The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 15, 1880, Image 1

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    J.aijirsajg,roTi'iyi,ii v f ' '-'--"-''---'-" '
A.dvo i' t Inline It .
rolrtnin one year, fMi.OO
-half, column, ono year,
1 Hi
kie-rrMirth column, ono ye.,
lit square I I" nuirji 1 iiisninuti
my a.lilMmiiiii iii-eruini,
rofciminl nnd HiMinoa-s card of
nirt more than i line, per voir,
uditir. Enwnlifi Administrator
n.l AnsiL'iioe Notion. 2..10
,1'ilnrial notice prr lino, 15
Ail Irnnxcunu auv tmsiujj icb i.ihh
month. I t MUM linn.
All advertisement' lor snorter po
:l O..IH nun vpiir lire nnVilblo itt the
iu..- tre ordered. iui'1 it not pni.1
h lioraoii ordering w"' b'h';
-totlsimc lor mo mint.
J o o t, r .v .
Bread Upon The Water.
Mi I lb low an I ' ;
Mi l ib r'ttmrn anl lb pil'H,
A'i I lh hoping an I III fcr,
An4 Hi re'ile'sn-e of tesr.
We repeat Itai proml-a o'er
W Ii -lie It in r an I mora
Uroa.l npjn ih 'r ei-t
tjotll It g liberal at lb litt,
fijll anl lilver, like lb "unit.
Kill keep alippine; thru' our han.le ;
Je'ii -jti'iininj; li t "pirk,
Will li. Iil l l iu I 'I toe .Urk,
Pun end moon anal Ur will pile),
Jljl lhe'8 wor.l will nrrr fsil
ftr I upon Hi? -ii'r c tl
8a ill bo guber.i ni in I tl.
Koon, like dul. l you an I ma,
Will our miilit lrea"ou ei .n
Itul lb loving ror I mi I lee 1
It anoiher In Ui no lf
TbrjT will iliiforjjtllon tn. .'
Tby will lit eforuall.
llrci'l np-ei tin Mtr eil
S b fiUere I i ib Int.
F-t lb mouant lip '"y,
r!ouil our in on aI power deitay,
bower an-l tower link I'u nun,
Whit w l mint fo in be J one
Tbrni i' npi.if'. if wo lu-sr
Tb imtn l voiii-4 ri'iiiii;
lire I up m I In w it .-r. II nil
Kb til be ( iili cro I at dm UH .
A Lovers' Qjarrcl.
I41111II nil h'tr ll ihjr mul liive tt! I ;
til at I tl lioii 1 1 fi t lift!- irj 1 n
lcbel Ibi'H pari, wilh j ut one nnry
w ir I.
lie pt4. I nut 'I'lU-t.y, wn.i ii iwu
dr.ippn l lu"t I,
'I clunk, evei fl'inliin nilli rcarnful
I'et ti .
Ih-t! snip n by il-rp pHin'i nttr,v. j
If ili I lurn, nor biok tvburo U
1.10 I j
Li f4tiih 1 M ii j!t!y lu lb;i lliio'c gtvuu
krilill. Ili'U Htisb. tbrtl tl.ilfl Ihi v 1:0
bar mtrititln f i- n j b wbi- le l l iw
ll o?tly to hi.n'!f "1
. h 1 iji.i
whitjiTi'l. ,-li !l
14 l .lti'l
I --lllHi 1
kl t4, 111 11 u li. flm
nitlly ni.-.iiii lo
lonkit nna rii.-r-', o iflul.ifl Iih
It.riiu bcr luck ! nl 011 xli i in 'In'
v 1
il y
'i bo wnl Ioj tint 'tiviiitj iitluo
y n.-iii- nmt inmii ; hat "fl I j
gil l? w i n in K'omi, c i nn by ihi
(siu iutj Ibaeiroitiu whb tr.r-wurn .
I tlmii I won lr wbv niuli tbiiiir ibuul I
l,g I
I.i hvi tunic I
ber ben I, or it ill ber
w.i il I fall'
nl'ero l, love' bright '
launny ki4
in o'nr tier fu'ever
"fij bat
like i;.il
f.jr.n our livj. no J makp woe or ;
bli-i t
All Of Klll l.t.
o 1 o e t TV ah). Scout s Last Mossa),
tnuol Cox wnn ouo of my bravest
U. Ho enlisted at .lo nphis,
ami wun about tweuty-nix
lsoiaS8, uil, aaiyorypoworm..
ponnensea a rocklesa nnturs,
in would exhibit itsulf in a very
t itaulf rlrt o. VHrv
t tune if bo bhould elm nee to
nothini to Jo for ilayii,;
it) order to prevent thin I had to
nt iotnethiug for biiu to ougngo
f bon I naid "reckloss" I did not
a to ioBiouate that be wns of ,
particular stamp which frequent
(rooms, billiard-roomn, etc., ami
u are termed reckloss by the
llio, nor do I moan Hint bin re ;k-
knens itself was visible when bo
f idle ; rather that n marked air
nnoasincBs pcrvadod bis whole
Ee. e was always on the qui.
for amission which would ioour J
or and though young and
irnuny luexpoitoncoit, yet be was
I'tHi'tYr in mod) f'urticr in re.
tenth) iu manner, but resolute in
I Iiksd him, to say tha least. I
po him to perform many draing
rus oitener than did others, and
t be soemed conscious, although
look or word of pride ever enonp
him. When preparing for a
bgerous mission be preserved tho
pe OODcualaut air which was hm
nliar characteristic t but ouco lot
h get into an exciting atTair, and
eyes would -sparkle, bis broad
pom hoava with intensity, while
)er bis hands or bis mouth would
twitching wilh a nervousness
iph would bosUrtling.
oil ons warm afternoon during
month of August lust, I took
x to accoinpanv ma npon a spying
f'eotare along tho banks of Hie
o i river, As there were two
loruia camps to be passsd wa arm
iiioives mora fully than nsitnl
xseoii1 to bs in a sorrowful ruoolli utartnil at oneo,
jt nftoroooQ i b depression of1 asvr4l but Oufor
(tenroiaion of
" iU was the causa to which 1
aud toe aom tiniajuld do tbo spying, nle., urging as
VOL. 18.
