A.tvortUinsr Ittte. t , solemn one year, fVUVi Ons-holf, column, one year, M0 One-fourth column, one yttvr, 15.00 t)o iqiuvre (10 linen) t itwertlon 76 Evpnr additional Innortion, - 60 TrofoMional nd Buainee crJ ef not more than 5 line, per year, 6.00 Auditor, Kxeoulor, Administrator and Assignm Notices, 8.R0 EJitnrinl notice per line, 14 All Irnmolenl advertising lets than S months 10 cento lino. All hdvertinemi-nU for shorter pe riod than one year are pnvsble nt the time they aro ordered, aud it not pitid the person ordering them will oe bold; reKpoiMibie nir me minor. Poetry LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Ia Eatiern Unit lh lalk Is tlow.ra, Ami lb. (all in a garlaaj Ibelr lore id ar Ia lowtr Uial bloaa la tbtlr garJ.o b.wtr Oa Ul ! ntl taaf; bear." 1'trcival. The prttly r4 r If i tublioi of ;' 1b owbll, "Ikoagktl f Ih'ii'1 b fh baaokl iapli 'I irm of Ikl," And roiary, alway. (rwabr at." Arb.f "saibaafiag frirtl. hip ;" XI eat bo,'" lb Anirlotn watip ; 'Dilar Jur lo," . lh tulip tr, AaJjHotytr r.pliet, "I lit fjr ih.' Ototlale lU f 'Mot al Aral tit V Bwot P' , "M.l mb; a.alf i Dud Uavc la liot b4f h.art ' YrlflJ pl.k, FurTr w pail." Ltt et p.M frit It,'' lb Inipil IUr, Frlrot , 'Ttar fries 1 fur o kour." rtaa blooa lay. "Kp y.ur arl," A1 ra ceiun, "fhja ar prcftrr!.' AppU bliotaaak. ITill tb.j h ilu ' rok bloa rtpli., "iif b,ri n itaiu, Tk Uailio i " oi'qu. A4 aaitii;" d-.lU wim im whit vletot. CwMt Williaa , ''Lit our frlen Jiltip eol." Caowdrop 1b tofil, '-I'm nol auaoatr frl.ui." Bttloaa via proposal t ' Kim auJ oak. ap, al lngrllluda" 4lli I tti bright bullarcup. ''I inrasaal dilfiauHi.," It Ik ai'.allci laa'i ! lV)ahia' cborm, "I bats Iit1 thai lit." Ilia lilaj Ikilll. wi-ti Brat tn- tin," AB'l kclieteape Itspli.a as' ,4-rni,n." l'ttanl iA;t. ' Tnur p'tiioc .oikt pUiil rapli. "Vaur look fni mt.' Vlkii ro ml"tfa, 'Mf hii U irr" AJ wkiitolsrtr Tr "ikintt of w." 6nalltr r". lik t prttij raqiW, "? Jojij 14 !kf mukitr jni." 'Uia tkroagb fimbint, mrn a. I ," 1 arilloa all ovr tk prp il ton. S'.a Irt bri( " taennjt ft,- f -vi ." Vtr(l n-al dt)' 'Ut ' Hihriil Iraa. llluarldltt I "Mibfaln... .' ha'cbi I "griaf.' Ati patiiaa lar b-ipjy to "rl ji bfiief.'' Oar ioa!i art oat,' 4 ill bemilf 1 pkloi , "Cjbiuo' abiJti with fMiij dwarf 01 "U l a oliag" Pji'lalaat 4oib lell, AaJ "(ralliuJ" faual ia Ctoierbjir boll. 'Bodi" art iprM(t br blu raaralog- gler; , -i 'J(bllily ef wbaraetar' b migajll graadilra. Tk aaaraatb deoolaa "aafadiug Iot," Aa4 iatiaocrli'' bllgkti.lka prottyfx glor. 'Tru frUadthtp" Is found la Virginia lock. 'Aabltion" tit high la lb bright bolt. - bock, Conpandoa' allnd lb bldiDg.barl Aad ecarUt pt aaki, "Muil ou d partr 1 lad "foioatloo', alwara la forn. ''8apalb" la balm, aad 'Uf1' ia la rat. Tba gtlbtra raib froa lb garden bowar, Aad tU(b with of lb bart In flower. Chicago lhjer. N e 1 o o t T a I o . A Terrible Revenge IOrJ Redaiond was riJingf tlowlr along BUck Valley, when the slow gatlioring gljora of niht seemed uJJooli to deepon, Tbo'iigbt died long tbe slopes of tbe mquutains, ad tbe little Ura beside wbiou bis horse bad leisurely walked for tbe last hoar seemed snddouly to have grown ibto black, movuleaa liuo. "Ib storm is oa , us, Kitty t aud ere sUUed ia this ooufoandnd rat of a taller'' said Lord IUH- woijd. 4 1 have boon tryia,1? to got otrt of it for two bonrs," ho mattar d dismouatiug, tod luaiiug bin ooree. - Tbe beautiful roar" he le I seemed to shars ia bit anxiety, followiu ? obedieatlr an J witU an ooosiuiul felaoee around. 8uMi'ly J she tfave shrill whinny i an 1 the at us ntoqieojt, Itedmoud thought be hoard aistant cry. U looked up eager l.x. aeaaniajr the hills, and liuelr asw lj sd ling oa poiut of oue of VOL. IT. Ihe bluffs, ahd gesticulation wildly. A i ho prossod on, be could bear the lad'e rriee. "Haste, thon, bnnto the etorm is coming ! 