The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 08, 1880, Image 1

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...I'nmi) rcio vcnr,
Lw.imlf. column, ono year, SO.tx
.fourth column, ono year, l.i.m
. IK) limvOl insertion
I r tcry niWilinnsl Insortiim,
'r,tj Visional anil Hixi'i" '" '
f not morn than 5 lim-., t'""" y"r, '
Ifciulitor, Kxecutor, Administrator
f mid An.ilguoti Notice,
I n.uirn lier It II rt.
i All tranoionl advertising 1cm thnn
fmonllm in mil"' ' , ,
All wlvprtinomriitn for A shorter pe
imltlmn ono ycnr arc imviiblo nt the
limf thPV rf ordered, mid ll lint paid
Li person ordering them will no hold;
rHH-wnil)le for tlui money.
Tho rVesa aid tiia Pla.v,
tny l ,h P'1 ''
la ell; ar in lows.
tom won lent whethee Ji'impklo vlaoi .
Truplh hill of J wn. 1
!, care ! fur ' nvirhl hitlt,
Nor yet hit henpv of
woul.l lint own ' orxli.l hiarl
Far all bit wlib Iwic lo'il.
Jr are tin rvore l i nn oi earm ,
M'e bretlbe pur air eicii aura.
k t . wt rop lb gaM-e gram,
W gnibtr la Ih com.
M luilw,liv on wlnu wo irti, .
AnJ nir than Un u - ,
fit hear ot starvln mtrlinnv win I,
Ab1 gUJI f'l tbtia too.'
Th lawyer live on prinooty foo",
Yi lrgt wearj life. '
It never know p'aofiil hoaf,
Hi atnutpbero I trl:'.
nerohanl Ibumli bis yardstick 'r,
Crow buggtrJ Hi his toil,
lie' uol lb nim O i I me-tnl Ui f..r .
Why ilun't b (ill lb soil : '
fit doolir plod tbre' storm inJ rain
I'M at bit patient' will j
IN hen JeaJ anil goat, hn lu,lt again
To let hit lenglhy bill,
lb printer hies lilt noble I'iuI !
He grasp tlio mighty eriti
An I elanipt It ou our l til alicut,
Tocbrrrtb lubjrur't b.vinii.
,V aing the boonr of I In- I'ln,
An! honnr to the Pri'o
o noVlr inMruincntH of lo t,
Ench willi a u or ! I.Ii-ji.
he Imiio, the Jiorre of iIiih ftH
True wetlib of hum in kliul ;
lue (ilia be eror f.iiihful vanb,
lb other ti'll the aiiml.
. -
DiJ You Ever.
biiljoil er b aj'y, w!u n n,it n
In tie Ttlii '
1 yju orer Deo pa H ir th it J l- ir
giin without g"iu t
f ii yu ever hrigut lb it w ii rent-
ly fmuk mi I li il'l
LiJ y,a cr oo a mUer ibnl wo.ilj r.o-
ritioe hi g il l ?
JiJyou rrcr icoa brcwor tv'io w.iul l it'll
pmi uiii nl.t
Bill you evor
'f -My fiih
ever e a flherinaii wbiM wt
ll nro l 1 !"
KM you vr hi'o a iHiirer t'l'it wo i4 nui
elr.iv a iiu'u ?
Ou c ui ii Uii' for ollljj th ti noull noi
tuko a vote !
fci.lyou ever ea a nntlii'rin!aw ni'r
brr ri(iitv in v tin 1
Li I y iu i vrr riM n viil,j'f fuir !u woulJ
not wi J nn lin ?
i'l you v;r e na n 1 miiJ till wnul I
not keep a J
I)il you vvvr r a tpfii'tlhrifl wil l uLo
uv.r in iu Jobi I
Pit! you ever nee a eallmv youth tliut J I
uol waul a leant !
Did you ever Mt na epicure who woul.l
avoM a (prea.l f , . .
DiJ you ever in hu oM ago aoe a $ unhlor
with loonry 1
tU you ewr e a buy uulcrlikoi ho
mi lunny ! - - '-
lid you ever ae a bolf-growu uilst win
ilhlu't want lii'nii 1
iii you over binr a fuir bulla to luitllou-
air tay -No t'
lid you ever kuow a eplimler who of mar-
riagt dljii'l dreamt ,
kid you ever Ink a, lady out who dldii',1
lik lo cream I . -
lid you ever know a liorso Jonlcr that
alwaye tpok the truth
k an aged, worn-out dobauoboo that did
not euvy youlb
lid yuu ever know a Yankee not Runout
for inventing
r e'.ironlo vrbitkey drinker who wai not
alway repeating t-:.
fid you ever know abypoorite ybo'd not
abut hit neighbor f ','
you ver know beggar. vW.vaj flwl
afraid of labor t
hi you ever aee a jnurdererT irb J dh not
bat th law
Pd you'tee man eo rich be dl lu'l ak
for more f - '' J A ' -
" 1 e o t 'V
ft 1 o
The Marked Cheek.
"la this Mr. RuhIIkh', T". ,;, i -
It wna & linnilunmn vonnn' mnn
lioajikod this qiiehtion, .
And tbo gill who bad opontvl tho
or for him; in that pretty country
'ace where tho richest puorilo were
Dtvory faahiooablo, was Mr. ltuxli
u'e ouly daagbter, Fanny, beraelf
"What b pretty little soul 1" ho
louaht .
f Then, m he tarued her head, he
Ionuered for a moment whether
iiutbody bad June slaupod hi r ou
bo left cheek, there was suoh ain
Jilar ruaik tbere, exaotly like the
wi lut pnut of a palui aud four Dn
I But that mark had bono there ull
ony Uuahtou'Mlifu, aud it was her
lo Brief, her Di ructu il turauoiit.
Sho had growu morbid about it In
("fa early daya of womanhood
But there) waa no coauietioa and
arta of aurgory that could romove
There the red roirk mnat be as
i aa aha broatUo' " hateful
; ioj
from c'rv HtiniiijiT.
Mr. ltmhtu at
home T" Bui 1
Lukn Itobbms ith a bow. ..
"VtV ad Tnnnv '
Thou "lie umIh'iucI Mr, Kobbim in
to the piirlir and went inv iv t and
in , a fuw luiuulea tin mill owuir
minbtorud in. '
It waa n InminfM oral 1.
