The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 02, 1879, Image 1

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Oil cfcltimn on year, , t'W.'i'
Piie-hnlf, Column, one year,' 30.00
riua-ftiMrth column, on rear. IfiJV
ion sonars fit) linMl insertion 73
I tfverv additional insertion.
JProfeswional and llusiness cards of
not more timn o lino, nor year,
Auditor, Btecutor, Administrator
mul Assignee Notices,
Editorial notices per linfl,
All transciont advertising less
$ m on tin it) cent a line.
All advertisements for a shorter pe
inH than nna vonr are nnvnhle At th
time they are ordered, and if not paid
Hi" person ordering tiicm will ue Held
responsible for the money.
1- o o tr y
BT otim T. MACK.
Is lb butnn heart forr
A feter of lunging barns
For something be yond lb present,
Th dreamy spirit ysirm.
And on. from the trmi of pleasure,
la fsgee disquiet tarns.
For a voice from out lb future
Is linifini in sirens tone,
And hand is beekoain; onward,
Tj lbs realm of ths dim unknown,
And over lbs eyes I be glumour
Of e sweet, fls spell Is thrown.
Ideals of jer and beauty,
Like flowers In lbs heart anfuld
They are fair M lbs marble maiden
Pyimllm loved of old,
And lbs life that to ber w glean.
Ws sik for tboss visions cold.
Ob, beautiful, moklng phantoms !
Yoa eoms wilh your presenot bright.
From lbs fair tnirag of dreamland,
And haunt our walking i(hl.
So dear I hut the Joy of the present
Unheeded tsks thslr flight.
And oft when ths thing ws bve sought
Comes to us, sMll ws feel
There is Ucking a ntmele something,
Ws found in lbs loved ideal,
For alas J a lire tmel-of bleeeing
It sweeier thau lbs real.
Mulnot T it 1
A maa came hastily down Chest
nut street, l'hiladelphia, aud mount'
ed the stone steps iu front of tho
Central station.
Ho eutered the broad, old-f ashi .Hi
ed doorway with tho steps of o 10
who was ut home in the buildinr.
rTV . C - , . .
iwu iiuiu .no i.uiiii iiu'ir
was another, the entranoe to a large ;
room, iiere iue uuw comer iouu i a
Immbor of brother officers, loun.
log, smoking and ga.iug out tipun
he street.
'Halloa, Dill ! seen the chief
yet " asked a tall brond-sboul lured,
r i I....I.:.... - ....
Kuuu-ivuitiug uiu'i, no ina uaw ujuj-
tr entered.
No. Why T" asked Bill.
Oh, nothing in particular, I sup-
mine, iiq nstHil lor vuii a vluln
Ljio,'' was the reply.
Bill turned upon bis heel aud left
tliutoom. Jjuntiug the vtuirs. he
teiiehod the second tloor, and eutef
J the chief's oltk-o.
eie's a letter that was left for
fvOn. Bill, said tho chief, as he
Suudcd tho missive to bim.
"And hero's something else I 'rv'
I . .1... :.. i 1 ' ... i. i.
I1UM bu Ming iu utiui. J.UU ui:un i
11 . . . i ' ; i 7. ii
Mr tuts inmi. year, nun iiinn jou w 10
tike you into the country for a
liU'inth, perhaps. '
As tho chief co.iBGd speaking tie
lauded a telegram to the tuuu before
Bill glanced at it iu a caroless
bauuer, and read the following:
C.u 11.V, Pa., Aug. , IMi.
"Send on ons of your nniurtest Jt-iec-
fitei Kuoii us poiib:c. A uiymrriiiii:
mrJer has been c.iunuiiled, und if yuu
pm ply with ay re,(m':t tbe Ufa uf an in-
Cuceul uiua may bu sve.l. "
A, J. I' Kill, HON.
One Lour a'ter readiug the above,
Hill Uavis, one of the shrewdest do
teclivt-B iu i'uiladelphia, was beiii''
:arried as fast as steam could carry
Lim, towards ths village of Couply,
For the first time since bis start
piill thought of the letter which the
kbief bad given bim
laktng it from bis pocket be pro
eeded to open it, aud as be bej 111
lo read, tbo cureless look upon bis
wee deepened to one of iu-
It rati as follows :
Couiar, July 20, 18(14.
"Well, dear old boy ! I supposs you
ymught that I bad forgotten you. No,
r: And I use mis opportunity or
'riling to beg thsl you will earns lo I'ou
17 end spend a week or two wlih me.
't be in si the wedding, you know m
l wedding! Yes, I am opiured at
ui, old boy. aud il wil be yuur turn
Vt. I Hiiiik I see you smile nt die
ptugbt that you will ever yield up tbs
'trios of old baoheiornood, 1 iliull say
lulling about my bride, but shall leave
s lo see for yourself, ilut wbea you
N her sister, Hoes, if you do not fall in
f', why tbea you uever will 1 and 1
'IU he willing to believe that you are a
JfiltM eass. Us sure aud ouiue, eld
Jf. lit country is jiut delightful.
NSD llAlteiKUTOK."
Our boro did smile, bat Dot at tbe
bought of fulling in lore. Oh, do !
Ilia ku Kinil of nlnnsiiiu at lha
juoDght or seeing bis o'd school
jam. whom be uou not met for
f r Are years.
wiiiiaui Davis bad often longou
K home und home surrouudings
f some oue to love, and for tbe
!va of some warm beart to cheer
h on in bis life's rough journey.
ui be remuinea ulooe 1 00110 m
wide world seem to care for bim.
h tbrew all bis .'tireless euergy, all
nnyieldina' perseverance tato his
Session, aud be stood at the bead
fit It was said that Bill Davis
the best detective on tbe force
lCoup-Iee, " shouted the brake
fo. poking bis beat through the
fr, and then out agsrn, as though
.lcted to baft omthina shied
Umply was a1 mall conntry sta
P. and our bero fonud Limself to
'me ouly passenger for that place,
'lis few losfers who always uatbor
"it a country station to tee tbe
-U. Mr. W&ZruZri
VOL. 17.