1 rRto it will noon be on you 1 follow the path it will Ion I you np lioio. tliiHtoo, or you'll bo ilrowinl like a rat in bi nU.'f Ilefore Kmlinood rencbed Ihe boy, ho was BUHpioions that bo wna bnlf idiotio i and wbun he rained the ruck np,n which ho sfood, ho rv tho la 1 wns indeed, a poor half crnzO'l follow, with stiirin oyp" noil furione gesturoa ; yrt U't without morcy for thoae Inns bolplcoe than bimsolf, for bo cirriod a wearied lamb, which bo had probuldy been out in sonrcbof, whilothe dam ran by bis dide, - "Come come out of the sloriu P he cried prcaein on. And L rd lledaiood follovvod,etill lu 1 ug bin liortn, Kitty B'tv ebulU r flint, and wliia nind ovarii at the fCHiitof btrUr, wiiiuu niio prv.-e:ivi iiiiit iihui . .1, n .1. f..l nl I'ui,,..a ...i.:..t. .1.- : 1 I.. Htnjcturo with oulbni ding, more , thin the "Oo in pointing Kitty e "No 1 answore tbe boreo I ho nnim'.tl wan too vaiaibio n one tobolcft lochanco earn. IIo was sarpilH-td at tho roidinoMe with which tho half-Fonelohii bov rubho.l d iwn br glo.i")' limits, un i civero I hor with au old bltinkot, ohowing a i;!vfiil ealii-faction in her licuntv an he t!ii lod hor. ti left hor lluilly, and tinned toward tho houio. It w.ia a go id ht.Hin hom 1 ; blow ing luatk.a of doe.iy whoieviir doe.ay 00 ild tojch it. .Neithor f.too nor lirnlight wan to bo 8"on nt tho win Iowr, t!io'i;!i the wind Wih Mhri -ik ing mid the rain filling heavily ; and ibojing tho boy's direction). Ilid tiucd opnuod tho creukitu' ouk door, aai eiitorcd. surrounding scene. loft, but tUo infintile beauty of ih,,:.:,:::.,,.::::'" t' ;,M!.1 "k:''t-u'-. ":'r f-oiuoie 1 ;' K'' ';"', ..,..! to the f.ro I eiiel Ihoboy.lyouorit girl b.il in it somothiu.. t ""i . ; S . ', . T. -.' , "'' ,,l,,,-'r4 ":1 1 '"" I ';""'""' ' ' " "!', i VenhosJ tohodoor, and grasping, fa.uil, nr. " i,,,. ,i nV i,.. v n(,, .! .. iU;.' u!l ; l,u' ,",;1,l..c.'.m.: ; . .'i " V, . .1, . i 1,11,1... "A nrollr ch d : thit evni wS 1 11 "r ' , 1 P-iniJiia 111 110111 j 1 .r 111 iro mini ni.""""!" " " r-v "; --r .1 ijoro lu-iui in 1 lonoiug imoyo wnn uro i. an I foil no in a ' ii... f . 11, n.... ...... .1 " " """r h. . .. .. . ,-' , 1.... around to the st d-ln. ecarU cloak tluag ovor a chair and 1 .. ii"Z "Ti, ' V" 1 " ' !i" l,"'J '" ' '" ru'"1 .. 1 ,h? 1 1 " ' ' 110 ionn i niuiR.:i in a urge, 1 iwiwj, 1 , .1' t;, .1,. rroio, in wliicu an olti woman wad preparing onpper. while an oil m 111 A up-in tho h-arth, f inibli...; wit'i the lock of a lU'ity ri le, an 1 t .vj edd poinleiH lay at hi.) fwi', t).ue!l.u about bie I. and: uud tlm gnu lin v.i I'ud wr.-i-k of a itrn, fun nun that n rf to bn H'.".'U at a jil'i'ici-. ,.1 . '. 1 .... - ) u-i won r.j s '. c'.i.o 01 ..10 1 Ir 1,-Tn ilio ! i . l'i., o.'Hn, ll't Uil'J . . . , . , . . ' liiiAol iy !':) ioi'i.4i'i I'll-.:.' Hi o!j 7 l'i old nifln . c.nriiar .I, on l , Hriotr a B iut l tho iiro. ;.. di I nt ,;!;.,, but ouly c :ii;u.mJo I iiy a oituro Meim-iu-l a 1 IrHi- hi-.n e ondv. fi tfiuil'l tuiiy, e.ionk his . J .. . II!. - :. . I. 1 lldrf. BIIl, T 11... I, I lit. :" 11. IlliMT. i 1 1 ' ' ....... of i.olp.osa deamn. . . . . . An I i-o tL'U wealiuv l 'r I d..a!'i"J fr.im his Vi,i:tirig bii lo and nianiago ffVtKt, Fat iu tho old dreary botiso. ?tiokir,, io iil-couoijind c mtont fro n l!io 111 0 to th-j serving woman, uu 1 m'.vii tbo dogs to the P'.-ioivu and resigned U. O Ol Ul HIIOUli liOS'. 1 1 . . . , tat. 1 I.i: lien i nn wimin run on u. wuoc - O I 1TiV ni.l iiiuu n uunii i'i .i.u iivti j, ' he poro ove.l tht bo wu also crip plod. Th'J crone turned to him. " A iu yn Hit by, eir f siio initio 1. As be rose tho door opened, uu I hj stood arrostod in tho movement. A lady ontnrod so fair, ho pure, h cold, that uho might bavo beeu nn 1) of enow, , ISI10 bad a looso black raautla about hor, which uhe threw off Hbowing a rogal form, hubitod in .1 rich black atulT tho brocade of a former cent-ration fcsht? paused, bcr alill face lightiug with a look of sur- ntiHu ae she ohmrvod the stranger Uod.uoDd etepped forward, with tho graco of courts revealed iu tho un ColicioilS ant. "I hope I am not intruding, lady ? I have boon overtaken by tbe storm among theso nionntuius.'' ' "What is your name T' Bho asked, looking him in the face, nor giving othor sign of iatoreet iu his handsome presence. "I am tbo Lord of ItidmouJ," ho answered. "1 will trouble you no longor than can avoid," he addud, a little haughtily. "Lord lledmond,'" said the lady, 'you are wolooino yon aro very wolcome, Lord Rodmond.' She spoko with energy