aVa eoiemn one year, - 11.00 fhuvhaJf. column, on vr. 80.00 One-sWlb olunui,ouo rear, ' 15.00 i na nuM 1 tfl liues) 1 lnaertJon . , 75 ffvsjrr aaajisonai inscruon, ?w ftoreMiOnal and Business cw of not mor than 9 linos. par year, (5.00 Aoditor, Eiecutor. AdiniMiMrtor ml Assignee nonces, . .w Editorial notice par lino, 15 ijill uansoleot advertising loss than J inontlkS 10 cents a line. - t All advertisements for a shorter pe And Uuui oue your are payable at th Una titer eve ordered, 'and it not paid pecson orderuig tuorn will bo Held sponaiuie lor ma Dinner. Father's Crowina Old. ' n ' Oer father's (rowlaf aid. Jobs "f Olt J m irowlus dim . : Ami years on kit tbtuUort laid, A lieevy,etilu fr bl, - -An) yea and t yaaafc and hat. And Mob eetelwart mailt Aad w 'ttmtt make bit lead at llgbt Aadtaay m wa eaa. D need to lab lha brunt. Jobs, , At aredle anil Iba plow, . And earned aar perriilge by tba twent ' Thai IrloUed down bil brow, ' fat sever beard btia complain, Wbete'er bia toil might ba, Far wasted a'ar a welcome leet, . Upda bti solid a nee, ' Aad whaa tor sey-aifeatta eaae.Joba Aad sturdy (raw aaob limb, ' He braat bt 04 U tba yellaw Said. But ho,eol forwoet In tba iwnrUy.-. .Jttoailng aatda tba ap-nla.' ' ' " Jail Uka iba plow Ibat baaraa tba toll ' Or ibtpa Ui( sbeert iba mala. Now wa aooat laad tba raa, Jobs, Through weather foul aad fair. And tat tba aid nan raad aad dote, ' Aad tilt bit Saay ebalr, ' And ba'll not mind, John, yon know, Al ara la tall ua a'ar Tbota brat old Jeya af British timoa, (. Our grandairea and of iba war. Tee I father's (rowing oM, Jobo, His eyes are teniae dlin i - . And mother's IreeJiof eofily down Tba deep descent with him. Aad 70a and I ara yonnj and bale, .. And aaod aotalwart rata ; - ed wa nuil make tbeir paib as emoolb Ana level aa wa eaa. ,t .. AN EARLY POEM. -r lea tor, tm. iVcstaf Jail ai nooa In May . ilkd itut btrtebaok, tealiag gay k my paraiol, yoo ate, Jeep tbe moon froaa ooltlax me (teaoephere waa etirrtaj oat, , a tUeealra tba win J blow liot. limb to limb, all la iba sun, l liitlo bolfors run ; Id Iba soase of vjieiloai rills y alid babbling up ilia bilta bang ibair aita'it up i a limb, . In iba water t ovk a awlin banner BolJe, dop la eniw, Vrtea wilb f!rUat graae, aad oh, at iotl rain I eaa reU oeoaiiioa di lu'l fall I my boraa up wilb a frawn, oy nmbnlla I put down. bl flea gaabuled Wilb tba kid, 'iter cbaitd iba kiJid ; I improred Iba abluing boura eriag bonoy from tba fljfori j ikorni loaJei dow n (ba oak, tree wiib ask.hoppcrt broke. la aky waa qnita full of eloo Ii, aiUarJi tbem p Uka abroudi : . fiog roared Ineeeeanily laaa I did nerer to. l blna bearena bentatb my feat hid never aeetaeJ ao aweot. )tall alter all tbal Aug tut day tba meadow ahepping bay. Viar-tora bat.aad atriw made gowa. I my band a I rede down, "" Bled a drink , aba oalmy eald a tpring a mile abead I lOO t . X eX -1 e,.. .Toman's Sacrifice. Vmiaht do batter. Jobs." I Wlliama apoke ' fretfuUj, iu awa told to her fcr bar only .M BOt : pleasant (orter io Hr, mothorr -A a ringioir, dear roioa it waa )ng and hearty, aa if to match V atalwart figure, the bright erea. and handaim. innnv (John Williama. ior 1" And , now a boarty ang oat , "As it there lived or woman than Hannah , John, ' aha) is only a shop- I won't be a ahop-clrl when my wife. I anl not a rioh i my ewlarr will make a corn- I home for all of aa." will torn me oatofdoora. )nh,, . . aer," cried John, with a i anffer gunning tbroogh the J reproach of b! roioa, "yoa owBajuuth Cojl better AVilliama' eonaeienoe gare yp twinire, for ahe did know I better than to think aba Vprire a orippled woman of I none, 1 Tra.. Williaaaa, like many a her, bad nnraod each hub f tb ratnre, matrimonial a of bar boy,' that aha fait )te ahook of diaapointment J tub) bar of bia engaga- V,H aba ttoaid, after John Mr for hie daily routine of John might aaplre to aaa a man csep- VpL.; 17, ; MIDILteBtJRG;?gNYDMt COUNTY. Ile waa well aJuontoJ. well con. nootod, and oooapied a roaponaiblo