V Jely JO, 187i: Burnsa llnrtit-fT rornT. t"M iintltil t KoyiUr Count f ar hM on ttis fourth MnniUyl of l'irar, Maf ami rtaptiatr, anil stoonil Slnaita of IMmnntmr. r All communications, business lot I'm Ac, for this ofllco, to secure prompt attention should bo addressed t follow! Tim 1'ost, Middloburjr, firydor County, fa. Advertisements, omwiniratlons Ac. must bo handed hi by Monday noon, to secure Inser tion in next iasua u J. '- .' -' " ' '- Fire cracker caused Iho destruction of tli roe drolling house! on lUco street, Banbury, on the 4th. The Fifteenth Session of tho Ponn'a Normal Musical College nf Freeburg, Snyder Co., Pa., commences July 31st, 1879. ArotT Waitkr.-TIio above men tioncd article wns left in the Court House at tho clone of the Festival. The owner run havo it by celling on D. T. Rhonda. - a Fki.i. rnott A CiturtitY Tuki?. Mrs. John Francis, of Franklin twp., fell from a cherry tree, one diiy last week, and was considerably frightened, some what bruisod but happily no bones broken. A ded Hon. Last week John A. Btahlnecker lost a valuable horse through some diseuao to which hone flesh is subject. The horse did'nt 'die for him" (that is for John), he died for himself. Levi Rollor of Sulinsurovo is R0nt for Jfurd's Spiral Hpring Red Bottom, tho superior, chonpest, most durable and best bed bottom now In use. For cheap, first elms Furniture of most modern styles go to Holler's, fee advertisement in another column. A. 8. Geniemor of Unl n township, du ring the Sprlug grafted a number of trees with new variety of i1unu snJ peaches. Reoenlly ba messursJ thorn (in 1 and found that III ayorage growth of Itio plum grnft was 4 ft., 8 Inohes ; and of lb psioli Hft. 2 Inches. On of pa toll leaves measure J 10 Inoties In loujth and il In vIJth. lie ba grafted a large number of tree for person in other parte of the County. Grant! Harvest Home I'lc ft'lc A hsrvost home Pic Nlo will he heM Bear Bmitligrove, on l'io Nio lal m l, on Bsturdiy, July 19ih, 1S7!. A goa l dascs (loos will bo erected for the llcnolU of Ihofe desiring to "lip the light fantastic lo." All are oorllaly InrlieJ to atle ml. Poseral Bunds will be in sticinl inco. Come ono Come all I anl enj y a gioJ day fun. MiroRTrMi nv H'iioi.kai.ii. A few week ago a hall-storm rtusacil over 8u ()iiehanna" township, Jnnl il county, and destroys! bevl St rouh's entire cr.ips of grass and grain. He bought grm and made hay. Oq SaltirJsy hl In the evn. iug the house took fire nnd wns burned to the grounl the IWn, Blioils. lint-eta-lils, oornoribs and other oul-hiiihlinc were aUo destroy til. The origin of the fire, Il is supposed, was innneil by a large 8 re In tb stove for drying cherries. Fit On 31 ur Jay last the dwelling tones on tho Midlteswarlh firm, near Iteaerlown, ociitpied by A. M. C'srpon ter was destroyed by fire, Mrs. C. msdo fir to prepare dinner an l went into the garden her 'little daughter coming from the spring discovered the fir and ran to the field to glee the alarm Mr. Carpen ter and the harvest hand hurried to the bouse and sncoeeded In removing the prin cipal part of lb household good noth ing on lb gurrelt nor In lb eellar . eould b