without warmth 1 but Holmond, coufasod by tbe Btrangouees of hia position, obdorved only that her manner was a poouliar one 1 and though wishing himself well ont of the place, took bia seat at the table, as she desired The meal wan good, aud she served him bountifully 1 while the old niao, for the first time breaking silouce, began telling in a rambliug, inco herent, yet uot uaiuteroetiu way, the story of soma famous Btorms among thoBe hills. It was five years ago, Barbara 1 you wore a slip f a girl, and Dos had to bo oirriod in my arms. lo you mind her hair carting ovor my arm in tbe wet fnJ bow she cried for fear she was too heavy for me T ' lie paused, and looked across tbo board at tho young la ly a troubled, wistful look iu hia face, showing some half-remembered puia ia hie brok u miu 1. "Whore is Bess, Barbara 7" ho atk id, suddouly. "She ia deal,' anwerol Lis daughter with a strange amilo. "Dead 1" repeated tho old man drinking from his pewter cup like a satibnud child. 1 0 spite of a hn? f ist, R vtaon l oould oot eat. Thcis straoge poo- MIDDLEBURG, SNYDEU COUNTY, Iplo ImJ risen onfin bis rosy bi i.le 'groom Timon liko (jhoite at a fount, i am very tne i too tiro I to eat," be sai l, rninflf from tho tubln. 'I would liko to go to ret i for I muat boon iuy way early ia tho uioruinf.'' Barbara bovfed hor cold, beautiful faoo "Kathy will b'io you a room hpr room. IIo ehall nluip thnro ondfl, Uii lit el-op '' b!j j uurmuroJ, turning aw-y. 'A'mi in nr'uzy, (oo 1" thought liod mond, le ivin tho room, Tlio t'hitmbor itit woiiilj t'io old woman ushered him wh lirge, irreg ular, full of m dn an I ehelv.-M, on which wore pdt I atlicloj of female appiin.d. Mm Hut-hira givr-n mo l)r own bodro-.ni, I w it lui ?' ho nsk j I I iciliiu j ah ui him, as hjoii m he left til i mo. U,. , 4, . ...ii- hi. ii. i r'i ipi n I il il.n lu tho hnri I of tin m innf.ii ... r.ioniy p n trut a buu to to mid ;i i... ... . .. 1 1 1 . . . t'.u cu run. lion, n l) 17 nil I I .V,j i:rl'l I,. l... I ..I. I. -..1.1 .. V , fade I to roe.unuo tho cuiid',.,, 1 of I then to a pair of d iinty iDII fri)m .... , Tll,..n IUW . . . of pink ribhou bui 'ith tho li'tl.i ro,in l mirror of bui ainh i I stotd, un.l a Leghorn b it bung oat fro.u an ovmcrowdod chnst. "A lu-t year's bird uost." eu' l I'udniou 1, giviug a t'ipostrind chair a littlo ah.iki., t) cloir it of dust, l' fore ho tht'cv bis cioak on it 1 "nod I urn tiro I unougu to sluep nny whero, wonder what my lililn bride will thiufc,'' was bin l;nt thought, u.i bo 0 upo.eid hiiusulf in .bloep, yo awoko witli tho dawn, and (eprang np. Raily as ii, wai, break- I fait wns nw.ilri hint and UU brno ..t .., 1 .. .. ,.. 1...... i, ..,,. tl,vlMd ou m'r nee niii. " In, j;ii!J:l..u tl.,..ilr..,t .... 1 ,,)ui I iinr " 1 at to 1 t-.ihlo. I 111 ,'H.t t ii Uavu l iHun t v loivu w .1 UK .ii'l- turliiitg any one in the Louho." Vo l 0 .Jill 1 ilot lUVO ll.J'IO tint,' s'.i'j n.i.r.veiv I, l.iuliin ' 11', tu n mt,i ,,., s.l;1J Bll,tu.0 m.ij Ui) had no- .',,1 l U1 ' ' " Liro, 1, ... 1W ,. ,1 1 ,,1 I', w is a c.dd, a!. 0 nt a cru.'l l i .ik. W thought, U I til has!il nUtvi'l 'l'i milk, nit 1 1 1 1 l!n wiij.it.,, 1 hri; 1 1, utsii w;!.ii l.t!lu appeti:--. As ii ai-.wi from t.io b nu'J, hi. h isS's.i nv i-'o also. inn stnrni Hovor, nut tan run n,w m.ulo home ui inn lrm I iiiiit- .-:,'..:, h,.i.t "Mr lim ... iu:.'i died ! I -i 1 J l ido with v 0 1 no i out you ou a M.ifo roi l out of tho gap." In vain lu pur.n.i'.ed. Shn mount u l n bin"!: hoi'so, au 1 ro l l nt, ij L -si In d I'Vii tlio p.. Ui. Sj worn a 1,1 I l',' ,,., l'i !l..l- Kit.. .',i 1 r. . . - - - 1 - ' " ,,w . . , n . , , l lUnjI U u.p eov,.rtly, oa.llivw, M w lei'in,' how hlu ' , .., . c j il l bo so bj.-iuluul uu l yot so ro - pol-ivo t) him. x i, 11 1 . 110. uu. 01 K..t.i uoioii 1 uo HSiiou, uy wny 01 cou vorsttuon ; "N'o. Hn nits nil day, with my i 1. - I. 1 1 hrolimr s dogs, trying to ele iu the Imy'H ri'lu yinit will uovcr bo inoj again.'' 'four brothor is doad, thon V 'IL died of a broken heart." "Your family have bojii trouble," said Ru luun I, cirulossiy. "W'a bavo hjou bittor trouhl.t," tiho answered. After n moment, she rosumod ; "We hat a eislor, who was our d irl- iug and our pride tho bjy'e twin ni.'i,n'i in Mio, w i 1 YIUII1J 111 I 'HL ....;,,........:,: ... It..... . .. . . --- -- -- , . . . , ... , r:, 1.1 I .. .,. p.jrt,.r biil.id him. IIo b t!te I. .in 1 1, i 1.. 