The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 12, 1880, Image 1

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    tFtfHi - J-S
A.'.lvorttli? Itato.
i i column one year, fW.(K)
n.hlf. column, one year, .on
n.f(iurth column, one year, lo.(0
bne square (10 lines) 1 Insertion 75
B?ery additional Insertion, 60
Jrrofii""ft' mid Business cords of
f not more thmi 5 lines, nor yoar, 5.00
'Auditor, Executor, Ad.niuistrator
and Assignee Notice,
vlitorinl notices Per line.
All transient advertising less than
$ month 10 cents a lino.
All advertisement for ft iliorter pe
riod than one yenr aro payable at the
timfl they are ordered, and if not paid
k - . . ,.lii (Kaii, will A Imlil.
119 JIUIS.MI UlllVIIHf Willi... .111. W 1.W.XI,
pnonsihlo for tlio monov..
1 ootry.
- How to Ak and Have.
0b, 'III tin t tbtiutil It Ik lo your mother
8et Mary," layi I
Ob, don't talk, to my mother," ijs Mary
rgdnalo( l ry
'For y mother sayi men ara Jeeclrern,
And merer, I know, will sinsent ;
Bbt ityt girls In a hurry wlio marry
At leiiurs reponl."
Then s'poss I would talk to your father,
8ret Mai lays I ,
Oil diu'i talk to my father," sts Mary
' Pejinulnx tit ery
'For my father, he lure me io doirfr,
He'll nerer consent I sliouM go
Ifyou talk to my fstbs'," sty Atiry
He'll eurely iy 'No.'"
'TVa how shall t gt you, ray Jewel t
6oet Mary," sail I ;
If your father aa l mother' io cruel
Moot eurely I'll die !'
Ii, aerer ay die, dear," say Msrjr,
A way now lo lavs you I sas ;
new my parents are both so eo itrary
IVai 'i better ask Ma.'
There Is No Dsatlt.
nreiBi. BuLwaa LYTTOH,
to Is no death! Tiie sttri ti dowa
rie upon some f lirer ehore J.
bright ia Hetrnn'e jowetol orowa
icy eliiae forovermore,
loiiBodeatbl The dunt we tread
ill rliange 'oeath the sunimer showers
I il loo grain or mellew fruit,
I rainbiwtluie 1 dvwrs.
granite rojlci dii ir m i t
feed the hungry rao lhiy hear !
forest Icarei driak daily life
t out thi riewleet air.
e Is no dotth ! The leires may fll,
t Aiwers my fade and ptKs away ;
. only wtit through wimry hours
e oouiing of the It J.
ti It no denth I An angel form
illn o'er the earth with silent t.'oil i
are our best lurel things awn;',
iid then we 011 themMutd "
itcs our beitrts all deso'ate,
plunks our firet. eweete'i (loirofe
I'll! inte J luto Miss, tl:py now
mild liomortal bowers.
bird like vnlee, wbnaejiyius tones
li gl 1 1 theie eoKiise of "in aud strife.
m now an crerl i-tlng song
in 1 the tree of lifo,
where be reel a etulle too brtglil,
r heart t )o pure fnr l uiil tu t ico.
kstrs il to that world of llg'ut,
dwell in paradise,
p unto that undylni; lifo,
y lenre ui but to oome tgnln j
joy we wclcumo Iheut lui kajio,
oft io sla and pain.
tren near us. though unseen,
dour immortal rpirii Ireal
il the bouu Hess nnirerso
lire theie are no dead.
o 1 o o t T it 1
A Lady, After All.
lnno Hot enranff from the
and huntoned nn the croon
o the wide, oldfikMhioned farm-
currying hia valise in hi
wonder if Nannie (rot ray note,
b looking for tue f ilullo !"
is last exclamation was drawn
Hay' lip by a cherry, which.
? iroin above, somewhere,
mto sudden contact with bia
looked up, and there, purcb-
b a crost bird, np.m a limb of
te old cherry tree, and lookiog
ftt mm witu uaiiotnt? eye aud
ut cheeki, was a younr girl,
iw do, Leunox Come up
tvesome cherrius I washer
icvoua crottinir.
nnie I J it possible ?" ex
d Lennox, severely.
I while Hay looked on in stern
troval, tbe young witch swung
i iijUiiy down.
w, don t look so slum, Len-
at' she stid, slipping her
uda Into bia. with a eoax-
tion. "I kuow its tombovish
ub tbe cherry tree but then
yu mn. '
mis, you should have boon a
aid Lennox.
uh I had I No, I don't oith-
k thou you wouldn't have full
love with me. What made
ear f ' with a fond glance and
"tag movement.
cause you are so ewiot, dar
answered Ray, molted in spite
iiulf. "Uut I do wish, Nuuuie,
Jiild leave olf those hoydooiah
Vad be mora dignified "
U a Miss Ishatu I' asked Nan
1 a Isham- is a very snperiot
1 and it would not hurt you
1 bor in some reipeuta."
