The Post tfllddlebnrg, July J5.J880. !. CROUSE. Editor 4 PropTeTorT" lOK rMCMIIirXr OEN. JAM A. GARFIELD, of OLio. rem vit'E pkkm:ii;.nt, UEN. CHETKR A. AIUHCR, of New Voile. Jlt'll'IK OP trPREMK t:nt:KT. I1KNUY (iltKIlvf.,.rtli:.iii,UHi C.i TOR A IMi ITili7tft!ttF.K At., JOHN A. LICMMX, f rtUir County. COUNTYTlCKET. TOR CtlMIRKI Ho. IIOK T10 . FISHER, of II. inline. Inn. r st.NAHtH Mo, joiin u. packek, nf Northumberland tSawjoet te deetnon el .ent irltl blitrlet Coo fereitre. ) MR ASuKMHt.Y L. N. MVKR.4, of Mi.ULWg. hr t;o npT MtMiVEVoK OEOROE 11. 1IKNFKR, of A "bnrritlijcaudidate" may anawur fimt-rato for a mouth, but ia not much for wear. Tbe Republican of Indiana are confident of carrying that state in October ns well us in November. Tho New York hna endeav ored to ruiu many reputations but bas uover uucceudud iu a single iu stance. Oeueral Oartield hud numerous ngagem!Ut to deliver addre. res duriutf tho summer, all of which he is canceling. Alderman McJiillen ava he is Retling ready to take a lUndall club to tho inauuiutiou on tho lth of March next. Tho loyal people of tho North will support no man for President whose position with reforeuco to Stute Rights i unkuown. den. Garfield iu a cnndidato who improves rapidly on acquaintance. Tba longer be i before the people tboatrongor be will bo. Ooneral Hancock ha sorved con tiuuoualy in tho army for thiity-six year, and ha not paid any utteu tion to tho study of civil uff iirj. An important conundrum just now amoug Democrat i : To whut extent is the millionaire candidate for Vice President williug to draw on bis bar I f Some of the more generous Dem ocratic orgau aro kindly conceding Rhode Island, Vermont uud o u to tho Republicans iu the ensuing Pie iduntial elocliou. Knot IK.. II,.. I A- I v.. mw imu a vniiiiijujr in oil IH tniu 1, Mr. Til. Ion thiuks ho will be quite well again in six months, lie Las very much to bo thankful for more, indeed, tbau lis General Han cock. Gonoral Ilauoock has been pre sented a locomotive ina.lo of flower, and lubelod Ou to Washington.'' Is'ext November ho will have more use for a boat labeled ,'L'p Suit River." 1 Ex-Govoruor Cm-tin thinks Le will not run for Congress any more in tbe Clearfield district but he will support the Democratic ticket, just to show that be i not of a spiteful disposition. Charlos A. Duoa of the Now York Sun was on the burning steamer in tbe East river, and jumping over board swum to a nluco of safetv. Mr. Dana was evidoutly "not born to be drowuod." "It is a great thing to have Yad Hampton's gun thundering for 7ancock." bmUi-UU l.'uuricr Journal. Has this reference to tbe South Carolina shot gun f The real issue now before the American people is not whether Gonoral Garfield or General Han cock shall be our next President but whothor the party that saved tbe nation, or tbe party that attempted its life shall oontrol the government (or tbe next fonr years. Ex-Senator Soott , of this state, who has been in Washington for several days, says that be Las no doubt-of Republican success in Penn sylvania, and that be bas found the nomination of General Garfield very acceptable, and it will receive tbe united Republican support. General Hancock is a very tall man, and twenty years ago bad a, most commanding ana martial pre sence, but since tbe war he baa grown stout, and bids fair to become as unwieldy as General Scott lu his Utter years. Ha is not a public, ker, has no acquaintance with lea, and will be wholly in tbe of Wallace and other astute Jlrav Oemooratio l.ioonfilitencies. It ii perfectly safe to snv that if 1 tue Cora mil toe on Resolution of the Cincinnati convention luvl known! that General Hancock wuiil.l tlie nominee, several of the resolutions embodied in tbe platform wunll ret. I differently than they da. If there bad been time, or more tlionght concerning the platform, after tbe nomination was alTec'.ed, there is no question that some purla. of it would hae leeu cliuutfu.I.