The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 17, 1879, Image 1

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    .tvo(ttMtnsr Rates
On column on year.
(lm--li.i"l ........ j ,
(,,,0-roiirlh column, one jour.
Our square (10 lines) 1 insertion
Hrry rlditlonl Insertion,
professional and Business card of
not mow than 6 line, per year,
i...l,inr Kcectilor. Administrator
and Assbrneo Notices, 2.50
Editorial notices per lino, 15
All transient advertising loss than
j months 10 cenU a line.
All muciw'i'viiw iwi rw mix n rr,-
rjnd than one year ar payable at the
time thpy are orrlored, unit II not paid
rfupouiible for the money.
rratar'a Maaailae.
Thret Angela.
Tbey T lB'( wor, I barret, irear anil
Ever th aama ea4 Mag u af old,
y,tr ibt aama loss; weary Ula la told,
Aal te oar lip) It held la a eap af strife
And yat little lore at a iweete lira.
Thar y or bi; grasp but Jojra
Tauih haa bat drtkau, J age a ab.
Ing rold.
Wbiak Dead flea rrult leag, long ago bat
red ,
Whoae sixht with wild tampealaoa atoroia
H tit;
Aad yei-a llllla hep eat brlgbtaa Ufa.
The "r w fling eurtalraa la wild da
pair Ami'lt lha brokaa traaaurat aoattarad
Wbr alt la wreekad, wbara all oaoa pro
mirad fair.
And Men ourselves with sorrow' two-
e.lied koife.
Aod yt a little tatianoe atrenctbana
Is It tbea true, tbla tale of bitter griaf,
Dt moral anguish Badiag relief t
U J midet tba wietar soloes the laurel
Three Angela abare tba lot of bumaa
Three Angel glorify tbe patb of Ufa !
Lore, Hop, and ratioDea obaar ua on
our way ;
Lore, Hope, aud Patienot form our tplrile'
ttay ;
Lore, Hope, aad Tatienee watob ui da
by day,
AnJ bid tba deaart bloom with beaat
Until tbe earthly fadei in tba eternal.
What iosoct does the blacksmith
manufacture He makes tbe fire
Tbe oi l coal pit of Botteford had
proved a failure after fifteeu thou
mod d dlars bad been expended on
it. The forsaken abaft, two hund
red feut deep, and a I to a tunnel in
the mountains of Bottsford, were tbe
ouly remaining tracosof work having
been tlone.
Newman Highborn, while roving
through these mountains became
n'P itntod from his companions. He
La I reached tbe forsaken shaft, and
win precipitated into the fearful
n'lyss. Ilia walking stick which
struck tho rongb side walls here and
there, broke the swiftness of the fall,
lint down, down he went to the bot
tutu, where, it is true, he reached
verv much mauglud, but alive.
Although agonizing with pain, ho
experienced a feeling of thankfulness
fir the pi osorv.itiuu of hie life. Still
Lh folt there w as n help for bitu
two hundred feet below the surf ice.
lln uiie only saved here to fimittli.
'J lirotighout the whole dreary uigbt
liu plauned hotv to encpe, but noth
ing occurred to bin), lie mast stay
Lure to pornh.
Tiio uoxt morning he consumed
tho bread which fortuuately be found
iu his pocket The space be occu
pied was but a few feet square, and
with the liolp of matches he soon ex
I'lured it most thoroughly.
Highborn, under ordinary cirenm-t-tuncoB,
was not easily discouraged,
but now the terrible eituaiiou in
which ho fouud himself, gradually
boxait to oppress hia spirit. The
tuciro he reflected on it, the more he
LmMiue dibcouraged.
llo beau to bu tortured by thirst,
and thore wus no water there, not
ovita a drop, wbiob usually trioklea
down so abuudautly in place of that
kind. ,
Tbe day passed, night came; He
cowurod down weary ami hungry,
mid full into a deep sleep, lie
drowned of a woolen stocking.
It was an old story which he had
oftun mail in his boyhood of a work
nmn in Kngland, who was left on a
high chimney aftor the scaffold had
Ilium removed, lie nnraveld bia
storking aud let down the thin yarn
to the ground With it be pulled
tip a cord, with tho the oord a string
mid with the string a rope strong
iimiiK'l ou which to deemmd. 8o
tnnlii.1 the story, and so, also, eudsd
liia droatn.
lie awoke.
What was the cause of his dreamt
I'uliud kuown this narrative for
initny years, lie did not ttud hlm
"lf ou the top of a chUiney. hut
lKi tlown in the earth. His eUtia
'" wss quite A he was
tliinking over the dream swallow
ftiiltttrtnl down the shaft aad Ml by
'( side to the -.round. The mur
I'lrd was frlghtene.1, hut not dead.
