The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 27, 1880, Image 1

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    f '
rv, ,iUmn ons year, run.i
l.-lf- ,itnin1. rntfl VS.f.
nt-uwi., - -
One-fourth column, one year,
One square (10 Knct)l Insertion
very additional insertion,
rrofws'onal find Iluniucan cards of
tint more than 6 lines, per year,
Auditor, Executor, Admuiistrator
and Assignee Kolicoe,
All traiMOieni auvorusing iwi man
months 1 cental line.
AJ1 advcrtissrnrnU for ft i;yrtor pe
riod than one year are parablo at the
time they are ordered, end it not paid
(he pernon ordering them will oe hold;
puiaoitaible for tho menof.
gpmmamarpmKwmmmmam auf wj
i: o e t r y
For All Who Oio.
It ba btta iOI. "Ptr all wbo 11
ritere I a ta'
Goat plait-, bl.ill.ig btart ta tlgb
O'tf tvtrr, bier
Bat, It tbl boar of pala asl drttl,
Wht will draw aoar
Arosid my bumMt eoicb. an! tbeJ,
(1st fartwtll tear f
Who' J iratoi Wt't lal dtparttag ray
la deep doptlr,
Ana tooth my tplril, on Itt y,
Hiih boty prayer f
Wbtt moornor, 'raand my tiler, will co a.,
la wttdt of wot,
AbI follow mo to my long bono,
Sottas and alow t
Tfbis lying oa my elayty bi J,
la Icy tlt.p.
Wbo thoro, by pur afTeotlos lei,
Will com and wtep
Fy lb PU ojoob Implant tho rott
Upin my broad,
And bid 11 oaear lay dark repots,
My loco'y root T
Coald I but know, wboa I ata tlteplng,
Low la tbt frouod,
Oat fiiltbfal btarl would tbero b keeping
Witeh all aigtit arouod,
Aj If looio ooi Uy ihrln I bmeaib.
Tbtl tod't pato gloom,
Iwould oiiligi tho pang of dalh,
And light Iho tomb,
lot I lo thai hour t eialJ fcol,
From bill of gleo,
Aad btanty't preeeoct, on ooald ttoal
Id teoreey,
ind eomo ni ait, and weop by ma,
lo nlgUl deep noon,
Ob .' I would aok of memory
Ho oihrr boon,
Bat, ah J a lonelier fata It mine(
A dttpor woo
Tram all I loved ia yojtu,a wr t tliao
I tooa mutt go
.Draw 'round at robot of wbtta
la a dsrk tpot.
X ilstp tbrough dealh't long d.atalett
'Loot and forgot.
H 1 e o t rJT c 1 o .
I Donuifl McLin an ! Dick lUri
1iat wora tw.K'f mnt cXjort
kal aoocoetfal onalurt -itore tir.v
known ia tlx) Ninbw-s! Ktb
Were bold, s'.iruvrj win. wIi i bad
jasaeJ the and eralol jiMtien
j oue art, ace or another for years,
nd were notod Itt tUi'ir cjuravo
J coolness ia thu &en of Ao.T r.
Coonterfaiiins wna thtir apcial'.y.
nd it was said am'jixr the profit-
on tbdt"X)ick Ju)ii3U w. on 1 1;pih
ilcLain bad turned out noma of tho
imt work ever pat afloat in the
Vest." j
1 Their Intact exploit bed b-on the
onnterftiit of the ton-dollar n .itfs ot
Cliiomro bank, and so pmfoct wvrc
fiej tbat hundreds of paopJ wort
otuuized and the bnuk ofnocrr
jmitcWes could bardly tell Vie
orioaB Brrta from the tcaina
!D4baw and McLaia wore Bunppct
, and II ugh Graham, & doctootive
mora than ordinary ability, as
tuilad to or! out tbo case.
With patient perseverance, lie
ea tba daring orumnuls from one
unt to another, until be finally
Hcovered that bis men bad taken
their abode with a widow lady
ho resided about half a mile front
e littla village of M , on the
aincy and Darlington Railroad,
rii widow Mrs. Raed by name
is a quiet, lady-like person, and by
0 village folks goneraJIy wai con-
etua a very worthy and bijrmy
ipoctabls woman. Graham folt
ite sore that aba knew nothing
at the trao character of bar
dors, who rottrenented them-
ves to be l-cal estate men, looking
uie talud of land ia that locality,
ware only known as Me. Day and
Williams by tbo unsuspected
JVhila Graham WaB making caa
us inqainos about the v.idow and
r strange lodgers, in a omall back
u on tba ground floor of tbs la
s modoat cottage, tbosa two lodg
"ere sealed in earnest convex
ion. Tbo oue, tall and rather
looking, with black hair and
8, and somewhat slow of speech,
Deois McUiu. The other,
r' and stoat, with a smooth
Jiees face, and cheeks as rosy as
rl'a, was Dick Reushaw "tbs
cote enoraver ontaida of the
a Priaon, as a friend of bis once
idly remarked, in sneaking of his
kid Reushaw now known as Wil-
s. rming and walking onoasily
nd do-wn tbs floor i
n snro it was Graham, and the
w with him is Jim Doming, a
'yleffffod dataetiva. nluim I
t Louis fast winter when
out the fives. There's nn
i toll yon I saw them get off
tram at not an honr
I and they uean buHiuees.''
iU if tbay do, wo must outwit
I that's aUL" replied tba other
ut fcow T 7 foar wo aro ran lo
tun Umo, Denis. Wo cau't
wn too BUp ia tbia smaU
town, and the conf.mndod telegraph
a ill head ns off which over way wo
"No, there's no hope of oactpa in
that direction."