pewition. - - - - 0 9 9 ad J not one wook later Ilanoah Oorla came to tho honae, whore ahe waa to nare baa grndginjr welcome aa its mietroM, and outormg softly wont to the crinnlod womau'a aide. Uroucued ilown among tho cnnh. ioca, Booming to hare slii uok to lost than uor actual size ia Lor uiiHury, was the fond, proud tnolhor, hor frame alurenug in oonralaivo agooy, uor worcia aiwaya tuo aauio 1 "Oh, John my aon, my good son I Ob, lieareulT Father, let mo Iiu I one bad been all 00a loag night ao moaning, ao sobbing, ottorlr Una olato, nttorly aJono, lueaonaue iJolizol. the IrastoJ dork, tbo fond, prood lover, was I; ing in a cell, awaiting a trial for for 8"y-i : f e bad boon ftrroBlod for passing a forged 'chock, takoa ia the very not of; attempting v to cash it at the bank. t The story be told of its possession was so improbable that it still farth er injured biro, and gare personal rerouge an adJiliouol motive for hia panishinont. He aaid that Uuruid the son of the partners of tho firm, had aont him to tho bauk with tho check. ' " it Scared needed tho yonnt man's indignant denial to contradict this story. A friend ia tbe samo employ bad gono to 1 no motuer aoj low mo news us kindly an J gently as poum ble, A noire aDgnr an 1 stoat rndo bid kept ho old bJy np during that try log intorriew, btit odco sho was ulono, sho cronchod in the cushions of hor chair aud monuo-J oat in the ultcr mttfery of hor hoart. ' ; Thore was no strong nrm to nit hor to hor own room that' oibt. Tbore waa no hearty, rioifiu roico to bid bar good morning. . Sllll tho fucblo ro:c, ircifjUtod ith its borJun of anguiwh, tooune 1 its sad refrain, whoa thtt d,or opon ed and Uaunah Coylo evmo ia. N.i frioad bad brokou ti.o news (;ont!y to the young girl. Dot the suock cams ra loiy on ncr from tho columns of the daily pi pom. It was not ia one hoar, or two, that aho could coutpor hor own gi i.f ho os to bavn tho bonn?. Jiut wuou the Grst latUo was over in hor Ii-.-ui t. sho went at ojco whori sho know John would havo U'-r iro. So when, faint wilU hui lonj r.ighl of misery, tho mother lay tnoaiiiiig. a kind hand w;s luil upon hri Khouldar, and a roico clour and sUong, bnt Bwoft with womanly t Jrruwis, spoke the dearest wor l ou ?rth. ' "Jolher V Sho looked op with hiS.'lird, blood-shot cyna, ni.d ki lioixliu;,' over a f ieo that lovs pity, and deep, noutterabla touJerno-ia had traus foruiod into ponitivo beauty. ".Mothor," tho sweat, cloar voico said, "this is not what John would wish." Tho motbor's toars, the first she had shed, flowed fast at tha sound of hor son's name. "Oh, fljLOuhh 1" she said "yoa do not boliovs John is gnilty f - "John gnilty I" tho girl cried, hor voice tinging like a trnmpm-caii, hor ovos JluMiinir. aud hor chock growing crimsou 1 "mothor, how can you put tho'' words togothor you know I know that be ia inno cent.'' . "But ho is ia prison. He wilt bo triodl'' r This was tho first conversation that drew tho boarts of the two womon together", bnt the bond that kait thorn T during the months-abat followed wag .that of ani&rfag, and sorrow, 1 that -would- babe torn (he heart of the man I whom they loved and trusted . ' daring bia dorkost bonre. - . For tho trial nnlvaenarated tbem mare surely and tc-ribiy.r ,' Twelve mUUitfeoutnou.aftar hear ing all the evidaaoe, pronounood a verdict of gnilty, and John Williams waa sentenced for ton years. It is not ia tho power 01 our pea to describe tbe dosolate homo to which this news was carried. Ther never doubted him, even 10 the fsoo of all the ovorwholining evi dence that bad oondomnod bim, but Ueaven seemed to 1 have dosertod tbem when they knew the result of Uia trial. Hannah Ooyle was not pretty Oar features were plain, her eyes soft brown, and she had a sweet month, that oould amile bravely and light her faeo for the invalid's eyes ia their darkest boars. But she had one great beaaty ia long, heavy masses of hair, o' a rioh dark brown, and of whioh she was fond and proud because John admired it "It u my only beauty,' aue womu say, wbea 01a Mrs. wiuiams ex olaimed at its profusion, ''and I must keep it glossy and pretty xor Jonn s sake. He muHt And his wife unaltered waiting for him when b comes home.'' ' " ' This waa before the crashing rer- diottbat ended tha young clerks trial. Fortunately the - old lady owned tba little home In which she lived, her sola legacy from her dead bus band 1. but aa tha weary months crept slowly along, poverty showed Its ugly taoa to toe numuie noma worked faiUiiully at bar old post until Airs.. Williams, Iwos uKoa' rory III. ' ' , U. 1 1 . . 