The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 30, 1879, Image 1

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    V IVortltflttsf lieu
l .stirtwn ena y.if, " ' ftXMtu
O to-hftlf, fwlnrnt,. rr,
'0.Tmirth Column, on year,
(OnJ MO Knr)t laaartUm
Bvrt aillitinn.l irtnerUort,
IVnfrtnnl and llaalriMi. refl. nf
rwt mow (hurt ft tinex, pr tent, 4,00
Ao.liior, hterittnr, AoiiatniRtrMor
and Aaaiftnsa Noticr-, 2.ftn
EdiMrUt notices psr lin, 5
AH tr.vnMfmt mWcniiiinf lent Ihftfi
S m intht M rAtH a tina.
All alveTtisomonts fot a shorter pa
rity, than one year ore pat-shlo at the
time they ar ordered, and il not paid
the pirrtn rtrJorinj them will o held
responsible for the mono.
V- 1 . I1 J
Pootry .
RerrhA Liar Th Mither.
Lr4 iky mother lenlerty
Daws Ufa's eteep rlvalls.
Onus fcer arm waa tby eapporl,
!( Ihe lean on latin.
Bee epaa let loving fn
Thise rlaep line of ears t
Think It waa har lull for the
Left tbai record laere.
We'er forget hr itreleaa watch
Kept hy day anil night.
Taking frona kef S'afi ihe graoe
Pram her rye Ihe light.
Cherish well ker faithful keart
Which through weary yrara,
Eoknail evil b ill sympalby
All etailet aaJ (ears.
Thank Qoi for Iky mother's Iota,
flsar-l (he priaeleee boon ;
For lha bitter pining hour
Cometh all loo aoon
XI hen thy (rueful tenderness
Loire piwr to eaee,
Earib will hoi. I no deirar p it
Tbaa thy muher.e grave
N n 1 e o t T
Tobias Jonel' Matclinuking
BY 8. A. M. M )
''t say," slid Tolits Jouos, bring
iag dovn is Out on tho dinner table
wilb an omnluHii that caunod tho
tottls iu Mtm, Tobias' new eist.T
to mttlo togotuor oniiu )Ub1)-, "I Hiiy,
wifu, I havo it now. 1
"Mavo what V ankod Mrs. Tobias,
"Wby, an idea, a splou did idua
that is to say, a pl.iu. Yo i will
surely get an mvitatiou to a wed
ding, llolinji, btforo the winter is
on. to J, or my nmuo is not loois
"What T who ? where f 1 asked
Mrs. Jonos. ''I um thaukful boiuh
thing is going to bapuun i I vu stuy
Oil ut uomo iium 1 am tiiml. an J my
clotUos are getting out of fisLiiou.
"If wearing good clothes koeps
mem in rtsuion, you img'it wear
thorn bore ut homo,'' suggostod bur
Hint's just the way with you
won, sum Jirs. Jones ; "you ex
pect us to wear our lio4t clothes, ut
ell times and iu nil plaos. u id yet
always have thorn lo ik new uu I
fashioiiitbla Dot who is goiug to
bo muri'io I i"
"W'ull, you moo it uin't a eoltle 1
f ictyet, but it might na well lie, fir
if dquit-o CUaso and Wido.v Hooker
fcUoald happou to in out, it s iu.v
opiuiun t'loy would make u m ito'i of
it i aud." ha ad tod, as bo uotiood
Lis wife's leugthoiiud faoo, 1 think
you h 1 1 butter seud ( r thum b ith
too uno bore to tot to-morrow uiglU
Wo havo no children, you kiu v, an I
you ougiit t havo tluuj iu artplj
pie or lor all li.e tim ,"
'Uuildrml'' oxohumil Mrs. To
bhi. ') iu talk an if folks who b;v-t-n't
cliildrdii don't h ivo anythiug to
do. For my part. I think I work
full as hard aud hivofill iw much
trouble t any of inv niigiib'irs who
havo children, 7oWovor, I dou'l
euro how Diuuy you invito to tea ;
I II havo enough for thorn to i
but dou't think y iu'11 ai.kko a match
for Kquiio Chuio, for know you
"Well," sail Tobias, "you tako
Dobbin and drive over and get tho
widow, and I'll t ike euro that the
Squire is here all right ; aud, uiiud
you, Ueliuda, if thoy are not married
before the wiuter is over, I will give
you a now droes mid if they uro,
you shall buy Die a pouud of to
bacco. "Agreed, said iMrs. Jouos, "pro
vided you briug about tho match
Just at suuset Squire Chusa was
reaping in the field neur tho road,
a hen, happening to look up, he saw
his friend Jones loauing over tho
Good evooing, Jones."
"Good evening, Squire. I just
Called to say that wife my is oiug
to uava company to tea to-morro
ni'ht, and ho wants you to oome
uver aud tunko ono of us,'
"Much obliged, neighbor, but I
uou t know about it. 1 have got to
reap All this field to morrow. If I
gut done iu aoasou, perhaps I'll
oome, but don't look for me. Who
re you goiug to have uy etrau
"Woll, yes, Widow Hooker is a
Stranger to you, I suppose, though
toy wife has known bar for years,
kod sots a sight by her. She lives
ver to the uorth part of the towu.
presume you havo hoard of her of
tvu enough."
"Voa, I have hoard of her, euro,'
aid tho Squire. "I suppoae she's
woman who owns tlio big uiea-
uow farm called the Ox-bow, aud
toaoagtts it all by herself."
, "Hight," said Jones, and, thinking
to make matters bettor, be a Idud,
'I koo you would like her, Squire,
for most everybody does."
