The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 07, 1879, Image 2
A fl cnr-tUInn It n oa . I 1 " . m .. TVf-WB--aMaa(L On mlii'nii niie your, Orin-liitir. column. mi vesr, O'lC-fixirtli column, ime year, On" "ptui (Id lines) 1 iiiiortioil t'.v-ry additional riifiv"HioimUiil Bttinai cards of iurt more limn 5 limn, per ycnr, Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Aiicrne Notice, Editorial notice nor line. Id All transient advertising less than 3 months 10 cento a Hun, All Advertisements for a vhorter pe riod man one year nre pnyahie at the time they are ordered, nnd it not paid the person ordering thorn will oe held renpoiiKihlo for the money. Poetry Invocation to Rain In Sumrmr. William Cox Uijxrtt. Of antic, gantls miDir rtln, Lai not lb tilrar lit pin, Tkt drooping liljr pins in vain To fel th t Joy IjuoI of tlilna To drink tar fraibion oma agiOi, 0 fonils, gautla su nmor rain la htsi lha Unjuoip quivering lies Tha oatlla pnt bonislti tho troa ; Through parohing air anJ purple nicies Tha earth look up. 1 1 tin fir ihi ; For thaa for Iboo, It look In vain, U gentle, gentle suinmor rain. Cams theu, an 'I bring lha meadow stream, Aai sofiea all tha hlllo with inljt, 0 falling daw from burning clroama Bf Ibea sball herb and flowurs te kisecd, And Earth tball bl thee yot again, U gentle, gentle aummer ram. H e 1 c t T ti 1 TURNED FROM THE DOOR. "No tramps bero,' sai l I, aud I abut the door in Lis face, 1 did. The wiud blew so I could hardly do it, and the uleut was beating upon the panes, aud tuo baro trees were groaning and tuoaniug at if they suf fared ia the storm. 'No trumps bore ; I'm a loue woaiuu, aud I'm afraid of era.' Then tha tnaa I hadn't soea yot, tot the dark, wont aivay from tho door. Champ, champ, obauip, camo tho man buck agaiu, uud knocked at Uio door knocked not half so loud as be did before and I opened it, hot aad augry. This timo 1 saw bin face a palo ghost of a face with yellow-brown hair, cropped close, aad great, staring bluo eyes, aud be put bis baud aguiust tho door and bold it opea. "ilow near is tbe next houso, ma' am f ' said bo. "Three miles or more,' said I ; 'no drinks to bo got there ; it is fliss Mitten's, and she's as set again tramps as 1 am,' "1 clou t want duuk, said tbo man. 'though 1 do want food. Vou needn't be afraid to let mu iu, uia'aui- I've teen wounded, uud am not able to walk far, aud my clothes are thin, and it's bitter cold. I've beeu tryiuy to get to my pareutslut Oreeobauk, whore can rest til I'm bottor ; all tuy tuouey was stolen from me three days ago. You needn't bo afraid ; let me lie just before the fire, and only give me a crust, the stalest crust to keep me from starving, uud the Lord will bless you for it-' Aua Mien be looked at me with bn- mild blue eyes in a way that would Lavs made me do it if it hadn't boon I'd seen ao much of these impostors Tbe war was just over, and every beggar that camo along said ho wun soldier and traveling homo, an I bad boen woundod and robbed. Out that I bad beeu foolish cuo.igh to help limped away out of sight, as hi thought, uud thou for I was at tho guiret w i a d o w shouldered his ctutchos uud trumped with the strongest. "No doubt voar noukots are full of aiouey,' said 1,'and you only waul a chance to rob and murder tuo, (Jot away with you.' urusiiiu, that s my nioco, was buk icg cakes iu tho kitcbou. Just thou she came to tbe door aud motiouod with ber mouth to me, 'do lot bim Uy, auntie,' and if I badu't bad good tense I might, but 1 know butter than a chick of sixteen "Go away with you !' says I, load er than before, "I wou't bavo this any longer, And he cave a kind of groan, nnd took bis baud from tbo latch, nnd weut champ, champ, through tho irozon snow again t ana l thought bim gone, wbeu there bo was once more, hardly wi',h a knock at all faint touch, like a child's now And when 1 opened again bo camo quite in, and Blood loaning ou his cane, palo as a uhout, bis eyes big ger than ever. "Well, of all Impudence I said 1. He looked at me and said t " Jad- ara, I have a mother at Greeubauk. 