The Post Widdleburi," June, 25, 1379. "lT CRbuSE.'Edlor j Proprclor REPU3LICAN TICKET. I'rqthniioury, JKKKMUII HOlVn, of Miilillil.llift. r.f,i UT ti n.-onr,i.r, J A MI'S M VANASLtr, cf Milllpburg. I'iMrirt Altnrtioy, iii;nuv ii uuiMvl, of rreiliurjr. Jury C nimiv"i nof, AI.V1N A. IT, 111, (.f ot I'.citi r. Republican "State Convention. Tho liopuhlicnus cif iVfinivIvfinln, and nil ot!i( tn in f .vr of an one Currency ti 1 lint f lithful dieh:irgt cf Mittioniil Obligations, and ijia -cd to (Jouitnonisiii und till Ki-st ir.i- tiot) tO I'ttWlT ill tl'0 N:lt.iotl'll (Jov- l rumen t of thu itjlluoijct h which p.o curcd tho rebellion of )-, uro io quostod to K'Ti l deler'ntes, appor tioned accordingly to their rcprrneti tit ion in the I. j;i-l'iturn, to 11 Con volition to meet nt llurrhhurg. nt 1 12 Jf,. on thu -'! I day of July next, tj nomiooto a cmdiduto for State Treasurer and tnx-t iel fu-'Ii other LnsiiKts as may bo brought before tlllUl, M. 8. lIAT. Chft'rmm Stuto Committee. I'hiln. .Imio !. JsT'.t. Continued signs of iuipruvuiuent iu Luh lioHN n ru everywhere manifest. Tho Ohio l)oiiner,'.lic! platform don't nay a woi .l tib'nt "fraul." Komarkablo oversight. Thcro in a pr p i.sitiou on fool lo c )Uslrnt a roilroi I from Nowltloom lichl, IVriy county, to liinc:iuuoii. Mrs. Matthew Shlptniu. un insane woioan living near Warron, Bet tiro to her Iioumo Ja-t Tuesil iy uuruiug, fiuJuho was roasteil to ikath. For 6 )'ii;'tiino p i4 oioniiivo ho tuld h-ivo fiirnish" 1 fu ! f n- iUMtrn; tivo li-oH. Tho New C jluiubi i Ho tul at Capo May was burnt ouTIiuth day. Zao. Ch-in lliir will ntuinp Oliio for FoKtor nn l Iliekoulooporr Tuo i lal wart KepublicinH will lio L'leally in ilmuau I U'oia u o.v until ivemoor 1SS0. Iicnuiiii,' iV. Soiih' largo chemical works at JSi-i.l.mbui'g, l'liihi lulphia, were iloslroyo l by tiro ou S Uunl iy uftornoou. Tho woika covuroJ 21 ucres of pronn l. Herman Weaver a young man in Roailing, on 1'i i.lay pet forme tho perilous feat nt that jil.ioo of jump ing from tho tjp of a bri.le, a dis taucoof 100 foot, into tho Schuylkill liver. Jlowna not ir.juroj. Mr. TiMoti is again hocoming pop ular. It U rep irto l tint ho hm tn iilo tivo luillion iloll un out of his tlovaleil nilroml htoek. Jlutnveii this will not b'j i nongli to insure Iih rapiJ transit to tho vVhilo Uouho. (Icorgo 1. a bigamist, was. on Hatntvl iy, ut Salt Liko ('ily, I'lah, ei'titi ticc.l to two yearn' iu pi imminent an 1 sjfoOO line. 1K is tho Ji rut Mormon convictoil of poly gumy Bineo tho passago of tho act ia lbGi. lion. Oj ). Metcr, tho ol lotl csmoinljar of tho Pennsylvania Leg" isl itnro, li" l at I'mlmlu on tint 11th inst, Mr. MoUgor rei esentcnl Cum berlaiid county in the House of He. jvcscntitivea in 1S13. lie was about Uti years oil. Ouo of tho lownito agents of flit; Internal Huroan reports the capture (f two illicit whiskey stills in Al l banio, tlio property of Itov. Albert H Mntiion, "a minister of tho iowpol in gooil Ktatiiling,'' whoesoipoil by flying to tho wood. Tho Montgomery county Ilopuh licaus havo endorsed Cipt iiu Will iam 15, Hart for Stato Treasurer, anl tho Nunistown Uaily I km!, I 6'iys ti at ten thons in 1 Itcpuhlic.ins of V't county cordially cielorso tho action of tho count v conimitteo. Oen. 15. T. liutlor thro.ens to etump Ohio f r J-.wiiig. Ki t finan cial heresies will break down tho Poiouciacy in Ohio, lie is a mighty man for lutscmuf to any paity to WhU'U ho att.ielieti liiiiinoir The Hopublicuis uro tho tiuo me roicsoftho "bloated bondholdurs. They havo rcd.iead tho interost on tho bonis from (5 to Ip-rc'tit Sinco tlu lirst of Merch, 1S77. the amount H.tvod in intoruit has b.'eu l?U.'