- As it in the livk of bariuouj DetweHn candidate and plat form in no elarin, that it cmnut fail to atti'rtct the attention of eron the iiiohI cttintiil ulnel Vc-r. Tlie platform ilei'lares. in the tn-.t poa itie terms, for the "sntiii'.1iuutnn of the militury to the civil power.' Yet in the fitce of thia tbe otivonli .n eulevtetl f r tbe lushest civil o!fice in the govtrnmont a iun who hun wurn th uuifnria and swurl of a olditT all bis lifo it man wlio hue, never peifotnio.l a civil ex-ci-ft as the subordinate of tho War A pirtmnit, an.) subject to tho mil itary power of tbe government. Amn, the piriform iWlures in fivorof a free ballot in every p.irt of tbe l':iii.d Mutes ow tlues sncli a .1. cliirntion lutrnionize with tlie nndiHpntuil fuct tlutt in tljreo fourths of the Stales controlled by tbe loni orratio party to-day they ow their anproiuncy to the suppression of tho free ballot " Tbe Democratic party secured their majority in the linres by preventing free and fair election iu a luaj uity of tho S iuth- ern Elites, by disfranchising thonsauil and tens of tliotixau.U of negro voters iu tho South, by resort to violence, miiiMer nn. other iiilim - idating fxpedietits. Here is the only political party that was ever benefit- ted by a suppression of the freedom of tho ballot, solemnly decluiiu iu men, instead of cursing the soil with favor of such freedom ! 'the unpaid labor of tho slave. It Next we find in this Democratic' w a Republican i lea to put a force phtf oriu a declaration in favor of a 1 in the field to ijuell a mighty Dem i lanir for revenue ouly which is but 'cralii! insurroeti in, to provi le f ir another term for fiee-lrudo and , the s ddiers who fought on the side then nominating a IVnnsjlvaniati to of tho country, to pay oir the nation catch the Vote of tho Old Keystone ul debt, to ro.luco the rate of interest. State. Tho Protectionists of out i and to restore the count ty to peace great commonwealth will not l o rap- land quietness. The embodiment of lured by such chuff. In declaring! against a Protective tariff tho con- ventiou has been true to the IVum - ciatid pat ty, and in this only has there bteu consistency. Pctiiisvlva- nia, it wa thought by tho platform builders, could be caught with Han- cock and Now York with tbe Free- trade resolution. Tho lDcmocraiic;ernl Hancock could uot carry IVuu- parly is thus, in tho present cam- paign, committed squarely against ular ns n soldier nud ten times more tho policy of protecting our Aineii- honored ns a man than he is. llu icao industries. "A tariff for reve-1 stand upon a platform uud i back duo only" is uot quito so grating a led by a party inimical to the inter- term a free-trade, but it practically means the same thing it is oppo nia i wedded to tho doctrine of pro sito of a tariff for prottiction. Oar lection to her own and tho country's present tariff law are for revt nue manufacturing and productive and protection combined, but tho tiies, and her President! l vote will Peruoerutic party, if it had tho pow. not be cast for any man who rcpio er. would striko down the protective scuts the party of fne ti l lo. Su.i feutuie uud expose nil our industries -itur Wallace may boastingly promise to merciless competition with the! H incock uud English the twenty. cheap labor product of Europe. There is one other feature cf tin platform where inconsistency stand out with marked promineuce A considerable number of tho resolu tions ure devoted to an elaboration of tho "fraud issue," which might have been bud Mr Tildun hewu nominated, but when Mr. Til den was thrown overboard thoj "fraud issue" was, to all iuteut and j purposes, abandoned Hut tlitro is no need of going fur ther. The platform is either incon bisteut with its candid ate, false iu it assumptions, mid untrue a compar ed with the f..ct of history, in every i particular. It is a Doiuocratio pi it- form, and Unit tells tho whole story. H'ilkcthiirre lUror.l nf the 'J'tmei, Ingcrsoll's Political Ideas. Wariiinuton, July 5. Hob Ingcr soil hua gone to Cape Ann for a few week. After tho campaign open he expect to take tho stump for (iai field, though ho docs uot yet know where. In a conversation on tho political situation and prospect he expressed hi idea iu hi usual vigorous st)le. "1 expect to soe tho New York Legislature convened," ho aid, "to pas a law to elect the Presidential elector shy