Reeeirinjf bis tlireetions, be was ,
about to start, when ha was aecoitoil
by An eMerly gentleman who bod
inst como np,
"I think yon wero inqnirinj? for
Mr. Ferguson, if I mUtuko not V
be said.
"Yes, doyon know bim ? '
"I nm tbo tnan you nra looking
for, if jou aro from Philadelphia.-.'
"I am."
"Como with me,'' said tho slran
ger. Our hero followed bis guido, and
after walking a short distunce they
enlorod a noat, pleasant looking ojt
Together they cntorod tho library. itablo and tako it mietly enough uf
d Mr. Ferguson atones proceed I tor a short tuuo.''
with the bnsinoss be ba l in band.
"You aro a detective aro you
not t" bo aske 1.
"I am' replied Bill, as bo ban lo t
a card bearing bis name to his com
i""""- . i vm a young ni.ri meppo i in au.i
"Ah, you are Mr. Pavis. I bavo ' p;lid oil' tho mortgago. kept it
board of you before, and believe you 0ut of his Inn Is.
are capable of working up this case.! What b;ipPtn:d to that voting
if any man can." jmin!"
"f bunk you." returned the detec-i A strange look came into Xed's
tivo. ".Now please begin st the lei filca M jie nw tll .jft 0f tho do
ginning aud tell mo tho whole Mory. ; tociiva's pi"st.iou.
You s ii l, I believe, that too life of I .flirut bi.avuns. Bill, what do you
an innocent man might ba rav.jd. nieau t 1
"I dl I i aud I lii mly bcl.ev i thitj 'u,r ,nr ...vitior. plunse,"
Ned ll.irritigtou is iunoeent of thoj ' Ha titel u'ii i six tiionths."
crime of inuider." i "H,, ,jij hoili ) t '
"Ned Harrington 1 Orent btav- ' is ,.,.ly was found in tho mill
ons '." gawped the detective. (pond, and it was hi ways HUpponu I
Tlio detective was used to great juu uo f,,i j
surprises un 1 startling develop-! ..verv ,,.!.' An 1 now, Sod when
ineuts, Jiut Hit his sell-C mtrol loft
bim, und ho ank bac!. in his chair, j
Ipato us a sheet, at the mention ofhis I
friends u ime.
"You kuov bim f" 6uid Mi rut-
gnsim, in Miuio surprise.
IIm imo Ti'iaiiil. i (ri'ii.ltlire.l
J v
from the s:imo school, nud I, too.
i.,., i. , i sj.,..i, ..
m M H NtfJ t thj hfu
of 11 fellow nun."
"1 am glad that your his friend.
and wo can work tog other." s.ii I
.u: J cigusoii, ext.oiduig his Lnu 1.
which the detoclivo gruspod and
shook warmly.
.Jf ior iua ueuiuH, la.iii'iie i
ing i
...., ..'limit ... .j ..u.i.l 1... I.. .... .... n . . "' i
.c.v....u.. wiiyuo ui, I so no eonii nar.ny ..v,.s ,ne." sa.d the inde-e. as " .n-a .j .... .....,.., ,;,..:,, i,.,!,!,!.. . ' AVMni.'.lT.'in Z?i
r.tufrt,.inr H Hia i.ii it iu fli ,nt t if t i t i 1 J i . ... . ft ...,... i t it s " j.. , - - . - s, v -
tho facts seetu to be verv eoti- i,.iv ,.vi,l ,l,l. ,.,t l.u futl nn id -a ' n,.. i ..;f - ,...i i i Ned. the lirst in 'lit of my i-iay h. re. '..,.... ! rtft-A-. it'l'!5. Ixi
ij evoniii' N id was com-i,.,,,! i, ,i..t, ,111i,,.i to w.iL It out. ..i- n... v.. . ii...., t ,( tsted tho real l-uici of i,y. , . ... ... ' ,' . . ... . , ' iV'JtrJb.? v
neross a pasture lot upon th-. Havniir arrived ouoosito tho law- .it :4 . W hih lookou' around oii'.si I- of tuc ,..., , .:...,. . ..;,..:, . 'h-K Vtit Z& -rHi'
silo of the viMa::o and fouu I i,.. ,,i i.Hs..l.,,i,.e. In, lo I ! u . ..v.'.. ;.v,,il, i .....'home. b-lmld a mil -n!.. v in a i i ' "?.. ...... "... -VrJLii' "Zrltt'
ii , i , , - - - - - . i j on in r i ue 1 1 '".vim; i . " ' ' ' ' , , , mm i ii uucii oici v uuoy tisi- ii urn 11 c JJuw..ik" ' i.s..-- --n
bodyofa nrirduiud mail, lh j ..i,,mt i,, ... ,.H ....,11 ll4 .i, , ,,. ,,.-.. i i .....;... .1....1 .. vrv siim.;c:o;i' 111 1'in-r. I f'H'-ived .... . ...... i J ; TT
,, . , . . ' t .nu I, ini'-u mil 1 ' , 1 1 e '- 1 . . . Hill, I I I I. I l V I. Ml f, r, II, ,,r I'.rt, bln,
ISO lny directly atlosh the foot-1 woa'.d i)..r.,.lt. As I,,, was slai.l.ii .!. ..i . . to : l.n rt buif.Vl.M tlie h els" luv , ' V'l . ' . ".,! V
on thM other sid tis asuorf rut ueross ' i,,, fc ti,., f , f :v ,,, Vl
the lota. He sloopod over the body:,,., ieijy tor.v.ird nud eutjiod
aud ilro.r from it a lotiif enup.Ku:..,
t'lio dood had not beeu coiuiuitted,
lou,', for the body was Luwliy cold,
. , 1 . .. f ,! .1 . I. r
stream of bloo 1 followed it. Al
t!i is mumeut seveiul mull, with I. iv
yer Grey ut the head, eiuuo upon
him. They bad boju traveling in
that dirnclion and bad sii ddeulv
come upon the torrible seeuo. Tho!
