80.00 15.(K) TO mniii "-""i"- 1 hw-foutlh column, One year,. .11 iqlinro U lliii H""''vii .-.err additional inscrtii-fi, 60 rHjfeSBIOnlV Rmi numiiw .-aa.on i7t 5.00 2.50 15 than iiditoi, Executor, Administrator unci Assignee Notions, Mitorial notices pr line, (AH transoiont advertising loos a mourns iw i"w iinv.-- ah advertisements for a shorter pe U(xl than one year are payable Attn lime they arc ordorod, and ii not paid ilie per-ow ordering tliem will oe kspoiwihlo for the money. held Poetry HARRY'S GONE TO REST. IVY ttr oT ,ntl ktBdt, Laid I ra. r-r - I 1 Mr'. lo Tarly dlapM AmIii, . vk rlek bloatoinlaii la o'.r i Dwalh HtN tuo Kttl. Tkal a-M man- (mil or WHp ) TlnV ntoitow th .oal, Mill. Harry's wrVl ". 1,1111 Uarry't gen M rati, - CHOSV. Aa1i tan kin iaWly hoia ( go tnr klta nafMl wp , Moftif la lb dor-f mit, f.lll I. Harry ' noil to r-atf, II ha ! I ml Tkr' ant kr bad rrarl, Er II (.11 Ik 1M akt f Mn, Tkro' Ik door Ik aait.la siatl, Varlln- Harry hat paaaart In r'ar ixruxl Ik aiur am... Wbtn Ik. Hay ur-ay --ti I From .11 oanb'.-aij doaiiM sad (nn. ,lltl Harry'. od la rut; Uill. Harry'i id to rt. Cmo. t? will trail la fair Units, Wh.r Id anit.l "old tint ) Tkr lh flow'r.1 ahull pttBil, Thar, nail lot p-Tfeetlna brinx II baa r-anliM lh aoldra aliuie, Tfcro' tk rlr aoid nd dp I Aai.l aor Urn tal.ly lkri Llltl. Harry1 K9 tu rwt I Lull Harry os w rati, Cao. Hulout T a 1 BLIGHT IN SUMMER. I was not the regular doctor, for he practice at Burnley belonged to 'red Unmet, au oiu noHpiim iriona i mine, wbo bad taken to a simple antry practice, while I had luca Voaiuirijj aboat tuo world as a sur toon in emigrant ships and during bo Franco Uurman war. Wo had nut after seven youis, wbon 1 vTiiut 3d a month's quiet in tho country, md he h;id asked iae to attuud to iiia practice, whilo ho cauvj up to tou t J pitrt a Uugroo, lor no was h mrd studying, aoibitioiis follow. A wan at . tue door tlusirotl iuo to onto over an J nee un m inter, who ivas dyiug of otit. Thin tu tho knuoauooujunt by t'jo sortant. 8 iv- ag that I had boon cotidiiltod nb nit i "torriblo wlioiiilin' p iiu'' iu tht Lack of au old lady of lo, this was uy llrst calf . "Thuro's Hiss Kate a Matching for I could soe the fluttor of a white Irons by tho jrato as wo drove ou, ut my alteution was too much tuk- j u np by -the prottinesH of the place, j iiia i mis gaping nuy uu nu, iuiuu UK oothiux of ''.Miss Kato" and lioi liros, wueu tnegii stoppua ana 1 limped down- "Mere be is, nnoleUkiir, she cried, "Time he was here,' esclaiinud jiue one, v. ith a suvajjo rour. After Klv'iUff various lilt Iu orders 1 klacod tlio tender le in uu uawy pu lton, the patient bi'ea!:ii) out into irious exolmiiaiious tue wlnle. .'bun, by matns of S'ljoo h'lop.i fnnu binall woodeu tnu, I made a little ypy tout over the limb so that the manias did not touch tho I'S'i'ii- tely louder bkin, and ut tuo end of lalfan hour hud the pleasure of earing a sigh of satifacliou, of seo- hga hiuiIs steal over tho facn, which ras now smooth and bedowed with u eutle perspiiation, and directly af- pr, in a drowsy voico, my patient Lid: Kitty, my darliutr. he's a lanmn. fake him into the next room And Wogize to him, Und tell hiui l ot lot always such a beast ' us was half asleep, while even t that short honr I had fallen into dream, a dream of love i I who d never loved before, uor thought if iL hut ainklv hiivnnd.(rii'l tnff, unworthy of busy men. I cannot tell you now the day used, only that Kate Anstey bad aplored mn not to leave ber ancle it t and IT I was ber slave, and ould have doue ber bidding even tbe death. He was soon-better, but my visits the farm were more frequent tban rer. 1 went one day as usual, but fiwaa oi rvate being at tue window id running out to meet rue, the old pnueman stood at tbe door, look g very anirry. and be at once tight hold of my ooat and dragged b into the kitchen. "Is anythiug wrong t" I said ambling? "Yet, lots," laid the old man. A bst do yoo corns here for t" ror mercy sake, don t keep it kk 1" I said, for tbe room seemed swim roand ma. Kate ill t" pfesW think she is," be said V. "But look here, joang man, t does this mean t" ('Mean." I said. Oh, Mr. Brand. is ill, let me see ber at once 1" fSbe don't look very-bad,'' be A peering through the crack of f