The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 25, 1879, Image 1

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    J,mn ran year, ' "-00
V ilumn. one year. ftMK)
Lh rottimn.orie year, ' 13.00
Lw(t0linw)l Insertion 79
LuMiltotial insertion, 60
ri,nliml nttslnes cards of
1f(. than 5 lino, nor year,
f fttnctitnr, Administrator
(nicT'ipo Notices,
i ..'..twin npr linA
r,4i'iniil advertising loss than
i cents a lino,
jvertisotncnts for a shorter pe
rt ono year are payable nt the
,v nro onloroil, ami il not paid
,',n ordering Ihnui will ue lielil
!,!( for tho money.
lit J'i" " maka It,
1. 1 in furrow or in J.iy t
tut. sower n brsak It.
, pcieeful lift aano.
i atwsvs catk.ri mrnaeMt
., luve'a power U linla knows ;
. uliaaow ilwslls I It J Ijoj.sI,
Lijrsnl ob the Ihrone.
L(irr't or lb pslac..
l. if nniaa winr. tr it do,
l.mlJ nil it free from mallet,
i)mg s.ass soil Barium,
l wnrJi l homo returning,
j k in 1 oaiwera kaak (,tin ;
jru ouch ho ever bnanng
: ii in brig-lil g ii I J e ouaia.
r rin 1, srrayei In beauty,
I n love'e power cuiilji all al bono
Lniiii"! on July.
I,BiiiM wuate r a i oj n.
, bfiris nro ever resJr
1 , 1 J pli.itur.' v ory J ijr !
Lir life power, nrm in I steady,
:ij all wiluid llieir wy.
)' tun be (Tor sli'nini, I
Incli borne o'er sll mo Uul
Iiwymio Kroo rntwiuiuz
,rt tu licitrl u J bitu i le bnnJ.
-,l onward et a river ,
Li. mlent in o'y ;
l.iniejrre-eine ' 'louver
I uJ ujhioi from misery.
- . .
I! I u I; I ft. il I t)
k'rrouto. which was the only road
liteii tuo towns oi jrevon uim
stcr, lay fur thirty miles through
almost unui'ikou wil lemons.
trick bad boon bt lly cut tu
-s I7 rocont rains, an 1 my pro
.s was tnucu Hiover luan was
r Kikfu or pltniHiiit. Su'iHiil
L l inn h till lumiy miiuH away from
lcitiuatioii, aii't 1 umiu t ro
: oiitlio probability ofuuilitu
iu tlio woo. In in nj coiufort-
f,ii u ) or tin i J-
I)iy Lurriu Htuinbluil no eormtantly
:uo lm-ruatiin ilarUiiuHHtlmt I u-
:J ut luiitli to ullo.v bi'ii 1 1
: Lif way ul a nl nv walk. 1 lit I
mi 1 at tan roil 'lioHt put of tin
1.1. mi l hultuil to iiiiliti Hiire
i lay hiil lu:i in tlio obtcu i-
Li-voii l, wLou a farm tipr.iu ; O'll
'.be binbos and IjokiJ j iiio
tint dull lilit 1 couM pui'coiw
I it it wta biuuII, Hiijjbtly b ull
tjj, ci.i 1 iii uiiitouy caruiuniK,
lu.di i iu jiieiica tiai com; uiin ; uiM
lliut bo liubl a pit 1 hi ii
t''u it uupioasaul prosi.uiiy to
Li hun.L
"iVU it yoa want ?" I u iko l,
;'u uLiat c iiupoHUi'o I could mm-
f Mir money." was tho auswnr.
' it J jvu iu tb'j ro t I uul ri l.1
III i voice was niugularly aweet
tu i nun a riitiian at mat ana
:?to ;is a tremor iu it that boliuJ
l t'ireatoniug air.
I ue wan is a coward, I said to
i.vsv.f : then uloiid, ' S.ipposo I re
'm to comply with your very roa-
Miiblo recjiusl, what tkeu !''
"1 shall blow your uraius out.
lnttio reply, "ibro mo your
'.rue, uud bo quick about it.
I raised my baud from my si lo as
tj comply with bis ilom in I j but
stf id of doing so I lifted my rid-
; whip aud brought it down iitou
po tuiLpIo of my robber. luu
Illj was apotorfil one, and hu
i lie 1 under my horse's feut with-
li'jt t sound.
Springing from tho saddle to
Icrapjilo with him. 1 found him pros-
liNti and iuseuiHble, with tlio blood
Itl nunr ooiiiouslv from an unly
poittid iu tho fiirtihead.