freshness of the blood, which was
hardly cold, tbe tin ling of Nad!
staudijg over thn bodv, kuifo in 1
litinrl I.Iim ttiiifiiutnl ni.-kiirii'ta in uli!r!t .
i,u 1 ..,.oi,.J ..ti
1 1 XJ llliau iiu 1 iu Jll I IV Jlivu ' . 1 a
answered their qieslious,
seemed 1 J point to him as tho guilty
.11 -i 1 1
one. And when it was tbscovoie.l
i-iii, .1
that tho knife which lull doue tho
, v . 1:. .
upou tlio bandit, nothing secmod i
.1 I..O I,,. ll... 1 .... 1
UICU1.71 iu,i, 110 1. i.a lua iiiu..i.1
or. Since his imprisonment ho has
,,-,.tiuti..i i
itiuoc'jiice, but of what
V11: j When
his tiial comes oil' hu
,, . 1 .i;..! ...
win no eon,. 0.1. ne,, jus. us sure ns (
:.,: ...1 :.. ... .!....! rl
T, v , ' Ti ,1
would behove Ned against the
n 01 to.
The detective remained a while
longer, and was introduced to tho
wile au i two daughters of bis friend.
He could not help admiring Nod's
tate us be gazod upon tbe fair face of
Mable Ferguson, lie smiled as be
stood face to face with the gentle
Rose. I'his was tbe maiden with
whom Ned bad predicted that be
would fall iu love.
lie did uot think, bo, however, as
be gazed upon her thoughtful face
aud looked into tbo cloar depths of
ber blue eyos.
Mr. FiirgnsoD bad informed Lira
that Nod was eugagod to bis daugh
tor Mabel 1 for Nad bad not men
tioned tbe name of bis betrothed
bride iu bis loUu, und but for that
be would asver have suspected t':at
it was to tbe daughter of the tiler-
chant that bo was engaged
;1 oaiat soeNed. ' said I i.L a fter
be bad spent some time iu the oo n-
pauy of the merchant aud uis lira
'lie had no diflioulty la gaiuiug
access to bis friend,
"Hill 1" gasped Ned-
"Oh, Ned, is it thus I find yo-.i ?"
As be spoke Hill g rue pad Ned by
the baud aud pressed it warmly.
"Oh, Bill, you don't believe tne
guilty of this great criuio, do you 1"
"No, my boy, .Sooner would I
believe that the suu coasod to rise.
I believe you to be iunoceut."
Thank you, Dill. Uut bow did
yoa get boro t 1 uieau bow is it
that yoa are beie at this critical
juncture V
. "Well, I receive J your letter in
viting iue down here. I did Dot
get tbe letter until to-day, at tbe
tune time I reoeivod a telegram
from Mr. rrgason, or rather tbe
cbief did, asking for smart deteo
tivo. I was detailed to work up
tbe case. Little did I tbiuk I was
MsaW'IntwwlKt' ldtwM
.4 iue I
notliiutf about Hie H(Ttir. Xow tell
y0n story. Bo particular nu t toll
mo nil."
Thereupon Xod related tho f tcts
which nt'enlrealy known to tho fend
er. "II id Miss Fotason any other
suitors bosidus yoursolf V aLod
"Why, yes."
"How did they tike their
in the taattor V'
"Whr oulr as gontloraon should."
"All f "
"Well, no, not all. Robert Grev,
i tho lawyer, souiuud aii''i'i(;p at lirst,
I but he m(imd to n, ''niz' tliainu
"D i you know of any other in
staneo in which this lawyer was de
looted in obi -ct 7 I
I jjnt in.) huh. ics. mere m mo
i Mo Ion's estate. . want-i.! th it,
does the t: i il ro:ne oil' I '
fn two weeks,"
. -s,,w j wl'Ht KvlTn vui. but I
Mi.ivo In pes that vou will bo ele:iiv l.
wjn ,, i,st "
, am " ;n VM
..n . . , t.....
n il wniu (i jou mean auoiu
r.. ....... r .
"Never mind : you'll kmw soon
It was r.i'l;t when tho (I 'trcive
ouilted tho cell in which his fie ri 1
van cotii'iai!. Hiving nscert liuod
t0 Wl)mvahjuts of tho residence of
Liwver Groy. be walked slowly iu
'that'.lirf eliou, iuleiidiu,' to survey
, imv.hii,, j
. . . .
iii mo iiarKcr u i w oi s nuo
"I must gaiu a bnitt iue,! titliil
u,,.., , i.,,.,k nv rM,ii: i.tiitturu.l
tho detective.
The twi 1'ii'ki that ia
t'if, N d II irruiito'i's
way r.ioi IU'. tuiniJ
t'-ryijll y be
t'iil plli-ed
to s iv. th
h'tei'tiV'i bad disappeared, or u itlii.u
! Iia l been so 01 o'" heard from him.
ii' Mr. V-;Ti i-ja leuj nny iuisjicm
ui-i h 1 Ji 1 11 " "ineiitiou tli ? Iset.
j ur,
vi hioi
t' trust
the ulll'cr.
belit'V I
1 1' Ul k'" ' , C 1 ,,
1 ta ruin N t I, It w its w ell known to
' , , 1 ..
