The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 04, 1879, Image 1

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    dverLUlnJ It.Jati.
column one year, . anO.Ofl
.tialf roltimn. nnn wear. . 110.00
fuirth enhimtv nna VMr. 15.(10
-s.iiarff 11(1 iinaall Inanrtinn 7K
Evert additional insertion, 60
rofessional and Business Cartls of
not more than 5 lines, per year, 5.00
kiditor, Executor, Administrator
LJ Aa-lmaa Notice. - fiLfift
Ilitorial notices per line, 15
All iransctent auvemsing less wan
month i 10 cent a line.
All ulmrtiiinmcntii for a abort? ntw
Km) than one year are payable at the
ima they are ordered, and it not paid
he person ordering mom win ue new
Lpontible for the monev.
Assist Each Older.
lJ a hand to ana anitbtf
la tat tlaO tall of life ;
IThtB wt mttt a wttktr hrittbtf,
Ltl n bale alia la at strirt.
Tbtra I Boot to rlob bat rstv,
la bit tare, bt fort J It bdVrqw j
Aail tbt etor taas't lara to-day
May btttmt oar ewe to-morrow.
Laer 4 btai lo ant another t
Aa4 wies ruaor't toagne h-it throws
Park tutpletosi ta ytar brothtr,
Dt not prompt to tt a ttoot
There it aont t (toil but mi
Una adrift lo abaiae an I sorrow j
Aad tht bttt tf tbta lo-ilty
tit bteotnt ibt wont to-morrow.
lend a band to tat
la thin reee for bonor't orowo
Should il tall upoa our brolbtr,
Let aoi tor ttar It down:
Lead a band to all I ty.
In their tunihint and their torraw,
Art tbt pritt we've lot todr
Ma bttnrat snrawn tt-ra-wrnw.
Holoot Tale
There was no moon on that night-
Ilvrk clouds oversprsad tbe heavens
Occasionally tbo wind swept by with
mournful sound.
Locksley all lifted it walls to
ward the sky amidst a mnltitude of
giant trees. On this night one stand
lag close to it could uareiy discern
the dark sky.
Oat at a sido door slipped a young
girl; She walked away from the
house. In a place where tbo groat
trees were thickest overhead she
paused AH was blackness. She
ebivered, and drew her sbawl abxit
her. It was a September night, and
"lie should be here,' she murmur
"He is here, said a voico. "Dear
Katie 1'
Then a pair of strong arms folded
the girl, and kisses Were rained up
on her face.
"My sweet, my love I
"lleibort, I did not dream yon
wero so near.
"No T Bnt yon should know, my
darling, that I would bo punctual to
the minute, lou are a little late.
"I could not come soouor, Fupi
lopt me reading t him. I was glad
tojget away whou I did,'
-I was uot uubraiJingyou, Halie.
M kuow you were not.'
Then they were sileut for a time,
content to hold each others's hands.
"When shall 1 make nil knowu.
Katie t' asked the roan presently.
"Ob, I don t know. 1 droud to
toll papa You kuow tbo feud bo
tweeu him and your papa has raged
fur so long and Leon so high.'
"I can manage my f-ithor.'
"I fear it will be different with me.
t sometimes feel as if papa will nev
er give us his blessing.'
And so tbe conversation ran. Hut
lovers' interviews canuot last forever
and a length the two separated.
The young man's name was Her
bert Fontain. Ilia father ownod an
estate adjoining that of the
of Loi-ksfey Place.
After patting from Katie, Herbert
slowly pursued Ins way along a dark
path. Hearing a rapid stop behind
Litn, he tamed into another path.
"Fenwick !' called a voice.
Herbert did not answer. He knew
the voice well. It was Artbar Lock
ley's tbo father of Katie, ,
"Fenewick 1' was called again.
Still the young man was silent
He knew that it wonld provoke Mr.
Locksley's anger to know that be, a
footain, was a trespasser on bis es
tate at that boar of tbe night.
Mr. Looksley said no more, bnt
kept on his way in another path
Herbert also continued on. Some
words were continually running
through bis brain. They were,
"Kittie. mv love I Eittie my love V
Directly, however, be paused. He
Was bewildered. He did not know
where be was. For a moment he
"Pashaw ! this is ridionlons, that
I should lose my way at the door bf
my own bouse, fairly, uut lue
night ie terrible dark."
Then be went on. He bad pro
eeeded bat a short distance when be
beard a man ear s
"l oould not eome to Looksley
Place after yoa ordered me not ta
set foot within yoar door again, ao
there was nothing for it bat to write
yoa to meet me here.
