The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 11, 1879, Image 2

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    The Post.
t1flidd:ear5, .scpt.Jl. 1879.
j.CRO'J3Er tdtor A Propretor.
For Plate Trriitirer,
of Cbonior county,
JKtlEMI Wt rnofjE,
of MmI llthurg.
I'.r -later k lteoonlcr,
of Mill llcburg.
Msiiii'l .Mtornry,
of F recdurg.
Jury f ummintiinnpr,
if Went Bearer.
Tim I'uMie !cl)t tutomint fr
A illicit shows a decrease of 93,537,
Salt Lake City in jnst dow io a
state of great excitement over event
lately bepreenirjor there vtliiob Lave a
! National, political and sociul einifl-
rnncu of no sin nil importiince to tbo
American people. TM Mormon
len,lors no J Mormon followers have
at lust bi-c trae Kirstly alarmed,' and
with Rood renxou, as to their ability
to rontinno rmiolt longer nmW the
Utiitcil States Oovurnmt'ut nnli
turlicil in tbo enjoyment of tbeir
ciimirml jirarlioce. Polygamy, CTon
in tbe religion f-nise aesmueia for it
by the fathers of tbo Mormon clittreb,
is to iUv as biJuouw nuJ reiiunaut
to tho moral and religions popnla
tioo of tbia country, as any of tbo
primes inuniionoil in our statute
bonks, and tbo sooner the offoti1'rs
nro bronbt to justice tbo sooner
will tbo ilaikcst blot upon Western
civilization bo wiped away. Tbnt
tlio cOii-ore of tho lv-v aro at lust,
nftor ninny failures to convict nnd
punish tbia peculiar class of critui
unls, in position to bring tboiu to
Hpecily jiif-tioo adimla of no doubt,
nnd hen co tbo present nmiiial stnte
of disturbance and alarm in Hit I
Mormon catnp.
K-Miator Minis') sometimes nvikns
a t many ns three Ppuecbos a day iu
Hon. -lolni Welsh, rx-MinMor to
I-nrl-m l, ai livid iu i'iiilmlulpliia ou
!" unday tsciiintf.
Col. Thomas A. Ncott. IVosidont
of tbo lViinsjIvaiiin 11. K, Co., is on
li'H way lioini', and is oxpuctcd to
(.ri'ivo about tbo 1 2th inst.
If Nelly Orant Ssrtoris'i children
are not thoroughly coauiopoIiUtu
will not be for lack of cross strains
of race in their blood. In tbe first
place Nelly horself ia tbe off spring
'if a Hcotcli-doscoi) lud father and an
Enplish-depconilod mother. Ifor
bnfbnnd'a father tvns a Greek, and his
motcr the daughter of an Knglish
father and a French Austrian
mother. i.kV
Peter Hordic. the dethroned Inm
lurking of Williamsjiort, wax on
trial Inst week at Bellnfonte. on the
charge of ' having obtained money
from a banking firm In that place by
false representations, Tbo trial at
tractod considerable attention
thronghont tbe State, and severnl
ablo lawyct wero engagod in it.
The testimony closed on Friday
evening and on Saturday morning
tbo jury returned a verdict of not
A dirp'itch from
( n tit Tin wniut man a
the City of Tokio, which mil
t i" io on tbo Ilrd itist. Slio will pro.
I il'ly in i ivo at Haa Ftnucisco ou tho
-lot iuntiint.
There am very strong iudirntiona
that Iho tido of immigration for Iho
coming year will exceed anytuing
ttiin nnmili'V tins Bwir Lnnien All
ui.i reaidunin oi nun iako city ovrr Kngl.ind the anfTering work
ay that at no timo einco tbo coming jngpcoplearo moving in columns
of Johnson a army to I tali, moro towftrdl, tjTOrpool. thoir desfin-tion
than twenty yoara ago, l.avo tbe)pin;? lll0 Tjnito,i stiles. Tho
loaders of tho Mormons felt i li(xt I larger part of these coming caravans
they had so nuebcaiiHoofappreben rf, in nnrh a t(lle of rTorty that
Hon na now. fheie havo been times the wiII UnA 0 onr Pi10rea Cnm.
of uroat excitomoi.t tl.ero within tho rtivplv ppnnii,.M, nrieBn tbero is
lust ten years especially duniiK ('i,onio orsruniVorl asistance at hand
lime wliou Judge .McKcan presided thousands of them will only be ad
ovor tbo Terntoiial (,ourt. aud wheu to onr smplns population.
i.ngbntu loungwnsa prisoner nu.ij VlRt ia norded is n prnnd colonial:
under in. iciuieni lor nnmoroiiH;R(,lomnt tmcked by efficient financial
i-nmo8; imi Ju tgo flic. i,l. vherebv tho coming mullitndos
I kean s bohtilo rulings nor thu Pro-jj. l)0 pj.j wll(,ro t10V wiu lm of
; phot's arrest struck nt tho root of!,il0 (rroiltoRt pervico to "thcmsolves
vJUo yUn y.y"n?y , 0 Jl"i;,:"'l ho country, on tbo plains of
loKeliarna saj ,,, ru,0oted that tho lojal criisiido J 1
J,n,if"1'"P''rt"; against them would bo brought to a
TIIR enArrrifnn Ftfrntorl sf tht !!
