. 1 The i'ost Ciddtebarg, Jnnal, 1880. EdtorTfVopretor. niH MtKitiur.itT JAMES O. BLaINB. of Maine, ftV)MtUMiUnr nhfeege SJetieeelBe. whlkwa Ooa?eetloa.) tODoe or auntem doubt. RUKY GREENE,nfNrthamtton Co rot AlWITtK OENEtiU I0R2I A. LEMON, of filair County. county ticket. runtu)ies4 Hm. tlORATIO O. MrillER, of HuntiBgloa. roil HK.I ATOII R. Jolt" D. PACKRR. nt Nartburaherlan. I. I M dMlelon ( ftn.irl biatrial Uoe- POR ASSKMBLY L. K. MrKRd, of Middlekurg. ton COUNTY survivor OEOROI U. BKNCKft, of Jeokeoe. Tbo idon to make the payments provided for by tbe Sundry Civil Appropriation bill in steodard dol lars it neat sarcasm. The "auo driui" are tbe moanost things tbo people have to pay for, aud it in oo v prrtpor to 'or tbuin in the Uuauest money potteibh. One of the silliest of recent stories 1m tb.it thit Senator lvliounds has givon soinuboily a letter to be read in tbo Chicago contention withdraw ing hi name aa ft candidate for prosi loot in favor of Gttuoral (Joint. The Washington dHspttcbos of the Press Buy Seoator Edmund has not yet doolarod bimsolf a candidate in the aenae of seokiog tba nomination, od notil be doea be will have no opportunity, even if ho so desired, to withdraw in anybody'! faror. Horace Maynard of Tennessee eeems to stanl a narrow chance of being con fir mod as postmaster gen eral to which he was recently ap B rioted, the reasons being that the dwocrata naturally dislike s Tea nessoean who was loyal during the war and because aoine of tbe Repub licans are lulcowarrn io iupporting him. Why any Republican ehonld be lukewarm iu aip;rtin Mr. Maynard. except upm private grioN, ia not ao plain. There was not a atanchor Union man dnriog the war then he, and there hasn't boon a more oonsistont Iipullinau aiuce Tbe Republican party boa within Ha organization tbe bone, tnusclo. braio aud integrity of the country. Jt baa the capital and progressive clement of the country. Amid tbe thunder of a mighty revolution it built the 1'ucitio railroad which made tbe United States the great highway of natiooa, and it struck the shackle from the limbs of four roil'ions of elavos. If it had done nothing but those two acts tbo are sufficient to immortalize it. We d oot wish to disparage our Democratic neighbors, as many suiuiug lights exist among thorn, but to the credit of the Re publican parly it rauit bo said that it ia tbe party of progress, aod its progress is in the right direction. The l in Jrao out struggle be tween Chili on th-i one side and Pora and B !ivi "o tba other seems from tbo S tutli A nerio m nown of to-day to be drawing to a close. Tbe allies are p itting the question of peace oo tbe baz trd of a single battle, which w:n ponding at tbe last accounts au 1 in wh tse proli-ui Dftry skirmis'iing the Chilians had already gained a docidad advantage. Tberotura of prtoe to those wirriog republics will bs a oonsumm ition oo which tbe continent eta ojagr.it nlate itsolf. Tbe one lesson of tbe struggle has been that the least warlike of South American Status is the most powerful when gonaiae conflict is had. The secretary of the Kopublicao National committee, who has reached Chicago and established his head quarters at the Palmer House, au nonnoes that tiokots of admission to the convention will be divided a mong all the dulegatoa, iaeteAd of baiug issno 1 by the local oommittee of arrangmenta aa hitherto, thus making it impracticable to fill tbe