i I'V.II'l.tV, T. .r.V ... .v., ....,. X - 1 ,ereiir i. !0 ev.; J Br TV ' '" ' f j I U I, f-a) w I. -t Hi J an 3 8, IC30. ir i'fUti 4. ill. It'll t lir.-Mlir.NT GKNEUAL GArF'KLD.PlOt io. ICR VIl.E PIlF.slliVNT. gen. .:iiiU:c i.r New Vu.L .tnnnr hk km ts rui'itr. ll KN ti' Y libiv :. Noi i)mni!iMi t t on a r i tiiN iik-o 1 it ai JOUXA. I.KMO.V. of lluir Comity. COUIWTICKET. tiiHi n nswn - tit. IIOIUTIO (1. FIxlItR, rf Hnnlng Ion. FOR n't A Tin Hon. JOHM n. TACKKR, if Iforlbumhrrland, ;Suu,mi to deeialon nl nasal-trial I'latrM I'ua leretie. FOH AHr.MHI.Y L. N. MVHit. of Miildtehurg. : FOR t'Ol SlV HITKVKYOH OhOHOB 5. BKNrKIl, ofj.ck.nn. ' Wisconsin roco ro lucky. One at Jenosha has been blown up with three dirte mat uw nills, and 'be always fell into the river within tea fuel of a ek'fl. Tbe Kentucky moonahinars mar fight ai tnnch as they plena, bnt lyr Ilia internal revenue eii! Ine tuxes muat an l aball be collected. A Ixndon cotnio paper confound cd ita roadcra by printing aonie- t iiiR funny tho oilier day, I nna rtulon lioui an monoun publica lion. Iloiatio Galea Haber baa lpon lioiuinHtcd for reluct ion to ronirrt-HH by two rf il,s cenntiek in tbe Eib. tet iiib UiBiric. irouklin and Sny tier. An wo co to priRH the wiroa are liprnMiiiR tbe newa tbronbout the lntli and brnndth of the land taot Gennial Oaifli-M of Ohio, bna boon n loiiimtpil for 1 resident, and (Inn Arthur, of New York, for Vice Pmai- dent. It is learned by way of Cliioao that a Wisconsin clerpvrnan preach ed on tbe pin of attending to money uiattera on Sunday. njd when tbe doucon paaaed the concribntioo plnte uot a person wi.nld pnl a cent in it. And somehow tbe preacher didn't fiol (l iit(;iud at the effect hie sermon bi d niidi:cd. Tl in a little ririnna Hint a former Ji iiiW of ibe Schuylkill county Mol lc Miicnire cnttbroata abonld turn up al the head of a liil;e in tne milling reioua of tbe fnr 'Voai. vtnilii-r i ,in p' tV'-.!nr MoKio wr.ntad by jauice in Srbnyik.., rjna tvoritny other t of tlio anthrn Mlu eo.il iiiioiis, we do Dot know, I ut if ho Kl.ould be wnnle llo un awur for nii.v prmt cr.'rnc o npnre bend time the miners of the Jfixky Ainu jinitm would bo Hii)eni .ho that (u lend ii baiid in t'J niti biui over tu lilt Ji. .(.. . , ul'j j: i.Iii-h. ino iti'it.niinr irfn-nier ol .Nmv : V ...I. . II. .! 1... I.. . . . I - I . ' I'llHV" I "III!, lie lllln nvo nuunroit loiiat.f hiU. rd illi.- iu hit) v.i.ih.l lltlil If tiiA limit il ma imfc annn i-tnn n1 inufjot'Tiii,',' tlii'ui, Iio will i-t puz. s!'"' to knovv tvhut to do with the iiuiliiia. Tliat riilulirated yearning of the Auierieau people for the dollar uf tbe Fat hers, aoout which we beard ao iunc.li that was affecting aid heHi t-rou lin' during our ailrer cliaensaion, appears to hive died out iu a most myaterioua manner. l'oa bibly it would be a pood thing for tbe House to appt.ut Warne.' and Iiland and Jnde Kel'ey a apecial croi-iitteo of three to 'jnut it up. Deroocratio capital etock for tba campaign ia abuse of tbo men who itved tba country from wreck. It ia a deplorable fix for a once great mry to be in. Instead of having a nettled policy and well doflued prin cipal, it ia ready to-day to join Lnnda with tbe