The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 09, 1879, Image 3
tLid&AW, Cct, 9, 1879; JLeOOCll S'eVi, Jtzc CmmllteemettK. Hinn tMaaAIng CemmlteJe wilt nt (nth AOeart House, I Mltltllet-ara;, na PUTrnnsr IKJT. lath, lT, et 1 o'eloek, P. M. A full tlteeileaee Is reqeeatel, M eilneei of liukur IM will M ireoooeteit. WM. It. MCARfr, W. HaOIA, Rm, rkalrma. t. ' l . .' -J It. Frank Crottae of Soliimgrove la to-modeling hi honae. The rabbit is ripening And will be ready for the pot when the lawful tea con open. The long evening now approaching Rive much opportunity for profitable Intellectual recreation, Vhn wUe men speak let the mul titude give cur." Um "SelleW LlrecL Fill." 8uld by all drtigglali. For fifty year "Seller' Mver Till" lmve brought health And happiness in thousand of homea. Ask your druggist for them. A. K. Gift Esq. built en ictvhwf. Ellis Rtchiinger la building one. There should be About half A doaeti more built in town. tt sound funny to hear of an old lady kissing her favorite cow, but then there ere lota of girl who Are ditzy enough to lot a ca If kiss them. A'. The trouble with too mny young folks who think about m urying I that they want to continence home keeping with embroidered r.itin nap kin instead of the old towel bohind Hie kitchen door. Col. MuCruin, receiver of the 9. X. I). Railroad, ha returned home alter a ecvernl month sojourn in Washington, looking hale and ho irty. C il. is one of thoae alfithlo min in whose prcsoneo one Alway fuel nt rno. CoNsoT.invrKti. The Lcwiatown linn oernl ami frntiivt have been r.onsoliil v ted nnd will hereafter be puMWhud from the aiitno olftio undor tint n un, Atyle and title of Iti-mwral an I S-nit- nrl. II. J. Foannl, Kl. A Pub., nnd If. J, Walter associate editor. Aside from it political predilection it is as good a country paper a is published tuiywhero in the State. Tho editors ero talented and fairtniiidcd gentle men. Every democrat in Mifflin county should be a jwyi'iitf Hiihscrilier, nnd every buninc-m man should adver lino In it. I hereby wish to ncknowleil o my greateful thank to too Homo Mutual Jife .iwociatimi of Lnbanou 1'a. through their district agont Win. Zim merman of 412 Cinnlierlaud Street JIarrisburg P.. tho receipt of O 10 Thousand dollars, (mure limn n wtiilh b'ort dne and without any mlncllun). the Amount for which my duuoased husband, A. M. l'fahlur ra insured in the above ass'iciation. Ton pro nii i n os of this Association in responding with the r mh upon the death of ils nininliori, should reco il mend it to the favorable consideration of nil who desiro Life Insurance. JftKY A. BKRtois AouitRxr. I-ast find.iy II. II. Myers, Supervisorou the 8. & L. 11 It met with a serious Acuidiint, at McClure Station, which resulted in tho loss of hi loft arm. The particular, near a we can gathortheni, are a follows : yo was walking on the track, and the engine tuicking in tho anie direction, overtook nmi knock od him down And befuro It could be Flopped one of the whoel passed over lii Ann near the shoulder, lie was picked up And taken to hi home in Lewiatown where the memlier wa Amputated. He I deing a well a could be expected, but the chance for Ids recovery Are doubtful. George Schnnre A Son nro eroding a now And iibstantial W.i re-house At their Mill in Selinagrove. They have n tiding from the main track of the H. A L. R. ft. in to their Mill And Ware, bouse. They Are paying the highest CAwh price for oil kind of grain. For nearly half a century George Schnnre haa transacted business with the public And to-day sustain a wide spread reputation for fair-dealing and unimpeachable integrity, beside this, both Sir. Bchnure And hi son Are men whose socil character make it a pleasure to deal with them. And Again, they are financially sound. Their hiill has All the modern improvement nnd they manufacture flour of a supe rior quality. The Festival Saturday evening will long be remembered by the citiions of Middleburg And Franklin township, nd will leave a green spot on the memories of the Sunday School boy nnd girls of this town which nothing, Ave only disolution can efface. Never before in the history of this Janoiont village did the people of town And country unite their efforts with great er eal And unanimity to make Any Undertaking a success the effort was united and harmonious and the nd yrooenlt of Uie Sunday School Festival figured up ITmOJJO In the word of fcupt. Shindid, '-every body participa ted And contributed beyond expouU lion and there is but one way left, nd thai, is for every body to thank and irbe every body." "More than f o hundred little boys end girls leu. their thauk to the good people of Middleburg end viduity. HZZSm RnOK Hfn Lko. I). Kepler,- nmn. of (lie. frantwt 11)11, cm TiiMlity 11, ltltctit III horns to Spring wan- on. ffent to OiMrsr .nan. f to And Itollingsworth.the