The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 03, 1880, Image 3

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    ii ml r- f or ar. re Camrie ef
a ii .MMiinliAflina. titialnea let
At., tut thie oftltie, to aecure
Momtrt attention inowu nvj mi"
m fV-Jlow! Tmb roar, MltMleburp;,
jsydr Oxinty. Pa, Advertisement,
emwiitiivatioii Ye. muit he handed
by MoucUy noon, to secure liner
ajho in nwl wui
'Wols Patrons niM.
tt Oie Okird time since Tie Pl
tewe under Ila preaeut management
mJenaar., wa puWi.h a re
el; thai our plmui help) it Allan
ejakf la carry ou tba publioatioa of
Xymt paper.
Wa think It tufa f My that no ptib
huuor in lha But liaa heeit nnwe lani
tal and now that wa ara lit need of
fjuid la ronduct tha paper wo linn
Mh of our pairona in arreara for
Baaerption, advertising or Job-work
trill promptly respond.
Wadaam tba above stifncionl to
Wing forth a prompt response to out
Standing Committee.
tbe following B4 gentlemen om.
k lb Suadleg Coamltle far tb a-
Adea-N. M. Illa'dlsswarth, 1. 1. Mse
btk. JIvsv- Aeea "Boobl. A. H. Bmllh.
Heaver Wm(-Ihh AlidJleewarih, A. A.
Centre C. R. flameee!. J. H. tlarlaaa.
Oepmea Dr. 0. 0. Welr, J. KuhUr
freaklla Franklin Bubb, fUmnat flaw.
Jaokeea W. r). Bholley, H 8. Beater.
Jlddtehurg W. W. Witteamjer, M. Z.
gflddleereek Warren frdlev, J.. Robert
tear Gta. W. Row. II. J lUttev.
a Henry Mnyev, J. H. Hendriek.
rrr-a r. Brosius, Klward U. Miy
ar. tarry Want 0. P. fclaaerana. Irvia
Ssllaigrovo I. C. Burns, 0a. C. Wag
eoeotler. ITalaa Jaeeh Barns, K. B. Am II.
We.-hingieu--Jne. P. htojor, F. B. Itil
biab. Adjourned court July 13.
Weed of Band Festival 111132.
Tie rain of Tuoaday last baa made
vegetation look up.
Rev Irvine hae just paiHl tkmngh
aaevere attack of nnmimoni--!ie i
Convalrtient, and an the doctor ity.
"on the sale aide," and wa ara all
pleased to bear it.
Charle Bilger, reei'ling in Adame
township, waa k irked, wliilaj in Ihr jm-I
of hilcbinit a hurao. on Thtirwday lai.
on lha left furearm aiiittitiiiini; a com
HMiudod fraitura wbiuh waa adjuated
ty Dr. A. M. 8mitb.
rarmara ynur attention ia railed to
tba advertiHcmaiit of Itt'apara and
Mowara manufactured by I bo Or'iitrAl
If fg. Cu. of Iwibur Pa. before ur-
cbaaing. Thrao uiaubinea bava beon
on aihibition during court week and
aua worthy of careful iimpoctiou.
Court Proceedings.
Curt convened, Monday, May, 21
1880 at 10 o'clock a ra.
Praaant t Hon. , C. Bucher, Preai
dent Judge and Aaaocialea, Hona
Hiram O'.Vail and Samuel If. Yoder.
Tlpatavaa appointed ; John Ifohn,
John Reichly, Hoarj iuinrael, John
Dale Wilion, JUa., of Union county
nd H. D. 7ower, Eaq , of Lycoming
county war admitted to praoUoe in
taeaayeral eourta of Snyder county.
Common Ptetu.
John Detrioh ti. aaao Burna and
othara. Ejectment Verdict for plain
tiff for the land io diaputa with 6 cent
daaaagea and 6 oeata coata. In thia
uit the pIS. abowed that a conaen
(able line, away from the original aur-
way, had been eatabtiihed by bimaelf
nd Cot yer who waa the executor c
t a. of John Snyder. The defenaa aet
op the original aurrey, but relied upon
the Inability of the plff. to ahow the
conaentable line which waa the key to
the cauae.
C er Daria agalnat theexecutora
Of Col. Henry CEyar, deed. Debt on
tingle Bill. Verdict for plff.
Thli waa an action brought to raooy
or on a note given by CoL Eyor, dur
ing bla hat Ulnaaa, to C Eyer, a neph
ew whom the CU. had raiaad from
The charge of the Court to the jury
waa remarkably plain aa to the law
and the evidence fairly aubmitted to
the Jury.
Peter Auoker and wife and Benja
Mine Beicbenbecb and wife againat
If athaolel Mayer and Catharine Gar
man. ectuent Verdict for defen-
The remaining oauaea upon tha
Wat where either eoaUaaed or aettlad
by the partiea.
a A4 Quart BVationa.
The limited amount of buaineaa In
the Quarter fteeaona ahewan healthy
tat(of morale.
The Tavern Lioenaee granted were
to old etande
In (Aa Oitaana Cetwi.
The uaual number of Boturna to
Wriu of PartiUon, Ordara of eale ;
nrtltMna for Ordara of aale. for Quar-
diaua to. Ao. A conaiderabla amourft
, flHialnaae waa tranaacted which la of
kio iart)cular publio Iniereai.
Sunday-Senttl Cenventien.
Tlie Tenth Annual Mundavarbool
Convantion onened in the Evangelical
Lutheran Church, jfelinagroye, at 10
o cioc a. ro., May 18th, and came to
a dnaa on the evening of Afay 19th.
The Convention waa called to order
by the freaident, Rev 1. Irvine.
nacrrnoM or ocLaaATts.