7vvrs sprang iuto Nannio's
, j tone.
lut tnto tha parlor, and
iuat in a greatarm oUir.
eiving bur curls a toss
fyiut and sat d iwu.
rU WOold U'-U UP UlOS
"i snddres yonr hair as
f I i
VOL. 18.
have a talk with you You know If "I don't know mva,,lf-noilber
lore you but in truth, my dear, my ; know nor I" lio crow led
ana nitiHi uare eoinetuin or tbe el0.
anco of refioed eoeioty. Your
IlliinnilPa l ito aliula smm ff I
manner need polish, my dear."
"I catue djwn to tell you that my
slater Laura i m tking tip a p trty t )
visit me Dota l watering pluces, au I
she wiuhca you to bo one of the
"Are you goin" askod Nannie.
"No t my biifliness will uot allow
it i but I shiill seo you soveral times.
Will you go t"
"i don't want to g. I'd rat'jor
stay hero in thu country aud clim'j
cheriy-treoa every day.'
"Nannie 1 I tuustiuxiHt upon more
solfvontrol," said bo, coldly.
"Hut don't soud mo away," she
"h i for yonr good, Nannie, and
youniUHtuo cooioui U go. Will
you V
I ho supper bell rang at that in
v -i.-i. . .1
i...- i...r t.. .. i .. i .i.......
n'iii"i-i uiyi .'. ..i.j, iiuuil-'i, lining
an. I weury, eutmo l tlio uotel
wo jro .
bis sintcr'a paity wuss'.op:)ing
"Lennox 1 you here '! sai.l who
"Yes. Y bora's NaLuio?"
"bo was on tho piazz.i, talking
rilh a French count, a moment ago.
Ah ! there sbo itt, by the door.'
"Ah said Lennox drop ping
Lanra'a baud, and making bis way
toward the door.
Hut it was bard, even when he
drew near, to Bite in tho ttjlish,
utiitely lady, wIioho bair was put up
over a monstrous chignon, aud '
wboso lustrous robes swept tho !
il....- ..t . l l :.. 1:1.1.. V :. I
IIIMII VI U aiil, Ilia U VY U libblU AIUUU1U
of tbroo months ago.
Le in ix Hti-o !) up with siarrti a
glance at tho buwi.dorcd dandy to
bom she was chatting, aud Uuld
with tin ea'ci' exclaiuuiiuu :
i ' '"'"
hho uiii'lc a sweeping courtesy,
and languidly uxteniluil the tips of :
Her lingeru ; ut:t uot a tuuncla mov
s 1 bo i t .vU it aojjr 1j 1 with wjll
bred iudiflk-tence,
"Ah. good uvouiug Mr. It ty.''
'.th, Nannie, aro you glad to aeo
mo f ' said Louuox, feeling that bis
bum t was chilled within him.
'"Oh, to bo Huro, Mr. Kay, quite
glad. -Allow ma to preaent my
friend, tlid Count do lloaut'epaire.
Mr. It iv. tojiwionr.
Luuti ix bu'diy .1 ligns 1 t b i iv to
the I'luncbuiati, aud oJjrud bii ariui,,
to Niitiuin
. "You will walk with me a little
while V
"Think hut tho music is begin,
ning and 1 promised to dance witli
Jr. Hlair."
"Hut afterward," said Lonnox, tbe
ciitii growing colder
"Hut I uui uugagod to Mr Thorn
"When, then !" demanded Lon-
nox, with a jealous pang.
iMiiuiy, my raid is so inn, i '
hardly know. I will, however, try
and ppnto you a waltz sometvhere."
"Good heavens 1 Nautiio, what
ufi'cetiuu is this I'
Hue favored him with a well bred
"1'i.rJju, I do not undorstand
And taking the arm of hor escort,
she walked away with tbe air of an
Lennox sought bis sister.
"Laura, bow have you changed
Nannie so V be demanded
'Yes. Bhe is chuugod. Isn't she
perfect V
"Perfect t Rather too porfoct to
suit mo," growled Lonnox,
"To-morrow I shall see more of
Nannie," ho thought.
Hut to-morrow, and to,morrow,
and to-morrow, it waa always the
same, and ''that elegant Miss Irv
ing, ''oa they styled her, was always
iu demaud, und poor Leuuox, from
tbo diutauce at which sho kept biiu,
looked on almost bearthrokeu. vary
ing botwjoit wrath, joalousy, piido
and despair,
'.Nauuio," said bo, one morning,
when bo found bora moment alouo,
"how long is this to last t"
"I believo you wished mo to como
hero to improvo my tuanuers, Mr,
Itay t to aoipiire tbo elcgauco of so
ciety," she said, coldly.
"Hut, Nauuio "
"VVolb if you aro not ploaaod with
tbo rosult of your own a Ivico, I am
uot to blamo. You must oxouso me
uow, Mr. Hay, I am going to ride
with tbo Couut do Heaurepaiie.
And with 'a groatful gesture of
adieu, sho left him siok at heart.
That afternoon Lonuox walked
uuanuouncod iuto Laura's room.
