The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 21, 1879, Image 1
- ' , ' ' ;"'t; - ivtl vofttntnsr Ilnteasa 1 i ulflinH . tt-a ' f aWVYfYI 0ti-lilf. enltiinn, nnn vear, , 8'J.OO (Hie-f""f"' column, uie rour, Io.hO 0,ti tiit:ii'A 10 line) 1 liWrtioil 7o Evnry Addition! insertion, - 60 prnrVxainnnl and Business cards of not more than 5 lines, per year," 8.00 J alitor, Kt ecu tor, Adminiatrator mid Assignee Notices, 8.60 Editorial notice per linn, 16 All trenecient sdvertising 1cm than months 10 cents a line. All advertisements for a shorter pe rind than one year are payable at the tin they are ordered, and It not paid tb person ordering them will ue held responsible for the maner. Poetry 6reenwood Cemetery. T eAMMORD KIHStnV. Pa eatm they sleep beneath the thuit i Who ee ware weary of th strife, ' A etat, lik at, beneath the load Of kamaa life ' ' The willow bange with elieliertag re And beaedlolioa e'er ibair aoJ. Aid Hater, hath J. aaiure th tout thay rait la God. 0 weary baarta, what rtat 1 hare, ' from all thai earn yoader Iowa 1 Co deep ? 1 alwoat laeg - -T lay b dowa. far, O, it will ba blrat t eleep. Nor droam, aor mora, thai eilaol aiht, Till wakaaad la mmorul Kro(h And heavenly light I Heleot Talo. THE MAIN BRIDGE. It WM past midnight the lights on the atone bridgo which crossod the rivwr . Main at Fraokfort were till burning, though the footsteps of passengers bad died away for sumo time on ita paveuiont, whon a young man approached the bridgo from the tjwn with hasty strides. At the same time another man, advanced in years, was coming towards him from SaohoDbansen, the well known sup erb on the opposite sido of the river. The two bad not yet. met, when the latter turned from bis path and went toward the parpet from the bridge into Main, The yonng man followed bim quickly and laid bold of bim. "Sir,' said be, M think you want to drown yourself.' "What is that to you.' "I was only going to ask you to do me the favor to wait a few min utes and allow me to joia yon. Let lis draw ' close to each other, and arm in -arm, take the leap together. The idea of making the journey with a perfect stranger, who has ehaooed to come for the same purpose, is re- ally rather mtorestiug. For many years 1 hare not made a reqaost to any human being, do not refuse mo this one j which must be my last The young man held out bis band. Ilia ootnpanioa took it. lie coutin nod, with enthusiasm : "So ba it ; arm-in-arm, I do not ask who you are, good or bod come lot ns drown.' The elder of the two, who bad at first been in so great a burry to ou 1 bis existence, nowtMetrained the impetuosity of the yowiger. "Stop, ' sir,' said be, while his weary eyes tried to examine the fea tures of bis companion, 'Stop, sir, You seem to be too young to leave life in this way i for a man of your years life must still have bright prospects.' "Bright prospects t in the midst of rottenness and decay vice and corruption 1 Come let us end it.' "And so young 1 Let me go alone and you remain here, Believe me, there are many good and honest peo ple who could render life charming for you. Seek them, and you are sure to and tbem. "WelL if life presents iteelf to you in bues so bright 1 am surprised you should wish to leave it "Ob, I am only a poor, old sickly man, unable to earn anything, and who can endure no longer that his only child, an angel of a daughter, should work day and night to main tain him. To allow this longer 1 tnast be a tyrant, a barbarian V "What, air,' exclaimed the other,' too have au only daughter aaoriuo inir herself for your sake V "And with what patience, what sweetness and love, what persever anoe I I see ber sinking under bor deprivations, and not a word of oora Dlaint eeoaoee her palid lips. She works and starves, and still has a word of love for her father.' "And you commit suioids I Are you mad V Dara I murder