The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 16, 1879, Image 1
y J. in i 1 ' .1 ii l i A.lvortltntf 1 0n column one year, tern tnn.oo 000-lian, cull""", uu- 7nr( (). fourth column, one year, One arpiare (10 linns), insertion Every additional Insertion, jrofiional and Rusinosa cards of nut more than 5 lino, per year, Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Aaslgnoe Notice, I . ! . 1 nnliMU hA I.M. lvoo 78 00 5.00 J.R0 15 All transient advertising less than I month 10 rents A line. All advertisement for a shorter pe rind than one year lira payable at Hie time they are ordered, and it not paid l ie iKTKin ordering them will ue hold reiponaihl for the mnner. v -- - - EVERT YEAR. Tbs iprlog hM ta of brlhls K? ary yaar t Aod lb inn a ghaalltar wbiUoc, Kvrr? yesr Nor do lutncmr iwara qulokva, Nor autuiso rruiisgs thiokan. A Ibey oaea did, for ihey iokoa Km yr. 1: If (rowing darker, ooldar, Kry yer ; Ai lb hurt i I r !Jjr, Ef ary yaar ; I rtn not Of for J uiclnfC, Or tit era with piailoa nUniinf, Ljt It Ian. an I Icm aniraooiof, fci yr. Of lb lov anl Hurra t bltodsJ, Every yr Of ibo cbarni of rrieadiblp on 11 Kvery yar tjf lb Ilea (bat anil Might btJ ma, I'mil Tnoa lo Un(h rejiga ma, My luuruiitle reialaj ion, Kvsry year. Ab J bow a4 to look bafor ua, fcvary yaar ; Vbil tba aloud gro dsrkar o'er ui, Every year i 'has w e Iba bloiaoiiw fajl, ( lo bluoti w mlijhl b?a ai lud, iujiuorUl garland braidod Ever yaar. paal f t nor Jusd fsoet, l.tery yaar, ed Ivava viosst place, Every yaar ; a lb end aye meet ua, iloj'a dmk ibo iffel uj, ma llien roireal ua, Eery year. taing o! 1," tby tall ma, ;ry yaar ,' re klona," lliey tall ua, jry yaar ;" no oi aifuti ja, y rooollao'mu, i ltd il -jaotloa, Kfery year." H (! 1 1 U II O I1H . dj.iiiij nan. I To cor night there in nothing wvl-! do:' tb io a tiuna nrumao with hur Luir lnH'lnl. A luuatic iniijht bo cxuuho'I from each uu i-rraclio btylo of Lair drim inp, but how awouiiniu tht fall )ObSCMioll Of hfl flMiuHioS, UU'l with tlie Lnuwk-ilo that bhu has a char Btor lo keep uj), wnr bur Imir biuuJ, tu as, in a prof uu 1 taj- Fioja wbeocH cnmo this aiyla What. orii;iuttJ il T Who But it iifloul ? S'ibo'ljr oil furth can Hiiy tralbf Lilly that it is boAiitiful, 11V li ivu utvol li'urj tliAt it was LmiHliy. Vi'o novur hoard of its curing tho liv er cuuipliiDt, or tho rhouiualiiin It (loos not rootlor any oim more liii- Mu to draw a ri;:o in a luttjiy. It docs not insnro tho wearer against, Ljiug drowooJ, or struck by light ting, or boioi by suwiug uuchiue Ol'titS. Ii docs not make a tall wuraau I joI'. shorlor, nor a short ouo taller o. u ft one Innuer, nii'l if it is be coming to any bamau face thou tliut fa !o lnui ehCHpcd our uotioo. It will luwUmorpl.osetUo protliest pirl of our usuaintanco ioto a luon Htrosity, uuJ as for its effort on a plain woLa.iti, tuny tho euiuls ibtlivci us from uoting it 1 It sola our teeth ouclgu! It imparts to tho avor age fouiale fnoo tho nnst d'scourag- ud, woe bogouo, Jjnfor gunorally DspiofHioa we Lave ever aeeu as if tlis person had pluyed Lor last card, got euotiored aud was ready to sell out cheap to the first purdmsor. Just iuiagiuo Lidy Washington with ber Imir baugoj I Think of I'-iKOuta Fhtchio waving tho fl ig io Stoiioull Jacksou'a faco with hor La r bang, d 1 lMcture to yourself Joan of Arc leading her troops to i'lory with ber Imir bangod. A woui;in in this style of hair ar rangomont rosomblos a Shetland pony, vhich baa not boon well