Will and Trulimtnt of Atirhm Bnnnk
dr't, will ttpor lo I'ublio Bnt tbt fub
lowing de.orlbed Tulublt Rl Etlsit,
Tuesday, September 3Hb, 1879,
oa lb preniitt, titai di Dtsvir tows.
hlp. boul ont mil t of A lm Imrjt,
boandfj North by Unrti ef Hrnr; AUn.
brck, fc.m I Inn I. of tin ll-ir or Jot.
I.onu, J'O'd, f oath by lii'ln of Jot N.
Iluin't and Ut ,j land of Joseph 0.
Huouk. coiitnining , , .
85 Acro3,
I J f ptmnnntf T on
pn ino Court of tho United Mates,
and tliov knew that ns Ion" ah tiiev
it i ii. r.. i!ec.eil, htm pfn gr int'
i oiiiioiuni iu jmien, ur a p-iiiioii oi L.n,. An ,.,., ,,11( ti,m.Un
Not only is tho gold (lowing
i.oi'iiiu n v 11)0 1111 ion. lint iinr i i.i 1...1 .1 ..
M..U nro being rapully returned ,.r fl.jt lha. institutions were io
inns, i.acu ooiid lual conies nnim .i....
on Ihi i'lta of I'lurloi
K roll". Ul "f W,H Hi'ttur IP..S
1 11
Ul ixir.fMi Mnm Titf tiliim.til l-i
them, their leader could never bo ''m.i i-wiii rl"" . " u -
... -ii ti I'.thii,i wiiiie iiiiim htviritf cmun. tnltiit
Convicted or pUlllsllOd J liey were P r.ui will .r.nt iiirin In- 'l.miil In
ii . ' i. nnriii-,
ISiAI. Klll'.ll".
iiidront from going abroad, and
tii'j gj;d tli it arrives is cisli.
The Internal Kovuuuo I! has
pr ;-: I atatointnt showing that
t'ln uu ulior of gallons of spirits pro
Scit. it !.
ALL persons inteieMted nro here
! nniuicil tlmt l ' He cr o I r.n'. Il'i
ii i -. ii iriiijj iuo Ilic.ll year OI I )i .1 nf no vitiiiiiv t inmMi nnm. out ona
wis 7I.S-i!),C17, agiiost .'-. KUo.l !jn tho' court failed, either brcanso
Several events have ocenrre 1 with
in tho nnut few months which have
hhakeu Iho faith of the Mormon '
leaders in tho security f tbeir svh. ,V"i'u.'l'(i'!v., r"i iin
li'in reonnlU i.vr.rv ii((..innl ilc-rlirn 1 lor Iho i"n i 111
. . , " ,r . . Irii 'ii. Iilng 'U lm r r.itirmr'l ti i rr.Tit
tO ptiniMU a JlormoU for tllC practlCtt tl.rm l.tllm iin.iUnrl. nn l -m' nt ln.lcl.ta.l
III 1'ioa'B iiuuiruin'r i.i iimt i .
ji ii. . I't.A r H,
mors or Ipm, uboal 70 ACtlK 3 CL F.A U.
nnilcr soo t fence sad la a high mhio of
cultitmion, Iht hUnc woll limbrrrd
niib CIi(idiiI the roil Ik limr'tunt n I
flint, w hereon art trcolcl a TiVO MroilV
Frame IIouso,
BANK BARN, sol olhor nfepmnry out.
ntiiMinir" a niTr fnilinff fjring of waicr
al tho door, TWO HNK
of lha cholop.t fmil is bearing aei Io s
thriving; condition.
AI.S, at lliaanme timo and plac will
b fold a lot of rornonnl properly. 8
S1e lo (ommnr at 0 o'olnok A.'M. of
aid day whro torina of aule will to oiaJo
tnoa o by
JOPRril 0. BNOOt.
wii.liam t. m rent,
Ppt. II, JTtl. f.iroutors
rrilTE nnilori?npd will offer at PtiUie
J Stlo, nt Hi Hold, Id llvater
town, Pnjf lor county, !'.., on
Faturdny. October lSth. 1870,
lb fiiliowlnj ilo.cribr 1 vuluaMo
lnii .iliiite in Il.'arortown aforr.nid, lo
wit : A crrl iin I it of priim I itIhtojii
nro vrcci e l a T WO 8 n .1 V Fit 1MB
Dwelling House,
I 2 XC1, nearly ni, wirh rinm, lnrifo
l....k . . I k-t'tftlt'tl Mf.l.jl v i
SflVtof I'i., 1 1 .'ir.ik iiim.oi. Bnicnnii.
i. iimlor. i r ' "t" " ' "ii. .j.i.. "nil tliri.liiii;
rlm.r. Ili)l.-ri:S I J X 1 KMOKE
IIOIVK and ..t Iht nui-luiildiniei. r tic "ltd
L"l l einjt f.'t.XIH I fiTt. A lut ofcteiie"
varirli,-. of Ajpln. I'tmr. I'rach, l'lum
and olliir fruii iris in toui in gr.e..
te. AL.sil another Lot niluite m ni l
town ou tho corner of tirango nrect and
Cherry alley where, n ar ortf.;tf I a
NDTrCi: I.eMers
Fluid Extract
niftiio n .'ftn rti.eni
l'er."n:il to t he un.
il I. In err.lliorn. All
n 1 . s, sbowiug an lucroaau
;"71 gallons.
of 1."