1 want to like to sea ber. I sball not if I try to go any f urtbor to night' 'They all want to boo thoir moth- era,' and just then it cume to my mind I hoped that my son Charlie, wuo bad beeu a real soldier, an of ficer ho had come to be, mind you, wanted to seo bis and would soon. 1 have been wounded, as vou oo," said ho. "Don't co showing- mo vour hurts. aid 1 1 Hhoy buy 'em, so thoy told me, to go a begging with now. I read the papers, 1 toll ye, and I'm priooiplcd, and so is our clergyman, gin civiuir anvthioir nolens it's turoUL'h soma wall nriranlznd anciatv. Tramps are my abomination, And M to keeping all night, you can't ex pect that of decent folks go 1' Brasilia came to tha door and I JJd 'Let him stay, aantio,' with bor -P again, bat I took no notice. So he wont, and this time he did pot coma' beok, and I sat down by ore, smelt tha baking cakes and applet stewing, and the tea drawing on the kitchen stovo, and I ought to bavo boon very comfortable, but I araau'L Hnmallilnr anAinAit cWtrW a ny heart all the time. I I Uveal fire a poke, and lit on Jtbee candle tm ebeer mytelf op, and I Motto the work-basket to get a kad been i knitting fcr my . V . i to eel it i VOL IT. MIDDLEBUltG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA., AUGUS'L' T, picked it up. Jl was an old tobacco noncii, evorsoinuou into tho one I gave Chaiiio with tho fringe around it, nnd written on it in ink, 'From C. r. to K. II. i and oh tbo inside was a bit of tobacco, and an old pipo, and a letter, n rurnpluJ old letter i and wnon spread it out I saw on tbe top, 'My dear sou.' 1 knew tho boggar must bavo Jropped it, and my heart travo ono light thump, as though it bad boon turned iuto a bannnor. Perhaps tbe utory was truo and be had a mother. 1 shivered all over. and tbo lire and candios aud tho nice comforlablo sinolU tniirht hh well not have been at all I was cold uud wrotehod. And over nnd over n'M I bad to say to mysolf what I heard our pas tor say often . vaevfriMvo anytluui: to chance be,r.'iUii, mv dear ft iuuda ; always bostow your aim on w nlhy, persous, thioui;ii wo!2-or 'aui.jd sj- cietics,' before 1 could got a bit of comfort. And what an old fool I wn to cry, I thought, when 1 fo.iu I my cheeks wet, Dut I did not ry lornr. for as sat thero, dash and c rash and jingle came a sloWi over tl.o road, mid it stopped at our gate, iiinl I hord my ! l .11111 M VH ll i v nf it I. ml l-l or I" And I went tolhod ior, un.l had him iu my at cus my great, tall, handsome bro.vii boii. And there bo was in hia uniform, with hin pret ty shoulder straps and as baud some us if he h.ul never been through any luirdsl.ipa. lio had to leave me to put the bono up, ail thou I had by tho lira my own son. And Dm- hilla, who bad been up flairs an I had beeu crying wbv, I wondrr f camo down all in a lint tc-r fur tiiey were like btotUor and siitiu' aud he kissed her uud she kissed him, and then sho went to sot tho table and how nice tbe thius smoked on a eloth white as snow t and how Char lie enjoyed them I Dot ouoo in the (uidal of all I felt u fAghteuod feel ing conio over mo, and I knew 1 turned plef for Druilla said : 'What is tho m titer, Auut Fairfax !" I said nothing ; but it was this : Kind o' like the ghost of a step go ing champ, champ over tho frozou snow ; kind o' like the g':iot of a voice saying s "Let tuo lie on the door before your fire, aud give iue any kind of a crust j' kind o' like noma our that bad a mother dowu on the wintry read, ficcinr aud Htarvint; to death there. Tuia ia what it was. 15 at I put it away, a id only thought of Charlie. Wo drew up together by tbo fire vlion tea was done, and bo told uh ... i igs ubout the war I never beard before bow the soildois siill'urod, aud what woary marched and hu jU rations tbey sometiiuos had. Aad I hen be told mo hi lifo had beou iu Janger j bow bo bud boen m)t upon by tho foe and been lu Uy wounded ; m l bow, ut tho risk of hi.) uwn life, a fellow had saved him, aud carried bim away, lighting bis way Duck to camp. "1 would nover havo sooa you but for bim,' says Charlio 'And if there's a man on eirth I lovo, it's Itob Hadaway tho dearest best fo!