groomed, and wbiuU ia in doubt buout ln's diunor. Hanged hair gives the woaror od expression of doubt and uuoerUialy, as if alio felt a little anxious Inst ths thatob on ber foro bond aiight suddenly go back on ber Bud Bhdw Homothiuj whio'a oujUt Hot to bo aeon. Wo ulwaya commiserate tb worn an Viboso Lair is baugod. Wo foel l'kooukiug bur if thore is anything Vo could do for bor. Sue appears to ua liko a woman iu trouble. Wa Kpouk toftly to bur as if ordinary toues might jar bor nervos. Wo wouldu'l oilor bor a aubsoription pa I'or fur tbe world I Nor bo glad if anybody trod on tbo trail of ber dross, or sijuirtod tobacco julco on l ur velvet uiuhtlo. Wo look at bor and wonder bow bbo would soum with tbat mask bikon (iff ber forohoaJ. We woudor if abe baa got moth patches on bor torn l'los, or a ruols on bor olassio brow, or a "oow lick,'' or ft oolony of iiua- tloa and ' black bua Is," 7or fore oad ia to ua aa profound a mystery as f oi to os-tolling, or psyobomauoy or matorialiatlou i aud wo get ao inn or doubt ovor it that we would f;ira balf a dollar to see tbo fringe ifted and what ia under it brought lortn to tbo light of day. We wonder if aba admire barself i'l tba glass If aho tbinka "bangs" are bewitching T If aba Dover wish a she bad not oat ber hair off, and vo ooudouiad herself to woar ber hair that way, willy, uilly f Does bor 1-usbaad admire it f Duos h ovor fneor ai it bubiud bis uesapaper f J Joe bo ovor Ml bar bo wisaos ab bad u r.i lw eba a Uga. - www VOL. 17. Smith f Dooi bo ovor call hor aa angel, and think to himself bow ao angel would look in bang f Jiuttberel what is tho use of con- jocturing f Fashion ia omnipotent i so ia folly, and wo do Dot d ubt t tat somewhere in the world, to-dsy, aomebody is lying, "Dnog ar be coming I 'Ejx h tnjt. On Farm of Rudeness- A breach of nolitnesa, and one wbicb is most annoying to retinal ami aonsilive po iplo, is the very gouoral habit of iutorrnpting ono's conversitti n. The impunity with which this is done has d igraJe l ra tional conversation, which ought to be tbe greatest cLmnu of social in tercourse, iuto a fiirco. A mn or woman who bi anything to suy Unit is worth snyii), disiros to nay it in bis or bur own way i and thoso who bavo brains to appreciate it. will bo uii'ially dosirons 01 hoaring it without interruption. Yet it is common thing for a par.or c mrnr sat ion to partake more of tint babble of b.ibnl thitn a conversation ft uong rational beings who aro snppiS'id lo know and appreciate what each oth er wir. One liegius to relate an iu- ciduut, and before bo bus finished two sentences soma pwrot in Cn vl'ithos chimes in with ber snusubiHs, gubblo, breaking tho thread of dis course and ooiupolliug tho narrator to begin again or aoiuIoo the at tempt to instruct or eut.M tain. 'I bis is tho groMS'iHt implitunoss t but it is as common an occurrence as conversation itself. It is hardly a , . : i I . v out of too mucu io -iiy, niui. nine a t :i.i:.4i" I every len p.oplo who indulge u th.a hul it are incapable 01 carrying ou a rttllOUUl couver-uuuu uu but u-uiui ,i i- , , . , . , .1 1 i j ,1 I the peculiar situation of their tonic, and they ludulge 111 thoso,, , , , , , 1 '. ,,-,,, , tra ts, seuniud to st iul tho 1 .. - ..i I J y-J ermg me.r reweui. u u..., ku... ibnorau.e. V Hilrrrnnt to VOUnflT nOOIlIn ' " a . ami 01a onus, 100, hit vum, , ..i-r , 1 11 it 1, uuio in inuiuioiiirt iicii iyi socml refurm. iSevor intorrupl a , - c invorsalion by interjecting