Isiiue persons t nil a nn
, ' ... , . ,..,.
iioou tho grniiMd. but lotf itU'.'V.
; where to look fer Into.
Still, the iiu-rohiu' jltfar.J tout iu
' qiit'.i of all his ciiutio.i, tho dct.'ctive
might hivo in 't with fuel pUl". In
. no o.'her wiv caul I bis n'raue (lis
llI)D0:iraU3.' 1)0 aeeo'liiie 1 ,u. .
. 1 .....
;u lU Jay ()f , tria,
arrived. The emri'ii ia-,e
thronged with eager people. It w
c,lt,.8. "j, that tl
trrc'iL'ss uiiuouuy umi iue
ofli'ters could keep the allies clear
Ned Harrington, pi.o and cure-
wore, net In tho dook. Hit th ro
wus uo look of guilt upon bis face.
aod his ey ts never labored ns ho riz-
ou upon tuo uiauitutie. jur. rer-
gusou and his I'aiuily were there, At-
ting near tho prisouer. Mr.
gusun gazed anxiously over iue uou
of faces, hoping to eo tho detective.
Dal he did n t se him, and bin
boartauk. How onulJ bu bipoto
sso tbs prisoner pro forth a tree man
. r . . , 1 .1 . 1.
Tod lookout was inoreu uam.
Ned had many friunds prosout,
but tbey bad lust all bope.
Neur'th'J wimosi staud, among o'b
er laborers, sat rougb-elud minor'
It was uothiug strange to see such a
man there. Thore were many suc'i
nii'n lo tlie illaa every day, and
tb'i man sn is I to Llelti no parlio-
tr. ,uwu,
olar stienti'in. U u his ititornst in
The eonneel for the istd, a young
aod ri.iog lawyer, opuueJ his arma
ment far the proxortuuoo, and rn uct
after fa -t wm brought for war I, tlielt10 lady whom tho lawyer lovod.
1 . .I . I 1 f .. ..I ....... .Aar.Vn.l ! ,( , I. . t ...!L1. .1... I. ..If.-.
ooom ui .ms iuuiuuwu "''.
Lawjor Grey wt's called to tho
witness ntunJ, uod ho repealed his
story with terrible dtstiuutuess and
The counsel for the defence t'w
op uixd, but it was sf u'p'y an ol iho
rate UMilutout, tbo principlo feature
of which ws lh prieooer's previous
Homl cbsrui'ter.
He wjs a smart y.mog lawyor, an I
C did bis best, but ha bid oil facts
to' present.
"Yer Honor, may I ask lawyer
(ry a few quostiotts f Inquired
the minor, as tbe lawyer for (he ds
feDft sl down.
"Certaluly, my mso, if you know
aoythln about this cif, lot us hear
It by all mesos," aoswered his Honor.
"Tbe crime wa commuie i up m
x-s Uvor, b answereo, . and turtl tog
p is-
' -r I-
"At about l'J o'clock at iiljbt." , I
"Y. s."
. "Well. I'd liko to ak hycr Grsy I
r. hero ho was at 10 o'clock on tho i
tiijjht of tho 2.,tlt of .luly."
Tlie lawyer staitod, and for on in
slant his f.uM p vlud. but by a power
ful el't'.nt ho controlled bin emotion.
"What do you moau, fellow t" ba
askod, "Your Honor, em I to be
piustined by every vagabond rascal
tint chooses to speak f '
"You need not answer if you don't
care to, replied the court.
'Then I decline to do so," growl
ed tho 1 twver.
Tee miner grinnod audibly) as be
"May be you won't objeit to t dII
ing in where you were DC ntiduight
on Augtint C'th V
I was homo in bod." ropliod the
( lawyer, nltliongli Ins Vomo
Uli - 'htlv as hu huoIio. 11 j
felt li'ou
bled n bo spjko. Why, ho could
nut till Who was this mnu that
seemv.l to read bn very soul with
his bui'tiitu; irii )
Was he tho nim. !
pie miner that ho appeared lo bo
'l.,.t Mru t .tii.i f.ii A-.ii'.l."
was tho next request of tho miner'
Mrs, K-dd, lawyer Grcy'i! house
keeper, came forwnld.
"Wh-it dj you know about this
ease 1 nsk id the jndgn.
"On the night August the Cth I 1-1, Hi. kill tilt I'.i.rnr.. T tl:l
tootn ielu!, and found it impossible !
toMlrcp. 1 know lint l lWlor (hev
ha 1 nil interview with a btrangn,
I'.iivh-looking man. and that it was
hail' p t"t mm o'cloi k w hen ho went
up t his room."
Tim lawyer's f.i''f was pile, but h.s
teeth Were ti'iltly el-lic'.l ! I. as
tho;i;;h he had lesoivil to"
ml whttevei- iUi ot bo sai I al jilt
...,. . ,.,.,. 1,.,,,...
.1 cper
emwe I ciite a he!;"iitiyn thr
ah,, ooui t-l'.-oei.
N,)v,. vi-r lloior. if that tain
lie on., lime.whvwjuid ho not lie any wife. and. ere tw . w....;s, u
time .'' asi.ed the .uiuer, quailltlv. :y''U '"'ill is the lliinato Ol ll fvlolis
With giving time for n icoh-, ho , 'l' "';.""l wtt.i niurd.-r. ..
