. OSt,- -rfc In 22, lgS3, ToW 4 Prtprttar. ' AkM PrsnltVMlisI E1tClrt. i. k faeraber of tb New Tori lea; lektare'bMiMrodoeoil a till pro id'.ng for a ehaBtf la lb manner f aboorio Elector tot President naVictPrMiJ.nl U that 8tt. It to sot alUenpted la U ommI4 that thie U party Beeeora, and ie (IvioK tba l)tavrete. grant toeoars. Itprovi W tbata CMgraaaios) district aboil, etoe ; er Kleototv and two JReetore-at-larfe b toted, for by tba whole 8tat Tha 'paaa ee of thia bill Weald" Virtually 4e aide tba next Presidential election Without tha tbtrty.fle. elector f Kew Toer tba Dtrooerata oanot ba ooeeful tbt defeat woold ba a foregone oonolnalon. Tba eonatila tloo of tba UaiUd State rworidw tbsl aaob .State shall eppoiet, In -nob manner m lb legislator "thereof ma direet. a corn bar ' of "Eleotort aqua! to tba whola nae. "bar of Hawetor tad Bepraaatatlra "to whlcb tbe State easy ba eelitled In Cobcraaa'ata Tba bill fatrv Joosd !q th Hw York legislator latbatafor nlriotly In-' aooformUy with tbf .fadajral oonatltntion and toaot be. assailed oa, that aeconntJ At tba last Congressional aleotlon tba Kepo.blic.4tu carried twenty-foqr diairiet -and tba Daatoorata nine.! oe!uet!f Uwlllbe aaaa that if tba bill Under aonaidaratioo became law tW lUpnblioan would b lib. It to onr not 1 tbaa twenty-aix cf tba tblrtyfi Eleolor. Tbara Bra nnqaashionsbly Bnpnblieaoe in New lark wbo will heartily enoVree Ukiir sdTentage of tba Bitoetion aod do' whatever oan ba legally aod eoostftattonolly dona to defeat tba Democracy. Soma probably woa'd ba eveo in for of tba lejrislator appointing tba Elector and tbaa tasking aore of tbaaatira tbirty-fire, an t taking New Tork eolirely oat of light. Other, also, ara doobtle opposed to triolein; anyobaaga, Dot lt tba' fraudulent attempt of tba Democracy to ataal tba government of Maine ia apita of tbair defeat at tba bsllot-bo. nobody would bara Ooonteonooad tba propoaad change of metboda in New York. Hat in Mia nob aa tba Demoorata bara clear ly indicated tboir determination to reeort, to raaJ io1euoa aod all manner of orima and outrage to car ry the Presidential r election, many Renublidana ara disnoaad to 'tak odraolajje of arery conttitatiooal aaaana at their command to defeat rtek'e an aneny. Ga. GerfiaJd baa been elected United State Senator for aii Tear from Marohatb, HMO. At tba time be take hi teat to the Senate ba will bara aerved eighteen oonseen tire yeare iu tba ifouaa of Rep re -aenUUrea. Only ooa . man io tba Hon at thia time baa aarred loog ar tbaa Oan. Garfield, being Jadge Eelley, of Philadelphia, who will oloae an eren twenty yor with the aipiration of hia preeeut tarm, Oen. Oarfleld will U fifty year of age wban ba enter tba Senate, and tutref-ira bida fair for at leait twen ty year mora of pnblto life. Ha ia one of tha boat preierr od men phy aically in tha preaant Ooogreea, wbiob ia djnbtlea largely due to bia babita of tamparauoa in every tbing. a ia alwaya at bia post and i a hard worker when cLn pret ia in aeaion. When not on duty, cither officially or for tha lte publican prty, ba re'ire to bia farm and attanda to bia pmata af fuira. It ia feebly remarked by aom ol the faaraeeed Daoooarta that tha JVaina dletarbanoa ia a purely local one, and that thera ia no neceasity of making it a National iaau It doe not. thoy urge, oooeern tba Demo cratie party at large Ob, doesen't it f 1 be oriu.ee of Tweed were alio local.' but tha oonotry ioaiated to eonaidar them aa devalopmenta which d!d vitally "concern the Dmocratio party at largo." go will it ba with tbia Uaioa