remarks, , however appropriate au! witty Ih'-y may eeem. AI! sensible people will respect you, ao l conclude that you huve good senso und know bow to quo it lo tho best a dvaotago. The Knd ul Rob.h.i we Want. Wo wmt religion that softens tbe stop and turns tho voics to m ilody und fills tbo eye with sunshine, and checks the impatient exclamation aud bandi rebuke ; u religion that is p ilito, deforeulittl to superiors, cou siderati to friends s a religion tliat goes ioto tho family uu 1 keeps the husband from being cross when dinner ii l ite, an 1 keeps Ibo wife from fretting wheu too husband tracks the uowly washed floors with his mud ly boots, and makes the Inn baud mindful of thd scraper aud the door-mat i koeps tho raothor patient when the baby is crons, and amasei the children as well as iustructs them ; cares for tho servants biides paying them promptly ; projects tho honey-moon, into Ihe harvest mo-m. and makes tho happy home liko tbo Eastern fi.r troo, beariug on its bo som at once the beauty of tbo tuudor blossom aud the glory of tho ripen ing fruit. Wo want a religion that shall interpose betwoun tho rats and tbo gullies and rocks of tho highway and tbe sensitive aoule thut uro trav eliog ovor thorn. Five ramilki with Eighty-five Chil dren- Ia tbe vicinity of Now Jorusalom, Rocklaud towusbip, Hoiks comity, thero are fivo families having togoth or 8i children. First is the family of Abraham Ililbor, who ia now 80 yoara old and still actively engaged in farming. Ilia wife who is also still living, is tbe molhor of 21 chil dren, nearly all of whom aro living and bavo settled ia that eoctiou. Tbo youngest child is 23 years old. Noit is the family of Uenjvuin Anj stsdt, also a farmor, aged 73 years, who is father of I'd cbildron.all bora of ono mother the youngest being 23 yoara old. Tbe family of John liarto docodsod.wuo mod a low year ago at the ago of 70 years uumb-rs 17 children, all ono wire. wiu. Uarto, aon of John liarto, is 53 years of age and tbe father of U children, all having ono mother. Another of these Ave prolirto fainiliea ia tbat of William Youse, aged 51) vears, who with bis wife bad U children. The familioa have an average of 17 chil dren each. Kockland baa about 3QU voters ami ft population of about l.CUU. DtiT- u Bibtb. No msu who is fit to live need fear to dio. I'oor, faitbleaa souls tbat wo aro I How we shall smile at our vain alarms when Ibo worst baa happened I To us death i tho most terriblo word we know. Hut when we have tasted its reality, it will mean to u birth, dolivoracoo, ft now creation of our selves. It will be what hoaltb la to man. It will uo wuat noiue ia to lue xilo. It will be what tbo loved oue iriven back ia to tbo bereaved. A a wo draw near to it a solemn gladness should fill ourhoart. It ia Uoda irreat morning lighting up tho sky Our fr are turiora of ebildrou ia tb night. The night, with it tor rore 1 darkooss, ils feverish dream ia tiaaalna away and wbou weawak itSjbUtuto 04' ViUAilii. , . - , i:i.w.,i. ,.'";mwiitl"i ui au my - jim l-ii ziu ' j ujiauia aro ---. uwi , u auiwnij, . uooooreil woman began leiifa ' ' ' sarty manner, and t e- MIDDLE BURG, SNYDER COUNTY, i The End o( Creatnlss. Alexander, after having climbed to the diy heights of ambition, and, with bis temples bound io eUftpleti dipped in tbo blood of oonnlloss na tions, looked down upon n ("inquir ed world, and wept that (hire was no another city to oonquer, set a city on fire and dio I in scene of dehaaob, Hannibal