.Herbert saw a building faintly
outlined a short distance before bira,
and discovered where be was. This
etraotare was an old bouse on tbe
looksley estate, uninhabited save by
oaw and owls.
"And I suppose, Mr. Fenwick
Looksley, returned tbe voice of Ka
tie's father, 'that something very
important must have brought you
nere. What crime bate yoo oou
bitted f
"None that will bring the law on
o yet. 1 onlv want a few hundred
dollars to keep me out of a debt of
"i-ou can't have it sir!"
"Then I shall do what you so
touch fear commit something des
perate. I mast have mousy by fair
jMaoa or foul, I am not particular,
M I know that yoa dread to bare
-w Looksley name stained with
I S'e yoa over to the devil I'
cried Arthur Looksley. "You bare
held that threat over me long
enough. Obtain what you want as
best you can I'
Then followed a raiment silence.
This Fenwick Looksley, a wild and
dissipated young man, was Artbar
locksley s nephew.
"then this is hnal T the young
man at length asked.
"es. "
"And the money f
VWhat niooey J"
"That I say I mnst have.'
"Scoundrel t Disunited wretch I
I repent, get it as boat you can.'
Arthur Ijocksley was a passionate
man, and bis angor was rising fast.
He ware I' cried tbe young man.
''You forget that I have yoar hot
blood in my veins.
"Wretch, dara not to threaten me,
or '
Herbert Fontain beard a blow,
followed quickly by a sharp report.
Ho molted toward the old bouse.
found tbe entrance, and, as be burst
in, heard a sound like the fallio g of
trap-door. It waa that, and be
concluded that the body of Arthur
Lockidey bad been dropped into a
vault Iwneath the old mansion.
As bo rushed in, be enoountored
tbe figure of a man. He seized him.
There was a blinding flash. Thun
ders, as of the rending of the uni
verse, rang in bia ears. Then bo
turned and fled madly on, on, till be
sank to the earth nucounsoious.
Herbert Fontain raised himself
with a start. The snn streamed in
his face through the trees. He was
lying in a woodland path.
"What means tbisT How conld I
have got here 1 be asked himself.
He songbt Ins botne. Tbe sun
was some boors high when he reacb-
od it As he entered he encounter
ed bis brother.
Well, Herbert my boy, been
taking a morning walk V he asked
Yes,' auswored Herbert, confus
Ho went to bis room. One tbonght
wns puzzling him.
ow came 1 there in tbo for
est f
On his torn pie was a lived mirk.
It wns 1 o'clock in tbo afternooo.
sletidur, girlish figure was hasten
ing np the avenue to the Fontain
n Riditnoo. She was very prottv.
wib wonderful brown eyes, cherry
lips and crimson cheeks, usuilly.
bnt pale enough now. She raised
the heavy Jtrans knocker nt tbe en
trance and rapped timidly. A sor
vaut anawerod
Mr. 7orboit Fontain T' she said.
"les, miss. Wale in, and I will
Hpeak to him '
Ihe young girl was ushered into
tbe library, la a fo v momeuts a
firm tread echoed aloug the hall, and
Herbert eutered
"Why. Kutie !' bo cried, nnable to
any anything ulne, in sheer astonish
ment at seeing her there.
1 be girl fell on bis broast and
burst into tears.
"I'oor, dear papa I' sbo sobbod.
"What of h'.tn t' asked Herbert.
"He is gone I I fool he is dead 1'
"What r
"He has disappeared and left no
trace. I have uot seen him since
last night-'
Herbert s bauds flew np to bis
Last night I' be mattered i noth
ing more, bowover. Memory was
seeking to assert herself, but the ef
fort was vain.
"erbert, what can wn do !
"We can institute a search, at
least' said Herbort "Darling, I
am glad yon came to me. I will go
over to Locksley place with yon.'
"tome, dear, as soon as possible.
said tbe poor child.
"I will go now, he said.
On tbe way tbey said but few
words. Arriving there, tbo young
man dispatched a servaut to town
for officers. With tbe assistance of
tbe officers and servants search waa
made. In vain. Night approach
ed, and still no trace ooold be found
of Arthur Locksley.
"I will go borne for a brief space,
said Herbert 'It ia etrange father
has not been here this afternoon.
He was alone.with Katie when he
addressed those words to her.
"Ob, 7erbert it seems ' like a
punishment upon me that papa
abould disappear while I waa with
yoa last night,' she said.