Auctioneer, gtt ln to the wffon mtl when About mile thlt Klrfa of town tlie shaft on one hnrvima detached front the wagon. Thin frightened the home And when he began to run Kepler leaped from the wflgnn And lighting on a loono tnn which ge way, boke hi leg between the Ankle And knee Joint. ttiataar, like thlevr, nttark the wenk, Forllfy yonr organisation with iho Itittnr, And It will rerUt and haf fle Alike the vlrm of epidemic And the changes of temperature which elisor iler the constitution of Hie fcohle. There In vitality in It. It I a pure vegetable mimulnnt, a rare Alterative nd anlMiilinti mcdiclno. And ha not a hnrmful eleinont Among it miiny ingredients. Fur ente by ell DrintsUlj And respect able Dcnlora generally. negrrAna .wen At their Frank- un una i rani nmi nrnin I'epol Are doing a rushing lillsinos. They pay In cash the highest market price for all kind of Ornlri nnd Seed', or ei cnange Uoni tor grntn nmi arena. They have on hand laiye rj't.iitlltln of ell kind of coal which tlicv aell at small profit. Tlio fii'mmr of this vi cinity and all other for whom thin pluce U moat convenient now have a atiliKtiiiitinl grain market and coal IV pot. The Der Hunt A Anandron of military mnn, all Ktirnels, Major and Cupling, tltrtid for their muscle nnd iiiiuksiii.Hisliip, in the early part ..fliist week collected their commisary and nmunitimi trains at Ccntrcville, and from thence pro ceeded, by way of Troxolvilln, to a point between the Mid.llo H:d,'0 and "Little Mountain" where they encamp ed. Tho sq lauilroii comprised the following iliMingiiiiihcd braves Kur ncl John Mohn, IVter ll irtnmn, Val entine Walter j Major Henry Long, Jiienb Jv. Snyd-r, Clinrles E. H.inipucl, Paniel liingaman, Seranus lloversox : GiplingN C, Slcllcr (of the l'rollinnota ry'snlllce.) J. II. 11 trtm in. M 1 llirtnmn, laniel, uli'H Ahtnhmn C. lliinnan, Sim Kline and Surgeon Uen ernl J. W. Samps el. At the entrance of th mountain patlfway Kurnel Jfohn mig;itei that it. wn right nnd proper that they should give, each other somo plmlo of lldehtv and dolerinin ition to one lo the other anil bid d-llanco to preci pices, avalanches, bear and other wild Animal and here Kurnel Mohn suggested that Iho oatli be administer eil on the American flag but there was no D ig in tin! train and tho fertile brain of the Surgeon General noon got them out of thn ilileuuna -Kurnel .Wih n must take o his shirt -thn only whitr.'imc In the squadron nnd (be Sur enn Ocncral colleels n n'l mtily of poke-bcrriu with which he painted the star and stnpos with tho hand of tin accomplished artist '-all hands on the H.i," says Oapiing Stellerand the oath is ndmiiiisterod -and they all kissed tho fl.ig too, except Kurnel Mohn who smelt a a mice. Well, they prncec lod to hunt nnd hunted to proceed Ilia nights were spent in telling tlie stories contained in a hundred volumes of feadlo' 10-cent novel which were easily swallowod going to bed after a big dose of Jumni. ca ginger produce that effect. J it, on tho 4th day thoy killed a deer it wa a-l proiued buck it camo clnso to; Kurnel Val. Walter he shot at. it it proceeded up tho pathway to where Majors Long nnd Itiiigaman were sta tioned Hingaman fired then Long fired then the deer fell mortally wounded then Knruul Walter stuck it with a 7) lb cavalry sahro which he ues s a butcher knifo. Tho huntor were called together a dispute roe about who firod the fatal ball the squadron went into committee of the holt. Bingaman nnd Long each claim, ed to have fired the ball and at length Walter conceived the notion that he might have sent the bullet on the fatal mission the Surgeon General make A poal-morhflcaUtm examination" and say, "Kurnel, Major and Capting the bullet what killed thi door wa fired from a rifle hold HlanlindicuMr, tho ball describing a nemi-circle, strik ing Uie deer on the collorynurbus of the front shoulder making a triangular orifice In the skin, separating the col lory morbus, penetrating the cerebel lum of the extoriori, posterlorum tiini-tiliu conflubulnting the parietal vertebrae of the inside lining of the cuticle membrane lacerating the Juglar vein at the eastern extremity of the peritonitas, penetrating the garotod arteries, contracting the cerebellum spinal-digitalis in the vicinity of the mercuriant and the nervous system And lodging near the pnsteriorumti bus" Chronics that's it but the dis pute was not settled and Long goes to a target, cut out two bullet anj while .the examination in in progress, slips them into the body of the deer and the 8urgeon finding these bullets settle the question and sustain the conclu. sion that All three shots fired took effect. Surgeon General, Sampsel And Kur nel Peter Hartman chase bear at the end of the chase they claimed to be at least one mile ahead of the boar. J. K. Snyder saw a fine large doe, but on