Muddtmly a thought llealted upon
the mind tf Newman iiighlmro, and
s thruat his hand over the swallow,
u was but a weak ray (4 hoit. 11
'""' his shoes aud ticktiiga, and
"wJ nwraveled the letter, The
tread h kid ovr eauh tlhr In a
I'hmilitr mahued so o to Uxmme
ile lahored induliioiW nd pa
luutlly uuul th two sWkli.g Kirut
) mi lung utriug, luia h rasteu
d mmuialy to the iU of U ltil.
M iUed it uudar U Mi
"l itmMthe hottoMftf thah
J'f ilutUfard momttalutl beif
w sud kvlu
NsWM.i IlKKUrake,
u MM 5 M
'c'.'-ri-Jitl (St -b
M the - ) ji M
tV ' . r i T?
Now rose a glad thought only a
weak hope in his breast i it crew
stronger tho higher the bird ascend
ed. Uravol little swallow. The
thread at evorv clance bocatne short
or I A life depondod on it. The
bird at last disappeared at tho eu
trance of the pit.
itut wunt prospoot iHd he after
all 7 He shuddered at the thought
of the slight hope, Hhoitld the bird
after reaching the upon ar, turn to
the right or lart, bow otaily mi2'it
the thread by rubbing against the
edge of the shaft break.
Hot the bud dinaovorod upon
reaching the top, that it wait more
difficult to turn t one side, and con
smpieiitly, flew right up iu the air.
The throe notnniniont that had
Rtartcd out with Highborn uiinxod
him for a long time and sought U
ligontly and carefully for him. They
repeatedly c:ime upon thoehaft w ith
out for a moment thinking that he
might have fallxn iu. Ouoe they
glauond down out of ru re curi.aity
and found nothing but darkueas.
ibey conauiteJ wttn men otlior at
what first wan to bo done when !
one of them said ;
"What is that near you, Potts T'
"Where f '
"Tbure, not three steps from you,
to your right, is a piece of thread or
somolhiog hiniilar. Why, itettutc!i
es quite a distance over tho weods 1
"i'ull it,' said Wiin Highborn,
Newman's brother,
1'ottn pulled, and about thirty
stops from them flattutud a bird to
aod fro.
"Why this poor creaturo is fistun
ed to it what hi.'iirtlum ecotltidrcd
could have dno such a thing ?
''It is a swallow,' thou'jt Potts,
"Let us see whnrs it is f istune 1 '
"Perhaps it btdong to somu one.'
"Wbetner it bulougs to any one
or not, I am going to give this poor
thing its freedom,' Slid Svu cutting
tho thread.
The little bird understood this and
arose in a moment aud axcuuded to
ward the ekies. S.iiu followed tbi
thread ( suddeuly ho called to his
companions :
"Couie her, Potts, at the end of
this t ureal tbure is a piece of paper!
he unfolded it asd lead tho follow
ng :
I am at the bottom of tho sha't
of liotlbford mounraiu I be jou
send help 1' Nkwmax Hionnony.'
'Great God. Potts 1 t) :a tbe
Sit alive 1 Not fifty st-ps from
ore 1 It cannot be, and yet he s.iva
Both hastened to tho shaft
Tho bird had fl iirn away an hour
agj. Newman llijhbiru waited
with trembliug aniuty. His eves
walobeJ the month of tbe pit till he
sank dowu exhausted, rattling his
head ou his hands.
It was not long till he was arons-
ed by tho falliug of bits of woo I a-
tnn.i limt. At ttiA t,ri. ,i.l
, . . lii .
iliHtmct voices a itindad d.iwn triiui
above. '
no looked npand rccoKuizol two'
persons over the lge.
OU bow hu exulted, when, after
several anxious second there fII a
note at his feut lie again shuck a
match and read :
"We ate here and will briniT help
as soon as possible.
Sam iluiiiBOR and Porra.
He returned u exbanltin "nur
rah I' bnt before reaching tbe open
ir tue eouna aioa awav to a low
bollow mnrunir.
One loug anxious honr passed,
two. three. Niirht brokti in. Then
a light at the top Ibou
rope tonciiea tiia lie t
Oh I how oa-MUly he KiastI it
and made a strong hwp aud put it
around bim. Thou ho gve the ropejUi, awful slippery, aud thw drend I
nowvuui jorw wua cii.usa ;
Up, slowly, cautiously, ever high
er, now stopping, now li-liug luck
everal fet. His heart
loudly. HeetHMth star overhead.
Another moment, and he isoutbe
surface exhausted but living mit
Nawmau ijjhhorn owes th ire
serration of hi life to a little bul,
aud tht had ilowu away.
The Ua ol Paper.
