ajF ri -.g, J lay 22, 1333. trtOUSE, Editor & Proprclor. FIIK I'HKSIDKN r OKS. JAM Hi A. GAK1 IKED, of Ohio. ton mce puts id km r, GEN. CHEiTKI. A. AlUlint, of New Yoik. lUllllK nr "UPKKMK r'M'KT, JENHY UUEKNK.or.V.nlu.ni.io.i Co roa Ai'iMTiiK ien;k ai JOHN A. LKMo.N, of flair t,iuut-. COUNTY TICKET. KOH CONlin K.-tt Dm. IIOKATIO U. KI.-illCR, of llunilnrf.k u. rH hknato'I Hox. JOHN U. pCKSa, of Northumberland, (.ah.'Kl Wdoelalon of Senatorial I'l.'trlst fon. fere'iee. ) FOK A.SJKMItLY L. N. MVKK3, of Mi Uli.,irg. FOR OOf.NiTftL'KVEYOU OROEB. ItK.NKEIl, ufJiclnon. la the words of a Minnesota di -r who followed Hancock in ar, "He is leading tho wrong nuin this time, and wo cuunot t jr him. sol. tlm. fi motor VYail.ice U not a big a roan as Senator IWnnm. TiMen's h uj still controls the I'emocrtttc rriii,'rauaiuo ILtrriaburj Tele yrupn. ine Uinton l)t'mi is ont for Hon. A H. Pill f,r Congress in the i wonlitith IJiblricr, tho ooo ri-flov vuH.iui ami sain 10 Lave a ticciro to represent. No Laboring man in Pennsvlvan i bo ho Deiooorat or Republican, nn afford to support thu free. trade I!a'.forra adopted at Cincinnati. JhtHlinnJon Journal, TTnncock leads tie coluiuti, but the followers aro lurgely composed of H'opo who fought ogaiust him in tho field. Politics often makes etrango 1 ( dfcllows, bnt orace Greeley and LUncock as Dumocratio caudidatos nro paradoxes, I few years sgo tho Democrat Bi ( that Oenerul Hancock wan a satrap ami a Lincoln hireling. Now they say he is tho greutest soldier tu t statesman on earth. Tlio fact jj tLo Democrats wabblo. h is the inconsiHtouoy tbo Donio fra.'y advertises in advocating tlio fl":oi of a military mau, after cry lu ,r oat in holy horror for years "at tin- uero idoa of tho nomination of a 'JV on horsbaek. thatsulijocts them to i ritioiam. ritUhura Chronicle. II is cluitr to tho Towitn la Journal iM the contest this year i to bo u himplu tiial of strength betweu thu two parties, with nothing to confine tho iiie'iia. lioth candidate, it bo l ovos, are going to be an stioug as tLi ir two parties, but not, uiucb stronger. Chester N. Tarr, private socro. tary to Uovornor Hovt. in a letter to tlm Ueaditig 7Vn' ami Ihtsuati'.U of . . 1 1 . it . , , ,- . terday, says those who believe iu ithern siiDremacv will fJoneral Ilanoock and those who tr;ntiu Northern civilization will voto or GoDcial Garfield. The n an ho firmly bolioveb that ft i.eeond flood will come next No- vei.ber to cornrtbe whole face of! tli 3 earth is building au ark at Ui lo du. rein. .The craft will hold tifty u, sou i, with food far forty days u.-iJ foi'y nights, and be will take paiMeug-ji at $500 each. Every other veasol, be explains, will bo vtoakoJ. Ofcourao bo is a Han cock man. The Pomocrats will havo to look to tba so) id South mui auotber qui'.rlur. A Birmiuha o, Ala , des- at?;u is to the following effort : a.i t iir . . t. . . ; uunorai ueavcra uiareii to sea is one rrsnd ovation. Peopio aro for w:-. t the old parties and (locking to L :s standard in number. Tho ef feet of his speeches is wonderful U bo meetings at CourtUod. Uartzell ou t al tins place to day produced tint 'nibbing insults. A In bam a is on fira for the Greenback partv, aud lud rations poiut to an overwhelm iug majority.". Col. John V Forney will Ion I juht where Andy Curtin did. Itotb La 1 telenU, both have declared tbem selves to be traitors to tba party that uiu'ii tut la prominent The Demo cr'ua will nso Forney as long as they have need of bis services and theu cant him aside like an old shoe wbon be Las tombed their dirty work. Ueu edict Arqold was a brive s ildier. but one act o( treachery blotted out an Honorable record i ana John W Forney in kia old days will drink to the very dreg .tbs contents of the poiHOued chaliffe pf disappointmmit, fitting fate for all traitors. The defection of thousand Forneys 04uoo atay Hepublioaa progress. Vj, 'WV. DAT i -.!. ' Political Crabs. Tlis majority ol poplo will con ci'eilo that n tiling twin lo i1.n uliM it bssonoo bwpn iid'Oiu!ieitf,l. 11,1,1 the antediluvians not jk.i iir J whou lliy did, tboy would iluiibll-s