.)J7,177. This is tho kind of economy and reform" tho people apprcoiato. Tho Dcinocrutio siln iti m in Ohio is (said to bo Ufxpernto, Tlio (ii.r mans bclievo in hard money, and in dicute an intention to ftuppoit i'os ter, 1 ho nomination ot bo pro- nonnced ft ureenbacker ns baa offoudod a largo and p oworful lomoDt ia tuo pohlicw of tuo Uiick fyo btato. In a lottor roeo vo 1 in Wanhing ton from (ienoral Urint, in fSiam, at luding to aomo piracriph ho had eon iu his Amerioin IiIoh about po litical domonatratiotm in honor of Lis return, lieetya that bo is always eosiblo of tho approval of his fel lowoitizens, bat any formal display which might b ooustruod an a toovttinont for politiciU purposoi voold not b trMable nor wall ad- The Work of the Light ting. Ono of th moot dastniiitire fi'os that over happened in Philadelphia occurred nt l'oitit Hreezo on tho 18th int. I-" i v n vrnsola altogether, vain c1 nt f l-fi.O'K), wcro burned to tho water'" cilo i ono million gallons of refined oil woro burned i ono lhon sand feet of wh-uf properly, w iirc hoiiMB aud tihcddiiig. with oil their content., woro bnrno 1 i nn exleri ivo cooper nhop, with all its v lim bic machinery und twonly tli nisim 1 mpty liarrolrt, v:is burn'.'-! ( a cm factory, ono dt tho 1 ir'ost In the country, with prcsson nnchincry and lies of every variety, which L'.i'l coM years to gel togelhor, was burned i il large, dwelling Will burned ( Iwo iiiimi iibo t't'iks wero burned i oil in ban t Is and oil in niKi'N und oil in tanks, oil in r.licl-) nn 1 oil in pi it forms, oil on lull 1 find oil in wssol.-i everything wont in lh'nio end smoke tind left tho ouco bii'-y lit l!o colony of stills und operating room and pni'Iong houses and shipping office iml wfti'liiMiM("4 of tho All intie Jle- f.niii Coinputiy a l!:K'!;winl inixsa of i iiiiih- I iio totiil I ;s in Htinvit-j.l nt ,:ian noo. Tho vulao of tho vos mcIh uloiio, in tho nrcjfi' n hoon ht ltcd, in plnt'i'il tit sri'.OOii, 'J'lin the hrokc cntufn ;h cu tlio -'Hh alul I I four Iioiuh hnlf ft toil of whiuflii;,' hl.l h-.itl (l.'t.ovol. I').(0 ' rnip.ty oil h'lriclH mi l ?'lso,o") lilionn! (lanugo il m;. All tins was Cartel ly tho Imrk II. on. 1 ho von Hcl li:til LiM'ii in a contiuuul hl,.v for two ilnys, when it wan thought the a COO Lands of oil which Inn) liooit ftorol in hir wcro cutircly buriit out. Powder arid Shot- Olfllonn Sbite-liights. including Pecrpion as nn incident, is the corncr-ntoiit of the IVtivcraHe pnr'y Tho (ietit ral (iovr rnmctit is the nhivo (.f (ho Koveral States, 'J hey have tho right to let it live or eoi. deinn it to die ut their pleasure. Democracy means Stato lu'ghtK and Slate flights means SeceVKion. Jiomocracy means W hite Suprem aey and Whito Supieinucy mcuus the abolition of Ann ij liiKiit't. 1 'eiinicracy means the tovift nnd total ovca'.loow of tho last htaiutul metniiiy of Line j!ni:no. leinouiiiey tiii iins everything tW. has boon taught ly tuoOiolonu .s'rt'i tip to thin hour. 'I his Liiiou is j !