The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 05, 1880, Image 1

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t)4 rolOTat ewe yst, . .
On half. lu
jma, on year,
One-fourth owl
lifian, OM Ve,
On tqian Ma) Um) I Imitm
iVoteauoaal end Bin aarde of
no more than A Hum, tw year,
ifudilor, Conitor. lnnnlCiMUW
- ana Aratejnee N.Msaea, (" , -Kditorial
notiees per sX s
All treuaiisot edveraiaBaf lata
I months 10 Mitt HnHk
AU edvertliimnaaa teasfcewti
vtod than on pa aaa payaMe at u
jKajsrtaey are mdersd, and il not 014
jpM win ordering thorn will held;
ftftjMMwiM for fas montr.
r loai.
Bay after 4 ay, wlassw slu
- Hue.
I OS Ik fctlOTM St tkttf ftUf 1MT kf
Like better! lea la r ini IH
fks kee rase I Wtntk araAokfol
. ee. . .- ,
Tfc (UU tfU, with Oatkad eat atarr
OtitM at aw ak1, fy fa aartai
led leapt as with, their at ellarlat
fraeae '
Ta pet taa(lta sway akite they be
falls. UeJ kalr aad Vrawe la aafl aaafaataa
Black eye aa4 Maa esterae ta Mat ay
faaa, ,,'
Be hk wklt aad flak eoetrsst
leadieg. - . .
Tf add aa keeety ki iUerlag
7)al wbea they aaa ay ese, tired aat witb
OuUsl.wt ewererd lkraak tka aaa
art light,
Utmwy goes bask aeeed tka lark ysars,
Aag tka says ef era that aaaa aa
bright. .
I lava ay bead, aredleat, Uh eplee-
dee .
ffhiaat fraa tka Wastes tka slatared
al larilaa a faaa Jlrlaa! inlir,
'it'jik kroaia-braaa kair aa4 raaaJ It
fall aa rail ;
ttttk 4lt ay.i aa laaia la tkalr
I:.t mlM (raw imlll.f aptio affrUr a4
tVitiaarfHHp,tka aaal af lara'a aaa
fVaaa Ok, Hm.m, I4 I eat araaa tktai aaaa
a la I a(ak aa4 alt, aka IU aaaia
Hkta alfht ka aaat kar apall aa t.a aa
Tkaa wfc.a tlaaa aa4 draaa, aa lonf.r
(ear ttmm la faa4 mf koajr aaat
'Tl lkn aad eat tkta Ibat f b.kold ktr I
Ur ttr ralat lull ara44 aa aafl aad
'Tl ibta, aa4 aal tkaa, ajr arat aafoli
Tkanla(lrl I laat ae Uof afa.
Benton Tiwucript.
Tba wlnter'a day wia Jraaiajr to
a oloaa, tail tba bUok abaiaa of
anotry niht went aettiag jo.
In tba ailant aeoloatao of daap
and loDaly jjlau, far from any otbtr
bnUiUlia, an J - aoooa laogth frora
Ua pnblio road, aiooj ft atoall eot
taa, kaawa aa tba Glao FarmbooaAi
tba property of lUlpb Qranita, wbo
iraiiad tbaro with bia Wifa, aud bad
Jona ao for thirty yaara.
jf waa ft oold, bard tnaa old
M bard aa tba nama bo bora.
MM j Oranita, bia wifa, waa tba
iaot raforaa, with ft inoUiorly fca
ftod ft warm aad tandor baort
On tliia bleak airbt of Daoaiuber,
ma mf m o atorra, wutd tad boow,
Ontoit and bia wife ware naiatly
fteftt4 ia tbo larca, homtJr kitobea.
At laat Mra. Qianit, dropping fear
icnuuog in uar lap, broke IU ai-
lauoa af the roots.
I wonder where Alice la to night,
pftipn i
What do yoa oare where aba ia,
ht" roof bly eolaimad the farmer,
jooKtar ap froat bis paper with
dark frowa.
MA eight of torn Barer oom
bat I tblnkofoy pootgir) It
we on aooh aight aa tbia that aba
left oar boa, and to-night I hate
ooh ft airaefe reatiag at my beart,"
Milaaiah bar from yoar thonebU
i hare daaa-4U duobedieat
JL "Ob, Ralph, Balph, U U aofeibar
V ily to Ulktbaal remember that
; "iabe la your daoghter, my ohild the
ioniy oniia uoa erer nq ne.
1) J Aad teara came raabiof to the
jjwi www tjn.
t -What oUim baa aba oa aa bow t
H very datifol daaghter ebe prorad,
'XiJn't aha r cried tbo mtber, bit.
lerly. -Wbea Alioa diaooayad me
py awrryuf toai top, ueorge Oon
I way, i tore uar moa ud maaaqrj
, mi u iay Bean. '
i a -Atteearaft-aover
- Muld -never, aever r wept tba mo
l iwf. 8he loredftaMft who lored
W truly, Kb eama to too, aad
. Vld y do all be, too. eaaftftaadaak
- id yoar ooaaeqt, to aaarnr Alioe,
. A'bat v&a voor aaa wart Yob m.
