i.,'V'Wl--1, sv vr f 1 f The Post.- mMebttrgT April 8, 1680 Jl. Itfl SClitor VPropr'-tor. run rUBIDKHr Tha tvomineo of the Kepitblioan Na tional Convtntum. jcimjb or stratus o-urjuT. HE KY UREKK,orXorthinpion Co FOB AUDITOR OStAL, XTIK A. LEMOX, of fl.air Omnly. While justly prutestiog tbat iha solid South is Sffaiost oe ia the lecrno, ia it consistent or wise to oast oo tha solid South to control the) norniostion. "TJnole Samuel," baa gathered io the Beaver county delegates to tbe Dsmocratio HUte contention, ioeoo Section with those from Allnghaay and Lawrarjce countiea- Mr. VVal lace will bavs to cll a halt pretty oon if ha expect to save Pennsyl vania Democracy from tha "error of ita waja." The Puoeait'ills M:e,iijer any it Iim seen a private letter from Governor liny I. i' which lie etatcs that uodor no circumstances would he consont to have his name bronlit before tlio Chicago convention in ooaoeotioo with the Vice-I'reaiJoncy. Govern r II yt now hjlJs an oClje aeoond ia iino'irtino only to the aPresiloniy of the R p jblio, and he appreciates it. . Mr. Weaver of Iowa got his famous csrrency resolutiou before the House at last, aud is probably a, happy as a nan can be who!kiUeJ b, it8 padJl8 wbee tosha snail In a rtnf s.Iia ltnft.t.1 hhIab an adverse majority of more tlnn thirty votes, or a4 John Phoenix was when he thraibed tlie editor of the San Diego Ikrill by iunurtinqf his Dose bolwoen tbe c.Iitor's teeth. Gan liOio authorize the ststo mont that Illinois will sn l a solid Grant dolo tiiu to Ch'.ciao, and that the ex-l'reiidunt will bo nomi nated on tin first bxWii ile s.iys the Blaine puopln do not know the Republicans of Illinois as woll as he does, and are sadly intssinif tho mark ia tfieir calculations. Gen. Graut's prospoots depend very largely, if not wholly, ou tho Republicans of bis owa State. The more Mr, Springer explaius tbe better light be standi ia. When Democrat, and a pronuueed Democrat like the Illinois Represen tative, ojily iaforms tho "great defrauded" through bis represent ative that he can' control his vote in his own words, "that be is nut Mr. Tildou's man." there is talorrv ble good evidence that the Gramurcy Park Statesman's lien on tbo party is boing lifted and tho cbuttuU are becomiug emancipated. In ntter feirlossnnss of Senator Wallaco President Il.iyes yesterday sont to tbe Stinato agnia tbe uom iaation of Dr. Sherwood to be supervisor of this census districc.aud in ntter disregard of the Preniilent. SJiiUr Wallaco baJ the Senate summarily reject it, Mr. Wallace ii doubtlens resstve.l to puuisb Spoak er Randall evon if every applicant for a positiou ns enumerator in this oity bat to wait until next July to know who to apply to for appoint ment As for the community, it doesn't seem to be considered at all iu tbe matter. Tho NVv Yjrk World mikes a heartrending appeal to ox Governor Uiratio Seymour to come to the front and asuuma tha leadership of the Democratic party in New York. Mr. Seymour is doubtloss very pop ular with his o va puty in his owa State, but of what avail would it be to tbe party if ha should accept the invitation of tbe Worli f Mon. hjwjvor popular, cannot successful-!learood lyaxsume leiddrsbip exjopt at the call, or by tbe consent, of those who are to be led S long as kolley and Tilden da not endorse the limi tation even Seymour would not be aoceptod as a barmonizor and lealur. There are numerous indications that tbero will be contests for a ma jority of tbn seats in the Democratic State convention, and unloss tho lit tariiAsa now prevailing botween the Wallace and Rn 1 ill factions ba ma