"I dou't much admire women
elks who try to take the place thai
belong by right to men,'' said the
O'jmre positively,
"Here, Hilus," ha called to his
Touuguat sou, who bad just returned
iroiu tliA n.,ii. ,...,.,
J'lyou see the briudled in to
"ghtt" ' No, father I hunted and huuted
for huu, but ha ia gone, euro,''
"llsug the luck 1 That iut the
y with that biludlo ( he uuver
lHu auleaa the feed begius t get
I'm ud thou be e fit' for b .iter
'.'mtitsrs. leuluuhtedto turn Li lu
... .... ' ' - i
" " , l r-d to ui , row," I'
"hi Mr, l ones unved home be
ha, a
. ,. , , . . .
.,a atava mm vw
. ara a. VT'
...i ranaema
f km i w
Mro $ltV) of Ltm Tor a abort titan,
and, as ha had some money on
hand, anil Mr. lillin was oooniiiural
gio tot or tU) ho ooa
cluiloJ t'i let him Lata tho idouey.
IlArnesaia hiw horno, bo tUrtml tot
Iioiiao of Mr. Kllis,
Now tliin In a jo was not terr far
from JA m. Huokor'a nuil as Tobi is
was driving loinnroly siooff about
two milus from homo, what mIikuM
bo oa ffraamn by tlio roilsiJo but
squire Uliiwo a brioillo oxf Tnare
was ao misUkinir tlio auuutl. for
I hers wasn't a bolter nor a burnt m
er.ono to bo fjuud auwuuro for
It s a sbtimo to loaro that os to
rnu off," said Mr. Jouos 1 1 himsolf.
"and if I whs ing right homo 1 d
drifo linn ftlonj i Out I iu not, aud't, .
l.w ilia t,...n I ....I I....V I... II l.
Ibnvoitr bo exchimod. as n 'Mir"",a m ?u,a
i.U soomod to outer bis br,i,o
rilluHtlot down tho burs and lot
him into Mrs. Uoulcw'a wot li ,ld.
I I... I I. .a I...... l 1 ; ft
iI.ivm. nn. I Mho wi II iiiivmi- Ln.i.u L,
irnn.rl -in. nn. it in. a.
uro i nnap oi trouu o. SiUo
.i . i.- ..i i.
uiwo ttUj ua uitjiiii nuuub lUlUOt
)'tul4H of a luilo Hil l turftol bitu
. . 1 1. .1,1 . si...., nrH i :
ti.. Kill.'. i. ..mi
well phmod with hiiUHolf an t lu"
-..l I .... ,nll ;
S.niiro Chase was not at tlm ttv.l
poi ly, f.r ho wai fully dotenuiiied '
not to bo tho victim uf a m i lo m itch j
and ho rathor suspected that ouo,
was iu progress iu tin Kiuoh f uu i ly. j
I lio next nioriiiiig .Ui', Jouos r ip
ped ut the .Sj iiio hick djorj iit
as tho f nuil wore at broakf lit.
"I thou glit I d run over ao f lot
you know vhoro your brio Ho I ox is
Mrs. ookcr Hajs thoru was ouo
into bur west, ti il 1 jotor.l.iy uu 1
olio preNtiniUS It s yours."
'.Much oli g i-.l, ueigubor Jouos.
I'll g liglit over uft-r bru, or
seud Xo I. '
But Ned, like m .st biys of 1(5,
'Y.ts shy of old maids nnd MUan-ifo
r,ii!jWH, and steadily refuse.! to go ;
o tlio .Squiio hiulsi'lf rto'il.
Widow ookur m iking chcoso
It was l it j for couesu-m ikiu . but
nho ul v .vs ma lo onn or t f ill
cllOU.SeS Too d Kir .IS wi I 1 OjlJ.I.
b it she did ii it seo .i uro Cuaso
no' e up too Uower-bordotod walk ;
the lust nho kuow of bis preseiico
was the cscliimatioti
"Vby, folly Wigginl This il
ih ) gruatest Hurpime I evor nil.'"
it 11 .1 tllt'io was u p't'i-ut liatid-sluiking
'So, si, fully, you are tin fan ua II i iker, aio you f How do
you like finning .' '
"Very well, Jerry, and if y u can
stop long enough, I'll suo v you bow
I m mage"
Of c huso the Sq.uro cvildtjp.
uud di 1 st.ip, aud Wad delighted Willi
eVfl vthiug.
"I never thought a woman could
maiiagu so well,'' bo a.ii.l i "that is.
iu tho bouse aud out-doors, to I
always thought that when wo uou
Uu.lertook to well' tho that is
wh.'ii "
"Oil, I understanl.' siil folly ;
"you thought my house would sulL-r
from uogloct, if my farm wa t proper
ly cared or."
"I soo, I boo, folly. I thought my
little girl had kept house pretty woll
since her mother died, bur. of course
it s uothing like yours. When giids ,
of 2J cau t uiauago at nil, it is not j
to bo supposed that girls of It cau
bo very good at it. Suppose wo let !
by.gouos bo by.goues. folly j
have said I uever would m irry again, j
but if you will bivo mo I will bTeak
" . . . . .
lllW 1k'l,l fill lltliail fail tvllaall I al ll.l ll
I all 1Y limit t.l lllitiif Villi U it 1
believe we have both growu wiser
siuce our quarrel uiueteou yours
"Do yon think the childron would
like uio. Jorrvf You hd better
bring them over first, uud thou I
will give you my auswer."
"I dou't believe Nod will oome t
ho is rathor bashful t but I will
bring over the othor two, Mary Auu
and Silas, to-morrow aftoruoou.