Vaed, lmn!te4 Um, ftod thruat him
0I9 yoW bo aaa,"
Al 14 49 ftCftta.' mattftredtbft
qaar between bia olaaobad taath.
"They ware auriied l tba villag
oroh," waat on Ura. Qrftolta, 'and
the Bight traiu for theoity two
vgyearaago. Vnea ibftt liiaa to
ia bar fate aad wberaabooU bare
aa a myatary, aad aha Imi Barer
fittea to oa.
ftha wrotH baU Qalph Qra-
W, his faoa growiug aMU. border.
aant two or three letUraaikar
W waat away, bt deatroyad
mb tba mooMot 1 raeetved ikmm."
(lad yovqaTer. told me.'' Qb.
Jrb, lUlpa, that waa antel r
o more ao tbaa. bar dlaobadh
to t father's wiabaa, 0rr-j
COM sus U
their eandle, aad aeoarelr fastenioff
tba door, took their way ap to their
chamber above the kitobea
They had ooaroely eo tared the
apartmeat wbea a ptttfol cry waa
wftnea to toir mm from without.
Mr. Oraolte ralael the window
aad pat hia bead oat,
-Who'a there T beaalced. trviar
to penetrate the darkaees.
?a poor woman wbo baa lost bar
ay w tba bicht ftad atora.r said
um aorrowral voi aa.
Where do yoa ant to t". , ,
" waat to reaeh the villaira. bol
I'm aot able to walk aov fartliar
vroat voa cite ae a bailor, rra
do oolr till Horoinff I" anoka the
weaderer oat ia that awfol atone.
Poor thiacl' eried OraoiU'a
wife. 'I'll ro dowa aad ooea the
8 jroo woo'l,"
And the farmer aUvaJ hia wife i
thee said to the woman t .
"Yoa follow the rood eoanle of
miles and yoa II reeob the village.
We aoa't mts in waaderers."
MS abttt down the wiado. anl
bis wife fell into a abalr weeping.
-Balph. RalDh " aba eried. thro'
her tears, "yoar heart is ios 1 The
poor woman will pariah I
l ha farmer made ao a
anawar, bat
retired to bed,
hlsa without a heart, slsso on. for
it is ana iftel Digbt or peftoefQl alara
ber that ever wiU visit voor oillow.
Tbs morrow's dawn will briag to
yoar hoaee a horror Ibat will blight,
darken, and shadow your fature on
earth it will rend yoar ioy heart sa
it was never reqt before t
Aad the poor woman of the atorm,
where waa aba f Oat oa the lonely
road, where enow lay ia drifts, sod
the wind tore by. On, on, ber step
faltered, sbe stopped, then fell'
Fioroe howled tbs wind, heavier
foil the auow. sad on the roadaide
atarted up faes t white aa the aoow
that eorrouaded it, tbs faoe of the
atraoge woman, rigid ia death, in
her abrowd of snow.
Morning dawned, with s bins sky,
geoiei son, sad ft enow clad ooqq-
Farmor Granite and hia wife were
eating breiikfaat.
Tba furtnar'a faoe wore ft etrauge
look, and his wife waa pazxled.
Wife,'1 said be. after finiahiog
bia breakfast, od puabiog back bia
obair, "do yoa know what I'm goto;
to do to-day f"
"Well, then, I'm going to write to
the city and aak both Alioe aad her
beebaod to some oat here.'
"Are yon really in aaraeat J"
"Tee, wife." 1're been ft atom fa
ther long enodjrh. I'm going to
make ap with Alioe sad ber baa
band," ; Mrs -Orftoite's joy eras noboond
sd. The heart of ioo waa malted at
I wonder what bonome of that
poor woman wbo oams to oar door
laat Digbt T
"Ob, aba's in the village now, in
all probability."
- A pain, baavy and abarp, seemed
to oaien ma oreata.
by did ha atart and seixe the
baok of bis obair to keep himself
irom iaiung 1
roar uoa were coming ap the
paw tour neigbDors carrying be-
tweea mem a plank, wita aometbing
oa it.
They sntsrsd tbs farmer's kitchen
and hud tba bordea oa tbs floor.
Tbs farmer sad bis wife were Dele
e we aaaa nee oerora id em,
A woman, Jlr. Granite." exolain
sd one of tbs maa, -a woman aa was
roana by as roar Ibis moral nr. ao
yooaer oa tus road, sbe a quite
dead, sir."
T7hv--wbT did too brina bar
hare T" gaapod tbo farmer.
'Oaaee I thought aa bow bar faoe
iooKsq ilka like
A wild shriek earns from Mra.