- low ! Wo'vo shatud each other's rations nnd drank from tho aaiue aim toon many and many a time ; aud if I bad a brother 1 could uot thi;ik moro of Lim.' "Why didu't you bring him Lome to see your mother, Charles V Baid I. "Why, I'd lovo him, too, end anything I could do for bim, for tho man vbu saved my boy's life, could not bo uoough. tiend for biui CLarlio.' But Charlie shook bis Load and covered bis face with his bauds. "Motbor,' said lie, 'I dou't know whethor Hob Hadaway is alive or dead to-day. While 1 was litili iu the ruuks bo was taken priaonor. And tbo military prisons aro poor places to live iu, mother. Al ivo my right band to bo ablo to do him any good I but can Uud uo tracos of'bini. And ho has a mother, too, and she is so foud of bim 1 Uho lives at Greenbauk poor old lady. My dear, good, uoble KJ'o, tho preserver of ray lifo 1' And I saw Charley was nearly oryiog. Not to let us soo tbo toars ho got up and weut to the uiautal piece. I did not look around until 1 heard a cry i Great heft vou 1 what is it f' Aud I turned, and CLarlio had tho tobacco pouch tbo man bad drop pod iu bis baud. "Where did this oatno from T I feel as though I had seeu a ghost. J gave this to Itob Uadaway tho day bo saved mo. Wo soldiers bad not much to give, you know, aud be vowed never to part with it while be lived. Ilow did it couio here moth erf And I fell back in my chair, whito and cold. Suid 1 1 "A wandering tramp left it here. Never yonr Hob, my dear, never your Hob. Ho in net havo beon an impostor, I wouldn't turn away a person really in want Ob, no, no t it't another poach, child, or be stole it. A tall follow with blue eyes and yellow brown Lair woundod, be said, and going to bit mothor at -. ' i. yj-L ... n..u ureeuoaun. jut uuc And Ubariey stood staring. b ""U with olonched bauds i and said he : "It was my dear old Kob, wound ed and starving 1 my dear Bob wbv saved my lifo, and yoa bate driven him oat ia tuob a night aa this, mother. My mother (o use Bob ao 1 ' ; "Condemn . me, Charlie,' a&i4 1$ I oudeiuu me if vou like mn nVmi.! uod win. i blue limes lio catno back i three times bo asked for only a crutit itud a placo to lio, and I drove bim away I, I aud bo s lyiug in tho road now. OU if I bad only known 1' And Charlio caught up his hat. "I'll liud him it he's ulivo,' suid ho. "Oh, Kob, uiy dear friend,' Ami theu I never saw tho girl in sued takiug. Dowu wont iiuiiiila on her knees, ru if sho was sayiug bur players uud says : "1 hank Uud, I dard to do it 1' And Bays uho to tno : 'Oh, until, I bavo boon trembling with fright, not knowing what you ii say to mo. 1 took hiui iu tho kitoli eu way, I couldn't Hcohim go faiiit and hungry, uud wounded, aud I put him in tho iai o chamber oVel tin p.illjr, uud have bujii uj UiLitout, all tho' "I ho l.oid bloc j you, L'i iloi.l:,' said t'uarlio. "Amen,' sai 1 I. And hIio, uelliug bolder, wont on "All.l 1 ttxA' liiiri Miinifi lint Hlnil't .uakes un.l tti nn.l t.n' M.ivM,iUU,'aut l lJ'i''J bo :Lo, 'and look hiui a ciu.tlo audu!'uau io "i,lS ,'lr(,i don't v.m I Iil l.m-l; r.n- l,w f. . i. ..',) I inl.t i '"uo- Neit the lull from tho ine, t j eat and to bud iu tho Lu.-t cb-unber. Auut l aiifa.;, with tho.'l'-'' u '.- ",u 01 l'u' hito ootinUrpano and all, aud i ihuro aro t"lt'" I'jars nii-d, and iio.v lo. ked him in and put tho key iu mylto ""),,'t theno bill a I l-j to their pocket, uud 1 told him that ho should ; u,ro:uV Ijurdctied hearts. U ti.ere havoouo ni-'ht u real, uud that uo ouo nliould turn him out unless thoy l" 1 , , .. . f wulkrd over mv dead body.' .should bi cheenl.y buried is ri;Ml UrnsilliH iid it like uu uciross iu u'aiid liropor t but auy super l!:o,is tnvredv, and wont oil' iuto bysUiic.M.'l,TKv , not only wroug inat-n ,,.r ,!,,,. j., ri;.,. tbe'iouieut the words were out 0f P'nil '-onHO but. to us setma u it.ia.l.v VI, n you bavo i .i niter her month. Sl.o'd be. u txpi-clmg hl!lfliL Jj"' 11,1 ,,v " a't"" ':.. ,a , . L..U-, 1, t y ,.tr v.-ord.t 1m roft to bo half murder.; 1, you kuow t:iu i w.u-ro m outaidew have anvttm.g to, ami your ut-Uiiu-tiN I: " I. girl. ho was m.