The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 09, 1879, Image 2

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    The Post.
Oct. 9, 1879.
TTCROUSf, Edtor 4 Propretor.
For Stat Trearr,
of Cbaaier county.
of MnlJlrhurg.
IUgUtr A Recorder,
of Middl-purg.
Metric! AUorncy,
of Freburg.
Jury Commlaelnncr,
of Writ Heaver.
Heven soldiers wore killed in a
Ctflit will) the Indians south western
Texas on tlie Iltb nit.
Got. Ilovt baa appointed Hon.
Henry Oreen, of Kaston, Jndgo of
the supreme Conrl in pisco of J u ljo
Woodward, deceaaod.
Tbe financial outlook in England
grows worso and worse Tbo Int
ent accounts toll of further re J no
tione in wage and threatened
Among tbo Uepublicsn speakers
vvbo are to tnke part in (lie New
York campaign are O.ilttshit A.
(irow, Denjamiu II. Hi e water and
Governor lloyt, of Pennsylvania.
Hon, Warren J. Voodnrd,
Jnstico of tbo .Supremo Court of
Pennsylvania, diod nt Li- country
wnt at Hanidun, N. Y. on Tuesday
of last week.
Tbe Mormon imiuigrulinn nt tbe
port of Now York is said to bo larger
turn last yetr, notwitlmtan hn tbo
efforts of oar government to abate
tbe nuisance.
Ttowell wan tbo winner of the walk
ing match in New York. Ilia More
was 530 miles, leading Merritt fifteen
miles and llazael tbirty miles. Of
tbe tbirteen contestants who started
Inst Monday, nine remained to tbe
clone. Tbe gate receipts sniouut
to 870,000.
No wonder gold is flowing in upon
n by millions. In addition to tbe
heavy exports of pork, wheat, cotton
cbeusa. otc, for all of wbiub tin ptir
chasors pay in tbe yellow oin, oar
shipments of petroleum for tbe
mouth of July alone amounted to 50,
032 280 gallons, tbe value of which
The Leads of the Stute Department
ftk Harrinburg, Lad a uieeting last
week at which it wa determined to
greatly condonso the reports an
nually submitted to tbo Legislature.
Ouly sucb mutter a will be of interest
t tbogeooral public will bo printed.
Gv. lloyt was present at tbo
meeting, and said that nndur no
circumstances will bo call a special
Bosnian of Legislature. Good. We
liope tbo Governor will stick rigbl
The Douiocrata appear to Lave
little or no hope of electing Kwing,
(ioveruor of Ohio, and aro con
centrating all their efforts on tbe
legislature, wbicb will elect a United
I'tatcs Senator. Their prospects
nr securing a majority in tbo legis
"Juture are good, as they havo ger
rymandered tbo State against tbe
litpublicans iu a shockingly unfair
manner. Unless tbo Hepublicaus
have a majority of twenty-flve
thousand ou tbo popular vote, they
ore likely to bo ia tbo miuority in
tbe legislature.
San Francisco did herself immense
credit by bor goocrous and enthusias
tic hospitalities to (.ion Grant. On
the other bund, Grant has conducted
himself with the same good seuso
and quiet dignity for wbiob he is so
justly colehrated. At a banquet
tendered to Hussoll Young who ac
companied him around tbe world, in
reply to a toast. Grant said ! "The
good opiuiou of my countrymen is
ilttaror to me than the praise of all
tbe world beside," And iu response
to an address of welcome from tbe
Mayor of Sin Jose, Qeuoral Grant
said :
"Ms. Miroa amd Ladiki axi Osvtls
mks ; 1 am glad lo tee you all, anj I
(bank jrou all forllii kin I reception You
speak ofoijr rwaepitona by lb aovcrrlajna
and priocea f lb world. I am prouder of
(bit lean af all lb kindaeati from aor
relgaa, Peept of ray country lain a
nd geuilrmao t iuk you.
The population of the Stito of
Ksnws is increasing at a rate that
is lUiirvflloiis. Tbe population in
1870 was 379,497, and it is believed
that in 11881 it will not be less than
one million. The total area ia sll
farm crows is 7,757, loO acres an
increase during tbe past yeur of
1,319,011 acres. During the past
tbreo years the total number of hogs
has neai ly trebled, tbe number of
been has more than doubled, the
puinbor of horses has increased fifty
one per cent, aad of milch cows forty
six per cent. It is claimed that
fully fifty thousand persons have
arrived iu the State si use tbe 1st
of Jarcb, These figures, collected
by the Stale Board of Agrieulturo,
show that Kansas is a groat, grow
ing State. Yet a quarter of a een
tury has not passed since Kancas
wua tbe scene of the sanguinary bor
der warfare ia wbiob 0iawattomie"
Brown acquired a world wide repu
tation. A panther killed four hoad of ctt'
tie oa tbe "Big Prairie,1 in Gocleo
Clearfield, low days ago, -
Iitt rlnnt 'lititrrs - Im ltm
iAblfof I'lllMtl j.plllet Mil J
llvMdlnK Iusscu4er I'rnlns
Oo M nday, October Cth, 1879,
important changes took place in tlie
train schedule of tbe MiiladelpbiA
and Heading Railroad and Dranohoa
the changes taking place about
one month early than nsnal on se
ronnt of tbe opening of tbe New
Line from Philadelphia (Ninth and
Green streets depot) to New York,
via Hon nil Jlrook Koute.