- t as hateful to un to-day, as abhnrr id atid jost as u i. was in ltvil ! Inilf.vr have come bark to flay, mid, what in lucre. We h iv; C .nun hle'k to rule, Why? PicatlKO tho Sont hem peo ple and lJeir tiliip.lthi. VS III the North constituto ti tpt.irtor million majority of tho population of tho I'liitod Statin. Tho most duHpicahlo of all the lcbels wel'O those moll who went in to tho rebellion protesting that it was all wrong und that they w tie L'niou men, and gavo to the bad ca8e, when they wore in, their hearty support. A rebel who think ho was right limy coniitiand some iiioaHtuo of respect ; but a man who beeaioo a libel roufiHsiiig that he was perpetrating a criiuo is nu nn mi'iga'e.l rasc;d. (Jeolgia has twelve of these pirsnus among her ri'i Knulativts in tho piu-itt t'on groud. Tia: l'hil.idi.'lphia Ui.'Mi.i. cf ?f.l ttrdey jiubli'ilies the description of fourtet ti .Moliies who are yet wanted for trial lor murder. Sotno of the crimes in which they woro concern ed wore committed as far back as I Mill. Niueteeu Mollies havo been hung, two uro uuder Houtunco of death uud ij iito a number are in tho lianlerii penitentiary, if tho four teen yet at largo can bo bteured the lint of this b'oody band tho worst that ever infested tho earth will be complete. If any political prophet at the cIoho ol tho war had dared to pro diet that this generation would not pa:.s bi foio tlio rebel brigadiers, iu full control ot a m "j n'ity of both houses (d Congrof'S, would bo found deliberating whether it wasn't nftor all, advi-tiblo to refuse to voto u proiiriations for tho niniiiteiianee of.1 tlio iirmy of tho 1'nited States, ho would havo been btoiied to tluath by tho people. lJi'livi rn this time un 1 tho 23 1 of July an immenfo umoiitit of money will I io thrown on tho inirket. (.'iilled hotnh to tho extent of !?2lSt.. i'OO.OOO nio to Im tnken up. Oi theso about ?l,itM,0 '0 will bo hy direct cxeh'itif;o of f-ix per cent. Imtidx. 'J ho r.imiitiin flH4.0U0.0tM must ho roinvcHti'l Homcbmv and nomenliero. It may givo real CHtate a hoo.-t- Thero w ill ho no meeting of the I'eiiiiHvlv.iina I.CL'isialnrohtf.iro Jun 1SS1 n ulcus Hpeeiitlly cnllod by the (Jovcrnor i and wo Iiopo w noeeoHi tv wid urine reoniriiig him to cull n peeinl session. If living doubled the I'f.prcNcntttion and itu olHoora, that body in too espcnuivo a luxury to ho indulged in every year Canad wntits to provo that her (itiotm do not noil iimmiinition to tho Sioux, aa lins boon clmrgod. Our own tradura without doubt aro mean enough to pnt tholudiunu in ponyos itiou nf tho weapons to murder their brotl cro. Wc'imr C'- A b'ertUniwnts K..1, lion wonnilf l or Inl'ir-! inn now nhinln ti n.l'in. uii l" Hi nw Inn tn tint Irniu dli ohftrva. A.lilrn ftt um. with lni. fur blaukn toil now ol llor'i olroulnrl. V. C. U I' It I M 'IK. It A. f'4. I'lllaliurKi Pa. Oldest Claim Agent in the State. $2; V) A YEA It for honeet. intelll- aant aatlnau ma or auoau. N.wlnii Inou . Ilirht work. A'lilro'l 0-lra. Ti AuKKor, MaiUaaw, Ua. Ju ;1.ti Atclonoer. Oeorge II. ITaclccn htirir, of Miihllucrct'k, 1. ()., would nn noniH'o to the people of Snyder coun ty, that ho will cry sales for real nnl personal property, nt chnrtnotico and on the inoft reasonnbio tornis. lie KOarantees satisfaction. IINANCES of wuiu.eburg Borough J- ku'Ii t l Ai.rin, Oirrrrt Awml. Itnlinc it ii ItTinirh in ilupll.