bs willingly adirittod that tbero bad been a flood. The iV-moornts are now ready to acknowledge that the war for the Union wan right, anil that thoro was merit in being a prominent gonoral ongagod in "hurling back the rebel hordes." Jl would have looked ridiculous in the men who Rnerred at tho ark, to count nround eflurwnrd aud pas eouiplliiiciiturjr rt'solittiotis nu lorn in; N'oiih for bis tliMrcrinent and fuiilifuInoM in titcHring'Mo long for tho C(iiiiiiij deluge, and to amiir liim 1 1 1 r by bin oiirni ho lis I enrni'd their renpuet, iunl wns ctitit ld to rcceivo HoniH t.peci t roc igni tion at tin ir lino'lt. t would bo gros injtir.tirej to tlin ulifl'-neeked nnritMits to believe that tlmy Co ild liavo been mublo cf nny surli jiiihil'.nniiiioiH conduct. Modiirn L)i)tiioeratH( howevnr. thiiiih ejiitl!y oliHtinnlrt in accepting truth, when the crmis was on thu foutilry, are ii it loo r.m.l now to cluiiii credit for having been right nil tho while. I fin y u it iitily profess conversion at , prc""nt, toil havo tho snniirnnpo to t that they were willing nil the time tho ar! s!ioi;l 1 Im built l b nigh the) then believed it a fail ure they do not scruplo now to nn. lici t t'nr.t they f.ivored it, and they el, leaver to prove I'uin by (jointer oucly Blioiiting that its etitrnetion was a gool joli- Their theory is thr.t conversion in not only the sufo g'tard ngiiinst future offending, bnt that it goes back and undoes nil past misdeed. AYi freipmntly lii'nr boys shout. "Hurrah, for tho mxt Fourth of J'lly," but it has never been the rule for them to o.cpcnd much en thusiasm in shouting for anniver saries that have gono by. When the Democrats bu:iu to hurrah fir tho war of 101, they might nn well grow eiithniiiistie in denouncing , ... ..... slavery. ntM declaring that it wasi nlwuvNwrono-and never should linv!l"n'0" on 11)0 tanll, the money existed. They might nntuially K0!'l,"t"". the Chineso problem, tho even fuMher and announce that I ,,,,"'"1 M free and nntramuiul there never had been any reason lor r1' ballot iu llie 80,ul'-nu'1 ot,,or mttt a Peniociatio party, anil that, ml poiut of fact, thcro never "-'is such a P'iflv. sinoo they tiro ready to aholly renounce everything tho party evor lived for. thoro can bo little doubt but that they would make the denial if put to the extre mity ''Who struck Hilly ratter son '!" wan thereatciiingly inquired. "I struck him," wan eiuphatin and dcliatit answer. "You did rpiifn right, sir ; ho was a real bad man, and ought to liavo been struck." was the meek but prudent subiuiasion to the inevitable- Garfield's Record. At 11 ho vaa at work i.t a c.irpon tor's bi n U At l'J ho vns Lo.-.tnion on tLa Ohio canal. At H bo was etudyinj; iu tLo Chen ter, (-Iiio, nri'.iin iry. At '11 In was teachinj' in one of Ohio's common schuob, iiishini? with bis owu stuJion ut tlio si mi time . At '23 bj ontsrod William Col- At 21 bo crad'ir.tod from V.'illiams with tho bigbext honor of hia rlaan. At '11 ho was tutor at Hiram Collect, hlo, At 28 ho wau f rinclpal at Hiram College. At '13 bo v.'as a mon-her of tho Ohio Seoato tho youuoat momher of that body. At .11 lie was colonel of to 4'2d Ohio Itegiment, At bo wan placed in command of a brigade, routed the rebels under Humphrey Marshall, ho! pod General Buoll in hi-i tight at Pittsburg Land, ing, phyoil a prominent part in the Beige of Corinth aud in tho import ant movement along the Memphis and Clmrlctiton railroad At 32 ho wa appointed chiofof st.iiT of the Army of the Cuiuberhind, partieip vtud iu tho campaign in raid .1!.. 