"What are wo to do then !"
"Dj t Why stay and tako oar
chatire.1 wbcro we are,"
Dick looked at him in antrinish.
meut, but aid nothing, aud bis cyui
pinion contitmod t
"We ore in a very ti'jt plnco,
that's certain, but I dun't dcapnir,
Graham is good on take, Now there
is nothing hero ti convict ns a
lollur of the stnff on! the nrcnuiws.
:uk! tho dies and plaloa aro cuWv
lut of tbo way. looU maj c-ir
of that part of the biisintiHS. Iti
now only 8 o'che't an 1 if we work
lively wa will give O.-.ihvn and his
ban.5ylcxg3l friend a roo troublo
yst I hi for o they catch pa."
Io a few words Dennis PxplainoJ
bis plan of outwitting tho dotccllvpo.
an 1 when ho hid finished, Dick nod
ed approvingly, and limy both loft
iu room together,
It was just 9 o'clock, of a bright
lono morninff, Hint t to tn m walkod
leiHnrely up the road loading to.Mrd.
noon t (i wuuing.
As tho ncarcd fio lnun Tioy
aw an eidoriy g.ntieratn, Willi grav
... . . . .
hair and bard. boiing errn''in tho
uuj.i on the oi mi'.o sido of Dm roaJ
and the larger of tho two gotitlnuieti,
wja was nono other t Jin tho clover
d.itrctivu, Gr'tlmm n!uasDtlv U20os(
od lha old l:ib i'cr.
lino mr-min? von Imvo f ir boo
ing my friund, nndyour corn is lo.ik
ins; nicely fjr tho tiino oi (ho venr. '
i lio ol.l man atnMi'cno I him-olf
up wi'fc diiJietillv, mi i cUnco I cuii-
O'lHly at tho hpi'ikcr.
It's, its a prornmin cicp i but
the land ia good ulurt hero.
.mi good Inu I brm;3 good rrop4
:rierMiy, answorod thu eimpla oi l
l))llfW .
"Ah, that explains it," lnghnj
dalcciive. "Could you Ml us if I'ih
u iua over yon lur bol J0js lo the
widow Ued 1"
Tho old runp,jholb.vk his worn
Htraw hut, rt-MK: 1 tba blade of hit.
hoo un bis heavy boot and rcplio.l,
with great doliber.Uiuu :
"Ves, that'e the wi Klar's 5 mtr
be you are Kiokio fjr b.iaid?"
"Not exactly ; Out webavo fiiondd
stopping with li-;r xtnagarii t tho"
I pre-mtue you havo n en tiicn occa
einoally at II ."
"A ell. yt, I've f-ron a cwdo nf
airan;;ers thereby aity folkrs," ci!
lie b'lUat old toiler ttuviiitfully i
"bat I n;vir ecen t'io-i to sp?sk to
1'nsy don't b-j so.inl li'a tt co'iutiy
iilkn, and keep pretty uiiich by
tuemwlve. That io my honsa o!!
! ovor tbarc," pointi;jjj la a turj
b!s.1 dowo old boildin, pcrobod ou
i bill side at sjuia d:jtauco aorof?
the Celd. "7e lived thnro nigh 00
lo twatity vctrs sad J vj often eeon
the wilder s boarders arjimlnfa
uiorniog luag long oforo ruoit p j -pli
are up. Aly n-ifo liiUi!; ibor
innst be quoer sort of folks fir tbej
buia a ligut all night I hinr tbov
may be inventors, inakin' anew ki'id
of a inac'uina to keep ste ua boilms
from bnstm , and they dou t want
tbuir boo rot to got out.1' j
The doUctivo's face beamed will)
"Hare's a lri3- fjr yoa," ho said
well ploasod, and passed on.
The laborer noukotod tho "Iriflo.'"
and bent again to bis toil, piling up
the rich earth aroma tho root of tho
young corn with renewed ennrgy.
luo wuow Hoed was a small dull'
catu foalnrod woman of perhaps for'
ty, with innocoot blua oyos and soft,
brown hair which was jastbegiuniog
to show a traoo of "silver threads,"
And it was the little widow her
self who opened tbo door to Gra
ham's respectful knock, To her
look of iuquiry, be snid :
"I called to soo Mr. Williams. Is
he at homo t
"l will soo.'' sha replied, politely
and trippod away to ascertain.
8ho soon returned, and announced
that neither Mr. Williams nor his
friend Mc. Day were in thoir room,
adding t
"They usually tka a walk about
this time, but are seldom gone more
than an hour. Would you liko to
wait or leave cards ?"
The callers docidod that they
would wait, whereupon the widow
hospitably remarked
"rorhaps yoa would prefer wait
ing in their room, as it is cooler
tbero than. Lore," glancing at the
dazzling sanlight. which was just
ooramnncing to flood tho windows of
tho little parlor.
Doth visitors eagerly assonted to
the lady's proposition, and wore at
ones showa to the room of tho &b
sent counterfeiters. There tbo an
suspioioas widow left thorn, and re
turned to bor hoasahold duties.
