IWI4f"Mi . ( n e Hay 2, wt. ... HK UK.NIlr.NT JAMK3 (J. HIjAINB, of Maino, (B..J.01 to drci'lon of Ulilraga National It. fivoil an Cotetium.) JWIlOr. or fttr-UF.MK UOI'llT. 1IEMKY (i:KKNK,fN.iiliiHii.ton Co Toil At'lilToKTlKKKHAIf, JOHN A. l.KMoN, ofCur (ounly. COUNTY TICKET. f oil 'IMiRKSS Halt. IIMKTI) 0. I'lsllKR, of HiiniinK I in. rH MK.NAT'Hl Hoi, JUllJt II. PACKER, of Norlhiimbarlan I. (Aebfect to dei'lalon ot ftrnab.rLI lilelrlol Dun Jr.uo ) FOK AHstlMlllaY L. M. MVfcllH, of Mi I lUl.urg 'IR UUI'M V hi liSKYUU fiKOK'JK 11. UKSr'Wl, of Jckvni. hpnskor Kindall rimy not bnvo wivod IV-iiiirtvl v mil tj Tildon. but thoro in n diKputinjj tho fuel Hint bo slaughtered (S-iHTal incocti. '- Assure A Duuucrat I lint rant cannot bo nominated fit Chicago, aud obsoi vo tlio grin ' aalisfaotinn Hint Mill instantly illuuriiiato bis countenance Now lion. Horace Maynard, Minister ot (Jonslnntinopio, is tuou lionod ns roKliuustor-Onnoral Key's miecosHor. ilo is a Tenues.ie.in, but was an uncompromising Union luau throughout tlio war. Tildon hns bin Kolly, and Orant lias bis Henderson. Wo under pttiud that it is tlio intonlioa of JloKBiu. K'jlly nnl llundorson to form ft partnership na K'.ncral political bickers. All woik out runt i'il to thoiu Jjuo with ucalocus an 1 dispatch. b m i 1 1 I I II 1 1 Tbo Ilepublicnn organs in thu cast riro t ucodinr;1y anxious fir tint I'obiocrnts to nominate Mr. W, li. Koott, of Pountylvnupv for tin ir .'residential candidate nt Cincinnati. Mr. Scott, tb iy nay, ii worth g 1 2,000.01)1 nnd is "liberal." Tboro is n- man in t!u United Flatcs who lit not in tbo leant dis turbed by tlio political contexts through which tlio countiy is pirns itf. Tbnt in an U Vioo 1'rcsidoiit Whoelur, who ltd pi ri;bt on whip ping tbo trout slroams on though this great na'.iou m ontirely safo. '- " m Tboro uro already painful rumors Hint tbo Domocratio brethren wbo clanpod bond ot Hnrrisbnrg, tho otbor day, oro polling tirod of harmony nnd uro fooling uu iiupuluo to unclasp tin ir liutn Htid to ilaoo tbom tindar caob others' notes. JiulUtin. Mr. Wuabburno is tbo only ono of tbo numerous l'msidont cauaul.iti-s wbo appears to bavo no iuilutuco wbatuVBf ovor bis friunds. Iia do olincs and dooliuoH, and announcoH nud fiuuutinccfl, tliut ho in for Uruot first, last, and nlivnyH. but wilbout cfiort. Jlis fi ioudb koep ritit on bupporting hi in and liluino. i . ' Tbo Now Jorncy Pi moeratfl appear t j bo frotmf for Sonatnr Imy.ira, una it is tirobnblo the dclogntiou from that Stato will bo n unit for tlio Dolaware Htalcsmnn, wbontlioy pfi-t to Oinointmti. (Jfinoral McCloIlau is oviduiillv conwidorod out of tbo Cold, or Now Jorsoy would nsmir cdly snpport liiui in tbo uulional coq- voution. Andy Cnrlia in croditml witb pay ing that bo iulouds to roll up bis Bloevos and go into tbe campaign this full to do all bo can for tho Douicratio narty. That i-i whore bo bulougs, and ho ebonld aorvo Lin tuaslors faithfully. A littlo luoro i-rntitndo boroaftor on bin pnrt will inako him moro frionds. How would bo appoar as a brigadior, l . i Tbo attitude of tlio dotnocrnev is hiiniilialiui, tboir prorninnut candi data bavintr bad to cootiuuo a nnit iuHtitutod against bint by tho govorumont bepauso bo don't want it to co into tlio campaign, i noy want T ildnu for a wuididato in 1S0, b icauso tbov flay, ho wan unfairly beaten in 1S7C, and