after having to tbo as tonishment and consideration of Home, passed tho Alps, after having put to flight tbe armies of tho mi. tress of the world, an I strppil three bashels of n ild riogi fr m Gngers of bur slaughtered knig its, and mado ber fomi latinu in lied from hisoantry, being chanol by ouj of those who ending u i"il his nmneto that ofdol, sn l Oillol him H inni l at last by poison administered by bis own hands, unlumoutod, unwept for, in a foreign laud. C'meur, offer having coii'inrol eight hundred cities, and dyed his clothes in tho blood of ono million of his foes aftur having pnrs i i I to death tho only rival be bad oo earth was miserably assassinate I by those bo cousidore bis nesreit frieudi, and in that vary plseu, the attainment of which bad been bis greatest ambition. Iionap'trte, whoso, mandate kings and emperors obeyed, after having tilled the osrth with terror of bis name, dolaged it with blood, en 1 clothed his days in lonely banish- m';nt almost literally exiled from tho world, yot where bo would sometime see bis country's b. iuur .. . , , T.giji wtur tij iT't ui W0IlU nol bl i ' LilI1 ai j. Tims, four grett niiiu, who from their por- stiul tho rciire- ,.,lli,,.a ,.r 1 I in m ,r .1 r , .r. tlo(J f(),lr) u, , lar(J .11 ide tho woi Id tremble to its centre . iio ii.-., 1 i.di.i anffar . u .1,..! , ,,.,.,:,, . ,,. ... i,..., ,..:. ,ii ; . .... I' "' 1 ' i'"1 'i -i.j, .11.- a anicido ; ono rnordore 1 by bis friends, an 1 one a lonely exile. Some tir qs to Disbelieve. When a uiao sjveiliiei for a p it ner, anj wia'ii-s a youig imu t ;iut in a small inrewi merit ol' one hundred ur ll .e Lijj lrul dollar, and pi uuis-'i to tnui a r ii i i m f Cf. iy or one buoir.'i p-r c?ut. pro:i', I'. n't believe it. Wnao u uim idT rr to c,iv golJ wntches ar icw.-lr, wortb O.I. ooly ono d or iiunurcj doiiura liar, doit believe ( ,r J ji When s man oOvm to g vo awiy i"'0 L riiiwl ,'iiuo of Ihe utmost value fori11 l"J cire of t-O'unmption, jiud m and all olhur d.s aieii uv merolv m-n i- - - - j , ing s thru .(. nt stamp t) prepay postage, don't Lclicv i'.. V:io a man propoi-js to do hi ot uoal lo uiakn eviry one e'so rich, an 1 look to other peoplo'a interest mora his own, don't b dicvo iu Wlico a iiiaU advertises, sod omil to yt his oaino or neglects t put his nc tu ber or pluco ol baiiecSH kIiom he I can bo lomid, don't buUova it. Whoa a man oflfors lo givs y'i'i smiihiogi Not long ag f greot value for annotbiog of ibisdtutb bo.l les value j in other w.rdi, to give you something lur nothio, dua l holiuve it. Many people advertise uo purpose to filch yo iiig oioo of mmoy, gaiood ly bard labor, aod before ca tering ioto say speculatios whicb may be offored you, Ukit aJavaolago of sums of I ho many mcuus at your comiuaud sod naoertain the facts with referfiiflo tbo propoaod businosa belore you invest, aod thus Have ) our money, saJ asitin ofXectuslly brcakiog up al! ewiudling iUhlish aieubi. Fjr Low Spirits. Toko ono ounoo of ibo seod of resolution, mixed well with tbe oil of eonicicoce, luluso It iuto a lar.e apoontul of tho salts of iiatitooe ; dis til very caiefully a composiog plant called "other' woes," wbicb you will find iu every part of tbo garden of life, growing u'idor tin broal leaves of dii(uia ; sdi a small quan lity aod it will greatly audit the salts ol pstionao ia thoir operstion. Gather a handful of tbs blossoms of hopo, then swoeteo ibtn properly with ths balm of prudence ; aod if you cao get any of tbs