sight got the "Duck chills" and forgot he held a Winchester rifle. SI. P. farlman slept on post and a ground-hog eat the soles off his shoes while sleeping. I have no m ire pa per and tin throe mile from the store. Yonr. ' GEO. PVRSLt'Y ; lnr opaosjor! ti V "V" ' J Flies are getting feeble,, but who's eorryf Ja Aatnrday Jim. P. Hmlth killed ft" copperheads tinder two chestnut tree. n1ove lown. Ills son (read on one and made a narrow Meade being bitten. One of them a Terr large one, fought furiously, but Jim la known for hla cool bravery And stubborn determination. Nebralkfl Letter. Hoopkr, Neb., Sept. 27, 1873. En. Tost t Arrtf Sir .'Perhaps some ono will lie grateful in reftiiing a few more notes from Neh, And a our fniinrri are now busy ihrewliing , I ran tell a little nbont the crop, and how they turned out. Our whent averages about fourteen bushol to the acre, and i of tho best quality. The corn crop will be a prettyjf.ilr one ,' though not a good A it wa exceedingly dry weather we have hid Ibis acaton. .MAtiKCTt-Whriit i worth (TV; Rye B-'i j On ! j Barley 7H ; nmi Corn 1.1. Last week a farmer, while tnowlnj .veeds around his hiiuo with a mow ing mnchino accidentally cut nno of hi children in'twn. The unfortunate child was sitting in the weed playing, and was not discovered until loo Into. Last .Viimlay Mr. William Sanders formerly from McKees Half Falls. I'n. was married to Mis Lirnie AMhnmn of IIiMiper, N'eb. They bavo our best winhes ; and we hope lln'ir cup ol joy may ever bo full, nnd their paths be trewed with the brightest of (lowers. The Hnlijo V. fair which closed yesterday w.i a grand success. The averago daily attend. men being about, sixteen hundred. Th a win eon reive Iho erroneous idea that Xcb. in in the rear, should have been thern to satisfy thouisflie that it is not. In short, they would soon see that Nch. is far in advance of a great many other stales. VVe had every thing n person might wish to see. From the linest draught horse down to even n Flying Horse." Respectfully yours, QnmM. Physirlani Prescribe It- It Is giinj r (Oi-llnnf sitiif ioiIki. Our loemrs prarili II. Send tlirna ilnn lliirnsnia ly Xirs. Harry ! hurry '. Imrrjr . W pol l oar l l honla lliin ainrning and hats orders fur iX more. I hso dl-a tnl l cter-il hiltlii 1 1 'p''T ioisn liviiig miles from hero. He gifes II food reooni'mmd . Tills Is simple of or lurs are (ieN ling from driixgiHl erery iNy Ihroiiili. out lh country. II r i-mi. "or Ilttchit. llsrWhe, l.ier and Kidnsv t!ure is pre. prd hj B K. TlM'iips.ifi. Tiiu"ille. For silo hy Jiilio A. Mill. Milllobarg) Ps. Pimqtir min mm Biici: si Kflimijis. rJimpljr Nilk cirw timiisn ail wiot tacK Ctuplnr tx caret cits Dnues ail tnni Xilt is unJt cuiy U L UkucIii M D biidl hf Jim. A. M.iiln. Mi..liiiin g MIDDLEBURGPRODlICE MARKET. cnsracisii wrrki.v nr T. W. DpoorOi Onions par b'lehol I'olalnts do Duller per pound lluinr (ptrkeit) per pound y.ff per doien Tnllow per pound Lsrt Cherries 8eedJ Cherries Blsokherries Hsrheiries Dried Apple Piled I'escbes psred .Vnap llam boulder ides rbeinnls per bushel Sbellhsrks do tt.1 40 10 lo 14 I'h M IT. 07 14 US 4 lo 1-J ll 07 HilUlcliaii Grain& Coal Market coaamrrau wsisi.r nr Bamnel IJoweiv Wheal per haibel (prime) f IS Kbeal per bushel (No. 2) f 06 live do A i Oora do 45 Oris do -J) Cloereed per bushol Tiniolhyrted do Buokwbeat do Klsneed do Pes Coal 2 H6 Cheslnul eoal 8 M MAUHIUD. dept. 2HIU lv Kee. W. A. Hist. John H. Krause and Mis .Vsry A. Ilertnaa, both or renn iwp. JIICI. Henl. '-'Illh in Imn It. Oarral, agod 6 yesrs and I nionlb, Pcpi. 22nd, In Washington Iwp., of dronev. limaram Iluke. ni,iini.r asm.! A years, 4 uiuuib and H days. 8epl 25lh, in Freehurg, of palsy, Pu- tann f-Ufl IHnw r phill.. 11. ..,.1.1 . . - . . . - , .uvn w. .IT. U., aged 8J years, 8 luonlhs and 16 dsys. Hepi, Bin, In .Vonroe Iwp , Daniel Fred rlok, aged ti'J years and S days, . CAUTION. XJOTICE is hereto; gieen thai lb fob x.1 lowing erllolee hTe been piirobaed by Ibe uudereiiued. el Aseianee'e Hale. od left in lb possession of Henry Houeer auring uie pieaeure. All persona are cau tioned not lo meddle or interfere with the same i Lantern, Boylbe, lol Lesiker, lol window fixtures, Hewing Machine. Meat Vessel, ilutter Churn. Cud board. 7 Crocks. Barrel with Vinegar, llarrel, Cor ner Cupboard, XSCbaire, Hocking Chair, 4 Coal Oil Lamps, Lounge, Ouffslo Hubs. Olook, lol Carpet and Oil Cloib , Looking uiase, uai uses, npiuooo. Iron Hale, licek, lol of Carpet, 'i lied and Beddina. Carpet, il Wash Miande, Looking Olaie, Chamber Bull, Table and spread, lot Car pel, Bora, nnok'Og l.balr. lot Carpel, Looking (Uses, Bland, Chest, lot Caiprt, i Conilorl. Coal Stove, Host Culler. Waab Mao bine, Biovs pipe, lol Hoop Iron, 2 Kga bogwooa, vrocus, Boibs and Hnain, urooss, i Diiears, lot old oielal, Tuba, Oeneb. Lamp, lot Hay, Cook Sieve. Sink. Table, Copper Keula, lol Iron, lot Crock, lol I'oiaioee la ground, lot Wheat la Biraw, Wheal Harrow, 3D Caiukeas, Forks, Bhovsts, As. Bepl. il, I87J. Jsskmuh KooH. i.