Congression ual Districts." To the suggestion that it bal lieen Governor Cornell this step, he replied: "Then he'll show that he' ulllicted with what U commouly cal'ed iliocy. It i en tirely consitutiiiiial no question ubont it. Thou it will help us beat tliein. It it only gained ouo vote, I'd do it, I tvant to beit tho otlur side ; I mint to do it fairly, but any. thing wo cm do to help our side thut i constitutional uud don't do show folly. Wo Luvo a perfect ngbt to do anything tlmta conatitu. tiouul to beat a shotgun." "What effect do you think the Democratic nominations will have upon the country at luge I "iuo uemocruiio nominees are uot good enough 1 1 get any Kepub licuu votes, nor bad enough to excite great enthusiasm in tho Democratic party. The ticket i u mixture I cull it the iudigo aud butternut combination. Tliore wa sone enthusiasm among tbe Democrat at first, but I can't tell whether it was on account of Hancock's nomina tion or an evidence of joy at getting rid of Tilden. J think, though, it was tbe latter, ihe publio is not apt to gee very enthusiastic over these professional soldiers, men alio are educated for war in tiiuos of peace. Of course, we expect such weu to do tho fighting when there is fighting to be done i it's their busi ness. Now, it's different with a volunteer. When a man leaves bis plow aod kisses bis wife and goes ont to be ahot at for a principle, that, bolieved to be, patriotic and inspires enthusiasm." A yonng man named Wytuer while bathing in a creek in Veoaugo coun ty, waa bitten by a copperhead snake. and ia spite of a number of antidoU died. Demaaratio IJjas. A vnnrnmAfit nf tYiA minv liw few. rai a Djui.icrittie Met. Urun.1iinriil.ivo in Virginia fur tbe eoiHueru iu, was a Deuioai- tic idea, Kitendiajf the area of slavery waa a Democratic idea. Abrogating compromises and vio lating coiopcts, was a Deioocratio iileiu Cheating the Whigs ont of their President ia 1814, was a Democratic idea. Repealing tbe tariff of 18 12. was a DiMiiocitic i Km. M ikin Mar Against Mexico to exleud slavery, waa I'oinociutic idea. Tlie repent of tho Missouri com promise, witan DniDociiitio i lea. KtioW'Nothinigm waa aDemocra tie idea. The nsnnswinntion of Abraham Liu coin win a iVinocratio idea. An I in 1M7U an idea nlrnck the Oomocratio lenders (who bad ron n dexperato bccinne tho peoplo bad for sixteen yeiu s reptt. tinted them) tlutt if they could uteal to or three aoutheru status, or bribe some of the electors, they mijjlit have a I'n i dent without electing him. They mun.ieil to steal the vote of a stute but could not fit tho ili.ctnrs. .Stealing the vote of tho stato of Maiuelwas another Dumociatic idea. A contemporary speaks ofGeiieral O trlicl l ai tho eoibodimeut of He - I publican idoa to deepen it river, to iiiuke it hai bora more secure by tho erection of break waters, to put linht-bouse on the coast, to elevate the condition of tho masses by pro- , tectinii tho laborer acatust cgtupeti i lion with with the pauper laborer i Karooo. It wis a U.i:. iblie in idea , to establish free homestead for free .urn Republican idea id a 'JtUrtte f- Unlit t!n. patriot. 1 MUMBBnwMnM I That man is not living to-day who cnti secuie the Electoral Votes nf i Pennsylvania on a pi it form that d.v claros agiiust a protective tariff. i Thut is one of tho reasons why lieu- sylvania if he were ten lime as pop est of our great Slate. Penusylva nine Pennsylvania Electoral votes, but he deliver tliein, uu 1 he is not foolisli enough to wxpect to do it. And so it will bu iu other States. Oi ceril II iinc. -civ. u an iudiwl.i. al, ii utjol.jectii. liable- He is a yen tlemau of inti lli'ciicit uud a'..ililv, and yet entirely lacking iu slate uiandliip iitnl without iinv expeiience in po i li in of civil tr tit Id will be a popular l.ile iu the North pin lu-iil il ly among meui'iera of the )emncrntii! parly who were Jotal during tlio war : but, iiufortunatelv. this ia n sin ill el is. In t'l.) South the party will hardly enthuse ovi-i-Hancock The men hr fought in the gray will be a littio slow in for gi tting and forgiving tho man who beat them in the blue, but for the sake of "controlling" tlio