The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 22, 1880, Image 1

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VdvoftllrtC lltttn.
i column one vosr, . fiVUM
Ono-half, column, one year, .
One-fourth cobi'iin, ono year, l'l.HO
One square (10 line) I insertion 75
Bvcry additional l.nerlinit, 60
Professional and Ibn'moss cards of
not more than .1 linps, per year, 5.0o
Auditor, Konutr, Administrator
mil Assitrnoo Notices, 2.S0
Editorial notices per linn, 1"
All traiiscinnt advertis'tig IcM than
8 month 10 cnnta a linn.
All advertisement for n horter pe
riod than ono your arc payable st the
time they are ordered, mid it not paid
tho person ordering them will oo hold;
responsible for I'm money.
Jo try.
Wimitl Work.
Darning liltla it.ioldnj
fjr rjttt'Mi littU feet ;
Watliiitg lit i la rcoi
T kp litem elin nnJ tr)l ;
llU'lnf H HU li'iunnt
Teaching oalfoli'usi
Tmyln; for lalvttlon
front buret en I nchipm
Woman's work.
Sawing no buttons j
Overae-lo rations ;
fiaoihing -villi a km I wtrl
OihrriT Umentatlin.
Oil.linj ebini-y llri'lgi!l(
Anl coiling millrn 0
KmeriitiHing e)iiipny.
Awl reading rrci-nl hmlta
Woman woik,
Varying out of tight
Hit own unolmmiin: mirn j
Letting In the eunnhln
On oilier clouJeJ h trie ;
Binding hp the woitnleJ,
An I healing of the sick ;
It r v I y marching onii I,
TiiruuU Jaujor A iri til t'lic'i
Woimta'e work.
Li-K'ling Utile cliiMrcn
A ii. I lilesaing nitiliooJs years ;
Allowing to the nin fill
II. n fioil'e forgivonem choiir.i ;
exttrring hwitI r.m'
Along another.! ' h,
ladling by I lie wny-ils,
Couleut ltu wli n pIk'i
Wunisii'a work.
Lilting f ill h or awn tmri
Where only U b en eoo,
Wiping oir sooiluT'e
Will duller eymp.lhy,
Learning by exp. ri 'inn j
Tvix-hing ly ex-uupl,-
YtMrniuir tor I he ginwny,
UjI.Kh, icur'y, ampin
Wooniu' work.
I. t :'ly e enrt U Ailrnei,
A il -if of deep ri'pno
II -r I ok mi'iiHny In.iil'l,
t'p.iu her brum 4 roso,
LikIii-J miiing g"iiIy
Upon the m.irl.i. olu-eki j
A 'lio'l f Ml'SSl'.l pitji
I'pon the CoreLi-el mock .'
l'ule aoftly roMii.',
'fit i ki'i I y p il r is nil'
Tti uoMe heart mi thrill j
tier coiHi net' i uo ami oil j,
Fl.a ei'avrl.i fur no c.t
!.. Ii'ii lori eniti-.i'y
VoLi'i no ru-poiim' ib'To.
Frn'i grave m the T.ili.'y,
Tixr. liiiiiT olx, ipi jh j
On mure (mlriun li.-ff n
Th.n lii'um iy noi Imgut,
Fio' furcfer hi. I li-n,
Kiue 'orefer rim
'l)ul to ilmt .' a, voij.i b it H mi 1,
Auil wointu'ii work l-i iloue.
I Oid.i t Kl9i to I ell.
Vcnj my llpi I i-iiiht bvo Kpikcil
H'orJj I atii'l thoy h ml I n it jitk .
AriJ 1 wouM 1 couUI recall ilieiu
Woul 1 I U t l not b.'n wo tit.
Oh, that one uiigo irjVl ino.nunt !
Were it mine to live njun,
Alt ibe (Irrnglb of lie teuip'ittl in
WoulJ ippeitl to uio lit vuiu.
True my lipi have ouly uiloreJ
Wbitl ii ever in my heitvt,
I km happy whon boaido you,
Wretohed when we are apart j
Though I lUtea l y our pratxee
Always longer tbwn I ibnulj,
Yet my heart oau never bear thetn
Half at often an It would t
Aud I would not, eould not pain you
Would not for the world olTend
I would have you know I like you
At a brother, ai a friond
Cut I meant to keep one leoret
la my botora alwaya bid
Fer I never meant to loll you
That I loved you but I diJ.
Noleot rV ii 1
Dolly and I.
Wbon I first started in life it was
in the Tory small untablishtnaut of
Mr. Drusle, stationer.
It was not a very romnnorative
situation, but old Mr. Rrunlo was a
kind old man, Mrs- Amnio nioe,
talkative old lady, and Dully Druule
often canto iuto tha shop and stood
behind the counter boaido me.
Dear little Dolly i she bad brown
eyes, and a dimple on her obin, and
sane; like a prima donna,
Old Mr. Hrualo and my father had
been friends, and I was not a ser
vant ouly, bat a privileged friend as
well, and all the exouao I noeded for
Haying evory night was given in tho
Words, "I want to boar the singing.'"
"Well, any one might have wanted
to bear it for that matter uot mere
ly a boy who was in love.
Things went oa in this way for
three years, when, one nfteroooo.
old Mr. Brtislo, shutting the drawurs
of bis devk with a baug, said j
'It's no nso, Tom, I may as well
CiT6 in, I'm not making a peony,
and I shall break op tbo bueiueus
iba old woman and I can manage
0n what w have, with only one
ohilj, and I rest and atop fidgntiog.
I snpposa Dollv AAA ti,flftll & IiOIm
too, aud aba can bave soma floor J
VOL. 17.
in Unit viy. lint tho oM Hhop in
mitckorr, and I'ro
known it 'ft good
Ho tlmt was tie end of that Ar- tiuio.
Thn "turk hnil flxtnrod wore gold
out, nod theeliop wig altored into n
imrlor. una I wrote to my undo in
Londou. who had ptoinifind to tnko
nut into Lin bnsinusn if 1 wisliod it,
mid ho ti'lornpho.l ;
'C.unn ixt tvctik."
