The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 11, 1879, Image 1

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    ln column osrt jrW J L ' iWOlW
Qiie-laaK column, one yt.' W.OU
One-fauTih oolumn, on year, 15.G
Out .- 14 UeU insertion - 75
rry fcMittonci Insertion, - 60
FrufaMiufMl end Business cards of
nut more than 6 lias, per year, 6.00
Auditor, ExAOutor, Administrator
atvd Aasiguee Notices, 2.60
Editorial iMttea pot line, 15
AU trtittciMt advertising less lhn
S tnoplht 13 Cftftts ft Una.
All ftdvcfttttacat for ft shorter pe
riod thea on year artj payable at the
time they am oravfed, and it not paid
she person ordering thorn will oe held
responsible for the money.
t ,U .JiL !...JL 1 .. - j
1 o o 1 1 y
rfl'?a Hi Hly-fosuJ a.i i .
arln trm'fti iliwa klt
lioa btlow
To lb (bill. nftktJ f'h ( '
Tj tha hritrklrl b lb iaill,v-.
1 etn nt it near my liasnli
. l.ry p'sUy Motion II ikt .
Mill k,
Iba'lrlckrn wiaJiri
Wlien ihof coir..1" ' "
01. Ultra's Itngusg in th Kttow
lli il iltseat 1 art it g .' .
it go I
V'.frfy atarry II tk oie
Tbattth it attrr m'tr norJ.
Cn bit bssrj ;
Vei (ho ftm ta in l rjio.
For I hay basrlba intiai- f train ;
Anil ttfSin
To Hit iliraoti'iig henrt It calls
At it Ulia
T t' linaaing loal U-vi yrn .'
V'jr i be bf tuilfnl, l Utrus
M)irriet I ha biaor bora
Ltugh ta mora.
Cuta Ilia lilly foil I in. ,
M jvinit ilii.i,thilull auJ alow
ffnpt il r!"rnMy lh grnto
Wlrnr, np'rr lilting bar lilut tj i
II ni i la lirH,
I.'.ks nt'iliu'iii in a o,
Or a liuli tio l guli
. Mima tiholJ ;
Lkt 'iir ik it aja.'ra a ol u t
For in aiirou I.
lr Ink a a np'iu, q.i? by una j
Kl'ioar, iluwcr j Ibcy ir ! n.
At afraid lu Incsk bar alaip,
Kilrii.'o kri p.
S ft 1 o t 'V ii !
A 2'ac of WiU Western Life
All CtliroruiauH, tv'iio his ovor
truvol.'d iu the (1 ildju rfi.itu iu u!i,
l.ive. either or baud ofoiyoce.
I l.oi'olore. ll will l.u ilunocoH.sary lor
.u.t'iirive a vnry mi.uu anj..
tioi. of the itniuiil..
As a .mm.Hl thio, tlmv rosumSb.
Id,, d.i.r nr.) i.otVMVHf. amiMiti' thin
a c.iiu:u m-eizjd cur, nu.1 Utve u
lo'itf. p tinted mis ; t uy .tra iujt
mute c iwurdu, und very r iruly nttaek
lUr-ii, uuluHt hard pioithc.l by luiiiu,'.
Mjhv ii weary iuiur bith k.l hit
itlnrnb .;ra r ithlotsly lirokiu by til
tliiernthly bju'liti's of e lyolox, nu I
in hi (.'ttreiue tiuiiuutiou b is t-oi.'.'.l
lii.t yin with thu iu i on It m of putting
uu o 1 1 tt aome of h.4 toi m j l'.oiv,
lull n.illioJ out only to Ri'ii tho tth .1
p ink sjuiii;) ir off. 1 1 -tf tvof ci.v
nrjly c ivutot mny usiully 'v, I, f-u
..ou,"have jn t ctuae f r bit b I'
f ir the niiiin lit, us I uui:j b t.i uu
nd'enlui'e with the a c.i.uj
contin' mo my life
Iu titt) w inter of 51 I wn r.tti J
in in one of our inmuUiu to v it,
mid often, by way of lucreati.ui
wiii'id tike, my i;ua nu 1 nd to it
mu ill Bticiiiu called Dry creek, ub-tut
throe in ilea from tho town, in pur
imit olduclia wbiisii iw ticios ofane
wan very pleuly tbore.
... ' " - - . - ' "
One aft tinoju X toolc mv fotviin,;
f-'ioo iiud eouht ray nauul huut.,
fir djnka I waa very f irtunnte, ua.1
before ni'nlfil bad b.ied m ire thuu
I h il uiitioiputa.l 1 conui'ij leuco wue
T ran out ff powder. Iiiwuidly
upbriiliii,'? myself for not brinniiij,'
111010 I atarled for boino. Uy this
time it was prubably uu hour after
It was a ploriuns niht. The st irs
worn out in all their brilliant raamu
conco 1 the uioun fioared bijjb in the
unclouded aky, aQordiu me auiS
ci.-nt light to travel with aaao.
1 waa oburaied with the beauty of
II 0 ovoninff, and wag walking at a
..low pace, bamming snatches of
tunes 1 bad often beard from tbe
-lips of loved ones, - when audduuly
I board tbo familiar kowlofuco
oto. "Ab, yon cowardly beast,'' I tneo
tally ejaoululed, "were you ouly
vitiiin ttnuvahot, and I hud my uev
r r f .iiiiiR Old Tota (that was tbo
liame I always called my fiuo) load
d, I would eeud you into the mid
ilieofoext week making a different
noise from that"
As 1 proceeded further, the howl
lugs Incroused, und oecaaiouully a
jjyote . more bold than tbe rout
tould venture out of tbo tbioket,
'jko a good look lit wo aud disap
pear. ":J.lplo8iog they should attack
tno Dow," thouflrbt I. "here iu this
desolate aud lonuaoino pluoo, aith uu
l owerto use in uiy defence, fooh I''
V laugbed at tho idea. "What co
yotes attack ft man ! Those ukulk
lug devila that throwing ft stoue at
would drive ftway r II. ba !''
Aa I proceeded fait uer toward
bouift tha bowlings became more
liUaiorous, and ganga of two and
tli.-eo would cross my path at ft dia
tunco - of probably 100 foot, aud
Ecjmper of! 00 my throwing a etouo
ut tboio.-.., , '"': ...... t
I waa probftblv miU . and ft half
from vbere i'hid btm banting
whoa I noticed that tb-ooyotea be
gan throwing off tbeir timidity, and
would approach quite near me.
