The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 09, 1879, Image 1

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' VilvettlMliijr ttutg.
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'l - ..!L J
Died in Hamtit.
Only a faltea Wee, etreioked oat there ai
lh raed,
Blratohrd In the ttrokea shafts, sad eruah-
til by the heavy load
Only ft fallen horae, and a eircU af won
daring eyes.
Watahlna ilia 'frishteneil teaaeter goeJ.
lag the beset la riae.
II oM 1 for bta toll It over no More labor
for aim
Eaa tba poor Back eatalretohed, aad tka
patient eyai (row dim ;
See en tba fries II jr alanaa bow peacefully
rests the bead
Thinking, if dumb batata tklak bow
good it la to ba dead
After tba weary Joaraey, haw reatfat it ia
to lie
With tba broken akafla and Ike araal
load, wailing only to die.
Walebere, ba diet In Wnoea died la tka
ebafie and eirapt
Fell, and the burden killed kim one of
ua any a raitiiap,
Oue ol the p.sing wundort making that
elty road
A toiler dying ia haraees, beedlaia of anil
or goaJ.
Tattera. orw.!ing the pathway, alnrlng
your atepa awbila,
What ia the eymliol I Only death wby
ahould wa eeaaa la anile
At death far a bean of burden t Oa
through the buay atreet
That it ever end ever eokolng the tread af
tka Durryiug icet.
Whet waa the eicn t A lymbol to tonah
the tin-lets will T
Doei lie who taught In parable apeak ia
earablee still t
The aeeJ on the rook la wastod on beod-
loe bearte of man.
Tb nl g it her and aow and grasp and loaa
labor ami aleep aal than
Then for the prioel A crowd in Ike airoel
or evrrrolioina tread
The toiler, crushed by Iba heavy load, ia
(acre la bia barnoai tea I
J. Iimjh l)'R-m$.
8 u 1 o o t 'V alo ,
We ba4 finished the "tligjinjr"
that d iy, washed all the dirt, a I to 1
tho lust ounce of aliinio g.Ad dasl
t ) the plamp little bijjn that were
btiiitid iu the ojruor of the cabin,
and to-morrow would leave Red
Water Hun forever.
Tlio "spurt" ba l boon a (rood oue
Tor loin una me, bnt we were tired
of the terrible IjuUhohs of tho pi ioo,
nd tho couaUnt strait) upjn our
uorvoa for fear of the Utes, and so
wo dooKled to oroaa the rvi..).
strike the trail, tin I ifj )in o tr old
I, ID C t O I I.
the full ruins b4n, Tvj tlm Hiiiid
dollma io L'litU'iii)'' dust litv bid luu
in buukskiu b tgs iu our sbautj, the
4.;fliilt ol suvou weuua diggm, aud
for lift it waa a fortune.
Supper won over t dzon of bird
tuck, a bit of juikml veuiuuu aud a
pit of tea and witb our cuttr
inno.i, abort aud blut;k, we ant at the
dior of the hut siuoTiiu', whild the
;inlijjlt slowly diappjared from
tho tall peaks of the Sierrai ah j lit
us, and the irc'ty shi I jw up
the n iriovv ilol), siluut and chill.
After a lug panne, I'oia tajk bis
pipe from bis lu-iuth aud epoke :
''Did ye soo anything oucotntnon
ilowu the run this afternoon, Dick
any 'Higas ?' "
' No," said J slowly," "not that I
rccolltiot uow. What waa it boar t'
"Wns nor that,"
"Injuns t"
"Wu nor that."
"Outlawa, then t"
"Correct. I figure 'twas Red
Jim's gang. Ye know they've been
workiug the stage route from Win
oomiiooa to Silver Cliff, and now I
reckon they're on their way back to
towus to squander tbeir stealiogsl
Sartin it ia that a dozen mounted
Lores crossed the run, just below
the old nhiioo, somotime aioee suu
down o' last night, fer I saw the
ik'n, uit'h about noon, and it war
"That's bad news,' satd I soberly.
"If those cutthroats kuow that we
were here, notbiug would please
thom more than to roast us out,
shout us down and carry off the
'yellow.' It would be a bard endiug
to our two months' work."
"Ile're olustoriht,'' returned the
eld miner, as be slowly reSllod bis
pipe, "but thoy must catch us before
tbuy shoot us, an' fiud the gold afore
they steal it Now I don't reckon
on oither,"
"Well, but bow do you know" I
befjati when be stopped me.