Iu the act of 1 .fling his bead upon
av arm, his hat full olT, aud a roil of
luxuriant brown hair foil over my
mi- Much aiitoiiirthod at this, I
Ivnt over thu lifeless being and be
W!d a nilo botutiful fiu, with
.i,. dulioaU fsalnros, wliosn ox
I'nkioii, oven tu unconsciousness, that of iiiinglud sadnoss and de-
pair. My usKailant was nwoiuiu,
vuiig and bearing I races of rtiUnti
unit ubout bor, despite bur rough
After a little anarch I discovered
I 'ii wennoii with which she hid
iWstcncd tun. It was an old pistol,
l'rk n and uiitoadiid. With au iu
I a'.M that I did not stop to question
illirustit in mv it ickct. Then I
nnuinod thu wound I had Intbctcd.
ll a slight one. but would leave
hU liitiir soar unoti her temple
What ahmild audi a woiuau be
iliog iu this d.taolatn region f What
rnmof fortune ha I dnvnii li 'r to
suaot so dangerous and nn w oman
' There was Wot ttmtt lo Idled
thu matter for shit stirred
'tihtly, and a faint iiiomii id pain
through her pale lips.
With a sense ttf deep tcmoraa for
th violotms 1 bad duns the pool
ful. I bound up lur wound witii tuv
Utt.lkotohlef and atipped a uood
hMli. of thu muuny 1 had about
the u n-Vitt l IpI' isl, I M
IbM ior itatd id It Milat W desper
U indited.
Vftor a iiiomtuil kr evM ititctied
' Us looks I aildly atoiind
' yVlut has hpoMi t ' islio said,
f.ta W, ,V hms Is tif FxlWr !
x rl at utu w.iud uiurtW
"'.i I lmsmbsisd. sba cits l, in
J law Wj I , 0 1 la IMa H
4 falhnr- hiSTt m I'
tshalV ld l viotbltU)W
ii mi jiw
' I will tnlte yoa to bim, for yon aro
not able to walk alone, l'oor child,
it was A mixtakA ul I was bratal.
Talk no raoro but loan on mo."
She obeyod in nilenee, and slio
inff my borso'a bridlo oter my arm,
I lod her down tho road nntil alio
paused before a miserable but,
whno battered nspoot and uolighlod
windows Kva sorrowful oviduueo of
tbo poverty of the Inmatos.
As I reloasnd bor she seized my
band, and ga.iug up into ray faoe
uppouliuly, broko into a passion of
I understand yon,'' I said. "No
ouo shall over know what has occur,
tod to-niht from my lips. No
wrong lias biu.n dono except through
my violonco j and I bopo that you
will forgivu. No go to your fath
VVavinfT my band in farowoll, I
sprang upon my horse and rodo ofT
Cautious iniiii'y in tliu uuit town
elicited tbo f let tliat tho hut 1 bad
NHeti was onctipiod by an old man of
tlio nuino of Viiidior nn 1 hia (luu'li
ter Julia. Tboy bad como from tliu
hiHt s imo tlireo yoars, and bad soon
bettor times. heu now,
poor ns
they were, tiiny presorvud on utu
tocratio Hecluni.iii, no Hint their
niiii'liboiM knew litllo about tlioiu
Hil l cured Idhh. How they lived my
iiiformaiit o Mil 1 not (;uohs, Tbo fa'
tber liad been iu feeble buitltb for a
lon time, but tliu (laughter, a fia
ilo, delirato go I, bad found tho
mentis to support bim.
I bad learned one of those 'moans,'
and I wont away from tbo town with
a deep r respect fr Julia Windsor
than 1 bad over felt for a woiuau.
Two years later found iuo esUb
lishod in Now oik. I bad aim jt
forottcii tho alruntura with tU
road uenl, mid sh jiil 1 hivo forgot
leu it nlloetbor but for the old pis
tol, whieu I still ret utio J.
One evening, (luring a roeopUon
at tho Ii'iuhu of a fi ieiid, 1 observod
niuon tlio ' iuHtM a lady wliono face
seenm l f.nuiiiar to uio U'beio I
bad mut bor before 1 csuul 1 Dot re
inoiubor ; but tin 10 was 8 nuethiiit,'
in her HppuarunRO that I luconizj 1
mtliel' by tho heart tbau by the J
Uu iiiipiiriu w ho slin was. I learn
ud that -ho li t 1 lately returned from
tlio Wubt iili h'-r, who had
experience. l nevero revisri(!8
of for-
tuiv Home years o f no, h it ha. I ro
cinit'y i-ugaiiied bis Health Uul (
nam.', it was told mo, was Mi.s
I had tw.vor knowu soy one of the
name, but 1 ceitunly knew bur.