"(Jetting tame," thought 1 t 4 uo
doubtedly know I tin out of powder,
nod think to iaap.ess me with tbe
t ioti that you are a eourageoaa soi of
' Louud. Ob, joo can't coma that
gaue 1 ' nd 1 threw a slonb at a
latge. - loog-ieaed 1 UHowji -which
attock Lbs 00 the head mid bad a
ljudauoy ka aeielerate uie more
"i i r "rM"t -. '-' --r-. . a.
vol; 17.
wnnl.l eonio, till fi'inlly I ooticoJ
that aoina wora following at About
fifty fjet (liatanca. Mill this dul not
ttxcitn auy suspicion I was to b
OttHOkl. '
I was now About hnlf way lutno,
and bdt(l t J fenl nnnaay, nn lu
pink ImI ntmlily incio.iiioil. nutil
tbiiy omnbaioi soma twontv-fiTa, nil
Ibowliilo anuppiiitT, (jrowl.n und
tlbtiii, nud, you . imy iiui,iin.
uiakint; ntlber no unpin unit n U
for aljnu tiivolcr, nt uijbl, Bad full
u mila front any bomo.
Cloanr and oUatr thuy rnit J ai I
walked along at Mtluir a brinki-r
piicu thitt wbsu 1 atorta 1. 1'lioy
nerad t) really rauau luitcbiof b;
tlmir ncii iin.
I admit ft 0 M p iripiiati jn bro!t
out upon luyffrHlMiii bH tall
oul i uot ad nit I hi in dm
Rtr. Trtia, I lit 1 (lmird of imtdiioo
a here iii"i) h i 1 k lbtd b. ci-
joto. but bu 1 uuvor i-Uood fiith u.
aut-b atotite.
Snajipnirf M 1 (jrawlinji ik lot
..fb.,.i,My d,MH li .n. Uw
wboU wir f.i fl .
on in y nnom. u.a . , -i, '
Moouiad to K'' "!- "". ,,ut'1 lu".T I
j were within ton f.-t of in. I
'I I...... n I I u'l.i lln I tv if I all '
tuiuiuH ......... ..,.. v;...
, my uiiput
ailliurvw Hii.i.j.u n i
..B .. I , , ir , ,
M ll lll KtOUOSIlt t K' II. With til l litlJI
lof fi'iUtciiin tumu a.vy ; bit I
lv nil lu't d i s thi-y wre to b
i . .
i nut I ilur'it lf n'.t'idr lout
" ."i
or htouo Njuvi- itul no-nvr Vw
id lv.ri3.ul, siiotoiiiiiT oitt iu the fj.ui
I of a mini nil cIm, iui I pivsi'iitiu a
I very f inui I iblu front, Ouflmi mally
I ono w HiiJ in ike it feiat S-t t'i i ; i
Ilif.iHtou ha ti'ttb iu my l-.j.
ll.rinni- uiy l'UH fro.u in au ..ii.i.r.;
7 -T II 1111 I i V rl . h C . V . 1 T A
insod it ui o.t olola'JHd'i'l,,,,: , b ,c , ,
'u,l?u- , a , I r i itat it iri'ii ii-iiiiir. .
I would tftM.i it iv u- my Ii-m 1 ail
brin it wi.h caosi lonbl t
f i mi th.i bilir of unv ovotti
tiiai'iut: ib ui
"" ,, , 1 .
; u 11Uf . i f liU tntl l cjuI.1 ,
. j,.v ti uu ,.vy , , ..
'f'.u, f.n br.';.. !
fc, , n.r . I i .t tW
V . '"I' ' . , . . . . . ,, .
! . . .' :i. ... ... . ... l !
IU i .1 II I VIII1L1. IIS IT LU fl Jill Ai Hil l
liMio viii a spji'ii-'it of auini ilt cq i.i.l
ii foriuid thl j us uuy wolvit, au 1
h iviu ' at ui t.'.l.H.i it
I HJ.l.IJUi il.
tn v wolvjs over Ii 1 1.
i.! t!u t ji'ii I)'..' I i 'U ; 't itfhiin
'U i iu food fir tliis, ut inv
liuie, cuwiiidiy b .1 nf wli, !,!,! 1 th iuj;h'.i cru v Ij I uu'ni,' i
, . i i .... i
my lUlll I, 11 JI0 iin I i. i J'i l i, ui nu
.r un. I love I one .. v i mi 1 h id hill !
fur ii w ay, and j juim.-jo I to tiiis laud
of'tll oniy to nwt mi u.niU'Iy
mil. 1 jjrti w f liut, und woVi I lit'"
fallen, but lua tuonut of iu
"'"i" ' , .
norviM my mm ui uu ua.i...
With all the f-irre 1 e ml 1 muster.
nwiiii;r my tfuu ri'ht und Lilt,
H:.i ikinH' tt c yi'te i-vi'i v time, but
without any apparent flViOt ; f ir as
speedily us" one won! I full b.u'k. two
or t brei. would eroivd iu h: pl .eo.
Some ten luiuutos I thus c imbu
ed my t'Uiiblu enemies, uivaimin
luekwurd, for l In I a tittn u.ipo tuu
. ,u.uni t mi,t uour tne o.ib
jn 0, BJlllH ,;,-, wi, would cmuo
, ......cuu. mid alill theeo-
volua uave uu siu'iis of fulliii1' buc!:.
I grew wiK'k'uud faint, knew not j
why 1 but nil bopo tinoiu jl to liuvo
(lid, and despair took iion.suasiou of
my soul. I
.My gnu fell barmlossly from my
hands, mid was iiumedi itoly trampl
j l under foot by the coyotes. As
f by iustiuct I took one lou step
backward when, bmiveus ! thu ourlu
sneiuod to crumble uudor my foot.
I felt mynelf goiiirf nlowly. alowly, I
knew 11 t w-hero. W.m I bein de
voured bo coyotes 1 I fainted.
fbeu I regftinel my senses I
found myself lyinjj in the water ut
tbe bV.t nn of au old shaft that li id
boon sunk bysjiuo prosp luting pu
ty, and which w is probably thirty
foot diiop.