Tlio b'lMinoM't wit cisilv coniplct.
ml, and then Luke liobUius ' Ioho Id
" I'liii h it ;l h t lo:i w iy off m l I
aIioiiM Iio i)mw'il to liuve yi afty
ill tiilit with li s" f:ii I tho od, f,'i'ii
tli'tniin. " P hre - nro Ouii-of to
ttpiit'e Un.l ri"m nit'l Hiipi.i'r will l'i
riM'ly in fiftT-rt 1 piiiiut'.'s. Let iim
Ihvh tuo plutistu'ui of oiiii)nvv'
rinnki," -n il l.uUe IV'ubiu.
Yon are vwr kin I.'' "
Tu iiJjl-J . 1 1 ni'jf if th-.. pretty
fart wft'tht! icj uiji k upou tin
n'.itfk. I
; Puxpifco this juaik ho wixntud to
?,M it H,:ltll.
It Sit oppoito to him ut supper
titu. ' .
Tlio lu st an Kkiiul.-sl f ie-) in th-i
wen 11," ho f.i St i hiiuioif it Ij m
titnri J
An 1 h ) .'id h !!t t ni l i Ull.i
chat frinii t!i "If. yiil who ivml l n t
forget hor tonii'iitiii',' inutii until
they Hit iii the tililit uu thj pin-
i- fiftxM m .l.
Mm, Itushtor hi 1 n c ill fiwn nonic
ni i;;!il'r and npu t mtcr.'titi:?.
Mr. Il'.ii.htoil. rfti l' I'ri'iy triiialili
llttl'lllptt tO l.illlsrlf, wont
until I III l': p.
Tliruiivfli tlio cv'tiin,' nlnil.i'v.
Tj'.i!;.) hiw thiiirla 'lu ll-': it piuli!
i nd r piif ;l,f!y-n!i ij) I inn 1 an I
tlm lit hii tnl in' l all to li! ' I
wli:lo ionu, 1 blotti:d out tho n.d
An. I ho nal ftH cl.ii.- to h"r as li.-'rd, ll!l 1 ll -r SWi'i't VjifK c!:ll llU! I
tut), tud l.c fill 'la love, t'.a .1 i,
I for an lour.
I Poor little rainy Rav away lici
heart that. Dijlit la otiii w'mio f ii-ec.
ltirtulVllH b -hi to lioi'p a little
piece. If mil' cm s but f.i)ii;i linie.
Llmt ia i'lijvifjiblc.
"O'i. what u beaiilifal ui,1it 1"
aaid I it-tiy, :H nIi'i t-'ood ui the
p och wit'i hoi iiiutluir after i!h.'l-.'Ii
th iD'. i let I retired. " ineli a line
iiii.i-z.', an 1 saeli a IniV.t moon."
Il'a q'tito '1 miji. W M I) -Mer
r.jtiro, I w in r wh'-lli.-r yo-i pi
lill li i mule 1 wish lo in iiio.v
ni'ei'Uf.lst. H.i il'iert 1 I;'l'H hi
J iiin;.p'.'cU'.l!;," I'eUi.'ue l nIi.i 11 ia!i
iluli Mai i ie 1 f ii lv n'' l i in'.- IwiMily
I ike il ;V tint it-.v oi ii To uouio
l'.tl.HV We'jt I 1 -I ' 1 t I li'.' l 11 'if
!':ti i !i-e, u'i 1 'i "i 'I iv ." i "I' li t;-
pv iu iu. in -iy il a p uti'i,,' tt t---.m
I if tun li.ii .l. uu 1 a wl.iHju rci li ip
j'lltlt l'l" tlj :r" i 'f'eil lll"et. II;;. ih
-Wl. it ii i it v ii. uk lli'Vt
ivo'i:.e U .Sil'ios. SIi'-'h a dull'!':
it. In lliia.; : and 1 HuppuM) tint
, li lliton i-l a very lie.i in i'l. A
v uu K in a i mi'.it 1 ) iui h.i tlian b
I lii.-i sen in la v.''
j '11. en it a tlio I rain wliiilel him
i . ..... i,
away, lm Hill to uiumcii :
-What a pity that mark it "
Nevertheless, very oftoti iiftcr that
ho waa with Fanny a proat deal,
riinny'a mother foil that thoue'i
I'uia aa not rich, ho wan uli
iblc, mid hIib know that tho red mark
wan a (lid.idvanUn to her fanny,,
"lie ceil tiuly uiuatiH HyuuiUiiii;,',"
bald niiiiinua. '",
"And limy could always livo with
us," aaitl pupil i "wo neod rtuvcr part
from our tnily-pno." , . '
Our orce urow nwil to nvevylliin j
after a while. ' vv '
' Luke Hobblbi '.fiflt tin. fhoro
was any mark ou Fitnuy'B fulto, utt
lesa Bomothiti particular callnd hif
at,teuthu to it. . .
lit lovodrber very m toh at titno,
t'.forili 1 ihere.. wero lou' houra in
winch ho never rcuietuo'iica r ex
Twice a week, at loaat, Luko tbo't
enonjh of Fauny ' to boy hor a bo
ei iet.- or boiuo maaic, aud so upend
two bourn ou a uuaiy ramoau lor me
''. . i.ii.
sake of seeing hi.
v lTo felt hor love for in in in hor
very Diiijor tips 1 ho 8aar it in hct
oyca i ho hoard it in . lux voice.
llo wna a man who W7U haiipy in
boitnr beloved. .....
And it wna pot old Sir. ItnHlitou'H
money that utado bun iltioi lo to of
fcf tdmaolf to her, duHpito tho rod
Yoh, tho next tlmo ho wont he
would auk Kanuy ' to bavo him for
bottor or worae, .
And knew that uhe would Bay i
There are pvil momoots in evory
one's life motuotit's that thali-jo
ouo'a duatiuy for tho worut. ,
If ouly it hl rainod one moi Din'
if only Fanny had 'allou ill j if only
aho had not undortakon that trip to
the city juft whon alio did, this
would have boon a diffuront story.
She uod to be shy of" goiutf into
the crowded streets alone, and, even
with her mother wore a veil, aud felt
uncomfortable whoa auy oua looked
at hor. , . ,'
liut now aha carod nothiug for
atraiiAera' oyea
Homohow her blomiahod face found
fufor in his.
