The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 06, 1879, Image 1

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    1 " 1 "' ' . .. , .
aHt V
-rJ''.N: "
14 tl4lnar fcitote
bit i.:iiim on yenr, '
Ore- t ilf, column, one year, IVi.tM
O'ta-Pwrth column, one ye-r,
One s-iuare MO lio-si) t insertion 73
tr.vrtfy addi Mortal Insertion, 60
rrmwsionnl and Riiaittna cards of
tint mom than JJ Iin-, per year, 5.00
Auditor, Riftcutnr, Administrator
and Aa-slgnee Notion,, g.fjn
JMitorlal notices per tins, 15
All lrmei-nt mlv(riiing Ion than
8 month 10 enU A line.
All lwrliflmnn(i fur a arinrter no.
rind than one year ore pavnhle at the
time they are ordered, and il not nul l
tne person oriicrin Ihcnt will ne held
responsible for ih nicnnv.
X ootr.Vi
MliTlft lilSir 2p rirtt f
In Ood't anal field of tabor
All work ii no ih. ram
lit balk aervlee for tack on
Who love Hi holy num..
An I yn In whom Ilia arar.ia
Of oil await aiiuRd. r. known,
Rl up for lie ha sailed jrou
To a million of your awn
And rlahtly.lo fulfil ii.
Ilia urnoi ean maki you iiMnf,
Who to yoar ckargt huh gtieu
Tba Ministry of 8on.
Pin )t at tbi soil bedtU
Tbry b&v no moia iber.
Ami lb toie of praiia It .Pint
After the loleo of (ir-iyer.
Pine; ef lb (rail Haitoiir
la lb ilinplcit hymln yoii know.
Aid iba ruin iliktmrj eye will briglilea
At llio onilitng teraee flow
Batter than loudest plaudit
The murmur I ihunk of euob.
For Iho Kins' will noiip lo eron Ilifm
With llii fraoiom lnai.aucli."
8ln, when th full lonet nrn
K-tmnndu through aia'e anil mi,
Sod tbt ebornl prmna aon Joiu
In concord aweri .m l gr in.
Bing. where Hi rill iro iiieri
Kail hnTatity on Tour rr.
And wbllf more r.rljraou join,
Lf duoorJ you ill Ueur.
Tb nnhlrm niiiljili Ii n ' Ii )e it
Alike are "iiiinoii pri,"
And not for hinn e tr i n
Tbo pMla a l by uid w raise,
8inp, lhat your long may gtvMen;
Sing like (he b ipjy nil.
Lnnpinii ill .(jai kliMt hicitii
Fretli fr lir.'i iy bili.
Sin? ! Hint y in r on4 in) .lionoo
The fo l,v and I U. j !.
And the ''idle url'' bu bmiisbeJ
Al an uiiwtloaiBe liai'd.
Bin ,' Hi ll your inny rubo
Allrr tin- elrani N i ml,
A luk of the wrought cbto
Tbl bulla t.n teri ui.
Klnn lo Ihr lirnl an I nu.xiuut
It it ynura iu fling it rty.
raaiiii( indeed, b ! olirering,
.lurone Hie rugii'.'J wy,
Ring to Und'i h,.l; e.T inn,
Weiiry with loviu Iml,
ffrnt wilb llirir fniliilul labur
Un oft tinrilcf ill mil.
Tbi1 eblioe of your munig
All ri'erenily lir ir,
For wilb the lut-vl nndi
Huou iiiihimry you jiuicu.
6ing when bis mighty nvrolen.
Aud ui irll iu4 loe vo'i feel.
And ibe de.'p j iy nf g: ,,
Hi iiigH fre-nly yu i kn'rl ;
Mhen wird". like m.iruiiifc mililil,
Mrti pawerleK ri - d nii:g !
.And hi iiif j..iir aivrrM"! nhimo
To un yuue gr iri.nn Km.
J'niiro'it your og livlVue ,ua
To whom our boiti la due (
Jtuiueiiiber, ha who Loirs y .iur piavrr
Will bear your j.rniees loo.
Hing on in grateful rla.lnri J
U j...oe in 'i tii. g iu.i 'hni jf
tVbido Ihy iLord ll.y Ood uvti given
The bappy power to ing.
Bin yield 10 Hun, Ibe S'lTurdgn,
To whom all fttfl beloog.
In fulleai couaeorii'n.
Vour iniuimry nf mmjj.
U 11 1 i I Ilia morny giam ytn
Tbal roauirea'io.i u:r
AVIioae only niinieiry aliaU bo
To praiae 1 1 1 m and n-joice.
NO. 21
Atthafllit Hon, of Ui ciptiiu'. of Uorann. Cpt L'igb'i liorne bad q ,iok tima lor, Ml ntti a
"Y.n ran info
aleop till ininiiini.
"iit ia your iMinw r wa O.iDt.
uftiju ursi (j icsiiju ttia Doxt uuru-
Very f( j I
"Nitmo Tol.'
"Intlmt nil '
"litl nil, .Maa Cup'o,
I low il. I nco you f
"luin, H.HH.i Oin'n. NjboJir
noblmr ilotio tol I inoil it nr.'
"Wlific Imvo yon cmuo from t'
' Coma fuui ilu back o liioUtuoa',
Miiaa Chji'u '
"Wimt itul you oraa lioro fur V
"All ilij r' oo in ru'iM nw.iv i mi"
nltt nrtiH li v r j m i 1, I w ir i -h'
fouroil o' mv 111 ) '.Si Ui. I l o ulit
1 iuiht li i' inyiuiiinay of L g i
'in iDif kr I'nioti,'
"A'licre in vo;tr iu Hier T'
"Dunn , ,M!4 C'iii'ii. Ola tniis
.1 m ml' her iIjivii id (i'y In'
e;ni-Rhiti-!.in nn" I niu't irlii.r
li.'oi-( l o!) her hii. i,!,. Dit I t'o i it
iiidIiIiv, h'io hi m,'Lit li t' ru ino 1 iy
to, nn' I'll (i f a i ( .I t V it m. '
pi tin wa ilnlfL'hto.!
oiit, ui iri'ovor, to bo a
irauiiiNiiiif. if lie tin (inn e i.
thaeitplnin. ff i,.. pheo for bovn. Ha ono dav
Clip. Lnih aiiiJ,
"Tolm, bov? wouU yoa like tr go
'iVIrtra it nl, M.tsj Cap'n V
"I moiti my hmo nt tlu North '
"Wlimi iit yor i.tiiM, Jliit Cii V
"I n ii not Koinjj lit nil im.'