1 kiruw ainu Bnioiy oogan to Tmvo pnysicai as well as tnnuUt offoct, and the roothof bowod down, aged more in one year of separation? from her son than aho had over boon in ton oC their loving companionship. It waaimpossible to -tewve hor aione, iue situation was resigns 1. Nbsrer and nearer crept tho gaanl wolf, poverty' Little ertiolo. of fardituro that oould be sparOd woro sold j little comfort were donio l ; oxbra boon were given to tho poorly paid sowing that replaooxL flaunah's wojik, and yot aotual hunger was staring tUwm ia tbe f.tco. tyaarly two years had Joliu Will 060 morning Hannah 0ylo, loavinj her .avlf imposed charge sloopin, wbt to ouo of tho f whiouablo hair drossnrs. " I bovo come to soli my hair." choking back hor tears, and thinking "it will grow out again bofore Johu ojines home." The propriotor lod hor to tho hair-dressing-room, and hid his amazomont al lbs auporb profusion uuiior a hard, hal(oontomptuous siuilo. . ' Whon sho left only three shillings bad been paid for hor closoly oroppeJ head 1 yot that would keep lifo a littlo longerin tho feublo fratuo of John's mothor, and Hannah was tb'iiiLful.' 1 - Siio wsa rapidly " walking boaifj. when she was attracted f r a uo' moat by a .crowd, and hrr foot soom ed panJyzod a. pop . heard, a man say : '' I saw Lis .'faco. It is GoralJ Somors " ' i .f " " Is bo ranch "hurt V Fatally, JL should say. . Ono . rf tho liorpos , put his foot on Liu breast." "Ucrald Somors I Fatally in- j'lrodf" itannau uovur panaod to contcm plato possibilities. Slio foiocl hor way lhron;li llio crowd into t'10 ro'ini wlmro tho young man lay waiting for death. "ion cannot ga in. ' "I must go in," sho said, ' "It is a niatlor of lifo and death." 1 must bos bim before ho dies.' Something io tho white, oarnost faco morod tho man's hoart nud ho oponod tha door. Oa a sofa, covoro 1 with a a'loot, lny tlio haiiilsouiu, dinnipaloJ son, of tbo merchant pritico- Knooliii? beside him wai his father, nuJ I thj physiciuu altol at tint hoa d of the counh. Tlioy had t'li'thglit O'lnscioiisaosii dead, when n clear voice Gpoko tho ding man's nainu, "ilorald Sooiois." Uo opeuod hin.oyes wildly, an 1 tho clnsr voice sivko ugaiu iu woi Jh of nvj:it s-jloma i.-npoi t. A. you li'ipn Ir inorcy in Uia no;t wu:ii, ion tuo iriitu 01 Joliu tYiltiatu'u innncciico.'' 11 1 gnspod c jnvultuvcly, whila Lii father lookod inquiringly, at tho iu- truiior. "Joan uiliauifl, tuo living voico saiil foobly, "was iuuooout. I wtoto the signature," "lioruld I ' criod tho falhor, ''in this truo V" "It is truo, as I bono for God's morcy. Thero was a tnomout and thou tho old man .mnali. Who are you V of silonco tarnod to "John WilliMina' promised wifo.'' "Uo. 1 will do bun JUtttlOO, l.oavo too with my sou.' Sho bowoJ hor Load, and wont slowly from tha prosonoo of tho dy ing. Jamas Somors kept his word. Ho was an npright man, and sacrificed tho name of tbe doad to right that of the living. He would not take Joun baoK. Tho sight of his f 100 was too ex quisitely painful, but bo paid him his fall salary for tho time of his absenco, and found him a lucrative position. It was tbo day of tba bome- ooming. jirs. Williams in bor own onair was smiling upon John as becarosg ed annah'a cropped hair. Very gravo and pale bis sunny face bad boooino, but bo Binilod as mother said: It was for mo, John, sho sacrific ed hor eplondid hair. I cau nevor toll you all sho aacridoed for me, but that