The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 04, 1879, Image 3
THE FOOT. Middloburg, Sept. 4 1873. - --. HuTWtm'nnuTT rtBTa. rh Onntta ol Knvier i,oeniT mrw nan vm ...m ..., ... iuri4ri of .enraerr, wav. ni isiiim-fiirt anil wjwmi l in.ley orDwinw, All cornmnnlentions, business lot fert no., lor hub rancp, iu iTurr imnt attention ghnitiil lie mwrcMPii Ht 1IIIIWWH ; .III. IWI, iiii'itiiciiuii, Vl 4 1.... Un.-, HI I.I.1I..1...... Bnyilor Omnty, Pa. Advertisements gtinriltltlieaiioiis etc. mum no nimni'i lu by Monday noon, to socnro inser tion in no xi issue a..-'. J-'.'..1 i 11 . . . - LanaeeWeelH . .1 . ie - I 1 I i i J u CIim. P. I Inch, Ei , orafjlumnvo, lias located at JliJJlotjurg. u.ujo n tbo Court-home. The now Moslertitfo t put Inti llio Court II )U6 0U rreltv ami the Old ODO uiuvuii iuw ma v.u-ihi.-i.hui- 1 1 . i i.i . 1 1 . . .-. . . rr omcg. Toinporsnce meeting iu tho U. B Fitnday Solum! room Friday evciiL')X. Election of OJkcrs ami otlior iiii'mrt- nut busing. The Fairtnouut Hotel, lit Fi tuVlli) kept by Killiau II ithertuol la clear of diphtheria and hi oM customers mats I vulci'Uiu uo rears vl tlio unicuso. 0. 0. Gulelius, tbo luvlueihle nd jt nhtriil-nllve Clothier, Grocer, Confoo- lionor, vc, has lust received a frou rMWUiy Ol WJOUI--cih a:ij eon rri- I. . . . 1 - . I J cos rojdiitJJ uevcr were no iuw m-tut. a ... . I I .t 0.0. tVcboM' uaw sign, "White Hmviug IMsohiueA, was II jug to llio Irceioou TuMdity.,; Charley wauls the people to Know cxae.ny wuere. mey . . i. . . i . . . i will Hud hint and the Whit. Ttli UF.iiiru!fTg. Cherlet Boyer of l'aitouvllle hired Suwarrn Bower ox uoraeauo drove lor iri jrevortnn ouhusluest.ouedav last woek.tud while thore the hone became sick and died. If Anrru 'a B.uifr.!Iow esq'ilsitoly bcnuUful. How 4ike those hlotiulug rosos ou your coitex i row itesuu- f jlly and tailt.folly arrauged I How fragrant I Aeoeirt our boar t hearty tliankj, Hudiuene railed ut to Beavertown a IV w dnya ngo nod we met our friund Hamuul Luiifcr. We tute thin nud IhU oi'O'ixion to thank tint J til ju fur noma of the lluost peuohoe we have tcua fot a Ioiik Ume. I winb tKive noti.;o to the puh'.U' that uiy family la w!l of the pri'-ailtu UlscHHtM, Diphtheria, or ailVuiiou of tiie throat, a My tutouir wore backward to tiall 01 a.coaui of Ih'ut JwtaM. Adam Bhownn one CTiiuin? lint e.-k waa the owner of a valuable llv I ig cow an J the ui'tt morula he wa tho aad owunr of a cow. Rue had atou corn hiiula, thrown out by auiuu j orioi) in the alloy or oa the flrct. A. J. Hpecht made the pmt irntikm ef iui iiatioo. Tui. H. Beaver shipped a car-load of Horses to Now York ou Monday veuing liuit. At ilarriHhurg the car vouLaiuing the horseH wait run iuto and considerably damaged. The hmsus were badly dauiand also. The Pi uii'a. Kitilroad Company, bowarer, promptly makes sui'h in alters right aud Jr. B, vill sustain uo loss. Chat ley HoIT.nin elill baa dome prime melons on Xigger, sratavi Is laud near Boliimgrove, aweet potatoes aud cabbage lea abuoJaoeo. Mow is the time to purchase don't dulay or you will be too late. Charley baa (touolcd bia tSdwn and ia io a CJ Lumor aod you cao buy choap, Move tight along. Dr. A. it. But'th, of Adainsbnre, very kindly tendored ua a teal io hia buggy iu order that we might reacb the Black Oak itidge Church aud burial ground where the remains of Charles Krebbs Were deposited oa Monday last. The doctor has abandoned all olhor business to attend solely to a largo, lu-c-ative and increasing practice in which he bat boon pre-eniinenlly auo- ccasful. . A now two cent rotura postal card it out. Jtiiprevidod with aatamp on each end of the card, and room for writing two mosesges. Tf the louder desires nn answer be moat take care not to occupy all tbeapaoe. One stamp it cancelled at tlie ofllne from