Lut theiu stare-
The prettioat girl .livipg , was not
so happy. . . r. . i t
She wont smiling alonjT) ,
Bha made her little purcUaie with
alight heart ,1 . ', .
Aud then she saw Luko Hoboios
jes, really Luko Uiwsolf oatnlng
"Looks us if some one had Mapped
htr in the fnce," - euid, a lgUiij;
girl's .voico. ' j
AuA ho turned hi head " ! f
lln saw bur, aud wout .to Lei' at
onco. ' -r ' , '
'OlA lAifl' moot yon,"
aai'l Fanny; - "I a Up pus o I might lo
a ta 1 1 ut ouoV' '
'AW I'll f go with yon ui f ir n
N f-, where you ch il)ocairia;;en,
aid J.Oko Uobbiua. , ?
Ill av jioiilo ntaro ut a) bIh
P'ffi-4; J( '?."' ' ,
I'urt of tW; ataring' vrisi at' th i
m n k, part of it ut the irvlty Hu-i
ati. ligin o ' ' 1 ' 4
Hi) grow vory gravo, -
It Wiia a tenilile uteiuiili.
lp Hioko tu Htuli'iit 1 ivei a' w i'!;-
: .. i .. . i i. . i t .. . . i . .. 1 1 i
i.i uu. yuuiiwy i.o ii'i'i'iii. 11 nil !
r nil. ll. ,'n T iu l il" ei ii .vvieu fli li'tl'.N i
hvv it forced itelf tipuii liiiul
Kvel jono li'. ll' d
In tho eatrifi';a winc'i thoy soon
ilepp'ul nlo, it liltlo dul l I'peiic 1 1
I'.a loiiu.l ov a, RU'l nitn
noceiit iuipei liiioncc, p. niilc.l ili lin
ger rsuaiji.i at iuo iu.uu ou 1 .1. 11.,
I. ice.
Iti iiitro slapped tho small pulm , ml voir a.:- It'll it.
it otic", and tai no. I Hc ulot h.(io:f, ,,,,,1 tvo'll iirinif it out. N'i.v lot
bat thai did not mend tuattera. U .j h iw t!i chant.lera run. 'thore
At the Htatiau there waa a crowd js n,,, (',,,,(, j:,. l.,:V. wii 1 it iu l.iv.-i
Luko had ptiHso.l Fanny iu liiat, J lvit:, u.-rtildiii.. t ie Fair. I tl he ti. !
an 1 :it"ppe Uo pay tlio fate. I Iht I'ount, of coin e-, a a l-o ii th.
"Two." sat I ho. .,.,, H f , or men, n ,
"Tim o! I lady f " uskod tho tinu. n;,,rill tu f,-,,,,, dan.;"i-.. ".11 I ,
"N' i.' caid Intko. ! tin ro ia a good deal of Mhmi..; i.ti 1
-Oil, tint one with Ih" rod Ht on i,,vi., 4kni;r, au.l a happy nian:a-;j '
htr f.lCe.'' K lld tlio man, loweiili;; lilni "Arid li Ie) (1.1 ll. line. ' i
voice. "All t'hiht.' j "You! Oh, yut couldn't pi iy
'L'oiif.uiud yuu I" oaid Lulic, in a t !iul p u t. Mio miii.t lm j-jtin;; nu' i
11, - ,
li it. C
0 lll'l'l ha I llie ttlt IIO 1 u In
Dent. Imr Ii ad Fitiiny Ie aid hi tl i
h it Jj-iko wad tix-'iti d, c ntla' .-l,
lie li ii.i'y'kncw wbv then.
. hdi.d ai hor "U. of tlio c it ii ige;
then he ji.i ti ed her hand.
"Iio xl-le.o Until W'J 1110' (.'' Ll:
r. n l, an l o'epp-j l IJ mo in an ii in.
llijiu it y.'in liv.iti cuiiiiig up." '
Ti)! V .-lo id mie of It 'so while-,
heat dud, red-ehei k d o, I '."tiM. men ,
.viio itlT. 1 1 to ti., -jud .'I w nii .,"
in a way ia m-u.tii ' to etery i
wiiitiaii, t-ince it pi ic.'s our on a l"v
I witu mh" uiiil ii'irHt.'H, ii'iviu
i.i.'lhiug w h iiever to do with hip ,
tiling her personal utti ael i ui:i. j
-Ail ! hotv tl'i do 1 H lid lllta i'l i '
:;eiill,:iiia!i. "W'J let ntlf air-tclK i 1 1. 1
.oiisiua take euro of t!u nne!vi h fni
t in mottt part. Prelly figure tat ii. I ;
' 1 Ktell ! bill ('Did I 111' It! I Huh If'l !
I. uu!- A uiiu wouldn't likitht.,!
J h. i. ike r j
i -No." Miid Ii-.iko i a taau won! lo t'
! i.!...- it.'' I
Some, lii i ; rta'li.d tol.ia rib nv.
"I I left my parcel, Mr. U'I'-,
i.n ),'' iiai 1 a c-il i litUo voiee. j
Fanny t.t'Hi I there, h i pain thai i
liii; tint I U 1 )jU" I p I 0 S'.'lll 't. t
" 1 iiauui. I'on't trouble you:-:
at-lt." I
Hut ho went back with her, un 1 1
Ini would bavo preieied bi-r h-m I j
ii. cj more, only nho k pt it froiu :
.iio had heard hia t-peccii :
"A man w ouldu t like it."
Sho had hoard tho np-jeuh that
Ciiuaud the answer.
And aa bo looked after as sho on
torod tho carriage, two tears camu
into hia eyes,
Tlioy trickled down upon bis
llo wipod thorn away.
Suddenly ho felt that ho loved
Fantiv Kushton from hia soul that
hia cowardly sort of trouble that tho
remark and glance of strangers
had canned him would Dover utaue
. , I I , I . ! ' '
,ikh.iiiud of biuiaelf itoain
t'ltnnv. mv darling, ho said to
himsolf, "''.lutiy. my love, your face
ia dearer to me" for its blemish, and
vou shall kuotv il before I slm-p
Yo:i should, were you a beggar. 1 11
hido it from tho wot Id's o 1.1 cyca ou
, i-. . .. i i'ii i
my uosutu, iiaruu' i uuu i n imu
you all tho moro for it."
lie followed after her.
lie walked up tho garden path in
tho twilight.
lie ahkod for Miss Fanny.