A abort time waa eonanmed In ob
taining a hat of delegatea from the
verioue echool of the o Minty. moat of
thembowever, had report! prior to
ma opening oi me umvonuon. Sunday
acbool worker who had not come a
delegate were Invited to teat and
participate in tba ditfersnt diacuMlon.
The chair apnointad the following
Connniitcea i
Oil iniiiiiton O. It. Hendricks A. N.
GemberlliiK, and 0. M. Aurand.
Un nomiuatlona w. n. Ileimhach,
Henry St ycr and A, H. Keifried.
On reaolutioua Rev. II. II. llelmer
and 0. M. Aurand.
On Vice Preaidenta J. C Soboch.
V. X. Heimbach and J. A. Mmitb.
On Ktceniive Onmuitten llav II.
R. Relmor, O. P. Ulriuh, Kii, and A.
a. uoniiHsritiitf.
un Treaxurer a account O. K linn
Irirk. tt Af. Auraud and A. . Heiit-
Un leave of almenco A. M. Citrev
and A. N. (luinberling.
KU,1un of qfflstn.
Rev. I. Irvine wa elected freiidenf:
C V. Mover, llecnrdiux riooretary ; A.
M. tlnrey. Corrtixn iudnii ifnoretiiry,
and Jacob A Mniitii, Tru.Aurur, for the
onauing year.
Tupir$or iVmii'oii.
TbefollnwinK are tba toiiii-a for dia-
ciirwion in the order in which tbev
were diacuiuted, and the name of lluwu
who opened llinm t
"How citn we mi We tlii Convention
diir.ce.Mful t" llov. II. II Mm or.
1 the omxUy'ei'hool a.'oinpluli.
ing ila object !" A. II. rWifriod.
"What ara Iho reaitoimibilitica and
encourai;eiiieiila ol midday -achou!
worker 7 rlov. I. Irvine.
"What ia the l-t methnl of intro-
dui'iug and conducting tuiiKio in our
rtuudayachool 1" Prof. William
" If hat are the advantage of the In
ternational Lexaou aritoiu ?" Ruv. 1.
ll.m. I). l
" If bat i tbe beat inetliod of con-
dueling a tiumUy -school A. M.
How can cateohelifal intrurlion
boot Ite given ?" Kov. II. H. Ilulmer.
"Whitt are the clnur Iilli:ullir in
Ibn way of 5iiiday-chonl auccort ?"
.V. U. Snyder.
"I the practice of rewardine achol-
ara a judiiMout one ?' J. C. Henoch.
Mow ahall o bi-t proinoto the
niiHrtinimrv i.rit iu our Aiunday-
Hcli.h.l?- Kov. V. nrn. I). I).
M't of these tonic wore ditcuMeil
at length ami many practical bint
hrown out ly the epititkura.
ChUihe,l' mrrJinj.
A t'bildrciM meeting wa held dur
ing part of UVdiielay afternoon.
The children wero addrciaed by .If. L.
Snyder, .1. (5. HcIuk-Ii and ltiv. I Ir-
vmo. Their lcltM were fully aualained
y elear reiioiiiiig and f.nv.ihlu illu
iralioua and tbe ehildren wero not
inly a'lenlive to wh U w.ia aaid. bill
matiiftvle.1 a rdiin4 in mida't-ring
tbe ipiiflion put 1 1 lliem.
A mrititiiifnt lo t'v fnnntitnlion.
The AaH'iatiiiit hm always opened
ila annual meetings (he third Tueailti.v
of May. Til in it kci-iim eon II id aoiue-
what Willi other engaiumonlH of a tine
of Ibe arbool worker of our
CMiuty. To obviate thia the Conven
tion uiiiinimoti.sly adopieil the follow-
iii6 riKolutl'iu a presented by A. M.
fury :
lltfJtv-t. That Hie Constitution !
an auiHiided our County Sunday-
school Oiiiveution be held on the
iM'ond riiurnd iy of .Wty bureaftor un
til other ise decided.
Tnwher report.
An attempt wa made to gntber a
alaliatii-al report of alt the Sntid.ty
chooln of tbe county, in order that we
might gain a full nummary of the
nn-iiihorHhip of our achiMila, and what
ia being done iu the i-uuae. The Su
perintendent of each achool, and in a
few iinUatice pitatora, were appealed
to .to forward a report from all achnoln
wh'ich were known to exivt. While
tbe effort in gathering those report
have been aimuiued iu securing a
number from action! which have hith
erto not reported, revoial who report
ed laatyear failed to tend their in.
Tbe number of achooltin operation iu
the county ia not definitely known.
Reporte from forty-five achoola were
received. A aummary of theae ahow
that there are 272 officer in theae
cbool ; 291 teacher ; 4,504 acholar ;
167 Deraon andml to the church : total
ezpemea, ll.OUl.OU ; amount collected
for benevolent obiecla, $152,37, while
barely one-fourth of them have a
teacher meeting.
Ddeqate la tUUe tundaytchoel convent ion.
The Convention elected the follow-
ing aa delegatea to the State Sunday
School Convention which in all prob
ability convene at Lancaster in No
vember; Rev. U. B. Bolmer. A. M.
Carey, O. R. Hendricka, Mr. Kate
Schoch, Afr. a B. North and Attn.
Laura E. Riohter.
Nat and Hint of ntxi meeting,
Ifiddlehurg waa aelected aa Ue otace
for holding tbe next annual aeaaiou of
the Convention, and the encond Tbnra
day and Friday of Afay, 1881.
RepotU af cmnmilU.
A. N. Gemberling. from the Cora
mittee on Minutea, reported that tha
minutea or iat annual iMnventton
were correctly tranacribed.