Oraatta, who dropped oa ber kaeas
and tors tba cover ag off the face of
ids oeaa woman.
a cry oi aroay aad aorror eame
a a a m
from the farmer, as tbs dead faes.
with its opeo. iloesy erea. aUred ao
at him.
"Good Heaven !' ha eried. oovar-
ipg his ayes, aad staggering book
It : Is Alios oar Alios whom
yoa refaeed to shelUf met nia-ht 1
Oh, Ralph, It ia tba veageanoe of
A moan, sod Jfra. Graoita fell to
tbs floor lo a swoon.
"Oar Alios f moaned tba atriokea
btrher, kaeeiing at his dsad daogb
ter's aide, aad parting tbo f races
hair from tba white tempi. Qar
Alioe. wboee hrbrbtaess I have ao
longed fori aad I .1 killed her t I
waa going to write for yoa to'dftj,
tum. u tuu wte now t
His mind was a-irino way nnder
ths awfol shock.-
A iMlas waa in tba nost offloa. and
had Utin therefor vo weeka past.
Qos day after AJiee had beea hud ia
tbo ebnrabvard, Mrs. Oraoita re-
aeived aad rad ii
xt was dated from the oitv. sod
from bar daogbtar, toUiot (hat ber
hmhnd hftdltllad ia baainees aad
died, aad that aha waa oom.w boots
ouminf basjk to, tbo claoo whsrs
sha waa keri, fvar bar beart wee bro
ken, aad rrtvad, bar father
.htf-taB, .'
iolJ was rwaalvaj tea Ua. !
it u f ?, t-1 r 1
the earth, aad the little stab son
tains three names Ralph and Mary
urmoita, en a aiios, tnoir aaagnter.
Uaeband, wife aad daaaatereleea
togstbsr bow. aadar tbs ahada of the
sbarobyard willow.
Lanftvity Motaa.
John Cattle died ta Montreal tba
Othordfty, oged 112. '
Robert Kid d. ICS veera old. Is the
oioeoe maa to lata. -
Mary Feraay died in tittle Valla
N,' Y, at the age of 105.
Samaal Ltt reosatlr died la
Pike towDehip, fa , aged 107. '
Margaret MoUab w died ia Dur
ham, England, lo. bar I Uth year. ,
Aaot ftorah .oka, la the eewatf
hoapiUl la rutbaah. M, ia 104.
Clara Clairs, of Raw Orfoaas. was
horned to death at tbs age of 108.
Lake Ciarville. lOl.yaaes old.
hanged bimeslf la a pig aaa o a
poor una.
Tharlow Weed saw lbs frat steam
boat and rods ia tba Ant aiaam
railway train,
A papil ia the OsrsoavtlU (Oa. )
sohool is eigbty-two j ears old. She
is ft oegreea .
After living more thas a eeatary,
a Miobigao maa eommittod saioide
by haoging.
Andrew nog, niaetythree years
old, of Columbi a, l'a., aervsd nnder
tbt first Napoleon.
Lacy Karoey, of Ltnaia, Jich.,
was fifty-flrayeare a slave an d over
aizty years free.
Kouoe Kamp, ninaty-sit years old
of Otllowav, Ky., married Mary
Dridgee, aged eiaUeq.
Over a oentqry ago Ann Oollioa, of
Paris, Ky., was bora. Sbe remembers
Diana, Dorany, of HpringGsM.
Florida, was sappoaed to be 115
yeara of age wbea aba died.
Mary Donobue, wboae graudfa tber
died ia his 1 2 1st year, reoontly diad
in New York aged 112
Poleg 8prague, of Iii ne, ia nine
ty yaara old, aud blind. He waa
a Uuitod States Senator in 18J3.
Jamea Hmitb, of Someraet county,
S. J.,- now 109 years old, was aold
aa a slftve thirty years ago for fifty
Tuomav Howe, of Ttsrringto.. N.
ti Utd'y mde a mariiage proposal
toftlaJy eightyflvs years old snd
fifteen years bia junior.
A negro died oqt long ngo in
Oaven, O mn., leavio a f mil y of
orpbaoa from sixty to sigbty years
did- The fotber waa 1U8.
Tbe eleven daugbteraof tho late
Robert Johnaoa, of Middlotuwn,
Conn., are alive, tbe youngeat ovxr
fifty years old, ths olJest over
Armstrong Porter, of Laxerne,
Pa-, diad last month aged ninety-
eight He voted for Thomas JefTor
eoo for President, and for Samuel
J. Titdeo for ths same office'
Although 103 yeara of age, Jans
Gilbert, who is living at Jl'J Vina
streot, Baltimore, is ia excellent
health. Sbe remembers the bom
bardment of Fort McHenry and saw
Georgs Washington once.
A North Carolina coapla, who ara
each over oiqety years of ft; a, desire
to die at the earns boar. 1 ney bsve
oompleted their funeral outfit aven
to their tombstones. They live io
Iredell county.