HioitUtni) mjio ofit An nilit n ilcci-ive plon Hint lie wnn liol tor so-'quick nnl uliort wbile bo gnnpod
ciinn on wo onibnrkM.1 inn stnill (qiiniuto.l with tho country tli.ui I, forth the wonln :
In lit u canon nn.l procoo.1,.,1 up tlm o f ir wnt w.ll t how wits it to! "l.ieatuiiHnt, row linr.11 bnr.l
river f.irNnvnral milon. I'uo nl-n mt Cti-1 f U'e hbnll nco. jbtrlur ! I iiinut roncli tlio citmp Ih
inipoiiftriiMo ilukncm niinl lnJ 111 Onn loin-hour wn ilvvin llfl l nnv. f.iio I lii;. O, (Joil row bnnl,
from obnci vitt ion, shoulJ nny wnn !-1 I Im l in itlmr min nor b. nr.l V ."
ili'iini gtHTilii. h ippon to ho nron-i 1, ! nnvtliin;; from Cix. Tlm f.ur "I'ih .' wlrit ino'in you ?" I nukc.l,
mi l thim pa l ilu l mlnntly nlo'i j ho htmn .li()viri.l nn I impiiH. j wil li unfi iu''in I nifoninlinicnt.
until o n ncliw l tho m ini h of ill oin' l cimu over mn. nn 1 no Htrmij,': "Duo of thoso liu'lel went ch-nr
"null 11 v" nilo ''"' onr
I' " ' ".
lol. --. Il-ro wo ImiliMl Mini
"iiramcni'n I to nick our av run I ion h
ly f .rtvai l tlirjii fh :
luiiili nn I l.iw wmchIh which lnif.l
llm liver Intiik at Hint imiut. o 1
1 1
proi-ei-l.. I 1.1 thu mitiiufr for ncirly
llnee lull im : hut then tlm tloskv
Uin of fllU roh. l He.-itiuel WUI Iie.l nrt
Unit wit wore within 11 inilo or len of
tlm enmp, 'in 1 w Hink to our h in 1.4
titl.l kneel III oi'.Ier to A'j)l'Jl''h In. 11
ill.nwni FM.
'I'll ipiielly h!i it rlT hii win 1.
ib'iM. id y hi ! f in Iiih el.itui'H, titnl
wheu tho corpornl of tin giinril
e.MiieH 11 r . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I II Hlip into ton c.imp.
llivirn wliut 1 cut), nn.l tlmii nlip out.
: If you will tenniii here, I will ru
tuin t thin peieinj Hp it.'' So )
;in', t'ot left mo lllotlO W'hll 1 hi)
eiii.vle.l forwav l t ) t!io utocHpc-t.
I itij fci'tiitel; f it'.llv Inel ho ill.)
live I'. i.Im when ho tili ne.1 nronti I
ntiil canto brck .
I Lieiitijii i'if," D li 1 It, lii-t ilul illy
Iclenr vnico ihokol with ntiiotion,' if
j I full in thiM etiMii 1, yon will hi ii 1
tlicne to my wiln Hli.l ehi! I ill M!ii
I piliM. ' ll'l I M 4 111 Mjl iV) Ill ill.) a
I pnckii.i from . I, i h Iiohooi, no 1 (j-ivn
1 it to 1110. '.'viuiethin'' tell inn t'.at
!l iil Fiicrilieo mv life in tlii mi
jni. . n i that, a rebel will cit his t my
: i-ili iioe iu tho 1 nil. aii l my oye.
hh ill lirhol.t my ilenr wife no more."
! ''t (.). tl.eti. hy nil ineiiiiH,''
repheil. luyiiii' uy IcitiJ up m Inn
arm l.i tim return to c.imp. I
nn) no man to force HU' tb bin
; .lentb."
I know-it, limiter.Miit. .returneil
ho, Hi uii'i awitv 11 41 1 11. '.lhit t hi 4
imty ail be iiuiiiiiiili ni. Weio I to
litio.v 1 1 ii! by hurt !!';( li;,' my lifo to
li:o Ltiife nf I be htivi-j;o I w'.iiM letlil
1 r mv couti i 1 n 11 t v ilicibhi Mervicc
(i.) l ktio vi. ili"! won!. I1I0 it in a
uiiirite ;'' mul l.o v n.s oouu bufoto 1
e.mi.l iep!v.
No!)!e m ir- ! Thy
111 if ! I ny 1.4 weie
foil nf I'lielo'is il 11 I II
mi l lieeioh t iv marilv
b!ii iii'eiui t-:
form it hoi
i mo il let iii; in an eti lf himvo, ttiy
Dt-tiiorv nhall Iiv.i f n'ever iini ni
' I In. lee of tlie Inivi in I'u1
Irfioal bo ik in It-'v ; i, Hot on
j earl ii.
j Fr-ni) my ji 's'ti ,n it f .t. of n
ihiuall p. lie (Ire conl I n.l '. t , ; i 1 1 u
! v.-ry 4 u 1 ,;li n 4h if l i i ci iilry
; I), f ire inn. Ae.-or linoh I ej i nbei .
. i- l into t he h. anc'ies o.' t i.i tree,
i.itilbv partti';; tl.i-m buf oe mul
j mil. I obtain an uiiolisti 'l 'le 1 i-v
I that ih, as w.iil as llm il.irl.m-Ri
; vonl.l permit. llm f.irai of the
' Si III it'- was j lt
i;... -i.i
tlil'o l'ci tie) l lO-u, pl.-in,' I) I
.ii i.. ,. i ... i .. i ..
ni l
1 mv
.lOII'l I T ill ins lilieiv liettt.
''I t.lelily It sinppcl. I Htn-leli
... i I : . 1 I ' . : 1 1 . T
..'HIS IO IIHI.-ll, llllil ll.MIIIL.l I tho lo v a or U :
''Who jot!H tiieru ! '
A Im. m i na it of broit'il"44
inii-:ii)ii4.i foil i.v i i. i ihiwi'ii i 1 1
'noo Cj spring hu.J luiily fro n tho
i-artu upon Inn foo ; but not t'u
ifl'.iu'btest s a cl bolrave.l bis proxi ni
i v. ImavinL' Ioh ijuii 'half-cooke.l.''
tho rebol e.nilioi) -d his wa!!;, an 1
iu a few moiiieiits ho u'aiu utopped
and ili'inanileil ; i
"Who j,'oen thero f"
Tw-ico wnn thin repniitctl, nn l Hie
last limo tho sentinel movo I fir
ward to the spot from whence ho
flupposod tho myntiiroun sound pro
eon led. Sen-only had dono bo when
n dill; form tmiani- upon him from
ouo m.Ie, b (Iiltonu)- Kuito enteie.l
bin heart with tlm rapidity of li!bt-
It ....... .. tl.n ...iil . i... I
mil-. it, v. , r....,. t ......
arraying hiiunulf in tho dua l
iimu h
clot hen' be ruiHhc.l tho body uudor
hoiuo biiHhes und took Lin post. So
quickly bad thin olinno boon
wroiiL'ht that, had mr buck been
turuod duriui' tho triinmictioo and;
thou turned hack nguin, I could not
have told tho diU'oreuco botweeu tho
two Hentiuels,
It wns uow about eleven o'clock.