"D ti yir lun.iu lr auu' mo awny
fioiii v-r, Al isi t'up'u f
Cjpf. I 'ii,'!i u to'ic'icil, an ! un
iMcri'.l him vi-rv foully.
'Yiift, I w ml to ana l yo'i mriy
from mo nov, b.-ci mo it will bu ln-t-ti-rfiryoii
II it, wlmu tin wiri
ovor, I sli.ill Iioiiki 4 nn,l n.n
y i t oliti Rt iy viu ihj al.viyi, if you
mv il f.iii.1 b iy,'
"I nil 1 1 l mi j 1 4 it j t i.igi yur t:ill
111!', M lH I'up'll,'
"I knov yo'i i1. At I j nil.,-
f ill !) VOil I WO it I ll.ll y Ml 4 ) We'll.
I wi:i t t i urn I you t) my Ii iiii.i, I i
I'U'i cn-iii U fjr mv wife, un 1 .1 i
w 1 1 1 1 woi Ic
out bin
Ilicia up t' mi. I ho pnllul
" PneJ, ransRfi, I can't case
There wag it nlinrp click, a llaali. n
Ion. Mobbing inoiiu, an, I Tohj l.iv
loolionlum, the biota atill clajui'l
in Ins aims, ami fjroat dio;is of
blooil sl.nvly until ro.l upon 1'n.m,
"K loniy iu ni'it,' 8houto,la pick
ot, rijin up.
Th oili i.'i- lustily Rive an or W i
an I tho robul.4 ilmlio I off atn fu
lioui spni a fiw iiiomont.i bi-fim a
puly of Union civ.iliy, with dpt.
Luiyh at tliuir hoi I. ntioivirn 1, ri.l
in fiO'U thnoppmiti ilirnot jon. j
A fv or.i Hitlli ) I lor rpl mi.
tioo. Cipt L'iltlul hiihiuHo-i!
Fobu'a ah.A-.' Wv, an 1 npoka
11 nil. A t tho anu i I nf i ) voirvi i
helorc.l ho w. ll, his i.Vp opoiicl j
nil I ho H ii I f.ii illy, '.r'.-.i C.ip'n, I
1 ono do bos' 1 Sttijw.l. I k ii'p t'jj '
b iota ' I
() .obo.' crroi'lol llm o infiii .1.1
whnt urn you lin jcliil h,.:,, -tw l.lllo irls ;iu I a b i
U 1 O C t rl' II. 1 .
The "asven-daya CshV was eo.l-
nuodreJa of our bravo b ivs
Ij with wliit. elill f iOMi upturn
tho nky on thelova- of M ilvei n
I ill, or uioaood nway their lives in
le lonrsUea alou the Chinkutiomi-
Tha woro. buttcieJ roiutiunta
the Qrami Army of tho I'otoumn
ere encamped at Hairisou a l.und-
g, on theJamos, waitiug for trans-
Irti to take thoia 1-aek to Wubh
It woa "uftor taps,' a eulirv
fatlioru-Bururaor, uijlti. On tho
treme edge of the encampment,
Ibe side Dearest the enemy, a
Ptiucl pauaeJ in walk, and
rred oaotiously out into the d.iik
P'. "l'ahaw J" bo aid "it'a
tiling hat a dopf,' Jla wne ro
niinu liia walk, whoa the BiinnoHnd
hdraped rune suddenly, and walk'
on two foot, iu a umHuor so tin-
kekiibly human, that the hentiuol
terod hia muakei ouee mora, and
Qted, "Halt I AdvarNso and iriva
coantorHiirn 1' A fuiut, childish
psuid, "Ain't cot none. niaHHa.'
VM i ..... i
'vii, iuuiu, uuw i auni niu nun
l "if it ain't inut a. Iiltln l.ii-bw
lIirilesB la friirhtenod him half
loath. Coma here. Kiiowbull'
be child orept up, aud Hnid trom
PRly, " Doed, uuiMit,! ain't got
tor gib yor.'
r'll, who asked you to cite me
ter done as ma for gib yor inlHn
now and I ain't got nuQlu 'oop'
'low what I jrol OB.
"ll.yoo oeetlu't fret i I don't
V 'o. Corporal of the guard !
Jtwo. ! '
corporal baateneil to "pout
. tnd fillliwf lUn aonliiw.l siitl.
Hind on tba ahonldar of a little
bov. who batweuiB fnar. faliiniA
I banger, wii uoabla to Rire auy
fiuto himaolf. I'll Uka him
PL Uirfh," tba corporal aj I t
M oSnar of tba day. Maybe
,b able to get aoaiething oat of
M espial aiood io front of hia
lookinK oat iuto tba night,
(H Uia corporal od hia charge
r ..i a a ii i- -
-, ) im, - para m ooj
""tall, lo thaliuaa.'
h"r u. il . sn. ..... 1.... i.;
Wfll, now,
to ii '
"Diino, Mm Cip'ii. 1'Jlikitw.r
iitay long wi.l tun,'
" cuti you do f
"li.n ait ou yiT, M ias C io n s
kin ahino booti un" bn'litu'ii:i x
up as hia t-yeu, wml 'iiii io.iu I,
cmlit nilii of tho hornm "kin
cli' in do Ii ;him n.:!it n-uirt.'