TW-a Republic of ours raises ab"nt : the jnries it
rS-i.C)H(i,oiii bushels of grain more! victijii. Tin
tho prosecuting oflicer found it im
poPKiblo to procure legal evidutico of
tho crimo or becauHo Mormonii on
fused to vote for oon-
Juty .'r.
t i i'i tlia entire products of I'rnuco,
tier:.iitiy an 1 Austri.i. an I if wo
c m! I always be sure of a prolitablu for our grain, wo could oisi.
ly il iiiMo tho aggregate.
eminent in tho Heynolds on no sur
prised tho Mormons, but it caused
no nfcirm amongst them, beeatife
they firmly believed t lint tho law
sgainst polygamy was uric umlitu.
tional, and would lo so declared bv
iflL J'vNronn' I.rvnt lwi,i..!.itni.'
n:-oris i.rvcn lNVnnmAToi.5
a 1 F.nui'.y Itviwdy
lifieasraof tlic I,iv r, St.ra"!i -t't-A'ji
Blaclismitli hcp,
ITX'.'l with ait-iehmrol IIX'I. the Puld lot
Cnnlainiiijt :i('..M. Ti r ilmirul le
propel lien and loented villi uivw to bu.
im ...
iulo to comroenco at 10 o'cloeU A. M
of iid iliy !ien I . r:i. of il will b
nm le koon-ii by
S' p. II. V7'J.
Bladder & Kidneys.
For Pcli'illly. of Memory,
ilion lo F.xrrtloq or lli-ioe..
of Itrrmh, Troubled with Thoiin'ita of
I'l.en.e. lliinpi-'. nl VNIon, l'.'n in the
I'.nrV. t'henl, and Mead. Hush of Mlood In
the Head, Palo Counif nnuce, and l'rr
If lhre urmptom are allowed lo g.i on,
?ery feeo,tieniljr I'pileptio Fii and l'u.
ruinption fullot, II hen the eoiiKiitulina
breomo) aflVoU I It reijuirr Iho aid ofau
iiiitoraiii)( lucdieliw lo nlrHugllieu aud
lotio up the "jhIoui which
"HeMioIffs Back"
Notico to 1 It-irs.
Ti ters who have not paid a State
or conn
ns are
one and
"pay such
t'ie o 62
110 l, I low Porivr utlll
! .eltinir T.-nrnA Tn Mon,.,t,i. ', 1 Mnstit utiotial. Now tlli
M..uhnr nf man. ,'nr L I 4 1... 1 longer OXCUSO IhotUSdlvCS
" miw iiiv illli'l 1111 I a
p t t week, wbilo in Now OiImiu P1"!'1
oiu DUTOiuuuuii mai iuo i:s.
ite will becomo cpidomic. Several i
Ii-uths from that csuko occurred
.1 1 .
more msi wock ana seventeen more
cases wore reported on Saturday.
Census day will be June 1st 180,
n that day nbont twenty thousand
numerators will cotmnonco their
labors thoso in cities being requited
lo complete thoir work in two weeks,
while others will bo allowed tho
whole mouth of June, but dying bo
f ire the enumerator reaches them.
viil bo counted in the census ; biiths
f uIm juent to tho limt of June will
cot bo counted.
fy any remedy known. It l precrlbod
b t the nii'.t einiuehl phyk'iu all over
iho world, in
HVSI Ki .-l I.
, jVog. table.-U never ti l ! ..r.vio.v, , ,.'.. -. .. j
, JlK-bilitifs-It i-LV i f ';-o 1 ., .!.... sama., snrttb. I
fOlUl-ltioand -rrl VL-t i totoei.mrrla I !,!,
I r .l- ! hfl-:-- i ,":T.rl' ? alt re.liiuu In Sn.lrr
Iho Stitifcme Couit. The .lecisioti S.. ' . I ft. Is ii ii t!. V..' .' .' . 7".. 1 ,. .l "-..i ni .
... ..... . .. .riivvrtB v.Vir,!!' ",": v.. T". '.'.".
iy lax witum two vears wxt : xxm . -, j-tt ru ii Vr - V .. v . iee.e.i ..e. t.,.ir..; i..."t' i. i ....k : t'tiNsiiivi riDW.
thoeloction fexceot such 1 "K0 n I'luniiui doii. it strncic whv; .l Ki 'j "j1 V, i'V '." ' 1 ' 'u e. .l t tre., ; Ai'iiti ami CAIS,
between tho a-res of twentv- 0,10 01 11,0 mMn ,"""ir-""" $ -i Ll S vJLi-ic o,J ., ;' . '. i m m. m tV .4!.e,',V. V. , , .r:,: .7.-fiE""- PS'im.tTV.
twenty-two years), must l,1?,r coiilidonce. and place, every! j-if-V . - 'vaaK 5 'J..V ',VJ't:l S"':!1?":.'!.!; '": Kl.!.1r.V
tax one month piece ling J P"l.v?mwt I tali mid adjommg ; V- . -e U, - ;5;,f-; . n ,.'.-., , .., .. .u;vi,; ,,V;.-V;;V7,' ! n k Je,' x .o ViVtVv
tion,thitis,onor boforo Sat. I 'frniones iu iuo ,u it ctim . y .v; i fne,,:,,;,,:','; t",i"; -".Ti: r.-.t.v.v
October 4. in"'- l',-''01'i 'hf.v supponed that ' jT 0 ' V".c , v'i..' t i k ...,..,.,,(,,.,,.,,,,., j, ,,,.,, , i L V o I i!'i'M'.l'-
, "y wt-t-o tnitiipling upon a law t o- V'.V.'-A l- k'n.'.i'.V, "'l ""rV ". "
tF . a A - . 1 I . J i 7 I a A r ri" W I , Il I I 1 I f -tin II ai . u V i
y ' HO' jVv.,f. rV 1-r t i"" t ,,.i.!.,. i, ..... 1
ou that, Jl'Mryn ti l-i - ; ,.:..":'.r l .!''"!. ' -t..r..,...f
1 5 t ft V ' f 1 ' 1 I l N ' n I . ' r-mnn "( i m i o i
i V -.' l'a. (1 O i I S K ."U t; ! I'lfi". -i Ho. c un:y,.e..
