TOmlbtmk Cftlftrfth, ftfte feati, 15.00 (1ft hnwOl ifwertioft 7.1 ftvwy avMitional inscrtiftfi, 60 rrftroamftfial una Bftifinasa curds 6T nrftmotethnnft lines, per year, 8.00 Aitrrt-, Etecfttr, Administrator mi Astiijtfie NfttirA, fi.50 EAttAriM Hoticta per rifie, 15 AN iransc.iont advortiHing less thaft I ifonths 11 cont a lino. AH kAvprthtfimpftts for Shorter pe- dftfl than fno your ro payable at th Jirfiethcy are firdfrM, ami it not paid the fiflrsrtii ordering thern Will oe held tjnvnihle for tho munov. frar Thi VotY. 4n lha Healing Art Xttampta have boon my to da' ttaafifo. bat thoy havo always Tsilol. Host iai iel i it possiblo to Amino "what wo 3 not nnfjisUal l.if.j Inapprehensible is for ot o.jly tba finifeUtion of organic Action s$iifia;f mttter it nftr prowplion id oely lavttor oruitid. snbjofit to OerUio eonSiin of stracturo, form n e I'flfnsitioa. Asid 1 fro a dlteriJ A thttr f tn pit into no Jio, it 4s impjssiblo for us to con joite of aoy vital act. Oriranizvtion Iways co-exists witli lifo, tissaos vith properties, orpins with fuur. lion. Aa we aro na.ihlo to Co. a firehenl tho ossonoo of th'n gran 1 jphaaomenon, let as at lent aook for Its reaalts an 1 jrinarsl c'jirattoris tios. liott uoos too livio r and aai niato bainin body appoar ti ai 7 At flrst tio , it ifl a m.xili miMin, wliiob iia a bo'ininj?, hnmonts in vola.n ouuviiui iui pi;iiu, iiotajTB mil jjaasoa awny j u BBaoinoiiRo 01 or-1 guu eiijoyuM nnun 11-1 own 111a, Dm an at, tun n una uir.o iiris 01, turj wulOi lil.l iiiiiluu in luuir inn- i m uin.ii iiinn biiu vtii'7o nbi i:lui l IU 11 ! ut! Kl.f1 ''VC'I WlL.l tlM I0.S1 OI p.'ICM donoy to pro lauo a 0 1 o u 1 1 rinlt j J vast not-work, in a ooi t of u n v ia 1 1 and 1.0 iltli, I'iho int ,lwi t.ns aystoius of difforuut fj.ictiaas f ir !a'. n .isi!iiro i '" mi';:i-I) );-.(.;,,,",.,, i'.- fp H.mir.iii uatritions. f jr ftdiiptiliiii to an o.'ii.s hiito. 'linn tlm red, ,1:1 1 f,M j., j ,.,.. Hi.jip' a 1 ia a 1 Wnal woild, for ropro.Ijnli in or tiio. an I origin d i!i)n.ti(r,ti,iii, tli-J tui.i-! ,uciu uj dilioato a.i I ci-n iiui pcios. Noxt, wj p.-ryivo a fl.tid piiiHiiiout and idiohiucrisy rusi In niin.MV i i--y.iti;.is, uo lnol 'vi1.: 1, 1 Mtll n nil, IV ull 111 A .iiiMhlA i.1.iiAi.Iu IVII'L ill f '.111 ft A V. 1 . -J V jf, .... f ' t j . . ... .vu.m.u.m . v ,'' i.iviitwu.p,n a iron p io un a oi ni l wiuo.i in t'a rapid e inrso o;V'ir t!i mo ulouunts to every or 'n, a ricli foi it tj aitisfv tha taste of every jjimbi ; a sonus of j witu the iutvo'h ountros, co-hj.s to duatritotioaa and loiitoitioua, of pur "Muifont t!io p!.i nonn n,i of life. fntiiiil oliiuiuatiouH and ARiiiiiila-. Thus, h n-.M.vcr is. 1 n f.iii.