The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 17, 1879, Image 2
The Post. niddieburg7"July 17, 1879, " J. CROUSE, Edtof A Propre'oiY REPUBLICAN TICKET. frnihnnotiiry, JKBKMIAII CtU;i;yK, Of MnMlebiirf,. Hegieler k r, M. VA.NZANUT, of MiJ'llrlur j I'ielriul Attorney, IUNHV II fill I MM, of t'rctuurg. Jury I'ouiuiii.ionrr, ALVIN A. ILSII, of Wert Nearer. Republican State Convention. Tba llaptiblicnna of Pennsylvania, Mul all othors in favor of an onost Currenc itnl the faithful dischnrjo of National Oblijzatioiis, nod oppos ed to Uomrauuistu and the ltostorii tion to Tower in tho National Gov irumnnt of tlio itifluoncos which pro- ruroa tuo roboliion of iil, aro re tpicstnd to sood ilflognto, nppor tioned accordingly to thoir ropreson tation in tuo Logislrtturo, to a Con vention to tnuot at llarrisburg, nt li II., on tho ZM dnyot July noxt, to notuin ito a candid.ito for Stnto Troasurer and transact snob other business as tuny bo brought bofoic tbom, M. 8. Qr.T, Chairman SUto Couitnittoo. I'hila . June 9, 1S7'.. Siuce tho adjournuieut of Con pros' the couutry is enjoying low lido in politics. Tho public debt statement for June ! Bbows an incrcaso of f21.7SS.lH dur - ing tho month. Tor tho fiscal year ing tho month. Tor tho fiscal year cndiug Juno 3', lSi'J. thoro has boon a docrnaso of tho debt amount ing to S,.")7'J 573 4"i. Tho total debt loss cash in tho Treasury, on tho first of Jul v, amounts to 9-2.0-2 7, 207.20(5 37,'of which fl.tK 1,710,110. 0J is boating interest. Tho issues most prominent nt tho SUto elections thU year in Ohio, Now York nud Pennsylvania two by this tirao well known nod sharply defined. They rolato to honest money, tho maintennoco of tho na tional credit tinimparod, the defense of specie payments, tlio national banking system, and tho enforce ment of tho laws Nulillcatioa can Dot stand fire in such States. King Cetewayo, whose real name is Charles Junaway. wns born of mulatto paronts at Uuioutowa, Fav etto county, .V.trch 8, 1S3H. Ve served in the Crimean war. Ha was in tho American service daring the wont to England subsequently, and finally found his way to Zululand. where by his knowlndgo of war and ability he roso in liC'J to thief and in 1871 to Kiug. It U somo time since a C'barloy Kosa bos been found, and a little intorost is thorcforo awakened by tho report from (Jueboc that a boy bos been discovered tharo who claims to bo tho Oei mantown lad Btolen five years ago. Colons there ia some very decided nnrk by which tho parents can identify tho long lost boy thore is littlo probability that identity can be chtitblinhed afUrso long a period Nevoi tho less, it is said that Mr. Koss will journey to Canada to cxamiuo tlio It id pretty loii'lly hinted that thero will be an extra seenion of the legislatnre uoxt winter to piss tho cuariiauio appropriation unu that jgj.icnouHly. Though tho supply of failed by reason of an oversight" Coi to tho end of the first sutiimer on tho pat t of certain Seiiato clerLs. ! wc,utl, JH about four and three fpiar If this should be tho case it will cost ; tor millions of tons in excess of last tho fitota a largo amount of money, j voar- j,roductionB to tho same date and it may occur to tho Senators the stock of coal on Inn I was never mai innso wno aro responsible for it should be promptly dismissed, nnd ,more careful or conscontions tuoD pat in their pUces The iron trade is rcportol to bo in a very healthy condition at pres ent All the pig iron manufactured it speedily consumed, whilst all the rail mills aro working to tin ir fullest Canacitv. with moro or W thin tlmv cm filL Compared with this tiru.j last year the prices of iron rails have advaccud fivu dollars per too, steel rails three dollars, an 1 pig iron one or two dolliars. Tho product of pig iron, bar iron and rails this year is etpocted to exceed that of any prev ious year in tho history of tbe country- The Chamb'r-bnrg J(epoitori ays tno census of IHMJ will incrcasa the tnombers of Congress from the Northern Rates, while tho South will lose. It is estimated that the popal ttion