orima. ' The couutry boka upon it aa a atartllog revela tion of tba teodeoolaa of tba Domo cralia prty aad It real pnrpoaea in tlie coming oonteat for control of the Nation.. Tbia will be made anffl ciontly apparent' a aoon aa tba peo ple get chance .to pak through the bftllot-bor There ia a briak fight going on among tba Democratio tiembereof the ftliaeiaaippi Leglalatnro aa ba twtn three or more candidate for tha aeat of Mr. lirnen, in the United Btato Senata. The leading aapir aut ara Bnrksdala, Walthall and Bingloton. The flrat named ap pear to have the more formidable anpport, though oloaely proaaad by Waltball. Rarktdal belonge to an old duelling, fireoating Mmaialppi family, and i tba father of the man whoUt Fall amaatntted Captain Diioo, at Yatoo. - '.-- A. orrepondeot, writing from tha elty of If eiieo, aava Uenerel (irant la expected about the let of Fb nv ry, poeaibly may arrive a J an nary, and. will pa the gneat of Colonel t'oaier, the Aoaeriean Mini tar. The llwdoaa Ooverameat will give an oUrtainmerit in bi bonor An i aoraioa to' Popocatepetl and other amnaeaaeota have already been pro JeoUd eo that tba , ai Praaideot will ao doabt enjoy hi viait to tha eoaa try In", which h oommenaed bia The eolored raaaniaiif 'hi tba Ohio leglalatore baa hi troablea, to, bav Jog been raaaad e,lsofc at the prio lpd (raataamal at Cvdamhaa, on rn c olor. ( propoeee hUo- 11 ot ftfaw mah A recaption wa five) di. Qr fid at Coliimboa, 0:(to, no VTedoee day. night. i! EJiaoo la eiperiraeating w lad onttbe ranee of hie: earbon feor abra broekiag. ' 1.'"' Over 1.000 agroea itv aftlgrat. ad. from BmUih Miiippi daring tba paat three weeke. v Three ebildren et Ire lo a Use mot bonMo io. New lurk and ware , near! afforated fA y ' 'Chief Oaray-tolA gaoraUtychorf toat be e mld notaarrender tba Utea bnteonld have them killed ' ,r Kn Indaatrfbne Laooaater eonnty farmer gathered 19 baahela or ahell bVkilMtrall.f ; ; . Tba SUUe where LcrieUtarea ara 0 ioo tlti Tear ara all anvvina Pennsylvania. ' . ...- ' 0rclori I !d to have a great deal of character lo bia face, Zfe baan't any eUewbere, ' Prince Biemark. appeare to be inking gradaailv, and bia daya aeem to be limited ia tbia world. . 8coator Blaine ia not too aick to properly brand hi defAiaer. Ha doe it in atrong Itngoage, too. 8n tor Hill doe not rearat'tha Maine tronble for it Li kent Blaine awT from bia dwak io the Senate. .'4 aenMtional atorr of a motora between Huaaian and Qartnan officer U pnbliebed io a Oarman aewapaper. 'A nero near Mount Pleaeant. ill. nemmitted a mnrdeon aaaanlt npjo oi employer. He bn been arretted. ft ia apprehended io eome qaar tere that Paaamore, iosUad of L fqon, will get aqneezed io the Sute convection, ' Vabbarna atock ia talc in it a riaa lnaoma ptru of the oonotry .altbongh it can acarceiy D eaia to amoant to a boom. Mr. Gorman, the new United SUte Senator, of Marvland. waa one ttt preaidant of a bane-ball clnb. It i leap year nod' Sammy Tildon noeao i veoiar out ol hi bona nn laaa armed to the teeth aoconipa- nieu oy a gnara. Gov. Long, of Jnaaohoiett, and Got. Parkin of California, ware in angnrated'on Tbnraday " laL " They are both Repnblioana. ' ' ;' Henry Carter. orai he wa better known, Frank Ijeslie, th publiaher, 4ied on 8atnrdy afterntoo at bis raaidanoe in Kw York City. ' The Demoorata in Oongreaa are dodgiog Mr. Bayard' antUeital ten. dor reeolution aa if it were a bomb witb tlie foo ignited. " Preaident Hayea contlnne on th lookout for a couple of gentlemen who ara rioh enengb to accept the English and Ruaaiau miaaion. If the