terially modifie 1 the bi'geKt row that bas yet beon witnessed in a conven tion of tbe Pennsylvania Democracy will onsue Uhirns sn t counter charcrns of fraud follow the selection of d jlogatfls iu nearly every ooauty, and the beaten faction atones pro ee ri to get a contesting delegation in the field. As the Democrats have eliandoaod all hope of carrying this Mite iu November at the ballot box they bsve nothing of a substantial c'taraater at stake, and om therefore ti 7 it tt their hearts' oontont for the delegates to the national convention. Tha example sot by the manage ment f the Pennsylvania Railroad Company ia dealing with its era phvs will attract attention and re-e-iive favorable comment throughout thecvintry. Col. Scott, tbe Presi- dnt of the Company, baa issued a circular announcing that on April 1st t'.ie par of all persons in tho em ploy of tha Pennsylvania Company will be restored to what it was pre. 1. L I .. . ioiii i i tas roiuotioa or jane it 1877. This ia generoas and just Tbe presint increased earnings of lbs ounpny warrant the restoration of wages to the figures prevailing in the mire prosperous times, and Col. Bcott does not wait for the men to make any demand or threaten strikes but nrdi's the Increase of wsges Toluntirih, If all oorporationa and m ilo.yers of labor were governed by to honorable and juat a polioy to ward tbs-r ensployeoe there woold be fewer striVss and a restoration of mutual eoQadaaee and good-will bst'ssso capital tad labor. ii.tj to- b.ico rmi i. S. M. PUoe i.t ti start a producers' organ iu Titusville). The lion. Milton Bpeer and Sen ator Wallace have made up- Bl.tioe ia ahead ia Dee Moiaoa oity Iowa. Ouray and the other left for home. Utea have Diphtheria la increasing ia the pro via ee of Kbarkoff, Russia. Mississippi appropriate about 110.000 a year to hpr colored sohoola. It ia eaid that Tildeo cordially dislikes Sqyiajur because of bis pop atari ty. John Wentworth and the Illinois Governorship are mentioned ia the same breath. The Emperor William ia confident there will be oj w.ir for soma time. Eight persona were kilted by tbo Indiana Dear Saote Barbara, New Mexico. High winds prevailed through the West on Saturday, doing much daraago. The Trensury nw holds $317,001 750 in U. 8. bonds to secure batik circulation, A Russian bas boon arrested in Hostou for cutting bis wife's throat from ear to car. Troops are in the field against the i.i t tail -it a . host. Io Apaches, but tbo war w.ll be , i, " Near Cairo, Ills, three ronntaboats were thrown from a steamer aud Homer Wei ington, of Cambridge, Mass , has bauu arretted for f jrj ury aul murdering his son. A raaa at Grosnsburg, Pa, quar relled with a saloon keeper for a drink aud was killed by the latter. Franklin and Oil City are bidding ! for tbo next fair of tho Veuango County Agricultural Society. The utmost quiut prevails in Clearfk'ld county, notwithstanding that there is a strike of coal minors. The death of her mother, at tbo age of ninoty-oue, loaves Florence Nightingale an orphan. The miners and laborers con vention at Pottsville have ixsuod a call for for the reorganization of tbe old uuion. Tbe strike at Harmony mills, Cohoes, N. Y. has become general. Five thousand workmau uro ou tlis stroota. A groat sensation his boon creat ed iu Muxioo on account of tbo bittur dounnciatiou of its goverumjut aud people by a Spanish newspaper. Tho H itler couuty murderer, I.o Fovro, cjnvictel j tbo second tie groo. is 05 years old, and suems per foctly iudilToiont. The Cjiumissionnrs of Cambria couuty have consulted architects iu ruferouoo toabuilling