As may readily bo supposed, tbo
detectives were not scrupulous
about examining tho apartment and
its bjlongiugs in a most thorough
and business liko inannor. But
nothing was fonn 1 not a cign of
anytuiug caiouiatou to implicate the
inmates with tho crime of makiug
bal mono.
For a "dsn" oi coonterfeiicrs it
was certainly all very natural and
homedike, Tbo detectives looked
puzzled, bat were still) confident
that they wore on the right track.
Miuute after minute Passed awar.
and no sooud broke the a till nets
save the splashing and rnbbing of
stout servant mrL who'waa waahlnfflskeptioal. aad toarfully implored
iQ the little ummorkitohoa adjoij.Hheutiiatleasl aeaeub (he hvuse,
ing the room io which thoyaat.
lo-and-fro she wulkod from tub to
bailor and starch-bowl,
bar slnona
rolled np, an old blue Hlinbadnot
drawn over bor boated ; faca, and
girt ar.mi I the wnint by a wet, sud
sy apron, - -
An baiir went by. Me. Williamn
and bis companion had not returns 1:
and 11m dutuetives wero about to
sumiivin Mrs. IteJ f.jr the pnrprmo
of m iking further Inquires wln;ti l!i;
good proHontod hursolf at tho
d ior, and said, in a tone of goutlo
iipologf t '
"1'aiu afrail yoa fi T it ratlu rtiio
stum waiting. It is qtilo nn'viuil
for LIju.q to rcn tin away uy htig "
Ml)i 1 Ibcy loive ua tucss.igo '
ii'ikud Doming.
"Not that 1 kuow of," sho ans
worod aimply enough.
"7ivn yo'i any ohjostious to .ask
ing your survaut f
"Nono at !l. I should have
thought of it bf ire.''
Shu instantly withdrow, and a mo
men, a'tor tho li'Uoning dntuctivui
hcti'il hoc . Iiitornigiting the stout
domoHtio, who appeared in no
amiablo mood.
"Di l Mi-. Dy leive any raosng j
wilb y.ui, Amanda, when ho went
ont t;iis morning f "
"Ltivo a inossago with mo V
Knnppod A'nando, giving tho shm-t
bn nn:i wringinxr A vicious twiit
.around her arm. "Why should he t""t mojient, retired to tin room
l.mvn a ines.ine with mat 1J it , H' reoontly ransacko I by th "lv:ix
c iuio to think of it, Mr. Willi mm : '.ve 1" dolectivus. Tho fulHo b.urd
left a note as lie was coin" out an I
toiit ino to give it to yau if you anii
mi alt out liiiu."
"Tlmn wliy d; 1 you not do so,
A ru 111 la. nitliout kcoping mo wait
ing nil this tiiui) T Give mo tho
noi now, if you plenso,''
"U-iciuse you did uol nsk mc
An l with washing and a lion. hod
things to do b', it went clean
tut of my mind. Tho notes aroun I
somuwheres 1 J forgot j lit whore li
put it, U.i, it j tlioro 0:1 tho wimlor
sill I',
Aodwith this wasputi iuf.irina
tion, Amaula snatched up bor bank
ot of clothes and wont to hang them
upon tho lino io tho baek yard,
while her mintrs8 glu.l apparently
to 1)0 lid of bor niigiaeioiia Hervmit,
Hok the note, and immediately re
turned to her noxious visitors, who
had overheard every word of the
abovo conversation.
Vo'i arc riif'ut in your conjec
tures." nho a.d, "M.. Williams did
lo'ive a i.igo, or a njto whieh
aruounts to about the Rar.o thing,
and 00 it u'.it will explain what now
socma sa Htraoge,"
Sho toro o;i')u tho nolo, and it diJ
i-xplai'i with vo:igea'ico. It rati
tu'ii :
I)ea M,n. ncnu. llusi n rfl of
grout ,
mo.ncnl c-illa u 1 my m onoe. Wo will
n jt rmuro, ludlut"! pli-tio fiil ri-inl-tanco
for two wvtUt' tjarl, iu . l liu.'ii
11 wuich W9 ni !v vnu our tier mtl
f'T-0"t wljicli w flu I Iiio jih j.iioiH lit
I.Iir Willi u' t lb prorfful lim".
U1.I1 iliankn for rour mny kni'lom,
t remitm, respoolfull;,
U. W. WIltlAMI '
Poor Mrs, Heed waa astonished.
"I dta't nn lerHtaud it I" alio
grsspod, sinking into a chair.
loo t nudorstaud it at all I
''Ilatldo!" cried tho enraged
Graham, springing fo bis
lomii)!, wo aro cjuiplctoly foolrij,
and, while waiting hero liUvi n couple
of idiots, tuoy havo given ns the
"Who aro yon T what can you
moan T" exclaimed tho widow, iu
groat alarm.