Govern ineiit, ami having iu view tho pro liability that, if elected, they e uld ''control" him, they will accept him without tuurmiiriug and go in to win, if possible, shutting their eyes to;tbe iucousibtuticy of their posi tion. Tho commission of 'loveruor llartranft ns collector of the port of Philadelphia, wa received by com missiouerof on-torn on Saturdav. aunounctd that 'aud Governor llartranft was at once would not tuke! notified to lll'Htltll-M mill 111 hij I lie post olnce department ha uot yet been uppriaud of the uppoint meut, if nuy, of a successor to Gov ernor llartranft a postmastur at Philadelphia. Until h ai 1 ajioiut uiout i inado the u.ssistaut post master will takechargo of tbo oiilce. For years the Jtiiiiocratic party ha persistently duiiiaudel the abolition of fie uitiuiil b.mkd ou the ground that the men who own and coulrol these institution are. blood sucker of tho thiihtiet sort .It Ciuciunttti, however the Demo crat uominuted n national bauker ol the hard money stripe for Vice Pre ideut, because ho wa reputed to be wealthy, aud they hoped thut be would put a largo sum of money in tho canvas. Democracy ia nothing if uot inconsistent. Within the list two weeks tbe Pennsylvania railroad compauy bus paid into the JStato Treasury over $140,000. the amount won by the Commonwealth in the suit brought against tbo company for tha collec tion of tuxe ou capital stock. Tbo cases were decided iu favor of the Commonwealth by Judge Pearson and this decision was sustained by tbe Supreme Court The Democrat 10 platform declares that tbe Democratic uuttv loves and cherishes the noble workiucr man. That is why tbe second place on tbe ticket was given to English, of Indiana, a bloated capitalist, who earns his bread bv the sweat of his government bouds. PDer barrU are now turned out -. die rate of Tbe now fail at Wyoeabjr ia to coat J J,li.). A new post-office in Reiki county i uas uoen u.nued U Arnold, Porcnpines are frequently lilted on tua streets ol LaeaitiolJ. Tbe barley crop in the oothern part of tbe State will be large. Lock Ifavoo is uneven! to discov er that she is suriukiog in popula tion. Reading's fireworks law is tory stringent It coats $0 25 to shoot a cracker or light auy explosives in tbe streets. A valuable rnn of copper ore bns been discovered on tlie farm of .f. J. Hofries, near Hurtatoo, Crawford county, A rnilroad braketnnn aom days njio fell from a railroad bridge at I'ltUbui-tf. a diMtauce of fifty fuel, to a stone pilo and, singular to relate, was but slicbtly injured. Elmer Hrown, a son of flenry of MilPioim. cru nittol sui cidn s:ime time a. on account of a lunciilty about ." which he lit 1 taken from his futlior without Dor- Tlia Pliiladclpliia Item intimate! t" "uhjoct of tlie removal of 1,19 P"lt l from llariisburg to Phil- 1 tdelphin will occupy tho utteution of inonext ijegisiaturo. Tho fear of infection ennod somo persons at Memphis to burn all their clothing, and even tho prayer book of a deceased cholor.t nntieut was . .consigned to the flames ; but six $1 0 i . 1 ,.oual, ul" rtroa wr 1 K10""' preserve J. The public debt statement issued July 1st, short a decrease for the month of Juno of $111,214,-121, winch include iJ-ni.'.Ml of friction i currency, csumaicd to bo lost or iesiroye.1, an.l appliea to tlie pay ment of arrears of pension per act ouuno n, isj. At Orralm a curiom fieak was performeil recently by tho wind. ! lorence and A iilow lakes, north of tho cito, were blown neailv dry, the wind scooping out the water. The ground in the vicinity nf tho lakes wa covered with dead fish, which were blown out of the water. Tho Cheapest and Best G ain Separator ill i Iu Mnrlcul'. Tliia M lohiua roil l-M emir avisfai-tion hoik in TIIEF.sniNO ,fc CLEWING, Mmur-ii'iiiri'.l hy O. A. H.VKVKV. L"ck II ivou, l'lim..n To.. I"ir fuulur iu :n:iuu t ill ou the hi l.-r-iii.-1 DAV.3 W3I2EL. July Agt. f.ii- jinj k-1- Co. i)MiisritT(;R.s'N )ricK. - l l ottei -.f .-!.:, It I .i r 1 1 ..n l he . i:i--n' :lleo' .,nn !