-.Iojii, always belore '' w'th ll ' ";' ' "," Wo ou;,!,'. ,,. I . j i1 'h no.,,!,,,! mn if I wnw her uiotuci-1 'U'W.l.i.ate yuu.ty .cud tbj f ut! imnicic by their .iiu'.iii.MtloM. I ut td Nover was any old sinuor so bap- Iy us 1 was that want, o luauKiiu ivu, to tlu irood Lord i uud it Would have done vour heart good if youi had rroiin tn'nnn Mm to moot IU the uioruiug Charlio aud bis friend Itob. And Charlie who got well, aud a mother, who was uot so poor ither. ImliiA I Hob into business And bo got well over hia wouudu at at last and grew as handuomo us u picture au 1 to day week bo is goiug to marry Drunilla. "i d give you anything I have,' said I, 'and 1 won't refu ,o you even Dnnilla,' when bo asked mo, telling ine that bo loved ber over siuco she was so kind to bim on the uight I've tol l you of. And Chaiiio is to stand up with bim, and 1 am to pivo Prusilla away, aud Kob's sister from Greenbauk it. to bo bridesmaid, and 1 bavo a guess that sumo day Charlio will bring ber home to bo iu Drusilla's place, 1 don't driwi beggars from the ,!'or now us I used, utid no doubt I 'm imposed upon ; but, thin is uli-it say ; "Uetler be imposed Upon al ways than to bo cruel to otto who realiv need.1 help ' And I've read tiy iiiblo better ot late, aud I know whos'iys, "Kveii ua you havo done it unto tho least of these ye havo done it uuto me Quick Wit Wins Years ago, into a wholesale grocery store in !ohtou, wulkn.l a tall, muscular-looking man, evidently n fresh comer f.oni some backwoods town iu Maiuo or New liauipshiro. Accost- in:' the lust, person ho niol, wiio Uup- pciied to bo the luoi'chaut himself, ho asked : "Yon don't want to biro n man iu your f toro, do you f "Well, said the rarvol'.ant, '1 don t know i what can you do T 'Mo? sai l tho man i "1 rather guess I cau turn my baud to utmost anything what do yon waut done f "Well if 1 was lo hire a man, it would bo one that could lift well, a stroug.wiry fellow ; one for instance that could shoulder a eacic of coiiuo like that youudor, aud carry it ac cross tho lloor and nover lay it down,' "Thoro, now Cant in, said the countryman, 'that's juat mo. I citu lift anything I bitch to i you cen t suit mo bolter. What will you give a man liiat will suit you V "I'll tell vou,' Baid tho rnorobant, "If you will hhoulder that Back of oolYoo nnd carry it ucross tho storo twice and uovcr lav it down, I will biro you a year at 103 per month.' 'Done, said tho Btmnor, and by this time evory clerk in tho storo bad gathered nrouud and waltod to joia in tho 1-uigh against tho man, who walkiug up to tho sack, threw it a cross bis shoulder with perfect easo, though estroiuuly boavy.und walking with it twice across tbo Btoto wont quietly to a largo book which was fasteuod to tho wall, and banging it up turned to tho merchant and said: "There, now, it may hang thoro till doomsday; I shall never lay it down. What shall I go about, mis ter 1 Just give me plenty to do aud $10(1 per month, and it's all right' Tbe clerks broke into a laugh, and the morchant, discomfited yet satis, fled, kapt his agreement, and to-day tbe green countryman is tbe sonior partner in the firm, and is woith a million dollars. Ha Mint has realiv felt tho bitter ill fear to ' commit it t bo that has felt tbe sweetness oi mercy will foar to offend it He who is false to present duty .ta . ihrAad in the loom, ana will Aatantm when the weaving of a lifetime ia unrolled. Weeds Ol Wot-. When tho heart is heavy, and all earthly thing look dreary to munruers, who would caro very tlo how thoy appeared to the' side world if left to thotuuel fashion steps iu and dictates I tho departed is to bo shroud what Liud of n coflln innnt bo liiiro 1 : !io they are nil to bo d.-i eJ t rnl bow niauy carrinoii an bo hired, tto. '1'hn often linpp whoti tho htihiban I and father died, and when Ibo widow and phans aro buwod down wilU gr so ne not to look beyond tho pros aunowi, lot Eomo busy-biMly v. takes upon liimaclf to Hue ovurytoi douo uueorditig to Las own uoli Hoou after, when tho beivuvod fa ily uro locnvercd from tho bio v t! I::n fil!i,i: i:) )i: tlicm, n.i 1. 1 'j 'vj't make ri!ulatiit:H how tliey mc ptotidj Ijt tho fvlture, u-l t!.ey n; bo iu tiiuiloriilii eiiou!Hol i!nri's a their main bt.iy g ine. in the mi. of tl.ia, ono C'loi. 'i iu itu a bill 1 Collin, ticrhapa It reo tinu j t till! liv. ! (,ll'u t for lh'i' It, BlU'h Mfl l..u.; , " -"J ' ";' ' " hu m cxtiavagai ees. i - , - , .,l i, -II :"'' " "'. uii.i 1 """! toW the tmuds uf t0 M 1 01 .luu uimo luiiu n.u uuuj w iij.uiuiiiiiu clay lying iu tho other room, I have seeu those thi.igs-havo b'-ei, in tbo midst of it, and felt grieicdi .....,; I .. ...... I. ... of the family who were bereaved. At lilicli times the lu..s display the bettor. Let all things bo clutio do cc-ntly aud in order ; but for merry's sake, don t makes a show of pa geantry, when laying t io body of a lolalive in his last resting place. a Ji,'', It is Bcltar. ltotlor to wear acalii'o di-ess with out triiuiiiiug, if it is paid lor, than lo owe the shopkeeper for the m.i.