The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 18, 1879, Image 3

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    r .
asrnas ItwnsTr CwrtSTA, f Coaits
Vnyttcr Coast ar al1 o in roam ttno.ley
tr r earaarr, ay. Btpuanr, 111 seooas
Moa4f f iNMHf.
All communications, business lot
ten Ac, for this olficfl, to secure
trompt attentimi should be addressed
follows: Thk Pomt, MUlillehurg,
Btvyder Chunty, F. Advertisements,
eonninniratlons eY must ba handed
In by Monday noon, to aecura inner
lion in next Issue
Local Nwm, Sec.
JUtlier cool.
Tlie straw hut hut been culled tit.
Prepare for visiter. It wUI eoen be
A little ire a.niie a Itiisry ibis
damp, cool weather.
Approaching tha seaswa ef "the
ear and yellow lesfV
Money spent at home liana Wasl
in a wonderful degree.
A nice Ck.11 bonnet In the desire af
the fair let aaoat this time.
WonJr how it .iny boy an I girU
are glad that sulivtsl kriu ssoit f
f yon know any tlris that point to
A hard winter, make tbent public,
Ciilur it scarce in tliUicmi'. and
is selling at from f 4 to a barrel,
A mm with no aiii'iitioti is like
dough without yesnt. lie rises.
Rubswcet oil over a rusty sUive-pipo,
ml it will look nearly as gooJ as new
(leorge M. Shin J el, of this place, rais
ed on a one-fourth acre lot 41 bushels
of potatoes.
Thero is a flue nf IJfnr ilestroying
ljjtis tit any fori Uist ere posted
nlong tho public romls.
Tlioro is only 0110 thing that is more
toniblu than to say aiiiiUii tiling, and
that is to do one.
If you aro bilious yon will And pos
itive relief by using "(tellers' Liver
Tills." Sold by all druggists.
The Altoona ear works, whicji were
nearly wholly destroyed by fire some
tiiuo ago, are being rebuilt.
Make your sons practical mechan
ics and businexe man, and your daugh
ters practical liousektprs.
The Commissioners at JVrry county
liuvo offered a reward of il.tW for
Sum. Albrigbt. the murderer.
Abraham Eyer, Est,., of New ferlin.
flxjHicla to gather two ttumfaihl bimh
oIm of pcaohoe frout his orchard Uiis
A Sunday School was organized in
the basement of the srVonl building,
by the jVvangulical Church on riuudsy
It is the judgment of experience.!
Krain dealers that 00 material rises in
the price of wheat iinud be expected
fur Ibe next few months.
Whan that ueichbor of yours comes
to borrow this paper just whisper gen
tly iu his ear that it is the duty of ev
ery good riliien to take his owu paper.
Half the ills of bumati life proceed
from a torpid and disordered liver.
Submit to tbem no longer whilo "rVl
lers' Liver rills" will cure you quickly.
25o. per bor.
Tlio new tramp law gives to every
citixen the right to errest tramps
There is no need, therefore, for per
sons at a distance to scud for a con
atsblo to arrest them.
Zephyr and Uermantown Wool In
largo quantity, best quality and colors at
reasonable prices at J' V. Dreeso s
mammoth, cheap Storo on the comer.
Go and see.
Mr. Tost. You have been publishing
accounts of "big hen-eggs." Now,
piias Auraud has one at home meas
uring 6 114 in. by 7 78 in. which eaa
be seen at any time by calling.
w. a. s.
Chilly evenings are coming, and as
the study of astronomy cannot be
neglected, no right-minded girl will
refuse to share her shawl with the
gentleman who superintends her
tudie. 1..
Half the fools of the Uuited State
think they can beat doctors at curing
the sick ; two thirds of them are sure
they eaa beat tbt ministers preaching
the gospel and all of them are sure
they can beat the editor editing th
Burglars entered th residence of
John Kepler, la Perry township, on
night last week, and stol clothing,
revolver, aud many other article of
considerable value. Tramp were in
the vicinity and it la (opposed they
committed tb theft.
Mm. Bev. J, P. Bhindel, on Monday
evening, mad a mis-step coining down
stair and fell dislocating tho shoulder
causing a very paiuful but not danger
on Injury. Jfr. fbindel U a very
estimable lady and will b very large
ly sympathised with on account of her
Dr. II. P. ha returned
to Bbamoklo Dam, after a short sojourn
in th wee Urn part of thl state, and
his many IUaong frleads will wsloom
hi eoming. Haia a ewtlneut and
t'tnceaafuj praoUUonar of Madloln and
will resum th praclloe at ono.
My uo) always und tha Doctor .
tlffjaiiLj I EargaiiLS I
!Auohibaoli at Biatfiri Stori flnm-l
Will remain in town Uritil Wednesday
evening of Court week. dept. lith.
Glads-ware, Tin-ware, tjumna-wara.
Cutlery, Notions, Stationery, Cloekt,
sVj, ate. Auction over evening aod
Saturday afternoon.
TUe best opportunity ever offered
the people nf Snyder county to buy
cheap. Don't miss th Bargain. A
big lot of goods that must and will be
sold at Panic Figures -dirt cheap-
given away and then, Will Reese, the
funniest, bignst-bellied man In Nor
thumberland county is th Autioinor.
Everybody coins along.
Adaintburf, Notes.
ADAJunuBo Sept, IS 1579.
Maurice, eon of Jacob Fillinan, aged
S years, living with his grandfather,
William Schweuk white playing lait
Friday, broke the small bone in his
raft arm and bent the larger one in
such a way that the doctor and older
citisene never saw any thing like it
before ; but be is getting along very
The (ospel Temperance Union was
Addreshed on iSsturdny evening by Mr
Dobbs the state Temperance lecturer.
Etta M. Bchwenk has returned from
Freehurg after spending si wcoks at
that place attonding the .Vf Col
lege, she reperts having had a pleasant
Tit remarks of our yoivig men now
are : "Won es yvsht may mate bet."
A Nog.
List Friday night Jfr. Fred. Kinilh,
tftfTMR master on the mixed train,
Sunbury A Lewislowh railroad, was
sent from tho latter place in charge of
an estra froit train, When near
eVKnsgrove, and while in tho act of
jumping from 0110 car to another, tho
couple broke, and instead of reaching
the car he fell kead-loug between the
cars to the trari. Jf e succeeded in
getting nut with a eO-air.ed arm and a
few scraches. Considering that the
train was in motion, his escate from a
horrible death wss miraculous, indeed.
Sunbury Ih morrat.
Krieger and Pawling sold tbeir half
interest iu the large Flouring Mill,
near Selinngrore, to Georiro .SVinnre
for 14,000. Tho other half had been
purchased by Mr. Hchuuro's son some
time ago, aud the now Arm is George
8clmureit Him.
Tho new Ann Is a thoroughly sub
stantial one as was the 1st firm
substantia!, Suaucially ; i business
capacity ; ia integrity and all that is
essentially acvAMary in a sooud buii
uess Institution.
Messrs Hart and Frees, of Backs
county, principal Bolid-boldcrs of the
tiunbiiry and Lewistown Railroad
passed over the road on an inspecting
tour, and for the purpose of examin
ing the work in progrc near leaver
town. Wo have had the pleasure of meeU
ing both these gentlemen who are af
fable, approachable, courteous, dis
creetly communicalivo gentlemen of
the old school.