in 1S8 1 tboy will want biiu booanao ho was fairly boaton iu 18S0, Tboy nro hard to pleaso. Tbo Uuitol States Coorts for tbo District of Iowa aro obligod to fol io in tlio stops of tboso for tbo llujtoru Libtii t of Now York, and cIoro their doom, dinmiss tboir miitois, witngR03 nn I juriua and al low prisoners to go on light bail, all beouiiHO tbo country iscursod with a Doinoeratio Coiigrus. la pursn anoo of tlK-ir nohemo to capturo th noxt prosi-loncy, by fair iuoriu or foul, tho Pomoemtn uro dottroiiuod to brouk do -vii or roudor iiioUootivu tho IViloral olai'liou lawj. Nutboiny ublo to iuducj a Kopnblicau proi duiit to sanction thuir conuiiiraoy and oooperato with luoui iu ouny iog it out, tboy lofuso to exi'cuto tbo trust which tbo Constitution imposes upon thorn of appropriating tbo nonowwry funds f r carrying ou tho Govorumont Tbo iujosli'M, nnuovauoo. itKxmtonioueo and in dividual loss thorobf cntailod is of little oonsoipionoa, to them. Tbsy waut to carry tbo poxt lootion, and to thifl Duroj.io ovorytuiiii most givo way, Tho diy of rckouing is, however, at hand, and if wo mistake not the line of o induct pursued by tbo Deiuocraoy wi l lead to iU own Boparatiou. mmeuso looUrjs ro reported tifftbu coat. Fire Record. Villi hui. Ii.id 4 hit Ki'ie fiioouo (lily liml efl. The Jinscy fuiosl liriM linvo brok en out ii(.uii. 1'hti pooplo aro bulp l'bs wilti diHprir. It is slitod that tlio firon in tho iiotl.Mi n oil I'uld doHtroyod 1,1'aO, "00 worth of properly. A ninn namnd 1'mi mitlinon con- rHi'H that bo Rnt tiro to the I'nit'id lirclhreii ChuicU iu Uruousbuig, I'a. Tbo luinb"r yard of Harbor A. llo'i.lcron, nt AHlilmry l'urk, Now .ToiHi'y, wm partially dostroyod by Uro ii fow days ao, Tiro dostroyod I'alon'i BaBb and blind fnotoiy. at Kiugston. on Monn day night. Loss, $25,UJU iusui anco, -1,00'J. A Uro startod in tho woods noar Cudurvillo, Now Jorsoy, has dostroy od Amos Low in' houso aud u small farm houso, Wood flroa aro threading rapidly in tho inoiuitiiiiis arotiud Kingston, N. Y., and tho wholo brow of tbc Catrtkills id ono iu.131 of smuko and llatno, Tho forost fires around JilforJ, Tiko e.iiuily, have dostroyod ovor :',0 i(),(K)0 fool of lumber, bosidos largo (iiantioi of growing tiwbor. it i stall 1 tho G.(n acroa of land woro covered with tho llauios at ono tiino. Tbe (iron that bavo boon dosolat itig tbo i'ooouo aud Moosio rnouu- Uius bavo ndvancoLl williiu a short diutannoof fSnraiilon, and that city is so fillod with Biuoko that it is iiupodHililo to soo moro than two or throo blocks. Annwpomi, Md., May 19. A do struolivo ilro iu tho Third district near Annapolis, which baa boeu rag ing Biueo tjcnliy. doHtroyod ono thoiinaiid uorca of woodland, enlnil ing boavy Iji-hos to neat ly a doon I iiii innrs. ino uii'MU oi iuo uro id unknown. II AituiHiii'iio, May 17. Q'lito au exnitonioiit wat caitsod thin tnoruing by tiro breaking out suddenly iu a back bnilliug of Starr's grocory Htoro, Uidgo uvoiiuo, ubovo liroa I, Uu account of wind aud laio vol- i:ii(isof blu.jand Biuoko it was foar id it voal l talco tbo wholo block .ciupouod of fraiiiu buildings. 