-i!,: 1"". " " rZ.-T I.- u -seJ B8 CD nc O Z g3 ' &5 at ve 5 m a ea vxnm B3SB ; .a I ft 55' .65 m a 5 LHj, O 03; NJI Vsl i for f'a. Hu ei'lot a. S3 BO i i fianiral Eliot'en Pnolamatloti t. tlAtrtftb nilMcNIirH. MUh ftherisat Mntitsr eoanlt . tlo.iiaionweauk nl Pennl the eleetore nf the reiiaty ainrenaM, Ikat an ie-ii.ia win ue aeu in iseeaid Msalrvr one ilsr. en TunkiUtti, NiiMtnbr? 4M. 1879, f the parpnee eteleetlnf th reveral persoa oi.a irerxiB lor rrennrer e r enn etivanle. one rnt tn Ail tl.e efflr nl Frnthonoliry i"r in, rnnniy hi nyiifr. one permn la all ihenMpe nl Heelner Ik Re. enMer lr ih enent of "nrilof. one Mfmn in nil Iheoirre tf Iilirtrlsl At. Inn.ej I r Hit cieutf yi Nninler. Two reai le il I tbe nmee el Jnrf com Rloluner i.r Mi)ler rnemr. I alsulcreiir mske hn.wa anl aire Bit Ice thai the (-lure ol n,.l.llna the afnrvasM elirilon In the ssteral inwnshii ami lrirli within the enunty ol Hnyiler era a lull .wa, in olt i Al inn 1.1.1. rvi.owa Hall, la ami lor the llor- oitijhnl t.ltiKnv. At llie Kalilrl HoTle in UA lit Prtn township. At the honas nf llatlit M. ItsrmM, In ali i for 'hniiuati limnphl ai iinyrr's lown nan, iii end r..r wasmnatnn lownhlt. Atiiir imnavnr Jonn SI. Moyr. m Ilia ll ,r 'iiinh of Ml Nllfl'ilrn, I raiiklln lowillili. M tlif til l-K. lhiwa Hall In fiavnsn In na for Bi-ae.r lonlilp Al Ibr li oisn iifJeuub Miller In Slid for n'rst Hfavrr loWiiltlt. ai inn iiioisn or rfatnoa if. iins in sni roi Vnlri. tostishlii. At tlm h"ii of John Vlitils, In ami fur Ml.t ll.'ri.t'll inwi'uhlp. Al ih' Itmia.. or aarsh A. Mill-r In ami fm Pfi.n towiiplilp At no -toxil noiise in Kratarrvills, In ami ru arkBi.n hisrnahlp. Al tin- h.m ii .its- et sttamoKin Ham tn ami f .r lotlrtl t'taiiatiip A I Mto ol I rati, nainrm, lit ml rif wri Prrrj townalilp. At th..iiiiri ii'ine In ana ror inn iinnmjci oi itl.llltlmrii Ai t'li. li iinoof --llloaaer lu and for Uiilm tOWt'.ltlp. At iiif iKinas or "i naira er i'i.rt Natfrn in rr..t l- I If, in and fir AiUms btwnahlp. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT Kvrr? iwrtnn. Mif .n lh .tn-UrM of lht abt Altfrinen, Nnlrfa 1.1tf tnt Nr. -n in th mill 1 ervlr tf (hs Mtit, h i hnH hoM nr Fhr.ll Miln tw. monlht lirtr krA nr f lflft nr nirp'tltii tont nf irrti nr tfnt uii- lrr li I nlln l stntori. nr if tM tnl0. n. rltv r rnrirOMtfr.. ilUtrlft, wifthr intirnl)totiit r'V,r tr itlirrvf r, a miitor-ltniitn mtVftr or tttrnt In or trinU nn' .y. uinlnr th lvllili. ftwmtlT nr -JtKtltimr efrl nttjnl vt ht NtAle, nr f rf city nr of mty ti inrnrntvl 4'MriVt, n1 nlno, iht mvry m in irrr of i '(niii nn.t n tho tnt- l.fvlmitiiri, Knit nf ltJ lxt nr cmnmn fnunfll nf Ant 1 tjl' riiiiinllnrr n tnf InrnriNirAtn I (m. j liv liw Irjertpfthle nf tinMiru nr tr cl-lnir ttiaini t1n tlit nlMi nr upp-lnt- mfni in .vii'iiiff, i ii iHi' i(r nr itjm ni ny !(- i ll..nol thl I'liiiiinnnwanUlie n l tlittt mi In lftr. JuIh, or nili r i(U r nl raiI tlcc ttufla rtmll I? fl'Klf'IC tn lt tti nvntoM'-r, 1 v thst trt m A4itui1y nr ,ily 1 1 1 If tn nlv. ttiHilM-'ihA . hut f ftrfiif Miiynr. Sluirl'l, tl.irrmxn, ,liiitl- l tti rfttpe, rmitiil. ni ovrry rliy, rnuniy, tn, nr Hnltl' t wltl. In tltiP I 'tTiitinnifi 'th, fklionfii'pr il nl hii ii nnt nrriar nf in lectinn.or l.v thn iiul. ti. A tlwt' M thnrmi, t r r any w i n l nr fttenufl to t Ii wltiiif nr vnt t 0 iln ot"rtfrl t.liMIn wdlrh nii1l ti nb iniMeil In rtih R AT fn prntr -iit otAr Imm n .rnrhlntr th tnm , Ami it rhill Um t lut v .f fvry rPMttv tittitnlo of uli wnnl. iltMrlrt nr ttiAtili(p It In tins l'nn.iuli w ill It 1 m ) irnt r iy iputy,nt ho pv vt iil tl-k Kl-ril'inn, In m,i wiM. ilTlci nr wnMiip. i-r ih" pii of pimervl ik tit Ht nr AiiireHiii," AUn HiHt In thi I'll vrvnn of Mi nrt of A nwhiitly t iitltl tl An act rltln I vxaihI -nn Amoiiir 'iirpMiiejp ii, .r r. April 1 i, nii. It nnrtf.1 IImI Hia .( rM tilth nit'll,ii rhfill not In pnti'tfii'il nn lo pre runt uny inlll- I tin nttii'rrnr lirnuhth nlll". Irnin nervlnu A Jh'Ika. ln-Mr nr t'wrk At Ai.y K-noriil vr ttl;l ir t im 1n litt CMtntn'tnwtjihrt m l-y un lrx ni npinniy npprvfi.i fim 1 71 ti Uv nf Apnl. Iin, t rnito'M ttiki hi ' nil l:tli.n- lnrf iftcr liel.1 titi tr. th t i . I till mnnwnwr ,1th, tltf nn In nh tit le i-in oil t upvisii u'rlnck a. in. Ati'l cl-1 it rcf1!! nVlorli. I', m "Iho inf-cie'H Anl -til 'ba nf lh Mf'tin lmll tnrrt nf the rtpr"lvi- plnrrii nppnt inl i"r i.iM'iintc inft ciffunn in in ni.riM in ni''f ll.ry rtipAi'tvflly Irttlunit, trr-tnrp raven n'ulo 'k in. tin- in liMlikf. llllil fnarh nl tlirft Irxpttt tr nhiill ni (x'lnt c'lTk wh liIMi a (iii!ltl cl ilr l "tirh itl-trlrt. II.a n'iiiiific.1 im nf th In rnuiitT .at aH vtirt, t'wii)h1p, h triiiihfh un I penlviu tlnnf. t lif v lifreHr AtiMnirifi1 nl ro fiitr1 In tnte ty llrkflD prinin! nr written. or pitrf 1 prlntoil rtnil prilv rlttun . rnlly iulttr, hp flliw : Oim tl.