which the ftrd it sent,' And the teeond from the point whorw reapouded to. Tbeae con venient poatali will aoou be in general circulation,' ' AtTuirriiO KuictDaV Oooige Wiin col It the owner of A purp and the porn went ever to the Jail for some rugose only known to the purp hut mat It wat disappointed ia something u certain aud thereupon hanged him df at the top jicketa of the front-yard fence. George saw bis dlelng kick and heard hit departing aong and at a 2-40 gait wont to the retcne and Just In the mcho ef tune released lheWjjJo?. Mrs. RruMl Oeroherling. wife of Phil ip Qemborllng, deceased, or Penn township, 'died August Slat at the Tooidenee of (tee daughter, Mi a. John Snyder, Jq Klo -onee, ell. Jhsiph oounty, Jtfiehigaa, aged 73 years aud 4dsy4. - Mrs. fJemterllng was for many years ronidotn of this county aud waa well ,,ld f.'wahly known in tMlngwve fA lVnn.towiwMp where there are Tujxiiutj- tdhf ttjkAilvte tcsidlai. , Cliarlpa Krrbl la dead, and on Mu day litxt Idn rfinaina were tnicen to the Itlnck Rhlxc burlnl RmnniU where ihey were doprnitcd In thuirliut rest ing plico on earth forever. Ho waa in tho eighly-flrst year of Ui a. From youth to rlpo old an hrt h id lived a lifo wholly above atnploion In all ro ipeoti. lie waa a good cllizon, ftu oi ccllont neighbor ; a valimblo friond nml wuo coniMolor, anil a oonauleut, orthodox moniber of tho Lutheran chitrcli. For unq'iwtlonaMo integrity ;, fairuos-t in nil hi biAincH Ir.nmir. llom ; unbending honesty and purity of tii'ilivv nnd nurpostva he ii4 en- toeincl by alt who knmv bini. WhiUt he was ac'iirto and oiac.I in bu.iiuos iiritr ho w.ii 0'i'i tlty acriipiilotH 'n fair do.iliii. He w.m kiiiiun m, hotpl hiblo nnd cultivated and nurture J char ity ii4 the noblest of hvlin in tii tne.4. In a word, ha vv n an exoeptioiuU ui'.i )inl a: exemplar wh j) it were profit uliie to initlitto. U j wji an exoje.liu'i ly kind man and always I a choor iiiK word for the dintre'ted. His IniM lite of useful nets in b innossanl in the cliuroh ntrords a valuablo lesson from whii'h we may le trn much that will profit us through this lifo and the life to conio. A a matter cf 'oiTf whuii aix'lt a cit-u is railed away a UrReonnoouno vf relatives and friouds attend Ihn last sad tites which are pnid the den I. Mow Speeht, of noarert.jwa, s known far an J wide as a man ofro nuikiiljlo onery. His whole life litt been one contintions aid anrrcssful ef fort to ae!omplih the end for which a fair-miudiid, ai:tiv. r!ier,cti lionet, iuduittriou and intclli 'ent citixon hss been created and in this be bus been eminently" aucepssful. With din re pard for truth ho be sai I to bo 'the ai'i'hitoct of his own firtune. Our leaders aro aware that tha Penn'a. R. R. Company awarded him the contract to m ik o the bed for tho rail ria l to avoid ttie trestle this aide of Denrcr town ; nnd it lias turned nit to be vnry eonitidrrable of a job. From enr ly morning uutil evening twilight he Is on the grounds urging the work for ward and handles the pirlt and ehoves the npsde with as mn'.h energy ns nur one of his employees. When lie r? turna home lu the evening bo loos over the buniueas transaotiiiua of the ilsy lu hi store and foundry. He is known as a careful huMness man hss hten ever since he pushed his am ill host out in the ocean of lifo an J his nuccciis in life is the proof positive. His life fuiuibia nn exampln for young meu whirl) if utrietly folloived would lifad llifiin on to honorable iiuveiii. 