of tho I't.iUed Stat. s next year will not fall below 4C,50'l,0M ir the number of representatives in the popular braieh of Congress be fiif-d at 300, the North will have a pain of 14 members, the South los ing 7 members, ranking practically a ffaio ox il mt-enbera for tde Noitb, This will giva the Northern States fall a twe-tbirds vote in tbe elector al college. Pome of the New Kntf land State, it is estimated, will lose oo acooant of tho heavy emigration to tba west Kansas and Iowa are expected each to gain foor nit cabers, Illinois, Michigan and MionasoU Mteh throe members. This read just meet ia do to taka plaea until after tba Beit Presidential election. II it a-era opwrstiva next year, Ue ttoltil Boatb added to th electoral vote of all tb Northers State which tb democrat have acy duoe of oarryiof . would not elect a CaeSeJ brifadtar or oo of Lia aorta ax a aJtel'rtaidsat. TERRIBLE storm. Hashsmcim, Juljr 1 1. The storm which prtsHod through tho Juniata valley thin altorooon did an iininonss amount of damage in this course. It wu particnlaily tlostmctiva in Mi 111 i n, about fifty mile wont of tin city, on, tlio Pennsylvania Kill- road. I no slot ro coiiiiniiea bijoiii half au hour, ik-sti-uying much prop erly nnd fruit. The roofs of the I'lTribvlciinn ami MoUioiIihi timrcii- oa were blown off, nnd both build ings badly damaged, especially tho foiinur, which ocupios an tuposod i).)Hition. 1 ho laithorrtn Cliurclt ul- Ho suflfurod by tho storm. Ibo roof nfijravbill Hall wni swept away. Portions of two other buildings . 1 . wcro blown nown, no'i scvoniccn moro or less damaged. Tho tin roof ol the ruttorsun Hotel was raised and tho hoitso flooded with water. Portions of tho roof of tho railroad company's shop and fctablo woro blown off. Mm. isrosswcli. nged R1' yearn, was instantly killed by a pioco of timhor wuicn was hurled through her houso. llor faro was mullilrtted almost boyoud recognition. Among tho heaviest losers wero Showors fc Hholl, car liugo mannfactnrers. In I.owistown two or three buildings wcro blown down. Hundreds of trees wero tip rooted by the storm and tho tola graph poles and wires woro pros trated for long distances. YELLOW FEVER PANIC Memphis. July 10. Tho Hoard of Health this morning issued tho lowinc : for- 'lo the rnjh: of the City of Mt tupiis : We would Bay, quietly romovo your families to places of snfuty, until wo can at least boo whether the few cases of yellow fever will assume an epidomic form. Th pooplo along tho lines of tho dif ferent routes of travol, we can say thc.l0 CIU1 h0 ti.linr7(.r 0f i foP UJllu ,n,.g to como . infection stcosD rEsrATcn. MrMrtus, July ID. Five now aro reportod this morning, and ono death, nn iufant of Judgo J. K, IV lUy, of tho Criminal court, who, togethor with anothor sou is prostrated with tho disease. A perfect stampndo of cili.ons is in progress, trains boing unable to carry away buudroda who aro roady to leave. Tntno PESl'ATCII. .Vlmmih, July 10 At this hour, (two p. m ) thore has boeu nochango in tuo sanation, i no great uoHira of every one is to loavo the city bo fore the fever spreads. Ni Yohk, July 8th A private letter from Mr. John KusRel Young, who is travoling with (Jon. Grant's party, says that Uou. (irant has concluded to visit Austra lia before returning to this couutry. and that bo probably will not reach America nutil the r-;"t.f I--w... U.lUJHUU4lltS WIIICU Ml. Young has mado it is believod hore that General Grant wi!I rcmniu abroad until after the Republican nominating couventiou as. in tho e vent bo is nominated ho will luve tho honor of being chosen while out of tho country, nnd in tho event ho lis uot nominated ho can return with j tho prcstigo of his foreign tour tin affected, uud can retire to private lifo without suffering from nn ap j parent defeat of bis umbitions pur poses. Mr. Georgo W. Childs, now ' nt I.onrr Uraneh. said to n friend yesterday that after visiting Jupitu , h0 thought thnt Gen. Grant would return to China, and then go to Aus tralia, ns he know him to bo uxioua to visit Australia. The Coal Tkahb. Tim