ball with the admirers of local favor rites. He stye, furthermore, that never before hive can li lites enter ed ao early and so systematically oo ft struggle for a nomination, but he ooofilently ex poets to see Qraut nominate I. He bolievos that Grant will carry Y'irgiuit, North au 1 South Ctrolioa aod Florid t It ia proba ble that be is regarded with great favor in many of tbe southern states. The rash to Chicago on tbe occasion of this convention will be unprece dented, and next week tbe filling op oi tba oily will commence. Change is written all around, "in the air, tba earth, tbo eky i Dot tbo great Democratic party is inj mutable. It is the same dea trac tive cabal It baa always been, the same traitorous organization. It was tbe party of the Tories of the Revolution i it ia tbo party of ths traitors of tbe Rebellion. It is tbe part of liberal theories and prescrip tive practices, of broken promises. of violate. pledges. Tbe leopard may change bis spots aud tba fctbi opiaa bis color, but tbe immaculate Democratic part, like all iof erior grades of animate natnre, baa amaz- tag vitality inn win rwaiaa taeae eo dkroaebmeots. It is tba standard a round wbiob tba rebels and anarchs rally, taa loadstone to conduct rovo- lauaoarr spirits to djstraotioa. Ths Angel of Pease grinned the astliest grin, mortified and cha Eriael to iod that jast as be floppci i wings over tba convention at Harrisborg on of Uaa Uullio's la mbkias xUngtiialt! a lamp with g revolver. Tim tfMiili of ihe convention nt opring ueiu settles tue q toeuuu a, to luu iiiiuitoalion at i:inra;i. Too forty-two dofc'CHl.m of fllino ht ing been mslrncted fur Oeoorsl Qraut, his liominalion on first bal lot io tbe national convention ia aa sored. This is oouceded by tbe press and politicians generally, and it will be accepted by tbe country as a finality. Senator Logan managed the convention with remarkable tact and ingenuity, aod his victory is ac cepted as tbe greatest of his life Ttiat General Uraot will be the oeit Preident of the United States seems assured, ior no one win doubt lor a moment what the result will be at the polls. Invincible in war be will also bo invincible as a candidate, because he will be hacked by the loyal fclonioot of the country, north and eoulu. l oruapa there is no better man at this critical junoture in our history to take bold of the helm of state, now that the mutter ings of the disloyal are again heard It is true tbst msuy Republicans perforrod Senator Tilnino. but there is none of thorn who will not cordi ally auppoi t the ex-I'rosi leot if he is uominiited. Many Democrats will do likewise. Where is the Repub lican who would vote for Tilden if he is Dominated f He cannot be found. A Grant boom may now be expected to sweep over the land neit week, and tbe groat soldier element, which endured tbe trials and priva tions of tbe field with the distinguish ed Dominoe, will be elated to know that tbeir old commander is about to lead thorn to victory again All honor to the plucky little vill age or 1 otter county. Aitbougu the entire business portion of the town was destroyed by fire people doclined any outside help, showiog that tbev possess a spirit of self-re liance that soon will enable them to triumph over' thoir recent tuisfor tune. Although Coudersport is a secluded place, it enjoys the reputa tion of being a thrifty and moral village, possessing both intelligence