lag tag and bob (ail of every party, faction or isu, in order to defeat the Republicana. Tbe Jackaon Democrat who uaed to swear by gold and silver, ia read; for an alliance with tbe Greenbaokoir, who woold flood tbe eonntry with rredeemable paper i and tbe proteo tive tariff mau ia willing to join haoda with a free trader who would ah diab custom houaea, and aupport tbe government by direot UxutigD aaaaaaaawajaaaii awaw aaaaaaaa One of the German principalities' ve been detected in Bending quite have been detected in Bending nude n ahip load of paupers to New York for tbe purpose of having them cared for, and occaninnally a criminal ia furoianed wiin the meana to get to this eonntry. If thoro ia any way to retaliate for snob conduct it ongbt to be attended to Such acta should juntify tbe suspension of diplomatic intercourse between tbe two conn tries, aud a prohibition of the pur chase of any goods whatever from them Tbe Unitod States has thrown open its doors wide and in vited tbe subjects of monarchies to come and enjoy tbia land. It hat invented tbera with tbo garb of citizenship, made them eligible to highest political positions, and it able to furnish every one with a sub stantial homeataad i but it never contemplated that this fair ind should be an asylum for the paupers eud orliainuls of the Old World, and these, outrages of a nation's bounty should have their paupers sent bank, and tbe oast of their do porutioii eolleeUd off their govern ment Peacefully if we can bnt at tbo moatb of tho cauaon if wo mast . v" t -smrrzrmm . ,r-. ffty jroat, i r l vers 3 o 3 . w j. .. r '2 ; .. ... m 1 ?!C 'r S 3 ll it S I'-5 ii O 41 m.s is VST f - s 1 1 5 i ' y :s ; li S i: 14 5J . tr .'. i p " i CD I' 'I Q p p 8! F P W m m - if V A CT. 1 1 i ' " P " Li i? I? ?1 CO " c -2 i- t o O K o s - w '.1 ii ,"A.?.l'.,tr, 1.2 "iiM ... Mi Of allthr in i l.Tn Invanlior, tba I'airiil Incubator takrt lb laad, but axpirlanc lriic!i all lh.it wbniliar poultry 1 b Ui'.k'iI ii j lima hi iiii wlili ai'ii.li. einl bralt or hy 111 j olJ origin! way palfnial ) Diura, liny ara Huli'ii'ct lo alioitra. (nef. ii., ami i 'i-iirr, ulo I eno li 01 Ihufa I dm hne trinl Hotiir'ii' I'utillry Cnwdar, ia lunh oiskk, th t It. I a au.o uuro crary tnjie. Ak your Jruj. Slat for it r)ii"'jiu ii ni a n tif llinr iivulih M e ol' till) t wiililitbo i'.'.iIi i ' iia'wotiM nui'i'i n.uIliT frum J,e Hul IM0(nil ;u I 'm.1 cun.iuiuyuvii. ll the failed tfn.iei iu one year" lait li Jia urni x iur0iH Ibua ang. i:imihi' o Hie tilloi 'btit In ".ie Houlh. 'I'hoiUMi.li of vnlurpia livaa woulJ hav. hreuenfi j ruin cjuhh nptiou hail tLry uieil Siuaa' Syrup ol Tar Wild Cherry adiI Ho abound In line, tu all a :trt of wboonjK euugb, oroup, aalhint and luug alTaaiiouv il b n proved to be a ecrlaln cu.a wbrn lakeu iu lima. 8old ia every drug ture. Trice 'U eeola extra large bond, JOo. .... May I3ib, )8Ho. fossa' PrmiiTsav Coup mo. There are aotliaeasce Ibut witl ao qt'iokly bring incidnnla of a pereon's pint li:'e and make bin tkluk of home and hie aiolbar, ai Cbolrra, Cholera .Vorbus, Dyaola , Crampi, Culio and all Ihoir kindred die eaeee. Aad to be wil'iout 8ini' Dvassi Turv Compouko when ve taken with the above