.iC&V O i coiiigi. out yMf, 90.00 One-half, column, one year, M.00 Oie-fourth. coliimi.owe mm, 15.00 O le mtre ( I ) lineal 1 iMartioa Ti fSvery additional ImMrtio, . M Ti-rtfe-eaionat iai Ruatneea eaxds of notttsors thaw 8 Has, pw fmt, IM Arkiitnr. E-atmfcw. AdMiartetrwAor end Assignee Hoeicee, 1.80 , XULtorWkl .otiose tin. IS II trewscieat advertising lees then sao-iOis 10 cent e line. All advwtiowmcnU for e ahorter pe l4od than on year art payable at the lima the ere ordered, and it not paid Dm pereoa. ordering Uim will u held; rvapoentoie iov uie iwohbt. I o o try. Crvw Ut BMk TIM Tall. -If e, aa Mr. Derwta says Frew weekeye are wsooeawed, 014 Tlwe la ehaegleg telega, sale aot At get ibe waller weeded. Peaeeaseets ef ear saeeeters eve M Mh lleaee M they Was ass a rest ef eta, at Us Of geveraaeet te pay. Ita teller bUU mm la Deas Velars Clothing gee Ass freaks f feebiea 414 att aiaka Of weekey (trie a rim, a the eMea way'e ika aeppleel way Tka aw swaddles fall Ak4 Derwta, If yea sea, y key, Jim! give ai bak Ika lail. He karrylag al ef ees k4 Ik, Ma bolting bewslfes 1 Sewa Te kaat walk is shop la ftar Of atata ai4 beeeee frewa. Tka 14 weekey eat eat aa Till say tka eight 414 rae. la weltlag for the loJga ta Uta Aa4 la bar hasbsaJ aat. They ka4 aa vetee, Hie tree, sal they'4 Ma efleer ia keep. Ass e'er 4afaatiar'a sash aeoesat They Wave ka4 la eep. a Ika al4aa way' tka happiest way Tka new eeadltlea fells Aa4 Derate, If yoa aaa, say hay, Just glra aa bask the Ulle. They k4 aa faanloe preweaede, . Where seaai'e feet saull Krt; Bat tkta tka el I ka swnkty k4 Ma wlUiaerte pay. Tkay k4 aa ariae, Ika aiakyl yaaar, Tkraagk eight la keep a eteratag ; - Tkay savag thereby (yM hsew yewreelf) A fcesdeehe la ika aeraieg, A peeeafel raaa Ibty vara, wka ea'ar T war'a appaal 0i4 ly They saved ikaraby eceaeius far Ajolal ctaaissioa high. A tmirtcr ra war tkay than lb at Waick from ika e kt UoiiiJvJ, Aai Tina, by akaagiag ihinga, halb aet A fti tka BMtier eaJJ ; Tor lb oldaa way'a tka kappiaal way Tka aa7 eoaJiiioa fall "a Oirwla. If ya ata. af, Maaa f l a fc3k (ha tail. H e 1 o o t T n 1 A Haunted Ship. Tbree yeara aj( I abippeJ oo Ixiard the Ni'er, OapUia ftiilip. Uur voyage aa to U;Ij, Sin J tiob laiand auJ bck Ui 'aei Snaua. wboaoo wo tailed. Im otpUiu. offioen and orw wore, wben I joiu d, Atntrioiua au j vVeat IoJiamen i bat, M auother baud waa wauled bo oiiea uiyaulf, I praualud Jack Guoa tur, au Kuliabiuaa wilii aUoin f bad become (nawUy, to fill uptbe riw.tu tj. Jack wan a tioe lookiurf fuilow. A joviul oiupaniou, tod hd I W of iufuroxatiua wuicb be kuaw bow to nso t but, although he dreaaod aud talked like a Bailor, bo bad uot beu long oo board abip botoie it becato plaio that bo bad uot bvea broubt Bp a aalt Oar e iptaia wag Tartar and uu niaUke, and bo bad the eye of a hAwk, oo faalt oommitled by man or boy eaoaped bin. Tbia waa eapa uUIy frtuoato for toy Bagtiab hipouU. lie ebipped oo able aoa BMn'a wagea, bat hie defioioaoiea ware ao many and Klariog toat oar capUia, who oMiood to watch bia moremeoU wore oaref ally tbaa thoao of tbe rest of the erew, ofen infliotod apon hita paoiahmoata painfalto entoeeg. bad a etroog atttaohuMnt to Cheater, aad gtood hi friaod whaosrar I eoald, by taking aoae of ia dauat aloag with ay own i bat I waa not alwtya at band to help bin, go be fall of toner tbaa othere boaeatb too oaptaia'a duploMor. Oae night whea I waa at too wheel the wind roee into a gala, The eap tain oame on dock and aet all hand to roef Ibe topaaila. Tbe men were manning tbe balyordg to boiat away, wboa poor Cheater, iaetaavi of let ting go tho reef tackle, let go the woaUiar foro-topoail brace, and away root the yard fore and aft, . By laf fin no anartlv. however, we aaao god togetcneokod without earry log anytuing away. Bat - Oapteia rbilipe, frothing at tho month aworo be would tan the fooliah labbor's bid who bad done ao olanwy a thing. Baying which, he roabed at Cheater ' with a piece of ratline, which bo brought down npo bla nook and aboaidora, giving them a feartal eat Be wee la the act of raining it again, whea foioa frota aloft roared oat,1 "Hold yxmr hood I" The veieo wag wondarfully load ad clear, goemingly coming from too itaintop. Tho eapUin fell bock, and looking np, ertad ia grooi rage, -Alofi there 1" "Halloa r waa the anawor back. "Come down on deck,' waa the captain's imperiooa order. MCom bore, and see how yon jrCl like it, wgg tho goatamptaoag reepooM. "Coma down, I lay, odeck!r roamed tho oapUlo. MComo p oad fetch gsa," rotarn J tha voice from nloft , i "Who is oo tbern. Mr. Reason " rjoflthgeaptola. appealing to too -Noooc'sir.