"Siio hain't come in ytt," said the
sorvttiit. "They are no frightened
about her master aud miu:.un but
I tell 'em she'll turu up all right.
Lukij'a heart stood still.
A prosoutiinout of ovil filled his
Iu , tho gathering uarknoss, two
anxious men wout forth, hoping
against hope.
' Sho atepped out on tho platform
suddenly.' F.ither ebe was bewilder
ed, or aha did it ou purpose. Wo
were goiug full spoed. She had s
blue dress and a white bat, and
thore'e a rod mark oc hoi face
TboyHt know her by that."
That was the guard's story.
Tht was tho story that Luke and
Fanny's father beard at hut.
jid sha stop out ou purpoBo, or
was she "bewildered 1"'
God ouly koowa-no living being.
Luke tried to believe that what
she had heard him say had uothiuy
to di with it. '
Uut it was ton late now to tell her
hat be felt too lato to hide her
bwoet face ou his heart.
lie could only atoop ovor her
as aha lay iu her onffin, and press
the hist kiss his lips ever offered
to anv woman ui.ou tho cold cheek
that, even in the death hour, bore
still upou it that latai rea mam..
France haeesnt oter $'(, 000 to
thorehul olsuueim. uewuii,
n V.ll Never Be Played. ;
"Hy gnin! ' '
Mr. and Irs. aat ha fore a
chl'dful lie iu their home tho other
evening. There had boon n I0114
pHrioJ of Kileiioo. wlicil Mr. Jlefot-1
suddenly claiinod aa nbovo. .
'Wh it la it, dear., alio reap in.Io.1.
".JJiy, rto'vogit irod of phijiu;f
gt'nus. and whit do you nay to pti-v.itta-
ilioatiicala 1 ' '
vfow r ; . '.
VV'liv, wo'll ;.,( ; thrvn or four of
Hki neiiflili ra tojiiniti an 1 im 11
uiei'l ut mien ntlier s liotiHea an 1 li'UM' j
U'g'll ir pi.iv.1.-' I
Tin; will ho Bk n 1i,l !" e!ie
f-pn I. .
"It iumd if il won't J Voi;.'-;r v
never tti )U ;lit of it lioeno. Tivouty
.a Ix'.VI t Will iretu-l till' Hl'Cllery
. . .
.. . ., ,,1 ,,, f.,r,,,.i.
rt nit, a id 01 -ii one c in
o vii ward 1 oho. liy gain ! wo ve gjti
tho id1
"Wli it
01 1
f it pi iy c ml I we
d. as Ie) ln.iu'iied up
ploy f 'nlioa
iu-i,i d uvu wi:n Ira -ic fl. i),
Hl have it ih 1 '. ' hi tv!
lime 1. 1
I te-'
!lM j,n Ht,,.,., . ) Hi, ,, t . ,;i t
HI. 111 if ! I k!,rti..l L.I A i .1.1 L 1.. tl- :l
tiviieioiis. Je'l h aee I I thiol,
e i-t yuu for il aiiuah, wh I,
ln'iery near n pa: k in Piria."
'i I lika to sea I'lysolf I
-.! i
lt.inua'i in a bakery. I w "il i 1 '
diiiiutly aiiw' I. -If yo l
pi iv I'li-n l.ilV I cuii d.iv O 'i ii 1
Oh. u i, y t ciu t, my Ii i vi'.
.tl.: a l.t'le at iff in t'i" line' s.
can '
:. ' i
i ii
in i
Ml).v von tl lo ui tlir 'Win. ' v u.'e.ii
in mv m ma aa (lie vihlana
1 m u!l e i.t t!i it liltio Wi
' ll' ;'!
l i t I)
ft,r (; , .''
.- Pi,,.,, ;,..,;) li . t mi He. il liii .
,,f , ,,,", t.v. j, ,v l' ni I ni
, iti, v j , i, , .ifl .' -vr t ! i . I
...... i ., ul . i , v i; ,i-,t li'i vi:i t'n
1 "It
-a in lav 1--SI
li ee
,' eo li'.ten t.,.1 r
Yoll uni t b'lill
o l :'.re t hi f it : yt
) v i 1 ha.'.ai'l.
1 1 -
l, h'U.
line I i
I.... la.
for il. "
for a ' it i ai
U, fee! Ill
a t.o voi,'.
1 v "i M
:u ii;
,-. tfy
1 1.,'
Iv '
I'l .
I t
.!! t na v..-ii I . i.'.t
" I n l tl:,iit t I '.J.-f til it
.,f yoin lii.'!;.l!.;t'l,a'd In
iv,-;-, v-. r in nih r.-ii rre
. ir, t ni" i" I up t iio a p 1 1 1 1 L I",-.
I tin'.!. I h ! v ei killing your vie
-in : 1. 1 : h i :
of, nan ! d i ti I tu.g r in j
tai l, ill l deep '.olio I VoiC ', ilj
rm" up.
"An I tlmt
y n linger your
III I .l! I, I". I I! I
: I, :al line ! Why, yo't d )a't
know ti n!;y li'ir lef fioui a Mil!"
'I' in loll'; and you don't, know a
i-kyo ti rri. r fr uu t'u big Ad, lie iu
the nichi atr i !"
"l i t well ! Wu'll havj no pi lyiti;,'
hern !"
"l'h"ll you tieeln't! Vh"U I
play Hannah i'l tho b ikory ti lit
you hug and kis tho wilo,vl),t:r
uny otiier woman all over tho stage,
vou will bo three or four C'jitut
PuirdofiN 1"
" II burn tho p!uv jcalouu wo
man!" "If you don't will vain man !"
Thou th.iy sit, down aa I roau ua 1
their fovmer occniiation of I'mkiii
into tlio lire, uu I the disturbed cat
went b.iek to her rug and ilrcaun.
Ihtroit. Fret l'n:n.
Tcmpsr at Homa.