dieeaa Ie lo be almost without ho i . EaatiabmeD form rely auppoard thai American running borate were vary ln ferior to tbcire but duripv ihe lael two yrara raroit, K-l. nalein sad other fail one tbkt aert seal from tblt country lo England, hare woa hundreds of 'idlare, foreuch Americana ae tbe Mrenars Lo.il lard. Jamet Qordoa Ilrnotlt, tc, . The Kuj-lliboifn have ineitaied :b rvama lor tba great tuocraa of Amerlnan boraea, ami And that thry are kept in am b Ina Condition by Ihe Cnitlaul, UaB ut M, 1. Robev.a' l.uree'owdere.' - ' ASSIGN KB . S SAIU . " of Valuable OSEll WOOD LiltJlJ t in Snyder County. - jU .- ' 1 THE umleraigned Aaaignee of Joabu i ..only of iheCily of Rradiug. I'.. will offer lha fullowing Keel Kiime ai I'uii lie 81 al ibe b ute f l'r;r fuller, krar lbs premiate, ou Tuesday, June 2'Jth, 18S0, All Ibat certain Iraol ol UHB AND WOOD LAND sliuele In Parry Towiialilp, gnydn Co , Pa , bounded hy Iru la ol llfiiry i.i-r. men, U.nry Biruiin and otbere, uouuimug 111 A urea, mar or tree, wiih allowance. Hal lob held al l o'e'iook P. M,. wbn coodilicot wilt ha made known by DANttL Mil.l.Krt, June H, 18H0. Atelgae. am of Oat la th ground, half of aln ear of Cora ia th groutd, half f eva ere of Rye la lb gruod, half f aa aevo ef faaatees t lb ruad. V IHMM. eUCaMAN, CAUTION. v. V-". aJ-Wif fl iTOI NOTICE ! hereby give that lb follow iSiOy ' 0 - U H "33 5 log arilolee hare bars parchaaed hy J '.U;;.; o,. OT J ibe uadorelgned al private e.l aod .-4 V Lf M 'JJ? J hrS leit lo the poanraalon of Fair-D.Uoweraoa jt! yUVvIaiven dirag bis plaaeure. All pereone r . o,, . " 2 li Y 'I'luviRorntorS at m lanaal wot to BaadJIa or Intrrfara wllk I ' V i i3 ll a aa i .2 ll eaame: I Mara I Cull, 4 Hbeala, . . ' 1 . in m w tiiuoti. i Calve, ll Steer, b'df of aln acra of ; f . i i". LP.ii wl..7i. ... l L.l .a .ti.. I r . . "d by til 8 publio VU 1 rllba,ll l. J h HI. i t'if mani, Me ip i o i.. i in t t t.i 'i nl tbuut only f BHien.lCJtti: (of KllViiOl w JOH S-iVFH .11. f. Ki, Aim in-. uporian! aid 0:iiiiiijaiT all I'iiy!i:iiti prTiBPicrs t! Ji'' IT, Tl3rfliil0S. WIltTK S-ViNO M(lltXRI)o. i ,,.'n:,i, o. u ,j 'T i. W prtlealit c I r mr tianil m It that fuet tktt ' l an f aim'. atUla, dllMaet hKU'K oi h jnttiii .r I U of . Wk foM, a Wassri ran FifK ! (IrmlottK r ii"lhmr. Thll wurrtitt brt It nn nf fti Mat hi Mnhwl th urn- ). nalrnm n. k iUo th it it ol .a -.-hp anil tiaadtr orrMpoallt Ina lllila aa'iibar Tba warrant la Un I 'i m, in thiiU orc it tmiofour ao puy tuaiiai npo It. A II othtr warnnu I n tt -a (ivrloni. aadpartlM nn'lln lh mitiK mimim mutIl- Tn na okfaiko, n.l ao varTnatr U aorrj pnn.t wllh ti, ! dwrrlpima, mat knaw ! I ina Hial nooatc nr latar tka iiwoar will bal laTilaJlB trauMa, with aa eaa to rail baak poa. . Tlianinrina "Wlilla" l to-ly fia mini popular HiMlilao npoa tha mtrkat, tin i"h i, anl tha tit t i oaa or -II. a l irner nun- bar Afiha"Whll" br bttn ! and nl l la tha a a plaoml aina tha ta irknt, than at nthrr iaka In tha aama lenictk of tlma kfnmNaWla ; M iohlBM wara loi'.