At twelvo tho relief giuil'd ctiilio. Mild
with mingling otiiotioim of joy and
four I behold Cox match back to
thoir camp, while nn. ibo ' portion
took bin place. I soon lorn, night of
him in the deep wood, and thou
anxiously awaited his return.
1 buliovo I have not fully stated
tho cause of this portions misHiou us
yet, but as I atn uow at leisure J will
do so.
A rumor, whothor to bo believed
or not 1 did not kuow, wns begin
uias to ciiculato in the camp, to the
ofToct that a celebrated guerilla colo
nel, named with a force of live
jjiindro.l men, was to march
through the upper "country or .Mis
sissippi on a grand foraging expodi
itiou, aud obtain enough provisious,
etc., to last them through the whole
wiutor. In or.lor to do this it
would bo nocuaeary for them to eoiuu
in uuooiufortnblo proximity to our
littlo hand of one bun IroJ sharp-Hli-utors,
enpooially whou we wore
uuprnprod for thota, So our ool
uel appointed me nud any compan
ion 1 might choose, to go up Yazoo
river to tuuiy camp, und by dint of
cautious luauootivoriug ' obtaiu such
iuteligeucs ai I oould relntivo to the
report, so that be might be prepared
lb roador is
hut iniforit wu lnjiditJ Cox
1 m.t ! md orotuias biirt that
Uh it In-como Hmt I left my porch ,
mi. i tinippiu id iiitt proun i fioiwi-
)fy. At tho font .f th tmo 1 1
tv.titn.l iu.,.flu l,i!f ,1.1 l.,ir m.i.l ..1,,. r.
with n fovoi iMh imp iticuro 1 0, ml l!
!,, it n., 1)n.,,.r, ,t ...t,iniitiH I '
in ,r,i I l,,,.,f 1,,,,. .,. 1..
--- m - ' ..j. 'I'n.'i , .1 1
I , ft K. ,,. -i.ivhiit on mv It '
nn.l L. - 1 . ,1 ,.l 1 1.,. 1 , .,. j l'...'
,, oii-f tnnil I ih.l 11 it ovun 1111
to ,.. whwu I wni u tvi t : mv miti.l
W114 line. 1 with a 111. ins i i l liitter fan.
eie, an.l cifse I m'. If over nn I , iliviHioti in tin Army of tho Went,
over ftu lin for letting l'n ij at whit terrilic. upee.l Ilul little v.smm
In thit way I wont f irwar I until I nhot up the gravel in iU IkohI (! t
thought I wih pr.ittv el me t tlin'eaiecr. Ite nler. I believo I row. . I
Hetitinel. but whim I lifle 1 my hciil ; Home that filial ni 'lit
tn him him, i. 1 r,i
f iiiir H'lrprinc to :
ltut wlnli) 1 wai
hehol.l him v'otie
r .1 hi 11 it 1 tif upon tins t-trntu,'!! event,
iirii.tMiiiT in tlie b'tort cIohd by
Mai lie I tm. Ill :m i iHl nit it ll.lslic I
upon mn in it, im im i Heen in.) nn.l
was plimu,' th.i Mimn !.i'))o ; not
emuehe;! cIohii tl.nvu beneath il
i. ,i i
tn. io wis no (s-titi-. i i.etween urn
I between im
to an upriiht ;
an. I llio Iiivh I )
position nn I e inli rii. 1 mi until to"
one within llm sli nt nv of tho woo ls
In e ime visible ; then I f'sirnj l tlm
c, ...iinr' pos! urn ns befire. In n
few moments I eim. upon a nliht .
i euiiii.-nc.i e iv. i e. wi'h !o ,v ii'i.l.-i -btitll,
llli l olien on the top I belie! I
the camp of I lit leiieU plainly. It
wis not lir'ii, ."in-i lerm tlm nu n
b -r of its ne, -nn nil i. an 1 was nit oat '
e l in n lai 'i: i pi . n-i.m at ton en
ll' (lie (.o we, iute:i 1 nf b.
Von. I it. US I tell KUJ-p is.'.l ; two
. lin-n Ini.l been I, nil' in front oft!:.)
. oiVn'i r' ten's, im urn an.l wer" c m-
I tfl'i-l'.lte.l 1 1 " II IHlllb'T ofincti
un mi.; tliem t' I .
I M.iw nn ioi-u.-tiso I il vf sH-u
l ilni;; mi l I nnnit- lu te nn.l there,
iie.if I several atioi v. col t ri.lin;j voi
C" l. HM 1 tl lt- 1 til it it .'enter ! I ! ,) Oil
i.uie p'onoti who tt in the uiiiNt of
t!i- crow I. As they wern a!l about
'iiim I ha 1 no op;) ntonity to tiii;!il
!l-iiii; but Hit 1 letily t hey pill I e I as
if a limn lei !))!. hal fi'l-ii in Heir
mi .l. im I as Ih-. v ill I no the liiiht
I. II upon
tlm sleru f.-.itiires of S nn
ii'i I u, Me lia I oecn discovert' I,
an. I th- y wern trying bin as a spy
llm oiu-n of (hi) kii.I 1-u ntart ino
ho. ni liicimo apparent. I'ox loll
Hpruii to his feet, Ilul lin- a revolv
er in ono ban.), an 1 with the other
h.-Hwept up the whole contents of a
ileal inii.o ny wiiteti merit wero neat-
ed tho p hi I Colonel, ll ca)ain, mid
li-'Uteiiatil, liirust l hem into ins Do-i
1 notii, nud with ii Indian yell
d isho 1 through the nstoni.shod crowd
Wlir,j, mo
over llm HHHV L'routnl .Meetly to' tho oxciline- state of nlTairs
i spran- in nil upri;'tii p.minoii, lino
f li.iiitoil :
This w-y, Sam, thin wny; I'll
buck yntt."
llo hiiw nii iind nn ho cntno up bo
I . . . ..: .. t .. :.; I
jmvo mo the ijnporn, savitij :
liiko em, lieutenant ; they
,,, f tm rebels, etc. If I
rii " ,, n,irPr ,.,, . nn. P(1r
: . .. . . . .......