-i.iei inie i.i liil'lli-t-rt'eN tw "-.unij:, I'.i, I p'. i, ,ve been r., . i . M-i. Id- icd in tr.oi ....r.iiii. ,.piphuli.i i rin.i-d're l.,t.l,-ol ... oil e.tun w.ll pe.remtUn In,, in -ll.ite n, in-iit sftlle lli.xe hnvli.K i-lulme w iln.t uu vsute win t,reeonl ll.e:u (r tviiie aiwui tu I'CII'lV lift I. , , jo.i.x s. n isi:ii, July 15, IUO. A liLi.!.iir. Stray Ca'.tlo. VO heal of voiin caltle. I hi one n niacK. vtnrlln Uu II l'h .1.11..1, ...... I.-, Ine ntiivr .1 n ix H ..n llollur ,u,.,i ( ii-l 1 lull -il l. e ., e to iho pre til. n il '"'"""(i 111 rreimiin li i.lili erro iii n.iri .i 1 ,10 iM'iir i re in. in 1 t.i o.rue 1.1. r.i. .r.iT nr .perie, p ly li trgi.a en I 1 1 . tlinn awiy ur tlie wm be ilup tie I ul uc. or.l ..14 ,U I... , , .. .... J"IIM TIKI.V.V. luly 16. I -in a. ASSICr.EE NOTICE. LTj poraons intoiestnd nro hcto i by nutine.l that il.mra.l Mltahall. of iaa onl -nvlor c.,., me le n airlvninent ol nil hu rlFnoli, re.l no J perianal In lne un. .Icrnane.l lur tlie Ho n ill hi Mi rre.llion. All pen m liavlnii nl.ilmi ere re.ue'ie.l to preaeul 1 1 Hie mi.lerliie I, mi l pen ,n In.lebted .in iiiei-v uiniff nuiiie n lie piT'itent, .... ULlll'OUKI.I.. J'r i.w. Alienee The Genuine NEW SINGER FAMILY S ewing Machine. . (J fl'llh popular dmnaud for the 1 ilr.xi ISK siVIKit In H7I eto-e lo I ineioi any i-reri m yetr .larln the .ia iriar ol a century In whl.-h tbli 'il.d llelu.ln" Mi. t-tiliie h.ii been belire the ti.ii.ll.t. In IH7H, wa e.ii. 1 ,111, iiie.ttenei i in tin we . I I II,. y ii.euiuee 1 eaueia uevr any pravioae yom- 1 lur a.lei Hit retr were at tha rale f orr iiiu new. 114 uao .in.'i ijr every bail- uva !, In 111- re ir. Till; -111.11 lif.l.lAIII.K' SIV IKR lelhe rir.i.iueii, ainip.eii, and inuet durable Sealurf S. DEI3ERT, Jane Agent fcr Snyder county. Notice inPartit'ori. In the mutter oft!i? erf tlrof p, lrr Ft ltentlf fv'.iwi, .(' uj MUtuu luwiuhip, Snj tlvr cuunl'j, Pa. To Henry I'etternU reili Inn at Km mr Slope nu.uiier 11.,., K mi 1 cn.a ri-i.aiu.i miinpv mi nprilitf nulla, lj,-n tre .'., fa. 1 ll.inneli married to iln.rue Holt. men rel.llnv al Muua City, Iowa 1 Muaiin reueruli iimrrled to .loiiu Hen.lrloKa, Cili. rine inerrii-.i in Jo..i. Hlniramao, r.lliabeth inerrle.l iu Kre lerloK Shra.ler, and three vrand i-hil.lren h-ira ol i'lilllp r'elter.ill, ileo'd, h i w.a bom ui reier reifceroii. uecn., vu t 4. u, L'a.i I.I..I. .. .. . . ii . .. . ....iu.., . U...UI wuu HM lieiirj All lend f ir her a 11 irdleni end Emmt lolerm irri.-d wuu r-iemeni niuieer, all realdlns at Troaal villa, riuyder eounty, I',, helre and lenil re- preeonuilvaa ol fetar rmternir. 'Uod. Ut ol duauia luauiuip, nntneruouuiy, fa, Vou ara herebv notlAeil thet hy virtue of a writ of Ioinlall.n laa.iaa out or ine r.unne-1 nurt hi Knyiier ouunty, and to lue illre.le.1. that an Inqu-it will bo held at in- 1 ite re-l.lenoe ol ma aaid eeler Feitaroir, lo Aiiaint lownauip, on HATUItUAY, JUL.V Ulai, A. II. IiimI, el 10 o' A. M. ti ineke lieriuion nr vaiuntmn 01 tba ltel Kittle or the eal.l ileo. aaed W hen aud whar you may at- im ii iuu luiue ur.'ir. O. MOLENDEK, HharlS. Bhlt'i Olfloe, Ulddlahura, June HI, UjJ. PXKCUTORS'NOTICK.Letters MJ tertainentary on tha nautaof John Smith, uecee.e.l, lata ul Waahlnatua lowaihlu.tnilr miuiity, Penn'a., have been arautad to tha un.ieraltfned. All pereone knowlna theuei-leo, luileuinl to lal.l eiUte ere ri.urale l 10 luaka liniuetllete uayuenl. while Diuae havlnet olaluii are reueated in preeeut iheui dull autlieniloa lad lur letileuieul to JOHN Ai KM ITU, MAUAH SMITH, Maf IT, WW. taacstore. THIS PAPER eny be IwnnA eea Sie at 0f. P. llOWKI.l. i mi Wawareeaa eVnvaaviaiaa fiuaua IIS Spniea Bieeei), wnera euvtir- waa m eonlraete euef I a ene lot n W Attorneys-A Tsi w. J O. DClf RICH, Vrroniii:v-.4iLiW. Mtrktt St. , Sclinngrovt. Pa. All ffnfeMlunsI Imninof promntlf tlni1il wj. vaiKiiiuni ia botftii u suu .rmsn f.v. 18. 'M. J U. WUNDEULY, ATTOn'EY-AT-LAW, M iJM 6 s rff, Snyder C ,Ta run onfall In Knllh or (lr an. jmu, IB, ou, I N. MYERS 1-it Attorney-M' T.tii, l 11,11. b.r, Prnn'a (I All pr tfofil'ta'U u.1,1 14 ttntAttmt tn hi r will r.'lv ir.ttnt Atiitlinn, bmiviMiiunf ia t.nnint it a Herman. Ovt. 10,'tS. JACOH OILHEUT, Attornov- A t-faxv, MUi), i-v. All .nl. n'rut'l lu lilt tnr will rooalTi E. ROWEH, AflOHNEY-ATLAW, (Uflta la o(Bo of J. P. 1,'rogiui.Ur, li Col'tin t1. an.l Oaf'iian. Coniulll..n In Knitllli J i. 13. ':.if. L. SCIIOCll, ATTOaUEY-AT-LAW, Arte iii riin, I'ninn Co. Pu Prnflalonal hnlln.