Whilu 1 was puzzling for a solution
nf tlua enigma, one of her dark
imiiJs whwii covered her forehead
fell asi lo, aud I saw a small rod scar
upon her teuiJo. Then I knew her
it was my would be lubber. .?
Lmo or Julia Wiuddor. I could uot
bu miat'tkeu iu her identity,
As may bo 1111 a gmud.
I was uot :
long ju seekitig au introduction to
her. If, ou her p ti t, she recognized
mo, (b'J miiuttmied her c jmposure
itdmiraUy. A small red epot, nii;g
in her cheek and f idmg instantly,
was the only sign of agitation that
I could delect.
If I had thought Ler beautiful in !
her ragged male attire, two years s'.aaJio what we hear of the us.
before, I found her 111 re so now. I fulne-s .m l IiJ-niithj b g't u
i'he etpresaious of care and grief f ilu' ra of cutM? f od a d iil-Und-had
passed friim her f u'e, bat it ha.l j ing that (tie preat tra'.b should b.
left its traces iu her s ift eyo aud in I pro!aiuic I eterywhrr-. fh.iu'-J be
the tremuJotts outline of her inouth. aiaio ia;o a proverh, i: it eoull
An air of quiet thoughtfulnsss tho that w hero there i or' tor :e
repose of a s.uil heavily chaateuol haoJ of oii'u therJ a ill to w rk f r
with sorrow bad a supremo cbariu 'lbif toi th. Where there i 01 i'. y
for uie. I m.'Ul there will b. brea J , As 1 is a
Iliad nut been sittinj near her
ten luiuutes before it became au.-
fully nppareut tome that my life
was a fold and selfish ouo. This
beautiful girl had lived and emTjieJ
lorauother. If uer osporienco Had
been a sad one, it had likewise be'ti
uoblo Somehow my adveuture with
her that memorable uigbt eooiued to
give 1110 right to bor regard. iV.r -
Imps it was ltcause I had never for .11 and that the eimnle
in.tiiiiire uf b tr had lent her rioae to
When I loft her that uight it was
in an unhappy slate of mtud Kiuj - had been arxmscd in me that
would not be put to sleep again
ltr the first tunc in my life I kuea
what love mc.ttit love for a large
heaited. iioltls woman.
t had hoped that t had stvutvj t
.a A . l ' - i a . . -.1
urn means 01 a laminar lUTeivonraw
aith Mis. lr, by which 1 mtghl
eua t.e,l 10 w larc my 1
tl-wiu fttiitlihai 1
t I a, ou f.ttu d l ist
vtr free Iy. U tter hei
Vtltll tttr. I'll. I .-.. .
... . ... .
wsa iiualHtou
might, but never
hoiisit when au
but her sympathy not at all. Mi
sticmcd'lo hold ma (mlyata di
tance, With all my effoits, t could
not even est ihltsh a Cvvtl (itest4h
tirtlwecn 11a
Uuh;. then, -
tiia tUtk event la her m1 Uat 1 1
seemed s tndce I Yet, was alts
blind t 0 oild she ltd sea that I
loved Iter I Or vas it Itecsuta.
will's) aa.t'i(teiMt IteiaaU for lief fv
Ihet 'asakis I had Intltcle.t the wound
who scar eh would catty to
her V
Ml months W elapsed lefMs I
summoned l Ua eoijw o pni
htl (celtngs low t " l tsl
tins rteoo t ittdtuvd livv pvsis
Itts.ttvst ll decUie lay Lit rof vtetf
and altde tvsnlk I nld Viot
u..l.,l..l lit. a I stkai,
' cad
8omotbing in my faoe must bars
alarniod bor, lor aba arose, and would
bare loft the room bad 1 not called
bur back.
"Julia Windsor," 1 said, "will you
not bear mo '
' That is not my name,' sho f.iltor
od, turning wbito.
"No but it was your name that
night, in tho far West, wbon you
pointed a pistol at mo aud demand
ed my purse X" Uo yoa renumber
that uigbt t"
She made no answor for a moment
but stood with bor faoe arurtu 1 1
tbou sho turned aud ooufrootod me
with a gen lure of ooutempt.
"l'us, 1 do roiuembur, sue answor
od, passiouatoly. "Am I likely to
forget it while this remains f ' ribo
punned b-iok bur bnir and lai 1 bur
hand upon tliu scar upon bur temple.
"You struck mo down, but to pay
mu for my wouud you loft your
money in my pocket. It saved my
father s life (or that I thank you.
Hut you cau cancel all. U i loll the
world what you kuow. Wake thu
tongue of slaudur nainst mo. Sny
that once upon u time I lived in uo-
ject poverty, under au assumed name
and that to suucjr a punsliiug f ilu
or t robbed p.isseugois Upon tbo
road in mail ultitu. 1 d not fear
'You nood fear nothing," I an
swelod, ''except that I shall love you
too much for your uob'.o saciili jo.''