I havo peopod into quiet "pnrlors'"
tvhnro the c.irpit is clean ami uol
old, and the furniture polixhod and
bright ; into "rooms" whom tho
chain nro deal and tho floors Car
pathian i into "kitohona" whore the
family livo, aud the mould are conked
ami paten, Hnd tho boys mid gills
aro aa blithe us the nti irrows in the
tlmlcU overhead i und I no 3 that . it
is not so much wealth, nor clothing,
uor servants, uor toil, nor iiIIouush,
nor town, uor country, nor rank,
nor station aa toue aud temper
that make life joyonn or ruiHnruhlo,
that render homes happy or wrntcii
ed. And I see, too, that IU town or
oonutrv. ffoo'l souho un.l woil h
"race make life what no toaohora, or
accomplishments, or means, orsoote-
tv. can tualio it, tuo opening siavo 01
uu everlasting psalm, the fair bo
Hiutiing of nn ondloss exintonoo, the
goodly, modest, well proportioued
.i .l. l.. - i I . .. U...IV I....I 1-
vesuiinio 111 n ieiui)t'i ut jiw,ij uiiii i-
ing, that shall uover dooay, wax old,
or vanish away. John Hull, D If-
.1 jpiinimiaia i il i min
, An Iiishmao' living with a stingy
vegatarian writes to a friend that if
b-j wantod to kuow what ' "illogatit
living'' i. be mast come to his
Innno, whoro the broakfast eousiwts
of uothiug. and the supper of what
tvaa left nt breakfast
Tho reason mou don't follow the
example of woineand atop to look
into the millinery stores, is .because
suoh windows don't contain fancy
pipes and tho portraits of btulosquo
aotresses aud femttla mins&rels.
' When oae of those overcrowded
tlevnted truins io New Tork jumps
the track aud kills a lot or peoplo,
tho managers can't say they didu't
know it was Waited when il went off.
PA., JUNE s,
Cot Mure Titan ha Called For.
ll W they llo it. in L I'lHvilli)
Tim follietini; item from tho Lwis
villo .1. .V'V.i illiixtratva one nf
tho wava in wliie'i uvvlicino is prac-
1 1 rj I 1 1 ! . i f , :
Tuo other inornni
na a lu late 1
iiieini)' r i'l tuo u.vt tiu.i wna nii.'er
nig tin. ei ;ii Viio ileiiin fog, wine!)
(lin writer in leli.iliiv informed
iitn.ra omt t e.i city it ;i( A. SI , ll
u iss '1 t'e; lio'ijo of 11 wt'll ku'jvvn
I'll', ;! IM. I'll - V''.-li''ill0 f ti'ir-
i r".o 1. ne.i v 1-1 - j ;., 'i'l. I on . iU ' iv'l
1 ,,,, j, ,,
;ici,' l'i;
1 j,v 1 ,
I I' H it lilll fll I'ltl, htlll.T-
0.1 ;'i tli" ';!o'i'ii pt'oduc
' l't lis l.f 1 ho ',! V L"l'
my. 1
, ,1, ei , d l.V lie) ri,ei!. - I
'III UC'' ) 1 '
M-t tl; in
i'ott '
tilt, Dil l 'I M l' I u 1.. a
I ip1 I Ml, ' l III .tl 1 f . 'I'.
1 1
N .f.
v 1
11 .!
1 t'l
t) I.- .IU.' 1
:i til l r t'l"
V ' 1 , an I m!
i I '
I) 1
1 I.
.v I 1
111 .
r) ) it
. ll u'.i'
m ' ii :u
t , il," ;
: I V.
''A a : tiuit ll") w-rl, 'oh
1 po uu an tiiJ 1 1, lii,
in ;t.
i .ie pin !
fie . 'il
Ilea 1, ar .
I I'l,
w ,i i iv h a t ii. . in
hlllil tVI.-tl" lei
ti: i
l i
,.' i a'l I nlll t mill 1 '
i ; i iv ,i 1 a "f win .i.i
;n'P I lea tv iy t i t.
i i,e I, " eii"
I'l .W V ui i o V"li,' tv:
,' a' t.:i si
111 i lo mi ;
t ii
an I ; ii
I he rei'lv ; " li ang a ilontor,
H jeiii i y m cm I.ei p Well ut imat
pi "". e i i t oil .'"
-it' , it 'l ') you W.l'it ';" I' ii 1 Ih.
n: hi of p i! i. hoi e a: i i"; t i j ! i in
1 iie nil V li"t iii'i"; ill I'l.-. Iii ;nt .; of;;,
-V.'e'l'.' 1 the pi'.'tv at Ih "til
er i tl 1 .'I' t.l. ' lull, , .tllel' a III 'in -al t.
lie !il t!...M. 1 O i, I'v l'i'' n t. , ei'
. i.i V'j in ; T it t ii or ,ii I Poll a.'
1 I am I'f. Poll I i til
II 110
.,1 . ; folia '
N a .1 a I. I h
" 1 il I'
ll.' " 1' e'll
1 I'o'
I h.ivo
, -n o
to a.
' I oll!-.
t '' tf '
.Viia! doy
''. III'. Will
ti, i i 'o ni t
,'tl- I i -l -1.
V"ll i- lli'W
1 1 tv nit : en ,p
ua ii ' jiii'iiu ; t
!e;',a tfe tli :t p nr
d ih
III' t:'.
,il 1 Mi a IVaviue, nh i
. bi i i. t
in Iii - ie
- '
.1 f. '
1 I .a-.o SI it . t tlili li I lit
. I . . ;
y a m,v her nephew, too
-Ves. Will?'
" .Veil, he tv 'lit. up I-l H 1 1 .'. pol l.
h , .1 in .', ti.ia in i-1 ai-;. and - '
'An 1 in: La 1 an ae.'l I -lit f H-'l-'t
Un ll 'aii'i lte. 1 li be ri'thl do tn.'
-N i ll" s it. I I I'j'lt i 1'I- I"' '1 a- ''
r.-l.f-i ,1 .'!; :.;. 'eeti of i..ii mil-;
! 'irdi. 1 i'i i ;!ii y at might like to
hi a- it ' '
An I l'i ' j ".' I' h in.; na t hn ie
in I I in ;.ie I h1:" a h yen. i d.g itig up
t I i' i.i. i n i r t. i
1 s it ,' c nun .1 itvn froui the i x !
a-....aie.l M. ! "'! it': 1 j 'H.v t:-' "'
j-k, HIV I.H'1.1' Won t U1I t'lhel
a iiu. ! Iii'i.; '
.Vliat '.' i-iid the sui pi i',l humor
It pa lain for i
" n --, t .k ) H mi i hiu J. Take
this." ' I
And bef 10 the iliigHsted full
it ;. .. 1 ,. : It. .. I
1 1 v ni ltl ennui .tuuoru.v mi in nun ii
li istilv co iio i ill led iiiixlur of
ipp' can and as.i'oi'i.l i H.piiit
1 from
tlui tupe il' lu
1 him f i ui ii bead to.
f, uboiit a nint mou,ili.'.ui:' his
shiit-frniit and collar.