"We moan, maiam, that your
late boarders aro t vo of tho moat
aocoraplishod connterfoitors iu tho
Uuitod States. Wo are detectives
and are boro to arrost thorn that is
wo cama for that purpose 1 but''
"Uracious boavona ! what do I
bear T Gonntorfuiters 1 and I tho't
thorn such porfect gontlomon," inter
rupted Mra. Reo'l, now terribly
agitated, and trembling in evory
"Perfect eaonndrolt ! This is a
devil of a busiuess after all the
troublo wo have had," said Graham
turning to his companion. "Thoy
are off on tho train that left M
half an hour ago, and all wo can da
is to telegraph and stop thorn, if
possiblo, before thoy can roach
lira. Reed was palo with fear and
consternation. To know that sha
had beou iunocontly harboring two
sach dreadful characters naturally
filled her with horror and dismay.
"Perhaps they aro concealed soma
where about the plaoe. and hare not
gone off at all 1" sho faltorod, bard
ly dtiriog to speak ab jvo a whisper.
''They may be bidiug iu the barn or
the wood shed or the house at this
very momant." looking around ap
prebeusively and with a visiblo
shudder, "Amanda and I are alone
what ooald wo do if they should
bo beret They might ra ardor ns
in our beds, or burn tho bouse I li
is frightful to think of it 1 aad they
wero so gentlemanly, and paid their
board so promptly 1" hysterically be
railed the widiw, sinking back in
to ber ebair, quite overpowered by
tbo horror ot her unprotected sit
uation. "Don't alarm yonrsolf madam
They are far enough away, 7 'II war
rant yon, to prevent our presenting
lltam urifch a n.ii nf hi.i.tAf An-flaw ''
was the baffled Graham's grim re-
. llut the poor woman was still
,ftnJ nl luavo bor at tho tnuroy
of a
braooof villaius. who might bo
rettd withiu souti 1 of tUair voioss
for all thoy kaow to the con
trary. This tho ofHoors did not believp.
foolliig c.tuvidoo I that tho game bad
tik'-n wing 1 huvorlbuloNi, they
m 1 la a baity Bench of tho hous t
aud oat-buildings, r inning a int
nu 1 netrly Cipiizinjf tho irrilnhbi
Anno li. wu was carrying a tub of
Bivla, and who ruscnto-l tho iudi.;
nity by an oiVrilrig jerk which
oinio near d. -lugiug too luckluai
I'jming with its soapy can ton ts.
Ot 0 tiirs.i, the soaroii wm urhIos.
M ) cj'itHiirfjitjis wnro nneivthod,
nor anytiiiug bulonging to their
d .mgorjii om ipati 111. It was nil
tiius thrown away and bidding tho
tciTiuVl .Mrs. Kind gill n truing,
the d isappjinlcj.l oiliiors huiiiedly
took their leave.
The old laiuror,. leaned thought
fully on bis boo, saw tho dotootives
depart at a much faster pica thau
they had como and, when thoy wero
fiiily out of si hi., ho s'lO'ilderi! 1 hi
lion aad quickly left Iho corn-ll-il 1.
Tho widow Mtoo I in th i daorwiy,
au l watched them disappear with a
tr.iilo of quiet hovering
drnimily ou bor lips. Poor, ntfjr
worked Amanda ualiol her wel
apron, rollol dov-n her rIqcvcm, an 1
1 W1"' 11,0 'd mau who ca:int in at
;""d gray wig were laid aside, thi
heavy boots and shabby cl.itli.'s io
moved, nod. lo I DauU McLaiu was
bitnself again.
A inu 1 1 no longor, but Dic R.m
flliaw, tho skillful bank-uoto o:ig,ay
er. "Wo p!.iyol it woll," ho rem irk-
cd, C rnnl lecritly. "Well, iiidoo.l,
.Mrs. Heed i nn a lmirnlilo wo ii'iu.
Tney nre o.T t!io ttootit outwitted
liao Is t'O'lr. an 1 wj ciu lio.v llnish
our work an I d.-put ut our
11;"." Clevor Urn. Kond Yet rIio wan a
lilCe woman, with innocent bluo
eyes, on J soft brown bair just be.
guiiug to hhow the glcma of "eilver
A Hijh-Vanoa C:3k.
Mr". Vand-.-wu'or lias h'u'y c";por
ienerd a great, d ",al of trouMo io ne
etiiing 11 good rervant girl, 'iho ouocho had was told to boil an
egg in the OJ.i'jJ. and nil j put it in
win il). On u'Ki'lii-r orcasion, when
iintrtictel to t.t!iiV tin) diteka rvit'u
ouio'is and t, nl,e p. it theoi
in wb'ilo. li'tu ulso I11 ado il,-!)!e ie:i
in a inaouir. iler prodec.-i
aors were cm u'.iy u.-"'li 'cut and tg
uo;;'i'., an I Mr. Van l.j'.val ir 1! "
to: :ili't I lo ii ivo a lief lor "irl at I
bazard.-i. It wis with thu iiilmition I
of Hecuriug uuo that she went to the j
cty. Biio weiil to 1111 intcllii'ouc;: anl ii'ilie I to l.o shown some
of the bent R)e "imuiis in stock.
A bnily irl of thirty-two stopped
forward, and the follj.viug di.iloguo
took p'nieo :
"(Jan yon cook in tho Trench
sly 'e l
"Vos, mum.1'
'Can you get np Gorman dinhos ?''
"Yes iiuim."
"I supposo you are n church
member f ''
"i'ou havo no objoclion to snlit-
ling wood f"
'Not any."
