The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 29, 1880, Image 1

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    Advottiiitar iiatoU.
0 column one year, 'iVW
One-hAlf, column, one yssr, . 80.0(1
OAs-fourth column, one yenr,
One square (10 linoc)l Insertion '
Enry Additional insertion,
Professional aiuI Hosineas cnrds of
not mitre? limn ft lines, o"r yoar,
tiilitjir, Executor, A luniiiittialor
and Asaijrnoe Notices,
Jtlitorml notice per lino,
All irsnacient Advertising less
months io cents a linn.
All advertisement for a shorter pe
tioil tlnkii one year nro payable at the
Cms thiy Are ordered, nit I il not pnil
lis person oritfrinff them will oe held;
.M.I- .1... .-. ..
jpaDOllsiiiiH nrr uiu uiuut7v
I o o try.
Cat field at the Halm.
sr t. m. iriwAir.
Oooe ore afloat, ot I Ship of dta',
Yi(b boweroui mi bofore t iee
put hope! r blub and hearts elate,
Ami vlotorv boerr'a o'or thee,
fne dorm may Leal, olJ ocean rave
And Ibreatoo to o'erj.i-lin ;
But vain lb rhgeof wind or was
K ith OarSeM at Ibo heho I
Ct off ! Tbroo ebeere J Set ever null
AoJ nerve will toll anil (kill prevail
With OarHelJ at the belia
Oft bl Ibou braver! (lit trouMel eea,
Good Snip, ob many n billow
But lonely rock nor wreck Drown Its
Wm never J ft thy pillow.
Though reef aiel rock spread oat before,
An! Ihnugb tho orul.e be Uu,
Safe will thou reoh lli btt'oi eliori,
For I bow art elauuoli oil ilr.iug.
Cunt off I Throe eheere 8il every il t
And nerve will tell nd skill prevail
Wlih arfield t tbo belts J
All hende eboarJ 1 W laggards now J
Far thretlraiix strife bo root
Let gallant e.soen inoa tbe bow
Our pilot's brave nod steady J
Ton dletaul banner morko our oiin,
Flung out o'er Free Inn's lowers ;
Hik I dij you beer tliet loud aojUiiu f
Tbo tieiory io our t
Cost off .' Tbreo cheers 1 Bel every oil I
Aud nerve will tell and A ill prevail
With OarteU at tho helm I
Who Shall Co First.
Who bU go first lo tho she liwy I tn I,
My lo? e or 1 ?
VThono will It bo la f rif to stand
And pre.i I he e 1 1 uinworin htu I,
Wipe fro'U the tiruw Iho dr of death,
And eatch iho soft and flutt.-rin biesth,
llrathe tbo luted H4mo nor hi'ar reply,
lu anguish waluli lot g!aiui eje ,
11 e or ?
WliicU aball bend over tbe wouul'J )J,
My lu or 1 t
Cuaiaen ling ho i r -oi )J eojl ii OjJ,
Till tbe J.iK'fiil fH or die inu.tle 1 vial
Siarilo ibe mind lo a ouini'in j'UtiU
Of iie bluer anuisii a'rJ lite iutren,
l)rpping ibe pull Vr tUa love hi pant
Willi a luduruful uiuruiur "tbo Usi the
My l..o or I
All! tben, perobaueii lo tlial oiuurutr
lb. -re,
My loe or I ?
Wrfwlling wiib anui-i ikd J-e) dofpair,
Au auieel aball coiuo laruugU tiio gits ol
And tbe burning eye nlmll cenxe lo werp,
And tbe nobs uii-lt Uou iu ara ol lf p.
n bile Nuey, freed Iroui (he cb4iu of dy.
Tbroiigb mo jdoy drramlaud doaie
My lute or 1 t
Vliii-h ill all relura to ibe dveolate bom'-.
a'y loeo or I
And Kit for a stop lliat ball urrer omue.
And hark for k Toioo tbal iuui.1 Kill be
While tbo half atunned saaaes waodor
back '
To Ibo oboerleai life and tboroy track.
Whera the ailent room and ibo racaut
Hate memoriee iweet and bard to bare
My lore or 1 T
Aad Ibea, mothluke, on that boundury
My lore or I t
The moura'd sad lbs mourner logetber
ball eland,
Or walk by those rivers ofahinlng land,
Till the dreamtrlaawakeoed at daws of
Fiadt lbs stone of hie eepuloUre rolled
And o'er tbe 0' 1 1, dull waete of death,
The warm, bright sunlight of Holy faitb,
My lore or I J
Moloot Tn.le
A week nrevious to the battle of
Fair Oaks, a Ne York volunteer,
uo passed the uight in a tout o! a
member of the Third Michigio In
fantry got up in the morning lookiog
very glum sod dowuheartod, aud
ueu rallied about his faucied hotna
iiekoeas be said i
"I have, onlv A week to live I I
bail a dream last night which settled
the businese for me and lots of oth
ers. A week from to-day a battle
will be fought and thousands will be
lain. Mi regiment wll lose over a
hundred men, aud I aball be killed
while charging aorosa a field."