Democrat were ia power at Washington tha Republioana woold not have received a aiogle ap pointmeot aa cenaa npervior. The arm at tba State Monet at Angnata, Maine, were returned to the Bangor araaool on Saturday, by uenerai uuamuenaio, A Jndi?e ia O'jio ha deoidvl that th organization of trale-anion ii aontrary t the hwa of 0'iiunn 1 the Conatitution of the United State. There i atill a aoiroitv of arrain storage at Chioago, and tha exorbi tant rate charged for trans portatioo ara oauaiog considerable agitation. Member of the Cabinet Senator. Roproeentative and business men of Wanbiogton Intend holding a mtae meeting to gather fund for tbo dis tressed io Ireland, Tbo two great Democratio victor iea of 1879 ara the killing of Captain Dixon in Yazoo, Miss , and tha steal ing of the Legislature of Maine. Chicago Journal. The Democrat owe ex-Governor Graoelou some recognition for hi service in Afkino. Tbey ahonld, at least, preeent him a gold headod oaoe. It i exported that ae aooo a Sun aet Cox shall have delivered the fun ny apeecb be , ba prepared. Con gre will be ready to eet'Jo down to batiue. In abont three weeks, tha Demo cratio Senators tbiok tbey will oust Jir. KellOKtr. I bey onarbt to send Garoeloo to Iioaisiana and give bim Kellogg'a aeat A few Greenback luoatio met in Wosbinston last week, and fini June 10th a time and Chicago a th piece lor boIJiog a National Conven tion to nominate a Presidential ticket When old Senator Hamlin e-eta baok to bi aeat io the Senatv he propose to make Senator Uavard express bi opinion of th Maine outrage. May ba auoceed. . The faranna and troublesome In dian Chief Victoria Is on the war path, with : the troop tweoty-fnar boors in the rear, in pursuit. That ia tba regulation ' dl taooe, we ba neve. ' Attorna--General Devena baa. as sured fleoreUry Sbermao . that the ueesacbBTeetta daleiration will bud- port bimio lb national eonvention. Senator Blaine , lit doabt on the object.' .-i H , . .,,,. General Adam now ' deoleree that had be known the full magnitude of the erimaa of wbiob tha Utea war gnilty be would - never have Bought tb aava them from tba military aa ba ' . J .-hi . j .. ...,;: ' Ai rnmaeller at AlWhahv. Pa. oipeeted bia barkeeper of pii'arlog, ana go inio Ape , ice dox, lateoiine id keep a 'rii ibxongh .aamall apigot belt, J7 gi aed tba deeirad (asoe-otatioa. bat aooo fosad, hiataclf mormon wviitry. f-xvaa. ColanTrhe Sbcr-i iff ol Carbon luli; . Wro.uln-. r. rive'dat f)envW Tackwx night, and atejsd lUt 75 barrau, t kese load d "With nmmonition, Were disoover-djoiaaontbe-MtlMt Bonday. It iaoptvnedtohfjr the Utea and from Utah. Tba military bave been aent ont to eewot for them. It aoid ttt forty bodle have been etolrn from1 OaklanJ asinlttrt. at Richmond, Vi. ince tb winter Mt1 pTWwtrviippf tbey ba.e been ebipped to oieeeotiog room ia .diff erent parte of tba oonotry. Most of tba rreenrrected'' bodiee were those of colored people. i ! ' . .There ie a glnt of grain In Chica go, Tba blockade i of prodigion proportion Tber are stored ia the elevator 8.000,000 bushel af wheat, 4,000,000 of corn, and enongb of otber grain to make the total 14. 