The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 24, 1880, Image 1

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    til vertl-tlun? Huron
av, 4filiiittii iHitt year, iWO.flO
Otm-h.itf, "ilnmu. ine year, SO.iK)
.,.fr4inh sohimn.rm year, 15.H0
a,i MinxM ( 10 linos) 1 insertion 7
ttmt additional insertion, ' 00
And HimI ansa card of
not more than 8 lino, per year, 5.00
a -Aimr. Kt Miu tor. Administrator
and AssIstic Xotieo, 9.50
SVKtorial notice Dt line, 15
All trancint advertising Im than
mouth 10 cftitu lino.
AH advertisement for ft ihorter po
Jnd than an year ere payable at the
tinui thov are order!, and il not paid
th BnKM ordering them will oa held;
o. . r.
BniMrr r viry en.
Of fnbrlo, food or bJ
llaadiif whia Ik work it I ia
Whir lit nlri im bl hal J
Whither wrought ty day or Might,
g Ibt woof if Word J dttJt,
Or il (bought that owl f light,
Still ihi Ouialioitat rtJl.
fctaJt tbrangheat, eal Judgis too.
All iki work if brala anJ atnJt
Of Ik may anJ tki fow,
Wkrtbir bnlll a reiki of in I j
Qolt thl plataiatl nl thi rail
Taa to aXtty lia aad nrt.
Virai wlihln tkiU woalroui lohool,
Mam if lb burnta heart.
erring saJir mob aa y.
BouaJUn ta III iwitp nl (lain.
Taking la aH arbi in 1 iky,
Work! or law lalliatl of ihiaei
How aa aay Uboror Hand
Ull la iki aiarkK.alao,
Doiag aiugbt with kial or ktn I,
If k wian aa kiant rail t
Aclln, timet thought will Unit
Willing kaadi loioiai imploy
Tkat, liki aal tko Hull nid
la tko parahli of kopo anl j iy.
May riprilaoi aa biialnd foi l
Or frultl allifd to Iruib and lovi,
Won pmleui ihia a mint or gold,
Thtti drlpingt from tbi fount abivi
Ciaa, thin, legjerl. rloh aa l pior,
Bulling, lounging iriraori,
Uilp your futuri to loouri,
Halp wut plsoi to reitor.
Tmiploi rulntd and irirthrowa
Moid your ifforti tuViptlr,
To uplift thi fallen ttjne
Py tbi dial of toll and ynyir
Wba al lait tbi eurfiw mundi
ltth'l ligail to pat out tbi light
That Aiektri on our inrihly rout h,
Thro' ibadowi iluklng Into night,
Onul that tbi miming of onr r-iit
Uay draw upon g o I workl ritton I
la itrry liai nd part tbat'i hut,
With ulhinx left tobi l irtl
There is Hi Unbelief.
There ! no unhfliif.
Wboofrr pUnli a mJ hinittb thi od,
Aad walla to tei it ptb awy tbi clul,
Tru'ti In Go-.
Vkottir nyi, whin olou li an la Ihi
ky '
'lit p'Ul, biarl 1 light briikith by and
Trutti tho Mott Iligli,
Whottfr let', 'ninth wtntrr't l1d of mow
Tbi lilinl bartitt of thi fmuro gil,
Ood'i piwir mutt koot
Vhoitir tin dnwa oa hli louih to lire p.
Coaltat to luok caoh nuto la tlumlier
Qui kaowi will knp.
VhotTir mti To-morrow," "Tin l'n-
"The Futuro," trutti tkat powiraloai
III daroi JUowo.
Tho hiart that luoki ia whin tho oyili It
eloM ,
Aad dim till to wkta Ufa knioly won,
Ood'i oo tort kaowi.
Thiro li ao aabiliif
Aad day by day, aad night nnoonulomly,
Thi kiart litti by tkat filth tb II pi din
Uod kaawoth why.
Miaoellaneo us
How to Mako Good Tims
Ifyoasrea merchant and wish
to purchase a carriage, patronize
your name mecnantos.
It you ara a fanner patronize
your oome meronant.
If yon are a mechanic, do your
business with the people from-whom
yon obtain your employment
It you are a laborer, spend your
money with homo tradesmen, and
thereby assist in making your town
if the business man, tbo meobanio
and tradesmen are prorperous, the
uboror, tbo farmer and all others in
community will bo benefitted.
Do your business ia a spirit of
reciprocity. Jjetoaoh vocation try
to assist tbo other, and in this way
Will a friendlv and mutual relation
exist whioh will prove beoefioial to
Do not Darehaao articles from
abroad which are manufactured at
bono if you can possibly help it.