"With me last oigbt I be said, in
astonishment. "I have no reeolleo
tion of it"
Tbo girl opened her eyes in sur
prise. "Why, erbert l' she cried, -I
This time he did not contradict
"Alone in the forest this morn
ing I' be thought. "No recollection
of bow I came there I There ia some
dreadful mystery bere. J wish my
poor mind could clear it.
Still memory did not aid him.
Goiug up the avenue to hie home
half an hour later, he overtook bis
father. One glanoe at bia face show
ed that be bad not beard tLo aad
'Dear, father, where nave you
been this afternoon V asked Uerbert.
'I started on in a hurry at 1 o1
dock with a geologist to explore
Watkina creek. I just a moment ago
"Then yoa bare not heard t
I . i flored woman began laugh
a iwf mail,., anl It. I.
"Heard what, my eon t'
"Mr. Locksley has mysteriously
"No I'
Mr. Fontain was deeply shocked
"His search been made f
"Can no trace be found V
"None. It is a very mysterious
Tbe front entrance was reached.
At that moment some horsemen
rode up to tbe avenue gate. Tbey
dismounted and hurried up to the
bouse. Herbert and bis father paus
ed, waiting for them. Tbey soon
reached tbe bouse.
"Mr. Fontain,' said one, then hesi
tated. "Mr. Hilton,' said erbert s fath.
Mr. Hilton was the Sheriff of the
"Mr. Fontain,' be continued, while
his voice trembled, 'I have a painful
duty to perform, oformation has
been lodgod against yoa, and I am
compelled to arrest yoa apon the
charge of murdering Arthur Locks
ley. Permit me, while discharging
my duty, to express my utter dis
belief in tbe charge."
Mr. Fontain paled. did not
utter a word at first, aoeming too
inuob astonished to do so. Herbert
advanced as though be would strike
tbe officer. Then his father
found his tongue.
"My son,' be said, gontly. 'Mr.
Hilton in blameless in this matter.
Wait till you find theaoensor.'
IIo turned suddenly to tbe Sher
iff "Who is my aoensor T'
"Mr. Fenwick Locksley.'
At the meution of that name Her
bert's bands nniu sought bis tem
ples. "Oh, wonld that I oould recol
lect I' be cried my p ior heal will
burst if I do not.'
Tbe party iuclnding Mr. Fontain
and bis son, reached tbo country
town an honr afterward. Herbert
bad first seen Katie to tell her where
be was going and what for.
"Ob, this dreadful charge is not
true.' wept Katie i "Herbert your
father is innocent i I know be is.
During that ride Mr. Fontain had
scarcely spokeo, ouly to say
"Confront mo with my socager ;
o mfrout me with my acoueer as soon
as possible.'
In a tuagirttrate'a office that was
done. Fenwick Looktley woe very
pale, but bis lipi were set firmly. It
was a desporate game he was playing
but one be considered necessary to
bis safety
"So yoa say that I killed Arthur
Lockuley T' Mr. Fontain aaid haught
ily. "Yes,' ssid Fenwick, boldly.
"Have yoa any other gronods t ban
the feud which existed between ns
upon which to fouod your accusa
tions V
"I have. I saw yon do the deed.
I rushed npon yon. 1 know all save
what disposition yoa made of the
Mr. Fontain's eyes flashed Ore.
"Fenewick Locksley, yoa lie 1' he
cried, indignantly.
At tbe beginning of this interview
Herbert Fontain's hands flew up to
his temples. His features worked
painfully. As Fenwick Locksley ut
tered bis last words, he sprung be
fore bim and looked npon bim with
flashing eyes for a moment.
'Mtlostl remember I be cried.
"Fenwick Locksley, yoa are the
murderer of your uncle 1 You killed
bim near tbe old mansion on bis own
ectate. You threw his body into tbe
vault beneath. Murderer I Yoar
bands are stained with innocent
blood r
With a mcttered curse Fenwick
Locksley sprung toward tbe door of
bis room. But half a dozen men
sprung npon him. Ue fought like a
madman, but was soon overpowered.
Dear reader, when, in aa abort a
time after aa possible, Arthur Lock
sley was takeo out of the dark vault
all 'present expected to behold a
mangled oorpse. Hut it waa not so,
for as be was lifted out be opened
his eyea and groaned. He was badly
hurt but be did not die, and upon
tbe events of that night was found
ed tbe reconciliation between the
houses of Looksley and Fontain -And
Herbert married Katie-
Fen wick Locksley escaped from
jail, and was never beard of after
Herbert Fontain bad a email scar
on his forehead caused by tbe pistol
abet that bad deprived bim of tbe
power of remembering the events of
that latefnl evening.