-kft ti ill - ; Hit riitllir nt All .lulu'i nf niirt vnttxl for wlll n ho l.iu-litxl o'it in ".1'i'liot irV t " in tioe.- t rhAll rinhrncr- tl nnutf ! All rr-I ml?. I nr mi'l i ltfllr. 'ttf4t:' one tl Kt i hll inli'HiA th nnui nf lt rttnty nfflffru nftt l-r. Itu'iuilliisf otllrt nf Sntii-, rueMihtr aii1 imfr nt A--miilf If v.t'.l It, mih) i iniurfis, ir v-.te-T lir, nnl r In- imlltHl ri- my tM onft tihrt hIiaiI -uliro.- tli iiMtif- lw 1 ip i ffl -r niil ( ir aii1 In I1h1)-I T-iWiimhlp !' ntif ! t h I'limrM't h nun f !! In.r -titth nVri v-ttl fireinl lr ll-lls l 'll 'MMJll." ri'l f Il ulAM HIIMn irMill hi p'rAlA 'tll'l nnii., Whkhka . TLisj Htfiitli Amnnitmtint of tl. t'tnti.utl-D ol IbA I u Huil Suio l ma lul Inw : Skiticn 1. Th ribi hi nrfti'ixtin nf ch i n) t1 Mirttr tn vnt tiMll nnt l ilinlnlur l.r ilstel r Ui I'nl ! -til"", nr A'.y M-tfA, nn ntr-ufit" r.c, lol-ir, or prevtnui omnlititn r Itn-iA 11 Ski'tium t. ThlnrrM ihntl hAvapnwr tnr,iirr thlt ArtlvlA by -pprorltA 1kIpI.i ltt . . ... Aku " h pur A Ae J ha rnnnrMi of tut i nlll Stlltf-. n t "t Ol MltrCll, IH7 , pltMrXl nf, f entlll"! "An Aot to eiif'iffa the rltnt t IHipii nl t( I nltml S Atof t ot In tltt e. oral Stntrmtf thli I'll! n n ! (nr nllitir iur. pnMN Mimnritina pm d i irninirtRui wiiirit r a a ni!uwi : Nki th I. lc u"Anen i.y ino -ouata api! H i nnl .pro- ntHtlv---.f ih t'nlteil Hint il A le a in t'niiitrfM APAAinMnl, lhAt nil rltlrrt.n nl th t nltivl Sit", wh i Aro. nr hAil 1i utliorw iiMulinrt hy Iaw to vnt At n lpH-n hy th nl , In Any Sim, Territory. illPtrirt, 'lilV, city, nr'Mi, tiiwiinii, urtioni dirt rift, niui'lf IjntlH) nr olhr trrnrAl ruh fltvl1u . rlinll cnlltle l Ami tillon n I voir At All burli Ittctlnim wltlmut dint I AC 1 1 m nt . cn'or. nr prpymun cnnnitmn nl vorvlt'i-it: Any i tinmltuihin, I, rmiom, unuo nr rKti Uilnn ol Any Mt or 1rrlory, or hy, nr un lor M Autlioriiy, to lu eootrary nolwlin tvn'llr. hwiTitiN'. Ana i ii luriner onAcioi, i rti If hy nr uit'tftr lit Auihnrliy, of Hi tTunntllu tlnn nr Itwt ol iiy Mt4', nr tit MwnntAny Trrrltorjt "T ' ur 'A'! l ieulr'l tn ho don aa a irrciillt or quMllftcntlnn or Tnl Inpr. aihI by ru h jnnmltutlt.a or Uwa, pirtnA or otHr r or nll l rhArttitl Ath th per- fin OlinA null' in lurnirniiiN in rtiiDii mtt opportunity to irlonn iurb pir,ulrlto r tn lui.tnt iUHlinil to oU, It hAl I thartutv ofAT 'ry auoI. rAin onil officer to t I v tOAll eltlicuf of Ih I tiltoil rtn'A, t Ke rAmAii1 pijuaI opportunity lu riorin urh iircul Alt iflil to fornin qunnnou tn timo williui iliAtlnrtlnn o rue , enliT nr prf InuA enmlitlnn ol rorvltml oml II uny Alien ir-no or olflrrr Alt aI I r'Of rr know Inw ly mult tn mi full of ten tn thi rril'ii. ft tin, l-f vvrry puIi nl. ion. . Itirlelt adI i'f Hi ' in ol ti t.tjn Jr' iti ill urn to tli pornn Aicwrloroil thorehy, tn tr rtrnvoroii ny n h(ima oi intriM, wiiu run ! oml ourh AllnAp lir enunr! aaaii thornurl Aboil it rem jurt, ont rlAll o1n, lot very rut'li I'ft nr. he itnioil irnlliy ol mln- ili'iiinnnr. Ann aiioii on mnvi- uon inerenr, ir fin pit not Um thon ftv bumlr! iK'Iata, or bo lui rlr nit Dot lore tl'Ati tn nmoihonil nnl tnnr it AH ou lr. or both , ai it iilAcratum ol tho curt, AMDW ltKRrAA. II 10 (IVflArPlI h in APOnprl tU'ti of ihr. VI ortirlo nf iho ( 'letintttuttiu of ilir Viiit-1 Slot" tbot Thlo Otnmlifutlmt, noui Ih I A wo nf Hip 1'liitod NUtoo AhK'tl OllAll b 1 tb nprm 'w of tnr lo U, i ythliih , in th CuiAiiHttin or Uwo of ouy to Uir. colli fury iintwilhxtAtiiUho:.11 AAP wiikhiiaa. Ih lKlAimiirv nf tMf?nm moiiwcAUk.ou thn flfh Avy of April. A. I. IH7U pn0 A Alt off, rutlllril ' ftiillipr oti; ploio-i t 1U Mi ACT rvini'lief m ii-i imn in inn i'iuu nr- wfnltli,' ttio UuHi orctti of whirli prnv lv o fullnwot ShiTiON 10. That on mncn or rwvrv itoi Atreinhiy a provulpo fliot Mily hU'mi hftll to tntttloil tn vnto or to rrlntprpil a vn tfio, or o rlAiuiln to vmI ot Any pH iipral oi ApofUl elt rt Mi of thlo Cniinojwt Atili. ! ail' tho font U Jiori'by rtpflJ ouil iht ltor-fi(-i ill frpcnton, wlilmul ilttihriwu ro ltr, -hill r umIipJ ami! rrifltoird ecin1lii to .h pi'- VIAinhO of Iho flrl ArrtiOli of tin it A lir'trit ofo lotuili April, lru tniilloil "An A'l fur thcr rtippliUii-uiBl lo lb ai rftailfijf tn too lic lions ofiliU tnitUlollArtllth.' And whii othl Tto quollnixl UinlOP OXtAtlnf !, oUtltlPil to v oi o t ntui-rtl Anil opos-iAl vltclno lu IU' Coiiiinouwi oMli. Th t4iil obove reeltetl mndmpnt mt rl Bnl be oifcntPrt And ohr-it bj hII aA"Aoor, mitistorof v-'toit, lftliQ cjftKpro, oud utlir, tbAi lit ritthlA piilfpo biuriiirit tboro. by niy uo rtd lo oil IhoeliUvDo of tliU I Jour ni on w olili Phttld lo the MAiUf. lly tli I ao. lion ol Iho 't of Aomhly ol Joi nry SO. UT4. II t tri.