Paper ho now tvJ into an as
tonishing variety wt tiaee. Ou id
the teohuical paper give the Mlowr
ing euuiueiatiou vf ai tiolo tuauutao
tnrtMl.fioiu vapvr diaplaved t the
recent Hmliu Rihibtiiou i Autiuata.
waah Imeiiia, watof mim, tMi peting,
Inmnet, a ship full rig j ..u,mt,
hat, ttiaak. shirt, clothe iu full
suit, trw, haudkoivhiofa, wapkiu.
bath. tub, buokete, bru, t) Mr.
urn, win low blind, (bUtHnug,
uuleiUI for gwiden walk, emwh jew
Iry. window mtiUiu, skitla, U
bwltjtm i a house vd 4 uue. wut
psiwMr rhif, eelhug, eot wtoe, tiitsMua
walla, furuituiw, ewtUiua, ehwadiM
lieta, wtrpvtiug, wnaiwuuUl d,
atautel al table wauinu., eud
Buolly a stove id aiVo jv,
hwrHtwtf away vheet luliy auv( vvV
eotiamuiw lUwltv
A twlttisUr, aile matrviug a
miuple retieutly. a talhwr vlitu
oettevl oa kiui tha bvtdooiw
It Wa waa wlUmg u take the ivuug
UtiylVf Ma wUe xnlw, jr V
U4I4 Uia ha4 am vAv'ul
!, iUmtWs r4atMwA
The "Separ4Md" Marl.
Abont eight o'clock yesterday
forenoon ft man whose form wae fuU
of wrinkles aud twists, crawlod out
of a coal shed on the warf and began
yawning aud rubbing his eyes like
one who bad nut in a heavy night,
A policeman lonnged that way, gave
the man a lookiog over and asked !
"Sleep in there last night f
''Yaas, kinder,' was the reply,
'Looking for work V
"N n-o, not exactly.'
"Yon II be run in if yon hang a
round iu this way,' romarked tbe of
ficer. The man put his hand on top of a
snubbing pott, laid his chin on his
band aud after a loug look at Caoa
d i, be said I
' I duono exactly what I'm going
to do. 1 did live out here about
ightv railos, bat I've eeparated from
the ol! woman. Yes, separated last
niK'l.t '
W hat's the tronble V
"Waal, ,io was my soond and I
was hor socjnd and we never irot a-
no .lo woe,r. wllla''
think we know it all and neither fools
like giving in. We camo in to see
the circus '
"Ah, yoa did V
"Aod that whore the Separation
toon pmco ngnt in front or the sa
cred hyouasfiom Japan. Yoa know
they advertised an cloctric light
thore T"
Yes '
Well, won nevor seen one. Wbon
wo got to tho monngerie there stood
the elephant. Then cam tboctm-
els. Thuu we came to a darned old
i 1.. . i . . . ..
nar. rnriner on woere mo nona
... . . , '-1
7 H- u "c
trie light We walked three times
around that old tent without Com-1
ing to his cage, and I got mad. S,.ys
I to one ol the cba over tba ropes:
Wbore in the thunder ia tbo cage
with the clectrio lichts : We want1
to He., him or have our money back!'
Hie feller grinned all over, and loU
ol lolke 1-ine.j ngbt ont .and my wife
she flew np and said Id mde f'ol
om oi myseu. now i says i. uy,
tho eloctric liffht in Dot no anitn!
a... eays ene, oni u uas somcining
a. i i a . i
vi ii'j ituu iuo ciowo,. ne nil t
oig iiw ngiii mere, aue civo i mv
bat in an 1 I broke her paroaul, and
then I separated:'
"And yon won't make np V
. "M ke np T Never I fine ran take
the eloctrio light aod bake and eat
;bim. but I'm a man who never
crawl. I'm going down to Toled ,
I am, and by this time t omorrow A 'it
i)euu.ixoru noree. .
., eiecmc
light after all t
"No. Idontt bMteve they hid I
any !
off on
Mbe tbov thought they!,,!,.
work tint tre rtioocrona
tbe pnbl.c by another
uame, but 1
tnrable.1 it in !
i.init l I .l.inn. lr
. ...
in.i my wue is snoiuer, ana wneo i
L, "i . ... . . .;
nun k oi now i siooa mere aaa lei
i,..,. . fir..- .it .k ......
,i.r- m.i '...n,, i,
hP h.,f of ,he Tok-o nf th- ,, . 1 .
ou." lh trait t'rtt I'rt.