-t ele guut silk, cut and tiiuime I iu tlu uiost bewitching manner.!,-! l.illl'n ill .l In r f.-iltin nil vour own than u Mil kL .i.e inatiHtoii bel. .naing to s jui-bod y el.. I'.et'.-r forever run in debt, lira lijr.i-j and rariiigo. I'.eU.'r sit by tim plain white l.iM. tcr p:ud tlnvo c i ! - Koine ve na n-'O than to send Inline n uew estetn-iio'ii Mack to,), uii.i promise to pay for it best week ,. , . . ,i i , . , nciu-f u U-..H.HU oi.i fane-seaion chi'irs, and fad. id Iwo ply carpet. I hall tremble lit the blil t sent home fiom the iipbotsteror's for tbo most elegant ect over made. I:rttcr to meet your business uo qua'ntancos with a free "don't owe you a ci'ct' smile, tbnu to .lodge a round thocoiuor to escape ti dun. Hetti'i to pay the ei root oran griuder two ceiita for Music, il you must, havo it, than owo for a grau l piano. Hotter to ga.-n on biro walls than picHrcs uupiii.l for. Hut tor to eat thin Boupfrom earth on w.iro, if vou owo your uulehtr nothing, than to diuo o.T lamb uud roust beef nnd kuow that il does not belong to you. Hotter let your wife bavo a lit of hysterics limn to run iu debt for bice now fui tiituro, clothes, jewelry or anything that woni'm wish for. A lit of hysterics, properly lnutiagod, is often of move real bnuuiit to a wo man than anything you can buy. Undcrgrund Curiosities. At tho City of Modiua, in Italy, aud ubout four miles around it, wherever tho earth is dug, whenever tho woikmeu crrivoatu distaucu cf (1 feet Ibev come to a bed of chalk, which thoy boro with un angt-rf live feet deep. Tbey then withdraw from the pit beforo tho auger is removed aud upou its es'iaolion tbo water bursts up through tho aperture with great violonoo, and quickly tills the newly unulo well, which continues full aud is uffeotod by neither rain nor drought. i!ut what is most ru markablo iu this operation is the layers of earth as wo doscoud. At the depth of 11 feet aro found tho ruius ol an nucieut city, puvea sfroefi1, bouses, lloois and cllieront pieces of mason work. Under this is found a soft oozy earth, uiude up of vegetables, aud at 20 feet, large I roes tiutire, such as waluut trees, with the walnuts still stioking to tbe stem, aud loaves and branches in a perfect slate of preservation, At 23 feet deep a soft chalk is found mix od with a vast quantity of shells, and tbe bed is eleven feet thick. Under ibis, vogetubles are found again, BaaataaaaBaBBBBa) A tiny spider dropped from the ceiling into a sleeping church mem ber'a mouth; recently. It weut down into the mammoth cavern and pulled ita web ia after it - Another warning agajujt sleeping la church. Words of Wiartom. Vi lloMCrt t I I .WO in- Ho lea , .ii 1 1 ; r in t Hi 1 ,lni i;i a t. ' Tiic.:o who . t'lirj.u 'V, .jti a V" i in. ( i'it ci i i.tosl m. v..t ; i 1;.' S'ne wo:!.t ..I u'.-io1..! sel ' 'i i eiiti 1 pi'odu"' any l'n ni v lv.::). I Jjil'e ? to be too fllmrt to be tsDi'iiL i.i u Hit-i i ' : ;n. jfi Lio-. ci i'j i.;!uii;g v,r,.n;.i. A man in the :in I !.:iil . i , ,ftcu A HUi:U,-r f.Ilow t'. of .)!li'S i.ui anolli tbe Uso thev luike of tueni. All other lovo is (.uiuguisiicd bv !HC11-10V0 ; lietu.ucn ee., plulot-opliy. hiuk buuiar.ity, nndur it. lie is Impiiy wIiohc. circumstances null Ills it-mper 1 lull lie n hiui o ex- !.;..,llont who can suit bin tuuipor to aUy cureun.n.-es. It is hud to li-mori'lo nud act n ii .. ... . : .. 4.:..l it convotiioi.t to aeotii good, bo rio iu-lue !. let hiiu What the Citis Li!tc. To piya couiplinieut is to tell the truth," uiiil to tell it as lhou;;h you mean it. An 1 the oidv v.-ty to do t'u it in t i in.-iiu it lfaKiiliM pretty or accomplished ; if she plays well, or bins well, or dati.'nH well, or talks well i if, in a word plcarcH. why in tho naiuo of cjr.imon setiso shuiildu't she be told of it 't Don't blurt it out Ik fore ev ylio ly. 'I'l. at will o.n.v coinfoi t iblo an ma!;.) In r uu- 'u.inoi i com no i .u..;.u ; o., r I 'i' lictilotw. .' 