,(,.. . tCII llllil MOW 1 .lie. I ! '
"Dou't ( under now, Co," I re
plied, cheerfully. 'Sec, thoy nro nf-
tor lis i coiiiu. follow mo, nnd ns I
ciutnp in ei.i.'i H nn. I nwaite.t lux I their c.imt a lo w itli norro a tol emui
comiti. I n n few inotiieiitM he ci ni) tenattei'4 j it tutniter wai ktieehn
feeliu.' c iri'fully nlonif, an I when h i beMi lo tlm nnout, oX'ri i; up a
wan iltrectly nppoilo me 1 hptnii heartfelt prill er in hi 4 bn'iail'. hile
out Hill confi onte.l hi'll, Woelineh- our HUt'eon wa b it'.iin ii i 4 templet, lliero war. a ile.i.lly ntrO'b". n with water, Hi.M unin jllinl in hin
ur oan. i"Hp : nn 1 then ci,,t from last moments.
tho ilea I of the teMiiiuel with It w li a m-eno worthy of tho p.itt
n Bin ill (."h woiinl in the arm. 'eil of '1 iph i'l or -it. V.i ii llm
A;,'ni'i I m nle my way forw.u. I, nn.l chaplain ceise.l, C r.m i to a nit
thu tinio t i.vat'.l t!m ci'iit) lima of i nj ),ist.oi(., m, in f.iebln tonex
the corny, whieli wern in plain ni;'bt a l.lri ise 1 a fe.v rue iiiraiii;; wor.4
about n ipi.irl.-rof a mil.) ,lit a:it an I t., i,jH fl j,.,,,. .'ail (, llt ,0 ,..
tbroii;;!i a hoi ill pi.-ee of Is. As , lui.,, pointing to mc :
spoko I dartod nway, Samuel clone I tm,y CVi'ilHod themsolveH, very wisu
behin l followed by a cro-vd ofiutid'y( (Jt,,
yelling demons. j -r tha binvo ncout wo wero in
The neutinel fired a shot at ns, d. bted for it till ; and wo could ou
likowiso the crowd, which bud nn lv sav. Jtt'unHnit a j nm 1
edict savo a few whlMtiing bulls by
ourciii'H, nn I coul l seo. One, two
nnd threo long miles of tho forest
llew beneath our feet, and an I had
taken tho direction of our ennoo the
dark rivor soon burst upon our
sight. '
Dashing down to tho spot whero
lay tho canon, wo jumped in nnd
wero Hooti pulling down tho river,
the ashen oars bending until they
almost uuappod beneath tho pro
Our pursuers ciroo running down
to tho bank whero we were lust soon,
to find their prny gone, just ns wo
turned a bend in tho rivor. All
thoir important m ins, plans, etc.,
were in the hands of Hriir,
nud taken from their very oiiJot by
a during spy.
They reluinod in chagrin and no
very amiable mood, to thoir desert
ed camp.
"Lot mo do the rowing, Cox you
are tirod from oxoitomout and run
ning, if nothing elso. Our pur
suors have gone bank, so thora is no,"I said, after wo wero nearly
a mile on our journey. " You are
very pale i oomo uow, ait iu the stem
and lot ins row.
He obeyed moolianically, silting
.town in the small storu or tuo oanoe
which I was propelling through tha
wator at a loisuroly speed, -
Huddooly bis pal faoa assumed a
gUstlv bus, aod hU bieath cu?
thro' my lun.iHt, nn.l I inn 1viu;r
i imvo ntiK Uj njiiml .t.'iitli 114 1
lou im I ci. () liicv. mv wifi
..... .. . f.. iv . 1 ..
' :. l, r, li 1 I li ul tims.i nnhcii
ohm uny f or wti tV cunii more I
11 ..'.......! .. : '
in.ti, t i-ii 1 11 , iiii.i.,ii' 111 f;iiii 1 . 1
nvi r tiiu int-rvin ii four mil.-. !''' 'W "i )-' 1 '''"'
t.i. 11 1 ..1 1 ..1... .,1... eume li:n'U n 1 iv in itu.l at rii li ml I
riv..r Imi.k ivlmt l..i,.r ....... I i
mint them 011 licit 111 'lit : or imk Mc 1
nhai piho otnrn of
Ibiiie itli nMtately ink that
few ro.lx fiotn llio river bunk lav
tlm living wpy. II w curly hea l wat
pillow. -il bv 11 ktiiiick, whib) 11
Mi'..a I blellket foruln 1 I h" nlily b.'i)
that wo hit ir Inn. liii isiiarp
nhootcrn wero ii'inbti
h.iiiio woepiii;, nn.l ot'icM
nr an n.l.
. ...
-J ),, ,i .t b' him for
whatever. Ho ;;:ive
way in tho mati.r
ii.o my own
il is not bis
Ileio be tstoppe.l for bicalh. mi l
then firoeee I I in short n-eitenc -s :
Hoys, .lou t a iv of v 1 1 et- jr -."iv-i
up Hie .'! .ii ions I'iiio-.i on any plei
foi tit) Ihii on eat Ih. 1.. I tin- tier
Cent tol Itll'l'H I t- p
b 'fore mi ill nav
ii ! on yo ir I - il
one Win I ,i;',iiii -I
1.. I irive si!V. I nl ni'l.'ll at I lie
h ill Is if s -e M4i i i: it 4 i i K n'. l ea
II' :.M'i', till b. call:
l.'loi to UH l-ti. C, On.
1 1 o k, in. .I. r any
' 'on t '"' I'f
i ; , i.i p : ifh. "
Lu uti ii.ii.t.-
li.V. I
i-f i"ir' lift it.
eii ciiichI unci's,
';,' th. ui h
tiliirii 1. cull-
l.lll p'.H'ill'' n
t in I e't i. II in
t i n ,' p i ir l.ei !,,
i 1 1 ; nn- to bi i i lo i
mini it a: e an I a I - 1
my h m I . s,.-i I t 'i : .
wile at Men-phis V
li ii tn- ii i: ' of .11 V ill v
mv - I a
'. ii! V"i '
I -t it!, (';. I .vi!!." iris'Vei-o.l,
mv vi.ii ' husky itli . in. tieii.
lie wilh !.-ili:' fail, l is i-y s wit.
hoc unit) 1, .ml Ins lin-a! h
Ii ir I i i I sU i, t. Din h i r iii. ' I.