G. R. Hendricka, from tha Commit
tee on auditing treasurer' account,
reported that tha treasurer had receiv
ed in caah IIS.W and paid out 12,48
leaving a balance or u,ot in ine traaa
urer'a handa.
J. 0. Schoch. from the Committee on
Vice Preaidenta, reported tbe follow
log I
Adama faaao N. JVoxell.
Beaver. Hon. Samuel Lupfer.
iteaver W.-N. B. ATiddleawarthAq.
Centra. Samuel F. 8Ueary.
Chapman. Jeremiah B. Hall.
Franklin. John 8. Uaaainger.
Jnrkaon. Samuel R. Yaariok.
Middlebura J. W. Dreeae.
Afiddlacreekv-Perry Aurand.
Monroe. Henry J. Riuar.
Penn. Daid Whitmar.
Pony. John W. Haaa.
Perry We t -John II. Willia.
Selinigrove. Charlee B. Miller.
L'uUin Tboma W. Hoffman.
Waabimrtnn. Prof. William Aforer.
Rev. H, B. Belmer, from the Com
mittee on Resolution, reported the
following which waa uaanimously
Your CbmmHtee on reaolntlona
would re pact rally report tbe follow-iue-
aa the aaotiment of the Conven
tion on tbe various queetiona dlecuas
aa (
1. How shall we make thu Oonven
tio a fuosaae f
tVa must flrat of all look humbly
anil prayerfully to God for Jia favor
and nreeenee. The various aoeaker
appointed ought to make more effort
to be present that every oueat on
may be opened promptly by soma one
prepared. Every one ought to be free
to take part in giving their experience
or suggestion, r-rery nundayachool
in inn county ougni M make every ef
fort to be represented. It ia truly and
fully a County Convention only when
every school ia reported and represent
2. I the Sunday-echool accomplish
inc iu object f
To a larao extent It ia. and wa hta
God for lha good done ; but there in
room fr much more, especially in
aemn aisiricis.
IKhatare the reaponaibilitie and on
conragomenla of outiday-achool work
era T
Tbs reepaoalbltHy ratts ea ths wrlltrt
and publlahar of Bub Ur-onhool llisralurs
tbal tbsy civs aa what ia ssllJ. toonj
anil fa i a tb Ars ia aiaaaitlna ibt
tenaais, I appniniint an4 aa4
properly quanta! taaaksrs aad eosduel
l lbs aoksol su a Is proraai 1st err tt
sad gal rnlls as lbs teaehsra, Ibat
lay Rs b iaatraallsa aaJ sicrt suek
iluea as lb Mbolars wilt Ul Ibsts
i CbHat, asl will ask thsa iatslligsal
Ts tBsmracsaanis sr last wksa w
do our duly faithfully, wa art ihs atana
tt bslptng aiir Mbolars lowarj Chlrst, or
if s ars aoi paraiuoj la so lbi with
our , lbs hops that lbs sootl will ysi
ia is ruttir snrlnt up aa that
bavs dois sur best for Ihs soul sf sur
I, What Is Ihs tiesf nsihsj of Intra
'ineint aati soa.luoting auots ia sur
Mbool t
Orsal sart ihoutJ bs sirottJ Ibat ths
muais bs approprUis aad alapud is
acrod aM and sot Is words Isaoblaf
truth and aol mars bsnh.
Ths loador ought is t traits bis boot ssrs
and lalfat la lectins proper mui and
by it sk lo loi Ihs sobool lo worth ip
Ood, and B'tt mtrvly Is fxrois lbs voios
or show slf tkill.
6. Wkal ars lbs sdtantagss sf lbs In.
tomaiional Leotoa dytlvm t
ll It ihs arans of brlnln within pop
alar and toorat rsaoh lbs botl eomaoalt
ea lbs Bible, ll helps lo develop the
unity of Ihe sbureb. It saabls Ihs 8ua.
day tokool worker lo as anwhere and
drop iala ay sehnnl ready Is participate
or leach intolligeaily.kaowing beforehand
whal lha lono will ho.
G. What i Ihs beat method of soaJnol
log Raodtytsshoole ?
A regular order of stsroltos, snnelimee
esrisJ, opening wiih a soag of praies,
prayer, leeaoa realing ioieroMply by en.
periotendenl aad eohool froia lliirty to
:hiny-ifo minute devoioj lo loaoblng,
Ihea a review by euperiutsadent eillier
by blaekbeerd illueiration sr sppropriate
quoetinat gvery eiersiae oushl lo hate
ite own lime and bo promptly oonfloe I lo
il tbs officers rnual lis panolual, prompt
and put life into their dmlee. A
leoebers meeting It indiapestthlo lo Iho
proper eondusllag of Huo i-y aoheola
7 .How eaa Caiccbeiiecl loeirueiioB beat
bs givnn '
Ws ars unabls lo dreias any wav be
wbiob il eta be euoeeaafully liitrodiioed In
to our eebeolt without supplaollng Ihelei.
on, end art of opinion ibal ptetor ean
best imparl such inalruoiUo, to elaetesor
nli.l fur lhal ptirp.iae.
8. What ars Ihs eboif diffioiiltios lo tbs
way Is riunday eoliool sueoeeo t
Laok of litueae au learneal ialerettsa the
part of letoliera In lltfarenot of pareale Iu
nol either join with their children, or at
leatt training ibein at home. Indifference
an I tiatleaaiieae of aebnltrs. wbloh oan on
ly Ii orerooiii by eiiidyiuf butatn n
lte. alpin( auraeleae lo our echolart
nd bringing lbs s thtnft Ibal will inter
eel ao l (tin ai lamina
the praottea of rewarding sobol
ara a Ju lioioiia one '
Too. if Ju llcioiinljr done, bul dangerou
in uoi deallog equllaiily with all, or e.V
oiling improper rirtlry or low ciiiiivee.
lo. Hew shall we promote lbs miaeios-
ary epirll ia our SunUy.tohoola t
Kf UkiB a deep iatereei iu lbs esnae
oaraeleee ebsw sur eoholars that lbs
ohrla'ian aplrii ia a eiia.lmarj spirit, aad
give them Information, itieidenia, needa.
is , and by catting tbein to (ire reaultr-
ly lo tbi- cauae.