Train No. 22 of Main Lino, leaving
Heading at 4..ri0 A. M., will liavo a
transfer connection from West Falls
to Wayne Junction, b which pis
sengers ran take tbe Fast Express,
leaving Ninth and Green at 7.1(0 A
M , reaching Now York at 9 3 A.
M., Philadelphia timo. Train No.
10. of Maio Line, leaving I'ottsville
at COO A. M , by which connections
are made at Heading with train
leaving Hurrinburg at 5.20 A. M,
Lebanon CIS A. M will connect via
West Falls and Wsyne Junction,
with train leaving Philadelphia at
9.30 A. M , arriving at New York at
12 00 (noon), Philadelphia timo.
A Through Car, Pottsvillo to New
York, will be rnn on this train.
Trnin No. 2 of Main Line, leaving
Pottsvillo nt 9.10 A. M . Sbnmokin
G10 A, M., Ashland 7.3'J A.M.
Sbnnandonb 7. 30 A. M., Mnhanoy
Citv 8 10 A. M. Tamaqua 8 45 A
M..' Port Clinton 9 43 A. AI.. Head
ing 10,30 A. M., by wbicb connec
tion is mado at Heading with train
leaving Uarrishnrg at 8.05 A. M ,
Lebanon 0,02 A. M , Laucaster 8.0.
A, M., CIumbia 7.55 A. M., will
connect via West Falls and Wsyno
Junction with train leaving Ninth
and Green at 1210 noon, reaching
Set Yoik at 2.45 P. M , Pbiludel
phin time.
Through car Pottsvillo to New
Train No. 4 of Main Line and of
Catawiesa niir, Williamsport, Mali
nooy and Sbnmokin, and I.ittlo
Scbuyikill brnncbes, leaving Will
iamsport 9 45 A. M., Panville 11.30
A. M.. Herudon 4 15 A.M., Sha
moLin 12(1) noon, Ashland 104 P.
M. Mahanov City 1.35 P. M .,
iTamnqua'2.15 P. M.. PotUville 2.30
1'. M., Heailiuff 3.53 I , ;V, by
which connection is mado nt Head
ing with train leaving arrisburg
1 43 P. M.. Lebanon 2.40 P. M..
Lancaster 1 00 P. J., Columbia 1 05
I. M , will connect via Went Putin
and Wayne Junction with train
leaving Philadelphia (Ninth and
Green streets) 5 40 P. M , arriving
at New York 8.20 P. M., Philadel
phia time.
Through car Pottsvillo to New
Irom New York, connections via
Wayno Junction and West Falls
will be as follows : .
Train leaving New York (Central
Railroad of New Jersey depot) 7.45
A. M. connects with train leaving
Hioad Street PeDot 9.45 A. M.
Train leaving New York (Central
Railroad of Ne Jersey dopot) 1 3J
P. M. connects Mvith tra'n leaviug
Uioad Street D. jot 4 P. M-
Train, leaving New York (Central
Railroad of Now Jerspy depot) ,4 00
P. M connects with train loaving
Hrond Street Depot 6 00 P. M.
Through car Sew York to Potts
villo on ouch of lbs ubovo trai ns.
To date 1893 miles of rnilrond
bave been built the present year in
this country.
Rucks county claims tbo fewest
paupers in proportion to population
of any county ia tbo Stato.
Tbo pay of the firemen and brnko-
inon of tbe Pennsylvania uulroad
Company is to bo inercnRod.
There were shipped from Montreal
to KiiL'land last week 1,149 head of
cattlo, 3,714 of sheep and 32 horses.
Sitting Hull's wife is named ''Red
Rosebud of tbo Prnirio." Charm
ing! Romantic I Tbe Indian of it
is "Tcbngugngutcbugb
Charles G. F.aton. of Montgomery
county, trod ou a rusty nail which
penotrated his foot, causing lockjaw
from wbicb be died.
Quite a brisk demand for Amer
ican windmills
tins Sprnn;; HQ IU
tbe British colonies. U est India Is
a a r- , ' a ?
' i t a:" t
lanas ana ooum America.
A majority of the lumber ninnnfae-
tnrers nt Willainsport have agreed
to all common grades of lumber two
dollars per thoasand, and npper
grades from five to eight dollars.
The Philadelphia and Reading H.
R, Co have purchased the Porks
conntv road for 9200,000. it is
forty-two miles long, munio? from
the Wilmington k Heiling R. It to
Slating ton.
Robert Champlain h farmer of
Weslfield. Tioga county Pa., was
shot dead on Friday while cutting
corn a few rods from his bouse. No
clue has been found of the murderer,
but suspicion points to his fathor.
with whom he was on bad terms.
Kollce of Incorporation.