seod of truo frirnJ- abip, you will bare tho uvmt vslush I inodiciae tbtt csa bo administered. Uo careful to gel the soaJs of truo I'riondHliip, as ihors is a seed vory much like it oallod ssll loteiont, which will spoil the whole eompuitioa. Make tb Ingredient into pill and take one oight sod moroiug, ani tbe cure wid b elTecti'd. ' ! - i How true ia tbo saying tbat groat minds ran ia tho same channels, though centuries of time may divide them. Tbousauda of yeia ago Confuoiue said : "Tbo full moon duo not always last," and tbo other uighta Houtb end msu, who was selling by the wiudo, softly re marked i "Tba moon ia gitlio' smaller, ftu" boat next 1'riJay it'll be dark enough to gather in the balauoe or old Crosby's wood pile.'1 An Irishman disobsrgod an over loaded gun at ft rabbit- Having boon kuocked aonsolosa, aa he ro- oovored and rose from tho ground and aaw tbo nimble rabbit making off over tba hill exclaimed, "railh aa if ye'd bin at my end of tha gua, you would t be oai(o-lag noon) ia that wai aro." VIIM wrOat M !, and thrilling ovor to tho too of iooh toieeo as aweepaeroea it t Lot - t-l...01 -' 0.,LJVii- The Charm of True Marriage. Oar advancod theories of divoroe and free-lots making the matrimoni al relation merely a partnership to be dissolved at pleasure, whatever else may be said in their favor, saiko a deadly blow at ao element which was meant perhaps to bo supremo above all others. What is tbe aweet est charm of all Iran marriage, what ia tbe groatest advantage, what tho most priceless, lako life through. which it brings to tho human boaii T Not tho flu-ill und splendor of its early love ; not the richer derelop- inont winch it brings to the cha"actor; not even the children who are fath ered around its shrine; No, but the intimacy and reliability of it com panionship i tho fact that it gives IhoHo who on lor into it, esu'i iu tho uthar and throng i all seni'is and changes, a near aud blessed stand-by. .ilarriuge in some of its aspmsts is loiibttois tbo sonrco of an im nuuso amount of unh ippioess, criins, in justice, blight an I d iwn-dragging, 'ne or tho most perplexing innlitu lions society has to doul with only the blindest sentimentalists will diuy that. On the other hau l, however and this is not mure soiilimeut but sober fact of all O id a g'X) loesses to be found in this lower world, all Ibo proofs that be cares for us not only with tbo win 1 uu of a Creator, but with tho inUrent and lovo of a Father, thero is none 'j ute e'jual to his sending human beings iuto tho arena of life, not to fi'bt its liitttles, iu its victories ana en lure il sor row alone, but giving them, o tb'.-y 'bave been kickel -go firth out of chil itioo l s himi, a I a relation in which two of them ara ,,ay im' ,u bound to-other with the closest of all boul bogs, when lies, live together Uulr tbo same , roof, have their labors, their nr.jti'-rlv ' their interesU, thoir paren'al hIT'm:. lions all in comuiou, and moved t- stand by each othei , hand to bsiid and heart tj heart, iu every sjrr ow, misCortune, trial su I stormy day that ourtli cnu bring. K is an i 1m!