speaks for itself." Clasping Hannah ia a close em brace be askod: Do you think now, mothor, I might do bottor T" Not if yoa could marry an em press." Sho thinks so still, and John a grees with hor, though he has boon married four yoars and Hannah's hair is as superb as ever. This short prayer from an Italian may find responsive minds ia any dims 1 "I prey that I msv never bo married. Hut if! marry, pray that I may not be deceived. But if I am deceived' I pray that i may not know of it. Unt if I know it I pray that I may be able to laugh at the whole aflair.'' .The bright red of this season's fashions has reached Texas, whore steers ran wild, and fierce, encoun ters between belles and bulla are ouutuoa, , " Fooled Again. . " For throo lotlg hours, the other forenoon, a stranger aat oa a horse, block on Woodward avenno. near the parks, in the old north wind, closely watohing vohiolo and pod efttriana, and acting as if be o.tpocU od a.iinnthlng of iinp-irtinoo to 00 our. His long hair, oadaverons faco and seedy dress, at length attract ed the attention of a policeman to him, aud tha olucer naked why ha sat there. "Hay,' roplind tho man, as ho rose np and roachod out to shako haudvl luliavo I'vo boon f o lod again. It's long enough after Id o'clock, and she hasn't bappenod yet.' 'What's that T What is to ban poo f , 1 .Say.raaybo you'll think I'm green, but I honesty believed the world was to oonie to an and at 10 o'clock to. day. So did dad 1 so did ma'am t so did Hannah. A fo or came through our neighborhood ia Jan uary, and gavo us the duto and told ns to be ready, Tho old folks wanted to go np from tho front yard, 1 ... j t 0 a. uuk 1 preiorrou to coma to lowu. J walked sevon miles this inoruiug.nnd was hnro at half past niuo Say, why didn't sho oud, as ndvortiio 1 f What's tho use of fooliiiu a fellor this way ? Are yon ninny onoagh to boliova bucIi things V askod tho olllcor. Well, kindor. This is tha thirl time I'vo boon ready, and it Booms I'm fooled again. Say, pothaps it was postponed on account of the weather.' JUiko onongh. 1 guoss not, though. I gnosi tve got thn dato wrong. Say, wouldu't this bo a bully placo to i-Und nud soo tho poi formauco. Cracky 1 but whoii tho oa rlli began to hcavo. tho trues to fall, Ilia water to riso, aud lln heavens ti Haruo, wouldn't lbitic;H iiiouu 1 huro look biek V 'Voit'd bettor gj hoin.i.' '1'oS, I NUppoSM 8 . If HhaW. 11 tO oomo (iT to -day, bho'd been ou time. Say, you d in t go niuali ou the world coming to uu cud irclty boou, do you?' Xot a cent.' Wull, I do. So docs tho old niau. So does ma'am. So docs llanuah, Wo ain't going to it if wo kr.ot oui'riulvc. 'i'lio old man will fu l worHO than I do, for ho c. got to pay a uatd of S') to-iuorrow. liaiiuiiU won't caro 111110.I1 for nii'n boon oug'ignd pi;;ht titutfl, lilnl is 11.10 1 i) di.nppoiutiuoutH. S iv, how djyou i-iippoKO tbo purforiiiauco! win (!o!iipiijii:o wami it iloos c;iiiv o!T ' 'Haven't any idna. Haven't, til V l!o a lii;'h oi l lim.i, wont th y f Sii,;ir 11:1 I tt and biii'Ii i;'.ti;V will count djwn our half, and you p..lieo won't f. 1 mueh liko kaouUing i:iou d iwn and jump ingou 'em. .S.iy, tjo pjifjrmiuco is o!r isn't it T' I gneiis H'.' "Wull, I'll go homo. Kintlor moan to fool a follor this way, but 1 eau stand it if the oil world can Maybo sho's goin, to wait for warm weather, cuy, did. 'You'd bolter go.' 'Yea, I know ) but it's kinder funny to thiuk of dad nnd ma'am Hitting out in tho front yard, nil paa kored up and ready to go, and Han nah iu tlio front bod-room up btairs, singing. I want to tm an angel, through hor uose 1 Hal ha! In! Kindor fl it on mo, too, th 1 Hoof od it Bsvon miles to bo foolod ou tha tiiug gamo. Say, don t 1 ha ollicer was moviug away. 