-fcraeltMnea. Ail awtlsck." Tt: crtcU'a ret imni brrie feif 0 VOL. 17. "AH geem present, Mr. Ressom What do yoa nana bv that, sir t" oak yoa again, who is up there V "Ho one known to me. returned tho man. "All or present All are on dock, la sight" Saoh was the caae, Bat the tec ond mate, without awaiting orders, sprang op the rigging and looked over too toprim, tbea mads the cir cuit of it looking all around the msatbead. tbea reported himself alone. "Tbea tbe ship mustbebsunted I cried tho ohief mate. The captain thereupon dropped tbe rope's ond wbiob he bad bald in his hand, and went below. It was evident that be waa strangely affect ed by what bad otenrred. And so my fellow countryman escaped fur tber punishment that night Bat tn a few days our skipper bad forgottoa his fears, and, looking oat lor anower oojeci on wnton to vent his spleen, I had tho ill-fortaus to feal bis writh. He ordered me to make a knot in tbe oad of an old fagged rope to be need for a tubing In a little while I returned, saytog that I bad made the best job I could of a rope that was qaite fagjrad out Weil," said he, "if that's yoar best Too are as much ef a lubber aa your friend Chester. Uat I'll dock yoa both to ordinary seaman's ws I tried to show aim that lbs rops was too much worn to make a nest piece of work of it "Indeed, I said, "it is sadly nag' ed.'' "Fagged, ie it f" cried be. scornfully i "then I'll finish it over your lubberly back." No, you won 1 1 roared out a voice from behind tbe long boat I be captain ruahed in the direc tion of tbe sound, but be failed to disc.iver tbe speaker. Who waa that f be cried, in a storm of wrath, adding, "Let me know who it ia, and l it tbraah bin within an ioch of bis life.'' "Will you t Hal ha I ha 1" waa tbemockiug reply.droppiuj Booming ly from the maiutop. It was broaJ daylight when thin took place, so every one could sue that there was no one np there. I was as inncb startled aud mys tified by tbe occurrence aa was tbe eaptaio t but neitbur be nor I, nor any of the crew to whom be appeal el, could tbruw lijflit tiioreon. l)ut whoever or whatever uttered Ibe word, my pttrp.iae was served, aa aa CiieaUr'a on a previous oec ion, Tbe irate eaptaiu want below, ailed more with fear tnau rae, throwing behind him, as hi atctpp j 1 upon tbe cabin ladder, the rope'a end wbiob bad so taxed him. rJailore ia gnnersl are sipnrati' tiooa boinM. Whatever cannot bd eaaily made ont or aooounted for on oatonu pnnciplea, it Id I to the ao- count of tbesupernatuial. Our cap tain waa no bolter tu this renpect than bis erew, for be was aa illiterate aa they, exoept in tbe m itter of nav igation, and as rough and untutored- lle evidently bulived taut bis ship was baunVed, and that a apirit frwin tbe raat deep had a mind to toruoont bin by its in tenure noes. Uis fears were increased not miuy days after. Ou retiring to rest t tbe e id of bit evening a watcn, uia slumbers were disturbed by a loud gad 'earful cry. which seemed to enter tbs cabin by the sidelight which was left open foe ventilation. The cry was heard by tbe second officer, who was oo the quarter deck, and by Chester, who was at tho wheel, neither of whom would throw light npon tbe incident to the enptain, who had rushed on to tbe deck in a state of terror, and demanded in vain for the production of the offender. From tnat uay it wag cisar to an that Captain Philips was tormented by opproheosiona of coming disss tor. A.a idea was fixed in his mind that big gbip was visited by a spirit from the invisible world, which pre ferred to make Itself hoard rather tbaa seen. And this idea was strengthened by tho fact that when ha was oa deck and became angry at the oondact of any of the men. es pecially whoa his anger was made manifest ia oaths and blows, the un seen bat