'I' I . , , notable" U llllll- iiu imiuuHHt't auii m luu battlo of Chickamauga, and was promotoJ to the rauk of uiajor-frcu-real. At 33 he was In Congress, the successor of Jofchua R. Giddiugs- At 4H having been continuously in Congress since be was XI be was elected to tho United State Senate. At V.) be wa nominated for tho Presidency of tlio I'uited States. Hancask's Srilliant Record' Wo havo watched our Domocratio exchanges and carefully suarched for tho priiicplu that General II in cock carriud iu his sadJlo valise. Tbo result of our - search can bo suiniu'id up as follows : Ou the subject of thu onrronny be i a uiagniuVeut looking follow. On tho subject of the t .ruf bo in a splendid soldier. Ou tbe subjoct of frea koilj Uo weari a brillitnt uuiform. Ou the subject of river end I ar bor iiuprorciu juts bo ni ilou c grand appearance on bornebnek. On state right bo appears well iu tits epaulets oud brass buttons. On civil servico reform be has a Sua nilitary bearing. On tbo so-called reform in tbo administration of the govorumout be is a modern Murat. Ou tho subject of our foroign re lations be wears a splendid mous tache. Ou the school question, be is a handsome looking man, Ou all other qmstioos of pu'olio policy be has a m trtiat bearing, Mr. J. F. Jtyder, of Cleveland, ban issuud a handsome lithograph of General Gat fluid, showing him a the boy, soldier aud statesman, tthioh is finely executed. It is one of the happiest bits of the campaign, ana as it is sou for tue low sum of 25 cents, it will doubtless prove very popular with campaign clubs for the adornuicbk of tbur wig sains. " According to the statement list made pnblie of the condition of the Ktndiug ruihond, this nnfottiumloly manngeii eorpoi.Uiou is sbovrn to be loaded down with a duht of two bun dred millions of dollars I The annual interest account annas op to between live and nix millions of dollars, which is still further eubancod by rentals. It is impossible for the corporation ever to emerge from nndur this load (ft debt, and that it Is hopelessly and irretrievably mined is patent to all. In the statement just published no account of the assets is given, bnt lliat they will full more than one hundred millions short of balancing (he debt is generally belietod. The innimgumunt that could so success fully ruin a great corporation like tbs Heading railroad in luss than ten years, is one of the curiosities of the tidies, and should be embalmed and laid sway as a warning to all future a:'pi runts for railroad management. A tingulur rise of mistaken Men lity occurred in Lancaster county one day lust week. Noar Ml. Joy an old gentleman and his wifo while in the aet of driving across tho rail road track were struck by tho en gine of a swiftly moving train and recuivod injuries which resulted in their death soon afterwards. At ' fl,rMt ihc7 "ere rep u ted an Itov Speeht and wife of Mnnheim, but nnbseipient impiirios revealed the fact that they were both at home at the time and uninjured. It was then learned that tho unfortunate parties wero a Mr. Helium and wife, of Lan caster city, who wero driving in that part of tho county at the time Mr. Solium was a leading merchant nf Lancaster, aged uboiit sixty-five years, and had only been mnriied to tbo lady killed about four months. (Jencral (Urlicl 1 s letter of accept ance, anido from its liteiary merits is a clean, straightforward document, aud so plaiu in its statements that no man can inisuuderbtand his posi tion on thu leading political iMie of the day. He has very decided " luni i"1""" K"' umuuv. which aro unite refreshing when. contrasted with those of his oppo nent. It in seldom that a more clear able and explicit document of this kind i encountered, and it cannot fail to nioet the approbation of a large lurjoiily of the Auieritau peo ple. Tho railroad emuingn of this country, for t'.io hut tix months spua! well for tlio (;ea;rr.l b.iu;-is pronpsrity cf Uio o;;:ntry. Tin u'ios.3 cr.riiinga of Ih'.rly-ono rcud.i dnrin;; tint tiiao aiuounte 1 to ovi i "i.S,t)i.i.',li''t). showing r.n i.ierci'.sn of :$ ) per coat, over the f.r.-t c:. months of Lint y:i:r. Tho western read, show the Iir.Tcut pro;'ur'.ii:n of in crer.nn ; but that (ho p:.T.unt rros'. perity is ttitlihtl 1 from no section of tho country in eh'i-.vn by the f..rt tl.i.t iu uo cum is '.li-re a ib-creavo rsat.id. There i;i r.o L;ir jr indication oi' tha coiiimorcial cooil.tiou of a country that these rni!.nad r.-ports. mora a- cr.'