"Love me 1 ' sho echoed, locking
ut mo with filling eyos. "1 thought
that you dnHpiBiid mo for thit act.''
"Thun you aroiignd me doeply,"
1 returned, appioacuiog and Ukiug
bor baud. 'My lomumbraoco of
tliatuighl it full of adiuiratiou and!
tcHpent, ciu'io J liavo kuo.vo you
iutnnutely 1 have l.arnej to love
you how much lhtvouj wo,d to
I expiunn.
"U yoti rem'iiuuer tuo uariiJker
chief with which you bound my
heal ?" she akej. ".Uoiu faithful
... .i i
l'l t 1 n Mill Ul tun '4 I UIJ
. V
I have ul vays k-pt il uuar mo. 1
hae it now,''
"Jnli.a," sail I, caroosUy, "answer
iws, why'
"liicanse," sho returuel, lifUog
uer soft eyes to uiiuy, "I lore! you
from that bojr When I saw you
'I'MIU I.'jV IoVU took llC'V Htreu 'til.
jul, tho l'!l 1 fell tliatt VoU d
' .
...... 1 ,
il re.ut.ujJ uunu'tkun,
BU;li to my ti)itig hour,
'.My dtiliug, ' stoopiug ti Via
1L.r upturuu I face, "ou tuat ni 'tit
yon lubbuo me 01 more tinn my
purse, V ri iu t ii wu illy y 1 irs ay
ueutt, Ida aud future hippincas.'1
TUs fi!l iio4 "'' uttere I
Daniel W. b't.T. in a r-po'c'i IU
.-,0116 of tb L'ji el Mt .
sho ill he au everla-lio leme'u.
branoe : "A t, I.aay it i einp'oyni'-o:
lUat makes tlie u :op'j hir', y. S r,
ihis j:reit truth "ug'it Ltvir to Le
lorg itteo , it OUb. Ij btf p'.ie 1 up
,111 the title rie of evrry bjka
: p" i ic il eo'tiotuy i'lt- ul-i I if
iAm.'i'i a, It ojht to be placed ia
every fanner's attga'.'.aa an 1 me
Ichatiic's miaz no It shoill he
proclaims I every where, nota-ith-
Viun'ry Jike our owo, abjve a
iutkera, will ibi tru'.b bold a
country 1 kJ ojts where, w;th a
foi deal of sprit an I ao'iviiy
miog the m.wN if thry eaa 6od
tmp cvmeni. iJre u a wiys tn'i
wilhuoes for labor. If tbey cai
obtaia fir eorapensstion ler tbe r
labor. Ihey w 11 hv goed hcae
'geod rJ utiini -l IjoI, an! tU
j msa et ea leaung ioir lamiue
! and if 'her have fO.a ia, ao
j,hJ rhlLioi, snl c vvl
1 means OI iMJcauag mnt timaivii
! Irctii their Uber. tktt labor be
'cheerful, and they wi'd be a coo.
' tenUd and hsppy pcpU.
1 . ... . . k. . .1 1 -
The San iraueico .Vcm LuiUf
thus refer to ,11110 to sonae ef Ike
latest alang : "hea the ycur.g
man of the period, the uiaher. the
, . .,,,, .iir.v i.iwi-'r
.a emo..W ,,,1 levi
J vr admiralt i, he , longer rs. -at
or admtrali ut. Ite no longer rspa -at
( ( . , s l4 lu
W t UH , Se a ,laxt
Sh lMsaVa mi alt ni iaralvae a a. '
and males v l.l I Te Wrw
test eUlHocpessi will svs.Hvle :
Uosiaiwaatlest vw.wsi eiv INa(
lit ld btt 'Nto; aval
la IW
ce.t auw ta v.d.v ed .atila o j v, aa a t al v
SMiett a istfAd veealat iMiMVae! o, k Kme.t eiito.Xs u-h-tvfom
JVHV ,M a v-A Mw tw .Maia
"" 'I 111 " (j I 4 .M V '.V A.i 'r.M
a dat V-ew d va rAesses sU'W vvs v'w
a wdsa.t la akt w.asvfia
ta ktttvt. ttatvtV asAV l
aa-t oa vt vat xv-a' v?4
. asi wet tstltA aaUaa Vest
tttavs ea vv Vo' Ja
ttat t veu ta reAKSsM iv
arwtwt aa-t .wa. tMViae e t
syI wtat-a w.,ss lak m Xm.
wsstio-l VfT svstwT, tmii-"
wo'taa'a V-ViaV; Pi
v . k .