1 ' ... 1 1 -Tl,,. voit Hiv. Viutali fho was murdorod. iwiuo buarts iei)lit a ,n rccovor fro m hie ear grow together, you know, flio ! ,,nsrt. too bay wag ju bad turuod uu cou'd die and Nugout live. llii . a.litiiiuat corner." Hiiungbu luiiuwaii nor uiiiinnHS. Wo aro left to poverty, dosclaiiou and doosy. Whero are you going, Lord lludoraond. lie was conviucod that sho was partly crazed, and told tho truth, thinking it a more pauitio theme for i .11.. t.11, i- ,...). 1 her gloomy mm J. "1 anigoiug home to bo married," "Where t" "At lKlmond Castle." "Is your bride young t" "Yomg and lovely j miy cauiin the Lady Aua Uolanoy. "buo lovos you T "Yes. See this little mure I ride 1 ( bought it for her to ride over the bill with, wheu the spiiug coinos," "L)o you know were you stand f she cried. "You stand before my Bister's grave my Bister whom you murdered, throe yoars ago, by false vows, as suroly as the knifo mur ders t ' You know who 1 urn now I oan seo it ia your face I Yon re member lioss Mo Urea, You won ber love 1 she came homo to die It ia you who have ruined us, Do you tuiuk 1 shall let you go to hap piness f Ncuer I Thore is her 5 rave I You shall go over it to your outhl' Tho mound was on tho very edge of a cliff, lie held his homo desoor- atulv. but sho nrgod here forward a step, iiasiing him, ti the very brink, so that bis horse's foro feet lotiohod tho gravo. Ho turnod up on ber with an oath. ' You ainll novor go bvik P she cried, with a mocking laugh at the horror in tho bloaobttd faoe. ' She had a thong in her baud, which sha hal Dover- used npou her ,own bono. JU was ternfljJ- by its position. "I can jump across the raviue ! he exclaimed, v , "Oothanr ehe sai l.' . He gntb red the littfo filly n tantly f.mrful that bis tnnnnntor would strike tho foamiii, cxo'dol Cieatuio nd spurred -.h r.1 to I'm leap. The distauoo was d.'ooptivo, kilty struck tho'onp )bit l id with Imr fore foot, alippod, up 1 h u se uu I i idor wont spinning iuto t tho f;ulf bidow. j Throe dva lalor, hi frinnda f.titnd him t!inr., bruiaod out of nil no i; uit.ion, o.nitiiii ly hit girmyut-. an I the body of tho don 1 h nuc. It wim iievor Luown how ho o uio his death. to A ProHUIila l-ilervisv One of tho topoi'tin.f fr.it. ruitr. who drivo. hia t'a'ior for t'u li iwii ' ui::.. i i.i . .... - ... .. . i wtiwi'iui'j in inn wiso : moiii I ) i;.; ;) p vu.' I a I to lur L,,,,!.;,, 10.1O l'i 1 croiH, no I to nacor i.out tl,U Hill llffl I" Tired. "What's Imy uow t ' "M11.10 as it nliv iys wafl." "VVlnitsthat 1" ':iid gir,.J." "iVhul do yo.i think of tho r.iiu 7" "Thought it Wat il imp." "l'i I i t raimi nnyt'iiug. t'.iuu. oh V "Nothing but uu unihrell 1." "tVhak did your neighbors gt f "Ciiiihi nil 1 fever.'' "What, are you diing now ?" ".Sitting out hero in tho n;lil. nn 1 'm ivbo mis!in a e'l'i-i.M t soil l'i.i Imy. Com.) up if y el want to li.!; ." '.I'no too irt.r aotMuihl ) I up ti t!n si. In of hit iui.v-011 1 1. ni' i'Min tanco, an 1 a-i th-y j d'ed 01 In again pro 1 leo.l bit notebook un I C'jtiti;meJ : "tVnit.Ll tho firiiioM d lot spring ?" "i.in evfiytLIog into the ground is ui.v.I." ' II;, 1 your w'uoat do uuything ? ' Vj." " iVhnt ?'' ipr nil... 1 ' I ' i'l y i'l r it I'lV ? i'i ; " 1 11 nv ' "'l .:s idi y '.I i.it a eir'W .' " i 1 ,i.i 1 in) j t'. .1! ...:a ! ' "l':i ' r t:ii w 'kjiu; no .1 in .1 it , ':(, a'i! j t 1 li. mil ." "IS. iM n;:i,f j I lu.t .1 '';,'. hi!, dis !. tiuiil- oonr..;: 1, t.m 1. p K.'i .';!! til') ;'. v -viol rejoin 1 belli ! 