"Y ot are not lug uu mj i 1 1 t iko
C'ire of a horni;.'
"'it;nd I it, JIhh 1'ip'n ; an I
lin t f;Mi 1 ii no hox.4. din mi.s i!.
Ins ai'iit iiih tor d i Iiommim .Tit n ill i lv
coil II in un .y h.'l i.h .-ti
1110 ll.itl o 'em tfi :yt oIiIits i
.Iu'o' .I.-h" yr try mo, M i-
l.'iip'n nil' hoj of I Ij.Ij I y.;r do
H o. f.'
' If I k'.vp yon with mi yon inn-it
lion ','ijI luy, mil Jo m 1 toll
"'l),-cll will. MinCt.i'n. I'b
io i-li.iiy w.irk yo h.iv, .io'a yur
fti i when tho tM"pi left It in is io'k
I.iii.Iii. I'iiIm V"'it 1 1 1, in i-.iii.j
.f t il l C ip!;ll l 8 II i: (. Il.l I I) I ; ; I
ml ivIido ,!o !.M'llrr ivk furly II j-I
h-r w iy, h j bri'H'i no 1 into u n . !
in il ui" an cvi'iy M-voJuti ni nf c i ,
vl.L'rl pl nv ! a t'l'mt'T dluM'.ji'c hi!- :
t .vi-mii hiins -.f n i I olo in ' i
n ' h- u4:t 1 uno .1 iv. !
hou-ui. An I I
io will tfivo y in in ti,.i.. wiH, y(, llk,, lUi,,a
1 llll'.l fill ll I I ).. .. . I 1 I. I ...
irivj inifH llilli'i .von .1 i ivn l iul i.i..,t. tl.;.. ,
, . . .- - . . WIHJ
Up 1'icr
lllllll IlIlVl llll.l lllid
noy. i w ini yo l to go with tin-in i "M I'n'i n 1
wlnoi thy go out to pi iy. and t iko j ..Yo. T..lU what i.4 if
cuv ,.f liioiii My ,o no h iu a v,ry ; 'i)ii liltln childrciM, .1ias Cvi'ni
p!.M4iut pli.!., in tin. omntiy. Dint I .,,, l(,r Wlit .,
I IIIIU V.lll V. llll.l hlri. t. ... ft. .11 ....
...... J " ..w... aawv. v I... N I. r. I .,11 '.lltl1.. I u
hunt t, nn I Inn ovoi !!,. .
I horn f
"Kf yon g )(a too. M i.a C ip'n.
"IJ it,, my boy, I can't pj.-i.-ob.o go '
now,' j
"1 so .1 1 j'iih dj t 'm'r yor B:iy, M.1-.4,
Cup ii, I't yor t.-IU ni. t 1 g 1. J k
:i 1. An' I nn j t .1 1 00 uy w ir I t tin ;
niis.4n4 mv un I loo!; nf r do olnlli'in
lo li. -Kt I known, unti l yor oooi'H il n
A clorgymin who enn prnncli three
KormoiiH oiinoculively, without men
tioning (Inlilrn.
A mnn who will refrain from
culling hia 1'rj fpot'ou a "imppv
. ir.ii t."
A wo ntn who rom vii'i ra hint
Sun hy'a i uuiibl ) lo ipon!i
niidorrilnnilnigly of tho trimmingi.
on tho b 01 riot of tho lady in the
next in front.
An 0 litor who novr fool a plonaod
lo h ivo hia gul t.iiu,'4 cro.lilo I, or
tun I valion f !.:y nro Bloloii.
A p'Mi(?il tint i tilwavH in tlic (Iik!
pork t yiu put your lutvl into.
A in ui w ho Ii ih hoi n fool Bonio
lim duiiii hi hfi and knowK
ououg'.i to lioop the knowlo dgo of
it to hiniHrlf.
A tun riot m in w'i 1 drs'not
t'i.n!i nil lit 1 goU civv I114 wifo the
pi i.'.o h!.) Ii 14 c ipinri'd.
A 111 irrin 1 woni in wh ) novr
a ill. "S 1 wou..-r t'logiiU don'l
'. t m irt'i I li'iwiidiya; they nro
alt igofioi- ,i, J lout fiMni wimt they
Worn whon I wis 11 gill.'
An unui i'ni ;d ivciuuti who uiv.r
h id tin ulV -r.
Ami'ittlio ivvor isUnii'".! t'
too K'ono'iiii-a of tho liniv ono wuro
t'lhj 'ot to Ill4 in iveuiout. Ii v a.iviti
"I kn w ill 1 1 1 un u 11 ir -11 1, it
w ml lu't r.iiti," or a mi j si iiiJ.i; ir
in 11 k.
Fluid Extract
n 0
rnil'2 POlS'l
t'nlillalied evnry Thnradav Evening
Terms of Pubacnption.
ahle a it Inn nix month, or 2.f0ifnot
pnld within thfl yonr. No pnpor diiv
i.U'tii'tiod until all Brrcnrn.i are
J'H'I 1'nl.a.a at tho ojiti.ui of the pub
Br.l ' ip:!onanuIxide of the coitnlf
trrrona liflinpr an. I initio; puprra
ad.lro.ari) onfli ir. hrcoino nl riliera
and arr linhU forlhe in ice ofthofinpor
Saddler and Harness
Centrevlle, Snyder County. Penna.
K. ap.An h.n l. n1 m.k-. lo or.lrf all kln.t
'rilrnrt., Hr lira. -,Vlil., I oUre
e,i. Alt w-rk en.miiK'.'l ti. une Tr
Mr. w.ilrer a.k im. a trial to i...n ti.mi I.,
uu Inr.Un I. m. bii.lhi.... Sor w,'T.
.1 mt St,t;,i, S.ty t r f'.i., I't.
f t'nrineily from Li-ai-lnan .liinnion.)
