The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 04, 1880, Image 1

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    Vl v-orilwlnjc llntMX.
O.i column one ye i, '10.fW
lna-half, mluil'i, ouo year, S'VtX)
Oin-four.h ootuirvi. wk Ar. H.UO
Ooa ai'tar (10 IIucmU insertion 73
rtiwrv a I litiontl Intuition. An
IVn.diioiinl atl I R ninm cnr-1 of
n.rt morn than 5 lin-, per ynar, .VikJ
A.iJ".t-ir. Stor-mor. A.lntiuintTAtor
and Ajeiz'to N-liaa, 80
tftuirtnl u Xiao jor line, 13
AN UMnni ajtf.riiiiig IcM than
S tnonUiS 10 ooi.U e tin.
AH fcdrU.tyft(aJ for ahorter pa-
tirad (ba MMmr are parable at ths
tiAM (halt- at ordwtti. Und U luH bald
th person et-inriiy; Usm wlii a Laid;
rawputMiiao ir hm inonev.
BetUr in tits hhifflmj.
Tt taa't Ltlp lb btVy, port,
el ttUl I waa't yoa U i
Iwwa aa' Wat la br,
As' in4 air pray yan katw.
A'. Uat nk aba tkippln rasnd
A pearia' ay wkltkrt ait kalr,
A aSWno' ap ( lb tab!
trie kaf Liul blg-ohair,
Tba 3rtl aiht tbat tht took If,
Wkto kr tiitU chttkt grtw rtJ.
Wkae aha kitted gti-i-alght to ptp t,
And wtBt away I.i b4
8tt tbt 'Tit Lei lcli, papa,
Bt kttltr ia aoraia' byt J'
Aa' totatthla' ia bait tbt iU U
Jm( aada a wa la cry.
"But lira aim la' broagbt Ik raver,
Aad bar Unit bandt wtrs kat.
Aa' lb prtliy rtd of br llula akatkt
Grew lata a crlmtoa tpot.
Dal tht Uii tkra t pttitat
Kt tttr a wojta coalJ,
Ttkln' whatever at glt bar
Uttltr a grtwa aoata wbU.
Tkt lj ar terrlblt long no' flow,
An' tbt't groia' u la rack j
An' aoa tbt't jtitt a n! plu'
Cittr twy aal of cur rtacb.
Ettry oigbt when ( kin her,
Tryla' bard But try,
fir ttyt ia a wty tbt kilt tnt
B kaitr ia tbt aoraiu' by J
Bin cta'lgtt ibra' lb nigbLpunoa,
8a I ui la solan aa'
AaJ tlk "iili moilir Unit
Tau'll ko J.'t bit ia
Mot Ibul lit b ib nla d,
Ksrtbat aa aiakt unjr 'rp !tiot
Tbat Ool rttiD to ILn.k hu'a iimJiu'
Tbt tniila of lk liuiii tiui,"
2 walk4 Ung lih Ibr
To lb tlvur vf tuit humbli Imiot
If j ahiek tbt tlnut omsungfr
Kttut at bJ alrtoi.v eamt ;
Aal if a ba I ktt-i a tiilrl pian,
t would But b it btrn lieanrtJ nt'trr
Iio I uti null kit Urtfll atlsiait
Tt bit bwl gxiitgt J inr.
Vifbl falti agln aa tbt c ligt
T.iry rnoft ia tilanct n4 trit J
Aruuatl tbt room btrr die kibjr
Lin paailug upva brr btJ.
Llori bub kirn fxpt, dirling
AaJ tbt fuorti hrr li'Mt ftrr,
Wilh taiittrt tbit tboa tbt kuot biia:
Uiil o rci a tiaiblt tract.
All krr wjoslcrful inNniila b.'jiy
Rtiatiut at ii w it hi.r.irt
Tbt unjt, il .t moiijjr
Hfl iuJ mi lut Ijnr.
ln-kla bi ; -r-j.-itrJ.'
Tbt mi hu 14 U't f0'.
And (Aol'.ea ba l -ir- jiu.t
la bab Usi ft'ji ict.
And I'itt Htr liber' I bt u 1
Tbt liuln iJ fi.i.'-r '.:.
W bi'tt bar bliakjr u-.--or J Ua'liU1
Tcart fr iv auuti riug
Bubjr it o tio' j a t i
Mui Jou't o'i j jj I j cry "
Tba litita boa in fell au I bt auvcrlrl
Ha bur uuruia', l;t !'
AaJ a!g'it aroaaj biby ii foiling,
Utltling d jwu Jtrk tna Jrat
I'dtl O'iti acti tbtii' (liriinj lu litttrB
Tbat bt uuil orry btr btuca t
I praytd wt.b lart ia a.j Ti ict,
At tbt ourpor4l tiUui1y kttlt.
With tuck gritl at at'er krfart
Hit great warm ktart bad (alt.
Oh I frlTolout men aaJ woman J
. Dj you koow tbitl arouai yau, and
All ka from ikt bamblt and btugbty
Uotib up tttrtnort tbt try i
My ebild, ay prtoiaut, uiy duliag,
How eaa 1 Iti you dial"
Ob I htar ft tka wkita iipt wbltptr
Bt bttitr lo aornia', byt."
M e 1 n t T a 1 a .
A rtAiiitt a.. a atk t, t- u . r
Drtxmoiio Epitoilr tf the Rtign vf Ttr
rut ii France.
Darios tb "Koiiia of Terror" ia
'ranca tber weru ruaoy deed of
Uriajf purforiand, evaa by waiaeu,
al tuaoT nobla exaatptua of affoclioo
11)0 vary ttreeU of I'arit wart) del
g4 with hauiita blood, but near
' Ruillotioo it ran iu guabiujj tor-
Qua dark tsAraioar o unusual
amber of tbe arittooruey Lad boeo
trebad fortb. and ojuutlnta UeaJa
Mled fi oio tba bloeli.