A little rirl who was sent ont to
look for oggo cams back unsuooess-
fol, and complained "that there
were lots of ben standing around
doing nothing."
With nna hn.l ha kaU ksr tuian
tifnl golden bead above tbo chilling
wave, and with tho other Called
loudly for assiatanco.
Tbo wis oouutry eonain sow got
aoaoooautof tho burning of bio
bonso inserted in tbo newspapers
weaoa is to sua oily relative.
I' you wut a uwyor to work with
wUgivohima wlilao work with
r V ally If tbo sstato ia lars uA
Vun joarrtdowM.
VOL. 17.
A Fw Hints (or the Season.
Setla ahoald bo plaoUd 'm Ui
apriog. fferoral yaara oi aipeneoco
bar ooocluairelT prorea that OMila
pUuted in tbe fall ftra certain to
barn the mum pi befuro January.
Fire dollftro' worth of aanfljwor
eeda will prod u 09 Inula for at
leant twelve eats and an old ben.
Snnfloweri can't be trained to climb
np the aide of a house i but neither
ean an elonhint Tuorofore, br
planting iuufloore yon aroid plant-
trig elephant.
BpriDK in a, Rood lime to paper
rooms. Mont any ouo of the fuimW
can hang wall p tper. All joti neod
ia a barrel to eland on, a pml of
pnate, the old atnb of a white-waul)
brmh and a boy to pour water ou
your elbow joints to keep down the
fiiction. If you waut to be oricriual.
don't try to tnatch tbe paper.
1 be neaiou bas arrived wbnn soTon
or eight stovee can be dinnensod
with in the average dwelliajj-bouae.
Any man who can kick etronir
onongh to break a b re'a U cm
kick over a stove. That tho earnest
way to tret 'em down. Stove pip.i,
properly made and put up, will fall
when tbo stove does,
Uorrow a wheelbarrow, rako, boo.
spade and whatever else you miy
want through the anoimor as soon
now aa you can, ao that the ownars
will forget to whom they were lent,
A man who buys a wheelbarrow
wheu he oan borrow one will never
be chief doanoior of a life insurance
spring is a good time to crawl
under the bonne and find the tnUning
iriioars, thimbles, butcher kuives, Mil
ver spoons and pnil oovora. A great
many families get rich by hunting
no things which the cat bos lagged
o it of the house during tbe winter.
If one of the gate hinges is miss
ing lake the other off and throw it
away. It is batter to have agate on
no hinges than oue binge and it is
cheaper to throw away a hinge than
to buy oue.
home folks take np carpets and
bnat thom in tbe spring. Others
wait until fall and thou boat the cir
pot store. Evory family cau tuku
it choice, tbiri being a free country
Throw oid bottles, oystor oatis,
brokuu dinbus and so forth into your
neighbor' yard, o's no tnau if h
o in t pas 'oiu along lo tbe next,
Detroit tree 'ram.
Christ's OeaUi Warrant.
Tbo Courit'r ik Et'itu says :
tJlianco bus put into our li inda the
uitst iiupoiiiug and intei'OHting judi
cinl document to all Otitis) ians Hint
Im ever bocu rorordud iu butunn
annals i tuat is, ttio ao im warrant
of our Lird Jo:is Olirist Wi.
transcribe the docmuout from a copy
of tbo truncation t
Iten'Urtil hij Pouting Pihit, AHimj
Uoor.rnor of liower (f ililce, tlutl
Jean of Ndzereti tlmtl t'ujf'ci
UiilU on the (Jro,
In tlie year seventeen of the Em
pire of Tiberius Ciosar, and the 4th
of March in the oily of tbe Holy
Jerusalem i .duons and Uaiuphu be
ing ptiusts, saoiifleors of tbe people
of Ood, 1 .'online Pilate, governor
of the praotory, condemn Jesus of
NuzuretU to die ou tbe cross betweeu
two thieves the great notorious nv
idonce of tbe people saying
1. 7e is a seducer-
2. He is seditious,
8. lie is an enemy of tbe law,
4. lie calls himself, falsely, the
Son of Uod.
5. ' He calls bimsolf Eiug of sraol.
6. He entered into the temple, fol
lowed by a multitude bearing palm
branches in their bands.
Ordor the oentnrion, Quintus Cor
nelius, to load him to Uie place of
Forbid any person, whosoever,
poor or rich, to oppose the death of
Tho witnesses that signed the
death warrant of Jesas are i
1. Daniel Robani, a rharisoe.
2. Jannus liorabable.
8. Capet, a citizen.
Jesus shall go ont of tho city by
tbo gate streneons.