Aul thn ono tl.ty I nuttml P lly to
walk down i'tto tho inHitduws aud
ion if Hie l)!:tf-!vboirii'i nuru ripo.
Wo to ,k tivj littlo bjitktt-i.
tho boning worn imnlu plump an.
laro. nn.l piiipio lull Opfire
v. pioke I otio I tiro hnr to n oiiH
pliitio uudor a Rrcit choftlnnt mi l
put tuy nnui nbjut hor wuiat, and
mid ;
"Dolly, yon know jn-i' how I foal
to yon, tlou't you.' Luov I
lovo yon.''
Shu ucitlol np to too a littlo clos-
r, itnd I took both
her hundi iu
Will ynu wnit for tun n liltlu
whilo, l,!ly f ' I Hii.l.
think that I ntn d
Will y.n
my lu..-t nil
uio 1 1 mo to linn;; hid ii tv in-h it
when I cm an' yoar father to 'ivo
yon lo tin ! '
"Vest, l'oro, I'll w.'iit."
And thi'il wo pickud thn lI:tcl;b"f
liim mi 1 went h'jtu j j,ii through
tbo roe hIowh
"Wr, II not h,!j of it y;if, T mi."
ltd I) lly. "At honi ). ' I mi' in ;
tln'y tliink in i Hui-h it . ' : 1 I vut I
don t W'tn't to bfenk the chitrm, hi
titiu they'll tint I'm a womiu;
:id they iiku you. Toiu."
'Uio cvoiiin piiised swiRIy. I
ilt'l),-0 to p i.
iod bless you!'' s til tho old
I pi-cssud my lips to D i'i
f )lo.
in iu it. moment oi pniun mo oi.l
ioi:s,ii it onty ii tiui.u.
And t u n I ivis hid.
Mr trunk h i 1 buou ut tho Rtilion
f it- hoar.
I lie u 1 tho whisll l of the train ;
saw tho rod gl tro of t!iv in in-iter'h
eye lieai.l tho bu nt nn.l th
trauii), .
Ilu was rraly for m , nt I tho eit.
uti 1 its ivhii I a.vait.-il tne.
I'i II .vh.l.l 1 W in beivil 1, T.J I in
l!io i-.iy, tlj n very I i.y. lb. n ilo-.ii
o I willi I'.i" p; osji :ct ot Ii i n: rapid
ly ii lvaiici I ;ii I nf !.nij0' ao!. to u-.k
lliliy to lio i.iy wiio HujuJt l..:tii 1
I wroto li"i-jiyout lelle'..
Sao w iuto pieaa.tut un.;a b.U'k t
V:j did till uiik i tiie'n op -ii love
leUeiN, bit beta un I.nmIoo 1 tne
lovo ut tho boll. nn ol t'lein,
. An 1 s too in intlis g'i I j I on.
I',,!- tho li.hl half year 1 had uo
Ibo.i fttjrii lu'ingiyjfivpii week ns
printed me, mid I vine I my f.ien It
iu 1 Ii id a loi ioiis 'lino.
Dolly w is lovlier tlmn over.
Sho 'valko 1 ovoi- t tlio st ition
with mo when left, lean i'i ; ou my
Tho train bad not cjiuo in yet
the ono f r L m lo.i, but tho other
had set down hoiuo paa.sougois from
tho cily
Ouo, a stout g.uitlomaa of IJj,
.IrehHed iu lino style, having ivou
his portmanteau to porter, udvanoud
to Doily.
"ow di you dj, Miss Hrualo ?"
said ho.
Sho hold out hor bund shyly.
"IIo.v do you do, Mr. II illy T
Tom, this is Mr, Holly, Mr, Holly,
Mr. i I earn.
Ho bowod ; so did I. Rut tho fol
low bad such uu air witb Liui that I
batod him, .
How did sho know him f
1 bad never soon him befjro.
"Who is bo ?'' naked 1 iu a whisp
er, as the portor called Mr. liully
back for dirootions.
"llo has somothiug to dj with the
opora, 1 tmuK,' aaia uouy.
Thon came tuo auriou oi tue wuis
tlo at the statiou.
On thundered the train.
'All in for London 1" yelled a
'Good-bye, Tom." said 1) jlly.
'Good-bye, ' said 1, but I stared
at Mr. Holly.
"You'll be loft, Tom,'- said Hlly.
1 hurried away.
I found a soat.
I thrust my bead out of tbo win
Dolly was walking away on Mr,
Holly's arm, and bis bead was very
oIobo to bor's vory.
I mado a fool of mysolf next tiny.
I wrote Dolly an indignant letter.
She wrote mo a spirited answer.
I demanded an explanation as to
bow she came to know Holly in the
next lottor t and before any answer
came to this, old Mrs. Hrualo walk
ed into onr place, with bar shopping
bag iu nana ono morning.
"I want you to take me to some
nice shop. Tom.'' she said, "if you
oao spare an hour or so. I am go-
tog to buy a black dress or JJoiiy
and she told me to toll yon all
ubout it, as voa tee nod to be
I asked tuo permission necessary,
and called a cab. -
Ouce within it, tbo old lady bo
"Yoa soe, Dolly will need to bo
dressed handsomely. Sho starts
next month. It's settled, you know,
between her and Mr Holly.'
Settled " I said,
Yes,' aaid tho old lady, 'I knew
you'd b'a idoaeed witb tbo good uevt s.
ttiyho wits insintr iu the choir n,1
, tmppfnod to to thoir church, nn.l !
ue iiHKeii no lutro lnction and got it,
.and culled tho noxt iIht."
"It'e vorr ud Ion i but alio wonl.l
not cujfne horsnlf to him without
onr c.msetit : mi l it's mt-li fmo
thitijj thnt we onu't rufusrf. And
o wo cons 'titc I."
"Sho'll foci hnruiiRick, no dont t.
nwnv fiom un i but wo ninnn't tliink
of tlmt, I'll try not t i,"' nn.l then
tho olj lady put hor 'korcLiof lo her
"Mho toll yon to toll too t" I Bdid
"(li. yon." Mid the old l i ly.