and stamina. Misfortunes cannot permanently hurt snob a place. Et-Govurnor Curtin says he "will take off bis coat in bis Congressional district against the nominee of tbo Chicago convention." If his taking off bis coat against tbe Kopumicao csndidate for president don't amount to more then it did when he ran a gainst Yocura, and was defeated in a four thousand Democratic district, nobody cares if he takea tbe stump wearing nothing but ft shirt collar and a pair of garters Uuntingthn Journal. Huntingdon Jo'trmil: "Whil st we are in favor of Blaine's nomina tion and believe that be ia the strongest nnd best candidate that oonld bo put iu tbe field, we are ready to pull off our coat and go to work for tbo nominuo of tbe party, whoever ho may bo, and we bopo every Maine Republican in Iluotiog dou county fuels just as we do." That vigorous anti-Tilden papor, the Philadelphia Remit, rays : "Early the other morning, when a wicked fly which hail probably been hatched by John Kelly, began tick ling tbe nose of tbe sage of Oram ercy Park, the great defrauded yell o J as he attempted to rise : I cau out my own chops t the man who says I can t is a wicked liar. Rurelars Lave been at work in Scottdale. Choster eonntv crops promise nvo or tea per ceut. bettor than lust yoar. Company K. of Bllofonte, has boon abandoned for riotous conduct. The stockholders of tba Mountain City Dank, of Pottsvillo, tbiuk that it u solvent Altoona will celebrate tho Fourth of July with a groat dual of pjder aod noise. Congressman Dwigbt, of New York, has a 25,00 J aero farm in Dakota. Tbe total of the liabilities of tbe Philadelphia and Reading railroad company aggregate 9lU.779,06. Allegheny City ia moving in tbe direction of tbe establishment of a homo for orphan colored children. A new opera bouse, for wbioh 813.000 out of tbe $25,000 neoded has been subscribed, will be built at once at York. While slicing np a cow a St. Louis butcher discovered a $10 greonback in tbe auimal s stomach. That cow evidootly believed ia retiriug out paper curronoy' Aleck Stephana, sars Daniel Web ster is tbe worst slandered mau be ever knew, in respect to tbe stories of his drunken habits Sixteen Albany factories had to stop the other day because the water pipes were clogged with fish. Paris baa 305 miles of paved streets, otooe blocks are need on 291 miles macadam oa 81 miles, and asphalt on It) miles. Floor is sold in tbe Skatf1 mines at tbe rate of $20 for a fifteen'puund sack, potatoes are selling at ten cants apiece in Mineral City, Color ado, Ellis Rioebart, of Marietta, is tweoty-two years old, thirty-two inches high and weighs forty-eight pounds, aod la tbo smallest uiao in tbe United States. Pittsbnrg proposes ft license fee of $100. opoo oommeroial travelers and noo-resideut buoksters. Tbe storekeepers like it but tha hotel keeper oppose it. Tba Hon. Jostab Pooch, of Leba non, is mentioned for tha Judgeship io tbe Lebanon ana Daapnta district, tnongu tba election t!vea oot coma off until oatt year. The tit'Tt prest Atnstittiti'tnal cjn'minn wtucn win rrojiiro iruuiacii- sin etUntna in i "Cull I iltloo cat bis own chops t" C. C. Walter, a druggist sod ex- Oonnoilman of Altoona, was mulcted in 1200 aud ousts for selling liquor illegally. Lemonade costs fifteen cents a gloss in Atlanta. With ice cream at correspondingly high figure mat rimonial rauouaos in that city mast be next to impossible Judge