removed and th bed -stead were burn d. The fir originated from stove-pipe bo insurance. Our Band was at fnrrisburg on the 4th. We clip the following-frota-the Telegraph of that city i The Middleburg Comet land, led by and In charge of John F. Sletlor. gavo the Telegraph ollice a complimentary erensde. The mimic wn of tho verv finest character and reflects great cred it upon thoir able leader and the coun ty tliey represent. They are all friends of our genial fullowncitizon 1). F. Uiir roughs, who come from Hnyder county also, and who is porhaps better known thero than any of tho Snydur county poople fa our city. Democratic Convention Monday June 30, 1879, the Democrats mot in convention, at Middloburg. M,ij, YY. II. Dill, chairman ; George Showers, jr., Bocretary. The tiokot: rrothouotarv no N om (nation Reg.&Rec, Walter'F. Hummel, 5o linsgrove. District Attorney, F. E. Bower, Esq,, Middloburg ; Jury Com missioner, Henry M. llunimol, Mid dleoreok. . James P. Smith.iViddleburg, elected chairman County Committee. A. M. 1' fah lor, Esq., Senatorial, and Charles P. Ulrluh, Esq., Ilepresonta tiva delegates. - Charley Bud meets the bells of the Woods at the Soradovllle Pionio ; falls desperately in love J proposes marriage and is accepted. A pen-photograph of the forest beauty. She is 6 ft. 0 ban footed bald-headed and wears a pos sutn-skln wig with the tail for a quo ono glass eye nose 8 inobes In length And shaped like an evening ralnbow ; mouth like the cow-catcher of a steam p,::!e Cflft broad-guage railread a r ' ' rl r-il e5 years- ..The r li thr'r rrr"'dve Cornerttoae luting Hi Trox fltllle. Koiivlthstnndlng the morning of the 2Jnd, of June indicated rain which was eflofwdrds partially verified still this did not mar the pleasure wo ex porloncod in being present at the lay. big of the Cornerstone nf St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran church, about to be erected t Troxelvlllo, Snyder Crii FJ.; of whlr.h Rev. W, It. Wicand is pastor. The occasion brotilil Id1 gethcr a large assembly to witness the ceremonies. It was a great day for theso people and one no less glad, for it marks an event in their hUtory, which under the providence of Clod promises much good. This congregation had Amicably sep arated from the Clorman Reformed-' tho two as lias been and is now of ten tho case worshiping in tltd same church making the proceedings of this day an evidonco of their earnest nets. Buch a divtaton Is always the host for a!1 concerned for it infuses new lil'o in to each nrganiutlon ami advances the cause of Christ in that community. The ministers present, bnsido the pastor loci, were Revs. (J. J. iVart t Lebanon, A. Copcnhaver of McAllis tcrvillo, I. Irvino of .Viddlebnrg and Itev. Climiof tho Evangelical Church. Aw Interesting and instructive sermon, nppropriuto to tho occasion, wns prenrhed in the morning in the Ocr man language by Kov. M.iru, immedi ately followed by asiiiH'essful cllort to raise funds for the erection of tho church, Tho begging was done by llev. Copcnhaver. In the afternoon another sermon wns preached In the Finglish bing'ingo by the lit?t mimed minister, assisted In tho services