My h-iitrt win oo firo nnd my blood
wis boiling t b it I tnndo no ii;n. h! ty iti tho city to liK'lit,
don't you t" I nkod.
KhiiKai.l sho would, nnd pivo iuo
tho number of tnr ttloppin,' p icu.
After tho nhtippin.( wits over I
went hoini nnd hnl from mv trunk
il liltlo puck of lutlnrs, n lock of Imif.
i lieiiven k n. iwh wliot. t r.i il. v
bit of lovo treiimto jiut them in n
i'irio U'i8inu cnvolopn mi l went
jv.'r to tho o! I In ly with them.
"I ell l)lly t'Ut I sent tint, nnd
wish her nil tho hnppiiiess bho do
serv n," h ti l I.
Tho old ludy no B;irc.i3;n in
tny voie.t.
"I will. Tni," sho Mi l, "nn 1 d i
emu mid H"o ui soon. Wo'il b.i
lonely vrif j (t her."
S j it iv.h over, mi l tho t!ii:i; tb il
was m ut i .r.iblo tj dit im of hud
fitlleu on mo.
An I l lily ivruto IU letter nnd
! in l ie no si -ii
It w.ih t!i io hIi j waa de.i 1 ; mi 1
HilO W.H (le.l I t.l IU'1.
m i.l.i no cotili liut-t, n:i l I work
el ut li t r I n 4 over.
T:m ir!( of a wh ilsilo wn.lnri
ll IllStl ,1 l.'4 11,1 hI'1.!i..ii I. in..u ..
- . . .. .. . , , ,u
i ,ork ii iTmi: I iu Live or
l.lh'M nn, Il lVf4 .in I II In, I!. .a
out mi I e iuio m jul th h uh,. ; mi
whit did it iu liter it 1 lo k 1 1 p ilo
and Kst my nppotito so that I did
my iiMiing nn.l writing correctly r
li lt o 1,1 day IU 1 looli. ,1 up f.-,,,,, .
i b ,x I bid been milking I siwul
sight, lint, in t do mo hi, ;k willi ra,i. I
II ily, l;l I II I o I I olt,,, -villi In:.'
n:;il hi l.i wuis-i m'.s II I gloity hat! I'.I
ll I ill .ly sjiu-o hi, iiildois Ini
.7) .V it 1. 1 k.l ' l mi IIIH'I.' nil l'et
lopi iri'lt) bo ii j t.iiii.i
vit'i bi:n.
I stool -tiil'Vil stu'.;t it hi.ii
Iiia fo v hi ii i' it bo h i v in.', ji'i l
put lilt ; up his eye-glasi Im bo it I.
I oi t lo n o Ii i v i i ret iru.
Tie") ho et n nr in fi i room.
': d .li t thiol: it H a llii .t ll..', ' n i
on. -I met you at tho fetation wi.o
Ml.-S .li.llsle."
"I eiiieiiilier," I s.iid,
".SIio,s very, well, mi l iu a ll i!!er.
of cur so. ' Kai l ho. "I hi:ppjKo yo:i
havo ha I lott irs ?''
'IjHi.eiio tin:, I'm noeded I'lso.
whiiru," I siii I and dashed a.vnv.
An hour after, in y nnolj c luiing
le-oas mo said: 'Do yon l.noi
llolly, Tom ? ilo's not a b id
fell ixv though it bit nf n puppy, ilea
mi id. a goo I bit of in mny in tho
tieiriotl liui in mi jor nu 1 all
that, yon knoxv. M trrio.l a sort of a
cousin of my wifo's txvo years a 'o.
.so wo'ro a littlo social."
''la lie a iiiiirrie l min ?"
"Yoi i why not 1"
"Uuclo II irold, you mist let mn
run up to Himilton to-night It. a a
life and death matter. I iiuiHt go."
'What's tho niattor, Tom?" said
my uncle.
' can't toll.jou, hut I must go,"
"Thou you must. Don't bo long
or than you can help,'' ho hiiid.
If bo had not known how long
evey momout soomol t) mo bo
might bao sparod mo tho warning,
I traveled on tho night train and
reached the dear littlo brown cottage
whon its windows wore crimsou
with tbo Biiniiso.
"Why, Tom f" cri.i.I tho old lady.
"so you thought you'd soo your old
girl off. uftor all T You know sho
starts to morrow '
Dolly did not look at mo but I
saw hor faco Hush criinaon.
"I'm sorry to sty that I have
como down to briug bad uows, "said
"Bad news 1 1'm s irry for tin t
What is it. my boy V askod old Mr.
"It afToots you. sir," said I, "not
mo. ion, Dolly, it is true an I ill as
you bave used wo nay heart bloods
L t you i como only becauae worse
would happen if I woro silout, and
I bog you to boliovo that I am actu
ated by no spirit ot rovongo. You
may not credit me, but I wiah that
any other man bad this to do. Mr
llolly is ana has bean lor two years
a marrion man.
I turuod my fooo away from Dolly
as uttorod these words, and drop-
pod it upon tho band tbo rostod on
the vine trellis,
I expected to bear her scream or
to see ber faint. ,
But nay news did not seem to
produoe as groat an effect as I ex
I looked np again.
All eyes were fixed upon me.
Ah t" said the old man.
'Welir said the old lady.
"Mis wife is a oousin of tbo lady
my uncle marriea. If yon don t
bolievs roo I can oflfxr proof of tbo
fact. Ho is married."
"Of conrso, I know that bis wife
is quite a celebrated contralto," said
. "Knew that ho was ft married
man T" said I. "I don't
sua. - What oao this mean
B . ;
"iVw 't'a.-. &z-iytw ii i '-r -'r-M.jtX"
"And it . grnat tl'il nicer for
Holly, " mid Men. llruloo. "Mrs.
Holly nnd slio cm trdvol toRolhur.
I utired from oao t tlio othnr.