"1 thought I'd drop iu aud say
good byo before you went down
stairs,' said he. ' ''1 leave to-uigbt "
"Indood Whore aro you going f
asked Laura.
"Ob, I dou't know I" was his sav
age reply,
"You eau tuka a note to Oeorgo
for me V
"Yes, if you got it ready," said ha
"Very well I will write it now."
"Laura left the room' and Lonuox
stood rcoi lily at tbe window.
Presently Nannie oams (a aud
stood or bim.
'Areym roally going way"
sue ssas'i.
I , , - r '
"Yes I am, ' was tba t)or) ci
sianr. an. auuie uuHiiiy answonm : ; one toss of your old browu curls
"W-st let mo go, Lennox," and . fr t:10 fl4 li,ja u
ran out of the room, aud up sUira in tho world ''
to her own chamber "I'luv, y.,,1 will hut t , tiku yo tr
".c. II ko . Aud I II teach you 'oU N.itmio b,ok a;i.r Ln-iox.
ono lesson, Mr. Lennox liny t eoo tf.Junr.''
1 don't," ho murmuied A.i 1 Len1x, p ,s,ioately cl t spin
It wish iioiuly tbe middle of Sep- tlor i i,i, 1, I ... 1,,r......'
She alii.pcd Imr hand in l.i. arm.
with the oi l ctreaain m ivomonl l.o
a. . . 11 " UV ... ...n i
tly, tiHi'tig bia mtttiu for tho llrst time!
sine ho came.
"Hut heutiox'dear, ifou co awayi
olT somen here, wliut will I l,i t" J I
Ho turned suddenly and catiirht'
hor lo bis bent t
"Ob, Nannie. N.inm'j 1" l.n !
piNsiomitely, "if you would only
come baett to mo, and lovo mo if 1
could recover my IomI troiiHiiro. I
would uot go nny .vhnre. Oh, my
lost 1 ive, is it too Into f '
Sim l.n' I her f iee down nguinst
bin xboiil ler and nKkp.l :
"I."ti'iov dear, lull mo which von
)V. lien1,, the Niititiio you nsolt i
know, or tl... r
H,iblo vjii'iir l.i lv
you found litre T"
"Oh, Nannin. d;tvlin-r 1" ho rriml
- . kin'
(';14iini'r Imp .l,.ai.v l ... ...I
. .w14,.,
'HMil vowej ho Wt
wouiil not ee iiin.'n
u !,,,.( ltlu wj. t0M fir M
tlio iiottso (lowers in Orist.iu do u.
The Inipe.idii3 Tyrant.
c on
III: ori:
It. J. 15nr l'io expluiiis
ri i . . .
'' ii'j'tni iiiwicie why
net cull ou O . uural
esys :
Winlo in tho ci y, Wanted ti
over to Oivie tior ii 1-1. a I and ttpnaU
to O -lltM l lliim 'ri; o'lOUl the i lint
eons i In to lor which my heart Ut
b.en yi-urniii ovoi sino I ktiesr wiiit
such a tbnij wis lilt , Hut I dare
not io, J t irt Kale. Ttu yeirs
of in lisi riuuuato prowling amoui;
the c .i'ihi rv.iitvo .leui fr.ttio inurnils
on ourcxcli in.'o list Ins t.ut'iit me
iii.iv it wotit'i not nu Halo. I r.nn
which vcr way I illicit itp:r acli the
hiitcfol biyonet gt.-uuio.l in tho huu
luht, on l lii'ti ty died iti the bna-ns!
re!lectol upo-i the glilturinu Ht'Ll.
Tlio tyiuuiions htfjins ui iiius'o Irom
a military bund poi-uued tho nir u,
tvtli tho ol tin oniou-cutiug '
I .t I.' I .... I. . -
frowned dart: In lr..... ..r..?,-,. ?' J
uietits, and al .sunrise un l sunnci, '
tho morniu ' nn I evetnu uii inn!
clatiiiud with brdzuti throit nn l
harsri rcvcrlifrai ions that lavli''!it
und darkness its ut and tiv ..i. i
r 0f Wi lli I I Seott llineicli
.! ii ir-!5i'i'0'ill c urnandiu. whereas
every Ireedioni cit'.'ti kinws t 1
the -no sli uM ri-e mi l set by tdo '
ui t ol Coo -rcss. So 1 Ii I u t n i O'l
the Maud. I cul l net ftand no.'
moved in the iircscnco ol the tnilitiiy
diotator wliisn ui. ni. r-I hand is hli
ed ngaiuft tue hbei'.icd uf my I'liiti-
And already this imperial ilespil!
has placed his irou IicjI mi tha crck I
,.r ,.i .i . ... ...ii...
people. WttlMUl waiting lor hn
I'lreiio'i, hs has justiil.'d the wira-
nigs u mo lonioitriitiii press,
has, for m my faithful yours,
aluad with lb ) veico uf the lVoohol
coiiceriiiiig the dreadful tilings that
would lullow a military can Ii I itarii.
