove, will sell for I tn next 00 days a t real many of his Roods at below cost in order to reduce Ins large stock and make room for an early fall trade. Koaui Is preclorm in his store, and ho must have room for fall gcxxU, A full line of Dry tloods In stock ycl. tall early and secure a bargain. the one and Muscle producing Mull. Ncrvequieling Hop. the u nerh .iaianai antidote quinine, and other precious ingredients, combined with out fermentation, are the ingredients of "Malt Ditlers." nrenared hv tli Malt Hitters Company. July 20, W 4w. For Carpets and oil 1 lolhc bo Io 8. Weis', Selinsgrove. Aug. Ii, d.w It will pay yon lo take a trip to Se linsgrove and visit S Weis, store. A full line of Dry (loods and notions at reduced prices. ReducedPrices. MAK!N3 ROOM FOR A FALL STOCK. Now that thn warm season is nretlv well advanced I will dispose- of a larae stock of .S'uinmerOonds at co.f. per sons still in n 'd of good in that line will do well to call at once. Summer nfis as low as ii cents. A large and varied stock of goods must be sold to make place for tho largest, est, moat carefully selected stock nf Fall nothing, ,,u ra.m fjOV(, .to .vc.ever broiiL-lil to Snv.lnr My large sales ofgoods enable nio to goods at ne,rly cost. Como and sec for yoursulve beforo purchasing elsewhere. SOL OPPEXHEIMEU. - - - - Sisss' Dtssstsrv Comeotun. When taken aecirluig 10 directions, will In. sianianeon.ljreiire Tramps, Pour Stomach. Heartburn, hiarrhnea, Uysen ry. Colio, and nil olh tr Uowel Com pbiints. Traeelers should always have a small hntiltnf sins' trstNTr Cosporsn for iinme.liate relief from any B-iwel 'om dlninis, guaranieel to tone up the Slum, ach al onct 10 a btalihy condition. Mother don't fail In hire Hisa' Prs. tsranr Cohi-h so on h in I. for th reli.f of yonr Intle baijr wh.n tltarked wiili any II iwel I'otnplaint, ll contains no iorphinn, nor l;niim. yel Its eomhing ef frel will giea lha litllo tnflerer a i much relief, thai he will al ones fall Inln a gentle sleep, and give his mother an op. pnrniniiy lo rest, as well as eery pro yoked bachelor of the house. Itontsr't llonaa Pownaaawern formerly uae I aninngsl I tie runners in I nili,-r val uable boraes, bnl now tinae the I'rlce has been re lu.-e I lo i! (Vina per I'acksge, all can afford lo use ibem. Il'e were srestly emu-cl anma dar aioca, vj aeein one or our yener hie oil- 'lens, woo bal L.-en bowel down with Khrumaliam. Il.r.i,. kh hi. .,.inl... Ihr., aae hia and declure himaeif jn-t as yonnij a. be ue, io he, an I now be i. rcuoinmending noneri s r.mi rocaiion to en-ry u d a Iv iu lowu Ureal lii.ii .. ,.i H,. iowu. t.rcni liuti.ienl Ibst. r-ik- roaroi-so.