'Say, you 1' Hut tho offlcor wouldn't, nud, af- tor a lingering look around, tho yonng man took his way np Wood ward avonuo, walking botwoou tho oar tracks, and looking for cracks in tuo pavomout. Tho Value ol Sunlight. Whether your home ba largo or small, give it light Thoro is no honuo so likely to be unhealthy as a dark and gloomy honso. Iu n dark and gloomy houso, you Dover ,sco lha dirt that pollutos it. Dirt ac cumulates oa dirt and the mind soon learns to apologiso for this oondition bocauso gloom couceals it. lowers will not healthily bloom ia a dark houso'; aud Mowers aro, as a rule, good indioos. Wo put tho (lowers t Thou, again, light is nec essary iu order that the animal spirits may be kopt refreshed and invig orate J. No ono is truly happy who ia waking hours is in a gloomy house or room. Tho gloom of the prison has evor boou considered as a part of the pnnishmont of tho prison. It is so. I bo mind is saddened in a homo that is not flushed with light and whoa the mind is saddoa ed tbo whole physical powers boou suffer 1 the boart boats Lingaidly.tho breathing is imporfoot tho oxidation of the blood is raduood.and tha con ditions are laid for the development of many wearisome and unnecessary constitutional failures and sutler iugs. Ouco again, light sunlight moan, ia of Itself useful to health in a direct manner. Sua light fa vors nutrition 1 .sunlight favors nerv ous funotion 1 sunlight sustains,obeia ically or physically, the healthy state of tha blood. Children and other persons living in darkened planes become blaoohed or pale'i they bare none of tbe ruddy healthy bloom of those who live in light OW Word. 'Unit PA , JUNE 3, Procrastination. "Procrastination is tho thief of time.'' This wo all know, not ouly by observation but by experience Tho tondoncv to put olr till to-mor row wlmt wo might do to-day i ono which wo should fight ngainst and strive to ovf rcomo, for it Is an evil whoso olTeets nro ao vinilily soon not only iu tho present but in the fntnro aho. To-morrow wo say we wilt do what if wn would only net ai wo ought, would bo dona to-day. Tlio poor drunkard sometimes thinks "utter this week will drink no morn 1" but how does it end 'I Next wo.ik i tho samo thing and so time g'M-s ou, ' nnd thn drunkard goos t till a drnnk ird's gravo nnd 1 1 his Dual uce. Mini, tuo victim of procrastination and his owu appo tito Mon konp on putting otTthosal vation of tlioir souls in tbos ituo way. "Nest year, when I havo ma lo m re money, nnd tbopro-w of business in not so groat, I will think of my soul : for tho pi'oiunt tho body and I'nV world's goods ara my caro.'' Next year passes, and tho noxt finds him drifting with tho lido of worldline, further olt from hia salvation than ovor. Thfy havo deliberately and of tbeir owu fi'oo will refused thn bent nift over oQ'orod ti man. Death comos aud tbo ci aud tho gilt is ollered no inoro- Tltny cant tho jjwcl behind them, thinking to find it nt. Bomo other tinio. Alas I their tnitako They prociastiuated, nud what wan tho oud T Dulios kIiouI 1 bo mot, not evaded ; taken up and borno at tlio prcsmit, not put oil till nomo oilier timo. (lod alotio knows whether thero ever will bo another timo or nut. Lost opportunities never return. Vou havo a friend sad at heart 1 yoa mean to oll'er your sympathy nomo timo, but in tho moatitiiuo your f: ien l goes ou hia j tiirney nlono, bearing a burden whieh is well ni;;li eruuhiug out bij lifo, uneheelcerod by even a kiud, lnviug word from you. I'ui-iiino you havo put it off, Shall it bo F.ti I of ni, "o biilh duo whul ho could," or shall it bo said, "l'ro craHtiuation ruinod him )"' A Cad Girl To Marry. A' bad daughter says an cseharcjo tiolihun makes u good wifo. If a ;itl it il!t jinperod nt homo, snailn ti. hir paronls, mt'ipi nt hot' brothers and Milium, and 'b'airki' liur rdina ry duties, thn c'laiun nro ton to o:ii t'.iat whoa nho jjetj homo of l.-r own sho will makn it wi'et"hnd. I h.'io arc girla woo fancy them- i'Iv.m s ) lar S'ipario? 