i'uil.t 11 nhiu Is licr says "tho nnthratito coal trad.; presents a most en - aging outlook. A'l tho dements of a proni)orou9 traiio Rtainl out eon- before BO light, except, perhaps, during somo long strike The piers at Port Richmond aro nearly baro of coal ( the Lehigh Valley Kailroad ., i r. -i i Company, tUO renusylvama ItiUlroad Cumpany, anJ tho I.elugri Naviga tion Company all and severally make tho satuo stutoiuent, namely, that their ordurs f jr coal are so very full that they cannot meet them; they also annonneo en increase in the 1 Ibices of from five to Cftofin conts l"'r ton- 'l l)0 yew Yt" k coul cora" I-anies also announce higher prices.' Tho New York M'orlil bus repeat edly Bought to taitko a point of tho fuct that tho Democracy havo a L'nion soldier in Ohio on its State ticket, while tho Republicans have not nominate ! a soldier on their ticket. The face of this is correct, says the Hanihbnrg Trlegeaph, but what is behind it 1 The Democracy nominated Kwing for Governor be cause bo dsnounced the great prin ciple for which he fought, and bas become a crawling dirt-eater at tbe feet of the men in whose faces he flourished the sword of a Union sol dier. It waa for thia act of abject submission, aa a doughface, and not for its valor as a soldier, that Tom Kwing ia to day the candidate for Goveroor of tbe betnoerata of Ubie, Eleven Lorsos were destroyed by fir in Jillersbarg, Dauphin county, on th 6th inat Seventy-five cars war wrecked oo tba Iteadmg railroad, at Hamburg, on day last week. Over forty persona, injured by fireworks were admitted to tb I'eon sylvania and St 3ary'a Hospitals, ia Philadelphia, on tb fourth. A IWks eoontr man tb other oigbt bad arrested and Coed twenty youog me, wno war giving bis Mwly-OaaxriaM sou a "caiaUiumpiaa aareattie. A Great Lterary Work. A work that tTerr lovtr of good lllr nr wsnif si onaiaul eommomt, btcsnt, blt il It snperUiiv tj s'.trulir anl IntercrilriK in IimII, It i slao kty nn-l lodrt to H oibrr f eod RnstUh llttrsturt, nftMing on to rn and Judgo for blinelf whl kulhor 1J books r moil dilr ul lrfifhlr to red mcli li Ibo sew ACMK edition of ClMMBIRl'l rtCLOrtMA or ExuiiiM Litisati'RS. In ill Doitrly 1,1)00 pgrt it gift Mogrfhlt of 11 noitd llriiiih snd Amorieitn suibori from furllt-t llrno lo Ibo rrtarnt, with ihoic nd cbnricttrWlio iclnettom from tbtir wriUiign, thin, bting a oonecolriiiion of Ibt boot produotinnt ol niod'irn in pulillnbcd lo ollit bund sod boul ti f ill Klmo. volutnei, nt prior) 10 low to rrcm realty tloninliing to niorl book buy- trg, tii in fnptr, cpmpleto, $'i,oo cloib , f l.oo i bixlf morocco, 94,76 ; hitlf morocco, tbt four volumo edition, $1.75. from llirre low rtc a diaeotml of lo per cent, wbrn ordered In clubf of fir or more. It ii not told by dvitlera or tgenta, but only In buyer direct, by tb publitk era, tb Avikica Uool ExcHAaiir, ii Deckmitn Creel, New York, who will aend peoimen ptgra, io free, on request, Sberiffs Sale ! BY virtue of writ of H. Fa, iaaned nut of the Court of Cnmmnn Tien of Mnjriltr enantr. anil lo m tirnctetl will Ixti-P"e-I to Fill. Mo M'o. t th 'oort Homo, la tlw Ho rough ol Alldilleburg, on Suturttiii, August 2nd, 1879, nt lon'rlni-k A. M. th followlni ilrerliii1 K. l I'mmr, lo wit : A rlin l'r.ict ill Ituxo in rnt. Towniihlp. Mny.ler county, !'.. lKun lfl North bt IkihI f wl.low Kooni. l lit John Morar. South bf Un.l ot .l.'hn Vnlir km wont hr laml vl John Bwen- ' gle, onuinlnx 100 A.-rc, ranr or lana, wharaon am creotait a Rood Two Mury House, Jliiiik Dam and other moHiulMloni. Naite.l ami tnken In veontlon anil to be ol 1 I lha I'roixrtT olSanuol If. Knula l. lliiI.K.Mit.l!. CharlO. Shdrlll'l Oin 0, Ml.l.llaburK. Julf 17, 11 J. Assignees Sale! rnilK undersigned, ARsigneo of 1. tl-nry II'iui.op, will xpw t i I'lihlla Male, the fuilontnic ilr.orlhel Uaal tule altuata U tcava Hall, Wait Ueayer lowoUlp SuJ.r couoiy, I'a,, va Saturd ij-, August Oth, 1873, All that Tract -jt l.atiJ with IhillJInKi anil ap. purtrtiiiacca known taa tioiKrara lloial ml btora ulauJ, altuata a alorua.lil, ouuiaiu lug Sixtoeu Acres, moreorleaa, a.ll lnln lan or Henry Iln(er on the Mart t I ail ol Wllllaui Treatier un tua North and halt I'uullo iua.l nn tuo South, I whireoo aro erootej a larn To aiory wa erlmaidail dwelling llonso, Store Room, Stable, ami other outbulUln. A l-o a Town Lot con talulng Uno fourth Acre, altuata In the ol Alnn.lurK . e .unty an'l itaia aturealtl. iua lixl Kttila hureiiitit.r UtjfCiI'M"! it laluaulaau l Uj.lraiila propntyt Cunili'loul uia4 aoon 'ly aain, MUJtj Sl'KClil', Jaw 17. l;o. AMlKUua. Aiitlitor'n Notice. 