a uuw court houdo iu thut county. Aon Carr, a you'ig Irish girl who came to Scrantou ftit months sgu from Irelund, li-is become hopeless ly iosaue from hom siokness. Willio Clifton, of Kston, f. ll ovor an ciubankmeut, a diHtauco of yj font, and escip'j.l with no gioitor injury than a broken wrist. Tho Culpepper (Vu) Tune nom iaatHS John W. Gvrrett of the Kaltimore St O iio riilroa 1, for Poj idont of the L'uited States. Mr. Jamos Pippin has very pro perly been chosen vice-president of a fruit grower's protective associa tion of Ridgely, Maryland. Suunat Cox tolls the lnhpend'nt that when a good little Sunday school boy (a long time ngo) ho by hetrt and reei tea ail of St. 1'aul'a Kpistlo to tbe ltutuaaa Dr. D.jana, of Willinmspirt, iu f inos the (itxj.tte a I li dUiin that Utuioral Wiislj'u t.m diod of dipli tbaria.and tbut ba bus tbe tlucuuiuats to provo it. Rov. G)3. I'. Ctin, tin relirinff rector of tho First I'rusbyteriaa t'burch at Williams-port, bas beon presented with a pnrsa of $3)0 iu gold by tlm merubors. Uiotiut djvul ipra.mts sseia to loava Tury littla ground for any other opioiou tbaa that tbe ituv. C H. Cooo, of KtfudtuK, bas boeu made tbe viotim of blufkmitiliag. Tbo report uf tbo Iudinn Investi Kstiuf outuruittoe states tbat Coin missiouor Iityt was Dot guilty of corruption iu tiio adiuiaistraliou of bis oflioo, wbatover tilso ho uay btvo douo. Carbon county instructed for Tild eu, but Ju ld Urodboal says tlmt wben Ue guts to tbo Convention be will Uj g iVBi'uol by ciro.lniitiuoa-i tvbio'a ineius that ho will not bj a very a'rou Tilduu uiau hardly strong euough. R ibinson, Itit & C) , rn cbinista of Pittsburg, htve broils bt suit a gainst tbo Pittsburg and Lake ttrle Itailroad f r $35,000 dsoiagcs tus- tuined by defendants running tracks through tha yards of tbe plaintiffs. Tha murdnr of old farmer iVdler at Jersey Shore. Lyooiniug county, on Thursday night, as told by his wife and her paramour, George Smith iu their confussiouj, was a dead of shocking bratalty. A. negro named Brown has boon arrested for oomplioity io the murder. Mr. Uutcbins(N. Y.), member of Congreaa, wants to suppress the New Vorlt JSotning Poii for pnb- lisbing an article reflecting on the Uoase for its oowardioe ia not direotiDg the Ways and Meana noma mittae to report baot tbe aeveal , taviffbi!!. Ciuit' r oviotr it goiu ) 'Dm flint County 0 invention in lO.ii.i insti'ji'l its lloxstus in Isvor 'I sir. M.nnn. Af, a.inmm fjii(H)i j.mt tUeie s'.'utu .o ba oat of repuir. Mr. Tildon fears the fame of Horatio Seymour as much as the force of John Kelly. lie refused to let bis New York convention go to Utiee ia order to escape the influ ence of the one, and ui'iooossfully attempted a corner oo all the hotels in Hjraoose to abut oat the presenoe of the other. Io low Senator Blaine ia cap taring connty alter county dologntion to the fittte Convention, which meets on tbe 14tb Tbe Kansas cyclone ia coining Kst bv North, with an occasional healthy breeze in Missouri. It is alroaly blowing great guns in Illinois, and has al ready knocked down a fouce or two io Ohio. Next to tbo bulldozers, tbe worst enemies of tbe colored people in tbo South are tbe viudictive and illterate justices of tbo peace who interpret tbe law to suit themselves and enforce it Kith merciless severity. Ia Charleston county, South Caroli na, wbeie the colored population greatly ontnnoibors the whito, the trial justices Lave undertaken to collect the poll-taves from colorod voters by criminal process. Tbe alleged delinquents are arrested, llued heavily, and in default of tbe payment of the tines