-nt? nf ih;i i r iiilviui'uiJun un. l-;, A. .1. f hi, I' ll. Affl'innt il I iilcmi I .f ISTJ Nathan Bcliauibacli, CkI, 51 S S'l 14 ;o 1.10 W IT: ( H. Hy rti-oiftii j "r M e iltpcM'in N. Orli lUli'Kctl I. rli'l I. I fulB " 1 10 f T A '3 10 ou Totnl snionnt duo Poor Fun) Jliraliiih Ai-rfinl. .Unco itu II .mnuh oa rlui ll"( of l- o. (I. tv. Drnnlli I rincr U 'I. ti-iw Iu luioilf uf it f. biuiiu M 21 I'll. Iljr ill. nt nrtcn niH'l t i J. P. f oiltti tf li.iruUHli C'uu'.cll 1 1 04 riGit llalini' lu i lloriilKh Si IT lUlnnio "In tioroiuli nn 4iiTiHct of l-:t. i). VV. ilr.ini...i liiriiinr t:.j. u-" In lm"il I .1. I'. smith II V Air "itit "I M ..rmiKli 'ttpllcito l"f IK , J. I". fSiulib. Cul. Ill IT It. My Amum! nf rrlT 1171 j pof iroi t 3T l.'.to luliine it'ie II Toinfh loui.v 111 tn e luo li ir ' Uo'i .inpil'tt i l l7i .i ror M'"Mmpnt Arrll 9 li. ,- s .nn ii I H.iwiin t'ul. 85 i nivnni'u .mo re' iuh'i ef otll. Ill' HI A -T 1 1 II, I Ho j. JU I'jTinor 1 rcuptirur Tnt il tmtmt ilito ll'ironnti ji.'.u S luii,! i'mi l An-lit '1 ,ioic is?;'. .in- nn ittit-ri-tlii of I-:?, I i:miei"l .s.-i,.i,.i ftirin-r I il. o.'w iu ii .ii !- i.t .i. p. mii nu tin. Ily t"lpt fTnin Tn (surer 2inn M, prr .r h I Rllnnancc" g ao 11 1 lo 41 2 :tlin-e hi Plini-o .luc nn .Inpll-nio "T I S"fl tn l-l-. wtlrtiiint .1 IIP 4. 1 -7- li. rnurti t;'i'. ri . Iu Un Is ll V. W. Mmcl.t I It, "V rrr tnU Ily b it c;nt cull ctl in U4 I a 'i o-i Iial.mco iln tlrl!Mi-n .Inn - n ilup'l ttn of JiTJl i r .-ill -mi r.t Juno 4, 1-T1 N. I'. II ire. col. V II. Ily re-c(t A liiltni itu Am unt ol ili'.'ti-t I.T IT, l.ui iuiii'1 r-ol.ncli Ci l. CH. 17 1SJ17 un no li! H7 Dill W I'y iol!inliin olf Ily 5 frr i i-ot no 1ST li li) cul.iTil.iri It H si CO lm Kl f. rnWniv itu Tr-'iixiiirr't A'Tinml, Pal iiii-o i1iio .liinii 4 1-7 1 IVHMlftT -r fl.'ttpiniit Kiummol ciio !h ini. 1.1 1. I" snilth ti tii'iTl iti.m I'u.ii N P. Hum li P W. ci'l.t iml: ruo'il on Juillct 15 I VI I IO I fit. Ily nrlfim ptl'l Ily i rrrrt. ruai. f ir V" on V I i I'.v 1 " j t, s: nj " t- ; j.j t .. .. .. ,:, 4, y.:U ji 4 70 : 8 4'i lltUl)" 1I110 1 '! ani'iunt iluo f -Mnl Pnn l W V. I lio Uli.lnr.l r1! ,0lor I v I it' In 1 0.0 1 'ovilntr ni'i. iiit.ui it,iin nil r t ro t ii- nli ll "1 t 1 lh l.rl ot ou. Iriii Un iwIciIk ml tul lot ,ti OIN 1'iipv, h N " 'HI l II, i;iiii 111 h. ; n Jon IJ, I'T'i. AiePlorr A " Kt-.K In y.uir on n t iwn 1.1 P il o 1 1 1 T :' I Tl-T. 00 tho liielpofa ft trlnt vllhontct. 'rno. I no I iPt i vpr'nr.l-i ,v. om . Iii r i i'irr,i ir th. n 0110,.. ,i work. 1 on ilimil 1 tri riil ii j cUe onill y,.u 1 1 y.iur'i- I ir' ti y.m mi, 1., 01 11. c 1 11-I111 p. o o iif'i.r. N.i rii". ii I i-ro. oin ilovito an onr iini-. rr -rl." V'lir r nto tlmo 1,1 tho, atvi n il.. il I'i) t-r o rry t ir tint ? -i Mm-on n iOc ii-ii. 'It nn n-on. t-oo.l .n... ol-ilitMito tr-ri;.uiil i-ii 1 ... 11 1 ,r.. 111..1, 1 mikII ir... y, 11 oe 1 on i.ii-i i-.i,i.! tin .,1 I nr. I iimr I l o . 11 htvo iie'n n c nin'i.. A.- I'.rcn II. II M I.I. I J' J, t'i l'orOuii'1, .V.iiln. liinu l'j.';ii li. REAPERS MOWERS!! Sold at Greatly Fcflnc:fl Prices ! WE "11 fho ('linmoion Ucnpers A fowom i lli;APKi( thtn ny oon-pnrv now rtiu'i -i-'l In lh-lieiriiirioiiir ol nnolilneV In 'lio I nlio't Mto OA N .s l.l.l,. K.rinorn Wl ti rmnitl Infro.n, y.uir o -onlonoon an l j nr-i , ami num. I in I'ur .iiiii'riiii n iniri'iitiiinrf nny utlior I I i nnlno ..ur Miiohlnix 1 .r ynumrlvanil. ni't in ino'iin. i n... in HiHiir. y.i'4, hy ooii. ili'iiinlnu lien uiul irlii'K tholr inn, from p iti'ii ii nn tho hoi-t nt thsvry luwem tinure WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in nil mi apr,rtmrnl nf Mm'hln m l i.i jutjri r.ini-iniitiy tn iian-i . rut turiher r 11 ,p1, M.jiio..urKi or tua Koj-t at hiin i ei Hrr nn v ii .1. r. hi 111. ti.u 1 . m... Jane iu, i;d tr ,m. hAvrcHoa I,ivi: Iwi.ioiiATor.1 i ot.tiiimr.l l atmly lteniody for S yiine.i,! n ()f tho Livor, Stomach sit ci:l lWcl.