A iraniDK multitaJa ttood by. and
'tb aljoata rant tba air aa tba aria
purtoy war that butolierad.
Amouff tbi aaaerubled tnoltitnda
Pt dieary oiorulug wera two fa
(Jo of tbero waa plainly
d wkilo oloalt waa t brown
oood, witb arbiob tha kapt bar faa
a aaarly oooeealtHt,
uit oloaa obserruttoo would bt)-
y tb foot tbat tba woaiaa bad
a Wdanloir
Oar ya wara (oflabad and rad.
l xatad auger! up JO tba plat
U ttliit a abudilar uaaaud orar
(rata aa atvtb. nhuck ol tba arliU
f koifa Mvtratl . tba batvt fwoa
body of tots oa wbi bal baao
Upu tnotr-b io fall aoJar tb
f ftba wo ri
Ulaly not mora than
IjrhlMn yaara of a.
aixtcoa orjp
Tba otlior famnla a q tito diU ir
nt io chanolar, llor ft04 au fair,
batthar was a brasta tpraaiioti
about it. Sbe wan clad iu rn!T, and
tt eaob bead fell aba woal.l Uuc.
aod iu Tariona wart axprata bar do
ligbt, and tlieo eiolniiu :
" rura ftilla anotliar arlntonrat who
reftiaad rua cbuiity wboa I Uumblr
1Ud to biin.
Etch axprestiou of the kin ! would
create a lauh fiotn tboaa who heard
her. Kit any p-Kiou
mnt wonder bo one a i vouuj
conld bare become ao dxf, aaid.
ine niat r.urlt w.itolioj tliu craa
tnra for a fow mttnonta, and thvu her ay to bur aid), nlio
iiid bor baud upon tbo nhouldar of
lb wretch, and whispered ;
"Would yoa like to bacouis rich
at once t"
The femtte io ran fumed aboat
witb a look of anrDriae. burat iota a
load laugh, aud replied t
'Of coiirte 1 would "
'Follow aae. and you tball bo,"
"Euonh. Lead ou,"
It waa with canai leinbls ttiffieulty
tbat tbe feiuute extricated them
tolret from tbe crowd ; but they did
to at length, a id then tbj drat fo
uala aaked of tbe other:
"What ahtll I ctll you f"
Oil 1 I'm o ilUd piupir M.irio,"
"Von live by bejriu f
"Ten btt what your umua, nu 1
what do you waut T"
'.My uama ia Aliiij, the hi ne aa
your owo."
"Are you an fiiist iorat T"
"It doot o )t id titer. If you kno.v
where we C4it liud a r.ium" Uti iuu
to it, and you ahull hnva gold. '
Tuo uuiioorlu I tbo tvuv i'lt i a
low nu t til hy atrrvt, and thou down'
into a collar, au.l luto u d.tik an 1
hiiby ro-jin. ;
luootiior fnrntlo cm!. I ml bit
ii'ut a io (eiiitijf suiitttion oroip over
her, but abe n-oivered huraelf. Af
ter conteuipliiiti f ir a timn the
iipirtuont uud wU tt it Cjutuiaej abe
asked :
"Are you well known in I'iim ?"
"Yes. Evtryboly kuowa 5Inie
the pauper.''
Are you known to Uibospierro 1
If ao C waat to touke a b.irvi with
"Iana. Wlmt do you want ?"
"Y'ou sue my cli'..iiu,' ia bjttor
thau your own, uud I wish to ex
olunge with you. I aut you to
oonsint to remiio here an I uul ahow
yonraelf at all for a abort time, or
until I come to yo again. An a
recompense for aiding me I will give
you a th iimn I franc, a id wae i 1
L 17.
C'Utebiok I will giva yon a tlioiHi'iJd from fi? sivifl".!.!, followed by
uoro. Ai HLOiity for my rot.iru i bis bister, bile tbo ahouts of tboie
tike this wrin." j nr vn 1 rout thi nir. f ir thuv au;-
I'ha lily drew a dam ml ri.ig: p (.. I it wai a commoner who hi I
from her linger un I giv it to tbo j thus, buun naved.
'.unci, luon abe hauJ.J her bor
parte Coiltaiuiii gold.
r l) Ki'l apojiiwl .lliUlo pjzx.dd
and hi :e I i
"'.Veil, wii it are yj.i gjiuj to do
with my Jrea
"I waul to put it ou mi I go a bore
I tlrt mot you.''
"On, I indorstand now. You
want to too the chopping o on, and
you ma aft nil you will be taken for
an aiiafoerat if you weir that dro-M.
Yon witnt to repteieut mo.''
"Yes, I wmt ti liok at near likj
you ua possible."
"Well, tint wou't b very diOuu't.
Your hair and eyes, and tveu your
month ia ii Lo mine. Your face is
too white, though, but you cau alter
that with a little dirt."
They exchanged difsnaa, and soon
the youog, rich and ooble M trie du
N to tot wa el ut iu rags of Marie,
tbe I'auper of Paris.
Tbo history of Marie do Nantes
waa a sad ono. Her father und to
brother bud falleo victim to tbe
remorseless fiooJs of the Involution,
and a third and last brother bad
been seized But of Lis fate she was
ignorant, although aha expected tbat
it would be similar to that of her
other relative. Io bad been toru
from bor aide bat a few koare be
fore. After tbe exchangs had been made
the panper looked on tbe stocking
iett aod shoeless feet and ankles of
tbe lady, aod said i
"Tbat will never do. Your feet
are too white and delocate, Let me
arrange nutters."
Iu a few momenta Marie waa pre
pared and in tb filth and . rag abe
emerged into tba street.
Hbe now took her course back to
ward ' tbe guillotine aod at length
reached tbe eqnare where tbe bloody
work was still going on.
Gradually she forced bar way
through the crowd, and nearer and
nearer aba came to tba aoaffjld.
She even forced a laugh at eeveral
remarks aha beard around bar, but
tboaa laugha sounded strangely.