I don t sunooso nnv trno slor.. r , . it J . t - i , ; - : I
-..I I I li 'it '1 v il ti I ' .'.''."I 1 on are l-erel.f eie I ,, an.! at.r"'.' !"' r
moo would be deterred from cou-,5. N II f o .i'- i t'- .in in- i ur , , r . , ,n n, I
trading plural tntniages beo niNe M M tV -.lf,V 'c ' 1 .'. '.'.' ' ",' n '.iv, ,r. ..,.,, j
thev are f irbiddeu bv a valid law of, i t'.-S"!' '.,. .'. 3 1 i- ia me r.r. n men i ' lUra 1..el
tbo I'nited States. Three jears ago 5 T - Vi;i'' ' n.'''i'm!'.'r'-''il?i "'''"li
it would have been inst as iuipossi IJ Vv ' " ''' c 0. -'-V.-i ', "'i, r, i m ,i ,, n it , n in ine.t .mi, ,r, e,i
bio to convict poivg,mi,t fier , ' o.. i." ;M.';:.n,;:,:.,r :!:::;rv:oi;' nV;.;
such deciSi,,n of the Supremo g ).t- V'V'f: U ' ' ''""'"
toitrtoftho I nited Stites us S-'.'S , re ., v t e l '. I i-r".:-nt ,.t (ir ru i ., ,. ,t .mimic .u'i.
I A part of every jttrv wero t"cessar. . J '.' ) jJ-'a o, u ". ;. , .-"i 5 j ;
;i!y . Mormons and they would never J -p ft fj '1. i . i I NotiM.. t r I loir. I
' vofo to ivinish a man for a crime i,f i . a' P ?5 1 n e . 1! ! v; ,,.. 1
eniH.lves were guilty I 2 -V!'";. ?6r- 3iv ! bti-u 11.,. .'5 1 a rt. i:ir--r ! rf m Smi", 1
ilid not admit to be ' IV i", V'J t S- in lny iirnot icr I fi V, i.h hi.- cf ll..- It.,,.
. P.ut since then there: '.i'i I, ftt" id 1 y the public .,,., u,,;, ,,,,. v.,,,, :,- ., I
nngo in the Tonitorhli Li'."J Vi .'er w -re i'mu 85 '
to jurors that is ipiito ; ! $ i with CT.;-rvc.l.:.J-.l ris.tllri. ' t .t.e.,i, s.smoh. nen-r 1
as the late decision of, ... . . . .. ' c, ' R R.-5 .1."-'., T, 'ie.i tL'IS' !
(omt. Tin Moimoni .! I I". . 3rr JC. M.D.i t in -' ...V.5 I ro-MIrm lo Mivr .. IIMW l,r.,rm . .smlll,
Great Reduction in
W! TTT FIT TKT TT im fCT mv r e.
1 wonld take
opportunity of an.
iionneing to the .
public, that I ntiil
continue in . tie
I'nrniture liusincsa
and that my stock
is full nnd com
plete, and that 1
ISitrcmi HuitH
rl(r4HitlUf OtlMO HuitH
"cllinff all my goJ
at Iho VERY LO'
fuel cheaper (
the snioo grtid,,
goods can l p ,
"based nnywlipte
Snyder Co Si ;
following prices
y nntl Uitw-niv
Ti:iO nntl Upwnr(
Cull nnd compare my goods with those of olher dealers before t
chosiug. Look for the liig Sign, opposite Xoetling's School lluilditifr.
July 10,'79.lf. Selinsgrove. Iy
--inn 1 '"aiiijfi
S. WEIS, Selinsgrove,
- 1 ""V
1879. TOOSKK' 1879
ti 1 ri'.1 .
I.F. fr MN.t.
iv m:i !(,
NtKV.;l'. I'tnin.AINT.''. ( OMl'L'lS. A?
Uradiche, I'nin io tbe Ph'-iiMer, Ciiiil
m !... Sun- ..11 tt.KMi. Vrnprui-. 1'i-t
'-! in ili 1111I1, I'h'ihi limn uf I lie
Meri. I'. ie m tn ii. .m nf ii,,' hi lm.,
I lad h ilioiiMiii 1 oihir iMiufiil ' in j.toiii.,
J ore ilie Hif-pi iuii of t','-ia.
J take pleasure in announcing to the public generally that I am now (..
prepared for tho SUMMER TUADB. I keep constantly on L.tiil ,
largest assortment cf Notions and Fancy Goods iu tho county, and m
pecially this season I liavo a larger stock than ever before.
Ladies Linen Suits. Ladies Linen gait
iu lnryo vurl5tf'
Summer Skirts- Fans Fans, Fad
Summer Skirt3, Fane, Fans. Farf
Ccrccta & Kid Gloves,
Corset3 & Eid Glovca,
a specially. Ilnvlng tho Agency fr oeo of lbs largsst New Tork Cci.J
LotiHii, 1 wouKl call puvticivltir attention to my
dopnitinriit which Is full and complete,
iu laiger v nieties than othev hoitso in tho county. A full l:nt
B2i3:S!4 E1)S, LAWN'S, E'lCQI7,
o'c. Hront bargains in OA 1 I'lTOlL OICrril &
Call nnd eee what wn have to offer, whether yon porclnse or (.J
rooiis nnd our pi ices will suit wiu.