Andrew Koed, Esq., of Lewistown,
Solicitor, accompanied the above nam
ed gentlemen. Jfr. Reed Is annulment
lawyer and is familiar with Railroad
A Bisoi'LAit Fkrak. Mr. George
riwartz, of Centre towuship, ha a three
year ; old heifer that .ha not bad a
calf aud yet she givee milk. A an
experiment they began trying to milk
her, and the second day she gave two
quarts, and continue to give a fair
quantity, and is now milked a reg
ularly as the other cows, giving about
a much a any of them. -Blnonyficld
Riehl Brother are again on the
rampage, defying all the world and the
rest of mankind to produce a Clover
fuller to equal the Victor-Mt is the
best Huller because it ha the advan
tage of combining all th latest im
provements doe iu work the bst
is the most durable lightest running
and therefor the best and cheapest.
Be advertisement.
Rev. Ilerver Dobbs. of Philadolnhia.
delivered a 1 em perance sermon In the
lower Church 00 Sabbath evenlne last
to an appreciative audience. He ( a
fluent speaker and ha studied the
subject well. Rev. Weiand opened the
exercise with scripture lesson and
Rv Josish Bowersoz. who ha
bosrj laboring as a missionary in Cal
ifornia and Oregon for nearly ten
years, ha returned to pay a short vis
it to hi native home, and will nrcach
to Paztonvilt nest Sabbath moroiug,
and evening.
Th foolish man foldelh hi hand
sndsaithr "Ther i no trade, why
should I advertiser But th wise
man U not so. llewhoopeth Hup to
th newspapers, and verily h draweth
cos to me rs from afar oft
Too Tnm. A young gsot AooM a
hat-ful of peaehe front old widow E.
and told all round .that, pretty little
Amelia bad presented them to hiiu
with a significant aniilo 4c Young
man, go wast.
Thr U reason to bellev that the
Fair of th Union Agricultural Boot-
ty, at Sellnsgrova, will ecllps that of
any former rear, and our oiussus gen
erally should interest thsrosetvss la It
and mak th thing a grand success,
fitnti hctirii will tin toi ma.
houu mtoru urn Iniuim Quell? .
noun fNiinj tu-'N n, iu him rrit
Amiu ncuia nun fe mil I stum ti.
A Nvuh'i Wsg tivrs, alMisksf .
- - f "V
, j V;$ j "w-aOol ta tador,M
aa- . I o-iorad woman
A..U.I 'i.l."..JjLJ..J "JL'I J ..l
Unr old and esteemed friond llonry
R, Atnder. of Centre, will accept our
very wanrlest thank for a gift of th
nicest pears w bav seen or eaten
this season. It is a source of priJe
and pleasure Uiat we number Henry
K. Sander among th host of fair-
dealing, honest, npright men who are
our firm, personal friends.
"That Cheap Enoyelopaedia,n
folum one of til new "Library of
Universal Knowledge" is issued Sep
tember 20th. It contains 7.KI page
of small hut clear ami beautiful typo,
handsomely printed on good paper, i
and is neatly aud strongly bound in
cloth, half morocco and half Russia, at j
50 cents, 70 cents, and ft 00 per vol '
ume. Tho succeeding volumes will
Apppsr about two eh month, till the
At volumes completing tho work are
issued. Kppcinien volume are sent to
any part of tho United States (10 cent
extra hit postage), of return after ten
davs examination. Hporial terms are'
ottered to early sulwcriliera and to
clubs, of which Ml rlicular arc
sent free on request by th publishers,
the Amkricam Book F.xciukok, 6o
Beekman strert, New York.
That a complete Kneyclopelia,
first clase in cbiirnrter, and conlsinitii:
wore matt than any heretofore pub
Untied in this cotiuiry at anv price,
houid be made and sold for the trif
ling sum of 10W, seems so extraor
dinary, that many wlio wwh it may be
true, are very naturally Incredufnm
The same house publish n Isrce li-t or
siaixlara works, all nt sinnlsrly low
prices, snd the presence of some if
tliem iu the hamN of InimirciN
of thousand of lovers of goixt book
in nil psrU of the laud, is naturally
rspidly Irs u forming the inrrtiluloii'
into ps Irons and riitliusinslie friomln (if
the enterprise, ad mslnrv is nimte
about the cause of the low pricrs thry
urn. tho reduced cost of manufacture
( about one-half what it wns a few
years o, the nieihod of sslo, direct lo
the, suving him llm I iri;o
commonly paid to stents aiid derilcr,
and a very large sale. It is worth the
cost of a postal card to sec their cut
taloguo. JIST OF JUBORS-SEPT. T. 1879.
Aoams -lleurj IJsriiaaa, Nr M. Mil
(ilsswsrib. lisAVsa W.o. II. Driest, A. 8. Ilclfilob,
Jsnirs Krllsr.
FsASKiia Juirph Rhsanoa, E. A, 8 io-
loser, John I. Hsaningrr. Jsoub Lrltirl.
MniDLSSt'sa Wm. Itrsver, 8. 8. Kcboch.
Miioascssica Jusl How.
Moss is Inass R. Moiisomias, Oto.Zitu-
Pssst Wmt Jsoob 8. Willow.
t)SLiMisavs-Wai. M Curon, N. 8. Fh-
rsr, t'tiss. H. Rinhrt, Jitlio fpsrr.
Usio.s Jsmrs ('. Sb.Her, Jan. L. Dura.
WssnisuTus UnvM Arli"st H'llliitis
Oriuiai, Jscub llsckrnliurg.
PrriT Ji ItU.
Abshs Jseob 8. Uoyr, Willism Wrslff.
viiiiiwinn II. LuDg, Usao Wsguer.
JseiA Weinl.
lSsAisa W.Leis Msobrck, Io Mi4-
4Mwrb, A K. MiJ Jkew.rih
Oshtss V.ob (I. Hrrua.
CHAfs-W. p. ftilbi.k.
Jackhos (lo H. Kcufrr.
JriDDLicsrsic-A. M. Keok, Oso. W.
Houab, lleury (jlmll.
JsaoB Huluuioa A)i, Jonffib Buunl,
iHU Lrplry, Jr.
Joul Look, Chriitiias Schuure
Psssr A. J. Urscbsl, Krubrn Fixbrr.
JbO.R. Fi-lier. Ilrury M.irnli.r.r,
IlicLsrJ W, snilrm. 8sui1 Trout-
o, Hininn Wrllrr.
Pssst W..-J'. (J. 0rm.o, Tlioo. K.ilifos.
OsLlsrnsovs Julia fry, II- J Oro. W.
O- lloloiss, 'sroivsl Ksixrr, Jua. L.
Mnrknm Joass Ksucb, Jw.j.b WVt.
Csios Jobs 8. Ocksr, E. 8. 8isbl, 8sail.
WasNistsvos Osorxs Hnstersisa, Ellss
llsios, hitinuvl Reicbrolisch, I)oll
Bomb. JiiDsibsa 8pi glcr. Citlvin B.
Pmfcobl, Jsccb tDjJir, Jula t. Wl
V-S Ins frlrna uf Hawas ft TuatsaicBD, 41
South Hlrri.1 fbilajolohla. Klorla l...,k.,t
ami a- l l lthr (or caab or on luarstu Aut.
1st, liT.
Bll. AUK K II.
V.S.ra. ISnl NV (
" tlnrrancy,. 113,! 2
" 'e l. ua-w 10: . l.rt-
I'rniiayleaiils . H 4' .
i-uiia.ieiiibia and Ki-edlnf II. K.... Jo't
Lnhlsb Valley U. H 4.',
laehlab (Vial At Nae. IW.