-clt-tl U ai ao aood a tli polio olioll 4'Uora th olU. rto ut o ox-ti ! Ital primeMtd to muni All lb voia eit rn mi k ron iltdAio voted fnr. end iiiAltoe a lull ituru of th in la inplM o , ttbmturu hwt lu .! dlllon. in ill of bli b lha vit rwcrtv.d bv pocI coiidldato thAll Up gl Attor blO Aiu, Ort Hi woido And AffAin In tttfurwa, oud oholl u ut..i by till r sold oRI.'er And cenmoit br o vor r-, tfinv, or it boi w toriittod. ib orvr u Any oltloor refutin in Ihu or nr ltbi of lbia obAlU writ npoo) Ab of tli roturn bl Of Ihfir rraOjob ft bnt AlMlilb of rortifylny Iter in. Tho vote, au ao oun'lt ohnll b. tiui'lie'.y And 1 .lly dolrrd ftom ibo wh.iVw u lh rltltrii proul. onil a brlwl Uuhi h fchowlubt -lb vottv rcolvAti by Ii ur.ndltlw IhAJl l mado nnd aIu nod hy lb I ' loa ottiMrif 00 conn oo I up to IB couuiru, o,iia nut aiui ohAli t irjdltoly p ud hhj lb d4awr4 ib elrtton bon lor liiit-rinolloU of th publlo Tlur trlollOAt rtnino oboli Im blit In nvo lufr and b A'4 iu pro-nc vf tha Hlcvro, al OU rnTO0io o iiu mo UDaii r mnj nmi otvoti I 1 1. ittditft. jblbftball ontniti oti llai wi V tro, Urrpr . oud oAihoo( ii4lrabd QUbrf ald uvlnii shall b Riv n 10 lh utn rile lnto-loer. All IihIbo IivIa wilbiu tlv iniKit U lyiUbAhiwiAsTj s wHt, or yoaov u- Mi nbm wli--.nrnnlA If llwlr wHiwi fe In e Imra, vliite m one spm Ike Mm of a rail roeil lrlln in ih rnneir shall, Wr.irs twn . bvioi-i nt annin' mwn, eeif r riisiiws (Inn, asi.l a, in her Jni1ee elisil h, l Iwlv e nVlp- tri rHUii ul lii svwit say n. r ii. e ebviiim, rfHlii.f aadl Mil r it, aothi-r ltd tnm ahpct. hi th lmthtM.efar trf (). O.mi a.r U-rntmnfl rirUA f th muty whlrb a Aid r.tnru olnsot holl tp flii ilt od tin. ond hmtr nf tho III luff MiiriPil tltfrron, A id lill h pnorvpd ly tho fmthouofary f e pithll liiipmibin. At tolv nVln- It nn lb nahl Oiviiid dor fnloit: nny tn- rmtihTti tf rr nl thi O mil ,,f Um oi. mi P.oosohaU prVMhl i.aid rotnrnsln tho roArit o Th rnrnA prpAnt.1 Ut th rtlmnntArr oholt bo otioiiod hy Astt I tj ttrl And itipn.-. i,y n,h ttl lUulflflrn sii'l ouflt Anni o4lontii an lii Court Ah II Ai'it n ti praMi nr lh j i.ipr or jit ttt'pftf Matt.l t,'i-rt a .d th rvtMriiA ritiip.l Ah'l rrrflft- AlP rt eti thm npd IftlilfP 1h t nf tho tJ.itt.l I fino r'n p. t- ho 1 oho hy fptnrii J i Ii-. Ami tho vnti pn l, on.l rortift"'! ohAll hm modn matter nt r rnr d in oonlOunrt Tho opAnintM of the Hi Id f nrt srp npon tn th. pnh tn And Iho nth. r "'I old IrlpltrAtf llrnA oliAll hv plAiod In tbr liri A'nl ovalpd up onii thp Iai.Hp Vh r o plA o Iiaa hp. n nr tiH ho prl tpd hv th iln.riiipp if Any rftyi 'rttntr, linhip, nr hunMiffli, tnr tllP Anf'.-. p 'M nf lh h.H .t t'l,. M kf nd niHiifity limp rtn. whAli oftor thr io- tlon nhAll Im .1, an. I n,n ,4. ot.iNi ur till lo-natttl 1 ti,o fhti.U h-t f .ntfA, Bhll ill 1 1 -r papfio, hav Leon : hmilid HBh tpo Slid A-nb il,Ai. M,r n i si n I ar nf Iho J'id;0 Atl IliPpHTlniA 111 H ! Ilnr- I- iiiiitfith .u.-r th Mum, i.-k-Im t with the .PtiKltilntf Ih.I.a tn I,P ,MsTnf v. H . i.r-t.-r in h nl'f or In rniiiitn 4, Inii' -ip, r h--r nrrh i mi. -It iii-fmiii i.r ppr-mit a tt.- if,..irl nf rmn- iO i pi4 uf ih.l prprr inMitV ina imiii. , it Hip pine pf H.ti-it, on afm roniit, n ahA.I It. 11 ,1 p Kit t- Allil IkiAho tnd p tio aaiiip n anaivi r Dipp-iII of nnr c-'U'tnr in'i inlo! i-Hh iri.-d i . trv I hn im ri nf -neh .-pi ti.n,, Hirrn undor my nan I, at my nifi in tlhi.llo htim thlo .nith tiny t'l Hpiitcoi'rer A, l. ,:.., nd In It. ofioiiiiii'irO'lrh on I I'.n i year ol Iho tndoroinivne of th I mtod Nfittoa, HAMIJi, liitl,KMKK, Hiorlfl. .. HVov'tr it' Co' A frrfH.iiiiieiits JUUG6. FUR YOURSELF. tv roniMna; ron-a win, u-, liiuhl , po nr i.f ov and n ir. y -n a; HI roivlre Uv io. turamaloft o,irrort t turo nl inir hiturrt I i.. wifo, with nam oi.ii nr ih-irriite Ad lrpA, W.; r'iilt'n Hio, N Y . G33iTlst.:cM,j?lt.nti!ils. llv our liftiraiKi i hyi,.in ..f I nv.t ,,rtis in s' t k iipr.t ni i...nuil' rroiii I No "Maniinit" or ' F. ml. pi.ti. " Itiv ,t. iit-nia rt'.'riva.t to ail i.i . of S:&ii ,.,.1 I'lirie.p.inavii fatti .f.t-v ..pi..t.t (-ai. , IIIYII.1 MAVNAUII tt. tUl, . llri's.Hav, w V. il,". a.lni. I His. Ol.l.llt ml a t'o Milker -r to 1st nv Ta w Uo s .ns Cm lis nut hi .I .nh t-i h ii. . SMI I II tt M'N, VI I'i'T M., N V. .'j ll 3 n. i A Yi: for lion. t. intflli -M lntaliira tn.n o aietila S'pa I..11 lll a. Ilslil rk A,l Iri... (',1 III . Inl. .1 iiiio . ,T 4 11 . TH19 new ELASTIC TI'.USS 'pmbi rn all Mhapa, ta Of wtv, "tM t A ll , V llPtll II mal .a VT.wto:iAci''?ii w nrl b hrM aamty , a aLi. a r il V. Eflglettoa Truss Co., Chicago, IIL, INSTITUTE KRtAldtNhnllnlH??fiirtbooar inf i mi'ir, Ttiiiiiira, I IrnrA, Si'i-iifulii. nnd hkm iiihtnana. Vitaout Uinuanof bnifHur inoai'f bii und lull aiii. i.r lufiifuiAtmn, rirrulnn ami ri'li-rouc. j4iU sUi .U AururA, Kjuio Co., ill. . it I .v I , Q O a o I a T a go W (.larBaiaa It hn mry aatP, oator nrt kt hwii aU'snV j thf rr liv da-.l n-lej tl lr Itisvam flu I " Knirt II f f In jaf, rbrejutr . aj h'Pi rti M tnll If we-d aa lif prl, t,pl,ti.ltesj MiMrarr wl iMlHptnlita'.fl retti tr fllleu If 4tje.t I t all aai I a trial, n reniliii lliat tl will ."