that angel The thought pierces my heart like a dag ger,' said tba old man, sobbing. "Sir I yon must have supper with toe I see a tavern open yonder. Ooma. yon must tell me your history, and I will tell yon mine. There is no occasion for yon to leap into the river. I am a riob man i yonr daughter will no longer have to work anil inn shall nnl atjtrva 1 Tba old man allowed himself to be draffned along by his companion In a few minute they ware seated at a table in tba tavarn.witb refresh' tnent before them, and each exami Bins curiously the features of ths other. : Refreshed by tba viands, the old man began thus i Uj misery la - soon told. 1 was n mercantile man i but fortune nev er favored me. I had no money myself, nod loved and married a poor eirl ', I could never begin bual nesa on my own amount. I took a situation as book . keener, which I held rnnttl X became useless from age, tad yonng man war preferred to me. Thus my oiroumetaoo war slwaya olreatu scribed, bat my do ttesuo bapplusna was eomplsts. My wife an aural of love, ktndueas. and foadntsa, was good aud pious, aotiv and aCWesionato i nod ' tat daughter a Irs Unaga sit bar mother - Hat and ttlosea. have brought me to the law aaatemity aaJ my ooa oiwooe ravolfes . ajnal ths Idea of the beat ohUd in th world aaorinulag c t W 14 OU ft4 UMtafcUow. fi u I I II VI ... b VOL.il7., , MlDDLElBUliG; SNYDER OOUNTYPPA AUGUST 21; 11879. I Cannot have ration lonirer to live and I hope the Lord will pardon me for cutting off a few days or weeks from my life, in order to preserve that of my dear Bertha, i ; "ion are a fortunate man my frieud,' exclaimed "tli young" mu, 'what you call uufortunnte, is sbeor nonsence, and can be cored. To morrow I shall make my ' will, and you shall be the heir to my posses, sions, and to-morrow night I will take the leap from tho Main bridge alone. But before I leave this world I must aee Bertha, for 1 am anxious to look upon one who is worthy of the name of a human being.' Sir, what can havo undo you so unhappy at this early aire V said ths old man moved with compassion. "l am the onlv son of tne Holiest banker of Frankfort. My fatbor diod five years ago, and loft mu the heir to an immenso fortune. From that moment every one that has come in contact with me bos endear ored to doceive and defraud me. I was a child in innoconco, and con fiding My education had not boon neglected, and I poosussod tay mother's loving heart. My friends, and to whom I opuuod my heart, betrayed me, and then laughed at my simplicity i in time t gathored experience, and my heart was filled with distrust. I was botrotiiod to a rich boiress possessed of all fiiMliion- able accomplishments t I adored hor with outhusfasin and lovo, tuougut I would repay me for my disappoiut raeut. Hut I soon saw that she wish ed to make mo bor slave, and yoke all other men besides to ber tnuiu phal chariot. I broke off the engage- inont, and selected a poor but charm ing girl a sweet, innocent buing, as I thought, who should be my life's own angel. Alas I I found ber one day bidding adieu with tears and kisses to a youth whom she loved j she bad accopted me for my wealth only. My peace of mind vanished. 1 sought diversion In travel. Every whore I found the same bollowness the same treachery, the same tuisory. lu abort I became disgusted with lifo, and resolved to put an end this night to the pitiable farce. "Uufortunate young man,' said the other, with tears of ey in pr. '.' -. I pity you. 1 confess I have been moro fortunate than you. possess ed a wife and daughter, who caine forth pure and immaculate from the hand of the Creator. Tho ouo has returned to him in the wtiitcuoss of her soul, and a J will tho other. ' "Qivo mo your adJrtiss, old man, and permit me to visit your daugu tor to-morrow.' Also give me your word of honor that you will not in form ber, or insinuate in