1'oiOHt flics buvo ragod furionsly aloiii Hoar Crook, Liuurno county, and vast (tiaulilioH of li;mlicr bavn boou dobtroyod. On Hnnday night tho bro reaohod Hour Lal;o and iiiickly conHiimod a barn with iU conlcuts, coutuHliiig of bay, corn cats and farming iiuplotiiriiti, nnd! au ico bousu couUiniug mty toua of ico. I T'io Bradford Er tulla briofly an foll.iwi how boiuo rocout flros on cuiitid in Ihal region. A mm viHit- od a i i.i'UO'burrol oil tank with n tmkod lantorn nnd KjJ Hoik was bunieJ. A man built a tiro uo.tr a well uu 1 wont to dinnor i tho do slrucliou of Itow City was tho ro riult. A woman npsu'. a kii btovo and llixford wuiit up iu nmoku and 00,000 barrel of oil wuro lost. Huorm. Miy 13, Tlio villago of Stuyvosaut, olovou milos abovo thin city, was iloHlroyml by Uro this moruiug. 1 ho loss id ovor -U0,-01)0. Amoug tiio buildings bin nod nra the post-oflico, houso of tbo Now Jornoy ioo company, railroal dupot, Clnpp'n biitol, tho Stuyvosaut fouu drv, lit Mary's cbnroli, und all the buil liu''d on both sidns of Ibo ruil- roa 1 tiuek, covering a radius of ovor a sijuaro uilo. (3ouiiKiisronT, Pa., May 19. A firo broko out hero a fow minutes boforo 3 o'clock on Tuosday after noon, nnd before the astonishnd citizens conld recover from the shock it was sweeping away build ing nftor bnilding. Of the thirty sovou busiuoHS hounoa in tbo town not ono was loft. Kvory storo and shop was as bo much tindor in tho path of tho flames. Throo hours nftor tho first Biuoko vaa soon tlio paralyse J citi.ons saw nothing but smoking ruins. Thirty-eight build ings wore buruod i losa probably jjjj.ouu i lUHiiranno sm.uuij, at a very rough cstimato. lm.Ksro.v, Pa , May 23 EJon- burg,9onco tho livoliost and moat pronperons town of tlio lowor oil regioiiB, ia again in a ibos. At 0 o clook luflt night tho cry of firo Bt irtl o I the cilions of this plueo. Tho firo wrr first dincovorod in tho old I'uitod Slab's Hotul, which was nu oOv-upiod nt tho timo. t?ovouty b uudiugs right in tbc boart of tlio town, oovonug Gvoacros, woro com plotoly destroyed. Xatlloorno iu sur mco was b Id in tho town, tho communis having docbuod to tako rink, siuno tlio town was swnpt on a provions ccoaf;ion. I'pwarl of ouo L undi o.l fuiuilies nro L juidUih and many who elopt ou tho ground hint ingllt. Chicago folks cover say anything diHparagiug to big oars. Policemen no! ico tlio inrivul of book boor and spring iights. A cipUro Ua bcou ilisnoveto 1 iu Li-jrhu tuat woighi a pound Forty million barrolssre required ovory your to hold tho wiaos of L'rauco, Tho mathematician who wished to borrow homo cash wrote : "I will ask for a J.'' When one man grouts another with "holly," the lalior angrily lo torts t ''M not a telephone." Tho m embers of a cowly eloclod rounsylvauia uohool board aro naac Ii. Kuglo, Jool tux and bumuol o Ltaar. The wiro attached to the Gra tnorcy J'urk door boll will stuud weight of sovou bunditd tboubucd pouudo to tho iuuh. A i;r"!tt im .Iti in (!liiiMif will I ! ibo leifling of llm Tiieiiiiiul iUtw I l.i ot tt (Jmii.l Knaifi.iiift .f Uiiiiht Tmpl.ii of ll.o United i rtlalori, A.igi.Rt 1(511,. cut innimr ouo wook. It iaoxpuctfid that 80,000 Templars will bo proecut. Kvory Stnto in tbe Union will be represent ed by from 150 to 200 lumuborg. Not l(s than 120 brass bands will furnish musia for the occasion. Him Frnnoisco Booms to bo deter mined now to pnt an end to tho CotmutiniHtio troubles that have ilono so much to iojuro bor business prosperity. Konrncy has din nod the stripes, nnd witb cropped hoad is working out bid timo liko any other common criminnl, and now Kallorh hns boon arraigned by the Judiciary Committoo, and will pro bably bo imponehod and oustel from oiTico. Tboro in yot nomo hopo for tbo City of tlio Golden Gato. Slrango antics tho oyclonos play with tbo pooplo of the West. Uo Sunday night Mr, Hdwnrd Ilnnse au 1 bia wife, of Mc Loan county. 