Ulie now stood within a few foot
of th platform.
She swept it with ber eyes.
Her brother was not tbsre.
The ory was now raised t "ere
eoinea aoothor batch."
liar heart fluttered violently, aod
ths felt a faiotnesa eoms over ber at
aba heard tb tramp of tba doomed
men approaobiog.
Tb crowd opened as tbe body ef
men patted '
Maria gaied emon; tbara,
A low cry escape bor.
Her brcu va tber.
But b walked proudly aod fear
Icrsly forward, tnd aood4 the vary
ior M-trr bil failed her, an I he
wit ttniblo to put bor moire into
at amnion.
liul now a eiitnr'a t tj awulle 1 op
io bur breatt, aod aha raooreied bar
Shw apran firw.rl, burclin
through tbe line uf guarda aud ran
op tba a Up.
Onupinif bar brolhjr by tha htn I
aha cried i
"Wlirttd t tbi mut t It it oo'y
the ai-Utocriey tint are t die."
' Auy, worn in !" exol.tiuio l oua
of t'ia exaoatiouer
Mi I wiil nit at nnfil you
toll m.1 w'it nir brotber it buie, and
Unit b mnil " '
"Yj tr broth'tr T ' wtt tbe echo.
"Yea. tbiatt my brother'
"Well, wh ara you f"
"I uoi Mine. Itja t yon know
roe ?"
The I'auper t"
"Ay !-
Bill thia ii n t your brntlw t"
It it. Aik biin auk turn !"
Vouu Anlouio do Stub bad
turned ft c gui up mi the I
lU.lldilD, bill ft I lC't pHKtlid at OIK'l)
aoiofls hia fuei. nu.I bo uijruiured :
"Oh, my sinter ! '
'Is thie vour brother f ' rnt'ce
uoiMapiori oi tue auppoao.t piuper,
..., a
'It ia "
liul hia uama ia
d iwu di;Tjrcut
. '
I'beii you are mitUkou.
my brother, Ak liiin."
"I)a Marin opuak the
truth ?
aHked Itobospioi re.
"Sbo dora."
"And you aie n it Di Ni'itet !"
'I toll yu I nui her brother."
"Wiiy did you not tell ua this bo
I nttempto l to apeak, bjt win si-
lence I
! it von
have duclarnd '
join anil
would rut
Hut vo ir dress V
It b.l.nm to au aiietoi-iat. I.r-;l
bapt to him lor whom I tui-ttnk-
Rohotpiorre alvsncivl clone to
young -Nil ut oa Mi l gjj 1 uaruotlv
into nia f use Thou ho appr tohej
Mtiie. and looked steadily iuto her
eyen lorn ah tnuo.
It w in i moment of trial f r tho
poor gill. Hhn trumblud inapite of
her tli'iita to appear cilm bllul-:
luont Mt that abe waa lost, whnu ;
tao btun.iu funJ, word wai
law. turned mid sai I :
'UtiUitae the man.
rim c'i'tiua were intantW lounv-
ed. and Antonio do Nintea wulke 1 !
I ho v.m 1 1 iu in worked hta w iv i
! through tbe t-rowd na riitiidlv its
sioi i, ion I in .uaiij.
They b.i 1 uo.ircely eicipod it he
foro the piorgitl ftintjd fi'j.u the
infonsity of bor feeling.
1. 1 . i . - i . . t .i .
The brothur aourcely knew what
to do, but tl hand waa laid on his j
arm. and u voice sai l. I
'Bring burtoiuy room again
Shn will bo tufe tbor."
The brother conveyed her to tho
apartment of the pauper, und otked j
o' ur:
".tve ye seen this female be-L,
"Yea, Iknotyall about i't ro-
h.i.mi.1 ll.n ...Ml. a I.C!.., K, it-n, ivu. I
.1.1 t 1... Ul.nll
ha4 doui it and lam glitl."
Before the nob'o sister bad return
ed to consuiousuesa tho brother bad
learned all.
When alio did so they both
sought secure quarters, after res
warding the beggar girl aa bad beeu
"l)j y think Robespierre was
really deceived T" asked Mario de
'I think not."
"Then wby did ba order your re
lease 1"
Hu saw your plan. II admira l
your courage. Could a fiend have
dona leva f"
"lVhaps this waa the case. But
if so it was a deed of mercy, aod
tbe only one tbat man ef er did."
"You are right."
Antonio de Nantes was not again
arrested, aud lived happily with that
sister, wbo bad so nobly periled bor
own lif to save hiu by represent
ing the Pauper of Paris,"
Namk Tue Paper ! The Loadoo
Troth of Jaautry 15 sayt thai an
American nowsp ipjr sub nits lo its
reaJers tbt following calculatioo re
tpnciingtht numbtr of applea Adam
and Eve ate i Some toy Ke 8 (ate)
and Alum '2 (too), total. 10 ; others
Kvt 8 and A lm 8, total 1(1 ; other
tty il'Uv 8 aad Adam 8 2 Ih tout I
it 90 ; but if v 8 1 and Adam 8 2
ibe total, it 1U3 if Er 8 1 and Ad
am 8 1 8 the lettl is 893 ; ir Eve 8 I
l-t (ate oao first) aod Adam 8 1 1
tlie total is 1,021 1 if Eva 8 14
a lum and A-lum 8 18 4 Eve tbt
total is 8 m s if Evo 8 1 4 Adam
and A la n 8 1 8 4 2 oblige tbe
totul li 82,031 -Still wrong-. Eva
whan aha 8 1 8 1 3 many tnd prob
ably felt airry for it, ao A lam to or
der to relieve her grief 8 1 8 j there
for if A lam 8 1 8 1 4 2 40ff Eyo'e
denrefttl tpiriis they boib t 81,
806,861 apples.
Ths Bjy W.i 3 Uy J Hit Teashar.
A aohoul-boy about ton ye:trt old
wn t'iJ othnr d iy h i!t 1 by bine
ole jt-cniiie I citi.ju o.i Thirl at au 1
aaked if he liked tj to tjiinl.