A. f..r Oie I.11..1 I .rn.l 1 r.r.n 1V1,
ri ll WllK. I Ml! T li-HIK. IIKL1INII,
Ki. I.iiI.TiN.I 1.1... Til. V,
U.4H. ,r.r.rii, r':Mri4' nn.f t
ll.l.i, Miiin.l Mi. In.urnn.n, anl n.tirt
i.rO ti.. ('.. n,i ,,nl-.
-iiillc.n l ri'Meoi. t Y,.tet Stall, a
k-i.i ii.
K Tit U
i j Bladder di Kidneys.
Holt to rrerk, MWOl,
ffilir Hrr-!r-j (rnltiitlntf. Ttn-.t .
A ft, t M i,. i '.-11,1 1 . i't.-. 1 1 a- t
V-r. I .!.. m t I,, l Huta r.f..t .eiii,.
Nil I
. 1 1 v coma l i;;lit ho hi, M i4
An I ii ton cititiiu lc!t llm
I olio i ll I It i h i I ou hi lii'ii
on.-1 ui if iii hi'iil I w nil 1 broil!;,
(Vit. ln-ih f i t i 1 n lifo:h-t- mil
Cor wh i Wis pipi'i'ting to go li'iuio
on a f n i in,!i, a :i I who ivilily
iigro".! t I ikj .. nii'g i of tin; Ii iy in
viioni l.i-. f iuii.1 w.u hi li ply iu-
" ... my 1 v i
toll tlncii ?
" l oll '.in I did l t loan do
kop 'oni do liia- -1 kiiowod
I i'horu was u flint sih. n rt
of l!io t.y.-Ii Is, nn I tho littlo
! til it h i I boon ho truly "do l '
' ! ji'i, if wo imiiI 1 nil
i Ih
Bit ill I
bi.U I '
A p ifk-sl kuif.i t'l it
l no ii ot i -r p nit .4.
A ni ' 'i n- w.i n iv or
" i il I ri' i .r 1 1 i', ni v
1.4 ncvor iu
4- llll
ani 1 sho
If,' when
ll I to
"Jirf I t
Lui- is wa aiiio ut ?'
"Iv.thor to rt'iishington or Alox
iiidiin. 1 llm I know t-xu-i y
whic' .'
"Ui;l dur be ooo uto up d.zr.
C.ip'n f
"Y- . th.-ro nro pl. n'y of stin-.s
Vlnt do yon wnnt from ono '
l-ns . .il is O io ii, pi i iso, 'ss ; ,,,,.4
mill iio Hiuni nosv.l, ,iu I ciug it loi
uv.i'ii, iijip ii etitly nvci w iiolni I
villi tho in i;,' '.ii ii lo of lii4 ilosiros
"Well, out nitli it. won-
d'-nfol thing do you want t' !
"i'loisM. Mjhb Uop'a, i'iss buv nu '
it '.) was fll:l I
Vi iy r vi iiiitlv ('i )t t .igi
hfi.'.l tin; boot, n'l w-l un i at i, io
wtLii ll io I. ''I will novor wir
ill. .SO b ills ll i llll.' In. fi.lil; bit I
i ill novur pu t w ith toi ni. Tii..y
'hull bu Touo.s iu itinnioiif,'
In fin hill of (.'i;i'. I.oi'i
honso is d rp ni.'hn ; nn ( m i', on n
ii iriilo si 1 1 c iv-ro I wn.i n gsriJ
'I4', Ht ill I 4 l p j;' of r iv i!r -0 i o 4
nth ilnk b' i-'h up m t i i ,1 ; n i l
on t!io o 1 of llm kIiIi, m gi! l;ii, is I Iio ii.irnipti !'..
" II IIII'MI I V lit 'I II" ,
l.iu 1)1. ll III l.i I . Ii. -.
I ti u. i ui o: ii t.-i K nti.
I CI ll M 111 IK ill !f I'll ! I,"
iilC.-Li'l liofuly (,,u i u ! i 1 :,.;! r
une (' itiv.oi'i in, i'i!, n'tunti in to
v.iri i is l.i i 1, of jnto i.i. riitoo
Willi!.! Ill g-.l.!.-i:iv I
i. ... ii . -....'. . i . t
...t tl A (,i.t iiIIj.ii I ill . .1 I, a i . ..I ! I
cavalry o lots to i.t h i.ihv (, .
"Yor no."l t bo fonro.l .1ih4 i'np'n;
l'no t.iko ciiu of cm do bid I
; lin h'i i il l h iro t in ; ht Inn-
I i t!i it t;i.n
A f .t i .: v,i n rjr f ;". a t'n',
his diii'M to his fhiidivti nm in
niniv nu I ns wointy in th'.irs to
: I.: in"
A o'ii! I wn i wool I n it nt'ior oil
l.i l w i iu i! i t n m tt in lis.
; A mv. i i.- I In-. it i r wh 1 os not
,c i r i'o Ins f r ifci n wii-kednosM-s
w In- i I-. I il m' ni4 ip i io io .
I .1 p'T - HI. ou''' HI' SO iin II lliu i'll
W "l I l "-4 II if I'VI I'lOll. 1 n ll H' of
For ;i.0.i!;y, l.n. of Mi-m.irr, !nli-po.'
.iiin in r..rnnn or li i-iin'". SI. "'ii,..
of liri'iih. TrtuMel wnli I'U. un o. ..
Pi.Hii. Iiitiiiip.4 n 'i-i.,n. I'.oi jri il...
Biek. 'li.-! . im I .. , I. It i.l, ,,f -. ,., I I.,
I!.. Ill' id. Pile llJIlrlltlri, mil J
l llii.. -i mplnm. iro ill. iti- I iit., nn, I
rry fr.'. li'in Iy l il...l ic ' t. m I' ,,.