- rntruitt.l Id til Purs will rei-iv irinit atti-nliuu. Juua fi.s. c "11IAS. P ULRICil, Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law, t)(Bo In A iii' llu.l.llnic on ilooi Nurtk of . KavaroN llursL KlliiK-ot I'enii'ii. I'nMtetlonn at.. I all iither pri' inional hol nrr, U iltc-ll.l a I will roc.-l.nrlul n.i lruuit auaailua. A c. 1 1 tl. T P. CROX MILLER, At'l'OKNKV AT t,.W, Millliuburg, Ph., Oltrrs his prolrsslnns fri. c loiliepiih lio. I'ollciliuinf aii't all olbrr liusluras anil ii-icl lo bia cu e will rt-ci-itr prompt aileiuiou. Jan 3, 'HTif fP J. SMITH. L sTTnnvpy ATI. AW. Minilt.KllltRil, S N V E 11 II (IU., Pa or:Mi t'rire-nloniil 8rrlrri to tha pabll :oniultatlooa la l-.Dallrb ami llaruan. P. J. R. ZELLER, .1 TTnnxrcr.A t-la ir Mifjliufnirrf, I'nion County, Pa All i-ln- ntru-ti, to lilt i-ro will soli o I liliMnlly in. Win nr.i.-MM t tiit evrl o. urln o Sny.lor in I a linl.ilnif .iiit.aa. linn l e.iniulla.l In tlr Enullah or !irisaii latiKiteae Oct. 3.1. 'Tail pilARLKS HOW Kit, w AT I'llltVKt' i r r.iw Si-Iinsy,ruve, P:i. il.Tcra hte profeennn1eervicee to il.e tint. tin. CoUi-etione uud all nil rr nrori'nninn.i hiieineea iilruii. lo hie care will rr ifie it inn inn. I ifli ,p I o -loot o:iHi nf the .Normal School. .lin Ii, 'li r m. l . (S, LIN'X, A. If. HILL (Sii(.e,mr to I. r.k J. M. I. Inn. I .HOlSi:VS AT L.tiV, t.,.i,hurj. V:i 'Met Iboir !rufvi -iriitfe in it, nat.lio. I illll'l't M.l.e nn.l I'l .ilb. r r,., . ......... I , .., , 1 -1.,-nn-e- "iiiriifiea io nii-irn.irr Kin rtcrnr j iiiennon. I Jim. n, i,i II w. P)rrt:::, 4 ATlQhXRYX AT I I IT. Solinsjrore, Pa , 1(Tit their proffjiaiiintl aervieea In lh.'.ic. All l.-jrul liii-ineeeeiitrii-le-1 lo ll.eir I r ire mil receive rompl allciiliuu. OlUce l hi- lu-ineon l tin direct. July. 1 1 la lUl'll. ll.l,m. HIHIM I AlllVl 3. ALLOXAN & SON. .1 r to ns t: rs a 7 ,1 ir. StliiiHfio v. Ml prnfeeeiiiiinl hu.-iinem n-i l eoMerllnc iilrueied to 1 heir l ire will he prunipitr illencdlo. ('.in lie con-ulled in Knglieli ir Uvriuan. Uliice, Mirln)' 8.ii trf. II II. ririinni. Wm. II Dill ciimm.teriL.r,. Attorncys& Councellors A i'l, A It', GlUeo Near the Post Office, riri-tnirs, I'eitii'n. Con-nll' iu halti Enli-hind German Laug-iin iea. U.-o.l TJif. QUARLES O. CORNELIUS, Attorno.v-At-Lnw, .Wie Merlin, Union Count), Pa Oen he nonaulied Id tOKllih or (lorinaa. May V4, U 7.ll JOHN II. ARNOLD, eiVttoi'ixo.v at Inw, mi m 1. Kit una, pa Prnfemlnnel tiuelneaa enlrimle J lo hie care wM! ha prompile aiiendi.d lo. Kh f THOMPSON BAKER. e Attorno.v.iit.fjiiw, Lewlaliurg, Union Co., Pa WTO an b oonenlled in Ilia Cnellah an Qonnan languasea.'ril ui- r ice Market .Street, opposite Wnlle 4iuitb & Co' Hiore 8 ally npl. VAN KZGla. ' ATTOBNGV AT LAW, Lewiaburg Pn. .):rri hl prnfeiaional earvio In le pub la. Cotleolione ami all other 1'iotr.eiion. al huilneee emrueied lo tiia ear will ra- oaive prompt atteotion. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SKLINSOKOVB, 8.Nll)Elt COUNTV. Pa dept. 16, 'U7tf A C. SIMPSON, ATTOUNUr AT LAW, Solinsarove. Pa. JTais bia profeeelonal aorvloea la tha nuh. .io. All bueinee eotrueled to hie oara vill b promptly atteudaJ lo. Jan. 17, '0711 CJAMUEL1I. OttWIO, A TTQRNEY-A T-LA W, MlOllntfurir, I'uloa Co., Iaf Offloe aait door to Telegraph FrlntlntT omoe Physicians, fic. DR. J. Y. eUUNDEL, - - 8URQEUN AND FliyMf!! AH. Mlddlsburir. Ps. Offer s bU profeeeional service Is lbs sit ae of Mlddleuur sua vloinlly. 