by Hov. rvine, after which tho soliciting of funds wns continued only for A short tisio. Tho combincil eilorU amountcil to f 1,3 17.1X', being fur above Iho most sanguiuo cxpee'utions of pastor or peo ple. Tho result of thcio exurtions ad dud to the amount previously secured is sufficient to place the ontcrpriso on a firm fooling. At the closo of the servico in Iho old church, tho congregation proceeded to the foundation of tho new, where, nfter the usual documents were placed In a tin box tho ceremony of the laying of tho Cornerstone w.w conducted bv the pastor in the midst of A rain which i.i no w iso (timinislied the arUor otitic people. Tho dimension of tho church are !7 x 7- feet with a recess pulpit, and will be one story hii;h. It is to be built of brick ; is shunted at tho e.ist end of tho village, and will be the only ono in it till) other two being locate I a short distance in tho country. Ono end of tho church is to bo cut oil' for a K'lii- l;iy School room, leaving tho audience chamber some 50 feet lon. A few weeks previous the congregation w.t? verv nineli discouraged by the loss of 12,(NK) feot of lumber by lire, and ninny thought tho church eou'.l not bo built. This diseouniginent only proved the earnestness of the people. .1 ich of tho nhjvu lumber has been replaced without nny ennt. Tho pastor is doing a noble work in tho Adatiirthurg charge To bis elHci ciH and self-denying labors most of its present prosperity is due. After il is completed this will be tho third church he has been instrumental in building. When wo consider that there are four congregations nnd that ho has caused Ihotn to feu! tho necessity of standing iiloue and apart from union churches, this fact of itself, were there no others, would be evidence of a succcjsful pas tot ate. Tho poople of this charge havo Abun dant cause for encouragement, and should cheerfully cooperato with thoir pastor in bis oll'orts to extend the Ro deomer' Kingdom. V. K. C. Perry Ttvp., Accltlenls. Mr John Mongl fractured tibia of right leg and dlslooaled groat to of left foot full from a cherry tree, Jsoob D. Arboghasl fell from a bay wsgon and dlslooaled ankl Jolut. Iioih above esses arr doing well under Iho med ionl oar snd treatment of Doctor II. J. Bmllh of Fremont, John Froad't (on, A lad of 0 years, re ceived Injuries and refuted to tell bow, and when he wa buried lb cause of hi injuries were also buried ; but It is sup posed that th little fellow bad jumped from lb mow to lb tbresbiug-tloor and dlslooaled bis ankl reoelved severe con tusions about th head and body and was internally injured wblob battt ed modle.il skill snd produeed destb. Dill, wns'nt that sad yet couldn't help luflln In my sleovo a lectio 1 Whatt Why, John wont to see bis Mary Ann lust Saturday night, and you soe tho old inuti got a new dog which is a rathor cross, snarly cuss, and as John Approached tho house the snarly little cuss went for his walking sticks and John, you know, hadn't his double-bsrrlod shoUgun and revolver Along so as how ho was putty much frightened an he liollerod Jary Ann! MaeV Anm 1 1 MAllV ANX ! 