I'olleS Onalpatllea of V.J 144 M.sU
Nnrthani Uoulral K. K. Do it 1. "
ttoia 100 14
J. W. Dreoso,
ObIods par bnsbsl
rotatoss d
Butter psr bosbJ
Butter (packrd) par pous4
Egg asr oaa
in i. ti
110 ,
Tallow awrpsuatl
Bsawica Chsrrlsa
lri4 Applss
Uil Pssokts isrsal
i is 6
nbiautsNpr baibsl
HhaMlbarka S
MMu 6raio& Coal Mariet.
Samuel Jloweu-
Wkat psr bsshsl fold)
Wasal par baaksl (asts)
Ris do
$1 06
fl OD
Cora da
Oats da
CloTsrsssd psr basks)
Tltastbtrssd da
Baokubtal da
riaastsd da
Psa Coal
Cbsslaul soal
8epi. Tib, by . 0. M. 8tilr. alias
Amelia Bliss, sf tftal Baafsr, and fbillp
U. Wilt, sf DMalttr Utrasklp.
Aoi. list, by Rsf. A. antalsb. JYIss
Idadsaa H'ray asd Uiisot RobaKt Baosk.
Bepl. Id. by ft, k. aoalob. Miss
Barak Alls Trsisl asaj jr. jMM j.
Wsgasr, bstb f TrsVUIIla.
13 1 13 D.
Sept. 15tb, la Ibis plass. Kddls. sob of
WlllUsa aad Jrary Baitb, sgsd ytars, 11
alba aad 6 day.
Best, dtb, at Btalikt rats, sf ralllaa lis.
Mrs. MallMa Bsrssr.: IJ 61 lautxa. 1
iBtfe aad l days,
, n lawstiiyisj,!
ba aoawarad,
be?a laaf b
aod tbrilliof ar ia tha toaaa ol
tooh toiesa aa awrystoaa it t bc
. . a a . t a
Hunr M. IVIpnts V. DnM Krh, RM.r
' ' ' - ' ... www m. ijmr,i
(lor M. Iloant VI. . I,. Els sr Hro
ii-nJ.r rir Bo as. r: unrs trr.
rB.rira Dnw, wm, unm , J. AmIS
r.aal apnts as Wm. H. Hsokboat.
TlKUHMIrM wrta, UMriri F, SnU.
JnhS Vallr.hlp l. Vtmnt Hnaii,
Hs.sth Millar .:. Krsh.
I'ranklls J. aakonk All. s l'lrth.
Moloisns Haiani'l . Dal.l Malarr.
oaral Haou fs, Hm.
Jobs rr4 st al 44 sirs. ko. rs. W. A. Mssk-
lassa H-.Tar V. ions Ranch,
J.. HaSJ, T ina KrMitaf,
It. . . at . .,
John M.MIssva, Saabarf sv LSwtttowa B. R.
tua akn ranans ara St lias an.1 f r trial at
BSn. Tarm, l-t. J.UKOt'SK.
sp. t, IS,. I rOlb j,
Caailir lilt Circi Minit ml Ittmri
dmptur lilt cures RficiMisa m nmtatt
Ctnipbor Vnt earn con moiti an. (r,ror
Campfcat lillt It lalt oiily tj L. Qfcrliolii. I.
Hold by Jno. A. M l.l.llt-t.nraj I
EmiiaQoii if Mm.
THK examination of teachers of
tho mnntjr will lata ulauo vD tha daya u.l
at tha ilaora slraa bln i
DlaTa.f i a.
I'.AdKS. llATa.
l'o. Hrul. U
Kna'.nrS, a.
Fri.a.iirtiitt j3
tlal.l'a N. II iii-a, wi
HutiM-r'a Hi b'Mil Hoaao,
P'irt Tri.'irt..u, Jrt
Miauiuklu 1'aui,
t alilti!tt44J,
Wl Pi-rrr,
I nl.n.
M 'in ro.,
an.l ' J
Franklin, )
H- ari.
Wr.t H, srar,
ItatrrrtKWo. 30 1
Nu ll .rlk't !. U. O.t. I
Ift-itilK '.
ltitr.tlll., a
Wi-'tal-a Hrliool Honao, 4
kr.lf.,rvlllM. l
nil 1,11.. I
J u'kmiu.
Tho a 111 I.. .M.i .1 a ..i.-i.i b A tf
Of ioi k (lav.
A"ili-aiia proIJa lha ji."It. with ta.irr
I. .. I i.i.
All arr llii.'. loallSn.t,
T.. ,1. I.....I.... ..ilk. k.H 1 .. ....
It a, at Mi.t ll.o.iiru, a u I win at I vVI 'k
Ml. OJUUU4,, Ul'tOWVr W, l-T.
w. p. nt.ll ARK,
S. k II, ICS, cu. h.i.t.
Attditoi'V Notice.
a f iiMi'.ai it ml, it,
uf Killliiot IMrr--tin.
It thr Cnwi ii
(offl'lt'S'l Vl'iM
uf .Sit''' r t '.
riHIE aa lrr-ia. Au litor Hiini. l l.y
lb t nttrl to iliatriliat Ih fun la in
Hi ban ta of W Illtnm ll.r.ling AitifO uf
Killian Kothctrocl, will meet the ianiea
la intrrc.t for I tic rorpoac of lna a fiiinl
nionl si lbs ollie. nf H'lll'mm Mnnlin in
KrrtBOiit. on H EUNESDAV, rtEIT. ITib,
1ST'., at Oo'ctrck A. M. wbra ai.J wbarr
all pcrauo. Iiam claim a; iin.1 ai I ea
lalc ar riuraiJ lo prcai'iil thoii lu Ijr
aullirntioaicJ or tr forever Jebarrr.l fruui
coiuing io for a (bars of aaij fon I.
L. N. MVKIIfl.
Aug. 2H, 1H7U. Auliior.
IVOTIt'K of WiJows Apprai-i'i'ii
uti'ler the f iOO Low Nolic
olicu Is
bcrcl.y pivru Ibat Ibr following wijoat
aiirainrmruta lirto filrj with Hit
Clerk of tie (t pinna' Cuurl of SuJor Co ,
fur eouCrinaiiou ou Mou Jay, lb .'u1 d iy
uf Pep. in jl.
Ap ral.riorht nf MlrT A. Pfal Irr wlilnw nf
a. .,. fi alitor, lata of It liorouabufMiMI.
burs, d, e il.
A irla.inrnl nf Mary III. hi al.low of llei na
Dlibllato il MliloWrr.'k lowiialili., dcc'.l.
Appra ta.-tftrnt nf t'atliailll. Ker.t. tl'T wl I
of l.ea ia K.ratatlor. lato of I b.n.u.a I tn n.uin.
dei'.l. of snan
Kr. .jMica Keltoi- .tf iota of AJ.tua
wll.w cf
inaiiah p.
A..rla.iu.-ol f I ifii-lh aij.o ,j
lemr W.'Wol. law uf M I J.!; r". A ol.I. ...
Aiprala. iii. nl nf I !., r;i n A . IV t..r wl low ,.f
Wiil auiiXaer. Ia:a of ar..i u.a,..r i. , ....!,.
bru. a),';J.
J. DKOI.'Sli. 01. rt O. I-.
VrtiTit'K is l.eiel.r gieco I U tt lh f...
J.1 Inwiog Aavitinri'a Acroiiui. bar Item
114 iu Ibe oilier of ike proibouoinry nf
ibe Court of C. I', of CnrJcr euuuty an. I
will be prraeulel 10 ih oett n.url for uinliou, ouj uulef auilicitbt fan..
h obnwn 10 lb (outisi's lb aaiue will
ti ei ufirnnf I
Aeeoniit nf erclfal llaruas Aanj;a.,.i of
Wiu. If. I.nta.