111 any boi.ls In t Hi ,:r r I I ill 11 i.v, ho en. e!i 1 a 1 1 ' wai t li' hi i h irHi'.i tier plmt :") w'l-it. li i', a 1 a!' I .il I, w:i it l'v 1 t will 'i"l I. ! ,1 ' -1 you'd l, 1 1 v.i 1, ail 1 1: 11 no i w e.uii y ui g' - till'.' It imtei'.ini in t!nl it. v. i i I il. ,,1,,, , ii,,, ti,,, , , ,: t ,,t tho of- : ),,,., in , tffi., sj uvmi.t u't-r iinw-i leli.eli - I d 1 v n t'i ) m.l.) of til') wag 1.1, , i,i;',i,j tilt ll h o.t answer ((, ii"tti ii.v.iv writti, no 1'il.iiW hi. "Thnt't 11 ii-1 h iv, iiiv fiimid wliero did it com 1 fi'.eu " I'ini oihy Mood," w.is tho r"p'y. Tin iulorrog'it ir gro.v fiiu, but h'3 Mil IIUIOUO 1 U OlIlMJ.) OUJilg'l t J "What do you think you'll yot for it r "(!as!i, of c lursn. (Tit np, Whit tiny, tiiis follow will talk us bli i 1 in a niiuulo IIo asks ninro ipicstoius than a c ituchiem ; an I before the iliuieini u ',1 1 I'eio'ei.eit ll i m of tho A Horso Ausiion. "floro goutlom m," s ii I the auctioneer, "ia a liorso Bystander "Glad you told tin it was a horao, or we might have taken it for a Huoep.' Auotionoor "That wouldn't bo so very atr.inga if it had your bond on. You Hue before you. guuMou.011 a family horso." H. "Ho got those banohes ou his kneou from kneeling down nt family pr iyera, diJu't he t" A, You 11 novor have any bunch 03 ou your Uo iesouiual account. A homo, gentlomnu, that any family might bo well proud of. Look at what au eye ha bus." li. .What has booomo of tbo other eye t" A. "Gone to look after nnothor Buoh a fool as yon aro." A. "w uiuch for him f What do hear!" B. ."Nothing, if you can't hoar more than ho does.'' A 'Among horses, gentlemen, this is tho very Uo plus ultra li. "Kuook-kuoe plus ultra, you moan." ' A 'Tin rilfes you a so running down his ey )s, gentlomen, are not an iu lie itiou of want of Hash 1 they are simply a wim provision of provi dnnaa for carrying off the rnin water." B "Wiiat'u Iho mattor with his Uil r . , 1, He wis f orm trly ownid by a manufacturer, and ha pullod out all the hairs for fiJJls bjwa. Wuat do il loar." . ,10,1 11 itOll ll! I CJIIVOINJ. .. ir.i h i.iiie-n.i . Ul. ..... ....ll." I ..I .I... I ' I I .. PA., MAY 20,1880. ReaJinj. Lot us take lime for reading. It Will nevnr cjiou if we wait to bavo erory ppuoi of dot rcmovud from et rout iu I exarkana. A man hiio eao.i hihoIo wo u.ro. Wo can nlwaya ply niiHtfi ly wcmldnot have beoti liud somolhiUrf iUa tj do itud iMii-j ii'tti:id pari icul irly, lor Tvarkn')l. edeiili-cH liouseWpafi, wiia lutie l:lo I.ittl i Hoik, ia I bo hcino of n iiitto f r ui uf.t il poituiitj, me upt to "rcat tunny ntititcady iiicn. Hut fn ttMo groat lil.itnlnra "Tho hl'o in mnu hnlid ftii'k, un.l when hu reach ninro It: in moat, and tho body tliauio I u ntn ot curiuu' If nank down and iiiiiiiuot," w!i.cj luoau.H i! 1 may bo i.iy mo';inl'. A cr.id of p.i pie uiljuol to pie i,!i ii wej t -i t id n ' i' iti-.-'j 1 nriinn.l, an 1 wlion u phy- ..l . i -..,11 a niimi tiist voU v ) irr Ml. wtui ui i jour imuurt'il In v.Htlv hi i", liiri :ltl i , ;iro of m ore, l't-1'.ioo tiun VolU !i:)U-.i uit I f.i.'i.il.uo. nu t elj:.i.n and oookuiy : and t.'n's.i nri ui.nl .l thlo if ihcy mu'vo a. b.iii'.r.iiii.'i!s iutlt ill I of ilrt4 I .I VI II' 111 I. Vi l l i. cjlt'iri. N'.i i.ni l dI 1 in, r u d '( i.id- ! iu ii d inn lui ii it uoiUiv iit.i'iivc, I and ll t i:m .r.'ii cm Ii.; n i 01. X I. in I it pilUHllll, I. Ml,', Willi I, in Olid ii,! :, j vio.v ,1.1.1 I 1V0 .11 pin npmi -Wn ,,.. wa,i ., n. moi nl.h.n-. u.o ,.1 .'Vl'.cd llMlll d.J.I.liy I) u nl-i.'u. ! U n il' it i.iu enu nat pi 1 v n' 1 1 1 t'.vo 11. id I'luli. liilo i In ,M yj J riori.s. U. tfur is littl j liglilooUHiioiiB than 11 th jus 1:1 1 b,ibji,itKi.i wlu cho.it tlio prmUr. A wiiu nun m i'm l!i a glad father, and 11 prompt iiym ; Hubic.-iii ir uiiiiolh an 11 lit-ir to laugh. Koilv is a i iv tint 1.1 d m1 i'.u'.n of 1 s t . 1 r 1 1 , but I ll: I'lOIlk ie,ll., ', I - '.S cuis.i hiili'oi'iiig IIO'.V-'l.lpiU- I. 111. 11 too ll;UI0 L.f ,1 All I'D' lii i o .VII ey,. IjI.Ii'I Ii' ) ei il 111 10 I'.l'O eioar III 1 ii.: ;!'. V iv iy tun :,-..,r.'.'r ii ij in ii il : p: '.ui; ii -I l' 11' IllH till.) sp lll'.T. r i 1 f' ; 1. r 1:1 i'l t'l a'. I w 1 .. ; Ii p. i.i':-.. ri.y . s l'.. ei,(,',i,i,, 1. 1,1:1 t .1 tv.,:. 1 1 :.: 1 .!'' t .1 1 ;".lle '. li: .1 s.'.e i..'i ::, s: 1 ii., 1 l' an 1 J iv 1 hi ) 1 i"h 111:111 w ho e ii! :." en. i 'i'''' ' f-"' l : i l'ie:..i o( i.'Ij 1 I 1 p l .l' UM'.'llt f . I 1 if..' il :.'. I'.ii. til'l rfl I', .'ts Ii t..! f .r iii 1 I -.vipievr. I f :.' I 1.1 .'. i!'. t...i iV. ii't Ml 1 I'l','.' P ' ' i'ii 1 ' s i ii-,1 r 1:..: i t- ; .ii . ,i .'oii .n 'l' wtt 1 "i.ji.l t nil I) i! 1. A l i. V.