TOTICK is horeby oiven that an
J. a plication will b mad lo Hon. J. C. Rocb.
r, Prealdaul J tda nf the aaveral Court- nf Mm.
dereonntv.oa TUKSIIAV, OIJTOBKIt 'is, lull,
at to n'ctick. a M-. for lha liienrnoraimn ol
-Tn Pun inanoair Sotiktv nr FnaKnuBn,
P.," having lor it object lha luiproviweulof
v lueiunara in me jar, auu r-i...i-e .n.i.w,
OcloUar a, 1171. Atlornvya for Apullcanll
t- t3 a I af-' I I
s-srs it r
PtP S , 8 I 1
Administrator's slo of
X. nfl.
nnderrfaned, Adminlslralor
eatete of Pr-d-rlck Fettrmir, lele or
A.leme to rnehlp, Snyder enmity,
by vtrtne nf an nrder leaa-d o-i of the Im nvne'
Court of SanlKr intijt will rxpoiw In P lhllo
ftalu llli mM of Mid ilnol -nl, on
Saturday, November 8lb, 1879,
Th f 1lowln( 4na-llit R l Ktit, In wll I
All lhl rrrt.ln mriii trel tract nf had all.
nat In Atim Turnalilp, Sutilar rnnnlr, Ta,.
lonn lixl N irlh h laiiS iflh h-lrnf tt Fat
frnir. S-caa-a) I F.iatltf lanila nf Jamra Ml.l.
n. awarih ana J lenh NnrhniMl, Wat Itf tanSa nf
amii'l T'l and n'h-ra, ana Mouth hf laa la
of Jacob N.Tbuol, contaliilng
80 Acrs,
mnra at laaa, miaf Hvt f..n an1 In a high
aatn nf unltin'l ' i tnnil ft '-hint of cholca
frail Ira. A I.HO, all that oartaln
Lot of Ground
alfnalf In lha Yllli- nf Tmf .llla, A lima
tniaiiahlp, Unnntv anl fttili af.iraail I, tiiln't-'l
North lijr Pnhlle R ml: r- h Hni nf J.J.
Hclira.lor. Wail h land nf . II. Tntl anil
aonih liv lan-1 nf Nathan Kvtlrmir, rnnlalnlns
tiiafnaih A-' ire or leaa, -r b iranii ar i rao
td a lat(a I' Morr
Hoaso, Hlacksmilh Shop, Stable,'
Spring House,
an1 nthar naca-arr nn'hnll llna,a nrrer falllaj
aprilig nf Water. ALSO a
Limestone Lot
adnata In IhatcrnaMp a'nraM.
Ha In comm-nra at I ovlnck P. M nfaalil
dar whon Irrma of aala wilt ba mvl tinn hj
Oct. 0, A Imlnia'rator.
nndersipnetl. Ass(rnoe of
-aan ll-av-r for Ilia li-naflt nf credit tr a. lir
vlrlua nf an nrdcr l-ancd ont nf Itvi Omift of
I'miitn in Pl-aanr Surd r tf'innly, will stuiaa to
Public nil-, lu Franklin, on
Friday, Novombor 7th, 1879.
lha f.dliwli'a: daacrlhal R-at filial". In wll!
Tn AI T Nn. I, Im ib a lot nf (round hn.in1-d
br land nf Slci..r I in. .1 ih'l M '-, I ihn II I.
irer, M. K.Srhnch. H It. Ft.-hnrk aud twn PnMIc
Hmdi nn lead in alnn Hi-Kiat ald.nfMid
dln n O and ilia nthxr fro u MUJloUj'g to a.
lin-grov, routiliil m
Three Acres,
ntnra'nrlcaa adhlntnlha II irnitfli nf'Mlddla.
hni, li-tna allnata In franklin. Franklin lown
ahlp, Nnr.r cuuiity, Pa., whoranu araaraclad a
floe, I. A lion
Hiick Store Ac Dwelling Hotiso.
with ontlinlt llnira. h-ln('a cry d-alrili 'Mlnra
land, ronrnl-nl ! tn-ll illr.iKl awl nircanjr
at ih-cail and of Iho brliUa laa ling ovar M Id-dlr-k.
THAt'T Ns t. binndd lir landa nf r4id
K-ra''iar. M. K. S. h.ich. .Inlm It.U-ran l P.iK
lir II ad l-adma from Ml Idlaburg lo 8-llna-gniva,
Two Acres,
mnr nr I aa, allnata aa aforaaald, arhnraon laa
larifa and can vanlaut
Cool Yard, Sidling,
t-tlnrr framr WARE HOT'sr. FAIR RANK
fU'AI.K. kf.
TH AOT; Kna. 3 and 4. Ii"nnd-d K-mlh and
Wnal lif landanf l'alhar:n II iwr aii'l nlh-ra ,
North lit 1'u1. Ik' II iad I'M Unit from Ml I ll-i.iini
to !-llnaanin, and W. at In pirl n PnhMa
Road laadinx l Frarb irv, contalnl g Inifi'tlwr
Fifteen Acros,
mnranrlcaa. Ilimn -h which lha a), fc I,. ). R.
ntaaca. Incatad aa arorc-ald. lit-aii,iva ilaarrlt
ad tract- will hi i.fl r-.l In loan lot and aro
well adaptrd for hull'tln pnrpoaaa,
TKAUT No. , couUiaiug
Twenty-five Acres,
mora nr loaa. allntt In enMJtnwnat In nfr'a-l.