1 ctnld hardly buliof mr own sou
sos. 1 really was alive and safe from
dsugor. No in itter what pro lion
uieut I wu iu now, I whs removed
from i.b ue liate du.tth, and I felt
thaukful. With tho ozcoptiou of a
epruiuud ankle, 1 suitaluod uu iujur-
ics. ,
The coyotes hivorod nund tho
mouth of the shift until near morn
ing. when they- tlisuppeuru 1, 110
doubt very much disgusted with
thoir night's spurt.
K trly next worniuqr my loud cries
attracted tho aitoution of a party of
miners ou their way to work, when
I was resoiied from uy dump bed.
and you may imagine I felt grateful
euough when I found myself ouco
more surrounded by friends
Twora 'U started from Minaeapolis.
limn., nn tbe aunie train curi iiu
ooufliotlng deeds to a pied of isn I in
Sious fulls, so I eaith renolvod to K't
Ida doouaieni reo'itdod flrl. At tiny
approuvbei thsi city, oue of theiu
oliuibed upon the emtio; alipped , th
coupling, let tho traia tke care of
Itaelf, and rusliO'l 011, iauurinrf a ruc
ecd of his title bilf so hour In s'l
vauoe of his rival, who had t wait
for uooiber luouro itive.
1 : r
Kiudaean is stowed away in tbe
heart like rose leaves iri ft drawer to
sweeten every' object nbout them
oil w bang nope u
Vit weary
i . ; .- ' v. 'jfi-m i -va-
ylaterrupladf Family Praysn,
!m Iroa . lUos not ' far from
Sudnliit, Mo. Ifo Ims a wife and three
cbildrttD. Therein nil.) ilo and
cut, bad, wo aapp'Ho; pldaty of rati.
Jodii vury pioiH. litnt Tuo.lny
tooinintf, us usuil, Jjs e tllod ths
family to prayers.
flat tbey didn't bare praynra Tues
day morning. No iuditd f Jon cnut
piay worth acmit n. ; Afttr anm
ui uiD tbtt family ni'onud bun. und
liikiD at Ilia olouL lb it tiokiu
mo 1 wliiy &0 tbo unntle, J o found
out Hut be tuitit pm!i thiUfj tbii
m.r iiiii, for lima wou't even wilt on
ruliiji u. '
Aitar fffittinj the fauily aoated
ground biii). Jok give) oat tbe bymj.
.ifitf tin bi it'l l t.vo vtrud of tbe
' i.)ul HiiO'M'Jin to 8 John.
Joo'n el Jmt b y. daring the rurfari
timo, bt I C.iiiclil.l'id tn lu fa A littln
,r... ! . . l . . ... ...i . I .. I..: .1. ...i
Uo K4VH ji n MiJ Jiojf Wlltol.
JiNtai Joo wi in tlia miJut of a
f. V40t i;, , d -ul , a
,,,L.fc Uu ;,fo kicjoJ tha
iip-)vi, v,lUll.1K,, l;, p., f w,Uol.
Jo., hid hi Im iN off. J wh.Mi
n.,,.. i,. i !!!. I. i.i
, , t
. . ... ....
. i,,,, Ui. .1 '
" -
i . .. . , I u.l.l ,......,
i j c i. s i . i C I l i t.i ' i I V in .'i' 'ii
'd thu iiiukI:, au I not ln.'in; uitl I')
' :.. . -i 1 . ... i . .;.
4l.'!.ui. 1. . II iiili.i u 1.1 it bJli
i rs'j'.pi iiu vj ui'i HLTiiitiiuj iij ui'i;
I iiuf to .-t'i IUI 1 cl t.Vt HJJ l 111 I I.I II tl'
.... . . .... l:i .... i r. . .. :.. .
p.i'.i uiut t .It. As tut '
fa. it ct uu iu i! i:it tot bin ucil
i I f i .! i.i i:!1.j 1 : j
Mu I ti'io 't,';n u.T !
-,. , .... ....,. , , ,: . ,
iliip.;rv. it id in Ii ir Iui " muj loli
ll I'. O I tll'J 11 )Jl' lt'1 I lilt if J '
r I U'U
U til l U-IjI'M, WUIC'I H! It
'fm. in 1 lr. t '.in I i i i
.Villi IUJ ll'.l'illt'., IV II. t 11. S I'll,
l!:nH,k,a 1V, tioU d, tuu t'll
i'., ,,i"i' i ! I r d.lVt k t.t (i,,i,,"t,' " ni.i;: r. u. n I r.tti.rimd
" ' " ;
,u0 '"r '
'; , "" 1 " "it!""";
t of bur . mih at..; t.-d to hur . it. Joe it ii,) loo, ail ufi'U
:.'ivui., o i.t n.ijiirthly yell h' ir.' i
I if u' 1 1 I i'i liis'.u In mil".
til I 1i!tn l 111 i, '.I. h i h L it ti il i I a. Joe .1 u, too. it.i 1
, ' i i i i ,i .
ov'jr n uu i r a 1 1 li.ilul II it oil luo
I i.i of th i l i,; n i 1 kn ; ( i
i m li ivs .1 J.VU.
II - ii iu t'.i't t ti''( d. t iu ii ii 'i'i irt
; i ( ,t; j I I i. -I i i tv it t ti. .i t ti
I ilu.' i n t, bii nf.i'r li i,; ill tit..
n:'.t iu t jJ IMS S his li riiU' i nl 'iu b I
t'i it J on .v isn I
! ? i.ivi.y.t I Ii i no
ill i.i in iu Wit;
' 1 ru i ( t. J ) )
drunks nil ii 1 1
O.l a SU'l'Lj'l
t ou'. I VI" v
tv i.t lyi.i ; iu
til .li
I 'i i
b: I
liV.lllIU r
i urs ; Ins tvifit is at h"i-
i il; a ; .i-.i .i nl tu i o v t it in
h ' I
UviUl v,,, H)ll) ,,v
111 i d ' h i-i
I i 1 1 1 1 j on a . -luip. mid tho r it bus
j c.uii,;ii I lur b i ir.ii:!.; h )us i. Tiii:i
tverj l.'iu,; i- I'.'.-.'i' I iil'J l i I evi-iy-
'V l.t.'.J. I 11 I Kill) 111 U Hl.V lO.t
i mirii'lii..'f in i;C'.f o it -n.l.) tlm d i ir uu I
.vent to interview I. nu. I lit only
tniu.; h i In I 1 1 mi wit :
"1 swar '. who'd a thunk xnnh a
.sin ill it u Hint of water Would have
.5 l l-li'd hu i'i n ro '
lie will sUrt tor Ltilvillu b if or ) ;j il s a cniuiM to bo iirniiu I.