' No, air '1 waa tbe prompt reply.
"Than yjn dju't lot j yoiti t'4h
or ?"
"N-)0H, air. That i, I dl lu't
Kitil yeiivlty. Hit ujIAj. I
think ttlm'a j ist bullr.
Hut whr Ittvayuu lofed her aince
yesterdiy ?''
VVpll. you know Jack fain f Will
he'a tbo worst tiiitur in otr'ii,
iloctn link me h i I tw.i ot't r b .v
with otn liuad tiid biihind him.
Well, hit u fj i3i; t' liok mo lti
ni 'bt an I he w tt a t tkin hie ft t at
ui in ho'i ol and a'uvin? hit tn:'i i
. . . . .
ttoj ffrttiti nil all excttvU wheu
the tn.tchor vt him."'
"hid. ob 1"
You but the did s and the way
the took him out of tint and wolloii-:
ad bi in an. I Inl ii'il.i 1 him ,1 ni l,!frealiiiiff alniuW. will nff trd to him
me ftt tl ,t if aiu were n in i'!i ir t j ,
inn ! When achoot wai out J:t 'kd tin t '
touch noho Iv. Ifo waa wilte 1 down I
in I when I bit hint with u hunk of i
dirt bo never even looked aronud 1 i'
'iruea I'm it iiu to tiy aud lick him !
III 11J III fl'Tini I UJiJL J UJ f JL1 UhHl
:..(.. :.. - i. t . . . i. . - a
. .. ,,,,,,'
A New Sort ol Divorct.
..i i in iu(?e, a native oi mo,
if . . i i ... i ..... i i.: .. . if i . .
x. . , . , .
i.. ;! ...i i.. ii. i I
i luinniciMi niii ii 'mi t.f i v uoau t1' '
,jm-.. . ,i . . ,t .... I
lOUl'ITrJ tUtl rib I (II UtUlinill, I
1 i
"H it, objee'e I tue piiOHt, '-von
I nro a polygamic'. you liuve auveral j
'Only two." I
' l b it u oue too tn:ttiy "
tlool- I nill get rid of one of j
"it 't'p tlie otin that you b tvo lived I
Ibo lo'iifeMt with
I "X , I profor
the other, ah i i
bavo lialicvodiy"i!rir."
I "Aa yon pli'aie."
t K ;'it diy nfter.virl tha ounvovt
mvt'j rmn-nl to t.n
-i ut i
iwiih his face ru h tut with iiinocuut
1 N i v. f '.'.i ir," h li I hi, "you cm
otp'i mo.,
I "VU b tve only ou-l wife now t"
j "O ily oim ou my w.ird ''
An I ho pointed 1 1 q lite a plv
." k'u , young worn in wiio no-
c iinpanitd him.
"-a"! what hi b.-cjiue
other 7 ' ttsknd tb i prieat.
of the
U,. I ste luo1
"oJI TOJ L'0( .il. i
Mi,,,., IC ,ir MILh K .''v hi
i.,, ,iv '. .'! I . ,, , ,.",., . '
' n-ju ,). ftrutYr living iu one of mr ' a '' 1 Utility foot to tbo s -ipp ot f (
H, u-btu town. U .ru of pur't'ia wh h,w hundred yetr .
, ,, ,4,,.,t. bv in. I wiry uu I p-r..vci- i j buil liu Tin l.irgont of t iu
.llie ,, )B t ) i, ,Bl, u , j, H1lMH.i ,,f ,,,. ' pyni'.ni b iw f ir huu.lnil nml
Lf farma in t'i it Miction, of eigbty-oiio font in belg'it, u-i I ti,'bt-j
waVli li.i wis instil- urm I : bit nu
l)Oi-!,.,,... l,,r wm lie tbiin of bin own
... . . ... . .
ipliysionl StroUlll an 1 Utility ttiat
M,' aiHintel him in naonuiul iling
prom-ity nd null hi u n in Ht
etooilout boxer and wrestler nu 1 he
i,..,i n,iTMnon,liii. cntamiit for
,uoU f infurior p iwors. O.iospiiug
when help wa untmully plenty, ho
,j,lt,jnuitf tilnvo tho farm run
iliat vear bv .1 stroll ' to tiu. So wl.eil
. umu prtuulod himiolf and asked
f,u. work. nfur iu juiring of the mm
at to his btbits. oio. he wpill llui-lr
bf kiu( ui,0 Vi ft,,lt. In this
(,f applicants and waa boinunu' to
l.mpair of bis 'strjug team,' vihou
one morning aa lie wits Ht-tnouig in
hia barn door, a young man mini o up
the road and, atuiiug him culled out :
'Good morning, air.'
'ioo'l moruiug,'
'Doyoi want to hire atnud t)
work ou your farm, air 1'
'i'urhips so, wiat tt hire out ?'
'Yea, air i am lookiug for a j b.'
What can you do T'
'AU kiuds of farm work, sir i I
was born on a farm.'
'Cnn yon fiht ?'
tWbat, sir V
'Can you fight, I say ; cm you
i lick mo V I' don't know, air, tvhother
I oao or not ; but I can try.
Aod ba did try. The first thing
Kelly knew be was ou hie back ou
the tloor, with two teeth dowu bis
throut i next, Ibe man was astride
bis stomach, with a fist in each eye
and hie nose was bleeding. Then lie
let him up, aud was just p'.cking up
bis bundle to start off, when bo was
oallod buck and set to work, and he
proved to bias trusty and iudustri
ons as be was bravo- The farmer's
daughter needed just such a mau
for a husband, and now he may be
seen any day superintending the
work on the farm, wbilo father Kelly
sits in the arm obair and tells to bis
(fraud obildren tba story of bis laet
ConciuNiNO WasTcor Liric-No
man should do mora work of tnuaule
or of brain in a day thau be cnu
perfectly recover 'rout the fatigue of
luagood night'a rest. Up to tbat
point, exeroisa ia good i beyond are
waste of life, exhaustion, aud decay.