- in 1 1.1 10 bate, h i;. ei.;. ii-n-e a p tii . '.'1 T w IMv.t ' 11 ..'iint'. a ii.iiK.'i'i.ijr w .1 p.''r.i. .' 1 t ii i.i nn I h-. ll in on lii'j ii.ii 1 ,:w and i'.t!i'.'ili 11 "t. ,;.br(u MwanawMO-B. D. 'Oli'.l.l IS tJ ti'uUl i Uii. 3. ll.iciii fnl that th, u'e i t wad r in (hi htiviei wii' ro y ii li.i. In... Vt ii"'.-) Ir ml h ivn nil t.i!,e:i to .v iler T:m I trgest "ilios" m iylij found 011 tho ,itn .: t of 0 ir the nn i. If you can't cit iii 11 upn,:klod trout :',et 11 n;i'ic!l of :i trout. In tlii'o.viug for tiout dou'ilo lixc-i -J ,v iii's win. If th" trout don't rise a!, or.co. try yout p nv lel' or ii VII uiilii'. ii i to your iinolo for hniall trout for t.'o it, ulvvays h pt.vn tut -ir young. If th nil is t)o in 1 -ii water iu too p m l, dilute it, Willi v:n !.. S yuo f.x h'ltiiing li.i'.iei tneii are mem enough t cli inn a trout, on liniV'Ui::; wnmi it 1 1' :! to too lulls. Ttiis is unxportH'n iuliko. Drop 11 liuo a! ii to your wife if you stay ont. all night, or a'10 imy k'jcp 11 rod iu pic'.ei for von. A Ci rv Mt;ir.r uf Siir;.i.s. l'er-liuj.-i yon il l uot k'lii'V t'eit tin city il 1'iii'ii is tniilt m i-i y el biicd), tlio '..t od leniJes ol' nueo int.'d ii!ioii-t el bt'le K-'a eresttli'i's. K ieh hlnj.l i:j unl ho t)i us 11 iiiill'. t s hi,. unl thu 1I11I0 rreituit") li vol ia thma ages a 1. Tuerti wero in ' my ol thoiu ia Hie eea, that ihoy 1.1 1-1 into rul mountains, liocun 1 C'eumue 1 lot'ith- er, an 1 now llei mo'intitins ef s'nelis fi'iim tin ipitrri a wnero uiO't of llm I'aria bs.t lini at 1110 is proourcd. Tho tdialis aro lnp;d Ik" that ol u u u 1, un l tire 81 lunulnl in tho I'uri- stone tint one Innh (au'ils Uctl) 1 h lid t) unit ui n i'j.S.OU') nf tbe:n. H. i.i Ids this, they are lound all over Ihe world, nut only ia flnue, Lilt in tho kuU'Jh 011 thi) tteirhnro. A now-pinir of l.iwi City gives rath'T a didoou'uging oceount wf what tlio formers in those "diggings" ere daiiii!, or rather uot doing. Hero urn ilia ii iocs nnrieot : A pair of winter beots eoHt to leads of p -tntoi'S j a niglit'it Icdgiiig, a load ol oats j tho witi) wears five nets of wheat; the chlMrui each ten u'ret ol coin j the price (if an overcoat id u giotl-yonr eld ncr ; of a Sunday suit, twenty he hoes ; of conscience, uuno rcrjuircd, us the iViato is help lessly "ri'p'ibl.can." IoH'.cail of saying "It's a Im", time hi'tweeu drinks " WiiHlsru men now u-ni irk, It' a 1 ng lime ti.icj I sign id my latt pledge." Thore ia a now song ont, "Ivisa nio Quickly, liirdio Uai bug. ' This is very 1111:0, but this ii.10 bhoul.l follow "For tho Old Mm is Coming With Club,'' thou it will sound a little more romantic, you know. Ice will be ho high this year that ico cream will bo too axpntivo, a iid uysturs out of season, so the average young man w ill bo as hap py as a big suuflower. .il .,1 I. I 11 Ii' 1 ii.l.l!itl ll U.l . l.ll' .. . V ... I. .1 , II. NO. 47 A Lively Corpse. Rovcr.il diva no au nnitealy man ai nolico I wa'kiin' a1.)U;f tho -oii-m rir.vc i nn i e.a:n.iii;ii in 111:111. I0 lellmili d : "(ii iitlciium, tho poor follow is dtad ' Tho m in nan pl.icod u;vn a ben-h, nit 1 the t'nt tiiil' lio Iml ln'i li lioti 'i.'l, suiir.ovt.r.l a j I. y nil 1 held uu iii'j i. .!. W. II, gnt:11"m".n.' K ti l U.o Cor "iier nili 1 tl 11 nni.il, it.rii. "wl.11 i-- j;ir p li.on 111 to ill 1 ei' .! .dii ? J.l l.e U til : c M i'.,l nv ' ). ! 1 i;it hi ; ( '..ii', 1 l.ii'in d : ll" I I a.. "i don't l;now win y.eir o; : I ') leu 1 it ii;.u n ,1 wi !l to I.1111W I liavo Inn I aa inouect 0V"T your body, tor, nod, tin you bavo bnhiivc 1 . ridicn! jiisIv, tlio count v won't allow! too iitivtbiiiir, uu I of couno you II ! bavo to pay in.', " didn't N' U I f r j o 1. I didn't tell von t bo'd uu inoui ht. I was jgoltvig liloilg I'l'.t r.'le.' N.uttior loci niiy I m. 1 turn u.-nd lor i.i'i. l'nl I wi.u't d iV ! t u .1.4:1 t. 11, y I . ill.' '. ,: ::iitn , 1 ii.e 1 ' V i lli. ; 1 I i 1' : 1 1 1 : " i 1 Mr, V".l r.ve dn'.'itfiil. 'liiihlniiiilli.it bo I-"-glii".l IU ti.i.l o.e.l'ii'ii.i' 1. -Vi-t I v. ii: 1 mi 1 1 u 1 I 'i'"!' m l tio : Wl.t 'i yu.i d" don't evt.d ! me, f -r 1 .V oil! 1 ll tl I. li I It I i I I 1 l' ".t OlM' you li''.v I 1 "ivi. jour l:f,'.' j ' ... i.