. -ii,.ti Mi l.,! n. Ii -i. ii , ii-'i,ii ,n
lir tin- iiil. iio I ii r. Ho. ii, I of in
i'nu riiiu in ,'ii,i. i i 'raiigtiivit an I
lone up tlu Mteiii irli .
or---' -v;-. oj..'
T: v v . j ' A
4 vt !
Till 1 T ,111. T. r. I i-
I' tint nig'it criiu iio vs that
n i I" ovotyoi Iy g.vo nt fin i.loi of
i fiirlou.;li.' or "goin ho-im ' l lio
r.iolnn oi I giivt't'iini i tlot. i .rino 1 lo
Mi.iko tl".' ."x nl!i f -ol ill! wn- 114 I.IO
in I not felt, it,' li il org.ini.j I tin
,'inn 1 r.n I.'
An nr.!.)'- c i-n" f u -I'lpt Loi:,''.V
rogioviit in ui ni-!i ut .i iwi,-h'.
I". '.!... H II I t. I.) 0 IJ'' HI. 'nn I C.I'!
coition.- of th li ,"i,o-.v i HM.
Mt iii no nr.- Iilin ,. l u.i I ,i oio'i i,
nn I i.i'i ' tho u ill. ii,' ; ii id lno4,j
i;i i i 1) in '
11 ll it III I hi IV II
A lin" n on ih.
t i i t iii it i r in
I 'lit ''. I 4' 01 M ll.l'.l
I I . iV
i l.or
t'l 10 It W l l' ll I
Vor U 111 ! t l I). I
in il gnua-nturo
. iV I .oopt wiit li
' llll !1 itl llfo 1.4
n n tioir ut Inn I
if i
HsIraboIfTs Baclm"
ihm-:s in i:yi:ky ca-i:.
wms b'jjij i
13 uima'JALED 1
' i it i i 1 L
r. ti-.l in, .-i t,. I.
t ntf.
'- "f
"HT flnlf infill
r ,
iii.p'l-r f.'f V .f. MJ
r r !n;ii.iitH
i. i i :!it in 1:
; 1 t:i i!,.' n i up
po ll I K',1.
I.f III..
; i.
Iy know "i. Ii
M pr-
r : I. 1
: t.
ooi'ts, t.iko p ii tioiiiur i'ir.1 of l!i. 'in.
Tiki in llll
woro irpiito
ouo binio.
"A hnnjo ! W'hnt ou earth do
you want id lhat f
"Kin piny do Intijo riglit n-niit,
HIl'd.UK!! too. Kin 1 Miss C.ip'n, I
piiivs for jo nil do time.'
"Thoro'd b j rnthor too much of .1
good thing nb out tliat.'
"Is ytr Kwine to git it for mo V
"I don't know I'll sco whon
wo got there, '
"I'nydiy cimn. Everybody got
llxod i:p i iiiul 'J'nho full hi-ir to un
old caviilry-tiiiifiiriii. It didn't tit,
to bo Ktno. Tho I'lnutnloona o.niio
up to Uia Hlioulihir. and were lollod
up in great bunohos mound hia nnk
k'8 4 tho jacket c.nuu down to bin
keea; niitl (liu bloeves buug like
ynwuing civliuh. in which hia hiinds
diauppourcd no fur that it Roouiii I
doubtful if evor ho would tlu I tho u
again. Hut there were tuu gilt but-
toua nnd c iv.ilrv sttip.Hi and Tobo'a
iumoBt sou I rejoiced over thoin.
Id was ao nliHorbe.l in uia o!othoa
that ho seomod to have f orgotleu tho
tiiinio w linn, one d iv, t ie o tntnin
Btiddunly held ouo up boforo him
Ilia oyoB dilutod till they Bouiued to
covor half tho face j and ho gnspe I
out, lor cwina to cib mo dnt ur'
Maaaor Cnp'u f '
"You Bind yon wanted a binio,
didn't you V
"I known I axe.t yer tor buy
ma one but X t ought moiihn yur
wouldn't gi' nu da olo'itn' do buuio
"Well, which will Ton bavo, tho
banjo or the clothua f '
ioho anawored not a word, but
pulled off hia jaokut, und laid it at
the captain's font Ctipt. l.oigh
Inughod. "Woll, ha aid, "if you
wnnt a banjo aa bad a that, you
ahull have it. ere, take it
" har nine I put do cloao at,
Maaan Cap'n f
"You needn't put them anywhere.
Keep them on.'
"Ihiea yer moan to gi'ina Jo oloao
and do banjo too t' Aud, under
itnnding at lant that it waa raaly ao.
lobe gave vent to uia fueling io a
prolongud "Ki yi ' tbuti aiooJ ou
hia bead, kicking tiia lieula in the air,
till, bia voluminous giiruioute prov
ing too much for him, ho lost bia
balance nod rolled over, 1 hia bo
bored him. Ho iiickod hintaulf ui.
and walked off, carryiu j tba banjo
aa if it were a baby.
After that there waa no lack of
nitmio. Tube played all day, and
topped only at night wheat tba
captain anut him lo bed, '
It proved that Toba bad told Uia
tiulu abnut bia akill iuUkiugcara
b ly tf tin riMu- i
1 on th- lino of l!io
lioulh .1 in n t u no, linking fori i ltytv
hiiiV, Soiling cxpoliti'itH woio
4f tit out fr mi t.u Nirtli'in
nrmv in nil din-i'tiona ; and n bi iv
loftruip. iiiclu ling C'-p. I.'iig'i'ii
j ri'giiiuuit, woro u loro I t i proovod
by tho Khm-to4t cut to (Jo'.i vnburg.