door into tbe parlor, where I d see ber white dress "bat I ryoaog man, you'd better not any more Rho'a f rowino" dull. 1 1 can't have uiy darling made a It Ul. SMade a fool of 1" I stammered. Yes," ho said, grufll "what do come here for I" . was silent for a minute, with a idrona funlincr alnalino am ma. 1 at last my lips said did not wpi weal, 'because I love ber s ell my heart " And jrm t'-e Mi bor so P :ota- ',"Mr'ls!owly.' My ' ii a V n column one i If ...il,,,. An rf.ar. ffU; (fl E ' ' SMf If If 1 1 VOL. 17. with (lint gill s heart would be the greateat Scoundrel tbat ever stepped on God's earth.'' The whole of this part of my life is so dreamy that it is all like some gold on trillion. But I was at her chair, I kuow end tbat glorious eveuing I was content to wstoh tbe soft, dreamy face beside me, as she sat there with her hands folded in her lap, watohiug the sunset. At last wo rose aud walked togeth er through the wood, to Stop at last beueath an overshadowing troo, and here in low, broken words told bor I loved ber, and iu bor swset girlish simplicity she laid her hands upon my shoulders, looked np in my face, and promised to bo my little wife. I wont home that night riding in a Wonderful triumphal chariot instoad of a gig, and, to my groat surprise, on reaohing tbe bouso there was Prod Clarnot. 'Back ul road r V I stammered. 'Already t Why the month's up,' ho said, laughing. "You must have had good sport with your fishing, Master Max.' It came upon me like thunder, this return, and I lay that night a wake happy, but miserable, for this meant the end of my visit, and what was to come in the future T I bad not thought of that. I put it off for the tun f, so J uftving obtained willing poriniMHion from tiaruot) I went bis rouuds tue next moruiug, and, of course, fouud my way to tbe farm, 1 fancy tho sorvant looked at me iu rather a peculiar, uoustraiuud way as she said that her master bad gone to tbe olT-lmud farm. "And Miis Kato t I said. "She's down in t'ao woo 1, sir, 'said tho Kirl. I waited to hoar no morn, but ran along tho garden, luipud the galo, and crossing two llold.i, went through ho wil dorness, aud ovor Ibo blilo iu- to tho wood. "My darling I" I kept ropoatin.?. as I bullied ou, expecting to niuei ber ut every turn, aud t.ieii 1 (stopp ed uhorl witli n horrible pang soura ing to citch my huait. I was dizzy, fnint, rnriiu with anger, and ma I in turu but that nil paxsod oil' to loave a bitter, crumbing bouso of tuUory as 1 lH'1 1 on by a young sapliug, uud peered at the suone before mo. lucre stood Willi nor bacx to ran, Kato--falHo, falso Kato with tlie arm of a tall, haudsomo, military loouiug mau oucirouling hor waist, ber head resting on hi- shoulder i and, I'Veu us gaz) l, ho bout his lioad dowu hu 1 Hhu ratio 1 hor ar ns, bor face, ber lips to rucct his kisse. as he folded hor lightly to his breast. 1 saw no more, but stole blindly awuy, went to the stable, saddled and bridled the horse in a dreamy midiion, mounted mi l rod bad; to Burnley, threw the bridle to the man, walked straight to tho station without seniiig Fred Qaruet, aud went otT to London, j Mix mouths ulidud by, and thou I was once more called upon to talco charge of the practice of a fiieud iu the suburbs. It was one dark night in the win ter tuat 1 was just goiug to bod, half wiHbiu: tbat I bade call fori kuow that 1 should only lie uud toss about sleopless, and 1 was too good a d kj tor to try ray owu drugs wheu tho surgery bell rang sharply, aud sum mons that 1 wishud for came. It was a poliooman with a hand some cab, and his oilskins shone wot and vividly iu tho red light of the lamp over tho door. "Atiden' oase, sir.' he said, "Dr. Barker iu the " next street's got in abd sir, aud he wants help.' I learned from hiia tbat a gentlo- man bad been knocked down by tbe very same cab we wore in, and tram pled upon by the horses before the wiieel went over aud Drone ma leg. - We were there iu a few minutes, sod I was shown into the back par lor of a comfortably furnished house, where tbe sclrcrer bad been laid ap- on a mattress. A brief conversation with my col league ensuod, and bo told me what he feared and how he was situated, another important call demanded his presonoe. The result woe that I a greod tbat we would