Im a'woit tttre.rMirtli- or a tn Da f rotn t,i nth
tra.'ta In a aoiitliarn itlrcnlloii, ad b.-luit TIMilkll
l,ANUon will, b la a
Pino Ore Vein,
Th above (imperil- ara the mnel valnalde
ever ofl -ral at Public Nia III Mn-Aft iimiiiIv.
Tl.a at.. re and wari'dinn-e prcpi-rllc are Incatcd
with a view lo tin-In a. Tbe coal yard l tbe
l-t aloni the line of Ibc H itiioirv h t i.-.l..wn
llellr 'a l. I. vatil In fli.e aurlollllilral dir.
Irt.'t ll la tlo li-at and tnoet i-nnveiiiciit uriln dc.
hi on the it itlr.nd.
eiaie tocotiriicn,.- ai in o ci ri n. i. or mi
day when Icruia of aal- n be n.ade known ay
juii.h . ur.n r. ii.
Il-I. 5, 1.;9. Aaaluiii..
Plaaaaee, Ilk thlcvaa. atta-k lha wik. Far
llfv your nraa uli ill-m wilh lha Hiilnra. and
will rcet-t an I In Ml alike Ilia vlril- of epld-lnlca
ml ll.a .iB,,..a- i.r lnmn lt.M tfrllloh .1 uinl.i.
lib" cm-tltnlionaof th.. taaiila. Th-r.i I Utaley
In It. It la a eurn veueiaiiia aiunu'aot, i nn
alterative and atill.'nll iua ro idloloo, and baa
not a harmful wlomnul among It mauy lugrdl
tor aala t all DniM ata aud roauacUula
ixiaiera itcnaraiiy.
; cm AitD RELIABLE, i
jDn. Kanpoiiu's Livkb Intioojutoh
is a Stamlar 1 Family R mnly for
.......... .. ii.. t : ... i
riiauhai-aui mu AilV.T, OUIIQIUIU
Jtnd Bowela. It is Turely
jVegctuble. It never ,5 K
Debilitates It is W
1 1
rv.9 v,i0
' V ll '..a
7iV . &w
1 cVoV.wW5i', S
V. . I
IT,- Irt" Vi-.a
. as, . t i . nn1'
m-i s
I v-a
rfiva, haa beeu xunS
i Vl in in v tirantlo,.?
and by tio public,;
for were tliau 05 years.
with utpreccdeuted Ktsults.
4. T.W. lANfORO, M.D., nvyKiAT.Vr
J an BaiauuT U4 vat tot Ita mn rtTioi.
a ZKi
. K JS
i a V4 U M U
fC t -V
ana a w
r. M U atai-
IV C aVVS Baal TSAW ai' . H A
A saT CTI l,sj KJ m aw isl W
a oa?S
bi 1 1 u ma
am rf a u
i: Vjjr-,-'
,a ai
AdwilnlHtrator V of - - -
TDK rtrWsignnd Admirhlrstor
af th aalatanf Mrrjamln I,. Ranrtantmrli,
lata of llaarar tnnathlp. Mnfrfar Vantr. Pa.
daf"a.. trf rlrtoa of an nM'f laaaaH ml nf
Ui(rphana' t-nqrt af aalt aqaatv, laxpoaa
t rahlle ', ea .
' Thursday, October 80tb, 1879,
at Adaraa'mrr, Dnaa'T afaraaal l, lb fol low
laa Haal Kata'.a, U wit I ,
' Hotel Stand,
altaal In th eantr nf thttnwn nf 'Adam.
I.ora. baln 4 lara-a t-tnr itha rloaMiil
llonva ahlnh haa in kvi a a It nal . fr a
na llma-am;.a Stahllna and o' nntl olld.
Iti. Thara , a liric STOKK IHMiMlnlhr
I nlldln. Thli la eonctdad to ba th beat Hutal
fiand lata onontf . AIo . . .
One-Fourth Acre, ,
balna a l"t af arnand altaata Is lha tnwn
aMtiM houala.l iT lot nf J. c. fpa-lil. PnlitH
lload and lot nf finvM Brnwn. wtiaraia ar
racial a I 'Inry ! Mnar HOU.1K aud other
UiaiKiirg. Ainiariain
Tracts of Land
Itnat In Wt llaarar tinhlp. on itv
mraaatd. adl lnln landa of .laa Kn-pp, A.
Pardaa nd othera th- nna ranlalnlna
''HKM, l Perohaa lb oihnr ant ilnti M
Ifiiai. mnranr lata, th- aama helna Tl M.
rlr:u I.tNIt wall aat with t;ua-tn il Oik an I
o'har rainahia tlrabar. Alto auolber tract of
land ooaUlalna
23 Acres,
and 1 narahat, tltat In W-at Paarr 'town.