Tbo men laughed at bis woody
spirit, but be turned on them and
aid - - '
"Your rnn-Imeinl will also be ia tbe
"Sot, and when the roll ia called ar-
--e -.. . - .. . .
wr tbe bat'Je you will have nothing
to be merry over. Tbe two eer
Seatita who wore ia bore last night
"l be killed atuoDir tbe trees. I
w tbera lying dead as plainly aa J
"w eee you. - Uim Will be aiioc iu
th breast, and the other in tbe groio,
otl dead uiea will be thick around
Tbe battle took place just a week
after. 'PllM HruuiMAS tllM Lillrtll ill
J"ll light of every man iu tbe Third
'"vn the rMi, was ao hour old aud
VOL. 18.
within t .v...(ity minutes after tho twe
sartfcnDU sn.l mx of thoir co.nrn.k.
"ore ilou I in tlio ooil, hit fxuctlv
where the druiiiiivr mill tiny w mid
be. .More llmti lifty uien will benr
witness to the truth of this stuto
uvi'iit. JuhI before tlio buttlo of Cmlitr
Crook, a o.imp sentinel ho w.ta olT
il.ity tentpoiiinly mill trying t i put
inn little sleep, ilroii'iiu i tint he
went out on a scout. A mile t thu
ri'lit of out cimp Iij e.nue upon a
oj burn. hi). I in it bemi to rum j isi
then ho sought shulter, or wm iilmu;
t, when he heuril voices an I ilmc'uv
eiinl thikt tho pluee was uo
ciipio I Af:cr ii little invf.ii ;iiij.iii
ho (liiooveicl th:tt thren ('oiifn.U r it
HCOIllS hrtll tllkl.'ll up their ipim tnl M
f r l'ie liijjht iu tlio pi c:e, mi I hn
tlifrtfjio movo'l away. The souiiuel
awoke Willi niicIi a vivi l I iMnrmlir incr
of JotitiU th it he iihK.'.I i)Mi'mi4o in
to (," over an. I confer wisiionoof
the kcouU. Whiu the 1 b.iru wn
(K-Hcrihud to II. is iu in he 1 hvi'm I il
at ouce, huMoj ixisuil j;. u .l.. n
liinee. The ilreaiucr ile.soi iIij.I iIid
hirfhwuy I'Xielly us it wns, ivin
tvi:ry hill mul turn, itn I the k- nit
put mic J f.ulli iu Ih.j i'i iu i f the he tiolt lut .A Iiom. j
one il whom vt.m the dreamer, nmi !
set out fur the p! ic. Tin oo l.'.mf . 1
ei ate scouts wcie unleip in the i-tia.v
hu I sure Ukeii wnlioiu iiHiiot Ik i u '
tired, the dream nnd its t sulle
were knowuti hundie Is of Sh ti- j
dau s cavalry, mid Las Lceu alluded '
to ut lo-unions i
i'lie uitfht before tho cavalry fin'!ii
at iJi'ttuiiy station, a
tio p. r w io
'.id Illotlj' ill
slept as his ho: so l i;
col. loin Ores uo 1 that a eeilain I'm
tain iu his regiment would bj nu
lioiHtd ii) A lit; lit hixt day. and while
nnio;; from his fall would be wouu I-
ed iu the left kuee, Kvoiylhin was
so clear lo the dreamer that ha took
opportunity to find the Captain und
reiute his die uu.
"tl to Texas with your oronki ix'!
was sll the Ibniiks he received, but
he ha i his reven .i. la tlio v u-y
Ufjl cbar(,'c. next day, tho ( apt ;in
was unhoisud oy tiio In eakin ut the I
iii iii, uu I w is pi'.clin I Ii t I
heels iulo u pa.'cb of ln ia;s. As he
Htiuooled Mil a shell killed iiii bolse
sua lAo tuoii, n i t oiio i f t'.i i IKiii'
pii.i'eH of ii o:i in i hod the '.'a, t tin's
ieit lc to a Moody pulp lie in
now a reai leut of O .io, an 1 hi,
woudeu I.' is I'l li-pirnblo I vi l.'n -e
that d.eanjs sjiiieliuies c.kuj t)
Whilo .lOIi.l'ati wss besi..;in
Yolktown tlie fun m h not ail on o:ii
side, The Coiifi! le. it. -s h ilplaity
of shot aud sin H, en I Uo v sent liiem
oal wilh inteitt to kill. One mn :i
n:K' a Aticinr m in in '.y a is in t!i.
1 reiiohna Walked I) l.'.'i t j a sp i!
uu which Unto olli r- is w.-ro e.ilino
breal.f ii I un 1 w.ii ne l liiem th it tU .'V pi t il. On I'm hi ,'!i'
pteviouj be bud dreamed that It'
ll id looked al hiu wuUh mid inaiited
that it wan a q mrUr of Kevi n, when , for e:' il) i t I lisp ..utio.n an I ill t. i:i
a t-Lc'.l Lit lim groin. I b.;!iiu l huu per, tliei-; is ni ivusmi way every
end tore up tiio earth iu a toirib e'sdiooi in tho land sho al I not bo
say., Il wss now twioitv minuter I ma, !j t turn out intelligent e I
A teveu, au I be besought t!u o:li ucated men il-d wuiuuu by tlio car
eers to leave the spot at oncn. is i
earui-ut luanuer iu luce I them lo
comjily, sad they had only retiO lo I
cover when a (Joii'o lurate Hindi
struck the oartli where they ha I
bteu groupd uu l tua la an nxc iv i
lion iulo which a horse c ml I have
been rolled with room to spuro.