: continued r b .vo a way or putting
...i it... i ;r. u,..i .t..Mni'i!'s together, an 1 tneso t v l.itti
' ll .1 . . I '"
lllii' 1"U .'Jb IUU I1UIIU ItUthl, Ulfll'.
!..,' ,1 h.le I.
;;to;'. s
id f .r-
of the oti er.
around hi.u.
;') I th "-I
.villi iistoni-l'.
inelit 11:1 "I tlio
t vo t. uves. 1 'uy
wero 1
tly uliko ; V. I s ii no 1 w is
11110:1 Vi Inn l'j of each.
iu 1 'Me tly toe saum plat:.).
'Ti .'t ll .lici t Smith c )'iii for
ward, "ns": 'd the 1. liner, an 1 in tin
resmuv.' t the domuu I, a strtiugor
csmii fiir.inrd.
"Yo'l are in the
hardware bnsi
are vou not '"
ness in New ork,
atked the miner.
' '! am."
I'i 1 von. or did
you not, have
exact counter-
this kitifo
Ij t!
part of th
u'.Lui, to order of law
yer I 'I'l'V .
'T.i ir 1" thun 1 r-' 1 t li 0 lawy, r
starting up. Your Honor, 1 pro
test. Am I to bu sulI"s to this
oul rage. t insult 1 by th:s mis
t'litbh) e al diijger !''.
He was ordure 1 down ; and wbon
ho hid ceased his laving, the strange
miner resumed :
"Let Hilly I hilly como forward !"
At the mention of this uamo, tho
lawyer's fie.? becuuo ghastly i bnt
0ro" ho could utter a word a man
i,, j i,v two ntl'icorH. cam.i forward
. lull X I lJu I i r , i ii'ii I ji i 1 .Vl'.l ill ". IL M .1 ll), 1 illStt ill jsssssst.r7 I x-
Ivies:...,..!.. 1:,, ;, t., . h ,,, 1 s. il : 1 del :;o. i.n ownr'ar-i in" in.; 1 - 1 1 .,,... l,. ','... '........'... n. .......
1 ' ' ! ;:i li is . ,1 -'err;:!
0 w,lH v,,ry Woak ftotii loss of lilood ' ft uiodest circular g
which was flowiug from nu old re-'their purchaso aud in
Fcr-,Op0,)0,i wouu 1 iu bis breast. His facoii-puo tobacco from w
was pale, and bis clothes wero wet
with his life blood, o Cxod bis
wavering giue upon the ju lgo.
"1 our Honor, 111 ilyiug, ho said
iii a faltering voieo. "I bavo been
thn Bcipegruea of this town ; 1 nivo
led a bad, wicked life I know ; but
! iod forgivo mo ! H it, your Honor,
' I can do ouo act of ropjtitauco ore I
die. As I bona for mercy from ubive,
I declare that Ned Harrington is
innocent of the crime for which be is
now beiug tried
Miuo was the bund
that drove the knife to tho
heart of
William KVoirU Hat there, cower-
M It . .1 . . 1
ing before you, is tho real murderor,
Kobort (rey i with my dying breath
I swear it 1 Ho bated youug liar-
liiigton because bo wou tho bund of
no iiirnisuoa mu v t l 1 1 tuu .uou,
aud told mo wbeu to strike tho blow
wbou bo know that Nod was cjiu
ing directly across tho fatal spot
Gray coutiive.l to bo on the ground
with several others, and thus he
nutrappod Ned. He knew Unt Nod
had lost Ins Uaifo, uud uo iu uignr, u
he could get one made like it he
would more effectually fix the crime
upon him. I visited bim upju tlio I
.1 1.. 4 ..'......I fill. nn.1 .UA l,1 I
UliJUIt Oi nilliunniitu, aim j
a quarrel about tbe pay i be stabbed
me, au.i. miuiunir, iue tieao, wn
ma down into the cellar, and there
loft me. , Why, or for what purpose
that coal miuer was iu tbe Douse, I
cannot tell i be resoued Die, ana
t,uk me to a bouse whore be board
ed, and secretly oared for me for two
weeks.' Hut I am dying, ana as I
am a dying man, ve told yoa tbe
truth I Yes, I'ln' . .
it ha nonld finish his Toioe fail
WJ biu f Hmp'aUl lifefesw' bb ftfirfi
m W toe tooee oi '" j:
slid from the gras" of the twoodi
ceifl, au 1 foil howily u,i n tin ll ur
won rrti,oa Li'n ni Uo W,H
vo pliyo'l my gamo sun josi .
d tho' lawv'er. "Put yon,
Inssod tho lawyer. "1 ut yon
enrsa you, yoa suill not g tr.i by my
down fill.
An ho spoko be lrew a pistol and
aimed it full at Ne I II irnngti on.
With u bound that wis bko the loop
of a wild animal, tho minor was upon
him. and boforo ho eould tiro, the
weapon was knocked from his grasp;
the next inUnt them wis a lou I
click, and apiir of delicate steel
bracelets o unreled his wrists.
"No, you don't,'' cried tho miner,
"In tho lien I s nam i. .who are
you ? ' hissed tho villain.
"Yes.wiio are you, hir T" j lesli in
ocl the court,
"I'm Divis. the Pbila delpbia
detective," was the quiet l' ply,
The exeitomeiit in t io court room
wai int' ; cheer after cheer cinin
from the vont multilu.l". A den-
peratu rush was mi le toward the
pliilforin, mid Ai.'d Harriott u ti'i i
i I'tectivo were raise i suouuier
111(11, NIKI UOI 1111 UOIU UIU v 'III H. ll"
detective hi 1 spent
ml his vie ati 1 hi
.1 tho life of his
noolv : ho had save
fr iend.