Tho pod 28 tri m r-io
which they th
and which thev
a crime ut all
has been a oh
hw relating
as important
n-.-ain, Dotll Town and Weston 11,0 "V"
c jiinuuaco 1 preparations f jr tho I
having landed in NVv Vork. and 'f R-l re of I tali mac , t hero do. iT:::"":
(jr .01 cummin procedure 01 niitoiuia
cont-i-t sa in t i L-i ! n ii,n.-v v..a. not knowing tUat it contained n pro.
t jii will eudavor to mako tho bi .iv'Minn , jr rii"' of triers to do
j.eht Rhowing of his hf ., and lto-! ,tr,mD'5 whether 0 juror is qualitied j
i ll will try his utmost to take the:"r not to f",'v,, in 11,0 ,ri"' "f ivt
t o!t buk to Kngland with him ; cn f aR0- his puts it into the power!
W el, ,:i bold our breath ftiid Wttit-"f tlj0 prnBc-oiitinj? attorney to weed I
f .r iho foot fulls of fate. i 0,,t 0,4 Mormons from a jury about 1
- 1 11 1 n 11 in 1 11 mi ! to try a man indicted for polygamy, j
Olj.-i il at the Tension 15illPft 1 srd to secure twelve men who will
m- it y will bo ablo to dii-oso of ing in a vefiiict in ocoor 1 ince wiiu
fery claim under tho act allowing evideiicu. TLis lav was enforc
11 r rents of pensions bv tbe middle of !'4 ' tLo Mits case, and even Mor
tol.-r. The otnouiit already diH- ,ln"n lyfrs appointed bv tho Judge
Im-snd is nearly ? 1 2.000,0(1 1, bav- triers wero obliged to ffject
i'ig f to be p.iid. The ' Mormon jurors, and Mile wasoon
periHi oi arrears will aggregate about i ',,e ' iw cannot be repeal
ti't iiiOl 0, Tho largest ttiuoutit,01' hy the Mormon Legislature, bo
pai I to any pensioner has loeu J, Psuse, the Oovc-rnor has an abo-
') Daily d shuisetu, nt averngii i ,,te P'w, r and will never sign
8..V' ;J1 ; total ap!icittions tiled Wj.j T ll),t pmp"H"
0 0. ,,f wbich fullv 2 Ul.i. t Dot' No won 1. r then that Mormon
tlUlll'.d ti ad litionitl pityiutbL 'leailers, who f,r thirty years past
v IU( X"
tVtMu.E UinhicHs CoNvrairi) in-
Ti is lsM .-LH oi.. The Keorofkrv
navo opoiiiy iieiio 1 trie law, an 1 ri
diculed tho idea of ever bein. pin
ished fur or arrested in thsir crimi-
f V'r order 1 1 'j., iii nal proctines, have at hngtlj bee itn-4
li 01.':';-, bo tui uw J over to I territ.lj alarmed as they see by the
t..u I ,etior Department to be use I ' recttl 44ft f the l.egihlature and
a t " 1 l fr tU" Iu inn y,jat.!,, t ,! the recent decision of the Supremo
l o. ) h lod after th Uii'uptou ( V11.', i f;",,rt the not of the law drawn
N nal Iustitut. aud has ju,,;u'i closer and closer around them,
tpUii4 li. ll, I'titt. of tie army,
to utvj charge of it. CapUu,
1. n't Lai had maoli eipen'enci jn
toe sroik of ad. no educitiou at St
AugiHiiuo and Ilauptoo, ail is
e niii I int of good rusult at Carlisle
tew ieurif a McCrary and Schorz are
btb much interested iu the sutjVt
an I verr hopeful tUit the 'tcc'),f,il
fcT-rt at Hiiuptoo will be fallows 1
lr aueoMS at Carlisle, and lea )
veotuaJly tit such aiti ii by Con
gr- as will enable the Govern
tiu-iit tu btllikb many such school.
Alut ooi bindrel Indian youths,
tj b t!i .!, will be ssnt to Carl
ila Ibis fall. A similar aff jrt is
ao jo to bo insaforaU j io Oregon.
uodr the ciiange ol Lioutensot
Wilkiuaou, of (ji)wl sward
escie from tlio legitpnato cmse
fjuences of their abominatioiiS soems
utterly impossible. Thev buve at
last been driven to the wall, and. let
us lioo their doom is sealed
Frunl lln lUioiit'inj.
Tbe Nor lit Amfriritu savs . 'Tt
is gratifying to hear that id! the
locomotive woiks in the country are
haid at woik. many of tbtm bav
ing more orders than thay can p s
siblv till. A tLousaud tuore men
could be given tropin) went at tho
I'aterson shnpa if there wore only
room for thorn in the buildings, All
this means that the railroads are
doing an increased bneiu4, and
the railroad are the barniuotar of
the National ind tstry. Whsn thoir
rvls w larger ae proti Utile tbe
WiWj u proepericg.
" Vibrator Thresher-,
Aud eicam Thresher UnKtnea,
Vlo or.t tif ;!
I'lAtini c Piirnspin a new '
niwiTwLd) ontrriiiu a uuii
li-iTTLE tUr.EJt, MICH.