-"l. Thlr HichlnaM, apwd, tpv-a, bata'f, qnltB'i, du. rakllHT, and prpa, ron'ilna to inata than tha a.arhm thai ararf f imllr danlrat 11 own, and tknrnavlilr 'iMinail ba ona ttiay ponaam lka"Wk:'i.' Thk "Kin :.n ACTHOR'7.ro ncAi.a poa Snfilar n l adj ilnlni? euant'al, In U. C. "IKK. IWil.lt "lililla-lurx Pa .KO.I wa alrlsa Iniaml- In pa rchu t-i ir m' i n u , ad thvralif xat in anuin W'.i in' Win I K Vl.ri MA( H NECO. f7 .72k LOOK TO liil iSlEBEST. r.irr man or woman buy Oooda whi'i l':e,? can ill lb tirnl, ll ia nalural. It ir I no an niuiK, TUa text good lor iu W'..M oiKiiry RrS 'J.IS 7A7, Tlml In jni on" ioiio aud il you want to proura Uarga u I' KAVOWARn. r.",o:r.ui.i, pku.is. Fi . 8 At.'. 1'I.AHTKI I.P..THH' fllnF. Firil0S. T I' It I' AM' CKIARN. IllilN. no.'.--; A N L Ml-l.f.-ll KS. Nlf. RM'.IS. 8TKKL. HiH'K 1'oUUF.K. 8AF1V Ft'HK 8. T Kill M FUUE I'VE WIIISKKV MIK KXIMlSiRLY FOll MKDIv'M. I'SE. AT ONLY t 50 H-l: 0 LL'S or t l.i'o I'KK ii HIT, TUB IIKST '.VIIHKKY .t)U i V tll li.t.VNK, Ko. TRV I". i ti"ifi. u'l. .lis ' lit fl'i'r "f 8n. Irr oouuiy n n'.l ol I in-ir piirnnna Ma inz ptiifli mi .1 ll.tmU 'r l! 1 1 I am iii'i ioi' "i y l.'HI' l'itli'1.3. Cb'.'mi'i !'.... i i.i Hvlniiiiif or (itnnht I'll'" !l.i- i;IUlMr, : a. sh'Jler. A fl Yo k v I- i II I . ... - . '., 1 1, , M Vi'.lt .. I i ; 1 1 1 . '.. ta i : . . A I l .V.' is.'.:. . Ml' lo I i I til AliiV F I . ' a 4S Tin I i - a milE yt ira t.f OonrjH Moufz. dn- 1. cl. nller a valualila F r n. it '! t ule, iiiik oaa mila buuibc.il ut Ali ldla. ' burg, euu'.r lotus about 103 Acrec. waareuoaree eo-ed a I.AitMK TWO.HTORY Stone Dv liug Houuu, Now Li.uk Dnin and ol Inr oatiml'illnni. TM farm la In a hlirti atau ol cultivation, umtar ao't lanra, ami rnmprlMi iba U rt and umt Itrtila auil f tba Mldilleoreek V.liay. For (unbar rartleulara eall on nr adilreai JOHN A. MiiA I .. Aor. JB.'SO tm. kllilillaburu, Pa. A I'MIMSTUA TOK 8 NOTH'K. I l.a't. tori of admlnlalrrtliin on thaaatata of Joana Lnu taniUg-er, M4 iiifann twp., bnyiler ll,i. ra., rfao'd, have bran rSnai to i lie under aimed. All poroni k.nwlnic thamaalvae li Ur tad 'o aalj eatate will plaaat, make lionia ll. al. i . ut while tb hiving olilrul at Ina. aldeil.te will praannt tna n lr a tturnanl iu CMHNtLltS a.AUIIINNl,AOKI(, Mar. Si IK-U. AiluiliilitfUt.il. I f,M, rH"'. ii-.l r".r.li-f aiaur r'r-a it .um I .a ai.i y a itant.K. of r.jai.1, liH I.IM..IH.III, l.,r,. un,ai..llli1il l-raralana i -tilsul IU la I u oaa, C'tnMiiar, wlia lall P'.UhI' m....'H .'I' 'i, n in ilnrli il. i.n.r t...'l. .Him. l.Ailua:iv U , lrw.4auat, gw li.a. j-uiid tlmn 80 yun,j fci prcOKluntaxl naulti.. OR OIROUlARi ra aa a I't BT1 IDWIT.i .viiUi MiJii ..aav"ova;orii ' i.iu. TUAiun.aiuintntoi. t I-. . .' ,. i .1AT01; iff ? a- ' 3iV;y.-. 5 aa 1.1 U -J I fl W a c 2 -o&f ' . ..t w 4lin,fMT V;i Ga ki .AVamei'- S?a KI:;sjj and Hirer Core. t -Itlcily in til W"'1 J f"f Hl'lillfa. ('apM'M. fr tl.1rl nn4 At.ta Mlfiura la4vPTb MM .'rlnnr IMtirfMa-! Ml' l'iHHlliMknlKlRUa'lhfhuhalW tpr' fcr MlnMI 4'Mrtp. 9 Kor lha Cur (if iirUhts an1 lhfjhf 4HMtH. CHll rr rnicr'i MIML Mai UrtK Cnr. WARNER'S 8API BITTERS. If to thfcM BImmI rHVr. ftfMl tlmuUlr mrrf HiiKiion to mom hrt.jtl.rui tcUiOt aVtiil Is Uin brnni in n tUtMwi, li rarwa HaVrwfwtown imS mhn9kt Itfiti Iimm niMt linw. indttuiBC 'nrr M a?rak. aii.il Mht Hmrmm, tr jaailay HMliMft flH iKPIlfc, riNMlllNlUM, lUkBilfal. wfttHUl