Ttenry Oreon. who has bten sojourning at tba Hot Springs, Arkansai, to eonsequsnoe of rueu matie affection, resumed bis seat on tbe supreme bench of the state at Ilarrishnrg Friday. His health has boon greatly improved. If congress adj nrns on the 31st nearly a thousand bills will fail by default. The trouble with oongress ia that a bill has been squeezed out of the ways aod meaos committee, and congress is now io a violent hurry to adjourn for fear it will have to do something. OMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.- a Illr of .1mlnlitrtlB on lh ( MANY HTI V f'R, il"'1. ! Prr Tnwntkln. OTiUr nnntf. I'n . ha-ln bMB irnaUd u h nndonlniixj, l tarinni knowing thfinW In.UMoS to nltf Hint r twnaolM to sink IramfxtliX pT mnt, wblln thow hftvlnt Ulm will prsnt 111- oair aauMBiivai-n ir tfnimn is JUU! WTIVtK. Jak , ItN, Ar1-iUItrtor. Important an. Cantiocary Notice to :all linciiiiEj rarLiiascrx ot scwim MaciilDCS. Ufflo WHITE SEWl NO! MACHINE Oo CtkVILAID, 0. Mf tT, lM. Wt parUealarlf rail jrBr aiuatlra Io tba faal thai itamp a aaabar la uUIb, dldlaal fliaraa ea lha baak hattla-rana ilMa of aaeh matbln' tail kapa raoord at taeh aaiakri, Wliaa aokl, a WAaairf rua fia Yaaaa U (Irae Io lha parobatar. ThU warraot baan lha Bania of lha a-al who parshaM t tha ahlaa from ui, a Im lha data ol parchaaa and a aanibor aorratpoaillac to tha allda aanikar Tha warraal It ilga) bj , tad ka Ika orri ciaLtaALofoar aompaay auapad apia II. All othr rritati la oar aaaa ara aparloua, aailprtlM Sa'llaa tha auoa Bowaaaa aiTlt td oa oaracao, aad ao warraatr to aorra- pond with lha aixiral dacrtpiloo, aaay kaow at oaoo thai aooear or laur tha ownor will ha lav d'odla trout Io, wltk ao oaa to fail kaok apoa. TkaaantMBS "Wlilto" It tn-1r tho aintt popular aaehlaa apoa lha raarkal, tha choap al, aod tha boat Io owo or all A larwar oao bororthouWhlun hava boaa aiada oad sold laaa Uy waro plaod apia tha aorkat,, lhaa laoSola( XahlaM waro lora itd. Tkalr IlKhlBoft, apned, apBi-a, hata'jr, qottas'tt, da. rabllltf, aod prlea, eom'duo to mo lhaia tho tnaohiBo lht aarf funllf doilrat to own, sod tboroonblr aatUdad whoa oooo thtf poMaat Iha-'WhlM ' Tna aaoi-tAB ArrBnaiZan pbalbb pna Hafdar aad adjolnloa oobbIIm. I O. O. 8EK- IIOI.U MI'Mlodnra; ra.,aBd a a1la Inland Idk pnrobaaon lopalrmlaa aon olhor, aod thorobf vat tho aooalno wVhUo' WHITE SEW1XH MAOIIIHECO. Ml TO YOUR INTEREST. -o- Err bibb or wornao will hujr OwN where Ihojr can in the htl. It ia naiur! It ti human etiara. Tha bait good for tba Icaat nonr RULE THE DAY. Thai i j'nl our Mono aod if you wool to ccura Uargaiua ia lUUPWAnE. GROCKHIAM. UKUOH, FHrf. HILT. PLAHl'KR, LKATIIEa. HltOK. KINKING. TOUACCi) AN' CIiJAHH. Hlotf. HOR.SK AND Mt'Ltf .NIU R()8. KTKK.L, ItlH'K I'OWKKK. 8AKTV riW 8. T. 81'IT t'UIIK UV nin.Ki.i maub r..riir.-M. run MKUl;U UsK. AT OSLV i &) I' KB OAI.LOS or l."o l-KIt QUART. Til B IIKUT WIIISKKY YUU aV CR DKANK. Jto. TllY IT. I rt'ptotfullr aak of lha oIi'ikbs of Rot- dr oouaiy a ihira of lhair paironago. llavins puroh-4 mjr Onol fur CASH. I am abla (o aell at very L) W PH1CES. OiwUry I'roduce taken in Kxchange or lioniu. Toan Batpacirullr, S M. SHULER, robj.'as. Llrorpiol, Parry Co., Pa. a A,aaa OLD AND RELIABLE. BaJtrosu'a Livsa IxviooratorS a SLtudard Family Remady for Sdueeaos of the Liver, Stomach jaaa liuweu. It is I'urcly J , egautuio. i Barer JDebiliUtes It is 1 T7 l.l 1. W B ICathartio and pft Toaio. 