.'Jr. lltnslo," Mid I, " did
you tell when you come to Lon
don f I understood you t'untDoIlv
wns endued to Air. Holly, nnd th it
you woro buying tho wuddititf drons-
' Oriieions mo 1 N'olliinjf of tho
sort." criod tho oi l I tdy.
"Hid you thiuk thit, Tom t ' eiiid
I n tkod tier ti rxpliiu.
"Why, I hnvo ui:i; 1 ti ti.ivtl
with him an onn of t i'i irtotlo e un
p tny lio hii ju-tt f Ji-mud. A forein
t,'Htuloiiinn nnd teir t.mor nt clinicii.
Mr. Motley, mi l Mrs. Holly mid I
hI.hII inako n r;reitt. denl of money,
nnd oh. Tom 1 tit it's why jm sont
buck my letters V
I op. mud in v :rnii nn.l Dolly ran
tnto tlmm wilhout thinkin of
oi.i r.iiks.
"Winit n m'fleniM.i releh h ive
been tlin List livo w.-'kj,'' mid I.
An 1 Dolly beim'to cry upon mv
"Yon Bpn how it it." I :ii I ! o" Mr
Ill-lulu. I mi n it ij'.'i, but I l ive
her tle.iily. mi I ir.h..'ll tiko ne. m
I urn I nh.ill bj tho li.ippifHt follow
under tho huh. And f..i!i"'iven'n
"ike, DM?, don't mind breakinr;
your enaoiu 'iit.. Stay nt lioum nnd
"'"if to us. I Jou't waiit you ruu
"iu ubout tho fonn'ry liomitter
how much money yn;t mako bv it."
) tilll I'tl' 1;J
a" I ti.on'U my
""prudent '.o
We lo
1 1 hi'
i f ti 1 it
m il i i. ' I
w n
to it
iHi CJ.1LJ Hilil-
ll il II-
7 r.i-i Mil it t'f' M. .un
She :'hji ;lfl.
There i t .1 niin up i:i tlio HowiCi
j Ward that hain't i-p-ken to hi i wi:
'. hi over u week. II j i i . m 1 1 that
llm wi!i nil ;;i lii'iii ti tin una!
nn I l: '.ii.-rdiv hi l wife w .nt lo
his oiH t t '!
sli u s. an I le
her oil' uu I I
!. I i piy f n' h.ioi ,
: .1 I t!u 1. ik to piy
t I;. r g . II gt.ti. .
il bo i,'" ' b out. i nl
t"it:i w'i
'.!:', un I e i ii
t v in .,-i.i'ig y w
i'.i:) oil bi II, t !i :
years b e.i (, I
h i: el t ie It-i:i i'i
i: l l,, Sii "I'll"
a jo
f .r
x i t
.1. .e
h is
b"r tha
I tb-i
XV. I'll I )'
h'li o l.e li .
IS,', uu 1 t ii it
:.l I
'. i l l 1 1 1 i v , ti .in" t i.e.) in I ho ii
S i,, h i 1 got si ! of su i I pit.
be O'ii, It I llil to '11 V'' ll W'l.'U
1 kllli.V 111 XV 11 ll ' lie lit IV IIS 1 x
. I I.,'. W hv, ll ' ill l.l't ev.,11 1
I '.x bei o his b'ia-1 w i ', ail e o
tioitit out tie, l.iei'.i'in o( i o
' 1 1-1 -!
. : I'llll'OVO II. 'l.lS
I! It 111 I.. 't, I ,
ii :
aoout .b i h ev. ry liltlo
.-ho mi I i'Iio xv ml. I ii
v ll ', Hi. i
ik u.i t'i if
I li! llo gimoas aooa as a!u e ml I
I think of nnv xvav to do N A mm. .11
ago aha bought ono of thono !n I'.t
j rno'uer wa: r In -i f ir keep.n.; hot.
xv iter at tho feel, i'litc 1 1 of mio ;
li'illloi, Itwoiill hold ubout Hire i
irurts, tin 1 her husba id ,li lu't
know anything ubout it. One niht
l.'.fler alio ha I ha I thu water bag to
! Ii. r feet a cumin of hours, until
they wer.i nb-ut as warm as a
of in,", an 1 her hti.bind wis no or
ing away by note, alio thought what
a good joko it would bo to put it on
his stomach and xvake bi n up
Sho burst tight out laughing nt
iiiidiii.'ht thinkii)'' of it. ao alio
took no tho rubber bacr of hot water i
mid ulacod it ou his HUniaeh. Tim
bag was shout ns Lig as a cow'h.
liver and about as warm ns a pieco
of shinglo on a boy. It ha in't buou
on bis cheat or other biggago ovor
two miuutoa boforo ho alo.vly op.)ii-
oxl his eyas. Sho htullod tho upper
works of hor nightgown in her
mouth to keep hor from laughing.
He raiHod up bis boi.d ami said :
"Vai-riot my oudbni omua."
"Which end, Josiuu t" said sho.
ns sho rolled ovor i "your head or
your foot T" Aud thou sho pulled a
pillow iu hor mouth, aud leached
ovor to him and unaoiowod tho
nuzzlo that holds tbo wuter iu tho
' I am dying, Egypt, dying.' sai l
bo. "My heart is enlarge I to thrco
timos its natural sizo, and oh, I am
bleodiug to death. ' Sho had oponod
tho nozzle, and tbo throo .quarts of
hot wator woro pouring ovor him,
saturating him from head to boots.
She bad not moaut to lot out more
than half a pint of water on him,
but whon it got to llowing sho
oould not stop it, so bho got out of
bod and told bim to save himself.
He attempted to stop tbo llow of
blood and she struck a light and ask
od bim if bis life preserver hid uot
sprung a leak, and thon ho looked ut
the rubber bag, wont and run bim
solf through a clothes wringer, and
be slept ou the lounge tho rest of
the night and bo says bis wife is tho
mennest woman that ever tinned
the breath of lifo. She tolls ber
ft ioods that Josiuu has beou mirac
ulously ourod of heart disease,
Tho school attendauco iu Japan is
now thirty-six millions.