oxamine the pa tient, and tben I would stay tui ut. Barker s return. A faint groan, from the mattress saluted as as we turned to our pa tient, aud aa I bold too lamp over bis faoe, and the light fell upon the fair hair and loug droopiog mus tache, l nearly droped it, "Nemesis 1" I thought, Mine en emy delivered into my band. Kate's lover lyiog bruised and bf en- crushed like a reed at my leearAUd now I need not to kill bun to be re venged for all bia cruelty to me. but stand by supine, and be would die. ' For a few brief moments told me that I possessed greater knowledge tban my colleague ana utat u i wuu Imld miue. nothioz whioli Dr. Bar ker' could do would save tho flame even now trembling iu the socket ol life's lamp. ' Tbe scene in the wood flashed be fore raS'once strain as I stood there, Kate's sweet face npturned askiug for tbia man's kisses, abd ail so vivid that my braiu reeled and a cist float' a 1 bufore r-v fe- . Tbe e-ored MIDDLEBUIIG, SNYDER COUNTY. Unless '' Here I nnfolded ray clans as 1 said bitterly to myself, 'and heap ooals of fire Upon hi head. Kate, take your lover, and (iod foririve jroul" "hxcellont, exclaimed Pr. Bar ker, wbo Was a frank, ireutleittaulv fellow, without professional jlous ios aud in au hour's time wo had douo all tbat was neoonwiry, our pitieut was breatbiug easily, aud Dr. IJ.ukor was shaking mv hand. He's saved, lr. Lawlerv You've eared his life. Now 1 11 be off and get bock in an hour's time. You'vo, givnu me the greatest le-son iu sur gery I ever bad iu my life And liion 1 was aloiio. tbiukiui bitteily of what I had douo. "Kato Kate dailiug J" Those words feebly mutterod brought mo to myself, and I was the cold, hard man ouco more as I rose aud taking the lamp, btut dowu over my patiout, wuoso uves now tipeuod and bo stared at mo. I "Where s Kate V he asked j 'and where what ' he stopped short, "Hush 1' said coldly i 'yon have had au ncoiJoiit ' "Acciduut T Oh. vos. I reinptnbur. I was goiug to catch the uight train for !3uruloy, wheu that ooulouudod cab.' "You must uot talk,' I said, fight- tug bard to coutuin myself. 'You are seriously hurt.' That hint was uot professional, but there wss griiu ploauuio iu giving him some pain. 'Tbats bad, Uotor, he wlimpor- oil, 'for I was going dowu to sue my darling iho s very ill. "Ill 1 I exclauuo 1, Htaiuug. 'Yds,' ho said, speaking with miu md I could not stop him now. 'Uon NiMiptiun, t!iey say t broken hoart, I luinn. homo scouudrel ialiiuat dropped the lamp ail c uiLrUtui iiaii'i ana gi ippmi it, ainl said iua hoarse, ulioki.ig voice, for 1 wus Ktrugling to soe tuo full light t "What ilo you w.mh mo to do f "Telegraph, at uiv cxpjnsi', to my brotlier-iu law. 1'ako it lovu, or you'll forgot I Troni Ohristophur AiMtay toJjun iSnui 1, Iuo 'ihulm 1 llunilov, Say Kato ii uot to ii let. You know best.' "Yes, yes,' I Hiainmnred, tnv bauds trembling us I took out a pencil and pi(:tondjl to write' "Jlidd Kate, thou.' 1 faltered, 'is' ".My darling child 1' sobbed tho poor fullow, 'au I she's dying !' II o was too won It, toolaiulto lined mo, us with a bitter groan 1 turned away stuuued uiud uluiost -ul my folly, rot I saw it nil now. poor. weak, pitiful, 1'i.iioin fjol that 1 waj. I had soiui tlio girl I worshippj I putted uud caressed by. her owu f itu or. and. without souking or nuking in explauation, I ha 1 rusiui I aviy, leaving hor to think iuo a saouudrol, uay, worse. Wheu I turned once moro to Uin mattross my patient hail faliou aa leep, and I stood there tliiukin. I a few miuutud I bad uu li my plais i thuu, watch iu baud, 1 impa tioutly waited for D;. Barker's re turn yo was back lo his time, uud in a few words I bad made my airuuge moots. Doctor,' I said, 'you said you were in my aom lor tins nigui s work.' 