Bir Moses tfootefiors, tba eminent
Jewish banker, is in bis ninety.
sezenth year. He served as sheriff
of Loodoo and Middlesex In 1837.
the years of tbe q teen's eooeaii on to
tbo throne, and was knighted by ber
majesty tul year,
4 Hwaorift's Dinner.
Twenty miooTes for dinner.'
shouted ths braksmao, aa wo ap
proached (ahrop.
Arriving were, i aauraa uo
dining room and ioqoired of tba
waiter . "What do yoa have for
dinner f"
"Tweoty minutes, waa tbs bar
tied reply I told bim I woald try
half a doaea minuUe oa tbo half
shell, juat to see bow they went
Told bim to make a annate of it on
his books. Us scratched, bis bead,
trying to comprehend tbo order, bat
gave it op and gaixsd on soma ons
1 approachsd a man wbo stood
near ths door with a lot of silver in
bis band I .
"What do yoa bato for dinner t "
Half ft dollar," snysbs.
t told bim I woald take half a
dollar well dona. I asked him. if he
oonldnt give me, io addition, a boil
ed pookas book: ataqad witn greeu
backs, and soma eatauthifiiee gar.
niabad with poataoo aUmpa aad tea
osut aorip alao. a Oaqfodsrato bond, browwq, witb letuee alooa- And
I ejqqld bks to waeh mydiauesdows
witb national bank, aotes oq "draft."
Uo asid tbsy won oqt of every-
tbiow bat ths bank Sates, aod that
aa soon as tba train wait Id
order ts waiter to? Toyasr'' ooea.
tl'a 'ri-tttstkiotory j Wo
cn atatfcurtor
i lj aosMwoaiow
Ht Was In No Hurry,
He waa a man wh j looked as If
ha took lifs say ons of thoae sort
of man wbo seem to be always hall
lacliaed to dis to save the troabla
of breathing,
Ha sauntered Into a dootor eoffloe
tbs other day, aa tf time bung with
leaden weight apoa his beads.
-Oootar ia f ' be asked.
! "Yes," replied tba trim maid ser
vant. "Awakst"
Yea, sir."
All right i laat tell him I'd like to
aes him. If he waa asleep, I waa
Joing to tell yoa not lo disturb him
a be a breakfast V
VTsll, III wait till bs gets
Hs welted for aboat half an boar.
At the end of that tin,s tbs doctor
appeared, harrtedly wiping hia
montb witb bia bandkerobtor
The man was loisoraly examining
an album on the oeutretable.
"Goodda v, air,r smiled the dootor,
"Ah, good dsy i nice day."
ReaiAikable day for this assson
of tbs year.'
'Yea, air."
Good for crops,"
"Sorter looks (iksraio, though, io
tbs east J"
Tbs doctor seseoted.
The nailer began oa another subject
and said that graas waa better toao
it bad been I-r many previous years.
nbat on eertb can tba fallow
want ?'' reflected tbe doctor, and he
determined to sound him.
Are yoa ailing, sir f " bs asked.
Ob. no I '
"Your wife ?''
"lileas no, qo "
Tbin," queried the dootor, in
deaparation, "what do yoa want of
ms ir
"Oh I juat called to remark," re
plied the man, aa be got up, "that
my mother-io law waa taken violent
ly with tbe fits tbia morning, and if
you oould Juat drop around to the
bonne aowe time during tbe day,
aitbontinconvnienoiogyoaraelf uy:
it might soit ofreaeaure tbe old"
Our bodiea are in a stats o! in-
cuaaant wests sud repair. At count
tleaa inilliona of pjiots old material
ia bfinp qand np and inatantly ro
i:laood bv new material that ia aa
iaalautly oaat aai Je,
lor tbia reaaou it ia trao not i
nnlu thnt .ina'u hvlv ia tvlw.lL olinnir.
ed every year, but that it it uot tho
at two BUoCHsaiva momenta,
I lleneo the imporUnce of i liminaliug
to drain off tliia dead mat-
Arteriul blood furnishes all the
new material, whilo tbe old ia
brought away ia tbs veins, from
whiob, it haviug been slimjoated,
tbe rbaidas returns ta tbo heart pur
ified for further uuo.
The ttliminating organs are tho
lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. To
lungs e'iininste carbonic nwd tba
moat abundant of all the waste i the
liver, cboleaterioe waste of tba
brain and nerves i ths kidqeya, tbe
waate of tho moaoles, the skin, more
or less of carbon, but especially ths
aalte or too system.
If any elimiqoting organ is inac
tive or as to bs qoable to
perform its offios properly, tba effete
matter is left in tbo blood to ae
cumulate in ths circulation, except
tbeteoma oqe or npre of the other
eliminating organs coma to the help
of tbs former.