Immediately following bis nomina
tion tit Cincinnati, (1'iieril iunick
nriilo tbo wruthor so warm in New
York city Unit peepb) fed lioiu
sunstrekd Iu ooo il ly. Thou bo or
ilcre l tbo great 11 tad ia tho upp-r
Mississippi. And yesterday uioruitig
wlmn a .Sunday school piomc h k I jasi
gnl oomfortahly seitio i io a grove
(ibey call a lsc ist t"o and a high
board fenco and 2d boor tables a
"grove"' aoywhera within 3d miles nf
New York) ho mido it rain. Aud
to crown his tyranny, Irou) tlio mer
est caprice of military power ami a
liberty-hating despotism, regard
lens ot tho prayers of all tho bays io
ftoe Amorioa, bo crashoJ iuto tao
du-t of oerveless submissiou au I
groveling siihsnrriunuo tlm last ray
anl hope ef Aiiiui'ici'i lih-rty, aal by
a special Hold ord'-r m i In tho lourth
of July conn) on Siudiy, sol o'lug
ud it to filth.
Aro wo freomnn, snl eud iro theso
tilings)' Is 1). ma's voice silout io
tho laud, that we writo with bayo
nets at oar breasts t Aro wa to rise
at ruvtillo ami turn olf the iias at
light tail f M ist wo "gi up aud 't
our tpiiiiine" wlma tha inuliuine iull
ia sniiudod f Is tha ll'ijiiulio of
Ameiioa one griat tnihUry cauipt
I toll you, brethren, luesi aro peril
ous times, an I no man is safe with
out a cor,.'!.
"I stty, SamWo, woroyuu ever
toxica ted I"
"No, Julius, nebnr was you t"
"Well, I was. Sambo."
"Didn't it tuakayo't foul good T"
"Yah I but golly, iiuxt moruiu' I
thought my bead waa a wood shed,
aud all the niggers iu Christoudout
was splitting wood in it 1"
Henjumln Franklin, whaa alivs,
looked alter the pnnuira, and no hts
bis rswird by having bis Lua4 on
Ibe peony postage sump.
D ipoinj dressos ars mids of this
guilds, soij for joaog ladies white
antW rs Ilia most popular.
Bridal drstsos sre p4 of white
satin, with roood dots, sod Irlmmsl
-. e.T'Uf'-l ."i .' .M It V -MM
Bad Advice,
jitiiins ut4 aoont m-tny
J"0'"'" R00'1 ' I any
,t i it 1 K a . a . I a
("i with a mental ruservstion
1m',b,", ,in ,mH ,'",m wo" lv,i,l bis
ad viae. Hut the thought lhat initio
v, 0 f,'I1',1,0' bi" h' bven
almost totally direirarlol tills me
wil1' ''"''t1'1 tf router tho expoo..
t lttotl of any Hiuount of sotil-diislruy-
'nrf o ml 1 a vV.toti. Mind that,
S nini y I
koiing man, stay wiiero yon nro
don't co Wuii to atw wood
Oiiu't h.iw wool at nil i your
hands weio intended by N ituro to;ebii tlv witoin fifty years.
hoi I f nicy c.mos and clasp wnnts. I'he account of the lintll i of Wi
not to cle ii' w istes. Wiisl pbices! teiloo. which, I'hilips caid, was the
never need clearing. enndest event in Iviropciu history
Wliou yon urn tr tvuling, hug shore in this century, ocupied only onn
as mueli as possible i if yo'l c in 1 1 third of a column of the London
hag sliore, h i ; s etiethiug nioi'n in-i Tun- . I'omparn wilh this j nun ilis
luritsting, s iylio v. jtic enterprise lint whi.-h l iys n full.
I' irlvour luir in tho mid Ho of page history of tho Ule in m i.-re of
yur foreli.M 1, leiviug nu ei' ; ten persons in Colorado liofoio t!u
tntiaher of b iirs on e ieh si lo of the re 1 1 u s of our gre it dii'i 's
p u t. An iine.piul divisi hi mi'it i O irrison wis motihed in Hoslon
iiuImLiuc'I y I'll' mi'i 1 ll iuion Imt in I S l", i I n i-r .vlyese m 1 li iin ;
this, nnd you nriy ltd M.tyor uf Now h-iiige 1. With all tho lils of tli
York h iinj diiy. I II istou i tpers of 1 1 1 -at, yi'iir liefote
L ink not up m tho wine when it is him, Mr 1'hiliips c ml 1 nut I'm 1
re 1,, liko touipuriiico orators, ' anything Lkn a di tii ed ac onnt ol
shut your eyes an I g il,i it d, J the event, "which shook the city
If yo'l want to starve to death while it l ited "
write p lefry fjr a living. When Preiu lnt lluiison died in
Temper yo tr pitri in u wil!i pru-jllL it look I'Ui davs for tlio no vs
lence an 1 keep out of the Mingo of . to reach Sprinlield, III., fr ml
ijiins, for love f c Mi'itrv ceasus witu i Viisiiiti;toii, t'.nu Vln i'i i n l.i i-
lite t it i t thy d it v, t.urof irj, 1 1 live
: as Ion,,' us y 1 1 c n.
tho I Wh"i thy p ii'so is e-npfy Id ph;l
,H j I antbrupic in thy selietuns : when tliy
Ho ! !"""' it full, fot'goi thy selieui is.