(Jood-day, folly j" aud the Squire
drove homo with uovor so much as a
thought of the brindled ox.
Meanwhile Nod; fretted and
fumed because he had no work to do
aud Dually he aud Silas had goue
"1 do wish father would get mar
ried,', said Silas, who, at the. age of
10, bad very advanced views of life.
"I thiuk Mary Auu makes horrid
bisouits, aud I am tired of eating
bouiiuy aud milk for dinner. If fa
ther did get married, and we diJu't
like our step-mother, wo are all big
euough to run away.''
"Yes," said tuattor-of fact Nod i
"but, if you keep talkiug, you will
scare all the tlsh awav, aud wo shall
have to eat fat poi k for breakfant.
Squire Chase could uot give a vary
good reasou why he did uot briug
home the brindled os. He told
Mary Auu that be did uot see the
ox, thou (out .'Ne.l be forgot all about
him, aud dually he told Silas that be
thought be ooutd uot drive him home
aloue, and would wait uutil the uext
lay, aud take luut aud Mary Auu
over to help him,
Tho uext day Mi. Hooker bad as
happy a party at tea as bar bouse
ever held. Mary Auu quite fell iu
love with eveiythiugi iueludiug tho
widow herself, aud 3IWe said be
never did eat aucU bookies thou
J.a. Hookor read eoule letter from
her sou, who wis Ut College, aud
u ii. ...... ...i i I... . H i...r ....
T' - ",- : ' ' i
TMVi .1. ... V. i i i...,'ll!l.ibtfuruii. . I
- . - - - i ,. Hukiuii ma actor.
li was fllunof . 1 - 7T ... .
ho btrliood ha would sond Nod next
year, it Nod wantod to go,
"Will you coiuo oor, Tolly f
aokod the quiro, as ho was gottiug
ioto the wntfou to driro homo.
"I wilt," was thoansvror.
A month Inter there was a grand
wedding at Otbow farm house, and
M.s. Jonos appotred in a ban Isomo
new dronii, wuioii mIio brtl won from
Tobias booauia she o oul t not soe
by bo bal anything t do with
tlio tuitking of a in itob th it e vno
about' b.cmo of too fli.tin of
Sj'iire CimWs briudlo I o iu Wid
ow lljokur's roit liulJ.
American SupefVfdions.
To oat wbilo a boll is toilliug for a
oi iuj toilii :lio. I ho
Uuu a mo.uo
J'i mrl.tiw mty
I ,i"0"J', .uo ."a lotttU
I , , . .
laiiiii nil m ini, OOUIt UIS IOI IUU1
- ...i
I" """T""" J" "uulu"' "iiouM
I wear it for g o I hue Do t t irs
. . , , ,
ibreil sliiill bj
who are l o.v iii lotroiiw t npou'tj
If a chill lens than twelvo m.itlis!
. M bo brought into a colhrhjb.
!e';M.u" '""'"h "l
c'nl Iron pi iy
sido it fire-
- jm.ois ou iao ro.i
. . . K,l'w" prou I u
b doo w r,
s ifforo I to look into a mirror
Will! J
loss tiitn twoUo moothsold. Ho
ho to
prop Mo:! in vin into a now
m ut so t I bof .nliiu I broil
and n J .v broom- W
at a i ei' ly h i ir
i jor siioo-
oitlur li.urs
somo unws or lo ii.ovoa s i uo prosoius
i.maiujuiy mi ursiionii c ut n,.n ho ill oo ti.iiili:ol lay s d
by a child should bo s.eillo.vo.1 liy;m,'. e is n-t williu; to si.rni,:e
tin mother to insure a new L-rowtu in, ti mi ami a . i . ..h n,.
lor to.ii.i. uuioiii.ig tlio uo it on
luwry, or drawing on a stocking iu-L'o . I j I iU oan-u at I ir,'e, il. is e,
si 1 1 1 out, cius.'s matters to gj wring 'sj.itial Hut (In pihlic t'.io h or
during tho diy. Uy bonding tlio s n:!i a s jci-ty hj cro i.t ihlo iu iu .t er
jh'ul to t!io billow uf t'io ana tho 'sod firm i'diti ar.i vny a t ti
ioitid IcVUr of t'io uui of o io s ju l,i us by w'ut J do Ichk-IuIj,
f ilmo np lusois reirsiinto,l., tut if o if s.cjty is ti
; woo so v llix hoo I. d iriug tho pro. I bo a s liases, ev,n y mu-t
iivss, t.-ll Momo c infill i litig lios. :bo int-ro-lc I m us wjluro. il,
otherwise the yard will n.ivor bio mm must ln.vo iutous; iii :h
white. Wlnm wom.-u uro stu'Ti ig ca i-o hi u 1 1 at o:i I it, ;u o-.i i ,'s ro,
bu Is tlio mm s'i 1 1:. I u A re nun iu I uNrly. mi 1 he m ist gi pivp,r.-l i,
tho h, i;is . othorwiso t'io fuaHmrs ! d In- i irt M ni ikj -u h in eti i
' tl,r "-'i' ti,rt Wuou 1
a stranger enters a
room ho sh nild
bo oblig.'d to seat
for a moment us ho
uinisilf, if only
otUorwiso takes
uwny tho clnl hvu's sleep with him.