.T;wm.gM Chairman Dill's peace commission, which sat iu l'iii!.:-e!;ibia lurt v.cr k, decided iu favor of ihu Modjwaii Rood roia' ination in every pariicn lar, nod ufrerod tho lUedall-Vaux wit; the poor coiii,olr.tiou of a tni noi i'.y on tho camp'ii 'ri committee. Tho hitter aro nuti.iul'iy i.i.Iignaut aud tbreatan to rovjlt. and it will bo surprising u tlio t.;;ht between the factions does notdtruak out again and rago with nore fierceuoss than over. I bey have ovi lently lott their re spect for the por.co commissioners. A ntifiiMtiou moutiu at Frank fort. Ivy., on Thursday wan foil nved Iiy tiroworlcn. A very general ! charge nf hrearins took place aud Kobeit Craig, white, while leaning out of nn upper window, received what in posdibly a fatal shot iu the left siilo, 1 lank Uo Iman had an eve ..... - uy.B c,xnal nJ ou old man roceived the oontouU of a shotgun iu bi back. Forty persons wtro droKCad the River, Dnoiper, Iiuwiia. Eight hundred milci of railro.vl bavobuou coraplulod ia M ixioj. A portion of tho city of Waterloo, a , was UjjJo.i Sunday morma. George Washington ia exhibiting a panorama iu Pari. Emperor William liven at Ems like a laijjo-beartod old soldier o'T duty. Lx-Soorutary Hamilton Yx has taken his cottage ut Nowport for the aoauon, l.i-Oovernor frlwnrd McOook. of Colorado, is at CuugrcbS Hall, Cape aiay. uoor"o rioueis Train writos a uote to Dr. T&nuer tluOot every day encouraging iitm. Dr. Tanner loarned the art of liv- ing on air whon be was odiwiog country cswspapor. Lightning splintered a raau'a bed stoad but left him uninjured on the nour at uocic Creek, is. An eight-year old blind boy, noar Marion, Ala., can play any tune be ever beard on the violin. A gang of counterfeiters operating at Harrison, Mass., has been broken up by detectives. Seveoty.one deaths occurred from yellow fever during the week endod Friday iu avaua. The artesian well at Patterson has reauhed the depth of 1,84 i feet, but tho drill still moots the solid red saudstoue, and no water has boeu found. Jessie Craig was bnrned to death at Forest, Ontario, yesterday morn ing, bar clothes igniting while at tempting to kindle a fire with ooal oil. . A thonsand people at the Round Lake national camp meotiug rupra sented twentvsoven ntatia and fur. I iiui lea. Eltnira won't erect her mooumeot to Adam notil assured that some other town won't go one better on Eve. Jerome Ames, of Watertown, N. Y., shot seven times at a man six feet away and never evon grazed him. Four tons of gorgoons posters for the dead walls of London have gone over with an American niiustrol company. According to tho London Truth the fashionable age in London just now is from 24 to 30. Sweet 17 is out of the running. An Illinois lady writes that the mission of a widow in this life is to tell her casual male acquaintance bow elegant all other men are. During the year 187.S silks of va rious qualities valuod at $10(,CI0, wholesale price, wero supplied to the Imperial palaco in China. "Tho now breed of whales In the Arctic soas are largor end tamer than the old ones,'' very much like the new stylo of statenmon. Danphin conntr in f.nnd to bavc a population of 7,412, an increase of 18,0 )0 in ten years, or about HI percent. An Indiana woman, who weighs !ih) pounds, ran a tramp over three fences and across a tnc.dow anil pounded him until ho had to bo taken away in a wagon. Pi. YOUTH ami MIOOLK-dUKn : WmiM you V rnalnra l to SIM- II IMWmiTlO s"'1 ""I' "i " nu t nlllJauJIJ I In .lel nnxil.iM, A, I. i1r., I'Hok. .1. Y, K.JAN, Uielaatimric, N. r. Juir u.'w.lr. AGENTS WANTED K:;XZi only iittntntto I ir rkt bjuii ojouIiKuk tU ttri vt JAME3 A. GARFIELD AMU CHESTER A. ARTHUR. A e.imiiloto nM oferrllf . I pnhlla rlo of .U M KS A. VIIUKI.II, (,. fiKlilr. In reeurl ul i.r.mro"! v n l.tllll mt o.i rr. .Irlkln,. Illuptrllnn ..f lb mrcli of xnliia nn l.r fret lntltutlnn, Aluo III of Liimir.it A. iki mi'H, Tlilily .fublil)9i .lib Bumorou. rllill liliiirtl .o. mnpi ol lttl Dfllilv itnil hntimnily .nHrarfii por. tri. of rfl rati'llilitt. Niir mcf m to all who tth h .11 i will itnaltlrolr i,ut..l all houlii. ani r.ir niri-uU-n Kn l xtr irm A.l.tr W. KKI.LKr a '., ill Huon lt., rUllll.bl, The Cheapest and Best Graia Separator Tbl JiUf.hiuo run I.tj coiire