Couldn't Gamt Him.
There was a strapping big young
fellow from the intorior at the foot
of Wool ward avouue yestirdiy, to
see the shinning. Soveral boot
blacks bad tackled him for a job in
vain, and they finally got together
behind some bunohos of shingles
and went into committee of tho
whole to concoct a schools for re
venge. As a result, an in none tit look
ing slnnor sidled up to tho stranger
and said i
"Hnehure, Johnnio, I've ma lo a
bet with the boys."
"Wail, I don't keur,' was tho old
hearted answer.
I've made a bet that I kin shine
one o' them shoes u' yotir'n in less'u
four miuits,'' coulinued the b iy.
"Tbo bet is a qu irtor, and I know
you II giti me a chance to win it
fist stick outyer fo il here, and tin
job won't est ye a cent."
Tho stranger si iwly consented,
and held his watch to ti o ths work.
Tho lad worke I fist, an 1 he bala
(food polish on the shoe in about
tlireo minutes. When through bo
rose up picke t away his brushes,
an 1 the stranger fouti I himself in
just the hx the d s had piano I
rin.v nvttnefn 1 All fifTir tu fnnfili. tu
tlio j b, b it it di I not c uno. After stock iu tra I ), sue vaut in a pur
a in intent devoted to thought the house or orphan asylum. He sto-k
young ni in descend td tho s'epit i gsmblure, railroj 1 direcfirs. pres
thalltrbor M istor s but, rotchn I idetits of a sausige-otnlTiug tut
out bis leg for tho w tl?r, an I 'ause':chiiie, rag vetil irs. rh trc jal brl
wont thu shiuy shoo bjlovr the sur-lets, or idiocy -up nlitig serialors.
fU(.. I Hut never, no never, bo editors '.
"I rockon," said the stranger, as Never even be oue editor, f-.r a L t f
I.A nl,it I , l.iu lu I.. i li .If a
gallon of water run out of bis shoe
"1 reckon yoa biys think you'ru
smart, but n no of our ftnily over
mistook sileratut for salso ly, and
libit on i ti town to have my
haircut with a buzz saw.
The other evetnug. st 'J o'clock, a
p-jJire'll in fo'iu I
f l uiiy
of li vo
U'l I r a
persons ail lvo
tr inks
r , , , . i
i,li..l nnnr tlin f i',t fif MC'iri I
waitiug to g up the riv.;r on a
woolliargo which wou! li t leave
until the next ireno-m. Them in
hai hi All ha l U p:sa 1 1 1 hit ft? .
the w.iiuan was wiping bor tys on
a has Ikerchi'.'f. aud ail the chil lrn
were 'i l.i'.ling.
Whut BfO'US to In the
m I'.t-tr '
Le halt 1
iitui'iiis i tho
o2;:er as
: Ulll-'H lllt-111.
(ii, uj'.uia
tn'ic'i." ai'T'-'-J
tho m in, '! t tf ,t t'ie j'l'iip.a
toit'iii-bv, b it it aii is '. t :kt up
Ui'j ah vt mi lul'kt ''
"Wiiit aiU y ar '.'.: V
"(Jj. she's bo 1-r tin I o it ail
r.ervocs. but as s on as tun sjeU a
goolr-stfr Lit bis'i Sii'a thr
-al;ii;e kj'i! t i t '-p ai i fr
?;t atl abtt iL Sj'i a.l r. gal.
i'uo i '
! -itat the e'S. nn are cty.zz.'
co' 1 the J':r.
Vis iiiulrf crijaj." rs!:l
t'l- mm, "hit tuit u'.-..'.
That b iv A iJU-tJ l aut
a stick of c i:a. but he ! sa eea
b'.mse'.fu to alevp 03 a s'.ivcr. Tie
uext one, Okart -a .srr. h.-4
'lin' 'eae I won't bay mm a rx i:u
horse, bjt w n s I g?t t i ti
,piok bim Ls .l cn:i J .a aal gi l
ires'aiu' of ssil. Tli'. gl M.i
erTa. l:a (jit her ouatb cr
f tr a fr.-l eke aul u; .'t. bit
.give Ler a bite 0 pvk atl kral
,'roa) the tr-ia'a su 1 ;e 11 ctr
kaoc the d.ff-retec. We are 'a.s
der sprawled nt here, aal we i-ws
to bi k;odi?r a: eVed. t it w are a
rtj'lar happy " t'tft f r,n.
il liiJT t.w i UC T. J'l.rui
1 1 . . .. i.t.