'fHaOsui Lw. Rabbits way ba kill i fi jiu 'iutuliir IS lii Jtausry . H(iilt'i-iils. fix ui HcjiUuitir 1 Is citassry 1 WoJook, from 4ik of July ta J sua si I. rarirUcas or Qntils, Oetobrr lOih to January 1. f bvassala, Octohrr I to Jifonry 1 Truut, dartnf April, Msy, Juo anJ Jaly, wllb Lnok aui Una only. from Jus I ! Jaaakry J. All klnJs of out Itahiag prsbltillfl. tt opi wiib bo t or vi bsis of a mtsii of i0 inches, lu atresias Ssacaioiog bats or ttol. Dii'iunRKU. Tlio reports, through the county, aud far aud wUn beyound, couccruiii'j the tlijihtheri.i at Mid'eluug are uutiageoiisly exsernted. Tlie sir. riea of the peoplo running aw iv ; the unburied dead ; want of rolJiu nnd Krare-dii.geit aud all that kiud of stall' is worse than nonsense. If one lialflH'' floating stories wero true, yfllow-fover-Htrickcn Memphis would be safer thai Middlebur. Don't credit these out landish stone. Til at we have diphth eria here ia true, b.itlt is confined to children several uf whom havo died. A.B. Gensomer of Union township teems to be quiti tuecesxfiil in grafting and raising fruit trees. (Several weeks nt;n we spoke of aevoral largo grafts that ho pal out in the priii?- We aro again informed that bo has uow plum graft that is but a few mouths old whose length la nine feet and four inches, lie also has a young pear tree twenty seven inches high bearing six large pears. A variety uf cherrins ho has do out become ripe until in Aug uat. E. S, A. Kit.nzxHvii.r.f, r., Sept. 1st. 1879. Ed. Post : I havo aeon several no-i lices of "big tobacco" in Tut Poor late ly, so I thought I would give you the measurement io., at all my father's, (Y. II. ll'agnor) tobacco. Averago helghth of tobacco 5 foot ; average J(o of leaves to a stnlk, 2"i ; longest leaves 42 inches ; shortest on tamo stalks Z: inchos; width of leaves, Wi inches average weight of stalks, 10 pounds. J, C Waokk't. ConsTiatt taffertrslsd Iht balia of rt- lief, sail tha foaalala of their btalik aod tirtagth, la Atsa't SsaiarAaiiia. lilt tbe ntttt aoteataf - all tht alitratlfte la parlfy iht tiitnt and eltsase lbs blood It poaieteos lovlgorstlog ejailtlts, to that It atltauUltt tht faded vltalillst ant purg s sal lt)t etrruptioas, whisk mlnglt with tht blood, rrtniollag dtraagtrntal aod datsy. We art aurtd by waay lalelli gsat pkysltlsnt thai IHs aitdlalat sprtt betnd all eibtrt ef its k la I, aad we cau fortify this staltattal by tur swa txptrl tatt. I'ssxtSTawasT (Pa ) Aagat, The man who gott the niatldoat at a newspaper joke on himself, it the same party who goes round showing the pa per to everybody he meets wbon the joke It on tome other follow, . The brat remedy for liver complaint la "Hellers Liver' Fills. , Only fto. r loa. ffcwd y eu arufUh. W ' wi'''iwtaeaAsBMsafapsa "Hick head.icho incessantly dislrnct'rioVERNSIEJiT STOCKS. &C Cto8-! iinnv. IjcI Mtiph two "Pollers' Liver! " ri-of r hs a To.nun, s! nnnj. m n uso filers l.iu r iSM(h f iUrA k,,,) ,,,,U. hmcK IwitM t'ilii, 2.1C, n hot. IsnaaM llhr tut (ib ut M maraln A. ftinny I'il Tua resoi.iaici Jouasst fol trp tsoibar is en etosll tat aaabsr of tbis raotiol aai avsfal wisgstlnor Use of lh prnmlnonl faturss 14 a pnrtfslt ami Mogritihlosl (tstota oftts etlltnr, Mr. II. S Urayion. AUsaists bsvlnf boon iskon of bis ahsonoo In F.iirops ea a lout or rtnrsaiioa aai abssrvsiton, lata tiorirsit lisi Imc a prstfiiilS'l, wblob s kanw will plosas lbs nsny res birs tf lbs I'rtatKf i. on ic m Jjt)us. , rta only ill olt.t or TJ W pr yrsr. Adilr 8. B. Co., 1'ublishtrt, 737 l)rvaday Now Yjtk. S'Ifl W SI IK BP. Alinut the first of Juno 7 alieep -4 white, two of which bw smnll horns 3 black, one of which is a 7uck, atray ed away from the premises of tho ud dorslgued residing in Franklin twp. All of them have a tlit in tho lift ear. Any person living information con cerning their whereabouts will be libc rally rewarded. T. O. Address. , , JOHN BEACH EL, Middloburg, T. , Tell your Neighbor! Fof lt vvsrs sr eiort I stalJ Dad aolbiug Ibst ol I eart ins of a aoiolb- trina frtliog In my tlinl. Tht iloitor sai l I w to fir f iu with dyppi so t lorpi.lity of lbs livr. asJ Bu tioiot unulj J j no no goo I. wi try much