Three days before the ufftir nt
Kelly's Ford A Corporal in the .Sixth
Michigan Cavalry dreamed that a
brother of bis, who was a Sergeant
iu auotber company, would have his
burse killed iu acliou, and wonl I ul
uiost iiumediutt-ly mouut a dark bay
horse with a white nose. Withiu
live minutes both horse aud ri let
would be killed by a shell. This
dresu was related to more than a
score of comrades fully two days bo-
fore tho tight, l.irly in tho action
tbe Sergeant's horse was struck
square in tbo forehead by a bullet,
aud dropped de id in bis tracks. It
was scarcely throo minutes before a
wbito-facod horse, carryiuo; a blood
stuiuod saddle, galloped up to tbe
Sergeant aud halted, lie romoiu
bered tho dream, aud refused to
mount the animal, aud soon after
picked up a black horse. The white
uosod atiiiuul was mounted by a sec
ond corporal iu another regiment,
and bone aud rider wore toru to
fragtnouts by a shell iu full sight of
four companies of the Sixth. These
things may saom very fooliih n v,
but there was a time when a soldier's
dream saved (J au, Kilp itriek a life i
when a dream cbaoged Custer's plaus
for three days t when a dream pre
routed Gen. Tolbert's camp from a
surprise and ouptnre t nn J wheu a
dream gave Gun, Sheridan more so
curate knowledge of Marly' forces
than all the soouls.''
We knew when In the army a sim
ilar result of a dream. When lying
at Sandy ilook, Ml, ia July 18U1,
we had iu our company a youug man
of known courage. Ou the uioruing
of July 2 1 he to the ciptaiu iu
command aud said that be was sate
that some of tho' company wool I be
hurt very aooo. as ho bad dreamed
that he lay ou a stretoher and a sur
seoa was outtiug a slit op his leg,
buntiug a bullet, Jlo desoiibod the
doctor very noouralelv, and as be
was different from any surgeon on
duty at the post, all hi'Viad at ht.n
About an hour afterwar I a strange
oJH.ier was 3ou comiiunp to bead
quarters whsu Sergeant Al said,
"there eoms the man 1 saw in my
droatn. tad I'll but bo is A doctor. ' l
I . ; " ' ' -' 'Ti"; - -
It ,,rov0(1 to bo so, nu.l t io noxt Jut
, in a ekiitnioh, S. mui Al whs
wontiileil. btonirht iu on a uln tehor.
niul tho iloctor ho siiw in Imm dream
pel formed the operation of cutting a
lull out of his g
s t ii aaaaBmawawo)
Hi;ils to Teajiiois.
Rule tte; tKottld utrr dim ytnt.
In the fliat pl ine nl'vnyi Iretita
. boy us if ho wis a prisoner unJor
Koolenco. This will in ike him nil
tho mure ntioi to t to ie! oul.
Never iitlmcipt to teu'h a pupil
unjlliinr not 1 wn in the Imoks.
Ft in a ."-eit de.kl hetler fir a Iviy to
un lei Nt m l titat II 1 1 iip j t'renk
riies in tlio noitiiern put of no
where mid Il iws a westerly direction
mill! it ciii'tiei into oil Uro vnV
mil pon 1. th ui it in t known h w
o.illou is woven into clulU or h'
H.i.'nr i i to t ie.
If a ehd I iufiines any of Iho red
Npu n:liH I tid down for Iih fovorn
meiil alwiys ut on tlio priiiciple
Hint he in uiiilicioiin aii l olMtinntn
Ae'iil lcm uuvur dj nnythuij by
ni'i'i lent.
Th" n Ini'vlre 1 re'n-i in foteo iu
l" u!'U w'nwls iumI nverli mlm ;
Hnieu.liuj to abJUl u
U lie 1.
If a ohil 1 drops lii'i or her
'1 '' cit oir his or her
'v 1,1 '':'r
'"' - f they happen lu look off
tl,,'il' l,l,oks cut off their ears nnd
n til th nil on the will ns u eoleiuu
Miniiiij to other reliolirs,
Kiile o, Ifapnpd whispers d ir
i'Ur se'i h ens tu:iko hi il hoi I a
i piece of re. imt irju ill his inontli
lii.ti ho Mill's :
illi, jn, I I. ire itn; ii-iolier Ji'r,
Wlio ii so g io I lo mo."
Unle t, li a pupil misses two
words, in spelling lessoti too lono
for tiny in in !o c ). mint to memory,
he must be p. unshed, lotlicl' uu
j lint l.i itnn or scalp him.
Il'ile 5 If a pupil fails to fjive
theixac-t length and breadth of th '
V ill Islands Hen 1 him np-lairs
tle pi ineipil t i In poana.d
K lie 'J When a l;i; I fail a to lie
.'oiupli-h a ei rlnin n-i no ir of ex
a npl.M ill ill linen ities cut oil hi
iiiioi.'i'S with a, li i'f ii -1 .
I r ton pill p el., c 111 bo p u ehi-ul
it wll dec tio f )f ah lilt Hl:;ty UuUls
li ilo 7. N'over let up ou a pitpii
iu of itnv oil Hunt. ;:.c!i i il
liil l. i n h ivo n i hiisiime is to h ii'.'
ilea I i;:he, t onth -idle, sore ihiiul,
(!jii!s,li ii sone 1 1 or ot .ier c i n;il linn
vtii.'h oi-ovn jiu .pi,) HUeivnu!) to.