any man ner, that I am a rich man.' The old man held out his hand. "I give you my word. I am anx ious to convinoe you that 1 have spoken the truth. My name is WiW helm Schmidt, and there ia my ad dress.' civinjr him at the same time a bit of paper which he drew from his pocket. "And ray name is Karl Traft. I am the son of Anton Traft, Take these bank notes, but only on con dition that you do not leave this house uutil I fetch you from it Waiter I a bedroom for this gentle man. You require rest, err Schmidt Good night To-morrow you will see me again. IT In one of the narrow and ill light ed streets of Sochensenhausen, iu an attic of a lofty and unsightly house, sat a blonde, about twenty years of age, busily employed with ber need le. The furniture of the room was clean and tasteful. The girls whole dress would not have fetched many kreutzors i but every article fitted her as well aa if it had cost bun dreds. Ber fair locks shaded a face brightened by a pair of eyes heaven ly blue. The spirit of order, mod esty, and cleanliness reigned in ev erything around her. Uot features were delicate, like those of one noble born t ber eyes betrayed sleopmess and anxiety, and aver and anon a deep sigh rose from tho maiden's breast Suddenly steps wero beard on the staircase, and ber face lighted np for joy. 8ue listened, and doubt seemed to shadow her brow. Then came a knock at tho door, which made ber tremblo so muob that she almost wantod the courage to say ome in.' A young man sbabiiy dressed, enterod the room, and made a low and awkward bow. "I bog pardon, miss,', said be : 'doe Iierr Schmidt live here' "Yea air. What is your pleasure t' "Are yon his daughter, . Berth f "I am.' "Then It ia yon that I seek, I am from von father.' "For heavens eake, where is ha T Something must hava happened be V..- all .Ink "The mlafortuuata ia not vary gnat' "Oh. my poor father 1 what shall a heart' Tho young man seem ad toobserv thaaa visible marks of anxiety with great lutereet, lis said t "lo not bo frightened itis noth ing of great Importance. Your fath er met last niirht an old acquain tance, who invited him ton tavern. They had anppar together, but when the landlord oamo For his bill your fathor'a friend had deoampod, aud left btin to pay tba score, IU had not sufflMent T mousy for this, ad now Iba host will not let htm go nn til ha la paid, and deolaraa that an ICatpUbtl MOM! tyU)MS4 al i "j --s I T'-e cored woman him to prison.' "To prison I' exclaimed the girl. "Can you tell ms how muob the bill eoraeS to V "Three florins and a half.' "Oh, God 1' sighed the girl "all t have doos not amount to more than one florin, but I 'Will go at once to Madame Berge and beg of her to advance me the monfy' fi "Who ia.Mda.tai ilrfrg I "Tho milliner for whom I work "But if Madame Uorgdoes not ad venes the money what then T' The girl burst into tears. "1 am afraid she will refuse. I already owe her one floria, and abe is very hard.' v ' " "For what purpose did you borrow the money you owe her V The girl boaitated to reply. "You may trust mo.' "Well, my fatbor is very weak, and requires strengthening. 1 borrowed the money to get a quarter of a fowl for him.' "Under those circumstances I foar Madame Borg will not give you any. I posseHS notuing. nave you any valuables more f Here is oue florin, but that ia all upon whicu we ootilJ raise some monoy.' liortha considered for a momont. "I have nothing,' she said at length, 'but uy poor mothor's pray er book. On hor death bed she en treated mo not to part with it aud there is nothing in tba world I hold more saored than bur memory and the promise 1 gave bor i but still, for my father's sake, I must not hes itate.' With trembling band she took the book down from the shelf. 