-It is l'nrelr luli " -"V .' i -I I I . I 1 " J a . i j PI rO . o A . rN15V.0 ?. i .io rt. r-;? v:.lCf i r I" 1(0 ,fM, foF tllf.rA Ifmn ft tf with niiprixtciletitwd rrmilta. SEND WOn CIRCULAR. f 5. T.W. Sft;8"rl 111 ll BoiDwir. .j, w-l .iwyoiiiion'v iXaci'MiiiiT will ii.i.oi iTairrtitiiua. r JUeh.litat aIt in li U C5 STonio. jrtifll U jftk " ii"- n i i.'.a v 4 ,V f i fd k.1 ar R XL'S " aww .6'..- w C'ijJ t -nd Lt tho public? Divtchy t Vo' Aihir.rllwmtntn. HHMI tlllO 1n f IO0'J. Mir 1111 pumrhlsU tw""i'' isi.Mi.77.V.I$a TO $55301 KK.''.'.,.'':iV'f.'..A". tlnn fir pum'nt ftl fortan ertry wftn, n1 !iv i I n'nn rtflroanlt of pronn bf ;;;Vr,'I,. y t' si"tn of nnorntin t nn t.t,nttt.O'f "n Ml'PiicAonn hi villus. imuoiit;u..iuiiiiiii, v iraa .St., N. V, WANTED' ONE SALESMAN for etch MtMa. f!iirjr nwrin ai i rxrii"". nt?ttff nm ii ruuiro!. I. A II f' UtK ,MNI'FACrUKlM) CO . WJ TEACHERS & Students ! .."( , Ml io or $200 PI. K month .lurlm- V At'ATtoV. Por fnll a.l Irei. J, V, Ji tl:KHV CO, t'lillielo'i ht.i, I'j. BEKSON'3 CArCIiE FOROUS PLASTER I I KKS I, AW, AMI W I'.A K II If K fXSTNT.V. l!Y Al.l. Mlt'o). (II-TS ft); IH7BV k JOHNSON, toi'. Ill t'Utt Nt N, V. ' tfil ATs V AT-.l Fir tin Tt-t n.t tt. tl"cllnj I'l .torltl llnoli" n I Hliilo". I'rl 'H rriiifi..l l i for onnt. Natiioiai. I'i iilibiiimi I'll., Plll.-ill!l'til, I . NATIONAL LIFE l lh tltt ol now P.itnj hlot i f 75 riir"'- li runt iln II lil mrniihy ,.r nil tl IV. .I lrnl. I Hi I ti i to-1 Mnli Inn IV n-lilumon tn II H'" "il'i tholr . ir'riln a i In nil) oimrsT. .t n iiiy I ir ti l- w.irK, m'i IJ pi.rt'Ulr- nf fni'liw. U"ttiiUIMo Tho Nttiunl I.llo rii; t h.Mit in niiv h I ir' liy mill, on r. oii i ii .i. i. .iftiiii. ii. n. 01KVKN, lluH' tun, W. T7T F TJ'T'T'Th 1 1 a yhi'nh man th rv lk.n llil ilrm rnntrnl th lim.i tul o I nOtii ii In tl.ln ( 1'imty. Aililr-" wtih rrire' .1. II. VAN KASSLV u Ljoiih blroct, l'bllH(!ol.l. l'. JAMAICA GIMGER T!.r n ly rotu' ltiatlnn nf tt ft Irnr .TathM Minifir -1 1 i rVolfn r "iintlr m l Vr nrh t r unity. (r r or rue if i tg In t"iit)or 1 1, re Ktilntirii; lit p'i'u ifh iin-l b-m! ie ik Irw p C'tl"'.'. hi It, rtfl'l It'VP', U S VI.OUI'4 ,1 M 41 . a (iM..n. K'-r rt'iictliiir tfntr uii'l rhi'U inni In 1 trnn. i-rrw-M m inilir' tl luvrri urol't.rnf floi il iruty wonlcrful, Ak lor AMrtU''H, Sheriffs Sale ! pv N'itf'1 Vi of nut rf 1)10 Ci'iirl of CiTnmon T ny lor 0 'i'nlv, nn.l to too illrr.-ii-.l will t t- nr. I t i I nl lli- 'c nt th" Court llnlino, In oh ii t'i-jk'; hi .ii 'lieiii'iiutrf. un (--, i;f'y .V, lv"'.t, U A. M. ti n full .'.tl'v- i!on-rt' 1 t tOn'i'lii li. ul t .1.1 to. to If : A 0 TIU'O I riol 0 1 I ii! -it tin III o-,l-o 'I .-pnl.lji. Soylur rniinlv !' . I., un li.l .r'li.y I in I 1. 1 thellolr.ur 'ii..rii t..ii, .li--M-..., l'it l-y dnl ol i-i. i '"ti lull-. . ."i'!i i.y tin I i.f'n nii ir n'l'l H hy l SftUiticI Htai - .tuinir.i; I V) A 'VVH, m .ro or lc.", wtrro si .ry nn uro orcoto I noml l'wo ' )'.". D ink lirn 1111I 1 1! i-r nelnilMli-to'. ' !. .1 n 1 11 1. on iii ox'iot' n tn l t-i ! poll .f !!. 1 rui v ty 01 1'iiiloi ie.T.