111., bnd tboir dwelling houso blown to (lieces. They had retirod for tho night, nnd wero lifted in. their boil and borno upon tho wings of tbe wind to a p'liut ono-finartor of a mile distant and sot down in a wheat hold emptied, as it wore. out of tbe lap of Morpheus into tbe lap of Ceres. Important anil Cautionary Notice to all iiitcnilini pnrcnascrs of sowing Mim, OOlc WHITS HHWINU ; MACHINK Uv. CLKVKLJkMI, O, May JT, 11U. W prtlealrljr rail jtuur ttonii..n to tb fact that wo lUmp nuinlxr In ltln, dlttlnfll fWUrtt on tht bo himl--ai ili.lg of rt intalilna' and kp a reconl of iuoh Kuialir. Wlica (olj, WAunAnri rn t'ifi Yaa la Klrn lo Ik nrtia9r. Thla warraot I sari Hi nam gf Hi annnt wh ruroha'1 th ma IiIdo from v, al'o lh ilai ol jiawhaji and aaumlior cirreniion-llou to th illd omubor I'ho warrant l iIkhiI hf na, md Ui tl urn- ial (. of our oiimptny iml opn 11. All ollitr warrant! la our nun ri purlfru, and f..rtlo) Di'lloii IU dituii KDonnivt mi tIl- atrd oh um.u kp, and no warrantr lo oorr- aiond with tu t'lott, dwi'rllln, niagr know at ncoo that Hwnaror lator llKownsr will I Invvlva l In tro'jblo, with n oao to full biek UpiU. Tim iiktiiik "Whlto" II to.lay t'i t K,ular Mdililai Ujiili tho marltot, tlio r!iau oat, an-l t'i imi tj own ur iA a lar,or nuiu- ior ul iu " WMt'i" hair btm mi l ud foil lue lliy woro plaord upm tb imrkat J than any othf inak la th um laajta of llm lQotlnK M vUlof wr Into-itvl. rtiilr IlKl'tnoo, p"d, '0, boiui, iinlton'X, du. ranlllty, and i rlc, floinid i to m tlian th maohm tlikt corr ftmlly doilroi t own, and thoroughly tl.'jod whoa ono thoy poaoaai tho "Whlto." Iu mauLAii ai rin'iiizm mcm.kii ron Siiydsr and !Jolnlnii eountlwi, Ir O. C. SKH IIHM MI MIedurif I'a., and w 1U Inland- Inn purohvsrt to ptroidti non othar, an I thoraby ot t'i noiiln "Whlto ' WIIHE SLWIN'l .M.V'MIINK CO. u vffly via u 00K TO YOUR INTEREST. -o- Ffcry ron or wonta Ul buy 0)J wht-ro tho cn ld (be hod, ft ia natitrul i m hinuari n -lur. Iuo botl goutlg fur i0 lt-4t money RUL3 TIIS DAY, That lx junl our Mull J ouJ if jou want lo ucuro lUig nin lo IIA KI)W A e,n, 0 HOC Kit I AS, liKI'CS, n-tii. salt ri..rt ri:, I.KATI180. HilOK r IMMNrm. TiillMl!"! AND Cl'IAKK, IU.S, ll'll'.ol'. AND Mia'iil!fK3. NMI, KOHM. STKKL. IIOI'K l'UW)i:it. HAI'TV FC'MK. H, T. SUITS PtllK II VK WIIISKCV MA UK IIXI'IUSI.V Killl MI.I'IO M. I'SK. AT ONLY $1 '.U l'KK (I AI.I.ON or f I .I'o I'KU tjUAiiT. th n iii:sr VYHIMKKY VOL' i:v til l'KNK. &o. THY It'. I rfppnl full r alt of the oilUtOD of Pnr lercouulv rbiro of iholr iiirniia;. llavliiK I'UicbKol my (tood for CArtll I tm ablo to ncll at very LO Ir' I'lUC'tS. ( 'oautry l'roduet Oih'ii in J'Silutmjo ur fcO'M. Vuuri llof'0oilully, S M SH'JLCR, I'ob.J.'W. I.hrnol, I'otry Co., I'd. OLD H.LIABU. i.t a Fitauilar.l Family Homed for -! rdiscfises of tlio Li vrr, fUoruach ", jinJ Bowels. It is 1'iirely 5VB.tablo.It never ; Y SOuliilitotcs-Itis H fi ti s Zap bu baen mo,1i J In my praotiocS and br the Public vor moro tliou 83 years.! if"" with nuprocodentod result.? a n u run UINUULAH. iS. T.W. SAUFORO, M.O., t'ohSc.'tV Ul .roout vi u, v. ii tou it. KiHrr.nm, .' lv a a'iM Htnol. ror.r.nd Book onli lilt.Saiu to int. idiiUNHii lou. a t ltla. I Knoo Hlla, Htol. Uk, only m. n.Uoil'i.V wnwaw,r int. 1.1 OfiiallAtiUl.ir. U.