The folloAiug uro omens of .l.iath :
A I ig sor.t..siiiu on tho tl ir or
h iw'ung in a p irtu il ir mm ioi-, an
o vl hutng in th i u m'i! iru i i 1
too lioilsi). iij uhsmc Ii rm my m'.st 1
iie priM.ii vo l w io i '.vasti liv o i n is, !
in order to insure tine weatuer. 1
wincu is units penaaoie, as tuat Core-;
mony is geuuially poi'formed out
Street L h in Vcnisa-
Venice's great impression is its
street io bil'iiut. so highly
C 'lore I, s i uoliko of uuy othor city,
the com. uou pi um s'io.vs of 1 1 o
gin le-books are ll it au 1 .lis ippoint
ing; the prisous.d in eorn l i i,o of
Sighs ant so firtu. Tho sjjioI
Bin g.a.uour over tueso
places w m uuly Iroceiialo to Urou s
.-' I .1 . .. wash of vorjo.
i US UU-
balanced poet's julg.ueut on the I
u'07',v "oul? Ul ' "us iof tho causo yu profuss tosus-
Wd;4k v'l as bis judguiont, Uia, it not auch views and feeliugs
" "ther matters and his ignorance jiuli,.,nott y,m t, dU ,
vl f,u;t a'V l',,u -.'- The daily j l0(jii i Uy up,)U thj ea-Jl ta 0f fosv
picture of eiiioe, however, is some-, plouJ0to that cause but dismiss
v ""I u ....r. " ' "'""iall private m itters fir tho p ihlie
tIb? Ujar, V"1 "ffj 1,1,10 luiu4
ll.lll!(-tllla.l .a . ........... I 1 .. a,
i.ivu,., mrj,.u, BH UU.iJllom IU
....,,.... U( u'iy or wujor juo
1. ... .fa. I I.. 1 I at
fli t
!!,0fu Vf, WJ,,a au 1 Urligbt
!.l ii'Ir m rlif ...1 , u .. 1 Ik..
' "- 'i j. ""
wmv. iuv.u i ju, uitirjn, uoiJi vial
'r' 8?,,u m.v8 B1
I. . . L
mysteriously from the
!,u P-J' or i.gue
on their brow
take to themselves tho l.kouoss of
tloatiug coOiusstoerod by tho sh idos.
The eflWt is iudeseribably eop il
cbral. You seem tj bo alouo iu tho
waters of Ilidos am ag tho spirits.
The goud jla are all of tho faueral
black, with black draperies over tho
dark cabin. Many centuries ago Ve
notiau law ordered this pattern aud
color, f jr what reason I douotkuow.
The laJ4 of Venice do uot caauge.
aud the goudolas are all black and
ghostly to this diy. The streets are
uarrow aud blarfo with light. Their
uarrowness soipotim is not over
three feet makos a very little light
serve to brilliantly illuminate thorn,
aud the jest iu the shop win t -vs.
kept opeu tilt l ite at uight keep
them bright aud bluziug almost with
out tho out-door lamps. Through
thorn tho people surge in Ooustaut
streams all uatious, all clauses, all
color. You study the world, but
eveu the Venetians themselves pre
out some strong contrasts, for they
iu time are maJo up of the blood of
uiauy people. Ouo striking contrast,
which you sooq uoto, is that tho
Venetian men as a body are dark,
their womon blonde. The sounds,
too are polyglotta, aud everything is
iutoruatiou tl. It Wis my first sight,
for iustau w, of U.'eok m m jy which
I received several time iu cbauge.
Whoso tludolb a wife tludoth a
good thiug,' say Solomou lie prac
ticed what he preached, audou au
extrusive aoale.
A physidiau b is discovered yellow
favor germs ia ico. The aafost way
loit voat ioobofoia uaiu;. Thia
L a
p uswonj.
O -f . ...... Tilt 1'Otf
Tt tV Widloal Protattlon of Snyder
County, Pa.
Another rmet'ni of the Suydii
County Medical aootety ia paoJ au I
gone, a low tlwitghts roKtrdiog oui
Uouotr MoJioal S'Cioty may uot bt
out ol 'place. All will admit thni
tliu lar our meetings have u t ao
couiplished a hat they nb itlI. and
tiulons ik w li e cai b InluSid into
firm, and diiroronl tue;hol adopted
tuay will Uil to nco onp iili in)
g K)l leault. It is a g.iod thing f ir
tho pliysioians of a (J tumy t ciuie
login her, il I. ir oo otnor real m than
ti bcoome at-q laiut-id with On an
olhi r, and to lojrn to IojI that Vrt
i "tioiivt b iu our acu ol of mill
oio i. II it this gyo t it lo-t whu.i bm
4 fu r, iitiKt U'i lir lin i- cio li nir
coiihuucb-, lis'.un to dreary biin
Ittuls, and n homo fuoiin tut
iidj and m jimy have b-en ail '4-ly
spoul. I on:iiilo, therefore, t ml
' ' 'w lulu
ii a ei'ciuiy m 10 or ivo im .b I i;ti i
, MXM oo isr.iit alt.n.l -J .i in in
.;.V out Ih-l sti eil''tll ul lU
I Mini, i i.
pro oi-
the couu y. It is a ir lod
thins: to give nuim m.-eliogs tut
uhuruo'er tU at. thy will Uv,ruy
imprii-a tho pili io at large. It I
not unly moos-a y lii.ti lln-y siiu!d
he oimIo.'OI wan um ih . i ii'irn ,
but that too tiroooo Jim mid il l
! h.tvo tho s.'iub'auce ol tlio iiihhuw
' .1 a I..-, n.'il
i Int.-U o.mtl H.,.1 .,.r m j i . . i...