-, 1 n'ry Tilt Trti'.,i ;.'tll To!J. Ifch ue'i iii. i'il). r 1 '.viiui l re'i'i'y,.' to ! id I.. ' C '!' 'i.i il Vt I WO ''1! I el-ii.i di' p"'i.- ' wil'.l nil tin! 1 101 !; . 1 1 nil lie, l.'oi'.iii-.i of th j wui'id ,'io ., ..!; ', 1- lo pr-iv tV) di. ine I ui niiof I'liiii '-liMty. Tin ro H teij ,!,'iii,ui i I n' tin u'll, in 11 cnuilry-j w hern there iu no e eiutei U it coin, .iiid no room I'jI' iirgtitnoitt in to the , v.i'ulo ol iwigioii v.lteii people who Iprifu-iiit Iuvj il. it u .liiuit re I ..ginij i.nd l.ot iho giiiuiuo ultiele I wiiu li en.i-!es HUeh il iinin m liioi:iHoll to lip i.is HIT own Willi tlio Vinoin ui hilCiism. ll Clill'itiuus :o fhriti,iiia .111,1 UeVer Used tie ,;i'.rl ol piety for purtl.iu or ni-lUhu nll'OHeH, lilgersoll Would lliiVO to WilSln tile SWeellltbi) of his iulidoli'V oil I ho d. :.ell nil'. Still gold is gold in 1 pile i f too eounti 1 fells which are in tno u: .11 kit, uu I virtue is vuUio in tipito of iho jue.)l.s w'lic'.i men aoinet.uios wear. Iji ! 1 ti.ny Imvo pa-sod throii ju the loiut tin 1 leeiv- e,l tlm et i iip of tho iovui'tiiuulit, or il in.iy c into in th 1 h.iup i of a I'jiigh nn J.:.:a in .t iioiu tin U.ils, J'ot ul I 1 1 . . 1. men iippiccialo un v.iuo una en :o po:,!it.i it- Kcligiou tuny bo inn clm.cu lui'm'.jcr'ri iu. iil, or itio h rt of 11 poor i'o low wil l Ins U'lver b :n iutido of a church, vtid it is bound lo how its v. ilno iu itu own way. puraKavMi.iiS''a!x. iM1 Vi'ije Sayhtgi. Men aro not more 'cnloua for truth than they arc for eiror. Wo haul foli.s 1. vi r to djd's uercy, and h w none oiii'M-lve Whou tho woid i. pulled oM-r bi: eycit, a mm is usually liocoed after winds. I'o teach o'io who but no curi.i.sity to le.uu ia to sown liuld w.li.ool plowing it. ;,If poetry comei not :n naturally us leaves to a tree, it bad bolter rut come nt till. lu nil -ciifiioo error procodos the truth, and it is butter it should go lirxt than hint. Every man has a place iu this world. Thu reason why so mauy fuil is that tli oy ore out of p!sco. Oue hour of tlernity, one mooicut with tho Lord, will inu'o us utloily forgot a Iif. time's devolution. A man with a heti t cm never ro fuxe the Lisa of a child. And a umn without a heart UuVcr gets u cluncj to tcf use . y-mjwTajatatavaiaapiiw.w. Young in in, never b't d wu on a boil. T'ticy iti'j of t ie rising geuera lion und olij ot to bjing sat upou. A wap thinks it's sma. t to stand on its hind leg. A wasp uu caunn nioiii cuss wolds with its Liud leg in throe niiuutis thin u siiort.iuiud writer cau tukn down iu a week. rBr',,v,M''s A young foll v wants to know how oflou he should call ou u lady during the week. Well, wo would call every evening if wo kun-.v tho old inau was a t at home, and thu bull dog was iu his little pen. A Kentucky girl, when alio dins, desires to bavo tobacco planted over her grave, that tho weed nourished by hor dust tuny bo chewed by htr bereaved lovers. Thole is poetry ia too (do.. fulillahed erory Tliurndav Evenki; jBREMiAn onousa, rro' Term of Snbeortf Urwi, TWO iXMd.AUS I'KIt ANNL'M. Pnr adle ithin aix liiontlia. or JlVllfnirt mid within t';e year, tin papnr d! continued uiil.l all arroarnKce are paid unlw at tho option of tbe pub linhrr. tSulmi riptinna nutnido of the oonntf I'AYAlll.K IN ADVAXCB. p7rersiiiin liflimi nnd uning paper addrcvicd oilier PeeoriieKiilaeriliera .Hid itio linhlo fortlio price of the paper ml wm. I U l 'ir, I rimry nn1 M"ir JM Droptjr. imi'Q REMEDY, llir ) in ill Ki Ir. y M. l f.l r Mnlicit.f. EBiTTS ElEulEDY rtirrn Hr'fM'w) rlr, T!vnf!n!l rr KntirMrn. tiuit of tri:ir, I'Nlhfti.i Ut Hack, IjnUxm, or Hi4 VMllTQ REMEDY tirrai IriToniprrint", TTrfwu) Plr , Otna ti inlitv, I. mnlf ' (Vat tea tu Kl' iWra. BS3ST8 REFiiESY r.:1- ti-oai, IT-Niiln"!, aliinnvllf, 81 . i l, l -1.. .lv cV!ilJt ttln inl Mtr. GUtiTS RS8SZDY Af - ITI'M'f i . I...t i- 1 Itliliiria.l.lrcr.u I" . t.li.v .iion. 1 1. nl 1 . ' r rni-'Mi l.... ftl leinw -. wt hint.i'tt lT.a up 1 1 '.!.: .... 1. 1 1 ...! e Wl. !:. t l.Milif, l'i..vl,I.Tor, 11. f. I'iIiI T i'"!'.. 1 .-tr .0. ci..i.l. 111 11 i.v .n.i. nutcoMis. ".'