'My doar sir, I'll write you a oheck for twenty guineas . with pleasure, he replied. "I'uy mo in this way,' x saia i soo tbat these patiout s whose names I have written on this slip of paper are atteuded to well for the noxt to days, and tell our friend bore that his message has boon seen to.' He promised eagerly, and tue noxt minute I was in tbe street, ranuiug to tbo nearest cub stand. I was inst in timo to oatch the early morning traiu, ana half wad, half joyous, I sat impationtly tuore till the train dropped moat uuruiey, where the fly slowly jolted me over to tbe Four Mile Farm. It was a bright, frosty moruiug, and tbo sun gluuced from the river upon tho trees, but 1 could tniou of only one thiug as I kept ur ging tbe drivor ou, aud bo roust have tbouzbt me mad as t leupodoui and rushed into the woll-kuown par lor. "Kate 1 I cried, as ball blind i ran toward a p vie face lying back iu au easy chair by tbo fire. You scoundrel r was roared at the same moment, and the sturdy farmer bad pinnod ulJ by tbo throat. "Yes. ell that said i 'only bear mo.' His bands dropped as Kate uttered a low cry and fainted. 'Quick 1' 1 laid, 'Water aud aome brandv.' With a low growl of rage my old natioct for cout oboyed me, aud in a fow minutes Kato'opuned ber eyes to look full iu miue as nor bead rui ed on my arm, "Have you come to say good- by 1" she said feebly i andtboro was snob a look of roprouoh in that .poor worn face that I oould only answer in a whisoer t "No, co to ask vou to give and bless me with rour love i to ask you to forgive me for my weakness, for I must have been mad. A deen rroan tr4e me turn my k- i, i i-iTiiiCa farmer'a bead i r-i l'i t riss tad bis woman began laugh- l,aoh voieee as Car Ths I'oit. Physical Heal If subjects wore Considered im portant in proporliou to their utility, heat would have been among tbe first objects of human iutcrost. lint, unfortunately, this has not been tbo case. Those questions that alToid gratification to tho imagination, und (peculation to the Understanding, have absorbed the nttentiou of m iu kind in all ngos. Tho poet, Philoso pher, logislutor, aud divine, each in his turn, has frequently lent his aid to subjects of a puroly speculative aud Imaginative nature i whilo the great agouti that develop tho i vsour cos of natures and afford health, hup pinoss, and progrctia to mon, have boon almost euliruly overlooked. Monro, iu accordance with this ppirit of human inquiry, poetry, eloquence. ruetoiic, and speculative philosophy, have rocoivud a large share of inves tigation. And it is a signitlcaut fact tbat our host pouts, rhetoricians, and theoro'acal philosophers, aro to be found among tbo aucionts We have advanced in these subjects little iuce tho days of Aristotle. Iu phys ical siuco, however, tho moderns bavo uchieved wonders truely worthy of the ngo. float is purely a quality of physical bodies, and exists with out known limit iu nil. It is impon derable and invisiblo, aud known on ly by the ofl'oct it produces among material objects. It plays a most important part iu all tho various phenonioua of nature. No body, whether oriauio or inorganic, exist without some dogrco of heat. Noxti to gravilaliou, it is uuivers.it to all mali.ri.il bodies. Tlio. most inert mi l ru lo m.idsi s ar pregnant with it. vVhatoVL'i' wo foci, touch, taste, or smell, is full of heat, Alt the forniM that boaulify thoHurfaeo of the e.irtll, owe their existence to tlio iuil:i:u) of heat. Without its gonial power all uatilid would bo lOoMoulcsH, an I in profound repose ail suddenly fall into u bolid, impenetrable, form Iuh.i in. lid without or.lor, witli int heinty i and it may bu hignil'.i! intl.v sail; "chaos reigns again." Of tlio ultimate ualuro of iieat wo know nothing. It exercises, howevor, n most important fund ion in nil tho proc-ORs of ualuro. Hut, like giavi tatiou, whi.di piu'lains to all l o lie, it is properly known ouly by its function. Ileitis c died HI impon derable ngeut, bi'Causo it has no hou hililo weight. Iiiko light, it has law of radi.itiou, truusiiiission, lell.'ciiou, pulaiixilion, iiliHoi ptioii, uud refract tion y.al pevtniii.i t tlio inii natu particles of iu itttl', or uioleuular o imposition, us well as to thu.r utr- giog ition, lleuou it la us iuiport aut I iu the sphere ol Uueuiisiry us m itci uat'.icil philosophy. I5y llioappliea tion of luat t j u o impound body liio most stubboi'u alii lilies aro brokou up, un.l tho body reduced to its ul timate element. lo..t IS II1..I -p'Jll iblo to thoeliiboratioii uud grovthuf all orgauixod bodies, uud the icost uoeessaiy ugont in their composition and decomposition. Nutiition can not take pluco without a sum uout logi'uo of heat, nmui ul ij Ij 1 ani mal bodies requiro uiuoty-eight do groos of heat i aud a temperature but five degrees