' anv nf the f i i.ily aio an I a p tpii
is late, hold hioi .;-) uisiliio for the
.iliiem, hii I po ;n I him a.'e ir lin'ly.
Uii!e Op '! tha .sh ol wilii pi iy
or, nn 1 clonu il b in two
s mie 11 who ivml I n iL tell tno ox
poitii t.f the I'i'iary Ul inds
U'tih I'ne ,o fe.v t ales bUictly en
folCi-il an, I I ol I k . t til''llelH I
A gentleman invited homo to
d l i TU T Die) d !' "H 1 el Hid ill) Hi MM of
li a eh ii'Jh w'lie i hi ut en led. Iteiu
s ute I at th'i tsiile thu e"io.s' .n aa
el to oil', r a Mo-Htog, which ho did.
This proceeding graitly excited the
ea i i i'y el' the g 'iiileni ui's fia
year old son, win s it bcsid J the
de icoi) uu I i'ltcrviowed hiai on the
sal.! i t. "What was that ym sui.l f"
jio l.eitn. "It was u blesHing e
the too I wo nro nh ml to est," r
iliel the deacon. "A what I"
'Why s blesing. Dia'tynur father
"k a blessing at the tahl-i t" "Oh,
yes, but ho don't any it that way.''
'iv? dons ho say it V" ''Why, lis
sits d iwn ami looks at the tu'ile and
siiys, ' On, the d l '. is tbia all
you've got for dinner V
When they had linisho I tbe lunch
at Lea lsville, thoy tnked tho price
I'he man iu attendance said I "One
piece of pio, lifty cents ; ono
of coffee, twenty-tivo cants seven
twlivo cents each." Ono of ' tho
party grumbled -a little about the
nice, wh'eronpm tho old man be
hind thu ooiiuter straightened him
self up, fjldo l his anus in a digui
ed manner end said t "Stranger,
look at me i do you supp ho 1 um
staying out biro for my health V
The prettiest gilts iu Utah used
to marry Vouug.
That awful lad again . "Ma, pa
has got tho best of you you can't
stiike a match ou y.our troujers like
he can.
Pooplo learn wisdom by experi
ence. A man never wakes up his
second baby to see it laugh.
The man who married three sis
tors io succession excused himself on
lbs ground that he got off with only
one mothor-iuxlaw.
Tennessee doctors have a hard time
of it. If the patient gets wall bo
rarely pays if bo dins bis friou Is
threaten to shoot the doctor.
Soma w.i7 sivstho V uariuaus are
a great deal like potato bugs. They
will go t I'arii 'grdeu,' an I will
itiffer accordingly.
A ol. r,'ymuo won a canoe race at
Lake Qourge the other day. Tbe
rtsi-of.lhs clulh will plxaso observe
that It wit practice, not preaobiog,
(bit enable him to com ou victor.
A Good Ghost Story.
Net long sineo, two riiRtio gallant
wont regular Ij sue tho same girl.
The voting Lily a farm r's fail
I nitfhier resided jit h df way lie
tween the respective liouiei of her
idoiers. otvi, us a matter of courao.
when NiHidiiy evening arrive I, when
tbrty 'came c Mirtin.',' tho diitinoe
triv hid over was thi same to both.
Now as Ihey were jfilom of mio
another, ennh lover trie i Li.-s skill,
by a series of iii-inoiuivrrs, t y ilrivu
tho other i iff. Affiird ha I one on
iu this manner for somj t i u , yet
neither hi 1 s iiiiio 1 t hive mile
any in irked prorevi in tho lady's
nyards. Io not know how it
wonl I have terminated, fir tlio
liked them well enoti''!i but
e ml 1 tint inai-ry (hem bolli, she wi.,
...... .1.1 ...t ; .1. .... .t
H lli'tl;cr she wished them t 1'u'ht.
a duel, or decide tlio contest by fut
icnlVs, f ir tho honor of In r hand and
lie ut, I cum it hi ; but her sits
p. oise, tmd that of her atixi.His lovers,
v:H. ut last, relieved iu tho following
man iter :
s th.v had rhansted hnmsti
' - - - -
mtfunnity in trying t i out-jeneial
each other Ihev. both stranoo iih
it may seem resolve I unknown to !
each other, to cat tolhnr nil tlio
terrors of the spirit world. Strang
er yet, the same nitfht, was chosen
win ii each slioul 1 pros m i'k a 'fiioit,
to drive the other off (lie held.
Well, the next Sunday evenino
enme, and, attired in tlio h.ihilimmtM
of tlio grave, could be soon, about
uino o'clock, our tw heroes, cau
tiously approaching tho nbodo of
their dearest dear." ''lie object of
hoit A. was to iiu e J. before he
roii'hcd theh)U-u, frighten him out
of his live H jiiki'K, mi l then cleiKe
him home. If A, could accomplish
this. P.. won! I never diro to blio-.v
bis nly inu there n;tain
(iliost 15 s object w is precise v tin
same towards .1., mid. c n-eoieNtl v
afeilf il Collisijll beLwei ii t'li'iu
ineviluble. that dim. heaitifol and cuitainly
A. ha I chosen a li-V'.ow p'i-np!;iii. j v,,'v '' f t'"io.
.villi two r.Miii 1 ho Is cat n. 'ir t'm " t choice, thonoh. would be that
t ip for saucer eyes, ,m a hn,' i h ni- Ih' "IioiiLI he a ;;o.)d man an 1 a hap
. nit il, pitnllel nrgati upcnit.;; fur lv
iliemoiuli A cm. Ilo was pi i I I'.-ts-een then both they parcel
Inn-Lin;; iu it. nt, 1 al a dislineo j;) " it for liu m i-ih I s u's all tint it looked re.illv f,i,.'i:f il. unkeslifo worth the living
11. bad (lit nimo p tnk-'-wi.ieh : ,",v coru,'o ' "",
lookod like a-.swli...-. r i i tl,.. ne-,.,s a o 1 de d. does it not.'