-rro "nr. ,rr; warm an i gin w i nu .r n.hi i,.n . lu.rci y reinnemg all Sharp I'ains and by iu iraniiiliing pmpi-rtii-a, allays tbo-e ecr gripinjta, ,.f ihe Siooisch and Riiwcle, nccaa nrd I y etioaiir or olht i mil; 3b Cents per Motile. Puiikiits I'lH'LTKt' I'owutaa are (otran irtd lo curt I'oulirjr of all if ii-n before lha f iwla n-f.i.e ! es', Suro cure for Cholera. U'j bate tried ll. aud aJvi.r I all lo u-e it. Ii is i-ry disiniraging lo tht In lnstriom farmrr'a ire( as well at fonli.h to bae hi-r I'oullr; lo die from Cholera or oilier di.ce. When ahe cai hny of her drugial , KoiikUT'a I'm i.tsy I'ownsn for Ceult a I'aukage. Aud guarantre I lo cure. It is ea t bin true Ibat usny children bate filled untimely graves, by tha nrjle.l of ibeir mniners lo base SistV Srare of Tab, IIoas him nii aud Wilii Citiauy on band Kvrry iboughtfiil moiher baa a battle this Seaaou of tbt year- lor imiue. dials u-e. iti i:i. August olh, liy tlieliev. V. A. Hums. .Vias Alice C uukelberger, of Selins grove, nml Mr. S. O. Uiulcnst lilager, of l'enn tow iishiii. jii:i. Aug. ID, iu Monroe twp., enry D. Fisbar, wi aged 55 years, 3 nioiitlis aud l'J days. In Laurelton, onn day last week, Clarence, son of Afr. David Swcuk, aged 3 years, 2 niontns and 7 days. At Troxelville on tlie 1 1th, inst at 4 p. ni. , Minnie Louisa, aged 0 years aud 3 month : at 8 u. m. of the am day, James Shields aged 3 years, months and 10 days, tin the ldtli, inst al 9 a. in. Charles Sumner, aired 4 years, 7 months aud '2$ days. Tho above thrco children of James and Sarah J. Middlpswarth were called away iu the sh irt space of Ave days with thst dread disease Diphtheria, aud now sleep side by sido, to be re awakened al the resurrectiou uiorn . Peace to their ashes. Gods blessing to bereaved parents. I). Jf. 8. ORPHANS' COUKT SALE Of RealJSstate. BT virtue of an alias order Issued out of lbs Orphaat' Court of Dnydor Co.. I'a, ibt uolertigned Adminitirator of ih siale of Oeargt tjohnee, lot of Prrri lowntbip deostsed, will tXpjat si Pub 81 In Frtmout, on Saturday, Sept. 18th. 1330. Th following properly, lo wit. A ear tain iraol of land tiluat In Terry lown tbip, onuniy and (tat already mentioned, ooataiaiug 83 Acres, more or lest, bounded oatl br lands of Ueorge Ileicbenhaib and oihert. south by tan la of EnooU SJ nuh. West hy lands of John Uarger aad others snd north by land or Philip Eohne, Th loiprov. mam rt b Frame Dellin(f iloase 26X.'8 fetl, sew D V!tK D ARM aad olhte veeaeary oul-buildiagt, Bever-falliag well of water near Iho door (l(ll)U Oil. CII VHU and and 7i A0RB4 CIK AR! 8 tie looaiumeaoo at 10 s'al iok A. M. f esid day wbta term will mad taowe by WILLIAM KARDIKQ, PiUMl'SCIINttt. Atif, ISi Adat elttratert MICDLEBDRQ PRODUCE MARKET. T. W. Dreeiiei ObIobs ptf bushel Potatoes