II. How aball ws tsaob lentDsraoea In
ths Miioday eehoot
lly making it a p'trl of oar leaebing of
ibo religion of ChrHt. showing lbs great
iianger lo lbs young end svil to Iho world
and by seeking lo ground Ibem early on
the total abeliaenoo baeie.
Wo regret lha abaeneo of moot of lbs so-
pointed speakers, and alto thai a many
aeboola ars unrpreentel j and would
make iho following lbs oloeiog resolution
of Iho Convention.
RsaoLVsn. Tbal while wa bavs bad a
plaaaaot Bad profltabla ssaeioa ws urcs
every tobnol to be roDreaseted ia future
Ooavantiooa, aad every appoi nled speakea
o naaooaroast snort ia ruinii kis duly.
Ho let ut soas ap lo Ibo aeXt moating in
lbs praysrful, sXpsalanl spirit aad Ood'e
bleating will as la lbs work aad worksr.
Tbs following rssolatioa sf thanks
RstoLvBD, Thai wa. a delegates af tbis
Convention, tender our siooer ibanks lo
tbs oiliient of 8slinsgrovo. who bars so
kiadly SBUrtalnsd usdurisg Ihs stations
sf this CoBvantloa, aad alto lo lbs er
asers aad members af Tbs Kvaogslioal
Lutheran Cburch for Iho use of ibsir
Cbureb la wbiob our Convention wa
Ia soaatusloa wo remark that ths pro
ossdlogs of litis Coavsatioa wsr Inter-
spertsd with singlag. aol oaly by tbs
Contention, but with suitable pieott
sung by a Quarutla Club. Tba singlsg
was undsr Ihsdirselloa sf Miss Maggie
;. BoKDert was ateo prestiisa ai ins srgaa.
Tbs public was srosmsatsd with a aua.
per of beautiful plants aad gowors, and
behind the pulpit, wore lbs wsrds Wsl
sons Juadsy-eohool Workers."
Ths Coavsatioa slotad with tbs bsa.
sdiotloa by Rsv, U. D. Bslasr aad after
staging tba DoXology adjourasd to assl
at atlddlsburg at Iks Has already referred
ia. c. r. Moysr Bso.
Decoration ceremonies passed off in
a becoming mannor- The Sunday
school turned out ra avusa. The ad
dree a delivered by Rev. J. P. Sbindol
and B. T. Parks Esq., were appropriate
and decidedly creditable to the speak
The openiag prayer by Rev. Gambler
waa touching and eloquent ; and be
came tbe subject of general remark.
Tbe Hand played wall and tbe Sunday
school children aang aweetly.
Tbe general management waa under
tba supervision of Dr. J.Y.Sbiodle to
whom the completeness and successful
carrying out of all the arrangement
waa attributable.
Tbe corner stone of St. James Evan
gelieal Lutheran Church of Muaaera
Valley, will be laid with proper cere
mouiea on Sunday the 13th of June.
Clergymen from a distance will be
present to participate. Neighboring
Minlitere are invited to be preaent.
Tbe publio In general are cordially
invited. . D.Jf.B.
Crraroh Dedication.
Tba Svasgalloal tauhorea Ohareb of Be
vertowa, Pa was Sed Mated to the servers sf
Oe4 oa Hsader, May Bid, USJ. Some tare
year ago the lAtkenaa aad Reraoor fell
that tt weM beat fee eaeh to have thetf ova
aharea, akd Scraeel t asparaMi U LaUteraaa
etjliHiaa aoew. The haeaaeel had basa at
roadylaaaa tbraeoanlaof yaars,sal lha aa
dlaaeo rsa was oaly I elite aad o staple el
law trees. It proved a most baaatlfnlday. aad
ovavythlag was fa re ra Me, sa lhal t bar wtrt
I argo aad atuattve eeh grata tient, Maoidee
the pastor, gov. t. Irvine, Uavo were proeaal
the fellowlBg alaletorUI bvelhrea. J. W
Relaeaiarder, W. . Wloaad J. P. ahlndel,
. B. Heaeyeal aad H. B. Deleter, frof. Uoi-
wall ol Mlltoa was alee la bavs bee proeeal,
tibia preeoaoo wae eoeded al home ss aoewast
of rho lata Irs. Nearly all I hoes bfsthrea
praaohad aad talked, both la FJeglleh aad Oer.
was, aad Ihs paopls seeaod U swpreolata lbs
The ehamh le a aeat frame, trie), snetlsg
ai.roo, of bleh4l were tl ill iipruvlded for.
Tkle aaeaat wm ralaed daring a pleeeaat ulk
of Hra. Helaweinril-r't. after ike avtatag er-
aoa. la feet wkea 11 wae all Bgared ap, and
e oerlats eeerol sabeelptba was saBoaaeed,
ll was fesed thai they had more thaa eaaogh,
the total aaioaol ralerd beiB SJie.oo. aa t for
hs they will bay aa er.aa. which
ik.f Bul BMd. Thla aielU all feel good. Al
a pea sloes saavaetlag boforehaad Iroablowee
expooted la raiting tb amoaat aeedod.
UealdM.tba moorjt, there were
prevented Bnopalpll Mli.le nsd two refleetort
llahttng tbe wklo room, by Mr. Joha Heirlek,
aad a like Herman HIjio by alrt. B. lbar.