below tins would be inoomputiblo with life the fuuetions of life would ooaso Heut boing thus iudidponsablo as au clement iu all ui.itonal bodies, tbe next inquiry will bo its source, laws, and pheno mena, "iuo sources oi uout aro, chielly, tho suu. combustiou, chomi cul changes, friction, electricity, vi tality, and lastly torrestial radiation. Solar heat accompanies tho sun's light, and most unquestiouuhly l a suits from tbo intousely high torn poruture of tho snn.or atmosphoro of the sun itself, Oombuatiou, or in tenso ohoinicul action, is also ucoom uauied with the elovalion of boat, r'liotion causes belt as a result of mechanical motion. Thus, in boring a cannon under water, heat ovolvos sufficient to bring tho water to a boiling point, and largo buildiugs may be warmed iu this way. Terrestrial rudiutiou is a constant source of boat. Geological investi gations have proved tbat tho contre of the earth is in a liquid stato, and tho surface has gradually cooled to its present condition, euca the eartu is a souroe of heat to itself. It has ooostautly thrown off beat from this source for thousands of years. The iutonse beat of tbe earth is proved by the progressive inoroaso of heat as we descend into its inte rior. The deepest well known ie two thousand two hundred feet, add its water baa a temperature of uiuoty one degrees. The average incroase of temperature, as we deceud, is over one degree to every ono hundrod feet. At this ratio we will have, at two miles, the boiling, and at twen ty throo miles a temperature of a uout two thousand two hundred do rees. At this beat east iron, trup md rooks, and nearly all solid bod ios, are iu a fluid state. Heuoe we nan easily account for-the numerous boiling springs Chat apnoar in vari ous parts oi tue . woriu.. i-nysioui heat eousists of two parts distinot. but nearly related. The first relates to-the natural influence of two bod ius in alterinar their .condition in r ssetto temperature. The second o"i,:' ta t-t it-JT of tbo- e't-rv -i' ',!"'( T-' eweep aerosa lit Let 5LJ:i: PA., JULY 10, 187!). at which chemistry intervenes, or the molecular composition of bodies booome affected. Tho first part con sistitn tho theory of warming and jos rudiato and nbsorb beat i even n;-, under a toinpevalivo below its own. radiatos boat. But nil bodies do not absorb and rudiato heat alike. Thoso that aro the best absorbers aro also tho bout radiators, but tho best re flectors of heat aro tlio worst radia tors. By this law of radiation ftudj absorption of boat, nil bodies change. constantly tboir o m iitiou in rospoot to temperature, and also size. Mo lar heat is abundantly absorbed by j all surrounding objects, but they r diato us soon as tho ntinnsphoro is: distuibel in its equilibrium l and; lienco tue iitiiiosphoro is kept up ut nearly tho saiuo condition at tho sur face of oarth. It is only by terres j trial rudintion that beat is imparted , to atiuoHphcriu uir. Tho direct in-1 tlueiicu of tho sun has no suusibluj t ll'ect upon utniospliericti'mpuratnrc. j It is owing to tins fact that tho up -I per regious oi tno almoHphcro aro intensely cold. Uili.ition of heat lakes place in a vacuum moro easily than in air, mi l ij llieioforo ipute iu- depo!i I. nt of any condueti'i ; medi um. Ii it nil bu ll ' I that l lli l'e heat, nlso cond.iet Ii 'at from p u lielo to p irticlo. If tiiia were not h i, tue ; Mlif.ieo of bodiia only would be! warmed, mil tho interior never ciiangi'. ll.'iin all bo liea cm liu't! hear til -hi, but this i-i in lepeii lent of i raliatioiior ubsoiplioil. If ono end: of a bur of iron is lieatod, the Invit is) in lep .ndeiit of radiation or ubsorp : lion, If ono on. I of a hu of iron is heated, tlio heat U trausuiittiid to tho other by con Ijeli ou t!uou,;!i its particles. All bodies, however, do not have the sauiecouductiug powur. , I ho metals, its a cIhsr, are good con I il'letorsi whilo wool, wood, cli.ue i ll, lire cluy, au I hiiudir bodies, nio bad ones, (told ia tlio best conductor j known. In uielals of u d insu texture tho conduction of heat is iiecomp aiii-1 ed with ii vibiati jii ol their putio Ics. I Th.j Hoiisn of loach glvei n goi 1 idea of tho conducting p i .vor of va rious bodies, Iu a I'omiu iu at nos i;liero all bodies have nbnu.st precise