"I don't know, aud that's jest it
Hotter ba sure nor sorrv.' the Bible
y. au" I propose to light out to
ft'"'. 'Twill ba moon at eleven,
n o both know tba trail, an' ef we're
guno aud thoy oome, all right j ef
We ro gone aud tbav don't come.we'ra
much furthor on our journey by
aoruin'. What d'yo say I"
"Agreed I" '
Au hour later, with the gold di
vidod aud safely hidden in buokakin
wits about our bodies, our tools up
OQoiir shoulders and oar rifles in
ut i bands, Tom - Itlaokburn aad I
'M for tba last time at the dark
I'sdowe of our little cabin, as wa
uuuiei tba rldga that lay Io the
"outward ,.-.,
" ola sbanty," aald Tom.
viug hi gun. r i'elf any visitors
"hi ya luav hava tUu f.
vwww nw w www mvm
"'urn. Uood-by I"
Our oouraa waa nearly due wast,
udfor time through a rolling,lhi",J Uuber-4aod filled
" u bttla streams, so that wa were
hie to traval rapidly , but shortly
mm f
a f II II I. i. , i ji m
VOL. 17.
after the moon rose wo struck soma
heavily wooded ridoa, rough and
rock, and our progrosa waa neoessa
rily alow. We did not talk muoh
bnt kept a briirht look out for both
outlaws and Indiana, and wa mark
ed our way by tbe stars that glim
tnored overhead.
Tho night was cool and still, the
ouly Bound whioh broke tbe stillness
boiug tbe grind of the gravel nodor
our feet, or tho cry of
some far away wolf.
We had proceeded thus for per
uana four boura and bait covered
a dozen tniloa or more, when wo
fouud ourselves at the entrance of
a narrow caunoa, through whose
dreary shadows our coarse lay. It
was an "uuoinuy place, and iu
stiootively 1 loosened m knife io niv
sheath as wo eoterod its vawatoa-
moutb, but old Torn tramped an-
consciously on, nod I must noede
follow, deeper and deeper grew the
uaruuoHa, tbe towering walla fairly
thruateued to meet overhead, Whilo
more and mora rough grew the rug-
god path bonoatu. At length we
were obliged to crawl from p iot to
point, so thickly strewn with masaes
of rock was tbe uneven n or.
Suddouly, a aharp turn opened
beforo ns tbe unexpected vision of a
broad park covered witb short grass,
aud through which rnn a little
stream, and about which, sitting,
ataoding, aud lying, were a dozen as
rough looking deipuradoos as the
border could products while the
whole was brightly il lamina tod bv
tho light of great fire w hioh burned
ia tbe ceutre of tbe glado,
We bad fallen iuto tho very trap
we wore seeking to avoid. This
was tho night camp of lied Jiui'a
It was too late to retreat, for, even
as we looked, two or three tuou
sprang to their feet, aud. with weap
ous half rumed, cried out to ua
"Halt !" Ho, with a wbisporad.
"Wore uusteJ minors;- ask for
shelter," Tom threw up bis bauds
and shouted loudly :
"Fiiends 1"
Thou, with assumed boldaesa, wa
both entered tbe areuo, and were at
oooe snrrouudod by tbe scowling,
dark'browod crew.
Tom told onr story broken
hearted prospectors tryiog to
to the mining camp over tbe range,
aud traveliug at night for fear of
tbe Iudinna. Would they give us
suppor aod shelter
A short conference waa held, It d
Jim, a brawny ruffian, with a blood
oulored mane of bair aud beard, put
ting some close questions to us both;
md at length, with not the best
grace in the world, our request was
grunted, and we woro told to draw
up and bolp ourselves from tbe open
provision pack upon tbe ground.
Hungry from our long walk, we
neodud no second invitation, aud
were soon eating and talking with
those about us as familiarly as though
horse-thieves and cutthroats our
We dissombled fear, and made no
attempt at private communication.
Time for that by and by. We roust
disarm all suspioiou, or our throats
will be sore bof jre morning. .
The meal waa nearly over, and I
bad just washed down my last bite
of lurked venison with a draught of
aery wnixicey (rout tne canteen of a
uideons dwarf who sat near me, when
Red Jim again approached ns.
"Wh it's ye'nns names f" said be.
"Mine is Baldwin Hank Bald
win," said old Tom quickly "an'
this young 'nn is Major Dick Smith,
lie was in the Roosiau War, and is
feen in this business, but I'm an
old nan Juan country miner, where
1 worked nine years afora I aeed
this cussed region."
Tba ruffian looked at bim ahortly
for aa instant, and then aaid t
"Hold out your left band 1"
With sudden fear, I saw Tom's
face grow ashea nalo, and almost
imperceptibly bis band moved to
ward bis pistol-butt i tbeu, recover"
ing himself, he obeyed witb a langh.
"Thar it is, pard t what's left of
it" there were but two Sogers and
a thumb. "I crushed in all's
Ouloh smelting works in seventy-
Red Jim leaned forward and ex
amined tbe member carefully. Then
his face became lurid, and bis wolf
ish eyes gleamed.