aver-vigilant visitor from afar, would perched apparently oo the ton of tbe mainmast Hitter tno iaeoleot Inagh or tha soloroas warn ing. Oa these oooarions tha poor man would rash off to big cabin with blanohed ohoek and tottering limb, and there abide autil tbs gale in bis moral asasibilitiss should subside I That it as asgry with ao oas else bat ihs esptsia was slsar, from the fact that it aever took notion of ika soadaot of any other person. Tbs mots or boatswain might act as they Ukad. or ths msa might Jibe and sail each other bard names ; ao matter lbs volos wsg not board neither laugh nor moan foil upon our sars. But most sf thos who livsd io tbs forseaailg were Tar from being happy; meoy of them aharad the fears of tbs akipper and I saw that tbsy would much ra'har have braved bis wroth than ts be tormsated a tbsy were by tbs "voioe of the night" or ths "day." Myself aad Chaster wore sissptions. What bis opinion wsa, bs would aot say hs mat all my qecetioaa bv adroit evasions. At for myoslf, t bad ao oxpUsstioa to give. Tbaa matters vast oa aotil ws wars Wltbia tws deya' gall of ths ifr kads. Ail ths wkOo oar poor sap Uoa bod basa kept (rem traaay by big tsars f tag vwUs bat aow, ox MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, ttobip on the ptrtof Choster, sa l be- ing ths won- for lias r. hs hurl ed s belaying pin at him, which track hint on ths bes t. Clapping both hands thereon, with a yell bs ruhed into tke foreeenle. It was svideot the skipper etpeo ed to hoar the voice, for be look I n-rv raeiy aloft bat wbeu ai was silent in that direetioe, bla courage returned, ami hs desired the aec nd effijar to call Chaaier back to tbe deck. Oattlog do answer ts hU call, tbs mate want below, whea he found the p mt follow dclirioos. Katarning to lb deck, h reporlsd hla to be io a dangereu eondilian. This filled the captain with bar. He ordered thai every attention Khould bv pail bin, which w done. That nliht it becams neoesaury t have all handt on deck to roof, and while we were on the yarJs an awful cry, liks that of a msniao, arose from the btiosof ths vessel, and tbe next moment suvsral of a aw a human form oa rail nvar tha foreewifier. and than a loud solaah waa beard in lbs wjier under oar lee. Tbe captain and chief officers, who wore ea dock rashed to tbe sids. A bat was seen for a mom ent bobbing on tbe crest of a wsvs i the msoiacitl scream was repeated. wben Captain I'billips, himself ot tering a cry, fell sensntese oo tbe deck. Tbe mate then called us wbo wsrs on the topsail yard i "Cons down from aloft I Clear away tbe small boats! We thought be was as noar bs side biraaulf as waa the enptain aud so no wsa for tbs moment, for wben we bad gained tbs dock.be was ready to countermand tbe order. Everything was awful beyond xnresaion t the wind aud tho water were raging wild t it waa iuipnaaible lor a snail boat to live in so rough s sea, ao making a virtue or necessity the search for ths poor maddened fol low waa abandoned, amid vows of vengesnce agaiust the captain aud teero for oor loot measmate. Foit.r-ciht boars aft or thin we entered the port of Hilo. A vnel change bad cono ovor the crew. the cauUin, knowing their poculmri ties, bad supplied thorn with monoy and copious libtitious of wbiakey so inatN4d of reporting bin to tbe e iu sul, as they doclared thoy wohIiL they were ready to shout him praiaua all day loug. Iu this, boworur, I Jiil not atrreo i b'lt unable to brinir the tyraut to justice aingle-baudod, I reaolved to quit the Nigur. J dil aa After bidiag iu tb w.wJa soveral days, I was caught and brought buck to the ship Ah my sdvdntnres aa a figitivo arn oot eswiitid to lbs onfolJing of my story, I pass then by, snd ttko np tbe Ibreii I of uy n trrti. We set sail on our return voysgo CapUio I'billips was an uttered uiuii lie ubatainod from spirits : ho con trolled bis temp.ir, and this, with the adilition of a fine stnady breoz.i. made our lives on board bsppy. But ol is I we were doomed to a a id end ing np of tbe voyage. Keeping too noar tbe land, and a squall laying hold oo the ship, we were driveu on a loe shore, it w:is lust after midnight whon we strjek, and t ie darkness wis toniblo i and leaping out of my b