:i'i. nh i i'u I to in n!i in t most
which we can m-v.-r fote,.t :
T HIVK l't L" ii I'N
N :vi;:t :
F.ii : : : '
And falling bic'c tip m hin pillow
So:n'l (.' i. tho -.u nit nn 1 so,' wis
I ,jend
i v l,nr;..,l bi n bettenth tho tall
Wlivj.1;, nll4i whieh was swnbol of
himself, j i -t as tle e,.,l.l. u "mnunier
W(lH Binkiii"? in the West. Wn l. u., o. uilli soft hIcos nn.l
retired lo our cimti. 1 irl.noss
..,.. .. ........ ,i. r,ivo : nM wns still
n - -
s,lVl. t,fU ()lll,.t, rippling of tuo l
and thu mournful Hi'hiu( of Hi., i
i wind in tho top of tho onk. A bolyl
Icilni pervade I Hin wholo scene, ntnl 1
M,,i, v,,,,ilV11i eR....,, HW, ,4lv to- i
gi.tlnr" ovjr tlu pntri
1 Imvo littlo moro lo ni l The
lebeln never iittempted their intend
ml raid. .Is nil their plans, inten
tion, etc., wero in tho pesMesnion of
Iheii- eiieiiiins. thev knew Hint we
U.inld bo nreiiareil for lliem. nud
Make Friends.
I,ifo is very ciritioal. Any ward
may ho our lust. Any Into well, evt-ii
it i ii i I (ilea ami mil rimi'iit, may be
Inrevi r. If lh:s truth were Imrni'd
into our c lljenjiitn sf, nnd if it ruled
ai a dorp conviction nu l a roil power
in our live, would it nt givo a now
iiionniiig to all cur liamau rel.itiou-
shifis 1 Would ii u it tunko us lor
moro lender thiui wo Honn-il ae-s are T
Would it u.'t ofieutiincs put a rein
upon our rush, nnjii'tuoua upcccn :
Would wo curry lu our hearts tr.t
inisemblo huspiciens und jealousies
that now often embitter tho louutuin
ol our live t Would w bo so im-
paiiout of tho lunlts uf others?
Would Wu allow trivial tui kunder
stundiogs to build up strong walls
between us uuJ I huso wbo ought to
aland very closo to us f WoulJ we
keep alive tho petty qunrroli, your
alter your, which a manly word any
duy would codipO'S T Would wa
pa-s utiiuhbors r old friends ou tlio
street without reocguilioo, tieoauso of
sotu real or fauuicd slight, omo
wounding of pride, or sumo ancient
Trudge r Or could we bo so chary
ol our kiud word', our coiuinsoiln-
tions, our sympathy, our couthm,
wben weary benrts ail about ns r
breaking for juat suoh expreasloos of
mtorent or sppreomtton as wtoifS lo
our Power to giv t
PA., JULY 15,
Tliorfl nr no tios Hint hlioitM bin J
moro rlimdlj tlmii Hint ( tlm fninily
It in tlu-Mi, nn iu the clmrcli, con
RI('!llO till! Ili'llfHt nn.l BWOOtl-nt
.til.. I,.,. tini'V ftiiinu ilri
rillllllj l.., n, nM .... ...w. , .
' ..
It l.l'nv tii nniiiir, .
, I t .-. .....ii a t. ,i, I 1i .mi nil 1 in ,
I ti v'iliost i 1 111 h. All ciho wilh the
1 luiixe of leai". limy fi.K. but Hid ro
'cuiloi tion of homo continues ever
' fredh nn.l greet), 'v''ii in Hm Iniliilt
' iof thoHii who totter nn.l ojra j,mow
The fr-iHtnnf inlor iniv cil-ft
n-ir I. iir. vet wo live our e!iil llioo.l
! when
It when li. xt, I ellleiulielu.l ill lliuul l
bomo of eiiil l'ioo.l.
.liiv of H'ltiFbine. bourn of'
b!is : how bright nn. I coMeti whin'
1 1 f whs yoitti ' ini'l veins worn few
I'in-y have iono. but not forgotten.
I'll. i obi f nin:i if si-eni'S j.trow iustinel
4it!i new IiI'm nn I freshness. Tne
fatuilv ci i el" is once morn complete,
nn I tin- lii.;hteiiu)ir low ol nn Mil j
s.-llih ileVJtiou rellects its chat in on
every f K C. Voices Hint bavo been :
IiiikIh! I ill llm file'ien of the rjravo
Hpenkn nnew worln of ntVection. an I
tones noft nn.l i.-enile, only hucIi ns
a tnothir canacciiit full lovi-iny on
I ho ear.
The family is llm center of till
healthful iiil''tenee. of moral power,!
nf ctintii" iill'i-cli in It is tlm basis
of H ieiety as wellsn ef iv. t iimelit
tin; cotelilion of H" cotiimunity,
riiel .l is no III ot ill ililbli'licn (.'renter
nn. I m ro pra 'ti -al than lliatofa
well ri'!ltliitoi nn.l wisely (;ovel licil
hoilseh'il'l liooil llliltillels, (;oii.l
bieeilllin lllel propel deportment
are their Irn-lin;: characteristics. .bulls eiitlir. I. In
vil (nous hotiies tlienppluof So. lorn
tiev.-r erows. I'n l o mi 'Ii nn nlmos
pli. to this P.i'i'l Sea fiilit never rip
ens Tlm nil' 14 too brii'lit im I ,
soi.tiy mul I'oi.leii. nn I n a can
l l.iom iltel I'lo-so'U thete t ll peaOn ,
nn 1 trim c mtetit. In nil Hi-asotis'
ill far 1 1,' i all cha-c-).s t!n-y waft'
their o.l ir . ami ilispl.iy their hues,
(ivin-f lo the family the only c.limpi-c
of I. I-n I i be f mii I eii eiitth. LnM)
!.-l oilies. the family Hatn'tilii.s thu
ll.illl". sweetens III! j ')s lltl l bli'llt
ens all its i-h-irms) ll wnrms lis it
hi i ht' tis. p irili'.'s us well ns etiii'.ili s
nn.l f ills ai o'iiel the tin-si. lo w ius
a so'l nn 1 l-'ii l -r ns a .1 ivu, 11 ip
pin. na en mi s t ) 'iibi bi in n honie
win-re I . ilwe'.ls. Tlm trail of the
si-ipiiit is imt there truce, I by its f .nil. u, if its .lea !ly ratlin heir l
in its t-!i.i iibei s of peace, AlVe.-ti ui
waves its humeri ut tie- portals, an, I
I,.,- ,(s .,,p.e los tlier.) inns n...
uiinslii in I the belieillftioi) of
henvi-ii. I '.o it li has no fairer cetlin
t!.in Unit tuiirore l by n lovinj loyal
hmisi h il l. l'ea".i is within itn walls
ami happiness its abi.lilii t'llest.