A vnnot of W01. IlarJIut; A-i. of f lr.
ICk Ja,ll.f.
A b. ono t uf Z i Kaaty Alalaoa of Ntos
Are. snt of T. I. Smith Aaataiua . f f. li.
toil .ov.tit.t of H Tl Millar Aatlaia uf Tut
buiji't C-ninty Uauk.
Final aa-eoiint nfJoba C. Krei'icr Aa
alguss of Tillui iu Hoffman
J. rntirsE, rmtb'r.
rntb ntflc. irpt. 4, 'r.
Grant's Tour
Around The World.
A ronipl1! r-rtf1 of (hfjivirnff of 1 uk t
V. S. OrtAkT, tliriiucb Koitsi1. !r-Ui.l, mcuu
laiiil, k'rmurr, a.iu Hatr'tittir, A ('rial, ltir,
Htlitiuin, w u r an 1, Rti.tift, Kt-ft,
CliUta ft ml Jttn, witli sirftftlno t-ftrt,-ti u ti
IUs pi - f tnl, inniiri ft-t l ut,tnHf h.
CoUlilrlMal, 1ritrMtlD2 ttlt'iji Ol-S ru'llltlftic
nrtuioa ttj lCiurtHritrti, Kiuif i 1 lit p i U uf
II cliiata, Dt lily tuxii.Uil vitli 0,ii,r..ii
rtiatic illuiravtiajiiat i ,lta Dq hfi l av
rimrftTe Ntrtrlt f ij iJrtitl. rtirt sac-fki
to til ftj tk0 bold i will ymuf.j. oattiJil .11
ifirVTQ TIUTPH toieihl th fh-irw
iiuun iu nuiuuu mi. in. mi i
ou.y aatbviitia larok oa i astjua-t.
Sun aas.a frier .:.!.
AdJrnat U. '.
Til la.u.oiil Street,
J piiia, 1.
Rep 4.H.4A.
NOTICE is herthy (ires that I he fol- i
lowlns article bav bsea p'irtibJ !
by lbs uoderai(D4, al Aaaisnee'a Sale,
and left ia tb poaaeaioo of Henry llourer
ilurian bis plaaaure. All pereoaa ar can
llnasd sol is djJ II or iotcrfer with ib
asm I Lantern, Boytbe, lot teathir. lot
Wisdsir Fixtures, (tawing sacluoe.
Mal V !, Uuilsr Chsrs, Cup boar I, 7
Crocks, iiarrel wilb Vinegar, l)arrl. Cor
nr Cupboard, aMt'baira, Boek.o Chair,
4 Coal Oil Lainpa, Liunca, Hull .In K' I.e.
Clook, 11 Carpet aoj Oil O'.oih . Looking
Olaaa, liat Hack, Spitlooa, Iron Cal.
Desk, lot of Carpel, 2 Bed and Bedding.
Csrpet, 2 Wash Biamla, Looking til ara.
Chamber Bail, I abls snd spread, Int Cer
pst. Oof. Kueking Chair, lot Carpal,
Looking tilasa, Bland, Cheat, lot Caiprl,
i Coaafurts. Coal Blov, Meat Colter, Waah
saobiae, dior pips, lot Up Iros, 'i
Kegs Logwood, 4 Crooks, Seyihs sad
Bssik, 4 Crocks, 2 Shear, lot o'ld aslal.
Tubs, Bsasb, Lamp, lot Hay, Cook
Sisvs, Sink, Table, Copper Kettle, lot
Iroa, lot Crocks, lot Paisioee ia ground,
tut Wbsst la Straw, Wbeol Darrotr, 30
Colokeas, Forks, Sh0Ts!s, to.
Sept. II, 187. JtsSMiaa Kooa.
for aala. Klra cww
2 Oa 2 tr tt Inr r
IP .qtaS-
V ml
' Irr. I
J. WrttPrr A- V. A'tmrtiitrnirnt
Hv fas.llns U ma i a. aril h
a", htslil, eo or l ayaa ami
kir, r.'S will rmxlrs hr ra.
tars mala s s .rraol Mar
of voor lioil..,..!
w,i, w.iii oooao ruo nai, or marruso. Ail
draw, W. Fo, Uoi tt oUos-lllo. N. Y
A l,';l3ts.
I I Ills OLI.tll
n& H'oi Milker
-as to (jirmrrs who
t as Aint. Cm
his out .Oil 'l lrr-
-iih .lamp a.MITII
A HON, .1 Pry M.,
N. Y. Jj H Sid.
Nsms tbls paper.
Hnldlart wous.t! ar lnjara.t ran sow oMaln
p saliiua andr tli naw in ilain ir.nn dia.
liara. A.Mra.a at .n. a. with (lainu Ut
hlaska ao.1 saw fuHiar'a nreuiara.
W . C. Ut'MIXtlKtt I'll.
I'lti.tiarft, Pa.
Oldest Claim Agent In the Slato.
Hl A YKAIt fur I11.1W..1 ii.n.lli.
ft burlnrna m.n or avrvtf . New Ima
". Ilalit ami 1. . ....
iivuf Aithhfv, SUaill-ou, In.l. Junr .w.J'Mui
Ha Tmit tsrtaf turn, M eitSor, n
f.iiar-, with tt AdjeatiM Hoi
U aMr, tfaa.M iiMlf im tvll iiyL.ra
EbbIuUb Trust Co., Cliiwuo, UL,
Patit. 1,
sa 1 ksiiis aiisie
ratnlillahnj in 1 .rthn cur
r.f 4 am-a-r, 'l iKtiiirn. I Ic-ra,
hrriiliilM. bh'l hkm IiiHimHi..
wikiMiut liin ii-xtif Ktnio ir for 4 ,f I I'hI nri-l litt
pain. I'.ir liifitniiation. rironiara an.l r.'f.-roiiina,
akliirra Ut. . Lm I U.SU, aurura, iuuia Cv, hi,
Ml If
mm IK .i.l,.,kl . f bli'mli. ... im ,l.aa it ,.a,.
mmt a'l aB ia , , mi. .l. , , . a
iut.'iiiilin faii Kill I, a.1 I...., aMi.ll. j... M,
aai a. n- r-..i timr .. ,,...ti l itm. If
JtH'B AlT7,tirrral aurm furr.S aat I anala
IM rranklln St., Itsltlinnrr, .Mil.
i-in nu.ia.,nltuii aa alaaaunaltr i V ba
k ! aa ' af I ar
rOpt l
A JiMiMiSTit itiux' Nnricr:. -
it lattaia .f a Ih.Io1-.ft f-a "n it, . Mate.. I
A 4 I'UUI.r. lata ol Ml.lll.i. t fr !
e ur.i;, I'a, J e'.i l..ra i..n0 rr.i.icl it 11.0
Ul, lrr-.ait.ij. All era. na knowing t' ttn.elrra
lli.lnl.ri I.. ,.,u will pe.aoinako tin
Ui'.llola payiianl iMle llm-o heir rhl-io
aat.ln-i aalg (riaia will preaaul tt.rta lor ai.u, a
Uieut lo
alAHY A I PMIt.l K.
S..S.I, 'TB AiluilUHtrattlS.
PaIVATE sale,
Valuable Real Estate
PMK nrn1i.rsit;ntil p-hi'lirif? in CVno
A T n-i ii', St. irr lonntT, prf. U r In.
S ! iu- fol .tu , ;, !. I.