miiuftoliua hcin In Tiini2si!i?.o l cur.yzm, :iii:.'iic'iiri'' r- P. A. IIAHVKY. I.ek l.nten, Clioiii.t Jo., H. tnr f.ivibfr iu Aii inoiioa cil ou l i.t- ii i la vn1 DV.'IO WETZEL. Jn! !S,2in. Agl. (or Co. dministii vrons'N'orrcK. . r.P1 N . ..Ill l.. ., 't.!0lrrr Irp , ri,,,,.. o n r.tr, I U'O'.I tit, a rv.t la ih t.nJ.ias.il. All I'oni.ni lii.ii.ln , t m.nl v l.l.'M.tol lixrl l nuit will . n iuk I d. r-iui innifitl alilU tl.oo hn vluK eilm r hIiii i.U sm.tti will i rujt iloiu r.r lull!. luval to JUii. v. :i '. vl, Ar.rnlc.rfirr.inrt. Jm! 1, l-0. Slrr.y Cattle. rPWO head of voting c attic, oeo n 1 bl-k . )psrllf fiu'l nh l.li-.n . n.i lno, th" i lher y mn Kuin Hl(r almi.1 n V'r H11I4 hi.U 11M, '! M tn i.rtral.n, rl Ou un '.i Fiiir I ii, I rr.lii'.n liwnliln. xvertl inuniii. lhonr I. riit. ( rnmt f.iir., rot.. 1 r 'nr, ay , hi,. nn I luk. tli'in w uf Umj will la UKi.oj. I of o.onl li.X to la.-, , .. ... J01IM TIlli.MAS. Ju f It, IKO. ASSI2KZE NOTICE. A Mi pernors intereoted are hcre liy notinoil that lnnrl Mltnliall. of . ion.. ruoTffp,, Miiy.lor Hi,., iul an lNnnint f nil i.Hon, ril ii.l 'r.innl to lli un. irln. lur llis tmnont of bin rilion. All ixr iut bkvlnic rUln r rruotil to profoat tliom to Hi un lirlii., m pariusa InilabtaJ will ilaa uiak liuuiO'll ni imi mnt. . , . . "Til MiruilKl.t.. Mors Popular Ttei E?sr! Tho Genuine KEW SINGER FAMILY Sowing- Machines rFlHh pipular demand for tho S. (IKMl'INK HIWIIKK la U7I ..n..,l.a ol aoaulurt In wliltik Hil"IJid RallaliTa" Ma. inl 01 any wan ui var iiurlnx tba nu,n rblna liaa liaao balort tba pulilto. la Itrs, wa iu . maouiuM 1 la ill' wa tol l a ll,, lilt maoiilnaa 1 aioi yi aay pravluui yiar, our lo lait yaar wara at tha ratacfoTar . , ... tun ntiii( uauaiaaa a uaf ror avart bual dim .lay In tha yr. Till, "OI.IJ HrLIARLR" SlNrlKR U tha iruiiuaii. iiiupiaii, ami uiiMt ilurabl tiawlua' auumf ,1,1 vvnibriiuHU, S. DEIBERT, Junn-l.tf Aaol fcr Snyilcr oounly. IsTotioo In. Partition.. In th mnlter oflht. mUilfof Peter Fetlervl unm-ieu, itue. oj Attaint lowiunip, 6;iy. tlrr county, 1'a. To Hanrv Fattarnlf raiM- Kllaf Ffliaroll roalilloa- at Hnrln Mlila. in. tra Co., Ha. Itaunab warrlail to Uora Hod- min ra.iuinic at ninux city, lowa t huaaa Kattarolf raarrlatl to Julia Hamlrlaki. tJaiha. rlna narrlxil to Jaaol, riluxaniau, Klliabath oiarrlail lo (ralarlik Shra.lar. .nil thraa atind ihllilrao bKlra of I'lilllp Kattamll, ilao'U, who w wa ui raiar raitcruir. naea., via l 4 . K., Katiarolt. Lliala, a niloor who bu llaury Ail. rami lor bar au irillaai and Kintna lntarniarriil with tiaioanl Muaaar, all raahlluK at I'roial ulila, Hayilar aouuly, l'a., halra and la.al fa. praaaalatlvai of Hatur faUarmr. daad.lala uf auauia towuauip, voydaroouoty, fa. Voa ara harab nnllrtail thai by ylrtua of a writ of InquLltlon laauad out of the Orphana' Court of Kuydor eounty, and lo ina illraciad. that an Inqu.at will ba bald at m lata raamanaa ol Ilia all ratar f aitarmf, Iu Aiiauia lowoanip. on matuhuay. julv aiai, A. II. I0, at 10 o'olook A. M. toDaka pariuina or valuation ol tba Kaal Eaiata ol tha win iiaovaaau ban and whara you may at- Hbfl'a OMoa, UlddlaburH, Juna III, lawi. Tjl X ECUTOUS NOT I C 15. Letters Uenea.ed, lataul Wa.biuiitou towaablp.Soydnr a- laaiauioutarv od ana aatataar jaua :i.nith oounly. C'li a , have baan Krantad to tba un.iaraiyoeu. All poratina snawlnM tbanualra. Indaui. il to a. 10 eute ara raiula-l lo make luiiuaillata payment, while thoaa barinit alaliua are repeated to proaeut tbeia duly authentica ted lor aetileuiaut lo JUHUT A. SMITH, I.AKAU SMITH, Way ST, ItM. KiKutort. THIS PAPER JNawararaa Auvanrumo Boauuv (10 Spruea Attorneys-At- Lnio. O. DKUniCH, ATTOItSEY-Ar.Ij4Mr. MarkH SI., Srtinjrovt, Pa. All profartlnajal aalna promptly atiaadad to, Uoniullalloal la tOilltb sod Oarntaa '.!. U.'W. I. B. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mi'Ulleburrf, Snytttr 0 ,Pa, Can b eniiaaltrS la Knajllah at Oar-a an. Swrrroaaautaa aialoM lor faaatona, ti jy Jan. la.'tM, lltortity'At'T,ivi, MtiMlrwurq, Paam'n. All pfofaailnnal humt antra, lal It hit eara will raealva prompt atlaalinn. Oaauitalluat.la aaa-llak nad Oar man. ih t. I0,f. JACOB GILBEUT, Attorrov-At-Ijrw, m;jul.'iici'.j. pa. Allhnatnaaa a'.iruatad to kla tare will rainlra prompt atlaa'.tea. July !,'t1. f E. BOWER, ArTOPiftCY-AT-LAW, MiiUL-htrt. Pa. (U.Dae In offlet ft J. t. tiroatati,, i'i) rnllactiont madt. tJaatallaltnat la Crcluh an I (limno. Jaua is, ; if. M. L. SCKOCII, ATTOMEY-AT.LAW, Au' I'.eriin, Union Co. Pa. Pmfxtalonal bu'lna rr.lraaUS to lilt cara w!!l rrraita promjyt u.irutlon. Juna 30,!n. QIIAd P (lT(Tl(Jri Attorner t: Ooansflller-At-Law, n3oa la App'a llinMlnai nn !oot Iturih of Karaynna Horat. Mi-llnagruve, fean'n. flnllafttlnnt and all other pri'r ttlonal l.ul Saaa la eulleltad and will leilalre c refill and prompt nttaailon. Apf.ll,'lD.tf. T r. CKOXM7LTJCni Wa AlTURNtV AT LAW, Wiillidburj, Pa., Offer hit Bfofc'tlnna eerrictt Is tli cab Uo. Collestloni anil alt other frofesoianat huiir.ett ontrutlail to hit care will receite prompt attention. Jan 8, 67lf TiTTsFiTiir " ATTOHTfrr AT t.aw. MIDDI.Kl.t'HIi. SNYEbll UO PA DCarthla Pnfalonal Sarrleat loth piblt Dontultatlont la l:ollfh and Cratiaao. F. J. It. ZELLER. A TTORSEY.AT'LAXV Mifjtiiiburg, I'nion County, Pa. All bualnraa entra.tod lo til rare will ell and rUhfuU? atten l.it to. Will practle at the aeteral ennrla a Sayltr and aiiliiln 'o iiitiaa. Dab be ounaulted In tha C-.iiA f : or Irrmau lanxubHe Oet.no. 'T3tf nilAKLEr. HOWTEK, ATIOtUtE? AT tAW, SulinMiirore, Pa. i-'fTtrs hit prnfettionatntrTloet lo :fct pub 'in. Collcclloni aaj alt l.:r f ro.Vriiona hiitln:tt e:rutl,'i! la hi i.r t itcltf f rnm,il nll'ntinr. Office two do."r oulb of the .Normal Helioot. f Jan A, 'n f'rrriNN, a. h. mu, 'a ftn-ie :-mtt i4. r.fc J. M. Lli ,) AT ro:t:it:v.i at law, Uwiaiiuix, P flfer Ihfflf prorettieenl irrti.tca la taa pul. lis. C.'.'rf lioua aad a'.! otter . ro-ia-sal intl Luaicaia alrt.aieJ Is iL.tr cj.- will rccr!.r;'r.iupt attention. (Jab. 3,'otf . poTiisii, JAf7or..vr:rx at law. EclicfroTO. Ta , OfTrr Ihplr f.rnf,'fla-. t.rvlret te ttr puMil. A '.1 1 n ! b.iBUt Jr;l.-ii,rf lo t-ir rare ri Lc'.ve f rompl atlenlioa. Ott.et al hit !icincn Muia Uiraet. Jul;, lib '731. uncut Atteitaw. soaaca AtLavaa 3. ALLEIiAU ft XM. AT TO FIXE Y8 AT LA W. HllriMjxrvt, I-'tt, III (irofeaalopal bueinett an J eolleellat rutniatail lo thrir rare will bo promptly attenejta. Can bo consult,! ia Eagliat r Ueruaa. OtRoe, Marke'. 8uar. II. II. Oriinm. Wro. H. Pill CrRIMMfcDILL. Attorneys Si Conncellcra AT-LAW, Oflio.o Noar tLo Post OCice. Fioewurtr, fcBD'a. Contf.V.alion is both Eor'.luh ao J Oarr-an Lar.i.aget. Lao.l '7itf. JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attorney ut lrvvv, MIOOLEDUno, PA Prnfesalonal butlnettenlruatod lo hlteare w!'.; bo promptlt atloatloJ lo. Fah J THOMPSON BAKE It, Attorne.v-at-Tjaw, Lowlaburg, Union Co., Ps 0na bo eontultad la lbs Engllob so Otrmaa lonnagu.-it4 OKPICE Murkal tjiretl, eppoillo T7alla irnllh ,t Co' 8tora 8 49 M. VAN OKZKK, ATTOaSEV AT LAW, Lewisburg Pa. 'Iffert hit prnfettlonal tereioa lo ho pub lio. Colleotlone and all olber PioTeMiun I buaintcs oatrualeil to hit osrt will ro ceita prompt atttotloa. g T. PA I. ICO, ATT0r.NET AT LAW, 8BM.VS0U0VE, BHiVlH COUKTT. Ps 8pt.l6, '7tf A 0. GIMPSON, "- ATTOUSEV AT LAW, SolinsKroTs, Pa. ITai hit profettlonal terricet lo tbo pub do. All butioait ootrutioj lo hit oaro ill bs promptly sltoadad lo. fjn. 17, '07U CAMUEL U. OttWIQ, A TTQMTEY-A T-LA W, MliUluburfr. foloa Co., Vmi OBloo nan door to Talauraph Prlnllns offlao Uao. M, ltl1.lt. Physicians, 4c. J. Y. SHIN DEL, B UllO EON AND I'll VBICIAN, Middlsburir. Ps. Offer s kia profotilooal teryioet to tbo oit- ivat or UiUdUiiurg nnd tiolnlly. , Mnroh 21, '07 JJ J. SMITII, Physician A Surgeon, fiLmf, Snyder County, Pa. Offart bit prafaetlonaj aarytaeo la the pul.lla. Olttoo Main tanaaa. aTa U, ', Physicians, fa D ft J. F. . KANAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Centrclll, Snyder Co., Pa Offart hit profettlonal sottIoos to the publio. 