Tbo skin often does so much of
this vicarious work that ft singls
glanoe at tbediseeeed maa 'a faoe ill
eometimas suable ths pbysioisn to
know what eliminating orgaa ia die
aaaed or torpid, Thia waste matter
left ia tbs syston results ia various
diseases sometimes ia blindness,
sometimes io ulcers aod varioos
sroptioos, and often ia death, tbe
system becoming at leogth fatally
poisoqod with it JtiutV Comjutn-
Tba NatiM'i eraift Sohool. -Hare
are soma of tba nation's
scholars, with their virtaes.
Dels Ware iA patits damsel gen
atftlly lalkaUva, bat wbo laat yar
Wfto paacbless. ..
- Afary Land Na tioaal. Always
with aa oooa befars bsr.
Afi onia Sots, The flour of tho
Flori Day Displays orsat Uals
io ber arrangements.
Oarris Una To mem.ory dear,
yat over for oottou.
Lfouisa Ann A aorrowfal saaidsa
Her Issssa are found ia tieros. .
Mrs Ippi It is ber namesake, not
herself, wbioh baa tho hig month.
Miss Qari Likes company. Mis
ery always likss oompaay. .
Ida Ho A bear reUtivs r.l "Whoa
Bmoia.". ' m
' Miss Cbigao Tbo "swsat singe. '
Allia Qama A torn boy aha U
longa o tbo aaauy climb, , ' . -
PA., FEBRUARY, 1880. NO. 33
Burdstte's Avlc to a Yowni Man
Mr son, aal.y youratir. Have
rood time J pleaeare is smiototly
right fts4 proper, bat ft good tint,
iss't secated ky s headache that lata
ill Ihs sast day. The simplest
plessoras ars ths moat lasting. After
you have epot two ysart ia Europe,
yoa will some baak and alt dowa ky
yoar owa firekUe aad think ofa pis
ais yoa want to down at tbs Oaa
Sade oos sfUraoos ia Jans, ibat coat
yoa juat aiaiy-five oonu. The 'good
liqtsa' ibat y mi dart n't take yoar wire
lo, toy toe, that yoa would lis about
father ihin have your , tjur know
kb"Ot tbem, the 'goodnaaa' of tbm
nv ver eomce bck to rvfreah yas aad
glidlenyonr haurt doe tba memory
f that auty Ave cent piooK white
yoti ohftttareJ nanssaM with tba Irl
yog lovod. and liughad juat si tba
leaves rustlsd, harsuse yoa ooqldn't
belp it The 'good time' that wke
it. the nioruing and wonder wbara
It waa and wbo aaw it and where all
iu money a goes j tbe good time
that tails itaall off with a headeeb,
there 'a preoiooa little fun is that.
And it only lake a little bitter aai
of that kind to poNoa aad elooJ lha
maaoiiea of bar pad. It dneen't
take many auch 'good tinea my by,
to aiiaglo tears witb your bread and
frail with yoar drink. The aiiag is
tbe araalleat part of tba bee, bat
wbto yoa pick bim ap by It, though
the rest ottos bee were ss large a
so omaibqa bora, yat would the
ting outweigh alt the good aweat,
barniloa boaey-ladea portion of the
lee, aad yoa would Ibiok about it of
tener aad lengsr.
A Glincs at ths Algsrians
They ars the Yankeea of Africa.
theae .Algerians. Full of chatter,
aoapieion, curioailf, narrowneaa of
nature, poverty of potiataioaH, iaxoo-
iou, tricky, cute, abarp at swapping,
(parte at aweario, aod with a cp
aciiy for flat di.peptio plea that
would arouse the jealnnay of aa army
of -S.loo SliioKlet J" They are.
however, a singularly attractive poo.
pie if yoa waot to paint, clotures, but
m'i repulslva hit ir you bava to
V'i ".' y
preuy sou moat oi tneia aioveoiy,
ol any kind, murk tli riaiqg genera
tion of 'yooug Algeria' particularly
tbo fopol I hia place. Ho is Itm.b in
Oriintal eoHtume finery, with bia
klockioga hanging down ovur lh
heel ol bia eia'iroijarod felippcrt.
Ua apeaki lad French, emokee ft
poieaof dried hay callod tobaooo.
ai I UliM to ooffee one per cent- above
'. ai greaao miseu witii muuay mo
!HI"C- li'000 ,.uiu ' doea nothing
j b,JI BB,bl ha fatlior'a Uat peu.
, . or ""other pockt-tnoney
I ii uiuiuur ur iiionej t)iii, lie is t
ouuipouod of an incurable ahtoj
tqa loafer mixed witb a Fifth avenue
eeoood olaa boq, aud both material'
ly nuedooated,
Without powder a
If yoqr stomaoh is
not eat roaobes.
gua is only a
not slrgng, do
If oqs cannot
builds a shed,
build a homo, bs
A bald-beaded parson dwiea not
cars for a razor.
Ths thretd isqaits aooqstoutsd to
follow tba path or ths nsrdls .