Lulu lo po-o-s ih it iutmnH waieli
I will attract a Lim ti,.n I. a
.h vmi' wi.l laav b s I'rai'Kii a-id
' make the t xp ulnu i ot a tri;i ul
ion io Hv.'iity in I .s, w!i,-u hs I
.r p.Msp ,nt km. F.r
;r. dit4i.:o. l'o . u s
ih" imoro-ia of toe sll-qutot
f. s'i 'U io mir uyivr An u in. I, or will
'tin hcii. li Lata I hv or ui J uio a, it
.f'OK.' I bu nulii -it nt, u i I I ii iv'
lititii en i.igli iu in Ix'i't aer i t iti:.
ii v.) th ,t i; is. I i is uoi ouly o va i
ui i'iu we iKvd. bn', t.'itio.t.
f I t'io' it i t vcr
ill ic'i Ui'O I d I I u ir
pi'jli-as o
t',ti'! I l t.fl divided
n it til i.i.c h l I 1 1
wo ni I," wh,
a thor aur
1 liUo a ii ill's a 1 1 ol
bro'.Uers r I Hi'
m i If
0 U ol
ly. Ii'iw-vir, a
el for l!:e
urdij.ii prl..-
Li.K'U h e b
"proa i uf our s.
ln'e, private lesuugs, an 1 pnvt'o re
seutmonts, in sjmo instances, y t
rem iiD, au 1 so uo of our frieu Is
bavo o it h isitati'd to doclaro that
tiny will uot work and act by the
side of those who, in past time an 1
present, have tutsreprcsoutod au 1
abused them.
To such, I would say whitovor
VIU lla v., Ill piiii-., viawj in. I
I fij,, wMl, to iu.livi l t
;f .,, or h . vov. r i .st.
J ...'-w .
tV.,1 ,,,,, lal.,o l., it. ulill .... I ....... .
f.,.,ii ,.,...,; ., . ; f, '
Uo I you may bo iu still reUiuiu
a ' VJ HO J I US, 4.Ua3UUl UlJUlia IU UUU U 11.1-1 u
jgoo.L Tuo good b. o'i toils us that wo
I .
in 14. ifn n.lP iiri, ittH llitl-i fiif
a.i. . . - l 1 1 It " I
thoso who dispitcfnllv use us and
if you belong to ass of p'orsous
wuo cau not do this or who cannot,
tUi'u the left c'loek to be smitten,
after tie right has received a blow,
you cau certaiul.v, without comprom
ising your private foeliugs, your
opiuious, or your diguity, endeavor
to pursue it oiuso wuicii his beou
Dreaouto 1 to man for his CousiJura-
tiou, uouo of us are iu uuy respect 1
the en mil of tho Creator of the uui- i
verso, nor have auy of us ouomios ," u" prosperity as a keepsako, an I,
so vile, so deceitful, or so detestable ! bving it manufactured into a nug,
aud repulsive iu every feature, as 'orwards it to bun with tlio follow
tho euemy of Doity, tho aroh lieud, j '"rf iuscriptiou : "Entreat mo uot to
Satau i and vt we are informed that leave thee, or to return from folio -v-
- . '
at a certain perioa, wueu tne sous
of vio l met together, Sat iu also
came among thorn, uud held con
voiirso with tho Deity himself. It
contact with such au euemy was
no disgnve, uo dishonor to Deity,
mau certainly can neither bo die.
graced uor dishonored by coutiot
with auy butu iu ouomios whatever,
aud more espcially whou such prox
imity is uot for private, but for pub.
lio good, you are merely requested
to take au interest, au active inter
est ia the cause you profess to up
hold, aud to devote only a small
portiou of your time iu its bjbulf ;
a portiou of time that cannot pus
sibly iutliot any great pecuniary
loss upou you, but that woll bo of
immouso advantage to your futuie
lives this utuit be douo aud cim
be douo, if each, of you wills and
act upon it. You must uot bo to
seltish, too avaricious, if you would
have our noble profossiou proceed.
If by your efforts, it becomes ele
vated, you will rise with it, iu every
rospout i if. by your neglect, it bo
oome prostrated, you will also fall
with it, for we have medical preten
ders, medical iguoramisos, to con
tend With iu our County. I, there
fore, repeat, that to act with creator
elloot iii the worn before us, ail ma-
ZZZn t and Darsonol feolinas uTumL
.,...! a, mi iuu
am arv a, - am-aa
rTiiiTr-rtolTuI tFJjWlW'llbiti 'ottera i liookaj Jud,- up,
nuild, for in nuton alone is tvVo i
strength. When united wo must
act art with promptness, energy,
sod a Arm and unwavering dolir
mioation At all times, aud in ail
plnces, forlplT uphold and defend
the principles of the profit and glo
rious cause to which you bctong.
Show to tho World by Vuur coudnct
that you burins animosity to none,
hut good ul I to nil that your do
aire is for truth, and truth aluoo,
and that your aim is to securn that
freojnrn of thought And investiga
tion, that indepen lull CO of mind
which con'.iWit-s man tho imago of
his Creator. Iu nil places, where
we bol I our regular "'leJeotings. w
should iunto our friends an t pat
runs us membnrs thoroof t wo can
thus ei tor tain an I instruct them in
such of the departments of ine l
iciues, in tho diiT'irnncos bonri :al hdionlft. And iu other p r
tiiwnt matters, ns thoy can bo en
ablo I to roTiprchiuid and thuseti.
Hit them in our favor lv prcnoiitinj
bef iro them toe ililVurontial (natures
and pnrpoacs .-xistiug bntweivi our
own, uu I tho mo licuio of trucks
an I hiimbns, wno go about pro
tending to cilro diseitsos lV thiH
doing, you will not only accimplls
yonr obi-i-t mott thoughtful?, but
will f(nii: vonr namo in the nn
nuls of f lino, nn 1 posterity will
yon a didit whi :h thev never can vc
pay, a dolit which will increase an I
conlmuo to ini'ii"ie from guni-ratiun
I to gonerai.iou iu pro-
' as tho ii.Watitag 's of our
j County iu .-lical society Ih'CoUiCS
. . . , in .
in ire no i more niiiy uu nno rs
i la')lis!iM l. to Hid cum pii '.K overtnr ) -v
i.r tii" (2 uc!,s. an 1 tneir ta thous
aud Cjuseq icnt evils.