. Tlaaeai tfV V',
THE !ntrhlra Omn-Kniini, Tlm
. " !-, ta H .l t w4
fe .-r .) -,av I ..st4 e'l IHinafry nw trial W(.
(xtiaxi laM aUaWiawm
Tllff r.fTItin ThFthH Er4-BMti
-.Sjl , k 1 41 . ..-.1 M,
Littm ytt I xL9 t mM iaaravj Mftlntat
NO ntrrrWtpff Pknftn Invlrff fit ftM
; r, , . 1 , . i
hj '! l4Xv VMIn f !, i ;Ma Wtllff
I ir 1. 1 ,11 K-, sn4 f -sviilltaMeJ
1 wrMtaae ,. T )vtMf . M ' !. (,lnf. asl
''" ' 'rbaMli" T fanataM
I' atav-a rivi j thalaV
f. a Kvri.ftr4 for fiwriiMfT )f rn,
. . r .11. JM,t Mai W4V
H-csttik UiMi'wkk triMf,
Fora '4irffnr!opsi Mit rf
.. . . t l.,tm l,M tkM.Mal aT.tlMta4
1- l'" rS'. IwMaVUtai
' '"' m .iiU,i iaas.4 aa4 aM - --r I
U I i.M..anaM.i I' U4alWa
r.4sl, 1 la ara-i f i4 ftUt C
!( TlMrNcli U'MrUmnnrMo. Flf-fnag
I '"t. . Jief.t ,i avH.-.e.
U , Vtaa(w 'iwrVts4aMsVei-BMataskfc
(OH rri1-l4ir. mil rr rfler
lyA1 on httn'i nil kind of
w w iiUiHki $wh a Nottg, Hum
mnf9 Warrant, Lcutti, Butyto
iXJir 111 4 I'jQ rt-.s
j UVXL 4 CO., HimUmi. 0.
kf.'i Oil It luj
lllitf -'I I l.,,I'-i',',tt,M 11. .1 .inUl A I A,i,i
Intrrnmrrta I villi .1 II. Im iil,i.rl. n
'Cn.oil l"it t,i riirv'l-.e r,,-r a liul,i.n,l .n,l
!r elitl'lran rl- : s. -n s I nnvtirrr. M 11.
ti n s. I'i ul,ru linn! M . ti.,,ul, rlf a I r.f
whiiiii ara nitm.rH m,, ,r tbeir Kimr
illun It t. I,. IV. ( riioim r, rol I i l 1,1,1 .
aui ri, 1' , J.-ooh $ Muitli ana alwil.rea.el
l jvli 11 l-in ..v.n rtiiLiran, tlr. : ler, muu H.
ili rrd.t.nif ai;l.)ker.i. IHiiii.liln 1 11 , !.,
.Ial I'. Muiih. r-.i,lln al l.mhelin
..uierl'n t.f An Ha do Ininrinarriel wlili
Knii.011 I f rntr. reO ilni. at Mailed. Janleia
t'.t M, liiinf. t Sii.lth, Htf II. r)dir,
Ann ni. liiinrniarlcil al'h tiavM Kdler
ln," V. Inlern arrl,, I al:h lli"ri'4 V'lil,
all rr'Ulna In snuler I unty. I'. rin.ylienli,
mi'huai siiiIUi, Mi nl.n ,ie, .!. 1 tii Initio
urili . Mm n l in l.llri,5ii, Sinlis n,i rise li : l.i.ul.n tn' with m..
,ini,a Kirnu'e rMMrn el erlc.11.,1, .limlji,
., I' . Airr.i li.irrrn rrlf l lin inlel
i;ti'iij'. reii.lmu at i-unliurjr, pa., sar in In.
lennirrl4t wl-ti iarle vrriiall Marjr in'er.
inirr r : wl'h llnry Inoh. ma. lie r tnii,
Tiiir eiltloi,er, all rr.10 1- In Snyiler f!mmti!
nn ., 1 !lr n. li'u . I ri ,'T,i'ln
ul llnry en. I .ilnry ri.tli. le'a f the forouuh
ol llld.lloi u.K, rnyler O'lnnly, ilcieeie,,
iinttinq ;
Yon are haraliVrllM to ha n,1 p,,r l,r',ra
ll.e .ln,ii. ur lei haim' i,iiri, m en nr.
.lin' I'ourl in be hel.f at Mi l lie-urn nn tbe
mi n'nriny 111 epietnlier A. I. ITJ al 10 ;
-oi- v. ii,. i,o,in'in. mini enn idera 1.1 ae.
n- or r-(ue in Uke I he lie. I fjute 11 1 pel I
Henry Muu . an 1 ilery ninifi l'... at ibe
rl relewt ,iirfil'ia e'll 111, 11 li an la'Hie.l
.'Hly iwer.le I l,y tlie a t 1 mirt, en I relurnrit
I, y Ilia Mbenil nl nil oiumy, or nln reua
aky Ihemuie eU'iUlit but be inlii: Ami liareut
lll n il:
Wln e-i tue Mnn. J...h . llni-her, y.n
Pr. eMriii i, nur aal.l I'ourt, at MMilleburai.