1 tht iihilli'r nf the ! ii;inj ..(' a) C, I.. Jirir. Ill till! t'llllll lf Clltlthllnt I'l il of Siiihlt r C'i. rpiIK nndi-rsignod Auditor appoint- L ed l.y ti e''. urt to dttriut tho luoda in i tho hin l of A.l uu II. Waller Axixno ' ul I'. I, I'err. will meet tho pirtl la Intore.t for Hi i .ur.enf liia aprointuient at hla ottl.-a In the lioroiiKtiol Aliddliiir, on rl.' iHV Y. Al'. tlt'M' ;th, l7i. atuo'ehick A. M. where all 14 rruna havlnic elultna against anld eatdie are re lueried to .reent them duly aotheotio iti'.l ot tie I.. raver domrrel troui euil.i( In for a I (hare ul .aid luol. JAI.OU tilt.HKHT. July 17, Hl. Auditor. Aatlitor'n Notice In tin tnnltir of the iis- I 1,1 tin fiitii't of C;"111' i nl'iti: of Jim- t'liiiiuoni I'l h i)l l'i nfer. of Sinj'ir Co. fpilE nndersignod Auditor appoint- 1 e l l y thet-.oiri to d itrlhute the ttinda In tl.e han la nl I., vl hei.lor Aa-lnao ol Milium lliilnea. will moot tu . partial In Intsreat ..r WXNWW'k "tv1. AIIH 1 uth.lH!.. till uVUk A. M. whan an lwl.ere all paraona h.vlnx elalma aitalntt rl 1 1 eatnt are rniio'ted t re-otit u.o a duly authonth-a el or h lor ver iletiarrel Iroul couiltiK I r aihiro ol aali' luol. jatu.i uiLin:itr, July 17, ;u. Auditor. Auditor Notice In the iiHiltrr ol the r. I In the Omhiini' tnh f 1'il.r ShajfirA Court of S,nj i ilintmtt. tlrr tw'ntij. jHlIE Auditor appointed by tho ,--.'' '""J ," aue dnirii,Uti,0 .,r ti,e fonda la the ban la ul llanry li. hhtfler. Ad. : uiolatrator l aaldeatate, hereby Klva that he will meet the art lea lniarata 1 on MiiSDAT, AUilUST 4th, u;k at 10 o'elooa, A. M. at the uftloe ut C. f. Ulneu, Ka.i , In the liorouifh of Krlioinrov, H i yder County fa., when and where all luierened may atiead If thay Iblnk proper. . , ,. U.O. DIETRICH, Jnly IT, IV. Auditor, Aiiditoi''H Notice In re, of the, a.'titpinl folate, of Aiiriilmm Kur. In the Court of Common I'lrnt of L'nion Lk. fpiIK Auditor appointod by the X Court to mak rlia-rlhutlon of th tonda In thakandaotM. I., heh .rli and t. T. Smith, A I'lanrra 1 1 tald a.'ale. will meet all partita iLteieated lor tli u(.SIa ai polntmant, at hla nftie In Lrwlahurr, on Itl.hliAV, A L IU a'l lutu. IM7I, alio o'eloea A. M.,whta and where al partli are r.ulred to laalie tnelr elalna, or h debarred Irout eumlog la oe aid luad. DAKIEL W.OfX. Juifio, i:. Aeditor. Manhood : How Lost, Huw Restored I IfD: Juat ruhliahe'l. a new llilon of Ur. C ulveratcll's ( clrbra- ted Kssav oa ib radical aur eiibouttniicini of firsts to SBMose or Heminal Waaknaaa, Ineuluaiarjr HeinU o al I.oaaea, Iwroraser. Meulle ami I'hy ieal looapaeity, Impelmenla lo Marrlax. alo. alao, CuiavMrrin. KriLaear and fira, lalueil by elf ioilalgens er si ul aiirataganee, Its. MTl'rie, la a eeala'l enrelop, only il.X cent. Tb eletir' t author, la I hla admlr hl Kaaar, elaarly rlamoia ratee, from a bin yaara' ueoful praoilea, (bat tb Uroiing oBijeteea nf self abuae may b radically ur. taiibom tb danger. oflateraal medieia r lbs sp plioaiioa of lb balf ; polatlsf sals od of tar si one (iuipU, eartala, ssd ftal, ba, ansy sure bloiMlf ebtaply, sriealaly. So) tWThU Isriurt uittvrop a boon Iu tluiusamU arut thmuaiyu. Meal ss4r seal, la a plala eavt lap, le aay HnK, fipt4, a rssslpler SIX eeaie or twe powia; aiarapa. Addrea lb robllaber. TUKCOLVCftWCLL MEDICAL CO. 41 Asa K., Ka Trk rtti84 4M J. ll'-i"f ( Vo't. AJdtrtisctncntt. Malitlari wnandail it lnjrat ean obtain r siMonr on.lw the new law to i1t from dl rhr A'l Ira.a at nn.