"Ion lie, von dog! yon never saw
tba San J nan country, and yoa lost
tboso Angers when you led tba aol-
diera to my biding place in Arizona I
Yoa lost tba lingers and gavo ma
tbia to remember yoa by," and be
pointed to a loug aoar thai ran
across bis forehead, "and I've never
forgotten yoa I I've prayed tbe
devel theaa five yeara that I might
fiud yon, and ba'a turned my friend
at last f Seize bim, boys," bo eon
tiuued, "There 'a no traa bandy, bat
in the morning we'll try throwing
tho knife I Seise bim I"
Ia an Instant my oomrada waa
boaad hand and foot, and mads fast
to an immense boulder. Ho made
no aign of roaistanoa i it would have
been worse than useless, and I waa
motionless with terror.
"Red Jim." aald Tom, and bis
voice waa busky, "ya bat sot ma,
and ya can do with ma as yoa please.
i m not a nou-breed nor a woman.
to cry at tba wbia of a knifo i bat
for Uod's aake lot that yoaag man
(ro I Ha'o aa hoaeat miner, and on
y knows ma aa saoh. lie never taw
uta until last fall. Do not pantth
bim for my score. "
Tiit ohittf taraad to ua,
4 fc -
4 i
- Tit
"Does ho lie r
"I tdet Tom last fall for
tba nrst time in my life. I only
eamo from tba H ist ono year ago.
I know bint as a miner and nothing
else, and, As ha aaid, we have been
prospecting, are broke, and want to
got back to tho campa over the
range. That a the wbolo truth aa I
know it"
For a moment tbero was hesitan
cy in the manner of my captor, and
I trembled i then. witU an oath, be
"Let it got I will beliova ye, for
yo look like an honest man, an'
they're aoa'oe," and be grinned.
"Ye're my guost until mornin', and
then ye can goon. lint, be added,
with horrible emphasis, "ye'ff hit to
traotl alont "
I thanked tho brute witb tbe best
grace possible and turned away. Aa
I pissed my comrade, bound andai
lent, I dropped ooo word
"Watch I
Tbo night dragged slowly on. One
by one tho road agents rolled them
selves in thoir blankets, and lay
down to rest aud lust, having ap
pointed a guard for his prisoner,
Hod Jim turned toward where bia
boree waa tothored, there to sleep
with tho bridle about hia arm until
danger for daylight awoke him.
Tfaeo, last of all, I too throw my
self upon tho grouud, but not to
sloop. I must rescue Tom, for to
leave him in tbo bands of these
demons would be worse than mur
der. With watchful eye aud ear,
therefore, I waited and planned.
Una against a dozen tho odds were
desperato, and yet 1 must save bim.
An hoar passed. But tbo skele
ton of the fire remained a few
glowing enibure and from tho sound
about me I knew that all except the
guard were asleep.
This, if ever, was my time. Sim
ulating a yawn I slowly arose aod
stretched myself, theo sauntered to
ward the spot where Tom lay. As I
approucbod bis watchman turned to
ard mo and placed bia band wurn
ingly upon bis rifle. I smiled, and
said in a low tone : "Dou't shoot
pard. I can't ttloep, and thought
d coma aud talk a bit with you.''
With a mnttorod reply, he made
rosin for me upon tbe log where bo
do was a bugs folio v, with arms
like a Hercules, and a thick-kuit
frame that promised enormous
strength. His weapons, a rifle aud
heavy knife, were within easy reach.
aud bis keen eye followed my every
For a time, I talked irenerallv of
tho country, the game, mining and
other similar topics, drawing from
him but few replies. At last I
touched upou tbo matter noareit my
heart an 1 with can-fill steps sound
ed biin upon the question of bribery.
lie seemed to take more interest
in my words now ; and at last when
I came to the decisivo point, and
planly asked bim if he would let Tom
go if bo was paid for it be said
My heart bounded within rot.
"ow much will you tike t" said
I. "Speak quickly. Aud we must
have borsos, too I"
"lloro'n ye'vo got, vo cussed
greenhorn," biased tbe outlaw
'more'n ye'vo cot I But I'll take
the yellow all the same, for safe keep
in', and then turn ye over to tbo cap
in tbe mornin'."
And, quicker than thought his
arma were around me. and I was
borne straggling to tbe ground.
Aitnougn a much amallor man
than ray opponent I waa no child.
and fought furiously i but be was to
strong for me,and at lost I lay beforo
unu Dreamless, ono or bis bauds
grasping my throat and the othor
grasping bis heavy knife, whilo hia
eyes gleamed witb murderous rage.
for an instani wa Blared at each
other, both panting and exhausted i
and bending closer, ha whispered
hoarsely i
"Wnar a yer gold T Tell me. or
I'll out your heart out I Tell mo
without a sound, or I'll Thunder
and furies I "
Ho half relapsed bia grasp, and.
turning, struck at something npou
tba ground, close by my side, with a
horrible oath.
Tbero waa tho (hah of hia knife, a
sharp raetallio ring, and then a litha
aomotbing ahot like quivering light
ning atraignt at bia face, aad two
little dropa of blood ran down hia
cheek. Ho Wat bitten by a rattle
snake I
Tha same instant the rcntile drew
hit slimy body across my band, and
disappeared ia his kola among tbe
rocks near by, from which our atrug-
gla had aroused him.