rU:., rf nirM hr Mtl n .. Ik i UMiinlf-H m nn ftpiwtlaVf ud n-wulur umtc, lUm of two ( ; prlcft, r. and ftMb WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qutrklr fv,i Htftn1 la? to Ihnuffng. cur ltaalra4ia? ftni1 Wnnrnlglia. prwvnta t.pllMl fllaSt ftlMl fHV If M tlWi aTl'Mft' naf aWm rrmmrhi on bjr evrraaatv 4 rink, ortt work, metntftl (nvk, ft ml mtiaf rtuiri. wrnil r li uiontna nam and aamthartta turt-1 N-thl i nTrf Injnmw lha aatroH wlirtlxriMRvn rti wmiiii or iKrpronaa, iJyttlPt of iw) t'tn; ir(rm. ?. an4 9I.MW WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Am an Initnnltalr and adlva atlmiilna tor TorpM Llvwr, nn'1rra OattlTiw , DrtpU, M rm m ioaatM. atiina inw J J aL raaa. Malaria, Fmr aa4 Ataa. and mhiwI4 be titMil whrnrTt-r iht tjuii- fT''I HHain nmnprraia Ami m hr ii n m rfc. rrlr SA M. ta M a.r. M-i Mm mm LijAar'.T,! U U UMrnnr ft Pa III III HUlllfal OIWN ajk w STOMACH A A i poll io, rrlrrnhiiift ilorp, the aeo,ulrliin o.' Ili li ami uulof, are liliMiiina l'nilaui upon the rrparal ira proo khod wliicb ibU prirrlr'a Invignraa apreilily ini'lul' and c.iriien lo mH'cMtful eune'imi'in. lliita- lion In raolnri'd mid .iaimioe aflnrlrd In anch lid-i-uiiaiu'iiig orvan liy I lie Itiiirr.i, wbirli la tiicrti'in-l" rfio to lha fi'ininmr pnUir. tiyo.uhle iu eumpi aiiion, hii ! tbor niiKhly ami1. Fur tula by all PrnesNlt ao I renltrn gfoarally. StfY Ra v. cnv". red n'nl wlii'o " t t 1. bnv i.iu i lii'iiii ii i li .'i nri. 'ii ti Hip irnnilea i. llii, il-llurf; iniiil i w wmk i n.'i. I'h 'o r I ri.-i i I l-i i rn fir vr I. -iva .'ii il . inr I'lirma, a.i I ki liar ii v i 1 1 - wl a dlii l! I n lii im'I nl uuo ii d- lllil L l !4l. I HA II II .11, Mrv ? il t"i n'kl ilii . Niir IsM !a?!l I nn .. .. . ot'R ' I ..f ilia e-.i i.' rr-i'-l S Mi t V. I.tln r.f I -I 1 1 ni i Inn .i . .1 . . r , i .- ii , i ii;'.. I ' v! i ,.f .il i ti . - in I -u i it'll ii i i hr I li iu ii..: nil' mi ,i 1 1 . .hi i ii., v , ''.. bale, on tlia prauilnaa. on Tl1i"div, Inno 1 !, 1S'', ' Tlia lull ia In-,iatir i-a-l It il K-.a a aitu to I . i.'. i,' ii . i ion.hlji af TnalJ uontalnlat j !!1 Acres, 'and ItiO pa.atiaa. a'rlrt ma we. h.ion'lail lir Ininl nl Aiuifii siriiub it iry 1 1 ",,i., Mntn. ual Hernilit an I a har, balna Irani Nn. i la nIJ oM ir ilanrlb-'il i tliai-ami ereotad a llotiso and St.iblo. 8 to OAtninanoa at ttn'eliek A. M n'-al l day aLuii tarua nf a win na tnatla known by tho vi aw Horrr.it, fct'SAKNAH SI'HI.KItr.r.. May 10, 'SO, Ail nlulnraUira. ADMIXISTRA T IUS NOTICE. lttare of adiulnlatralloo on tha eat at of itenrxe Ilaal Utaol Harry Townahlii. 8nilar i;o.. ra., dacd. Imve beat granted to tha unite.- akinal.All parmna knuailria in. naaWaa Indabt. ail lo aald aamt will pleura mil; a Immediate ipaynu-ut while the tbivlnic elnluia aaaur(itld adtate will preiierit them lor aitllein.-iit lo AbH'lllll'MVI.