mmoek, I ran oo dock. I could soo nothing sivetbo will wsters racing ovor tho deck. I cried out to my sbip-matea, but got no answer. It waa not possible to reach ths after-part of the veasel where tbs life belts wsrs kspt tto acting on the impulse of ths moment I leaped into ths sea. Catching bold of a friendly rock, I was saved. Daylight oamo after a weary waiting The first thing I saw was the dead body of poor Captain Phillips and not far from it that of our Cbiness cook. The rest were saved. Ws made oor way to Portland, wbere wo wars paid off. Thsooe I proceeded to 8u Franotsoo. I had often asked myself whence came those strange voices and fearful words which had so alarmed our captain and put moat of the crew io terror, and bad ao opportunely on ong occasion savea me irou us vengeance of tho captain. Bat it was beyond my power to answer ths inquiry t neither eoald the mate nor any of tbs survivors inrow ugut thereupon- Und ws known what ventriloquism was, we might have therein a solution of tha mystery t but I bad never heard an adept in tbs art, neither bad an v of my ship mate otherwise 1 judge such fact would bars boon mentioned, and tha voiosg accounted for oa that ground. Poor Chester, whon with as. oar most intelligent saipmate. seemed to bo as maoa io tbs dark as tha rest of oa,altboagh ha wag not in ths least pat oat of tha way by ths occurrences- rJtroiang along ins streets of Ban Fraoeisoo one night about a yer after tha wrack, ready for anything In tbe way oi amuse- meat that might turn up, my ays caught g large poster which announ ced tbs wonderful doings of Pro fessor Meredith, the no rivalled and world -renowned ventri loquist. ' This, thought I. obeli be tbe source of my aveaing s enjoyment Taming my face la the direction of the "Hell of Science aad Emporium of Amusements," I was soon seated in a snair corner of tbe body of the building, oad woe aot long la being carried away by tbe wonderful eev- iags of tbe Professor. Atiaet be tola as be would hold aa Imaginary eon versatioa vita a F"oa "P cbiaoey. , Ug did as. When, in ST X) JTo. tbe midat of a dialogue, the person uptbe flue gavsa derisivs "Uah, bab, bah l' I was startled, I sprang from my seat "Surely," said J, half aloud "those are tbe voice and tone and words wbiob more then ones came from tbe maintop of tbs Niger.'' And while I waa staring at tbe Pro feasor with eyes ready to leap out of their sockets, bs oams to tbs front of lbs stags to perform bis part. Then, in spite of bin flowing beard and other decorations, I saw in Profostor Meredith tbs identical Jack Chaaier who, over twelve months bufore, was believed to have leaped, in a fit of madness, into tbe sea and drowned. "Chester I" 1 cried out iu my ex citement. "Sit down r cried one 'Tut him ont 1" said some other. Iu tbs meantime I had come to myself aod resumed my seat but not bofors I bad got from tbs Professor a sigu of recognition. wuen tue performance was over, my old sb.puiate (for it wss be K&nVnn-jl ma ft hint n.t I I I . beckoned me to him, aod taking me to bis private room, ho graapod my hand in all tbe fervsuoy of aidant friendship. "S.t down, Heury, my boy,'' he said, "sod you shsll bsve a solution of the mystery whioh baugs over roe sud tbe past' "How csme you to be saved from a watery grave on that awful night wboa yoa plunged into tbe raging sea J" I impatiently asked. "I did not iusp overboard." re- plied Ontjr,li j.f i.ar i noituor wti I any leas sans thsn I am st this moiuont. Tbe entire sffuir wss a trick of my own iuveution to freigh ten thj captain aud then got away from bia clutches. My luaduoss was a sham, and tbe man over board was simply a bundle of old togs, topped by my old bat which I bad juat put together. The moment I pitched them over tbe rail I slipped down into the fore-poak, whre I Uy bid uutil the oigbt aftur tho aliip eiilored tho port, when I stole out and wsnt ou shore, I bad tak en care to hy up junk, and I mm gud to avoid doiootiou until the Niger sailed. Tbs crius wbiob you heard from tbe maintop, from be hind the loug-uoat, snd in tbs Cabin, i DfKxi not now explain No. ' said 1 1 "all is raadj clearMlie n nlj ri,,)t j Mornin-j of the res by tiio doiugs of this night "Ki'ictly s ," and be. And tbon ho continued : "I hud performed .is a veutriloquist in iuot birge cit ies a:) 1 towns iu K U'.n) befuio y.vl knew iim t b'lt, booming somutvliat rontluHH iu my babils und haviui; si t in lured all ray c vrnius. in n lit ( ruHtlossuoss I took to the eel, and, iu tiio capacity of a 8.11I01'. found mv wiyto lMet h ma I lint I In I not in mo the stulfof which sailor are made 1 so, after my adventures on board tho Nignr, I went buck to ny old prorossiou, ia wuiou I bivs lone well. My wild oats are all sown, I bopo, and having learnod wisdom by bitter experience. I shall alick to that Hue of life for which I have capacity a better thing than splicing old ropes or taking ia topsail roofs oa a blowiug night.' "I should thiuk so.r I said. "But you nearly killed the captain wuu fright whilst yoa caused us many a heartache at your supposed loss. ' "For the latter I am sorry,' re turned Chester. "But I cannot say that pitied ths eaptaiu. is cru elty to me was terrible, and be would possibly bsve ended by kill ing me, but for my fortunate gift of ventriloquism. 'AU s well that ends well. " "True," I returned. "And I re- joioe that you ere olive to say so. sou kept your secret famously, for neither Captain Phillips nor any of bis erew ever suspected that inca pable Jack Chester was the ghost that haunted tbe Niger. Hiiterical Facta. Cards were invented io France in IS 00. France abolished the slave trade ao far as in her power, Io IHlt. Windmils were first known i France, Sysia and Germany in 1293. . Cruoifixioo. os a criminal punish ment was very oommoa four or five hundred years B. 0, Tbe first building of the Egyptian pyramids is supposed to have been about 1500 years before Christ Bxoess in dress wag restrained by law in England under Edward IV, 15C5, oad again io tbe reign of Elia abetb in 1574. No wiue wsg produced io Froooe in the time of the Roman occupancy Tbe art of making wine woe produc ed from ndia. Alabama woe originally a portion of Georgia. It awa admitted into tbe Union ia 1820, with a population of 128,000. Sir John Cbardin, Io his "Travels ia Persia," soys that the peroians smoked tobacco long before the dis covery of America, The Hsbesg Corpus the people's writ of right passed for the security of individual right was mads a low May 29th, 1879. Wheat suttdsnt for the food of one hudred mea for oa day, worth bat o&e ehilliag in the yoar 1130, and a aheep coot lourpeaoe. PA., APRIL 1, 'Rah (or tht United States. !..i The civil war has not yet ont natnotisn. from tbe American heart It may lie slumbering snd unsoen nron our own shores, but when ws strike abroad the fitful park ia breatbod into fiery cxiHlcncn that frightens as It stiinos. A typical wild aegis of this sort wss recently met with. Among a party of youug American tourUtaon tbe Cootinet was one who would have provod chief saobem to tbe doubting Thomases of tbe Innocents Abroad, lie wa o so tborongbly patriotic that he could see oo excelleuce in any tbing in the Old World as compared with bia own country. Mountains, waterfalls, cbnrcbe. monuments, scenery, aud all other objects of in terost, wers inferior to what tbe United States could show. Ilis com panions became somewhat tired of his overweening boastfulneaa. and dotormined to give him one startling novelty st any rsto, and witness tbe full of bis boaatiug greatness. Tbey apeQt ltuli wintor iQ M(j 0UB 1 .... . . .. oigbt one driuking bout, tbey got tho eutbosiaslic young Yankee und er tbe table, but kept aobor them solvoe. He got gloriounly drunk, in toxication kissed his eyelids down in sleep, and tbey carefully carried biru into the oatooombs, laid bim oarefully down, with a csndlo within reach, and retired a abort distoncs out of sight to wait for develop moots. After a while tboir frioud roused np, having slept off the first drunkon stnpor, end in a state of some sstonishtneut bogan endeavor ing to locate bimsolf, at tbe same time muttering t "Wall (bia !) tbis'e little strange, Wonner (bio !) where I am. anyway V Ho got out a match lighted bis candle, and began to atudy Lis surroundings. On encb side were shelves piled with grinn ing skulls, and niches filled with skelotona, while all sbout were pilod legs, arms, ribs, and vertebrae a ghastly array, and altogether new to bin. Ho nodded to tho fltulla on one nido with a drunken "How do do (bio !)" and on tho other with "o dye fool (hie!) anyway f took a look at bis watch aud once mors at bis surroundings, got oo bis fote, took off bis bat snd bold inir it above bia head, ahriokod (gleefully and prou Uy . 