When hunger otlla for food' aod
fatigue demands rest, wa ara in the
natural order, and kasp tha balanoa
of life. Wbeo wa take stimulant to
spur our jailed nerves or exoite an
appMie, w ara wasting life There
ara wrongs and nntebief ia all waeU
of life. A man abotHJ live ao as to
keep hiaU ai saw aasA, and witb
tru .no!vr T Ml twora food
ii r
To no u irluo d we oo more
tbao to U l.inUr. wbutber cousi lur
ed aa thti ajuroe of boJily comfort
aod ooureuieuce uiorrty, or in re
lation td ita rtl'.Kit up in the ru n I.
In thia view it n rotMtlie of
moro actual bnrpiuuua than i, by
tutuu, generally lujuirm.- lie wj.i
ia puaiHMo l cf th' ii.J t!(i' of
I ilo, without lUe ucoitrfrti'r of lu.uit.i'
or bodily exnriiuu, imty b 1 ioknd
up. hi aa hnppy, hut the liiilot-Qon.-aud
funui wl.iob conlaiitly pti-y
upon hie mind nod iut.idea hia gtv
ail iiioutj itt will pron Inui f ti' ot'i
orwi.iu. lie ia bJi'.lmi t.j hiiaj.tlf,
and t'Xp ji'iiMiO'H ni iru oppienaive
uneiiniiiea from dji'i; ti'.itiiiu tb.t'i
d ici the c nu u ti) l.iii rir nftor In.-
diilr toil. It tin wuaiinuita of the
I worat kind, for it in alweye with Idm I
l .... .1 I . .1. I.. II... f .! M !
Iliac ton it Ijiktothe clotoofdty
for repjno and roliof. Night ou the
l.tborar d.'t.-end in balmy and re
buiu-bt for inactivity u tbo;
cnuto uf hi misery, mid not to re- j
poaouiotit hereliiea for comfort. But;
bow diir.-ront it in wilh him. who '
eiixnsjod in thn eonniitiia uf life. f"eN
the iuvitjoriilin ; iullueuco of iudiH
lii.u . ih.. 1.. It. .i ..f K In in . 1
HJ tU W' 1 "1 IH'J UIT viiua
Llmtn'a and T,iriotv-ke..!.s tbo mind
in activity uu I openaooutiuuallv new
aonrcva of iinttructiou or plonauie. !
inn moo ii oi ue tuu ia n ii a .
'I.I II I I.i. !.
ia no ni hia
. , .. , , . . .
cheek the i:low of honest rn In an I
Holf satiafactiou M in Inn t ; htn
I'll 'if . ii
111 (Mil ! (UU lOUrjIltltl nilinillb Wit!
ii . a a'a a
hiUi.ruh it ln.iiilil ivn4 fii uitiltitifitl.k
aa mt.iitviu tiiv vuti . 'i v ll
which t ll 0 it''! me lie!uNHlt:tted to ,
ton jlt i ho I'm U no lim i for iudul,' .
iuiu uu'lu.nor ti-t: itioui ajrroVi,
or of brooding, nuprolilubly, ovei i
real 01104 If il gloom falls upon hi '
mind itn O'l tlia b'Ht it hoiii itiino
will, It li relieve. I or oiiliroiy liium
ul bv tbo aunsbiilo of eniplovui'Mil.
j sly i, on, '-"
laud tliu imp u tK a ploamiiv' t'i-1 ia
Iti'iil to the LAiH'tioua of fan day ;
roiio'vi-a niiongiu io inn .
. .....
... i.n... ..r...oi. ...
'" ' ,u". ''' .'. i' .i
;.. i ....i ..i n... ., ... I., i 1
V.IU lull! l. Itu i.ivikis uiu iiiiviwiiiiiM initiuciii, .,iiviij puiutl IU vnit'l loll
sjill with dri'.tiui of coutoutiiiiiiit power ord tins we alinuld ; thm-foro
and Imppiiiena, wbiXi hn wtki.igiin coini) iiihoii with the loia of it
.' 1 i . i. . i. t ii .i i .
iiioiuoiiU are dohtined to lealilo. jinf... all other b reavivn.i:iU are
a itiifliilg, Thn wife '. hho who fills ho
Amo W J.i Jars. wan fourteen miles long,
cilit mi led, au I f Jity-iii itiiles
atoiiiid. wnh u wall one li'inilred
t'uet Inh mid thick fiioiigh fr three
oliaii'itn ii'ireiiit, -,ji!yl i'i wh lifiv
uiio" wnniu uti wm, wiii'.u wi.ii:
... . !. II . ...
I ..."
valllV-llVO fool till'!. UU
bun. I j I foul hig'i, with one in
bin u citei- Tuo Temnb uf
l)i i'ni, at F. jtiaoua. wan fo ur hand-i
' h ti Ko I til ti'tv tiro. i foot oi tuo
fi I ii. 1'ini btu oovere.t olovou
; ucrn no at jiion wo uu nu mnj ;
!ft.'i''t in length nu 1 the 1 ivera are two
bundle 1 and oigbt. It ompluyod;
1 ou .0 K m ot iu bail ling. Tun:
; ... .... . i. . . .
: lubvi iutli of fvrvpl onlaina thieu
hundred rhimbora mid twelve hall.-i.
Thebos, iu r.jvpt, premiat ntim
. , -i ,,.,,,,,1 ,,,i ,:
e l 3 )iJ.(li) c.t.z ms itn l 1 1 ( j ,j
Hlavea. Tbo Templo of I ).,ipim
wis ho rich in do-i Hi ui tb it i'. w n
il'i'ini.'ro I m o ).', no ; nut im"
Kmperor .Yum carried oway fro... it
Homo wuro tiiirteeti niilns aro.iuJ.
An l.idian Girl s Story-
"You never h'-trd hot otio si'le.