Ths sola of the foot is sspasa d to
ail toe mm or tbo road.
Tbs pot lid is always badly off i
tbs pot gats tbs awsat and tbs lid
gets ths steam
Ho who waits for chanoo will have
to wait a year.
Ths osw Queen of Ppain wears bo
- Old maids ara very numorQUJ in
A dentist's sign Drawing, musio
and dancing.
Texas bss almost atoppsd horse
racing by fixing a tat upoq it
tieadville bas two corootrs, ons
for day sad ons far night work.
Ths high pries of oottoo may af
fect tbs batting of tbs base ball olubs
nex.t season.,
Door ' bells ara not favored in
Ieadvilla. If a maa is too prond to
kick tbs door ia hs's too high-toned
for that locality)
A starved tramp said bs was so
tbio that wbeo be bad a pain bs
couldn't tall whether it was a atom
ash acbs or a back aoho.
A Wee Larq editor says ons bag is
worth a dozen love letters, and they
cannot bo introduced as s video cs ia
a braanb of promise suit
' Tbo preacher who preachss that
eonteDtmaat is better than nobes,
ought to hs ouutoqtsd when his son
tnbutiQn box rstaroa empty
It ia aaid Ibat FJi?u a light will
bora under water as well as shots it
aod tbaro is no longer any need of
taaing around ia tho dark for flab,
A flellefonU man. 'a . nightmare
turned oat to bo ths shadow ef his
wife's foot oo tbo bedroom wait ia
ataad of aa aaccttl? e2cwaar wUA
vo aoras, ' .
T-rra Tt-' 'X ol
Tat Foot Ssasont.
la tka belay April wtaiktv,
My lve, ya kaw,
Wkaa lha tore brg.a ta sraa,
Wkat walk w i.ik togstkar, ,
Wkat sigh braalhtu tagmktr, '
Wkat vows w ptJgd legtikav, -la
I k Sai lecgtga
la Ik golea Staaw araatk,
M jr 1st, rau kaaw,
vka tba wsat ta aaw,
Wbsl boa t( balll legrtbrr,
Wast bss-s w wh.l logelbar,
a k.l pleu w logrlk.r,
. Whits ib ski. war all aglaw I
le lb rstay Aainaa wssibsr, 1
.Mjr lo., yon ka,
Ttu ib wind, brgta I bluw,
Wbsl taars w shJ Isgnb
Wh it aouaJ ws h..4 g(h.r,
h si loftt ws losl logslb.r,
akaa w UIS sur darlings law t
la tba wihl aad Wlnlsr Wsalhsr,
Mr Isvs, tsu know,
Wiik ear bsaas ss while a
Wbsl pra.rt ws pre. log. Ik. r,
H'bsl Issrs w ihsrt log.ibrr,
Wbsl bssssa w sk logsibsr,
For ear lint, bss eoios to $ I
Theodort TiUo.
French Dsttctlva Trick.
A few days sinoe a young man
dreaaad in tbe height of fashion oame
with all the other travelers, out of
tbs trsin whioh had juat reahed
Parii from Hrossel. He had scarce
ly quitted tbe car when be waa ao
ooated courteously j "Do yoq wiab a
porter elr V tho very thing I waa
looking for. Will you take tbia valise
a mf ehow ma tbe way to Hotel do la
Itoumania, Bonlovard St. Mioqel.
As this is my first visit to Paria,
prefer going there on foot," At vour
service, sir," On they trugsd. When
they bad crossed Pont St. Michel
tbe porter, 'instead of following
Oolevard du Palais, turned to tbe
left, went down Qaai de 1, Zforologe
snd entered tbe Prefecture of Polioe.
e aaid to tbe owner of ths valiae i
il am going to introduoe yoa to tbe
roaster o! tbe bouse, aa be ushered
him into the oflioe of tbe head de
tective. Tbe latter no aooner laid
evce oa the etraoger than be said :
"Why, good day, Moua. Vsowater,
Yoa havo juat come from Antwerp,
have juat oome from Antwerp' where
yoa have stolen a large sum of money
ton have already spent five years iu
jail for a similar crime. What oo
earth poHaesaed you to wan't to put
np at tbe Hotel de al Boumania
wbere lodgings are dear, when you
knew bad a obaruberst your die-
possl for whiob 1 would not charge
one cent f'' The tbiof was put iu a
cell notil tbe legal papers to warraot
his extradition reached Tans.
All oqr domostio duties should bo
regulated by tbo gospel.
Christians should mutually belp
one another by inatruolion and ad
If a Christiana croas is hesvy he
has not to carry it far, as there is
one ever willing to tako tho heavier
Hepnv ars thsy wbo think serious
ly of tus troths of religion but fsr
mors hsppy ara tbey wbo feel ana
love tbem.