ly the Baino loinpnrnturo Apply1 yoilr h ind to one, it foula Hold, to another, uud it fools warm i yd both: b.ive tlio same leuipnraturo. This is j owing to tho ihll'iient conducting j power of tho bodies i u good con-. luctor abstracts tlio boat quickly: from the hand, aud tho body fuels cool, when, iu point of fact, it is not I so. Heat oheys tho samo law iu ra-l liation as light. It is transmitted .... , . IU rccllliuear lliius, uii'i in lis reuec tiou tho iinglu of rcll 'ctioii U equal to tlio angle of incidence, Hays of heat are ulso collected by concavo mirrors in lain, l ucy un dergo refraction aud polarization precisely as tbe rays of light. Tho laws regulating beat and light urn s much alike, that heat has been thought to bu only a modification of light. However, thoro are certain phenomouas of heat that do not ap pear uudor tho laws of light. The modification of bodies by their thor mologioul chungo, is one of tho most i in poi taut laws of physical science, All physical bodies expand by boat, and contract by cold, lhe uuio solid tho body, tho more powerful tliofaeoyf dilatation, Thoro is an exception to this law, however, in the caso of ice. or wator iu a curt tin state. The law holdaiu water, iu its fluid aud gaseous Btuto, to a certain degree of bout, but immediately Changes below thirty-nino dogrees. Ico is well known to expand by freezing. "To this exception the comfort, and even tho hubitubility of our globo, aro iu a groat measure, dopondeut.'' Jn point of utility, the exception to tue law roiuited to is truly important. Tho alterations of bodies by beat aro of two kinds. We have only spokeu of the first, that is, chungo of volume i but production of a new state of aggregation is also discover ed. For instauoe, a solid body is reduced to a fluid by a change of its temperature, und a liquid to a guss. When we boat any substauoe, tbe elevation of its temperature is do teruriued solely by tbe portion of boat consu nodi tho rest of which, iusonsiblo to tho tbormntuoler, is absorbed to modify tho physical con stitution of the body. This is what is meant by latent boat) that is a portion of heat has booome laleut m the body. This is called t lief unda mental law discovered by Black, and is regarded as one of tho most bril liaot discoveries in physical science. Solidity end fluidity were long re garded absolute qualities of bodies i but, proporly spoukiug, ineyaie onii relative qualities an ws aro eveo certain tbat all , oolid bodies might be rendered fluid,1 , tf we cc aid apply t"t r ti reinca f-erj, avoid 'I 4 e NO. 4 chsngei producvd iu solid, lluid, and . . a ! a gaseous oouics, aro urongul nndor the fundamonlul law of Black.. This law, to understand it more tharly. is this i "That every body, in its Vassngo from a solid to a liquid ituto, and from that to a gasoous. ilways absorbs a moro or less dis .ingnishnble quantity of bent with nit raiing its teiopoifltuio while ho iuverso process occusions a dis engagement of limit jtrrsitwly coiTcs jollddlt ttho nbsorptioii." I havo Ihus endowored to nkctcli niclly s.tnio ij tlio cnumon plion -ncna of heat, ascertained its sources, md determined sumo of llfo fuuda nonlal laws by which it is governed. To do tho subject jnstico, would re quiro moro spaco than tho demgn of this nrticlo would afford, and uu i, blor pen than I possess, it is un questionably ono of the most import ant ehmienls of tho imponderable elms, and iiidispunsiiblo iu nil the processes of nature. And. in con. elusion, it is the ngent by whose iiilliieuci) tho rain deccudn to fructify rio son, mat vegetation may becomo lit for tho fiiod of man ; und I he i iv. ors. brooks, aud springs, may ulTbnl water to quench his thirst t" stoic. 1 n P in tho form of wood m, 1 it furnishes warmth to tho body in winter, nnd thus adds a degreo of comfort in nil dimes that otherwise would prostrate tho energies of the system, and bring on prematura de cay, upyilied to water in tho form of vnpor, it propels the ocean steamer, o:i I ear upon tho railroads, to cpe diato travel, und facilitate commerce. Thiii, by uti intelligent use of heat, civilization is advanced, and nan n. iieei;i(.. from (Jio iJeimiils that would ol,!o't i.ii) iiimiiii. li hi ' coia fcrl an I joy. ;. (. Midd!-l,;ii-.'