and costs are wiuunvvvn hM Jfi u Dvuuis ui luuni ioore,,lblo thmlJ,nch fl,ffraot wron?. can be porpotrated in this enlighten- led age, but in States where elections are carried by intimidation and vio lence every form of iu justice is pos siblo. Auctonesr. George II. Hacken bnr)f, of MiiliUecrcek, P. O., would an noiince to the people of Snyder coun ty, that I io will cry sales for rent and personal property, at short notice and on tho moht reiisotiablo terms. He KUnriinteeN luttiHfiietion. Mar. 15.7711. Candidate Cards. l.iyMi it art. Kn. poT Ann uncIIKNRV K. MIl.t.KR of H.llnKrnri.. pnmllilst I t iha I.khih- i.ati rk. Mr. Mlllur If tiuliontly iuitllllo I fur ino'n . ii iii n r-lic tiiro'Uti-iininK bu-loap man. HIp loalitful iiiit-al (ItMr't'-iar euisinaDila Mi r-4-t ao.l rnnn.n- r.r tli l..pl. All hl ir"'0l Intarii r l ie .lol with tbi nl Ita wii'iia ii-u'l ni nvlr Iim xtiilv ttP.I vtrlnf Lm.id- nlittlnr.t with tn p.i,l m in ruaiitir ! i.uuli,Lt.l him Id tbtlr ouiul'lando. U amt Vuriini. Vn. PnT lie klmlanouHh to snnoiinc- I,. N, M BNn i uii,U. n.l K' I . r Anxrn bly. II In well ftfifl lvirniif kamro llirnnli out lh ctmnir. Us perie.l Hi it.it ( Hi rnunty hsretulnr a ulllc in-i'ut-r nl ill. ehim'l in- iliiil'i ui Hi-, uitl villi n.lailiT m (I mrk(1 ainlliv, ajha ri.ili.iM- ti hlm-ail an.l Ilia n-on'a. I'lit ha will in. a larlt-i. l.a an.! In -nrruptlula lajl.t.n if h ,vin tha euinuiua Intere-M n t'i anu'ity ant titla in vlw 1 uniiiiriliiiai a. .V v.ii't itV l tin xruni tnji -1 .11 in will l Iih'.imi ui.on t. a next l.ffal-t -tur.. An-I noi ilia lu.mt in niijur. tiinca wlilLatliH r--l i-t rl.-i in l t'ta -t.it- aii.llaiinn hi rprait4 lw- a ihown ! Ie rao-ip '.try U1 ta-i-tu il Ibano I an-u- .li'iilt Iu la tik n -iinl tiirohira wa imi-t Ima 'in ni. ilva. viic.iruiiarM).ia. ntativa aL'i lia tha (iluoic to alaml llruily by lit, enuitit Jduoy . Vr PnT : We't lUa .ar w h, I . ha ha irl In raml" iMiliill '.i r- lir.fll ",unil iha Knli. ileani, l till-Lfl-t' li't ..rn tu. I.uiiiin..ii, , nt J. A.lllllilitt of tiu.ui.irf ion l.n..?al,. I.r ta. aemi'lv. A ii al Hpiil.ll.'n, 'i Innt mn, m l flnl-Dr! nai.tlatnitn -liiiul I ia i.up rtr..J ta.AM. I f .u u wa may ha a m .Mr. Ilili l-li. , n I. , -uavr hvf ra 'trfHrJ unr -uii--riu-,-tii. va -h I imw oi'ina to hi- halp. .Vnl'i-a h. u, x, I V.CI Ka.xar .l irak In dj uti" rl:l i tgmu In NiM'aiulH-r. lxi-cirxon- NtiT.'tr;' i,,.tp,.u I J le-UmnUry mi the eMiteor I'eter II.. !e-:e.t-el. Inia f-f lnn tin-l.l. .sn.l.r . inly. Pi nu'a., lui l.-en uranial to ilia i uiilarrlunoil. All .mntia k'niifinii tiiamn.'lra. iitiiillttra iayiuatii. arUI a iio-a havmir iil.ilin are miit-ti to iTx-em ihau ilu'y ull.au Ica laj lur aatilaiuanl tv HI HtVN Ml HIM 11. v Ai.tN-. i s inn. iii. Mi.V -KL.JN J 1 1 . I J . Apr.. Iim. tia ui irn. cou ui; .'uociiTvM atioxT" Whcreaa t'nt h in. J, (', llnelier l'rl dcnl Jii lKt of tbe J ii. lie. ill lii-iri"' eoraponed of tbe coiimiea of Suj iler, Union snd Mitfiin and llirnia O'.Noil unit Sam'l. II Vu.lr tn. A-mooUia Ju,ln in tud fur Hnyiler ooutily he tamie.l Iboir prcur.t bearing, dslt tbt UK! b ilny uf Kcb. A. l. 1si, lu me directed for ine holiling or an UrpUiiUH court, court of Coinraou rinna, court of Oyer tin J Tor iniuer and tienerl court of Ounrtcr 8ea- tiona uf tho reset at Middlehurg, for tbt county of Snyder, on lk lib Momliiy, (lie ingtbt'.Mlb d.iy of Mny ldbJ.j and coniinut ont wevk. Notiue ia Ihereloro hereby given to the Corouer, J milium uf iba I'caje and Conats bli't in stid for the county of fnyJe r, lo up. pear ia their proper peraon iritn their rollt records, inquiaiiiont. examiunione