Tbe only oare for Indolenoe is
work i tbs only ours for selfisbnees
is sacrifice i tbs only ours for unbe
lief ie to shake off tbe agae of doubt
by doing Christ's bidding i tbs only
euro for timidity is to pluogs into
some dreaded duty before ths chill
comes oo.
He wbo olimbs above tbs osres of
the world and turna bis face to his
God, has found tbe sunny side of
life. Tbe world s side of ths bill is
chill and freeing to a spiritual
mind, but tba lord's preeonoe gives
a warmth of jay wbloh turns winter
into, summer, Spurjton.
The monotony of man 'a life is
generally due to the fact that hs bos
no obsogs.
It is too lata for a boy lo bs good
snd repent of bis sins when bs qds
himself on thin ics.
Tbo difltunltiss of Soripturs de-
story nons wbo would not bavs
besn destroyed without them.
There is nobody so weak of inven
tion thst cannot maks soon a little
stories ta villify bis enemy.
Adam means red. and yot it would
mad a bJaok.-hairftd girl for yoa to
say that AQt Aa hair grsw 00 hsr
There is aa rational prinoipls by
which a man can dis eontentsd, b,ut
trust io tbs mercy of God, through
tho merit of Christ
' When a christian goes Into ths
world because bs sees it bis call, yet
while bo fuels it ftlso bis aroas, it
will not bnrt bim.
Xow that svarytUlug' is advancing
delinquent subsoribers will pleeas
follow suit. Adrsoos to ths oQco
aad pay tbo printer.
Adrnnkeo maa at Fort Worth,
Texas, entered a oirous and nalted
tbo big Hon OA tho head. Tho arm
bs ha loft w.itt dota toTit baud
the fourr.
rttrdlahed avery Thursday Kveamg
jiaXMiAa caouaii, fro
of Rubeortrttion,
two DoiJ.i lurm axsom. Par.
able vithln aia MMtftiot
paid within ths yaw. No papar dm
oon Untied aatil all arrWraces are
paid ualeaa at the option of the pub-
OuUsoriptinin wtUlde of theooaaty
rATABt.t 131 ADYAMCa.
geJrPsraona lifliiir and asing pap
addressed ft othsr beonme subscribers
and are liable forth price of the paper
J ')!. 1 M! I If
sauRsosovt, sutobb uo.,ra
Kccly ifcWagnep
Lnmber Dealers
! aaa MsvrrAcvrata cr
Issrs, Isor Istra. Wlsdswa, Ihsttsf
i vtinnew Iotas, IllaSs, bask, Itatr
yixlnrs. kTsaa Islllsra, Brack
Ha. MssMlsn, rieerlBf,
Bhinglss, Lath, aaa Ave.
Ordsr ssH.tlsS and tiled wilb sraasl
tssas4 S.pslik. Pla atl ai.4 1 sa
"Oil I MYaw
il l'NT'8 BtMK-
enrts bIh la Iks
bs, ma ar
Lata, sa4 all 41.
ef Ik KI4.
ay, itvsr BUddsr aal Uriasff Or
gsa, lier. Olshsus, Drigbl'
UiMriba KiJo.r.. A.i. alios r la
aatla.aa af Urine, N.rTous Dii.sssa,
rial W.ska-.., aad E. .. HC.tri
RtUXUT Urpslr4 IXTaldSU far
lh Sisss.s.
From R. B 0. Ts.ler, 0. D., Psstsr
First Bspitsi Chor.h.
PanviDssos, K. I, Jsa. S. 7S.
I esa uat If ia lha virtue afRCRT'l
RKMBDT la Kidasy Dlssss.s fraa sstaal
rial, bsflag bf.s grsaliy b.n.u.4 hr
II. as. K. Q. TATLOB.
Psn-insROB. B. I . Auf. 19. 178.
Ws, B.CLAHKB Dsa 0ia lis.lag
wiisww.S tbs w.od.rful a.i el
HUNT'S BBMBOT la my wa ., snl la
a aarnb.r of stbsrs, I reoaa.a4 It
lo sll sffltoi.d with ktdn.r dlsasM. ar
drnp.f . Xba.a aSlialad by jiaaasa haal4
...ur. lb aeUlola whiob will ear Ihsa
la Ihs .hortcl pn..ibl lia, HON TO
REMEDY will ds ibis.
nsr.irully Tsura.
B. R. Pawlsv. 8J Dy.r It,
UY I partly V.g
isbl. sad Is as-
br tbs sail
of Pbjsiesaa. It
b. stood lha Iu
ef tloa for 80
years, sod lb it
nsl rslisooa may t pUc.d la It. ONS
Bond far panpblsl lo W. B. CLAKK.
rro.idtneo, It. I.
Bold by nil Drtaggiata.
B.pi. II. '78. ly.
I ho rhmnix Pectoral.