. Tlio VVorl.bliC)). j Tlio knircs of pi M0r0 usualiy I uvido ol brnii?.-. I Ivory it lei,.) -i.il t -xible by steep- j inir in a -oluiiou el I . 'rueliliirii' ai-i-l. For lltlaelll.r litnl-iM ll--H r r j p-irc 1 1 n, g nn U.uiijj.u.i i-, geu iui ly employ .-d. '. ncwliil-' i!o,! not p m.' t!ic h iily of whi'i'-li'iid, requiring mure to sever u given s irfiice. ('hinwo jvis'o is a ivinont of bull. 0 -ki' bt-i.i l, qa ckh.-no au 1 w utiT, lor si mu, eurlln iiivji'o or wood. "l'.irci'laiii eeiiietit is mudo by stir ring plaHi r o! Paris into a iliit'k so lotion of iOiMi.uabie, uud is best up plied with a Iru-h. rrintingniiik is asm xuh, ji-t blai-k. "il p tint, in rlo ol bo le i lin-oetl oil, re.tiil-uil uu I laiup .blick ; su-ip uud 1 C-iti iii-o soiiii'tiuii.tt u 1 Jo-1. Cerluiil metals, w hen lui l'cil, nu ll rg i'xp.iuii)il el- solid. lioatioli. 1J suiath uu I u.i-tjroii aro i '-xuinple-, lioaco iho piicisiou viith wniih cast iron Ink. IS III'' illlpru-iMOU ot u iu hi Id Horn is colore J by b liliu it in in-: fusions of colora. laiitutious ut' tor tois-sliull uro in t iu by apiIiiu hot a solution of tioiirlu-h, qaic'.hiU'- lilliaro uuJ draou's blooJ. This is 1 ud on in i-trouks und I'loteh.a lo iiiiila'o iho shell, uud a s.-cuid appli cation give tho darker spots. luuiOT lioso is niiJo by ruppiiiLr rubheraclolh around a tubi el Iho required hmo, tho uuiuhor of plies do peinliiig on tho rcuuirad sironi'th. The tuOu ii tlioo placed iu a houler and Biibjouted, for u suffioiout tiun'i lousteuiu predsuro of MO pouulsto tlio square incli, equal t-i SiJ deg. F which molts ilm snlihur and vulcuiiizos Ilia glim. The tulio is then withdrawn from tho huso, Ooo-o-quills for pons arj asortod into quulitiu djteruiiuod by the cliur uctnr of tbo barrel. They sro plung ed iuto Iho tmatei aaii l tJ unko thu uxici ior .kin peel oil' and tlio iutorior lueinhrauo slu'ivul up. This umy hi) perl'oriuud by altera ita soaking In wutor sad dry ing In-fore u chirciul ti'O. They are haidonod by souking in a hut solution of ilium. The yel low color H onterroa by u q-nok dip into mti'iri aCi, Lookiug-ulasses nro filvercd, as it is oat Iod, by tho l-illowing proc-ns : A. shoot ui tin-tod is placoJ viry smoothly oo a table orstouo, and tbo toil is tlieu Oouilod with mercury. Tbo gluss is laid upon it iu such u way ss to expol uir-bubles, und heavy weigh's press out tho 8iiei'ftuoii" meraiiry, und what rehluios tor ids an vmulgam with iho tho tin which ad heres to the back uf tho glass, A fow years ago s big color J re vival had lukea place iu and arouod lioyklus, a stution on the railroad ruutiing from Fonauiouth, Vs. to Weldou. is. U. aud its oquol, as a mutter of course, was a baptizing of the cnuvorts in the neighboring Meboulu river, Tony ll.irJeo wos coming up out of ths sireoiu in which ho bad J5-t boi-o bspii.ed. As ho oiuoigod lis cluppod his liaodi uud shouted s "I've see a I bo Lr 1 J.'sui I'vo seoo tho Lrd Jesus 1" ''H-js'i you d d fool " exclaimed a brotlior c iii vert, who bsd boon iunuorsed iu the same squad with Tony, "that wubii t lbs Lord Ji-sut t twus tiolu mg but a tui klc I 1 seed li I" ! J Comniiu oarriur 'Oo'sipura. Msrrisgo ia no onoven gaols Il it a tut. Tho oldttt verss in exUteuceTbi uoivereei ; ; ., 'JIM II 2 lOMT. PublMhnd every TliurMilar Kvcning JEREMIAU CPOt'SK, Prop'r Terms of Snliscnption, TWO IX)f,l I KIt A N NI'M. Pay;, r.lils vithin six month, or J..Kiifno't pn!d within ihsvvar. No )injrf'.r dis cimliiuied until nil ArrciTrtirvs sro prtid unless At tho op'lioil of tho pub lisher. IfuWriptirvi nulsido of tho'connlj rwAiir.t: im advance. It-JVl'i i'son lifting nml iiiii); pnppni dilr'spd '. olhein leroinPKiilcriliers and -re liable for tho frh'? rfthe pnper JJUNltY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harness Maker Ccntrevllo, Snyder County, Penna. Kx.paon hand. hnS in-RM In M-r all kind nl lUrn.a.. Si..f, Hrlltn-, '.Vlil , tlnlarl , Sr. All work iuvaiill.4 for nn .r ' Mr. Woinajr auk a l.ul a Irlnl l r. - that h unil.ralamla kia liualn.aa. tSof III, '74. W. II, Itll'KA, PB4CTIGAL MILL-WRIGHT .1Mr JStnti'on, Sniitir Co., (Kormrrly from I.rwlslown Jiificlion.) AkAmI f,,r lh. I.atq.t ltuprnr.1 Tmni-a Wj, TKIt W'HKXI.N. MMCr MAi'MOKM, IlKLTlSU, HKII llul.riMO 1,1 OTII. C. fco. Sl.