3' all right I urreotiou (bio 1) First man ou the ground 1 lUh for the United Htates I Alers sheadl IttU for mo spe ciully J'' Deportment. Koi'P your nails pared, and keep pined yourself. Single blossedoeus , is no empty mockery Too out, not iu. Especially if yon are au employer, you would better turn out your feet than your bunds Keep you face cleanly shaved, and atop there. Don't shave your cus tomers. Peu't tulk with your mouth filled with food. And there is no call for your talking much uudor normal conditons. Kocp your clothing well brushed. If you have no brush, tell your wife how you long for your mother's cookery, ond you will bsve one in- stouttr. See that your collar button is secure before you leave borne in tbe moroiog. Else you will fiod your cboler rising before nignt When talking, don't keep fumb ling your face os though you were fingering a musical instrument Don't walk tbo streets with your cane or umbrella, thrust under your srm ot right angles with your body. Tbe polioemau in my take you for a gross and take you up. Don't interrupt o person in his talk. Tbe natural limit of Oman's life is threescore years and ten, ond be can't go on forever. Never put your knife la your mouth. Tbe mouth is a very poor place to keep o knife in. Apt to make it rusty. Don't tuck your napkin under your shirt collar. The waiter may thiuk yoa would steal it. Nsver say "I won't" f H be your wont to feel that way. Mark this, Boy. Did yoa ever know a roan grew rich by fraud, continue oessful throng life, ond leave a tune at death f This anestion wag put to a who gen- tleman wbo bod been in business forty years. After reflecting a while be replied i "Not one. I have seen many meu become rich aa if by mogio and wit golden opinions, whea some little thing led to gn exposure of tbeir frsud, oad they hove fallen into dis grace and ruin. Arson, perjury, marder and anloide ore common with those who mske baste to be rich regardless of tbe means." Boys, etiok a pin here. Yoa will soon be men, ond begin to oot with those who moke money. Write this good man's testimony ia your mind, end with it put this word of God i "He tbot bostenetb to be rich both on evil eye, and eonaid eretbnot toot poverty shall ooroe oppablm." LAI loose woras lewa ju to r- lolve to xaake hosts slowly, whea yoagolntobaslDoss, in the atottsr oIraiUflBonsy. 1880. NO. 40 I Odd Tiiocohtk. Calumny oon starve and die of itself would if no body took it in and gave it lodging. Our distinctions do not lie in tbe ptsees oliicb we occupy, but in the grace and dignitv with which we fill them. Monday is ths golden glaap that binds the volume of tbe week. Not being untutored in snfToring, I learn to pity those in affliction. No place, no company, no ago, no person is from temptation free. 1et no man boast that be was never tempted let bim not be high min ded, but fear, for be may be snr prised in that very inatsnt wherein be bosstoth that be was never tempt ed at all. We all dread a bodily psraljsia. snd would nutko nao of every con trivance to avoid it, but none of us are troubled about a paralysis of tho soul, Doraan natnro is so constituted that if it has an ache or pain whicb ceases on oocaaion it must needs do something to find ou' weather it is still there. Ten minutes after a raging toothache has stopped you always try an experiment in order to aeo wotber the ache has takon its final depurturo. We are like tbe Russian pennant wbo said, "Doctor, wbenovor shake my bead I have a terrible shooting in my brain." "Why in tbo world, then,'' repliod the nhraician. "do vou Blinks vonr , -,, . hoad f" Tbe peasant thought a moment ftud then answered t "Why, loctor, J bsve to shake my head to soe whether the psiu is still there." I ho hardest thing to do is to "let well enough aloue. " A Fbarmui. W arnimo. Onco upou a time "not very long