'Ob, sir,' sbo said, 'duriug many a sleepless night I have been accus tomed to enter tno socret luouguis of my heart on the blank leaves at the end of the book, l nope no one will evor know whoso writings they are i you will promise me that I' "Certainly, Bertba. i win uice caro that your socreis are noi pro faned. But now get roady that we may go. While she loft the room to put on her bonnot and shawl, Karl 1 raft (for the younir man was no other than our hero) elauced over the writing in the book, and bis eyes filled with toars of emotion and do- light as he read the outpourings of a pare and pious heart t aud wuou they bad left the bouso together, and she was walkiug beside bim with a dignity of which she seemed uutirely unconscious, he cast upon ber looks of respect and admiration. ihey brst went to Madame lerg, who did not give the advance rwimr ed, but assured the young uiau that Beitua wasau angel. Certainly this pntise Mr Trait valued higher than the money bo bad asked for. They pawned the book, 'and the required sum was made.' uertna wus ovo- joyed. "uut if yon spend all that monev to-day,' remarked tho young man 'on what will you live to morrow ?' "I do not know, but 1 trust in God I shall work tho whole night through. Whon thoy went to the tavern, the young man wont in first to prepare old Mr. Schmidt lor the part he wish ed bim to act ; then ho fetched Ber tba. li is impossible to describe the joy he felt when be saw the yonng airl throw borsull in ber lather s arms, and press him to ber heart. She paid tho bill and triumphant It led bim borne. Traft accompani ed tbem and said be bad a few more krotzuera in bis pocket i she bad better pro and get something to eat. It was late before Traft went home that niffht i but the leap from the Main bridge wa no more thought of. IJo cams to tho bouse every evening, in order be said, to share with them bis scanty earnings. About a fortnight after, as be was going away one said to Bertha i "Will you become my wiieT I am only a poor clerk, but honest and upright. Uertba biusned ana cast nor eyes to the ground. A few davs after the young oonp le.simplv but respectfully ettired.and coompained by llerr Schmidt went to cnurcu, wuoro iney were marrieu ia a quiet way. When they came out man and wife, an elogaot car riage was standing at the door, and a footman in rich livery let down the step. "Come said tba happy husband to bis bewildered wife, who looked at bim with amazement. Before she could utter a word the three wore seated iu the carriage drivin? away at a quick pace. The carriage stopped before a splended house in the best part of rrankiort They wer received by a number of domestic-, who oonduoted them to apartmoots decorated in tho most ooatlv atvle. "This Is yonr mistress,' said Traft to tba servants, "and ber command you havo henooforth to obey. My Jarlinir wife.' aaid be then, turning to Bertha. "I am Karl Traft one of the wealthiest men of this city.' aMMSBjaajBI "Who was the first man t" naked a Bandar, Sobool . teacher of bar prodigy; . Q sorer Washington wan the prompt reply. ' "Mo, no," eorroctad tho teacher.' It waan't Washington, it wss Ad am, yon know , i "Oh," said th boyirl rather i disgusted tons, "perhaps Adam was, if ya'rv in 1$ oooai foreigann, began laagh- fid tknllinW avajp sash toi as we . t- . ' , -' CkMd bredin. On of the sure tests of Brood brooding is thoughtful regard to tho convenience of other in a crowd. An illbrod au of woman will atop In a church aisle to talk to neigh bor, at th close of th aervioe, with out stepping aside to allow tboso wbo are bobind to past on - nob in - derod. .