:: a
rroni firev . uai a - -r
totCe vrh'.va be to tJ tv
mala into aoae fj.' L.s It
was under the ice tvn. a vrg f.r
his trxs U com. Oj W..lsfiT
nikt ?dr. Tara.4 mrtaalfre-1 3J :t
to the tr-r. and waddnU a!-.-n
op to where l j aier were aUUx-!;
by a table t tk.a la aaaieiai.v c4 a
li'jtid rat are. Tie larLe 3ie.:
: ....-.1 1 ui,v .-1
lie a:.ape -n a
!eatir. w-.:a a
acaivner taiue 01
aiaa a foot ta las "t.vd " it. lir
te tiala I ume to r,-cxl lie J vm
so be lrted to XiieN r ;t Tu
man wa. cwt4 S f.v twt
ItLat aadl.waexl A.-w. rhflt:i.
saw hi. aal J.v4.M y w-.U at a.
jwa'tnc l.vl Tit rut t kI yCf
ia.l tf-l N-'V Ul t'.wt arc
vd a A.vt-w t ft eoa f
i T w.V4.r-sj. N.
ji a?
CJ saa 1 a eosrti
v-sm K 4vei aa iealw U.u
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i-aVC U
Aa I al Vtvw w-iC
4 .wt
t,sval."t ' a'JX-e a $-
.-4 rav4 sa ( ak
... t-.i , yv
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tw.v tV akM't
' ve i seA-
a a wsw a
a Wv V-skvM
, W'V wswsj
se, wa V '
iAa akx
trvrtsWi. mI wsjkai'essa sx
SVSA SW wwwvwa -T7
Hf U Ut f--rt-"ijf-J
Don't Be Editor.
Hoys of my audionoe bright-faced,
aspiring youths, longing for the
shortest and q iickost routo to fame
and fortune, bear a solomn adjura
tion, aud be warned in timo; Novor
lo u litrs evorybidy.s piiin
blocks, creation's scapegoats and
swsyb.ickod, pack-mules Deadhead
tickets to circuses, dogHhows and
strawberry festivals (paid for at
tho rale of a five dollar notice for a
twenty-five flout lickot) all are
very well in their wayi and daily
b xpiels from girls who want to get
their names in the papers with tin
stereotype I ' beautiful and accom
plished'' formula su.ig to them, am
"just too charming for any thing. Imt
l i nut let them lead you into that
dingy dun of inky horror, trealmill
labor and squandered opportunities"
hurlui'iiugly kuowo as the editorial
NitiotJiu .Haul bic iicp out n
i utbl :'' ciiim'iy s ep. pi iit i'i
lia:y birds, or mmubers of tho manin
monaeiie that meets in the g'jrgo-
nn wtiit-i nepuichre of a capitil ut
Washington. H i mu I clerks jii a
coil birie. dx:k bin U in a trip-
factory, engineers of a o-ie dinkey
power canal bolt, diiry id ii I with
id s.' I ox an I two he U ti as w
'un i throe-'i'isrters too mi': lor
any weii-r'guuii
about the l.ouho.
family tJ bavo
A Very Large Envelope.
The earth this big roind 'rarth ot.
which we live is provi led with f'j
uvelopes I'b'j first, whifci it mu-t
be C U.fekned. d'en r ot fit V rT ':!!,
is made of w er ; t ie sit't 'n ' 'if
oceans, seas. !as sr4 1 r.w.-rs H-ouU-r
nel Jpe al.i' b is a j.'-r?'-t
fit, for It leates ti'jt ths vi.:.-t
Le tie p jir.t .f the eirln's "lrff:
without its j roWliM. is a.r.
h ii s .t,!.'-r or watsr etivi; o.k;. .a .u
.'.: ; t-;ytu k; f r t'-.ere are for
tioi.s of t-e ix-tL. t'.t LiT .'l 1
el to U d t!. A ij-t m!- I .
h'ip uMilti h !:'; t . .. -.
tuy u, . 'A - ; - .it 0 ; .-;
fir u... i..vr.t friu '. -wji.-ie
we i.te. at. i '...-. '.t.:
ta-c-s. 1:
re ua ovr L...
tk. r l. .'
: iia. l3
Jifc. a'-i t-.tit A ; -r x."
if U.: ut t's-iL Is t a lai l-:r -it
wva.l r-4 1 r t ttu t ti i;
:j,t i.i-tv- Ii y -civ
fru t-, :ir A :
-r.V. 1 Ui: tf t-:
ti tl.iit A t-t u-a,it A a . t.k-.
al;r t. - ii.pi.-.e.;
;ip...r . t.c A 1 r
-::a.: a.. a--I 3: a i t. -i
tuiL:i'u:i a g?.a: m u
J r-ti ii :.i i.-T..: u?ati-vi
;-a: I l C
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3r.. i: t3i 3:
.- 3 a; T T.t-r .