1 Mrs ii, ei Phtsician. fc. J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, Fremont, Snytlrr Qunly, Pa. Offtri km prof.!ntl nrvltd lo iti rn'-ll. 0. on Mala ttroot. J ana JJU. J. F. KAXAVVKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ccntrellle, Snyder Co., Pn OlTcra bis proftsalonal atrvloat to lh public, 8-38tf II: J. ECKHKRT, SURGEON DENTIST, Ktitur.HT-a itrocK, SrlinijroiT, t'cnn'a. Pfofllinl bO'lusM roSAlf ltl.UI In, I. OHIER IJARBER, PHYSICIAN AM SUM3E0N. hsvln luraifJ al Mltibl.CIIl'IK). PA . olHof a few ilnor Wssl nf III lli lirlbolli-f . in llravrr'i llrick builitiDf, uflrrs bia fro-ffPilon-il scrfier in 1'it public. lie itaka Englinb anJ German Oel.17 '78. I )ERCIV.VL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. KrtilirrriUi', SinUr (Vi '.i. ()1nr hl or r?'ln-l i-'lj,i tJ thtolllin ol Kraiurrllla u I ixlttUf. U4. a,'f R. A. M. SMITH, PJIVSWAX AA'D SURQEOS Offers hla prnfesslonal aervirea lo lh oltl tana of Ailanoiburg anJ vioiniijr. Sept, 7-1 5 Y. VAN UU3K1RK, SL'KJICAL a MKRII.tMCAL DENTIslT elinsgrove, I'enn'a. ,usfic sof (lie J'eace. DA.M SMITH, him or lUe Pea ce & Cocycyanc:r htaccr .Syirii, .Suyuer Co., l a. AllomieMI hiilnena .teklnir darmeitlnnt'ke., (.run, tly etieo lei In. tJuHeollunf and reuni. ten- el promptly uiada. May I5.'.". yiLLlA.M II. SXYUliR. JtiNlli-e of the Peace. Salem, Snydor County Penn'a. All Collections uud rcmitituccs promptly made. Xoe.SI.'T tr. SAAC HEWER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and (2 oiiei'iil Collector . Midilli-liiitp. hiiyi'rr Couniy, Tit. Pprciel aileciion pnl-l to eulli-oiione n all kiuiN. Keuiiltanceii will he innJi pinmpilv for all enMeuiiuua made. Mnr. Jin 1 f. V II. WAGNER, I-.,, I a .it'sru'K ok tiiu iE(;fi. dackso.i Tovn-ihi),SiiyJerCo. Pu.. Vill alien. I to all hiuinesa i-nirii.ii-d 1,. lis 11. ire aud ou lb inu-l w i-..maI. I tiii.. M ii-oh U, '1.81 1 jyWID S. SilOLLV, Justioo of tho Pen 00, Intuit Town: hi p. Sui.iti r Co., I'n. "'ill Hiirndln all tn.nlnree enlrneie-l Ir liin care n- 111. iel re-ionahlt lernie. I'. O. addreet, Liundnie, Fi ) di-r ('., Ta. Mnr. I, 'Sli. J. II. HART. MAS, ji sncR or t!ir ruin:. kSr ?ou vvaii4Mi, CEN I KKVll.I.K, Snjder County. I'a l-.illrr-lli.n' end all bnalneet perlalnlna In the urR.-e ol Jiulti-e ol Ihe Teara will be elt-nel ir t b".rt n.itli-a i. ra:'7 CEI'll MIIUIIELL, I nst ire of tbo Peace Si Conveyancer, I .1. kon T.wu-lilp, Kiiydvr Cmltily, fe. tbill.1 -11.111, l.tnvii.v end nil other I. n alt.e- initinlnc to tlio iiln.-n will rt-i'elve rll. I en. nil. hi. I'.jalulScee.l.lrtia.: Mew H-rln., Unlmi coiinlj, fe. Aug. Hi, K-17. J 6 UN k7h UQ I II RS, Esq JJUSTlCi: OP THE VEACE, Peno Twp., Snyder Co. V JAMES MIDDLES WARTII, lustice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co., Pa. Will attend promptly to all manner ol bml nnpaperieinineT ll in iianrnre. Collentlone nia le, Dee.ll. ArtUlel fco. written, (July K3,'7Ail. M. II. HARDING, .ll'STICE OF Till: PEACE te CtHiviiynncei', KUKIi.MU.NT, Snyder oounly, Pa. Collei-tlnne and a! hiiaineee pertelnltis lo tha office or Ju-iireof ibefnece will be attended lu at ahnrt u.itlee, Aur, 17'Te, s. A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace, iseauertoicn, iSuyder to., l a. All kinda of oolleoiione made on liberal teruie. Promptly alleode lo ail huaiueae iniritaied lu bia oarn. (June 20, '7 8 I "ER 13. MIDDLES W ARTII, JLSTICKOFTUE PEACE AND CONVEYANCER, MoClure City, Snyder Co., Vu, nnllentloneand all bualne.i partatnlnste the olfloo ol .luailoe vl tbe Feaoe will beetten.led to at uorl notice. July ai Till. G IIORNBERaKR, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Perry Townihlp.Sny derUounty, p. Collection, Ooareyaaelnn, and all other bne aeeenartalnlna to tha oMoa will be nummi. ended lo, timee near Troutmuavllla ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letter! of admlnlatratlea aa tha aetata nf MA K V 8TIVKH. ileeeaiad. lata ol Perry T'ownehlp, Mnr.ler eounty, l'eoo'a.. havlnw been s'enladlo tba undoralnnail, all pereone knowlnei lt.ei..ele. Indebted lo eeld aetata ara reo.ue.led to meke Iniinedlate pay mem, while tb.iae havlne; olelme will preieot than duly utbaulloated lur eettlemenl to JUUN HTIViUi, Juue , 0, Admlnleuator. TrvsFarquhae Separates fee ia. AgnoUlmal A7 ii i e,M- "mn -("l a et E V I "i1r-l's lei I I Pi'e---.e--e. Hotefo. BOARDING-HOUSE. THE Underlined woulJ rarpaetfnlly It), form tha trelling puhiie, bualntii mn, wllnrMa an Jnnra In attendance at out li.v.iru that he bee made ample prereretinne foe heir anemnnioiletlon I will endeavor to en. teruln hie peirone In exxl tlela al Ibe m., ree oible rie, Hoer.llaf Hone a fe loora wrttoflheOcurl Home. . ...... . OA1IBIEL RRATEK, Apr. tl t y. Froprletoe. 