- And the some fault will bo shown in blocking tke passage-way of a railroad car, while gathering np baggage from tBe seat on.' arriving at a station i or in standing in the loor-way ol a public null or place of bttsinoss j or in tatting mora than one's share in a street-car, or at a street crossing, or loan exhibition ball, or at a ticket office. A porson of true rofitioraent and of realy good brooding will have otbnrs in mind whtlo with others. , Tb , nverace reHnoment i n any crowd of gather- ng of poopie Is plainly markeJ by the easo with which all got along together. Twonty persons of good breeding oa a ilud comfortablo sit ting or standing room in A car, or hall, or street, and ba good naturod all the tune, when ten ill-bred per sons would bo jostling oach othor ill-naturedly, And this is more than a matter of good breeding. It in volves a rogard for tho rights as well as the comfort of others. It is selfishness which makes one will ing to block n passagoxway for one's own convenience, when others want to move on. It is dishonesty which leads ouo to take moro than his or her share of time or spnoe. while otbera are waiting for their turn, or are waiting their placo, Whoovor would be oou u ted well brod or re fined ought to have this truth at- waya in mind i so ought all those who would bo, aud do right. Chil dren ought to be trained to a proper course in this regard. Tbey and their parents oncrht to learn to koD out of other people way, whon othor poopie are entitled to th way. Points in Etiquett. Lottors should never be crossod. Anonymous lottor ars benoolb no tice. Letters of introduction should be brief. "Yours, (to is a rudo ondiug to a letter. Never wait over fifteen minutes for a tardy guest ."' ' Soy Good-bjo'" and not "Good morning. Upon introdnction at one enter iuto conversation. Upon leaving a room one bow should inclndo aJU A call should not bo less thon fif teen minutes in length. A note requires as prompt an an swer hs a spoken question. Hogrets in reply to invitations should contain the reason thqrefor. At table you are not required to thank the one who wait upon you. "Yonrs truly' is the eorroot form for closing bueinoss, not for friendly letters. You sbonld exchange calls with in dividuals before inviting them to your bonse. Tb custom of leaving a blank margin on the left band side of each page of a letter is obsolote. To return a personal call with cards enclosed in an envelope signi fies that visiting between the per- sioos is ended. Unless there is a groat difference in the ago a lady visiting should not rise, either on the arrival or depar ture of other ladies. "Please, sir," stid fat, an Jrish Corporal, "I think my horse wants to roll." Very well. ' said tb Captain, "take off his saddle and let him roll, but you mind you mount as soon as I.. :. ii. ...... -I. " uo I lUIUIIgU, 'Yoa, sir, said Tat, ealuting and falliug in the rear. 1 ber was a brush with tne Johnnies" a few minutes later, and there was lively work for the noxt half hour. When a lull came the Captain saw rat sitting qnutly on a atnmp holding his saddle. "YYbere.s your norse T ' astea tuo Captain. "Uown in the Deia mere, irr an' swered Tat, rising to salut hi commander. "Didn't 1 tell yoa to mount a soon aa he had done rolling f ' "Sure you did. Captain, an it for that I'm waiting, tie hasn't begun yet It waa rat s last sally ol wit, i ne poor fellow fell at th nest charge. tfbile man waa dashing with all his might and main down street to catch a train one day la, week. a gamin rushed after bim and shout ed i "Hey mister. Lav vou got fi pint "I have," responded th man, ooming to sudden halt and feeling nbdar tb lapple of bi veat- "Well then," yelled tb boy, aa b Jumped ont of tb way, "you had bettor fas ten your ear together behind yoar head so yoa won't smash any wing in' signs vfith 'em." Th plo train passed oa onbedful of th ad vice given blut ; There) war i960! mile ofaew railroad brought into aa in tb United States last year, and this yaac will hew Mlaoma oa last. in kha knnmm nf aerosa it I Ltt . . iz. ij a rrrAY. f i-.i i a H Would BrsJ.; . A esrtf of roaott men traveling In Eirope bad among thorn a citiien of our grsat repNblio wbo wa so tnor ougbly pitrotto that bs could