The j try rend.-rel
"not gniltv." without
room. No I Ilartinutoii
a verdict of
loaviu-C the
was borne j
,r" ' u,'t '"'"' a tr"' "nll ,vlUl
"Ul 11 Klill'l upon ins imee
'Unt. in v dear fello-.i. iio.v did you
doit ? How did yon I'm I out n much
a'ooiii Lawyer (Ir , -vden iiui.e of lis
HUspeiHed ; ' linked .Xe I.
'I thought il a .ine-ai if c ilo,'-.
done.! Iii il the only tvj men tui' that lua'i's patli. t-le'ill 1
meet with sucu ii:-. il I'o.i . i -i 1 .' ie-
: plied Will "A y em,; m all b i':l s 1 ho
' I iwver in obta.iiiue; a:i eOa!-'. an I
. i i . . p ... i
io a ?u;rl lnu,. i i.- o iy n eciu i
i ll utim.' iu tie: mill i-m I. An r.ii-:
lyoiiiig mm ba'li m i'l oo' lining
' n ...
' lie 111'.' an
l tic in
al: 1 mull
' ' . ' ll) t .
a ,ry o' st 1 i
. MtpOoSi) 1
1 f .o' .w;i !
I I'Miiiin.-d
fintil tint.
11 . i'i. r. 1 s 1 v 1 ,ij
. , ...
hi 11. sv.v him ear:y tl;
.li 1 1 in in iiit' lie: c-ll ir.
hi.ll. i'.U I wllel, ho left.
t!i- wounded loan, r.'jd
th i'l ' I '11 I ' V il.irl. V
ii .v ,s ! :
dead. I removed hilil
t i a hous"
where I hi I IV-oiV" I f boar I. nil I
nursed him until tho tri il ' un n)',
I tint! disguised iuseif, tout I
might tl)3 I... tl- r follow the c i't:-s. I
had uiarke I out f jr my.-.i if. 1 ou kiio.v
'the rest. "
! "Ay. we ktiow tho re.-1. lod b!ess
'you. "Wiii 1" cri-1 Ned. giving iiis
I.Ulid ll W;il-i:l gra: p
1 Thrre days lifter t!.e above event.
tho detective ".dood up" at "n.s
friend's 1 i.,rriig". At.d we are li ip
ipvtoslito that Ved's prcdietioiiij
d'.! c.ii..' iv.t . W;M did f i'l in love
with the ;r ntle K se 1 vrgusoii.
land wie n the bel'.s i:ii:g mcrri
i.'hristmu eliim they were marrie. 1
As f ir il 1!" 1 1 (irey, to use the
llrishm ui's expros-ioii, "ho was e .n-
deninod t bo hung, but save 1 his
hfo by dyu.g in prieoti 1
'1 ..Ml
A Modest Advcrtismcnt
n c-uferprisiiig grocer iu Westvillo.
.c011necticut.eouies out iu fou i in be
i,..if f njrt ,vh lintcd Tin fag Cigars
gently urging
use, lie s;ivn :
hich tho Tiu
i'Pags aro made is grown entirely in
'conservatories, and tho cigars are
! made 011 luabogany tables by thor-
; 0UL'hhrod Cubans in swallow-lad
'coats and white kid cloves When a
man smokes ono of these cigars, he j There is a p.eisnvo mcoutetuplat
wiikson air, and dreams that ho has ing e;ood: thero is a greater pleasure
a diamond scarf-pin an 1 a sixty-live ,in receiving good; bat the greatest
dollar suit of clothes on. and just ' pleasure of all is iu doing good,
married rioh. It mikes tha breath ! which comon-bcnd the rest.
ownet. and keens tho teeth white.
nn,i ,viil force a mustache ou the
. smoothest lio in hvo weeks
It im -
iirovos and boautifios tho com.
.doxioti. eradicates tan, freckles, audi
I . .. II.
dandruff, aud is onioyed by all the
smoker's, sisters.eoiisius, nud aunts.'
It pr.rulcates tho house, wind nv-
ouitiius, closets, and clothes with
tho delicate odors and exqu. site frag
runco of Heliottope, Nawmown Hiy,
Jockoy Club, and Whito Jtoso. It
will fasteu tho front gate every night,
and carry in the tviner it tho morn
ing, chase tho cits oil ma ganien
ih-ivfl t.lm hous to water, and 'hard-
" M . , 1
Iv over' foil to make ouo feel bolter
a'Hover. No well-regulated fam'ly
cuu nronerlv keep houso without
them, for the mail who smokes this
eigur will UOVer cut wood too long
for tho stovo, never swear wtion ue
puts up stovepipes, never step ou a
11 u . u l utv j 'm w
lady's trail, join a olub, or go down
to the post ofuee after supper.
io sai l lie could stand it to Lave
his wife yaint evorytliiog from a till
cup to an old straw b it, aul stick it
all over with etipids and, heathen
Chinese. Hut wbea she swooped
down on their mince pie and embel
ished that he thouut it was' time
to'klok.' AWdbecDX'
r Iri" -
I ( I I IJ
XI J, I"
kKules.of .Conduct
Never belriiy
Never leave
a eonfi l.mea,
bomo with uukiud
Never give protnisea that you
not full! 1.
Never send a present Loping
one ill return.
Never fail to be punctual "at
time appointed.
Never make yourself tho hero of
I your own story,
i . Never m iko much of your own per-
Never pick tho teeth or clean the
nails in e iiiqmiiy.
Never ful to givo a polite answer
to a civil question.
Never present a gift saying it is of
on use to yourself.
Never call attention to the features
or foi Hi of an. tliel-.