"What tim4 da van wako nn iu
tho morning I "
"Fivo o'clock ; and I cau play tho
"You novor kindlo fires with kor-
osono 1"
'Novor, missus nover t and I aint
stroc-'-iuiu dod. I aiu't in favor of
women voting."'
She suited first-rato 1 but bo fore
sho consented to be eoira'.rol, sho
wanted to ask sorno qunstious :
"ii nv many folks iu the family t"
"l''iva. "
".isbaad drink any J"
"No. "
"Dj your daugU tors whiatlo 'Pina
fore' airs f '
"Novor." '
"Zave you any oil paintiugi in
the house, and Axmiuister tapes
trios, nud pots of hyacinth ou tho
shelf V
"I havo."
''Hiva J got to hunt off book a
gonts "
Tm never tronblod that wy.''
"D t yon expo Jt ine to wash tho
"I havo none."
"Do your boys go out crabbing
and oorao home covered with mu 1,
and h jvo four shirts apioco in tho
wash ovory week T"
'M children aro all girls."
"What part of tho city do yon
livo in '
'I livo in Patorson, N. J."
"Then you oaa't biro ma. I don't
go to the couutry if I knows myself.
Mj beau don't get throngh work
till seven o'oloak, and by tho - time
he'd get shaved an l put on his
swallow-tail ooat and get out to
Pateraou, it would bo breakfast
time. I don't win't conntry io
mine. I'm a city gal."
Then sho.touk her ptaoe on the
baooli, and waiting for aa eligible
employer to come Along. ..
Tho Grand oi l book of Ood etill
stands 1 aad this old earth, the
more its Uavee are turned over and
pnnlerod, the more it will sustain
and UlajtriU toe uwr! wori.
PA., MAY 27,
My Wile's Bridal Tour,
When I married my second wife,
sha was dreadful set about going off
for a bridal tour, I told her aho'd
better wait six mouth or a year, and
I'd try to go with her, but sho said
aho'd rather go nlono when a wom
an wis traveling, a tuau was au otit
and out he.iiilm.;.
Wo I gave .her seventy fivo centii,
and told bor lo go nd and have a
goodti'iij. I never b.-grn l 0 mon
ey wiiere my wife h happiness is cen
ccnit I. bit li'st who never could
compliin of going nova-hero, fir I'm
diva l.'til fi'T'-e to go iX on a good
time mvseif. and l-vuys w,t. I
dou t preleii I ta say hew many times
I took b r out to seo Iho engine
squirt, and thero was no end to the
free lectures I li t her go to. The
nei ;!ilt rs iH' 1 to nov i
'It does boat nil how tho Skinnrrs
do g 1 V
Wiij:i Si.Tiior ll'iili! was in .Skunk
villo, willi Ins won. let fnl c marie, bo
I gave my wile n complimentary tick
et. I not only pot I that ticket for
wife, but, 1 gave li-i half the m tiii-y.
I ilou't boast of it, though ; I only
'mention it to nho'.v h iw iimc'u I
j thought of my wife's happiness.
I it .n't think any nun oti'T'il to
ig'jt married until he can c iiinidor l;i
wife 8 happiness only second to lus
own. -lohii w ino, a tuugnuor tu
mine, di I tir.wly, and when git
mamml I corieiu led to do liko Wine. tho plan 1I1. In t work in the
casj of my roeond wif.'. No,
mIioiiM say not. 1 broached tho
subject kin.lly ! ,
"Matilda.' 1 said, "I sttpposo you
aro aware tint I am now your lord
111).! 10 let. t '
"Not in .icli you ain't.'
"Mrs .Skinner.' I replio.l, "you
aro fearfully dcu ir.iluod t )'"'l ioe 1
re-oi' ut once. You ttlo
An I I brandi'ilicd my new nisfy
jt.vo cunt iiinbri llii wildly around ber
! SI11 took Iho umbrella away from
I inn and locliud 1110 up in tho clothes
I preHi.
1 ft'n qui. 13 dr.iw nu nirercnce,
and the lefnenee I drew was tli it, I
was not a i,ueci .sa as a ru-org,
of fe:n i!o V0111cn.
After this J changed my tactics.
I let her Imvo her own way, nud the
, plan woruc 1 to a unarm iiom mo
very lu-it. 11 a Hie nesl way 1,1 man
aging a wifj Hint 1 know of, )f
caiu'so this is between you and me
Siwhcn uiv wife sail sue was
hound to gt uifou 11 lirid il tour, 1
cordially coiiii'jtitod.
'(., M '.'.,l la,' nai I I "and stay as
long a 1 yo t v to' toon, if. you
f .cl .'u inou.'ii you would liko to
hl.iy a little lougjr, stay, my,
inn ( il l mo lo slop lalking and
go up stairs an I get her re 1 llanuel
night-cap, nil. I tint ita- ot puliny
royal for her Aunt Abigail.
.My wife is a smart woman. Sho
was 11 H.ixter, nud tho liaxlur's am a
very smart ftiuily iinleed. Iler
mother, who is going 011 eighty can
fry more slapjacks now than bll
those piitnmej-up city girls who
rattle on the piauo or olne walk the
streets with touir furbolows and fis
ingH, iretouiliiig lo get mad if a
voulli looks at em pretty bard, but
gutting mud 111 oarnubt if you dou t
notico them ut all.