-'i jii .1 tiou , attuo lo l witli tin pjnn'iuout norvou I.l iui int in y bo, it h.ii di "Ooatina iiiU'i of tlio b.iuio ; n ! red couuhoUj.i wiili t'i-1 sjiub'o tnultiludo of ac.ijus uud raac'.ionj, I pi uiuro. Tho h.u cm- ia tua mi. is; oi wnioti ujnitu or ais- oaso, an.l aosto am rev aiud , in hort, an activity porvn lm t'oi "wholo boJy, wiiicU tiiroiili a vast sjerios of oi'if tnio bir.aiuibs, out ni . Bates in a couscioiu unity tbo mo 1 1be centra of thought an 1 tbo intjl ' Jec'tual 6pboro ruyatorioas outit v, inooionrobenaibla and aolf-octivo. "which fools, ktios and dosiion, wiiio i lean alooo by : I am! wliat nm If Buob is lifo or at lent uup'j m o siu. sjf its chief char ict :riat o.s. foo-e ro oaly o)tt srior pbon :u in i, it will 1)0 pjrooivod, wnii; a urn ovidont to the senso., and and by no in .am iloolaro tha natoro of btu ia itself. Tbe iucomproiioDdiblo (Muoot bo ct )laiuod by duli.iitions. Tha oaoson of Vital phenomena whiob u :ts in too inmost rocojios of the nystom, in the aiibstaaoo of tbo tUsaos, by Ineaaa of tbo attracti jii or repoiuiou vjf atJius, elude our sous-u, our ia totraaieuta, und oar oompruhonsioa. Life ia within and without us i we feel it, jadffo of it. odoalale its for SBea,e8tiinuto its effocU, iU nianifusta tions, and varying intonuiliod i it ia manifost in one fact, an I iu taous ands of facta, b it proburvus the ob voarity of an abHtraotiou. IU caoxi' sooms forover voilod in sm l vs, iiu -beuutrablo, o f evory ii lit We may tty of lifo what Ssmt Aa Ijnstiafl said of time : "Tuero it . Uothiiii more iutolli.blo, if yoj do bot ask mo it ii ; bat uot'iin darker, if yon d.firo mo to expluiu it" To this day, our uydto.os aro bat essaya. our solutious pure con joctured, aui wo thiuk wo kao v what wo only imagine. Still aroid tho muliitu to of phe nomena wbicb cUiir.iol..rizo tho prin ciple of lifo a bin'lo otio i i siipiuio.), . tbo mnuto vanoiy of oramo uou aro all ooutored iu ono tho vitul and tho psvcholoyieal uuity of tho entire man. 'I' bus tmcli oriu ia made foritrndf, having withiu it, tint wbiob roudors it a ooiuploto wholo t it has its law, its oouditioua, iu Separate oxiulonoo and yot tho pur pose of flach Part ia fouu.l only in the whole The lifo of caoli oi'ffau beoomoH that of all i that of nil, io eouies tho lifo of eaob Thoio is t!io life of atom, tho orau, and of tbo animal, or rather those aro uiulti tudee of ept' lives, and yot but CUo. Woudoifully oompaolod struo turo, whioli tbo I'loxo union of tho fmrts with ouo nuotlier fonus fi-om tbo vory luouiout of tbo fecund of the tfuim. 1'ouotratod with Idea, tho ttuoioiit pbilosophori Raided tho huiuau body us tbo UiUiui imajd of tbo uuiteiv Vhiuh evuiy tiling ih bound to r tiling throughout Hpaoo and Who d )os not porooivo beio tti imii tl lomiiii of tbo l'ythaor Hod Is ono and nil." 11 o oi r tho airiii of netion in tbo turo, wo at ouoo puiouivo, the prineipln uutty is nut vio life is umiiif ..riled uudoi' two i;i t'Lasi's, vibieb aro iiito ilintutv' be Sentibiltl' and lin!it ti.'i... Tho tirut iroHii ty dopwuds initiioly bpou the nervous synlom t tho moo oud ap(MMie iu the imuskuUi' a.toiu at Uiio tUoy prti uluo nt.vlod (uonl tia of 'i.ri'i.'ii uud .vi.''u.. Of &niiii)4 and wioftVs lotons. With fsw oiooptious, we Ilu4 tbuao two roputioa iu all ttUl pheuouioii a, though ia vuryiu