Win! tli O'.i Man FearcJ.
An nl I eo I 'r, iu his latter life,
h ul b iduru 1 n.ucli iiituluaii'd ivilhi
natural liis'ory, an'l as be bal u nplo
iu 'ft'is tvhi'i e vuh to pr ic ire (ipi'Oi
till lid. Ill- li .' I. 1 ' 1 l U U,Ti:i',., Ii, IXl.'I,
a r,n uiisui, a, 1 a very Inter-1
1.: . .1 R .;.. . 1....
s-iini, .,. nt 1h.1l. II. Imd'tikm t
- 1
InuisoU'a saujn I w fi' . preity wo
rn in whose cuu'i fee luimniidiitiiiii I
to his luviir had been tint sne was a I
d -ur lover of art, ami also vei-gi l in
thu pr-paratiun uo i mounting 01 1 "
Mpiiuiuieus her father liavmit buna mmm 1
pi. iles. or in alarms an I woll-app iin An Ariz, m 1 jt ln h is j lit h!i iwu
le i o nl ige. If you would ask h itv , his appreui iliju of ino lorn iuiprovu
the oil in ft u re jar led his spuoiui ns ujuut4 in liriMrms by eiiooliu und
ivs can boat ana-ver by tollioj ibi-, killing an editor. Tuu c litor'a p irt
ftory. ji,..rini 11 1 li itely ah .I Hi 1 uujisunte
He hul be 11 imrr'n'd fnur or five'tui was bimseif waylaid uud cxlin-
years 'i Ii
h.t'J leS
1 lua lair vouitf wilt auJ she :
uivnu bim any causn oTmii-s nii' Too totil btj fir
oumptftin. Iffhs wua, epon otv.ii-
arm, ra'iisr m ire tree uuj auciauiu
with curtain gL-olleine'i w ho lie piunt
h'ciliu l io etamino aud aim ru b:r
liusbani'a wonderful aji'iciuint, be
did u. it uiiiue, anno harm was done.
Vt l nu'1!!, on ft hrUhi kuiu tier's
in .ruing, as our fci jii i-t cum- 1
iroui a I'ivo'iuo iu the wooU, wlioro
In bul bu n watch iu i'r a parent
iit, be was met by aervaut, wd I
ey.'.l an l I i tglttano ), who tried In
ti-ll b in iQ'thiQ,f that sJonied tu
a i"k iu bis throa'.
"Ojjo your wu h. yiu rascal!''
oriel th ins-toi, sooting b'liibv the
arm, au I shaking lii'u. "What lias
llUp)KOl) I f"
"0, uistier 1 A inio omit tu your
linu'0 list liight, and g"t Into lh"
uhamtiar winUow by a lid ler, an I
carried off" . . '
"Speuk t Speak I" yelled the nl I
man, shftltiiiK bis aorvuat furiously,
wo'lo his owa face was the wry pie
tars ol moral torrnr.
"Wiiat what did he Cftrrj
awiy t ', ., - - , ,
, "0 I hi Us earriel away jour
wife, sir " . . , , , .
The ol I aulentlst let to his r
viiul's arm, and drew ft lung, deep,
reviving breaib. .
, "Viu wsa that all t"
Ve, air." . . r.
. HYo rasoal I Jm , cwo tun
j frlghUaing me out. "fray 8Qna,J 1 tbe vltimn Aai.f4 rt6iiij
The Drumm?r'a Oinco.
Tbo Little IVicknsiolt.f'iliys : Goo
Ninamto, a St. 1,0'ils drnmmpr who
arrived in I.ittlu Itock rwci ntly, Hljp
tk-d dome tunc nu at a anull crous.
ri a l lnUi l in (li tut Oouuly, iiuiitU
sin Thit bonm cuntaiiiud
t rooint un i akit-' luu. After euppni
Xituii) iu ivaa t l I be muiit . apun 1
p.irt of tho iiilit ol )in', aa Hie fji nilj
would n:t-ni 1 it nrotriicti'd iui-hUu '
in tlm in-iiiborboo I . Tbe b t. Um ji h th i t..t of ridioulo not
with bis wif and di Jhtor, lft tlm rili.'ulo tl. l"it of Intib.
Ilo tiu mid 'iint'n in nut in ono vt thf Wlimi rn in iifffiin'it in in, it
roiuj alouu. 11m roiiuliiu'-i wits i ui tn will bn utiitt t'jvi )u
ad In llo ly an ol iu tu. y ti'lj .).i,- anlioin are our o.v.t i th
wliiii.l h iotiif diHiiiilly at! mi oldjc jii n mih'im b.-ilm to ln. :.
re.l rloclt on a nh .lf w;iio'i lioko 1 ' Tin. f -nlivil iv'ik'Ii li ui t!ii profit
lolmiuily. Tiiu drit'iiuiur, h it I; ivmi ' tst fruit is t ". i . f.Mtiv il id duty.
bt'iin hni ;uo I t it ro iu. r. ml 1 nol Our itiHi m ik or in tr n ; w ' .iri'
r,i L.i bod. und h.itiiil to kuni! ill i ihillr.m of ii tr r.vidnli
aivikubv loi lmcr thu ' l.ifj o! Si ,
l'.inl,'' iiiu only Ii !t hu c iu'. I tiu l.litt fiulu. at tin tir in IM s n ,!.! I
Tim !i.,j imurt l i:u:i tv ii un lit..' in ' O.'t ttsi).."t iii m fiils. s-i f t i l f 1 1
-y n I
in imiHoii witu til t li....i 4 i.f ll:u '
Ol Cii. wiiDU tl'.O -.).u iu a I iu i";'
run n op"U" 1 fiu 1 it t i'i. 1 1 ' l.
nun itu tnlud Without np-i'tinf h.'
s ti'.-1 liiun.'lf an 1 ui irod it Nui tnisu
wis-! ii i' nr ill v H.i l I M.iroris , rru
noui Iv It
IMIIV'UHlti U W.H l:l'UII,
itud tho ni n I Kin) ) lll'.i'i-
Ii j.iu.' t'n it
N IU ui m's f l,'t W 'f I
,,i:u... I i..i. -i ll'.- m t.i. i in i'i .-I .i .1 vl
. i..i,'.. 1 1,., I... I!...:-,I i. In. ii ii.. ! i'l'.t '
'c in :o l lu. u.'l on lit.r try i,;t'i
i i u't t. I a., in i'i rii.n ii'k'i.l . !