Ah I girls ain't what thoy used to
ha whoa was young, nud tho fel
low. aro worse still. When I want
courting, for nmtauco i never
thought of staying ailor tou o clock,
and only wont twico a week. Now
they go Bovon nighta iu the week,
aud cry bocauso thero uiu't eight.
Iheuthoy write touching notes to
euch other during tho day :
"Djar George, do you lovo mo as
much now as you did at a quarter-
punt twelvo last night T Say you do
doarcdt, and it will givu me courugo
lo tro dowu to umuor und tackle
them cold boans left over from yes
Woll, well, X suppose tucy enjoy
tbomsulvus, and it aiu't for us old
folks, whose hearts are a little cal
loused by loug wear, to interfere.
Let them get together and court if
they lilio it aud 1 think thoy do, 1
was foi ty seven when I courted my
prusuut wife, but it sooine 1 just as
nice ta ait ou a lit Ma crin kot at her
feet and let her smooth my hair us
it did thirty years ago. As I said
before, my wifu is a very smart wo
man, but she c mid not be uuylhmg
else and be u Halter Hue used to
giva lectures on Women's Hights,
uud iu oue plaeo where sho lectured
a big college conferred the title of
L. It. v. ou ber. Hut sho v.ouldn t
tuko it.
"No, gontleiuon,' bko said, "give it
to the poor. '
tiho was always j tst so charitable.
She gave uy boys permission to go
barefoot all Winter, aud insisted
upon it so much iu ber kind way
that they couldn't refuse.
She fairly dotes on my children,
and I've seea her many a time go to
their trowsers pockets ana tuko oat
their uunuies, after they'd got to
sleep, and put tuoin in the bureau
drawer lor luac tuoy tuigut lose
'I started to tell yoa about my
wife's bridal tour, but the fact is I
novor could find out much about it
myself, I believe she had a good
time. She carao buck improvuu la
hellli, ad i found out bufore the
1 If
NO. 48
had been in the house twenty four
hours, that shod gained in strength
also, I don't say bow I found it out
I simply said to all young mens
Marry your second wifo first and
keep out of debt by all means, oven
if you havo lo borrow tbo mouey to
do it.
A Curious Robbery.
A ilnrinf robbery bas been perpe
trated nl Mn.ns prinon. A tin ft in
tho very den of the law, and certain
ly quite ns audnciotis n one as the
crime of tho womnn ho, nbont ft
year ago, wns cni,l stealing gns
globes from tba Srventccnlh Pre
cinct Ma'ioti-betiPO fctotc-room in
New York.
Il is Hie prnrtic( of Police to issue
papos lo wonld-bn visiiurs to the
prison every Monday. A gcnlleman
sppeni"d ut tho jail on the day in
question ntnl tonk out. bis poekot
book lo find bis pa. It was quite
oi. re;A'. snd pilsed oil.
Directly behind him two women
appeared. They loo, wero in prop
er form anl were admitted.
Shortly after the gentleman came
hack. He bad left bis p u lief-bool;
on thn desk, ho sal !, end as it con
tained 01) fraucM, he was nut nmm-
tnrnlly anxious lo recover it. 'J'liis.
however, nas easier paid than done.
The cl'inesl p.'iiteli f iin; 1 1 1 reveal il.
An order was tli'iu gi,n to seareh
everyone who paxe t nut. I lie con-
siqienco was tnat ip'.ite n crowd ci'"r Honnnal Wnnkticx, Inolntrjf yrini.
lecied at tho entrance. H it the ! " TuroTaseT, Meuile nj I'hj.
wallet was not found. and tbo I';"1. ''' M''i')'. Imrsimeul, i to Marrlago.
., . ,. . , , to. ; aim, ( iiNHiiMirms. KrimmT and
gentleman went nway disappoinfed. k,T(( , luM,,,lu1geoot or t.i.
.ii'.i iiiorniiig iiiuiiien pnisoiu com
pluinrd (a the polieo Hint they bad
thoir pockets pieked while passing
out (if Iho prinou, after having been
neaicliod. Tho gentleman of Iho
wallet wns really an ingenious mem
ber of I lie swell mob. Tiio two wo
men wi re bis accomplices. They
bad turned up ta bo searched audi
pnsMod out as soon as bo made bis
complaint. Then they bnd stood
outside and relieved tho p.assors out
of thero valuables as thoy passed
b-, absorbed in a discussion of tho
mysterious robbery.
Excellent Maxims.
TTnrd words aro liko hailstones in
summer beating down and dontroy
ing what Hey would nourish wcrs
they li)"itd iuio drops
Truth and lovo aio two of the
most powerful things in tho world;
and when thev both rga together
thoy cannot canily bo withstood.
One quiet example of saintly living
has mure power in any church or iu
any community luo loudest
talker thero about enliro sanctilica
lion. Ueanly, liko tho flowering
blossom: soon fad s : but the divine
-xcellenco of the mind, like the med
ical virtues of the plant, remains in
it when ail Iho charms aro wifhernd.
Da little helpfnl things nnd rpeak
helpful words whenever yon can.
Tlmy lira better than pearls or
diamonds to strew along tho road
side of life, and will yield a for inoro
valuublo burvost.
Cheerful people nro impervious
to the burls and Btings of daily life.