A well-merited repartee was dealt
by a amart Midshipman to tbe
daughter of a rv. U. is. at a ball
given by tbe latter to the navel of
ficers on the North Paoiflo station.
The middy was bold enough to ask
the young lady to accept him for
her partner. "Oh dear, no," said
the supercilious beauty. "Ma never
allows me to diuoe with Midship
men f 8omebody let her know
tbe middy waa a lord, and ahe re
pented, and by and by reminded
bim be was engaged to her for tbe
uext danoe. The youngster was
not so easily mollified, and remem
bering that tbe lady had native
blood in her veina, amilingly replied)
"Ob, dear, no I Ma never allow
me to donee with aqoaws." CAo
Mrs Journal.
Lw toawered
- - ?? - ni -
and thrilling aver
toeh foiess as swe -
(!) 5
X -tajse-P
' Grains el Golf.
Defer not charities ti l death.
Let no jest intrude npon good
The best fire does not flare op the
Rely not on opinions, b nt cling
to yoar own conscience.
The wild oat of youth chtnge in
to the briars of manhood.
Ve hand folks over to God's mor
ey but show none ourselves.
Kiudnesa is the goldon chain br
which society is bound together.
Choose those companions who
admioistef to your improvement.
A man s own safety is a god tbat
sometimes makes very grim oom
Ambition thinks no face so bean
tiful as that wbioh looks from under
Poverty is in the want of much.
bat avarice demands everything it
has not.
Tbe tale of Divine pity was never
yet believed from lips tbat wore not
felt to be moved by human pity.
rriendsnip begins with liking or
gratitude roots that can be pulled
np. ine mother love begins doepor
Be on good terms with yoar own
soul, and treat your body with all
the respect and reveratioe that are
due tbe tomple of the soul.
Itetter a wrong will than a waver
ing i better a steadfast enemy than
an uncertain friend : better a false
belief than no belief stall.
Hard speech between those who
have loved is hideous ia the mom
ory, like tbo sight of greatness and
beauty aunk into vice and rags.
for tbe obiel source of peace we
all look higher far above tbo tree
tops, tbo irounUiuH Rud the bright
suiltug clouds far above earth,
even to Heaven.
Men spend tbuir lives in heaping
n colossal piles of treasure, which
stand at tbe end like tbo pyramids
in tbe deserts sands, holding only
the dust of kings.
Never witness a tear with apathy
or indifference. Words, looks, ac
tions, may he artificial i bnt a tear
is unequivocal t it comes direct
from the heart, sod speaks at once
tbe langnogo of truth, nature and
Home lives, like flowors, are fair,
bnt uot fragrant. We love to look
at them, but do not care to bold
thum. Others, then, are sweet
gladdening, but with less of out
ward perfection, vet we woald hire
tbera near ns always.
The truly beaiuul and rood are
those, who pursue tbe path of virtue
and justico for tbu mere love of
those attributes, and not becstiae of
merit tbut ultacbes to Hiieh a lif- or
expecting to reap favors andiowurde
Men plant tbe grain and timber
of everyday life with their strong
baods, which Uod made for that
purpose. Womeu fill in tbe hollows
and crevioea aut svelliug. btnk-i
ith flowers, ferns and dulicato
shade trees, which make tbe vigor
ous work of the strong bands beau
tiful. ,
Eastern and Western Story Telling.
It is no un, ssvh tbe Boston Tran
script, for un eaatern man ti try and
tell a lug story when mere I a
western mm about. "When I wan a
vnnng man, said Uolonel ''w9
lived in yilinoi-j. Tbo 'farm bad
beeo woll-woodol, and the stnmpa
were pretty thick. Bat we put tbo
oora io among mom ana munsgea to
raise a fair crop. The nest eus n
did ray share of ibe ploughing.
We bad a 'sulky' plough, and I sat
in the soat and roanaod the horses,
four as html, tome hays at ever roan
drew reins over. 0 e dsy found
a stomp right in my way. I hated
to bsok out, so I J 'ist said a word to
lbs team, yon 11 ball eve it,
thsy just wslkod that plough right
through that stump as tbouich It had
been cheese.'' Not a soul ui prettied
surprised. But Major 8. who bad
beeo a quiet llotonsr, remarked quiet
ly. "It's carious, bat I had a similar
experience myself once. My mother
always made our domes in moe
dsys, as well as the elolh they were
made or. The old uuy wst swim
prooJ of her homepan ssid it was tbe
"trooeent cloth ia tbt state. Oas
day I bad juH ploughed through s
white-oak stomp in tbe wsy you
sneuk of, Colonol. But il was a little
too qiluk lor me. Jt came together
before I was out of tbo wsy, aod
olpped Ihe seat of ray trousers. I
felt mean, I can tell yoa, bat pat
the string on tbe pooies, end, if
von'll believe it, they Just snaked
that atump out, roots aod all. Some
thing had to give you know."