Yh hive no tie .vjiioi' io toll ou
a'ory. I le'l you the siliior di
tuingt with tha pii-oiK'it. to tbo
Ivii.l, os horr.b!.' ut any Iulmit
co il'l Monk nf. llu-u your people
sro ui'iiist t.wty t'iu njri!r'ti'or. '
1 11 tell y i'i a c:ia I know ot. 1 '
yonnir wiiiib ut "i inub a' I'liinu
wtib it blanket of po'it'of. Oue oi
them ai l be would like to have it to
nay whou ho w nt hema to tba Ki-it
Hint Im bad shot an lodtsn. Tbe
otbei direrl Id i. to alio it tbis one
Ho 'Ire a icvolvor im i ab il him
Tho Imliau was nu Omaha. (Hi!
ie'1 you, if he liad I ooa u Sioux or
Cbcyettae, you would hivo hoar I
from it. Bit w) kiow wj cnill
ean noilnn, and uo.h'ii wis lone."
"W'tll, what Jo yo i propose l do f"
"pi'opoto Hint y u wbi'e pi'ple
Irani ut on ii i.ttt'or.u of plni i h .n
cs'y, and hit ua he ni is nt. We
now are fanuen. an I are diing w 1'.
We waut to ttiv bore, un I. wan a--aiir.inco
ibai wo cm llvu like oihor
farnnrs We hi'e ilop'i tlu
chief, mi l wmt to htj iat like any
otlior citi.eini of th. State." The
vouog la ly i e da ightorot White
V.xil '. tb J ol I ha l obi f. and n
blood b'tl thot of the OiU't'iia flovt
in her vein. Intemiine mill JIUs
Lj t'ka'ht, of the Oinih.ts.
Tho woodsu nutmegs an 1 shoe
pegs oats of Connecticut mnst go to
tho rear, A short time sicae a for
mer at Council (Jrove, Kansas, at
tempted to cut iuto a premium
pumpiu at a fair at that pluco aud
found it wat made of wood. It bad
taken many premiuma at lair for ita
weight, which was 23J pouuda, aud
its circumference was 7 feet. Tbo
committees wbo hav awirded pmet
t tbia famous vegetable bava prov
d that tbeir beads were tbe genuine
artioU. n
gg L-U
aWiar ia
NO. .'17
Tl.a OcuUi ol a Wife.
Ho t often hove we htiud the
idle worda, "tvlwn yon dj I'll aoon
fjot ftnothfr, i-polten byabnsband
lt liriu.T, dutiful wifa. Wts tln
othri'- d ty, hatrd lhr"o wotdt Ifrtily
ntlrrol liy A l.nibxl) ! tlicrj aoul it
wiapi'iid tip in the "(To v.-cn
idlrenl Ij Oli! tlioil '-t !(
th-trp e.U;n.J wor N. b oit'iuy wA
but f.!r, ho- tinitij tl.o laui'v
a Lou (but il'jir wifn i . ihcm
Wait, lnolltul', Itef.jtt you nn
ucilitni'iy to jour wife, lUiiiOi.btr
the ni t i li'i'i i i tl 1 ti'uila nu 1 vet t
liout abe ii aahjHl to ; thn ntixioty
f r tb p,-iu i h il t id hi. pr.
htp't, pl.trutl iu hot kucpiii. Speak !
i.wly mi l hoi-1 tbo nppi'fil (! ono
v;)i ii 14 xouti tha cl i'umr Inn I .f I!) H.lilinlv I tid ou her who Witn
tbo j iy. tbe pvido. Hit. lifo of her m!...1.1 k -.ii i. t li up if .ttf tJ
ono w!u) bt-t se nitlie lilo ebb away
of ni ;Mitlo and I viii n wifo n (lod
"or tr tro to mil without ronfivinw
t wor.l ol i.intwiu or even a f;ntle
praaure of tbe hsn l--t iknn with,
out n in niwit' w.iiiiiii, uud leiiviiijr
to d .Mlitu hearte only t'jocjnail
ation of kti(i'iii that hot- lamp
w.ta alwaya tmuiuud and bnruiug. '
nt i.i t in nr ' 'ii i Mil if ITii'tjf Iriil ( !
. ...
PtM h.Mrt aliall a4 (Sod." Brother
bu ptliout, bj kin I. bj tni !. hi jmt
I... .. ....... VVI I...:.. i.
to your wif.i. When ebe n gono it
wnl H"t li no e iav to
" "
one likn
IV.. I. il,.. r,... f l...lil,
Ith muy
bcf eye
..... 1 , ... !.
olo mi up u
bur u'nivk mi l
with low, to umi row.
i i in i rolnrll 1.1 t
Jr'oUi humt.
An I lul IV it nep III U mil uter c iai.
Vol yfim fur a voice tbat ami mil bo
y,,ri ih al,nt ru-a an I vanl chtir
iu,t ,tiniri ,B,t, but oh, bow bar I
i-Mluii balf-ttjmitt ttutvt wanltr
Ibe thotuy
I't Hit rlitrt4t
L v.i in not
1ft idJ
i.i our
tin 1 1
. .
wiini hociuh simniiiT. is nut in our
...i, . !... ....i.. i -i ... ii
ni...... , urn, "nir iotu pniuiy mil
........... i i ; '.
lai'o u apace in the domestic bonvon j:
ill who bilaied h.traelf an tinwotri 1
e lly for tbo predion ones aronn d
lltir i H fur l.if-Kttt tutl.. tutu aali.U
a ', atwacaa a'iavi-t -i mu "ItiV-U
f .1!.. .... t .1i v ... ...... I
".'I'. " ..... I llll, PlllllJ
lioai.l.) h.r ijollin a i l think of thn
. ' li-tit'.