2V1 ll1Ieliti-i?. ln. JOHN L I M H E It T, Proprietor. ria alwiee feAitiil.. li ... . k. ku. and mr.irnlehe.l in tha oM itTle. Iti eetiirei ."....v.. !.. , n,.T.iiiBni inr Ba.inft, men i iere.m to alt -n I m"t l D rirl end ell oi bare who .ra la I In Ml t lle i-ir Tha ta b'e le l.rey .in .llel with t ieixxt In the mar et I lie II ir with ,1I ll-j itre n I tha otabl alien. lei it "ireiall hoitlen. refill mol'raia April, HJ", rjEXTUEVILLE HOTEL, . V (l.ate Mre. Woaver'a.) Oeoierrlle Hny.ler Co., pa. PETER HART-MAN, Kroprleto , ThU Innnetiehllehed aodwell known hnt haTlnir been purenaeed y tha undereime e llolte a ehara ol tha public pat rnnaee. April, . fan. lllHTMAri LTURMOUNT HOUSE. - NK.H THE DEPOT, tfinnLxnuan, pa., r.U t.M El, 91 i I Z. I'rnprlf tor. Thie home it la eloee proiimiiyln (he depni and hat lately been rebuilt and ra. fillc!. Ronme comnm.linna .ihe i.KI. ..! fitpplied wiib the heel Ibe market affordi a. w terois moderate. aprtif '80. T HE NATIONAL nOTELi JOHN B. FOCKLKR, Pron'r. ScliitHjLrrovo, I'a. Thle II.iIkI le nleeaent y loeet'4 In the "anuere en I ia verydeelteble piece fur Irevrlere lo.i. 'o Il.e niitt.l e.-rniuinn-lelliine et l.i.wril.a. fi-r e itiaaii.piia-otiir will be eue local! eneln. The hi at of I, q nor In the bet SerA hratcleee Kuatenranl loennnerllnn w!h the II..UI. ai.M-J.Te. llercha ills' House, NORTH T II I It D 8TKEET. rillL'A PA. Terms -t 50 per dnv. HENRY SPAHN, l'rop r. C.W. Sf AIIK. ( ,rle Apr.l.'tJ. Pliiladel fihia Card.. J. S. FARNSWOFtTII. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Iuiportors ot HiiIssry.HoHcDS, Wnite Goods, Eic!- acnes uenis rornisnins uccrts sc. iNo. 511 Market Street. riHLADELPFIIA. T. n. Ien-i, W. II. si.nli.lny. A. H, lloir. IMer. I i '74 I . 11, llelcblel. M. L v ac; i m: in;, WITH p RAYUILL 4 Co.. WlUll.SlALS DltLRMa im VOOD AND WILLOW WA11I3 )il floil-. Win, low Shailea. Ilronme. !,na Iruihee fi.lton Ln, Crnin II iKe, fy Hole, llili-l(l, Twines. Wioke. ,te. i'i.. t jn liu kol Street, Phi'a Muh'.m "'i h. 7. i7 Jacob u. r.iixir.L.t co., ' WH'M.csaI.E UKALURH H FOREIGN .t DO.MCSTIO No. :i:b:i f tricot st. I'il i l.l!ilit la. WM. MANN. Elank Eook iYLaker Sta tioner, and Steam. Power PRINTER. Wlitit'salo Ac 11 t ail Ko 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. I'rotinttinnH. Om Price Selling Price Marked On All Oootla In l'i qnrea. Ar. 1S."2. Q.W1D WILLIAMS, Manufactures of & Wlioleeale Dealer in tilt. Mulioganj, Walnut and Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Plot ure ft Pbotonrsphto Frames Hos. 230 and S3'i Arcli Street rUiladelpbia Ta. Framei Reoaired In lha ki Alao, Residing la all in branobea. 71 YOD Will BE SOBBY f you replene that oil Pump with a new one ud do not Seel oarefully etauilne lha Buckeye Force Pump, The Buckeye le Ibe ry leeleel mproeeuient In Puin.e, It Ii eouetruolu.l wtlb Ir-iheuibere whieli make It Terr eeey to open t. Iloeeeen t allAl'llMll M It. ltl.ll.1. l .J . - - -ww J uu,p, ih a,i.t (. u be thruwu upon auy biillUIOK II leae or Are j v. ro. r tieroen ana -ra, Week WluUuai, Waah BiiKglee, end he t FIRE ENGINE erer reedy on yonr own premleee at bo Bore eoej than an ordinary pump. It Cannot Freeze In eold weelher. Durable beyond a doubt. Tl.a ery pump for deep welle. Tue workina part ere eiioilnne and valvee wllhln a porta lalu lined chamber. Noliilug to deoay about II bo Iron Turbine Wind Engine leeleoa Kreat Improeauieut In Wind Eedlne Oellendeee tkeee puuipa lu operation, or Cue perilculare addreaa W, 0, BSATTOrT, .... laewietowa, . et.S llifti. a eounty, Pa, OA.UTION, NOTICE la hereby lvea that Ibe follow. Inj artlolee bave been purobated by ibe uaderoifuod al private eals aud left la Ibe poeeeeeloa of Perry O.lloweraos durits bis pleaeurei All pereone ars eaulloned not la meddle or lulerfers with Ibe eaoio : 1 Mare, 1 Coll, 4 KbosU, Calvee, 3 Sleere, half of nine aaree of Wheat ia lb ground, balf of lulrte . aore of Oate la lbs grouad, hilfofs I. sores of Cora la lbs grouad, ba f of aev, seres of Rye la Ibe ground, balf of au aors of Peisioes In the groaod. JAWE3A. fcllUMAN. - June 6, 'So. leJl?. jdlwePLe roi.ivu ) H..0 eaS Al'ln.-i. Inw ink euwu - l"M.,'i t'roat. ... Jay. eJkJj, - -)--a