Who is' that lady whoso visits no
body desires f Aiss Fortune,
But few roon oao handle a hot
lamp-chimney and say there is no
plaoo like homo at tbo same time,
' 'Well, you'll own that abo has n
pretty foot, won't yoa 1" "Yes, I'll
admit that. Bat it never rai lo half
ao muoh impression oa mo as tho,
o d cuuu s, .
PA., APRIL 22,
Tho Fale ot Tho Apostles.
All tho Apostl.-a wore ns-niiltel by
the cnutnii'S of th ir Mifter. Tle-y
wero culled fo 8'itl their ilectrinr"
with their I'loj I, nn I nobly tli I they
hour th t' i il. S"' iii luir n;iy i
"S:. M ittliow HuTired tiini t', r l.iin
hy bt'iiii; -li;n with i BWorJ ut u d i.i
t:itit rily 'r Htbiopii.
St M'irk fxpiivd nt Al-xmlii'i.
nfter hnv ij lit." n cruelly tlrnfj' 'l
tlirn'i.'h ihe ii'.r.eis ol tint city.
St. Like (VH IniiL'ed I'pni nn ol
ive ii,, i'i 1 1 it c is,io inn I el (I eoce
S . J ili l w ii put I i il V l llli eil el
b lilni op, but e-cipe I 'b ill'l in a
niifiie . 1 1 n ti 'i-i'i. i', mil w.ts u'ter
w. r 1 Ii I'liMie l t J I'nt 'tui.
S'. I'i 'or n eiui'ili' l ut R mit
with l.i be I I d nv II V:,r..
S". Jni'!', t!i' (ii-'iiU-r, w.i be-
bo.idi' 1 ut. Jil'iuili'm
S. Ji'iie-t, t!i.' Ij'-s. Wii tbr. it
from n I 'In pen icln ut I Ii l' i n j
juml til (i lieal. u U l
Ii by a r
St. 11 ii t'ml .mi'W II iyed a'lve,
St An.l-vif Wit b.iun I tut fl 'S-
wIl-Miee l). pieiehe'l
to li s in r.iuJ l
t'l s until b lliril.
I St. T'io'iik wis ru-i
llll-'lllll III.
b'.ly will it 1 in,. i', :il I'or nil ln.lo I, ill
tho i t In lie-.
S'. ,'u do wus hliot to d'Miih with
ii no us.
St. MaDhins win hIoii 1 and
then b.'b. i le.l.
.St. It trn ibin, ol' tho fii'tili'i's
St. 'lie I t ) .1. ulli by tho JoWH, lit
i li ii I. niter virions t 'rtiiivs
and I'io'.. ,'iili.i'H, w i t nt length be.
Ii.'il I' d, nt i! uio, by t il.- V. i e
I r Nero."
S'lell IV H I '.iC l'..t'' of tin) Api-tle-,1
'': or ! to i it t r.i 1. li mil n n ti :
in I too l.;h '.vii ei'in it a i! Ineiti e ito
I inn! all. we at I.' it k'li.v ihit tl.o
liiT' l "f the w n l I to t li in until
their ti"ittinis were Milli.'i 'tit to ron
li l' the lien, ion's very itniir .li.ii'l".
Tin Nc.2ssary Q.u!.!i;.tlio i3.
An olJplil.y H i!k''d into a lnvyers
.-f!i i iu Nr il roil latily, when tho
foil m i i c in v r - iti m took pi i,!n :
lii'v -i lie, I e ill I t a to if
vo l xv iu!. I I t il.'i toil boy .in 1 in i!;o
r of bi'ii.
ioi at s
; ii t v
t i 1,
, r i"i ! o.i u ,', milt n
i. I
J 1 1 ly - 5 'V "i ve il s, air.
l.i vvt r -lie it t v-nu , d .! 1
1 v I vo iii j. .iv, you no old -r
ysf m
toil X . I
- (
v, a : T h'tvp not-ei'iil
have 'e 'tii lii l.rl to make
l ii ii o s "I' iho iith ai 'I I ,1 I the icuild's eye ; that round, wonder
, I 1 vti to I tho i :!it this l.ttl.. fell iw '"T. "I'll of b;i'hln, ,-.s. I'
v n,l I id ii;n a lii-s'-rt'.e la x v, r, t;o I children "m ere p. ejjing thr.mgli
,'il:.i I t see if i x'.iul l;,i Liui.' cracks o tbo "peaily galea."
Linver -No, " inn lam ; hit H too' "..xv lovingly tho bltle I, inn of
voun ,'"vel !o of childhood txviuo about your neck nnd
llio pi.f..Hy..i!i. ll il xvliv do y,.n b avo a nieo bit ol bread uud butter
t'liiil; Ihii boy is belter c il.'i.l'ili'd
for n I t.vv. r Ih .ii your oilier honi !
. i ly- V by yen nee, air, hu is I
j 1st V v.: lis ,,! I to-div. WlKi'l ho I
rt'isomy ,j Ik.. ho bko all nal' :
xxheii bo got to bo li lio w ii h nicy
mi 1 impudent ns iiny eiitier could
b t, nn I noxv lie-11 aleal iinylhing ho
cau lay his hands on.
Mj'.v j Spoil Girls.
A girl lint is tiover allowed f.
sow, all of whoso clothes tiro ina lo
for her and put ou hor until alio is
l .. or. . . .. .. .
ion, iiiLoeu or t'lgiiieen yo.iii oi age,
spoile.l Tho moth
other has rpo.led
ytl.tug for her.
I1""' l,.V doin;r ever
Tho true id"! of aclf-restrained is to
l.t tho child vent n i'o A child's
iiiistakes urn ofliin beLter than ill no
mistakes because when a chil l
tnaliei tniitiikes aud has to correct
thorn, it is then on tho way to know-
ing something. A child tint
.....i,i i !
................. .j ...... ..v.,,-,
w-tkes itself up ; and is diesse 1. nn d .
llt.ool r.oil.'el il.'.tu in .l.-Auuit.. !
itself; nnd is washed, ill id never
makes mistakes about beiug clean ;
aud is fo.l, nnd never has any thing
to do with its food; and is watched
and never irateluiH itself ; mid is
cured for, kept nil day from doing
wrong iiiuli n child might us well
bo out of oxiatelico.