1 1 th er par 1 ui i Ilia!, t.10 nievo priviU go i iv in r lli.iir iiojiety in tho (f en bouio ! i.'ht, to bo all th;i oil roi;!' bli.iii! 1 havo t'10 us:iiiiauco lo ml;, W'hdo thero mothers nro busy with iloiuiihlio dulios they nit iu tlio isii'st chair or lie oa tho Hofio it s f in, folding ou cheap and tranhy nov 1 l.i.iui 1 cherish tho uotiou that they aro very literary individuals, Tuo household dm, I 'ory it too ctuso for such ladies ns thoy. Girls of thia sort aro generally very nusi jtm to bo married that they may esoii;o tho diHagreoabloucHS of a home, whero they nro held moro or less under sulijoctious. A caller, who doesn't have a chance to Boo how they bohavo ns d M:;htors, may bo excused for fancying thoiu lovely l.vablo beings 1 but ono who does sou it is foolish if ho commits Lin self by oQ'eriug mariiii;o t a girl of this sort. Jt sho will nut assist hor mother in tha doiuostio labors, in she not likjly to bo e pi illy sloth ful ami ill-leuipurtt I whuu sho mar ries f If sho now thinks herself too lino to work, is it safo to uxpuct bor vio.vs us to that matter woul 1 ra . ically chani if aho bocauiu a wife ? 1 rot 1'rens. A Rkco.mmkndatios. As a writor of testimonials, commend us to Gail Hamilton, llecontly an Irish girl ap- pliod to the principal of tho Slato Normal School, at Salem Jassachu cnetts.for a situation an cook, aud ex hibited with pndo tho following tes timonial from G. II. t "Margarot F -has lived with . . w a at a mo lourtnon wooks. i nave loauu hor ivuriubly good tempered, in- mundu, fdirty), ahosrful, obliging, exitiwmi (destructive), respectful and incorrigible. Shu is a bettor ctok than any Irish girl I havo over em ployed, and cue of thn best broad makers ever saw. YVitU neatness and carefulness and ecouomy, she would muko an cxcelleut sorvant. I hoartily rocommond Lor to nil Chris tian philanthropists, and hor em ployers to Uiviuo mercy,' Harper Majul tie. Srunvfso roa LtwvEiis A con- tomporary sayt tuat tuo aoouor tne yoith of this country are oompollod by the soope and tonuonoy of our public school system to recognize that only one boy in a hundred can be a Uwyor, dootor or clergyman the better it will bo for American poopto. To that sail it Is essential that our nv tbods of training shall oeass to foster tho silly and abortive profereaoo for so-callod geotlouiaoiy pursuits aball aqnaroly face the fact that manual labor is the sphere la which the gr'at majority of the human race aro destined to more, and that It is insohitaio d skill and gen iua which ha transformed th wailJ and whioh about d oooimand tha highest prices ia the rtoea of lifo. 18S0. NO. 49 Standard Pearls. The author of our being is also the nuthor of our bliss Jt sin Las harbored in tho houso, tuo cur jo waits nt tho door. as we livoon Uod s bounty wo should live to his gluiy. What Jod requires of us be works wilUin us or a is not dona He that swells in proepcrity will be sure to sinink to adversity, Wo should bo concerned for our sius rather than our sufferings None were tnado to bo idle) be nbo gave us being gavo un business r.vil d iers try to get otbeis to do evil ; thoy do not liko lo bo olouo IIIUHO WHO WullKt 00 Kept nee froiu Lanu should keep out of hui'ui 'h way. Wo must look nro:ind on tho uni verso with uwu, uu.l 110 mau with scorn. Aspirations after truth and virluo aro pledges aud beginnings ol itu luorialiiy. Tho soulo which Clod Lath Lientli- od Into us sliomd brualho uflur Huu and for liim. Kvory man is "a man nftor God's own huurt'' for tho fuuetious that Lo docs best. , Meu uelJom improve w hen thoy Lave uo other models lhau them selves lo copy after, Those who would not cut lha for bidden fruit should uot eoiuo near tho forbiddcu tleo. A Smart Cuy A young man called on Lis in loaded, aud wlnlo waiting for her to make hoi- niipearanc-j ho utruek up a convolution with his intended brother .in-law. After a whilo tho boy nuked ; "i'oi.'S ualvanizod uiggora know lunch T' "1 really rau't say,' replied the much-uinuiiud young mau Aud then Mletico reignod for a few iuoiuuiiIs when the. buy leaum id Lis cuuvcrtution. "Kin jou play checkers with your uoso .'' N I havo nuvcr noipjiicd that nccotiiplishuic'.it.' "Hill, yvtid butter loam, you Lear 1110 '.' "Why T "'('.into Si:i savs you don't kuow as much