d.ieei, Tueii lovttioiiiiout is of lull iu iuvei.o i a tio to oaoU iithor i but s.uiioluue it Is aimulUuaous,as ( shall oitdoator t allow horouftmri lrro I thu inUablo aud ooiittaoliblii pulp, tho tu lauou tary uiuuad in sliioh appear tbo tUd traoos of si.lm.d oiiuMiu'u, dp to nautbat is, livui tbu ouu., l'b"t of (ii,'auuiu to tlu most ikuu l'lt, we ouii olueivu uud tuoo iiiai Jlitn.u Iu uiuauiw poilnaimi. iu thai tt'Mt fui ins of vaifot ddii aud aui "d life, wo iluUot H I 1.ii'VmH' ,, but as aoou as suU a v-Ui' II irii VOL. R appears, it tnkoa pmt in Ml tho fond- iKjoBoiiuo as un tssoiniai or onr orRans, Horvins ns n common bon.! to thoir activity, a loodiiinj of cuin'on at prtt.4jut f.n-.o no aliiuito m n relnliouabip, of mjulliy, an co uriplijn, Tbero ii a vast in vital oocxiirteiiee, it i tbd priuoipal ' to. .il but vaon th j nj;-v n l;f ( soiirco of cranio ImpoUi s. I t ralaiil puifoeliou in licatos and dj linos tbo tWroo of perfootioii uiu'um, nu. i .1;'UI! IO it its rank iu th.i si il i of b.-itu. Io roiio, this syHtom is tho typo of por oranizmon. 1 ,io intnnnta a i on of its iinU. the mnltinlioitr of iU points for concoutratiou of nor out onory, t io corlaiuty an I r.i pi n j oi j iiinaiiiii.ui n DoLvoun its p u t 4. tliu unity un I iiaportance or its lauPtioiis, kivo to the nor von s App.initiis sncb a propoo.loranco in t'lostrantrtre, thit .tutor nai.i tbis ystom s reilly too .ry uni wi'. liio in in iinasoir. In utti lvinj: it ao- fitomic.illy, atonno rciov that it nunststs of Roitain ciuof n..ntros i n I norres tti it convey V liuprnrjuio.H n 1 tho ronolvos r? I- . -1 .1 11 in. - 1 ro-iolvos Of tbo Will. llUlfortX.Mtoill.ilit. n,ir A .,im nf full looof nonsa'.ion his ia aU Ctaoa iU ( wuu 111 n.iin,. u n an trnuii 11- mui.i 1:1 io urnin un 1 npiiini ia ir- n,ii ui.11.1- unn nun meir cj i- nun, nu 1 in uiiiu 1. w iminiiy l - - ' ... W in woll 'loin i.hsLiMio.i tint ov.n t' P ii 1 of too lm.ii iu ntmotriro whio'i its c. inuocii ju iiov l.)u -t!i of los-s ti"io cmv.ioio p.niu in 110 l . iy pnai jos if Bt-nsibiiitv, (fXJnpt tiio p iruly li - .hiiiumm mil uai eiui ni.s p r tiou is a.looto I wiibuxciivo anion 11 C jrtaiu moilii.l cisu liti lus As thorois a priucijdo of d .'Sttootioi in operation, uatire appnals to tao .if.f iinii ii-maj i ij il .hI.i l.......f i.- v... ... tu. iiu ui 1 tlio Inuin i.. .. . ..i. ,i . if n . .. : .iMV-k ,. . ,i U-'V, 11.1 oo U8KJ.J.U0.V iiuprosoas aio in . I-.: -jtn ,..;,..r ,t In I . ,,,,t i- r. or wh .md coiei-ial iuplos aer-j.ii.iliHU'i l,'ur , h ills a b ) t'i in ois h.u Ii. tiVLrviuui ojc j:a ;s oiis "iie, au l wo a Ivii-iii uuly by thj ail of by - .il.. .: . . ... .il i .i pua-jrt.s : wo no kuo.v mu inero hum in ino nor?es. a piiniMie-j t. coiiviy su-iiili.ias--itU poroo,iioii to bo io idiU 1 1 an 1 n-li i 1 1 by tool n.'i-rj. ii it whit is tins ir iiuui.v nu oxiNioujo oi waic i oiiij nuithor bo doiu justi alcd or du.ilod .' I suuuiiaoiiuojuooiv.ii.ioteuuity' Isitasuotli and oicesaivoly ft,'d -as. tu comparison witil whuu L-aloru is boavy. tho h: ior of a;a u doildJ, ail 1 ll'llt blow IU VolWltV f Whore is it olab ira e l f be couios of it f r ... no vis us waits re-! plcuiribo I ? No know not b'lt it exists. It has hoou e.ii 1 tint t'ao iiraiu atri throu'.i a-i electro in - lecular ueuoy ( la a word, tu:it it U .iieriv a Wilh'.ut ai'n.1 ur cujra.iij fauory. strlJct )ro . .jK. ih UrT eivuely disctrdin ih ,,,....;., -I.;..