Nuvjr tea I letters v.Iiich you may
find a ddrease.l t ) othei'i.
Never quchtion a bci van! or child
ibo'it fun .ly matter'.
Nv.-r p no sii your chd I for a f tn't
to wlncli jou are ud iii led joiirmif.
Nt ver i';fer lo a H'fi you have mu le
or a favor you rendered.
Never answer irlestioun iu LM'her al
c.mMXl. lka luvu UloJ lru u olll.
Knowing People
There are always some people in
every community who imagine
themselves, to use a common phniso,
"very si.iarl." an 1 th"V nle generally
of the bilsyb ),y kind. :ie of U.u.-e
can do morn harm in a town or
neighborhood than a do. n goo I
people can set at ii,o:ts. No min
lte, e i'i, s in'. ' r, p! ico b it liie-ie
Kin irt "ties c iii pick iii.y ir.ootiutof
liaws in tus -vcrv iiv w ill;, or his
s. riaoin are
-I: u t. t I i i'i
can"; i i.
iuiagiriary iri
1-SS l'lelellti
A :il S t,
nu. I a
, i. '.',(, .
:;s I..
or to i
or "!:.' '
! other
a', lie
iliich tne
tun:';, ef
lWil.;JOIi.'S pi ise
, r
iiientioini.,;. I '.it th'.'i.e i;n..
I ) t:ot 1 1 'O h oe, for n i
was ever started but wnco:i!rirv to
their views, (Kil'-r I'ullii le V.'!' bull I
a pu'-pen, a smoUeiiouse, n c u n en I
Lenntl' of Dv?.
At ilitnibiii'g, in
longest, iriv I. n Huvel.r. ,". i, '., ill's ,i!r
tli-bo-.-tc-t M'V.-i. AtM'H'k'"i a t!'- I
longest il is i-;gi:t...!i 1.'. I :i hl'.f
hour', 1111 I th" shorie-.t ,i vo and a
hill. At I'. t, fsburgth, longest
has n ti' teen, and tho shortest :lve
hours At, l'lnlml tho Ion ;est his
t .veu'.y-one and a half hours. At
Woudorbiis. in Not wav. t'eo dav
lists from the 21 -t of .1iy to the lid
of .Inly, the S'lu ho, getting in ! ra
the horizon during the whole time,
but skimming along Very close t it
iu the north. At Spitsbergen tlie
longest day lasts throo month.s and
a 11.11
l'at wi-.s employe 1 r.s hostler of rt
lioti-1 in Latica.-b v cor.nty. tine day
a gn st r.rtive I on bore-b ick, and
or I. red hi-, horiie "put rp" until din- ,
iier was over, 'i ii .-,1'ii.r. il was c
sign, ! to
ped it of
c .1-
, Ml 1 he s
but the h
Vfter dinner tin- h ir-o was or 1 i-, 1
"roun 1," i'.i.d Par. n .t knowing Low
t 1 put 1 . ; ; i d 1 1 0 011 properly, tur'-.e i
it ( u l f'-r end. and appealed before
the bob 1. The proprietor, seeing
what was done, asked Put what he
meant by putting tlie sad Uo on iu
111 a id inner, l'at lo;;ke I up iuno-
tly mil said, ''how in the divil
did 1 know which way tho man was
Gkxis. Kindest hcr.rts cau to.
get her meet though half tho earth
Keep tho of hfo bright at tho
centre, and nil tho i-ypcriouees of
icirth will bo powerless tokil'or
! even greatly to shako your poaee.
l.ovo is the shadow of tho morning'
1 which decreases as the day advanc
les. 1'iien.Khip is tho shadow of the
jcveni tig. which strengthens wiih the
setting sun of life. Font tine.
lie who climbs above tho cares of
tho world and turns his faeo to his
i nd. Las found the sunny sido of
' I '
f jho.
i chill
Tho world s side of tho hill is
an I freezing to a spiritual
'mind, but tho Lords presence gives
!a warmth of joy whii h turns wiutcr
into summer.- "V'li'.'i'oi.
Don t Fptea 1 yoursolf too much,
young niau. i ou uavo no utea now
-r .j
extremely tuio you may do,
The statesman who likas to hoar
himself talk should buy a telephone
aud lock Limself up iu a room.
fbe Snmir-er resort for boys t
Long Branob. About three foot loug
and as thick as a summer cane. It
iVA'brWiiU'euia viUureeort to.
p n,
i is... . . .
Published every ThiiroU Evening
Terms of Subscription, .
two iH)i.i.! rmt ann,i;. r. p.iv.
able) vilhin six month or fl.'t t if not
pnid within the voir. So paper di
continued ut.til nil rrrc ui eyes Are
pnid unless s.t the rption of tiie pule
f?ubsi riptiwm ritlrfido (if the count?
PiV.tMI.K IV IDViVl'lt
ti-rw lift'iv' ntH n.-imr p!per
,.lri-.. .:!!, i I m.-!..iicril.ere)
Alld III' lillhilj f'
ie iniie of the pnper
Jt:nky a. wor.i f.r.Y,
Saddler nnd Harness
Ccntrcvlle, Snyder County, Pcnna.
K. er on h". !. m! innK-t 1 1 nr !r at! V n Is
nf irirni.,. S.i.l !, If r : ) r , .V fi I , t:-.n-l!
ll work trurtittrl loi nue v,it
Mr. W iliy ,.b 1,111 n mul to ,r.. 1U1 i.n
uniiemMi',9 ie Uuln . IMjv ", e , T 4 .
V, Efl, KU'KA,
.1, ,, - ' '
( I'lifieM 1 V fr
Sin , r ( '., '..
i v 1 iti .tuuuiioii. )
m I,
A ' r '!, ! nl--l I .r .v I Tin:n,x Wl,
iv.-i Wiii'ti H-i- r II m-ii! rt 9. tiri.