da; k -which ho inteil lo I placie-,- It me ins every thino; to tho father
iiroiitiil his person, hi tho ni':i;.. in 1111 1 ni dh-a'.
or I. r to i'ivj him a hoii ii n .l oi- il I 1 1 me ins inor,. than c in be told
appearance i a pair of n horns
place I itpou bis be i I, :ri I a'ti.-e l in
a hag.i -vi i l;:ig s'i -it, i wool I hav.i
pi'i.l fir a v-.'ty le-ipect i!il, d'-vd
liiev met. T.M ni'it wisv ry
lurk, to i ro 1 1 Horn w:i il :n i I 1 v -.t.
was nliviys in illy up iu Ohio
comity ki that tliey hi I in in inner
to feel tin ir ny ulong. A turn in
the roa 1, el mo by tin dwelling, re
vealed each to the other iu thuir
ghostly costii no.
Whit n figlit ! A. saw a ghost 1!
ul-;'.. beheld another before him. A
pumpkin hea l grinned honiMy u'.
II., w hiNt Ih i wierd I interns on 1! h
person iilnio.-t nntiiliilate.l poor A.,
for ho im agiued, I siipiioso, that it
was the evil ono himself before hi u.
Wlnit mortal dull stml thiif
They could not ; but, tipp illo 1. tor
rtliiid, nud neatly iu id with fear,
they both turned houiewar I nud lied,
with fearful outcries bursting from
their trembling lips. As 11. however,
was patting in his bust picos, iu re
passing the house, n largo mastiff,
alarmed by tun outcries, rujlnl out,
and headed him off.
The poor wretch, thinking it was
bis dial) ilical prosecutor iu the torn)
of u dog, turned aghast, and went oil'
after A. with nil bis might no bat
ou, bis winding sheet si r riming in
the wind behind him, while tho dull
glaring of bis puck wood orna
ments gave him, ludeo 1 the look of
a deiuou A. beard tho noise, ulid
glancing behind him, saw with horror,
tho phintom in full chuso. j
dropped tho puiiipkiu-hoad which
he bad been carrying iu bis hau l
gavo uuother, yet louder, yell and
exerting all bis powers to tho utter
most, ho bounded forward with the
agility of a bunted deer, ulmost Hy
ing over tho ground, as be went, li ,
iu thu memiti uo, not seeing the
pumpkin. head, pressed ou in tho
rear, tho dog ut bis huoTs, barking
and urging lii'U forward still faster
than before.
How long thoy would have contin
ued on in their headlong tligbt if
not stopped, I cannot toll. They
bad already legged it over two miles,
and were ia a fair way of ruunitig
themselves to death, if A. iu bis
blind baste, had not pitch ui head
long into a mire bole, li too, tho
next minute sharing tho same fate.
I'oi tuuately, the hole was uot deep,
or they both would have beeu
sir.otberod in the mud, for they were
fairly tired out and weak as iiifauts.
Thev remained iu this oonditiou un
til next morning, when tbo neighbors
found them, pulled them out una
carried them to their homes. Wet,
coveted with mud from bead to foot,
their raiuiout torn iu lags, they pre
sented a trulv miserable appourauce.
Hotu were laid up for some days,
from the effoots of their fright, and
ovortusking their physical powers,
It bud oue good effect, however, it
cured them of love, for they Dover
went courting there again.
- Two beads are better than
but Dot od the tame tun.
W -Hff f
PA., JULY 21),
A D.i!) Ca-rlnjo i i Cia Hall.
A Imby earriajjo in tho liall.
Tho linudiioiiieKt piece of furnituro
that any homo ran b.nst, always
to'ikiu? an lioiiorsblo exception iu
ftivnr ol tho cradle.
Thnt baby ciiriiiije menns a home.
Without it, obly a place to May
It means h "d.'ar lit tio dimpled
d irlin;j" tli at makes sitiiHhine nil
tho tiun w he.i it hanu't ot the
It moms n lisppr mother, uIioho
life is tided with nil tender cure, nil
s.iei t lesp inst'ii'ltieM, nil wondrrfnl
liopes f ir the f it ore.
It, mentis a father who hoi N li it"
. he 1 1 mi mo. in men with (lie irran I
..ul .li.fnilv. II. .il imf fmlli In. I V L mliw.
a. , ,. , .
I o father it IS
My hoy."
'I I... I. .1... A.. . .... ...
in tlio liall
means nil tho w-ul!h of rosy hours
I as mother hint's luHany sonj'S per-.
lliih my di'ar, lie s'lll an I il nn'ier,
ll ily a.'l da r I thy bed "
When nil tho time hIio is tho an
iel that (bd npp.iinled to cuird it
as none ot nil lnH heavens host
Could do.