I,'.. Ill I'staVI iil.l,( I-ltjl i lj
inilcsi rt i s litf:- v, on tut- y.tx bufK in a
&' liur;ri'. fjft i, t oiji-n.nK
io-i ijiantitr nf l.i.a'.i.n taut aula.
r. l f. to-.- at. l In a blrfll aa'ata -f i'i,
obarton ar. O'e.-t.-.l a to ,4 J.olhna ti itiaa ai
tjv:j:x slim),
lir . 1 Him, -h 1, KH rDfttit
4 .ici:i:s
M tatni w.'l ael wlb IU. h-at nanlltf o
ii. a 111- I'jt.i an i i-ina. nnjt.rr. r.te..,ol .at r
aij.1 .'hv.u'f. frtni ai.J'l in a il.iii.; p i
lat.d ii.ui.i.uiiiia. .-our. nit-tit t taarki t.seo jo. a, b h -.
For fuiil.r pafiit-nlara rail aa mil t,..
J. UN H. WiniliLlV.I,
JaJjll.':. S.lii.i,r -a
rpitK tin li'tsijii.l, Aa-sicftfo of
L t'hrlailan Waller, w l otter at I'uMta !,
os tb piaimaoa lo illoJIajer. aa t',., u
Stttir.liv, SoptoiulH-r IJrh, IhTi).
Tbo folloarlns .loaerlt I K-al KatAta, htnn lei
an1 tleaerlou.l aa lo.linaa, to wit : ortb i r
Ml tdl irk, l a-l i.y lan la .! Henry sir. .oh
anJJan ea Kou-h. Seotii l.a lani ,I .Mary Kei-k
ai .1 Weal i.y l.n I ef Hi aa ar aa al.rr
kork.e. otaiblne HuuJro.l Arrea,
nora or Iraa, Inr at. I on it Mais rial lea ties
Ir-im .M 1.1 . 1 l.-t urn l.i .-lt... .ota. a-..ut ..r.
fru-ib mi:a Ir.oa Kramer Mali.. a id one ao-1
a ball luilea Iro n l.l-r .Mail oi ,.attiO i'..
I. y a l.roliioau Uallroai, wberejs are ere
14 a divo
llorieo, Iittiik l'.arn,
a. d o her i a.-a-atry outi utl 'lni -t lla of
es ellout aa'ar at the .1 or-loi of enolee Imit
ibe whole su tor S'1.! loo aai is s
Stat M sitirtioa. XLM
Linn-stone Lot,
mnlal.lns Itlat-KiirHril A'UK aSUate 1
near tbo atrfiv .iairine. larto a s-n I aaar y
atnnr i, I n.e t.aai oualny.
Hal.' to eii al 1 1 o. Inek A M . nf raid
lay wbon lua alien lanee oil, i alrea aal
laiuii ul aalemaJe knooa by
J At. n 11 U. W Al.TKK.
Aoi t,'r. Aa. an .
Whereas the lion. J. C. Ilut-hrr Tr.!
lent Jutlge of the Judicial Piatrin-
r of lb ceuntie ol tnvrlrr, I' nun
ana MtUliB nJ Hiram H'NeU
rtam l. II Volar Kaoa. Aaaociaia Ju.le
ia an I fur Snyder county bare ieoue.l ihru
precept Peansg. dais Iks 4th .lay ol
March A. li. Ir-T' Is tus directed for
lbs bolding of an Orphan' conn, a eoun
oi common I'leaa, sourl or Oyer aud Ter
niner sad General court of yuarier Sea
aiona of lbs reaes st MiJ.ller.nrg, for ibe
county of r, on the 4ih Mon.lay, (he
ing lbs 2'Jnd day of Sept. IbTtf.) auJ
coniinus oos week.
Noties is therefors bereby glees I ibr
Coroner, Jueticcs of lbs l'ea.e aud Oonaia
bleaia and for the oouuiy of Ssyiter, lo ap
pear iu their proper pet eon sua their rolla
recorda, tnquiailioss. eiatnisaiioss sad
other reraemhraseee Is do tkoes tkisgt
which ol tbair olticea aad ia their behall
portaia IS bsdon aad wnaeaoea aad per
son prorseuting ia Ixbalfef the Coir. sins
wealth sgatsalany perao or persona ar
reuairsdta b tkoa aad iker aitsadisg
aad aoi dspartisg without lesvs at their
peril.' Juaiic sr requested is be puaei
sal ia tkelr auesdaaca al tb appoisioJ ,
tisa agreeable to Biie. 1
Uieess.der aty baud aad Mat at Ibe'
ftkarir. efbo. Miadub,,,, ... J,rt j4,
r Aug. 4 !) , ikeuaevad otgbt kssdrwal
aiy-aias. i
ViMlU, sHrUaDOk Umii.
for a. yoar"T a -m. - yi
lllranair a?
ia swi jm tm w m m w wt ' M mem & m
B 1 1). 1 'W ti r.?J LI n n '"!. Nr.i,: !.. .,. , ,.,
7 11 fl''-.l.WkJ 2 t
3 :Z2tiP$$i&$2ity I
C f . .vj.'- ,-- a' Jr. "i-.'JAJ a X'Ut!iT. ilr. V..-t. tola I, a Hriul "' " l'l '"a lh
- 1 k . , 'Jv?----mtujiL-1 Z ltirn.oiVh,il.,l Aii.iiaM an I i , , ..Hit, .!.
I r. Il a f ntH
fl VJ A f Ul ".tS. I iA .,. t ,i .,, ..,r ,... tfjrtft t-tn-iii In I., il.ia ...
I ! 1 P-J S ."1 ' 1 n "' tra'i iir.)et In tl.o t,.. t i ,., l..iVJ tr. 1 .1 Ii p r..,1io
Vr. ti I .J r. A n' - I - Holrn.ier. iti.iie. I., .all .loh li.i, ,, Pr ...,ih l,n,it roan- I n r .
I 01 f.Ztl L.1 t'. Laa;''a '- '"a r.i't H'.a ro .a w a -. u e . ...rm r .. A ! it.... r. ft 1 1 .
O IJ V V. U i 1 mm a.ll lolm llo enter a I tr.. t I., t. .,f llasUia...'. wall M , N. V.
iS 1 ajt j. V- 4y .-oa-iyvl n ' r'ati.n irrrit.k, 1.111, liar n 1 1 1. .. ,. H.,r .
I iVl. !... ' x ' '.r I 4 1 v ! I I nri II.. ni.r .ii'.i, ai .ies. a. a .tiiiui.i. ini.i
i Wf.n'JwfrSi :-',:,:;,,:;.;!.lo'.,-..-,!;:: r , : . ? V.?r;
ic t.;Uti AtLtif?1 s zM.m.:t ?.!ur;' '" . :.i.,y. it, . ... V
a . ,,,, uu, 11 11 n ani,ti m l an, iu r.nla I a th i,ee u r. ..r ' .. a tr" V ". .A i ' , " " k N ' ' J 1 k 1 ' ' ' "
BY virtue of sundry write of Lova
rt Karlaf la.n4 out nf th t'.iajrt nf Com
wtcs t'la.f 1,1 rnylor a.iunty aw.t 14 laa .llra. t
. will ho oa, nws 10 f' Mais, at Amis'
llotal, In tb lt..ruh ul rt. iro. on
Friday, Stjitrmher 10f, IS73,
a. tdnVlirk AM,
Th fntlnwlns Seai-rtit Hnal liat, t. wit
All that rarum t-.-l t of la,.. .iim.i. In tha
f.iiintl.aoll nl in. t'an'r. VlfSln an.l Snilrr.