The flowing reporter who wrote,
with reference to a well koown belle,
'Her dainty feet were encased in
shoes tbat might have been taken
for fairy boots," tied bis wardrobe
up in bia handkerchief and left for
parte unknown when it appeared
tbe next morning t "Her dirty feet
were encased in shoes tbat might
have been taken for ferry-boats.
Jonah wrote to his father after
the whale first swallowed him, stat
ing tbat be thoaght be bad discover
ed good opening for a yonog nan
going into tbe oil business, bnt af
terwards wrote for money to bring
bint home, stating tbat he had been
uoked in. t
rs - as
to the tones of
aeroea it f Ltt
for sale. Kiee -
Alter a Mouse
I was nnietly reading my newspit.
per the other morning, when 1 hoard
a scream like the whistle of a loco
motive, ooming from tbe dining-
1 rushed to'see what was tbe mat
ter, and found my wife standing ou
a chair, with her skirts drawn tight
around her aokles.
"It's a mouse 1' she said wildly.
"Wbore f 1 demaudod.
"There bere no yes, I don't
knowl Ob, for.pity's sake, -kill it I
Kill it r
-Where Is it t' I asked agaio.
"There's no mouse bere.'
"Yes, there is, yon old fool I Don't
yoa see it T somewhere any where
anywbore I don't know whore 1
Why don't yoa kill it T
Mrs, IS. isn t fond of mice, sue
would rather bave a hundred dollars
about tbe house than a siuglo in tuse ;
and the sight of oue makes tbe hair
pins drop out of her head.
"Madam, said , witu an awiui
calmness, "toll me where that diraiu
utive rodent mammal is, or forever
bold your peaco.'
"It is in tbe cupboard, sue gasp.
ed. '1 saw it ruu nudur the cup
board door'
'l walked over to the cupboard
with the tread of a gladiator, and
opened it.
nefore l conid get my eyes in
range to look for the mouse, it jump
ed out and ran right over my foot.
"I gave an awful kick a tremund-
oas uoart-ronding kick. And my
foot went clear np to the top of the
cupboard, and tbo back of my bead
struck tbe Moor so hard mat 1 saw
all tbo planets ami comets that wnro
over invented.
I picked myself np and looked
wildly around for the uiouhd.
'Ibere it is r shrieked Mrs. 13.
"There there '. Quick V
"Whero T' I roared.
"Behind the table '
I sprung to the tnlilo, snized one
end of it, and gave it a jerk
brought it to tbe middle of tbe floor.
Tbe monse scampered.
1 saw bim running around the
room, and plunged after.
1 tried my best to step on bun,
bnt ouly succoodud in stepping on a
spool of thread, which my wife had
dropped in ber excitement.
1 be spool rolled, and before I bad
time to abut my eyes 1 found myself
stauding on my shoulders, gazing
curiously np at my feet which were
trying to serupn a picture of ISenj-i-miu
Franklin off the wall.
As soon as I got on my legs again,
made another bolt for the moune
I saw it wbizziug soman the floor,
and bounded toward it, aud gave
one furious kick.
Aud kicked tbo talilo-
Then I just grabbed tnysolf up,
and carried myself ion ml on one
foot howling like a praiiio-wolf, and
railing for arnica and com salve, till
I heard Mrs. 15. screaming ;
"Don't let it get awnv, you fool 1
Oct something and kill it 1'
I was desperalo.
I snatched tbo first thing I could
lay my bands on, which happoned to
be a base-ball bat belonging to Lot
and I made one murderous Bwor-p.
But instead of killing tbo mousn.
I npset tbe chair on which my wife'
was standing, and the result was
that she turned a graceful sommor-
sot over against tbe pantry door.
She screamed for help, and declar
ed the mouso was eating ber np, and
refused to be comforted till 1 bad
placed hor on the chair again.
Then sue amu t uavo uroain
enough loft to call me a brute,
though she tried until she was black
in tbe face.
Bv this time I was thoroughly ex
cited, bnt I knew I must try another
kind of .weapon.
I saw something vjn the tablo.ond I
made a grab for it. It proved to be
a warm buokelberry pie, but I didu't
know it at tbe time.
I thought I saw tbo monse run
ning np tbe wall, and I burled tbe
pie at it.