.in 1 bond tho rclii'h oil' tl ujof tiio
It. i ; igii-w.ig nia broko diwn. Tho
jdnvor of uiiothor w 14011 Kt-.ppod to j
IIOlp III C 'lUl ll lH, i no ir.op4 p iss-1
c I mi, nn 1 t!io two 1 Toua wmo loft j
iilono on t!io luouut-iiii. In ono of
thoin wns Tobo, with the cipt nine'
1 ...i.:i. 1... 1 . ..1 1
7 , .1.. . , ., . your mm. v por emit. ; nu 1 1
w.iu'ti. 1.10 mon woiKii.l u isiiy ulj ov.;r tho preceding ion-, lif.y
howiigon. aud Iobo bnt w itching. w Tliut wna nu itl.'or ho.'Uoi,
horn. Sullen ly n triuipling of, nf ih,, entry, wis t:i . 1 - it t b,
hoi-Hoa foot waa heard nnd a parly . ,,,.,; u!v 0li,ai otei i 4tio of ll,.. .Sh01.
of ciivnlry came round a turn iu hojUIU,0;lll V llly Jt wo wi V(. .(i. (
roi!'.V, .. , . .. .., tho ii4sortiti thnt tho p.'i-soiit igo of
" 1 iinL h front 1. in , nnn i I in mm i ... .
. - n . lnoi'oiisd ill .il ium 11 14 iii.oii
1 u'r-o us .111 iucr.'.i 'no
lo p'Oiily urn hi Ih" y u i,;
ni Mm m ti iv lowing nnd p.u iking.
1 ho Km Miiti'T dip, H 1 ; i-l !in. : ;
I III II St U'llVl.l K.ll. 111 ... II ... of OJI'U M
I ii.i tils ) i-ioiv i-o l tj nn i.iii.mi.
.fN'llllt. M 111 V 11 UI III, liu MH, 1.1.
ji'ppnirol on tho hIu.;j n lv 10 itio
. t.-upi'iitno w!i- h 1 I in his p ..'; n
1 h I't't) of I I I I lllllni or hi li'.i. i.'o,)..
iTnol.tly. to i, cirri 4 c!il no n u
un I t'ifr, t 1 ui h -r lnnl'i-or
I'liiff, wit!i wlnoli to nil iy ii"i vju4
!cx 'iio u int. I' 1 -ro i!in id niip4i.
ill 111 but tint iipiuui-oitiug his
nioron-ol lo 11 loiiilnl tinit. .Not
1:1 ; Hiuo, fro it S-11 It in, Vi'inii,
.1 c 1uf.1i 01100 of diiigoita r 'po.'t d
In it iho rili 1 of itioroian of a no. m
I S77 ovi.u- I S7o wns iiiiii-fy-two p u
coiif. ; in ISTtJ over I hit prcco.l tig
1 1-.
r i'-'.- -j
M i" M-'io 0
unto tins . ii I; iin! !
;; .11 ns tin 1 1 ; 1 (h
tV-Vip-ip-r l.ttl" t'll
I rll
t i" p. in r. 1 ii
1 to il
ivi'ii t'i" ti
o tin 11 -1 .
of till"
'P ut mi 1
g-.inru ir
.. of
-f u
1 .. -.f
lo o .1-1-.- -I (
n th '.'i iphy ii'i I n n join ;
'.Vo I. ivo 4- "n tii 1 i-.rn 11 oi' 4
y-n-u, in Ir '1 roti 1 ; t us n
tit to t'iv print-r i i t'n
h in 1 vri'.: 1 ni riy u- n- N -.
I .- t 'li" il :-i I ! .-. ! ;l
ll'.ll. VI ll I. tr Is !.; Jji -o 1
or ro p ,1: fs, nn 1 tii. f, iv,
0 t ii i v .ti t i V-on j pi 1
!i iv" noon tho Koruioiin of
divi'i.'" o't t 1 tho pros4
p lints or r i n!s to it.-si i
mi i
nr ov;i
-p-ci il-
t, I 1114
,-ltl I fo'.V
if imv,
OS. Wo
, iM tho
1 1 x-1 ni4 of too it iitonot", ui- 1 tin.
lottoi-4 i.f !io p tlltio il ;,n 1 s.v. i.'
c 11 r.'4p ni I !tit .. S ippiao nil th .
!lilli"on p.-into 1 '.! i)ii!it-ir
11 f'-oit ..I iv 1 1 so iru
No otio w on! 1 bo-
"Thoro'a boiuo of Iho boy. If they
will wait n low minutes, wo can go
along with '0111.'
" "fniu't uono of our boys,' B.-iid
the other, nftor a kuou glnnco ;
them'a roba.'
At the word, Tobo slid dowa io
the bottom of the wagon under koiod
hl.iiiltets, and Uy Hilout aud motion
less with tho boots cltiBpud iu his
As tho BoldiorB advnncod, the ofll
cer Bnid npimrently in reply to a
question, "No lot tho raoa go : wo
cnu't do auy thing with priaonoi'B
horo; Hut we'll look throngli the
wngon and if tho Y itikn hnvo my-
tuing wo want, nil Bt.ur in war.
Thoy reiuo.l their horaos by tho
waiton, and, after a fow ahort, ahnrp
qiioHtioiie, procecuoil to bronit open
trunks and bags, aud appropriate
their contents.
Tho soldiers were about fiuiahing
thrur oxnniinntion, when one of t ha 111
Mind. "Wluit a that uudor the Boat
of that wngon f
'Oil I nothing but a torn blanket,'
anid another. " Tain t worth takiug.
Wo have all we want.'
'rhino limy bo loinothing under
it, though.'
Io pushed aaide the Manknt with
Ii'm labor 1 and there lay Tobo, en
deavoriiig but unauccussfiilly to
hide the boots under him.