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3.l II". ii - Willi
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a.T 3.
f.T.i S31, su-ri'. -3: r?i3 m a.: t.
Kiit.'ivi iff- liu-
a-ne!- 53.1: arti - '
.3:-3.i r.f tr."-.- i't'. :i u i J.W
.-1 .-3 e k e ai ; f-.-n. V3 :n
;i:r. :dl.:i iies-e l-" rt3i.f
p.-3: a::'3d s jfti.
:t JfcJi'.'tU v ;.i iM ill
a 3..k v : t:-i M-.w ;.m t i 3 ..
ti t a--.ii at i s u-t w-n-ii t.:."ii
ti e .1 .!r.ii : :.a; 3io 3
UllU'l -..- t 2 X 10 .!. '
i;nc-.Na;iax'i U.U Tit- i ui -Lf:
::.f eix titie ' "" "- :
tma. 7. i.-i i.f i " ' -'
U' 1k4 ;.a,-ria-.-trv " i'-1-
U e :.f 'Cu.-in a.'M.f
lkt W.-.H.KJ .-k wi.a!i.; VU.-u
li.?.itlit ItMliT. ll;Oif
T;i..;'t In ' 's'-"
f a- iv.
vuli U't
a.i, ani j( ! i- T'-'4
Sr it" .i'o.c v.
ertik'-i. u.i.c .li.v-u.'..M. ai'i '-'tiii
f.-iisrs tui S.'.u ?t-.'.i i Tl'. wi:
i.a-i -f hf !. a..' j lu'f ioji
i...v trtnii .- a.- itiii ' r
.sa ifcr Ji .r J ai a--i VW. i. .Jo
t, aihrtt, v M -u .
a t;i, aiA ii SI
w ).iia r ?miiiiN nt iimirtt
a4 Akir H aoo.vs.J't t ilo. .- f-
iT-asa to?yt'i ! iit"'a A aM
iwk hwimwunlw. V
a,.A 'r- Jt-fcivAl wot
v nt.ii ftwa '.
a.v atA s l'fct vxr iws aM"
ivH a..vlif . J vs hI. 1 ,vo'"
if.m t.nA WoX WAtlT K-i
Av'. wi .. o-ur avo.
wkt-St li-v a 'n's '"o
A.satCit SSWtvfc Irtl-lliltOOS-- -trWtN
1 l.kl ia '!, A:hv.-w
)w rna
. v fc
l, wi W
VtKB a.wv l.wt sKe
.X SM- ItW, Wit
. . i . . , v.. --.:. ..t .
H IliSli .Tt-V
25, 1871). NO. 15
Lapi et Picnioi.
The lap is unquestionably a most
Useful and admirable organ. Whou
expanded, tho lap will admirably
bold fifteen quarts of chestnuts'
peaches, apples, or other desirable
fruit, and Ihuro have been women
whose laps would bold the entire
supply of hairpins required for their
back hair, though, of course, laps uf
those enormous dimensions are some
what rare. It is, however, at picnics
and tea parties that tho splendid
capabilities of the female lap arc
specially displayoJ. ll is an issy
matter for a laly, while engaged on
a picuic, to hold a plate of s did, au-
other uf pickled oysters, a third of
ice ct earn and a foul Hi of cake, to
gether with a cup of coffee, on her
lip at one an l tlio sane tune, ul
foils of this kin 1 the lemalo lap is
unique. J he young tu tu whouti
lettakes to hold f j 1 1 011 his knees
invariably comes 1 1 grief. 1 ue ut
most he can hopelo d is t balano,
for a liri'.f peno i, a plate of naiad on
It. 11 ri 1 go uf Ins legs, fioiu .ii':u it
sooner or lat r s.ips, with the m st 1
I painful cmsi.'j ieiisrs As for hold-;
lug a t;a'."jp or c:r.-e cij on his'
iknees, he re:'guij the U'.l'rr lej-'
'possibility of toe tiiiug. '.l.t otily
resoume is to dep -sit it uu the .1'r,
ior ou the gra-.s eloie by h.a a Je.
- alter hicti I,'.-us 1 t.iy on it.
;ur at l';st kii.'-s 11 ot-.r. in.s . 1.
rates in lue ci'.aresl pn.i'jl'j Li'.ir
that una is u t I y Mtm a
itiga'iim ti. Uitu jjl i.,i. p.
are dangerous bi tue lotrg r.y -A
troUsi;is ac I legs, au l lu:e is Ut
way iu wh.ou art tai IkiuiIj
tLaSCaimO d f.'.i '.I.': V of Itpt Jy;t
wuj-rj g to tatci s ..' iu-y '. vi.