(illlllU, lltN.. i DtAI., Anr. I, 'to Ailmn1rtratar. Cathartic Fills Comhina th etiolrest ct tlinrtic principles In- mwllriiKV la proput ton accuratady Mlhiatal Uf aertrr activity, certuluty, aiii) iMillnruiltT bf nffwrl. Tuny are tha roan II I : of Br(Unu'. and nrartlral x p - t, and a tbo inoat uliuctuul run, inly ' iililiaoovaraMi for diaeaua, eauaed liy ili-ranKfinrnt of th atomaeh, liver, and IhiwoIh, whicb raqulro prompt aod effin-tu. al treatment. Arm I'ilij are specially aiilli ulile tothlaclajwof dlaeaeea. Thry m t directly on the dienatlvo aud BHatin llatlvo pr -oeaaea, and reator refrular lii-ultliy ai-tlun. . Their extonalv une liy plivHlchuia in their practice, and by all nivillMid nation. I one of th many iiroola of Uiolr value aa a eafe, cure, and twrfeotly reUable purgative nuxucin. Being ootnpuunded nf th concentrated vlrtuB of purely vegvtablo ubaUnoe, they ar rarjaitlvery Ire from caluuiel, or any iniurigua pninanioa. ami can h aau -ululate red toe. :uuureu wiiu perfect safety, ctual ear fnt Am'i Pnxa ar an effectual ear lot ConctlpatloB or Coat Uveaeee, lnll tloiu Dyspepala, Ixtaa of Appwtlto, Koul Stomach aud lireatb.UUzlaeea, lleadttrh, Laos of Memory, Numb ne,Ulltouan-ee,JaandlceItheuma tlam, Kruption aad Skin Ulepaaeia, liropay. Tumor, Worm, Neural eta. Colic, Gripe. Dlui-rhoea, Uyaeu iery, Gout, I'ilaa, Ulaordars of th Liver, and all other dUeaaM reaultlng from a dlaorde rod state ol Ui digottiv aparatu. A a Dinner P1U tAoy have no equal. While frentle In their action, the Pilu ara tba most thorough and March . Ing cathartlo that can bo employed, and never gtv pain uulea the bowel ar' lunainrxi, anu titen aiiair innuaiicn ia oraat ing. Tboy . luiulalo th appetit and liliroativ onraiiai Ihoy oerate to purify a s.- -1 la bajkftS and enrtuB Ilia bKmi, aua impart reawweu heavltli aud to tiie wuulc yatom. Prparsd by Dr. J. C. Aytr e Co., PraeUaal aaat Aaatalytieal Ctaaaaaata, . . Loavelt, Matt. , aui a ai aauMiai sviarvaTataS. Tor noise and Ftrani l'ovui. The best, moat durable, simplfS1 Thresher and Separator ever manu actured. THE Fanners' Friend ! The best most comnle'e Drill ever offered the American Fa'-ming Pub lic, ard every good farmer eaya ao. Tbe piiat year tbe sales nf tbia drill amounted to a sum equal to tbe sales of all tbe other drills combined. l-lir4 "... - K-3t 1 The Blrlmll Clovr Ilnl'fr U buHlin' two dHlmvnl Hj lna. Ida .lotiitcr Br sad Monitor Jr and !a hullt in iwu ditfrrani . The ania Irnt muchlne Ie SO In Cyl rndnr and lha oibrr llll. This atachiaa Is fully warrantrd aud la put in Ci inpcli liua wilb Buy other. RIIHL BROS., Arjents. M"y20. Lewibbuig, Pa. XE0TJTOR8' NOTICK -Letters mealare aa tba aetata of JOHN KlllL,r.V. I -la of Jai-kaun tovnaklo. Hinder Cunniv ilao'il kavlna bcoa vraol- ed to 'be imdi 'a ned, all i n mi kmielx than polvi a In. !!', n ta Id eata'e r re reUMI eil ie m! o Ini-ua 'iate ravmeut, wlille tboae havliiv nl.ilint willpr . . t Il.i i duly auibenU ealed lor ttlemaot tu Pi low FBIII.EY, SIOKKIm tHIil.r Y, April it, 'M d. Kiecuu-re. AS DMINISTR TOR'S NOTICE. Hare nf admlnletratloaoa Ikaeetataol Wa ll. Ilarriild. late of Union two.. Mrnla- eoanty, Ha, dro'd have rwaa rruH'ed to Ilia nadaraipnait. All paraiPe Imnwinu liiaataalvea ladahlail lo eald aaliita will p e iaemake lm- mKdlale pavmant while lb,a bavins elaliue aaalnet aald aeiaie will uraaaut them lor eeltle an w N. T. niiNnon, C. W.UKIM'ZGI.MAK, March ,'W. Adwlnlttr . NEW CTJRE. A.,;i:r;.,,pr:,.?.r lallad. Addiaa a Ilk (lamp HOH K" Vroai. burg, Md. Jaa. (,'M.ly. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. IetUrt of admlnlatnttl" a tha aetata ofj. Hoaard Kline, late f Adaiaa twp.. Hay. iiereoantv. Pa,, dee aad liavebaei, araatad to the anilaralanad. All naraoae kaowlaa lliaia- a Ivea ladaiad to eald aetata III plaaaa eaae ImrnadlaM Lie v meal wklta thaae Lavlaa alalua asaloot aald aalau will praaeal tbaia for eet- eeaaavai ie JAMPS K. KLINE, JAUK4 AUK A N II, Admlaliiratort, Marekti, lso. A?, DM INIS rilATOR'3 NOTICK.- attare ofadnllnlalratlaa oa the aetata of Joka It.aiuiawk, tleu d, laia of Heaver twp., Saider aouBly, fa., war sratd lo the u daralsned. All parwiae keoelag tkemaalvet Imlabtad lo eald eatva will plaaee make liaaa dlaie piymeat, while tlioea kavlBg claim aaUl praaeot tbaia for eellleiaanl to HAMIJKL P. ADRAND, UAit) AURAM1. Kerch It, Itaa. Admlolalratur. DMI NISTRATOR'8 NOTIOB.- Leltare of admlalelrailoa ea the eetate or Mlckacl Matter, daaeaaad, lata of Adaau towiiahip, Hoyder eoaniy, Cena'a kavaboea ranted to Joal Mattea raetdlec la MMdle eroak lowaebla, la aald eaaaly, (P. O addreee Maiaer du'lui) to whom all parasaa kaew. i aa- themaalvre isdebud lo eald aetata are re. quae ad lo make Immediate pay meal, while tboae bavin oUnne ara rauaeud to proeeat U.,dul,..U..lU.tml.OEljl(tTTBi Feb. It, Itt. AduitalaUater. A DMINISTR TORS NOTICR. A Laattera a' admlalatratliia oa Ik eel ale of Aaaallaa Hoikraeii, laleul Haavejr tB tlaeM kave heaa iraataal M Iba uadaraliiaed. all par eowe kaawlas Ikameelvealadakled leaald aaUla will pleaaa make Imaaediai aeyueal wklie laoaa aanai eaaieaa bi.imi aata aeaaaa waaa areetat warn lur aanieiseni ia AUAM aallTII. Mar. ia.'Bt.pd. " Adatlatibratea'. J-.-J-ii -A iril J a aL iiuw'i i mil jm f--wmT-.- t.-i.vi ii ..i j t- Mil has now filled up his Store again and has the Largest Stock of ftEY GOODS,' No. to select from that can this or an adjoining county a Oar stock of DRESS GOODS is complete. LAWNS, CASHMERES, SUES, SATINS SILK Fill N GENS, PRINTS, A large variety of BUTTONS. HOSIERY and GLOVES in abundance! A full line of CAEPET3 and OIL CLOTH. Plenso cull and exuiniuo our stock, as this coin in u is too smitll o oni merate all we lave. His understood that onr pi iocs are always lower than tbe lowest Moat of onr gooda bsve been bought and ordered before the advance ia? puces, and therefore our customers Gel. lfl, 73. Great Reduction in FITflSNDTTtUBIlS! I would Into 'bis " pportnnily of nn nouncing to the public, tlir.t I Bt ill oontinue in tbe Fnrniture Unsinesa and that my rU'vl- ia foil an id r-tuii- pkiii. un 1 that I I?mfiii Wiii I h JreKMlrig- Cunk rSiilt h (ill und ciiiutiitrn nr gn-idi with (I'iiifp i.r n.lii I- diinlrra i ii re ,. cbtibin;. hcoL for Ibu Uig hij;ii. on I'iru .Irrtt, i.utt of K kbc; tV s;o. liCHpi'CI lull v. July 10,7!.(f. Belinsgrtve, i'a. ,yi "- V M Tl " T Ha IITANO MOST POPUL! TOKasrsxoiT jaayiaEia co., oimiwi, iowa. w aary Waataaanu are wvraa laaa aaelwa, ll aeriecteo eaaa aaa. . u, ll uuv tapidiv daveloa Lola quick coaanmptlun. Ibe aaoat tboeouicb, auc JV cWifca arS plmtmm la Ur. M. W. CARIfb Kopva- K-3y- Carbolate of v aait l a I a al-ino I IW M lniV I aaatAdrka rrca SELLBft'S"' I a.