"Ah!" anil the ollleor. '-this la
worth while. Here's just what I
wanted. Coma, toy, band over
thoaa boots.'ipiii'V,'
Deed, waata,' said Toba, "I
can't gib 'era ter yur, Joy louga
ter Mass Cap'n, an' be tola ui take
koor ul 'out woa' partia'lar
"Cant kelp that re tt t
have them ao pats tVaai a1aa
''I'lnaaa, laaa,' bogatt f aba t bat
tba rebel cot aim short-
j'lite 114
W illi I ll IVO ll
and ml 'inn'
lieve tlint ii u -'i irnsi nn I pilpili e,
fiulta wot-o nwiii t 1 t'10 i j-i i--ino' 1
or c it. los'ios of the nnt'nor : an I j
.10 on" but tho pric'.cil printer I
know how many hour tho emi p isi 1
tor. nn I ifter him tin' pio tf-roa l.-r, '
I'.r-i ni-
1 m-i:h i r .iti'.'i:
M.t 11 i hi 1.
! M:.:v.pssrs t,
: 1 1 v !'' 0 . '
1 ( ' Is. I I !' A IT S.
I Ai'ill.' AN J I'AIN'i",
' 1; r r, rv.
hi km v i : i: si:4,
;u rn'ii't, i p;t.
i'uviit'.- iii:!i:i.i rv.
K.i'i i.::i'-i .
if: w ii; i'';:Lt:.4.
I' k i.i si 4
(iliM.iiAL ILL-IItlU.T:i
si' in 1. p'si: tsi's.
m i u p- .
1I IKM'.s.
i'i.'':.i x'i:.
f 't f 1 ;:;!?.
Ni.i: vni's r. iMPt us rs.
HiMAhlii'iMirt, i.s, .xe.
II"i I n'lie. Vain in the Sb up , r. I", n -l
--, .iur M.tini.'li, Kr.ip', -n,
i-i t h M jU.1i. I'a'i .' Hi '1 f I In
1' , ia 01 i , r ! .0 in,- K . i 11 x .
li. i ml t liar piint'i.l ryu.i ion-.
prill fc'4 1 I1, rf ,'
rX THnr.nt.X V rrlm.eli,p. tl.pB.-f Flnl.h,
'- r .- - I , r
t: ' lilu.ul T ur..l. 1 ..... .. lt-; ,.'..
rv1 1:
h I-.. I
. wa. M.-
- t. . a r .i - .
' -.1 . .a-.. ..,
f u . -. n
(a'l in onr l-'alrp. ir
ii'T-r tx' a, err
M Ii
u r.isr.;;.
II 1 0 -1 tT ', .1V 1
r i.-j , Ta.
I 1. 1..
II ir
111 i I tl
ire lue 1'
SMN P..AN.N'. M I Ll.
si.i.iNs.nj.ivK.sNYrrn r ,ta
Lv.::ii1)o.i nrK.i'i'N
a mi m 1 x 1 r icti 111 it . r
rtiior, Tini.r Ihitrx. H lii'lna. Miult.T
V l!i ton II .'. Illi.-l.S. S,;,)., M.ilr
rilii.'-. liiitnl K.illiii'.'x, llr.u K
i tx- Vonldlncs I'liinrlni:,
SCKfl.l. s WVlMi a i-, BIN KT TtHMNil
Shingles, Jy.r.h, S:c, ttc.
Or l.'ra
IMI3 I 1
1 I ni. I S'e 1 ill. rromrt
V.e.-e t-N'l xi I etxm
ro -I-.--ijr
liii-gD, nii.l tlin Kiih.4 of ,lt-1 r FIHS i compi -.1.! 1 10 p 1 in re-i.i":ug to
since tho prohibitor, 1 -gisl.uio.i Ins ' r.'ilibln con Mi on in musoripts
been in voguo will ho nil jw. If enc'i
is tho f.ict, tho chnngu f.-om tho uso
of intoxiotiting liquor ti opiniu is
far from being an improvouuut.
A Hasty Verdict.
Tin m i irity of poiple nro evar
roid.v to j i lgn tho cou luct of their
neighdors, ir, nt'iur erords. "t 1 cist
tho first etone." lint, wo hive no
right to jn lgu others until we know
all about the circumst 1110 is tint
intluiiuce thoir couduct. In m-iny
omes we imitate tbnso wa cm l.nun,
under tho circuiuataoeuB. A young
mail employed iu a printing ofli.o in
one of our largo towns incurred tho
ridiculo of t!ie other coinpositora ou
account of his poor clothua aud un
social behavior. Ou several occa
sions BiibsoriptioB papxrs were pre
sented to him for various objocts.but
ho refused to give his money, Ono
day a compositor asked him to con
tribute for a piouio party, b it he
politoly refused. Thereupon the
other accused him of niggardliness
an accusation which ho Coreuly
refooted. . "You littlo know,'" he
said, "bow unjustly yoa hnvo been
treating ran. For more than a yeir
I have been striving to save money
enough to send ray poor blind xistor
to .'aria, to be treated by a physi
cian who has treat 1 many cases ol
blindness similar to hers I have
always done my duty bore in this
ofllji), and bave minded my own
business. am sacrificing everything
ia life for another. Would either
of you do aa ranee f Ooul I any one
do more!" Me bad been judged
without a kaowledga of cireumatao-
j. lie slow to eensnre aud oou-!d-B.
Ua cannot read tba bearta
It Vbar. i ia maav caaea to kuow
"Will you give run thoe WA tyj is o jalra JI j u Jge aoL that
If you dou't do it, aud ia otJ4tj;jr
hat llm writers t'loiusolve ivoul I bo
pUZZi-led to lea I.
Mark Twa n's Hotel.
TIiv:ng lately upoiel his'i-ry, I
aen I j'iu those, my ril's anl reguUi
ti.i-i .
Th a h'tin will bo c insidere-.
atriotly inteiup.riiii. j
N ono tut t bo l.rnvo desorvo the'
1' u-sin nwiii hi IN for beird w:l
bo bored f n hi lis.
It uir lera wini do not w i-h to pn
iu a Ivince are re j lusted to 11 Uiu.-e
nnd pay.