da Buiiar ptr poua4 Egg ptr Joita Tallow ptrpoua4 n 1 t f u 6 a Lard t'btrrlt Seeded Cktrrltt ; -4 26 4 la n 12 Blatkbtrrlt Kaebarrlt Dried Apple liied Psaohtt r4 Soap tlam 3uoalder Side MlritllrlHirj; Market. ctsatortn wstai.r bt Slmonton, Tlrirbor Sc Co. aitAIS&HKED.I. Wheal per hnshet (Ot I) Wheal ptr bushel (NtJ II on It ao Co 45 Hi 31 ora do Oats old, do ' new d. Cloteraesd per busbtl rimoihyreed do Huckwheal do Flaxseed do J'llODVCti. Pol aloes Apples (.'berries, pilled Cherries, uupilltd blackberries Ha-iberries Pried appl.a llniler, prime llmier, tecoud-cltst Kligs 2 So 80 5 8 0 2. oil Iti In 12 T.'i 60 lo 7 12 lo OH on 0 2 Ao 4 Oo 6 00 Omons ll.ris Sptiog chickens Old llais Shoulder Itacna Lard Tallow COAL, Pea Coal Chestnul coal lllacksmiib Coal NOTICE TO HEIRS. f;l the mnllrr 0 Ihr rM' a Jhmit t .V-11-rr, tut? of A'titint Uiu mhip, .V y.i-r amnly, ,rnsif To Mli.b-th tover, wMnw, reaMIng In AHam. town.hlp, -or lr county, I'a. .ml n.a rbl ltrrn, Ih. Iirlr- M.tll l. r .tin war marrl.-l m J. r- Uioaaman kit who itlel kel ra her f.ther. th- .al l lnll '''eo'd are r-.llw : .Mary K. Interinarrle.1 .iioT.r. neo'ii. iii.m wbo aurv tr. iba .all win, Abraham l. Waaner r. l llna near Airv lisle. Itun'iiiirlon t o , Ha. t'atharlne A In. wl'h Sainu.l l'rllh r.t,lln lo Allan. Iila. Mldlln i' . I'.., Harh.ra A. Int. r married with l-aae Patera r,--ldlna n-ar Mllla, M I III In Do , Pa , llaiilel II. .Meyer reald ln at Mulfliur ttprins , Kh.a !., 1-nnep.r.. an l .lai-b V. H-o-r r..l it , al Kill I'r.ek. 4 kmiln,, Vn Ohio, an l I he tollo.lnv nam-e-l '.n, . hllilr.n or M.til U .1. Illnv.m.ii, .te .1. tn.l ll a aaar Wal. nttarllle, Noule i!n., Indiana, to wit : lianl.l II, Kr-.l- erica H. Illnaainio, Haoraa II Iu io ii. lima. man an,i naraii it. Hlnu.ion all tinnira anl hara mr a-utnlUn Jacnii or ciuoiy. r , anl xnl repreaenia- o.r c-iuoiy. ra , m-ir. an i letf il tlv.a of lunlol Morer, ticeaa-d. . u ... n'wiittm ,.HUn,i, r.ny - V.ui are hereby . Itwl to m and apnatr hefora I Joda ol our ii-ubana' t:.un. at an ur- 1 1'tisn.' t '.mrt to be held at Mlddia'.ura on the urn ii ii oi nepiainuar a. i, I aau at 10 lo-cl.ick In tiiernian-Mii, Ihen and llMs-atoae. rctuae to take the Kit, la ol asl I """' utowi, ai me ,,rni . , nail-o put u..n II by ao In iu..t duly awanla.1 t.y th. ..d . .m-l, anl raturuad by tha JiiV'rV '';',.n:v:.::,..'l,.'w. ' wiinaaa tna non. Ju-in o. Harh.r. Kai.. Pr- ol our aald l.'nurt, at this l.tb day ol us A. i. In i. MklUlebur., J. IHUL'.