Nothing ta!;rn thero happiness
from them. Thero are sorno persons
who upend there livoR in this world
as they would spend Ihcm if in a
dungeon. Everything is made
gloomy and forbidding. They go
mourning and complaining from day
tu day I hut they liuvo so little, and
are constantly anxions lest what lit
tle they bavo should escape out o
thero bauds. They look always np
on tho dark side, and can novor en.
joy the good that is present for tho
evil that is ta come. Tbo industri
ous beo does not complain that there
aro so many poisonous llowsrs and
thorny branches in bis road, but
buzzes on, c.ilocting tho honey
whero he can find it, nnd passing
quietly by were it is not. Thoro is
enough in this world ta complain
about and find fault with, if men
havo tho disposition. We often
travel on a hard und uneven road;
but with a cheorful spirit wo may
walk therein with comfort, and come
to tbo end of onr jonrnny in poaco.
gwav&.ii jaiiMi wi. laaat
A Phot est .Iu.wnkt Pudi-an-ity.
At a busiii-Hs m"a's prtyer meeting,
in New York city, tho following wus
uccepti'J si tho sense of a special
discussion :
IT7irri.i, rrofno swearing
breaks the laws of coud socloty, and
the State, an well as of Gul ; and
Wiutcat, It is painful for men
tod woman to hoar it in public ; aud
Whereat, A chi'd lrarnia it by
w hearing it is oftoo damauod moro
thsn if bitten by a mad dog ;
Jleoloc't, That ho who swears be
hereby kindly reminded that bo doei
a cruel, nngoiit'ouiunly, and an uo
Uwl'ul C.
It is a fault against politeness to
praise immodorately in the presonoe
of thoso who are singing or playing
to yoa npon an instrument, some
other person who has these same
A religion that suspends sis days
in tho week and opens np only Sun
day, is a sham. This will do to
read a second time and think of
There ia more of this "business''
than appears at glance.
fa, en siue
to eieeo.
lap. ana paraphilia)
J'.'. ' .All
fill iMnh nil evrrr lTinr.a.l, ItniUj
JEttlliXIAU CHOUSE, Proa's.
Terms of 8nbrmpttw,
nuiu wiuun six inonins, or wttm
paid within the year. No paper die
continued until all Brrtarnum are
ishcr. i
HulsrrirHons mibide of the cotmtf
ni v i tit n . ...
iin in Aurnntt,
fPcrsons liaing and usinir papers
adilrcsscd o others become siilwrrifiers
andsro liiiblo forthe nrlce of tho paper
1UK Olll Jl'I fcaT
nrNT1 KKMrrtv h fwm iitim
IIm) .l.n il.ii .i.. il. aili limulri-U. who h.T. tmiD
tivi-n lip l.v pliyMi l, ihv.
lit NT-M Ht.MHir rurr. nil Dlnwi
Jf llm Kl.ln. v-. I'ln.lilrr. I rlnor irKn..
lro.v, 4irnvl, 1II, u. lurontl-b,t-
fin. II, f-ntlfin ut I rliiv.
Ill, NT'S ICf'.M I.IIV f.nrol'rujlililff.n, fr-nf.a
ft h. ni.., brit'i'. up Ui. i.uiii, wi rtMxxl
Im -nil 1 1 ! il,.- riti 1 1 .
S.T". ,M''", fxln In tha
Plil... Itrk, ..r l..,ln, U-nf-ml iN-bllltr,
r. ml. Itlarau.., UlaturlMI hlrrp, l.i.
f Aiptll, HrlKliI-. lIlM-KM., r.. an
C.iiiiplHltiu ft il- I rlnit-lMnltni Ors-am.
Ill T't HHIt lll quUkly ,llr,,
I. lvfr I,, ti-nliliy .rti,..,, n-niovlnf Hi- ciiums
tlu.t pn. Inri. Itllloii. II.HiiInt hr, lri-,aa,
Hour Momiif h, 'onvt-n., I'll..., ar.
Uy tli. ii-. ..f III ,ST llt .SI Ilt iho
Fl.-mnli ll! rifw..ii will rm-t-ijllv n irrilii ll..(r
ln iiih,iiiil Hi. H I -w.. m ill l. l.rrfi i lly imrlni il.
II l-ST'H II K M 1 .1) V I. run Iv vein i.'i.l.-, mi4
rni-. a want m . r I., f. n- rurt'Ul.i-,1 in ih. pu
II. , i, -i. Hi. mm. .-I r.'llni!.. nmv Im. plnr.rt in li.
IHM'S l:l VI llVI..r. .r.l.,,,r..
Jt for Hi. hIhiv.i ,llM,aai.., and Ium nor.r
m Kn.twn m mil.
ini iiiiii will mn.lneo too.
Tot Sal
F'V nil lirni-irlaia, H.-n.l rr 1'iimpM.s in
WJI. K. I'l lUKt. rrol,l.iicr, K.
l'rki, 5i n-uto, .nd S)l.k (largu tuw). IH. '7U..
Matihccl': how Lost, Hew Kcstoicdl
Ju.f riilillilicl. a now e.lillon of
Si ia ( 'ilierwfll'iit rlrbra-
t-ri'il 1.NS11J no tn. ro. Heal euro
(wlihoui njo.liuln. ) of PrsiiMATusstiora
uni piirsvgiiiine, fto.
ix-y-l'rici), In a ic.leJ cnrolopr, only
hIX rent.