I Put tliy fiitn i i ri til rolitimi :
" ,:l(,'hiug nny t iru up
wh.ui they
turn down.
I'lire iten n it thy in it'ier-in law,
for tlio threat .'lied, liko cats, bavo
many lives.
ll i to thy "utield" wheu thou art
ill need.
Li-t not thy heart yearn after cle -
v ato I stock ti if other w ill lly ross-
no-s, li lt love Pie reiiii Fed I an 1 bo
1 a tdu I mt of nature,
j If thou wouldst liud (bj beautiful
son!; it in the li illet.
I'waru of I'm wi l im, putic ilaily
of those th it havo nev,r I) i ei in u-s
tied, for tliou ui iv'.st nit hi nolo t o
give It il n Is f ir th -ir Olivers,
Wh-ri u tvo.n in tell s yoi tliitsln)
I. il..a ll .1 t..r... u . v I i. .1 , i I, . I .1 .
wavs thou rht H.: that W ill tl liter
I'"r 't
dul'.i n t of th l.t'j by tho
'ut Ji'Ui-igs on the lino,
bo;i von treat ctd
when IrcV.o I, for tviuo
N. it V loo It's H ni'iiMi. If I
have I'l l Ivetteiitly (i'i I 1 tiiva in i I-
voi tently or u it at all ) all ' va I any
go.) 1 a Ivici to creep iuto I Iks ah vo
piragMplis. I bog tho re I I r t act
directly at vimuco wit'i that advice,
A. V. in t 'in. S it A7
So tie limes, when 1 look ever my !
Iil', I a;u u in i .it I ti sen Inv tlm!
pigos of Us ro.xrd tiro dotted with
t!ies hair-'iro 1 1 ll es viac. I os- i
capo I the da a '"r unl Ii ir lsliiiis ul '
tin revolutionary war, liy tviitiug
liinli! tl... '.Vnr tt . I It.... ii fw.p mIii iI
) sixiy y f ars In IiKO I i? il ho1 n. Wueu
l.l. 11 l.i l U.. T
i . ii w iiitr'siyu i.ii'iiau i'imi'i i i was
I'I 15 irllllgt )U. ll-Mi tlli yellow fever
liroko o it iii N"tv O.'ht.ina ( wis in
MinnDsOtii, an l i,u in Ii a'.ult' ski
.tilt (or Cm i la. Wh iu timli iy. as jour tvuhhitig was not seut home
ut si'ho il, one day, nil tin boys in 'in snisou yj.i w.ll uot bo able to call
sell ml wero flag .d all aroint I, lor for her.
I'oliSmg an anpli entliird, mil tho To usk a bald bea led
it 11 . , l. m I ..!.!.... . .. ...... f ... . ...1.1
II IJging til HI l ill) a oil Ol gO'U, inr
o.'ery hn ir of thnin In I tbo clul-
era tn irhtis all that night, just thu j
situe. A'i'l If I was attending j
another school twenty throe miles j
distant. Wl.on allot my brut hers
and sisters ware dawn with tho .car.,
l.o f...,r f -.j .1...., V., ll, n tl,.,
amiy, and w iiea I roil nu l-Uers
from ho ma, I Itagbid to think of
my ure it no id l ut na, anl that I
Willi' I only b it'u lo bt libit at once
or twice a week, instead of having
to lako mudioiiu throo ti.iids adiy.
Wheu a nun dimes to Hid oitlao with
a bttio hill, uiui ti ius oil of tea I
sin out. And if, by sumo astonish
ing bliiulor, I am in, thou I ado '.l
am more uulortuniti), but ths in in is
in no b.'tirr luck tliau bol'oro. 11 ur-
ift'f.'C, JlilirtfiC.
In Ono Liftitimo.
Some one has recently writton ;
" I am not au old mnu i yet iu mat
erial things I havo seen tbo crcatiou
of a uow world. lam contemporary
with the railroad, tbo telegraph, tbo
steam hbip, tbo photograph, tbo sow
ing machine, the strum plow, tbe
frictiou match, gaslight, chloroform,
uitor gltccriue, tbe monitor, tbo
caloric engine, tha OahfornU gold
disc ivories, ths oil well discoveries,
gutta pnroha einnal fruits, tho eleo
trio light, tbo telephone. A a. Those
are some of tha f i itpr nts of iu iter
ial progress of tho present genera
tion. Do you think tbe moral world
will remain t be svu as bsfore t
that sooiety will remain
by these changes t Ifjvoti do lot me
oall your attention to tbe fact that
tbe sama generation lias seen the
aboliliouj if slavery on a grand cale,
tbe opening of China and Japau,
the institution of world's fairs, and
tha agitation for the freedom of wo
roan. Aud tba march ia steadily go-
inn on with aocolernUnii nation.