-t'. Clerk U. U. COl'UT PUOCI.A.M vriov. Whereas the lion. J. C. Iluuher I'ra.l di-iii du l-t of the Ju'licial Ui.trio' composed ufilio counties of Snyder, I'nion and Mullin and Hiram U'Neil and Sam'!. II Voler Ks-js. Aesociaie Judge, in and for Mnyder county bate isaue.l ibeir precept bearing, data lb 'Sth day of Way A. l. 1B!0, to mo directed for the holding of an Orphans court, a eoun of Common Pleas, oouri of Over and Ter miner and Central court of Quarter 8et aions of tb react at Middleburfr, for ibt count j of Snyder, on ihe -lib Monday, (bt ing iue..iu dar tr oepi. lSJ.) and enoiinue one week. Noli. is ihcr.v'ore herehy given lo tbt t-oroner. justices o Ibt Peace and Conaia bleain aud for ihe voniv of Snyder, to at pear in their proper person with Ibeir rolls reooriis, imjiiitilious. riamiuationi aud oihor remembraneet to do tbote tbiogt which of Ibeir orbcet aud in Ibeir behalf pertain lo btdone and wiine.aes and per tons prosecuting ia behalf of ibt Common wtalih against any person or persons are required io be then and Ibrro sitoudisg and not deptrting without leave at their peri!. Justices art requested 10 be punct ual in ibeir ailendancs al lbs appointed time agreeably lo noiite. (iiven under my hand anl teal at Ibt SheritTe otlice io .Middlohurg, ibt l jib Jay of Aug A 1)., ont Ihtusand eight hundrtd and eighty. DANIEL DOLESDEa. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale ! BY virfneof a writ of Fi. Fa., isau nl ml ol the Ooart .f C irate hi Pleas of Nnyder eouaty, and to ma direeied will bo 0 posed to fmdle Mala, al the Court Hoaae. la tha ttomaxk ot atiddlakurs. aa Katurday, frept. Iltli. 1880. at 1 o'elock A. M the lollowlas described Heal folate, t wit i All that certain Ixit of Ground eltaate In Tentr. loan, hip Hayd.reoaaty. Pa. n-iuna-u norm ami wi. oy oir relerlei lllnaauiaa, Kaat by lea I ol Knos H-nata, and Nona by Huidle Had. ronialalas u,H IKl KTH AOKK, meroar laaa, whar.ou ara e'ecled a sod Dwelling; House, aad ontbotldtaa. Rata--, takes laaiaeatloa aad laaa sold aa U properly e , A. Mark- y. u in u.r. mica, naarii. ShtTt nfflca, Mlddleburs. Pa., Au. Is, to. CAUTION. NOTICE I hereby givoa kat lb fol lowing artielet have bees' purchaaed by tb Ceneiable Salt. and left la tho poseeaaiooof Henry Rennln ier. during ber pleasure. All pereost art cau tioned not t meddle or interier wu k ibt tame i Cow, Calf. S Pigs, Dung Fork, Grubbing llao, it AXet. Ppaid, Rake, Urlnd Sioo. Table, Cheat, barrel. Clock Qua. butter Chma( nVyik. Maul sad Wedge Coal Slot aud pip, tl Turkeyt, JJ Cbickto. EiiiABsra llt'ansi Aug. 1 9, !88o pd. Auditor a Notice In tk Ki.ilt of Au. H'. KuiyiU, Ja lk Oryk vu (uarf of Any tOr tb. rnilB UBdertigntl Auditor ppialt4 by X lb said Court Is distribute tbo funds Iu lbs hande of dtllia K Kaukt . I,. V of Its. V, Kaigbt, deaed Is aad amoag Iboeo legaly eatillel I ika ss win sit lor Ih Brav ar his sppeial. oat al kls Orio i Iba Bora, of H.lias, gmtsP