II. lt il.t 1bj d July A. n. 11 u.
) ti"l.lNItH,HI,erllI,
le'i nt a'1'i.lnla'rallea cn 41. ni
Uenrka Ml,l I ile f ,ii,,le.ira k lo-n.hli,.
nyler C'nuntv flM.i, having .t.en
4l fi iLa un'lr.ln,t. all i.enone annaliie-
IbeniMUee I in ,al l estate are
eil la uiaae luinie-llnle efaeai, wi.lle thima
l,evli,i( n.eln.e will breieat ILaia dull aulliantl.
lortatilaoieiit to
1 An, einiululo4 tlio Tor, i 1 t.lvor, rtiiulra.
i an, I K i 1 1 1 e v in heittihy n-iion. in rUnn
;ein;;iln lilnn I i f nil impiirliii-, un l im.
, (.niiinn ue,v Ufa ami yigur tu ilia aholo
A "Ingle trial will ha qutlt fiiQictrnt to
ennrloce 1I11 tnf, l rtmilutiiig of it aluu
blu remeJuil iiu.tliliee.
Pelirrred lo any aJ lrf free from ob
"Patienla" may cnnen.Il by ((r, r.
criving the lama aitentina by calling,
by anewering Ilia fjlluwiDg ijuratioa:
1. flieayaiir nami aoJ poat-otfiic ad.
Ir.. county anil iitete, aujyour Btsrral
aXpr otiiua ?
2. TourageanlsaXf
3. Oooupatloa ?
4. Marriol er singtt t
5. Height, wrlgbl, an anil Is haatlb t
0. now toug bar you facta sick
Vt. in. '73. .
roarART.cuLAR. A,'"-"5HlJT ADoat.:
fjjr WhiteSewino Machine Co. CLtvcLAND.oHio.
I)Y virtno of a writ of Fi Fa. ifsn
t. nnt nt 1 1 :ourl nf IV.iniBnu Pja rfSny.
,., r ro i,,l o M,e dlmcUd, will be eSIiaeeJ
Iu Public Seir, ee
p.ttturdmj, &t. 20th, 187D. '
tlOoVlwae. in. tla fnllowlnf doarrlk-it Rl
I;.i4ie lo wit I A ariaia ttu- imt tV,, elm.
-le in (J0ir-i,U, aMi,r C'oiiniy, pnaa'e.
II.UOVH nrih by Cbaeiaut fclr.i, aal kf
fnbiie S..J, kium kf aa Alley, ttuSl it sa
Alley, ouiuli.(
wire er lea aerena ar ereeUit a l'vl two
r,.rr mm' b, viaigi uotiea aa oiar oul
IhiI aiuae.
eieiae'l 4 teben la efernllna an3 lo ba aol4
aa Ike tluyn, nt MeinHrl Ml.r.i-r.
I. 4l. Mirk, Sli.rlf.
iUfls'a it&cs, Hla4Ua.rv,eiiej, ti, larv.
7. Tour eoeuplaXioo, color of balr anil
rye t
8. Hating yoo a stooping or erect gait t
0. Hflat without raearvaiinn all yon
know abmit your ea. rielo on Jul.
lar seonuliatinn fee. Your letter will
then receive our aocniioo, arrl we will
give ou lbs aalure ef your diaeaa auj
our oao'liit upluioo eouoeruing a sure,
C'owpeleal Tbeeielaa aiieo'l ts sorre.
pondeoi All Idler snouM be aJ lree
. lo Kiepro.atory. lull filbert (iireel,
PbllailelpbU, Pa.
brugglet aa4 Cbemlel,
, I'bllaJ.lpbla, P.
Uarek ,7.l.' :-.
D.'Lakgei l's Asthma & Catarrh tea
nAT 0 gtrngfletj Itrvfjfw frr )la mmfk kaO artife 4VTfclfl i ar r'
t4 b-n ty Uie kuel raultieot cnUUbJ u.i mnK " rr
u a.d m!I-1 eve ei I a. a I ae,n a aai riuMll un Ha fit I Bjwl lK.Ba kevJ IS
rui'il'tit U i mti suf chair 6nf ftix! RiiP.t, ifi.r,f fnr W.J fearratw. ft n"i
Vitr. an IptrBM thai li lt kMlSif ) nt ( W UeltaV A'H w."1! 1
Italwra kail r.f!!e4 fni0y. If ll .lii iMlly 6 Kuu-i, I afNik 4 tvr'l
rHi oi) hrri, n4 In'.ehnf O t jf r, m hmm, wHeu I r nejaaevriy iife4 -J
an4-rr.l rt-lnsly an t au'j surej re aMM f A Met til 411 ale 1 Hf Be ' rJ
arti. in. ailieiei Kati.eeet etiaoaaeM. ti kemaha at aa fliaa)).r . Beawi If (met
tt.r.-.t . liiriity.l jt:l f arertr tr etill iff m"r efitlt iK M tejej-Htk 4'eMM' i--''
VI t k ISLTM.aod ill .!' ft4i-f lrfsrtsMtBBreU'f. it' 1
-i4raat I irsyojebM tsas I er ) Bt fb.'V -anLatewl, mti (eertaa MjleViH tt4-'-
nwr iiuHsrisiaaiNurin mnrai cat. etita.eiei -
I ft ill aa"
fa, i a. saj.
II tb lseJiot.e7 rrsjillsit U tMirf, m4 ft m-m l"-'
aVnd yet one trial pa-lag mm t avvre nr-uejui yaar ne4t.i rv- "I
VB.v4r. I w,rl7 -iftd. i-t p U mrnj rf -l4 fjM V'!
aVt MkesU, I oVl - T MUtt isr M.trtM laft.f -MlY-al I
I. CO pr Fuckiir. i
ftolrt br Dnicrie.ts ftrt4 MvdidTM DMan fnmnJT
OTKBAD WVT Til ArTUtTtS WHO lUfl TKIIO IT, fir Aatntf it.