&TTY, WftaUuttUni.N.J I o. vA oa yfh t mil at ft VTU 'kVI Vj. i O i i Jj fj i. ' 4 JiiiiJ. T'; V ! A . l& Y'- V"'1? i bj 4 liU U t U V.l rf i It Ii E.J Warner's Safe Kidney m Urn Cm. i a irTih ,hln prtinnrntlnq find lf mm.1? wmvm r in tha wrltl rT Ilr4rh'si timmmmmt Ntv nrfJ Allw lUtlM, UTfJ sMMl I rotMrslv I vifttiininii iri)(M uw Dnasjan osniw id oraam I of tbrmm at atnMi U. 'Fur tun mi of Prtflht'l n4 thorbr WARNER'S 8AFB BITTERS. ffrtf fuitrtmn to nvtnt hvtUUfui acUout mum It tli lnntflt (n Rll (11sMki, It enrrBWrffwilotsi ru1 nthfrtii Ttmp Unmm and 1 mm -nam, indudlof CtMrr 1 ! rr, and other tortm. ifvtiif. IVfMh nm f IK t.wiaiM rwtajktllim, llaxiMaa, firrl lrlll Uf, no., arncttrr.i lf t'ioNft nititrrw. Hit uii'iiii.ipI uaan aioltafranl maiilnr tnnW lJou.c of iwo ntuti ; iricw, 0r. a,nil t.Mw WARNER'S CAFE NERVINE Qiilrhlr RlvmlN4and l-oatothtumr1nL cur- flradnrti and l-wrnl rt'VMila p ltilr I lia, and rtllvm FrrvotM lrwa U mi Ims hrour'ii m by rwriYn rtnuk, uvf worn, nMMiial Rhnrka, and oilier can. ofuwrrOil m II ta U nutp rain and anothaata tartxd NrrvfHi. U itvr Injtin-a tho ypUiiua wbtli-r tahen In aruall or larjp ,, ikrtila v( tw suwn jiriL'aa, . and ft.Mk, WARNER'S SAFE FILLS Ar an lnm(llal and artlva atlmtilii) fbf ft QsMtlrett , D; 'BGSIV It riHMSh. atihUrta. a4 Airaa, aid db-ird !? u -l a-hnvvr Ira how la do not oprM ftwly a-d mniiarty, l mtlr nth rmmtr mwj rut ia . u ttwtrr'i Haf turn wJ.f B0GBE8TEB, H. T, TTE9 Foilify tho Syttem. An I ynn ar armcl tgninol ilia. Tli AdoM lonio for this piirpon I fl in tettnr't) Klomaob llitiorj. nblob renJers diRialloo sn l oomplol. oounlerarii MliontDM, od kdepa th bonol.i ia orilor Stray Cow. cow, rod and white spoltod. hnv Iuk I.wp l-twe.n front mo t.i tt-.a pr'tilo ll-n u.i.trlirned a f-'W ironlct aHi. Tlinorntrl rc.i mud I. c.iutu f ir v.tr I. Ir.v roi.ri., iay 'Urun4, an I t.hu lior kwi) t.ti.erivle Ii.. wld l. OlitMod of ajiord in to .aw. is a n vini rn, M.y '.'7, n. fliauokln lia.n, Snydar V. u. 'PIIM Tindertiifnn.l. Adn lniiii'stratoni pftliaMala or r.lT r..hiol. Ul'i ol I l.ivinii! I-wt pMi', No; Irr t ui.l)' J dood, ls IMo. "f an or-icr Irrund out ol tit I iruitnn1 i i.urt .'I 'ld rnutuy, will eipjia to l'uulio ile, oo e.a I'roirl.o. on Tnesday. Juno l:llu 1H, Tb foll'win do.oriiied l!'l 1 !' rl'natc In Uliai'Uiaa lowMiblp afroj.M ooblilula. 3 1 Acioh, nd 1 m ,,i.voli.. al rlt rnanro. It'inndod liy nil ol Aiiuu'lna s roiiii, .lary llorrol.l. nam I ltarril. an I oMit. tolaic lrj jt Mo. S tu 1.1 urdor itoi.Tlbi-d iLo-o'i er.otad a Houso aud SUblo. 8al. in wmmnr nt H o'olK-h . M. nftal l .y wtiou turui "I will ls mad" kvowo ly 1 till. II AM ititr I- r. 11, tSUAt.N All bDlil.D'IKr.. Adulnl.itr.tlor. May M, . DMINISTH.V rull'S NOTICE.- 1 V Urttftrx ot ailmlt'li'tf'vtl"'! nn the entata of i It-urn Ul uM'arry Tuwnnt.li, Htiy.lor ,ii., i'K., ilnl, have tiftin scrantoil io tu umlnr luneil.Ali ieruui kuowlita: tUemvolvaa Inilota- avtit'iii wliilulhtihuliatvlUK olaliru aKklnat lit Atlo will irornt tnotiitinr rnitimuittit ti AieifttutMi nnijii,(iuif, ULNIU Vh.AU. A r, 1, W. AOuilnintrator. lit a oomnnnwl of th virtue, ef anp illinuia. niajidrftko. yellow Juuk. Ilh tli. Iixlldeof potaahsnd Iron, all pow erful lilool-nmktii(, tiloud-cltwiuluR, and llduataJnlng olemoiiU. It U the liurwit, Sitfi'jtt, Hinl In overjrwity the mmt pffoctuiu nllumttvo nii'illctiio kuuwn or svallnlile to tlio puldii!. 