Alta a Uommanloa Ml by A. II. Boweraos.
Wkeaeomeeudy preaenu a pulnll hyma bok
yet tby will hava STorrthlag oomplets. Tbe
palpll le a Boa ploe of worb.asJ ths whole
room It Brat aad soafnrtabla.
The eungrocetl'ia ssmbers sbent Its ara-
here and bat staadllr proep-irwl daring lha
preaent paatoral. At aa appro, letloa ofthelr
peetor'e labor aad hU aeoil of re.t, Ihey otl
blm a I weeks Taeetloa al lha sroiilng tervlee.
T he tailing mtnlttert eoemed to hlhly on-
J iy the oeeaalon, sod were glad with tbs prepla
tbal lby ked eoinplaie.1 aad labia poeeeaelen
of Ihrlr owe ebareh boms. Bow l lit; (lows su
dor their owa vln and fig tree, forgetting the
put, ond reaohlag rortk lo better ibl Bat.
Doctors Shindvl and Rothrrx k am-
pulated Sidney Bpccbt' right fore
Physician freely proscribe the new
F.mkI .leilicinc, '-Malt Bitlpra," be.
cause more nourisliino;, strontrthoning,
and purifying than all othur forms of
mult or modicino, whilo free front the
objnc.lions urod agaiust malt liquors.
June 3, 4w.
He wero exposed hut week to a nit i-
luaa storm, tbnt wet our fert mid Mock
iiiRt, ami indeed our ron all ovor.
n fact wo took a critckintf cold,
which brought s ire throat and aovero
ytnptoiiM of fever. The good wife as
scrted bor authority, pluiiKcd our fuel
nto hot wator, wr.ippnd im Iu hot
blunkobi, and sent our faithful son for
a bottle of A 'jer'i Clfrry I'tdoril, It ia
aplmiilid nin.licino plc.iunt to tuko,
and tlid tbn job. Wo slept noun. lly
through tho night and itwoke well the
nuv.1 morning. Wo know wo owo our
I'lii-k recovery lo tho Piwtoritl, mid
ehull not he-tiutc to ri'conimnnd it (o
nil who need such a medicine 7VAn.i-
rmui 7'fltit) I'rftliytrrmt.
A full line of I.iwiih of brmitiful pat
terns al 6. W t-ta a Sulitirme.
If pertoas vers as eartfal of Heir
health at Ibry are of ibtir wealth Ibe
death rale would bs much .tmMIrr from
Ibal dreadful scourge ooneumptlon. It
orriei off in lbs I'nlled Stales io one
year lea timet mors psrtont than suc
cumbed lo lbs yellow fever (a Ihs 8outu.
Thouanndt sf valutbls livsa woe' I bavs
been saved roa eonemuption 'jai Ibry
ueed 8inee' Syrup ol Tar Wild Cherry
and llnarhound ia time. In all eaeee of
whonplng eougk, croup, aathma and lung
affeollooa it has provsd to bs a oertain
oure when taken io lime. Bold la every
drug rlnre. Tries -5 eente j extra largs
bollls, (Do. May ISib, IHHo.
Farmers Stop Look at This.
J)unjamin Ulrick, of return, will be
pleaaetl to have you call and see hi
McCormick, Improved, Self-binding
Harvester Improved Mower, and
other improved farming implements.
Mr. Ulrick being a practical farmer
and a man of good judgment and largo
experience knows tbe wants of the farm
ing public and ia fully competent to
judge the merit of all kind of ma
Bias' Dtosstssv Courot'so. There
arsBodieeaees that will so qulokly bring
iaeldenls of a person's past life sod
asks hta Ikiak of hems and his mother,
as Cholera, Chotsra Jforbut, Dysentery,
Cramps, Colic and all their kindred dis
ss, Aad lo bs without Rises' Dtiix
tv Coaeooso whoa ovsrtakaa with tbe
above dissaaa is to bs almost without
Prsvsatloa I bolter thaa aura. Tb
shrewd boras owaeralways keeps Rob
arts' Cslebrated tlor Powder aad Rob.
bert's Embrooalloa ia bit stables. Ia ate
6fty years.
IX yon visit Bolinsgrove drop in at
S. Wei' and you will find the largest
assortment of Dry goods and Fancy
good you ever aaw in thia aectton of
tbe couutry.
May 13th.
Kaglishasa form rely supposed tbal
Aaerioaa running koree were vary la
ferior to tbtlrs bat durlsg Ue last two
years Parol, N'allansUia aad otbsr fast
oa that wort ssal from this souniry lo
Roglaad, kav woa hundreds ef dollars,
for such Aatrlcaas as tb Msassrs Loril-
lard. Jams Oerdoa Besnett, Ao. Tb
Enfliebmen kav lavssllgaied lb roa
for lb great tuooea of Aaoriaaa bora,
aad 8ad ibal Ibey are kepi la look Ibs
ooadltloa by lb eoastaat aaa ef M. B,
Roberta' llsn Powder.
A Uea.aUold Neeel.
A book on the Liver, ila diseases and
their treatment aent free, including
Ueatiaea upon Liver Complaints, Tor
pid Liveranndioe, Billionaneaa, Head
acbe, CoMlipatioo, Dyapepaia,Jfalaria,
etc Addresa Dr. Biaroao, 162 road
way, New York City, V. Y. U,6,it.
full line of summer skirt at 0,
Wals's Bellnagrove.