Ip afnrvaaid, anj da
A nlhara, aiMnmnnl'
afor.'MM, adj dnlna Ian la f John F. lkar
lara, aommnnia Known a-ina i.imn.
atnna lildaa tract" Alan annlliar eartaln
maaatiaaa and 1 raot nf Land, -Hint In Haav.r
wn-titp.aoininina tanoa nt wioow i ,n',a-x.
Ichiai li n n. Alciandor llniDin-1 and ntb.
ar. ennt lining 10 At'll KS, mora or lal. Alao
Iiot of Gronnd
Itnat ns th north ltd nf Main rtr-t In th
iwn nl Adnmatinrtf. wh"rn ara rraMa d a
rlory tram HOtMF, "Hh bnmnmr Houta at-
lanal, awl -Mbar iilMill'Wo i Alao amdsr
lit altoat aa alora'ald. . ronlal nln, i!na-
oartb Acre, bonn 11 Knar nd w-t l,i rnbllo
naila. Hoaith li an Allay a nil Nortli by lot
:9'rrit uatra. wna-a-m ara araoi i a gooa
fAbl.Eaod UUl'OlltaJkUUP, Alao
llall 'lnaa. Vila. lry hatiaa. Ream.
,, III
Ilda-hoa-a. nam Hha la and nthar na
caa-ary liolidlna all complain afraim ol
atar paaatnai tumuKh 11 bull una an I rrary
Pldianc nacaaaary ror tha aaay, convenient
nil rapid enndttet nr Ilia Tannery bnamaea.
?-ai in enaitncooa ai lu n'rinca A. . . mi aati
day whan larmi of aala wilt b made known by
B. A. w r.i .r.
Oct. , UT. Adtnlnl'traior.
Assignee's Sale of
fjy II K nndersignod. Asnirjneo of
A. lunimlnj. Brnlar, of .la. kaon tow nabln.
T dcr rnon'v. Pa., f .r lha hcn' rtt "f cradllor
III aipoia tn Public 8ila, on Iho prinl, on
.Saturday, October 25lh, 179,
Tl.a fnllowlnic dcfctili.! Real K-taic, to wll :
cortaln Irnet nl bind a'tuata in Jackrnn
tnnrn-tilti, Sntncr rn'inly. Pa . ai. oiia mil, a
Suulh waatol Maw llariin, oontalnlag
113 Acres,
nr nr laa-, with lha niiintrt-nanaca : llnnnd'
I North by land of liatld Wctial and Mlclia-I
.Miller, fcvt by .ind of l.avl t;annlnk:ar. M mth
1 laod ol David nr. on. Waal by land ul Havid
llrenn and Mlcbaal Millar. krou ata creel-
! a i rlur y
(louso, Hnnk nam. Tenant Honso,
nd nthar nccc-aary nathalld nira. two nerar
lalllng aprtaaol water naar tl.o duor,
Fine Orchnrd
f choir Irolt traaa In a t'irlrtn tonilltloa.
Part or tbe abov deacrlkcd land la
Well set itli Tiinber.
the batanc la In a hliili atala of cutllrallnn'l
fivenlvnt to marknta. aaiinola. he.
hala t cumm-nca at Inji'rl h' A. M. of paid
ay b. u term ol ialu wilt H oade known by
iv ai. n ruiii.i.r.T,
IMt,l'l. A'rlKbaa
Adininif-tratois' .'5 ile of .
u x.uiiiiUa
TIIK niidorsinerl,. Admini-Jtrnlors
ol lliae-lateol w.u am Ocker, lalnnl ln
eaver tnwn-lilp, Snvlr eoimtv. Pa. ilee'd.
y t Irtue nl an order laaucl nut of tlie I irplian,'
uri ni nyner roiioiy, will e. te lo I ubllo
rial oa lbs toamlara, ua
Monday, 0M'.br 2fllh. 179,
ho lollnwtiia dcacrli ed Jionl Kalale, alluat-ln
Weat Heaver town, (141 al.neild. adi liolna
lanoa ol I vr.J'tunn Kllnvlnr, loiic liutrloii.
lo.iih Hailriou, John I late aod olbere, eon-
49 Acres,
more nr tea-, wle reia ar
nu-irly new, Irun weatiteru-i
ern-ted a tar;e
a dad
onso. fSnmiuer
ANK PATIN. and n'l.arnrceaaarr niithulld.
nra itireiient wuirr nt tuen.Mir wou ruoulua
a ut bn .be iMin irea-.a l. n.ut,
nt ct'.rb fruit truer In 1'i'annir convenient In
Market. School, t luirol.ea ,. I ruler Kood
funi-e ubd In a bljti rial vl rulilvail-.n Alao
tract of land tnato In tl.a towrrMii ntora.
0 lit. adpdiiliia 01 tbe llelra ul II. I,.
Iiau.lntibub, iloc'il, Jom'I'U VV enter, A- Pardee
bd otboir, roi.'