1 1 Take this cussed animal inter the cellar and shut him up in a most barrel or he will chaw my afl'ootions for you iutor pieces; And he yelled til he tore his mouth back that you can seo tho lid of his dinner basket whenever he opens bis mouth. Mary Ann put the purp int solitary confinement on regulation rations until After the wedding day, Mak Xots or This. There is a penalty for defacing United States coin, though from the Amount of such piece in circulation many of those who ban" die it would seem not to be wro of the fact. Vor the Information of tuoh - rY t'-t the rtoslty Is two ' ' , f ' t''""S- Tline'Oowd wowftii Ahiskr, July 7. 19. Mri. Po8T J I enclose a 0-loafod clo vor stalk, found on the farm of J. P. Yolr.r, Middlocrcok twp., and would like to know If any of our farmers have ever seen the like. A. C. F. Tor Tub Tort. Mlble Society MtsUng A meeting was hold in the parlor of Mr. C. B. North at fn1inrrove, on Monday alternnon June 21, to eansit t the practicability of organizing a Biblo 3ocioiy for 8ny4er Co. Itev. J. F. Wampolo it deselected President of the meeting and Rov. t . X. Unas secre tary. Tiio meeting was opened by reading the l'.Uh, Psalm and prayer by Rov. 8. tf. Kennody. The following persons vforo present : Revsj. J. F. Wampolo, 8. 8. Kcnnnjy, J. V. Buck ley, P. A. lleilman and V. A. Haas, and Afr. and Mrs. C. B. North. The following wis adopted After mature delibfff.tion .' n'hrrnt, The nr.soelstlrin formerly known n, "Tho Pellnsgrove Female Iliblo Society," has been suspended, therefore, Jtlwit, That we deem it expedient to organize a Biblo Society for finyder C.i. ll'H'Ai'rtl, That wo proceed to make arrangements fir a public meeting In one of the churches of this place, in order to organir.o this society. Tho KtrAitgolical Luherail Church wns selected as tho place and Wcdnes day Evening July IHh, at 7;:IJ o'clock as tho timo for holding this meeting. A'evs. W. A. Haas, .1. V. Buckley and P. A. iroenian were appointed a committee on nominations to report names for nlllcers of this society at tho meeting on th.i i'th of Jul;. All nro cordially Invited nnd urged to attend in Iho Kv. Luthern Chinch. The Meeting closed with tho L. M. Poxology and Benediction by tho President, Km:. Xo paper liaving issued from litis of fice last week tho above appears a lit tie late, ns to the appointment for Wednesday evening. Auclonooi. (loorgo II. llackcii. buty, of Middleereek, I', t)., would nn nonnco to the people nf Snyder coun ty, that ho will cry sales fur real and personal property, at short notice and on tho inosl reasonable trim-. He i;ii.uuntccs satisfaction. Mar. 15.7711. firaU TdC'snl wll cite m cn:ts PriHiiis Pjcl'Mlcirrt lloirseacss wisKlf. Wm ?:tuu Ui d 7"jil m Mm;'; ri-s'-FuCHjii PocU'Hl co:i;is 2i c.ti s, 6 i-iirtj f I- At J. A. Moaitu a Ping Slvtc, .MnlJlvburg. - - . How Shall Thoy Know. If th llmtimn.ls Hint have been etireil h hI nil rend if it in print ihey noli I I Mill In suili'iinx Willi I or t 1 liver, inrinned ki.lneys, I.imo l:i:k, gravel, oote-ti pslinn, stid disense whicli fnlhiw close alter Hie shove. Hut having ren I Ibe tiniest Irs- ilmony of ihnsii Hmi wer c'irid by luk- ins IimiMim, liiiohu, llHekni'lie, I.iv.t xn.l Ktilney