K mi livi.Ti it 1 1: 11 1 11. Sie., lie.
t.i'l. 4 fn- r ,r the riiil!t:iH'ii r IN
X k 1. 1 . 1 . M-itu; lire li,iirne. tinl ntfie?
l.f.' I i'".u- in 1 ...
1.11 n,l ro-Mcr,: r.t Mfr SMt'.in
Oct. s :.i.
Il.ittlo C-rn.h, Ml. li.
IJITir Mllrlit,., I.rnlii-ST. Inir. T!pie-.'Tlr-r.
1 " " r --I
Inr f..r miaMf.tUfsi,
,, , I it H t'Ml '
v.' . . .. ; M
Mi t r ji. If 4 ' w
it ' .' ..' i !. ' ,'.
T'.frhr i
VXOlt TMiSlr-ilitr,. I nit fn fiur Tirhl- i, ftf
J AMI'S U HIS I'll. ATont.
M.i'i'-O ti.., S'nv 1 t I ' , I' l.
nion r..ANi.'i' y. ILL
sKi.:r:s" M,vr.s:;v ,vr rn , p,
faisnlifr Er!crs
M' ;:,m i ii'-i i n: 11
Doers, liner IIum n. V, iitib.H sl.ttt'rrs
V' tinlmt C'.v'v. I? i i mt. Miiir
HIii'n, llaii'l h:iiiii :s. it-.i t. -rl.
leiililllics, I li eritig,
M iii'i.i'V' i'.'.i !';: i:t ti'
iiliiiib.ii, Jja'h, &c, tVo.
1 with proTrT t
ul, ft 11 t elHiu
; o'.-'i'wlier
I ,1 roti 11
I ne Pl uiiiix Toclorrl.
r i
I .-r
t re 1 -
." i'.! ir:v ' r-ie 1 f
- .i'. I i-:i.l -rii-i. It
' '.V'. Il Hi ' l"-
'UM role I. 1 1 lv,
1 : ' i.' ',(i'- wi ,r
' tr' 1 1 1 1 !!!. :
r -tiu) 1 - in 14 I. a . n
tc-ui I ' l'o reiki
1 1.0
I .1
HO.-. . ... ' l 1
rrcj'.l re I !v I
1 I I l.v .1 ,n A. M
uT,t,'ii .V ! ir' t, ,
Ainl .0.:, !'. I
I rer. MI.
icMirii .uJ but.-,
1 a.
' Mill
.'iitrev nle
itCNT s m MTDT.
Th' linitT K:i,rv
lb' lioiin-, cur.n r tin
ii. Ihe let.' It. Si'U s
HI) I ,'it .ll'i'tf
K i Incyt,
blii lJer hu I t riii iiy UriiiQi, Drupy,
idrrivel, lliln t.', lt.idr, ih. of ilia
I ICi li.eys. I'.dei. ' ei rr liK-.iniii:en:s cf t'
Irini', Nerv,in Iwi-k, IVm! tVenk
jr.".', a I Hi: ", 'il'STS !i ;'.',ll'.uV
1 1; ; rvf i icl L'M'itl .SLV Ut thv.e diS-
j From Itc K i . Tsyler, P. P., V.mor
Fir?i 1'ipiU.t t'tiiirch.
I I',;"' il i:n h. It. I., .'r.a. ?. 'T''. ,
I I cm lot if v m He virtue cf HUNT'S
II'.KMKIIV in Hi Inry Ii.ntl.c, f,-,m hih!
trnil. Ling ti i- c ii grtnny t.t.i,'Osl hy
ii ute. L.'c. T il LOft.
Tnoi 11'to.i iu H. ! . Aug. 1 ', Wh.
W?!. E. CL.'.l'.FG I'. k ..s It'tTiiiff
I wiinrssnl tlio ren lir: .'. rlfei'ls of
HUNl s1 RKXIKPV inny n fa-p. n 1 !a
.1 grout ruiibi-r if c:Lit, 1 r. - "inni.-n I It.
1 1. till il'. .;. ,i ; h lobny
iropty. II; ..c v.l.i-tel ly j.tfi-i ttwuU
i-t'Curc lie iu,- li.-1 l? i. :ii mil el'. ihea
the thorieti i pxiHu liii-e, HINTS
K'MtliV wi.l tlo Iti
R.-ej-ecifuliy Vuiir.,
11. it. 1a i.iv, r."i Pycr si.
Un i i t y n
n il il l- ,'f I'll ymciHlm
Il linn HA.i'l i!,e
of lime lor UO year',
and I he r.'inofi rcbsi'.-e le p.stut la
Son I Ur ran rhlei lo W M. K. CLAUK,
rroti.l.'nor, K. I.
Sold by all Druiitst.
Si-jit. If, It.
ftl.l '.I r.' .UI T .. I
UokV? 'im4 A$
0 l I iirllnl St :tm llirfslier Ip!
' ' - -.I,
ii,. t .r i ' t
Tlir r'-lll 'I'luf li iti;- find Aft n
- it. I i
I . .... . , i . . ; . , .
nj.lU! .tiii-..r. ) n.f .:.. '.! f
V : K i H - . i
s ., l.'ihl ' i".-H.
U'i ;i en A Mi if UnJs
liliiitki tti-h m Note, Sm'
nion not, l arrant, Aitatii, suojvi'
liiiw,ttc., ilo.
VAVt'Y OlSn wlth. Ivt. Ut
or ii .IU. iM ,ll . Ass's OsllllS.
Lb CO., Uava. N. V.