ngo o certain man got road at the editor and stop pod bis paper. The next week be sold bis corn ot four cents below the market price i then bis property was sold for taxes bocause be didn 't read the sheriff's sales t ho was arrested and fined $H for going bunting on Sunday, simply bocause be didn't know it was Monday, ond he paid 300 for a lot of forged notes that bad been advertised two weeks and the public cautioned not to negoti ate tlioin. He then paid a big Irishman, with a foot like o forge hammer, to kick him all the way to tho newspaper oflioo, whore be paid four years' subscription in advance, and made the editor sign ou agree ment to knock bim down aud - rob bim if ho ever ordered bia paper stop ped again. Such is life without o newspaper. t'x. I envy no quality of the mind or intellect in others nat genins, pow er, wit, or fauey i but if I could choose what would be mont delight ful, and I believe most useful to me, I should prefer o firm roligious be lief to every other blessing ; for it makes life a discipline of goodness, creates now hopes wben all earthly hopes vanish, and throws ovor the decay, the dostruntioa of existence tho most gorgoous of all lights ; awakens life oven in doath, and from corruption snd decay calls up boati ty and divinity i makes an instru ment of torture snd of shame the ladder of ascent to paradise ; ond, far above all combinations of earthly hopes, calls np the most delightful visions of palms and amaranths, tbe gardens of the blest tbe security of everlasting joys. S Bmiijihrey Davy, The yonng moa were rbums and intimate friends in colloge. One became o Baptist mioister, and the other an Episcopalian. Tbey did not meet again for years. Wben tbey did, it was in tbe pulpit of tbe Haptist, wben tbe Episcopalaio preached, to tbe groat satisfaction of tbe congregation. Sermon over, tbe two divines ducked their beads behind tbe breastwork of the proach insr desk ond held tbe following colloquy 1 "Fine sermon, Tom, ronob obliged. Sorry I can t repay your kindnesa for preaohing, by asking you to stay to onr communion. Can't though, you know, because yoa wers uever baptised " Ob don't conoern your self about that, Jim I oouldo't receive the communion at your bands, as yoo have never been ordained,' Between male ond female, says a modern writer, tbore is 0 difference of kind only not degree. Man is strong, woman is beautiful 1 man ia daring and confident, woman is diffident and unassuming 1 men is greet in action, woman in suffering j man shines abroad, woman at home 1 man talka to convince, woman to persuade 1 man baa 0 rugged heart, 0 woman 0 ooft ond tender one 1 man prevents misery, woman re lieves it t man has science, woman taste 1 man baa judgment, woman sensibility J man is a being of jus tice, woman an angel of mercy. Sportsmen never object to bang ing bore. Tbe dentist, like tbe beymeker, eoree 0 greet many acbres. Old ocean indulgee iu storms merely for wreck creation. Tbe mule olwsys foot biudmoat puts bia best THIS POHT. ;;. t Published every Thursday Evening .' JSBIMIAH CSOUM, Prop'f : Terras of Rubsenption, ' TWO DOLLAR PKR ANXlM. Pay able vtthln six months, or ICfiOifriot paid within the year- No peper dis continued until all arresraKPs are paid unless at ths option of the pub lisher. 8uleTiptlon mil-lde of the county PAVAHLK IN ADVANCI. Kay-Persons lifting and using papers adlreed 'jn nth-rs heroine iiirrilers and are liable forthe price oftbepnper . 1 . 1 . . L ... J J "OH! MYi c ttUNTft R.RMK- I)V. Tbe Oas.r KlUBSV ABIt II SB M-ilieine, enr-i paia la Ibe or all IU- KM- eye, I.Wer, Vlaild-r snd I'rlnary Or tana. Drnpiy, Ora-al, Uianstaa, llrl-hl' Uln-atf of lb- Kirin-ye, R-trolInn or Io tnnlinnra of I'nn-, ft-riua IHa----, FidI W-aknii), anl r'.0Mi"t lll'NT'g IIBMKUV i-pr-paired EXTRKSfLV for base Uinaaara. From R-v K 0. Taylor, D. D., Pastor Firal lUpilai Chnrek. Panvinaai-s, H. I., Jan. R. 