( if not ulwas realised iu full, ubicu is lHt' I even nuw. ami 1 all that is said about ia irritgo miserios, m jre widely porLsps tbaj uoy other bup- I pILfcBB. Hint O i linnoralilf Tbo v(-riit trifles sro ijevr alto gether forgotten. L-d t!i mental hiim olus Le fctrot g liji)L, und tbo leUiIs couio bi'-k wMli pit it igrapbic pieasiou. Iadr.ian ofteu bi- t!ie forms an I f icm I -iprt;s,ous ul loatury ol l.uu Ir.eti li uLijbu very names we llij'iglit o hil fir- It bomoiiiues unpp-i.s ttiat fvntes id Jealu vin mi Coaie b. so VlVi 1 ii in tlifl fa hug llitell.g JiJCe, an so fri-L, tLiat tlii-v are more real llian tho r'ili s (..' pa.i. and sorrow HeauUful ghi;--c of IbeibivsLif e.uiy hjiiim'uuco Pj.jii tunes come lo tho worl l-tury s;if ferr ; eveu ol I ralhtniT when Jv jg ' babbled of grot-u tlulds " it in not utrsnge tln-n that things Liih Lad made a dut-p impression in outh Kuouid liugc-r iueltacoably iu lUe breast of tho ol I, Not lung ago an ol I man lay oc aud waking fruia a doze reeled Lis dim eyes upon Lit. grand-daughter who stood oear biui He beckoued her to bim, aud Calling her by a nii'iio that she bad never board bim utter before, he took her baud in bis. pressed it tenderly an I kissod it. None of those who around hai ever beard the uaine. and thought il only a sick fancy, ll was uot the uame of his wife, long dctt I, sor of any of bi old fl tmos, thai, they know of. No, be bad never spuk en o! Ar when no was well ; nut io a 6eoixt and prixMoua co;uer of In heart be bad chenhhed a beloved i n age- deep impression that outlaw ed all that came afterward. Aol wbon his fading eye dimlf saw bis giand-daugliU r near bim, the unrest became stronger than the real 7L saw in ber a companion of bis youth; be felt ouce gain tbe snnhine in bi heart, the summer in his veins, the fresh chivalnc impulse of boyiah love. It was not bis granddaughter's band tbat be kissed, but that of s , , i Ibo grasses of fifty sammers bad I grown. Touching and poetic as i this bidden duration of love and memory, it baa a deeper j in.ia tbao wero toetry. la tbo fa t thai oolbimr that was ever a part ol lite!"" is'wholly loat, there is an intimation of immortality. -AWioort Every SiturxLiy. The Largest Closk In the World Tha large clock at tbs Knglish Houses of l'arlisaiftnt is the larcuM one in tbe world. Tbe four dial of tli ia clock are twenlv-two fiv-t in diameter. Kvery bslf niinute the poiut of the minale band oioves nearly seven luclies, ihe cuv will go eight an.t a bail iitvn but it will itnlv strike for seven an.l a half thus indicating any ntlecl m winding it up. Ibe mere win tuig up of tbe striking apparatus tske two hour. The jvonUlum is '"V" "'" rVi T. . : , landed i.ropiii.t-r of t"" ecbers iron the boiir bell I eight feet high aaal bbb bm ai and niue feet in diameter, weilung Da ly fifteen tone, and tbe hamimu Titti?iv.r" wai-l a klw st alone weighs more than fonr bundi-ed i c"d cbce wrtNiw Hles pmuds. Thia clock etrikes tbe : yemr msi. eeMmijes r.f eonr.. qusrler hour, and by its nlr,Ae A ?vwvt plnmp w,Mv' tha abort hand reporter regelate oral vrwi a veeek. their lalH1. At every stroke a nea bbbb bbbbb bb reoiter Uke tbe place of tbe old It is ft rrt f Ibe nwi-lleti oue, while the first red rea to w rite parental v1e Ihat Mr e-wti ebildirm oat tb vtee that he baa tsken darce 'sWlitig" le tel:blv-b lia." i iAj tU Tbw aUWft aaaaato. i rftJs) wifc-oul U -sptK feet long i the wheels are of eHt pj"i'fcl tU "Cori PA., OCTOBER 16, H.s Wish. ffo stepped into a grooa grocor.s ft few mm ningo since with a vacant, woary, care worn look on bis face. '-Do you want soma potutoos 7'' ''I uuver eat Ihoin, I can't re member exactly what Icamo io fir." 'Perhaps you want souio colTeo f "Ain't it funny I cau't romembor f " remarked tho stranger as be s'rsl.:b ed bis chin with tho bwk of bis hand and scanned everything be hind tbo counter in a wild but iu olT.