250,000, against a total of 10.00,000 at this time last veer. There are also abont 1,000,040 bushels afloat in the harbor. The third term cry iovolvee no princ:ple,and is notbinir but a politi cal bogaboo What Republican, be be ever so independent and Oonscien tiona. would not prefer a third of Grant to a flrat of Tildoo, or of any otber repreanntative Democrat t ' The FuaionisU" stole the ami of the State of Maine, but the lawful Legislature have ordered tha mak ing of a nw cne. Library of Universal Kno wltdgt. Volume IV. of thia great work, piihliehed by the itttKBtra flcxn Exchanoc, New York, i ready Janua ry 15th, and Volume V. will be Imjed about ten day later. They have been delayed (omesrliat by the printing of the Urge edition of th previous three T lumes and tlie oihor publications of th houa, their facililir for nianiif.ie tura having been',txod farboyond thnir capacity. Removing Jamiary lit to the Tribune Bnil Jing. and to the large building No. 2J Dekman and N.i la Spruce aireet, where their faciliiiet will imbte them to manufuctue from 0,000 to 8,000 volumes a day, the publisher expect to complete the entire work within the year as announced. The volumes thus far itnucil .being only the reprint of the f"t edition of the well-known Chamber's Ewylnpacriia, nothing more need be said of them than that they are well priutod and bound ; their form is vontly more convenient than the uanal uiiwinl'lty quarto or octavo and their price is cheap boy on d all precedent in book-making, so that to tbe uninitiated it is .a nytry how so much can be (,-lven for a little money but to the practical printer and book maker, who know Imw the greul eatoloniont in modifying the coat of j book ia the number of buyer nt.iong whom the invoatnitnt cot ii to be distributed, the wonder won. I be not that the hook ran be nmrfe for the price, but that the number of bnvcra should be counted except ly mil. him. Tliono who take plcnaurn in the dis semination of uiml knowleilo and choice literature will be cUd lo eid ith their Influence , un t,. riiih. to altogothor woithy. Tht publliow will end any quantity of : di-scripiive catalogues to thnae who nmy apply, foe untribtition ainontr actpiaiiititiiooa. IsW FM Gi8 ! A bannllful work of luo PaRM, Oua 0lir4 k'low.r Plata, aad Ml :lart on., with ba cflpil.ma of tba hat l'l'ra alil Vaublaa, lb prleaof aaailo ani lio to arow tham. AU for a Fits Cam arasr. In K.iilUk or Oar man. V ICK'S KEF.D3 arath-ba.t 0 th w.irlit. Pit aT for poaim all! tur tk Iu.il Ut'lOK. IaIIih bo lo at llioui. ma r town md vranim i Oaaaa. 17 PK", Sit VJokiraJ Piaioa, ni iuuy liunilr-l Kl)mrlod. For &0 colli. In ptnur aotara i l lii. l.K.nt r.k. I Oar.nan nr r'oli.ti. Vica'a In.i-uTao MonraLV lUiuimii, PaHa. a color d Plata In mfmtf nambar anil many bim nic mTinva. 1'rlra tl ii iv&r i i Ooploa for o.0o. Hporlnic KiliDbar taut I jr 10 i-.ni. I trial tniilr for 16 iila. A Id rata, Jtiutt V1US, Houeaalar, ti. . . Administrator Sale of REAL ESTATE! THE undaraijnad A ImlalilrUor af tb aviaia af Rrabto DaLang Ut efCaa Ira towaiblp, Snjidar oouuty. Pa.. 2mm ti, by virtu of an ordr of ib Orpbana' Oourl or Union ana Bnveav ceoett, wall axpoia to Public Sal, o a . . Saturday, Jan. 21tb, 1931, ea lbs premise ike following dvaorthpit Rt Eiaiea Is wii Tea tola of Orauoil ailunl ia tb Iowa of Calrrill, royr anuaiy. nail know in tb gaaoVnl plao af aalil Vow a aa lota No. 41 an ii. boun- ltd oa tba North by M trkel Birt. ou lb Can by lot of Sutaa Uranor, on lb Houib by Cotrry Allay aad oa lb Wr bv iioiBil 8irrl. oonlaiais One. Half Ara. oior r lat, oa wblh iserMtaJ a Two. dtory 1) siting Hjase, 8 table . aad eibcv euibaildingt, a aotor failing all or walar star ih doon Alt aiiba am lias aad plaa Traot No. 2. btio a irtol of lead aiitiai in Liiuoalon Iowa abip.Ualua souuly. Pa,, sonuiaiag ' , 45 Aorea , aad 85 parabta, ' Iiub4l aa lb Nartb by laad r Koebau W- Daloog ssd Kyar WlMr. aa tlis Sant by landa of Jolia Zublar, aa the 8ulb by lasda of 