..... i.
a'nber colore 1
! pa'tivviv. wiiero tun snu shone upon
ibo'tiititul tler, or the Mars Itiing
lirteli'i;' overhead. rain would
tho so ll liagor t'lore. No thorn-l
.no reniiMir) OHM save tuoa vmir
llmn li hi vo nnwitlin-'lv planted. Her'
....I'. I I.... I t' i.i
.. . ir II i it.'i, ijjh-11 i I
vour inni'iKt wi:rht You tliink of
,1101' now ns nil gnnt lenoHM, nil pui ilr,
' nil lie i'Hv. lint sil l in d"ii I
boa I which hat h oft remind no l.iv
I ...
ing'v up ni your li'Moni is no v laid
ll 1:1 It pillow i.f 1-1 IV. Till) bfill'U
Unit b -It'll Nil II IH ! i-l'i'.l h. Hill it nily
are f j' lo 1 bniiotlh tiio i,''..i ''uv '"!'
tal. Tlie heart wboio ovei y b.: u
uii'aaili'ed mi eternit of love, li.'i
nndor your feet Thnru is no whit ftvi r vuni iiei-n I'.r, no !" ",ic ;
-''k .'M' i' H-e . of l ,v,. i ,
""""'"''"f '! ' "V'np ith.n w. ,,
. V ' . ' '. ' ' '
.,. , ' , . . , ,
1 ; , ,,V1'-
w' '"2 .
was audi lint . io wjon hUe cnn 1 1
it V..,.. It u....... . ? II r. !
tbe hrn,.stbiou.h abieb w vtM..' ! J'- H-' !' I N i P V. nf F.niii
, , , .... - , Un. ' ""I Hi a "ni'v li tha
ed the sba loiv of ileatli g'ttbni'iiiL,' on mikI'mimho il.iu. iii -.uinir. .t
her awe-it faiM. And fv ry .lav Hit. '"" l" "'" "" Th t m .tt
clock repeals tbat aid Htnrv. .la-.v ' I.TIC IUI5LI,
ano;hnr tale doth tbo old cl i.-k toll. ,1 n,ni! h, ,,., , , ,,,,..
of bl'itntifnl Wni'il.l ail. I rlooils of M t..iv l all Imlinl-m I'ki .mln iM-.n ; I1. .1.-
,)V0 a,0 r.iihtered above. Y
fuel, oh how often, the crave conuot
kjep her tbut alio will live again
Leirn Tho Value-
.1 silver dollar roprosnnt-i n day's
work of alitboier. It ia given to 11
boy. Ho has no idol of whit it bus
fiost or it 11 woitu. 110 wouiii
bo ns likely to give a dollar ns n
dime f ri top or uny other toy.
Hut if the boy bus learned to earn
the dimes and dollars by the sweat
of his face, ho kuowa tho iliffureuco
Hard work is lo In m n inuaauro of
values that can never bo rubbed out
of his mind. Ld him learu by ex
pel iuuco tbat a hundred djllars re
presents a h n aired weary days
labor, and it seams a great sum of
money j a thousand dollars ia a for
tune ten thousuud dollars ia almost
inconceivable, for it is far more than
he ever expects to possuHS. When
be baa earned a dollar, be thinks
twice b.-fne In apau la iU He
wuota to 'invest it ao as lo get tbe
full valiioofa day'a work iu it. It
is a great wrong to society und to a
boy to briug him up to man's estate
without thia kuowledgo. A fortune
at tweiity.ono without it ia almoi.1
ioevitabty thrown away-With it and
a little capital to start on, be will
make bit own fortune bettur than
any one can make it for him.
A CtioA barber anuonuoos hiia
aelf as "tjnsorial at tist.physiogoom
ical hair dresser facial opeiator,
omnium manipulator and capillary
A Vermont girl fell out of rock-
iog chair aad received injuries (bat I Ivarvthiog bclnagiug to
killed her lo two boura. foHll'J'aMtaat
i tin-; iTifVjr.
I IVnri of SuHt itpltrtti.
TW.) DoU.AKS rcit AXM'M. Vj-
M vittiin n iii(ntlit. or J..y;Tn'1
I I witMn (.; jvit- S'l pnjirr vl
ciiwiini"! uMii hi tiri.irii;.'4 arj
ra'.l i
lUb. r
I ttuU'tn k. lit" '."tai t ih" irtw-
HnUf rl) l.intt.nlHi.'a rf IJ.o lmntf
iyr.'r''ii litttnj; ami utirff Mir
a.MfcV .1 'r. (.l .-it ..'ii.fii -ri'tj
.utd 8J0 li.t!.;e Ittrtl.u iiri-p HI iMntpur
Vil'NT'fl TrtMH-
Ir Tjt U.uf
Kii'xr Ann nr.
an Mcdicint,
c.rr fun ia tut
I, .!., Mi!t tr
f.nM, an I nil I'-
.1 ' " t r.'U-
t'. t 'rr uitill.. til C'ii't'f Or
'I. L'l ! r'j . i't "1 l:l. Ii . ilriff'i'
1. 1,. '-1. rM'i;'-), Hini"i'i ) l it
enr.itlrrc .jfliul. iNiu1 !.
( , . an I l: . Ii i' N't'rf
lOiMtrU) f,rt;,.itd tXl'.'.K;IS!.T I If
ll Ol.' .!".
From r. t. i) T.niof, t. D , ?tnr
i ri i f. It. !., iaft
I tt'iit i.i t-'iii o? Ill.'VI'.'l
l'.l;MKOV io Ki.ln liiiv" fi "i .ic' itl
'rial, bamg brto gri.i y beii'. 't hy
,. bi. 0. I V VI-
Tnnti tn.'i'. It. I . Ail. IJ.