-ctiinl olTort to brush up bis bad memory. "lo you want milk T ' "So that am I it." "Is it intouroni, mndard, ohow chow, soap or wiue jelly 1" "None of thorn, sir." ' l'ossibly you want a small meas ure of beets f In tool. I do not." Tiiou bis eyes sparkled end be said : I have it now. I remember w'rit I came in f ir t it all came ba:k to m like a dream of love T " "What do you want " Wi-ll. now, it is plain as duv Wasn't it funny I di ln t ILmk of it before f" ll was rather bliac;;o j b-t what will you bavo 7" "i'ou wuu't get mad will you T" "No sir.'' "Well, then, I sill tod yo-i I juxl stepped iu Lory to a-k you if you'll s'TaU-lj my bavka litt'o fr mo I bare the pr.ckio Lent.'' lie wasn.t str-lohel. Lit bal it not b'xjri lix his a'-tmty he n' I ouo i a v i :? I fj other to b premi'.es to Ij' at l.'t bogs, bi'-h wj tL.u lUa. It t- wiu I asel to play swejl iu'it.': tjfj their rib, wtj.ju the ooj invi 1 ovor t i Jnk ul tLm bog rem Lol ".My friend, youi bogs are very tie verv u'.i iu 1 tiinr, tL v ur !o l.rje tij-it they cio crwp lur Uh a kiio" b ile lno j:jcii- h'o i a La f ! in circ'juif'-n tl'.'.. two soiea-l. w;ty- ; out tLoir L:i;r. ' T-it a muoli gnttiug jI tectLi bul ttt , Lueli kal 1 rjotLitj '. rlTi!!; LL1.1.. i.liio'.i Ti 1, in th" Uuturt of the c, lrnLb,tLt Yon find yourself .ti a L. t j i-t-t-i of feebug. Vo l errj y it : j j 1 j-ji !,. ki ep n np ; j ou try to Jo i Ym-j fini. I'jO i-JVi.UZ i at i! 1 tu'j snpp you Law- lii-.' u 1i t ; , wh'-n It 1- bt ebb, TC3 r. fc j j'j have 1 1 1 tic-. Neither tLc- i2 pj 1 tho ebb proves aLytLiLj You niioiil 1 neither be Oib.iir'jLl b'it a-e of foelitg. li'T diptered i 'I la' k ul it t. ' u re pi-Tc t'.i ei(-!( tice wf religious Lie lliou t..t hpailld of tbe bis ca tLc pruvei. griwlb m the gras- t c-iu'.l, it The c irn Ltiedn b.'bt lit 1 luli. ness as macb as fir.; ."'.t J-f-. u the Ut of faith 7,r'f' .'!, Vhij.,, I r.ucoLtly a u.i iarrir.i? on tbo . u , - U i-T hp-p.-i. 71 Wj re Lor j laughter ai: 1 lie l.Uer TI.I. ' Ut'j i hs I gono feveral boU'ii lielure to elij y the evening a:r su j iu -iurr.,L.rie.. ' and begnu locking i a if ft.', had 1'ohl -omelbirig "Vi'tbt ; :3 loikiug f r, iua ' ake-j tLe aLf lady, "rho mcrtiing psperfi. iui theieply. The porcn was vbKbUid Aa r.a'uaiaa wi. goug along b road, wbeu a- angry bull rasLed o;i ou bim, and, L:m hoinc totel. him over the feucc. T-e IiihtitniiD recovering from Lis fall. npoD io..L;i p up saa tho bull ptirig and' op the groriud. and said r "If it ws not for viir bowing ami Hr-ntpnic your sioljgi, you bruin, fa.v s'.ioul I tU.iA roo bad larosL me over tuis fcuce on pnqiosn. The voting men who eland sront d l..i, i ,..!, -...i,.!.,..- IUt- l U I V U UllUII LIU f'B.1 I'll, Hl" UlllL , , , " S l . an...,-, .T.bMmv-Ant sSa.4 Mi rX in f; r? rt the gir'iH in ao eniecic sort of r.y. will some day Lang arnnnd the pkU'f of hesvc.1 while tin- d-eiiLt people pc in. and Ihe firt-t thing t'jty I now tie gste is shut forever, aud tlo y vni uftir l-o l;1 ... ... i - i aceomiaobiiuLS e.Me- : The wooly skin of the peanh. tie birching color of the tpplo.1 he fl i v.- r of the pear, thejooe oi the watiu-mtiU all do fa te as t leaf ; bat ll.c peanut holds ils on forever, tbe IransnendenUl combirnttion f fru.t and vegeUMfts king of ths gallery, par evfHillence on the half nhnll and the grekWwt promo!ei of lublnmoiiy in tbe aide woi Id A Sontb Arawnian plnnl has bmui foDnd tllht CUrilk ihhI,iIIHHH It shonld le Tromplly trie.1 on the msii who Inaerw the h.iUd by the iacl window, biomine be ik too difl'l lent ' t& ssy g.vMbye tv the cushmr and clerk. Tb biMiian nkl.'i.m e uiniMts of thus 2M diMtiii.'t bonea Si w hen a insri hhvs eve'.'s- bone it Int. bodv aMiea. yn mav Viw be ih a oCer It luir. . 