1 al a' Ivsi luvigorato) has been use in my wraetiei aud Ly the public' for more than 85 years ' with unprecedented results. NO FOR CIRCULAR mm w m aiuraia at m las BMOaDWkV i, Hi saai saui aiiH.t nawvouaoivi; 5 ui aacoouT oiva ULa let it asrviTt, 0aaoOjaaaaJa jaajaaajaia PI A avs'aaaHt ial. CeaorBBd Book aal at araitvuiiu to sua. umitsaii Btapa, ( aat Raoda. I Kaaa Swelle, Sua I. Bjook, Biy oa. wswoiMI-lBy rvawapapar vraa. 1- Sraa VAtfUt, f. MATTY, Waahlafft,.J, Si ft vi a&y: s Lr H D B 1. KJ7 1 .e'ds Esl mm ESI MM W 4mC 1 . - W ci II 111 PaJAa tt,i saJV EH mi 1 I nil Win-ri is K4 d Unr Cn. A tiailo wraiMrMloB and. tha mmlf aaaao nam y a lAa Aorld for Blrlskil'a pkiioia, niafcvavaL nm tU KJaMr, Unr, mmi Crtaw? tmm, . . . ai'oaiimnniaia of Uat hkjaoM aoSor la plant nt tha rora OT u tho etira at StrtsktrB and thoothor dlawra. call ..r Waraw't Mlaaiir aaa Livwr f-arak. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It la h Hwt Bloaxl ruHMar. and atlmalataS rmr mrHKinn to oinn hmilifui actloa, anal Is tliaa a BnHtt In all Hanwa. It ratm WiraOtliiaia and rMharSnia) Sa,ajp tloaaa and iM-ra-m, laolodlue Cbiobib, 11 ov, and (H'trr m ttyatupalo. V wnUmm aftlM. MIWIB, CaaMlaaUaa, IMaalniaia. aixcratl BtMI. Mr, Mr., ara cured tif tha (MM milm It IS Bttaiualad aa an oppatlaer oaxl refruiar lMitn. Buttlao of two ataaa ; pfU-aa, aa)o. attd B WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qntrklrirl and tothaaorlkrlna rwo ffflf raMlarBio and N rallpsit a-laa. and ratlevaa ani alar prarani Crmtlana bmaalitnn by axriwira drink, ovar work, m-ntibl alinrka. and nthar cat lam. rowarSil aa It 10 to atop paa and aootno nla. tarhml Ntr-a, It n-ri-r Injnraa lha ajalaaa. hatbarlakmlnamallnrlarradoM. AtutUaaurtwotiMi pilcaa. SO, aad S-a. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ann an rnimadiata and aclva atlmnina Sir a Tmiia mt. rnn ruro eaauvaaaaa, niini . BlffERS Fortify the Sytcm. yon ara srrnM aptlnt rtlra. Tha floont lonie for ibia purnnar ia II (liar's Slomaah Hitlaro, which ranlrs I ilinMiioQ aaay an'l eooiplata, eoutiianon hiliouanra, ami kJi-Da I ho howala In oHnr ami an cniat ao l ucn'fleaot ara lia f fi-oia lhal aol only la lha body limjnr alrd ami rr-jnUif J by lis uia, hul d. Pnmli-nay banlbail from tba tuin.1. or aio by ail Urueaiata auJ Dtalora amorally. Stray Cow. J Vcow. red and white spotted, hav liiir a lumn liatvaan front latf.. am. tt tha prmlaa -I lha nmloraUna-l a I- wank am. Tb -nwoorU raqil ata l t-i firar I, lrtivo prirt.. iav ohartfaa, an i t.ka bar i away oilie wlra aha will bo -lupnaj ol aooonl- 1 log to law. IMA ! IfllKR, May if, M. Shaiuukla II n, .Hnj.la- !a Atoinistrators" Sals! nnderaiirned. Ad minist rotors 1 Ol till tht a.taia of I'at-r rl h,l, lata of t'haiimao tfiwnthlti. Movlnr eounty Pa., laa I.. It virtu ol ao nr.lar lau-l out of tha lirpbao' ll.iurlAt 11,1 ronniy. will 0Xi4a to Fuullo Halo, ou lha promlnai, oo Tuesday. June lath, 180, Tho fn.iwln ila-crll.0'1 llaal Kala a. altuata la UiiapBiaa lonn.hlp of raald coolalolo 31 Acres, ami I'NI no'rhoa. a'rli-t maia'tro. hoon-lml by Un't-nf Aorfu-tui Striiab. lrv Horr-il l, "am- -I llarr-il.l an I o har'. balnic trai-t No. a Iu aaU order Ue:rlii d i tboroou oraotod a House and Stable. Sal - to onmioonoo at i n'elnok A. M. nf. ay whau larma aal- will ha roadn knows by iiiih nur M.H, bllbANM AU bOII t.fliVL. Mayn, ). Ada.lol.iratori. A DMINI STR TOR'S NOTICE.