Mat or I anral,ania lnin.l. aa foliowa, .i
wit 4 flralniiln al a hrrnl.k in Hartu tnoii
alilp, f 'nl'.n rount f , a th Nn-lh-wnat inrnrr
1 a ir.oi ni inn aor.i in t'tni.i an iiont.
r inrnr 1 1 ian1 nl Alrah .'Ir.
nth I;
Ir. Wt g.iT rwla tn a alumn.
.tii.rih iIok.
V tit 4 in at n., tino 1,, ill aama
ami rrnaains 'nBwi-o-, N. rth ju ,. i.
ai rmla In a pn' nn th North h.nk ( aalit
nrrra. thoni-a ap tmU Lank to tl arl
in. ih-roi.f. lan.t of I a helra of J v.. .
HarnMmn-, inhs (l.laai.l Win J..r.n on, SM
rinta In .iat Mnnih irnm rai l .f'!ina.n's h'iia.
Ihmra arroaa aalil nrork !oiiii ilr
r.'ila I" imat nn n.r H..iith hul of aal I rr-.k .
Ih. nra 1'f I .n.l nf ..It .1 hn..n In rlnht nf loh .
hilar all. a ij .!. W aal l'4 ..i In a Mr h
.irihO't Vtaat 41 rdt lo a l. i,ln.
Iltrn.-. arrnaa -al.l rinak In Noitii hank Hi.'rO'.i
North H ilr. Vt'oat T r.-la to a p ., thri r in.
Hi anl.l tana If Un ta nf Vi nil. in .l...ila..n.
hoa. .Mi t. unr aii'l K, M M unr in .
oral fniitaea Hi. n-of .uit r-1a n a I. .at In tr.
tin noiihlT. ! Ian. I . f F. M. Ml nr.)
North "In l i.l.iiwl. to a o-t Ir. I'm t
rni,ntv N rihi'.1e ljl la ia ro a i . a
nal .f nl tl mnaa M tlorti -ril,
f.'.lra ra i i, iii ia t i a l a. tha' N-tlii
-t n.rnrr m a trtet ii tati'l aorvr a ' t John
hii. Inp In faiiitr. roofiU. ll.erirr t, t n I of
I li. inaa M.'i una n l HI. un I'.lni. n N i ll.
"; iIm IM r.ila l.i a I l' iiol On In
I titon n.ltlilf. th n' f l Irttl'l 'I -1 I .1 .1, i,
North .' , .tcu I All ."J' , r.i.l. lo n a.llirne
lr latnl ol .1 l.n II i ari l I arry A . l.liii
nrtll 1 .I, r a.i l.-i r...i lo a t . n ti n t...
ol th.- foiith I. irk ol r.i.I! niiitiilM, n.eiii'i.
'jr intnl nf l .ie. a . hpiiro a. n.f -tii--i
N .rtti TP , .tr t I a-t loi r.i.t- I a .-I... am
Ilia an inn - n.l I .tot .. .Ixlih 1 1 lie -.. .ti t . . ,iH
nn , r -I- In -..r.e ll,in i h .1.1 li , i
nrt li.. I ha-tirl iari'1 .-I r- U c-l e..ri,.r ..I l.n
, or f n ) n I 1 1, ,l..r,n i.h i-..'. I. Ilro.n l.y It,,,
u. M .rth t ' ,'l'a We-t ;. in a to i . .i
.rin r..', ... .-. I n.l I I rut. I . -t tli-n .
...... r , yw-, ,. , ... .., , r 1..-..ll
N..rtli ;i ', .ion KiiM.iii i. nt I at . lira nit ti,u
N "M h I. ik o' I'.i i l hi iiin I -n ..n t.,
.n a.ri .,i..on.ain t iin.ioi a. i iii.'. i-i
.... nar in l n I r.
tr. thnn. n 77
c.rn.r. ti.n.,.. Nxnll,
miliar,'" IS
at. .In'-, th.ii. n .oi'h -
t..nna, tl.rn.-a Nort. ..
.n. lit- n. -a i ) I. ii. I
In,'. V,I in; r.Hi. ,, .
rs. V -I
I a tv i.,:
ri t .-
, .leif W
r...i. I . a
r . i , a !
r.. la ., I
I.. I- t .
a r. I .
mi. :r
, Ih ne.
I.. .. I.or
In al.ii.K.
I' .Nuuth u . 't.rf I; .
ti.tner t-v pam a..l l.,n a ) I i-i Hi i,
Hri. Ni.r'h T ! Wf.x.i r . l- i.. a . .M
ll.ane I.) Un I m I" ll-rn .rl i Ir.u ,n,.
Mfi..n..ratr ..inh . , us r-i ia r... i.,
at. ' 1 1 l. in I . i h , in, .; .i,. I '.i t ai't.a-tii .t imk ain..., i...
N.'ito aa-t o rner nl vt m. liiru..M irt.
It .nr. .) nl .h .nth cj :rs.
11 f :a l. a i..,l, It.. new i., i hi. a.nn .N..lli
A--,.S V. c-l '" t"' ' tn a llr'hl'.e. ll,n.,int,.
."I e rnrr .. a It r, ni,i.)a. . Manty t.,i,r
nlel I'iirlallun nith n .w . onr.l t.y i,n r.n
lo.'lrr. ih.n.a f.yllia aina .h wti, r
Vcai lav i r.. ia i.. a i kaainat iik. mot, -a ; .r-n
I i , or.' U'o-l it r .la in a lie ul . -k. it, n.-a
Si ulli t.1 .Ir. Vt n-t s. to la I . a .li'iul
Ihrm ol.) I.l.l . .1 Alt tuM.n l ..nt...r ,ut t,
r .in... ji. n i r' .ia !. ,t..i.., ihct,.. - .n't,
ii . i.a-l .at I..-I. .,s l-.'l. U rn o .ur I,
it.H. i. r. il- to II.. Nor I, o.a'.rn .'i.-ii.
ir "1 a tr,--i t.r,.)cit in tha na. ... ot li'm
Hnlrn.ler. itirne I., al I .f,,h Itolcn Icr ..,ih
',. .n a I. il n-.arn ia !. a - u e . ..rm r
iM John lio en ir a . tr..A li. i:,r . ,,f
t.r'an.n I'rrrit.k, 1.1111 K.r n i 1 1.
I- to n po I. It.ll.n.. li r.-ua-
i .loi.a i;
r-oulii ST'H .lea. I.a-i .t t-
a I . a oat .b
I aorai.,. I l
Ml tar ... (al . tl.euco I I I
tt llllau. lo).. Soul i
z v' .i;:;v:,'
t-'-i itien -a t.) atiii
. w...- ... (...i. I...!... ii, nut:, ir.'i njr -
vry.l t" J..I.S n.lth, l.aala ..-r. J ,. A,
..rr an., mi ,i .r .iti, ... ,;. ...itJ.!
.ii.a oi j .l.i, ii.rr riti j , e. V . ,t
i I
'r ii in a collar iu . li lone i.i.i y . i y .
i an.l Un 1 I til -i'.u Ib-.i.aa in ria-'itnl
I Nauiuol I an X.-rtu , oes l a-t i.n- r,... i
'.I Le-i!.i'i..o in till ttnii, ui Jl.uia- ai I
Ulbira .N.,ill, -i ,eK . r,t i i r li tn
Uri...e i y ln i i n in ti.i.i ..f
I l.ii-tuo ai.tar o-t I, a: , ..aj W'e-t r !
lo at lie.. .Leni a k) t-n.La i fit, . ,
a-i I-1 fu 1. 1 1 riai-e ol batbbtnrf, ewi.iaiu
icjt I .:.v;o .ic ::.,
'ant i oo I. u n 1 1 e I .p.) I. at-1.. oo an tbat eertain I... Iy I l.tti-l rl I un te in
in i() l .aj-uiji, i ii. ,j , ,itm-. i'a. i. -uti :t.