Movement V.'ii'iout Lite.
"fl e fl thim which has no li'n
tiove i'-nsked Joseph Cook of Kli
"Of courso it enn," rcpliul I'.li.
Wl.. I .ul ...... r I c m o,i,ii...
i o.i., wulli. n hoi so tlv n matcl'i
box. n peanut stand, n mill .lain, nn
iovsler fry, n cat lisli ; nn I I Ins year.'
j o uitiiiiln 1, "I cxp.-ct to a
peach blow, a i'iu Bliu', it brandy
1 miuhh i. ntnl
.Anything more, Mr. Perkins ?"
"Why. yes ; I e.p.-ct to sen a Ht'OiO
fence, ii c it i o break, and a bank
run ''
"Did you over see n h!)o nbop, n
gum boil, or hear it codfish bawl '!"
iikI.-.i,! Mi- ('nnl.-.
,,0 , j-vu R(!,)n n plank walk.
!a borsti whq, mi l ii tieo toed, nnd
1 1 would not Im siii'prisnl so n.) day
i to sen tho great Atlantic coiiHt, the
I'.li-ilie slope, a tree box, nnd
"Uy tho way Mr. Hook," asked Kli,
'.Ciltl you loll tho dill'iU'oimo betw-mu
a tree and your mother iu-law
'No ; I don't nco tho iliU'erenco
Urother I'erkinn."
'Well, tlm diir.ti'enc'j is this ; ono
leaven in t!io spring and tho other
don't leave at nil.'
.Is Mr. I! ik l .ft. Kli
tl,l l. I.ii.l nrim, uuiiii ,t vi.i v linn,
toi ions thing-that "ho ha 1 seou a
uiiiforni suiilo "
"Whv, I Imvo often nofti a sword
fish." siid Mr. Cook; "Ivo soon
hoes, kkiu boots, too : mil onc3 I
saw Home alligators' hide shrien
YeVho continuod, sho tiotually.
seen tho trco bark t seen it holler
and commenco to leave. Tho tree
held on to iU trunk, which they
worn trying to nnizri fir boird."
Kli told Hook but uovor miiid
the rest. It is Hiifiiciont Hint Cook
aud the church bell wero told.
Tha bonos of a mistodon have
I).' on unuailhoil near (lira fd. Frm
county. Fa. Tho citimns turnod
out en nntKAe with ulnivels arnl picxs
and suee.'O led in dinging tip two ivo
ry tusks, each eight feet In length ;
tun ril's, each two an I one-half feet
Inn a and a I a run uumhurof other
largo hnne. They aio fnuod a
tooth weighing tliroa pounds nod
iiious'irin tivii inches in width.
Whoa uli va lha animl mist have
been about fourteen I'net in hol jh',
anl including th tusk4, about twenty-five
lent long.
: . i i
Soma usuror v,i" "
1880. NO. 2
Questions Answered.
M'lmt is rnnti !" Ann. Man in n
coinpouml lieinr n living, moving
nn.l nn native HutiNtanco compoNUil of
llenh, botiex, hiuews nil. I opirit.
What i tho t Ans. The
. . . - la ft Kill u f I. ...I II I'l. Il.llllllr .11
i , ir. ii I ... .-.i i. . . .. . n v ...I. i -
. - , - - .
r i 1)1 llosil, ll MU'M, rlilUWH Hlhl IIIIIH.
What is llio soul T Ann. Tho until
is oompo.'ie.l of two,iires the
bloo I of thu holy nn.l tlm mind of
the Kpirit j otto material ivel tho otli
Whit is llm spirit ! Ans. Tlm
spirit is a soii.stau '", a uifi of (1 1 1 I i
in in for life, energy or p 1 1 -r. e ill I )
i holy h pi i if. pr, i. ). lei fion the
rather an l Ihe Son, in iliin; a man a :
resp UlSiblo bein one fol jo l;"n.-i.t ;
ni I j I'll - , t!m et'ii v for p.n l hi an.!
foroiveliess. i
1) '.'s the no'tl ft'l.1 ilio to i
(Jether ? Aim. Yes, tlm material nib
nt tnce .loes. Tlm immaleiiil Hub
stance (us wi: ii tlm npint to Ilul
Hint e.ivo il.
What lo;s (iml .lo wi ll Hit im
in iteriul Hniil mul -pit it when it
(,'Och to him ? Ans. . lel iiuHtii"'
o id I with Hims'-lf, an I tho I a l
i;oes to bo with tin) ilevil until tho :
joU'iui'lit j
Win in is Heaven Ann llcuv.nj
is where (l. il nn. I tho Holy Aneela .
nle al.ovo US. is 11.11 ? Ans. 11-11 is
vtheie tl... ilevil mi l evil spirits me
on this rat t'u mi i iiu.l. r il.
1 in -m linn co at on. -o to IKnveti
or lb !! when Im ilieH .' Ans, Yes,
his immaterial part.
Is man n cutis. anus h. iti after lie
leaven this wnil.l f Ann. Yen, Ins
immaterial pin t.
Dun be li.l liappitifiis ntnl j v,
pniil nlel litietlish ? Ans Yes, in a
il. oiee in ti e ho tm i ns be feels hern
nsi.lo from his , hero tlm
may bo in a healthy stale, while the
soul iilj.l liilli.l may bo ibseaseil.
An I n a i. n.
03r PUoe in llio World.
Our i ilnen in Hm woihl. whether
wo nro rich or poor, (.'leal orliumlile, t
seems ho important to us that we
cnniint In-lp b. -lit-vilif then' will be nl
j,"ip in bin w hen wo have slipped out. ;
of it that we sh ill Im missel, mul j
tlioi'oht of. nn.l t like. I about that I
soniclliitif' we .In w ill tint be rea lilyi
.l ine a.4 well by oth.-iH. Y et, when ,
wn cilmly m-t fi elins ici In mi. I
t'liiil;. e iillovv wle-lt e ilie. it Will ,
bo as if otm ill op wi t' tale I from '
the oce'in, Tim other drops till its i
p'ac.i, j i-t ns other imtn mid Women
will till ours.