But at that moment my danghter
opened tbe door, and walked into the
dining-room, and tbe pie struck her
square in the face and smasned.
She began to shriek, and sputter,
and jump np and down, and declare
that she was bleeding to death.
And Lot attracted by tbe noise,
came roehing in just in time to get
bit in tbe montn with a loaf of oread
which J frantically flung at tbe
But the monse darted through
the open door, and escaped to the
next room.
We all followed it, pell-mell.
Tbo little quadruped took refuge
in tbe clotbespress, and my wife,
who, by this time, bad got a little
oonrage, seized the fire shovel, aod
eried out I
"You open tbo door, and I'll kill
him as be comes out'
We planted onrselvea in position
and when Un. B. gave the word I
threw open tbe clotbespress door.
I aaw the mouse in an instant
It bad climbed npon a shelf, and
was sitting there just on a level witb
my eyes.
There It Is I bawled. 'Hit it qniokl
it's going to jump over oar beads '
Before I could utter anotner syia
ble the end of tbe earth atruck me.
A billion stars danced before my
eyea and as I slowly gathered my
self np out of tbe corner; I began to
realise, that Mrs. D, in aiming a blow
at the sjoass, had hit ma ia the bsad
- Vt .swiair.f tt,
k,aeriJ o-tUlokeT aiai- npT "ioL.
rfor a. yoo-7Z
4, 187!). NO. 12
I 1 J Wl1 l j
with the fire-ehovol.
Then we all set op a yell that So
Ave minutes about thirty neighbors
nad come in to seo what wns tb
matter, and in less than half an hour
all the mouse-traps and cats and
dogs in the neighborhood were there
w uinao wnr on unit one mile
mouse and there was some talk
ab ut calling in the police force, and
telegraphing too tlovemor to send
us a squad of militia.
But happily this was not found
The mouse wns speedily dispulch-
oy a scotch terrier, and we hnnlly
got the bonne cleared, though it took
Jirs. il. the rest of tbo day to put
mings to rights.
As for me. my bump of philopro-
genitiveness is so large that it takos
a number nine bat to go aronnd it
What it is Coming to
If the cause for which persons
commit snioido now-a-days iucreuse
in triviality, we shall expect to read
in n fow years from now suoh .naws
paper items as the following t
le Uophnr lo shot himself doad
yesterday with a revolver. A now
pair of shoe strings which be
bought tho day beforo didn't til
John Smith stubbod bis too as lie
was going into his bouso last even
ing, and tbocirenruHtancos so work
ed upon a moro than usually sen
sitive nature that ho cut bis throat.
"I cannot survive this diNirnce."
cried a young and linudHotno strang
er, on Fonrth street, yostordav.
when n lady be had never seen bo
fore passed lii in without speaking.
llien be wont down and jumped oil"
mo nuxpenHiou llridgo, and was
Wivos cannot bo too careful A
wouiiin ou r rotii street, wuo takos
iu wanbitig to support horself anil
nino little children, incautiously re-
quested her husband, who had drop
ped in a trio in out ou his wav to uet
tbatidriiik, to bring in a fow kindlins
from tbo woodshod. Ho went out
without saying a word, but tho poor
woman says sbo well never forget
mi ner dying day, the troublod look
he wore. Rendered nneasy by his
prolongod absenco. sbo weut to tho
woodshed only to find bis bleodintr
and lifeless romains on the floor.
He bad blown bis bruins out with
tho suwbuck.
A Lady's Reasons for not Dancing.
1. Dancing woul l lead me Info
crowdod rooms and late boars, wltioli
aro injurious to health auJ usiifuU
2. Dancing would load mo into
very cloe contact with vory porni
oious oompaoy, and evil couimuuica
tions corrupt good mtnnort.
J. Dtnotng woulJ rciiuiro mo to
uo sod permit I'reo lom with the otli
cr sex of which I should bo heartily
siiamod, and which I boliuvo to bo
t. My parent and friends woulJ
ho anxious ubont me if I were out
lat' keeping oompaoy witb, they
know not whom.
5. Milliliters nnd good people in
getiorul dmupprovo of il inning, and 1
think it is uot mIo to set myh.-li o
Ki uiMi mum. n a tlnug Do even
doubtful, I wish to bo on tbe tufo
G. Dancing has a bad narao, and 1
mean to study things that aro pure
and lovely aud of good report.
. jJaucing is geuerally accom
panied with driukiug, and 1 see
driuklng produces a great deal of
8. I am told that dancing is a
great temptation and snare to youug
men, and I do not wish to have any
thing to do with leading them away.
v. uancwg onhts tbe mind for
serious reflections and prayer, and I
mean to do nothing that will es
trange me from my God and Savior.