A large aeeortment of tace Tishues
lace 9uarra and cblldrena lace collars
just received at 8. Weis'a Sellnsgrove
Of all lbs raodera Inventions tb Fateat
Inoubtter Uke lbs lead, but axpsrtsoes
loach Ft til IbM wketbef bonllre la
hsiched by Ibs paUat preeess with artl 4-
r 4
olal best or by lb old arlglaal way
paleaisd by aalure, ibey are eubleol U
sbottra, gapse, Ao., and sxpsrisas. also
loaches tboss ibal bav tried Roberto
Poultry Powder, la each etc, lhal ll Is
rs eurs s very time. Ask yoar drag
gist for It
t W. Dro h e
Onion psr buehsl
roiBloss do
flutter per pound to lfl
Kggs per dotea jo
Tallow nerpouad
Lard oa
deeded Cherries
Dried Applet
Dried Peacltse pared
voaa 4 io C
Ham 121
.Ueelder IU
Sides 8
M,vit it i i:i.
Jfay 1'ib, by A 0. Hnroherger Ken.,
Mies Mary Jen Feneiermaoher. of
Georgetown, Noribumberlaod county,
and Mr. Devld P. Leieler, of Cbapmnn
towoablp, Ibia county.
May l.'th by tbe Rev. 11. D. llelmer.
ateiatad by Rev. P Uorn. I). D. and W.
K. Haas of I It) Reformed church. Mine
enni Kleiner, of Helinegrove, Pan and
lb Rev. Robert 11. Starke of Jolioit. 111.
Mttrra of a.lmlntmtl n ea the eatato
tier OiHintr. Pa,. lee-a-ed bare ben irrant. to
i .i.r.inn. nil -m.i, invoi-
" I " in.i.i.'i iv - iu . wm pi . I .
Imme-llete parment wblla thnee bKVlo Stalma
aaaliwt laid eat la will preeeal them for lev
Haroh tt, lite. asailaltiraurs.
V. Mtttra of admlnlelratlon on tbe eitelo ef
bn U. rltumph, ilea il. leto of Heaver twn..
aniil-r eountr. I'a., wero wranla.1 lo tbe un
dernl(nel. All paranna knowing tham.alvaa
li-ilebteil lo eal.l a.t'a will ! mk Ham--
illni .m-nt. while thnao having elalma will
preaeni mom lor eeiiiemrnt ia
Mareh 5Mao. Admlnlatralort.
Lettera of admlnlitratloa on tbe eruto of
Mlebael Matter, tleeraanl, late ol A.lamt
tiiwn.biv. Nnriler eounlr. I'enn'a.. hare h-ao
aritiiteOt'i .l.iel Uiio ro'lilln In Ml.l.lle-
rraek lownriiiti, in coaoiy, i r. i aonrv.a
Mnr Malli.ii) lo wiioto ell persona enow
me m.leble.1 to -aM alal are r-
urale.1 to make lninellte payineot, wlillo
tnoae UftvuiK oieiiua r riuti w praoi
tboiu duly autUaoiloaleJ.
jui ma i i r.K,
F.b. II, li-M). Ailmlnlatraue.
1Urr of ft1mlnltrfttlm a tha tiUH f
littve- tisjriQ Krrfcnts1 ith ifiilrU tii1. All lf-
9nt knowlnv tli0iitMlvtnt1ttitav tntiaM ut
will .ie iuk immfriiftt tvo'vot ltll
Umi b liibf oUiiai etwftlnii ! will
preMni lbui lur aUuttmi to
a un m .vi i ii
Mir. a5.W-iJ. AtiaiaUuftMr
Valuable Farm at
THIS idra of Clenrpn Moalz, do-eaaae-l.
ollar a ealnalile I'ann. al private
ale. aliuate nne mile Mvath aael ef MUlille-
barg, ooul aining atwat
100 Acres.
w hereon ara areeted a I. A lit IE TWOSTOKY
Stono Dwelling llouae, ItOW
Dunk Barn
and other outsnlbllnst. Tblt farm la In a blah
atat ( cultivation, under good fenoe, and
romprlret ibo laat and uuet; frrtll eoll if Ibe
.ll.i.lieftreeic aiiev.
For lurlber particular, rail on or a.Mreit
Apr. tt.'ao.lm.
MMilleburg, Pa.
ik-l.attara nf adnitoletrelloa on tkoeatateel
Wm l. llerrold. late of I'nloa lwp borrta-
ooanty. Fa, d'oM bava beea arautad to the
amleraiane. All pereont knowms tiitmeaivee
IBilehted lo tali! eatate will pioaao make im
maiilate payment while tboao having elalma
aaaiaat aaiu aeiai win praeeai inom lor eeiiie-
is . a I to
iv. T. noivTMiHr;,
Merck ts, 'so. Adminicle
is the Acknowledged
Superior of all Grain
& Grass Cutting
Tbia Machine baa been fully en dor e-
od by tbe moat Expert Aothori
ity, after Most Thorough
testa, aa to ite Capacity
nd Execution, aa tbe most
Wonderful Maohioe ever invented.
Remember, snder ao elrcoatUaoee taonld
yoa bay a Reaper or Mower until yoa bav ei
alned TUC CHAMPIO.V. Wheaavor yos
hear of ooe oflheee Mtcbloee In fonr vicinity,
do aol fall to oiamlna II thoroaghly. file
lilghtneet of Urafl, lu Marvelous Movement,
Its Mia pllolty, asd Its Aatnaatls Adjoetaeal
to every soodltloa of tho Bold, aaa aol rail to
command It over all othsrs, Faraers will bo
aore thaa ovar :salteaed, who Ihey Invoetl
gals Its aaalfold slalas of superiority, aad
leal tu aamoroat advantaaee, tbal Iho VRAM
MOM U certainly ths MAUHIH1 lo be pre-
II I aet Us sisd by Iks aoet soapslral ladges
that erer eaa-kiU of Ike Hey an UralaCrop
la lb United Stale l harvaaud WIU CHAM
IO" HUWIBI k BEAPCRM. Tbsse selo-
avatad Maehlae ere told by
M. B.OABDNEB, Bellntgrov.
BOBkbtT a UITU. Mlddlebarg.