1879. NO. 18 Fluid Extract I'llAItMA.ES.-TICAIi A SPECIFIC RCV.:Dr TOR ALL Diseases Bladder & KIdne ur i!l l.iy. I'l l l'j I ' r b't-s'L. ii !'i.i,. li t i livl ' l f I. fc- t k ii if 1 1, ! II ii -y f..; J "T ll K i h l I I J u r I i t 'U e1 i . ' t f IL, I j . Ill I i 1 1 ill K'Lt "Helratolffs BacSa" L ) JN j; j. l;Y Ci" L. is n."-:: ! r Kt'l l'tl.,'(M I II V. I"'. J i.:: i ' .; Mi 1 M .N L I I. i : 1 .1 ' i.- ,M1 I i'.Sf . ? I" i. . ; I 1 . . I ". ; i. n i i: - It 1 1 1- i I i II.: i v . I. I i'! i i :' ; i i..-. i.- ... Nl. I f I I. f . I I -I I N. I. ..1 Pl'kl.i4'lil I k I. L ' IO Kl'iH I' T7. I.I Kh hull h iill.UI I. i. ffc...l Oi IO bull'. I. I ' Ik ' 1 . 1 r) i k' i 1 i. ii it. i lii I'rier " klid fc ImimMm! ii lol Mi.l.'ll i I. en I'J'UlJ'lI'lin k-i uo nlj.van'i' ill l'; i I'i'jimu HelmbOIffs I1TSS Ti: niir r A in! fci.i 1 ' IIOIII. I-I- till I il lie v i- ' I lii'l.l I til'im, ii h Il-lllll I '. I. i at. t.i r-n I- UK h.lU. ii-r l.u I'UiJ vip , iirir I'a' it1 l' cum llSirl-lll Ii rniiviii:ti I i mniu I'l'ii.i.iu., ' III VblUk j j DD--r a. w-p T.nT"7 T T iJXISsU Oi i -v 1 J . (o -iv p-.t'-:'- i :c r. P0T7ttC I Ili ;VP-lul ic k ' l"-b iiit bil.l-i-. Ml l l-' 'I bi mnih" nu.y riinai It I lPi'VOi(T 0:1- akllil- BOnli'i'il u- IU liT , .- I ; .-..Mlii,. i lli'. rn.s I l.v .in-Bnrnie ilo fuller Hi; I 1 (.- ritio- tnni' M'i! jei"' iiliot.i p. . ilri,Mi,. pmim v ami 8kii'ii, bi.ii vm,; ii.iii ; Kiri'ki. nil or ' Ynur ar1 biui sn ! I.. llcciipkoeL ' I IS Mki-i-ieil ur hiii'c , h lli'ilii, wsiflu, lie nnil Ii lni'ibt 1 l. Jlew tot i Sii-e j-oii lirtoii ik .' Your einiii''i".iiiu, eel'iv it bnO ami J h. Pnvliip rim a stoopliif or era.-; (.-ul. i l!iU'f iilnMM ri-Tiili'ii kl. 'i. 'lee hImmii vmc i-- Kt. -lo- our ,l'i. 't. b imh'uIii twi. fiB eiii l!nr iiu tiv'.I.i- our aMeiiit'iu, uotl ai u: fr: iu the tmliirv ul v,u l'-, ami tut OBUtbil ujiIbibs eoaearmui; . iir. VMueelsm I'Uval.iUnn (eil In --ir-li HU'lvlll All I-IIBIS MOM 1 1 hi Bit'l-a- -S niB'i'y, I '.'l'i Klllxri fna.i,'! I'liilsvlrleUlB. IV. I H T MCLsiPOlD. sin! i'lrnil4, VtilludM;lil, IS. V-fw ai' TH1 ' lOHT. Piiblli-.brd ever Kvonlng JJBRKl!fAn CROTJ5E, Prop' Terms" ft Mnbscnp'jnn, TWO POL LA M FEU ANN UM. Tsy. ibis filhiu six months, or ..Wifnct ft!d viithi.i the year. No di rontiniie.1 until all arrormp's aro isid '(iiIm ai the option of tl.s pub- li-bfir. 8i.t', .iTioilima oiil'Ide of therooa'.t rAVAWl. IK AOTANCM. AfT'',n,Oi)s llfiJ.ijr aid ifiir.; pnper j.I.T,f (t t Oihr ixmritn t.Ih' r 'ei t aud i-e IWiblo fnritio pi ioj .. ll,e J Ptcr " I1- i a tMrnmrnmrmtm mr. immmtemj pjlTiN'fiY A." WOM J. .y, " Saddler vp,nd Ha)-ness ;i! Ci'.cv!!'. fn-yiiir Ccunly, Ptnrn. I.t'. nit, I.' .i 'j'll Mil . ' In frf V '. -f. ,. I lu ' HOuiir-l W S3. a:8!i.,t, 1,1 ll' '1JU 1J M ( . A 'V I Vlt.l.i.. ll I. I f MCKN.S.r,HEPjr.D CO "..! O t !...!. I I r I . '.i-i!.i r-j on i tr ... Vi H liATOJl r r , r-'tV : i'r, . i'. rr v i. . ail t ti V III"!-' l IV . k'U .-. .1 i-a" 1 1 1 iw. i l .1 I.j. .0 i r- Hi -' itV.Ujt.. . o ; v , , LTV li:. ..... 1 ,I 11 . l V, u . l l 'I t' ' ' V.0k-. VA, , t rtra Stir. . ' r 7''-.-'r, , , ,.... . ,- ... m tpiifa v'-i. I' ii V . " " ... s . . :. . s - - -1-.- : C