-1 u SYRUP SO Years Befora the Publio. Prooouaoed by all la balba moel Ploa aat and erfieacioue remedy Sow la ute, ! for tba eur f cough, eolde, croup, boaraenees, llokllng a(lioa of lbs ibroal, wboopiu cough, at. Over a mlll ioa boll lee sold withia ibe last few years. It give relief wherever ud, sad bae lb power lo impart benefit (bat anol b bad from lb cough ad dure bow ia ut. Bold by .all Pruggitia at 25 avals per belli. . ' ,. a VmX BKLLBR8' UVBR PILLS ar aa0alB.pekhmo,.e, !. blgbly recommended foe curing liver omDlalnl. oaillca4lon. tloebiadaoh. fever aad ag... and all Jhea... of lb i- a ll oi., i , iwaiaoe wnie iivar- outu or ail AraK gittt at 26 seats per bot. ' B. K. 8eller Co., Pilteburifb, Pa. ' Ool.t8.'79 y, EXECUTORS' NOTICR. Letter teetameatarv oa the eeuteof John ri'olth. daeeaeed, late of Waalilnaloa towaahl(s8f.ydar anaaiv. Paaa'a.. kava keen ranted in Ike aBderelf oeel. All neraoat kaowina tueaualvai All neraoat kaowina Uieaualva. ladabivd la Bald eele ar reqai-ele l wake lale Bavmeal, while thaae kavin alalia are rea.aeot t arateai laem auiy u lo tor eaiiMmvav i , .j JOHN A. HflTB. " HAH" a-VH'U. t , Msisr.ina. , bo found anywhere in Kill get tbe benut of the same. Kenpectfully. , , H. WKIH, Opposite Keyatone IT-.el, Stllo grove, I'd, . r- ! Belling nl niv gotnlif I at il o V I -I i . V 1.0 V I .S J flit t cl et. cr !& t ' Ili' WIII.'C : ,i!ii c it 0 Ci.n lp r, y-i-.ti l v-i-d nn vil.eic it !: r'v! to o !,' ST f '1 ? i : tVTa a: tl i,r I. art id ITp-wtxiMl. Ever invented. Price U i -wOar THE J0S1TST0N TUCSEB, H BawlBf Machine Attachment eidfit ewuxr m ao aun nara aa laa Aucacr, Frke I1.UU. THK JOHNSTON COftDti Prtre (1 .00. Three S are the mil) pracllcal attaohmeala thai ever io wanla, and ao amine i chine Ie eomataa without th 1 tr ara kept by all ateia meehine aa-mta. Wa will faioal elUwr aa tbem at tbe price a ana Airenle write for Ulaatratad tirra at aaa wnoiaeaie rnaa ual a lw fcarU aSWW ara esrmprlna Mit 1 inctlon alwnye itrtiaa; O I-U ttel. irc.aara, tun.,.Ujlluo, ina U. W. aatM. Nt ataswk bL. Malta, k"a. . ADHIBTSTEATOE'S Sale of Real Estate mhe nndersitrned Adminlatratnr J. I. a. of thee Ute of Joka Btliier (aleel Caloa eaiiBly daeaaead, hy virtue of an eaanil leejied oat of Iba ISeurt of Uommiaa IMeai BSVder oi.unly, will axpuae to fubtlo aaie," M:iieia nun, aear loe premiaai, la JunieU eouuty, en Tuesday, Jnna 151b, 1880, the a nit raided half Inter at I the followlx! aor I bed Heal Batata, kalu limber lead, l ate lo rerry toauauip autuer euuuiy, i a. -Tiaot No. One, adlMalai laada ni TVavlil Kramer add "tM laade ol Joha Htliiar, des'd, eoatalaln r " TV-ONE ACRfcUSaadotie huodred aud WW war aarehee, awr or laa. Tract No. Two, j aa'lnlMitkv Alba laada ahf AaiaailaAl. aaialaNl F1FT Y-oft K AOKKS aad on bond red IAH I Tract No Three, '..,, i. .a r.i.. a.u... ...i Mkai T ' r , le Hal la eommenr at lOa'elnek A.M. of" day whaa lerme "l-l le maie kanwi h JOHN H, kTII ZKH, U Is, IWJ. aduilaletraUa IW i Wfil "tool. Cover and rno' rtiipa. ant Ki-'iia I Hrve Haeiia, mihii. n only I Vkeallr.il U Nearpapar Kiao. 'l diaaa I A.xIll. J; DgAl lV. kViulaua,' YHSS PAPER rtawai-aafKM AWKmaiaiNa liitRtuii (itf t vbllBJilK AatVl'lo M'ftif TJaP"-, "'W.-'paaaaatawaiaa. A