Tho above sentences are written
on a copper plate, On ono thoro are
written these words i
A similar plats is sent to each one
of these tribes.
It was found in an antique vase of
white marblo, while excavating in
tho city of Aquilla, in tho kingdom
of Naples, in tho year 1835, and was
discovered by tbo commissariat of
tho arts attached to tbo Frenob arm
At tho evacuation of Napleo it
was found in a boa of ebony, ia the
sacristy of Courts m.
Mr. Donnon, of tho commission of
arts, caused a model to bo mads of
tho plate, oa which bo bad engraved
tbe above sentence. At tho sale of
bis oaUsetion of cariosities it was
bougbt by Lord Howard for 5,884
A ben doesnt mingle in pro
mtsoaouo socitty i she ass bar owa
sxolusivo sot.
Fashionable women - are often
very bravo tboj do sot fear to faoo
powder, - , ,
Important Rules ol Conduct
Nov or osaggerato.
Never point at another.
Never betray a oonfl lonco.
Never wautonly frighten others.
Never leave homo with auk in 1
Never negleot to call npon your
Never laugh at the misfortunes of
Never give a promiso that you do
not fill fill.
Nxvur send a prosont lisping for
one iu rolurn
Nuvr fail to be punctual at tho
time appointed.
Never make yourself tho boro of
your own story.
Never fail to givs a polite answer
to a civil question.
Never nuostiou a servant or child
about family matters.
Nevor read lotters which you may
find addroe sed to other.
Never fail if a gonMeman, of boing
civil and polite to lad ios.
A'ovnr rofer to a gift you have an le
or fever yon have rondo.
Never ovtr tho shoulder of so
other who is reading or writing.
Nevor appa ir t notiaa a so ir, do-
fortuity, ol dofoot or any one pros-
ont .
Nover arrest tho attontion of an
iiKvnintanoo by a touoli. Sooik to
Never answer questions in gonoral
company that have boeu pat to oth
Nevor, when traveling abroad, be
ever boastful in praise of your own
Nover call a new aequaiutauco by
the Christian name unless requested
to do so.
Nover Ion I an articlo you have
borrowed, no lot you have permis
sion to do so.
Never attempt to draw tho ntton
lion of tho cjtupany coustautly upon
Novor piss botween two pursins
who are talking together without an
Novor enter a ro im nomily i nover
fail to close tho door oiler you, and
nevor slam it.
Nevor forget tint if you are faith
ltd in a few things you may bo rulur
over many.
Nover exhibit too groat familiarity
itli a new aonuaiuUuco j you may
,-i ve ofTuiise.
Novor will a gentleman a!lu 1 J t
oonquimU which be tuny hivo undo
with la.lies.
Never be gnilty of tho contempt!-
Ile raoantiss of opening a private
letter addressed to another.
Novor fail to!ofTur the onsiost and
beat seat in the room to an invalid,
au elderly portion or a lady.
Nover neleat to parform tho com
mission which has boon entruutod to
ou- You must not forgot,
Nevor'eutor a rooui'.dllo 1 with people
without a alight bow to the gouoral
company wben first enteriug.
Nover fail to answer an invitation,
either personally or by letter, within
a week aftjr the iuviutiou ia receiv
ed. Never sccept of favors and hospi
talities without rendering an ex
change of civilities wbon opportuni
ty offers.
Never fail to tell tho truth. If
truthful, you got your roward, You
will get your punishment it you de
Nevor borrow money and neglect
to pay. If yon do, you will soon be
known as a porsou of no business in
Never write to another asking for
information or a favor of any kind,
without enclosing a postage stamp
for a reply.
Never fail to say kind and ancour-
agiog words to those whom you
meet in distress, xour Ktnaoess
may lift them ont of their dispair.
Never refuse to receive an apolo
gy, xou may not revive irieoasmp,
but courtesy will requi re, when an
apology is offdred, th it you accept
Never examine cards in ths card
basket While they may bo exposed
in tbe drawing room, yoa are not
erpeoted to turn them over unless
invited to lo so.
Never should a lady accept of ex
pensive gifts at tbe hands of a gen
tleman not related or engaged to
her. Gifts of flower, book, music
or confeotionery may be aooopted.
Never insult another by harsh
words when applied to for a favor.
Kind worda do not cost moob, and
yet they may carry untold happiness
to ths ono to whom tney are spoken.