-, k , r !.4,.,tlK-is. ,t Utist UO al.utrted.lif .1 onr welf.-e. iiai ii is rn' tr im hoia 1 'iioa-trii i ..I I. II I. i i'T' - lion ex j".. io i. io nuhO mil IjV ino in oouiiiro. lean. iile, miiujly r.ury :he d.f-. Scully a !..tlj luihor biok w:ihoi -.' plaining ii -iu l.-rief", ! tlu 1 e-1 I'liaut on th i cort .is ;. Tun in J tno Jtl -r t- of J.'iiini Will Jou!)tleji UlU'eii tll.S (roit lU.'sto'y, Wiiijl) ;.u;iu as psrpotua! ii.iuifijt f ! iiit'ial eari- 1 o.-ity. II 't vj un,' m e. cry c.-e my what n'o l -k t a'arj t.i." uu loit..aJ.a ' a! l!ie nj. v i is -n le u. i on general tu.'t wiiich miv aid us in aysti'tui'iiW'i I its soc.ii faolov, unl appf. b m t.ut l!i ."u iu i iioir totality. Ta exoiaiu the dr culatioii, wo luve s H'h a k-juoral favt. i''or this I'uuodou is exertoJ tiiroiii;h a oirou'atjry wj'eoi.eif, ni which tho bar; is ut o ioj tho be. Iuiiiii auJ end The norvoas! iuik'IUu has t no) Kciisiiiiiity lor its .... . . . .. 1 . 1.K . - .1. . uuvi in VH1UU3U n u iiiauibji 101: iuj i vw 1'iiivu wi uii:'i vi-fl..'..!-, U1..1V..1 i. vol . I. . I I 1 , u . .e...eui ltftt.ll. I II..H.I 1 I.I III' .Ull. Ill 4 I I- III MI .1 toil to tlu Md, bovMiuo porocpiionft, intellectual anJ iu sols, sad ih s j io ibeif titru. ar i.;' ttor. oats I that Hit -, OJ ni 11 v. i 's a in- i ti 'a a I K'l ,l.i .'U i , I .v..., nil's mo vaU epp.iai tho t'atimoey ol ttis pU'i s fa.'ts, lint ih .) siO'U to;ug l ie 0'iU'Uiiou which is ludot )ou.iahio (a tha fuiuiiin ol I'-'Oi'ji Hid lojlinf, tin ui'nra ol 111 per loeii ui will b ths iu j. aro vil l!ie iiiiolli'oVaul laniUi s iu tbo aJi:o wl thsuuiuiil oio.itioa. It is to th". sy itaiu, lu faot, that tuvu owos bis apeii,miy, iu it filths uiikoa traa sit fioiu. uothiu juik.s to baiiijv k for, vvhiluvor p'lilaivip'.ilJ SVstoa vis ui t.v a Uooato, wo mud ovor ooui be ti (his pUysiolojioa u oral pnuoipil, t a u aad I kuow, Ui Oiuao 1 flJ. CUo at a ly of ths u voiU ay ilaiu, oViihilt iiu ujuso d.f (ulanCa iu tho. I'vllliaus of t'lo Ol vj una aud utaiitd splnue aud i( wo w-tu to asooa tha soila uf oroatiou t i bmuis supoiiov ti u i, whia VV U savd. M U vvst., to w i lea. 1 SMJ1 U 'l-s u n lr4 U,.?JM-i,U(.ut4 MIDDLE BURG, SNYDER COUNTY, cupy thu uv- it an I inlulloetiul Bn:a- mit of the Uuivorno. .1 j1,tl-i-i i- milts w ml J dmi.ur .,r roplilo a.i 1 tint vt a Nu.vtja, i;i 1 ! b.itooti tuo ii.irvo.15 lif.i ,f n j. ! ton an.l tlitt of .in ,m t.A i. Knl.iri l n.'tu . ;n. ii ii ivo oi iv iu tli.;.i tiirea Rra I ition.i uf boiji x fi-,)-u iictiotlior. n.ioo iiirt'ironoos obsnrviiblo uot im.Ti-ly botwe.j;i icmnt classn of ani nils, bit also