fuaadsy Sep. It. IHjt at IU u ci.Mji, a( as. at wtleh Halt and pla, Ire. rartlolnatl.. - Ih. iTJitl. U.O. DSlTni VU aWiil mm COURT SALE ! fTlTR nnrlpraitrnerl. Administrator JL f the eat a la of Male Keretetttr, UU of in.pmi; viwaiMip, nnrier aoanle. Pa, br vlnaa of aa Order ol eata Itteed eat f the uiriesala aa "lpos.W WeJoeeday, September 15th, 1880, ea the iramla. la Ida kH..u u.. K ... e-i,., m will All lhal eart.lB Tractor laal eltaaitla the Iowa ehirnl lkBiaaa aaaaie aa.l Mute alra.i., knaaa Korib kf laa le al ll.. RaratMier, Boaih l-rlaa.lanf Aaaaalue Iraoia, Joaatkaa u ... w"'seriau aor.h.ia Wltmer, aaJ " -f n-orr uiani, eoaialalbg 120 Acres, 6 8 no ninatraisniparsnaa 1 ma aanat n anker . 1 TL . . soon r.nea ami la Z.T. . . . 1 w.t.r.a at. eallaal fruit and tberaon en-eted r WUilouo Dwelling Houses, ""'!" aln aaoiher ol NliaoB H .I-. Ka-t by lan-la nt liavi'l w.., i uo u of Urnry HI, hi, an t ,', ' aoi neicr IK I euutala- 21 Acre, neat measure, Sale to enmntenno at lon'-lrre: A. M. nfM a wkoa l.rm...i aal will kr m,.l. known i.t KeUiKMI.-K Ki Rsi r I r;K, J.I. -a i.A K KKTBT Tkk, July? It-, AilmlBlatratora. PUHMC SVLE (JF RealEstale ! THE nnderaipned. by rirlno of a Heir, of t'r.,.rlo. taw Ut. nt fV.nkll i tai. ':. wlll,poaeto I'ub le Male, oa th. pramlnaa. on Thursday, Aug. lfltb, 18.S' Tbefnll .alna l.erlil Red KMete. to wit - TKADT No l-SII.l. In V, ., Snj.l.r rnnn.y. Fa , iH.onilrd North l-t Isn-I- of n.M, r.-i "j lannaoi .innon r:Mly, -".thl.y lan-lx.ft-birl.a H..ln.ter a-ol Wast ly laaJael Marl.h Wltteamyer, eoni.lnlna; Forty-four Acres, mn-ar nssrlr a'l e'esr. nt le- rl r.n-a ana In a hl.h aula nl eultlratlon cb ilre Irult trMK-atp.Uenl waiar near Ida door anil MiaraoB er., u i a oJ Two-story House, Hank Harn, and -ther nsiaary nalhttlMlnv Til it'T No. -i-siiasta In Mi-Mlenreek tan, Snyaar e-iantr. I'a . tman laS North by lan'la .ifwiuiaia Hsra. :it br laa la ot Anl.. I I. rl'b. H .nth by lan.ieof Ant.a IMrlch an-l Mao. Si.lnlar aa4 Wa-t by laoilt ol WlilliaU.ra eonumlng Twenly-aix Acres, mora or tfm, with tha sprsn-aaa-aa. ahoat 10 Arraa ot ahli-h la w.HKiland, Ike balance dear and In a to "I state of cultivation. THA!T No. t-Mtuat. la Ml Idlei-reek Iwn Snyder aouotv. I'a. . h, .and. I ar..r.K i . . ot .laenh HnllK. Kaatt.y l.n a or KH.a Mu,-r ami niners, mntii i.y l.n la nf Ant t lr,-l, and Wel by landa ol Aotea I'lrl. h and otliere' coaulnlns ' Twenty-oight Acres, mora or le-e. wtlh Ilia appurtenancea, about It Acrca eleaf. Ilia halanen wall H nbere f. Sale lo riiinni-nca at to n'cloeh A M nt raid lay when lerma ol .l. will i,e me le kn wn by Al.r.XANliKK P. IIAKtH, . . JoEl, ZKttll M 4 M July l, loo. Alloriiayt for Melra. WATCHES,: Clocks. Novel- tle, Kie. Mend 