Never fail to speak kindly. It a
merchant and yon address your
clerk if ao overseer, and you ad"
dress your workmen t it In any posi
tion where yoa exercise authority
yoa show yourself to bo a gentleman
by your pleasant mods or address.
Never attempt to convoy tbo im
pressioa that yoa are a genius, by
imitating tbo faults of distinguished
men. ISooanso certain great man
wore poor penmen, woro long hair,
or kad other peculiarities, it does
not follow that yoa will bo great by
imitating their eoooakioitic ; ,.-;
''"a i j iii'-sh prC'
-.J - - .,.,-. Ml II
Editor Bagthot's Assislant
Colonel B igshot rnns a weekly
newspaper called the Uulon; np in
Clioditnk. Recently the colonel was
called awsy to New York on lumi
nous, loavmg the ''Union in the
hands of an assistant who bad boou
in his employ some time.
Now the colonel knew that said
assistaut had tho cheek of A brass
statno, and tbo an lioity of a Now
England fly, both indispensable at
tributes of the oewspapor man i bat
still, after being iu tno city nbout a
wook ha began to grow uneasy, and
telegraphed lo CUodunk :
"How's things t '
B.ick came t'io answer from the
"Unoio's" whilom editor :
"liullyl Circulation of tho oil
thing' gone up a thousand. Reon
gettiug up a red-hot piper, and
there's a ging outside that are
weoping because they ceu't hoist the
shingles off the roof aud knock tho
whole concern to thunder. Stay
away as loug a you like."
Dags hot dido t wasto a momcut
after receiving this ouoouragiug dis
He started home in tbe first train,
anl reached Cbodunk boforo night.
The first man that struck him was
tho ticket agent,
"Look here, colonel 1" he oried,
excitedly, 'I've a darned good notion
to punob your boad j you brazen
faced old liar."
"Why f asked Bagsbot.
"Road that 1" and the ticket agent
shoved a crumpled "Union" into bis
Thoro was a paragraph, markod ,
as follows i
"ll'tilro'til Sum. Tho bandy
loggod idiot who robs the railroad
couipauy at this village has purohas
od a new pocket knife. Mora knock
ing down from tho cash drawer."
liagshot bit bis bp.
"liill," said he, "that's a calumny,
and I'll see it righted in our naxt.
It s tuy cussed assistant s work.
"I don't care whose work it is,"
growled tbe agent, "but
if it ain't ,
oontrsdiotod, somubody s got to dio;
that sail.
Bagshot didn't reply, but snilo I
dowu tbo strout to tho "Uniou"' of-
Ho bad not gone half a Wick bn-
fore bo collided with Deacon Marsh.
The deacon sei.o I hitu by tin
shoulder and exclaimed :
"What do you mean, liagshot. by
insurtiug that Hcaudulouly uutruo
item about mo I '
"Unln t luswrt any item, ronlie.i ,
llio colonel.
'-Don t sneak out or it in that
way.' You know you did. Why I
just cut out of the "Uuiou" lis
ten :
' ll-.iiiom liUdl ();('(!. That,
wbilod sepulchre, Dcucoti Marsh,
was noticed, last Satuuliy night,
trying to opeu the oial-holo in front
of bis residence with his night key.
l'be deacon was full as a goat, and
couldn't lull tuoonshiue from groou
".Now that s nice, am t it. snying
that I was intoxicated Saturday
uigut, when I wont to boil al seven
with a toothache 1"
"It's that reckless fool whom J
loft iu charge," groaned tho colonel
' I'll mako it all right, M trsh," and
Uagshot scurried on again, only to
be coufrouted by Major Illira.
"Colonel I'' uttered Klini, in bis
doepest voice, "this is villainous I
It's my intention, sir, to cull you out
and shoot you through tbe heart
What tbe dtice do yoa moan by -publishing
this note in tho "Union'
"Military Jotting. Major Blim,
tho tattered old beggar, who bid in
an oyster barrel duiiug the battlo o'
Bull Run, wears a wig. 7e ought
to be shot in the bock with a baken
"I can't help it, Blim," said Bag
shot, wiping bis forehead, "It's all
owing to that young devil in the
oflloe. He bas made a red-hot pa
per. Just wait, major and I'll fix
Then uagsbot started again, uy
ths poBtoflioe old farkor grabbed
"Ob, you anfeoling ghoul I wail
ed Tarker, "yoa ought to bo rode
rail. The idea of making fun of my
j.oor, dead child I'
"70W I
"How I Have yoa tbo cheek to
ask bow t Maybe you didn't shove
this into "Union," did you, you
heartless hypocrite :
"Littl Binaio Psrkir
Had a itomiob pais.