'V'.tMy nu.i op - I porluin'.y -rs, i.ui my k Ht...ngi.y. IConveV the i .i-.t i,i..t;lie'.l.v itu-l liltlv. so tint, thero tu iy bo no inndake j ' M.V nt it. I.ui do not nay it Mliu i ll l-'oriiia!itv iiaiiouli the Col 1 j.,t K1''")' I:n"w" Jlolll lliatl 0110 tni:l-l- en IceJ recti nappy- say ior Ii .If mi I in n i iv il in iu s I l v , : ' ' the ." ; . ' , . . .., h,,iiliii i mva i-i" -i- l .1 :.T -r;i: ,, 1 1 mil iln 1 i u iv a li'i-M i-L'il tl:it t,,;i..t. I, li:;(-d.uil ni-iiiv rf f..-:!.U..i..i; .nr.... tin I i". not slaw to tell , ions follies havo been given up byM' - ow -fploiis in that way. As :..ii ..i,.,n il,,,!? .,.,i-,-,..l a dwcrr...t;. vit!. i.i-M lura wh prido tucm. silence cotiieniing them ou tho part of their eiillomea Uceudii. A oe- u i I it n tt 1 if tl.. I.lnelf ln'antv cbieg iittlo black eyed beauty " lu ce Kiid to a "..iitleninii, 'd li':o tui "'o o ouco havo ymi nay sweet lhin;;u to mo, it Heetiis to come so on. and hi " ienm. it !.e at it is a'.-.v.cvs betk to i:-;y a;;rcablo thiug than u disagi oc. oun bi.tter for till panics, 1 he i gallant who, when a young la ly slopped on Iris f.ot wbilo tlaneiiig ..,.1 ...,l .t 1,1, CM.l ''I ).,.,'( II.,,,.. lion it : a dniulv little foot like that t. Iim-L ic.hii '.v '' toi l tho tnuh, but doul;tlci;a ...... ...... t. I feit niorol eomfoi table than tbo boor WHO IO when bin foot iva-i slipped upon, roared out, "That's rir',Lt ; cliwb ail over too vi t!i yeur gmtl elueny hoofs." Sliarpcr !lx A Lawyer. A wag of a lawyi-r was hitting in bis ol'ice tho ctlicr day, cb'eply oo ga'.:ed iu tniuvi-hti tomo knetty .let-lion, whoa u yeutl.niau entcrt-J uud iii'i'iired : 'Is Ihil Mr. s ?" 'J'hii liMi-lent of l'llackfti'iip, ruiir-. . hie even from lha Icjal book before him replied : 'Jl i on owe tuo anything r have anytMng in my lino, then 'A. h my miiio. If yoa l.avo a claim to pro sent I ma uot the man. If you call od hiniply for n suciil chat, you can oall mo uuy iimuc," "I prospuse to present you with soni- huaiuc-s In your lino. I liuvo a lluto of iii'i, uiiil want yen to eul loct it ". Aud bandinir tbe lawyor a note, deji'irtod lo call tho next day. At sion as he was zoue tbo lawvor asocr'aiued tliut it was ouo of bis own promises to pay. The oext day hi cheat appoarcd aad ioiiulrod : . "Woll, what sncoosa ?" "All riieht I have collected tbo muiiey. Uore it Is, less my fee," and he banded bim fittc-eu dollars. "Qood,''talJ tbe client, I have made two dollars aud a ball' by tuU operation.'' ... ."Ilow so f" asked the lawyer; 'Well,"' replied tbe client, "I tried all ovtr tbe oity to ll , your not for twelve dollara and a kail but fonia sot aa it." 187!). NO. 8 Sor.ia Curious Ways. Some women bavo ctirinus wars .cf hiding their in nny. Tim Cm einuali Cownu.rr'nl says : "Mrs. Ill in.uin put lifty dllani in tlie ovi'ti I of lier Ktovo oun night In I.ii-p i( jsafo. No.xl t'loniiu.. nttev b' 1 tho national debt had lie :ii di'oiu I inliC.1 exactly that niueli A sludeut of tho euri'in-t oi:M lind il inleu :-d I in to tho pi. ;u v'ii..!i v.'i nii'ii liido 1 lie r ni'iiluy. Ono tv. ! lont and frng tl d. nun iiko I to tu K imr li!(!o ri iu; uwav m;t f r e )i--ncr of u r a pot. T'io tin,. i- .K vl irroe'ibaekM ;'row f.!.!ul nnd f.slli-r in the com mi of u yi iu' or ! wlicn. Ih'i c! iv if.-r il, co:mI .1 f : ',.. Imif.o tool: Il 1 to I i. I ,.'iinn l, tin I :r tin l!io tin' 1 l.val. ional ! !o rol! !"i i e . v :i.i-i : i ;..(! r. : it ..'. hdv t ., i,;.i, i. ,. ..l.i VII, ti I ,vo Ic-a-ciip'- i )'i .ar V t.o'ii.'.t ( li- la t iill I ; 1:1 th . .vl! i'. II .: in. I .in f 'f t'.-i 1 h it i' r I 1 r f.ii- ! it trin .In r K lit i' i' t i l. 1 i"'.v. !r,' ul.-if. l!io only tr. siie 1, i 1 k i ti;:i :V h .rl.'o :dni:r l - ,i .!!,. f,. l Wl, . ...... ,. i ii, Ii ,' i. e.'i j.ts '. ii:i .;.. J an-t a'loul ci I l.a. ii fi.Mi'.l.i t West' I 1 re ii- .-i I 'm :i ro!-!..-!. -.u I t!.. 1; ..t:!e w..uid b.i tu.-tied ii;-i ! ) out, m.d i-.11 i'l : C.i' i In- -.n::,l h i,.u-.d r.t th.. f.,1 1 : of 1 . .... ii-.-.. I)lll'.ll:. 1 -;..i!i i cm c 'id i i vt -r "O I'l I 1 il ti.e h'Wi r ,1 -i'tv.j t.l I tho A Ii jrs-i "i i ,".!'. in C.i'o a lj. An 1 1 o i ; i. h t iniiu-r sat in a coiiiotn I'la'ive luuo.l I'eluro tie) do T ol a sa I. urn in ol the crowded llmriiiil. 