1,1 I'rl.'o lint. AUKNTi la all p.rta nl i he V.H and Oena. "" want. i'. i . lirui.h, f t en., liat,-,rl era ni ixn'i!aoiurer, U.rrlaa SprlnKa, Mich I - ", S66 sn ai tay ail tt' to Main. A WKKK la i your nwo tnwo tt No rl'k. H-..t.r. II tiuint free. mil want a huaina-a at whii-h ear.noa ol rlih.r aei ran anai pay an ine tune they work .write fifu.r. lo II. HaLLfclT k!i.. Portland. ! Main. June il.'so.iy. OPIUMS Corel by the nai r i nr.: cure, In le-a at Iraa coat than 1,1 taaai ia at i.tiw" omer means. No rutler na or hiri,iit.iiirnca. Iraainient sb Ifi-e.t to any ian iiftl.e I'. S, or I 'aoadaa. Koll purilc tilara free Ad.ire., U. S. liiM'iMMiv, I Kaiahliehad lljrri.n CI rln., Mich. Jaly i.' YOU I LOOS TO YOUR INTEREST. -O- Every man or woman will bur Oisds where Ibay ran do th host. It is natural It ia human nature, Th best goodt for lb least money RULE THE DAY, That le ju-t our Mnlto sod if you want to secure bargains in llAKDW tnK. OROCKKm, linens, FISH. S LT. I'LIHTER, LKtTHEll. HIIOF, FIVIiN'H. TtlllAtni ASH CHIAK.S. UtiiN. IIOKSE ANll ML'LA' SllilKS. N VIL ROUS. 8TKK.L, KlirK ruWllKH. 3AFTV FCflE P. T Cl'ITS PL" ll K KVE VMIISKKV IUF. FOIl MEDICAL l'.E. AT OSLV SI AO I KK (iALLON nr f I." n I'Krt Wl'ART. TUB HE$r WIIISKFV YiL' EV IR HHVNK. Ac. TRY IT. T respectfully ask of tht el'iteaa of Say- jr . ii Ihrir paironagc Having purrbt'd my flood, for C ASH I am able lo tell at very LO II''ES ' Clmary I'rmlace .ilvu in KuniMije or ( fOOtf, Tonrt Retpacitullr, S M. SHULER. FebJ,'40. Liverpool, Perry Co., Pa. Valuable Farm at' PRIVATE, SALE ! THE firs of (Wife Moat, de reaaad. ott.r a valuable Farm, al nrlr.t. sale, aituata one niila satk eaai ol illJdle- targ, eobiaiBioa abost 100 Acres. wharaoa ar oraatad a LAHUI, rwaSTOBT Stooe Dwelling House, New Bank Barn and other eatatldlBe. TbU farm Is la a btea .tau ol ealiivalloa. aad.r poad leaca, aad rcaprtsee he b alas euuet f.rtile suil .( ike miiioweraaa t alley or larlbar parileBlara eall aa ar addraet JOHS A. MiiArZ, Apr. BVW.Ita. Mlddlebura, Pa. "0IMUiniAIlIT Cured i'ainloaia.y. Tha Mllelaa aol I for a aa.ll aaaria aba.. Ihe cost af enot-aadla all eaaaa treated by paelal e.erlesl-a. For full parilealare ad draw the Ulaevverar UK.I, B. COLLI N a. ar Viae. 8. R t'oiUBe, La t'oria. lod. Feb. a,' 4oi. A DMIXISTRVTORS'XOTICE. - aVa-Let tare of aSmlaltir.iin. ik.....-Mi Abb. tthailol. laleal HMJIuhu tmm eaaiy. Pa, 4mM have baaa arai'iad la Iba! aadaraiaaad. All ewrM-aa aaoalae tbamwlvee i ladebtad la said aetata will pa.aaB.te laa - -" ra wnna taoaa aaviaa eieime fl.M aaaiaat aaia aeiata will praeaal Ibeai (or tattle PFHBY RFIw, . , JUMN H, at.lsVR. Jaly It, Its. AdmiBUtrataea. J, 0, KEOPFEH, TraveUm ana Ew Apt, Ul'a AS w. IK.J I II C Ivt laniaUrs, SuyJer couulr, .,..,. " raiia. R'ltlrodd-i. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Tralat laav f.ewiitows Jaaetlos at Muwl MAIN LtNlk-WkllTWABIt Plltalmrak t'preat llt. m. FaelAe fspreae a Is a.m. Way I'aii.uier le is a. m. 'II I f. 1. real Lla (. EASTWARD, rastae Et prase t T a. as. Mall staves, Pkl'aatphta T.n ntatt II la p. The faet Mas. Way Paaeenrse and Iks facll la Mpreat west, and lb Psoitis sad Atlantic Banraaa aaat rna dally. Way traiai atailoat la MlSJIe toaaty at lolluwt 1 wr.TWArl.). BAtTWABB, Way Paa.Vr MaO. ElprMa, Mall, a. m. p. m, a. as. p. m. Anlerann's lino 4"S lost $t M'Veylnwa lilt 4 10 1041 tit Msnayank 11 H 4 t 10 tl n Vherard II it 4 4 VI it M V. llamlHoB 1141 4 tt A t 4 41 Mt. I n..., to S Ions 44. lunii'lngiloa Ills 4 io t tt tit Tyrone in s si tl t tr l-rutra Iti t r s It 1 1 Pl'iahur s 61 IMi T4t Tbt t'aeint Kinreaa a. it ean ba flaaaed at M atlown al 4 41 a m. LEWI3T0 DIVISION. at'sarnv a itneTiiwB bam. aoan. I.sab K.TWAitn. w-sstwarp. ITATlllN. M.H. A -cm S'lI'd Mall .i.t.-wii y to mi in tt la t.lll.n r I 4 I A .III 4t aintrr Tl til IU tliln-1.1 C. iw tl t14 4.' AnerK.SOI tl n M Sit'lnr. S iy III tfl) 4 0 a. Mine V. s it ti ivi m Atamaare a m tit ant t tr ll av.rt-'n s 41 t s a it S It IL nfr K. I IT 4 l t M I IT MliMI.I.'ntiiS 4 14 T tt lit V.-I. '. tt 4 'is f W I It T. It 4 SI T 14 ISwIlna K, H7 4 IS ft IH Srllnavrar. t SS t tit lit H (I. .Ian. t IM t .0 I IS S.iDburjr 10 00 Sto 145 tit 1 H. H'tr,HtN:4'IM,Sapl. PhUadelpMa Rail and Reading Road. Arrangement ol Passenger Trains MAY loth, 1HMO. Train tfaxf Ikrmhm M foU tinr$ (Sui)'lity Krre ttnl. ) For Khamokin, In 10 11.15 am and a.! p m- For Ml Tarmel, Ashlsud. Ttmtna, rntta.i1!e, Heading, au l I hils lt( hia, II 16 a ai. 7Voini nr rrnion, , ire oirWi.trs, (,S'hIIII .'(Vyil. i. ) Leave Rba nok iu, X.Or, I'I OO a m an l 4'r p m. Leave I'hilad.lpbia l AS a m. Btading 11. nn a m. Pntieville, .V p n. Tamf)ua 1.80 f m A. bland 2 4( p m Mt. Carmi-I p m. 7V'ifiis li'f JirriV: For N.w Vork, 6.15. 14'. p in. For I'bilalclpina M'i, b oo a m and r jo. H.05 aal I), t'Ja. m. 1 .40 and 4.t'i p m. .Skic'' For New York b 2" a m Fir Philadelphia 1. 45 f. m. 7Vo. s Air IfnrrW'Hrq nn' as Minn . Leave New Tork, (t. 4 j a i I ,Ov) aud 6 SO Les and 5. rbiladeipina, ' 4j p. m. P. 46 a m. 4 CO Leavt New Vork 5 Mo p ra. Ltava l'hils lelphia .4.i ; -n! J. E V.'