Wii. K. Cl.. IlkK I'hrjIib; luln;
wlin l ii IvM'ul tif'u rt
HL'.sr RPtK(? In y ta t-c. al t IB
a grat ntlialo-r (if j'.ui". 1 rw'iiir'! 1 t
io nil nil "Hi kl lnvr llft- t
ilri'VJ. i'u" i!! '."l bj- Jla.t tbuiill
cult tli 'ii lio.nt " li iu 'till ojr iho'4
In lb thi.rtr.l i xtlil li ut, ULTN.' j
HKUl l'V will !.) 'in.
llif.o.!iiilr V mil,
K. il. Inuv, Hi Dsn S'.
11 i piitol
t'ubi. till
i.i t . . I
j , , .
f Pb.i.-aut
j 'i" l !"
of '"' '"f-"'
u, no I Ibt HI
r.itn nm r. ,,
I ni
; ri, .1. Wil l. I'.lvllVl l' V..I
M.i I ( k iiptjiei't. It I.
lo wi. t. I'L.UU,
8.l. H
bv nil Dfir ;istni
M.t.ilmo i : How Lost, Ho Rssb.uJ!
Jlll-I p.ll! I. 4 I, civ ,. 1 1 T a ill (,f
li . I nit orti U'n i li-itrit-
list INH.IV i ll i'i r.l lii'a! i-ura
twnb.'.ii i.ii..lii;ni i.f f-i i:it.i ti iittitor
or Sou. in il t .-t, nMrf. i .S.'iir.
i nal i,.ii.t, . Mmlr :in I'liy.
( tic il Inctp t'i.v. 1 np Ihi.miI. in Marring.
iu. . .., . ..-i -ii ii i.riLri v ii n I
l n, in In; I bv
Kl'll III III! ;MI
ur m i-
Hill t'l 1 1 IIT 41
i .i,-ir...7 ..,
ft ill-1 eiiTi'lnp,
.t, en f.
, i.. ... .. i ... .... . .
l llr ' "' ' ' I miiii'.r, ill lull l.itltr.
"''' ',,".v' "ln'y 'ni nir . i, iron a
i ","r,-v V ,"f"1 '",,J, ! , ,U
nlariuing!i- of telf nli'ia m i
,,ic ,nv , : ,hS ,.rt,,r.
; on in ol inirrunl nitdiuin "r il...
i'l'r' '""' ''i ; mn
"f "au "'''l''". r-'laln. ant
'A tl"
I , -mi f a
ivT'.. l...'!'tf li. M.ivi,- ,? f,.t..ii li
(Kit. I !'.'i i i'f j':in.i rt.
Vni mi I -r ..cil in .1 i I nn ai!)r. la
1 :.'iy al.v,.i. o a.7. ..a r.inu' r tiK
'Je""' "r t,v'' P''hwh -i
i in pit.
, urtiii' ti. cm.
i'j.i i'i ii ii i
II Ai.n
N I rk
I s..pi. r. i
V.Vl.Nii M 1 L Ij
SKLINS-IIU'M., it.WIO'K uo., fA
liiits.bri S);?:k i's
a vi. nisnii ii . i.,i if
D or, linnr II'ims, W 1'iilor . .'itm'frf
M i l-i-v Il iM'i. lilni'Iv nili, Malr
iliU-, Ii.iimI il-.iliii-4-i, l!,; a.
i t . y. ml Inui, Innri'iL',
s KVt.'i -lAWlN I kr.Vill.S'lt' Tf.'iNIr'll
ij'i.iuiilc.a, T.nth, ;o , io.
Or I' ''if : i in. I !!.. t tt J r...i tt
'.iHn.nii Irtf.tiMli. I'ii'u.. I'.ill mi l iiiia
. 1 1 I i - , I , .. t'. i - i.-c 1 1 ii ( i . iv I, wr
n rr ATITI Tlini f TklT'H
, fijH -IMJK llEAliliS
! hfJ7 YlZXLMZ
lilu'li t-
! uf l
n''t" li r.ti .nt 1 u- u.ri..r i -i k.
1 u..l.u . !l. l ul l . .1 .1 .1 II 1. Iln 11. I Uil i,.r 1
t ie I'rl'c.
o('.r I irlmin Ktrrt r. r I r I T II -1 1 nf .
t!i mi. "I hrlili nl ilai.-riu'.lio Auuir la .cf
Kt. UIMH.K o
t pliDjia Tulumt of I '.'J fiini-lo ' iifai rt
Hunt. Tlmit art tli iii'Kl hilil tntrttm j.ih'l.
(nltiin now ..Idir I tn Aif1r,tn .U.' f tli-t
tli pru-rt htra l0 r. .'u .l at t" l 1 '
tiia.u alitiin .'. inemit r O14 iu .... in. I -4
Hat Mr llurh.iKt.i t It ral lant in nurc'iui
a I wdoily r I tbia. U u , '.
I he Phounix Pectoral.
Ua rnvl llialf lo bo la.-olUrly n.l i'Ull
.il.) i,ra..ui, eontuiu'.t vi. an.l )nl.lrn. tl
Lrat.t a uj. ll lui a a iuiib. It at . at
u.oi.italiuu ltU 1...UH rllr. 1 1 KlN a
IrauKtu, ltlinum rati, H kilt mail mora
curat Ih vi any othar uiujli-lti. I It nl
th nl r.o.iarn I', nn.f Uni sat
uaail It lor aara put anil I. Ill) la tbt lallal
wao an. I i-urrt tn-ot.-J.
Hrl(a, cant r a i.ultlt fur l .
Frur.l ! l-al tlbarUu ttr M. D. a4
. Id i.y .mini V M"it. wi lJiuLuru, aut anata
01 to 1 h, I'anirtvlllt, l-a.
As tl -fJ. 1- I
Saddler and Harnes
Centrevllo, Snyder County,- Penna.
Katpaoa baaa, anj intki tt Mr all klaot
of liamau, baJ'llat, UriJIaa, Whip, UolarS
a,aa. All work aaarauttaa lor oot jaar
Ur. vt ulfltyaakt but trial to .r. Ibai ba
undtrttan.I ala butlnt. Mot It.'tt.
burgeon Dentist t
MiuMleburfl. Snyder County, fts
UfVtfts ia ftantua aaUa vss Datov.
' tfcaV proa