and other reiueiuhriiDcei to da llione thiugi which of tbeir o!Hoi and in ibeir bobilf periaiu to be done and witncaaei and par ..inn proaecuiiug In behalf of ibe Common wealth againal any peraon or perauna nre required io be tbeo aud there atteuding and not departing without leave at their peril. Juatioot art requeated to bt punct ual in tbeir attendance at tbt appointed tinio agreeably to uotioe. Giten under my hund and teal at tbt rJbentt'e otlice iu Middieburg, I lie 1 5t U Jay of Apr. A l).,out tbtuaand eight hundred and aigbiy. li VNIEL BOLGNDER. Sheriff. Fever and Ague. Tbt true antidote lo the t foots tit a. sans it lloslaller't Btooaok Dllttrt. This mtdiotnt It ont of Iht aiott popular rentdits of sa srs of tueoeitful proprie tary pee i Set, sad It ia imratast dtaand Wherever to Ibis Continent ftvtr sod ague oiials. A wloeglaaeful tbrtt timet a day Is tbt bttt poatibls praparativt for taeoualtring a malariout almotpbsrs, rtfuUtis lit llvtr, sad iavlf enliaf las ttossaek, . rortalt ay all Prufjlels aa4 Dsslars , - gtsaraiiy. - SELLER'S COUGH SYRUP 60 Years Bcfort the Public Proaoonasd by all Is bs lbs most Plan ts! sod tffioMtoss Maid soar la ait, for tbs save sf sought, eoldt, croup, hoaraeat, tlakllof staaatloa of lb hrosl, vbooplsg sough, sts. 0r a sn ill loo bottles told wlitila iht lut few yaari. It givct raliff whtrrver oied, sad htt tbt powar to Import btotftt that snooot bt had from tbt tough miitarei tow la uat. Sold by all Drugglitt at 26 etstt par boltts. SELLERS' LIVER TILLS art atao highly reoomaitndad for turlng livtr eomptnint, eoattipstioo, ticbabetdtchet, fevr an.1 sgitt, sod all dlncsact of tht aiomtoh and lir. Sold by all Drug gUtt at ii eautt par boi. R. t. Stllert Co., rittuhnrrh. Ts. Oot.taiAiy. fpiIE tmdrsigned would respect 1 fnllr fall tha Ritaotlnu of tha ra1ara of tbla ar to aianilna hit SitKktsd rloat of Iltird warp, Wini'N aSc Llqnoi 1 tOII, IJoi-HO HllOOH, 3Inl N1i(m, Jrn AxlcM, Hteel, If tilM, Hpolcersj, HhnltN, A!OM aV IIOWPH. Jiixm IltnttUoM AVlr. lvcltr, Oil-, OUlM I'lllWtpf, C'finnt, ISI, Jvli nilfl lJppi ! f rSll lill(lilrM I It II, Hull, Ntiar" f llw, H.vriiw J. mi, NplppM, J'oIiiippo -'ilfii'w. tmll ii "sl. iti'iiti' :mimI I'ni.il. tcurthar with a Inn T irl-ly "f oilier il.n.l- II .1 l.irnl. i.l,- l, all I I ,, I, I I, ,. ..,,ut lit Iha Ii.mk-i t ..i, l r. ), ii ii. I nii . nB- i iir. rani ai tl,o l..wf: it I ... I r i .iii ... ai '.ivo.l It i a i.lil.. lila '-tin ui !.,. IMcea all J i-itt Hlluj tu all. Uu at- t.iui. luutt lieapa-Hu'W, S M f.'.VJltt, Keb .'.'Hit. l.lvatt . .1. I'c.ri . o . I'a. V !)M!N"l-TI!iOK'S N(i"n. .;.ll a t ullr-1 i iinlni.irnil m li.a rai.iiei.f' a 11411111 ll..inr. .'. i, in ,.i in a - i,n ,,.i'.. ' lnv. I.t. ii u r,-i,.r. Ii.ii ..n..r .it ,. ill ,,r. i p.. i Km. i iim ili.'111-Mivu li. lat trL .. a . i-i .ia I irll' iiei-i iti'ikw uu. .a I Aia i.tyinQnt ai.lla tlioal Ii iW .if .'l.ii'iia a-4 unat ri a-lla will ' preieul ILrm lur tc.tleiua. i t A 1 1 A M 1-M I TU. Mar. Si.-Mi.,!. A Jailiuiirc..r A DMINISI'H T()!t SX()TI I!. - V I attars of aili'ilnlatrntioa on ho . at -i t -it Wui . Ilerrol l. Ula .11 l nl.in t . C'.uutv, 14, i.