'TV. I eaa trtufjr In (ha virln of HUNT'S ItKMKUY ia Kiiln-y lirtii from aoiual irlal, ha-lna bftB rnly b-n-Su. hy ll. um. E. 0. TAVI.OB. rnnrinvaoi-. II. I , Ati(. I. 1B7H. Wm, P.. CLAKKK !' His ; llavior wlin-ii-ril tha wnnil-rliil allaflls cl HUNT'S REMKOV in my own eaaa. and la a grral nnmhrr of oib-r. I raoomman l it lo alt alttimtd with ki lnrjp diaanaok of ilrnp-y. fhn- slltiolad hy diaca-e should eoiira lh- mrdloina which will en' ihm in tha horii-"t pmaible tiae, II US f '8 REMEDY will do Ihia. llen-ifiilly Tonra, E. R. l'Awtat, 80 Dyer SI. IIUNT'8 REME- )Y ia puraly Vj HUNT'S eiable, and it us- ad by ikr aihi ofl'byiieana. It baa alood ibe Ira 1 REMEDY of lime for 80 years, sod tbeul moat rtin- may he ptarrd in it. OfiB TRIAL WILL CONVINCK YOU. Hrn I for pamphlet lo WM. K. CLARK, I'rovidrnee, R. I. Sold by 'ill Druucy;itH. Brpt. IH, 'i'l.ly. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored ! Ju-t piilill-lird, a new tdiilun of lr. C ult ertvell's C'r-lrbm-led t'.Nwny on the radical cure (without niclicini-) of RrsisTnasnnaa or Seminal Wrkti, Involuntary Semi nal Lnea, Ikpotshi'T, Manila and l'hy loal Inoapacily, Impeiraenta to Marriaxa, ate. ; aln, Cosmimi'Tiok, Entsrar snd Fits, induced by aelf-indut-noe or set ual eitra-tpitnra, go. goirl'rlea, in a aaalod envclnpa, only IX cents. The oeli-lir iie I siilhnr. In Ihia a lmir. shla cleirly iUnnn'ra'ea, from a thirty years' siicnen-ful praiuira, that tha alarming eon-ci,ience of alf atiuae may ba radically enred wiihont the danger. 011a uaa of internal raelirtne or Ibe aa plioanoo of Ibe knife; palniing aula mode of cure at onoe aiuipla. eertaln, snd atfeoiual, ha. mav cure bim-elf cheaply, privaioly, and iirAt.i.T. ClTT'ii l,i, lfv ui'!)irov a Km In thnttfttmi ni'( ttitntin l. fianl und.tr seal, in a plain envelope, la any adrc, pnt pntl, on receiptor aiX canla nr two ponlage aiampa. Addree- Ihe Puhlinhrr. THE CCLVKRWI-Lf. MEPirt..ro. 4 AhB 8t., New York Teal office 4X6Pol 8epl. 7, IM7t. ly. ff N ION PwANIN't MILL SEI.INSUROVK.I-NYUKH UU , Kccly 4fc Wagner I.unitici Dealers asi MsirrTi'BSB or Doors, nnor Duira. YYIndowa, Shutter window Boxr. Bllnns, 8Hh, Mslr l'lxlii;a. IKinrt Kalllnen, Brack rts. Mouldings, Kloorlne, SORUM..SAWINiaCABINCTTt'HNlN Shingles, Lath, tto., tic. Orders soliolled and filled with prompt B4is an'l uespatao. net -a call and eiam ids 0'ir atook bofors purobasing alaawbar CHOICE READING at Low Figures. o EL BtTFKINQT'JN, of Frank- llo, bTln leoiirrd lha aitana- for tha following -alumtile llunka will eummauea at onoa lo aaneaa Snyder euonty. The Uouilata DOHllaSTIC ItlllliE, emoaathe pmalnant faatarat of hloh arai Hiehirv of all NallKloae lnuuilnatlon i lliea raphl.a or tha lnilrl Wrltan 1 Oallery of lllutrlail H.-rlitura Innlilenut Ita irat Huwoar of llluiir.tloni 1 lie 0arliir Typon ri b 1 it- Eiablaiaatia illnJIaa aad Raaauna bla frlca. ie Aisicrals ef My an other Alrleaa Kipl rori he J. T- Hi-a-tlay, the moat hrllll nt iletorlptlya Aatkor la low. I. a. UlNULtV'S ANIMAL KINGDOM, a ilenlld volawa of 1IU pagaa 10M lllaeira- tlooe. Tti-ie ara tbe mmt hlahly lnUrMllDKpul.il callooeno oileret taa Amarletn publlt and tha prleea haeo liaan ruiluoed to ai to bring tkeia within the raeane of tha mta-ee, aail ' Mm Mr. Hufflnaloa la raililaat Is oareoaat and wholly ra. labia. Oot. ,:. JJENUY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harness Maker Centrevlle, Snyder County, Pgnna. K-apaon baad, and Bak-ata order all klaita ofHarnaea, Nadillae, Hrldlaa, Wblpa, CalarS fca.,a. All work aaaraaieaa lor one year Mr. Wolflar aeka kai a trial 10 prova tnat aa aadareund iai aia aaaiaeaa. So l,'T. ISAAC BEAVltt, burgeon Dentist ! Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa. Orrus in Fnnsus ss-a vsa psror. E ver rythinfr belonprinff to the pro eioa Soaa la tha boat roaaaer. Oil work fa-elon wArrmBte.1. Tarma ino-larata. Ha will alu atteni lu ouaiaeea a-ry two waoka at (.lentravllla. Troiahllla. Baa-el-. Iowa, OOanitiiars and raxtoneUl-. veo. tv, iau I ho Phcunlx Pectoral. Has nroTSd Itaolf la be peculiarly adapted te old parsoas, aooiampiieae aaa eannian. 11 In ease a aoia. at etupe hh -peaiaraUoa. It gtaa luetaat relief. It vi-aa itrangtb, Itbrlate reel. It baa aiada awre earaa Uaa aay other aMdletae. Tkoe.eade of 11.. .iu,.i. ol .anara Pnaeyaala ka-a wtad It for years paet aud taallly Ua raUal ieaa aad earae aOi etud. Kriea, 5" oaale or t e-ttle far 1 . Fr-Mr-a hy trl )-kier. at. D. and an.l by Jobs A. Mualt, MKI'llaauig, lit I OrU Ma, m. I I I f