It me in a world cf plans nnd pro j
jects while nil venter in that one lit- ,
tie hie.
It means a father who studies his
bank balancn with won lerful iltli .
genet, for "My sou mast have a good
ed iivttion and a t;o d start iu life,''
you know.
And bo goes homo and catches the'
1 in ,,'hing t'.d II r up and reddens the
ilimpliis with his whiskers nnd then
p illin' sturdy little taelve-tnoiiths'- ,
tl.l ol. I.ia f.. i t ui ta liilll lit. Io'm il Ii
eof walkin.'. uddresMng bil.l with ''l poor ChnMians associate to'eth
.... i ... I .i,, VV..1I ....v.n.or er here f 1 he uullitr did nol aus
where shall wo go now 1
And although ho only calls him
"governor, tiio iu ittiers neari stays
.'and the fit her wouldn't deny it
; were s'ni to pot it in war la that
m ne Ii!.. Iv it will no i icM ient. in
f vim b i'-o iieli a p:cc of fiiini-1
lure in use von !;n nv a. I lib mt i'.
If joa h iveu't. it's wade of r-r
nut niil t ili.lher with yot ll'V
in i 1. il i
V.'ml H3 Did W.tii t.uSj Ia.
. ,, , ,. , , ,
A liitlo washing H i la was ll.-e lel
lor cleaning pu.pohes, so '";,
was given a onro una uisp iicne i io
tho npo! hec i'ry s at tho corner t i get
it. (i'.orge soou rotuino 1, but no
Whv didn't you get Iho soda,
(luorgoY" chorused tiio fa uily .
" did."
"Where is it then ?"
" drank it,''
"Mi ank it !"
"Yes : the man said
it wouldn't
keep to brin i houi"."
A uew li.;ht dtwus on tho family's
mind It asks r. igerly :
' What did you ask" for ?''
"Jh I ou say washing eodat"
"Wisitiug soda Not only
soli '!"
Family lail jhs ns tliough it wero
crazy. Uoorgn doesn't know what
all tiio fun is about, but bo is 8 abses
ipieutly huiir 1 to say :
"That w, i u boss drink !"'
S.ivliij His 3ro'.hcr's Life.
Vester I iv ubo'lt ono o'clock a boy
of lib out t .volvo went up Mirket
street at such a rata of speed that
ov ai'vh.i ly win s i v hi il was natis-
titido ho was running for a doctor
V man with a kindly expression of
countenance cvi'ht tho Hying boy
by the arm and asko I bim : "Sonny,
is thero nuybody right siclc nt your
house.' ".No, but thero will lie li
von don't I urn mo loose-'" "Who is
it, buddy V "Will you let mo go if
I tell you T" "I will, my boy. '
'Well, then, it's my brother Hob.
Ilo will be n remains before night if
1 don't get home light off. You see
we bavo cucumbers, Kl'con corn,
clabber, watermelon and cabbage for
dinner, and if I aiu t there to gel my
share he will founder himself au I
and die. I'leaeo lot me go, so I
can snvo mv little brother's life.
Galveston AVcs.
A pot i illo I canoe of good si.e and
shapo has just boon found at tbe
bottom of Luke .voiilolmtul, Switzer
land. It must be thousaude of yours
A young fellow in Brooklyn trio 1
lo frighten a Brooklyn widow by
appearing as bnr husband's ghost.
Ileisdeud. We believe it was a
flat irou.
Why is a newspaper liko a tooth
brnnli f
llecuuse every one should have one
of his owa and not borrow bis
"ISridgot, what became of the tal
low 1 greased my boots silh this
morning ''
"I fried the buok wheals io it I"
"Ob, 1 was afraid you bad waste
NO. 4
l'l't'Cocioiis boy mnnchin t liu
fruit of the dulo tree ! ".Mam inn,
If I tat dates enough will J tow
up to be nn ulmnniio !"
Koono knows how much comfort
n person can take smoking iu bud
until they have failed out the File
What is in iro doscrvintf of our
sympathy tlinii a yuuii man with
but 1 j cents iu Ida pocket, a Kil l on
each iii iii, nud suvuti ico cream sins
in siht t
Wiieny i t Pill a 0 niieclii'nt mm
i liar he may hit vo. on the ijoku
or he may wail mi l poimin your cnw.
It is Huh lineei tniiity which make
tho .Nuliueeie civil to each other.
How many men take the fatal
step iu Iifu with tlio ide.t that they
Hiu e,i:1tiii' an iiii'el, and s ioii
mat i ni'e hud thai they
have iiulh
"'o ui woman.
A fabric of dress goods is being
muiiufaf turc I in ieiinaiiy from a
prepared iil'ticle of ejass. 1 1 1 1 L is to
nay, glass is tho basis of tho woven
eooils. It is us line as the product
of the silk wuiui.