? a I -a all rll.r. tnrM Lin flltd ) l-f all rii.Ws m oivdkiaaa. iM gtjnia -r Willie Kni IrPr TP ifl f pW. bf JAICII WALTZ, trrjrfAlsrot fori'. II AAtftanadafl 130 rrnkllii M ItHlthunro, Rid. t AIIeoaltp-ftaioiiaAawk AO AsfbAtan a Ut-el. W. Da A IH OO Via-f. ett is,': ly. Cathartic Pills CnraMnt. tlie t'linln'at rntliarttr prlnHtlra lu ini'illi iiK', in iniiKirtl.iiia in rnritflv iidjust.'il toH.irnBt tivlty,ci'rt:iinty. ami iiiiilonuity n( otWl. Th.'.v an Un- r.'snlt nf yrara of can-ful atnJy ami I'm. th nl r -M-rlnii'nl, nn.l art. tin. ima.1 rflts tiiitl yi t ilUfnvi.niil fiirlt..iwM.a. raiisril It .li 'raiini'iiii'nt nf tlio etninat h. livi r. ami In.wrla, liirh Ts'nulrt-ir.iiiiil atnl (Tfi t il eal tr.wtmi'iit. A I'll.ia nn- s.t lnlly uiilli nblt-tittliisi hl-wit't iliiiv'. Tlit'.V lb t tliriTtly nn tin. ili. tif ami nxsini tluiivM 'ri'isum. Hint ristiirii rvunlur li.-altliv iM lloii. Tlifir exi.'iisivn nan li plivaiituiia In Ihi-ir iM.'tl.f. an.l by all riv'ilirt'tl nnUoiis, ta tint, nf tlie many pris'ts of tlifir viiltui as a aafp, sure, hii.I iH-rffilly uirKittive imilirin. MiiK otiiiiponii.lL'il it tLi. iiiin i iitint.-il Mi tins of nirry vt'iP'taliln aiilattMinva, tliny art. positivrly frrn fnini rnlmnt'l. or any liijnriuue (ini'iHTtine, ami ran Iw ! iiiiiilatr.:l to cliililrtin with iwrd-fi aufutjr. Avrn'a Vll.lJi arr on rlTpotnul enro for rouatlpallonort'oatlvfiirmH, liitliRna tlun, l)ypi'Jslii. !." ot Aiicill(, Foul Suniiu. li ami Urtalli,liKlui-aa, lltMttliti'lii', I-oaa of Memory, Nunilo , lii lluiiauesia, Jaiiuillots If lit'Uiiiu Usui, Krupllona nn.l Kkln IHhomshh, lroy, 'lu mora. Worm, Nmi ml. f;ia,l'olU, tlrlpni, lllarrhtrn, lsrn ttry, tiuut, t'lloa, lltturtU-ra of tho LJvvr, nn.l all filter tliawtiwc ri'aulllii( from a tlieurduretl at ate vf lliu Uigvetita nptnratiie. Aa a Dlnaer TUl tliry liav no equul. Wt'.tlo pontla In thrlr artlon, tlifa rn is am the mt thomuKh nuU nnn fc. Inxralliitrllo Unit t an be iuployrl, ami t'Kvrr Kivo' piiln uiiImm tlm iHiivrla aro liitliuiicl, alul limn llii ir liiMm'tto. UhtstU lii(. Tliry atiintiUw tut iN-tit ami tliKi.aliva ortjana; tliey tirriau to purify and wurii'k tlie bloo.,aiHl iniait r. ncwwl health autl vigor to the whole ejauiu . Frraarcd by Dr. 1 C. Ayer 1 Co.. rractletil anil Analytlral Chemlala, Lowell, Ma, aeut y MX BtHK-aiaTs aaarwaaita. Sum. 1 1. in fierier. I II. A M V. ..l-ll-.m, TV n-UEf i ay'v)iOVa-ta 1 ffifflfitiH 1 if 5 tS4& Xat-.hUiiinT ' il- rtiiiSSEhh j Jkturfif if Oa't Artnertltementi AP000 f M, r.Mais,r.i i o,to Nrp-M, .-,, h. Urreuifrvr-rf. A ettOVs.l.. 9i l-O aa, rrnar, rla f ille V !' llrtel ip Ptaptj ets-l.r, M-llt4rVoi tAWOANI at tU,l. .Wl Htm sVop HiM.A, ntily wa. tnrlavM rt.fM'nsf oi.d Hni, on tf rl 7ft. IIIUMtolotl hpwaropof sj'nUrr. A'Hft lAMU:k t, HfCAWv, W A m T K I - ttpn ta fur n ii r AploHdtillpMla Lives of tho Presidents t'nmj.lrte In one mluine. Illu-trslril with Bne sieoplsie I'rajntvlnais Anl ilolnaj wall, .2 oMara takait ly one Agftnl laat w... . (Irani fcot'k lor Is I an.l lni-r. (! A K I.K UlTl I I II nut nr., t4 Ssnm nin n,iu. AMI"e'psMlr Wia J UiUf as tienersl Anent r li aal nl nor at a-Liti.i. Iiailnca re. K 'lsl la ili isla I rapullv. We l ayasn sr nr a lllicial rommirainn en aales, front lull tn '.tm l M mill r..u i ira.le If litre men. Here -h. i. es tor making nton r. A.l.ireas J, s Iiiin , ,:u us Usrk ri!. 1'l.ln . CONSUMPTION t I III l. A olmplr oArlnttlo fo-fiirdyl ffiO" thn errawftf t, p?f wtle n I frfif f:t Alinp I jtli 'fl.Hr. Hii liltti-J attirrb AwlltlUII" tU I Arean l ' "V i""ti. Ao- njKMlvo nndl rnnirni rurr it jrr-n-,m jhimitj onn i iNt rt-MI t' llll.'KltltB. fAlf A r rWa ftafat tnl liAfrtefr, j. ti, o ii h full dirt ,' if n iinriai',)'n'Mrh,ir l ii.iinh) f.-r fnr 11 frV.1 par jinAAJHi if ii:. wiit by rii.iii rrr t W I'ltr.K A n.lA? foaraff Blr , A,vSnT I f t 'E1!,1!! A moi AfiKT -1.1 msMW tfirativaAa M'lldiehnr: nd lh .trnl'ittitt InwtiA fr Dtp If.t oillii Unitm hold arth-li In Iho world. Tip t' p pritlt, 'it- ihii-o t-i wom. ii M ah ri irui. t:o., 12-J NaA.a'l Ht , N'W Ytrk. HAST) TTfBTHrWnrT CATAlOOTJaV fttNriSfAMMMfeilW, I filial ia lii J Ian. 1-1 fPI-P. 1.VU1 A IIXALT. Ml tola . CoAaaso. D Q1AI n'lrn mK ti'illt waeV la OlU J al-ieliS. ttti'o tn- eti.linstiiiT rlr. r.ilsia ttil trao 111 Kl, IX I A I'll. 41 M. n am" I'l N. V. " t'lify t y ihe Tull con, drltre -i' Iltelr nUiiiernlM p.iia.,i,s." v.rtt ir A'lKM's W 1 t'H I .r smliii'" lli'i'a ni 'M is. """fflffllAl BIBLES (rlraa ri"iu. tfl. 