And while ho domed frinMcally
around, sptuiging liiiiianlf oil' with
bis hall l!;ei clllef, aud N'Ve n iug like
a pirate in the last act, lm co ild hoar
un angel vuico from above sweetly
murmur :
'avo ho'U') nviro .a No? Well
good night. Toni'i ugain soon, yuu
funny dog, ymi. by-liyo
ThaTliin Parliti-3'i H.'Iai.m.i Lifd and
When wo walk nar tho piworful
in icliiueiy wo know that one i.iiiglo
luisslep an I those mighty fiigiuus
would teir ua to piecH with their
llying wheel, or grind US to powder
iu tht ir pmdei'ous j r.vs. So when
we aro th iu l'iri'ig aci iiM tho I in I
in a ril car, a'ld there i nothing
but half uu ino'i of iron lingo ti
bold ua upon tho track. So. wli-n
wo nro nt sea in a ship, and there is
nothing but the thieknesa nf a plank
bettvoeu ua and utarnity. Wo iuia.;
iuo thou that wo buo how clmo wo
nro to the edge i f tho precipic
lint wo do not iico it. Whntlcr on
sea or ou tho laud Ih i partition that
divided u a from eternity is somnthiii'.'
thinor than the nak i lank or ball
uu inch of iron ll mgo. Tho machm
crv of li"1 it'11' death uro wilhiu us
The tiasiios toil imi.i iii'-so u-wiu
tiotvei in their place tiro ofu u net
thicker than a pieua oi p-.p u, an i, u
that thin partition were pi 'tee.l or
milium!, it would bo i 1st tlio sanm
with life in the very btiuclure t,f
our bodies. I. tmuglo ua wo will to
widen tho epaco, no man can at any
time go farther from death thnu the
thickness of u sheet of paper.
Patrick saw a bull pawing in a
field, and thought bow amusing it
would bo to jump over, catch him
by tho horns and rub hi noao.iu liio
dirt. Tbo idea was so fuuny that be
ln.liod to think of it. Tho more
ho thought of it tho f iiuior it scorned,
d he detoruiine l to 4 -
Rovua auioklv tossod him ovar the
feiies. Somewhat liruiso.i rauiotj
leiHiii'-oly pickod himaolf up with tin
very consolatorv reflaotlou i " Voll,
t ie a moigbtv toiao thin jr 1 bad uiy
aogh foorst,'
? 'ri' Iff
A Trulhrul Sketch.
le t a iiiin f iii iu InisineMa mill
what nn flVi.'ct it Ii la ou lot f ruiei
credit inl Sreii iio have I dvi u bin.
by Hie iiiin Implied mil i-iuiltel
with li. m by liio Ii eir, hhrug then
hotild"iM and pim ou wit'i a oil!
"liotv tl i you tin 1 ' I'.very tiitlo ot
l biil. that .voi. I I lint have m-cii the
' ii'Iit f'-r ui'ititlia to c omn. bit for
tho uiisrottiiaet of the il, '.lit ir, i
linn! 'i up in I pu s cited. Il it i-p-iid,
W"!l itml c no I i if tint, I'm
I'M.vlnl liie hI"i i V I'.-i iii-it, ne'e;--'
i nim .tu t h" en ii"i'. An , i i h it le t
I'M' f let I IllVlVM lint 1 1 ct I ' ' 1 Ml n
j nnlu. ,
I o or., ' -i'y 'iu naili al. in t real
It, '. I . l 1 1 1 I I- i.l I', . v 1 1 ' ' . .
-.:."l .. ft a it '-' It. t
) i Irt ti ai-' if o'i li.a li i-.i'i in I !
. n'ler, lie I iii'ii, k lo i'l .M
i H :i it aa . iiuciny i-i lm
V i-, i I h e i ri o'. .7 I .;
.u : I t i a il-.ii' i 'i ii '
.i I . co ii" i,p ) l 111 il, I Ie
'll.lV ll l! t . - ' 'I '
'Cut he
; '.voi i i.
! ii t .ei
i a u r
Ih,. l:v '
i .i-i thi;
spies nh jut i.iui, a nut is i ii u'.
i,i- bad.
IV liuo.v what, ki i I i.f P'eli t'"'
wo I i i ni i hi of, it p I -I Ml ,11 !;. ll '
u.ii'oi I'm tie uu I ;-(; ill".: "t
in h: I lifi liliio. Il ht) I. t . I
fi it'll 1', liliei Ih-'V ale in a 1 HI . :ti ifi?f I
iAIiliuro H a IU '1' it i'.et i -it In l'i,.' -i
loiltlhe A lie it an I tile.' t a liio e.i. 1
V ui in thua l"iit na that v.- n ia v l
pletell led l.'ood t l l III'.; I," I.
and 1 ) l.ot, C ni.'liill' i leal itittei
.iia. I mr n--pvmi .ol
L-ntits WJi-kinj llj.irs i.i ili-jli Li.'.;
( ,' h i-l i- iu 1 a
dl'i "S, elf , in the
h i'l' t
il, .1 :i:n;'
( ) ;e Ii i'l. to di uol) ', :; t
f u1 Retiring uu 1 .1 ) up iter '
riii' ii h en's i;oi'i ;, c unit
dein.; th.- tl uly hiioppitig.
( )ne h en ail a Ii il.' f r
i xi r ut
' and
ni" il l.
( lue hour ilie- -iu;; f r
i-pi r ih, li .il t r ...I t
Three 'j 111 the..! I 'l, I
tin i.'lo,
era or ,
I .v i lioui i vi tiling nr iv ('jiving
t h it.
Total, 12 hoiiri hard lab r dnilv.