-, Willi I tarn p. (or oiaaaa ana new eoitiiera eirru'an. w. c. BiiiuK.n a fo. I'ltlabnrai, Pa. Oldest Claim Agent In the State. $2 mo A YEAR for honest, lutclli ant bnlnti man or acania. New b n. ititn. Ilrht work. A a-t Co l Ir a. Tiva Auaxur, Maillaon, ln.1. Juua H,T J.4. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Let- Xliiri of alTlnliraion on th tat of Krotlarlck KalMrulfUto or A'Uaaa toohlp, Kny.lar Count r 'l''t hartna; Rrant 4 to th un.lnrlinad, all pationa knowlna thain'alviK ln ti.t I to naM lute ara r.iia-t-) ta tnaka Iminaillat .ayRinnt, while th barliiR alaltn' will prc-nl thaiu 'lull autkantl eatail lr laltlaiuout tu I.l.MsMtrs'K, Mat W, '79. Ad olnl-tral-r TXECUTOIVS NOTICn -letters I J ttatnantrr nn th tata of raiharln t.tclmjr lataof Ve.l ll-arar twp., .xny.'er Pa., ilooil. hb8n irranll t the uo.ler. Unail.AII otrn knowing thamalvai In loM. al to lalil ntita will . ! mak ImmwIUte payment wblla thoneharliiic nlalina aaalnntinlil tat will uraaant thf-m lor otllom .nt In II L.I t Y S. HflULCHIVKR, Julf 10, 1879. Kiuoutor ASSIGNEE NOTICE. ALL pr-rRons intcreattd are bore hynotinal that luaao Haavar or Frtnklln Tnwnthlp, xnyilar l'o., anaarUntnent or all hi. rT'-t, rail ao l Krannal In tiia un damlltna.l lor lha hane Dt ol l.l rra.llt..r. All paraona harlna plalma are r oa-tl lo praaant lham Kha anlralKnal, an I peron lulahtail will leaa mak Imioe lUla payment. JUH.NS.Dl.AVrit, Jl;lo,'t. AMlsne. In the PiMrirt Court nt the t'nltnt Slal' S, for the Western District of I'mnsilrania. IJKTFR flAKTMAN of Hny.tar eonnty a Hankrni't umlar the Act f Conur.. nf March S I. I'T. havlnx appllail ror a iluoharua rrotn all hla itohta, and mhar elalma pioTahla umlar the nhl Art, lly or.h r nl the tJonrl Nnilca la haraoy Riven to all I'reilltnr who have proraJ thoir di-hta, ami other parnona ln tarcat. il. to aj.paar nn the 17th. lay of .loly l"t. at lOo'rl.M'k, a. in , before W. ('. Itetwel. lar ri., Hnltar In Hankrnptry. at the office, or A. t. Hlmpaon In NorlliiiinierUnl I'l nnnyl rnnia. tn almw cinie II any tlie hare, wnv a Ill.rhatua aujulil not ha (irmite.l t.i the aalj llankrupt. W. V. MtL'AN lll.K??. July ,':. Clerk. Til lh' iVi (urt of thf t'liilnl Shitrs, forth HVufern Distrietnf I'mnsytviiniii. If 3. R, ZKI.I.KIl nl ful.n annnty, a Mank - rimi unilrr th. Aft or l.oriri-M ot Mtrrh Vn.l. l-4t. kili appllail tor a lt. fnra In. in ail hla itftita, anil thrr clalina pmvntiin miitnr aid Art, Hynr lernf th Court, NolW la h.-ro-l.y i(lvin to all Crlltor who liarn iirovpit dt.M, ami tlhr praona ititirrtril, to appear on II. I Mi day of l.ilr, K., at III o'clock, a. M. Iii fora W. il. i..t..l.r, E-q . Kmla'ar In llaliVrnrti-y. at tlm oftl o ot A. '. Slinp..i, Km). In Northiiiiili..rlaiid, F''iiii"i Ivao Ia, to caiia.. If any tlty hive, v lire lllarharKe ahould U..I lie (iraiili'il lotlio rai l lUokroi". . O. Al.UA.Mll.FHS, July, 1479. ...k. Auditor's Notice. ,.'ii(-' Kttati' of I J'ltfr lliirttiiau. In tin' ( 'in. of Com man I 7 .m of Sny tlrr Omntij. fllllE indereijjned Imvintr boon np 1 pointed Auditor by the tlourt ..f Comtn..n I'lraa of .flider o unty to illatrllijt In fund. 1 .nio In the or KeuLon K 'ailor, Aaalnea of Peter Hartman, l a.o inat thoe entitle I tn the lain., hereliy ail v -a notloe that h w. nteet Itir the purpo-t or hla appnlnlniant at hli o:ll.aln tie rtirl llou.a. at MPIdlaiiurir mi r It I II A Y Al'e? -th. KU. at U u'eloek A. M. when and where thoee lutoresta I may attend II they thmk proper. I., s. MVtni, July in.iu. Auditor, XSSIOXKB SMJ3 OF REAL ESTATE -(). THE nndcrsigned, to whom Henry Ifruu- of -la.'aa'on tr.teT.tatil:'. -nidi a dee' I id Vuluitlary aaa tftilio-llt l..r tun Lunetit ul ore in t r a. wuicpa 1 1 t'u'i 11 : cele, ou the iruiu trea. un I Satnrdiy, Atii;iiHt -Jnd. ISTfl, . the h llowlra ilraerli.e.l ite altu .to In ' .lick'on tatii ni-.r Weir.ic. lite, bn.Kar : county, la., coot-tl'iiu-f l-l I Acics, tno-e or ea, wlt'i ti Ifio irt.TAn -a ! n nl-t I e.1 N rth l.y i'enr.a t.reok, houth liv .in. of Jai' di Kline and oth r. t-:tar t,r land ol .lolto livi'-hlci an I V. it. W iirner, n I We.t hr land ol llnrnl..irt Kllno, whoreon are