3Bir H. J. ECKBERT, SURGEON DENTIST, KCKBKtvrs BLOOK, Srlintgrove, Penn'a. Profettlonal bntlnaat promptly attended to, Nay ,'!. JJR. I. ORIER BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, haetng located al MIDDLEBCRO, PA., ortioe a few donrt Wet of the Oodrthnuno. is llearer't tlriok buil-lin. offer bit pro featiuaal teralcet lo tha publio. II apeak Eoglitb and Oormaa Otk 17.78. pEIXIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Kratterville, Sntdrr Cb Pa. Olfara hit prnfeMlnaat aorrtaaa la I be etlltat of kratKriilla and rlnloliy. A a4. tJ.'f JJU, A. M. SMITH, PIIYSICIAZ AUD SUP.1EOS Off-rt hi proftMlonwl ermet la the eiti- eatcf Adamtburg and riolnltj. I Sep I, 73 IJ Y. VAN BUoiiIRK, SURQICAL a MECHANICAL DENTIST SolinsKro?, Punn'a. Just i cs nf t tie Peace. DAM SMITH, Jnstics ofttie Peace & ConTcyanccr Ptaver Spring, tinyder Co., Pa. All nmtnlal Imllne.a -takln Aapottttnnt h.. promptly attaada-l to. Uolleotlona ami remit tern ea prunipiay mad. May lt:u. "yyiLLIAM II, SNIDER. Justice of Ibe K'cac. Salem, Snybcr County Penn'a. All Collations and reitancea pro apt', j Libde. ro.a,T tr. JSAAO HEAYiuH, J U3UCE OF THE PEA CE sod Groneral Collactor . MiilJlehur;, Poydtr Count, Ps. Special attentioa paid lo eollecilont of a'.l kio.it. K.-aitUr.eej eriil b tr.ile prnoiptlf fr.r nil tol'.eutlont mad. Var. iUt 189 if. V'HrVVAONEt, Fsq., jcsriccce'Tna rr!Ac. Jsoksoo Tov7n'il.ip. JTuifCj. Tft.. tVHI t'tecil to all bxaii em otiruatij to Hi .r a til cs tUs ni.t r.f.r.Vi lermia, VorxU i, 'ulH Y) AVID A. SuOlIiY, JriHi-ico of the Pofco, Ciii.m i'vuru.Wfi, IfAytUr Co., Pa. Will r.tirtJ le all l.tiijtrae Mral lo bit ci-rj n.- tj.cM roaoenMa Irrea. . U. mla.S3fl, LiuoJore, Pufl.r To.. Tft. Met. , 'bJ. T 11. HAKTi:i.H, J e jriTTcn or rrra rctcc. aSr Onvoynr.sor, CEMt4LVli.wi.', 8-njUor Couot7, Ta. I'nlleMI ire asl t!l bnntneit prta!niar Ii tt-e ni,1e of .(' Ice of ma Peace will lie att.-icted te attknrt nonce ap rlT'lt 3 Cm MITCHELL, Justirs nf tba Petce h ConreyiMicer, Ju kvea Toe-nahln. f nytter Ooaaty, Pa. Oiille'ltiina, ttnaveraajlce. aad all other bn alnew pertalnlair lo l,e oO.rer'ill reeetae prnrrpl aiieniii.o. i imi ouoe aiiureee. new reriiti, t'nion couuty, I'e. A as. In, 1077, or rn; psac3, Peon Tvrr., Seydor Cs. Pi JAMEU JriDDLE3 V'AICIH, Juttieo cf thu Peace A Csnvryanscr, TrozleTills, Snydor Co., Pa. Will allend promptly to nil manner af kaal nerapartalntnato theofflce. Oolloeel.ina title, UeeJa. Artloletha., written. I Jaly at,7w-lf. M. U. HARDINO, JI'STICE OF THIS PEACE 5c Conveyancer, FREEMU.NT. BnJer oounly, Ps. Colleclloaa and el baelneaa Mrlatntne lo the nRtreof J o.l I ne of thefeae will be euemlod lo at e&ort aotlee. Apr. tf 'It. A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace, Ueavertoien, Snyder Co., Pa. All klntfa of MollaAllona m.it. mm 1IIi...I termt. Promptly attendt lo nil biialneat iatruatal lo hi care; (June St), '73 If EK B. MIDDLES WAlt'l'H, JU8TICK OF TUB PEACE CONVEYANCER, KoClur City, Snyder Co., Pa. Oolleatlont aad all bnalnett partalalnc lo the offloe of J uatlo of (b faao will be attended to bi euora nono. July H.'7tl. G. HORNBEROER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Perry Townihlp, Sailor Goon ty, Pa. . C'oltaetloni.Ooneeyaaelnw.aad another hna aeaauerlalolna to tba otSea will ha nnai.ii. A DMINIHTRATORS" NOTIfTR X- lUara af adn.lal.traU.. .. . ...... 01 naai nnvLK. ooeeaaed. lata ol Perry Towntblp. Snyder eounty, Penn'a.. bavlos been aranted 10 tho nnderataad, nil peraoot knowlnaj Ibemteleet Indebted to tald aetata ara raou.al.it a. Im.m.u,i.. Bent, wblla tbuaa karln olalua will preaeot ll.am Aittm nlkaHil..a.j ..1 . . . ejaaajraaai aeaaajj nj as SHOJll . (r flmw) 4 JOHS HTIVCH, June S, 1M0, Adjilnlttrator. VWaVf. Vaaeek. lSh. ITtttCSL,-- tTse.lt 1 aU-a-le ,c.er RUPTURE Tbs Imperial Truss la what wan want. The sreateel I laventloa lof .the age I Bee eur paiopblel. Seat frea. J. V. WAK, Otrlo-almrs, A. X. JsUJ lY,I. Hotel. BOARDING HOUSE. ii i i TUB Cn leritgned aroulj retptotfutl la form th Irartlling publi. batinatS aim, witneaaee Sad Jnrore In atlendanee al on tJnnrta tkal he bee made ample preparation foe nelr eoonmmodeilna aad will eadoaeor te ew. aertela bla pairoae la aooa etyle al Ih