Ibrf at a laoal ILear. wr
I mir.-u I , ,t.-,t ,. wnri.,..
olu ; . i.i. .u.t l " to ta I i . at
IL tn i.y lao I .1 it- I . e are aa l . I . r-a
; t,uib i i .li a tVe-t?J ti .a to a --I. u.-i,. a
If ..l.'l.'lc uicb ab I Ktita a In rifil ol lit.
.el I. oa. I .N... it, 4. .,,,1 h,t i r..ia . a
I n.o ibenre b ii.e tau.r an ' l.u l ot Lru-.. .
, tcr .I.Luru itnj ui'.tra .-oui 'ajVt e-i:..a
r. .lot . J . luanro by laotl m nan . .i,Lr
a . I U. i . I- tit, k .V rii, u t it. ,.!,.
to . a I a..b- .ii .rt. i..rk ! I'a ii. ob
tain, ll.eo . bl l.o. I ol A I t -1 ..t..
r,. .1 i.I r oa to a ,t..i.o iba. ee a. uit .a .1
I.A.I -4 ro-la io ai-be an I .Sort b a y .e. i..,t
'.'t To-a lo Uct tl betf.b bins, t u..,,o
UJS . It'll 1
aa l aeeeniy ali a-eLa..
I ilbvi. a,, il ,t j-,..-. ..f 'at. I -I'm ,ie aa af .r -
.a.o o ..ou.. .I a lol.i.a : li..liti.k .1 ,
all II..- .I1I.UH l . u.. t.-l lb. 'i
i a ' J ! Ai.Jr. ar f I -r ul hi li. .N -it. 1.
, .1 1. . I r. i. I . a . lat. r. I..
J.j.e. i ii. .1 j it.. 4. ,. v t.., .ir.
, 1 al, ' I.e... r .j , j ,., J L , l.,i . , a. ,
, u.-. W t , -ti r ti t-. a al iLv ..I. !;.. . , 1
I.A..A .il 1 t li. aCt. r. , Hut,., ap 1 r,
I a 4 lb. Morn .-.-bra., lb, it.. I
' .4V-e oi ur.'. m c
- 1 :
11 t-
cv ac i: i-:s
nl f. rt.l(rt rU.
A Ai! tlitt rt rl io ttiT ) . f j t ttt
: nui- tr r iU. lyr.itu i ; i. t in r 1
l:.4r...i- l. .41.1 ..f )i r. itU" No.ti,
i. 4:. M-t : 1 r-j 1 p t. r... V'
! . . La)- '! 4 Ij r-v ! 1 . j. .t, tii ai . y j
l-ia A k f .-I tiLC J... r ... T; 1 1 r - ia
l. mi - : l.'i D l.i.j u, bV.i bia i'.4t. ,
U liaaJ fi 1 g. r lS Jl ! , III - (1 , T
1 J J .... i 11 TH l ml . al - 4V 1 J
I I lHt,m lli. l ,4? I.. 1 .f Vi in W tit.: ,,.
lit.ia N'..,in b l4 tit af W. i-t 1 J tVln r.'J 1
a'ui 0, -ir ,H f 4d tit 1 tt- ji tU tm$ i-J
V' a. f t'taUtiae.', t t)t,tt , ) J g
4'J AClilCS
at H a.a,-ni 11, , vi. b. .
al.-l I to uwU tlJ-lt 11. f r J pirta nf a'l
It., aa ai-i a ta tr.. la .! i,lI i lua.r art . J it, ,: .
iti.ttb I-.. J.u . i. itit ...i j .r... ,u
lia.u. r ia ut Lip, i, . t.ut. ooi.1 j , t. tt alott a. j.
J lb Itaeu I ! . I . tl .n t0 I f aa aa..l 1
aa ibr pr nro al a l l a o a n.r ue..rj,
W. a ..... '
1). 1 1 i:mi;. ai.ena
bhnib-aii.t.-r, MiU..uai4. j,,..
IH virtiitiof a writ of Ti. Fa.
' tl Oil! o tl(4 0 'Jft i if iV.MIU U J ft . f !. f.
r roiiiitt.ftiiJ Ut tM ,1 rs. ii
...r4 lj
h. I.. in- &4Vii', 41 U H
burij, on
U 'Udw. ia
I IA .tV vl t tN , IS- f ' .n dl.-n rl'.t .! R al
1 mir, ! wit : All tit - it r . i.n. t ; tr
n taf.l Sitl.ila ii. kat a.. ..i aa ... i . .
tit-t p 'ft it I i....t-,i ',.i .1... riofj I iu . : il"aUii.ii A i si us ti..-i cr- l-f i
Iri.1 i ft iu. i'.riif) n J 'fit- ,.;ri. r trwt
l.-Tlli 4 Tl I, Sdfdlli l rt.-,. . Vt f! 1 prr. i
r ft - , (it-bff Uf im .1 - l4 i Mf-I K T, '
S-afMb i V, . f i u !'i r, io m t-l.ii r I
ttll ar If Ifcf - U a...t, NOtllr alta; tftfl
, tt M Ti lltas. t.'ftattl.t , Ihft .f t ,. fj,.r I
ai Ultt . ft .aa, tll If . ia-t I . tv ,
. eio t it, t.-r l .aJ uf fc.-.ra
I .fad.' I ,
ItlftlllV ilk Its I. at ajf
N Til.
Vk l It )T..-f 1.. k
and Norldj i ..fttx t
t tltr, n, t) iti u ,4
fVido. M'ti 90 V l.t- f -
li'Sat. lit tt.a- .i f
i fc it p. r. a
J '! M.t, r , N. n it
) it.varur laa-l .rth .iu V -l itKM
Ut In p.asr M f.hOii.j, a.kttiaiMitis;
00 . lcrt and JO lrc!u s
as4 eeusJ alt.w.av.
A LMI, all Ibnt it krr ton , artala tie. re par
rela or I.Aa al l.n annate in M rl.l.nrri ti-
.aula A..1 a a'aatneraail, .iinl-rJ atlh il,.
..iniooraa b ia a .Ut o .. Ibr Ian. a..!
roiae I'ami.ta Ul. ..I aat.l t, t .i,.r.l. 0 ...,o.,
aoj 4-a.ri..1 .a l .it... . : ... a H .lai n ( at a
p l m-tie. h N.v,1,1, 1..1.1. a
P, tbo.- hy No I jt.M.I, ti (, Ia et To
p r. h. l.i a p.a.1, ik.m-. by ?A... t, k a. n
' ba t.. a I' WI III. fc.-a bt l.y.l ,. l.t 4 Ha.i "it;
.1. ...eik Stl tl..f, ;m4 I peroboa to tb !... ol
Acres anl JO 2t kcs
Sb4 sllowelM-.
a (laalni at s rtnat ikaaaa by -.
iv.aik a aankaa laaa.- x.-o l lao aa Aei-tKe4 At.aat. Sal a.. k.mm4 an rae
rhw. ana wkite oak, ikean-e .y laort .4 Mm. 4.,l.. a... a m . ,
Iil4ai4 I h.ur k. a . 1 w . . .. .
lAb u.. r o o. i. a.nti, axaJUtaias
aal bt,
a Ht"iMt l i.o. uii, sSaauUtntoe
m.-m. ft
w- " a ayanwrtfr
IV A Tril a atirisr
m m j b . o ai mmmw
in aawvaM at ditlan-ipo
afi't III- ailinlnltia ftiiona r..r lh . Hm. I,.