ereuled a 1 : tck lltniHo, liink It.nii, and ntl.or nerra'nry oiitt.fil1.lin a A revor falling we I of eK eilont wa'.er al the dour. A (Jood On-hard, nr. hitna Irult tra In a thrlrln e.nlillon. I Thla traot ot Ian I la In a lit ! nl rulllr i- tl-.n, natural tort tie aoil. e inveni int t m .rk eta, ar-ho d, mill, einroha., aitu tia l-i i hetlt' loe.ility, and an enter. -ruin-i eotuiniintty. Sal to ei muenoe at I ' n' I 'k A. M of raid d ly whon due aitnd.n'-a will no ajlvoo and teruia ul aale uia.lo known he OIIOKUK II. II E KFt R. July lO.'TK. Ainunre. CRAV'a 8PECIFIO MIOICINt VM nnailaeUak . TRAOE MARK. TRADE MURK. ReaieSyt la W . hi'lb. mm laa ' ' tamlaal ThI a an. Hpannftiae. rl., tmpaMary, an4 all atMaaaa taalfclHieaaaie. , aaavia af Halt- rleforaTalilnir. ibuaai taUaaaf After lakl(. Sarr. Ualiaraal UaUlactt, Pala la Ika Back. Duaeaaa a) Tiatoa. rraaiawra fit Aea, aa4 may Mfear Ptaaaaaa tkal ad u laaanllj r Oa.iiBptKie. aa4 a PraMalaraOrara. p7 p.u rarllcalara la au, .am.l.lal, which tlr aradeMkyaialllaaaarTaaa. C7Tt.a H acta, Mlleta. U M by ail eraciLla al 1 aat paekae. ar all paaaaeaa fTT i&, ar al I ta aaal frat by BaU aa raaai.l af Urt ajwaay by eVMT SjvaaAa iua van aRiui ia iu., MavaaaN a Baaca, Daraarr, Mere. J-S..M In Mlddleburj and arerywhe. l.y Juu 1,'TU ly all orniulan. ve.a.vaa,aaJvea,aJa' i mn fun nrnieir ULU MRU ntLIROLti a JJ)a. HAsronn's Litkb InvwonAToiij ?i a Stunilir l Family lV'mt'ily for It: . a.iT- r. . . uaiuv aiu i:io ui vr-r, nu-iuncii V ia si praetio'. and by the pnblie.f mora tliaa 83 years,. wiui anpseeuiid ramlls s. r.v. iMfets, M.0., iiJtmw: 2 Ml Hnatal aiu tiu tar maint uiaa. !TwV AW juanuv aiii i:io ui vr-r, nwiuacil aVfy J iutl r.ntrels. ft is I'titvly Vega.tvl)lo.It never il jDiit.iiitnt-s-itw er P H Vtt Cuthartioand jCtfji fit. pjy,'( i 1 uw. varvHaaaaajaa'ivta avv Dunchy A Co I Advertisement FARM 909 n flOKll. Map ann) pamrhlata free, uiaremount, v a. tOC (Pfl tC.fnn I ln.llcloolr Ineeetwl la JiD iU VjUDU I Wall Ht., laya th. f.ioana tloa for anha ant.! fortana arery weak, anil ryt an I noiani parcantava of prohta hy h Naw Oai.ltalliatlon Nyst.'ia of nparatlo In Htoekl. f ull axplanatloi on epplloatl.m to A HAMS, IIHOWN UO., Uaukwra, i lltoad WANTED; ONE SALESMAN luraaeh itt. Salary irnm 7i m iw par IMvntti ami imn"x Hafermi rnalra.l. A Ill'.I.Ur. M VN( FACrUHl.til to. w tlark, t'hloano. & Students ! ." , 81(M or '()() ill I j ill I'fclt MdNTII .Inrlri't V W ri'iV. For lull rarMfiilnre ail IraM. J. U. PI' 1 1 K l( V I o, lillalal.hl.t, ra. BENSOH'3 CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER (UltKM MK AN1 WBtK It t iiT.tTt.v. r.v Ai.t. ini-. (11-iTM MKA Ut:iiY fc JOHNSON, I r.'i.'e. U l-latt l N, V. 1200.' return In Sitlaya on ioo lnvim.l. nm.. il It-p rt an.l Inform k'lon tree. I.lka ir Itta wenklr on HI '.ok ot ilo of l to ti.i. Adlrina, r, 1'iir rtill WKlllllaCO, lankere, U ',,l mi., n, v. A GREAT OFFER! .ui upwitil i li a von aw:, upwar l-, nt o-e I a yn.r, Kood aa oa wnrf:nied. NV.VV I'l A MIS and I Hill A Nl at l.X I H AUK III N A li V l.liW prlcea for i-a-h. i:talon.. Mallxd. IIUUAl'K W A I'l IiH, Aut., 41 KiutlltUM , N. Y. I-. . II X JO. AOMmvtnril Forthn-t and 'a.t. eatavliiua Hlotorltl Hooka and". I'rl'ea rvliifed :i;l per cant. NATinaaL t'Liii.iauiMi Uo., I'hllailelphla, Pa. NATIONAL LIFE lathe title of a new I'amphlet of Jj pa. 1 1 rontalna tli lilnuraphr ol all tbe lrrlilrila nt the I'nlted statea from W aalilttuion tu llnyra with their portmlie ( l'i In all) auitrae. ad Kipreaaly l .r thla work, alao l'i portrait, or Canadian notahllltlna. The National I. lie will l rant to any addreaa lr m ill, nn r rlpt nl let. t. imp. Addr.'ie II. II. UTKTaka, lloa. toD, Mm. 411 T.I ttflflfl TnvtMl In WH Street Will IU iplUUu Mtnrke makaa fortunaa erery expla 1)0 , Addrvae, UAlf;Kk B treat, New Voik, i)ankora,l7 Wall Sanford's Jamaica Ginger. QoTifnr'o The only eoml. (nation nl the JtllllUlU 9 true .latnalot (llnaer lth ehole Arom.ttea ami Krenoh Brandy tor rholara, t'hnlert Tomnlnl, t'ratnpa nnd faint, alaUlalla Diarrhoea and Oyaentary. Iiya. tpala, V Union