Rhubarb aad ipnae
Both woro ia vala
Hi klokid tb goldia buokit,
Uil pinat'i kiart r ion
Tbiy'll bury bin to-morrow,
At a quarter of four."
Of course Uagsbot bad to explain,
and promiiol tho bereaved father
a two-column notioo of tho dead
Uennie's many virtues,
Ilardlybad ho done so, before
yonng Cooler appeared.
"Uolonel uagsnot, announcea ne,
"you're a lying sooundrel. Thl is
a nice thing to pat ia yonr black
truard sheet about a young lady
"Society ltetn. lli Oooley, the
old bag on South street, waits
around in a patent bustle in tbe
hope of catching a fellow. Bat she
can't ( not oven if obo lays tho paint
on twioe as thick as she does now.
But Bsgsbot dido t stop to boa
Ht flow aorosj ths squAM and la-
IL if
PA., JUNE ,24,
to tbe "Union oflloe like a flash. .
No one wa there. That able as
sistaut editor, wrned by friend nn
known, bad dusted forever. Lying
on tho dnsk was a "Union' folded
so that this oolico cangbt Uagshot's
eyes i
"Literary Mem. Tho bald
lieadnd snipe who protend to run
this paper hits g.ino to Now York
We flxport to bear evory moment
of his sentence to Sing Smg for ar
son and liiuhwty robbery. Tho cit
iznus of t'lio luuk should ooiigrotu-
lato themselves if the Colonel dons
not disgrnco bis village by being
hung If r iiit.ititHM le 1
Uagshot intVMr intends to employ
another assistant uoitor, and jour
nalists in M'larch of a situation will
find it linallllV to kerp nwav Iroin
him, K. K. Jfyrtr, in IWirvrlt
Night Life 01 Younq Men.
Ono night oftnu destroys a wh ln
life. Tho lenkago of tho night koepit
tho day forever empty, rsight is
sin's barvi-Htiug time. More sin and
crime are committod in ono u igbt
than iu all the days of the week
This is more emphatically true of
the large towns and cities than
those of tbe country. 1 bo street
lamps, like a tile of soldiers with
torch iu hand, stretch away in long
linos on oithor sidewalk i tho gay
Oolorod traUHparouoios are ablaze
with attractions t tho saloon and
billiard halls are brilliantly illutni
natod t music sends forth its enchant
ment the gny company begin to
gnthor to tho haunts and bousos of
pleasure ; the gambling dens are
nllame with palatial splendor i tho
theatres are wide open t tho mills of
destruction are grinding health,
honor, happiness and hopo out of
thousands of lives. Tho city under
tho gaslight is uot the samo us nndor
Ood's sunlight. Tho alhiromonts
and perils and pitfalls of night oro
a huudrod-fuld deeper and darker
and more doitruntivo. Night life iu
our cilius is a dark problem, whose
depths and ibysses and whirlpools
uialto us start back Willi uouor. All
night long tears ate falling, blood is
Young men, tell mo bow and
whore yo i sp n I y nr evenings and
I will write out tho chart of your
i;h-iractor and Trial destiuy with
iblunka to iusnrt your tintuo.
It seems to ui nn appropriato
, text would be, "Watchman, what
of the night t ' "r.iltceumu, pacing
thy bo tt, what of Iho night ?' hat
aro tho yomi ; tneu of tho city doing
nt night f Wiiorod i tliey spoo l
their evoniii'M f Who arc their
associates t What are their habits T
Wiiero do tuny go in, and what time
do you see them como out 1 l'olioo
men, wool I tho night lifj of young
men command thorn to the oonll
doiico of their employers T
Mako a rocard of the ni bts of
one wook. l'ut iu tho tuoruitig pi
per tho names of all the young taou,
their lia!iU and haunts, who aro on
tho street for sinful pleasure.
Would there not be shauio and oon-
fusiou Soiu'i would uot daro to
go to their placos of busiuuss t somo
would uot return Iioiti at nigiit i
somo would commit suiuido. Iw.i
member, young men, that in the ro
tina of the All-seeing eye thoro is
nothing bid but shall be revealed
on tbo ItiHtaday.
Buy A Homo.
Hon. Claorgo Ilristow gave good
advioe in a t.peech on tho subjoot
of ' Home." Ho said every man
should ou his borne if bo can.