Rillinne lfiii t.l ln
By all means Joe, get mrriad if
you have a fair show. Pjn t stand
ehivering on tbe bank, but pitch in '
and stick vour head noJer, and tbe j
shiver is over. There ain't any
more trick in Uing married after
you're ready tbsa there is in eatia
peanuts. Mfuuy imin bw knl
shivering on tbe shore till the river j
all ran out I'ou t expect to marry
an angeh Them hev all Nfo picked
up long ago. K.iB-.nuhr, Joe you
ain't a int voarwelf. Do not mar-
trv f.r butv exclusively buty. U hk
uu ev. LK'ix i marry lor lav net ,
tner s mv i use a cooting ur a N)l i aiJe. suaa ver o. i eo
gud for notbiug when th fuel give ersUy hiking part of it with tae
out l'Ut let lb mixture be om !nln.viir. A Jiuluuiirv u nniojrtKL
jbutv lunvmiugly dreeaovt, with about i
350 m her pocket a gad speller
banJy avl nsii iu br noue. pieuty
ofgxvl aeuwe. a tuff c utit'.itio
and bv 1. email fw'. a light step ;
dd to thia SMUui teeth and a warm
wav-wva " T
any ehuute, aud not vwpott. If
tbe ivrk happen to be leA off fur
two , thrve uiiuutw. the streut!)
ain't U gou, IVm t. mury for
Vlire i thtr aiut eievh ia pedi
gt uultsta it m bwx'wed by Wik
stock. A f.utty with aothiut bat
pedigree geuetwlly Iwk, eue.
To be a'wey a imau of rule aud
duty, to follow with tMuhty ti the
end the wor tf houor, to rvuew evh
dv, without wewnuiM aud weak,
the Uboaiu trugi(le of a eoui
ivethug with lUult. to diww hoi
the aavmiiyv of the eve the Kmv
VH.iy to ivwuipluh thet ol the
wisutow, to ntUoh on tJVKU wott
to auothor bke tbe huk oi a ihix
,if a Wh vAh ou i ).tiie4 to, ttvit
whioh tueskktve it an I uppott tiiat
whioh follow iV to y.vouip)Mfch i
hmiy thia wlot aud prowled iua
Utiiut vi the ovtv to- the yu of
twweo sd huth, o iutoieat to. ibti
of t.aKU bx Wv v4 aeltSniU to aw
ihoiiVv, vl tww eUMVathe
;vuimws uooV v4 vm a hvW
voude toosV-Ut ia Vte yMriov
VVwivVaa.veM the b iUl
wilt a-i d- si Jutx te aki of .,
A Witt Animal. "
fft f . .M
j uis morning a couple tninrra
Wei's seatod on a boul r alongside
oi tn road to Hijtro, diseusHing the
kinking Iftwers of lha rrittle. On
had just returned from Hutro, hud
the other wn on tho way thoro,
sod, having met near the rock, they
sat down for a talk.
"Have yoa quit over there !' enid
tlie one who wo eaetward bound.
"Why V
Kraldof 'emr. '
"Yon bot. 1 saw one vHinrUv
alongside of an old boilr, kickh' off
the rivet head on by ono. Never,
missed one. 1 was inst izotiji on
shift, aod when I saw that mnlo and
hoard thore was more of 'em intido,
I weakeood an I threw op my inb.
I've cot a wife and thro children
dnpemlin' on mc, and I don't tsko
chances." , ;
"Tho worst mnlo I ever saw." said
the other, "was in Pinch some
yoors ago. It was one iownod.
Ono day it rubbod against aomoi
nails sticking ont of a post, an
turned square aronod and drove
those nails in one by one, nsinga
single blow of the hoof with th iron
' BDoa
on for each nail. It uevor
missed its lick, and a! wars drove 'cm
just in to tbe bead. Then h sat a
few tacks on tho post, a little lower
down, which was only half drr-en in.
ami bo drove them in, too. with 'iK'iit
taps of tho hoof, jnst as ceoile an 1 ; .T ln,,Kr1" 'or. 1,0 'i1'9- Toe that thiy wera ev.i : tne'.iw
..." . . ! other w. dnHAtiaflo,! v,..... ... ?
vtij as conn do. )ne day amn;
came aloogond set out eaa of nitroi
vlvcorinn ami m. r 11.
- - n i -
wanted io ((et mo maie M kick it ,
and got killed
I saw bun abont to
corT8 witb tue Mn, ,0.i k.e,f nhi '
op. At nr,t WM ;
Hlop Lil0i bnt thon ; tho,v, ifH j
raae ,M n. fci0,j cf amflo at aH bM
onld take care ofhimself. 8oI
; i.. i u-.n l. -
jtbe can, and wslkini np, anlt of it. i
a0,l thHn Mn.r-,l hiLmJf fc.r is.'
kick Tie ,n40 ,uynetl bS
and. just as the mule" wa. c-nc to
Lirb th. k .-.h .. ...-
that his Uil was toward the man
"vf Uir? Tl I U U tp
lifted bis
lU 1 1st JiiM it was
taking aim. an I let fiy hi right hf
i ne ciio went nyiug toronghlh
'f i
an i hit tbe man impure in tut rcr
just as he was gettia'ovrT fence
about a huo.Led J--t t?. Tu.
thing cxplod, and I never ) Uie
man again- But next mornin Pt
llo'laid cam oat in th 12 : ,r I n J
siii th 7vu ll bt v.ji:c
by a ehower of blood
-Miles ar 4
..y., k. t
7i...i C.