0org ripaaglar aodoibr nd ot Iba IT" -in b y laa-ia of Wlilinia UrtibS. ThU Trtol will b aoid ia vbols r parels I auit purohtatr. Onla tosowaitaoe t 1 a'olock A. M. af aid day wbas larais of aalSwlllbt aada kaow y TALENTINK WAITBK, - REUKIH M. KEIXI.NO. , Pee. ta. 1879. . .. AdmisUraiors. Auctonetr Qeorsre II. llaoken- bur i, of Middlecreek. P. O.. would an noiiiico to Uia pavipla of Stiydei . oourir ty, that Ue wili tvy sale for real and persousj property, at short notice and on the moot .resoooabla ' terms. He tuoanUiea satUtinciion, IMr.l3.77M aaajajaajajajjj , . F'l I i f-i 1 ri n a1 " il ir it i. -Sf. r it ti .i II irl irriT Tnre t-H &BM4in & . . ' ' ,M ' 'i ."Vt .Ttft t. S fatsiV:: vraaeawMl ty a2l U be Iks ttH rtea-. ant sad aBeaeUa r'w4 aewiaT m, for the eore af eeogka, evl, rap keatata Itekliag :antathfa Bk ikreol. wbla eeet. W Ovtr illU Ua aieJeVwUU.lbJkiffWjai ll giva r liof wkarrvar avail, a4 has lk pawar I impart ktaanl that aaaael ti b4 fraw Ue eoegh arfalare la a. 8sld by all Prafglvts ai 2i easts par battl.. .... , .,, ., BKLLGM' LlTf.. VTLM ' or . at klshly. raiDiaD44 far suriaf liver aamplatat, Meatlpatiae, klk-.hadaha, ftvar aal ataa, sad all i af' tba loaiMB aa llvar 8olJ by all Drug--lMe at 25 seat par bat. ' C. Stllars k C., Piitbarth. pa 1 Osi.,'?9.1y.a "THE WEEKLY PBESS" F0R1SS0, . ; NEW ATTRACTIONS APONSTLVANIi 'SERIAL STOHT. PRICE REDUCED . TO 8125 For Single Copy oa $1 L CLUBS : of Ten or moro (Including Prepaid Postage.) In eHif'U rtne Turn Wkv. . In tit rut) arid littitll-aa niar. ol II. tl. thn prlr kit ln Mu.irl In IIVK WOLLAB AND TVHIt live I'tVM UM.I.AR for tha Tf b ela. flnrimn w tbnmoMhli tralar1 U tsa prini-tio-i -t Ilia Map iMloiii prt. aD'l wli tain in Kf i., n nnanOatlo naa It bailor at that th rananarltn aait ..m... .r tli p pi runriil I ialw Intruntai In any attaar ailatin nolltlaal ...ii.tin. t.M rii.a th iaar iwu, th moat nutri.lMO po'it aonStnt of thlf nnh a-lll tana nl .oa I nn Itf Iran will fta,ii. tb polltlent ilttlor l I tba euo'r tor loair tun tar i Rpan ataanny ratiatdjh almt nf lb 'Knllil ! . all Ian 1. ana araanl.arf In aan. tnr ih F.xacnilv. to rata, Ooniiraai. tor, modal aod ooi.trol th Huprania Court, aad rn aalwnllnalct.ary ).oh lo Intar I to thiar- mtrlna nnrroi Af Orintmlllna lha .MllMa ol III halloo Uiaiwly aalnlnlna by lam.lnlno an. i paiomi ntaana aLat it loat on th riald rn I'tui lor th duly nf nramrrln lo 'nil t-rv th Oi.nr llollnal Anbilnint nn' tai Mi-ur tha Irillta of tha war - ui.ki.l.l. th rihht nl rry lawful rolar t a trn. anJ nniiouahi. ar l.anf hia riaht i la-la.ih w .... lir ap.n i k.nan r-trB of th roi. mat : .luatllia. tl, n.a or all po.iart m-ant lo prarant fiaodnl-Bi rainrnlnrnf tntra i rrpti i.ini.irui.iin.wiii,i ri.'n vi avart clt. ID IO 111 aia0UalO n.Olai-flna I, a ll.a 1mm l hi- political n wall a kli al.il rl.l.i. i m.i... lain a. a I.- id Hapuhllian -llrv nl K .iimp'ion and bopnat SiianrKl lal.iailnii i ,1. Iff," lanoi aa ti uBH tu pnitor nr Prolaoiinn io Avarlras Inilo.lrf : and. In pnaartl. t.i'Vw wniinoraaa-r ia Haru'fiuan prmolpl laaito Mparlal naa-urai bar laon a loolrd to (iinaxoraaa thb Paraa la all iu dapart u.rnr. nn: F.tnT(iHir. tirr.tiTJF.T win lo tu. fctrd. cl ala and oiwrlanoa.! arliara and rani' of tn..