'It,"-yc!j do i w.thi'i'. di.ig .i-
lef.'u to tL.r .'. y.u.L.; . bit !..& is
lil'.g J Ci t:.': f'.; 'A L.t L-.
ut JerUk;6 ti s t jU t .-. rui . 1
ti IX.'i4g': K.t i.U l A is, I
it IS true t.t J 1' !. ' : C .LS. s'.i'. g 'si
iLli ai.L': sj. 1 LA .. .;
Viii.g ta'-t. a.'-: W-.-. i. 1 h.t- t . ,t
tw: -A 1 a . ; s gi a .
i:liLill.-.t t. L;..a'
i si t.r; . ,
Caui Drm. cf l' Chi
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i :. lL 31. i s. : ;
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roiiiiint Iputnjc i.iptuti tq-
' n,s j'una.V w.nt mm 31 u: :t:r-t
is t ' :i4l:pie if Jo i.;oi-jml.:irw t-m
l.i'l' 1:1 ui 3lut v: a-r
-i-rv-i-- o U'linuc tn.-i. - il"
Jo foHi, ton 1i1O1.-au.1i1c a nm. 1 .::,
Ni.'o u l i.u. '.:-ti i ;i". Sit.-tj i io
le ,-w. 7'lml U'i "itiiOi".Uvt t.:f
Xll, ,l"t K.,L'I ll.ll -to ;"mu t
kJ-'f ' ul i to - ;iU'.'. it, ' i i!tni, f
. .' .i t. ii. t . i.;"t Kit tnl r'n
jo re .n5 n tup 'Jo nil .' ?p
llfci li''W 1 .;-.Hrvt a i-J i ill-
itiu if.'t, kfU lit.. '-tiltu'SrJ 3u.
i,l l.ik 3 u slouio fvotiv It.
oilmi: n-fi'ii- a h .r-iv itki,
,i(v'kt" 1- t'hMiiiip ."Uti
.t, lo a--tu MturWlit.'v a l.a I-.ui, n vr
mm-FiOi; a kh.hI .n.tiii a l.uO Im-i
H-nu.1 kvivi. t-.m vi.vtl .u .lv.r.
Iitu; h-vui tH'- '""' vSr
lU-U ati. ht K.-- ir'i ro
VJM 'l.W 11 UV.lHltV tU lit. 44'
ijU .lt-MAi
.t.-nr. tm-
,na !'
V mu wi avt.- I'ttM
.lif-iili a Hsixilv l k ur
.- avl fyyttt rV v lv
tTi-Mii'l, l ! ir
fsutwvta 4lM lK-k
4 M. taw-k 1.1
Vj- MWwnl. wftV' 1 K-r-JK
Ai' lrV Im. VtlliMMl ?rw
a Stlj'Yr
ms. tri WW A'Mt'lni
tt.a vrk'
A. -.-VH.
mttlt. vow, v wi w-ta.
4Jtao sNyne- V sMuy
Publtshed every Thumctav Lv.g
Terms of Rnbscrrptioii. ' ."
able vithin six months, or f2Jjd if no!
paid within ths year. No palter dis
continued until all arrearages ar
rmiil unloss at tho option of the pub
Isher. .
Hiibacriptions otitxide of the CoTUity
lIVrsons lifting end using psnrrs
aililressed i others In cntnr snhscrifiers
anil am linhlo for the price ortlippaiier
Saddler and Harness
Ccntrevlte, Snyder County, Penna.
K"0na ti.n I. init m.f to o'1-r all alsSa
illlonK', Nvl'llw,,, WMf.l, 1,'i.lara
as , ai. All arura au.r.nt-1 tar nn. vr
Hr. w.iin.i - iai IrUI la i f tl .l l.
undrtuni Li tulo.
I So. I,'t.
W, II. Itll'HA,
,IAiVr SbOi'iti, Siiylrr Co., 'a.
(f'lfm.rlv frorn L-wialoori m )
As-i far ti.. r.i,i. f Mififiv. Tci.'.s W.
Trr. Whkvi.-. S' r ni( ll.wi.u,
IliiLr avi i.i. nil. k . k.
l.s'i. ihm r.f t, r n nut
an t iun
J'.';::. ."'"i.:'" U'J'"
ifl twin.-, at M
't.f ttit'Iaa
ifl I -Ts tl.
Ilsttl. rrMt, Ml'h,
mt4 Is 'as '
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I.tfo Lrft1:r:tat
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fvr'f-lv tA: AViicrner
Lumber DPtiler
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V til l? l l I. 'I'll.. l4il. tra.:
-. iw.. fcui-i tii t-. Ii"i--t.
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