. ' . . . . . . . I
ii 1 y u i'V r li 'ir lit ii'cl H H.i.iio ,
iui'iI.i 1 nroi) -I . r
jij,.,:4 m.'Hul Nminiu 'I; Wunn jjr.Hitrt lo b is Iwwni ft m u
t IV ,,1 II j ilh." , tcr of nvi-t in in ; th-rt' nr in my y
. u ,,,t;, .,t i'xf,.i, tbu ,j'ri'." ,t.f t... Mpiu.,' fro a in b m tu.
i 1 1. (,.., .,,i i!;iu r nun. -!lo, M mv a (tv-'tl vf irm.'J m-vith h n
1 1 uu;;r i.'l. tho I wi.
tin ti iiof Hin!
d.'-p lil
Il l' I ' I'
ri'Cit'; 1
t s
ml I v.
tj UJli' 11.
I ah.iV
it ill Ol
Mr. by
I li ip nothiu;;
.M jsot. yju nh ill
i tr::
il 1 ovo I 111 HI d irl" 1
.vnu u n.tvy .iuh, i i:i.-i..
on ,t Iu',.., ., . I.-.', t . r.-ctu
M.c. . .-, I will. u u.r n, nil !
Nlll ... x, I. V.,,
ho iMui- t i '(tU't u;-' aroit it ft'
I of i.i'inlil -s uu I by "u "i'i'!
tii.-n." h ) mi 1 1 thu pitt.. I. ) -k
tn I p! t I I U m a .' tin
hvii. ".iii'il J. t-iil t'.'..' u
t.. i '"
,sl l
an 1
. in -i
wit i
N hi i n i i
i iv.-.'.i ii-
e l ' '.isle I t!l l'. li t
tr l
r ,.i' 1
usi It
N i ,ti
f t,i I i
ui it -r tti.tii h
li"t.-, ti I a .
k.t 1 I ').: m tn t" i I.-'
hit i'.! '!.
I'll f ;. .! -i
i in , il, I
a-t b't ' i '.' 'i i I
i;V i.t.-. i: i. it ii i I I)
i p it
1 ml
u .
V nl:'
I roil
I h,'. ti iiu .''i- 0 lnu oil and 1 tio d.inu
in' r in'.mu 1.
"i'u'.l otl'yoli' dri.v.tcs.''
Tin droppjl ti the
1,'i-on 1 1
"O.l .f.til your ini.rl.
Tl... slnrt Ih into thu mr A "";
it as heard ..ii.hi.1u an 1 tint I m l. ol d.
his vvif . uud diu-liter wern on the
n ori'ii.
. 1
-I. nt 1111 g 1, f ii' Ouda bike,
plea 1.1 I Milfuiu-
... In I Nni mi in.
'Ni. nir. I'll kill you if ton attempt'
to l iavtt oil urn n 0.0111 .nli m.
Thu djor-ku. ib turned. Nioi niu
sprung towards u d tor an 1 rus'in I up
stairs as thu pistol su tpp.i l.
Iu 11 f '-.v iiiiuut is tuu l in iior i 1 up and b in lu I Niu i n iu ins
. : clothe:!. "I forg-il to ti-ll you. he
Hii l, "that mv brother is di'taii'n.i
. . ' , , ..
- pi-t' j.,n cmhlu t
i.burt with it.
lie is harm
loss, but likes his little j ik.t-"
Thu ue&t moruiug thu wild man
was in such 11 g "d bum ir that bu
oil' .red t biut Niiiuuiuu titrortin
. - a iirn n n t- u 1 u r t"i 11
iruiihu I tiiusimd nig it by h jui.i p tr
tim day's aport was a judjo and ttvu
'Thu Iruu jourualiat is n fre. nn
trammolud oieatnre, guverned by
noun," ptiiii 1 1 v wrotu thu editor iu
his le idur ou rn-it Mighty J. 1 ,'inu
tho I'rasa," I'linu hu went limn to
dinner, mil was ingl nl only en nu I
under tbo bod by bis wife and
ttto'oiu f ir omitting to smid up the
nouudiy mual litcklni t Courier.
A man nam i d llrown uud a woman
numud Qurag bty tloped from tbe
Liokawaiinn county ftlmshouso a few
weeks ago uud were married.
Tbo mail who tumbled over the
stovo during tho lumnior, rather
than take it down, now laughs at bis
neighbor who tojk the other course.
A Cuuneotiout miu ruu itly eiii
tond mo a dillar My wife Las
left me, aul I want to ftlvarisv t'i it
( nui not respousiblo fir her dsbts. "
rfnia ilirt woii s if sir bifure W3 f
asked . ii mail if tifi koki iocebUy.
.Uow tlid lMM-1, (iJi, jo'ii wanted
' . . ' :.
X nil ' :
PA, .DKCliMHlilt
1 Wordi ol WisJom'.
' Th ptth of modurfttiou is the
Sftfost n r.d.
ltV p' r foolinhnoss tj tun down
your udiiiios.
Thu m.thir" beart i the obiM'a
M il;u nuinMf nfecanarj' and your
aiinnuaa ii orlnin. -
lln I tli i talis of otbur and iu ike
kivu.n tbo yiitu h.
Fv.'.rv r.n i -rt t':iri
lii'i-i' wh'.Mi iv ; 't it pr ' i'' -k-s,
A lint t iu iu' ivn
111 III
iu- i'i m l n h n tr el ."in liviu
n .'.
W t'o't V i;K ll .V 1 p
li m Ii i.y it it '4'ii J '1
f i:iiM 1 M p li'p )"
I 1) m'. th u 1 v i lift f
I ft 1 I I'I 1 'I' It'll '. f ir 111:'
hf i i'i in 't l "?
l' iin u '.n 1 a f i l fir
' kn.ivit hit hoiii'Mly'.t ii u t
by your
Tin It
it ti'.u
l im n ui 1 a f i l fir his wit t-r
his wit
a'i I Ihi-y
b i n
kn.ivit hit Iiuii'mIv a'l ICn-y will
; rui'iuvt! vim iui i i ii ci i
" i l.riu ii'.t'l n !;r'i'. it tli it of
. . . . i i . i i
tint soul ovur i u n ly. n n r.i ipu.i i
i itv I'io in 'li"Hi, ru i:ivu.
h-'en disH jure 1 and null hi.l.'u l-l by
too finl V ton He .vitllin if
A eii-ar I'.uis.-i '!i.''i cm rent city
onu.b.'l of jjrs.ii'tt, wliil . m rvd
one tt'oull btl uiiuasy on bed of
aw. i ti nil iwu.