HirtMi-l wlib a wenk luck rin mol of lbs lime oiuld wolk. A IsJy licl m In U't Hit Uiroi o, riAsnU Llrr and Kiilnsy l'ur ami bff ir two baktlts wrr nttl I 11 ntsrlr eureJ, an I hst sol b-rn irAubUI wiib tht tsmt onniplsinl fur oiort tbin lw yrars. It Is i ue ui-iii m.tioin I tvvr s. UillDiiKT la Mi'UHAW, V.asngo. Ta. 1'rrparii by E. K. Tbooipsoo, Titu vill. I'a. IVr ntlt by Joba A. Mttii, MiJJItbare, Ta. Hnt pitslity is ft characteristic pecnii- ar to ttie MMJIeswarlli family, and whether Mr. Jj Igo Middleswarth im- ninej mis pecuiiariiy irom tho Jujo through a third of a century of niani ed life or whether it is a part of her in heritaucc mnltera not, but it matters not when you gt to their bomo yon arc so cordially and urgently solicited to enjoy their hospitality that resist anco is im possible. The Jud;;e showed ns through his lots about his resilience and the tine varie thtioffrui', especially tho choioo vari eties of gii-s. bear touiuuny of the Judge's pxceltent tfiMe and judgmetit in making aeitctiou nod care nnd at tentiou betowc l upon them. nif3ii rccicm ni rae tu am I'iiOf Jii i"fcli)iil c.ifi'S dis.r:!si uiirtlT- hi'.nl f("M' I'S'ti Silvl 3U.i I'llGiIS pit- rcciaiii uim irj tfiis, J h;;u s. hi J. A. ilaant's Urug lurs, il.JalcVur; lablaa; I I nui by lock. tho Terr. Coming events o)t ttiie shtjs be fore, noi alrvsJy, l,lioajth lbs irnsis of oioniki, Ibe f;!l'0aj llj'.iJmr ect-ioii loiiuie clearer Jv I'f dy. Hiln the youthful m oJ im . leasing sproulstioa ami csu'ing usiei Ta-u.'ias lo ejnmar in bt ilireniioa ne c-au exrrciie a Unit a-liliiiotiel ecosdmy, evbercbr the on-n.y for prstentt nisy lie fon'i rooilng when r(-iUtitJ A ml j ml ia Hit nick of lime the e co:nei to dun 1 t) nejii ia of bo Jobney, tni Aamie, nu'l l'loit, anl barter my sacuro for tiioiielvcs anil by ill -i r on exertions, Ilo jck kllvc J work bo. aii wriiiojf eu. aj 1 ool oheets, tur wuicu luolr eoule nre loac'uR t uf Low icsuima may get lint book or psrlor orns iiem he bt j 1 U a J about so o.'ici i kOvl uf bow, by lueir uui led cX-f.iuii thoy may obiiia a preiimi wberuwi.h lo turtiriaa aal gisiJca tlie soul uf rpa. For tlio pitblinhers of f!1lrlll,' r:itiloa Qll;lWrly art id Ibe fialJ wnb tbt uj urmnia u liit of their uiiJiioe aui sll ihai iu.n as or chil dren (r ptj'S sitber fir tint maiooial ueeii uo, it io scud naoit an I aijjrces on a pomal Ctrl to Mesnt Kunc-i & Co., of bichiU A venue, .Now lo , nbvn a copy ol lbs lint will be msile.l them tree. auJ lliey rsa a; p rci tio for ttitaiaelvct Ibe slv-intagi-i oli.rei- 1U ruklilotl Qil'41-tc.It- ta eX aeily fills Us pl tus ai a gunls lo eeonoray in iho boueobolJ, ana nt oulicriuiou pnoo, ou'y oo tie. a yttr, It eo te.y inr liug, iisl li'ilt (li.Donliy should bt eX uorieuoed ia toouriug tu'ncrititiont , and wt atvt Do doubt that thousand will gladly avail ibs uirlfet of tbo opiior- luitity thus pieneniel of seouriug sous uaeful aniitlo. at a vory si' poaat ef titut tod iroublo. lilt Cures Rcaliclie Ml KsnnWi. (i'EiPUT nilc tares RtcDuinn ill m tact CiM'or Vx cr.'ts cmr Maue? snl (iiies. Canifuvi Kilt is n.tJa oMr bf L. mmlii I. D Bold by Juo. A. iMoaia, Middloburg i'a. as" LIST OF JURORS-SEPf. T. 1879. Qatso Jraott, AetKt -Henry llarltosa, Nor M, Mid- dleswtrtb. Bavra-Wm II. Dreee, A. 8. llelfrloh, James Keller. FRasauN Joseph Shannon. B. A, Bielo- laser. John H, llsaalager. JaCKSoN Jsonb Leitlrl. .MiUDiasnae Vf ni. Ilvavtr, 8. S, Bohooh. MipiiiactSKK Joel Itrw, Mosaot 1'sat R. ilottenitint, Oto.2ima merman, , rsiist Wist Jstob P. Willow. Haiiaiasovs Wm. M Curnt, N. 8. Fill' rr, Obst. It. Kiabel, John Pnarr. UsioN Jmee 0. r'haBer, Jat. L. Uuras. Wasiiiiiutos Dteid Arhogssl rTUliaai (iriuiui, Jaaoh ilsoktaburg. i - . v.TIT Jinost An Jsoob fl. Moyer, Wllllaai Wesder. DaAvaa Jamei II. Long, Ittae Wajaer, Jsooti Waitel. Dtavsa