II K r:iH'H'h. h. 0.
Jliddloburrf, I'd.
A Vompisilor Discharged
i Thiro w is a c.niip o.sitor not onlv
lisch ugod from tlio .S iu , ise, Cal.1
i 1 ' fr. .il 1 tit.) ot.lioi' ,1 iy. b it also tii o l
.down four (lights of stairs by the in
fori t'.i,' I fori'iii in of a liiiiral lo I
j ini'nil It soi.'ins that tho typo was
ro i ii;s"'l t li .m up a cortari
, p..i-i!:i delivered at to- Working Uou
'Ute Co'iv 'iiti on h.! 1 in th if. "il j
nth tho us i ' i . in ii k in paroiitlin-ns
Til j ' j mi," . io is currying a little
more I '"r thin wis neci-ssary,
th :n g it b l 1 of tin wr ing pr.-
l.-i rs, ciusiug th i el n; t ;iio
ros if Mr. 'au Anuau.1
rcf ri'i x t i tho doit'l of a iiimiihur, !
lo i id Homr-tiniig like this : Wui;re-j
as. it his plianii I Divmo frovid m en ;
to remove from our midst our ho-, com. all A-SiriaU Jt'.lic.H
lonl applaiscj, whi has boon cut
o.r.utln ilj.ver ot his usi-f ulnnsH :
l 1 1 'htor in 1 promise, it is It.'sol v-
el. l'o. it wo tender ti his horeavivl
family dicers an I fnon Is oir
sincere syoip itliy in tins their hour I
nf alllict.on cries of "f Ut him out," 1
and "Or lor '. and a-ssuro thorn!
while wo humbly biv ti tho will I
of i v lice, "Tureo cheers for Kear-
noy' '! Il'iv.'ii. liuiutoiir dooartod I
brother roars of laughter , .-t f.'ilo-v- I
citieu ot euhgutono I mm I. js
manlike vie.vs l utes of "shut, up
Lieii s uiiiourn : aul broa.l an t ")ii-
uroils RvrmiiitJiv t'.n' his kin I I Terri .
ri,, ,.,it ' II., i not imh r,,,,.,
- - - I ... - - - - - A
it," an 1 ciuliuitod liugotor, etc
Iu fact, t'io MtIitk widow is
hunting for that unfortunate printer
vet, and cherishes the convictiou
that ho is still hiding in the hills.
A Modern Ruth
Hero is a very prettv storv,
truth of which is v jiiched for :
A young lady from tho South wns
wooed and won by a young Califor
nia!! physician. About tho time tho
wed Img was to coiuo oil, tho young
man lont his fortuuo. lie wrote tho
lady a letter releasing her from her
engagement;. Au I what does tho
''L'llr g''"'!
irl do T Why she takes a
la,l,P of 'Jld her lover had sent her
: ..i. ,1. . . I .. ...1...1. .1. . .
iu;z aner wuoo ; 101 wuiinur iuou o-
est, I will go i and where thou lodg
ont, I will lodge ; thy people shall be
my people, and thy Jod my Ood ;
where thou dies!, will die, aud
there will I bo buried i tho Lord do
so to me, aud more also, if aujfht
but death part thoo aud mo." Wo
may all that fortuuo again smiled
ou tho young physician and that he
subsequently returned to the South
to wed the sweet girl ho loved, uud
who loved him with such undying
aft'octiou. Headers, this is u!l true.
Young ladios who read tho IJible us
closely as the beroiue of this incidout
seems to have done are pretty sure
to make good sweethearts, aud but.
tor wives.
The boud of uductitiou tho block
Iu searching for a wife look only
at tho foot, for docs not the old ad
age suy to ne that "All's Well thut
ouds well !"'
Mother, uotioiug her little daugh
ter wipe her mouth with her dress
sleeve asked her what her handker
chief was for, 9ald the little one s
"It ia to shake tit the ladies iu the
the atreet That ia what pap doe
wilb baa."
vAfe il'iit
18T1). NO. '20
to i rot t)
Fluid Extract;rrcAii
I; Bladder & Kidneys.
F ir li.-hUii . if nn iry. I n I i po. j
i:ion i.i Ki..ina or lla-inn-a. MMnnt'
of lironii. wii!i Tiimifils j
Ii. Ili'iiii.n. iii Viiin, I'.i'u in ill
Bi.ik. i'hi, an I II . I. of ttl.i i l i,, I
''i" ll 'i l, I'lie (.' mill t in nci an I liry
Skin. 1
If tin-art ytip'orn re !l im I in ii on. ;
T-ry fr.-. .n.i iy lip '.iiH K i : . i I I ' , 'i .
s, nti in '.ill ne. ft'iin il. i in i r ui i hi
hi.:.Hn4 iT...:ti I it r..i( i:rn tl).. ri. l o( it
i I n i t r ti iii mi'-ln'ini. i i at reM ten in 1
I OTIS lip tjil J 11 9 ill 1 Cll I
r'HelmboIfls Buclia"
tv)i in kvkuy c.-iiv
wmm 3 j j j j
Hy anr r.iin' ly lunnvn P ia ir
h Hi., m si ttiDiii 'ni piiysiuiins V
til.) iv irl I. in
ri !
llllKrw ,THt.
dl'KU l T 1 it P.i )K V,
.NKi"llI.Ut .