1'aru.i ot' Puiiur. I to b id 'lak-. n Kll fr,p ill liiu'li' ui-vcrill tirn.w fitl l ii,. ... L.J, a wi, ,,', ,0.,k .,, iutor..aU t... lv.,r,js f. ' , i.,- un l-r.-Kl ecte 1 regions l it tin- tellantiiii K'lul, ivv tint 'the pl.eei- .,. .....j ,,i., ..i.' i...k. !-." " i" V '""J duwu the street eauie a solitary hur line, ill mounted, po rly rial invtig erly opiiped, uud stopped ill IVotit of ibe iiitler. "yirjnger," said l.e, 'I want '-o sell yi r n liot'.-e." .S: ranker, was the reply, 'I Joa't a:it hiui." ".Strancor," r'-jnino I tiic wayfarer, ycr ready must buy him. Yon uev or see u bcttur horo lor tho price." What is tho price, sttang-.'r .' asked the contemplative man. "A hundred and fifty dollars,, and dirt cheap at that," The inquirer meditated for a few l.ioii'.oi''". and tl.'-;i LI inn',' . etj.i.'ui. 1, :; ;;:vo ycr live.' i The . t.i triasi ... t:-l.. . :.k a Inn! :. iu !') . S 1 :;i 1 1 : ami I et.',Vi e:i TLo Lj , i;, , Wf.h cvoifc a'! i;Vl, !!,.;: rty vott t.i i la,,. I .,n,j me au 1 a trade. r.-io i t ! n ''' r-, is wi-w1 How lltay Kan. t-, ; ; , ,i rfu-,f . . . i . . i .. ,. . . ........ .w .... .. . ..... a war record Sn'inioi ul " ,v"lfl 1 i i... oi n'-i i t r -is 'o Ins own n my. l-'a vn tdliiig ! Ms gi-aiiduin'iSrcj l jcuiilly ot a lamo'is I) ittlo iu v!iic!i he w..a en-jj-iji."l. His cloi rijiiiim if t'io I y- n.; I'Oj i.;ng ... '.i' ti.e i o I,.- -..:-i t'io :; i:o i.-.., i.m ''e 'l,g iiilei' -t. Slvina.-r tiipp' d to till ! liltlo buy Miid : "And did tho i-m-tny r-m 'Did I lie enemy run V t "1 llu ""VV. '''. '!'''. . 111 ' 1 J"- il.. I ... ,1 1'.. 11.,.. - 'y ,l'"r '" U1'; ,A" ' ' I .. ,1 II. I ,.,l lO'.l J i ti. V M u lull nneu iiii-VJ v .,..) mil ol' I l.eir way thrown eer nans il.u O.el' lis .'liw, "'Vhaii ml ae. hud wuli the iv ,1 -wi ra tint L i an' ii w.i li t !'i I away, they'd have jv li.ivo you c-iJ, who has was 1'i.vji' o ;Mil, or any other (.am, l"f for K ''' "Wed. 1 bavo ale, and t)m.i!;d wii'u b in ; 1 f.oi.'lit with I :!!, Tit J. 11!. I. i in, aid slept wi'h linn ; I havo rob-b:-d Leu-reo-.' , pi :;-c-rics and v. a. tfi-iinilon piitehe w'lh bim ; nud le.e. than mi wc-Bks ui'ii I o iwliuei .mn Im- kis-iug my wile, ru-i'd l.:.Uor hoi l'vo I'.'cn intiiniito with lilm!" prjtfM-ii MJmXWi". ) Vocal liuj-a-Soi'ji.s. "The Bweetcst voico I ever bctird,1' said tho bishop, "win n woiuau d. it was musical, nnd soft, ntul low, but penetrating ; puis. cat. out inetiHi'.rod iu its accents, but not ... . . .. .. i pieeiHU. Vt o wero ou a Bicamur, nuu she murmured sotno couituonpluce remark about tbo scouory, I do not reiuombor what sho said, but 1 can uever forget tho oxquwitoly tender musical voico. "Tho sweetest voico 1 ever hoard, repliod tho professor, "waB a man's I had been out fishing nearly all tbo day, and pot back to tho liotol at three o clock, i no man camo out on tho front stoop, opened his mouth like a soa cavern, ana roaroa,; "vis NUU 1 1" till it sonrod the milk io tho collar. I have bear other voicos niirna then, but never" . Uat tbe bishop, with a look of in ... . . . a. a a tense disgust all over uia lace, nan already wajked away ont of bearing, and was lighting a fresh Cigar by Ibimsolf; inn i'i, -in i ; .,w v, i I , I -..ill. i.i- : la t, ;'. i: ' is I'inc, th.: I ... j u I ir-vcua : . V tOrHT. rnldUhed every Thurndav Eventnn JBREMIAQ CROUSES, Prop'f Terms of Rulwnption, TWO POLKA!! PKIt ANNUM. Pay. al'U viilon ni tii'intliH. or t.-V)ifitt paid within thtfyoar. No paper dia eoiitiiuird nr.til nil iirrenniKes ro J..H.I null ,3 ut the option of the pub lisher. f;ili.tcTip!iininit(fiito of tln conntj I'AVAilLK IN ADVANCK. f"4TTerio!iN lif;ini! nml using pnpert ad.lrcd i ol!i m lieeunin HiiimerilierS rtnd lift' li:'l.le f.irthe ,ri:e oftlie iniper J JKNUY A. WOLl'LEY, Saddler and Harness JjiaKcr Ccntrevllo, Snyder County, Penna. K. fp..'i ,n n i, . . ,rni(nii t0 oMnf all klnild .1 ll.irn...., sl,l-, llrl.llo., Whi, (lulnre All Wri H II im fl! fiwil li.r I... mm m IM.'V nl,i( I, ill it IrUI Co l.rota that l.a uirl' r '"! I i li-lni.. Irt t IM ll'IIHA.. IV..M IU I. A V, II, J2IS2CA, T J r ..; .Ski' Sii't,r t'i I'u. , ty ff, i,i I,- wi inwij Jmu'tion.) t " ,...r,.r. TfiniiNa W 'I V II . K , UlSLTIKII, - 'I ' C.l t i. in;:. iir.,u.' ' nn l l V. an I oiliet I'll 111 M.'Urr Still, B KM. a '7.11. Mc;:oL3,i'.s:r?,niD&co.i I . - r t I - -r. , u, ll loll. oft:r.;';.M. and only clnuine "VJ 3?