California Sharpjr$.
A cew d,L;e f.r ba'i-! j t
le ir.m,
ctct oat of tooir cota tu
sorte.1 to bv aStrpers la :ji cut
.u. t r i... i. .
w .1 . . 7u ..rT , ' '
; oazabfr have vlrwi ly fa''-a victim.
jand tbe abirpvrs are beyond the
reaca oi :c law. io or t--"u en-
ter a saloon. w:i up t t'z-t bir n I
convene a if Uy had j i: m-c
One draws ftta his tun i'iryu;.'.
mop off bi brow, xa J resxrxj :
-Oracija. hv I Jo Uaj?re ?'
The other sav :
"Yoa meaa penpire
there u ; o
such word tued ui
"Tber I," mm No. I. -a J I 'J
bet too on the point. "
.0 oaUider ie thu M.'erred to bv
sharper N t. and a iioenl this.
aiJ with ih- Vitdr iu 4v.o ihir
i no auch word u-d iu u.t env
-if Toa tbmk so." No. I .
-I ll hoi von tht I aoi
tbe word i found, wad th ;rw3sjir
(laaru that Webete I'jwhruUt
tat, "rrwuspire to etuit Ur.iaVC'i
the MOfwcorM of tbe ai.o " Of
worse lh keee hi money, wul wva
jwanl the slurper rvpc to a ,
AVUfWIfMia VKVs)7a lJV M.-Vr.
sod go iu Mrva of aaoihe vwt:u. ;
""'' 1
Ule-,! are the por-t ttx bart lt-r
they atU ee V.ioU! Wva ? Ij
the bwtter hfe to xVuia eo Jv.M5t hut ;
here .o ud witl atuowt !ifvig :
viAtoik- xs re hk rfth saoo
kiud aud liihfuj jj'iuU t leediarf
along aWoeljr aad JiWwve roJ
thrwAh the du oi tie uigat
The toria of oa icikU voa owo '
vsarvelv ws hut hie wvavU vt iK'vW.
Iwt 4 4aMrwive are ie vo ewr
.it liu, wh-le ; toe Ui4 Viot. ar S
voit two t&t he tierWor keow '
toe wjfv west jv4 eoiai)4ie eiW
ailMt a OM got OivNAg- AOW 4
taee. a the v-v-wd htwaJt
aadi th!
tVxte hiae out K a httlsx Hv tatek
toe ewji e hie twvv Vy ted tjt
wofwiuj ooewe. aud voa w e
are eeeeistavl kaow txa vMrekaow.
.. . ...X..
Pwt te eouiOM. Ua Kv toe awiir-
oe of Via prveo wad h- galwed toe tOvr o.-,i.&oJ ii i. ;
m yxa havw had the wlwh, ei;tM i aUwuwi ad poM v.d vhuwave
lil t aad Ue dUatht gueeyvMatohvw.u hji xia; A w. vuo ..y
hilW rvwUlkie ol th4 whiohi xr4 jtMl iVe4 iuu ooojld, ikIw. ,
leW wllV.tjr. jvtk0 WiaoUtwr.' aiKweel whUit.
vi tei;t, wUt i 'A,huV '
A saw that waa WJt o
Z .
PA., JULY 17, 1879.
' Optimism and Pressimism. .
Two hoys went to hunt grapes
One watf happy bocauee they found
grapes. The other was unhappy be
canso tbe grapes had soeds in them-
Two men, being convalescent,
were sskod how they were. One
said, "I ittn better to-day." The
other said, " was WOrrJo yesterday,"
When it rains, one rrtan says.
"This Will make mud." Another j
"This will lay tho dust'
Two boy got so oyster. Ono
looked at it, and said it was nasty.
I ho other tasted it, and declared it
ns piKJ'l-
'J wo bovs rxamininc a hush. one.
nicH rvH-i umi it a lliorn. J be
othlir that it had a rose.
. ..
Two children lookin? thronvh
colored gli'iss. onosii I, "The world
isblue''' And tho olbor Raid. "It Is
Two boys eatinir their dinner, one
said, "I would rather have something
belter tbsn this The other said.
This is better than nothing.''
Two men went to see New York.
... . .
V."' , 1 lh? "V00!"' "n 1 lbon Ul
iwn iki'ii. i un uvunr ,
'i tun litrnes.
iq 1 tbonbt New
1 ork good.
1 wo novs loomng at oora SKaters, ,
o..e said. "Se ho they fall." The
other, ' He how they glide." i
A servant thinks a man's hone is
principally kitchen. A guest tliat it ,
is principally parlor. ;
T wo boys got each an apple. Oao '
T l.1t a .
I, ' ..
on '
m . i
am a-rry I die,"
I m g.vl s,ys one. 'fiat it ts
no worn -I u ,r, v. ' sys an-
"tbar. "that it is tn b-f er
Qe 'BMl u t j,Qf 11 f " 1
,n-" AVthir is ror-jse for Li
r.irrtnnfa '
is rnjrjse for Lis
J .. . , . ... .