ur a ij'ilvaui.ed nigger, but yer da I s got lots of lilamns nnd shell marry you anyhow; uud sho said when sho got boll of tho old mail's Hii'Mi" olio was going to nil tho Fourth of Jnlv pcrccssions nud ico ercain gum-sucks, nnd let you stay at homo nnd play checkers with that holly-hoc;; nosn of yours. And wheu tis got Lcr Lair bang ed and c.itno in. sho found tho par lor desrotod by all save her brother who wu inuojoutly lyiu;' tho tails of la-o K 1 1 ton 1 togothor an I singing 'Uu, I lovo tho Sunday shool.' The Clioico of a Vocation. In tho ohoico of a vocation thoro is ono groat luiutako to bo avoi lu l that is of entering what aro called "tho professions," or mercantile life, or Homo other employment, whore thero is but littlo manual labor, ou tho supposition that this must promiso to tho young raou a com paratively oany lifo. Thoro aro none who work harder than coiuo who aro not supposed to work nt nil. An uchiug brain may bu moro try ing th an a weary arm. I Uo man who handles tools often sings nt his work but there is not much music of this sort iu tho conutiug-houso whero the capitalist weaves tho web uud unravels tho tough knots of a great and complicated busiuoss. 8omo Boom to imagino that thoughts come Bponstaiioously, and that when a clergyman has pruaohed his two sormous ou buuday bo may rost until nnother Sunday recurs that tho lawyer when ho is uot en gaged in consulting or pleading in court, is doing nothing and that the ouly work of a physician consists in driving about aud wntiug cabalis tic prescriptions. The experiment of a week iu some such lino of life would ctl'octually cure all such dolu sions. i ' i i ii g When love aud affection aro ban ished from Lomo lifo loses its great est charm. Soino Lomus aro full of lova and sunlights and ail ugliness and gloom for tho ones for whom they live. To constitute a truly happy borne, thoro should bo pretty little porsonal adornments ou tha part of tho wifo, who thereby snows a desiro to hor husband, and to add to tho general attractions of bor homo. A pleasant word on bor part wbon tbe oror-woikod man comos Lome, often eats away tho raw edge of aomo troublo on his mind, aud draws oat a oorrosponing desire to bo both agreeable and respectful, whioh cbaraotoristios are always accompanied by affection. What is true of manners is truo of dross also. Rudoness, roughness and im patience are soon followed by inso lonoo, and when sweet temper gires away to anger and discord, ine borne oirole is no longor attractive. A disrespectful manner on the aide of the husband and wife loads to disastrous oonseqaenoes. A Niagara baokman iouipod Into the falls the other day. He beard that a visitor bad got away with al WS W in Wa poqkea, 'rata rowip, Published every Thursday Evening , JBHBMJAn CEOUSB, rrop'f Terms of Snbscntdirm. two dollars tku a.n.ntm. tv. aMo itbin six lunnths. or t2..Mlfmt pnhl wiihin tho venr. ito psper rlta continued until all arronrsees are paid unless at tho option of the pub nidicr. riubseriptlons Mitiido tf the county PAVAIU.E I.N ADVANCE. fayPorsons liflinp nnd uinR papers addrcaard Vo others bccntueinleriiAra and aro liable forlbo pricp of the paper ninirvnpw I Had ,1cf, trlrmrf anrl t.tn tMwifH, Drvptyv iirnwt tuid lUmVcm, ara curtsl by HUNT'S REMEDY, tbo Umt Kldiwy an 1 Jjir Moaieln.. HUNT'S REMEDY eilfr. Urtglil'i ttltnuw, Ufl-nllon nt KontofrtW tlon of trim, 1'alu. la th. liacb, Lolua, or Sua. HUNT'S REMEDY lability, Fftnitlo Wt-aakiivaai ut KxcrainMs, HUHT'S REL1EDY Tifoii llDlMianiMUi, ntr1cho, afnnfl1lFf( BOOat Uunimrh, Iyin Italia, Cvnaui'ibU'tU aud I'll. HUNTS REMEDY ACTS AT ONCK on Oio Klilnfra.I.lwr.an 1 lltm-(-l. rrptnrlf'ff eirm o m li.tl'jr --lit'n. ' ( I IIK1 lirn all ntlirr m'ill'-lii-a l.ll. Ito Sri-.W tnrr txTn ravrl wli't Imvo bvMrt) glnm an to ' by (Ylrtvl. .t-l thxtlclao H' nd for pnmpMot tit KM, E. CI.AJtKF, PtoTl.lenoK, 11. f. Trial Hit. " trtitt. frirn ti rli.ptb SOLD BY 4X1. Ulli aOISTS. Popt. is, ''.". Ir. Manhood': How Lost, Hew KetUored I ff?M