t!ure, Imve f .Howe J their ivis'i uxninple an l linn rured. I'lepnri J hy K. K. 1 lumipson, ttliolesnlo ilruygiM, Titte-viMi', t'a. Fur n!o bv Join A Moats, Mid llebiir. '' . CJiailut f.Vt tw.i iMiici! ii':.. C'mPSir carts usejmtisiii ri hit teX Citrplur fi'l! cures curs- hriiis:i ami b:un. Ci:npAnr Kiln is tmJd July Cy I,, oanti'ltz M. D. buid by Jun. A, Munis, Mi lJIrbnig I'a. THE WORLLVS BALM Pr. X. I). Wbviu j( A ltrh ati v k Rv url. t.A r.uu.ily i I TlllulV-KIVK V ft A It H in it privii t r4i'itcc mi.t uvr Jlliiiaf t rtl i -c 1 1 c'iru iMsi:iTt,vrr!si, lrnfy ,K-y lc"lu, M.-rt'iiH, Hi-.-nirt irv NvHil. ha. Ilniv, , In ,l... , ail all dl,,.,, , .hi, I, Ui.t hlooj Ii liii)l.fl;b:iJ, li now vil-ril to Iho pul'lli-. S. l.l l.y nil It. lull n-HD,-l'i, m.I (wl..l(.a!e otiljlhy THK WKVIIt'HV M UN li I'O. I. O. ti n Ms, It.aUc.Ur, N. V, Jill. 30,'T l.flui. To Coiisiiiii.(SvC!S. The a'lrerllr, lnvliijr Imd rermanenlty enr ea of tint dread illNaiN, aiiitirt.i inn, tiy a 11111 iile reiut'ilv, la anxluui l i 111 Oku knnn to hia ..inw nSi rr Hie invaiia of cure, To all oho daalrs it, he will leml "ij uf Ilia 11n.11. rlpl Ion Hard. (Ire of eliarwr,) will, llio illreoll..iia for pieparlno ami namif ine tame, ahiili llipy will Sua a M Hat't aafnr I'lisHi Mi'Tiiis. lAaTiiMi, llHiixi-HiTls, ate, I'arOaa wlhliii the rearrii tlini. will il"a nl.lreaa, K. A. WlI.bO.N.1'4 feuum:, WlllUuiaburvb, N. Y Jan. an.'Tv.Sin. PI ill PLUS. I wilt mall (Kre.i) the renli, for a ilmple Vkcitabi. Halm, that will remove Tan. Ks kck i.ks, PiMi-i.ua ami IIi.otchks, leavlu thaakln 'ft, olear anil beautllul 1 alao I11 aimntliini for proiluoliiic a luxuriant Kroarth nfliulruna ll head or emni.ln laen. A. ilreai, Ineloalntf set. ilamii, UtN. V A N IlKLK l CO.,30 Ann St. N. V. Jn.M 7J0lu. ERUOUS OP YOUTH. AOKNTI.KM AN who iunarei fir jean from Ni.rvom Il.ililllly. frainaliire llocay, m.l all tin, aSncIa tit fonllilnl Inillanri'llon, K ill for Ilia aka of enlfurtiiM I1.1111 mlly, aanl free la alt who Deal II, Ilia rm-lm ami tt I rat.-1 lull, for makliiK Ilia aliupla remedy hy wlilrh ha waa cunul. Sull.'r. era wiahliiK t.. .r Hit hy ilia ailverllaer'a et.erl l-noe CIU ftn an hy ad'lre-alllll III perfuft eulitt- duiiua, JOHN 11. UUUKN, VI l)ttr sireut Now York, Jau. SO, Tv.ain, ' I GOVERNMENT STOCKS. &C Clos- Ihk frlreanf lia II aval hTiovsasso, 10 Month Tli.r.l hi rani Philadelphia. HM.-ka lioiiu-lil ami aoM aither fur oaab or on uiaigiu June lata, 197V. U.S. i'a. lsi..,,( ' Olirranry. ' v 14 t'a ISHI. II'W I'eunaylvahlal H. K ...... r.ia It.... V'4 "i H'3s; '!a 411 Philadelphia and H .-ailing II, i.enilin vauey ji. if ....... I. hist! dual k Nay. Do flitted Oontpauloa of V. J, Northern Central It. It. (Jo Hold Mi .. li-U .100 17 leo Jun 2'Jib, bjr Hev, U M. Slelter, li. Frank How, of Franklin township, and Ml" Agnes llcuvb of Washington twp, Jun Itltb, by Rev, 0 P. Kilns, Joseph Klin and Mis Kal 1). Klin, botb o' Troselvill. Jun 23J, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Qeorge Klin of Jaoition lownalilp, and Miss Mary A. Suitib of Penu township. June 20tb. by Rev. VT. A. Ilaa. Jaoob A. Wilt and Mis Mary A. Moer, botb of oear Freeburg, Jun I8ib by Rev. P. A. Uetltnan, Samuel OsrUart of Hunbury, and Mis l.tnuia L. Buboeb of Belioinrovo. Juuea'Hb, at Dellnegrove, Mrs, 8rb Millar, rallotof Jaoob Milhjr, d Vi years, f taoslbs sad U days- Jun 8tb, In frsoburg, Kasi' Idllb, d-htr of Jsatss F. sd Ksua Moysr. 