Hoinler aro c.t e -to I io wait on
the colored cook lor tut'iiU
Hheei will Ii nightly chaii-)4.
onco iu six mouth, or more il'
DmrJor are re;u'at'd to pull ntf
their boou if tboy eau oouvouioDily
do an.
I't ids with or without bug.
All money ant o'lmr vhunle
nro to b I o I't in charge of tb pr 1.
prjeior. This ia insisted up in. a he
will ba hold rt-pouiblo t'jr '.b! ItM-
Insi.lo miitti'f will not bo lurnished
lo new-paper niou under any oou
litloratitin rcp .rtt'ra keep circi.
SinJo men with tbjir families
will not be bunrdod.
llroaius will ba charge! by the
Nightmiros hired out st r.-ssouabU
' 8'one vanlta will ba feraiahed to
asoring order.
. J
A sahaeribor to a western newapa
per died recently, leaving a four
years aubacriptioa nuaid. The ed
itor appeared at the grava and de
posited iu Cie oofBn a paliDleaf fan,
, liuaa 00a t aiaa tUriaUt.
HelmbOIfTs Bncta
HiBMinis he si;:.!i;i
la I li'oi'-i.i'. llie Torpid Liver, r,m..
and Ki'luev. 1.1 hraliliy a-ti'in, m cl.'in
ain ilu- h. 1,1 1 ..f all inip.iriiii'4. an i nv.
pHrii'n new iif. aud figor 10 ibe wli.U
y.uui A .ini' trial will ht yUt . -I'V-i-nt "
e.iaiu? ilie ain-i lir.ii4iuj v u, .lua
ble remedial qj4liiiee.
Peltier! to auy addra.a free frjn oh-
t.rnil .0. I
I he PoUiiiU rec'.oral.
l'f--Te t 11
i-i. .0. .-
i' x - 11
1 tlx.
I.l 1
I . 1.1
.11 1 1 anr
I. ,11,
I .ull i-lv
I : . ! 1 i' I
. . U
I':. '
! I"
' I'
I (.
r.K't. .1 - It .- , . r : ..
Prrp Owl 'i l.t-vl iil-ii'ti . .
I I 1.) J "'A X M 1, "4. M ' -tui
ont-'ii a II 11 -r. 1 . i, ret-uu', i
Airll Jrl. l-rn. . j.
tif". I lo
ilrn ll
I 1 1 1 r i .
it 4;ltrt
I 1 - r a
1 ' '(
l' ' I. 1 o
I'.a n.l'f
"qui law
tH ' S,K S L..111. anla'ldi
The .i.i 1 if
r llel'ene.
(im fin in tho
C ll' 1 II -M
'll 1
l -r Pi' id I t
Pr..) -y, Itr -iei.
iu Ki ;..'y
of f r 1 itr.
an l I'l iuxry I Ir
pitrtrle.. lrif!ii'
, lle.enMJa or l-la Pi.-,
'-r.lien'a' mar enn.uli I. Io. .
eeiiit 1I1 a ante vienit .a h calllni. 1 "'"-' J
by anweriU lb f'ljwia; .)4.iiun.;
1. Gi ymir nine anl p t-of)iie a I.
'Ire... eoiiiny and i.t. aad your ueare.i
eXr-rc.a ottico !
2. Youe and t"v 7
i. Uecupaiion '
4. Married or linl. t
i. Ileiitht. weihl, sew aud ia health
6. How tonf hat. you bovt iirk .'
?. Your tompleXua, lr ef kair it
eyn !
8. HaiiD( yon a iloepisg or arorl (ail f
B. Relalo without roraiien a'l you
kno ah.ul your ca-o. r'ncle.e oua JO.
lar aaoea.uliaiion feel. Year letter wi'l
ben reeei.a uur aileuiloa, and we will
give ton the nature or your di.e, aoJ
our oaadid opision ooaeirnmf a rura.
Conjf.teat Vhy.ieian. all. ad lo rorrea-ponl-ni.
Alt Inier. .Heald he addroa
l lo 'li-penailury, JlJ t'llboil tSlKK,
rkiladalfkia, Pa.
irs(iat sad Okiniat,
riulai.lf kia, Fa-
.line., anl 1 Ill's I'd
JiKHKiii i-trvLiired LWiit.sLY fur
troui K-r E it Tai'or, P. P. .Tailor
I'.r.i Hi'iin I'virek.
Pit .Mux, a. It. I., Jan 9. ?..
ItniMim in tb nuo oflll'Sr'S
KV. Vlt'l'Y in kidney lii- from aeiual
trial. Il'i'i; btta frit' y Itenen i.l by
.1. u. k.i. r a lor.
r -iixT. '.v t . auj : '. irs.
W-4. I. t'LAKKK -Put Ml; Htiu
iitif-rj tti wislertkl .trc.. ci
lU'NI' S Rt'MKPY in my a e., n I ia
a fat nsnil-T of aibera. 1 roc 'o I t
lo all artlu'ied aita kidney di.t. or
dntry. l'ti.,.e adiiei.d ly ji.ea.o .h.ul i
of i. re (he we wat.k will cure ih.m
in the a.or;.-- t.iLle li'HI, 111'N" i
I I.LMtPV will do iki
Ke eifii'.'y Y'our.
K. rt ln.ui. iii Pyer ?l.
IM'ST'9 f.KMb-
t'Y i. r irely
liable, and i
el Ly ih. ii
Of I'll J..OUII.. It
L - Hood It, Iral I
of lim. tor 3 J
year, and ike al
men rrliane t"y r tt'aeaat ia ll. OSi
. ni for iaklt U U. K, CLittK,
I'niidrai-.. K t.
b-xiUl ly tll DxuissUta.
tJepl. IS, "
Maiiib 4,'TV.l
' a i ..rt i .
-" ' a- wm auatt a araiaai ajvr
tNiMMe., Il'armalu X..!, ntfm
Mdf-XCa) aatat.
k ii
. , i
. . i
i1 :"
t . ..
i I