-i'. hare l.ren Hra.ia.l l.i t.e uiiilk'r-iaiia.1. All .er na kn iaii.iu l'iiii.lia In. I"ii tail iu siivl a.iiua will i a.aaniaaa lia. lu'Ulma pnvuiaut wliile I bo. a ha. i-l:il'ua .alum aalj ottuta will orcanl tl.eui lur aama euani to TV. T. ffN'MiR't t f. W. HllM7.Ki.Mt V. MarakSi, MI. A.lmln itratira. Auditor'rt N otico In the tnallar of ibe Ei. In Iha fVr tat of Kie leriok Hum- V piinua' Cnurl nicl J.'c'd a inimir Ho. ) of fnycl-r Tbe nn.lernixued Auditor appuiHed by ilia aii.l I1 1 ... .11 .... .. . r a. ...... . ,w 'jiriiiiiiii. i ii a lumia in jtbehanls uf John Vnun; tjuardinn. lo and auionn inu-e iegvf ei.tnlr l lo the foime, will til fur tbt purpos of bis appuiut uicnl. at bia oftija In Iha H Prlinagrdve. Huydur Couuty, l'.t nn Frl d ly Ibe 2il, d iy of M troU a. d. lb0, at l o'clock, a. iu. at wiiloli lime and pluae, all pei soul i inert-tied art reauired In uiakt knu tlieir olaime, er be debarred frotn Dnniuinaiinr in il.- afure-iaid. II. Altr.MAa, March 8. 189. Audltur i-t-,a-k-a ; OLD A.':D RELIABLE, ; SDk. Sakford's Liveb Ixvkiobatoi. 5 a Standard Family Unm-Uy fur fc J jlUiinscs of tlio Llvt r, Hlouutoh ,7 jmd Bowels. Tt is Purtily eA B S egetittiln. It ucvor II X .i JUebiliUtr It is jCutUurtioaud ... vrrs LiMtrt invigorate rur prsotic 1 the -Dublio 'for antira tbitn SA vna with niinveiliintikl h anll. . i'-tmo for circular! M.T.Hf tsarasa w a sitoauwavit e" wai.ii w.iwa nnwai M MW HokiOiiiJ HIHivunt wiu li-iin ifiea-Tfttiav J yruz.'-t a irj U 3 V.a J3 fc'S nva Hjr.-,.ti 1 i-:. KsSM'fl ill J I tl . Sv i o V2p IIHI H KTLi mvmm l S U BL -' "J turn uuiic,s I J J6r for mure tbna 85 ycars, m8 KtdiKif ind Lirer Otn. WafWf's Sifj rmrHy In tb worl 1 to HrtttVn IbUraaaif.. A TaNtbia Drimriaion ami Um enelv m Itteal lirtMry sriUmoniaMsi lb bthawt outer la proof AaT kriattM tHat stmstntau Iho rtjrr of nittVbv'CaMVa Cftll RfWt Krr'i 4ta tMxbNi I nrv, r1itf.VM. ril ir mrmm m BmMt HWaw WARNER'S 8API 0ITTCR9. ItlMi-bl llltMMl PMrtflOT, And tlmtjlnta vrf fsjRfdon lo rnoT" lisHtUttrul aWtluti. au4 tt tbo ft hnflt in ml ril-HAa. it cur mrrTUtnmm nnn uu.er h-bin m and nlhar WaWaarajsm. n1 l M lUUlUOltiaT t'aMIWWi UaW bMtMU. mm r iliiaitilv mmttmmthtn IMialntw, -Wet-v-ral llbtolaV Hyt Ptc, mrm riir. bjr Ha mures Hliifsm H te) uutviulrr1 Maiii fttetlr-iui1 r'uiibr tonlr. Buttiit of two sii-Ht) ; prtrt, ftr. ftiid WARNER'S SAPC NERVINE Qnlrklv civ .) and ftlf to thottifTWrtnt, rurt-a H-alftrfiejt miJ ft-rearstlfitaV nTiit :pll?riln nift, ami mllrv rvoM Pr-tM ItTaalftoM fmuhl fl by tirstva rtn nk, ovaff work, manttai ljo'k. and other rit vwrrfui Mtt la li mop nhi iul soh r1le turijf'l ftf-rw. It ii'Vi-r Injur- lh mjMrn htllr tik'-ti In nmail or lerjr dowa. iKrttl-a wf two atrsMa; firtcM. iWaN and fl WARNER'S 8AFB PILLS Ar an Inimtxhuto a rut rrtlva iiimiiu fbf A aoaanaM, ntitoaa via rrva. Malarta, tW a4 Aipm, ami ahoul'l Ih- llau'tl hfliVTor lh tMmvlsiln nutormt fr-rwlr nnrl riilarljr. ft W lllla tailra sMaa MP ll tW lltSMtjaMjal Ark. rrlrt) Stsv m aai V ntaVaMilV N'tJH-4tsa aw oU tt OrarU4a laaJaea la BalKlsM a rf7 . H.H.WarntrtC fVitpHptara. EOCUUiTEa, K. T, rVfta1 a. lyMea) tjnd tr.l.tt)'-lat. CAUTION. VTOTirF. ia liarat.y (ivas thM iha f.il Xl luwiuK srlivlpa baf bran puri-ha-rd hy iht tiiiiliraiKnaJ,at t un-ttnme snlt.snij left ID Iha pnai.aiun uf AhMlmnt Vtrgar luring bit t.laaaiira. All rcraona are tun tliinad nnt to ni r.l 'I I or interfere with the an me s 2 lloreee. 4 8hot. Itrond Bow, It'egna, Pled, Biore, liuggr llarneae, i lanaet tiarneat ' "to i iuugu, 1.01 tiny and C'otnfo.l-ir. Kifle, Clonk, Talile, luh. 7 Chairs, ( heal, Hiuk, Iliirtait, 2 Beilt With BoJJing. J. V; II. Molts. Msroh II. I.-'M). Anditoi-'H Notice. til re ami'innl ivtutr of Iloiry limn?. rpilK undimigued an litnr appoinied by L Hit Court ol Common Tleae lo iliilrib ute tbe fundi In Iht buii la of Uiorgt B. Ucnfer, A"ignea ol Henry Ilruuae, will meet Ibe paiiira in Inlere-t fur Ibe purpose of bis appointment at iht oflictof T. I. 8miih. rq , in Jidillrbiirg. I'a., on WI.UNli.