W. Lewis Msnhtak. Itsst M1J dletwarlk. A K. Middlotwtrtb CtNTaa JaeohO. Hreoa. ClIArMAM-W. I. Itilblab. jAoaaoa 0o. U, lleufee. JtuuLCOsscK A. D. Keek, Hto. w. ivouau, nenry onoiiy. ifosoa--Biiloioa App, Joteph Doatl, jot. keptey, jr. .... I'sss Henry Krdly, Stphsrat Plerwaa, Joel Look, Cbrlaiita Bobnurt Pssst A. J. Uesrliel, Itauhea Fishtr, Ftabtr, Henry Mornhnrger, Itlobtid W. Handera, Samuel Trout man, ttimoa Heller. Tibsv W. I'.O, Oarmaa, Thot. Jtstbfon, Bstisiusova Joba Fry, ft- J. Groat, W, O- llolniee, J'erolval Kttter, Jno, L Jfatke. Jonas ttauob, Joseph ft'tn risk. Celts Joba 8. Ooktr, E. 0. 8labl, Btml Wlita.r. VTAinisaTOR Qtorgt Iloiltrmaa, Ellat IUIbs, BamutT Ittlobenbsoh, Dsnlel r - ltnuab, rfnaitsa wpsigter. usieis n ' ' ttthld, Jaotb Bnyd v, Jht tf. Wt4- -.s ;U.aur, ttaoswd, nd tUrTlliof ever Int. UT nn. Kilt Ml. V.n.lTm. 1"! . U,iirr'ioy, S's .ir I ISO l .10 ra'4 0 iAi, lirw,. in.iii.-i f'innTlrniiia V. H ... 4"-? riill,lol,.M tnS H'txlln R. II.,.. L'kKh Vnr H. U :' I.'liiMh liial M Nir, )....., :4 UnltAd IJ.iinpAtitfi nf K.J. .t.ai4 ft'irihora I'aiitrsI It. II. Vo 17 UoM 100 lS JIIDDlEBUPiQJEODOCB MARKET, OossacTan aRt at 3. W. Drooso. Onion ptr ba'hcl UK rolaltta do 6" lluiiorptr pound 10 to It Eggs ptr doits I.' Ttilow ptrpoaad If Lrl f. Cktrrlts Hofultd Cbrrtit 1' Blsckbtrrles Husborrif" t Drld Appltt liltd 1'taobot pared Scb I io Hsa I'-' 8boaUUr f's sidta- VT Cboslouts per bnsbel itbtllbarks do Mi4i!cli3i Grain & Coal Karlct CISStiTtt) WtllLT v Wheat fee tiah -l (oil) Whoti ptr bashel () Rye eo Cora Jo Oats J I'lovertet l per batbol . Timoihyeeed i llurkwlivst Ja t'latttd do I'ea I'osl Chestnut coal f I Of. 6 I 4 4b HI 2 S'i it f.O MYl MM III . July ill et. I Rev. a PI lory Knliler. Mr. M Irbsel Vlilcb lo Miss Morale ttrnutt, bih of Jtrkioa Twp. Say ot Co I'a. x . ji i:i. la Franklin, Aug S'.'th, I'bilip Wili m, on of r bili p and l'.lui.e ih oeg, agej 7 ytsrs, i oionibt and i'l Jsti. Id tbit plant, Ang. lni, Alvla, inn of Jobs (I. an I Kite !lic!,uin agtd J J yrars, 4 mini hi aa I 21 dtys. Dear I'smnlt ilo ant mi'tra Put .TiMy kin t!it clistlnlBg tod, The too thai from yoi li H'lil Keats in Iht buoiuc uf bis Ooi. E. U. D. li i11 1 J . 1 , a-im-t Auiiitor'rt Not too. lit tti' in'il r-t tr of h'lliliJH Ilul'.ir tin t. I'l Hi.- Covrt of Common I'U.i.f oj Sny-br f 'u. T IK iin.lrrelsne I Auilitor ai polntel by tlit Court lo (iiitribnie tbt fno.le in the bati'l' f Vul'.iatn ll vi.tltif Asnignre of Killlun llotlietmcl, will meet ibe pai'lct lo inlvtesl 'or I be purpone of Ll arpninl n.ent at Il o clliee of H'illl-in Harding In Iremonl.on It bHNCtl.V. ftl'T. 17th. 18i'J. at Uo'c'eck A. il. bcn and wbtrs ail peniuna bav'ng claims agsinet esij e late art reiui.-i a-t lo prvaent iSom duly autbmliCHir-i or bu fcrever ib-barrrd from ocinicg la fur a share ofenlifml. 1. N. MtR:t, Ang ?H, JS79. Aal'iar. JJOTICK of Wibiws Appils"tu!nn under tho 8oOO Law Notice is bTcby givrn thst Ibe following widnwe appraiaeiurnla have been file I witk the Clerk of Ibe Orphans' Cunrl of .Soyiler Co.. for ootiurniaiioo oa .MouJay, the iJo J dy of ti, bt(t. n, la unl of Vaf A. 'fbtee wl lew or A. M. !'.", . a (,( l u I: j i of .Mi l l U .. ,.10 t iri''.7?uVte!'! Did A' l"-!i.e il o' tl-l.n. ia Kifct. ti wl I w of l.-el- bvar-he.tii, la.a uf 1 iia uiaa l'3e.iaal,i. .J. A i ifal-raiiil of ;t vi '4tM ill l l t t( K a.iea iergll lata ef auiira UautL , luo '. A t i--t'uel of E'ltiplh Wate-t wllow of H.-.I-1 IT. !.;. Ilia of .V l.tainrrab kiwuehic .ie.1 I. A"-,'lmrot of Citliirlno 1. (V kar wl I.. of tVnl toiLK.oi, UkuI nl lltatar teaDau' lJ i. Uoi.ll. I. tIKOt'SK, ClarbO. O AhhItioo Afctmntfi. VTilTllIE Is hereby given that Iht fol. 1 X lowing A-ii;neet Accounts hset been filed In tho oftioe of tbe prnib inolaty of Ibe li)rt of C. Pa of Hnvder oounly and will bt prtaentelto Ibt ntt eourt for omflrmatt 'n. and unless aafTiilent ohm bo tbown It Iht eootrary ibt taint wi'l bt cooftraitl. Ae-ien cf Perelval Utraa Ataa of Win. U. I.i'tr- A-einnl of Wm. HerJIaJ A all lee rf rreOe--lc. Kiel.'