- Ittort of administration on tho ait at a of Oaorao lial. lata ol Horry Towanhln. Mny-lar uo . r-a.. uaoo. uaa oooo a-ran tail to tha umior. la-nad. all uoraooa knowing IhooiaoWaa Indobt - 1 to aalil otato will I'leaia uiaka ImoiaUUta paytnoot wbllatu baf Ins olalmt aBalnataalu oatata all! praaaat thorn lor lattlaiu. ot to Ai.nni'iiii nwilil I'u tf , HLNKi 1)AI. Apr. I. 'at. AdatlBlitralar. Cathartic Pills Combine tha choicest cathartic principles In medicine, In proportions accurately adjuatetl to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the reaitll of yeara of careful study and nraelical ex partment, and are the moat effectual rem edy yetdlacovered furdlaeaaea, eeuaed by doranR-ement of tbe atomach, liver, and liowela, which require prompt and effects al treatment. Avaa'a Vilia araapevlally applicable to this claaa of dlaeasna. They art directly 00 tha dloeativa and aeeina, llative proreaaea, and reatora reirnbir healthy action. Their eitenalve uaa by phyaiclana in their practice, and by all clvUlaed nationa. la one ot ths many p route of their value aa a Bale, aura, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine, lieing compounded ol tba eonoentrated virtu ea ol purely vegetable auhetaaoee, they ara positively trea from calomel, ot an injurious properties, and can be ad ministered to children with parlectaaiaty. Arm's Pn.ts are an effectual euro foe Conatlpatloa or OoeUveneae, ladlge. Uoa. Dyepepala, Lose of Appotite, Koul Btontaeh and Uree,th,IUxlneea, Iteavdarhe, Loos of Memory, Numb. Bmnm, IliUouaaeea, Jaontllea, Rheum. tlain, KrnpUoM and Bkla Plsaaaaa, Iropey. Tamora, Worana, Najtral. ' aria, ColVe, Oripae, DlerrhoM, Daaaa. Cery, Oout, rUae, Uteordera of the LJver, and all other dleeaaee reaulting (rout a dlaotoared state ol ths OraaUve apparatus, As a Dinner Pill they bavs ao equal. While gentls la their action, these Fuxa are tha moat tburuugb and search Ina? cathartic thai can be employed, and never give pain unless tha bowela ara tiiltamed, and then their lufluenne la heel, hm. Thar stimulate the appetlU and eageatlva oriraoa; they operate to purify aud enrich the Mood, and Impart renewed Leal lb and vigor to tbe whole system. Pre Mrs! by Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Ce rraetleal eel AaaUytaasi CSjaaalaSs, LewsU, Msss. aour f 14 savseiara svssvwssss. ( IlL. Spuria. T Jfa aad Afaa. and akouiS 1 I f 1 ba nard hnaw thai I bnwvladnrolopraio i .J ' IV I frat-lr and ramiarlr. '7 It. I iiL.na-M4 . , III m'" . ''""ik fl III Trla Ba aaa, a fcn. .. ti I -t-.arf.ai.ia ia J - (H.H.Wanf4Clt, THRESHER I Five Pise. For Horse and Meam Powar. Tho boat, most durable, eimpftst Tbrssber and Separator evermann actor ed. THE Farmers' Friend i The best, most complete Drill evet offered the American Farming Pub lic, aod every good farmer says so. Tho past year tbe sales of this drill amoiintod to a aura equal to tbe sales of all tbe other drills combined Tbo Uirdrt'l Oluvcr llu'lir ia built in I wo iltrtrrai.l aijrloii. Ibo Afeuiicr ir. and Monitor Jr aad la buill in two iliAVroat auaa, Tba anialloM tnaolilna ia Ho in Cyl rmli-r ami iha othrr Hti. This machine la fully ararraoieil anil ia put in aumptll lioa with any other. RIEHL BROS., Agents, May 2 Lewibburg, Pa. A UQITOHS STATEMENT r'lnanaaa of t'rai.kllo lowutlilp lor IMv anil praTluua eara Aeeunulitf SiiMurl II. II vuinijer, Super- iimi.'iir J.")'