T. IIOWTI, Jr -, fvt,rtW:--D. I imuv war
ititis vi4 fat arrl turner b . -n.t'letrlr fiv4 ar f r.
f. 1 mb AU.u.aeM Ua Um itiva yewr .14,
hic U u (MM lean.
ItorttlNV, r4. JT. t. f aaMsmk. tW (ttr t
fee. jtr fk?ISM AatUnSeUa lavrtli Ir4.eu4 mmf
Hk fM wra) Uiat t Mef4 a. fUtM wM VI Meilwatiait
aVatstn u iKe ..t.
Ilkd. (' iHel. Affttt Oestl, Aw. I et l-f oWftvP tkal I
a .Ala-taws 9i'.h t . UilU trvt-a feaj. I bird ptstul
hr4a atf aieVUr f V. I..k.tla4 JlttUM Met CaUeWtk
a-aUaa1r, tt4 eVHt BW Mttrwl fleaTwel.
n4 tMUejHMf aeveatd eWtlM lVa aTtert eVHfl aWlnavW lM AtftkM M f.tetfvt: WWWe-y ft eyejia
U kij TTB Iliiitiij, it' " J IU at-Us, vt eMsia tiaii.rtes.1 Jr4 IT lit kif tv, MIILUaMaA aVW !--
U'eVeVuva this roa yvxuaui a.r.KKx
Ccd. A. Keller & Go. Wholesale Apis, Pitts-nn, Fa.
r.V.ffARn.ruhUpWs-Miarliat hil.fMi- L-n
Df fllr:.-l'H-. aa. avietf iCU'l a 1 -
kA4, I prua.l4 a fev trt-i'if 'j
a1e-llaara aa t n.UXli e.f, tsv I ale I '
aja MUag a sawMa 4wM aw jMav r.
I. p. kpwril, r si. i r rt tej-u.
PI t-rMr aaUKia f4 t a4rn .- a as fcw "
alilpa f U. I lil a tea ta4
imoiiil ef fyaf 1 1 kaaatra4r nfaai, aW I '
lit &JM-Xh)mktMmm
BV vii tre of writ of Fi. F. issu
,.i nut nt Hie rmirt of tlntnmntt P'eta of Soy.
ill r Ci.ll'ily. Bl4 to me ittrei'lfil will Im eipeit
Ii, I'ublio bale el tbe 0ur llouae la Mid lla-
bUltf, uu
flahmhiy, Stp. 2"M, 179
el tc'rlmk, a. IX., t-M!"wn drrlt,e.l Real
IMeie low ii i A rerl-lu Trent ar,l eimet
in Centre Iwv, S,,t,'. r lemily Pe !. lej
North by lamia or Lnwia Kte.niaiu, Kat by
leul rreueiln Hii4er, Houis liy lanie of
Jul,a M.ltb.l, W-l by leal of laia Otter,
mriR nmlnrnlinotl. AssiffO" i
I Abraham Krouae. ef M l.1.l'"re.-
l,li. sny.ler eouoiy. Pa., will aell el -
Bala, on tbe premiee, la aaia hib. -
Satunltty, Septeailer 20th. t'
I key w-
Tbe followln ileenrlKMl Real (.tela.
ei'Unly eh la-ald, i,uileJ IM ay '"',
klliul.r ao,l Anlrew Heater Hnaih "
ill AU,,ew uauier aan a.i,eie aiu." mmm
lanil ol Kaiuurl Krouae, aail Sorw -
tlaeuk krouae. ooaialalui
tSH ricreet,
winre or laae, wherenn ar oreota-l a
liiitiae. Hank nsm,
mne lee arhrreoo are arer4S S OOOO
IIIIUSK.Hoiiri MTAU(.t. and olber ojlbailo-In-.
h-lae and lak.n la eierntlna aa4 to be eeld
ea tbe rri'porly ol llenli i ft. Welii-r,
It., Sharlrr.
HberlfTi olTk Ml'ldl. kurs, en1. ;, Int.
.a. II
S-.ino She.l, H,a stable sail ether ?
Inga, a S'lOil omharl with kli,e rr Jl
ami a we I of h,mhI water aeer Ike ,1 ' ' J
Treat tela a blab data ef eulllrello H
J Inatlmeatarf on Ibe eataie of t!nl. Heart
l. P.iar late of SellnaKrnfe, dee'S, kaew taa
Craate.1 iu tbe iiniUralauo-l. All nere.ii,
uoeles tbotveelvee lailebted lo aald eataie
win piaaaa wiaae itame.1 ele payment wane
ea mi aeiei
Ibnae be las elalai aalnt
ureeeel laata eur eeilleiaenl to
, lirONMM flt'HNtJRR,
- . m aii v o. ay tn,
H. Dsvia,
Aeg. 14, IM, aWatstsi
4ar awl lenea. . eff
oay waaa terut oi aeaa win "e V AHtt'J;,
As. It. Itrtt. ' llnrfiaa Inaaluant 1st
otioe horehy vivee ibat Job'J
m. ... - . . . , Adilliee
mm. - IPilf w,,i ,r.pRi ni. .
I Inert nf IStaiaina Plra Sn Hie eoonlr
aa IU .k l l. dey ul ktoul. aall. -,A
of lha loeolveul Ail aad that III nmt.Ld
roaaraiad by Ike Uourt aaleea mUtvyi""'
keret. eorSIM Iu 4..
ij ea, in?,