. Ae..nuut of Z S. Ka-If itat(nesof JV- wtet StwU1e.v. Aer .si'l of T. I. S allk Aa.vaat of t . AV Kclm.-i, t-iA o-ints'H E. Miliar Aai'.iM rf Tha ujriler Canuty Wiua. I. OROt'SK, Froth'. Prolhy'iiimro, sii.i, ire. Grant's Tour Around The World. A iomllt i-fil of lUw JonruiT of () kkeka c. r. H. IttiAVT, i'irH)i'el l.nUul, ifw divl, hcul. li.lul.iiii, Sw U Tln'i- Hmi. t;vMt, 1 1 ' . C ift ttl J i' ) with as m 0 l'ftc Intl ti of tlia 1 aV ll Vl-Ha I. nttuul ft t l 4.tVn uf h Oaiii'itritft, txtttt tm'tiU'titw, iihuit'.ts io orli i 'it I' iiv.-'.-. K'UwS J i t-ifl l ! vt l v'ut. rsjltf m'HMsj' .1 efna 1 ininoiM a lUito lllotti'ttia t ; -it-wu, tlu b u 'v fi riifl' -ivl !rtrttt "f UtJM. U ' it. ti' B.u'Ctt to ml wuo w uoll w.U p-'iuifw.jr ol:i u bi.. its WnNTEl znkun iol a.-e"o l i loatl ueub oa tbe l'lcl. tWtlM.ra P-iee i. iO AHJ.Sil aa. v. n. K. i.i. . a a i ... Ill Siu-oa Hi ee, B.a,1.l. J'aiiale .aia, i't AUDITORS NOTICE. In the miller of the enlhiterql I In th Or. hfirt uf h.liinMK lumrrlu, lhon' tlro'tl, irhn nm one vf tlm fiiui- of h'ln oj C'lilitV l iu?rty, I ftiiy feT ifi-e'tf. nitaeul in ki$ but I tbunly. u ilt, io. T'l K Amlilor appninled by anil Onnrt aaate rtl'trlbatl n tf Iht amount Sue ike liolra l i nlharlne Here or Sea'S , auu tliee.illaieral hetranf i.ll.bak II laerlv dee'J mil of the of lb- t'laie ol t harle. Ilav- arte il.-o'rt.. ami In tv,ne-l in anil Is ibe baaila ilrtallloK. Knigbt ailoilnlalratris tf ,iiai W. KaiahlSn.- S. wbn arae Ibe .la etecuiori of Ibe laat will sail tenlanienl f Oharlea Hae ertr ilee'il , win meat all iarlloe el tbe omio 01 r. h. tf.iwer. rf.. is juiiiuieuarf on H.lunlav Melemiier Ittb , l In o'eineb A. OL wbua all way attaad If l'"r e emiier. .v.iliri ... auditor. E JUi j on httwl all kind pf illtinkt inch 9$ Mutt. llN mons, WarffArif, Jjtaset, SmAth OKFA'rtlYOVKnvlilvaaiut. lu. rHls Ztorill, lit el.. Af t VaUt I to the tone oil frvey4 M4 tie iMflWUilill WE SELL THE MOST GOODS ! WE HATE! whb FOTSOT TOOK W malic the ILowesS Bs'Ices. The ilvvnt Qcstiott With the tiiwl h;r voit1il hit 3" tlmt thiH & 1 CHEAP CLOTHING BAZAAR, Wo wonl 1 cull To allrtition of the rilircnt, rJ Snvder ami odjniriinp rrnniion, to M.'i f.icl 11, nl wo have nmy mi hnnd tLo I iAIKalST, C'l 1 12 A 1 J IrS'l1 Mini J IKST Hlos lt CJI A TI 1 I IS i ever t rforo rlTi-rtd tlcm. and wo n ouid oak all vtLo Uciiro to o.ako LaifiaoiB to fjive oa a roll aad w 8 nud buy onr gooJs. whii;b cortHicls of of nil nfTlon rtm'ily. rolor, nlmdcn nnd prices, CI ll.o Htunllohl lioy up to tho Cadiff Oiant. Wo !ro tnnVir;,' ft Bpecinlty cf (li-ntn l'arry t'aHimcre Suits, for Sprinu nnd Summer wi.r, jnst tho UolJiont tiling out. ( inr htoek of A eulH luriilNliini? (joods is full aud n-mple1, fvorvthin;; in the linn, wliit h wo nro nollin;? nt bottom I'necn Cult and eeo our exttiuatvo Btcck cf II A.'1'H, Wool, l,",in nnd Htrinv, iu all colois, strlot acd i ncoo. UELBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALISES, in lnrffo alork. ond cxcoodiDply low I'rirea. I 'itin IrNss Iim1 linu-y rs 1 1 - Mliift m, cheaper tbnn over, OuIIm, Oolliii'H, 7S' ! I?m, I I (iiilllM-'lils'f , in lorgp taiioty, io abort, everything URnally kcf.t in a lirHt eluss Clothing Store can lo pnichanfd chenp t.f us b'vt tho pn'd four yenre wo bnvn been uu;; d in tlio Clotlnn hnsiticp in Soli:it';;rove. nnd oor CO tomrrs will boar witness to our auif.irtn fair dealinp;. o make do tniiinpHiulntiotiS, mil (jooln at Iho very iuxeat fi; uroH. aud tu all ttansaetioiis ptidenvorn.1 to ffivo perfect ealisfactiuti V.'ilb many Ibauks for fotrtitr pvtrouago vu most