That philomphy which tells a mart
to drift over this uncertain Hie
without a home of bis own, is wrong,
Tbo mnn who owns not bis own
borne is like a ship out iu tbe opon
sea at tbe hazard of tbe storm. A
man who owns bis homo is liko the
ship that has arrived in port and is
moored in a safe uariior. uuo man
should no more be contont to live
in a home that is not bis own if be
oan build one than one bird should
take the risk of batoning in snothor
one's nest i and, for my own a cot
tage than to hire a palace. would
say to every man, buy a home if you
can, and own it. If a wind-fall bas
oome to you buy a home with it. if
you have laid up money enough by
toil, buy a borne, if you uavo made
money iu stocks buy a borne. Do
not let anybody tempt you to put
all yonr earnings back iuto tbe pool.
Take out enougu to buy a nome auu
bny it. Put tho rest book if yon
will. Gamble on it ir yon must i
but bny tho borne first. Buy it and
sell it uot.
Then tbe roses that bloom there
are yours i tbo clematis and jasmine
that climb upon tne porou belong to
yoa. Yoa uavo piantoa mem ana
seen them grow, w Den you aro at
work npon them, you are worxiog
for yourselves, not for others. If
there aro children, there aro flowers
within tbe bouse and without.
The man who unexpectedly sat
down on somo warm glue, thinks
that there is moro thaa one way of
getting stuck.
Flattery is liks eologno water,
to bo sniffed at, not swallowed.
Old oflloers of tho army aro liko
Utile boys i tbey bate to retire.
White hair io tho flag of trooe
under which old ago parleys with
NO. 2
Tht Tree Toad.
V H. M.
Oa thi trunk of tbe mnplo tno,
Down by thi roul.
Snugly hid in ill luck,
Bin thi ilttto Im load.
Bnoh a eofliical clntp.
Jufl tin iixi of your ihiimb,
But hi mikft m much noim
Al a lifi and drum.
For hi ihouto and hi lingi
Witt luiid, nioclnsf gii,
'Oil, when in the boy
Who will nr,.l fiud mo
Von my look upin l down.
And nil thi trei irinind,
But tbo m.rt littlo fi'll.iw
It not to bo fouu I.
Vou wilt icsroh h g aad low,
And all tu day 1 jik.
But tonilir, nfo hiil lun,
Htill aingt tbo muii long.
Of "lory me
A lucky boy In
Who ontobei a loud
On a niipli tret."
For tomlio il brown,
Anil so il tin I red,
And tin brown rj alike
ti brownt enn In",
flomilinttt hi it light,
And lomotimoi drk,
Anl bit eot la rougH
Like a bit of tbi bnrk.
Thin mug la fail ernok,
It It hard, you .
For a boy lo toll
Thi toad from tbi In i.
Bo hi "ill and lingi
H'hiti tbo obildrio pity,
And bi oriel aloud,
Iu a taking wny
"How plucky and lucky
That buy will bi
Who ft ml finds a ol
On a mnpti-trei.
Tribute lo a Mother.
Children look in those ores, listen
to that dear voico, uotico tho fooling
of evon a single touch that is be
stowed upon yon bv bur gentle
hand I Mako much of it whilo yon
bavo that most precious of all gifts,
a loving mother. Boad the uufnth
otnuble lovn of those eyes ; tho kind
anxiety of that tono and look, bow
ever slight your pain. In after life
you may have friouds fond, dear
Iriemls but novor will you bavo
again tbe inexpressible love uud gon-
tlenons lavished upon you, which
none but a gnntlo mother bestows.
Often do I sigh, iu my struggles
with tbo duik, uncaring world, for
the sweet, deep socurity I felt, wbon,
of an evoning, nestling in her bosom,
I listened to somo quiet tulo, suiU
hie to my ago, read iu bur toudor,
untiring voico. Novor can 1 forget
her swoet glanco cast upon mo whou
I appeared asleep i nover but kiss of
pence at night, tears uavo pupsod
away since wo laid bor beside my
father in tho old chtiroh-yurd i and
still bor voico whispers from the
grave, and bor wutchus over mo, its 1
visit spots long since hallowed to
tbo memory of toy mother.
An Artist in Ice.
Scarco As ice is this season, tliore
is in Philadelphia an artist wbodo
votes his time to tho preparation of
images in inn, for tbe udornmoot of
snppor tables at large parties. Tho
figure of Atlas in ice is made to sup
port a hollow globo to contain raw
oysters, there boing an opening at
the top to ladle out the bivulvos.