botwoon .I.iVnoiit in livi liuU of ti Hpnoios. Tii-irj rjsolts on oxtromj iliority in t'i cipiityof fooliu, aui oousu'Mnlly a develop mnt of (jiontor or lt! co pm i.i tbo intulluntml f.wultios. Ij n oral, ivo oitnfl'ito tlio cuor it of lifo iiy mo nirefitfin, ooiitinnonoo an 1 fru 1 ii'iic v uf 0.1 r Hiiiiviiinn Mil tbo tfriMtr th.i aonsitivo of tlie oiH' mi kti 111. tiio lA.iro djoido nor or;ivlo f.u- tin atir .f . oi-iuii-i4:ia ..r ti. -r.. n visriotsnoHN Of UOItl. lll'l'O Itri; n,too I l.l Iwi io iU wo j n in liu r.i- spocl nolhui,' C I h iti.ity .V oojo inmiijiiiiti) lioirts invflr if no i: Mi .JIHII IT III IC1 V ,1' Pi'Tl.i ;i ,v Ui 1 tii j vciv iii ilui'hc.l v of tlm i n t c si'ir. n.-ivivn I ton bj uiily to u i'm inl J'hii . r.iiiu f.jr vivH om item i-. eveiywlioio soon atnui iiiliiy civ lit. ) I nations, an I it is ,l t i : ..1 ..t leiidol as tlio iroat ins'iut.vj t tho fine arts. Kvery on i kn i vi tn it tlu mulody of a p u-r. il im.ii poiiti m, tho bar nnny i.f a ij-iicil in .iiliiclion, cua bu appn;Ct iti d oulv ,i,y t!10 puc ilior (cmatinn, u iutinn. fi,, pi-.i.tns thoy aro titto I t) 'forth . nuluJi inait in 1 , j t., attouliou of too i j.i I ,r, o ; him to hlo-p. Tu i airu. ; troU of ait ii attiin-l .vaja l!. a . rei lir is no aiis noo I a-, t u -r m.- i . . , ' .Villi ll iTitl'K :ll n . lii'.r F . I I . a I i .'.1- ; ,v:. ,. ,1 -s t.iis u .bio an I I -rjt ,t ,irt, c,isim lu ; ii.-. ni lu.M.ply ! I il I ;l u-preni vis. i:i . ,;i:i.i tin ..i, ,,, ,.,.(,,,,,,., ,,,,, , . w...:ti ia A word in t itin iiu u.!iv.H lvs'. ? u -vita l iu . Uj i J i. i :ti'i I 'lM tho Hp'.icio of act i a ri t-io uervo'is avals n. as ivcil us of ov.rv other ia tho b'.r.i :..u. .il ' a at-iia Jire.-t pro-iorii.m titu ....o.i.s iWd no. fo.:t.'oa oi flit svsm a ; to. r..lti..i.s of orK. ias to f.i , i.,ar, m ' thi ros o ct ao u.i ... ito'i .bio hir- lm., - i'., i. ....-,. ,r t , n . ! i in ,. .rl f t9 f.. .....ieiiifi- i i.j t v , r.,i.i relations of rl-'.r.r?. and ft'Xhy. Unler tho fr:ujr of t'usse toreas, wo i.-oio;ir L. j;i I sv-ry oons.i tiou. wbic i tl iv no t:sli ;i'-; : pro l..n f art .1 i d.i.inid .1 i. f ' 1 I . .T-:ry ;.' as It iu ivo a. s-i; i!-nl v nr- thi or'inu i - ucuU Ml it-d to t-ios t j ( rU, UlJ S MKlbl'llV. U I'll RC- l . : ) ; b.' a.'o i 0 t.s-:-j ai'ee.nno, laj iu " "a 'a'. s me I st ,ly i'V.) in-; .'o' t : opja. tin I i: -j a . t 1 t.D ,r.'i.. s: p. i.o :r . t r. a "lie.; io iy n-ic i; c ii:.- i e;-; -l!o th ? o . :i I r try, :.i i ': tU-: novo uen' iio c.'i'.f . t i '. - s.i.-.s d, i t i,'.tL. ;, i.. 1 :. ta: ) j-r.-. son is a t. , .. t.i i ' iuv.i I -r, u i.' sua soa!.: .o attaeks, i.r to oou.'