A Rival of tho Mtmmoth Cava
has been discovered near Hop
kinsvillo, K ntueky. A p irfoat
musoum of geological curi ositioi is
described ns existing in it. A beau
tilul forest of l.tpideudrous forty feet
high, troo fol ns, mouses uud other
cayptogamio lloia ei.'.t in abundance
Marino aim. Is and tbo IoskiI lemaius
of auinials resembling monkoys havo
boon found by tho explorers of this
cavo. Ttiroo dilTorout routos have
beeu gone over to a diatanco of
eleven milup, Tho main avenue has
an avorago width of aixty foot with a
height of forty.
yuraany 'aiiwaiaia mmm
A well knoxvn lawyer of this State
being perplexed ovor a point of l uv,
called at tho olllco of a brother at
tornoy to consult him upon it. Tho
latter remarked with dignity, that
be usually had pay for bis advice.
"Then ,' said lawyer number one
extending fifty coots, "tell me nil
yon kuow, and give me back the
Eva was tho first nnd o nly woman
who did not gather up her dress in
both hands aud yoll at tho sight of
a snake.
Thn vouuir man who w a tits to crot
up witb tha snn mnat not sit np too
Iuto with tbo JaUfc'hUi',
1880. NO.
I'.lois thoir hearts, how dirty they
got their faces
A child with a clean f.ieo hasn't
boon absent from its iiiolhei'd wah
in IT five iiiiiinles.
How pretty tho Imir of a chill
I oks just nfter it Ins been pasted wbeto it b'.'ongs by a coiU'Ie
"pinrts of soap-in la.
The littlo nprons of ri i' lliood--
ain't thev f.wprl with tl.eir fbi eks of
blllO , bi:J (ipotH , f eit'Ull ?
Tho eblulet' n n t-lui' ., iiew rnnn
i"!. with hiilc". in tbo In s, inn ovtr
at tbo heel, tunl every button jji:io
ofT on ii tie.
I'.ut their b1 .fh in ,;. wild.;..!";! in
a littlo niin!.',.. I I iitieh l ilivi.i t.
pbiinp piinl. mid (.-i iiny km . s, with
"Ibis little eg vent to"
w'lgJ!!i"g tbroii;h li.u Mivtlid tip;
nin 't I le y cuto t
Their little pud ry (i-'fi. luilf Ibn
time gi hiding t:H' f out fi-mii their
ev s find thn 1 est---v. i '.I w b i doi Hil t
like to bo H'iin k'l by a t lul I a weuk
list, t
What royal 1 1 1 ? I oos children
: lire. Mud pies lake on in ro ll tv ir I
from the lovie ; pittnf '-oil I'i i i I
than nn v v. t i in e ii ju-oju :j with.
I the Kpiees of the In li. s : !
What pie-tiniis ii child can hull
nt tho bead nf win, loin. Il can 11 m t
the theology of tho World with olio
j ( IV.. it.
I low sweet the rosy lips of eliildern ;
g:i 1 ( biidi en h.mih time.t retain tiiis.
I sweet Heel. '
Wlialnn indi fi-i il. il.lo con:;loni
i ration of f.nii,;,s a child's voice can
pro lileo, pl.iyi !g tho III , si. Il' llt
I'etidtllg liav."'! Wllil I 'll, ll.'I'V'J'C l d i
of jti owii up hum tnily.
The ;;l .l ies of cilll li't'll's l lU'lil'T.
It ii itib'O' i mi at t be ine.isle.i break
Itlg III Hllllls
ill thruli'di tho l.i i ,;li-
borln i. il,
Tho wound') land till children
dwell ill ; t (Mil. In 't yoll like to live
it over again, nnd have perennial
freshness lotiabiully xwlii you I
Perhaps it iif
Those childliool di''.te l in
overpliving mi l overheat ing, but
bios. oluiiig under tho llnli'.llip
of all;:, Is. Jlnni celestial beings,
ni'i'-t bivn .'iiiiiuii full clouding
iiiniiul fai.ei' i into little brains.
Nnv.- "hi. Meal a child i an i,r, t the
be.l.'l.'llii s. Alexander l.ims, ll
nexer could have cut the (i U' bull
knot if it ha 1 be, li 1 t vi-.le 1 hlna I
in. nin. I a hleei'iiig child's culled
fi ..'in.
' No diam on 1 ever ilu Irom the
,,l"T hl ' r 1,1 w!,,'v 1,1,1 lustre in
on yuur coal coimr.
rv aTtacav-via-v. 7
Lnrjo Timliar Fxporls.
'I lio fn rests of lir, pine and
both in Oregon and i itahnurtoii me
lll"llie,HIS. Tlei.s 2'l I lllld -."i' feel
high nnd hix f. nt iu iliatneter tire
never tut of view Sand 111 feet in
lianieter and lion Ici t high nn, n it
iiiii'uii.iiiau, generally two thil ls fiee
of limbs, fifty uti l aixty ;; ri I tim
ber tri es grow ou nn iicie, un a rule,
and yield h. Idom loss than .'bM.nili)
feet, and iitsl'iuces nro on ropoi d if
l.llllll.Olll) feet fli) nil neie. So
i ,.., ; . ... ,,.t ... ... .... ,.
,lljt vil., , f(.U ut t,wt ,
,,, tlli ;,,, u mm Ll alu H(
ca ti
tl. nu haul, id l.ii If u in i 1 o ton river.
I'l'lio in iiiuf.ielur o nnd shipment, of
j timber i t tho leading industry of
jivestton Washington, employed largo
I iitiiiioers of xvorii u in and nn im-
nieiiso number of I ire'' him-in ills, mi
r "J .-.,.,,
lll.r l.v ufti'.f.l n.i 1 ,u i ........ ....
... . , , , ..