J. L BIN9AMAM, TmolvlUe,
as atet by tho Travallng A seal,
JAVE LErLEr, letwlebarf.
Apr- tv. las.
EiniiiairasG IKlinniQ
MaDiiiaTacilui?c !
The old Established Buckeye Works of Lewis
burg present the following attractions for
the Farmers.
Thla Is a new tlOflT REAPER with
a want long fell for a good, bandy, tight
strength with durability.
Tbs Metr aako it perreetiy eoniretisbls.
Tbs Raks HtanJ, Head. Cams sad Arms
bluing Ibo strength of Wronghl Iron with
Vrw " labk II 1 .-.- . -r mu B. TloX a TaVeaw' Wt m.r'T' " 'aW
Tbs whols machine weighs annul 7u) pound.
Tba Inside end of citltrr-har can bs rsieed by a lever without tbs driver leaving
bis teal ; the outride end Is rsited lo a moment without effort.
Ths machine le perfectly balanced. Ihs Tilling Lever caa b Uitedwlth two sneers.
aad tills Ihe guards alike al both ende la
rinaity, ws ars wen esiteneii mat ws aavs tbs beat Oram rlsrvsstsr Btw la lb
arhel, aad ara willing tbs Farmer ehall be Judge and jury,
Try il and be convinced Ibal il it jual what ou want,
Wa build two eites,
Bits A" cuts a swartb oft feel 0 laebss.
Bis "11'' outs a swalb uf 6 feel,
These Machines are Buckeyes Improveda
On examination yoa will sr that ws retalo all Ihe ordinal features of staring.
braoing, leading wbrrl, double jointed coupling and folding bar,
Tho sutler-bar folds over In front of ths driver, and eaa bs folded without leave
log Ibs teat.
A leading wheel la attached to Ihe inner thoa, which prevents Ihs loots grata over
which llmuat frequently pate frem being pnehe-l ntong and olngglng ths guards, aad
prevrnie the guards rrom nalehing In lb
Tb cutler-bar floats on Ibs ground,
dead furrows end ditohee.
Will out a full ewath all Ihe lima, without driving Ibs off born la Iks grate.
Thrown in and out of gear instantly by a Isvsr,
It is Ihe lightett draft.
It ia the lighten! draft.
It ia tbe eaeieat manage J.
loea tbe heal work.
Ilea an aIJuatahle crank bog.
And will, ae ths Uuckey bat always done, ontlatt any other machine
He build four tiles. Hiss A 4k feet cut. Hiie H 4 feet cut. Kits O 41 fa at eal.
flito 1) 4 feat out.
We guarantee thrtt Machines In bs wsll
farmer, allowing bint in he judge and Jury.
tor particulars osll oa
fllRLKB OLDT, New Rerlin. Pa.
ALVIN A CLHH, Heaver tfpring, P.
Juno 3, I8S0,
ItowcAy f Co Ab'frtimcnt.
Agent KcmlTlilN
Wa went en Ae-ni In Ibl Cmmtv lo whom w
will tav aalarv nl SlOO iH-r liinulh and aipeii.
-a to aril o-lr aonil-rful Invimtion. aanii.t
fr Addrraa at once BULHMArf a CU.
Marahall, MlrblKan.
On HO Day, Trial.
W will ttntl out Ki.iftTUO-Vnt.TAir Hki Tt tiiitl
nthrr Kl en trio AfipllaeUciitl nKn IrUl f"f 30 6my
in inn" UDorinai rrom niBvium uepiliti ,
Khnitiiietllwiii, urit or any dlMatfi or Ibe
Itvror KI4ny, nd mn ulhrr illMtaiiti. A
Sura l)nr (riiftrautmtd or tm y, AddreiM
VOI.TAKJ UM.T I'O., Mnrthall, Mlcb.
14 STOP ORGANS, r.o?
Htool. Hook, end Ma-
boiel an. I ihlii.
onlv aA. Naw 'I'lanoe tint totl.oo.
..MIilaomoeroltar lllo.lral-l free. Adilroat
bANII L. r'. HKATY, Wanblniilon.N. J.
our aililraaa. II will pf v.iu. A Hobtoh .A
uo., oil commerce di., i-uiia., ra,
jylritei work.
WANTED to eanvaat for
new and beautilully II-
An eutbentlc raeord nfhla lour IbrouKhMoutb-
arn Mittee, Hub, and .Mexico, with e-impiet
blalory of all eonnlrlea lu tlie Tropica ol tao
Iral and H"Ulb Auierloa i alao lull aconum ol
Ihe Inter-tireanlollanal, llluatrate-l llb mai.a
and illaiirama, and lllograpiilcal Kketob of
t aHUiMAKit L.aneire. ror (Jlr nl.ra ana
Urmt. ad.lre.t a, W. KLLLEV fc CO., fblla
delpbla, fa,
HfcMT MADE I Warrant.! HU Yeart. New
Flanoe. Htool. and I'liver. ateo. ai'Wtrd. No w
Oraane. Sit, M. Bes. BTJ, npwanl. Illaelrated
i;alaloaue tree. AUKN IH W ANTK1). Haeoud
Hand latiumenu at Haraalna. HUtlAU
W ATEHS A CO., tie Broadway. N. V.