Slow News.
Sl'ieh tbnt fs not very
J" put into "novr
! .l.,a Kill 1 .
papori now:i
Uvs ! lint tlio ilmsj of tlio morn nn-
'cient editors as to what is really
'worth tolling wuro vory dufu'tivo in-
deed as much so as worn t'mir
tnoaus of getting nos and sending
them sliMad,
Wen loll i'liillipn. in a do
livered in .Yew Ymk t'i'y I st Do-
ceinher. uotod th'i won Imf il gm.vtlt
ti'in i power m ino pftiss in mo itirtM
ti in of j iitrtialism. I ins is an (ient
if Civili. itiiin that bus il ivol iii 1 1
i Coin dtsliidieVe I tll i ret) u t Ii ie
it -ei iii '.l iui jofsili!o it eo ul I I i ' i
lll'lil SO S I'l l.
j Now, It) tie) ne'.vsp ip 'f yei lily
litis iificl'iio in you ".my itl toe,
; words tuenn Victol ia hpokn lo Iht
Pailiani"ilt hiiich tlm nun r ise io
! Lnirl and, or what a congress ol
, lvi:oii'ti reprs t itivu sil i i l
. ou the b inks of the I) isphorus the
'evening lu fire.'' As Philips pet-
tiuetitlv s at s : "The in in win reils
j t he paper has a teb 'graph ttiie that
.connects him witli the wml I. mi l
tho in m that dm s not rend nii'ht us
wi II lie Koliinsou C'tusoo o.i Ins
It is Nut Ccntlcm.iMli'.
To p lint r.t a p -rs m uit'i tho fin-
; tjrr an 1 make rouiarlis, ut a p ili!i:
place or on t!ie street. Thoxe tvh i
witness the up -rati ei uu tliink tti'
oiks ho pointed out lias been guilty of
i " '"""""i a" I "111 1 U.lJ.lst
c ilielusioiiH.
I 1 beg a c!i-'v of toli t vo a
.tllio, mid then if it don't slit your
tl.t'. to ask him vh.:'i bo be,; m
, umiciiiiig d.irk 1- urs.
To s .i iko in chiiii'li, or t k a
l.liuie novel along lo real during the
delivery of the ci III on.
; To iitti'iupt to dt a.v a H 'tm'ivs.
ri'din-a 1 in i,i iuto eoaveiv iluu on
' i:re-'.Vii;Ls.
I To in iiio a re:n irk ah ett cl.if Iting
.going uii, on inei tiiig a man on t.m
st reel whose tioiisui'S Icgi aro four
ne'lms loo hiiol t.
To a.k a m m into a cigar .alore
f r a smoke, uii.l thrii diseitrf. v itli
sertiung unI oi.ihtneiit, that, with the
ec -pit ui of ;i hunch of k-ys au 1 u
trunk chuck, vo ir p ick"t ise ujily.
tin 1 leave the otuut' foil j .v Ij autlle
the damage.
To invito n young lady I ) ati nn
tei'tiiiuniout and thru, half nn
hour b.i'ore the tiiuo for the siio.v lo
, begin, drop her a uotu stating to, it
i itio pi osim;ia uro i ir i g j i.i ii ti 'ii. i
To accompany a man home to
supper by luvitatiou, and I hen spaa I
your butter all over tho pla'.o ou lue
bunt for bans. 1
To st.iu I at the eutrancu of church'
doors ou S iu lav. and s im t tobacco1
ini vi.r Hi., u.'..i. f ,r thu, t.i
drug their iliissis thiough.
I i
A Daouit'J City.
The town of Coviugtou, .i wa. says
the Sioux City , iurn i!, is literally a
doomed 1'ity, Situated on the bund
of tho Missouri liver, the bunks ate
being gradually eattu away, and the
ground ou wliieU tho court bouse
stool a year ago is now covered ey
mauy feet of last liming water. The
cutting a tay is done by tits mid
starts, decently the current set io
shoie and took olf a strip of laud
thirty feet aide iu a few hours. No
invasions were made for another
week, wheu another alien waa rut utT.
I hou about half a douu boil lings
were moved back anna thnt. foil.
aud the uuxt d iy tho laud ou which
they bad stood was all gone. The
citizeus have tried to moor trees and
togs lo tbo bauk iu the tiopeol' lorm
ing a barrier for tbo tlood, but the
curreut is so swift aud the water so
deep that tboso attempts have failed.
To give au idea of what the town ol
Coviugtou has sutTerud in tbo p.a.t
live years tbo case uf tbo ferry-bouse
aud tho priucipal hotel may be in
ataiiccd- Two jeais ago tbero were
liliJ feet of laud botwuou tha build
ing aud the rivor bank i uoa youcau
toss a stotio out of tbo hotel window
iuto the river, aud the building aro
uow beiug put ou roller for removal.
Cau dog uui tucir way home
from a long dutauoo t" sake au ex
obauge. It's according to tbe dog.