Ktu , mr!l ' ex,, tlA
the ti'iib .r to
.Tin i rtu.'i'teo, l.nt .'I'lia, I. iropo
Austr.tlii, 11,'ypt, Smth. America
J .pau aud China.
A sad eyed stranger in poor
clothes stopped a citizen on tho
si rent tho other day and aaid : "Kx
euH me, but. I iindtiialiod Cincin
nati ii tho l.irgeat tobacco nniiket iu
tho world. Is my inform ition cor
rect "It is, sir." ropliod tho cit
i.'.oi, nu on Cincinnati's
greatness i it is, doei lodly. Inst
year our ahipmouts nn I receipts ''
"1 11 not trouble you for tho alatis
tics,'" said tho sad-eyed m in, inter
rupting. "I nui aitislbil of tho
tuagiiitudo of tho business, and on
tho btrongtb of it will uniko bold to
ask you for a cliaxv.' Tho citizeu
gavo him his plug and passed on.
A throo year-old liltlo girl wua
taught to cloao her evening prayer,
during tho temporary nbaeiico of ber
father, with "ple.iHO watch ovor my
papa." It Bounded vory sweet, but
tho mother's nmaz 'inei't may bo im
uginod when tho child added. ' Aud
you'd bettor keep uu eyo ou mam
ma too."
Tbo man who is bringing up a
family on nn iuonmo of siz dollars n
week will bo happy to loam from the
fashion prediutiou "that tho spring
uud summer fashiono, in elegance
and stylo, will . surpass any tbiug
ever seen iu America.
An English writer tinks tho Amer
ican early potatoes will come to an
ond before long, for ns each nw va
riety is claimed to ripen about ten
days earlier than any other, tho time
.hetovean planting m I digging
tiiii ba mud up.
Tlltl PONT."
rubliMied every Thiirsihiv Evrniing
Terms of Kubsorir.tion.,
TWO Doi.h.MtS l'Klt ANXt'M. Tsy.
nblo vitbin iix niontbs, or J.o.'tiftnt
paid within tho yeat- JJo paper (lis
c.intinue.l until nil nrrearntes am
mid unless nt tbo option of tl.o pub
Hubhi rif (ions nutsMo of tho cotuitf
VAVAIII.i: t.V AHVANt B. . .
TMVrsmif, lining and lrt.r papers
ftddi-essi it (i o'hnrs l'ecoiiiiiHtl'eril'Prs a ri' li.'ihbi l'.irtbe prieo oft he :i.or
"OH! m
t. i it NT's j:i:mk.
bV. The (lm:tt
ICl'IKV All! tlVa
fctt Mr limine,
i ur,' pam in tho
I'.urk, Si le nr
l.nius, n I all .b'a
e its of (he Ki I-
nry., l.iv.T. I'l l 1 1 r . I
Uiiti iry llr
.I,-. ll,l.,t'
if ii.. Pi
P"V. lirs'i'l. Hi
i"p of I hi K
I nr.
II 'ipn'i.'i or ..
Nrrv O'S lt- la. -.
I i:. -..-sj lllM' i
.: i;l'i.l.'.LV for
'.tititi.'n.'e of I'rn..'.
Iiii'l. IVrTkii'i.-, i'i
lil'.Mi.HV is 1 1. in..
1 1. rue .li-. lli.'S.
Kr.n.i H.'V I! C. Tiil
1 r i ti'ipli-' l'i...r. !i
I'll.'VliO.N' h. II.
I nn l.-.'ilv i-i I'i.- v
IM:MI:i in Ki Inn I)'..
r. t II , I't-l.T
I.. Jsn f. T'.
rnio "I llt'M'--)
'i It ..mi urn. il
1 1 Mil, hiving Im hi
u Il i',
I ii v t o i: -ci
wm. k. niiui:
iMi.'i.-. 1 I III. w
it tfi '' it iriitiliiT v(
,1 v . 'I.O.. I l.y
I . ti. 1A l.l Ut.
It. I . I'.i, I-7S.
I'l-tii .-'ih ; Il t v in f
iililiil ell.Tis I
in 'nv nun c-i-f, on I it
ii li--' I r. o tiiii.-n l it
'. i.l i.iii..".' ! villi ki iio'v .li-,-a-.'-or
'.Ir.'p-J . I I, n'!l olr.l b, ll.- i f "ll .ill I
, s.a'ii t I In- in.- li .'i o . .v Ii i -li .vili.'iir.' Iit.'.it
: in ilu- '...r'.'-l p..- il.;.' lino. lll.'NI'.-t
I UtMlil'V will ,l,i i'.i..
I H." .'el tit ' v V.Mirs,
li. it I' t l.i 1, " I'ycr St.
i Y i'l y V i s
1'! :iM, llll.l in
! " I t V I I I I M J I
"I lli ri.'HIM, It
n n m r i ti, i - pr, iti n ri r' v ?
voir,, ,t. Uio.i, tajl i3 LiVi J Ibtil ti
Iris M r i ll,, I.
-i i.'li
I'l'iv .' I in il.
i:i i. 11,1. t'uwiNi i: Yir.
Sell I f .1- 1 ini.l.'.., I..WM I!!k
I' l.-'iee. I! 1.
Sold by .-ill I ;rii-iri.--t
(' i. 1. '7 '.tv.
Maiii.JoJ : Roiv Lost, liov: f'.cs! j "clT
11 .111.-1
.in-i a it
I" I. l lleiv c l.'i .ii ,.f
v ell's ( el. In ,.
n lite r.i,' .1 , iro
. 1 1 1. "i 1 1 ie i , 'in.. i
.r Set. nn il lV. ,!;i'..
ii ,1 I. t a r.o i:.;
'l of Hi', m: xi on:. tm x
" .... Imv,,I.,,i, i. x- .s.,.,,, ,
ii.o-v, .M,o i) i 'IV
I igo-i.tM'te i ,. .( trn;i,.(
i Mt'ii ,s. I i n i.e. v '
"'l' in luleime ..r n .