-MlAV, Al'UILUIst, ltt', at II 'clock A. M. w lieu ii tij wh- re all persona Ii ii v in (r cliiima a-tniiiHl Hit Slid inula are ri-qiie-ird lu prtrrul Ibein or tt debarred fioui couiiug iu nil raid I un.l 1 11 A3. I'. I LRICH. March 'J'-, la"U. Amllior. DMINISTK Vl'OU S NO rit'lv- 1 V l.riti.ri ..r iliijlMl.iratl.in on ti ei-ta of Mli-lia.'l .llnllnr, i'-."a it. lata l A.Iiiik towttli ii. ni., il.ir itity. I l'Imi a., hiiau.ai i. i... M.una ra-lm.iK l-i .ii.l.ll.. .-'ei'k luiviiatih.. -u iil l e"umv (P. it a't.lrea, l. nr m-'.iii) t . hIi.'ii utl .irar.t.a kiiu-i. in . I i.e.i'ae. a. a n.lui.-n.l in -hM -a'.nta era i -t. inli alii.1 In lli,e li.Mlia Halo p.f'llloiit. will' iii.-a iMiti'H i aiir.a are riiusi4 l.i pritaut Hie. ii .lulj aUiUeutioatcJ. i JUKI. M TI F. II, r'.h. 12, I . A.tuilul tr.it. .r. A DMINiSraAHi'S NQflCE Let- a r nf A'l i.lntritl'in n ti. ottHti ot .1 ni n h tuii'f, 1 i t i fan t Vf.i !(. 1 1 y i r t mii v ()' I t.tv tu ht.n srunf f I ft t'.ft lltl'lttr-l.'.'lt'il, tali iJ I kll.ttf.llal liiciuialit tti.f'n,.t to sittltl i"t m ti ki o ri'-iun-l-r t it iniik hniiiL'li;a(tt k.itymttnt. mil tini l-w hf i ' ii iih will i.'iroiiiu lutj u iluty ttuiaitjfill (. ui.tJK V t!l! It. . .Ma.I&U l-i tl.VK. Keb. 12. tA ilitl-irtM. Cuj'cul T'iiinloM.-sly TI.ei Mr l.tu- j.1,11 l-.r a .n ill iiiriitn ahova t'tia coat .l e.Miiji uuli'it- -itP iae-: tri.ala.1 t.f l ilal i r -tj l-.ii . f it I ill iriL-4l.r. .! ..roa il. a litai'ttver-r 1'H.S. B. rt'M.IN. or Viia. H II I'.ni iNa, Li I'oria, lu.l. k vu r,'.o tm. CAUTION. N'OTIOK l hereby fiiu I but iht f.d ln-aing ai-t inlr havt been purobiia i t.y ih tiiLl-'fuiirne I at Mierilf Sale, aud Mf in poasHMMiiiii of Mra.J, V. Moyer itiir. n tbir pleiaurt nil o rnni ate oau'ioti ed ticl to ti. ert He or in'en'i're with n.e auine, KanniiiK Mill, 0 btiaii. li II ye, tl AiTea of lit at iu lite nr... nd, 8 Aorva uf Ityr in Ibe uruuul. Ilrilrr, lilnuer Ui-ll, Lag Cbalu, lut of Poliin.'. lot Straw. J. V. H. MitVr.lt, 1) A M K L fl.-1-t. JUHN M. MUVeit. Mnr. I'. IW... Ayer's IlairVigor., FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a most agrer able dressing, which Is at once harm kit and effectual, fur preserving the lialr. It reitores, with the gluts and frethnett of youth, faded Of gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. Oy Its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks fulling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth la all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to braihy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, It imparts vitality aud strength, and reuders It pliable. Tlie Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents tlie formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most ii not all of tbs humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping It cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are Impossible, As a Dressing for Ladies' Flair, The Vioob Is Incomparable. It It color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It Imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article (or the toilet It Is economi es! and unsurpassed in Its excellence. . t : .. ruKaJUD BV j , Dr.J.C.ATEH&CO..Lfifill.to. rnaetiaatl mm Aaaliriieal Cfaaealata. J m mw m. taoevwieT as S. WEIS, Soiinsarovp. FALL & HOWTEK a o X1LEIU VLHIUlalJaJlUy fiflO, 6 vwM W rav AM QNAAAMV W B.4KCMIN9 IN D.VRQAIX3 IN Brass aQds EtadiG Underwear CMldrenf Uaclerwear GeruiaatQvva Waal. Zephyrs. StaeM&s Tara Black GasliimerCe 17 T r. ni. nil DTnlTv BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN BARGAINS IN wtvrvift, V5.a v; t CORSETS & KID GLOVES u Hici'inlty. In ftce of an advancing mnikot nnr piicos kpp down lo Ibe lowest notch and are worthy of thealtt-ntiuu of evi-ry eouiiouiicul buyer. All ordcra by mail will be promptly attended lo. (Vt. 10. 