My captor breathed hard, and
turned deathly white.
"IPhiakeyr said he, hoarse, "1
must have whiskey, or 1 dio 1"
Ua atrovo to rise, bat it waa my
tarn now, wrapping my arms
around him with an energy bora of
despair, i pound bim to me, ir I
oould bat hold bim aatil tho poison
baa time to work, l oouia escape.
and Tom with me, .
It waa horrible, bat wa strrtir-
glad lifa for life, and I waa tha cool
er man of tbo two now. - Ilia knife
waa broken, wa eoald only fight with
oar hands now, aod all my enemies'
efforts war to asoapa t bat with a
stroogth whioh hope ronawed, I
restated aad dragged bim down
again and again, antil in hia quiver
ing mttaolaa and relating hands, in
b diatondod nos and outhangiog
-- . land tr...lng
- " JSf'X-cVrA'f't17
V mm tK
W I l I " 1 nt M Hill! V.
4b W- a
tongue, I saw that tho venom waa
beginning to aid Then, redoub
ling my effort wittl an almost su
perhuman strength 1 throw bim at
lust to tha ground, bound bim witb
bis own gaudy scarf gagged him,
aud was free I
For a momeut 1 was ultertv ex-
bausted then, slowly recovering, I
Crept up to where Tom lay, and withlyou oin't remember tho point, until
a few blows of rur knifo reloased ' Ton worry the old man into a uervotis
bim from the boavy cords which had
bound bim. Mv old friend had
beon a ailont witness of tbe entire
battlo, aud bad soon tbo snake, and
knew all. As be arose to his foot
be grasped my band, and nearly
crusUed it in bis expression of joy.
then, without a word ho poiutod to
ward the pile of rock, not a dozen
font from tho place whoro my late
an logon ist lay.
1 turued to look. Trom every
bole aod crevioe. from ever crack
aud earner, by twoa and threes,
aiugli and iu pairs, Woro trawling
tue most dreaded of all uiountaiu
reptiles rattlesnakes I
1'om leaned toward me ami said :
"Yer fight aroused them, and thoy
will kill every man here 1 We are
in that place I've boaru toll of
lUtllesuake Oalch !'
Thou, seizing my arm, ho lod me
rapidly across the opou glade, by
the sluepiug robbers, to the spot
whuro the horses were hobbled.
Solocling two, wo quickly muffled
tbeir hoofs, rode cautiously through
tho winding outlet until we roachod
theopeu oonntry, aud thon, with
tho suake of the rain, dashed away
at a buadlour iMllon. Wa w..rj
free 1
Bed Jim, tho outlaw, was novor
soon ug tin, but later a atraogo tale
was brought to the mining camps
on Bed Water lluu, of a louuly ra
vine iu the mountains to tho west,
whore twelve bleaching skeletons
bad bceu found-
Tho prospectors who discovered
them would havo sought further
atnoug tho whitening bonos for
other relios of tho lost p arty, but
tho canon was so filled with rattle
snakes that it was not safe to remain
there, aud the simple finding of tbu
remains is all that ever will be
Old Tom, howovor, said to ma :
"Twolve outlaws twolvj skylo
tons. The rattlers caught 'em all "
Xiht kisse I tliayeinj live, end it
bent softly la sleep. Stan ohoue,
aud pure dcdiMpa hung upon its
uo-ium and watchei its so a eluiu
bers. Mormug came with its danu.
inf hrei tes, aud tliey wliiipjre I to
tho rose, auj it awoke joyous nod
HtiitliiiK L'uhily it sw'iiu to ani
ire in tho lovcliuej ut health and
youthful loaiKK'uco,
l!'ou c'1"5 1,0
ardent nuu-goi eweoi'in;: Mom the
ens', and cm 'to the you roiu with
iu soorelniu rays, und it luiu to I.
D.'serivd au 1 ulmoit heart-broken, it
dropped ti tbo dust iu its 1 ivolinena
aad I deipair. Now tbe gen tie brerte
which has been K&mbolio over tbe
aou pushiegoa loo hoiuebouod bark,
sweeping over bill aod dile, by tbo
neat cottnpe and still brook turaiug
tne on mm, lanniu Die brow ol
dilate aud frisking with the carls of
ionoeent ohildhood c-iiuj trapping
along on Lor errand of mercy uuJ
love ; aad when ehe foully bathed its
bead in cool, refreshing abowera. tbo
younit ro"0 revied, aod looked and
saiiled in gratitude to the kind
breeze; but t-he hurried quickly
away singing through tho treos.
Tout chanty, like the buxui, pothers
fragrance from tbe droopiog flowers
it refreahas, and uuooiisciously reapi
a reward io the performs ice of its
office ol kiodnesa.
Height of Stsrms.