'J'ho wliiio5. ol modi. Inn and clieiiiimry liavo never produowl no valiuv bio a rouicily, nor Ofio no ixili'nt to ours all ilUeoHo. r.iKiiltliiK from tuipuru blood. It euro. Si-rofulu, ami all vrrofulous (llieiuM, Kryilyt'lua, lto0,or St. An. tliony'e tiro, tlmln. nnd Kurew fir u Uu, Pustules, IMotchee, Holla, Iu. mors. Tetter, lluinum, Halt Klmam, nc'Ulil'llumi, Ifcllllt worm. unm, rinw, Ithumntlm,Murrurtul DImoiwo.Npu. ralfclti, Kvmulo VciUtuc.in unit I r roaulurltliii. .lauudlro. Alt'i-ftlon. of tho liver, l)vpfhln, KiUMcluUoa, ua lioucrai uvoiuiy. Ity lu s&arvhinc and cliantlnn rrnnlltlra It puiyoe out tlio foul corruption which ooutauilnatu tlie blood, aud ranee de- roiiuouicnt and dneay. lt etiinulatM and uliVon the vital functions. It proruoU oorgy and troii Li b. it roatoro and pro eon'e health. It lntune now life and vigor tlirouRliout the whole iysia. ho uffiirarfroui nnv diaoaae liicUtffu.. froia Impurity of the bloed ncod ilMOr, who will Btvo Avaa's 6aiuj11'Akili.a a fair trial. Kninuinber, th earUar tbe trial, the eneedlur Uie euro. It Mclne ha boon tanflahed to ryiil dan. evorywhero; and thoy, recoRnlxliig It mperior qiuUUiua, aduiuletor U iu liieii practioe. For nearly forty year Attn't Bxn lAP.anxa ha lieea widely tued, and It now poaaesM the eoutldonoe of uillllom of people who have expertenoed beuetUs Dura iu MaTTeuoue cirauii nnm Prtpores by Dr. J. C. Ayer L Co-, Vvwattoal anfl Aaalylia Che in late, ' LpwttU, MM. tuut US au. ihuMWiv synvwuaaa. y Eli HI m nd ao goninl Mid lu.nrno.nt nr II tf 3E&3t2r33in f.ila that sol only la lb l.cly lviKor t . iJtSril Mr.lan.lrecsl.ieJ bj lis u... bui Jo.. JC ..n l-i,cy l.ini-hed from ll.o mind. I ;iiJrlT! T.i rJlA& Kor.-.! I., ell fn.r.Ut. aoj Dtalcrt IiLHjlllW ii .. II i 1. '..lb IT UUYY J Till VMYIWW i THRESH E?i I Five SiiS'i. Tor Torso and ftoom Tower. The bout, most dnrablo, simplest TbrvHhor and Separator over manu factured. THE Farmers' Friend ! Tho boat, mont com pic to !rill evoi offered tho Americnu Farming l'ub Ii", and ovciy good farmer Buys bo. Tho pas y'ir the niles of this diill am mii lol to u snm f pial to the sales Of all tbo othe drills oombincil. Tit. l.i'd,,li t'.ovor Ha Her la I1111.1 In I wo diiiuiviil al l. lie Jouiior Sr. and .il.initor Jr and I liulil im io UiflVr.in ii;a. 1 lii' en I o.l mnolii'iv la H'l r Cyl mlcr aoJ inooiirrX Tli'a uaoli'n. I full warr-.o'.. I an 1 i put lu (Jiiipuii iou liu any oi bar. R1EHL SHOS., iscnla, Jfay 2", Lewisbni'";. I'a. UDMOHS STATED f U7 OF THE J I Inaii.'.a i.f Kratil.:iu tuvtrblv for P-7a id I'le.i.iui rr Iri vuul of S imi" t If. ll-iiw!rr, Siiiht t-.'uir j.'f '.7'.l. To .Hit. vflili Pui llcjrool l.o.id Tat M V, i!ll. II, w"k on atroeta xil i'T y luMti'ur no. I ur.ri Ir aurvu . n rund My altto tnnai iy ininiak in nai Menu l.i,.