so no excellence la anything io the Old World as compared with his owo ooantry. Mountains, waterfalls. monuments, scsry, and all other objects of Interest wer Inferior to what the United S'atos could ' showi Hi companions bo came lOintwhat tirod of his over weening boatfaloea. and dctermin td to "uk him down a Pg " The parly speot a winter io B aio ; and on evoniog, having all things pre pared, they Induced tLeir Yankee friend to join a drink bout,', and so managed that thoy kept sober whila he got glorioasly drank. Thereopon thoy took bim iot tb catacomb, laid him carefully down, with a c die within roaoh, ind retired a short dintaooe eat of eight to wait for de velopment. Alter a wbllo their friend roused op, having slept off his first dronkon s'upur, and, io a tUte of omo aston uhinont, bean endeavoring to locate binmolf, at the Bam lime muttering : "Well hio IbiVa little strange. Well bio where I am, anyway. " He Rut out his match, ligbtod bis candlo, and began to siody bis sar- ronodings. Oa each side wero helves piled with grisolng skulls and olehe filled with skeletons. while all about were piled leg, arms, ribv, and vertebras a ghastly array and altogether new to bim. IIo nod' dad to the aknlls oa one side with a drnnken "Iiow do do bio V and on th other with 'Mlowd'ye fncl hio aoyway 1 took a look at his watch, and once more at his surroundings, got oo bis feet, took off bia bat, and holding it above bis head, remarked, loud enough for his friends to hear: "'S all right; 'a bio all right Morning of resurrection, by jiogo ! bio. Fir tt man on the round 'rah tor United State ! Alltrt ahead. 'Rah for me specially '' A Qjaker Printer's Proverb. Never sent articles for publication ithont giving the editor thy came,lB5roM' BnJ aino i0 Chica. I for thy namo otlontuuus secure publication to worthless articles. Tbca shouldt not rap at the door of a printing ctlioe t for be that an swerth the rap sneeretu iu Lis sleeve an I losoth lime. Never do thou loaf about, nor knock down type, or the boys will love theo as they do the hdo trees when thou leavest. Tfaou shouKlst never road the copy ou the priuters cases or on the sharp and booked container thereof, or bo may knock thee down. Never inquire of tuo editor for news, for bc-bold it is his business to give it to theo at the appointed time without asking for it. It is uot rife-bt that thou ebonllst ask bim who is the author of an article, for it is bis duty to keep such things nnto himself. When thou dost enter bis office, take heed nnto thysolf that thou dost not look at what concerns theo not, for that is not meet in the sight of good breeding. Never examine thou the proof sheet, for it is not ready to meet thine eye that thou majst under stand. Thou sbouldst not delude thysolf with the thought that thou bast saved a few cent when tbou bast secured a deod'bead copy of bis pa por, for whilst the printer may smile sad say it's all right, be ll never for get thy meanness. W "-aawaawi mmmm Thoughts. Never betray a c uddnee. Tread not in crooked path. Deoeive cat is the tereoy of roar boue. Home is on earth th beat likenes of Heaven Heaven will b nur than yos ever dreamed it to be. not thy Mlow maa ootil thou art similarly eitoatcd. Make vour life so that tber will always be a heaven arouol yo. Keluio lathe bomeaga wnicn in intellect pay to th feac. Faith that auk ne qaoetioes kilU the aoul aol at no tbo totellect No on dare ra.mia a tbat it better to do ipjusiic thn to br it. It is a glorious thin: to rt Umptationa, bat it le eaieet to avoid taora. Hfine guilaer U ah.'w whoa ear ve5l teaspoet Uwsed ttvp atad ly oa. Oratitad ia tt aM f te heart when iu ord art awvpt by kiad aee. Morplas are Ukea to ppv good or raak vo'C f.vr it op poait, lhaa i raqoiroi W w rv;.v virtuose. fW"""" lmtm mmm When ready for bd ait down in aa J ottion rv4&ia alt th esnsolo of th Nly, and k bead drop ftrmnl oa th hrwawi. as low aa it will fall withowt torn? it Sit quietly in thi way tor a tew atinnt. and a drowsy foaCiarf will Mn whloh wtlU if wot thtWV lead to a roirwotuRj? let v It th alaoplA fit wtt cva i th , sit np in Um poailioo dMcnbvl. , - - , . A Gori farwMr kiUa atvaiea. lays Urwa in Ktrow and pAssU x ia th forrow. A'm i'w limnM. Great 800UI VThaa th . om to It diatilUd and eoowamed ) JJat w doal Uh Iw tUitOi Of it. 4 k,ri oCerl N; "''.i'-VS.'