'Iri-n 1 rs Itee . J. Ilnlj. M AN a I'll , I'ltliaitu.. Itl l. rmrno vi a wtp.t. i iitu ij.ti. M'mi or turn I' Kit VIlN I II .lurlnr rail S Wittier. I'". (till nnllPiilnta a. Lim it J. tl. Mt'lJI IlllVfc III,, I'hllitilelilii i, Ha. ll.onili -.nnd b-w iinr. wnrk fullv lem-rl'.lnn Lit 1 1 I. nr t-i t. T HrAlti v. Km prlnra of ilai-rli. t re Mntinr l,...i. tin tint., as tt.e ..-insnil ta -iiiil'O itr : ti 1 it.rrl'rv t in; riiil y tsarti. U ill 1.111 aoll nny ,.iliar Im.. .1, li.rrnll I .ail'.. ilir, III IHIVKII lilt' if., ;jl sn, 1 ni i., I'liiliiilt-li hia, la. ''.VY. :.;,' m o'n oT,rif! MnpA ..lii t iniphloto I tail J, V. A AM H 1 Iwromnui t, it. I.uIiiimi M.i' Ut, Isj'j, pt ire I 111 ItMiiursI, e only rmrhlnaih'D nf tftn rn Jamil' Ulnuor wilh' arnnittt'1- nm f runvi H'H ndr, tnr rnrrrrllun In tamper to ithlt, ro. hii)hUii( iha ai-nnarii ami Imti'I. hm tUlnrf u p ruhta hlll.tti I levnra la S vr titn .1 )tir 4 1 1 . k ii. K..r ro'lovlrikt hiiiity on I rhuu nihi I'Alna, i-mvi nUi.H inAUrt ii tavnra and prn not hie p'oi'p II I truly at mJorlul. Ak lor As. r.nii'H, Iav t Ihu.i.A n I irtnortv .'pan nn on pen uivo uip'.ttir ll.ti.a ti n.iar .iroJ by tuhAtlluU ln-f th lei r Glenn's Sulphur Soap nlilrh I 'tl aa hohefiPlal !il lntlnltr-1 rhe ip er. J, rut i ai OH',; th at.. , ri u'iit'1-iti mi l h iit ar all ro Irv. d thl tnn I ir. romad?, r wi'i iPih'n il hlO'i lahoa nro rAihafol h (t, nhd M tit. ii f t m it., tut Ir lo a to-tlv wl.lla na-a o nil eitriv rnttin-a" ohi.h trea1y on L; in op lO'Mnlfl t l.arui. .Nt.l'l hy lirUKHl'tl. c j - 1AVf 11 111 ''"V" "n liMitnvoatad. C j AXvJ ffi.-i tl U p- rl- Mfnl Inftir'iiiU.'n fr. lela i r IMi Arei.t tn st.rb nptln-.a ul lulu a frm. A. i. tnr-. T. MM l i lt WiilOUr h t;tp., i nanaera, .. u m,, , . , BEKSOH'S CAPCISE POROUS PLASTER 1 UK lit NT rrnvs ami vkk ck SHI.DI.V A I.I. iHI'iiltTS. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE ii?s'iii:'i I or 1,,1,-riial an. I l-'.trrial. rt'lll. Nriirnlt'i i . l'l(.litii-."t. I'ronn, A .tl.init. Itr'.ni'l'lilii. Inft. tours, s.ira l.unca. Itlr.'ltie hi ttio I n nu-. t l.ri' lliirpan. aa, ltttil.liii( I'.'itL'', Wlii".t.,ri t'lutuli. t'tin-n e liln titimt '.in. i "iiri.Ti Ir i.inti"ot I r.r'itili I iy. Ml.t. rv, tii ., r.i Mti.'h. Kl.l'.a I r iiiLlaa, IH.riT' . t l!,e . lno anl l.arcis ll.ik. hulil ster ti linre. ViKMHH IM'I'.ti Ihe li.'i .m l fsat. a. "ell, in l'll,irlal II. ".k m l lll'ila.. 'ri-aa rclii'-i-1 :i i'it rai.t. N athin vl I'rni.iaiiiMi l il, riilUiloli'hlk, l'a. tlfl Tfl t Iftfin lnie.l In Wull Street Pill U iMiJll St.. a. niakca f.irtunan e.sry nii'iith. Ili.'il. -an rseetcul unittf "Vsrvt iin'f Ailitrr-s. HAXTMKai OU., Ilaakera, II Wall Mum, New uik, Sanford's Jamaica Ginger. Sanford's Tf nnlr o'nMnritioti nl th trna .Uma la Olnuer win, Ar.tnitlf ai d Kroneli Ilran.ty I r i'h"ira, i mlr In i.iiii. t'Mmi t iiii'l Talna. ltitrrhea .inl .out irv, Ht. Jamaica Ginger. rt'al.i, r i t iloai'v. IV tut or Tuna d Aftlvltr In Ih M'iniv h and H 'ol, and a'iltllllt b ililOitori n obug nd Ollmite, Ak for oi wior, rood Sanford's Jamaica Ginger. Grant's Tour Around The World. A r.mfil-t romrd nf th" l.inf tn-r nf liaarHAie I, s. Ma as r. t'.tuiiali K.iijlaul, triii.l, wn. I Mil r i N't -it. i, t) rn in v, A iari i. It ilv. pler.'.lii. NO I tt. r Alt), ( -ll, Kjl .il, lll Id. i'liiit'i H'.-i ,U uu, wild o tJ-A,tiii' iii'wrtti'o of iIip 11. vt-io la manii o a i I eHi'o'HI nf 'hi nill iru Pt tt.lsii -t 1 04 uiri.i. lila, en n ltot.t iratli'tia tr ! ',, Kinifa. Ai I la I-nnlo nf all isiinpo, r. .J. piiiipilia!i- I itu n iiuprma an tat it iliuatrii-itia oiant, i.u ti 4ti.auiti aiPl Plkrvat t rtrait tlrti. (Irilil. 14 ir- ail. 'i' m alt n im Ii dj : will fliii-lr uutaull all iKwiaa. AGENTS WANTED M.r.Y; "i. it. In it .i.. io' oil Hie aui.Jn'U Wluaait I'rlf i.Ml. A'l Ircai 11. V.,KI- t t.K.Y A f O., T 1 1 Nitii.uin Htrt-al, B. p .,'f t'l. i le iAie, I'a, ASSIGNEE NOTICE. VLTj pormina interFatud nro ' lii aotinrtl Hut laaa' Heaver el Ir lir-re- rsn. 'Ira lu.iliiit, antler tib., aa atulafiattii I ul all b.a . Itecia, rel an.l ir.'0al lu tue un-ilrriaue-l It.r the usnsnt nl hla eietlllure. All livteoef havliia rlaiina are requested lu raaaba taaie lul tie eatlaralaae.1, ami erxtna Utleuetk III bleaae aiaie lutaiatllai paviuaal. JUi.M 6. likAVtR, Juli I",'!). AMlgaee, 1 X KC t JTt U S NOT It 1 U. Lett, a J lietantaatarr oa Ibe e Uie of I'a.rlae K.eka, Uie ni Weai Heaver tip . 8uJarO ... I'a., mwva.ttl, Ita.e tsa nraleU Iti tue under. eieeed. All sr..tns hnoeine1 inetaselrta lu uatiteil tn tsi.l eai4e anil tlesa iuaa Isiuta II ete peiieeal eialle tiwae kia eUlnte aalaa eel eaUl aui vrereei taa-a lr e-iilattieal as MO.r a KHtU., .alti;s, .. 11, lT' kaaraear. H m wratwlo rtastaf IVh. OA trClWdC! A-iTlCI aM iiC5l!aWw Xi.n,m Us. Hart Lh CV SUirl Hsu, l.i-MHw, I Op Aw avij lAinhs. 11 art il a. sitvJ lnt. C VI