-ulvt.U.f K.i. Ill III . rlvrd itl J. Lu II. Iluchinon aid audllura lialuL'CO d I. tuvVrilil,) Icvoiinf of J.ilm (t'.lhi rt hUtitcremrr for To auit. of kla liupllclu of i;od Tat I'll. liy work on icoaiia (y Ida aervl.'ea uu UumT r. kIIii. an "om II, liouiiar f.r r.ada liy oritvcl fi.r rowla Iaj' vln Tu I'alJ audllMta llaliiucodu townalilp Amount du town."lilti of J.coli Y.xh tiuiiarrlii'ir I r Mil 1060 Amouiii ilua l.iwnhui ul J i-ai.li Urln- mn.r nuirvi ir mr inn w 11 .liviiioi oj thr Oii ra uf k W. Aocouut of Samuel H.'wori- llrurwor of Die foor for 18 W. To amt. of Ida d up Heme 'i :v II Kro.iv.il 01 neie 01 Alirea I'OOIOH un ,1 liooolied ol S. U. W nior lu 00 It. Iirnr Tlmm t ;;i ul Wrl, KU'H v a Alira.l tioUua v.'i ..1 William Tnoioaa' ol.ll.lrou a M ToQuiaaMtiauiiiry 4 ial II, amouui ol aortlou. Ill A3 Hy eoiuuilaaloa If VT Uy allow. nrea ) K, omIi I'.ld Auditor. 1 to ny boud w tM III ll.Uno. du lovnalilp Samuel 11. Walter Ovraer of tke Poor lor To amount of hla duplloatt ATOfl TO UeottlvM ol Uoorgo .UUcUul MOO I'll. yet fi au a au I'M 01 to 1H 03 1. a. I M so eo 1 00 17 on IW John nlllhof llr. l II. ii.ino ll.riier Thoma. Kuraer (tli .a Wenin, kl"U liy ouuimlfaiiiu Hy a.,rloa Hy allovtnoti hoeeltad of m. Ilowtraox lor laylMK Tax T. J. bmltn. a.rrloM Uaah paid Audllora IW Ml n U.loodo. town-tilp loaM Mr. Kmrri's aoouunt I1U4I Ualauoo due of borauoount or leU M til SNVUIEOULNTY. 11 We. the ondraind Avdltora.f Pranklln tovnahl. afureaald, Ho O.rtlfy, that we mot on the aeoond l ond.y of April, iw. aau aujuurneii oarr to A prll Mlh, an ... 1 1 .... j I Af ilALn.r.lAn. n 1 1 ), a k n ........ and .1 Hi. aald meeting au lltad, ..ijuaie.l and ao)i.u ine loreaoiuM auwunii 01 toe eiuperria era and (Ir.ra. era of the poor In and for aald townanln fur Ilia rear lain, and da rouort tha aauie tru. and our reel tu tb. bail of ear knonl- 90 a ana neoei. Ulvau under ear aaada thl Mm day of April BtHHIll IHIWfS. l. A llOf.KMiKU, J.W, HtMlMOICK, May IS, leuo. Auditor IjXECUTOttS' JSOTIUKLotters J tMtaui.ntary on tli. .atate of JOHN KIlULKY, law of Jackauo townalilp, Knyilor touuly dee'd k.vluif U..D craul d to tli. uo.lernlicnad. all ueraona knowing tk.uiaala. Indobteil tu aald wlal. ar. re.juaal ad la umk. luiiuedl.t. pay iiiaol, w till, tkoae naviun aiainia wiii.reeeoi lueu uuiy auib.au. eaWdfurMttl.iBMil au ttlMON EHniiEV, aukuia .run.y, April it, 'oo I'd. CaMuiura. Ms mm WHIM ri H'..VIHL SIIIIIJMHIHI'l ii it i has now filled up his Store again and has the Largest Stock of BEI GOODS, No TIONS & FANCY (aOODSa to select from that can be found anywhere in this or an adjoining county. Our stock of DHES3 O00D3 is complete. LAWNS, CASHMERES, SILKS, SATINS, SILK F1UNGENS, PRINTS, A large variety of BUTTONS. HOSIERY and GLOVES in. abnndaace. A full line of CARPETS and OIL CLOTH. riense call and oxntuino oar stock, as thls.column is too small to oua mcrato nil wo have. It is nndorstood that onr prices aro always lower than tbe lowest. Most of onr goods have boon bonH and ordorod before tho advance tq prices, and therefore our cub turners will got tho bculit of the ssuiu. Ilofpretfully, h. vi-:ih, Oppcslto Koystone IlotoJ, Oct. If), T3. ' 8 olilt9grov V. Great Reduction in w v ffi w i ir sj m m I would take pportnnily of an nonncin to tbo public, that I still continue in the Furuituro Humoca ,-lnALm$ good, !r.rMte&?Z&a ..... 