INIil'iKsrt ' N".
Ai'HKS 'Ml' I'.VI.V?,
i.ESElt Vf. IM'.illLI I'V,
KluSHV Ui.-K sf.s.
Mcuvors piiUiLirv.
lil'l I.KI'sV,
iis v 1 j rn riiLi:H,
l' lt M.VSH
tliN liit.VL ILL- IIUALril,
spvr. ntsu.viiid,
i-i 1 nf .
Ulii'l.l NR.
ca r i' ;.l,
.N..IIV.1I.S CiiMIM. t!ST.
FKMaLri i'ii ill'L I'."", nn.
II 'ii lnulic. P tin in I Ini .Sli'iiiMi-rs, (.'.mall
Di xz: lie-is. Sour .S.iiii..i:Ii. Hnipi ii.iim. 11... t
I i i is in ilin M.iiiiIi. I'li.piiaiiini .if iltt
ll'.u-i, I', in in tlio ri- uii il i nn Kiiliicya.
in I . i li i'i- .n I . i iiiil il syiupioius,
sio ttlii o'f ipriuj'i uf Pyspipalil.
HelmbOIds Bac&n
iTKrMrns tub mwA
til l siiiuiiUiaH thi) T irpnl Liver, ll.iMlra.
aii'l Ki liiuys i.i Inutility u.:iini. in uli' .u
aniitiii biuinl il itll uiip.iriuui. nui uu.
purling- note til'u and vi .r u tlio "iltulu
A .inula wi'.l bit ('Mia aulHoienl tu
(loavidu.' 'iii, sli!i u.'nila.iiig uf lie "tiiia
bin rauiailiul .luaituvi).
Uulivfred tu uuy J arena fmu from ob
ser4lieu. "I'ativnia" nmy ounsuil hy Iciipr, ra
oie.iial la Hrma hi leiiiiun . by culling.
sy auaweiiuai tin) tulluwiu alluna ;
I. Give your n tina aud p.i-.nliice u.l.
Jra.,, oouuiy itud .Slate, aud jour ucareai
a.Xpreaa ouica f
Your age and ?
i. Oo1lii aii. a t
I. .Married or aiugle '
5. lluiglit, waiglil, now aud in health t
il. How louaj bars you been eick .'
7. Your couirileXioo, oolor of hair and
evea ?
8, Having you a Jloopiotj or erect gait t
0. Helaia avilboul re-cristiou all you
know about your oae. Kouiuae oua del.
lar aaeouaullaiioa fees. Your leller will
ihea rvaelta our aiieoiloo, aod we. will
give you Ibe amure of your dieeaa aud
uuf caudid niniou couaarutag ours,
Coiupalenl l'hyaioiaua allead lu eorrea
poudauia. All laliari aueuld be addreee
ed lo Diepeaaalnry, 1217 r'llburl 6ul,
I'biladeliibia, 1'a.
Druggiat aud Cueuiiat,
I'litlaJalila, Pa.
SOLD KVHftTiNVlikllji
PubMruVd .," t I'hurtHfav Rvwriiiiji
tcw ef r ' -'.iin,
tWODtJLt.AR.-rKllA.w'iir. Vufx
ante tithirl sit WWtlul, Ot fa0irnr
paid within ths-wr. Vtfmt 4V,.tmut hH
cotuirtucd until all arriiArn. a-n,5fAr,f
fftiu ttnlesa at th option of the ptib'-uiUl
llshnr. rU4 "I'll flu
Bobacriptlnn miiito of lha Con i " " ii'-ir'n i
P.trAfif.R ty AdVANcMl tiAKfcutitif
aPoponstffVr.if nn.l iihIii ptf" '' , . .
adilrced o n'h n icit)nioiiliciil uk fnl' ! '
and are liable forthc i,ri V oflhe prtjicf 'm;,'l.uA"t". I
Saddler and Harnesi
Cntrevt1, Snyder Coanty, Pcnnt.
XX n .!. ii4 ihtkHi U fiMet all klSilS
nrilsrnaaa, Sa.l.llM, ll""li., Whips, I'olarl
s,ai. All wurk eutrnMead fir nna ff
r. Wolfl 'mi a trial lo pr"' "t h
anilerauaire kit hnainato, Mo IS.'tl,
W, II, Itll'K.t,
Miff A' ;.;, .Sy7.C y.
(Frtrmrrly l,wiion .lurc-i ion
Anl frtr lh l.tSl l rnfol Tr. W 4.
tih Wiiaai. nki r MAiiiiaa, Bhlti aw.
Ran l;to Ti i.iifTH, a . aij.
f.S'), tenirnhe IMl t F.HS-nl hSJ.
VI I.I.K, Miiiil l ira lasrior, o litthn
nr. l i'.im;nl-
110 I rii-l.lea.'a at M'iaer siatioS
Orl.a TS.ll.
Ilnltl C'roofc, Ml. li.
Tlir S.itrkl,ln. T!m-et'nt
I to ...n r..i S ,
.1 til '
ti tea if rt-f H" mile 'irri'i'i flit siatrk Kiesr
OT R i'nrlr tlH Mt-urti Xrhr Vnvnrn
hnlri Prtrml.l ,( n will Valuable iBiprni -rnmta
far tn"i nint inr m, t rn,," ir aiiid.