' " i-s o3 is eni.;ie.i tn a
oeierwotik an. I is .litiati.l h
im be sn t gjt it Another
t"iakn ,ho M ) ,,."-T ""!tl-J
l.e hjsn't
ho is not
,n.T- n ' ' aui-ro l wuu t.i
I tioe mm euj jyi wjat l.e bis.
.other a. -..fare wait hi b-is njt.
V .e T.-.n unk.; r.,j I
from hu wiats. Aavtuor L-ci k:
. t .
nria romp wins lail t". -re : ,
"rvil in th ri 1 A3',thr r-j .ice I
itiic m-r i gvi u t.i world.
n:v rr-x'TT-'rs tn:i
with evil ' A ail
v.; w mit--l w:a ;
A s? P-5:;j.:.0T.
A D !. j lf Li u.- ti. r-;iu
t h-f a ' i p i t.e . d ji tv
Uv w-r a n. t i 'i . jh :
M- Li i i . I i 1-1.- a )"' -
?T."i I o :; c-ut i le. 3 i I in;-
'I '. s-.a y "i lii il .l.jilt .-.
.rt." 0 '' A l . Js. r :
SJ5 3 tr TjC 1 w r-iK-: r-f-i I
."-.':ute ir. 3 i .' rt iii
ri !ei,i '.ne nou joa'ers w.m
Ill'S '
UTS sr.'-t.
1-. :. ti ' Ai 1 j"i
i '.'10 l
. Il.l
"Y -. r. b i: ; w.-'i di
: r."
V) i i i ;. .i Ai ! I 'i
u 'S a "'
'I d J. hi: . : jii-nat
wou.d i 't i t '.'!'. l i i n ac."
I'id. so Am i v in: jcv;po.
Uju i: i y.-a w a :j hm '
"T'iis y .-ur T..-.J 'ur T j. Lr!e
3ie i l v-u tf' lir'u r.
"k'.vj Jcii i-" N-. r ' 'l'
0 moofv v tafJ '. vr '
it yju.- jsri i-it-- '
' 7i . an", vtjry '.ril. 'tt I'm 10f
an id.t to :n oe oo
t'M w m ir't , ti'i ?:t'i!-r vai
.i" i.ieui. I ivw; hi a i
?f'er r. ui sr je i m. a w i.i a
'naoie .n I .1 'm p i'wi v
Oi-.ujl it v.l.Mi 4v. tr.'"1"
nt n tei w.. Dur J "' i't ;.i
So-i j 3r-ui.':njiuji
Vj , , vn
. a . . . ..r.i ,
i ,.w w ofv.
axcoy. CV'su ,o --.u 'to- :ae
prviviuwt ' ix-y m. X tan
oikW or lHit,irvKvu. Tu'v vw
Jjtv-! ui vv;vv o i-e no
vvt iK-.vr. At tv-oi wi-vJ.aoi;
ij toy ,vcit -,' a-
vvlvec w i'3 . wivi-
m -d siv vkv ta Jijovki
A vK-vj K'4. oou(ja4 oi a
j .tjvt ll.ovia o4 a
hi-auva o uit,.e w utrtv .!,! to tun
wait aivie, I -iow lkak pwiiorm tov
mow! iso of Ui hJtsMjtwvi. vwn.i
We btd tsxi k .k1
. od
lalsv uo avi vjd
WvWHV .k'
A WkOm iu ooo wo yaivw ,
'fc'Wi ww auilnvi tue
A to ut aue i'i
oiUv't o. t
ftOa Oil .
htsiht htilw fJo. vn U)e
'.. .
OsmivI wa too li.oui oa ico,
OWi Jo UiOie-lOoA oaJ4 ? i
Ut Cw vv. vvXx hwvlXd w vm it kWe .
Swiftly glide our years ; iUoy fol
low encn other like tbe waves of the
ocean. Memory Calls up the persons
w once know, tho settles in which
we once were actors ; they appear
leforo the mind like the phantoms
of n night Vision. Ptdiuld the hoy,
rejoicing iu tbe gayety of Lis soul .
the wheels of time cannot move too
rapidly for hitn ; the light hope dan
ee iu bis ey tbe smile of expec
tation play upon his lips ; ho .oks
forward to long years of oy to come:
his soirit burns within him wli,-n I...
J Ilea
m til irreikL mini nt ,....!.
Itii l. mnt l i.o . i...