Jut pnMlstifil. A new cliilon i,f 5 W lr. Ciilv-rtv-ir rtf tint- (wuliuiil mc'licin) of Srr.HM tri'iuiMor or Ht-uiiiml Wonltiu-s, ItiTnlunlurr frm! nal iMPuinifV, Mcnlle n-el Thy- tionl Inc.tpirllT, linpfliiicuH lo Miirriar.r. olo. aim), I'pKIMI'tl'il, Ih'll.lOMt nu t KiT.t, lii'luoti't lif i-elf iu'lulvi-uue er o unl 'li tv ijjaiioo, f rice, in a scale .1 cot clore, o;i:v nun. Tim celi'drate I author. In I hi a I"!t, ixhle r.i.ny, ulc trljr il"Uiontiirilr-., rnm a iliirly jivir' Miui:inful liradeiv, ll.m lha ilarniitiK i-iiiiru'i'inuci' f ii lf hI'Um- hi iy he rvlinitlly sure I wliliont llio .1 mi-r. oiin iio ef Iniornal ni'liclne or ti c ;y I'licrtll.pn ill llin kitlfo ; put it I n if i - it I a in n, lo of nuro at uiiuo k i i p 1 o, ci'tlalu, unl I'll, oiuiil, lie, may euro Itiuinvlf uliviipi, lriaii'ly, mel HAim-iLi.v. 8- '7"im .( .'me n.'yiruic a boon to III!' ih II fMIM'lll'fl. Soul un It irl, in a pluln carclnpo, a any alrcnn, jiot-j,,u,l, on recviptof iX oculs or two poalairo Hlamps, Ail'lrc the I'uhlinlirrn. TIIK t'l'LVERWiaL MKIMOAbPO. 11 Ann 8t Now York ; Post oil ico -1'j0 HcZ 8ipt. 7, 1S7S. lr. ADMINIS TK ATI HI S N' ITICK l.o!ti rn nt i lin I n l-tral I n "ii tlio r.titt. nf .1'iaii i t.ait Inn. I iicur, Into , r-' 1 1 , buy'inr On. I'a., ilocM, liav. I,mn wr..ii t al In 1 1 mi.tr. hIkov'I. All T ,in ItU'iolnK tlimn.lvrt ) l.Mci! tn null r.l uln will pln'i.A 1,,'ikfi ItU'iir II tn payinaul whlln tbonn h iUlm elitlmr :.iln.t falieeit will tim.onl liuvn Tir n-tilMiini t,t : iiiNU.n :& i. a i: ni'. nm i. am- u, Mar. SV IH-U. AiliiiltiUtriil"r. I111MI IflABSlT Ci t r ot 1 li i i n 1 o s h 1 Tli. "Uo.1l.-lno mil I ,,r a mn ill inui Jin atmv tlio Oo.t itl uinipMinlln,r. A II C.M trMittml l IKM-litl i ri'..Tl,,u .it. l or lull I'.rUouUr a l Iror. t.,0 lH.iuviirr I'll. S. II. COM. IN, or Mim. 8. II Ciillh, 1 l urle, lud. Yvi, A.'H.iiiQ. A ftrit.o?ar, T.lfi-t'l-urMtii-o tiniitaiiy In flow Yin. ..nl st'Kt AI., t.l-M.K I l.nntl I.O. ( Al. Al.l: l . In iili'HVitlil torrll-irv III (tin wiuto if l',iuivl.,l. A .r.-. MtMA'IKH Hi- All KNiilL.S, Uvl llW Ntn oik I'ual Olllou. Full. iU.MI, CHOICE READING at Low Figures. l. nrrnxuro.v. ofi'rank- lln. bnvlnir oeiirril lha aranrv flip tha MiMwuiK THiuAnia it k4 will romiitotira nt onoa Iu 0'invai auylor county. Tli iHui.lota i)(Mi9:sric isiiUsi:, amnnit the intnlnnt fstturxa nt which r: lliKtory r all UUcl'-u I'.'ii.nilnall'in. : lt,i. rih. nr Hi. In-4ia WrIUia i Uallrry uf lllii-lr.'r.l S rl,tiiro In'-l-nt t ll ,iit numli.r of Mlumr . lion. ; In Nuii.rlor l yi"H rn l v ; lu Luibl.mauo IIIu-IIuk au 1 H..uaa bl frlca. is Msfsnls of Stanley an other Alrlonn l-:til hy J. T- lloaillnr. th. uiii hrlllluit ilMcrlnilva It. IIINOLLY'S AutUur lu auiui. ANIMAL KINGDOM, a .l.nilia ruluoia or Uu iik iood llla.tr tlou.. l Uoiear. th. molt hluhlr tnt.r.illnir nnhll. cnttuni mil oll.t.t tba .u1.rlu4a puullu ami ,ri,-v. i,v -.n ro,in.-a,i m brlri th.ut within th. maani of tL. m,,.-.. -n.i 1.. I.le. Mr. HuiunKtuu 1. raabl.ttt Ju ourcuuaty JJMON PIANINO MILL SELlNSOROy E.KNTPER 00., r a Kccly e& Wagner fid cither Dealers AN II MASDVAOTUSHS Of Doors, Dnor noxm. Windows, KJitittcr uiiiitow liim', Hllniti, Hssti, Nlalr Iiii;h, Hand Kulllrigs. Ilrnck t'ts. Muulillnr.it, tleorluK, SURULI.SAW1NU ACAU1NKT TUUNIN9 Hhinglos, Lath, ito., &o. Orders solicited and filled with nromnl n andileapatob. rioaeo 0 ill and esan J ine aar Hook, before purotiasiug alaewner INSTITUTE. F.ttabll.hMlIn lHT'Jtnrtti.eiiia ul C'NUfur, a'uiuur.. t lv.-r S'Ftlul&. and kLui 7'ii Uritliout tbo mon! Vnllu ur Tim nt lihuU anj II ilia paliu i.r lul'innaliiiu, ouroiilur, auS rvliiuiuoa, aUiUM. Ui-r1. L. i-oltjj. Auioru. Jiaue Ov 11 B.lH.11, im.lv. TIIIS PAPER ma tie fiwM ss) Bl. at oao, r, iiowsix a 00-J jma-araa unmia baa h Koaaio lie ruwil, wtMta adTrr. tutut ruatraota mf U matfe fur H la KEWYOniL rAHMM S00 tm SIUUU. Maiw and inraphleU uiaraiuouat, V a. JX7 K ktrp onhanil all kind of Blank tucA as Hotel. Sun montet, WturrunU. Zta4, Qubpof. xw,ajo.t coo.