-TSO. 10 , . . , Oo Right. Take Ible staita for yoat life, Do right I Querd It wall la every atrlfe. IH right I Need ibuaobtg la your heart; Tram ita prep se'er depart, Lot sol f U get the Mart, . l)o right J Though iheThTempter wbiepw iow Do right , 11 will only prov your foe. Do ngkt I Ever be where duty oalU, lu Ihe Held or palaoo hallo, I'leo from bauoie Where sia appeale Do right I rUaeure will allure tke mind, Do right ' , Tie a anare to all aiaakiad, Do riabl 1 friBclDla rnuat hrl ue bare. Rerp our mloda from diubt aud fear Hake our pathway bright aat clear Do right Hattis a. Avufia. A near relative or iu rerktns, re siding in Chicago, thus inalig ns the woather of St, Louis iu the Inter- U -e in : I have boon wnoro it u ahot, mossmatee, or gontloruen ewful hot-but tho all-firedest hot si weather I ever hauled to woe iu St. Louis. 1 took a coutract thero lust summer to pick up Bun-struck pooplo off tho streets. I went bauk rapt in three days. Why, they laid around thicker than dead dogs in Chicago auring tuo poisoning eta sou. I havo seen flauetonrs bend boudle, and whole blocks of pave ment twisted all out of shape. Ihe fire plugs wore red-hot, and the water in em boiling, lbo sun wns'nt moro than a rod away, aud looked as red as a furnace mouth. The air was all in a shimmer, and tho beat came down with such force that you oould not rsiso your band It was just as bad at night Not a broatb of air, and lbs beat crowded into the buildiogs and was packed in the streets. I oa ooalda't got a breath. One ni2bt I went down oo tb levee and found a gang of nig ger with snow shovels throwing the beat into the river iu groU chunk- I dropped off and swam have voyageJ to a good many places nevor down below with Uli.ick but I dou't believe the ptare cxn bo a hotter plane ttiai St. Louis. E opia with othor uieu s wives is boc jaia a vary oomuioo occur rence io all prt of the country, and wluk is worthy of notioe, the lut-ber-alone policy aeems to govern the cualands who are thus deser ted. Twonty five years ago a rcn away of this character always bad a bijjy soqutd. A tLMorUd boa band would not be tolerated unless he bad first avenge, bis wrong in blood. Things changed an ) in this respect the difference io the moo-Is of men is remarksble. Ruuaway wives are severely let alone, a pun ishment to a sensitive woman, alter she ba waked from ber dream of folly, far more terrible than any violent measure posgirly coal J l. Husbandi hare gotten over their shooting inclination on this ac count, and the f"t illustrates a higher order of manhood, as well as a surer way of punishing a crime like this, which fling iu shame into so many ianocen t hearts that it needs no additi o nal act of fiendish nee to cover it up. aa-a------------------l JOBXVTS TsstT OS Dw -LUt summer oar dog Towaer was lyin in tho nn trien to sleep bat tho rise . was that bad that he wvuot. coce, had to catch ea. and biaie by a be) lit on bis he1. and wai wcrkin iboat l the dg was blto. Tow r be beid his bond still, and when the tw wa doeo to his nj. Tow ser wickid at biai Hi be J you aee what thi buffer 5i Join, he i thick l am a lily cf-thA-vallov jhich ' wn t opened ycU tut yoa lirt wxit . Ull 1 Mowsom atw yoa win soa fun. and ear naf Tow., cpunM; ,n; mourn vory s-jw.t v u oiw, fnu th be an l b M went ;a-, o -ow-awxa bobi i te het hi eye dreamy, aaa c-' 1 mouth too, and tad t;js to csk. peaceful asule wa ti be - . isinitk. ana yoa aevr a .uw:- vUj aok o in ai. your l.fe- . Tb CV!orJ. jvtato ba h md it arivar. ia a potato rat.