-m' r He i:r i'.:o ; for reatsiauoe an I c I'lois : ure au t paiu sm t'a.'U tho real e!o ' moutary sJUs.tions. tiio tvo p ilos of ;tno sensibility, bvaau o'.hor seu- onions ar t Out '. tes or taes i-asy to rocouio. Vo may f ir'b r ob aorvo. that is culled uti,' Jt ",il',Vy io-viso exhibits but tw:. pamitivo oSot'tions I'tvo and h ltl'0 I tao t.vo po.os oi ad oar p w- tiious, wither thoy oii!tor depress. w x iu . .1 bavo a o u u u ri ;ui an I tnvo liiti.u its relations.' I..' . .1 . . . : 1. i uuro ate p tiuiui hous.iiioiis wuieu aro uot ith o it ch uius. a i I iu tho elrnUo vd ploasurois the leiiiiniu ... '..: . i- . . vi iaiu. iui. laeuu. . w.i .erveivo. is UtKV"4S.try, iudispoiKiblo to tho I ivutrols of the fuuctious, boi'ius ) it lis au iiu' ilsj of th-i riser vativo ' p-i.ii'ioil, tho si;jna'. an I Mo or of t io i.t aiia; or.;ia ; in truth, it bis ua; boou ah wa waioli is tai m I Uailfal or ui.if'il U 'uiu oloisi.-o MS'"!, or p.lU W'.al its i tli 'I'm. vi iisi,iiir. wiite.'iT on l.J" 'io tlu a-'tivit of t'losa tvi s..m li . . . , . . u. 'its, i. im i uever oo pron io', I ; I UUI.'.U.l'.OiK'Y of ii';i l is on I "f tho it'iiarvurisiii.'sj ol ta:s son -.loiiiiy aa I wi'.U a-, ola ii- tla.-'.'o n, tai oero Ilia! to w'ivIi piiti.M Mil.v icier, i a subjool to aUot o iiims of loposo aa I .vhio.i; t.u-so iu; a -oi!a ;ro ikvohh'v to rvv'i'mt its ,'.itu,'a, ail thu oat bo u.t' jot i.i oaly bv a!o.i: I'ais la v of lator- totttoat aotiou of w'aio'o wo spoak. is of tho hi ;:mi i u tii.i ioo. ut ui to ly fo.-haiUa, bi- also (or iui tod, and tao pm form inoo of ovorv fauotiou d nau Iiai oa o-uobiivl o tuily Wo vo.uaviv, fattier, that svoa w'ua tao lav oi tutji' a Vl!0 t d is u t h il I I i i. 1 1 1 u r vou faaoli'u uvar ovli.ivs tai'. ehiva'.er of aWi basa and x'wv'y pat.l!iai' to o',Uor ('laetions, laoou stvut tlolvlo, vaiiaio bnoal ui o, iu its iiitaamiv au ( its eaoivy, ll i.. 1. .... .. .a. vuo sautivtittv o too pauiKi mjiim! li.KVa isj tag r i:o tao.ub.iuJ laudity fio u tho Io ot u'tlsioa, thouxo.tij ui n vl aviso ol Luo.suavi.ta io .io UUUoai paiut oJoxdUtioa is is Uvo 1-wuUy iado;uudo4. . w ii mm w a in ii tip ,ut mo )(t) forjj, an iu - .il - ciil:i!i!o in ramUs at it is inknxvn in its iMihi. Hy tiirns apribtly, 'X ir m i, il i i ii 1 1, 1 1. iu jr.lir ly. itiiui t.K j ;i;i , i I (i.:oit n oji - tii-1 orKriM, s,i I d j J lunty ii'j.iu I :i. I'lo'n fir .il.ui i I t-t pr, irti im b 'l i ' i i rm ; n .i ftoV')r o iiitiou I'm h.hv! i i an p n t 1 Inii'y. It Im b : "i t.-u: i l:u v!i .f tu.i oi i.ii ,n ; tit.tti- 'tb oii.j'it b i t i i i i -u i n n i, ;vjmvrrmi! i, .1 -.1 iit.-n.-r-4 ..f m. : li 'i of t k t r r ..f .. io!i vi n :'... 1'il.ii-i i!. h.iro. mil I'.o .-t -t; . i ft , . i aro , .v .f ', 'if,, n i i it, i i flu wit, an I t'i it it i ;iv. !:. i..i-dif-i 'Coin I of iii n i l.m i .I I n.w.iilil.i t.i I. a -. it in .n fr; 1 1 1 !.i v f ( .' 't'-i. It Im iui.i s ii i t I it ' ni bintv u !U Wi i i piitily of ,1 ill. V.iidIi if ii il t nil t it n'.iy j jy.i o i, b nuii ij ii p.-).) ii ti l i'.jI in otnors, tin o n.iirn) i .( jn u.,t hniriLli. I; is i-r.rt i!u tu in.ro1 i .in fir nn i ...1 I i..-. r.. .r.. d . . . . , l(.li;, a m-i a 1 1! j in it, ,1:1 1 .1! .v n -' ... .1 . 1 . ' , ,t:...,',.r.A. t.. .." : '. il.; !V niivs .l.i -v. ! . v., 1 f. . .1.. . .. : Ii i..-' , .i.u'i 11 if, n iiuaiii 111 li.ll.'l ti .1.