Professor Looinis, ia hia investi
gations ol tba phenomena of storms,
baa s-crtaiuel that atmospheric
disturbances duriog atoruiaado not
geoeially exteui mure thaaa mile
above the sealevel as thoy pan over
New England. From observation
maJa at the sea .level, as at I'ortlauJ,
aiotnltaooou-ily with obaeruaiious at
tbe summit of Mouut WashingUo, it
ia fouoJ that duriog tho paagi of
alorrai tho usual tysteut of circulat
ing winds doei not io the majority
of inatauoos extend to a height ef ix
thousand feat. The mors violent the
movement, however, lbs greater ia
the height attaioed by the dMur
banoe. Aeother hot of lo Ureal is
that tho distarbanoe on tho approach
of a storm ia loll at thi auriaeo eo ti
er ibti at oensiderabla eleratioaa.
ProfiMaor Liomia says that, "wbao,
during iho proroaa of an area of low
preaauro, the ejateut of circulating
wiads reaches tbo summit ol Mount
Weahtagton, tho ehanno of wind to
the eaei quarter aaualiy begins at
tbo sorfaM statioot eleven boors
aouaor than it does on tho summit of
that noautaia." It that appoara
thai only la the lower portions of
tbo atmoaphero do tko great storm
maveuaoou eoour, aa4 they aro Aral
loll at or aoar tho earth 'a surface.
What city in Franco la a man
about to visit whan ho Cooa to (ret
married t Ha It going to Havre
(hava her). An old bachelor beiug
aakad tha qooation promptly iwpiiod,
"To Koaea" (mia).
It la 4 good phta to pat 4 lilUa
hariakora ia tha waUr with whioh
plants aro to ba watered,. Tba harts
horn acta as a fertihaer. Iadoa4 It
ia said io ba better thaa aajr aetata
tralad aaaaBrw far this f arpooo.
avar 0Bar" Tordo. Niea
' '
Aovics To a Youno Mas. Young
man. when you see anythiug you
want why ask for it liko a man. If
you want to borrow five dollars of a
man, or if you only want to marry
bia daugehter, don't sidle np to
bim and bang on to your hat mid
talk politics and religion and weatb
or, aud tell old atalo jokoa, whereof
irritation. Go at bim with a full
ha id of steam on aod your bo
bo. ts opou. like au iron clad pulling
for a short battery. Huort aud nhtkku
your bead if you fed liko it, no mat
ter if it does mako bim look scared.
Butter scare him than lioro liitn. Oo
into bis very heart rtr hia pooketbonk
or both, it amonuts . (ft? the same
thing, liko a brindlow1l with a
ourl in his forohead charging a rol
merino dress, eyes on fire, tiil np
and the dust a Hying Then yon II
fitch biin. Or, possibly, ho u.ay
fetch you. But uover mind i you'll
accomplish something atnl show you
aro'nt afraid to sp:ak what is on
your mind, And that's a gecnt deal
tuoro than you would accomplish by
tho othor method , You needn't lie
cheeky but you ought to bontraight
f jrward.
Tho Queer, o. All.
Honor tho dear old u lhr. Time
has scattered the enowy Hikes ou , for theiu to beccni-.' Ii tier,
her brow, plowed dnep furrow on Such belief mo f.!iH i. W'p!
bur cheeks, b it is she nut sweet and 1 nio nUo wrung in tl.n king tint tln-v
beautiful uow f The lips nro thin and j run put off their bad triuts nti 1 put
shruukoii, but those are tho lips on goo I tiaitx. The oi l failures c ui
which kissed many a bo t tear from not be thus tram-formed, but out of
tho childish cheeks, and they aro tho tho ol I habits ntv ( ni s can be f u rn
swrootost in tho world- Tho eve is cd. T liin m whvt tij'i!iv fi I'l'ir
dim, yet grows with tho s-ift radiance
of holy love which cm never fado.
Ah, yes, sho is a d iarold luotht-r.
Tho sauds of life uro noarly run out
hut feeble ns she is, slio will go
fmtuerati l reach dowu lowur for
you thau any one upon earth. You
cannot walk iuto a midnight
she ooDuotsoo you; you caanot outor
a prison wose oars will keep her out ;
you cau never mount a Bctlfjld too
high for her t.) ruich, that alio may
kiss and bluss you ia evidence of her
duulhlusa love. Whun tho world sh ill
despise au I forsake vo l wbuu it
leaves you by the waysido to din
iiuuuticod, the dear old mother w ill
gather you iu hor foeblo arms, and
carry you homo and toll you of your
virtues until you almost forgnt 'tliat
your soul is disligured by vices. Love
hor tenderly and cheer her declining
years with devotion.
Misspent Evenings.
The boy who spends nn hour of
each evening lounging idly on tha
street coruers, wastes in tho course
of a year three hundred and sixty-live
lirf, l,i,ii,u uftii,,! if m, .,!. 1
study, would fatuiliame him with
the rudiments of almost any of tho
familiar sciences. If, iu a Mitiou to
thus a asliug only oue hour each ev
ouiug, he spends ton cents for a
cigar, which is usually the case, the
amount tuns worse than
would pay for ten of tho loading
periodicals of tho country. Hos.
j think of these thiugs. Think of how
much time aud money you are w.nt
ing, and for what f The gratification
alforded by the lounge on tho cor
ner or the cigar is not ouly tempor
ary but positively hurtful. You can
not iudulge in them without seiionsly
injuring yourself, ion acquire
and wuateful habits which will cling
to you witb eacb succeeding year.