11 Acres,
mnre nr leer, with th appurtenancea telnt
IIMHr H lANi, Almauoiher trartnf land
Itiini In Itie townanlo nfore-ald ailiolninu
ai.daof Anmllltir. laaao Mourcr. William
btuck and olberi, I'oucalu ua
7 Acre,
mo-e nr tea. The lait twt mentioned traclt ara
I'lM IIKH IdSU well et with valuable lim
ber riich aa While oak, aJbeatout a, White
and Voilnw Pine, ae. ;
t-ale tn romtni nee el ID o'olnok A. v. nl aa d
day wnaa larmaol aalewlll be mule knnwa by
ill IIKHt, v. IMJKr.K,
OCI.S.HT8. Adtali.latrainn.
BY virlno of a writ of Fi. Fa., is
nrd ont nf lha llnurl of Common Plan of
Nnyler enunly and lu n.e directed will expoa
lu i ubll fkle, at lb Court lluua, lu ailildi.
vara, ou i :r
Satorday, October 2fStb, 1879,
at 10 o'clock A. M. th lollowlha Real Katala,
to wll I A certain tract of laod tituata In lien,
tra tuwa-blp. Mnyder enunly, Pa., bounded
North by land of Uriah Fee-bar, r ail by ln.l nl
John Vouug, Suutn i land ol liautel lioyer
and Weel by laud olXrl.lluu Ulwauiau, vub
tiBlD( J I
IOC Acres,
more or leu, where i ar rcld a Two itory
lloiiaOj Btublo
and nthar outbnlliltnai.
rala-d, taken In xrtloa andtobeiold a
th urjtiarii vl fclliabeih Shirk and U. M.
Shirk. U. Mtil.L'NllhH, riharlff.
bherlS'fUfflo, MlilUloburg.yct. a,';. .
Sheriff Sale!'
BT vlrlii of a writ of AI. H.'i, leaned
out nf iba Court of Coiamoa I'laaa af
anyrter county, and to me directed will Ik,
nied to Publle Hala. at Iho Court Uuuaa, la
the Borough of Mlddhyoarg, so
Saturday. October 25lb, 1873,
et loe'elock A. M. tk followln decrllel
Keal batata, to wit t A "! Tract of Lead
aduate In Oeotre Inwnablp, Hnydar comity, Pa.,
buunded Nonb hy land nf widow Kooua, Keal
br land of Julia Sluyer, bouib by laud of John
Waller aud Weal by laud of John Seu Kir, con
taining lOO Acres, - ; '
more or lea, whereon ar ereetad a good Ta
Btory .,
ZfonBe, Hank Barn -
nd other outbulldlug.
Helud a ad taken la execution and tabatoU
ai Iba property olSamaal tl. fnile.
It. HULGoiOf.H, KhariaT.
Sbariro OU :a, Mlddlaburg, Out A, IUA
xllui of adir.lotryatkia an thttal.sf
Mourn jiieni lai 01 . aiiuuioeraea loanauip,
Hnvdar fJoant dee'd kavlna bca nranl-
ed to fli unileralgned, all tieraona knowing
taaauetve Indebted la aal aetata ar raejuaau
ad laiaiak Immediate payeaeal, while tbwae
baelua elalnii will prern( tliau duly aatbnau-
..twi.M.ui.M. BBM .nTZEt.;
l, 'It. AaWlawtrals
Assignees Salot
T3R rtndersiVned.'' Asslcrnpra nf
William Kllt or t'n learnt af ?M.
tnv, by firm nl an order I -a tied nl' ) (ha
I'liartnl ton mn plea nf Snydrr oni. t
bnaiihr Term A, I). arn will eitnea to
piw in in ton townaiiin. entiMrt
Pon ,
Thnrsday, October Srtlh, 1879,' ..
the Mlnwtn deMribad fiaal Ktate. cntha
Crmlaltnat-aa ahireatid i II nn lel Weat
f landanf Henry II. sneh-lat and Jaanb Me
el.rlt, P.aat by landa nf liaolel Kraba and -a"n-net
W timer. Honth hy tan. It of Manuel Wit.
mar and illarrlet Kolah'. w.t hy land! of
Oaalal eiiolly aad other, toa'alnlaa; i . ( 1
more nr1-., whereas a-a a Urit twj .'
lory Frame. Wettharhotrtet
Dublin llomfi, '
TBfAWT llot'ftF.nnt.honaa. t.araaSTOXK
HANK DAMN and nthar nuibnlldlna.
Mala tn cnmmvnce at lon'.'biea A. M ftfaald
diy wbaa lenoa will t- tai l koovnhr -
11 1 a I 1, fa. r IIUULiT,
i. J. KF.LI.Y.
SepUM.iT. AaaUn.
3 5:BT
Karl mm
ae mm a
21 c-a C
c a
Z aa,
r. "
5 Us i aa
m t 1 2
mmm VO
ar-a a
at Bm
s C
r- a
NOTICE i herdiy' (tiven that lb fol
lowing arlialo have beta pitrohae.l
liy lb unJernigneJ at privai aala, anil
lull lo pnaeceamn nr II ll.Uuodruut dur
ing bi pleaanr all prraom ar caution
ed not lo meddle or Interfere with til intn
3 bed and bedding, H yda, of carpet. I
dot. ebair. Rucking oluiir. -wlng ohair.
wn-b Hiand.i' 8 Tallica, 'i 8lnda,
Sink, Flout Cben, hreid Clival, ret of
rialn. ibor maker Tout,, f it ItoX, lut
of Crook, lard rrea. taiuage I'raag,
Lounge, Clook. 14 bu-h. Potaioea. 2 but-
er Churn-. 2 meat llenob 3 meal
Slntiil on half barrel Vinegar U Uuokele.