4 Jr 9 siootk sad 0 Sy. l.uvl V Jf . W beifaolaofh l00h T oieM m awss tverotM U f U wrMlt n. T. IIELLIDOLD'S coitirounij Fluid Extract IB HI CHILI, I'll ARM ACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL Diseases OF TUB Bladder & Kidneys. For jlehlliiy, t.oai of Memory, lmli.n ilinn In Kaeriion or Iln-ineaa. Ml, .rinc-a nf Hreaih. Tr-mMoJ wild Tlinii(riitit of Uiseaaes. llinihoss nl Vision, rs'll In the Itick. Cliesl, an l Ilea l. Rnvh of lllno I lo the lleail, I's'e (.'oinitcnnnrc, anil I'ry KSiln. If llieee symptoms are nlloweit In 00 on, very rreipieiitly tpllepiln Fii nnl ' Sumiitlnti lull. ive. II hen Iho coMVitnU'in lieonme ntTeolnl il reiiilrcs the aiil of an lnvltnrslnit ineiliciue 10 (trongthen and tons up the system which "KelmMd's Baclm" llOIIS IN r.VKRY CASH. HBLMBOLD'S BJJJj IS UNEQUALED Ily nny reme.ly known. ! Is preerilir 1 hy the mnai eminent rliyaicuna all over the woil I, in HlMW.f AT!Pf. 81' I: I'M rol!l'.iF..A, MU llM til . M:ilViil'.sNt'."J, l)Vsrr.fl . ISI'hil'K I I'iN. t.t'N.xi li'ATIMV. M lW.-i AM" 1MIN3, tjr.NF.RAI. nnt11.11 V, " KlllNK.V IUSK A'i;s. li 1:11 ru.MriiVT. M:itV(it:s ii: i t-i w, JV I'l I.K I'SV. UK Al 1 ltl'llll.i:S. 1' AKAI.V.-llS, i! i:kk.l ill-m:f.Tit. sns l nisE.vsiiM, fcl I tTK'A. liKAr't:-iJ. li:ii.i n 1:. Ll' Mil von, CATAKRII, Nl I'.VdllS POM PLAINTS. H..MAl.lilOMl'L i'S, ie. Ilesilnelie, Pulii In the Hli nilili-rs, Conrh lliiziiiirs, Knur XI iirnnoli. Iiiiiiins, lln.l laslo iu tun M0111I1, l'nl iiiiioi iii of the Heart, Puiii iu Ibe retfiun nt Iho Ki'lmys, nml a lliiiiiHiin l oilier p iinfnl synijiivius, nre the olls'iiugs of 1'jej, ej iia. HelmbOId's Bnchn INVIGORATES THE STOMACH. Ami stimulate the Torpid Liver, Rnwtes. and Kiilneys lo healthy aalion. In clean inn tbe I1I00J of all impurities, and lin. ptirting now lifo aud vigor to lb whole Hjium A single trial will he null ulTloient lo oonviuoe the moat beailuting of it aln bit remedial u,uulillcs. PRICE CI PER BOTTLE OR SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. Delivered to any address free from ob- ervatien. "Patients" may ennititt hy letter, re ceiving th same attention as hy calling, by answering lb following queatious; I. Give vour name and roat-odiioe ad- dree, county sod State, and your ueaaest Aureal oltioe I 2. Your age snd saX f 8. Occupation t 4. Married or single t 5. Height, weight, now and1 In bouilli t S. How long bav you been sick 7. Your complexion, color of hair snd eye f 8, Hating yoa s (looping or srcot gait t 0. Relats without reservation nil ou know about your eas. nolose on unl. iar sonaultaiion fee. Your letter will then reeeiv our attention, snd w will give you thai nature of your disease and our candid oplulon eonotrning s sure. Competent Physician ttltnd to oorres-' pondent. AH loiters should b adtlrees ed to Dlspenistory, 1S17 Filbert Street, Pbiladslpbls, Ps. H T. HELMBOLD, Drugglet snd