Hat nrsT ItMir la bs Mallrlv ailaM.4 U
old p.rtuoa, soa.uaptira. aad .kllar.a. It
krsak. a sold. It lojn a Muak. Italdiaa.
pMioratlua Itcl.M In.taat f.ll.l. Il
iraaalk, It briua. n.u It ba aad. m.r.
.ara. tkaa any ota. dlln. Tlaa.aad. ef
Ib. .Uli.u. al Ka.iain -anarlranla kaa
u.ed It for yaap. p.l and Uaiirr to tka r.ll.f
iv.a aad .ara. aov.ud.
Piloa, -A cat. or t botlU. for tl .
V r-par-d br l..l oUrhntiar. M. n. aS
mll by John A. Moan. Mlddl.bwra-, aad Sla.
oa Ion k Harl-ar, U.atr. Ilia, fa.
April I f.
Manhood : How Lost, Hvw Restored I
Just publlsb.d. a aw 4ilios of
Dr. C'alvorwrcll's Olebrsj'
Ird Kasny on ib radUal ur
(wuboui a.dioia.) ef firssaaToaaaus
or B.alnal Wtaknast, In.otuaiary 8eni.
aal Lo.ati, iMroTSkor. Manil and Pbjr
aieal taeapaeily, Iap.liosnls to Marriage,
.to. ; also, ComuMriiox, Epitsr.v ao-t
Kit., Induced by ..If iadulgaaoa er
ual aslravagsace, 4..
aSjYTrio, la a s.aisd tsrslsps, saly
k s.ui.
Tbs elsbratj author, la ibis sdmle
.bit E.tajr, ol.arljr d.inaqsirstM, from a
thirty Jr.' us.a.fal praaiie. tbst lbs
alarming af aalf ahu. aaa
b. radically eiir.J without Ib. dang.r.
eus ae of tntaraal a.Jicia or Ib. ap
plieailoa of iba bolfs ; poiailng oui a
qo1a of our st enss siuipls. ..rial", aad
tSssiua!, be, ma; sur bimt.lf eh. .ply,, sod SADiCAbbV.
atsT77iti Ijniurt wilt prow a ban fo
fAouswtifs and Mouiuin'.
n.oiuad.r ...1,4a a plala a.l.p., I
aay adr.t, aail-aaia', oft Msaiplol siX
teats op two po.lsgs .lamps.
Address tbs Publishers.
4 1 Aaa Hi., Nsw York Post efflos Boi a&KI
Srpl. 7, UTS. I7.
at Low Figures,
Ij L. Dl'FFISCITOJf, of l'rank.
J. lis, h.lB strand the aMry for lha
follovlu. .alaabl U.ak. will nuaoiauM at
oaoa ta ..a. a. kapd.r aouatf. Tk. L'saiilbt
am Iba prow Ion t faalara. ol abt.k.rai
Hi.torv uf all K.U.Ioii. Isanouila.llna I Bim.
Mubb'. af tk. R.ilrad Wrllar. ( MaUwjf f
lliurtr.l.d Srrlitara 1 iu grot
aamlxr af 1 It. Maparln. T).o.
r.h? 1 lu tiaolw-ii. Nlaalaa aad ftaaaa
bl rtaa.
Tte Aisneils of Hr
ao etber Alrloae tipl Tr by i. T- U.adlay,
Uaaoat SaaartpUr Aatkor (a taw.
lea. tHNUM-Y'e
a pbadl mlBOM.f liat pagas WS Itlatira.
tloa a,
Taaas ars tba aast bl(k,ry loUraallag pakll
.lWa. aow otf.r.l tk AaarlM p.bll. a
Ik. prlew aa baaa ida a4 aa as t kilag
tkaai wlibla tba aaaa. of tka a.saa.. aad ba.
Ida. ar. Vufflaciaa m mV4aal la aal anaatf
edwk,olir railab
IU tMUaMBtary e tk. Mtat. r Stw
KarawtMf, lata alMvaraa Tawnabla. Bafdaf
Ca.. fa. daad, aa.abaaaaraatad ta tka iM
slgaad, U parme. knaalae thasMlra ld.M
ad lo aaid Mtata will plaa aas taoMdlaia
yaaal wkH.1kMak.1lu4 atatauasalB'tsatO
estate wiu praeaauj waa lor wmiawa vm
Oct. a T.
afawawavvwawwBr e
CantmUo, Savder Caunt, .fwaaa.
1 .iKRr
Bpt aa kaaS, aadj nakl ta ardaf an ktaaa
ButaAMM V'lala., Wblpa, Ual.r
a.-, a. H walk iw-wU ur aaa
... ..Vebal at. l ta Bue IMt ka j 4Mb)daW, Sa l.Ts,
- tW Vr.'Jx
cit hw tbo draaa.
7 !t4, 11 years eU t-
rr' ittlt'i kotna ia Le
' II Madw mil AjS0
"-ni'if'i' "".;r-v
1 ri VtaV Lij. f - . - w. J 1 a-.a-w,
r , t ....