I'lio happiest ntld bent loved lire!
() , w( t f ). ,iv
, ,
II feW, lltlil tllOhi)
lew forejet nt list, ll wn have lit-
laiited any ciuiiicnco, there will bo
s Hue one not Horry that thero is
more room for him. If no havo been
unsuccessful, we piiH4 nniiotice.l. '
Tlm world noes on wlnlo (,'reat
men din mid rich men mo Ion ic I.
Friends Ilul otliur fiieti li, mi l love
nt least Mucks another lover. Life
often pt oves inail'H nnthillUcHS; but
I while lie aliu s there in looio for
! him, Hoiiiethinn for him to do. Jml
'when l o ilii-H, ono can be
. Iu'v' ll"lt bo w iih needed upon e.irtl.
' ..II11.1-.1 ...iii.,l u,i iiiiie Llv inlft flu, lit.
t!o Hpaeu that Ins existatic- lilled heic.
Does Tito World Miss Anyone ?
Not long. Tlm best nnd most
useful of nn will soon bo forgotten.
Those who to .1 iv urn filling n laie
plaeo in tlm worl I s ivg ir I will pans
away from tho rcliiemberunco of lueu
iu a mouth, or nt farthest iu a few
years, tlm grave his close I up
on their remains. Wo urn Hlind ling
tears above a now inn, In gravo nud
wildly crying out in our gtief that
our 1 ss is irreparable. Y. I iu a
short time tlie tel. .It ills of lovo have
entwine I around other supports. und
wo no longer mim tlm otm who is
gone. So pushes the won Id. lint
thero tirn those to wln m n loss is ho-
i yoii' I repair. Theto nr.) men from
whoso memories no woui iu m nuiiIm
ji-aii cliaso recollections of tho is'.v . t
I fauo that has given tip its beauty nt
I Ueatli h icy touch, ihcroaro w i
i llintl Whoso pll-lllO. Iilllll extoliils
' boymd tho grave, and drives away
jas profuno thono who would entice
; tbeiu from n wombip of their buried
I lr. Such loyalty, how. ver, is
ni'l'lennw-iy inmi unt ga.
t liu tt-n.ii ninrjii mi,,.. i.i..,
around Hicni und cares not to look
upon thin nnobtriidi'ig griof. It car
ves a linn and tents i sloiio over the
.lend, and Inistens ir.vuy to oliti
a... ...... i i.. ., ., I
huniago to th'i living.
A census enumr-i'iitor got a ter
rible wi ping iu I'ittsbuig becstiHe
ho askod a stalwart tish wotuuu,
"Are you white or black f"
"I'is ono thiug to ni t llo for your
cofloo nnd qui'.o uuotlier to get tho
coffee to soltlo,
Nevnr let yonr children riso enrly
nnlnss you want them to get the
complaint that nil early birds are
said to bavo. I
Tbo yonng mnn with the while
vest, patent leather pumps and lav
ender trousers, is generally the ons
selected to uiouut a tree to fuateu 1,0
the swing.
Don't deuplso b women becsuse
K Wt drive nails or bang pio
t you want to discover your
. .. l A 1-
vpoinia luai try 10 carry a
s down b oarrx
down b oarro-r mod
rrill3 I'OHT.
Publlshcil every Thurs.lav Evcnln(
Terms of Subscription,
TWO )ofJ,AIl I'F.H ANNUM. Pny.
nhlfi vitliin nix months or fJ.oOifnot
paid within th year. No jnqior tlin
cotit inii.-il until nil rrenrai;o nro
tnii.l unless nt tho option of (ho pub
Sulmcriptioiin nutsiilo of tbo connt
Mrl'iTson. lifliiii mul usinu pnpom
tMressi'il lolh.'rs become KuljM. rilinrtl
nn.l rc lintilc forlhe price of the pnper
5 Ycvs Ctifjrc H:c Public.
t'v.iii nitii'.' I by 11 to be ibe im.i-i Tlrue
ml mul . Mii'.mi.'in re me I y new in ime,
f. r t'nt cur of eoim!,, i.-!l, rroup,
li i tr-.'iir, li,-V. li'.f "i'Ii-iii hi of Die
ibr.iV, bo .pniil t "ii'i. r'e. ilttr mill,
tun I mill. . i I ,t n !. ,n lie- Ij. V.t yrirs.
I' it..", ri'lo f m 'ire-, r a..- I. mi I tho
I l f' III it;;V ( I,, i, -i,l III,! flllllltl ll
iei. I f r iii l!n- i.Ht4:li n.i ii ut',-4 i. ,.f iii nco.
s .' I by n l l i.-i"4 i :'t i-.-iuit r
si:t.i,::ii-f i.iv:::i ni.hs nr. H.a
bijilily I-.-.' i-ioiirti I.' I f T C'l i-i' lnr
C ln '. tint, r ltli tl inn, -vl -III it l. I.r1,
f.'vi'i- tit I n.!". ', s-i I !' .t;-..n-i- nf lite
-I it'll nn. I lit.T l",i! I Cy n't lliuull
lii-m lit '.''l 1-rHI" prr I ii.
II I'.. trU rn ,V t'u , l'iiliin,fh. Pn.
". '.I'., T'.' ly.
M.inliood : Ho.v I'.it. Hue Hcslorcd !
fTTM .In-l i n! lin,. I, a I,. " liiinn of
l ,3 nr. I'lilU'rui I"', f .j,.,r,.
.ili'll'tl llxs.l.l en ilo r-i lii ol ciro
Mttib.itii in.' li.1 in.' ) nl' Si'i-ti ii , r ii i- 'im i
or .''.'iniiinl W r:ik in-, I iy S i.
leil I.I--I-. tMi iiiLM i. Mi ii .- ,tn I I'by
-ir-nl I n. - t. icily, I ii.-.'itii.'iii-. . Matriftf,
.'..' ; tUn, I'.'V ii! ii '. I.iitri-i-v sill
Pits, in Im-o l by n-lf in l i'i ie-o ur "ft
tl.ll I- 1 1 IV lf illli'l', ! ' .
rH'','l,r,i-.', ir. i -ili'.l i"it. I pe, only
ii. .'.-tiK.