2 coal nil lmpr 2 oal oil Can i
waah Doilr( (id llnarlf Triiak( CUerV
Sinner. X Looking UUu lat of Honk.
0 I'iaiure aod r'rnie ll'hetl Harrow.
9 lirackei. Hboa- Maker llrocb. lot i
Tl IUI Hack d n.iah 'at
Cook HloV. Pip and KlXtiirea. Coaf
8iovand I'ipf, Iron Krill Cow Chain
Set of Ulan Uiauee, i rilioeu, 2 Waabere,
liraoa aud Oilt. lot of Meat lluoka Mo,
J- J. G0NORU.M ,
Sept. 23th, 1R7V FKTEH L. HAINS
r Th undarfigntd, Aeelgne of lh Ealal
of Jobs Arbogmt and iie, will Xpa lo
Publia on Ins prmiee oo , , , .
y Saturday October 18, 1&79.V
lbs . followlog dcribd steal Eatats lo
and 49 farobe of lapd giluat la Jackann
Townablp. Bnyder County, about Iwo
ai lea Bonis rati r New nemo, anil
bounded by land of David Oldt; Jaooa
n lilts and I'ean Creek oo i wblsh pr
ereoKd a J.IKI , , , , -,,. . i
alwa-atorj JIVl'iE, aSTAULK and otkar
ouibuildipg. , I-,. '.... , ' .f - ,
81 lo eoojrbeno al ' 10 a 'cluck a. rn
Oyf aaid day' wba' trms' Will ba mad
oowa oy ' .,'- ' ' ' "
i vi :. it. B.' isi
i Bspt.Jvi-.iiiTO;,,, i .,;
r a . ..
m are mmm -war V'J&I a iwn nn wwniw liaai'wauiwajaa waaiaiw a awnw
L U Mlinentnrv ua til-naliil if fnl llonrv , WtC BY mQ$!falacfr: Lm tAttl'.'e
r. Kv-r late ol Sellnajr ire, dee'd. bave been t.iVlIS,rr. V,ioC 4 Chm WS Wr WjHtL'tJl
nr inld to tbe nn ler-l md. .ill perio a aVk WArS,1' ' ,'i5Ar &
knualtiif Ibeniaelve- Imlebte,! tn rail nettle mf WaV 'JOr w 'frtTr-. ftW
will plea,e in.ike lut'iiediite payment while pf NV TaJr IjY wTaaawearaMmaS ' ai ar i V Jol
thiiaa bat Inn cla.tna aralnat eald e-lme will i TVak Ayr aaa-ff v4 (ltiaa ..nUBlKS Ijt J9
tireaeut Ibtui lur aeitleiiinoi te rlHw rtw tf077" aTaalkaniraTT ' ZlrtO n,.r Dllrm ClAW.
y;KKt'w. pHKJ?t' Aooai..:
..Ml . :;n,T. f WhiteScwino Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. V
A DMIMSTUATIUX' NOTICE. . aw.... r- : '-'
sSxvumm. ..'oV'sii.n.vvT, jmp-A itsm fWiA
rnd.bted in .aid -V-Tiir. .1.1 rnVk Im. I 9 I S f V $ R13 mmT 1 mlSlSili
; makv a. ppAHi.KH, fefii WjMMMM m&friffi
W. : Adiilnatr.,., iSSA
, t
1 would Jl ate tbia '
opportunity of on
to the
public, that I
continue" in the
Furniture I'usincss
and that toy stork
1 i- i
fnll and com
plete, ' and that' 1
lturctiii HuitM
IroHitiyr CnHe Huits
Call and compare mv good witli
chasing, hook for tbe Big Sign, opposite Nootling's School Building.
1-.ISVI ItKrTa.1211.
July 10.'79.lf.' ' ' . Kulinsgrove, Ps.
S. WEIS, Selinsgrove,
. " '! , ,';- - '...,V
I879.'SB1JMMJ51X' '. 1879.
i ..''.! . .mmmmmmmmm-m9m
take pleasure in aunonnciug to the
prepared for tbo SUMMER TRADE. I keep constantly on hand the
largest assortment of Xotioua and Fancy Goods in the county, and espo-
pcciully this season I havo a larger
. .
Ladies Linen Suits.
In )ni(?o vnrlofya
Summer Skirls-
Summer Sldrt3,
Corsets &
Corsets &
a rpcciaUy. Having the Agency for
- JjOUhi h. ,,1 woulJ call punicuiur siiennou to iuy
1 ' ' ' ' .
depai I ment which is full and complete.,
iu ' liirgor vVfieties " than other honso in the county., A full lino o
etc' Croat Uarpnina in CARriST, Ol 1 CLOTH &
iVrrrriiscs. A
Call and soo what we have to offur, whether yoa. pnrchase or cot Our
3'oo,du sud our prices will suiL you.