Chemist, mUdslslils, r'. ' V 'v.) tiaw ws 1 f '""'""'-,air" "T Nios obiea fof tur eaviaj. mm Fii. WE SELL THE MOST Wl M'ATJS Tlic Great Qesdoii Willi I lie l'eopc Is WHKIIK CAN nJX CECKAPKST itiul Iiro tvo -voitll Hit.v Ihitt tlilM cmt bo ilunb tit Weis fk CHEAP CLOTHING BAZAAlJ, 7 wnnl.1 cull 11m ntlonlion of tbo rilizrtianf Snvdcr nnd niljuininrr rouiifion, o llir furt Hint wn lmv iionV on Itnml tl.P J a-A 11 i I :H'1 ;i I I IAIMN'I1 ntul I I !' I ' ntsn-lf o( CJIXVnl- I IN i over lii'fnro ntVi rcil tlinn, nnd wo V ould link till who (Ickiio to u.nko Liiiiuns to qivo ns a rti'l and so nnd buy our gooH whirli PoiiHint3 of mzxs1 Aim uqt& WiQ'xnma of nil slvlna jiifalif y, i dlor, hIhuIoh nnd pvlci's, lo T,t tho Rtiml!cft boy up to tho CndilT (limit. Wo nro mniinff & Hpoi'iiilty of (jciit ruiiry t'nsHitncro NnilM, for fprinyf nnd Stimtii'ir wcur, junt (ho iiubliifNt lliiiifciit. Onr stock of JntM I'lii'iiiMlilnr C ohIh ii full ntul riiiuii't. cvdivtliin' in tlin line, which un nre soiling it Hott'."ii I'rlfi s t nil utid boo oar oxtt usi vo stork of JI.AM,N, 'ol, J",iii mitl Hll'llvr i'l all colors, stylos ami nices. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS VALISES. in Inrfro stork, unit oxoopilinply low jnirffi. Initio I IrCNH, I'smmmiI iiikI In nc.v Cillioi Kliii'l w, thotii(r llinn ivor, OiiIIk, JI In l, IN'('ti4'H, 1 I rttill4i'lii4'Brpi, in lurgd Vuiii'ty, In nlioit, ovi'rythiP'f nstiully hopt in a lirnt-o!us C'lothinrf Storo enn bo puri'lmscd chonp of us. For tho ptif.t four yoiiiH uo Imvo botin on.".ficd in tho Clothing bimincRH ii Stlitisr;rovo, and our .Bl6Slr8 will bour witucsn la our imifiinn fair di'iilin. wo f.mko no iiiit-ifpst titiitiuim. Hill tioiIh nt tho very lowest Ru in vh. nnd in nil tnuiMictioiis t'lidi'tivnrod to i;ivo pcfoct Hittisfa'jliou. Willi nmny thntiks for former ptttionngel wo nuint ri'spcclfiillv link it contitiUiitio.i of tho sunio. April Jl.h. In"!'. if WETS if OrVICXlIEUlfiTi: JUSTICE TO FOE BURNS the SHOE HMfc! HOLDS Til I) FOUT AT SKLI.NSG1.0VE, I'ENN'A, I would moHt. rci p.vlfnllv iintiounco to tho rnblic, t!;nt I Imvo now in Htock Iho I aAl t CS liHrI1 i''J'' 71 ( a . I S i vof IVi tod to tho filirortH of Hnydor Cotintj-, cnibincin I IOOTH V HI K !' of -vi iy Iviinl. Slylo nnd I'rino, for Lndirs' MiHHos' Hoys' YotHlm' nud Mon i noithor mo tbe wiiiiIh of Iho Imliv ovrrlookfd, ru'ineo 1 Imvo tlirin to lit tho titiii-Ht fool. It is my doBiro to tuoot the .demands' of tho 'n'.ilii' bv k rpitif on hund tho I'ift brmid of nods in tho iimtkftn, nud nl (ho unmo timo to soil at flUoli J)" I 1 C I J I2H us to iiiitko tho ifooiU within tho rtuicli of till. A cordiul invitation is cstctidod t ono nnd nil, to cull nod n o my Mock. Any ht.vlo of hhoo not in Hloro, will bo ordoi-ud promptly, whon desired. With iiiuuy tLiiuks for puht fuvoi s niul a rotpinHt for j our fnt tlu rpfttrontiKo, I havo tho honor to romain yours, Vi ry liopoctfully, S. P. BURNS, Agent' My motto is Oao Price and Wo Misrepresentations I SPECIAL PRICES TO PARTIES FROM A DISTANCE. For your Cheap HOOTS AM) SHOES, go id ' nJJSlTSB MARKET STREET, SELINSGROVE, PA., Ono Pxr Taken from Ojl'!ul llrjtorl On ilrovp 2:i, lntrrnuHonal Exhibition, J'hiltultfptittl Tho question, which Mower or Kcnper Is tho liclitcst ? Is it great inlrn st to furmors. To rottlo tho m'ntter definltoa Iv niul hy reliiil'lo ntithority wo ulvo liclow lln lin'l nt llio princtmi iiiiiicuics conn mini:, iron uio report in tue juuci ("live American nntl fivo foriign) of tho urout Ib iipM- niul Mower n iul Hint took phico neur I'liiliulclpliin, untler the su liiccs tif tho t'eiitoiiniul C'oiiiiiiission. 