-i .1 la-u-- t will i aa a.i In any i lbar nr.t-olafi tiw.;i.nor la h I'lllo-i. 1HK I.ITKHnY. THK AIMtt't'l.Tl'R. A I.. TH P. FAMILY td THHOHil.Dlir.ht'. M.P.VhT il .M1H all! raiaaln In oliarna nf atiiarlanc-il ao I r.pil.l alltora ; in. tk Maik' I It f port, will ba lall aa l aeon -at. t l.liSK AT I l.N nut aill i ul"m lo th Mtal Naani.f Prnoiylraaia, Nw Jaii-t ao l tMlilPlXI. I oyn roKK.inni t'onnKspo.vnDscF. win iroiu T iiiia'i irom tvurop an I on p rtloo ol tb orlil. j ASPKt'tAl. Fr.Tf"Pof Taa Wwnii1 Trk' will 1. t Harlal Htnry la lilaratlon or Frontier I II to tutral H.nn.t Irasia. pr r to, and during II. Hntotntionary Wat. In whl.'h John lliauy ami Mi ana Jolin aad Sanual, an I uihar ll.wlar -oliirlia will ! prtnoinantly lnlrnlnil. Thlt atnrjr will l.a wrlttan by Mr. tinnca McbIhiuht. author ol "iiur V.larn llnrdar," "oi.l Fort lu ((oa.n'." ant Him a iirty." a I will u b. Kua al-out th nild-ll or Nnvi-uiiiar. an.Kpai.-UI Tarioi will u mad wllh Oia yaaaara. s4,,-man eoplu itnl frr oa .I'p'l'-iioo. Pattlat .andliiu SI, !" will ha 'anlltlrfl to rai Ik pai r lria dot till Jauu try I, I a? I TBNM Fin Tlib UAU.Y Pr.3. OSK YFA II ( IboIbiIIs prapaUt poatagc) K MX VUNTIK " 40 THKF.K MifNTliS DM. MONTH TnsTbi-Wiiii.lt Ph, puMliliad Tar Tna.i-, Thurtilay aad Patnr.lay. MbIIi t ton-orloara (Innlodia s prapald poatait) at 1 0 uaraunuoii fi.vi lor ais wobiu, oill.lol.r ihra montk. Aildroa THE PIIKSS OOMFN V (LIMITED), S. W. Cor. Setentb & .Chestnut St., PUlLAOICLrHI. ... faaaAav.Aaaava I OLD m RELIABLE. JDa. BAMronDs Lrvsa Ivhkjsatob' Si a Standard Family R'tondy fur jW Bowolo. It is rurely T-a-W. . a a a. BB tLT wveguiie.x( botm JDaliUiUloa-Itta tj Pilia.t; aaM.l . tW STVl H W M BW - Saa t." w lilra Btf-Taf vl'Anl, .a- aa- H II B . a- Bi BDB Va."- I 1 InvisuraiAr lpv"ai bee) ttaedS io tor wraetleeS oy fae pnblie, wore thaa M years, . . . . 9J IIND fOtt OIBiaULARi a Mai.-" ---I a-awat tiMW TOilaXCl . T Iionn. m m r.ua.iii liny ABf aaiiiai aau, wmu, wwiiaaaiitiaa. aaaaai,aa' aa. v- vai f IS Jfceev on hand hand 9 linSt Of mm SF 1 . Ta-V O.U' lav fa ' SiTf V D II lf f O1" ' 1T a IKM m m U D I ft! 'ASi Bvl-b 111 lit! ai . u ' .ii-.. aa aa I i c . avu i jui- ma r j jirvi i at '.Ai:jarii yji .wViiir:ii ill aJarlb a.,..U,UI S t a CLJTT r. nJT r rr rr YAV I If W N i v a-aam ta a rs v 'v m rF taw mm k " 1 emit tW m-9w at ma akBBteswdalai aaebot -" 5 rarf tvimion t aim a-wijaOil laUMia !etrii lniui H ran. Nff-nUa, ne oiiarakla aa awa ywaa-aa. lawtitantj Kmmtm amOal, aagaa IS W Of in m.i muwt. ii m n-).Mtad uh aprallwraj.D r-la tont . (KHUN in two ; a. arl aa. WARNtll' SAri NCIIVIMB Onl r I j art m RaM an4 - to t Im aa (IWi m StarflvMaa tiaa. and ralu-raMr, ti. awai ia .naaito. ami C. anl aknrjia. uiMlmiMaa Dronfutaa trt a jn nrak, . rwrnn n aw mab pa. IN h lr a. m arr IMnraa th n4 1 wti-tfc-r laJlrti 1 nall or l ara- - JMUMIMMlr-,Cal,HM, , WARNER'S AFS PILLS AM aa ftiink-'Vata anil m.Ih lM..ina lm m trUUt n-lc-ir Sam.ai.ai, aii.i.ala. as. IK. Ha, ai.l.n.. im I f " jUKi b-i-r-la rto aol oprrai n4 racilaila. aiaaF mi. Mi .fc Haw aa vm. rna aa ala. a taw. w hm-i m 1 1 am NHMkaaUtttua la BMWla. wi aaaiai V pMal- PXKCVrORT NOTICB -Letters UHImaolarT ne llaaaUla af Jiaot Pllr Inu ol Wil l arry Tp, ilaoM, bar k tvatad Ut th inilrainai. ll '. knoliitknMai lailahtad ta . fM null will ttaa maka lmi at pafinant wbil tD( klnv alalm. ktalnit kild tit will pranot team for itliat,i ta . .... "BOMOU IUVKCIVBR''inU. out. r, ITS. , . abator. ADMINISTRATORS NOIICK ltlart of ailmlnlttratloa oa tli a. tula rtt H0Jailn iJplleHar, Sau . 