73. Great Reduction in F H.T jffi N I I would tnko till-) ppoitiinity of on noimcio to the public, tlmt I still roiitinuu in tlie l'liinituio ISiiHibess and t'nut my stock is full uu 1 com pMe, aud that 1 JiuHMii.v Cuh Su'In tHCtOiuid L'pwanl. 'iill nnd roiDpnre ray goods with IIiohc of otlipr ilfnlcrs lu for para fLnsimj. Look for tLe liib' tjiju. ofpoaite Noctling a School Cuilding.' Itfjsptflliillv. T , ,n - . I -l'-. VI IlKFJaHn, July 10, (O.ff. titilinsKiove, I'a. , TMCBtST SOLO BY iU' aV1! VCtrwnc f,j 'UlaiJJw ii flU"' run riHTicuLAtis - . - . . " i Niiunra VhiteSewiuo Machine Co. --nrw-Brmwmwamnimmwmmimmmi m wwaWaisMajiM MHHMaanRHnirar. IltCK acui: IS ATO(T.(l lli:U nv BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS. IT IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS. Ot'er 200'J Druggist hm signed a payer stating that they ate in ev erg way Superior to the ordinary sloteaoting J'orou Flaattrs SHAHl'Ilv fc JOIIMgOM, PnainieMUIKal t herniate, R. loik. Price SS MO. hp..- ii ai JOHITBTOH- UTJS,B'Ija3ia OO., OTWltWl, IOWA, CATARRH aarw Uaaliaanu ara w. in tttia uaUa-a. It arretted whd a iuta ta eu-a.a a. li mil nptdly daratoB hil l lilU coiiumi)ll..n. I ha air-it ltiuroiin, BuS ceuhil and ulaaaanl inalintM a) In. M. W. CASE'S VufaUl kiiaadi CAR30LATE OP AaiMAI A aire sad Adnca Iraa. a. sa. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Iatturt of aSaslnlatretlea on the estate er Samuel M. Tr.ua! 1, deeeaied, late ! AdamaTnwBahlp, Haider aountjr, Pena'a.. havlns b"a arantad to Iht sailaralvned, all peraont kaewtaa Iheaiaalres laOeliud tt said estate are raUalad te aiake Imoiedlete paf .eat, while theee darlaaelalat will ireut tktat auis BHiaaaiiaatea ter eattietriat'i ta HOW A Bfl . f OII.L, , JaSkl a. WAi.arH. Oat. lilITt, esiiBltrviraa a a'.UaS. i!,t. ff W J MsT W AA W AA llespcc-tfnlly, TT IU . . - . . .V- J il!irg all my good ettlioVKl.y LOW. fuct clienpor than full.wiur pricfa : fff SIMM -"Jwi " - " AUDRlt; n U J I '- . . Cleveland, ohio. ins jonxsToir eutlzs IS TMI BCST ANO MOST POPULAR 8EWIHIJ st AOHIHB ATTACHKEIT Erar intautad. Price 12.00 tus jomrsTON tucssb, kTe Bawint Machine AUaehmeal except (ba bufllcr it tt aiurh Bae aa Hit Tucker. Price ii.ua, TMt JOHNSTON CORDIS) Price II. 00. Ttia-at 8 are Iba raallf Eractleal atlachBMDU that ewaryo n.1. wanta ana ha uIk. Mb wants, and no aawlof aa. chine Is eoupleu wllhaut ihaas. nai-hlna aMsntai. Wm aalll Ainil. ob7 saw -in oj an aawioi Iliwr of than aU th pric avmL AgoU writ for llluttrtdcima utaT M-a w nw-ttesj-i rnot Llil 19. L" RlPWf ' be M,ue erto of is J'-'T-i '"-T 'vy-Uii''"-''; A rSB$til3 ,"",t', yw,,e,c in la Terrible rtlaeaa. lu faarfil aftWta ara comrptlna ninal.if Ouw.i tha Uimal, weak eyaa. daaliMM, luaa ml low cTiji .11, ai.iiliiil ixlun, aaal dalanuitiaa, aud Sn.ll . W. .m fTri .a lut It ia aver aaaiaaalvai vmi a m-i a-iuttajiiotor talwtayaj HT w. 1 saa, ra ana sa a wi., ara 1. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. , ALL persona interested ara bere br aotltad tkallaaas Haer et f raaklla Tuwti.hlp, enrJar Oo., aia.'e aa atiliinneat ml all hie .Seats, rwal a ad peraoael tha a a detalaaad lur the haaa Bt al hla rtiii.-ra. All natrsnas kavlaa elaleaa are raaiua.lnl ii-riraaaat . beta to tin aailtrslKBed. uil faw r. ladekttd ejiu i.ieaae aialt luntt.mta rnn . -. jMifiiVTs, -. iKwiasts. niya m yfpji.i, -sy-iaiiJ,i.;yi .. BsMTasataaMsJalC.