(K)TTKV, Ucn'l Maunser C.a.HANTOrK', lien I l'av-'r.t Ticket Al. I'tb ti. vtl n V. KORTHERN "CENTRAL eSlWAT. nasi aftr Nov. Utu. ' '4, trains on tula road wilt rnn a- rotlxw : LbA V t. .VI".Tl""ARn. Leave i M .irltirf u r:vri. t St. p m II 46 - ui I... tu 0 p Ui 4 r a m I W i n. t ll a ra al Lib.. t IS a m I - lit -n lo t; a ia II to a iu I J put I N'W Vork P'nla. I W.aiilnton U,ltiiU'r. ; H.rri.burs Oeorei'". n Nlin.Crove , 8nnhury tr. 4 a m ..' a id T I .. m a ui .. tuipiu .. t 30 p m m '.'; ta fl. a) p ib e Vj . tu 4i I at It . i liVl ' (vnrtbiiron.riana Arriv. at I ts'llliattiaiiorl Kl.inra HllTalo Krl. s tl a si I a ." v at . -j i m a l , '. iu iu T t p m ' - p iu e ou a at t ;'i p pi T 4-J p o Lf AVG SilfTIIW Altl. Px-ine r Smthara Lt'i. tip. Latve Niagara Fal.t iJ'ii, I (jr. a bnSalo 4 V, a to vioam WaUme I.Uiiiii li y iu lupin Km. I 3iia ni I.n.-h llsven a m v.Or Wbis,. t.Sim 114 ' p ia ll .n p a I i.U a m N 'rih'd t tiaiu . u4p, Ii 4 ,u saniiury t.ioam t.i s ! . i: 4a n s.oo a m H llnrmve ttsam lluiiiuf1 'j. a tu Il-rn ton lo ' a nj fi p m 11. a tlcatrt,i'n 10 it ,u IM; 14 t tu Arrlv. at: Harrlabnrg 11 44am 1 .10pm tliln Silt's Piota. 14ipm 7 p in 7 am 7 i, a i v.e V'i'l s : p m Iu.on p u .Uaailj34aua Halomor. SS'pw ws p ra fsoam Ttla-w Waahington t ; m p m .C;am Mis Thoa. mark.d "f atop only wh.n laea.d, A.J. CASS ATT. 0)aa. jlaLaf-r. Philadelphia & Erie R- R D viti slu,uj:j: time tadl. On aal after H'NOW. MAY tOth. Its. iv, Ir.iB olh- Pullai.lpbla a trie Ktll 4tv4 l maun aill ran roll ,t : WF.sTWAKD. EKIE MAIL IrtvM Piiilalrli-hia ll.r-ia:.u.-s Wii'lan-ps - Jr..-y b .a " K UOI4 err. at Lfle n . IHi.a V.B, "T a aa. t4a aa. Ii .oa. m. T M p. ut. N1AOAK A HP. I.a.aa PMlat-t'a - Har.i.Mi-a t oo a. aa. l: : a. ia. ' are. a' v ,:lia-.. t 1 Ij p. at. " " l. ,ta'a 41 p. rASTLlXCIeataa Philad-iphia II to a. av. II arrl.tiure trr. al Wlllia,oa-r4 UIHii'i t it p ia. KASTWARP. PAOirlC Ur. I.stm I a- lt..a nil a " ' J w b I'tt.a " Williaa.i oyt tii,.m " arr. al H.ri-i.iu lltln " - Pb.lad.lbta 1 to b. u DAT EXP. leaves Lk Hma 1110a.m. " - tt illiaaiar-ort I1p. w. arr, al H.rrie-an I s i. a. " PhiladeUBto tta.ah tBI t MAIL Wavaa K.eova 140 p. aa. - I. Htm lw. a ' Wi.litai.iKjrt II it a. m. arr. al lUt.a, M - 1'bilad.lp. i IMlb rAST LINE leavea Williaaain ll at a at. - ' r-"".:. tZXZi I a-.t. w.ii v.., ...t i. a ..m . ... . I v i.u t i bv K. K tr.i.a to? niiam aid S.-rtMM, Kri. Wail tt t. Kiajara ( lai ! 1 Faat Lla. Wmi aa.t. d .a.bli-wi at Wit- ' la., awl tlb is. f. K. sr. iraiaa arsb Kiuara KipraM Wt aad l'- llama East vaal..-1-we ewaaclMal L-wk clavaa wit B. K. V. H. IL Erie Mall Baal aa Wmi e aaaeS l Cr4e with Iraiao ea L a a N. : H, H. i at C-aeey .sin. tt A V. H. R. I l ;- C. N. Y. P M. a, aad at iMftawkt .nl A T. H k tSHar o.ra l.l ran b.4wa Pa.daiehia ea W Ullaaiaa.w4 t Miawara Sipr.-a tHiial la.v Kineaae a aal, t avpbt easa sst BU abat traiaa. n, a. Ai.r.wn. K.v. r. la?. 14. al Mr 1 1 - ' . 1 . J . W'J? irvt 4M4 Aatsttf mil kind tf sua a e"!, iiarrtiaifdb XttasVA, ZuopHh I MalV , JC ,