- ' .. u .:. I ...:t . . I. ', . ' . 1 ii.. ..iu mi.. 1. ti'i'i 11 1; .11 1 1 . . tilO 111 lii f ltd' ' 1! jj 1 , r J j , , r irir j f 1 1 im. 'i . ( t,x fiinultifs, lot US ibscr I'. 1; ' ns I I ,., u jctilr iU in ia ii.i'.'i:-! - j mo I' titico iv .1 .;, i i ;.) It IS t-j i:.iii"i-ii'.r,il'( I'v iri tiio ..'roi.i an i'l t i ) ii : i! auy aiu..'1'i ooj -"t in or I e , ,-t . I 'S Ik 0,' )'! I'O- III it. f 1 I .in I .I'll: 'i.l-i );i .. applie I t til! ..s ! ' II .1 rt i I. ,lt n t.i; i t.i i i j j t.. ii.;: 1 1 1 .! ) a-:S til , on. !f . barnia ; j' : a.ii.i-H on'y ' -r1 i.: ' . . . : ; p ) V'T of 1 I ti n in t i t o n ' ri ie.i is i i p n '. . i...: ;: . ii .': .i: .i i: ' .r ! . li t i.ii ian rtT.i i i t.i' ci. il. . .;, 1 i 1 3v r 1 r. i iy. y lie ifo i ., ' u.ii i .v. 'n tii ; - t i'o'l"'.! ., ; 11'. syste il , t-i .' a ' u i:. -.' . , . iry t . : . i v i.o i r i'l ; i t;.' tl: .1 .ii : i . il i it ' . i i '. ,, , .v.t i ill " i .' . ' l o r i ).. : i . 1 1 . ifs i.. . 1:. i j ii i i . ,. 1 by tn i : in i t l.' ,) l i'. ca jeatr-n. t i ...IO ) x i t in o.' fl ill i irv lurulii :n '. ,d t ie r i : io . t .: ' j.'cr l-j i t',. '. J. j v t : i.-.i.. on .'v tr ti'r. f. i: :a r ii i .' I tl'- t i.i I 1 I in i o . ". : . a iO)ro a. a I. ....liJ. Ii. s VI is- oilus iir...' i.. a ia . t'uis ti s i ioa':u of tlo J. v ! mii'.yr .f .Lo t i'ia ''' tit 41 '4. 7VJ, .-'4 '4 il.l.Vl ,J !4 ' )!, thoro aro ui oa'.i.ct a-.-rn.-s ;a tho, wl: "i tho tain I is ia u.-av ea. bi tais as ii iu iy tai i str.-cin-. not last ; tho j i.t;.:y .a ; erai lU'Kr .Mtj.'a is tj oe--v.ji.ij io!o .t .1 sta.'oao 41- ti.- m'ti.mi'iiti of ta u,.,., j i; ., t; v; ovdU'io i of tlio r.i:;o.i i VV tio virtvtioj. ;i:i .,es vv j ceiioi-di.ilf v.-., 1 ui,.v aitf yji y v.L''d. Tj 1 m wj .' iHj, ' -1Lnfi .'i ?. ,.),.. ul l; f K.,l v . ,kri.iloa4 it..i, ao'.i.' i . . .'. O'i : I ' v .1 vi '. 1 ... CO. 44'. V 1 'CO lUol:. : : l.l t'.li t.iit :....'.:. v e.'- .'i i i co.oo. il s ao I iiiOoi;.-. . .in..,.:' pr tii.s p.i.u. t''. IX by tavti i. t Ist i.r.s...;: ; . tha .1' .: v. so. Yv . W .' ea..l'"i'.t. 1". 0 :. IS a. li md hilo .1. .t to : .'4- .1 l.. i. I .i.'i i . .i 'fi- . i of r. oss wiicu h.ia tao LaH ipkivriu 0 I'Oa..'. loo, u.i 4iav, oi .:.u.: i,;or oi la 'wjjvl, la i d .o-L roles aro ujvi' Atjiliv'a' 1 Kvt v'!y Hboa it is i "i- o i I p.'v lo.uioaa!l .V.o po.i si o,' al l I, ; u. t o! tl aolSv'S, ail ioil'i ia .o.u..i!i4 of 10 o.iiii wa.oa a od dy.u .il. .;-' t'liiu'i i' i l iu'.ail : ;! hvuaay. ou.v:'.WvJi is t...' a oi p.-i'ao.ia iv au'lii Ulv aou iilivo ' V,'a. I iialy net : wily V. . . . V O S u.,aal. t . . fioMo or I k oiki -olu ij l4 y.o.uja la diJ'.'tsiUsV ia to- trnvayaid. aad Mm Hhariff offara 1 1 liookeJi ap "W J PA., OCTOBER 2.1, I B"ilt:i .' : dn'ot i-ii'.io ti t!io vui ; ability of tho prim'-ii lo .-.rilon. 'i'liU i a w!.y t!io rlinni tor of V"iy t.. r ! v.jiii iii.livi.l.t'iln htri!.'n uttiuiii ni i . Hi j iu t iustiu.vj b 111'! l:i!.h whir' i u a' iv (.wi t. I I t'HI III, 'l I'Vinvu ; to (Wonr.;;1 ' i;u. M .! 