" " - " ' -r- VJ s .11 ,1, , ,,J
longs to mount the bill of amhititfn
to tread tho path of honor, t hoar
the shout of applause. Jook at hnu '
atfaio ; he is now in tba rneri io of
life i care hna atamrxtd ila u ri..L...
upon his brow t disappointment has J
dimmed the lustre of I114 eye j s r-'
low has thrown its gloom rpo.i his'
c luntenance ; he Lok back np n
the waking dreams of his youth, and 1
sighs for their futility ; wh revolt-1
" "
,r'tf w seem to
UiiCiitinii no: i, :- ,
mm if irom tin hit
ttlO Uilf of ha.
, tn-1 he rliwow-j that t;
inr,r fit l.ia to nth. hiAn iKa -..- ,
anticipation bU high, is fie only
ao cf njoTment. Who is he of
th aged lockaT His f irm ts l,ot
M j totters ; Li footstep mors
more npidly towards tbe t,-nl, .,
(Xjk, back upon the pwt ; Lrs ,iv
apiiear f Lave Uu U. ar, 1 he c
oiawiica u w xru : m Dim tr.i
7 ' hilarity of
ty( tu A liar i ty 0f yvi'.h
.lolly ; no eon si j era bow th
ii.oom of dsith wn otmw. vl r '
th worl
n noti
me one an t o;fkpp to ctnr :
I I pressors ImC to attrtct
notoing to de'.igbt bun
or. be w xl. 1 i:ajr i it s-j.I
I K-nithi -,'ii h.i .Iiti-
ttionzh. cf -le4ty hl.vm;. cf fin-'
J - - - , ' 1 "
11 t.Ajn. (i 'Ml a hvM..!- im
f,,rr-l t -trU.i
m- 'i no d -r-vs-
nei in t'.em.' A f-v yar of ,sd.
mity, icar..:y an I pun. a:at joo'
ti-u to id..:y or Xl-i zrn-bTt :t:
'w Ui- gy, the gcr-j-:s, tiT h'jr
4.uie.l -viio beheld toe M.-eod
:ai r.a'.h cf life trew.J w.:i. i ;in
Uf.i. bat caaaot te tea
Uir cf B13.
Pruteriii Concern. pg Mosii
cfikl isn pr i N-ri . u . .
P'jr' f-.rin ol i.l'i u.wsa ic
l.v n T i7 rs j ;"j..j.vs :
I. F 'i'iw yinr a 'se.
U 1! r.i '.O'.t "e a 1 ll ioe
3 An n.-a .J x lei jn t
t H vj 'l x ii i'Jj?
s i t- .1 t :V.
H 1H 3'ix Ol' J- ..
Ai ? 1.3 XS ".SS J'Ji 'Ja Ml."
fi jji i iai 1 ase to '.jj ai-
si joe "jt the ao-e.
7 !"It "J J S Oil OJTf 31. U3t.
T ) a'e i i'Kii acse .r .vr
i ',21- ne a.'sw
.- Jii-i:ie-e.
a - tnii -an rn
E-"-rr Tj-ij aj
t io .".- J'.ra.
ru Tit)
UT- aTI i
a t.i.r xu
i j-pcer ::"! :a"e
V to;;' -.i '"end
T.a n.r uia .ri
wi)o 34e a one.
.r piw.iou tcn-. 11 aey i-u ""iv
naa'- ;i JiH f ' ai iri'- '!
vmi.ta l( '..'ie .'r-d -."Jul i i't
"v.ud r ;.ni toii 'vr :re 'c-s
m' joe. 't i'e wantvi ic "
; W U'&- -si ni'i-v. H "" ..
"ti, a'li snuiMi :ii:. ia- r
jd ierC.i:'iir, ai i-. j. v ivir
-04. o w-'O m ".n -l ie ."..
it ier 'ijiinl, aor st'ii I aiii. .
lart to-p '"o- V. lf :je
el ot .owoaior' -t ' rud
ir'P Jif '.iir-ia i tni 'jioii jii, .'f i
u iail a? aaoiii r jr t
3 tl iljvi me "j''.v a1oi-
)-.:lr :i rv-ig-moa. 'Uii
yoa .(. i . l auicU'l i.i;
t rn.i " U " Ji-'V-i 'Jiivl
'lOi to M .iJMU inJ-l J ,i.
wi ie oi-ih.
t it it Trwe
A JJ Vi ubu.iiw srikSoiil tu
tt.i-( 'sviMau.'. i-mO 1mvu .'i
xU'-yvlll, X TKll 4air.ll-ul '.O
U J.vlK '-'lVO.iava X -Nua
.4 VOlUtI Viia iUi iSiiJoai
lMMe.d J taosiiKi A '.ii
ruvlla-va A bu-mo -' i
Oa ivo JV tl Jtwwu,
,iv4 .' W He te Si WJV.
s.uafci oi s.'n .v J-: .iiu.ic.
si ' wi .e. ujk w ow .v.d :
Liiw. iV W 0i
;v.vxi MvO. H iJk likw 'U4. ai Otf
jvi tea. a 4f ,vmw' wiuwa - '
sK t lOw CV04t1,a W paMO ,
. .. - . .
ox a K-v-ovl. x.ioe uta-x -w -;
own 'vt ,m ji " i
lun 9 auw ,
um W aowawi tua o.uwaoi f
i.visilj w ut li ou
two tvj ivi 4 oi vv-i-',
dtaox Uh Vm.