A Chic.i;;o man a living by
liudillg lost articles. lo goes to
public gardeiiH, paiks, etc., every
uioillllig heloie daylight, mid looks
lor iiiiylliing wlni u persons tuny
have dropped during the previous
'Ma,'' sai l nn imputative little girl,
"will licb mi I poor folks live logeth
er when they to beavcll '!" Von,
my dear, they will be till alike
there." Then, ma, why don't rich
"It is said that tho male wasp
does hot Htltlg,'' Hut US tho 111 lie
and fnin ilo wasp wear the s lino kind
of polonaise, nnd look as much ubke
as twins, tho only way to dintiiiguish
their se-i is to catch one un 1 Hinu
examine its arsenal. If it ntiugs
you, it is a female ; if not, il is a
gi.htleniuu wasp,
')o you hco that spring over
there !'' Haid a M-llli-r in Arkansas
to a si ranger, "Well, Unit's uu
iron spting, that is; mil mo it's ho
in i.; lily po.veilul that tiio farmers'
horses about here thai, ill ink the
water of it never have to be shod
i The hlues just yi'ov on their feet
I Thero nro thrco things Hint no man
a keep -a punt ou a pencil ; a
i pointed joko ; und uu nppoinlmeiit
with a dcntint. There nro three
things no woman can do cross be-
f )ie u Iioihu ; IniiTy for a horse-ear ;
ini, ul),,,.,.Mtilll,, th() difference bo-
lwet. luu ,ul,uites und half uu hour
A woman says vciy few men liavo
tho hli-htest idea liOV to hold u
baby. Ahdwodih't Hhpposo une
in a hundred has Iho slightest de
sire to bol l one. If it
IS II felll lie
baby he is willing to bold it niter it
reuehes tbe ago ot seventeen years.
To keep bael; pu t of tho truth
may uot always be wrong, since it is
not evety-body 's business to know
everything, lint to keep part of
tbo truth with an intention to de
ceive, is falsehood, iputu as much us
uu outspoken lie,
A few Suiid lya ngo wo heard a
preacher oi the Gospel, who holds
forth iu Chemung county, make use
of this vigorous comparison :
"A hypocritical Christian can uo
more get into heaven than n raccoon
can climl) u stove-pipe with u tea
kettle tied to his tail. '
says Put, "give us a
"I can't sin
Sum bo.
uiusa, replies
'Cui-.'t sing, is itf responds
I'at," "thin why is your leg stuck iu
tho middle of your fut, like a bird,
if you cau't sing f"
Young inati, never loso your pres
ence of mind wlivn you tiro in a try
ing nittiutiou. When you take the
girl you lovo to a picuie, and you
wander away together to commune
with nature, end she suddenly ex-
clumos, "Oh, (J cargo, there is uu nut
dowu my back !" don't stand still
with your mouth open ; don't fuiut i
don't go for tho girl's mother go
for tho uut.
"I should liko to bavo you raise a
club," said a seveu-hy-nine book
canvasser to a daughter of Erin, as
be stood ou tho front step, trying to
talk her to death on tho subject of
the " Extinction of thu tribes of tho
Seventh Century, ' "I will,"' said
Hiddy, as she reached mound behind
tbo door, "but bud luck to your pio
tine if you're lingering around here
when 1 get it raised." He didu't
The train bad just emerg-ed from
a tunnel, aod a vinegar-fucod maid
en of thirty inmiuers remarked to
ber gentleman companion. "Tun
nels are such bores 1 " which nobody
can deny, lint a young lady of
about iweet eighteen, who sat in a
aout immediately in front of the
anoiont party, adjusted ber bat,
brushed ber frizzes buck, and said
to the perfumed young man be
side ber, "I thiuk tuaoela are aw
fully nit '' '
Publtslied every Thursdst Evitnlne;
Term of Suliscnplion,
shlo vitbin six tnonths , or $-'.50 if not
paid within the yonr. No paper ilis
continued until nil nrreurnu'.'i sr
paid unless nt tho option of llio pub
lisher. rJuliHi riptions nutsido of tho Fount?
tSrrertoii liflitnj nnd usinjr pnpers
Addressed olh rs lieeome soliscriliors
and nro liablo forlhe price of the paper
5" Years Dcforo the Public.
IVinoiinccd t.y all lo be the mnni I'lrae
int and rllio ici.en rrmnily nnw in use, ll.e euro of coughs, cold", crcup,, tiektiripf cnnti'in of Ibe
tlirnal, whiinping cough, no. titers milU
Inn linlili s ,.!,! Hiiliin the Iri.l fpw yenrs.
Il (titi-s ri-lii f wherever ued, ni. I b the
power Id imparl brnoiit ih it cn.iiot I e
!io I from Iho roiiili miitures moe in use.
Hi. 1 1 by nil Pruggin al 'J j ceuii per
HKI.I.F.IH' l.lVKtl PII.I.S an- nl-o
highly re.!iiiiiini.n.,.,l for curing liTor
oiiipliiint, ci.n-lipntinn, sicl.hc .laches,
f. trr mi l ague, and all ilirac of tho
slutiincli and liver. f..ld by all Prug
gists nt '.'-'i cents per I. ox.
K. I', fellers i Co., Pittsburgh, Ps.
Manhood : How Lost, Hew Restored I
Jii-I publihr.l, a new of
f tSl 'l'rvHIs iirii
. til'il ISa.l) on ih" rit licil euro
(wiilioiil nie Iieoii. of SrKiMi.rounii.ikA
.or Mrminnl W.kin., Invuluiuary
teil l.iisps, tsi'iuKNcr, Men lie nud Pliys
ieul liieupiioiiy, liiipeiiiieins to Mar.'lngn,
i'Io. i Nii, I'iinhdii'Tion. K.i'ii.rt'.iY and
Kits, i ii.I itri"l by sell"-iudiilgeueo or uex
uul estrav igstiee, ko.
Ijy Price, in a sepd euvelnie, only
si. eetlls.