I it's one you want to get rid of,
he co And his way back home from
California If it's a goad oo Vs
Acnironllio wtihlis wotth two
on the cur,
A well known field officer a ker
nel nf corn,
A'fiH-k po'ifs hciivftiwar 1 wlmti ii
nieniiH mincliirf.
What is homo witli.Hir n do T .
tanulis) for cits.
It is in a Ims'ilni n tint tw lund,
ire bott. r llni'i ..n...
t'l 'c's nn. a.v fully ili-ipatcd, tlirj
!'' p ml k i 'I Is ol hours.
unit wii, or i ti f nu
111 ' col l a id p it t! il
I C i
Why shoul!
h'll)i;rv 1 1 'e
a wii I ciitt -f tin-, r l.e
ins" ll". cull always
rhiiji by
N'o'linig is nl,,i!ly had.
d ll k Ian'.. I'll ii is ii, I,, i,.,t M
No on iit.j '. is h ii h
thro iU !i to jinn h , , i i;s.
All editor c in coiirc' his
'a-lor Hi ii I;,, cill Ills , I! , s.
TluV'll's lie nt e.vp fi-;ve!ybo
o lo the l;nvyii jnr tlicr mhis.
.Ni'ar V .1 I w 1 1 1 ) i o h.,. ,.!,!
Ho t-:il .
an I soul I w.juI 1 IU0 ii j . . 1. 1
ni.'li is llie in ist ilja'ir us I
that ti H in the uit A lo i. -h t
ev H H wuni'i s t"HL"ie
L'OOii '.'I li'ii ii C l l-O Ii In l k
i n i
i.ikin j
.1 y
Il HI I M I t
I illil ll .,
I I Z l 11 III l-t St '
t ) hanuin-.s t nu ui o jrluc ul lu lu ,ir .
'The per- ui who'ii y m c in i r i I
iik'i a t,ii-k uiu-i tie a mm ot ii
Why i lie: .f.'lli iilia Ui,ie ' I!.,
italic' i is tall al ph.i! s an I ll its,
A tin i ia i y Im .vnh - tha i he . u0'lit
to be, lull Ii.- i aiiu .l he u ay Ii. to r.
Whi'll t o il.'u i-ts ai j p n '.ii.-is
they i .riol in, ,-y pa,, t,
g.'lhrf. i
It is una t an 1 d, itik that ban do j
privi .1 tuat. y a lituiily ol food. j
A deed woilh recording : the dec 1
af a botuo ti your wile.
In some respects tho g-tiller sex
far nut -p iss its. No man, i'..r in
btwiice. can deliver a li-cttuo with a, plus in his nioulh. j
All raili oil; I i ttatiring pli-es;
have a 'iglit to ci l tiicmsclvui great
It link lint s.
Au Tvighrdl 1'il-tll Hill s.njl
ir iot hiI.-s in I'.n v liciuie il
iisceit uikhI that tuotiilmg ttat
b.l A dust.
tt 1:1
on y
,i at
Why is a
a ma I dog .'
'ass of freh lager
Hcea.Uo it lioti
too nualu.
l'ecroation div oi'cui s to w otii n
I1 iro bundled an I t h.rt .- .i ti.u.j a
year. Wo oiuil tva.u .in-.
" is the
I ie'ars ' " 11 -!.ed
worst tir.tig a
tan S ui liv.,c
siite i inii ii ..d. n 1 the iiutv b .v
sai I, "Not hiving any,"
Wiiv dotlieivrs le id ii comfort a'
life T
I'lceaUBU lli.y lake taiur
A si and. tig j
itiviting a Ii u ii -
dred people to a pntv in a bouse
wlifiu tliero are only lii'tv cL.iirs.
It is Ftii.l tl.ut the pen is mightier
tliiin the sword. Neitlu r is ut much
Value without the boi ler.
A philosopher win went to church
wheru the p-.op!o cum iu I ite. s a .1
n was "the fanai on ttur'.. for tiohady
to go uiitil evi r body got there,
-""".v professional people are mow
eomplaltilllg of tlld
badness of tl
iuuns, mu uuuu i ... ui i a
I til lliJ 111 O'l til IIS thi) dentists.
dj.vtl t
Mr, A. S 0. To nolo u i:i of
is the author of tho folio. vol f
ro:i f:irs'.pt:xT tiik
0- Oreat
A Auiei icau
K HcpuMid
l' Pavors
1 Intelligence,
la la pel leliCC,
L Loyalty mi l
1 Oicortim in 1
Ho opened tho d tr, oa tti itisly.
and poking bis lira I in a snggestiv
!'rt ' av. as if tbero was more fol
lowing. itniiiied
' la this the editoiial roiktiltuT'
"Tho whal my frion 1 .' '
"stln tbo rinktnm tiuklnm
sanktuui. or somo such plaoe, where
editors lives V
Tbis is tbo editorial room ; yes.
sir. I o ue iu."
"No I guess I wou't como in. I
wanted to see what a rinltutii was
like, that sail. Iaiok like our gar;
ret, ouly wua. Oood day."