iy. W lot ul Tone aid Activity In th ninrrar tomvh and Hwrt.. and vililvla avoiding the danuora olehanK of Water, 'uvd aul Jllmle, Aik lor Sanford's Jamaica Ginger. JAMAICA GINGER Klllnrgril May lt, l1U. I'rlia llllrlieii;rl. The oi ly rntiiMnatlon ol th true .Ta'iael. (linwer wltli rtioirM arotnatlea and r.noli hratni. lor cotri-elltta lnl mperate hatiita, ra fnhiiinir the atiimaeti and bowela hreiklna up ei.ld. ehlila, e lid tuvorrt, la riaM.miu'e .1 a mai i'aiIimikh. For relierlna k'.uty and il.oo mattr piilna prvvcntli a malarlnl lovera nnd promoting rlcep II l truly wuiiderlul. Ak lor,a. lINANCES of MidJIcbiiig Borutiuh J- audit. d April 7, laTU. Uirrsi'rrs Aiivtniti. llnpineedue 11 roiteh nn diipllo:ite of I-iTi. a r ai-tilnnrnt June ilh. ', A. I. e. i.t. i ni. Am. otit ol d i.ll.' no .rl74 Mull :itilti.hv li, V. .1, M o i 4 HI 9i'4 i' CII. !f rroeipt" 1 1 0 T .'i j.r I'.iiii A M N. eli-!iul-ut'h a- rip ea 1.. Ml 1'. I ram " tu hi Total amount duo I'onr I'uml Ilirui'ih Ai'''Hil. Ilalanee due II -rou-h nn duidietit'1 of ia e.U. v.. urm.oiio . rmur U. . I. u w Iu han la of 1. I. Mottu t;it. lly allowanoe m i t to I. I'. smlt'i L 1'jro.iau uou .yii 1 1 te lu.' lloroitKh t-t -Ji H is ill 17 IS 6- SI I .1 IM I H J..?. oil j 4 1 IttiUn-e tuo Itoro.ivrh on du.l''ate nl ir. w. itrane'io former t;ot. now in haiulaol J. I' Mnlth A mount ol n.. r . tilth i'ui.Iic no lor Is it, .1. 1'. 3iu;tli. i.ol. en. lly amount of order J rent eol.ei'tion t ",1 liala&ce dun II r.iuuh Hal. iu e due II .n . It on dtt to i.l rTI aa tier auitl.-:oiti! A n ll U. I,.?. r.auiu I I Lo eo t ol. llalanro duo lio:.ju'i aa per xoitlo. ui nt At ril II, la;,, Ugj. .Uo.tu luiuier Ire.iaurur Total amount duo liorouifh. Sihoijt Fowl Ainlitiil June t!, 1S7'.'. lialanoe due on duid.cate of 1.;:, I.iuariuel Nrnoeli dinner I.ol. djw in baml. ol J. f. hiu.tu 110 :o (lit. lly reepti from Tn aaurer S on lly error an lly allowanoea m i m llalaneadus iih Dalunea do on duplleat of la; aa r eeiiieruetii June 4, 174 H. Haueb ilol. now la hand ol r. W. ttiawht 40 'XI tilt. ry re. Ipte S7 m lly 6 pur cent eoll. etlnn I lie jo 00 llalanoe dua 1 xi llalanr due ..n dupil. at ol 1 ri ua p. r an Helmut Juua 4, l7i, N. f. ll.ira, Col. iwat , (JU. I lly receipt 1 00 too Balance dua 11 a7 Amount ol dn. Urate (or 1 171, I tuianuel Hehuek uil. SiOtM CH. Ry eolleetlon I ufT II at lly per rent 00 167 4 T ar By eolleollon 11 to laife. Balanoa du ll!l 64 Trmmtrrr't Arimmt, llalanoe due aa r arttlement June 4 a;a, Kaianuel Mobooh Tr-aaurer 12 tH WHO Iua ,a 1 tai si 10 1RI Al 3MIM t'aahi.r J. HI Smith Mala aiipruprlallua CaahN IMIare raak l. W. Spoeht mu r'a us uupiteai, ibt ()U, Ry rdera paid Ks 411 My per el. oui. fur '77 on lot oo 70 lly 1 ' ai 1. jik ft 4 tu Hy " ' " '7"l.(.l lim By " ,17141 H Ualaar da Total amount dua Sahtiol fanil tMSS "T7 Ho 7 WH Hi Uhdraluail Anilltnra baelMaxaiav. Inel the loreejolnir aoeounta louud Iheta true and ei.rra. I a- alma atataxl tu tb beat l ur kaow ledge aod bl lef. J11IIM HdHBJ, . H. n. HiiiiHiH, kOUSUT SIIAMIIAfll, Jsacll, 170. Auditor. A DMINIHTUATOn'8 NOTICE. . Viet lata of aSnilaletratloaea tkcaataUel Wia. iMr. let 1.1 Waea lavrer lw. sn eewaly, fa. if '4 kae keen arabM te tb BlrlaB4. All swreoa k ! ikawmetrea piwreoae aaaaiai aavaaaeif ea ut vlll pleaiae aaake Ik. til Ikee karlaai alaiaaa OIU preeeat Uea f aetw- Haeaatafl aa earn txtaw arm aa-eiav pay veal wklMt aaraiaat aiul t44) )IU r 4 ' s OSOaOB W.tKlltlSII. jsly l, . a. aVtsilaiaWa!. Great .Reduction in W V M N H TT 07 06 IB ! I1.-1 -- I would take this opportunity of an nonnciDg to the public, that I fitill continno In tho Furniture DusinoRs W(,r;.ivp.