Yet til l "loWel' l'i l.e.t S C 'illlllalll
li -ciu. ti tin y have to woi k ten I, ours
a day. 1, t tin u fa m gJ p! ices
with !-, an I l!ie,'d i t a'.:...! wh..t
hard tvoil; i t'l ,' un- iii-i."
n..T , t-i I hi
" .V l' lit:!', " cui 1 tlio neven yt'rtt'-iolil
nui ,it un t'iii r('.,.'i,i niolh'-r not a
ih 'ii t.i'i I mil '. !r ml K i . ! i o ' i r . the
oth rdav ash" tv.ilt.'i -, h '- vv'-r-o'lii
ui'ii.ijiiil i'i ! 'f a Kit. !-- u'i il il.
y, ui mi il t nut t" iro t) 11. 'liven."
"Whv n 't. mv h ui ' sin" ii-ki' l. ia a
Mli'i'i i-el III inner. "11 ' '..u-, " vou
wo il I we ir oU' )'" ir l.'i'p la-f oe
e ; mil y wi hilt' nv r." wn th"
(piict tep'y "f th.i yo in.' philo aipliur.
A elii-.;yma'l r
many a man w hilo
in.,; Willi ail hi t
'were the winilo
" iilh' said llmt
iippneiitly nin;-
llllhfc Hiu lilies.
realms of nature
miiie, thai w,"ii a pre-i iit fir to
-mall,' wit diligently engage. I with
nun hand in hi pocket scraping
tho ed 'o of a t'lni icent p-mu to
suro that il was not ilaimc.
Fgga oonia iu layora .
A great composer nleop.
JJecR sell their o'vn honey.
A ji ini nfl'aii A flu umalituii.
Are bookworm good lor Imit '
Was!.) of T i'ut it in d-pot.
A iK'in.cing Lul y A lubber doll.
A ship ruled by woman I. 'unit
ship. J.uiey Laud to "ft rid of Mutii
money, A stag i fra.pltutly obliged to
run for doer liio.
A hi . hen 1 is no more nn evidoi cc
of brain than a paper collar is of a
Though ho hn no choice of occii
putioua the laborer often tukoa Lis
Ouriug tho deluao Mr. "onh wa
iu the hiibit of fuliiug hia wit'o au
i . 1
urn nugci.
Why i a ship tho po'itc it thing iu
the w'trl 1 - 1 oi H a h al vuya iid-
vaucoH u ii li a bow.
W hy i u shocmnkor like an honest
lovor - Uccuubo he id faithful to the
Why are sou.o peoplo like cg t
IJaoan-n thov are too lull of them
selves tw. hold uiiythiiig ol e.
W ii Ilk.) a niau with lata ( f temper.
It ia tho man who gold out of temper
that wo dou t b.i '
Corkscrew have sank uriro people
than cork j ick its will ever Loop up.
Fresh roll every morning Roll
ing to tho other sulo of tbo bed for
a fresh snooze.
The most dangerous kind of lads
that flies at uight ia tho brick bat.
Lndios and Soldiers are all alike.
One faces tho powder, aud tho other
powdera the face.
, .
00 t,a.cl8 8,
not ducks bo nllowe i
premises t liecanso
thoy make auob personal lemurke.
Tim nlionocrrunb is like the small
brother of a yono ladyit repeata
every thin,; aanl in it pruaeooe.
i .; a - .
Pul liMicd every Thiiritilav Rrmtue;
Tomia of Suhscnplioo,
TWO Dlll.l, KA ANNL'ltf. fay.
aldo vithiusix months, nr 2.o)iftvnt
paid within thfyear. No paper aia
I'onliiined until nil srrvnriiiic sr
l aid iinlcsi at the option of the ua-
li .her.
Nibariiplions nut.iido of the ooont
g-yrrniii't liftiiiR mid using pnncrs
ail'lrtv -ii I . I'th -rx lii'conipnulincriliers
and nro lin'ilc forlhc price of tho paper
1 lit; UKKATMX
f.Vr'.R KMIWH,
lirST'S H:1i nv lint rrd fwrn miter.
irn tli-oi.t' n','l li ii'li I'li'iilTiUe ho have been
giviMi tip l.y t'lii'l, iiini titllf.
II I VI"- IIKMI I'V rt,rr all Dllraar
l.rilii' UlincvM. Iilutlilrr, l rlimry tiirn,
)iiiiy, tlruvi'l. Illulii !,, antl liicuutl-
ii.-M-- in, a li' ii-iiiioii ,if i fiui..
Ill 1'" lif.Hl.lil Mittiiie,Riitlrp,eri'atr
a .1 .ii.- ui. , l,rii.'. . u-,1 llw ffym.'ui, and rviivirt,!
li-V-i- -1', - i. -I 1'
TtrMT'i I'.rwrttV rnrr rln In th
'Mil . Ii.ii-k, fir I.uIiim, ttfiifral l.'l,lllly,
I . tin, I,' llUt-ll-P, )Ulllll-,l Nil f.1,, I.onS
t,r Al'l''l'l", lti'l;lil' lllnraM., n".l rail
Cnii, l l. .1-11-. "f :'" I rlltii-lti-nltMl tlrrxnni.
II" -t i t nr ill-in 1,,1'itiy intiiiciii
I Ivr ti Ii-ie iiy fi,-ti'in, rinHrtlt't ih,'
Hi tl ,r, ltlU,Mi I li iltliH'lif., Ilyaiifkla.
h ,tr hi,iiiiii-Ii. I'lillvi'ti.-A. rilr, Ar,
ui III .l at ita.Mi ui inn
ft",- i.-'i
i . l i. .w. u .ill ,',lily r- tplii 'hrlr
n.l ill- pin,, I ill I,.. rft-rlly iitl(l,-.l.
tr-H".H -
HI SIS 1,1'. Ill 1 .1)1 M lllt. IV VIK.H.I I. .Mt
It, -. :- i v. ti. I '. . f I,-f.,tf liiritl-l.t .1 I,, Iti, pub.
he. ,', t Ui' u1n-"-l fl'it'ir niy U' pli'v In It.
TU T' l'.CIIHH in irre"a fwaa
1v rr thr iihin aisritai-a. autl liaa never
Lc-M I. unwn In full.
tin.' trial . UI nmvlnrx von. Vnr Bala
tv nil Itrnvtrlat. S.111I f"f I'-unpl.l.-t In
Wit. I. II. A it III:, fnil liUiiirr, K. t
l'ti.,, "i null, and ( (largo tUl.