.i. To atnt. ol hll 10 Heme ol Muad Tat 9i0l07 till. Ily work on limit 3H i-T i lu.uliar and k'"I 0'3 Ity hi" aarvldMa o rual 41 M Ily alluwent 7t Ity miatak- Io fti. Ileal I at Hrralved nf . . K. nlft ItaoaUail nf J. .ho It. Ilaebmaa bo fa Id aaditurt I to Ralanee dua tnwnahlp ArcvwU of Juhn Gilhrrt SunrrrUor or U7:). To ami of hie Duplleato of Kuad Tat (K. tn; tl By work no Hoaiit i U? alluwanoaa Hy lila rvl-ea on Kuad 01 uo a (4 St u IT no IU I M Hv Inmlior l.ir Mailt Hy itraral fr roli llo Tai f aid Audltura Balaaea dva to aihlp Aaount doe Inwnrhlp of Jaeob Krb M.iparrianr l ir i.l Auiiantdu towa-bip nf Joaoph Brla. SS 10 Mil loser sopor fitur lor m. Account qf the Owmrert 0 the Poor. Aacoaat of ttaotaol Howore Orar.aar of tha Poor lor Ilia. To ami. of hi duplicate narvivvu 01 d.i. 01 a.nrwi AfUvasB HeoaltadofH. U. Welter aai 10 so rn. Barner Thontaa T ul Weal kick tta Alfred lioliaoa B II William Thomaf abllilrea f 4S TbomaaHUamori H Hv aainani ol eefvleoa SI as Hy enuoilMloo 1' I Hy alluwanoaa I 74 Uy eaab paid Aadltora I a by Bood aa tM II Balanae due townahlp IMII SaatBol H. Waiter Uvereear af lbs Poor for Teeavoat of hie danllaate Si ee TO Hecolvad olUeorge Miiuaet exlTO VR. T at ti M 14 ai II as MS I M M on J oa iron lei oh a Mllhof AUred llobeoa Haraer Thooaaa Haraar Olrls Wesley Mleh By eoomlMilea Hy Sarvloee Hy allowaaees Heootfoa or n. uowaraea For laying Tat T J. Hailth. aervlees Uaah paid adltora I at Stl SS Balaaea dee Uak(a UH at Mrs. Batg'HI aeooBBt I Hit Balaaea dae af bar aeouaat st left MM SRYOKBtKIUNTY.Mt Wa, tba aaderalgBod Aadllersar PraakllB towaahlp arnroeald, Da Uertlfy, that weioateatko aaoood Hoaday af April, lea aad artj.oroad or to April telh. oa saciiuut of Iskaaas ofooo of the8perlnre, aad at the said aaaetiBS aadltad, adjuaied and aatllrd tbe forenolus aeoouoU of the Sanervla. ore aad lerera of the poor laaadfuraald towoabip for the yoar !!. aa 4 da report tha seaia In a and eorreot to the beet af oar kaewt- edge BBS Bailer. Ultoe aader oar haade IhU Mia Say of April A. 1. iloo. SAMtTILTMIWKlt, J I. A. bOl.kNDCH. ,W. ailLMlMUSK, May IS, ISM. Auditors WXECUTORS' NOTICE -Letters M.-J teataaiaaUry aa the eeUlo of iOHS EHIILBY, late or Jarkeoa lot aeblp, nayoer r Ceaaty doe's having bcea great he a ail er la aad, aU preoa kaewlag Ivea ladabtad to eeld aetata are reaaeet- od 1 atake liaaiedlale payuteat, while theeo kavtag etaieta win praaaat taee est aataoai. eetea io? settieeMat to . , MmoN riiH.ir, MOHHia KetDLEY. Atrtl ia, 'M-K ssaaeteM. IV W aa t, has now filled up his Store again and has tho Largest Stock of DBT No to select from that can he found anywhere bx this or an adjoining county. 3u stock of DEESS COOL is coinplettja LAWNS, CASHMERES, SILKS, SATINS, SILK FRINGENS, PRINTS, A large variety of BUTT0N& HOSIERY and GLOVES in abidance. A full line of CARPETS and OIL CLOTH. Please call and examiua onr stock, aa this column is too email io ast morale all we have. t Itia nnderatood that onr prices are alvraya lower than tbe lowest Most of onr Roods have been bought and ordered before tho advance Is prices, sud therefore our customers a ill get the benfit of tbe same. Respectfully, Ha WKIH, Opposite Keystone RotuV Oct. 1G, 73. Kulioagrove, Pa. Great Reduction in IFUGSMnTHJIKIB! WOUIU IBKW 'UI J. opportunity ofan f" nouueing to the J public, that I still I I would tales this continue in tbe Furniture Rnsincss and that my stocV ia full end com plete, and