I'p i il l tritlh wuuu th m
ctuil, and f r h '.rniki l.u b i'." I ;
but know fiy in bvi 1 1 il e ris.t it not
tii e ulii of Iru'h. and bi.viiii lil
tli'.y ui" not'i 1
It is fist-1 1 s Ivi.-. i a p it 1 1. bur.
It i v ili:V. mit t i.m'.vvi!, n i l tr hiuril ir
oiivu.ii -l iui' s, t!i it saum H Ivi' from
iinotii. i, li. i' ius,. wi. ui'.i fco pin in to
tirlievii tuit whit wn (I' is truth,
und llii't Ijio-'i' vth einnot Mill wit.l
mil' im s ar ' a'.l wi on.;.
thfi Tu
In tlm old
ni t', rv t!i i n a 'aw
liii r I ';i 0 at in 1 il
.1 in in.' t 1
t .v.ilvii hours 11 itn'-t to Hi" t-Xi'iMoni-n
ii -f in) dni'ving hi l -s fro, 11 his vuts
I'll it wit 11 1 to i. I 10 ii ). '11111, ml.
in jut not l. 1 .Inf. :. I I" I ui 11 u 'i ' 1
Mi',111 I ,1111 . I k::iiii V,!1. n,i,',i
i.;.,'ua liinu u .-..tiiu f ip.rvisi,' ,'" -1'''-' i'Iu'U 1 tn ir. iko the
.1 li'i't.-d a turner iu t.l;m,; n Miule v.ol.'tt nod. lb., lew fell with it t
lu lu from ol hi vits ;-Ht..marv H..ftu.'ss. nii.l y.w piU
iiif.ii von tno 1-i.ijuira.d n-itif.!, biwed upon the petal of tno ilroau).
tu i ..t'l'.uhtiviv Im .oi..,.:,iii. id of l:',v' ,Au"'' ll'y ii-tl Ctiitom
th.t,t,.lin i"iit.'un.U.:illiiui brought P'-Ued nl! tile b a.ity of the fne-
no for trial. In vain was i', Urn
t inii'-r pl"itd lu it III.) hi In w is lint 11
K.miilii lini'i. ci'lmiili Mu. l.l.U hu
m(. tilu. f,r I,.., use of bin!
w ifi, Ho h,t 1 vi l itu 1 the Ja-.vaij l,
J)t . tl , ,u,lmtv.
I 1 .:. .. . .1. f..... ii I. ......... . 1
ttiMIII. lllll. ) lll'.llllll' l lb ll .-'! , (
(hat. tlm snp.u-viser, having boon o it;
, to a pubiie .linn"!', uud il. unit morn
........ .1; ,. ..,..1
',,,1 ,.' i.:,u.
on Ins why ,
Ii una tno iLrht t 1 croi-S tuu tanner 1:
vitr-l, uu I tints ti. iko a Hint rut
1 lie h 1 1 ir iiu.i I the center of the yard.
I or tlii-ri'ulionts, wlu'ii lie Hl.'1-..gnrud
1 nil
1. 1.. ,.r liiu niiii 11 11 I litiiitil. ! lrititn
i v
it. of I. i it l ll.s v. lls
su l fries soon brought. ha.I 11 il . ui
Ilium of tho csiablishm-uit to tin.
iaiuMio, und th"y were on the
j point of pulling ihe lil 'klost wight
lout, when tlm m istnr ariived
I "Xo! 111 ! 'tun Iui t'i-mind. "L't
bim bu ! I'll , .over draw nuotluu
hi. In without criviiiL' btal indiii.t ! I 11
not bu tsnnd m tin, if eiu h"!i ii, !
lint Johnny .MeDivilt, you U"ty run
mi l ti'll the exei..oiTltu th it the
hiipiu visor iu in my vat, bidj uuJ
Tlm inifortiinato man Im.vli-d. nn J
i ... l .... l ... o..... I...1 ,i.l at, . ..., I
rii,....Ui..r,A.i iii uii in i. ti ii-.
liv.iMn .i liiHl'il. thi. hi Ins
I of the vat biu.i.- Busmo .th and hbp-
. i imt iw. i. ml, I ,,.iiii ,t I. il l
for "climbing, until the proper otli -er
c inin. and g ivo tint tanner t'U nus
Mion to itruiv tint Fupeivijur'n bid...
from bis liquor pit ! I
of j
11 1
"Wanted to Kiioa'.
Whether false ringlets
0111 t-s
Whether ft row In ft rookery
fei'vi.ft tue (li-liniuoii oi -van's
II hither tho sailorwho wan ted to
know what tiiuo it was lias gone t
Wluilber tiiiHunmiiig s baby ntn
cluiHteuiiig ni iy bo culled turning
rito iu to wrong.
W hot her tho plainest woman (tiivr,
when aim reaches tho ago of 77, will what to do when a dog bho s fignl in Sr fl BVMK
be f. pretty old ouo. ! f bydiophobia Wo should climb a j DV i iuraty vv
Whflber it is not preferable to fall
out with your
bahker than to lose
your, balnnco with bim.
Whether when a horse takes bis
meals hu has them nt bis table.
Whether sweepstakes ore aootablo
food for anaeps t
Whether when you give ft child a
bat it will ba likely to give you
bairl. '
Whether ft dumb mat always
keeps bis word,
"Don't give me any of your lip "as
iiie maiden said to the jroong muu
stbeti Ue tried lb kisa Ut
11, 1879L NO. 2C
Sentiment and aensc.
An actito tool uvir prows rasfy,
Cbooho Hiioli pii'MHiiie itH runici'.o
much and litllo.
Till the wnrl I with f; lod diu'l-t
onJ yoj till it with your k.vii l.iry.
f w. try to think ro.ue of otiioi
I hi ii WD ii (if oni'Miilvrs we klmil Snl
1 iui hivn ft jrinTrii;i.
n ihroshin nrpnrnten the when?
fr fii Jlio cliifT. h i d urn iiill..Mil
purify virtue and h ni'.ly.