-a.il, .nl r.r the K AHMKKfl' n-t B(V V I AaV, Mutual r'lr Inaur.uoa. aolullial tir-i i-U t'"nnanl-f. -lllli-o aiil malilnnc ai. Mrla-r Stntlna Oi-t.S ';.tl. MCHOLS,SHEPARD&CO.v Itnttlu 'rc.-li, 1 It'll. ORIGINAL Af:D ONLY CENUINE VIHUATOIt THRESHING K&CKIXCRY. TIIK MrrhlM llrnln-fiTlm. Ttmv-iTlnf nd M urt Hs in J t('-i ff Int dit ami fitifrsj tl n f. I si 1 1 rl all I l.lHit Id 0(1, Terfitt tUaU.IS ana rur PAinia uraii irotu s wnm, V "!l I .it', i :, I l.i. i rr 1 Impj, i i. '. v ii ,'i'.i' .uiri;- h-- - , f ' I 'I i t 1 . I m !... Mr.; ! f iimi. nnA iflri '. t C' .'..or.'. -I-l I j '.1.1 ! I.- ', t.v 1 ...I'S i -i ) . 1 1 . t ON i . v. m if I r '. .f Wit to iKp rn . i . , .i i . . . . .i 1 1 a tintj Of oil.,., . ., .. ! , . , ." A oil the ,1 -!l II ,,-. s i i-i i.ir f'.r Vi Ii'1 t, On' YVTl?V ,nrs f.tr Nimplirltt r Vnr1 mna I i. ,i. .1,. -,,!f Hi.-u-i,al 11-(. and Urar. ilaa i'i-au W or a, v ttl, a-' I iiUtii'.-- ..f .h, atfiinas, Pol It S!iH or wp,rninr Nj.lr. Itnnicln ' ' --n l- 1 Sjfl- . Hoi ,vlal', ai.'l lutilf wl Uuubt !: ii-!,- r. i tf. u uaatcti. FOIt rarllfitlnn, ThII on our lrKltrn or lite ui us for Hiu.ttaUd Cu.alar, wt.Kh a uiaiil tttth jami:.-j i:ise:i, Agent, Molioiilongo, Snylur Co., Pa. JJN10N FANINO Mll.Ii Ki;MXSIWilVK,SNVPi;U uo.,PA liiuaht-r Ih'stlcr ANII IH INI-rA'-TI'lIKH Of Henri, Boor Item's. Windows. Shutters window Boxes. Illliuls, tiiish, Ntulr ii. l. ...a ll.,a If fillliiir-H llrilrk. els." Moul'llncs I'loiirliiir, 8UHM.I.SAW1NU fcl ABlNtTTl'KNlNC ... T ...I. C. B.A OUlUieB, J-iUlu, uu., atu. Orders solicited and rilled with prompt raa aud de-paub. l'luasc onll and xam- naour "took uerur parouasing nnnmr lhe Phoenix Pectoral. Una pror.1 Itanlf to it -ulUrl- a;lpt. 19 o. i.ia..tia, ounaiiini'Uv.a an-l ohillren. U hreika aeuld. It l"P a s.iukIi. 11 al.la -I-pooiorallun Itslv.a liialanl r.llal. Il IVM Itrnitli, Itl.rinna real, U baa tuada mur euro, lliaii any othor ineillcln.. 1 1mu-anila uf lh. lUili.na i.l fca.l.rn I'-nnaylvanH have U.11-,1 11 I'T juar. I - -- -' ulvon anil rurea e l-i-t 'I. I'rloo, jSMiitaorHU'iitliarnr!. 1'ruti'ir.a uv I.nvl (ilMirlinltiier. M. 11. anil ,.,. i,y joim A. Muala, Ml.l.lhi.ur, anJ Soni outun k llrir, riiirovi!l, i'a. April rJ, li.x. I y. U ' trct ain.l tx-l flftLldlB WCkJMLV l'AI'1'.H prlutaHt Ibe a-ouuU-jr. Il la tit. pap-r that raw la II" wanla of III. ranu aixl H' Si.-iJa "' i aiyH'." "r Dllnr,MWiii ia avii i-y a-.w, " u I mu of Uu- l.i I owiiik lull, ami u c .niai..i.ii of Uio lt h ilk any wlut ft Ilia ul) jkliul It .olfj li vl, rv.u l.y a r-ixir ImM. IU Mm mnt inprmiiaa jcn Id o.I or vtok fyt. a) jlui. fui...r fintu .:l...ir c.if Ioh.. Ilial I'lakra ill. ria. ia in', linn, uin - i. ... .ti i.. ........ ..in. ...... ii.,.. u,nl li.in.'hl aim r nr. ii'".. i , aoaals .nabl. Iia leial la lu foi iu . rorr-rl liiji'tnalil on -lialrv.-r l.pwli.ul Rl'iJ eu.-a qiu-allt'iia olh.ut r-jui!l-, t"it .1 wava lutliD lui.-ra.l tllli-j u-1u--tii clJM,-a. li la In uu wnu anillniuil uf trnolvil in lu lma or ..(.iiuoii. ai.l ctm bo ...... I tli ihu u.iniMival i.l. -i-ili. an-l mii:i't"4 I n i.ni 'lua.ia lu U.iii.u, l.i 'I '""I I- -'I' ""a I" li..auie. Jl.i.n.iU-j ii..- ll...llm; naiiwa I lUs -mii-i-:io-.ll.f . ai.'l asarawl l 11. li,.i.U,.l.ll Bl .'. 1 i , v . - , Wl'la if Ui-.l-vlio- )' -n i.aif.fl. Wio-iva uu , !irciitiin. rinnil-notllia, or oluluum a .v. Hi tlio i t.-a, ii.ii..oi.k Hut Ilia Kiualft in I ' 'i-inia . m '.im-i ii I'i .-U ..nu.i.j thu In .11. v ii. -li aii'-li ll'll.ia , i i.. il. brtlair iMof luirrax- luw llio UHlwr. a..a l.a.nii III. auuulu Iu'ii.m lu li Iiii la of piotm. duaiara, vlitfiw It i.ruiiily K-liitiKN. . W, hiiw.ir, hilly api roolal. lb npr watj llwiu HlM.-ir.llv Im-iiII, iia will hv awil b ral i - Hal or raiali.aai laa i lu uara-ui." wl..i-n la t-ui vu-iica la our uu aiuui)Ui..u. AuuOa' uulltl lr t Umk t'uiau tiriif isti p;itTic. aWa.Lkl l'ur , UJtclsaj--- fsaxraxov oRiwiuia. tior iMiu. ow iyi -. vLU M DO., Hudao. K. T ' r t ' ' - - . V a" r I 'I I- r r. hp, .j Z ...... . 1 1" r. i i v . I'i . . i i ' .t i. : ' I ' I I I i i. r I I llafl : i . ; . oi. 'i t. i.i-i.u," to r I'i.h. tli Hc-Lmsi'M, . ' I-'int Vf iM', ai. r f r . f i , i i- ii . 1 1 i , . i -i . in, utc.t tui " iL't-al- lUi -si -l tii.".'- ai It.m ,r.ii :t. ?! ' ; 4 ( ' i 1 t !i 4! I . I ll ' 1.