respoelfnlly auk A roLtiuuution of tho name. April 2111,. iHT'Mf. Tr j-:is .v- opvEXirEunw. josti FOR injurs HOLDS THE FORT 1 would ninnt' nnrunneii (o tho I'ulilie, (lint I linvo uow "'I'trxlsl 1 i; . I H ever oP.i ltd to lln citiz'.nt of Hnv.tLr V NIK y-Zt of cverv Kind, Stvlu and Price, for' Mim-cn' loyti' i wants of tlio I ahv vi-ilo(-!.r.l, Kcineo I of tlm 'til-lie liv'LueoiiiL' on hand tho .lJ H as to umbo tbe (;ooils witLiu Iho ivaoh of i.ll otiu nu.t all, tocaii and sen my htoi-it. With unuiy lUnkt Lr ji.tbt f.m rs aa J motto is One Prico and No Misrepresentations ! SPECIAL PBICE3 TO PAHTIS FOM A DI3TA1TCZ. For your Cheap BOOTS AK SIHOES, o-o to B'DlSNt5 MARKET STREET, SEIJMEOYE, PA., itt !r &i & r-1 1 1 1 ; fc?? ' fL iVSdjfa.ruia Is a compound of the virtues t t snre.pv nils, stilhmtia, maiulruka, y-llw il.k, with tho lothiluof ukubaiul imii, all pow erful tilood-uiakliig. I I.XKl-1'l.-aiialiiR. ami llfiKUsUinlng oleiiivut. Il la tbe ruireet. aafi-st, and In every n ay tlio meet efTm-tnal alterative ninlicine known or available to the public. Tbe scb'nofS ot ineillilne and fhi-iiiliry liave tiovor pruilured to value, ble a rwioetly, or one so intent to cure all dtsoaai n-aulttng trum liui'iiro M.hhI. It euros Scrofula, and all scrofulous SWneS, Kryatprliis, Koxe, or KC. An thouy'a Hm, l'lmplrs nnd Fne gruba, Pustules, lllotelies, Unlls, Tu mora, Tettor, llumurs, bait Kheuut, Vaia-heeMt,Itliierworm,l'lfor,K)ree, libFuniatlaia, Mercurial Olaewae.Ncu. ravlata. Female Wekeees ami Iro railarltles-Jnunillee, A nations at tbo Liver, rveMiisl, LUiiaotaUoo. asid General Duululy. By Its aArehlna anil cleansing qualltlet It porgea nut the find romtnttnue wbbb eootaniloala tbt Muotl, anil ruttse il tmagtmont awl decay. It atiniulau-a ami enlivens the vital (unctions. It promntue eoergy and su-uasrlli. It rmtonw and pru. ervea hntlth. It Inhiava new lifo and viator tbruughout thowbi'lo No sufferer Iroin any illse blrliSrls frota tinnunty of tbo Uuod mwt d.Haitr, wbo will rivo Avkh's RAHSAfaniLLA a Wl trial. Itemembor, tbt earUer the trial, tbt speedier the cure. Its recipe lias been furnished ta rbvtt. elaue every where: aod they, roeoanialng lu eniwrtot qoaUtiet, adinLr.Utox It ut Una xacUoes rot nearlf forty years Ana's flsa. taraaiLLA kaa Wa wbloly turd, and It auw rawaoMii s the contUlonc ot mllilotvs of khi Jo wkJ have expi'Mrnosd besbteie aruw Ua BwrvUuua euraiive vuiua. rretared ly Or. X C Aye 4 C, nailiisl SMtA Aasalrlaa4 (iMMiatota, ' . Uwell. Maat. ,.M, ,,.,,1. !. Kberil oJe;air't.-i: Hi ppenBieBsmer's AK1 II air 0 D THE MILLIONS age AT SEL1NSGU0VE, PENS'A. I bivotlnri to ft the Unu-.-t f.iol. It IlhI bruud of troods in tho tntul.t tit, Any inyio ot i.loo dm iu hioic. m- wu-.tvu 'iu"i;niii ni.t, o rixjui s't fur your further iialu'tiojjo, I havo thn I'liiior to remain yours. Very llehpcclfiiUr, 13. P. EUilliS, ifjent rsrth tl ITIf.'M I )ruc CO I UT l'KUt'L M ATI OX. f dent Jit Ige of tbe J.i.lirial J)iirij COtr.rcp't of tbe Couni iua uf tltiyiler, L un.'i I Saru l. II Voder Ki ts AneocUU Ju.lKvn!Vu.lUUlO Ili3lal0 in and for Sny ler eomiiy bi' ikhuihI liinr prcjopl benring, Jilt tbt Sih itiy uf M ir-'b A. 1. I87'1. to tio Jiri'olrJ fur, tho holding of an ('rrlsna' eouil. a court of TominSn I'lese. ourl .if Over snl Tr- , , , , . u miner snd tienersl cmivl of yiisrier bn-; ttuaa of Ibt react at fl id J.vl urg, rr the CJimiy of SnyJur, ua the lili M-m 1-iy. (lie ing i lie 'J-Jod dy of i"et. It. J.) aud oiiuimut one ck. Notice ie Iberefort beeby ivoit lo Ibe Coroni-r, Juatirea of tlio I'esse mi l I'mnn blue in and for Ibe oniiuty of tfuj lur, lo np pear la U.tir prjpi-r pron ibeir ro'le recorUa, iuiViiailious. eiiMiinni'iiia ami oiboe remcuiliriDcee lo do tboee tilings biob of Iheir ottiocs snd in Ibeir bfbifj pertain la beduuo aud wltneaaee and per ions preaeeuiitig io bebalf of the t'vmmiio wtalib sg-iinat any pereon or peranna are rtiiiirtd lo be tbeo aod there aitrnd-iig and not riopsrting without leave at Ibeir peril. Justices are reqne-led la bo puuol nl la Ibeir allondance at Ibt appoiatsd ttmt agreeably to nonce. I (inen uniler niv bsn l anil tesi at nil rnani ani ecu . , , 11 ,rn a fnp W.ildleborg.lbeSJI.t Jsy l?