Tup ncti'MM (.? moil nro liltu tin
Irtdt'X ol h ho ik i llipy ji iid out t 1ml
is in irtt iinui'iblu in tin- ii.
in piii'f. puf irm your dutioa, r?.u
linn your hi rro v to vour I'iiiimhi'r.
nil I Hl.'l'l. u.'llioli.ti ill fiulll Ili'UVi 11
Thi'tii in no in in at fi io!rllrs Itul
i '.hut bu ran tiud it .fiifiid Min'ori'
i.'ii'Uit;li ti toll iii .n disip'ict'ithlit
li alL.t
li lokt. lik" pi ovoroa, icci'ivo thi'ii'l
i .i. t v . ; ..... 1 1 .. i ..... .. .. ...i .... . i
'" ' " v "' "".'"l' ;
i tHi'iii nf :;.'h Ihi iiin win. 'h Mi. 'y
, liivw pan -'I'd,
'l'li'i Cilf.iti'in nio lilrit
ifn iiirt, tlinr.i.un (hoy nrn iuvnum Ih"'
'aw.vt'tr thur mhi!I ; M... tn: i!u. I
aiuii.i bii-!iti'i ii tlm dm!;; liku1
tnis .flit.
M, tho morn tlu.y mo siiu!;
kii, tho d.'.'prr 1'iii't, thoy take, mi l !
tli' unit i. fruit they bi'iir, ',
'I'll': ci'l nun is nu oiiilileu: of f.iiib'
; it aprii'i'i fr.m jilllilo lieaviui '
th.; inch Mvinb iliX's mnn'y it de-j
' t-l'Jii Is from heuvuii tJ t-nrtli. i
Wis l nu und truth, (ho ufl'spi ittp !
if tii.t hk.v, urn iuni'iu tal j but t'uii.i
iiin mi l 'l"it"ption, l ie in. uxors of ,
the i.'iirtii. ii'ti.r i;liito-, in for n mo .
. in.'iit must pass aw.ty. I
i Kv.ny in ui bus Ins r'.nin and Ins '
tin,.', only it is Ijomu- ami lighter to,
oiiit ir. in thin nu j an I Imit
; morn at o inn wlio t ikes it uplhi'ii
, h i it ll,) .ll'.l it .
O ir cottoimii-e is u fro within i".i.
'i.n.' oer fins as l!i f n l ; insitu I ol '
! w :ii ini it,'. it will f i- m i-!: n . un'i'hs t!ie
. fit '1 Im ivmnvo I. ort'i't h".it of il li"
u!l ivt'.l I.y p..iiitn i.tud ti am. ;
'I li" hri"ty of thu iikid ia loin;
the IIo.V"i v biirfji'i' ' .Mount .'.ii,;i,:
Inui'aiu ulii on miiloilitiH are f'itii"r
riu ( for uu iu uptiou Unit
I iv 1 1. .l.i'M ul! ibt Lcantit.".
, au J'i m.
Hj Cou'dn't Coi vcrsp.
Tu. y tvuij 'i.itiu u -. tl.rt c' ) p
together, ll v..i.sjiinl ttboul H.47 p.
ill. ll.oniooii was ilonl 111 Hi'iouuly
Hi'foss Ihn l.ouvut'M, wlneli looked
li in nu i 11.11 'iitu nl 1 "lu 1 o! : 1! t ti it
ili.;i,i! I I itiili ib iimiUiln. Tl;i.:j
R'nuJi "k'u l"
dl lu't It,
' 1
' it did,'' alio I'.ipiin 1, h viietly
' 'We've bid a oruat d '.il rif
1 Intel v, hii .'iui 'I we, denobl
?" Im
Ij b'a
W Jill I'll HI UU
f e.-p. l"i..ia
g:ive a luiou
tVe b:iv .1.
Di vou
like nil), my littlo
Ilea I
"Ni ruier do I ,"
I lieu I hero was nnuthcr
puuse, mi l moro nil'i:i,p,.iu.u
l,'u "f " l iiut.vp" wl.ou Ih.. youtl:
a tin went on veiy fei-bly i
'Piio.i my litlln g ild-hai"cd gum
drop tiiiok il wid i.uu to-m ir.oiv ;''
'I tuink ii,.t."
"I wi'ii.l a-:f 1'. ttiil l.iiu ou Hex l
IhuiKihiv 7
Dim t know ; but I think itv ill
lain low. "
" Why d 1 V"ii thiuk h . T '
"Whv, beo.uiJ.i tho bktoa are
lion ly.'"
"i'l.i'y are tpulu bright,'1 I10 went
11U Willi 11 sunlit.
"i U '''ir pinion, all-, losp m
i dod good ii ituio lly, it was uun
your far that I look for
I t'"'" J "'1" ? ' in
coul. In t get up a couveuutiou
In the f.ioui of n railroad depot
m jwi n tun i ui nving pi i'ir i
over the cl ick It.tliiu 1 thu C uiu'er ;
' Phis is a ('I n k i il is i iiiu.u, it
is Chicago tiuie ; it iu nht , it .':.
- ul every diy ut 1') o'clock ; now
keep your m i llh aim:."
Tint was an observing follow, if
hu was but six years old, wh i said :
"I'liita, you'd q taieiiliuo
ii'.'aiiiHt Tom Jones c imin' hero ov
ery night to une Jeuuie. It's g it tu
bo too t pidouiio.
A correfipiindont wants to know
Tbo urdiiiary life nf locmotivo is
thirty years No doubt it would
live numb louder if it didn't biuoko ao
n.ucb. ....
Tho rooet useful pudeatriun is tho
man ho walks up aud down tbe
room all night with the bu ly.
"i. .'. , ... ..ii.
Trof. Tic," aaya an exobange.
predicta that the hottest apull by
far ieyetto otime' Tbati bat our
Til 14 . Vcr, - ,
.PnbHihM vir7 Ihnttio ttnf
.'rTtrmn of HKiiawitj'in.': '. ; i
TWO DOI.UJW l'Kdt AXM.'5f. Tayy -s
able fithin nir rmuttUa tr ItwiifMiH
pi'l within t-OKr si a vapor die.
:. .i.tiTuil uM l nil irvaiHii r
aid nuK-es at the option of uio pub. . ,
lii.hfr. . , . , ; -"
fc'uUi riiif imh.ilo of tbo county "
l-AVAHt.K IN AI'VAM R. . .
a5rcwiiiw lifiinc and tininit pprr
Mn'l ; othreiMci.iiii'tiririiMMj'
iwl sin- liuWff fci fhi! pri'' ofthepapor,'
Saddler find Harness
Contrcvllc, Snyder Coimly. Pcnna
K)i. an h.nt. ai.4 m.lf. tn nM nil bia4 ,
l Hilllii, .1.1. Mir., Ilrl ilpa, Vt hl . Ui.l.i.