'V.'. Iv
fti.MlinoJ : lio.v Los,t, Hjvv hot lo ed I
! ?". j 'a' piiMMieil. n r"W edilinn of
" "' w a . ,.
1'itli i'f fll'n t'rlfhrii
t;,t.l un i lie ri le al our
1 1 ni ti,-1 of Si-aia t it.aniioa
i -it'i
1 il l, , in f ue'
' nr iipiieiei'.
ii ,1 I,
t iku.'-i, I it v ni ii ui try rtemi
', ue. ii t; si-v, Mfiiilc ni'il l'by
P triiv, lini' 'iait'iilH lo M irringo.
, -i .1 In.
I ; ii'-u, ivH'Mi'TiiiV. Ki'il,Si'V and
I I i". ni li'us'l 1 1 y M'lf linliilger.oo or ra-
' mil .'1-1 iv iu tlii'li. Ai'.
' rii-rrui', in a aeiloJ envrlipe, only
-iS . ;.'".
I I lit' t "l.'ln tie I aiillmr, la title admir
al If I.i tv. iil'uirty ilriPtniHiraies, from a
jilnriy t'Mti-t' nii.pi fnl praciloe, Ibal 111
a' iriiiin f.rin'. i ii-ii,' I'f eelf abuee may
1 1,,' i i In- tl 'y care I tttilioui Ibo Hanger-
im u-t' t.t uc nie licun or lb ap
j . nniti I m ni I un mill,'; piaui.i; out a
i a If uf cure at oiii'O einiplo. eerlnln, and
!!' a" i ii, lot, mat teiro hiinne : tboaply,
j i i tni, 'ly, iu, I ittiue tLLr.
" 'Hi in l.ohtrr viHiiruit n ''null M
lli.-t II, llf tltOIII'llllll,
S.'iu un I r eiuil, in a plain l uvrlnpe, I
any 'elresi, ..n.mnf, rn recei '.of IX
et-lllH nr t.VO p'lHiaitl. Hlunip.
lia'.n lini I'u'ili'ibers.-
ritr. rt'i,vi:uvi;id. m kiik'.al t.').
11 Ai.u Ml., Nt'W Viirk ; I'nitl oll.oe 4"icb Dot
.fpt. 7. 1-7. ly.
Curtnl fit inloMnly-
"1" e V",U I'n . ,11 l-,r it (.ii ill in-ti-itio ahnv
ll.o t ni i- ,,i, li Hlil lliw Ml 04m) trnnln lliy
. j , " , , 1 i r r 1 1 ,t t . ii . l or lull ii.irllouUr a,.
Irvi" I M DKfiivoref
nil. s. ll. ft il.l.l NS, or
M ,i,,. S It i,na.iMi, l. I'urle, lud.
i t-i. r.,'.i.t, n.
at LowFigures.
L. I-.IMTTNOT'IN. ofl'ranl -
i it tin, liiilnit e,',irrt the attenry f ir I .
i uI ikI'i' i' ii-. "In II,, ilt mill riiiniiimioa a'
,,ti'' 1 1 04tiv.i4 iiif.lur otiiiuly. Tlia tl.imilel'.
nni'iiiit I lie pr.'iulnnnt feature ol wliloharf
II I i t i l nil 11,'IikI "U .nii,,iiilnall ,n : llloa
i,',l h li " In i'l o.l Wrll r ; ilallery v
i..,. nr l" l .' rl,l,oo In -l lin-n ; lit iraa'
i a ,-t ,,l lllii rnl'int l ll Ml,,'tf Typoi)
r eii v i IN l.iiii.loui.ilio lilu lliiit aud Koaiooa
I'll' I'l I' O.
1 ll J
un "Un r Airl,'.m K'l
ht .1. T- lUatlley.
i.,,in,,.-i sriui nl iieatitiiitlva aumor inaaiar
i .i. t,iN,n.K a
a - i.M.iiiii vnluiuo of KKetlu tilllutirt
i iit'xi iro thn ni'trtt bUMy lutjrJNf inpr pulill
it.onn ikiw t-illtirnl thu A mtre til iUIj(' nt.'
I Mm prl.-rrt Imvu t) '(in r 'lU' U no ,i$ tu brliiK
l'i' IH I Mi Ml 111" tllOleMH "il I iiu Ul't.eiej-, apii' r nU(i. nft. ni n rc.lilont In our count;
nii; tn l.ti.ltj. ot. 8,
0? THE
XJic Champion
i3 tho Acknowledged
Superior of all Grain
Grass Cutting
l"uia Mitchino lins been fully endora
tal by the must Kxpert Aut'uori
ity, after Most Thorongli
tests, as toitsCupnoity
nnd Kxecution, aa tho most
WotiJu.ful Machine over invented.
liauiemker, under no clroumlan tbould l uy a Keuptr ur Mowor until yob bay
auilui'l TIM OUll'li. Wlif Iu
in .rtifoa iirtliete Ma tilntt la T"ur vii lly,
tin not fi.ll t xudiIi.u ll tbnruurfiily. -gt
lil.ibtnete ( lirull. It Marvloa ilurtaaant,
lit hluii.llfliy, and It ul matle Ailj uninant
luevt-rt couditloa tt lit nld. fan i.oi mil ta
eoiuuieuil It vr all olhar. lro., ri will ba
mure ilitu ever :iatUAil, wkea thy lurattl.
aatclt tuanifuld claim of at svlorlty. a
it lit ouii.eniot advantaa, tliat lb UH1B
I'luN noerUlnly lb MACHIMK U ba yr-
It It .ttlmaieJ ly tlisioitcetDpelolJade
that ovor oot-btll ol lb Hay and (IralaCt a
In Hi Unltnl Malot la liarvatKiTwIlb CHAM-
OV MtlWCHa a RtlAPtlHM. tuatt le
liratad llaoliluet are told by : " t
: HO UU' r SMITH, Mlddltbarg, ,
J. 1. Hl.NUAUAN, TruielvlUa, ,
and alio by th Traveling Ag
JAMK I.tPLICt, Ilw.dt. '
Apr. Jo. isew- v'
yitA eee I' i '
m etvMtf. ' ir i t
r.'iii" - i
i attracting tb