You may in after-life shake thou cfT,
but tbe probabilities are that tho
habits thus formed iu early life will
remain with you to your dying day.
Bo warned then iu tiiuo, aod resolve
that as tha hour spout iu idleness is
liouo forever you will iiuprovo each
passiug ono, and thereby fit yourself
for usefulness aud bappiuods. Mur
al Xeto Yorker.
Advice to Students.
A modlical journal, advising atudonts
how to take caro of themselvo
says :
"Sit up to the table when you road (
easy chairs abolish memory. Do
not read the same book too long at
one sitting. It you are roally weary
of one subject change it for another.
"Head steadily for three hours a day
for five days iu the week. The use
of wot towels and strong cofToo be
ware. "Test the aoouraoy of your work
as soon as you havo fiuished it. Put
your facta in order as soon as you
have learued them.
"Never read after midnight. Do
not go to bed straight from your
books. Never let your reading in
terfere with exercises or digestion.
Keep a clear bead, a good appetite,
and a cheerful heart. "
It Navan Combo. Wo never have
a to morrow it ia simply a word of
prophecies. It baa been said that
tho two great pleasures of living aro
in haviug aoauetbing to love and to
hope for, and tho last of these is ever
beforo no in tha promise of to-morrow.
To-aiorrow wo may not knovt,
and it ia well that it is thus ordained
to be, for beyond tha invisible wtl
that eooceala aliko ita eowiuf Joye
and sorrow a, oar fancy may rovvl
only ia what ia baantifnl and fair, a or
aoa tho (loom or shadow ot routia
trials aad worldlv afdictioaa, that,
Aald wa aaticlpaU as i ted realitwo
that warn eortaia to conie, voutd
am all oar peace and ooJoytaMit ol
tho present, It io well f.vr 5xt
wa cannot withdraw tho rid wUkil'
lidoa urfatar
e1 - - for yoanr Jv-'
The Formation of Character.
There is a ns well as
scientific hatii for the position taken
by Kev Phillips 1 1 rooks in a recent
disoonrso, namely, that Iho law (if
evolution rules in the moral ns well
aa iu tbo physical world.
Nuttiro does not r-rcnto, but ia nl
ways developing In hint suiiunci
roots iiatnio finds tho genu for next
sum lino's veiiduro.
If somebody should givo mo a di.
amoud to carry to l.uropn, - I cm
know exactly how much would li.
lost lo the world woro 1 to d; op it
into the so a ( lull if a aeed kIiouM l,(.
given me, I ran only toward it Jh
awe us conl within it ihb'Tmd
of untold generations. U ,
That is the difference b-t accii
looking at truth a a diamond or us
a seed as iiual or ermintil.,'
u nil Irainiug ol ciriincl'V, con
tinuity uud economy nif .' v.
preuiu. 1 no nolioii that i.l-.riKte, iH
Hpontalieous is held by moHt po-ipio
in the eailier portion of their liven,
mid is vrotM-.
When lh y discover thi.Miin c ttilh
changu to llu ( tli. r estteui.. I ,n
is wrong t jo. limits of roup)? ii tu
think that their character will
of itself, and they , crMMi'il'
liiif.itii,,. I... II.. !.. ,
SM ,
'character i i fixed mi 1 it ii innvn i! '
creatine needs to know. Wo mint
make w hat u mo to be, out of wLut ,
wo uro already.
Sowing and Reaping. !
Whatever a man Novetu that fliull
ho also reap" both iu the i.atuial
uud in Iheiuolal wiuld. JAiivneJ
in tile ouu an-i i-very deeil iu tcu
I other, jield fiuit after its Liu. I. 'Ibis
pi inc. pie if how ing and uajuu is
en i rmly iiupoi tnnt lo the young, '
J ho ute jumI U-ginuing t j hhap'o theTr '
chaiacter an I destmv :
Iu the i-pring tunu of life wo so.v
what we must leap in the Htitnmu i1
uge, aud perhaps thi-otigh the eitdlexs
ages of eteiliity. ' The chief pon-i-bihties
of good or t vii f j r ull the fu
turn uro bound up iu tho period of
llio sowing may b? don thoiicrht
lepsly hlid tsr-!fiy, but it will report
ltelf ia duo tiiue accordiug tJ this
Men in ago often pay ;
' If I could but live my lifa over
again how dtlleroutly it hhonld bo." '
N hilo this is iinpORxibi". sli!l t!ie
young miy have tlio sidvautages of a;
second hfo by ttymg the counsels
u I oxpeiiences of tLe a,-el. 1 1 is
of tho utmost import. inco f r tneu
to undi.istan J this ri.latinn of sowing j
to leaping, which is aflixd to our j
- ' ,U0,Uik"'''t moral naturo.