10. ibere are plenty of graceful
exercises and cheerful amusements
which bave none of tbe objections
connected witb thorn that lie against
Luck and Labor.
Many people complain of their
bad lurk when they ought to blame
their own want of wisdom and ac
tion. Cobdon, a distiniruishfld writer
In England thus wrote about, luck
aud labor t
Luck is always waiting for some
thing to turn up.
Labor, with keen eyes and (irons
win, lurnt np aomotning.
Xjuck bos in bed, and wishes tbo
postman would bring him news of s
1 .abor turns st six o olock, aod
itb busy pee, or ringing hammer.
lays lbs fnondatiuo of a competence.
Link whines.
Labor whistle.
Luck relies on chaoce.
Labor on cbsncter.
Luok sllpt dowo to Ml go see.
Labor strides upward to lodepend-
Aoont a year ago, a young man
named (Juaries II. (stilly, wbo bad
inherited 120,000, created quite a
sensation in Heading by bis lavish
expenditure of money. On Tuesday
be passed tnroogn Heading as
tramp, witb his olothee ragged and
greesey, being utterly pennilees. lie
has no trade and does not choose to
work. lie waa ou bia way to Phila-
Tina forrv.
PuMtshed every Thursday Evening
Amiim ri ruururiiJMUl ,
wine iritiiiu six mmun. or rixmmn
paid within the year. Ito paper dis
continued until all srrpit mires era
riaid unless at the option of ihe pub
MuWHptlona milslde of the cemfitf
(eyPersons lifting and using papers
ad.lrcMed otb'jra lincolnesiiU-ri(erS
and are linlilo fur tho tiri-e oft I is paper
Saddler and Harness
Centrevlla, Srtydor County, Psnna.
Ktf na kn1, and mall la ntfttf all a lailS
or lUrntM, Sd.ll, H-Kllan, WM, (),Ur
an, an, ll work awnranlMd for na r
Mr. WolStr ) hm a (rial It na thai lit
Biltnuacln hit bo-lnMn. (Nor !,!.
W. II. Itll'KA,
ihler .Station, A'nydVr Co.,
(Formtrly from Lrwi-fown Junolloo.)
Aatnl for lh t.t.t Imfirnrta TfatiSa W,
Tin WRKm.t, Ki t nnrnifH, MaLTiad,
ta Uvlti e Ui.ut il, ao. , as.
M.SO, Atantfurtht r ARMEH-4' and ruW,
II.I.K, Mataal rirt iD.arsafl, aatl etbtt
Art4-IM Uompaat4.
troillct aod rwlJaaot at NtlMr SU'-i
Oei. I 'ta. .1.
Xtettlw Onak, Mich.
TRIE trMs tireU-AsttltiBT, Tiffv--Cftttii4,
Stud Noway Mirwil Twrethrre f this Aav ant frtwraw
Hot) Hfiiinil all rtvaftv r ttaf Id Work, ferffwl UMls
a4 Iter Bavin Urtala fteea Wtsiags).
SXV.kM Vowv-r ThrtHhrKp,lllr. ftiwflal
rtia wf P pert, tors saao vafrvs-lf far Hi seal fwwar.
Ol'K rnriTttnl Ktr-ata Thr-htT Knln
twill t-fla l and TBvtlu. tin VnlwaM larwa
BfteoU, far tjmd any ntbvr axak at kJtMl.
THY KVriKK Thrwriin Ki (mH tftnl
thrvw m At UfuM trial a mo snl) ao be snaAe kf Isaf
tiuaUraia HaVKU by la lairevvd Macalaaa.
GRAIN Rata,- will M a bra 11 (a Ik tlf
snoas weta of Urmia aad tl.r I'.fwHe stoae f
All miser BTUarfckUwe, wbesi ewe ul-J e Ue lrrreMM.
mjOT Only tawtit Hwrr1or for WhtaLOtv
a I Tkrewhw la Flae, Ttsnothy, Mill
atowrrs. Kwajelrwe smi "eitaaSMau"
aral nary, Hv, aim lite Ursine, bul In Ustv ntx
, Cm", and BIS)
alWag" M
awiaaaw rrusa Uraia an Waste.
X. ThonMayli Worti.MMt, F..M tHniefca
KerfWUwa of Parte. raij.1-ttn-B e-r, aWtf
Taxaaaer uatnu ar lasaaiarat-K.