-h at KiV.avu'.Ua. ia lb .acty of Cork. Irvlaad Ni!v aU of Auvrican aVoaatii p laad at towo, caly a tw mile frwa Curt, ia tb couttv of Cork, wbio'o wU mo- coaet for its tt sprMLraJW ia a top in that loftaz.l.v. TtCO:ta lVa.lo beetl. "Fellow (Miff. rA.b.UiSk tw ar that now tjilaU tb hawk's, taivav a.t ti a Vvl Line totMw atat pwa padl-ry , I shall paa ovwr th ir4 two- wry brie4jt M xaUieaka arw wvil ksjowtv a4 oaM to th faaiiwataary Whavw 1 Will dvi! Hw sm ttj'M T plow i to pray4 l"4 prvyVoT. ajsl Jb harwa jmwc a4 fallSa ' It that tvyrv.. iMJ a a W.w r4 loa rv i..W, PoMtebed every ThurMaf vWfJ - yXBSKlXA CtLQVSZt Atwwvksi t9 RnTnmtVtirtH. two Dollars per aitum. fay.' able sithm sis months; rtirOrltiqt paid within the year, . fio papor diaW continued until all arrearnfrfe are) raid unloaa at Ui option of the pub lish rr. Subscription outoid of the county' PAYABLE IX ADVANCB. ieJPeraon lifting- and using paper1 and are liable for the price of the paper UENRY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and,,. Harness1 : , Maker Centrevlle, Snyder County, Penna. K-erana hanil. and mk U order all kfn1 ortUrnaM, BcMltii, ItrlillM, Whip. Ualare kit, ho. All work jtuBrtnla! tar naa yr Mr, Woincf ttk hut a trial to tiinv thai ho aadariiaDiIi ku kailaaM. - I Sot !,'. W II, ItllKA, , PMCTICA Ml LL-WRIGHf Mrher Station, Snyder Co., ra. (Formerly from Lewinlowa Juaclloo.) Aaanl for the l.auai fiuorortil Trimi W. Arntfir tha V AflMfHMnJ f)W TILI.K, Moinl rira JoturaDoa, aa4 otlraa Artt rU., Uunii.BDlt. a-ufflea and nuMaaee at afcirar KUtioa Ool. '7.U. NICHOLS, SHEPAR0& CO., Ilattl Ciwk, Mich. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIDllATOH THRESHING WICH1WERT. TRK alftUhlMV UralH-vUflKff. T1msVfii jrt H"r' Kavltff TarrVk'r! mt Ik 4T 4 fJ W H all rrvairy ft kaakra Wsw, Pmrim C1seajsit Ml sot rMvutfl urci irwest aataerw. STt:tl Pnotr Thrh.t- aKpMiallf. Sti---t . 'j a- i OrR rrmid aiaa Tkmkae Kaataaa VMh Nmi.. .M T-iik,, i. TduM i-w mm. ftw a..M4 u.f Mt mm tlaa. THI VMTIRK TkrMklae Lipmaa (ml ft to " . wm. M - W M Ii'w-, aTl fcy ikm Ifcfr... Mi ii i GR1I ltahn will unt Matt in tk twm u Mk wilt an. ita, fmw4 w Ifct M-IMfc NOV Oalr Var SaawW w WImwL oam) k.w.. t. Uk. ...Ma.. i m 'mm p. i Tn... i r-.. Ti-.. im, (v M Tkar-wik Wrki klf, tlraaat VtateS, ' I ?W f..rji..i W l,. kKI,-H i - miiiiwi- Miavsiora rw i-iittj r rru, C a M U m mu -f- pul l Ua aw-aratn . Brat oa ranlcai-n, ril mr or aJiia a. aaa Saa , lMt-T U, jAtKS REISER. Agent J atokoetoagv, rey-lrr Co , T. rjNION P-AN ING MI Li, SELt5S3&0VC,S5TDEX VOti Kccly 4fc Warner Lumber Dealers aj: Arr'-Trata cr Doer. Doer : Boies. ladeww akslteri viadflw "aim. Bllsils 8a. stair Nttne. Band aMltlnrv, Brat k el. Hoeldters rirlr. .cscLi.fAwii at aaiMT vvaxixo 8ni.U, Lain &o., 6.0. (VMr fa'.iei'ti ae f '.ti '.9 rMr . ewoal 4Tu. P'.iih !1 nl BtnriiK( btfjra rarka.ic elaewkar h Phani Pectoral Em trral -.-' i rrt, t-'T II 1 it a t.iktx i. u 1 - . M t II iitm M II x. . ' uu uj c.: : . -v-4. .av . mm L mmKlt.m S Ski. . 1 P. b U IT m -mzt mtt-lMtrt itui t br.-r vja. a-jr-J lri,l?rl. 1 j. t - ik v m sum atvss arwwiai w mini "VwV W-O M M flat Mi JBB A, - V W- a w V . a w-" . rt wns w1-- f-m Jmm -S W'k-B aVNk Sll t S W WJ - '" stmi i-ar-w awsaesv'ek, lataav-ai Vw Wa-eatHSJUet u. 1 a- a. ii viaaaaat tv w r w" $61 Xt-at w WMkuV WOv. Vkyt OVMV-a. ; a Orfiaa aa 1 woaiia, SW v. a. , iUM mm iiftVTrAp 1 w-T,w"'rW.'. aVUaaa M W t ,-lliSM,-l-l H JsMeM avuwswk, sa ! rw - 1 W s.i.- 'w WB JSM w A.aW Sk.4 -f-esB- vJ-a. J - jl r.11 k sjajsjn 1 n tm ' s ' tm aHeaa -kv mt ) m aJbsBBsMsMSB. e'Wl sat ! lwaaMl - tW si li 'auw pTrWtkMaa ' mm. - . -'-f mi a kwaaaw wy i!5fi.Tl4 JL' 'aaa ypliViM - miu.01 at. -.Cvva, -mi n 1 rm raafcl 1 e . i f. ? i