11 Hint lrh'1 thero wcro twenty tlitlerent ti:uhines tcsteil hy tho dyiuiiiiometer. As soverul of tho nuinnl'iicliireis of the niuihincs there tfitptt hnvo sin. o litilcil nml gouo into hiinkrupvy, we quote the (Imft only of such nuichiiius hh iho nnulonow, niul in (junniity mitlieent to entitle them to notico. "llixtiuioo illcinlith ol Jtnn I cut. Feet. Inches. 1(H) 14 lot) 1 Km 1J KM) li K);) 11 KM) H KM) li KM) 1 KM) 11 KM) 14 KM) 1 EXHUUTOR. Wilder. Mitchell & Co. O. W. Otis. I lny milker Ailniinco, rlstt, & Co. O. Aiiltimin Co. iViilttnnu, Miller 4 Co. Johnston A Co, Osborne t o. Oshorne A Co: Osborne A Co. McOormtck Wultor A. Wood It will he seen from same quantity, would draw .HirriWitir John V, Ueynolus, Chieapo, IH. j Jamos S. firinnoll, Oroenfield, Mass. ; Jr.mos Bruce, forvallis, Oiesotv rv,.-, i.,i. fl..lm,in tli'ent llrilitiu . Fcrniin Uosillo. Simin lVdro I). O. Pnes I.enie, Prnil. Kkedti Jvauisa. E. OI doodortl', John Bradford, assigned from isrjuWe have compared the above tnhlo, of the comparative draft of the secern) niowin;; machines exhibited at thi rvninniiial trinl In 1870 with that onbllshed oflleUlly iii the Bonoral report f the JudRos ofKrnup XXUf, wliich Itiolud od SKrloultural machines, implotnonts hbTlireS ttiereln HlVen. iliejUtlKO St . p , eHtlilfr autl VailiaolO. Il II uiiuui;niry w uu iuhh aa u wui aiiuno mj " v. Champion maohine.a4mWvun Virrr; s, - jtnifjerson in heed of a Aftnifor the Champion Machine : S 1 , ,. . , '"t'J'M v tAt -. , yoaoo; V- ATO ML the FINKBrJP ppee in THE MIL IONS ! IVortli i Ulfsli'r-t IiMlar AFT Widtli of cut Total Jrnlt. Pounds. Ml K'.."i L'tM) ' 17H 171 IN 1 1 .'lit) t''() ir.'t.s l-.t) UJJ1 Miiimro 1'oot of Onus flit.; Feet. Inch Drnft. .11 IJ .:tss .-17(1 .4(M .47 .41 Ml -Mi) .471 .1i '.7 .013 3 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 a o 2 7. i Hi i 4 tlio'iibove Hint whero iho ChuniTioii ilrull ws .31:1, that tho bnliorne innchiiiH in cutting JjaJ aw irOl Duckoyo .4-7; Johnston .184 j McCortniok ,407; Adrinnoo .470 and Wood .513. (roup IV, and l.oo. L. Waring, Jr., from of aiirieulturo, bortloulture and (ardoninK, and find iho same agrees pith th tills trntl wuta vuiiliuni. nit:ii, ui" ..u.a lan.a ma iwmw Kuan mim aaia . ...I.I l.A . .... ftb... a.l.ld ul.r.111., th.tw udra rii flt'ij tt..! ulra fit.flMUa I.. at good Jleaper add Mr.ver should call on dr add.';: - , r . ..... Wm ; . , f;irl K:l: U1 ...0 iii.U 0 GOODS I eiomieir'O ALL Store. May 22,'7. F NAME OF MACHINE. Champion. New Champion, Jtmkeyo. lllli'koye. Huckcvn, Johnston. Wheeler or Kerby Wheeler or Kerby Wheeler or Kcrby JlcCoiniiok, Wood. Oioitp XX Vi. ...., wiu. w w aa " , 1 , t filn' MM aVV4.4a a . .. err-?: 1 WW i i t I