-r. O. lo 0.1 . fit II. Mi-ilil'i i! o. Ml l.lioimrir, .lut.o 1 1, . norm. . 1 ten q Sale ! vii-tnc i t writ, of 1'i l"i. i.'.sii" t'i9i'i'irt of 1'ii.ntinn IMoino1! M-v!-r r-'iin' 1 . mi 1 1 1 m o-"ii wleroox 1.1 .i Ho nnin nl I'm I'mri li m c, In .Ul til Hiiutu in t.iiiird.iy. .lur.e Ut It, 1978, it I '! A A. .t. tho o il f. 1 in. t . i : A Itu ily 1 1. i ' o(r i tn-i V'li'l! ) In,1! i ! Ulnlr.l N .f h t v."l litvf K'l'mi. I ... I V I I .1 ' I I tin jr, Wen ly l .n I ,1 l.n .Sf".w Ij. whrr 'P "niti. m good Tj- Mt'fT ffnil IVmlt YT, anil - .- I Oil r r "ti' 'ttM Mill1. -I i t . In (Mn"it'!"n an I to l.a 9 M trx e! Njum.'l I' i', it' ' : . r i i'. it, n"rifit N.rr.rT lH-a, l'Mlititi-tf,-liiii '.".i. Shariffs Sale ! virile nf n writ of Yen. I'x. in- ! 1 out in tho iiHiri nt nn n in in fl- I i ) i r 0 in. iv, nn.i 1 1 in .llr o:e l nlll n ei-'M In I'iiIi'ic th Court tljua, u ilih:kliUN, ol Sofnrday, Juco 2 lb, 17. Tho f illnwlnn i!nfrlh'l l i:.l'... In wit A roreiln l'i.iit nl Irin-I rltuitt tn llonvor town, hip, i-oiy.liT ohuiiiv, I1., bninla'l riimt In- -l Smiiuiil IV uitorn, oulu ami Wami l y lu i.) ..I I.iho Aunii-I, Jigrm hy lanil ol JaibriSulth; c m tal Ml ,i Forty Wen, tn iriir Im., whroo ar r,'ti--l a Two itorj IIoiiho, good iStilblo, ami nlhrr onthull Un k. . or ioltiken In .l'n anil to I od a, tin riiioily ol .lnol liorhart. S:0 to i-niniiiflnoo ni lunVl iok A. Til. li. IIIH.KMIKK, ShorllT. K).rin (iffiot, M.l.le'iur-. Juno J, 'IK. PRIVATES ALE ! Fnrm Incalril In Vorry lownnliln, Hnvilir connir Tonn'., hmimlcd ,,. t'o wt : (in tii North hy land of it. (toy A. il. lli.rnhoriir ml I r-icon lUrkl. y, on Hi ' o t ly Ian. I,. I ioiia Aih.iKant ami John Ooliiot. i n lh riu'iiti hy limit ul liltoy Wctvnr, nn th Kt I17 Ian i ol Abaar Uora. ljrMor. Conmlnliu Jo() JCJUJS. ami im rorolie. A NEWHOCSE ttm, new Hi-- rn,iioru lUuin auil CUiokon ll.iu.w, uii'l 11 -u- aiel Mii.-li llniiAtf, S-rnii( IIiiu-11. w lie ifiiml itr, ai1.11 K.H..I ne nin water In lh liurn yar I. 'two I J-ohariln on IU larin wlit all lilnil nf foinl Aj i!i, Peach. Toar mo Atmut 1:0 A-tr. olanr an I In a tf 10J muio m 1 ultlvaliuu anil all uolor icooit Ijuo, Ua.iuo In GOOD TIMBER, Suoi at Ch- ttnut. M'hlt Oftk and Yellow I li e. A t-uhllo rnil pon-e lh II nnu, ln-llnn Ironi .Vi'Roon iIjIkio Jllohhelil. and oon voiecut in t'liur.-ji. rlphunl ami Marki-t. 'IKK.MS t:Aoy-l.r nartlonlarn oall nn or mini-n ll-d nu lomtKiioil Or, 1 will elohaUK MUI llAUt:iiAKM AJ0rn 1 60WAKUO H. Mil I.FR, Ansa, F. O. hnnlor Oj. ha A MONTH iroritd, i; a day ai horn injil by th lliiliiMtrl--u. (.'niiltal not ra- 1 w will mart you. Men, woman, hoy and u rl. milk monov fnHlop at wurll for 111 than at anytlilnii l. I' ho work m liKhi and I'lo-imnt. ami u-l' nt auyoria can 110 rlnht at. J'liimo wbn ara wUo wUi. eo thlt nntlo will .ami un llmlr a-l lrn. at ono and 1 fur themlvp. Cimly dulltt and tnnt frao Now la lh tlm. Tuoi at work ara In v loir 1111 lu.'n ma nf inouey. Addratl 1 l(Uk4 CO., Aug una, Mulu. un la. Tv.iy, 0AVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture of A Wholonnle Dealer In (Jilt, Mnliosnnj, Walnut and Rohcwooi) LOOWIMQ GLASS Piot uro & Photostraphlo Framoi Ko. S30 and u:il Arcb Street, ' PlilUdelrhU Pa. Fraraat Tlilrcil la lb beat maanar AU, ttglldiu( la all.Ua brnucba. ITI E T. HELMBOLD'S CO.IIPOU.M) Fluid Extract rnARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL Diseases OF THE Bladder & Kidneys. Fnf IirMII'y, t.i' of Momnry, In 11 pi itinn to Knoriinn or lliminon", f hnrliie" of liroth, ffilh Thnni'il of Hior. Iimnr nf Vininn. IVn io tlio H ick, Clcnt, nn 1 lloml. Kunh of lilii'nl l.i Mi Ilea l, l'alo Connicniince, tret Pry isiin. If ISto f ymplnnn rir nllnwo l In po n, Trjp froiitintlv Ki'tlojitin Kit n I t;.ni. Hinn;iiuii foil iw. Il'lion th ciiioiiilnll.iti htpunir ntfi'oli-il II riiiire 1 lie sol ul hii 1 11 tirnt 1 11 it 111 I'll 1 I ti 0 1 a ntriigluu U'l totio tip Ih nj iih tu;ch "Helmbold's Bndm" WV.i IN EVKKV CASK. Buonu 13 Ito nnv rrno'ly Vnown. Il I proritir l tiy tho tiioai omini'tit -liy lieiiii 1 oil m-t iho worl I, in Rlli'.rM MlSf. fi"K'!M T'innii:, M:iH.M.(ii , .NKliViH'fi.NrS.t, li -iCKI'SI A. IMHiiKSM iN', ( (iNTiV ATlilV. A I'I! Hi AMi I'AINJ, ur.vKtt m, nr.niMTv, KILNKV htSKA -K-i. LI VKK C"li'!, INT, M:iiVors in:iin.irY, i:cii.i:rv. in. d Tiiot ;;M:s, J1 A U At.VSK til'.NKKAL lLt.-ilKALTll, TrNAf, DtMKASKd, M.I I I Ii'A. l'K UNHU, 1'Uil.lNr-, I.I ,! M l fiO, i A I r-.Kit. Ni.r-Vnl COMI I.AINTH. KKM.Nl.K. COM I I. 'V, c Ifend irlir. Tain It ll.r HIm-iiI-I' rn, t'Miph liiiiiirnH, .Suur Micii.iirli, I rnflu , l-a I I iHtn in tho Mi tiili, l'lilj iiiiiiMi nf On llonrl, 1'nin in Iho nui-m ol lim l.iilnoya, in I o tlio'i-ititi'l i thrr nuintiil hyiuptonin, nro lh oil: jirn-.gj nl l' j HoMOIffs Bncbn uuiiuiug mil uwnmuui Ami atlmnlnlo IhaTorplil I.lrer, Pnwlp. ami Ki'Wm lo healthy noliun, in clvnn nin ihe lilnnil nt nil irupnrilii'ii, an l im parling new life and vigor lo luc whole Hjratem. A niogle trial will be quit sufficient lo oon vino lh miml lirnilatiug of it alua ble rtDiediitl qualilie. PEICEC1 PEH BOTTLE OR SIX DOTTLCS FOR $5. Pfllrored lo any address free from ob serralli-o. "rtint" may cnnault by lellor, r ooiring the ime aHeiiiioa a by calling, by antwerlng lb following quration; 1. Oiyour name and ponl-olliloe ad drena, counly and titala, aud your ncareal tXprena oilioa f 2. Your age and 10X T 8. Occupation t 4. Murried or ilngla f 5. Height, weight, now and In banllh t 6. I!o7 long bar you been aiok 7. Your eoDipltXioD, eolor of balr and eye t 8. Having you a atooplng ororeel gall t 0. Heinle wtlbout reaervallnn all yon know nboul your cane. Enolune ona jnl. lar aneoniiillHiion foe. Your teller will i lion reooir our allenllon, and w will give you lha nature of your diaenae and our oaodld opinion coucerning a our. Competent TMiynioIane atlend lo corre poudeuta. All lullvm ahouli I be addree ml lo Flinponnalnry, 1217 filbert fitrcel. l'uilaUlphliAJ'a. H. T. HELM SOLD, Drugglut and Cbemlit, ' Pblladelpbla, P. BOLD EVEfilWHEHE. Unit ,'70.1f. S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, 1.879, J tale pleasure in rimionnciiig to tho prepared for tlo SUMMEll Tll largoft aesorlrnont of Notions ond Foncy Goods in tho county, and copo. pccially this penfjon I have a larger Block than ever before. Ladies Linen Snits. Ladies Linen Suits. PARAS0L3 and SUN UEIBItELLAS. GUMIJER SHAWLS. SUMMER SHAWLS. Summer Skirts- Summer Skirts, Corsets & Corsets & a epecinlly. Ilnving the Agency for I,,..., . .. I I I II "ii"o, nuuiu uuii I luueuiur nueniiuu 111 my department r.liieh is full aud ompleto. CALICOS & MUSLINS larger varieties than other Louso ia tho county, A full lino of in riCQUKS, "lc Cr-.i.t H.irrrnins in CJVl J I'liT, OII CJIOT"!! At Call find aeo what v,n l.nvo to clYer, whelhcryou pnrchano or not. Our gooda and our priced wiil nuit you. Keppnct.'nny, Oct. 1G, '73. WKIM. q mem iSswooig IA0HIHB II B mah Wm Ximt Silcs cf 1G73 over Sales cf 1G70, 22Q,5S0 Ma chines. A Three-fold iKcrcasol WASTE SO MONEY ON ISiTWOM I'Ol'NTUril'L'lTS. 1 'lil.T.H ill' Till; (IKS I'INK OUEATLT flfit'UCB'J. AIS Former Y ears Outdone. 