,. .11 Hnrk iMiitiiml lu. mi jam"..
tlr. JftolUp. ..lia l ... t i' '".I t lift.. Hull ha
iii'driM ,n.i. ata ( l,'li.
Mi if r tfftn, Kni.-i- C Va. : '
(1'i.iira J
A a. -I f".
froui L 'tri.tgsa JU'iciion.) .
tat litiMr.ivail r . W
irii ii'n r.f . art ikium,,
xi n 1I.H.T.5U ;i.oiit, o . if.
vi 1. 1.", vii
ui.i I ... i .
'UU1 a.
tn, .s. HMEK9 '
1 fir laiatiBiM.
t-i.i rat
al lit
r Nttli
. ':n.
llnttlw i'r..K, I'llt-U.
VF. 15 It ATOJt"
Tin: U1rhlfn .riiln.ni1if. T'mrti1n,'
l'i Mm't-r. ill lh- f .. ala- m4 f t.r
It t M'V 'iiitrlt rr f'i t i'M V ifk, l arf-n Ck 14,
fclJ f( Hi (, fi . U ft.l.,,
.nils. HH?tnt
mt 11 - r - 1' 1 ft; - .-u j i9
I i.-iu-.n Jui'', I ". I-i - .--r.i M '
IT r Vi a ItPI T nill 11 I iu hrnlt 1- "SU
4 1 - . vt . t .. J '.' . O . I " "-WI
I, o max bit - . lila ii . 1 1 'i t'aa tT"i.
I'f Onl. Va-i'. s,
11, O r It, ila'a,
. I' 1ST I K'l
.. I ... ,. .... I'I
. ' l,L!lfl..l '
" . ii -.n'-'lilp. Tt'imtt flnl'k,
, . . . ..t ' : '( f.-.lrr
; ,. .''..! Ii-v'C,tl-tJ,
V 1 inn-mi,'
aV r. !'.
WIV Mit f r N.Min.t. iM -it VnU9 o'lnff
aV"a ;:, ,rr r-!f hg uanfti kW .'s ft 4 Uety. Maa)
('. H'i 1' , "t -j- i . 1- fr :a.i 1.....
iyH K ntf -t (. t!nr Mi.... I!nf4iuf
fi - p, 'if 1 -Jt Hera ma, id t 1tlai w, & 4U
a. li .r- 1', - .1 . W r.'. I
WOH rartJ-uUr-i. lull n cmr I r
at t,-i Ur 1. nuilNj tut. if. Ua b e aati freja t
J.t.Mi; V IMS Kit. Agent.
M.jlianlsngn, Knt'l.f Co., fa,"
1 IT.VION r..Ni.o !!!!.:;
KJ v
I st somrii 1111 or
Honrs, Door IJuvr. IiiiIuhs, Slinll'r
window Hint-. Illliiils, Suh, Klulr
' Vlvliit;., I'an'l llalllii-'". ltrark
I els, lin.ilillnus, Kluorlnir. ,
j a l Kt-'I.L.SA WIN. I at-AHlNtl IVkKlira
' KiiagUa, Luth, .o. , iO,
, rn.l.ra ao'li'itril iii"l MlcJ itb promr
fa mi 1 !!) 1 lU. 1'ioa.i. 11 .11 miU etsm-
n-i "'ir ai i.ts lijloru p l.olis-nn niaatabar
I he I'htBiiix Pectoral.
Itu. pr.iaa l I.U I ' ' a a-ltrial in
it.: 1, .i,.i,.. ,,.,niicr '.1 vu " I nliU,tfn It
it.. - .i.l li i ii. a ""aii. U alilaa..
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tr.'iut'i, It In M'i'' '"i. I' )a ma, la mure
-, 1, . tt-. i'i a i.y ut i.i-r 111" il.'l'ia 1 Mi.i-an-l. of
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li-l ll '..r VI..H 1.' "I tailll) Ij lua lail.t
hi "H JI'' '"'" a'-i'l.i
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Kr.'in'rtl i'V I .a I ' i'.""i ti M f. ana
... i h( liii.n .V Vomit. Vi.JItnir, auJSiut
ontn .: "" t auirat Ilia, tu.
Aj.rll 3r.l. J-i I t-
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Kinsrv mil nv.
t Vt'dloina. .
C irra ,1'H lu III
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Inayn. fi v.-r llliijt.r mi J Vtiany Or
Iii.m.i.llillt',. I isl.f in, C'U'tii'.
lnu;' i.l l!i.' Kil'i' j t. Hi-iauil'.n uf 1 1
d .ni ir rii' nr i tin., ..p..-i. , ,
Iri.n.l,. ,V, ii,n...., at-; fi'-sj IttJNr'l
i;i-:H:HY ia nciiana-i KXl'HkobLl
lliune Umaiii.-a.
Front ft. V. C. Tvl r, D. D., Taalot
I'irai rsj -i ii l inn i-li .
I li nt Ho m.s, II I., .'m. . 'W
. ! ran inl I" lbu U'l'iii of II C NT'S
KI''t' in UiJnejf l'i.-Nti Irmtt-aflnal Iis.iiig b.-itu (i ml y f. il hy.
,,,. i g. tavi.q;i.
I'n.ivii.Ksrr.. II. I , An;:. I'i.
, K. l l.AKKii Haia r.m ; K a?
Hliura-il lin- nf iirhil'il tfvcn fl
HI'S I' S lltlMKl'V i " ' "' '
giaui nmiii .-r uT oibi-r., 1 reoniumt'irl H
to all 2!.i-io I tih ktJiny . iliaasaa- r
,lrev . Ili ).-c ifiiie'cl l Ji- ' buulit,
.ivuru l luuu. ii- niou -io
tu lua liorU.l j..,-ili!a time, Ill.Sf ft
lll'-Mfcl'V "ill i'"'-
Koapi-ciliillv oura, i
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vlaliU, ami in na
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IlU kl, ll.L tOSVIM. U VOU. -.i v ;
toi l fur p tiiiiitiisi to vt ii. c. cla( ; 'v
Pi'HiJfnca, .K. I. r , '-'
Sold by vill Ur assist;
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Llorki vcA a$ Avf
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