, ,V,v
- ie ll ll..- . fit.,
'1 e. ; ui t '
I II-, it. In.-e l l.v
not .'iri.v . i; ,h.o
r. ryl'i'iee, in a ,!e I rti vol .t
FiN .',.,1'S.
..i.l.. i:
I llil I V
l.r Or 1 null, ir, in I n tinir
. !.' n !y '!''.. ,'i 'i t'. ', It ...ii
.ii, :,.. .'. , r . ,, n ; ,,t
il if;i,oik- '.' eoiei'S i,f I; nl, n-,. .,, ,
!, ri ii il'y en el niileuii ih, , ,,.
'"I I I lo I ll 1,1,' ' ,,;,. ( ,. ,.
I'b'-itl iu "III." k a ! . i ii t
In-' le .i! .'Ill e nt ..'. 'i' .i
l'!.',-ln ll, I,,', In ,v I'lir.'
I IX'H.'lv, ".'i I It XI'O- XI.
',. nn t
:, ,j y.
'Hilt f t
rO7V.s ..,- '.".' . ,
I'i, in. i,)'! nn 1 Hi'it
lit i n I r a. .1. in ii (.lain n vel..
any a liv-s. j,-. ' r I, I, i,.,
e."n'' . r I ivo ...-!:i.-i. -1 i in j..
a.; tt.'.-s ii,.' i i,i,:i.i,..'-.
i iii; ri
Ami Si.
i.v i:i; ; i:n
, ."'v York ; I'.iM .ill.e
, n.'t
JMUN P.tAMNii M 1 1.1
N KM MSil lit V V., SN V Mill I'll., t',
A V I. M ! . I A."-1 I: lot up
liners. Hot r !lncs. Ubiihius, SI :n r
'i,liv IJe'.es. lilimK, s.isli, Malr
tilings, Manil ll.illin.s, llr.irK
i ts. Vdiililbi'., I looriii';,
.-Clit't.l. s, WIN. I O i; A 11 INK 1' TI'liMN-.l
Khiuglca, T.ntb, &f.,
Orders Holiiilo I nn.l till.-.l xviili rrini t
lni-s,iiil .1," liui j!i , 1'lea.e eu! nn.l ci:ir.i
IIIO ,"ir slil" tit lief'
r" iiiii-.'lnisin i'l-.'tir
um f nn n
II I ill
iliiUij liLLIUIJ
A tlrh,.i''lll. til ll I
Y.-lk Hill, I- -.I'I'. I I ,,
I X I. X.l ,. I '.. Ill I,,:,,
i. ,' (' lit, siix In N, vv
.1X1 111 i. ..u.i i o.
ivu .l t.-t . I, .. ' III 'I...
r I-, t. . v i . ,iii.
A ..le. XhV 111 11
111' A'll.i IKS )!.. 1 jj .N V k I'.' l I Mil
at Low Figures.
- O
l. nn riNc.roN. of riant;-
Ilu. Ii a v ln:f n""ir. l lt.i H.fip-v l. r Ci
I'lMuVTl'i V thlnMO 11 i.)!.i will i if l IM l
iiUfo t i u.itiviiN nyli r i.iiity. 1 nu t '-.mj lutti
fi in on u tlio rn'nlruuil f.ititrtfi tvlilr-h uroi
HiNturv t .ill lii-liiil-nii i'ii. inhi. tt'. n ; ltiu.!ilit ur tint I fi-1 : . l- I Wildtit; liitljiy .f
( l Mil 1 r ! I s rl.t ,ro Iiilhnl ; Iih ure t
ti'i'i'.iur o I Ilu r 1 1 1 11 i Its si oj'lur I i
j r-n-l.v : li9 Liui'luiuutio iilu ihik m 1 iio 1 1-
UIU s ll'V,
wmM of My.
im ot'.or A If! n IT 1 1 1 1 i.t
i:.l rm i, .1. I ii i.t ev.
.Ue,'ltxo in xtucr
AITIIIAL iotgeoij,
ii fin Q Mil V it Iti in o uf I .- imrfo 1 1 0 iluir4
'Ilifift nro tttx ui'i't hlulilv t'ttprrflintf (miM
iiii,in n. try olltirol il.ii Vni'i'.u tii'ii ml
ttio rlcen hrivu inn r1u 'i i hi tu li'ln
1 hnm wli lit ii I tin inn of Km in -ot, ii ni im.
Mlilu:lr. litifltfiuM'i b r 1'lout In ur county
ul Mtioity ru l ii ii. Oct a, 'a
Cur-otl PfiinloHialy.
TI HlO'lI' lua ""I t f r a finall ni irjiii almva
ilia it..rl .l' e..i.i.iiiiiolin. -Allra.a tra.iia,) I.)'
istolitl i raerli,..ii. i or lull .rilo..l ,ra a !
tlrtaa Ilia lucuvarer
OILS. II. I'ul.l.lNS.or
Una. H. It. t V.i.i.i au, j., i'one jLd,
Ltttli'taof i.llnliilalriLlli.n un tha.,at.i,a nf
Joai.a L.a lenilatiar, Uio nil's,,,, l.,., Miy.lor
tl... Pa., (leo'O. Iia.v bean ttranla.! lo ll. a uii.lar.
lun,l. All isir-ona kii'iwluii lUaiu-alvaa In.
aiblail to aal.l c.lsla will nlaaaa i.r.ka
ata uaymai.t wlilla tu,. liuvlim olnlma avalnit
11 aauta will i mam l .r a llluiiiani lo
CllUNtiMUS a.AflMNs,u.:K,
Mar. UU, ntmi, AOmluuirul r.
ACOOD PI AH, riaUalaf ti Tniaaiar.-a
Iu u, iwl ,t ,m .. it.u- .: ..- ,. l
lll!..lmH. ..,.. Im ft ft'iDimi. kt..,..w. ..,,
l.alMM...u. I.", la ( .. I Ml,., f. :.,.
alaBit.,,....,.fh.a ' n ..a Ma.a.." l..,a
t.j.ii.i a u , i, i..j i.,ti, t..w v...
IMlwu'41'l'a Advi ariau i 1i:i,uo till Spruua