aanet raaeooeble ratae, Boerdlns Moaa taw Seor waatof ineOourt Houae. UAHBIBLRKATKH. Apr. St It. I f. froprleta. WASHINGTOH HOUSE! VMiildleburc;, JOHN L1MBERT, Propristor. o . Tbeannee popular Hotel bat been refitted ana reruraUhed In the beat etyl. It eentral loratloa wtak.a It eonvealent for bnalnaa men l unraooa la ail.nlanne al Oanrt aad all otbare who are jalla.1 lo MH. lienor Tbnln kieualwaya aappiieS wlt ttiabau In Ike ajar bet lie Kar wita oj Iloanre aa.l the ntakla attemla. hy earefufl buuiert. Teraat aaadarais April a, turn, CENTREVILLK nOTEL, (Lata Mre. Waaear't.) Ceattrrlle Snyder C., Pa. FETIB BARTMAN, froprlete , TMt lontjaelabllabad aad well known kots kaelnc bane parnaaeed by tke ndaralaael. aaj llolta n akara ef tha pahite pal ronaee. April. Mil.. FtTfcB U A HTM A It FAIRVOUNT nOL'SE, N BAR Tilt DKPOT, MIDDLERURG, PA., BJ1UCEL SPA 1'Z. Propristor. Thla bftntelt In olata tiraiiaalie la ik depot nail kat lately been rebuilt anil re. n .. . nucn. muni eoai anoainiit to table well aupplled wiik lb bad Ih market, afford and term moderate. prif 'Po. T HE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN D. FOCKLER, PropV. SelinMjjrove, Pa. Tble n tl le clcaji.nl 17 tneatrd In tba "anuara and la a ery da.lr.M- plva for trarclere to amp tlie aatT nf aucnmrnmlallnn. .imt..... - - enna .lopping once will he aara to tail again. Tbs Vrm. ... IMUFr ,n ,Df Ml eT-A Oretelaee iMeUnranl la connection with tba Hotel. l.MB.iia Jclchl6lt, House, :;onTn third street, phil'a pa. Terms $1 CO per day. nENRY SPABN. I'rnnV. C.W. sttl. l.rla .ar.l.'ft. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FIEHSWOIITH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ol Ha!:2ry,Hotica, VtiteGocSs, Effl.nl dcria CcuIsFerIsIiIei Cccis tc. So. 514 ILu-tet Ptrpot, FHaTmADELPITIA. T. B. Jure. A. I p.oar. (&ir. UTi, W. u. Mbaltetof. r, ti. nateatat. 'I. trim r ZWZllL 6 Co., STstkBeAtS PtillDI ig VTQZD AaTZ) ,-IXOW TAX,I M Clotl-e, fi.aw. ,.,,, Brooaat, M4s Brink ti til'.M f.aa, OraJa Bajja, f.f Srt, Uuche, Twin, fioka, Kt. M. ;n rVt tflrool, PhilndalpM fob. 7. '07 ' TAUUai'.. MV.QVLh CO., -nor.rAi.n dhlmi ij rCP.CiaS it DOME3T10 r:illn.-lolphln. In, M. MA UN. Bluh Book Maker Sta. tioner, and Steam Power P E 1 1 TER, V-"lio,iilo Hz Xttetnil Ko 529 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. Provvtnta: On Prkt Beltimf Prirt Xarkcd On An Good Jn J gave. Apr. lR-'S. JQAVID WILLIA5T3, MasnfaDlartaof r.o!slDslarla 6111. Xshoeanr, Walsst ssd Isewss4 LOOKING GLASS -Pioturs A Photogrsphio. Pnunci Vot. 930 and 131 Arch Blrecl Philadelphia Pa. Frame Ranalrail la ika k..l ....... Alio, Rcgildiogia all Us braatbt. 71 YOD WILLJ3 SOM f yon renlaca Ibat old Pn-np with a wS ud do not nrat earefully eiemloe the Buckeye Force Pump, The Muokeye letb eery leetoel epro,aant tn Pumpt, It It eonatraoled with ir-ehaniber wbloh make it eery aaey to open . Hoee aaa I e attached lo Ibe llnokeye Pomp, id water eaa - V,M ""iii'iuji i aaa or nro ". "r Harden and ard, Week " tauowe, aaa tin(iee, and hat a a FIRE ENGINE ever ready oa yonr own p rami aet al na meet aoaS tuna an ordinary pomp. It Cannot Freeze In eold wealh.r. Durable heyoaS a decibt. The very poiup for deep went. Tea werklns pa' era leather anailua and entee within a per a, lain I load euanber. Molhlaf I deeay abetil it no Iron Turblns Wind Fnolna lealaoa areat Improeemanl la Wind Eaelaea, Call and aee tbeee pampe In operation, or foe panloulaxa add rata W, 0, BBATTOlf, liewiaiowa, a eoooty, f, el. tlif. OAUTIONi Notice u brby giT that tb foiu. Ids article bay been purobattd hf Ih UDitertigotd si priral (al sad left to tho poetetalon of Ptrry O.Uowtrtoa during hi pUstorot All pertoat aro eautlooed sol lo aiddls r Inttrfer with lb ism : 1 Mar, 1 Coll, 4 Shoal, Cairo, 3 8lrt, half f sin sort f WUtal Id Ih ground, half of thirl tea or of Oat la Ih gronad, half of si' sort of Cora ia Ih ground, half of ty 'f' sorts of Rio ia lb ground, half of n sor of Poiatoa Is lb ground. JAMES Af. bUrjMAIf. Jus 8, '8. laha.'VddilSl'? reaaaaipilna and Aalhtai. ffvrar vet tump -UtialK," rrutt Jias. e,'l.ly. , Wafg, SIS.