- 1J ATOU" T::!;rs!':::t; Kf.cKiREny. ry :v 't ii. i-' '.i-li i. Tiii-;iit!i,a, , ,i ,, tt- h.,. ' I' . . . I , tfrfl I.Abli, rr:. IJ--V, &- V hii"!!! -- . : I .-.-i. "I liri-.liir fni'InM, . I, I ftl'.fcU, lluiroti C4W ITHil I VI I i:l Tli"lilnip ipnM n.l often a v i , i t r . it l ivlt I f tL. i tint Mil mil 1n f li mcr T I-. i . . j.i nlll Onl V.ll Ki.i.rlnr fir W liraf , tint", '' I.' II - '! ' fl 1 1 ..... r I-, . ... I ,, . :, i. .1,1 u, h l. I ,'. i., " ,..l. 1,' ' fal n tJI!'t.l.4 ' M r- f , .. ........ I --I .1.. 17 Thrriiiiith i.iiVTiin'Mp. Hrn Flnt-li, . i.,.i . i -i -f r." . ,, - . i , ,...i m.m, am., vur ".tiui.B ' Tl.,. lttl ii. I, .l.if. TvrtnvKi.ers r,r :,im,n,iij or i-.n., u.ina- I . lh- . -I, .- .11 I-. a- . ,' II. .1, ;,, ilUtf l, Ar., .iu, !,, ur .1-.. 17101 H strm nf V,mlr Mulr, lUnrtn . friini.ii llwm u,, .u4, u( Ji-.tfb .J Hoi r...r. Ui . roll r,.rtlr.iliiri., t'ftll .in our Iii-alm or vrit. tv 4 Ivl ll...irt.U C'U .'umj, -UKb u Uhit 19, JAMKS WEISEIl, Agont, Muliontou.i, Sny lor Co., 1'.' r.v'ION I'.iAMNU Mll.l, i-M.IN.iUUOVK.SNYl'EK UU.,PA Kl;!y Wairncr ami m :;i i Arn ni it uy !.ir. Hear il ia's. Vi lnilens, Shutters' v in.liiH tit'V-, lilnuls, Kr!i, hlalp Hln::-. Il.i'iil i..;ilic-.-s, llr.u k cl:t.'., r leeriliL', Mll.l-I i.i-Alw.'.'IM. f.t '1 1 It NINO bUia ;.o , Ijillll, 4iO., &c. Or -L-i-i .iiii itc- l in. 1 flli- l with promjif rtHHiel .ic-l.iil Jii. 1 lutiMi cil! Hint exuiu-ui-o'ii- ut i.-lc lixi'iir-i nirohiiHtii:f clsowhcr II-.3 Phcr.K ?ccloral. ).r.,cl it'ii'l' in l,o .oe'"v ml Mle I to 1 1 ,iii.- i' I' ',1-Jl 'l 111. I.-H1 ii irjii. ib II. It -.,.' .1 i-.iimli. I. IIIIKOX- ... ii i:.-,:.-..-i 1.,?, int rni... tiKtvM ir - ,'-i, it I ... J ii:i. I. I..I- in ... I o . :i'-... ii. i . -.1 ic.ll.'i ru. Tims nii-li "I i .-i i, - , i 'i'i-ii I '..iny ! v;i n 1 1 li cvo ii i a i,,r ).'Hi-H ..ii K''.iiiy nino roll. I tn-rl. 01..! -lir.j mi, -.-I. . I. I'lut, -u foi.CK "f ' ii'.llln I." l . !V-:;ii ,. 1....I il-'li ll,.U.'jr. M. Ii. flll-l , i i i.... ,v. Mo it.-, iil-1-llo', an. I Sim-. u,l-.ii r. I-in ... ', l ulHl-uiflUu, .;ll If I '. 1 s, la li Inrri-at nr.-l TWVf.I.AB It..' I.- r . t-i r. it.w Ii, tin, .j.t'.ti j . i ... u e . .pn -. ih , , . i ,, o li.llv tii.ti any , :. t y b t ,, ll I Aniiim' . I - m utf,,i..MI'.. H'f . i , f Cm- .- I) '.i. .... ,y i't i..i 1 mi I' ll. I, . t ,1 ii.l u. ... n).. ,i lulu. liteiM i 1 1 .... i .j. . ut '4tt I1..-11 i ,-lil,.l ., , w i.i .'..111. ,.u..,l It'-ii,.:.!.-, ,. i. i..."tir C" ... i,ic rii-cl ,.l, r in : -...ill.'; MI..I It Hi.' - .ill. .a j.i. ri.iio., l-til al- 1. i. "t fill.- 1 r.Oli.lllu ClN.i.-ll. 1 li i. I.i .'lt"C .liul r t-uu- ; lrm Irtl ii" io iiw . . i -I'l-" .. "l ' I., .. W'lii l:i. ,it,r ri',.1 i ' uui" ..iu lulor.t lu lu -I. x.j l,i olaii-M, w.-l '' ' I -l.f- CO i li..iitr.. loM.,'1' cm - Hum; a i i ImV. vluilt-l.rt NlV. '. t .HIIWSI I iu .. Im ; r l-ci ' ':.. ""' U Ik .i..'i u.0.1. . . In!., i.,' l L u l.-iuil. 1 lU'ii'ta uf in'-c-l" J ".ri,li-iil. VVi- uivn nu rJiniin.M, liand-looka. or ,iliniio'4 or.w, i.u.iw -..'. Hie iiiw.,l.--i li'n '.in- i t r'"' lo milk, a niLMCCfrt WWW !... I1-.M liuiiu.j cli.inui..' wlii.-ri .iili II iu.. v.ui l . ml in lli" bvtl.T umr of lip . HWC tU :H-r, '.'l l."".l" Hi" cl'i'.'JO I' ..inu., u. ny it..'.. '.w nil"!, it iir,.irly Irnloii W., I,..w.. i, lull-' KH'iiOUM ilto OHM BPtlu work do... tiVili wi'U. a.ij Clou Iij.iiII, iu bn- "T " .lu... I.. ..ui lUi ur In 4urUBnl. to Mfubt-k' alu' : uu i-l'i..i"U. Alj..ia..' oi.lill ftu ol !.. Oct U) ft K'i cl.,1. C.r III. irtciuuN touts imi ei mier.oe. XHK STAR, aaa walnut v, tasctaNATi. . A 'ta o p1. oa ' oo 1 1 wi. JJ2 on hivul till Linda of " blank such as Note, montea. Warrant, Zcastt, Sutyotf na,d:o, do. : f ANOV CRD wlthaawa, UK.. lfat IT JLt k co., i , i.ui otjrii .'a uavutova ,'Uaawa.N. i; ! .l:a..!i ? j".. have 4'..-rt" 11 " I 1 , Ii I.I'.) ..r I . '-. , , . I i i ! o, r, i . 11 I . ,;::lv:: . r-iaa .J 1 ..... -. . -.1..- I U J : .1 I- r i iur,.;,t J' l-'wall In, ,,.(,. 1 '. -''.. 1,1-u,! !' x i ....... eaJ.aVav.JiI.,