1 ) trim, nu 1 ) ii v H"0 too r.'K.iii , l"i. ii lino ov i .iv o 'in 1 j . i in i ; in a mil vimliiii if tl. t iniof tlii Mi.i-ilnl't f. tb'iri i ri'n.iit IjV.iVi-i v ro;o r. .. i'.. j ii....f,.. Tim fir -t i i t ' iu riifv .'. in i toi-d i ' rvti-in : tici1, fa i 'lion : f in t : i ni a .1 ' oit-'i -y. p'.vs. :s'. r.n 1 in nil Inn li- i). an I t'v I'l iHtii.s Jin t'eti 'vith a it y . 1 1. n in i -1 ' i'ii ii t'i it Ih" 1 1 rv-M 't'"; oil') I, it 1. ; ,11 li. I i' ' 1 1 n! it.' i.i i v m j.'., a i. , I. Ml : I 1. . .1 .I: i.ll of a.i i.i.i : lull ll t .1 ' r.'.i I ' i .'1. s I ii.'-;''. .!.'! t i i 'ii jt.i'.r iM.i-i i: i'.i .. i to I, !l b i 4 i 'i i i j i : v 'IsJ iao cua: i. ' t ;e w .' -'. .:i i-.'. u - i . ;!' I . laat a ; . V' v; . ' vl.'il. i ' -.' Iter"'., s olt . la. i i... li. tV, ii i.' vro ; ,1. .' I'Ol 1.4.-' m.' : u. -1 1 i. s.dal ' to an1 .1:. d h ,i. C wl'4 V v . J. a 'I1-' V I i'V "ia. -jo sa .. j'lg-l.i U la 4'. tua h .' 1 a ..S Vvt '. ' v.'0."0. t' t t'OOvav. .,' . t'M. 1871). NO. lOU:: H. T. HmiiRiiTJi'Si MHJSMM'. J IU1U J-A.l 4flo; i'lllli': V. JiMTiJal, a specific pr-.t:or rod all IT . I llCfiCiCOC "K fi ni'-TrT''"'r fir (ir,t(OU'0 ,: i -i ; i i '. i ' i w - i : u I wi ... j. '-'.J ." V l .' ". .;, -r- 1 . j i .-, .-' r.- ' i.i j l '.!. , t I .' i '.l.ji.'.c.i; ' "..- .'-.;.. . '....v.. ; . .1..:.. i ' '- '.i ' i ' . -,' . i . . - . . k . . ;c ti i -'.,, ., H Y H Lis:'!.?. I- V1-4J' ', f'. f - I'l IK I'O'iC tflMbihwl eye Tr'nrwlav fcvWflf JJSttKMIAH CHOUHfil, Tot-rnh 'of OabrwipioL two DOtXATts rra an nun. M. hh'.H Tithin ni montl'n, or t2.WifrtWl paid within theyear. Nn fiftpcr t0 continued until all rtMrnvtsH ayfe paid milieu at tho option of the untA nailer. , . Btlb r!.t!oi, fjulfine of tho fcoWty , in I .r, ii .i,... ,rtii, i r. . rih. ptrMf iTTTr J jSaddisr and llarne ; Ceclrrrwllo, Sry.Jtr Coun'y, Penn. K nr lit . ' ir- to or W l kinK ... n ii nu.. - . ".-.i,-, il. .. v. .l -.' I - ' 'Ii ! I ' ' 'TO frt : ' r A n-i. , A i to t.-. i. t',.t h. v, P, H!!2i.f r A ''"- ,; ,. ill"!,'!, ' I 'l.K' P. 4. i I.. .r. .,. l) MCHOLS.cHrfiPO i CO., I I.i Ha s-as li . OfiiciiAU so fjmv r.iSi.'iNS Vllij; ATO.U TKP.SSMG MACHINERY. rriy .:-.. i, .... ..t,. fi.,! ' t i is . ' 'f r: n.-- r-.'.k. " T". ' ' - ' - - - .vJ i ' i ! fir if .V,l.U- -sv ssV 1 V W a . 1 , ; !. ; -. i r.ler -. v.-'i. sia r 1-1. 1 1 . - I ! : i 1 1 . I U.. J . i. J. ' i r - :r. r : . . i n- : '?!''.:. K I'-si '.- - -x , - i ... r- a,i ' 1. .J s '. "' 1'' . .. ,:.J i'l : . ' V . ' . ; :! : 1 1 m awJa . Jjj 1 - - H'j.-ii ' ' at ml siW a - . , ..--. dl ; . 1 ' - - ' N t t ' 'Ja . . a t . . . . j v ' , . ; , iji. u., V. . ' V, a 1 l v lit a,i-ucM;'tstH. ' .1 i 4't j 'j' v, '''.'' -v,.i.''.. ,.1, . i w V t ftt.'t l sa 1 it , ; .. . .... i . i , . . .ik . , . . 1 . luw v" . Ui .' . t. .. . ..-, ' l.l.' . '! ,' . I . - ' .' .(.. 1..-. . . '' " " " -' :!' it i-af a'l'.)4 '" "Tvlt. : - ' ii.i V 'A ; ' " :': y.':: - al "IWbiud ths door," ha aa; . -VV i,a antral niun. l I rtl