j -'U'ii who in cany lila voi ti. x llie
I brain or body iu the fronzy t get j
jrich ; ir-en who over-load the win t Is'
of life by gluttony ; iijuu who besti- J
lalizo thoinselvos with seiiHiialitV ; I
men who bum out the vital force
with tho damning lires of alcohol ; ull
nch sro liablo to u atiict ueeouut iu
after years. i
When remembrances and retribu
l!on c.0,u" "I,J' tliem, tlien too
inoy oogm to reaiizo mat -wii itevi r
a luau soweth, that ahall bo also
A good story comes from Wood
stock, Me. A grocer there owns a
cow with horns of inferior leiigCj.
Last week somo mischievous boys
obtained from tho tfitccry a pair'of
cast-oil" horns, which, with a bit of
cuuiout, thoy uiccty fitted over the
horns of tho cow and left her to go
homo at milking titno, which sho did.
Nor owner failed tu reoogniz-i her,
and actually used forco to exp.d her
from the promises. Thu villain was
searched in vain for tho misiin ani
mal, aud an advertisement was
ajlftA.I in lw. I,ia..l .n,.M It... .a .
awa a. vi -a u telU W(. n IIIIUUI, aJl y Utin
uuy vuo siisy cow waa turnoii away,
1 at i .
uuiii ub isNi, reniHiuff io ouey tuu
vorbal order, tho victim of un in
noceut joko seizsd hor by tile Innu,
which como oil. and in tlio iutru ler
he I'ucoguiaed bis own property, for
the loss of which be bad so' sad
SoMiTitiNU That's Foolish To
think tho more a man cats tho fattor
and stronger he becomes.
To conclude that if cxerciso is
good, tho more violent it ia, tho
more good is doue.
To imagine that every hour taken
from sleep is an bour gained-
To act on tho presumption that
the smallest room in the house is
large enough to sleep in.
To ea t without an apatite, or to
continue to eat after it baa been
satistiud, merely to gratify tho taste.
To eat a hearty supper for the
pleasure experienced daring the brief
lime it ia paaaiug down the throat,
at tbe expense vt a whole niht ol
dietubed shrep, aad weary waking ia
tho KX.uraictif.
It Ua fesM vWidasI at tho Foot
O&.'i lVrauttuoat to Issue three
UUvMl Jtaaxutuationa of postage
d 4k4t yvraotiBg ten cents,
thni oaaU aad fifty ceuta. Tun
vm 4 xaM at-uova will n eouJuod
to tho Urx J;v-a.
M'lJl!: t'QMTal
Published every TliuincUy Erpn!n9)T"
Tiirma of Sntsci1itirm, .
TWO Dol.l.A Its I KIt ANNUM. Ty.
able vi It in air mouth , or -!.ot)if not
paid w ithin tha year. Xo paper ltu
roiiiiiiued until all iirrciirniics aro
rn id unit'. at tho option of tlo puli
linlier. Hulcriiiions ntilsidn of tho county
tjrlVNon lil'tini and using pniK-rs
addrcKrtcd i)tli?rs brromosiiiiscrilinrs
and arc liable forthc f n-i o oftbc paper
Saddler rind Harness
Ccntrevllo, Snyder County, Pcnna.
K-munn hifi.1. ,n,l rink-, ii, or'trr all kiiela
"lllrno., .sn.l.lin., Hri.Ur., whli, :.ilra
si-,Ai-. Ml wirli Ktiniiirilan.l l-,r una year
Mr. Mi'lili-jr oka lie! trial la 'r..a he ia l In, liimlnwii. Mu IU,'I4.
XV, II. KJi'EiA,
it- .SV.,'f,,a, Snjihr Co.,
(r'urniFily fiiim Lewirionrn Juui'tion.)
Ak-iI fr Mmi t.iiio Miirive l T-iii!,h W4,
t,u iVmi;ki. -mi r Mai iii-kh, I .tiaii,
kkii Uultimi i.'uitii. k't ac.
.'.,a FX'lMKttS'aa.) lut
Il.l.i, ii-.l ilia Iniii4n., ani othi4
nr-i lt t.'.u, anli..
.II ii n 1 toilcof, at StiO-r sun . a
Oct. t I, II.
It.-ittlu frcc-li, Mtli.
V. HntrMiM l ,.,ln i,ilir,
Tlmr 'rlrin
4.. ... ...
Tint, l IfflbA
nNrtiPitr. rtl
.if U t M f r.
iU lt.r'aa
1 ' till) Uw
i' MW jhlt t i
U!N lUlM-rk i t a..lnril toth inf
, .- . !t.'-.(.lllt'n'llUtt
i.-'!ir f..T ht,0nl4,
I Xrr, tfl l" 0l f j- - a.