11 a( iib iw,,,. " mii r --. wa - ar-niaa to in a darama.. ah ptani kuowinc ttiain.ali-a IrUai.Wil In aal.l a.ti'a will pla iaa Imrni. Una pyoi-Bi, whila Hium liavlBa eialna nut prataat ttia-a lor taitlom.nt to i LBVi A. UKIVIVtKinCH, Oot. tJ, li:. Aoalalttrator. A OMIN'ISTRATOR'S NflTICE.I e!. X.ir f alntnlirrtlna n th aitata af farm rrnrv-K lat at Monro to-nolp. I IT' " nm" " in Kan m"ot i to mo vonaraianaa, an I to tn oodtr.lanad, all poitoaa kaawlo imalra Indabla.l to raid a.tattar ta ioa.l ItatBak lioniallat payait, wbll thoa mnnw -'a "III proa a I tbidlj tliotl. atod i v. m,i.u,s I H WAOWtrt. Ad.i.lamralor . Cab V, 19. A nMlNlSTKATOUS' NOTICE Iallrra nf adinlnl.trailan on lb tl ai naui'iai m. iroiail, daraa.aj, lal ol havinic boa k ran tad to t uM.t.laria.l, anaoa know! . ,.uilaM la.lolitari lo a ni.mi inwniuipi nayor ouaty. 1'ana a.. ill Id allot ar raouaalad Iu maka lium..li.i. uianl, whil tlioa having oialaia will proaonl tbui duly aatkatiilratil lor (atil-mrt lu , MHW AKU W. r'.lt.Lta. JMI. A. W t'lvK.I, Oof. 0, II7S, A.lBilnlatrator. A New Book Orders Wow Taken A ', an makrooat by aall.BR ilthakln.l Icuad. I'Tha llltrtai anil On. Ilrao t ininlr war! 'I'oar nalilfi (tlttrara,1 b W. K. Iltcrly, ;f1. ol tn tlli.m.nori IP.) Har ( ont iln. all m ami ami iiaolapma lu rotation to th varlooa ronnty an I mwn-lilp ..S'-ai Iraoomplaia hand brnk for al"llo ixne-ra. and traa th Li Iowa lull, kvary r aod tax-pay., arm buy or. :t nntnl law i"oa. t.tiy prima,!, b.u4 I a eli-lb boiI Bold, aJ tM at i Kr ro nmo. .IUH II MAHTIX. Akt. lor Hnjdar routity, P. CAUTION. N'OTIPK i hmhy yitrn Ibnt th fol l iwiac aHii-loa bava lea rnrrha-d by lb uniipirignftl, at I'aualablo .Snlo. od lfl in lb rooa!oii of lanna P. foyt linking b.-r planr. All prr-oo ar rau lloiid not io maililld or InifrTrra wllh il,r nmri 2 lls. lto kaillr. lot pf Pol laea, atl )rda of rurpvi, Ao " " 11AAII C1LCERT. Nor. , 1S7. . ASSIGNEE NOTICE. AT.L jmrnnns inteienttid ere liere by not I had that aaai neavor or Vr.nvlln Towi rblp. Nnrdr (;.. fa aa tvlainait ., . .... .u. aiaiu, UraTS fc n ssjajiaiaMivaaaai aw UHMmmmmMFP fell h i "I bia rflaol, r.l and i-an. nal lo lliaun ., " daralanad lor llihorit or hi iriltr. All Iharo toth nndaralKBad. aad paraona IndablaJ will plana iiaiaaihaia piMiBt . . -uun a,t4vr.K, July l",'T. AaalgB. Cathartic Pillo Comblna tba cboloeat cathartic prlnrlpln in nuiiik-iD, in prupornona airuralaiy avtliutaxl to afur activity, certainly, aod ttiulorniity ol afTncb Trwv era th mull cl year of careful study and prox' careful study and nnw-tlral ex. periniant, and are thai ua naotual roro. xly pMUtaiajvariKI lorduwaacavcaunrxi tir drratigoment ol tba atomach, liver, and bowela, wbicb nqutra nrumpt aud elxontu. sj ttwotniaat. Avsa VlbtA arap. illy ojipllialila tothlaclaiaaol diaeaaea. Tliey a-t diroclly oa the dlsoetiv and aaalin llatlv pTucaaavea, oiid seators rwaular . Iwaltliy actioo. Tbeir exteuaiv um by , pliyalvlons iu tbeir pnartio, and by ail civillnxt nntton. ia eaa of tba Bianr proof nl Ua-it value oa a aal, aura, aau) nertorlly . rellalilo purgative matliuina. being cxmpounild ot the conrt-ntralad 1 wirtun ol purely vaaetable subataiicca, ! limy ara poajuvaiy pa irotn caiotnei, 1 ore poajilvety t from calomel, or Injnnoua rmirtlpa. and ran tie ad lataired tooUlurea witk aerlstAaslety. any ' pun 1 tared Atfu'i Pilia are an effectual cure la ' CoaatipaUoa or Coativanaaa, I adlarea . Uoa. Iripai, Lo of Appeute, Koul Bioaaah aad Breath, Dluiasaa, -' lleavitarba, Laa el Meaaorr. Kasnsw . IMaavHiUouwna,Jauaillol ltbrurna- , I tain, Kruptioaa Mil Skis lltana, Propay, TeawoiPB, Wrma, Neairal. ortaH Colla, OripaMb Diarrbiaa, Dfieav. Ury, itoiit, I'lUia, IionUrs of Ue IJvar. and all olbr dlarea.w raauitloa Irorn a 4aM4aad esale of Uia dlfaaUvf apparaloa .ui, , (.,,. , ; . ( AsalMassimtW'apyM-' . Wnlle mill la their actio, tUaa Fixte are the most