11 nd thu end com kS4' Bee Uo is fuU plots, aud that I 1 lureau Hnitis 1 roMMitijr Oif.tse Suitw Cntl aud ooruparo my goods with obviiog. Look for tho iMg hiio. ou IiesioetrailT. July 10,7rJ.lf. V. vs. b'! ' 11 tI uvpi vj mm 1 GATARRH ssvwssa ary weatmeota are won. ibaa aaeleaa. II BefletteawBue asoje m Ma It our lapidlr derelop Into quick conaumptioo. I loal inoaouaA, aoaa) TIj ..a JL . u IK at. w! CASK'S PoDuUf telJr (TSarbolate of YM INHALANTS ead Ailnoa fM WV. ab. SELLER'S COUGH SYRUP 50 Years Beforo the Public. Prononnood by all lo b the mod ricu- nt and efueaolou romedy now in uae, for lbs our of oougbi, oolda, eroap. boaresnoaj, tlokliug enaatloa of th ihioal, whooping oough, to. Over a nlll ion bottle (old witbla lb last few year. U gives relief wherever used, and be Ih powor to imparl benefit that eaunot be had from Ih oongh mlziure now ia ua. Sold by all Draggltt at 25 oaot per bold. SELLERS' LIVEB PILLS ar also highly rooomrnendad for ourlog liver 00m plaint, eonatipatlon, iok.hodohe, fovtr and agne, and all diseases of Ih atomaob and liver. Sold by all Drug, gial at V oeat per boz. It. C. eelleu a to., l'tiMDnreo, 11. Oot.l6,'7a.iy. IjiXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters li telm.nury oa th. aetateof Joka Smith, ilmiiel. late of WaahluKlon towmhlp.bovd.r eouoty, reua'a., bay. keen granted to tli. uuil.raltfnad. All poraona knowlnK thaniaiilr.a ludaiiwd to .aid eatale ar. rein. aled to make Iminedlale pa, meat. wbll. tboa. bavlnv .laluia are reuated lo praaeut Ib.ui duly auui.uUaa led lor aeUiwueul lo JOHN A. HMITU, bAlaAU UHlTIi, Uay IT, UfeO. ataevutiaT. 1 Afl i 11 1 ft i.k m Boiling all my gooela al the VEUILOTT. K.'JT rRICK, 1 fact cheaper thisn a can be par j- followlngf prlcoe O nd Upvrnrd' tSII rxiid C.Tprtfcn thaso of 1'iue Sih other dowlAre befora owr. btntet, Cast or bokbort a stoto, Solinsijrovo, Pa Vrm ins jcmTSTON Eumsa . ' w .T.v,vtnwwiwi rurwtHV eEvmo mcnisB attach arxri 4 E,lnrntL FrtotX03 THE JOHNSTON TUCZ2S' HO rVwInn Maehln Attachment axoap f&v buUlur to ao atueh iuat a. the Xuckaaa tloe IXUU4 TRI JOHNSTON Conor Trios II 00. Tbeaa 9 ar the nallf c radical atUtohoMuta that avwyt body w elite, and bo aeirluc hum China la oumukila wliooutihena Tbey are kept, by all Mwliaa OiKuin .Kent. W. will rurnl$ either of them al th. price nameil, AjTtita writ, for llluatntted otieo, Uf and Wboleaal. fries LIS kaT rt asiin" C ? "u l," ITj UciT v. wawa. vm mm ar.iiia , ALimilSTIlATOE'S Sale of Real Estate. The nndorsir?nod Administrator ft t. a. of th. .atat. of John btltaer. lata of t alon eonnty. doooaaad, by virtue of an ordr laaued out of tb. Uourt of Common eleee of Suyder eonnty, will eapoa. to Vuldl Sala, . H.ll.r.' Mill, a oar tb. rromiai, la Janlaia oouuty, on Tuosday, June 15tb, 1880, th. nn.IM.lad half Intare at In th. following Sea aorlled Ileal t atato, helm timber land, alio ale la iery towaablp. bojder eonnty, I'a. ' Traot No. One, wlt-ilnlnf laada et David Kramer and other landaofJoha Htltaor, d.e'd, eonlelnlue VIY' 1'y.iiNK AUKfca and on. hundred and UUty mar porobaa, more or im,. Tract No, Two, an HnlnK other landa of deoedent, oontalnlnf ririiniiauaMina oue aaaureu ui.j nln. peroliea, aaor. or toae. Tract No. Throo, adjoining land or John rUltier and Hhad Mouetalo. oimlalnlna fORry-NINU AUKM aud en banured. aud lorly-perobe, more Hale to eommear at to o'olook A. M. Ofa.il day wb.a torn will he mad. known by JOUN U. kiTlTKKR, May is, lew. AumiBuuaio,. DODGE i CHABLE3 UENDRICKS of Ho' lain X Uoade, Union eounty, P.., ' Maat.ntly oo band all klnda of repair, for " above uaoUtoM, aud I ready to repair or ,ar t.lb repair at abort B itlo. Oatl ur a.l.l"" Ulmattb, abvy.uauiadpl.o.. Api,e.l