Tlie i-eVhruied aulhor, in this a.lniirs
able !!M iy, ele irly .leinonsirai .s, a
Ihirly yeir' siici "fill practice, that Iho
al inning i'.in-i..ieuces of self at.u.e limy
be ra li' illy cure I niihout Iho il .Hirer,
mis ii-e ut mieru il iiieilicino or the np
plieniion of iho knife pointing outs
iini.le of cure ill oneo simple, certain, and
elle.oti il, he, may cure. IniiiM-ll' cheaply,
privately, and ii.mucm.i.v.
1"i 7'. i i 'io- ii ,'. rul e il bnO'l la
thimt'littl tlll't ilt't'H'tHil.
..-iii mi l -r -ciil. iii a il.iin envelope, la
any adress, on rccciplof eiX
cents or two piMngn slumps.
Address the Pulilihers,
Tin: ri'!wi:i.i, mkiiicai. ro.
II A i. n St., New York i l'ostollico 4isun0i
.Sept. . IN7S. y.
at Low Figures.
i y.
W Ii. I'.IT I INOTO.V, rf rrnnk-
tin, tiivinu ro.. ir. l Ilie a..-eney l..r the
I. .11. .wli. n vilo , lo Hoik, volt e.i.iiiiienee si
oll.'e to o in v.ii Mtv.lnr count y. 'I' lie I J.iiill lota
tiun n f tiio ).r'i'iilnfnt luttiirt't- nf whl'h irs
ll'rttnrv l ll It' liKi"'!' I fiiitii 1 1 1 iat l (. : Ihuif.
r i j'K I ( tif iho I ti no Writers); littllurv tif
lllu-tr .ti1 rl).tiir Iti II.miU; Iih itreil
iiiuiiiir nf I llijor itt-ini ; In Superior Tyn(.
r j'li v : IIh Kn.Motu.ttiC It lu 1 1 iiic ul HflAtuaa.-
J I Uli.
rtn ntiir Alrh-nn I tpi TTri ly .1. T- U m liny ,
I Ihu ui"-t iirilll nt .1o-i riitt v AutUnr In Amor
Ii tl. lll.t i let. 1 '
i a e.lonht r.ilume ol li.i iiuueii lo io lllusira-
I I Iipko areths inot lilulily lnt.irnt ln
1 c.-itl, ns .1.14 iil..rol l lie Aiiii.rtcin - im.l
'tl.o prices tiavo tu r.-'lil .'! so NS to bring
hl.liM Mr liiiitloition Is ri?.l.luut lii our county
an. I b. .ily ro l .i.lo. net. a, '.o.
is tlio Acknowledged v
Superior of all Grain
& Grass Cutting
Machinery. This Murhliio lias born fully endors
ed by the most Kxpert Anthoti
ity, nfler Most Thorough
tests, un to its Capacity
nnd Execution, ns thoniort
Wonderful Muchiuo ever invented.
Keinember, umlor no vlroiinistanee ihmiM
you liuy a llenper or Mower iidiII you have et
aiiilned TIIK i ll i arms. Wlion. var you.
heiirolino of Ui.i.o M ndlnti In your vlolultr,
do not lull to eiiiuilne It Ih .roughly. I!u
I.lnlitnesa of llnilt. It. Msrv.lou. M,iv:i..dI,
It. Mini'llcity, an. It. Aot matin A Mo'tment
lo every eon.l.tloa or tint h-.l I, ear U'1 tall to
e uen.l It nor all oluorn. Kami. K will I e
m..r. tban ever atl-nel, wh.n tl y lnvell
uto Its I olacu nl .up rlortiy, ami
tertt It. riumsroii. advantages iiisl ilia IIH A.U
CHIN . c.ruloly lUa .MACHINE lo te pre
terred. that uvsr oii. U.II ol Ilia Hay and Hralti rep
it a r.tlmaiel by Ilia most tunina
brated llaehltir. are hild by
in ilia iinii".i siuies is tisrvesioa v ua i 11 m
HI. II. 1 1 A It li M r. H, l-etin'irrnia,
J. 1. lUNiJ.lMAN, I.e,
ami alio by tb( Traveling Agent,
JAMKS l.KI'LtY, Lewi. burg.
Apr. in. I mo. .
1 9 A! IT
Ourod PivinloHrtly-
The Me.llolna .old for a (iu ill ina.atn above
tbo oo.l ot o.iiniiouuillu'f . A II o"!. Ireatad by
lelal pre.orliillon. t or lull parlloul.r ail
ilreaa the Ul.oov.r.r
UK. a. B. t'OUI. INS, or
Mas. 8. n. O.iLLiaa, L fvrla, lud,
t ab. t,au.eio.
E. B. TREAT, W.::
rir.t-eiae. H.k, wsnt. o
T5T nroadway. H.
r or
mora Auouti in every
Uounty. Steady wol k
ono o r
aud best l.rm,
On :0 Days Trial.
We IU ssod our Ki.aetKu-Vai.Taia Hblti an4
viner Klei.trio Aipllsuiivf utmu Irlsl for au daye '
In lli.iss uS..rlu4 (row Maavoua UeaiLiTr,
Ubsuuiallsiu. or auy dtseesve of ISa
I.Ivor or Kldusys, aud many olb-rdUeea. A
Hora Cure auar.nmsd or no pay, ASaraaS