AM K if i . It. ILtl I
a: ai . f:-.u '.'ii:. t m -u.
Z Tri. r .uuh Hittktnanhp. fWinl PnUW,
I ' -lavai a4 P n . t'sivtoavu'- sal F i,
av ItoMsc. sVaa.
TyT 4 II VI At fr H irti.iriti uf I'trU. 1
aVIA i. . j i i -' ' ' ' i. .'.1 t,rar. k
I t.i at i.r , saw )
f.- ru .vi t n t.ji, kn
04 t! C U I'
t oalitaj V laaBk.tV
r'tK f,4rt'"4'af, Ta'l on aair T!rw tf
fibo be ff 1. 4 CkU. Ut . oM.. fao
JAM YA i:rs!-VI, Affftot,
M jhoiiioript-i, Snv ier Co.. T.
sti.ivs ji uvi .s.vyutK co.,i'A
civ tfe Wnirncr
Ai eei (ffrri or
l)oor. ninr Box-. tYln1oi. Shnttrr
window n xc, liliit'N, S.vh. Matr
Uxltf,'-. Hau l i::tlPMir. Brack
(. o ti i (I i nc Moorinz,
SUingljri, Lath, tc, A; a.
Orlcr r i"i iicJ mi 1 f.'.'.t 1 ill rou.f t
au i J.'ipn ;h. 1 i c a ci',1 n l tua
no nap at ie' tufjre piriiLinj eUfWher
I he Plictnix Pectoral.
IU iroTt lt'"rt I- im-ii'.UT'f attr'atti
..l. J )n:r,iDa. c'V.T i- - I If-n It
lire tk. c.... U -l 1 hf ixg. It '.! a-
otiirNllori Itnlie. l fH-l re'!-' !ltf4
.lr.rirfiii. It I.r. Hi rct. It fca i:m'. mi ra
i-ure. iIiaii any ull.or uivjutua. Ilt.i, ic U ol
i.fl i-ltl7,rtn. .. K.-liT'l I' ni-J.T.-
u I II i'T fi-ri ni an I te-tl J I III it. lot
. . !! Rn 1 -i: ret ' :-t. 1.
I'rli-e, :t r-v.f r 1 I. '.Ill fn- .
Tri-parcl l.v I. oil t n-f i. .'tier. M. Ii. an 1
p 1 1 i .in .a a v M n art. aaia.aa H l, i eiitravilla, i t.
Ai rll -N. 1 .
fli tilllAT KlUaKT
Mi' licine, curve f am
ii i a t? Ii i'k. !i lo a
l.v. ii , an I ell ilirr-a
ut of tbe K Jnejra
Itliiii.ler Hill I'rin-ii-y Oreant. Irflftf,
liruv,-!. Itinl.ptr., ltriW-hi'a Uiaeata of lHa
i hi tiie.i'-. Keii-iuun or bu-jaiiaf a.-e b( U,.., i'fnili- U,il.
! Hl'N f S HEME H V
1BJ .. I
I ' i ' -
j, rr,-nairea tXl'rttjjLY
for tbetc i.t-
From r.ev fl. Tavlor, D. D., Tailor
Firri lUfi'Ui I'lMin-ij.
I'li' Tintticii, K. I., Jan. P. '71
I can li-aiii'y in tbt viriiie f IICST'S
UKMKbV in K: Inoy Pite.i.n from ariual
trial, having biva gr.-ii.jr Lcutfiiifl hy
" L rt. T.WLna.
rsovinxx.-r. V.. I . An;. 1J, l-TS.
W't. E OUIKSi: l'rva ft : hirinf
witnvttfj Dili wni!: it tfvia ef
tl L N T it KKV.fl'T in inj o n c.. anj in
a great nuaib.-r of :Lrt. I i9eraiatn4 il
iu all :!! o:rl i!u kijn.r .ii,tat or
Jr.ipiij.' afliotal by j:tei- thou!!
aveure the m 'IIouij wsi.-b till e ih-m
in Hit thorlr.t po.nble litaa, IlLSfS
HtVlKDV will Jo ihii.
Kesiccifailjr Vvure,
b. K. iuiv, 8o TyerSt,
ia puroly VoneulUc. i
as I la in ! 4 b tbe
ad vice of v byticiant '
Il baa tlooJ tbe teat
of lime for 3) yean
nj Iba utmnat reliaua u.i tr piarasl ia
it. tNK TttUL WILL t'OSVl.N ki YiHJ.
8i for faaaalel id W.U. . CLAUK,
ProiJuca, It. I.
fcsold by all iJrugaiat.
Stft. 18, "
"J'A AvcW A.jHif off linifa i
f r il 4 i . ..i-i . V
t .u wa
ettfca, a, .t.. V a..
It iivim at at'lf .
C1 II r.m.r I in. . I
O .ii ..... ...
Qi H I'nrlTiiM t.
I.r i. '. ay
rjiii ivtiii, mr.-i
re ,
SBIaaaml ejwWian