A large ice swan, the wings carved
in tbe most artistic niauuer, is afloat
in a large dish of water, Tbo wings
are made almost as tbio as glass,
and nearly as transparent, though
tbe artist oomplaius lust be can got
no clear and good ioe. He bus also
made an oyster bolder in tbe shape
of camels and elephants, with a
Hindoo riding, while back of bim
was the cave coutaiuiug tbo oysters.
His trade is so flourishing that be
uses np about 3,500 pounds of ice in
a single week.
A carpenter is about tho
man who is mad wben bo can't
his lovoL
Enooking a friend down is a
suro and quiok way of dropping an
Tbo reason given why an old
toper's moutb would make good sole
leather, was that it would uever let
water in.
A village with three saloons and
no school bouse io not an inviting
place for a new settler.
Tho composer of "Grandfather's
Clock" expoo ted to mako a fortune,
but tbo profits of tbe publication
stopped short at $11,500.
An Indiana jury will stay ont as
long on a hog ease as on a murder
Ural. They aro going to mako all
bo trouble they oan any way,
"Dad, If U'o so Ininrioo to smoks.
why don't obimaey's got sick and
dter TbooUl geetlnn sssraly re
plied that bo wtohotl be bad trunk
strop haady. ' " 4
THK lQr,
Pubttshsd every Thuradsv Evmkag
Terms of Subscription.
atria vithin all montha. or JJWifrrft
paid within the year. No par oV
continued until all arrsurago, a0
paid unless at the option of the pub
lisher. BuIsm riptiotts nntsido of the eounty
tfesvM'crson lifting nod iiaiiig papers
addressed '. others lt'cnntesulst'riners
and are liulile for the price of the paper
HPNT'S RKMKDT h aa4 tVom ttofftifc
tut iIIhm aii'l drain hunilmla who ham fetaa
1vn up rjr thylrLni to SI.
HUNT'S KI.NMIV ruM all DlaotUM
Iff tho Klilnrya. Hlaililcr, rrinAfyOrgwia,
lroiay, flmfrl, IHtrta. and lacvatl-tiTi.--
anil It.-tr'titlon of t'rtn.
II I' NT'S H K M Kit V rnnuriM !'. troaU
In nptirtlti-, tiraca up Uia ayatoot, au4 rcoawad
health l On- r ulf.
IllNT's KK.MKDT rnra rata In tan
Hftf, Hark, or l.olna, O-acral Dabllltjr,
V'vruajo Itlaaakara, IMalurhvd hlrvp, Li
nr AMlllr, llrbl'a IlaMiiH, ami ml
GoiillnU nf i..- I'rla-4rlll Onpana.
Ul'NT'S KKMKDV qulcily iiiducM Iho
t,lvnr In hi-alihy action. r-aMvuif Uio caM
that pradut Hlllnno Uiadailia, T'j I m i pain.
Sonr KumMh, OMttoo, POa, r.
nr tba oa of uunt'h HtsriiT uo
Stomarh anil tin -nil. will awf-lllv regain Ihtir
otrrnriJi,and lh mm1 will nrprrf-rtl- porlAvil,
niNT I RKMKllTS r,ur. l rtll, ami
tnwtm a want n-vrr hrforo nimlttH-d to Oi pb
Ut, ami th iitmont rrllnnro tony b placvd In It.
IlliNT-a Kr.flliil aa prnparManpi
Ir for tho arT dlaaataa, IM ni
lH-fn knnwn to fall.
n trial will ponTlnrw wow. Fw OtdO
hr nil rtraicnlata. rVml rbr Panphlat lo
US. K. rt.AHKI, Pntlilna, SV fa
lltca, t oan la, and Sl.SI (Urn Mat).
flept. IS, TU.Iy.
Manhood : How Lost, Huw Restored t
faa Jii't ptibtiihril. a nrw ulilloa of
ISO lr. I ilvervrir Olrhra
.iVIl KaNiiy oa tin rndlral our
(wiibout mylioiiir) of Si'iBMtTonnnoii
nr Nominal Vrshna, Involuntitry flrmia
nal l.naara, Imi-otrkct, Menlli snit Thyt
i-icrkl Incapacity, Inipiiiiirnti to Msrrlisi.
rlo. ; alao, Ousai'Mrrins, Kril.nrav anai
Kiti, iii'luoiil lit itlMnilulgouoi or ma
usl eitravagnnen, Ao.
hoirrrlci. In a aeslct! envelops, only
niX ornti.