I artt'l. tn tha wnrll. Vlni..!! t,m,
l'Hwi'i cii.b Mast'SAotsaisa Ou.,
Hi Nataau St , Ni-w Virrh.
I'str na a)atns rf hftM
In ttfTt-tt.ll iiak tH a.
C ,. tMU.Prrakoplltw. A
frrne, Trwr- M trT-J
mm) Hats, kraNktu, f'ap-f
Ijkofitwa, Utatv. ui I hii
f is it.iie Mfb twTww f
Bla'tH frrra A1lr
Mud. 4 w .niirti, nt
na t11 f n'l.
'ln tank wwj i-T.flt m wfMk il
HW1W l"i' Urlt. r.i- ii .at nf lr.
..).. mmnt I.M tll.'Ul.lV.I m. .1.1 Am K -
lian. ari M. V. I li.f . n .T IhS illl rnnS.
dono rt tlittr na'uroo" IV. V.MUr
A'l:TS W NTI f .r linlth-a li, lllftl ,t.
r -.n " i-i, fo ineii .
ilara fio. A. J. IIOi..
ary an 1 nni,n in s
rrrfnco-l. i'l-i
MAI t( , I'hlialeli.hla.
i 1UI1U11 illH or IH1
l !?V. IJl.ll
rt.ii mum ii hiPtn ril winter. V.irruit
i..., .1. ti, it. or MOT a l'(
l'hll,.lal Mil, 'a.
( nnrii .r (ti inif
rlt'hl. tttti trttlfa I. mi.
M 11 -n I r
1 li- r s.jl,r.f
, wltnt W It nc
t i k n . v. 1 1 1 ,
IT. tm . Hi rtit f Mo.rrlt.
I h' II n,- Win .trrnuM t m
-. rvn I in rl .-v I'm f'M11 ' 1 1
-it -pM i- ',.r t k V .r fn.l
Mr II UK , M)
Mlili'll M, I aft,
. I ,...-.!-' lajr. ii
Ml 11 tl II li' I 11)
I., I ! . i, l I I III
tl ij , an I t vniM"t Ire-i. .1, r,
.arum . ,i, t a.
I .lllm gnl 1. y iml, I-I
t ,1' liniiui J.
rhn -.ntv nmni linii .n olirio
1 1 Ir. rf.r vi h .-t, .1... al attill
M .i n i . t .r ..rt , m ttu I'i'a a ,.
iinl uliirf It,. ti i.-'i ,., I 1 1 . ,..
! l ill A'l I li -r- .. li .
ii..i.ii r or fa l. l.i j-n v
'.I. I'rli.
irna .f in a f ft
am t 1 1. i ,
'f it 'i , 1 1 . r .
t. nr.,.' i ! .,
' i I 1 1 ii
an I r i-i o iM
it a'l I .. . i .1.
A- I .r A k a
lio. I t et rti Ins n l 1 1 1 I
iu .'-.-l. It ii tnn, a ii leriiil.
M a a v
ana --O'ti.
It.. Hi let
I an I .rin.i I v
"ii on rtti.o-
ir ii. i .i ia o ,j
'I I . I'l 11 J ll.U
Gleim's Sulphur Saap
ii hlrh la nf aa l.enrn Mai -,t lna.,t.ty eha.,p.
cr I. i-al .ia.-.a,,a ,. (It. .l , f r o .t a ' I n . ti 1
I rriti. ti .
ito-l i ) It.
It a mo
u t Ir .n
at I ' atc.t I) en
I I l y I tua.Ml.
' In rana I .
n I .n tr.o.
i . ..I 41 I 10
t ..1 I. II XI I ,
capcije porous plaster
1 II K II. -T
r f It KM . A tl E i;K li
Si l.ll l,V
A 1.1. I'l 'I'll'
Par litlt ratal nnrt t-'.tlrr.i
t';i V. mi. a.
a Hr ..--.t- a ! i
Hif 1 '1 ti 111 I
It a ttrf 1 1. . 'V
I it H' K a-
i.. i if n a
r -.1- l .
l.t. I'ott .o. 1 -r ul- (Mar 1 ...
.. . 1, iv, 1 1. .'era -I"' ' -i -. 1, 1 I'l
I'l-e. i." .1 ilo ajluaall Lab.
e er a :.eri'.
MIAIa WW I' ,r II I .r !t -
eat 4e'l I I'.-t .-IAl .1 'I. a ,n 1 II
r,.lu .1 . ir r-:,t Nvt.i'.. 1':
t " . I'!.t.a.!v. li a. I a.
I I I'.-t-
I'-l ia
i. . . a-
$n to ymir.
I Inr..., I n Mil
7 We". I
i Aa rcjAI ea toft ,fi.
II a. ."-.1 're . . .
a. I:VIUa t.'.i , l;.t,it'i
New ..a.
"fn." Iorri'J1r-i fli-t'rar
MU.WI Aa m? Vaaiwa ul.l ..1 ,
Sanfard's I.M
.tirt" mi:4i- aim
l . r ail- - I 'n-f
-ef t I'T. I'l a.
.;!. I'i -lii 'V , t f
I ti a .1 A it i' v In Ii
lalgt.1, it t :,n,- t.t ,:n,tf I .LabS
ol '.Vatrr. I . o.J as '. i Iixi'i, A r
Sanfcrd s Jamiici Gi fjcr.
Hoixe Ur,3;r I: srlve .t Ac.-
VTIt'i: ;
1 t.l f nl r4.
i it i"H to .t "un 1 1 i "
U ft 1 ! I tf lla
4 l '.t' ir -t -..
t.t T
r a t. i. .:
vr.' I t.
1 1 -1 1 rot Act n I
II 4kt I'- Ml' I ,ti t4 f
un). c&.r, t;.'3 t ftaJ
. X 4 1 ' t l ' U '
It l tnosi srirt al 1c dn alt,g, Mci
is st once b&nult'M and (Scriusi, f. r
pri-afnin l:c Lair. It risl.ins. vi-Ji
lie (), Kui froaUiK M nf ri.u'.h. fadisl dg
fray, l.LA, v.i red hmr, lo s rich ruvs-n,
or Jflcp Mark, u may W df.n-d. Ty
uae liin fcu.r it U.i. Vi i,eJ, aj.J tldaje-M
often not 'wnji trured. U
rhtvk fa' .f Ui tir tmrWiati'lr,
and ransns a new rroa -.h in r&iws
m here tlie flan J are Dr,t d -red ; arh'.ls
to l.raaty, a-ialt, ot Cihsrsri.' dist'as
hair, It In. pxru nuliiy aad :,"'f
aod renders it jialtlo.
The Vl.atia clraxai-s th soalp, fun a
and iTrnont the l.irraatitiD U cacdrufl ;
and, hy its cooling, sUmulaOjig, and
asolhing pniprrLiea, u hcaJa m.t if not
all of the and diacs ptvaliar
to lh St-)rs kiaertltig It Cool, CieiaA, and
a.ifla vndnr Llrh conilliion disoaaca ul
the aca!f and luur ara iupou.bla.
Aa a Drcvislsg f Laviifta' Hair,
Tbs Tiooa is inctmrtaraliiav. It is colt,
leaa, tvutalti noiOtor oil avor ttya, aad
nU not aoU rhiu csmlnie. It imparts
aa Strreatarils and laSaiug frtuaia, and.
as an artier for lbs toilet It is aoocrtxai.
aal aad wisantaaisd la tta aasUnos. '
Er. J. C, ATIK & CO., LctcII, Hasi,
fraaeSMwl m,S 4aaa tV-Ml i a ,
I 'VkU
.. 4lt .'V