.i Iv. Hew Lnt!, l.'o'.v Rcstorca! Jul t nt Jilif I, n now nliil m of r. ( 'Mtorn i'ir ( rl( brn 1 c il i:is.y n ili r,irl cur ( . , in., ;ii in- le nii,) ef Si'H.ruUiiol or M i :n i ml H i ll. in,-.. Itn.il.iMUry Si'ini mil 1.,1-iHii. 1 .1 1'n 1 itM'T, Mrnllc and l'li ii'' il I in- 4 j . n 1 1 v . I iiiimmiimiin lu Murri.jit. olo. ; at n, lYiM'nern.x. io i m i nr and t'111, iiilii'-i' l tir ,',f iielulpi'iicB or at1. ii.it i'i ' i'dv 'tni'o. A 0 C'.yl'rico, ia 4 i,'le l cui lopf, only ni roil'.. Tie- 'i.-l"lirlr, nutti r, In IliU a.tmlr. aliKi Ka1.1v, r'oiiriy .l.-inenmr'ili!., fioio a ileny vurs' iir(vfiil irntii-. Dim Hi I i ! h r 1 1 1 i ij 'uii,' :i,.,ici.,a nf Di'if .ulutf n,y I r ,1 1 : I v cil.c l ni.'imt Ibu ilniior. ,,i. u i- i: i e n-il mo In uu- or iho ap l- ... 1 11 '.' 1 '1 ) knll',. ; poiuiinit uul a l "I t uf n.r,. ui 1, lev 1.1 ilo, CrUW, nn, !',' "'1.1I, I'.', uiirit" Iniii.olf clicapl, . 'i : : 'ly, til l l Aioe ll I V. 7 ' 1 1 . in 1. )roi'o (i boo it to III: i.i 11 "-( 11. '1 1 : in 1. S. 111 ,1.1 I t 'd1. in n 1 I .iu fnToloj a. lit m y ii 'i'. .4, ; ... 1.,, ,, i-reoijauf aiX f.'ni h 'ir I 1, ..i.: .tn at .Hupa, , ! Itvaa 1 1,,. ,1.,'ra.' Tl.i; ft I. Villi AIM, V t'Pll'A t, CI. l 1.l1Hl., .Net. Vi.rlt; I'ojtvlliii lOtfiUoc .-'i ,(. T, I "'I'i. ly. UNION iCaN'INU MILL M K 1. 1 N Si I HO V K , S N Y I) E K 'O. , F A h ; k Wisjjner Mi HIM r.Cl'1IKH or iiiiori, l;:it:r llnxca. it lii'Jetrs, Slinttir v 1;' 1 y, ::.i"s, itll'iiiH, hn.li, Ntalr 1 1.!.: ti iml it.ililiiH, lirai'k its. V.oiilillti'.'i, Hi.nrlnir, 1I!1U'I.;,''!A IV1NI? tl I'AUISKT Tt'KMvf U'.iinglo.s, Lnth, &o., Sio. Or tern. t , ! i i I il mil fitl-il with r.ronil n is 'in 1 ,!. .(H 3I1. fionao cull ami etna i"'"ir - k l.-fo.-a puniiiaiiaii l..wbr CH0I1JS BEAMS at '-07 i'lnrurcs. -o - - Tu IIIM I INtlT'iN. of I'ratik- Uu. tivvtiti itft.'Mr. il tlio BL'tsu-'V fur fh I t'ltnv! 1 I 1 lit tl III It v lit fiiUt'lliii' n tiin't t'l CitiiTiti n Iit Mint. Tlm t'l'tuploto unHint'fha iirnmitirnt f -:t'ir nf wlilrh rr.: liut ry t'l il nir- I fii- niliitirl n Mdik- rti;il nf ttii init ol '.v Uvi i (rillry ut MltMlrlft f- r t ;t t r In!!' iif; It nrofc 1. miliar ul illua'r.il .tij ( (n mi. o lr I'yi- 'K r 1 li v : t. taiUbloM btio iliuiiiiiK m l ItoAi'tu. !) l'i Icq. ft? h&mtt i Mi niniiff Altl'iiii I pi ft. I ) .1 T-IUnlr, 11.. uinr i 1. mil nt il.iorliiilve AuiUur lo Aiu.r l. . liioiil.ti'a II t'l'! tTi'll.t 1 jiti'no ol 1.2: ii.iku. ID-Olllaaira- li, ma. 1 l.i.a iirott 1- ni-i-t 1,1 'ulily Int.r.ailna pobll- ntl .i. .., v .il.iro 1 t:. A:itfrt..u pui'ii. ani t! 1 1'.U.'--. I. .11, !.. 1 1. Iii'-I a, h'. t'. brlnif 11. ...I. 1. L'i. :',., tun. in 01 1.I1. in---n-. ainl I. : a Or l:iin,'i'i'i'i i. ii-. l.it.ii 01 mir tnubtf o.l :.,i'ly r e I . i.l). ll.n. S, 'U. A 1. JMINTS'I IlATOi: NnTICK. . i ti of 1. in 1 hi iff it! .n in Mi A.tt of ,1't'i 11 IiNii 'nl u'T, I At .l :'n'i , S'ly-Ur 1' . 1., !o I' tv n Uv.i r,triUi I lit ti ua!ur tilt'ni1. ll , (! it t k 1 nv tliO.OTt vctt liu t.. 1 in 'bl I uu v will t it iiii" I m pf'M- ul j:v li". I, w lit It tl.nf t Vir)4 Ol trill I j-tnfV . I'l i.,-t"n( l 0")in I t s) lilftuirtiit ta Mar.'J- in-o. A lin.nlnirntur. aailM3 B2AE51T Oui-oil l.'ainloHly- TI.b Mo liitlnu anl I r ir a suiutl lu ioim atinr Hi. coat of f...iQii'iiii,11n4 All4)i lr.i.il hf inrul irn'iri 11 ui. 1 ur lull 'ariloul.r. aJ. ilrux I) Ulaui veriir I'ii. S. II. CI ll. I.I MS, or i'ii.S n. I'm i.iMt, I-. I'urls, IdS. lull. I, '0. ill.. L!F E!iUilAKOE AQSSTS VAnlTfi'.BI. A tlri-'aa. L',. Tri.nrtDr. l-umii.nj; ta Ifaw V., ik 4tn. a.-fcii I IL, UK I'.II V aa.l I.U. i M.,liit: i'.,,iu .,oi.,i:ii 1 Uirliirr In t IH ll HM'vll.!. A l.i.aaa IIINAHI K UK A(.'l... U.a, li.,. lu. ,. Yurk 1'u.t 010... t ub. '. ,'bl). YSi '3 3 tit j -x-m It-' l rtoh'J-'- J to 1 1T : -o vnr i'l'i.'f- 111 ol vauir, 'i'tXU.ara. i .S ',r' ftZ. U,WJaMra.f Mite, n.t Sa.'1 I.w ta. lt:uul 1--U' tia ilif fciikfu iir Hi., ia l',,-l tiil I e. . KlMK tar. '. 1. rONli, Aa(u, i.iui i,u., X.a PHI., ir . irL Lin la,)., -ti. en ji.,a, a I -i-i 'i i. sola. l, n;v.iv. li.waftv.a AimaTBixa Mml, ..li.ru MUVaa- KEif?Yona. nuuif oiiutrn.i. B. Uu lor Wi' keep on hand nil l indt oj Hindu bitch as Note, Sam montts, Warrant, Ltanet, Svlpo Ma . anil i .uipblaH frw, , V. UASCUi Ujomii Yk. .? j ' i I' ''v-Uki, t i -.;