Uwrouali aud aaioi thurouali aud aioh- tag ceAhortle c, W Wptoyed. ao4 i IwAbweil, awrt she tabsw iasm.n ia hL statrar sire nala uniaaa In aampt an itp vM f. 1 awaj. .TDf, a raul'ie ins oofmas ana ai-4.caia.v1 1 . nttii;j!...i.aiteralTT ""I .Tl WT " ' ,mm -- ti.1.'ti or-v-i boy iya.a tAptarllw I ' atibatorp tk t or a)laMa 1 b Paafly. aadl' aw.vt I awunoa a aaoon. see owaw-w iwaowea e-t "- "f Twa.ii. sta-y gakaat uee,i " b, aa,Bwter, a, reso.,, ;5 i'v.K3ml prr, iar -Z'-T, ,3 ' .. S. - W EIS Sefmaroye av "1 iL - tin. Araiap.ai-?ch3nri' i t -: r.i .1 ... ( ' f Brass" qg&sI tlAr.GlAlJTS I! BARQIN3 IX I " I . . DAROAINS IN Caltceea fe Sslttts. QMldtea'B Uakdovroarf Sliawis 8s ElD.nfet3tQ,. . .'.'. BAKQA1N3 IN BAKOAtX-J IX . slack asMHiese, . w.i?ict? oil rnhht,:' CORSETS & KI5I1GL0VES a specialty. ! i . ..... JdJl.,? Prfe k"? Joo lo tba lowatt notes ana are wot thy of tbe attootion of eery eoononiioU buyor. j AH order by mail will ba promptly VL 1G. T3. Great Reductioh in w v as nut aj hi m i 1 wonld take tbia opportunity of sn nonuciofr to the public, tlat I still eotitiune in tbe Fnruitute Kusiness and that my etnor is full and com plete, end tbat 1 rreNHinsr On mo Hulta HOnnd Upward. Cul! and curapare mv good with those of other JjeaTerj before pnr cUasitijj. Look for tbe Bijj aigo, opposite Noetling i Sobool Boildio KeBpeotlnllr. .-. IiKVint.'T.T Jnly 10.7D.tf. t"J "vn ml J i ' WmtSewtwo Machine Coi.' CLevitLAND, cmo. ' .;.f, mm Tint Ms pn6to m:iy It protetitd again Imililum 'and Fraud ue . ijKdaUj eeWaw -' ' ... - '' i ,i'i i.-.. -tfUymdiaieiruf. .... ...... i-,. ' BENSOHS CAPCINE POROUS PLASTCRt : -ct I lotttthtvordCAPClNEoneachpluieru ofAar )frr tn lie palmed on undtx timUur u rn! wmu muta or a oooil. H"ir m miwi Ih'd lha eay objeol $ueh Tdar can Aipe, h the fact Ihiii llynut buy imilnlioiMnl h ilfth price Iht gnuiiA. and thru Aooe tyilta tulMitalion In tj.itn n $mult ni1MKnut tnotU. I ' ' - t k.fjHy fc fOUXSOX, nvauHallrairatailata. fajh, n.l CHOICE READING at Low Figures. R Ij. mWimX'.ilim of Frnk a II, bialPB Meon th sacnay for lb ioiiwiiiB vaiaaoi Hwaa will vac to bv( baydar ooaaty. 1)0 Jl ESTIC; IIIULI-'. TUB AC&iBFEIDGlltS of Stauli a of Atriaas Bipt 4wr b J. T- lla4!r. AnniAL a piaadi4Jior ltl 'saa-rtscltlaalr ioa. . i . haaaar tkaot kl.bit lalaraall aobll. atlooa. a ..Sar. I tb Aala.a aaClfe a th rUa aa bM aaHaoa a a 1 brio. " ""b.a ta at nr tk .. a. .ST.?! JS"? ti,-- ' If l ., -a --aBaaW IM S VIMI III njij-ana mW AfBSW 4WWS1 . . . 1 A a ..bll aaaa a 1 aiaaaa.. a kalaLU - - - ' fc H .1 i I l ,1- Sfi 1 ; 1 1 "41 Oi'l: t S ."ini,L rjk --v ..' . i 4... i. ' - l- aat .aa, -t I.'- i .yi ii rvajw. dear's i - ! .' .1 attended t h, Rcspectfu '7. elling all my goods at IbeVEKVLOW. KIT miCE, Jo fuct ehoitper tLan 'ba aama grade of joodd can bo pnr bused any wbere in SnvdorCo hiee tba following priora t 30 n..rt Upward- , Sclinscrote. !'.. ' ; I :.. i l..a!..ir.ia ipcUtdi tttrrtlty.l JXi nol all t.ste toundina namtt M' A4 pwuraaoi lAul it . naaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I . ,. .' - JJL.1. : i V.lVi . i r-, if a" : V . s.-, aomoica. at . , - I P. n Liu Tbo Uoo.lt L i r I J . .. Ualfaiy of . VJ J.v I ! Ill raat I I , or IVpoa-.i I I 'J BTI lr rS' IL'' " Acxs ZJr ,u v ;WllWIiB . Tha StiUMse? Ta S!ra.tHhaNatt. :l ' J ii ;..-. . I-., t s-j Tk livey . regelwM, 7Vebwls rm ta proaor etdar, li el tllo.1 , ailkd, eJ , qq is oyrvpui tystaoi meet- 71 . -ir a i.r v -T :-T 1 at "-- t 1 I leedead tW-9J TS ' ' . tlta Lit i rt. u- A a . . . . , ii ). Lolas' Ana) W.fS, ka -TJ sxtAte. Ca f V-tw -