Cleveland .r..f : Ou the first
vote in which Hancock developed
strength iu tbe deiuiauatic conven
tiou he receivod nearly a huudred
votes from tho South t on the uet
ballot tho vota of tha solid South
scoured bim tbe nomination.
llJ.mnt ('jts Two e;', but.
tei the sie of an eg '
waUr, two thiivl
ono cup of u '
Published ever Thursday Evening
Terms of Subscnpfton,
l''n silhin fix innnths, or J.oOifnot
paid within the year. No impcr lis
c "iitiniinil until nil nrrearnucs nro
p od unless lit the option of the ptib
SuIim rition iiit-!.1i rf tho COttnl
I'W.M l.r. IN AIH ANl K.
f."rri ji,u- liftiin; iiml ttsini; pnprtl
adilnv..ed o ntii 'f heroine s'llwriliers
nnl tin' lia'.le fi'ftlie lire ol the
n y?y y rn
5 Ys.1'3 Srf ..e iW PuMiC.
I'r ni'iiinrod !y ail In l itie in-'l Pleas,
mt and i'iui, ns rnn'ly nn in use,
inr ll.e
rure nf r.niflis, rol.t,, rrmip.
In irMujs,
lir tin
i.'ll tl .I'll,
I' i;iv
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!l il I'r. mi I
S ' 1 hy u'
tl.'M ill'4 !.. I i of I ',e
p 'il r 'uh. cm. tin r a r iil,
i'd on'i-n 'i.i I i-t fear yearn.
f n 'l.T. .T .. ) I, pjg
irt I. ii.' il il it r vi not t a
r i.Oi i -1'iiri 'iv in no.
ts ut m i its or
. Vlt.r, t nr.. nt.i
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I. milt..'.'. I I au I. 1 1-,' ituili
t t a fio " .V:.n . , !k. ii ui lo r..l t ii
im.-e thy m-.' I'ta.'- I n("n t:,e r.urji.
ar.y.'1'i rnii la 1...- ii'in 1-TirftU nl true
lt, -.. , iu : l i -...v. ' -r. Iti.-u'.l Ti.'ir
llt.lDf... s' -I, . e. t'iat. iiiU.n.., Uu
r.! ili'y, i'i I n j. . .r, u t :..s a tt.a a t'..
ii. i-t. in t(i lr.r,-'i:-. I . ' ' .r.-tiiin, an t
tu,r.'ul,!y .cl i.ta i.a.-e l!.ey . o
lUc Wi.ite "
'I in. iii;-ii 1. 1 : t 'i ii nii 'k iirt.s:i r a
nj ir ,n i a 't .. m j j autii-. it. o. ss:r;.
In .Ml i Hi I rk- l a . tti t alvl.e loi.n :
ti i ".irk-lis-r. l.;..t- ul't i. ,n. ulLsr, sat
t!.tret ti'. V.t l t'ui ' A"
WIU1K M.WI.N I 'lAv'!l!X::i 1.
or the
Th e Q 1 1 .n in p i o
is the Ac'jiiowlzdoJ
Supsrior of all Qraiii
& Gri33 Cuctiaj
This Mu'l.tno V.a . n '
t d by t'uo liKts- . . ;;. 1 1
il v. u.'ter M -. I'.;
:.i r -ugh
i'ac ty
ttta, as to its I
stid I.jc -ilt en. as t; c i.i st
Wonderful Ma hice ivrr lovetitc
Ksii'.ml'er. ao.tsr m cl-eamn t.e.s .fc-tiM
Tnu bay a KMf.r r M.i.rr urni i,u tiif.
mli.U T It i iUMHt'i". W! -i Ttr o'l
tor m ose at tt.e. M .clIi .i tn :n -ll U
l.i n.. l.ti la w..iam. ti 1 -r,-atitf. :i.
tiMnsjnt U .11. n. Vrr.i.' Mmrael,
lit Mi.- a..-ie ;.. it, ,; u f a li i-i T X
l.. sr. r-n.t tl id it i... l.t. u.u '.II It
e,itai.i ll ....r .11 Vmim it.ltll.
iM.ifH ife.n .r.r ..I -.11, . w.a Ii -r lt,v..ii.
.l.ll. M.'iii.iil ,f t.. ii .-l.f. tt
i. 'I li. an u.r.Mi I. .'. I .t I'. 'll v t
, re in ii .v.-' .i.iii i. a'iilrrt ti b i
. i.i rM.
I III. lii.t.t . k .t winMtnl I .-.
tk.l o.r ua. a. II si i.. il J ..I ili.tal-,.
. in 1 . i .1 i.i. i. i..r.t4 ,i'iv41 ti
oiv n,tHs . hKU'oti. tlm
k. .IM V.W.I.M 9y IU1 ti
I -li. vl H M k, un.a.
Iii.iui ii r svi r s.. i.i i,'.....
J. 1. ill.N.l.i U1N. TruK'.tu.
- im tt ik Ti.nllra ssir
-s C, said Uiy
' - t
What Is itt taeaoiug t