- nnd tlmt my fctock in full nnd com pleto, nnd tlmt I I luron it HnttN I rMHliir Cnw Hni Hi Coll nnd rompnrA my goodi with those of other dpnlers before par dinning. Look for the Sign, oppoaile Noetlin'j'B School Building. lleepecl fully. lliVf IllililKH, July 10, '-fl.lf. Moliimgrove. I'n. S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, 1879. SUMWMt 1870, J take pleasure iu nunonnciug to tho publio generally that I om now fully prcpaiod fur tho SUMMER TU PE. I keep constantly on hand tlio largest assortment of Notions and Fancy Hoods iu tho conuty, nnd repo poeially this season I havo n larger stock than ever before. Ladies Linen Suits. Ladies Linen Suits. iti lni'rUfo vnrli'ty. PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS. SUMIflER SHAWLS. SUMMER SHAWIS. Summer Skirts- Summer Skirts, Fans, Fans. Fans Corsets & Kid Gloves, Corsets & Kid Gloves, a specialty. Having tho Agency for one of tlio lurgsst Now York Corset Louhuh, I would call particular atteution to my Dill GOOD department which is full and coniph to. CALICOS & MUSLINS in lui"er varieties than other ih:i:ss (HtooDs. i.avx!S, recuus's, etc. Crent naipnins in OAltl'lu'I', OIL CJI-O'I'II Si Call nnd boo what wo hnvn to ofTor, whethov yon pmchaso or not. Ijooda uud our prices will unit you. Ot. Id. '73. WEST pIEKSKY MARl AND TRANSPORTATION lIIOItrrVTN,r TO I'A I?f I'lTtH. M'e are now i.retiired tu nellver Ihla lually r-flr l.rated Marl at dnta olotu toe S. th. U.K. at , tin An aoalV'I'ot luo im. umla ol thia Mirl taUnn ir.111 a umiorm aliro rut Inun the lii'eoi IB bank, uido l.y lleorK It. liook. Stat tlooloi.t ol .lie Jroy, ahuwa aa lulluwa ! VllOaPllinilt Aciti, Si 1.11 it' AriUi I oT.iatl,. I.l M. , Al AtihKl A, 1 a 10 the. 4 VI11 II a. ti 7 lo Ilia. 2 A in I i.e. .I.'-IO iua. Tha Weat leray Marl ronmany hav their Warl ent Imm the top In th haltom nt the 14 an ! thuruUKluy tuled, und tho 1 li!-e themaelyee tu fupply Mirrl equal to the ratui.le anal- ''n'la Marl la adopted to all rlaaaea of ..ll and ernpn, anil nurnerooa teatluonlalaean he ihoai from raiuera and truukuian ul Ita reuaarlthoir worth aa a PERMANENT FERTILIZER. Iteennatltuante ol 1'honphorlo Aold and l olaab alon .aakelt at one th fheapeit and beata manor, a. ard of actual n ine to tue lauuera ul i urihor lulunuailuu, ac, wl.l l k'"i ly Sept. 12, '73. , THCBCtT solo ar 131 500.00. -aae.a. ifficstmUet'iBtMS-n4rti FOS fARTICULARB '""""n" AODRiia WHiTtStwiNO Machine Co. 1 IIAlllIO REAPERS AaD WOWEU8!! Sol. at Greatly Rcflucctl rriccs ! WR still tba (bniiiplon Krapors V MowararliaAPKK tkaa say euiauaey new anna. red In the iiiamilaelura ul luaubla la th I'alteH HtaletUA N MA.I.U r.raaera aooauii your perennal Intareeta, yaur eoo-eetenaeaan your pura, an alan ine our Maehln.a lioiura pumhealug any oilier Kaeinlnener alanhlaaa for yoareelaae don't Ut leui reeled al dlaeaa aa. yint, by avm Memo In e'B anil pralali.; tbelr own, from V WE GUARANTEE 8ATISFACTICM ta all avae. rll aeertaiBl ot Maehlaei akd 1 ....l aaaataall aa bans . tut tanker laar tleiil.ra apply U . If. klSHb 4 ib I ealral Ki.ti, tll4idlbsi, trl ta yo at Mill- ,f , , hi a 51 r. tt'tm. selling ell rov nt the VERY Low. EST PRICKS, i fuct chenpor tlu8 tho prtmn grado of goods ciin he por fdinscd Anywhere ia Snyder Co See thj fiillowing prire :u niil Upward. Fans Fans. Fans lionsn iu tho county. A full lino of Out Uer.pce! fully. H. "WI3IK. Al.ltHIKI. I'ltllTIIXIPB or luo 11 Vi a rKit, Total . ao-ioiu. 17 .in li a. a Mu n t. 10U Ilia. over (1 r uuaboi or .o r ion. J. CI.OUSK, Apt , Middlcbnrpr, 1MOSKS Bl'HClIT, Agt., Boavertown. . t SIM PLC . t.. ... WASSHMTfS ka. 4AfJ. Ik ' 'KaSaW al tU H M NT Cuveland, ohio. PRIVATESALE ! Ararut loaled' lit Perry lownahif, KnyUor sounty I'eun'a., bouii'lad" f.dlowa to wit 1 Un th North l.y land r l'" tloy A. I. Ilurnlrr and frauoia Markiaii on th Wa-l .y laniTol MloUael Arbosaal " Jokn llelnet. on th Koulh by land l ,Jrl', Wearer, oa th Kael by Uad l Ahaet U"' bergvr. Coutulalag UO ACRES. andaore rarahaa, A W HuriHB new llo PenMiorn lloua. ai.dllklekea Me waab 11. ua end Smoke lloua, Hprma M' wllk kiomI ateler, alao aowl runnlns '; th liar yard. Two lirebarda an tb wllh ell bind f JliaoS Apld!, Vzjk Pear a About 141 Aaree alear a ad la aiataal UIUatwaaa4 all sadr ou Ualaae la eaai ai l.aaeanww waiaw rmm - I I a .ul.ll tb II '. f'" rXriN MkM U fella tu Blohaeld. a ad e,uH itil.ur Market. M TKHMM I.A-tor parllealar auorrai in uuoeraiuen. nr. im wm at . ."aeaa. a B A YtMJXtl jr.ive! 1 ( V a a