(Aj. Jb i A 1 i'j I thousaad sigbthuadrUjJ-VIJ - JJ ZJt. PhtriH I off ce ia of Aug a I., tut aod aavtai i-nlns UA.MCt. DOLCMPtR. Sheriff. Notioo in L'ax'titioa. In Iht mnlUr iJ the. taint,' of l!.tth An. fund, Air of .Vcfiroe Tou"hi. Sutler ' cvunfy. iltaaseU. Tn llenra-a w. Aursn1. 1 lesrv Anraoit, Ante ia ltiiermrrt.l itli 1-aae Iryiueier, earab InteruiArr'e'l i.i. Am :z. n?.: ;.:t filter, tbo ism sl-o- ll.i ai..., ... ab-ifioiiaac-.a Xeli., '"' a- fur bar txtilhi H . !. all rw i,i, In i I.-" Jl'J wawsnB ar teas.' Hnf.lere.iuMv, I'a, i;il-Niia lMenurri .1 teJaUoou . j i -. Hilt., I i.. xamuel IIoUMe Li ink I.arD. . - H.iiman. l-.w-a, belra an. I I (, ... ' ' . t ,.re.eeitteir II ulla Auiuil, l.iu ut 1 -a- 1 a-. I niher eierr nalbell 'lj -tw wllar Iga twwoeb-p. auyUef Owaul., fa.. li.i.av.l, J es eileut wer el ib l ml -ii eueeea few44-. fi'r. s'iii' I ttiowb-io an ler 1 laeetaad ta a Ton arebees! aotlAe-llbbt if enl of a tuieol taiue.Uia. AI l wtii ui laqe .u.i i-.-. out l lue urii a 1 Ljluettoee LndL . V evuri ol ei.u e yuti en. I io n.e UiivOll,! .... . lai aa Uiau -4 will bebel.1 at Ike ! rei- olalnl UMMoltltltt A 'aK tltaabl itoaee ol lu-.H HeltU Aurwevl. UeavJ. in ee ir lb ai-ove .aerlt.a.l are-g i4 aaeci Mueia. l we.aii., e.uulv. I.ana , un eon-ef lu let quality. tba laj ul .i.t. .i. it. la alio eal-wi e i.ieenoe ai .I'lilenk A. .f t Wt a. S. want. Mlll.kl vr taluklUtt d.vfwbon n ala.l ' li a-et wa el lb Heel k'taleaiavl I de.ana-1 tl lie au-l ' Wt Oil X ale Ultl ieeava by what- Stag neS II f talus utu.r 1 . , Uab,yl l. wl' I.,btl1T.I 44 ,'. - r . A- skatattj VkllStaiMbj, M ta m . a . i 1 , .- a ' ' MaM Venue I i it ls 1ii nr. MtllL, Hot! in Ktoclt tbo AR C i l-Zi'V County, cwnraciiij,' IfOOTM You'-bs" i:il M.t: ; ticillur n-e tl.e in my iJ'.rnp lo weft the ilernntula and ut tl.o kiiiiio l:iuo to bell nt Pitch A Cui.lial initalii u ia ntcr.l...l to Kloi'c. M,iy PRIVATE SALE rjV.I ) uiiiliTt-iticl resi.liiij; iu l'ern J. t mn.hii.. sm t.-r -."'i-1, I'a iTre Hn s.i.o,. i..i'..ine.i....,ii.o.i. h-,1 1 i.l'tv all"l' In t -a I' will ,, ilo il l'v . . , ,,, .,.,,., tu, I'tburh- aoJ e. ::u,w t i, .ontJUinii ci! .ivi:i:s. &t hi'ttt j mnitlf cf J,tri! 'nt-in Mni nnt-r r ii .1 f-M ml l-i fl mo" S'Vfl -f rMi.tf4l"vt Liort'U r-o..'i y otl 4 j i : t n 4 ri" u4 T.lVi:ilV SMM), !,.. ,,i, e.,. irti, l..t. 1-ell , Tater U .u.K aua uib. r rill Ii.alt.lta4-. A Irfl V 4 AC it r. 8 ef We ' I t.i'iS i.h th. ti-iO q.iautv 111 a aui I'lin- lnntif. tie. Iial wai-e i.,l.,ft. tf. li ai tl I -In a r-ii- l.iii-.l . ivii imiii y.v- 'iiveul.-ut lo tnark.l.Hoaeo a, V Ivir 'h Fur lartrti i-aitl -'iir- "alt n or at i.m. Ji'Il.X B Woftlil.INae, July M, TV. Bi.lii.iir .io A?suiNi:r. mm: or fll U H un4erei(jno.l. Ar-xiirnce of 1 t'tirn! ii Waller, wt't nfter at rnnlleeate, ea 1'ie iiemi.e. Is MLLIIeer-eb l" .ulp, oa rt.kturiliiv. SoiiU'inlior llh. IrtTD. H.a fnltnwlia ileaerlne I lt"l KataU, biinri lad ei'l li-.rili.i l a. Kiilom. u wii hofiu e ,:l.l'la. iwi, by ''i Ie i Unit M"im. an. I .ia-.. It- u-ti. ieuib i-i l-i.S of Ma'V K-a a nl We.l 10 I m I uf til ikeeier auJ .Uar kt"k,a -Mil ilu Uuu lliiiiJicl Acres, 1 mure nuireir ! l- ralel on i'a Main lewitlaey 'trim :i liii'-i-nrit ti .--all'iiTi.fe, ftiwMtt ulia. t. i . i..-a Kr......c hi.. at- sa.ll. -. V'J,WalAeB.u IBili I J 3 ! I ! t t hi : I J t s r'Vred women bera Uaf b i A B..B . . taeh foietM tweejMrasa it 1 Let If iiur atust. iaoa a- aiwc a. yettv. j t e-v