Good AgonU Wanted to sell Rippnlli's
As Aaeot In Hrliliaport. Uonn.. cold to eon-
Ire, and eiopiMd I toother Aironl wae anrolnt-
ad lu Ibe him town, wbo tol l luo eoptoa, and
ae tioppeu uo aipoiuii anoiaer agent
ho he aold. uu to dale IMIU e nlee all In tbe
;ltv vl BrlilKOuvri. It le Ibo b- at oaa. volume
Hlatory ol tba tiolled 8tata publabad. Pleoty
of Territory eilll otaao, Addreaa tor lleaerlp
llvt Utrealar aad terme, FUlL.L.IfS a Ill-NT
Habeerlptloa Boo Ueparlmeal, to Broadway
new tvr.
rlekar la Meae aad Maeelo Producing Ma.
ate, wblla free IM tk ot)eotloaa argad
gainst aalt He.aere. aoe cliaieull 4lgeallon,
tenaie uaa an iiur lorms of mail ar medi
hib noaaaeaa, ueweaapnia, Kmaeratwa.
MeaUl aa Pkvtloal Kibaaailoa.NervaiaaKa..
Weaiafaieao, Ulearailea WeaaBaaa of Fa-
malee, etbaaailoa ef Marelag Mat b re, alike
Aged, aad of Uolleal Children, M ALT BIT.
TL KM are iue vuraM Beat, aad moat oil
eal aeeUalne er eomiaiaaded. Hoi -vary
waaww. aui iiaea vu
E. B. TREAT, V:B,:tt".i
rlrel-elaet BabeerlitloB Booka, situ aaa ar
avara Aaaew ta ovetr Osaaty. aieadi aeek
aad bast terete.
Johnaoa Swoep Make, and will fully aurotf
Reaper, aad si lbs taint lias eonibmmd
are mad of Malleable Iroa. line eoa
Ihs least weight.
Inking up lodged grain.
ground while paeamg ridgea and hollow.
thus mowing svsnlv over knollo and ridges.
mads aad to do satisfactory work t Ihe
Central Mf g Co.,
rflrT ot- Co. Jdmrtli
eaa be eared by Ibo enntlnuod bio el oewvsw
i on l.i van Oil and L-ia Paoepaafne
LiM. a euro lor I'ouai.mi'tlnB, t eeehe, Uetea,
Aatbma Hronelilllt end all Horolaloni die
aaaaa. Aak y. ur ilraeslal for tieaen'eaad
take no other. If be baa But got Ii, I wllleaa
I bottle anywbareen rerolpt el gl. Kfprea
paid. Mao. I lor circular I UH AH. A. 0
MVH, 11 tlerenlb Araoaa, Hew T-rk.'lt 6m
Llvblotng, Wind and Rain, yoa will Bevee
lit aaoh a chance again. VVo bare tbe beat
lame alar, Ki'ubkb Holt Clothea Wringer la
the world, rellloK at leaa than hall prlao,
Hood rrferene-e aukran'axl. wrfboily 'rd
hot" to get one I Ne eui petition The baal
chance of your life time to Mans Mnaev.
riautplea, tt ao. Illroulera and full particular
free. Ag-aota willing to be eonvlneed, ad Iraai,
PAaaaoN WiiinUiaCu- New liedlerd. Mate.
Mar. Vl.'TV.lm.
gVDTTTlT Morphine Habit Cured Is I
JJL Alt VI. lotUdtve. No pay till Cur
liw.J. bTKi-aaae, Lebanoo, O. Apr,
A Valuable Book Free.
A Ireallaeen llhronlo Itlaeaaea," omlirae
Ing, t'atarrb, Throat, l.nnaa. Heart, Ntomaob,, Kldneya, tlilnarn and Female Ulaeaaaai
alo, Pliae i aent tree lo any adiireee. Kver
aulforor from tbsae dlaea-ei eta be eora.1.
8.od ror thla book lo iho underpinned, a pbfal.
elan nl large eiperleuoe. endoraad bj hundred
of. leading olilioua wbo laatlly lo hie aklll.
Srod atoiop to pay piwUiio to O. E. I.I VI N't.
aro.aj, M. l.,.itbuperlor Bl.. Toledo, OUlo,
Apr-1, ly.
PTaVnQIMl04"0' All ttrlotlr Brit.
AXXil VftJ elaM. Hold el akolorale fee.
Ury prleve. Ulgbeet Huoore at Ceawnntal
Kxbtl.ltlon. Matnoabek'o Moale for Booar
Oraado. 1'meat Uprights la Amerloa. laou
la nee. Cttabieaaoflt Bagaa fiv
ji'Hli.EE OH' NM, ibe beet la the world.
Ab S etoaoreaa. uulv oca it .mm aar (m.
ler Ire. All enleo It daye trial freight fro
if neatlilaetory. laolory, 7lb HI. and loth
Aee. HHEET Mtl.-HO al oae-tklrd price.
Caialogueol Aouweboloo pleoM aent for I enl
name. Addrt WENnrf-tnw a rTCI
Now York. Apt. U em.
Wtm rm Vtwht ajtl eaWe
tB saw aaa. jtMawea kai am aUi le.'
wwai a tM I
CgBiMlea Tmea Cv, Clue-,1.
Bepl. ll.'TV.Iy,
a) ,., aWile raaveM M M U M. a) twTvaa, , '
. ef ret. to eejaae. ha tm M e ree vvwaA, I mmt oV efeeaaaV 4
I. lejlrewlla waewkatf mt wM.lal aMj lay srfwe-a tf re '
wi ell erfBL r - tt will mm wBaws M
U ew Baye teUwel V4f iy at rw B m4 M
! Wwile g)et Ibw ,- m prtm t4f ' '
kii W UTM t-vtral 4wtl m I. Mi Mil
IftiJ yrMkUi Ol. MllMiww, Hawk
VIM M ailMv' (Be w9--l .
i raeaaiaa-ar