Tli. cdclirslc'l author. In I It i it ajiulrt
il lit Hi:.. cl.ftrljr il.monirio, front a
Ihirly jri-art' uoo'-fiil prscllca, thai Iht
i! .nnii.t i- n xnmirne .a nf lelf .aburt may
Ih' ta liuiilly CUH..I wlilimit Ihe itahgfr.
mi- ii ho uf iniornal mcdiino or tbo ap.
pliraii in nf lh knlfp ; point i ii k out a of cure at onoo nunplfi, corlitlo, and
ellVotual, ho, m.v ruro liiiuiclf cheaply,
prinaiely, ami haiucallv.
W" 77im Lid ii rr frill urovit a loan la
thoumiuh mid lhoumnli.
Honl un.lar ncnl. in a plain tn.etnpt, la
any a It-ess, putt yaU, on reo.ipltf tlX
cents nr Iwn poiito stamps.
A'l lrer. lint PnliliHlirrs.
II Aim Hi,, New York ; l'oatoUict 4&M6D.I
Hi-i t. 7, l78. ly.
Kocly & Wngncr
Asn HANi'fArTt'HEa or
Ooors, Door floxrn, M lnrtoirs, Shntter
NMii-low Unxc, llllnds, fianh, titalr
Flxtnira. Itanil Itatllncs, brack
ets. Meulillnzs, Fleorlne,
Shingles, Lath, Sio., Sto.
Order, solicited and filled with prompt
Kars and ilonpatgh. l'loa.a call and txom
ino our .look befort purobaaing olttwbtr
Choice reading
at Low Figures .
P L. IU:iTTNT(ITo"N, ofl'rank-
I J Hit, liavlnv .."ii r l tha avonry for tbt
lull'inluir viilualil. Il .okn will ...lumen. . .1
out-, to nanvM knjnler cunty. Tli.
nmnnK Ih. primlnont r.atur.ii n( ah lull ar.l
lliNtury nl all lieliKlona I'vn. mtnatlon- : lliof.
rnplilr. or Hi. I n, .Ire. I i Oall.ry nf
llluatr.,ts, . rlptur. lnM.lmitu : It. nr..!
niniit.or nf fllii4trhllin ; tin .supertor lypot.
rapliv i IIh LinOleuiaiio llln llDK and lioajona
bit I'rlee.
ft MmEU of Stanley
an oilier Alrl.nn Kipl. r.rt l. J. T. lUaili.r,
Hi. uiu't l.rt 111 -u I do.crlullv. Auluor lo Aln.r
Ira. Jll.Vlll.l-. va
a uplonillil Tuluni. of li-ill ptsu 1000 lllaiira-
llies. sr. Iho ptin IiIkIiIt tnt.rtntlnt nnbll-
.allntiii now oll.r.l tbt Amerletn riutill.-and
tb. prk-. hav. fceeu r."lo. e.l in at to bring
the m allien Ilia n.eitni of tha aad ba.
iI.I.n Mr. UulliriKloii Ii In ouroauntf
huo wu,.ijr ru.iamv. CIOI. a, 'IV,
l.eltir nl ailmlnlmratlnn rn tha .at.t. af
.l.ia-n I.kii lMiliarr. lata nl c.nn lap., Nnyil.r
)o. I'., ,t . l a.a kwi Krnl.i to tli. uu.l.r
KlKnol. All p.r-nnt knowlnx th.mivlv.i In.
ilolitoil to aal.l amnio will pl.a. links liniuo.ll-
te p.Tin.iit whllo I lime havlnn olalma avalml .iiato will pranont tlirni lur .-ttl.ment l
HNEUII.a a.ACIirNs,a.H,
Mar.Ji, Ailnilnlmraur.
Cui'Od PainloHsly-
Tlit MoJInliio m 1. 1 lor a aiii.ll marmo above
Iht Oimt of Oi. nil. illtidllllf . Alloa,., traataS L
porliil .riirl,tl mi. for lull p.nloul.ri at.
urima tl.t tiiaiov.rir
Hit. . n. l.'Ot.Mit.or
Sin. H. n. IVM.i.i.a, i,. i-ortt, lad.
1 .0, 1,'w.ora.
A fl ral-r!a. T.lfn DnmpanT In W.w
Vork nil MI'KC'IAI., UKNMUI, ami UI.
( A I. AtlKX I S. la nriH-i-opl.4 larrllorjr In 11..
til.lo of l".ni.pjl..iila. AilSrru Mv NAOMI
OK AIJKM'lliS, Kos loo K.w Vork foal Offlea.
INQTITUT1I. has in lirrt fart
WlUjut tile tl..f bulla CM lu, ed k.UMirf a,,H lliil
acimiala. aa.1 M. im riMu.
of t.noar, Tanaora. I
Ciiu li it UilorjuatKiu, oiraolar. anil ratarancaa.
Oraa. Dr. h, L. fonit, AaiufOiaiit oSTIaT, IH7a.IV.
tat ta tmA M
SI. at OSHX l,
Xtwavaraat Attvtarma
ma B
Beaaao (It p
kinMt, wb.ra advaa.
ttitua aoutraat. aiAf
Vt iuat. tut It is
WE keep on hatul all kind oj
BlatJit iucK a$ Not 4$, Sum
r ta a
r.V' iV I ol anoar. Tanaora. lilam