' "
Oct 18. IX
v,:..-,. wsis4jji "iii a..
Tint only irnprovcmmt ever made on ike common
; . ;, :! .. , rouous vljisteii .
.11 ronliilna greater and Dior powcifil
than Ibe cutiitnon Putyua Plaatcr, and la far enperlnr lo llulmrnla and ik ao-ulUd electrlitl ip
pllanee. I'llK'K S5 t'I09iT.t.
1. 1 ....
fPllE iiu.lerelf B"4 ivill offer al ru'''!o
-a- Sale, al lb Cemnit Hotel, In Beat'-
nn. Pnydcr eotiB'J, ra., oa '
Falur.lay.OcUier 18th, 1870,
ill followiugdetorihtd vatuabl Real Re
late tlule in llcaverlowa afnraaiid. lo
It I A certain lot ofa onnd vrliereoo
ar wends TWO BTU V FKAME
, Dwelling House,
26X28. nearly new, wilb 7" room, larg
pmoh and KUMMKIl lUjVBK atlachcl.
r llAMr. rTi1L.r. - J.A.I. WIIU llircentilg
Snor. . HOO-PESf- a'i-13. 8MOKK
IIOUt'E and oilier nnl-biiilillng, lb aaid
Lol Mug WXmi fnel. A lol nf elmlea
tarieiir af Apple.' Par. . l'eaob. I'lum
and alher fruit ireea in hearing -t-grnpea.
ko.. ALSO nnuilter. Lul miiatt in raid
town on Hi comer 'of Drang aired and
Cherry allvy whartori ar erected a
v Blacksmith .E hop. t
17X24 WllballacliiDcnt 11X11. the raid lol
eotilttnia g XllXSU. Tbca r 4airll
proptrtlv aad loealad with a view to bu
toe.' ,. 'i .i 'i . '
Bala lo eommcne at 10 o el nek A. l.
of eald , day wba Ivruia of, altj will b
mad snown ry -
flapt. II, k7.v i - ! -i i , I.,
nonit Kturai will nn yoi eein
inoenii Pwteial tiiiii Haaitsiui OultXIr
rliMUlX MiNl Hi'll IW IU UtHJS ItSt- ;
, iatieui coasu nt. .1 iwu ei i-
At J, A. Muatse'a Drug ttirJ,' Hlddtirbiirf
olllfig all my (rood
at the VERY LOW.
fact ' cheaper than
tbe same grade of
goods can he par
'based anywhere ia
Snyder Co Bee the
fallowing prices t
4t2 (inil tTpwnrd'
unci TJpvai'd.
tboso of otbor dealers before pnr
public generally that I ara now fully
slock than evor before.
, .
Ladies Linen Suits.
Fan3 Fans. Fans
Fans, Fans. Fan3
Kid Gloves,
Kid Gloves,
one of the largest Isow York Corset
. m
Valuable Real Estate I
TriK nndersignod residinpr In l'ent
vale Hala the Icd.oelu daaurlUd, valuable
K-laie. alloat lu Pann townahln, alKiul I
iiillea wat of ttelliiBvtrov, iea th i'reeburg
awlluegrov road, euutalnlng
nfthe baet q'lanllly nf fjltn-etnn I"'1, "J,1
good fence and In a hlgo rtiet of ciiltla-wtiua.
wboreoii are eeeeied a wood dwalllnr hiaiae ,y-
ll.m-1 iJ U-pn.Nhada. Ina li iu-e, Taa
lluuea aud other uut.biiildlnn-. AU0
nf Wood Land we'l aat with Ibe b-ei ealltr
Oak Hickory and I'lue lliuuer. ""-"
aud oUuine fruit and looatod In a u"''f..J(,
laiedaniuinutill.ooaveuieut 10 markal,seuw-
Cbnrvue a.0. . ...
or f.r,h.r lV
July II. IS. tM lbtu. r-
mftviern iTfins' NOTICE--
tllara nf admlnlatratlaa a th "'j
ar Hewuoi M. iroaan. oe--.., --.,.
Ad.vae Townablp, Hayder ""ty. ei
k.,lglK.n granldto th. ander.liiaed.
peraoi. kowla ihemeele JJ par
Vatate ar requealed to make l''yeal
. . . . .. law
wienl, wiiii inuae avin " -, w
tlxmm dul authenticated lur eetl emeni
" ' . . ,,,, ana? a 11 11 111 ipillalaaM"
11 BB at .U II tV .
Oct. 0, UTt,
iim.ntrTt aa" th
it.raui.iar. lat .f atunro TowaeSip.
Co . P. . led. hav.Uan f raaujlj W -
alitned.atl neranae knowlaa ?"''iTui1ll'e
d lulia"1 w".' ' iriaaaaelpl
. au ainaMnifiaa . ... i
aelau wlllfiaeaM tUa lor ""Z'T'iiH.