TDK I IT! 11 1- Tl.rf.tilnr f'vTitata tv1 nftrn
Ut' lei I, li-npo II. si inv u.l . t- iia-la 'y IL
t l . V K J Ut S. I HIT r.. - I tla lllliaM
G:ftl'f I." -Ill fii-if ) vft In fhr pnnr
. . t t-t .c- ut ..r.i m. ! '. n'-M'r a n lf(a :.f
Sta I mtiaT rnaa hilia t. " "ll ttarai pa atrwaj , ,H the Jfrrr,(l(V
NT lnlr V.IT vmtrrVir ftr W hrat. f
,,, ) n- t, 4 ir,,.
ftsl Thrfoh" It, r 'at t til th i rl. ' .' r -ji -1 '
HaaPta rt.-lolr- rn ,m iiiar.its ur 'nti,U1IOs) ' 141
liaise? fro irvit Vsv.a.
Tlinrnuttli Workvfinnhl. F I Affiant FtnUh ,f i,.si, r irnfii ina 'f u norrat, ts.
Mt " VlMUTiiai Tttrrataa-r (lullittaWa UIMUUkbl,
fff llivi.ull riir simnllnt, .,r Carta, u.lna
'. il i. I I.. I. ,'. ,. ..u, l,.ii.n.a. .r sii.-r.,..
rill H Hlira nr M-panitura S.l-. Kanalna
11. r-i. l..isi.. .a, .... .,. ).,
i .l. i i..i u
rllH Partlralara. Call na nnr lllrra ..r
vnia i m tar illMUaiM Cua.r. tucl f- Ural
JAMKS WEiSE't. Agent.
M-ilii uiouatn, Snylur Co., I'a.
yviON f..AMXi MILL,
sr.i.i-Nsuu(iVE..s."iivnER i:d., p
Ia mho i Dealers
Honrs, flour BiiM's, VI lllilnna. shutter
ivimliiw IliiM's, lliluils. S.isii. stair
Filings, llami Kailiucs, liraik
els. Me ii I ill n us, i louring,
suitci.i. ha wi.Mi i. , ai n e r rv UN ii
Shingles, Latii, &ta., &o.
Orilors auli.'iied sml tillea.l ilh prompt
e-a to 1 lespitMi. t'ieaae il aud exam
an eir tini ira par :iiisuii aiaveinar
I lie Plucnix Pectfra.
Haa prnea.1 lt-t.'f f-i i.a pe.-ulltrlv a.t'ipia. 10
..l ....nsuiilitivia .,11 1 II
lriiii.a . . .i. I. II ,t... , ii a c it- ll liila.,.
turail.,11 Italvna It m ,ul ra.let. tilvna
irnnuiti. Iiiinnz- r-m. Ii uu, t,t..rn
.ur.ihai .illifr ioy.ll'ln. . ..
tlia .mri-i I l-.ivluni I'-r, uuy I ,-..mak li.a
ila-.l ll .ir yiir. p .,1 a.i.l lu-llly t.i ma raiu! ,ul .'Uiwa o'l it. il.
Mri.m, :!V ..Qiita .ir . imiii li a al .
Pri.pAia.1 Uf I. ovt i it.riioiixnr. M. II. am!
ai l. I i.y Linn V. .II. MI.MIoi.uru, aBildllUa
uolmi a, liri'vr, i aiiiraville, t'a.
April .Til, '.". i f.
"OH! MY;
lY. Tlia iinrr
KlI'NKT !!! U1V.
cllrra palD I n Ilia
BACK!" t
lluck, Si.le ur
.ulna, mi l 1 lie-
L' ul lntaK.d-
ni'ya, Lifr IIU.I.Iit mil I'nnxry Ut
uxim. Ilr.'p.y. Ilrrtvpl, linthrlia, llritrlu's
llienee ol' ilie Ki', It.'iriuiou ir In.
..'uum.etK'a .,f C rii.v, Ni-rtons I'laeaae.
Keiiialx Wouiti,,,.. n,I Utr.a.i.a; IIL'Nf'4
"KMKIiY is t r.iaired KXI'KHisLY for
Ibi'ae UiKi-iaai'S,
Krimi lli. 1'! ii. Taylor, D. I). , Pastor
r'ir-1 li i.ui OhiirvU.
I'ii.... !.. i. It. I., .Iu. S. '7'.i
I ami iraiiiy i.i 'ha virtue uf HUNT'S
tCMKUY in rii.lnoy Uiea..e fruut uelual
iril, baviug uc:a gr-i.l.v iiuueiiiie.i by
'le ue. K, U. TAYI.dlt.
l'Ruvinasi k. 11. I . Ann. Ill, lt7N.
. K CLAUK.K Usui :
lined Ilia wouderlul mfiigia iif
IIL'.NI' -s UEMKPY in my ow. mid in
a great tnnubnr of ulUura, I recmi. mu l it
lo all alllicied witu kiduey d i .,.. or
Orupey. I'huM alilioied by diaaaa .-linl4
'.vcura i lie me lioiue biob will oure
lu iue eborieai po.aible lima, II U N f af
KK.MtUY will do ibia.
Iteepvui fully Youra,
11. it. Uawlky, o Pref it.
1Y d purely Veg
eiai :e,'ud ia ne
ed by Iba adviaa
of I'bmoiaue. ll
baa atood Ibe ttt'i
at lima for .10
jeare, and iba ut-
-noai rtlianoa ui'y h plao.J iB
os a
ud for pauitiblel lu W.V1. . CLAHK,
l'ruetdeuca, It. I.
Sold by all Druijt
8aU. 18, .ly.
Vyf tttto oh AaW ail Lindi i.f
W liiitlJCt HUCft US NOUS. SutiLm.
HtA..h.i a .eW
aeaea aataaa
; HrS. t
tniini" "
v. fctitlTT. 1
li,. Iri.riA
I live ir-n. I..
'tile '.
k air an lAlltfk