A. '.. Wii (
Ww x sW -ax . v .-.
wi io,4 to. iKiev a wiui iwc J
PubTUhed' every ThtirsdaT ifcvntnr
Terrrt bi RtrrsrrpfioW:
TV( Vou. M tKR ANNUM. rW;
aid riihin six motitlrt. or a.Coifnof
paid within the rear. No pRper diiU
coni inner! unfit all nVenWge: are
paid unlcs at the' option of the pub
lisher. Pirl-siTfpTioniifititi'Hi' ryf (Iisconntf
T-rorons lifttnij and tming parierif
dlre)iied jn others liN:Oft)srmrnliera'
ami are liable fortho rice tfrtiif tper
Saddler find Harness
. Maker
Cenfrevllo, Snyder Counl'y, Pertna.
Kp mi hen., af J ifiiNl iflrt alt tl4
..f II '! . .Hiti,, hn.ll.i, WTlIf. U!f7
f ., All (urnt1 lit i.n f
Mr. w-.'flM "tt irl.l la thai s
anileriualf aia liila. (So? !.'!
V. II. KII'K i,
M-it'.r St'i'hui. SiKj-Ur f., I'.
(P'.rmrly rroni lio Juaetios. I
r" "-r 'l Latwl I . of-,.t Tr. m t .
l.vl,Tl. l.t .TH. k , k
, VII.i.k. m
litni rtr (.
a4 otW
')f- tft rviffenea at M'r sitMfl
IlattUCrMk, Mich.
TH fi'alei r.rfbVJsUrtTj. Tw-r,
sot tw '
TTll F
Or rr--f
m T-aS
I fhp.s
1-1 AW
a l - m .
ta'w vll ntaHf IW linn
. .- - . - . u. 4 fe Mm ,-1 af
SJ.T H. V-W ntrr-mr W. iat
- 1 - If, I i.
V -j -i i w. -fc a? Sm -
Jsf.ITXL.ns far iitmaun,. tptr, aaa
Wl-Tri -- '.tirmtAfS -TW. Twiii
' 1 "w 4-tw wua bBj4 . ,f f aBWaa
at k aratr .
hrirvjiipt, t'Mll it? "aaps a
ft av
!:L.ti.H 'r.t.tT3!i3 :c .?l
Laniber D?alerM
in 1 i-.--l f
J.irn-i. 1"r J.ii-. T'oeew. kottr-r
V'"-!!!! nr. l!isa. jon. stair
?'X!iK. 1io tai:nir. trica
l. 1.s'ci-nr. rr-i
ti:i... i v. -i .j:-t r-s:?
3.:':.i.-s laitu, sc..
' , ; : 'i-: ; j -fir t
.i : ij-ph-i ,'. u i 'tita-
l ie 3M2n 'ctorai
-ri::.;-T ,'r-i
. 4 Mtl
an r '
1 t '1
)f l - r-i.
Cvaaw rV
Ma kw t :4.Uk rw .
1 w S IT 7Z T" ' "Li" i . .
w larM 'art ffrii atbajay
i sTeasLaev
v4-v - td.
iv) a t"arvT. -mm !
-ai,r. , van P
1 U vw anTM. . M tiUl
J' Je.Ui . I I k
y m w
W -v. -w aaw-el -w a
J' a a H '--W.aj .-V aaixl aawf
5 .. . ..w
T . - -
J T x, ,. ,
a, . -w m. " j' ' " v-
' '. MaMM4 - --
. t .mm V-
' 4 '.a.a H.K, kfc .
. . wsxk .. . . . .. . fl, ..
; ' "w aeetTsT rCL e sJ slw ejr ' -T
J tav i - rsj-w
i '" "bbQ
' I mnsji mw - - " .
tTT t UalUM4
.'raWaV- .'-7 '-e
, ,TT a Jta m tsMaat
1 vt-w v A- 2
-- a 4, - Wawev eKeaaWkx
j w.S... V. t M ia nay
! I wW aav4,V '-v, -'-s v.
, ; Z Ju-. W
v rU .4.aiJisaw aar
21 ' " - '
ktv ,aooi a hwxlhe Jt kJfcl YwiaM4 CaeOa W I V 3iV ohv
CV 1 : 1 tK ---r-,V Ixa. se Je. 4V.
, C-xSvViAkt vUC
' Vx H...-V MV.H A"
. , . .. ... 2 u vt lu. -vAr- CsU tiXKw-aa
-ai iuaa U-i , Uo tvOm aa awaeteaa ll I e-f k jw-a jU -K&Zs