358,432 CUB 8iH Ml Mm Mi ME, m:iso 73,020 MKEl MAN III ANY IELVICUS YEAR. rSPlCIAIi NOTICH. Many abuses l.ava grown tip under the old HVHleiu of wiling eoNving ntaehinoa through "iliddleiiieD,' nvIioho cupidity hits often lo 1 to miHiopreKentution und fraud. For tho protection cf the public and onrnelvea wo havo uhtimhneil thi trtof)! j'iriiicioiw :sl(in. Vi o hitve abolii:hed tho "niiddlowan" and noil tfinrfi throuifh our oirn vclm-l- il ti;titt.i, whom wo are nblo to control. Wo can tbtm give- to er purc'inm-r of a Genuine Singer HoNviug Ma chino tho gunraiity cf a ci.inpatiy cf f yrnrs ptnnding, that any mocLins mild by a "Singei '' agent ix txiictly what it ia rcpieGt iited. The ditVereiico bit wee u fstich n guaranty, end the gunrrunfy of an irrc FpoiiHible, huugry cuiiviiHKt-r, horn Iho purchaser linn never eeeu Ltfora and may never eco ngaiu, in too marked to leijiiiro com men t. XYv. Warrant Kvrry llSitcSifinc Sold by us Tho Ringer Company havo estoblinhod on tiflieo in TJLSITS DItCO STOKK, HKLINSUKOVK, fu, Machine will bo sold on the iuntalluient plan at reduced t-iices. T. 1.1. KESSLEIt.1 A.m w. j. VAUKIt.Afionls, Warcli 27, "Id 3m. M 7HBCST mo ar aa.afM awl llll I atP ...ilifir H0T1CE eun ccllDtountAHB &ff,$it BACture, rearARTICUlARt "UrfUtno"- AODRfltt Sf WhiteSenvino Machine Co. oRAvt epicmo MIOIOINI , TRADE MARK. M nnatlaiUak TRADE MARK,' Kri aa r aarnlllag nn aw r Sralul Va IM, apnraiftla! itM, lbiIMnr, aa aU 4laiM aniaaa tl K-t&JfiM! IloforTaklii. Atnunt w Um at AturTakin, Mflawr, Calnnal lMllan, rnla la Uw Baak. Dhaaw at Vlikai, Fnainuir Ol Ara, nn wnnr ailwt Dlimiil laal land In laanaUy r CnaaaainUaa. aa a rrawaturt Orava, iO" rU awUnnaira la aar BawbhUt, wain atalrn I ate Bat ar mtU la m aaa, OV-TU Mat Vriklull nalay aUrMn Mil aar aaaaata. r all ank'ta tar la, ar aid w aaat Oaa k atall aa taaaial f ta awaar kr "IWtaIBIOBAIIE0ICIHtXH Daaaatt, View. ata-Knld In MMdiebttri laai vwrrva-' bf all r.k,Ui. ,aa..lly afQ JTina J 1879. public gonorally that I am now fully Dl'. I keep connlnutly on band tho Fans Fans. Fans Fans, Fans. Fan3 Kid Gloves, Kid Glovc3, one of tho largest New York Corset . .. .... I . THE 1AM TA"r W BELINSGROVE, PA- . 90 SIM PLC V . r-M. -N ..wiwMnrrB aw' Cleveland, ohio. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-- Latter of adnilnlttratioaun h).tlJ !.uwi ttior, lataol i.'liaiiuiao Tp it111:!. . . .. . . . , in tKa u.iuuiy, a, uia-u pat. wen traiii." ,1. ini-lora'ana.i. All irton knowlna than."'"" luaulila-l loaald aatat will plaata make ii-.ll-.lo ivi,,.nt whllo th.ia kavlna '"'71 an ili . I laid e.inla will iireaaut tiiin (or "Ir Uiaullo UAI'IIAHiNkl K tHaVt'-i'Jl'' TL' u . I . a. O 1 a i U a. L' a kC'l I 1 k Mar AdaUlnltl'M"' A DMIMSTRATOR'S N0TICE-Le; il lar or adiiilnltiratloa on lh t''.' f rtro r altar ill lai iii mi ma Hnydr County dna'd aarlna t d to Hi uBdrliroHl, all pit"""JI UiamaaUa Indabtedlo laid aatata ara ru frr It nuk lioiu.dl.l payraant. 'HI liarlna alalia will prwMkt Ik dlf a0"",'j May , t, ' 'AU'I'U,'' 'Blvirti ii low a 75 c. ,
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