that I I lit ronu HtiitH JrAKMin- Co mo Huitn Pull nnd compare m v ROrtdn with chasing. Look for tho Dig Sign, on cr.1-, .s'lvasifflri-ai Respeelfnllv. Li Li VI ItEUGR. July 10,'79.tf. Solinegreve, Pa aTOXXXTSTOXr BUFgLEB I f aS eauM aad piaaaaM iraalaMwt r?AI?BOLATE OH iiiJav. ajts SELLER'S COUGH SYRUP 50 Year Before tht Public. ProBouaood by all Is bs lbs moat pleas ant aad aSUaolous remedy now la uaa, for tbs oura of soughs, soldi, evoup, boaraaaasi, tlekllag aanaaiioa of lbs ibroal, whooping eougb, sis. Ovir a atlIU los bottles sold wlthla lbs last faw yaan. It glvai relief wherever need, sad baa Iks pswsr Is In part brnett (hat saaaot bs bad rroai the eougb atlilares bow la eae. Said by all Druggist! st U esaU Hr bolUa. 8KLLKH8' LIVER PILLS are atss blibly raeommiDdad for curing liver aoaiplaiBt, soaatlpatioa, siolubasdaabas, fsvat sad ague, aad all diasaias sf lbs toaeoh aad liver. Said by all Prug gUts at 25 sasts par bog. R. I. Sailers A Co., Pittsburgh. Pa. 01.16,79. ly. EXECUTORS' NOT1CR. Letters teeuaieatorvoa Ika eauteef John Sraltk, laiaaaea. late of WBeklaalee toBhip,aaydr aoaat. INiaa'a.. have beaa eraBtea to tbe kaewlns tl Ive iBdebtrd teei era reoBaeiied to make bBBMdl ate two late pay ai aal, while Ihoee havlBB alalaaa bad Par seiileeMal I iaeei amy aaaaaiiea JOHW A. BWITS), Mias at. 1 liA elllng all my gee alt, at tbeVEl.T LOW EST TRICE, ia fnct cheaper than) the pome grade of poods can be pur - Iinsi d nnyWLere is Snyder Co See tb following prioee t rJ nnd Upward. ilUJ n.nl ITpwcarcko thoee of other dealer) before Pine Strott, Kut of Ckbert'e storsk THE J0H1TST01T 7771X3 IS THI eiSTANO MOST "OFUIAS SEWIIQ KAOEIIt ATTlOdtXTS Erat laranlad. Prioe tUM TEE J0B2T3T0N TUCZJES, Ktwln- MachlBO AUarhaantt except SB0 Ibafflw la aa aauch aent as tha Tockea. Prise (3-Ou. THE JOHNSTON eOROES Price IIjOO. Theeo J are the fealla) practical stlachmeata that everyo oouy wants, and bo oawlaf a cbloe Is aompkie without taeea. wtaa tachiae atenla. We will raralai Ibey are kept by all eowl either of thn at the artra i ASata wnia nr iimetnuaa eivewe let aad Wholesale Prlea tie ha. CO., OTXDXWA, IOWA, i , lhonumea u n. II. W. CASE'S Pveolae KeaMaW Wotkor 1'r JfV?3 ADrtnUSTEATOE'O Sale of Real Estate. The undersigned Administrator, t. a. of the eatete of loha BtHeer. tale of fBloaeonaty deoeaeaa, ey virtue or en leeued eat af tha Ueart of Oomoioe flea of Border eoanty, will eipoee Io PaMM Bate, al Boilers' Mill, aear tho preaMse, la JaalSb aoBsty, ea Toeeday, Jane 15th, 1880, the BBdlrlded haif Inbereet la tha following See earthed Real Eatete, being timber laaS, lit ate Is terry lowashlp. Bayda aoaa. eo Tract No. One, ' edhlnlBg lasda M David Kraaiar aad ajher laoilenfJobB Stltter, iWd, eoalatalag Fir. TV-OMB AURBBaBdoaa k adrod oadUlrtf leer perahes, aaora or Uaa. Tract No, Two, adlolalag ether laade of linleal, aa lata rag riVl Y-ONIfi aub CM aad aee head red aif Biae perebaa, aaora or lasa, Traet N Three, adJolBlng lands af John Btltaer aad hadl Mi'aauia. aoelalalng rOBrr-NIBB AOBBS aad aee kaadred aad torty-pereaaa, atore af BaleMeeaaweraatMeWeog A.et.efaaal Bay wkea total alll be made kawn by aay wbou iwtaae fc g,,,, May It, UM. Adatlaktvreeev. DODGE At !."" r-W a. rinARLEB HENDRICKS of W J tain X Raadt. Valoej eeaaly, Pa- hef oeaalaBtly ea bead all kladt al reeelra MJ S" -"ftj'ii ji' txrt! hist atUe aWyaaadaeS plaas. t r I I 1 t r 7 Aiyuk..Miltaai