MABVtv.tOrN Hr MaplMlt 1-tHa,
Iree Utaa eaall Ue asual Bella aaw Ueat. Haaat
Claaa Wtrrk, vita aa LlUertaate aw Beaeiertaeya.
rrtl B NIm f Npnteff , BatiiriM
rVwa "is bt Tveava-llertM sisa, aast ! ksa a MausV
4 Haraa rowers sa aMtaa.
VVOR raiftlnUr-a, fall
Mr IWlaawj tMf
awa fji
Mobonlongfl, Bodor Co., Pa.
Kccly cfc Wagner
Lumber Drillers
anii HAsi'VArrrats or
Ooers, Door Boxes, Wlmlnwi, Shatters
W indow Box?, Blinds, Hush, Nlnlr
FUlmtn, Hnil Kalllncs, Bnirk
i'Ih. Mnulillnes, yinnrlmr,
Shingles, Lath, &o., &o.
Onlrrt tollclled and filled with prompt
,m ami datpaDh. l'leane oall and exam
ntoar alodlc hofort purohaninK eluewbrr
I ho Phoenix Pectoral.
ni prnrtl Itaelf tn ! ptcolUrly atpil t
nlil, ounuuiitir an I flbililraa. Il
brfi-.i aoulj. H iiM "ounh. It alil
p. otor.llnu It ! Iintanl r.llef. Il kIvm
rtr.nxtu. Itbrinici rati. It h mad mora
eurM thn tuf olhtr io.llrlnt. Thuunao'l. of
tht oUlm "I KMtarn ronflTnl hva
niwl It 'nr rr put ul ttitlly to tka rtllnf
Rlmn aii'l eurtu tT.toil.
PrDr. br 1.tI oiMrhnitMr. M. V. anil
nM li Jniio A.Mnati. MI.Ml.i.nrj, aal eim
ontnn fe Wiriiar, Ctnlravllla, Va.
April trd, 19.v. i j.
. twt IMX.VjaSt
ul pii'KU pnaaw
II ta III MM! II.M mXi III. Wl, tf Ik
tm aw mavi
..... -. A i . . .... n.wa Mil. tl.BB mitt
ollirr. aawlll b- bl ir4l unlu-J
lion i.tlh.lolto-loi tmO. lJ.Hk"H"l
Ik. i-r" wnk -"T ' T 1
wb.t iiHr Iron tun cut lti, Ibatm-kM
I r
I, f.B.111 I.1!, UJ - IV- .."..
Th. fi.a U II"" x liUMl rW tnt
in', ll ii.e u.. wim iuium. tutd konr,
u m to onkblo il, ,.ailr lo f.itm ft f rrct
IU'lgAlilon WUl..f M l--inM; MW.u
en aimllout illiol i.rJuJlt, Ull ft.
w.v. Ill li iolr ol lh l.rc.ocioi elM.M.
II lo lo nm ara-w IUmI f
t, m'U m IV oa (it (ilii.tfii., fciiaeou b
irl witbllioMmo 11 .UI Wl lUrf..l
riomT.tM lo M-iu, tujil lium Coliloroi to
ll.ltll. IU.Inn.ri.tlullllllt; HH
tat. rmmpwUt. 4 'I
iu uurkM rrfpwu rvUntiloi ol oil
U oHUIoi.ou i 1'iHr ou to IK lIUI-
tfl-bU of arMclM Jonrnolwul.
W. of ekuww. ItttaWI-liawaa.
nm I ra-Tiih thoar., u,iin.. ihl
lb urol..l ltidicmiil eon olfer I. M
m.k! . riiurriM weiA.
o-KtL puium th muu.f wklob ok tnlnii.
wuu -t io ih. aw) tar aw -
taw oka iiiifi t !. I '
VTS. uTi7VJ l kuZwt 4mu,
aw no rat m iwoaariv i naj .
., bow.,, lallf i'i.rMlMa Ik attev
nrk do (lob . .
wait U.oi librllr, will hw kf nt.
out -um mw rwam,Mi -
ta tw tktnattw,-' wkwk W
O lOlMllUO. AfoW OOltt ttWl tOWtai
fctt -not lb r in a.
intiaia strut mi n smsMTaa.
sat waunvr ar- oinuInr
WJi keep on hand all kMt
lllnnki tuck as Note: Sum
numiea, Warrant, Leant, 8u6pom
mat,tbc., ttc
Or rMO Ot.RO wlthsiait, Ito VI til
AUJ r ti il I. i hi atfi-i UiJiwt
i uu, UaJtoa. M. t.
H .' . ft
ta Ik. a,