Tin oolvtirstiil nmhnr, In tbti ailmiro
ahlo btaay, oliitrly ilrniooairatet, from a
ihlrly yian mioaeairul prnollno, that Ik
InrniinK conaciiinea nf if If nbtlni may
In radically oure l wiiliotn ths itanter'
out nai ot Inlrrnal mnlloinn or Ihi ap
pliaminn of tbi hnlfi polnilBd eat a
motle of oun at nnai iiuipli, errtnln, and
otTroliinl, hi, may euro bimetlf cheaply,
pritstrly, ml rmhoalit.
Say7ViM hflurr wilt prow r boon 14
tlto'iiiiiiitH nnd thotimml.
Hunt unJ.T Hnl. in a rlnln intetnM.
any a lrciia, pott patH, on renoiptof IJ
Oenis nr two poatirn atnmps.
Ai.ilreaa tin I'litiMHhrrs.
Tim culvi:iiwi;i.i. mkimoal ro.
t f.o Si New Vnrk I'oat office orisBUnS
Ht-pt. 7, 1H7S. ly.
Ohi'ckI JJilnlowsly-
Tlil Moilli-ltio nul'l fur a amnll inarvta ahorl
tlin of n.inii MiuJmu. Alloxan troato'l lif
liMlitl lra.rliic.n. for lull parlloulara mt
ilra.a tho lilicovarer
UK. N. II. I'Ol.I.INH, or
Itm. H n. "oi tiaa, I.t I't rtn, Ind.
t'eh. 6,'an.tin.
at Low Figures.
O - -
Y? K IHU'IISGTON, ofl'mnk-
I it Ho, linvlns tedunit tho money fhr thl
lollowliiK valiiahlo Hooka will I'muinenoo at
onto 1 1 ounroa Mnrdor onunty. The (louiplatl
l)(1li:s B(;
nmonatiiw nmtnfiht feiitiirti.1 nf whlcli t
liiHtory fr nil llnhKlnua Miwimm)nitUnn ; IIioh
rftplilt-R of til I riHt rsjd WrUursi ( OHllvry of
lllutrtot SiTlpturs ItK'liltit It rm
numi'orol lHustrttlnnl ; Itl Kiirlnf TypOoi
rNliy t tti Ktuiilemtotio lilollDK aul Umuo
itU i'rlro.
Tiie Acimits of Hey
an other African
l.iiilnrrra l.y .1. T ll-aitlay,
tlieioimt Lrllll nt luacrli
riiiuve Autuor in amor
aptondld vulutoi of lri'J paa-lo -oillnatra.
Tlieao ere the innut highly IntertatInK nnMI
oatliifit now nltoral tbo Amorloan publle and
the prtoe have toen rmtut-ail an aa to bring
tbem wlibln Iho meitnt of the lo.i.e-, anil lie.
allien Mr. liufttnKtoii It renlilont In oureonutr
and wbnlly re.Ublo. Dot. I,
is the Acknowledged
Superior of all Grain
& Grass Cutting
This Machine lias been fully endors
ed by tbo mobt hxport Autbom
ity, after Most Thorough
tests, aa to its Capacity
and Execution, ae tbo most
Wondorful Machino ever invented.
iiemeaber, aador ao tlrennitUiCM ihaal
yon buy a Ilea per or Mower natll yoa bsvi is
amlned TUB OUAMriOM. WhMeTW yoa
bear of one if tbeae MiehlnM la jeor vlilnlly,
do not fall ta eiamloi It thoroagbly. i:ta
L.IbtDeat of Draft, Itl Marvitoni Minarnl,
IU Slmpllolt, aad lit Aatuaitli Adjaetal
toirary ooaditlea of tbi Slid, ina aot tall U
eommend It orer all libera. Firaten will b
more than itir tntlined, wbia tbey larettl.
ill IU manifold olaimt of tup rtority. aa
I eat tu nooiereoi advaatairoi, that Ue UK AK
PION u oerUlnly tb MAUU1NH M bewe.
It II tatlaatid by thi aioet lenipeleit Jade
that ortrona-Ualfol the Hay aad UrataCraf
Iu tbi Ualt-d ctatet li barrMted wlU CRAM.
IV MUWaHS k KEAP.K1. Tboaa sola.
anted Maehlaee are tu til ky ' i
M. U.OAKONKR, aelloHiw!,
VOiitltT ttMlTH. , Mlddlebnrs.
J. 1. BINO A. at A. If , ' TlMotvUI,
aaS aleo by thi fAmvillas A feat, '
Apr. w. mo. . ,
fnwewtvna Saon inn "al 14 i j
L - - 1 at a.Jb Ja
m aaaw arwai aaaa u.- i
, baM eoelraeu atoy f e . I f