I li ' Iir t'p I imilin. in ibis ii.linir' li-.ty, .-Ueirly .1 -n ,. -iinii'i, from
lloiiy ti'tr-.' iii'i-i'ful (rn-iie. I Iml III
it ir ni 1 Ti u .'.iii,'. inniv-. i.r "i-ll 'tlui,' inny
Ci- en In aliv riot-1 !''' k llio ilitti(i-.
iiiiii..' nt tnii'iiitl lo.-1 i. nif nr li e np
p!i.'Hi n of llio kniii- - i,iin' mi nut tl
iii li . i f rote nl ntti'i' i.iiii.!.', crtiln, nn l
t'lh'i-iiial, In', nmv mr. biiiM.-lf i btMply,
( l it iii'ly, tn I k 1 1 . i e ti.t.v.
C "u" 7 'i i . ." .'"'' i' i'l iro- ii Inmn It
th in ni.h n.i t i ' .. .'.'.
Si ii: nn I -r -. .1. in a 1 1 tin env.-lope. In
ntiy 1 1r. -. rt j .a I, ,i t4 r.-e.-. tuf tiX
I-.O.I- ur lito pnt't.i niriinpi.,
A-I Iri-ns ttio t'iiir.iti.r-.
nit;;u, mlpic t, ni.
II Ai.nSt., Now Vurk j Post oil e-o l.'itlHiH
S. 1 1. T. I7. I y.
Oni'i.'.l 1 'Mttilosslv-
Tl.e Mt',tt 'tiii u! I it micii: tnsriiin Atinr
III.) I'n'l ul ."illlti-HlielltM llit-n ri,.,tp,
I I tl.r ri.ii ni. fr'.ir lull p iril.-ul.r rel-
ilro,. il, e il-.ii..rrr
t ll.H. II, fill. I, tNs. r
Mi:- s ll I'm i.iks, l. I'urto, lint.
I i-ii, ',i.. ni.
at Low Figures.
. .
Ii. F.ri'l INiiToN, ofl'rnnk-
I J Itn. liAVlnir pn-HrM thn titinfy for tti
( oIIiiwIiik t tltift.n It mi k m will r..ninfKr-f nl
Mfh'n tn iMiivk ei)V'lr mrity Tha tNiiiiplnt
EMKsixaat: esbesbj:,
n'M'tfiii ttie ( f itnlnunt fnnturm of wMfh r
II -t rv ! ttll Ki'hk'luu I'ii..iiitTi;itlniii : lliuii
rtii'iil - ii Hi Iri-i-litl Wrlfuf ; Dullsrv uf
llli.-trttf'l s. rlitiirtt ln. l ii'nti. ; lt ttrmuK
ntiinNor ( MIimt ttiMN ; It su.trlir l y'K
rn tiv : H- tmiileiu.itio Uln llrK ul ltt)ni--
iiti rrio.
no t
t nr
'd U Hi D Ul HI
nn miier Airli-un I ipl in-rn l,y .1 . T 11 -b I' o .
ti.i'iiiH-t l.rUll.fii .luA'-rli'ttvo Aulbiir la Auior
In. IIINill.K's
1 ii ilontl'l Tuluiufl uf li.; '; I'j'-u UliMim .
i i hr-P nrrt tli fiioxt l in My Inlrre inn in,M.
ji'Htlntis now 'Knrint thu A tifrti'sti udli upJ
' ttio (.ri'Tt Ititvi lsDTi ii tlii f n u tn ltr-in
tin-in w 1 1 It iii th mi in, cl (tui iiji.iit, nl i.
i fhl" Mr HiiflUibf ttm tn re I to iit In mir cunnty
! iinl Him. Iy Oct. a, '.v.
is the Acknowledg'ed
Superior of all Graia
& Grass Catting
This Ti Inch inn has been f :'ly cndois
t d by the most Fxii. i t Authori-
it v. ufter Most Thorough
tests, ns to its (.'.ipticty
ntnl F,ccnt inn, nn the most
Wonderful .Miu-hiiio ever iuveuted.
ltftir.ffuil.or, tmrlftr no .'.rritmitrtneea iboutrl
Von llffilprr ur M.nit-r n.-itll yon hat
aml..e.l Til:'. i :l V 1 I'l' 'S Wlian. vee yi
lieari.f uu of tt.ea 1 itr-liliie.. li. )nur vl-lulty,
.In n il t ill 1 1 mi.ulnu II in r. .uhl. l.'u
Lb-bine" ul .r4fl. III Mbrvelcuc Movement,
ll sliiil ll.'lty. anrl lK Vol mino A i;
loeviri rniiiliUiiii i I li-li'itl, csn hot '-II l
t-iiiiiiiieiiit II 'it er all uttiotn l' rm rBllli
iiiuri-ilian ever tailpin-i, wtnt limy
ul .tn inarnrul.t dIai.h, of flip rl-irlty. an I
le-i Mm iiiiiii-niui atlvania-.., I '.at Ilia till ,v a
Mil Uc.rl.luly Ilia MACll IN lu t pre.
tl la iinllntaial l, tk m ul -tiupelant jailr.
tliat ov-r una li ill ..I lha llsy sns (Irslti (:.u.
In Ilia t'nll -.1 slslvi t. Imri.-.aU ttl.U .11 I al
i linn Klls k. I.Kll-t.K-,. 1'baa. ala- JHalilne. sic ij
M . ll. 1 1 A It uv r if , Ri-tlii.Kmr.
KliHKi; S"l 1 11, l,l,el,ura;.
J. 1. rllNH A MAN, Iruialrllia,
ami alio hy tba Traveling Agmt,
JAMIOS I.I;PLtY, Laaliburn.
Apr. v. I-.-U.
A W t.KK id your owa Iowa.
Outttllre. No rl-k. Ki-.dor, If
iou waul su.ine'e al nalcS
-rir.ii.ia t. rittiar aea atn eataa
uritt .-y itli Ilia time ltiv work, vrtia for par
ti, ul-re lu 11. HiLLk.l l' a i n.. I'urilaail,
.Ma la a. Juoa M.' ,
DtStl llintli Warr-meil Mix Vaara. Na
flauoa, Hl.iol, a nil Cuter, IW, aucanl. Na
l.ruaaa. a 46. as). (HM n. unwar-t. Illui.rala .
' Cataluuua Iraa. AllL.VfH WANTICU. aaoun
' Mapai tlaiunaaia al rl-'aiue. HUSAUai
I WaVfCHri a M).,U UiMa4aa).l'i I. .
Ibn ll rtbinnnrnnnlfi nF fllonlriTT