The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 29, 1879, Image 3

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    H I -J. I nLAl
J 1J. - . 1 --i.-l-.JHJ .
man (toftaTT rooT fht UnurtS of
tar ;naty ara ktl ro ha fourth Moa.layi
SFabraarr, May, and Naplambar, and aaosad
aaday ( DMMMr,
-All communlrntiona, business lot
ton Ac, for this ofllce, to socure
prompt attention should bo addressed
m tllown : Thr Toot, Middlcbtinr,
nydor Oiunty, Pa. Advprtiseinent.
omnuuiowtlons die. must bo handed
ki by Monday noon, 14 iflcure Inser
tion in next issue
!. EiiTwiin. wiit.
rTATIUNS. Msll. A'"m. Misrd Mull
wtat'a J.T t a-ni. I IS) a.m. a Haunt
Xwlatnwu t SI IS 10 JS '
MaltlaaA f T U III ID a; M
Painter III (X Ul
hln4l. I'll 134 41 444
Vtnr I OT ID "W 4 40
MKlin KM I 4T It 4 'ft
Milur.lM I'll 114 111
ASaresharf g 10 IS I 4" 4 14
Ssarart'.'a 144 14 t 4 if
onfrr r. ix) IH i W HI
jjf ISdlt'rg 4 11 TH lit
kSalas F. IT 4 1 o 1 41
iniairr, ji 4 w IJJ tar
. .wllnf r. Ill 4 41 TI4 ill
I IIUf t at a uo t m t t
.!. Jan. i a II
I anbury 10 no tto 111 I no
K B. TA ,LOK,inrlntnrlinl.
A .J. A -J
local Wwh, Hco.
I .1 - -Jil l-J ' - l -J J L.
Festival limn.
Ico cream days.
No circus a yet.
Locust blossoms,
Fishing is the rago.
Coining the 4th of July.
The price uf wheat is grad ually fid
vancing. Potato bugs are appearing in largo
J?cw spring suits aro appoaring on
every luind.
The Pourlh of July will fall on a Fri
day this year.
Black chip Is.the favorite bonnet for
all occasions.
The walking fovcr has bou! died
put. What next T
Vegetation is making rapid pro
gress since the recent ruins.
There is every hull julioii that the
gross crop will bo immense
A large crop of potatoes has been
put out in this neighborhood.
Indications point to a big day at
iSunbury on the Fourth of July.
The man who will not forget any.
filing is not going to learn much more.
A woman is never too busy to step
in next door to see how a new carpet
Pennsylvania has now sovontcen cit
Jos, Bradford beiiirf tho last incorpo
rated. Some men are like brooks, they are
always murmuring. Middioburg has
Iter share.
Lumber has not been s. ehean in
ftwenty yeavs as now, tays a William
J'ort paper.
Caution notices for farmers to post
on their promises aro kept for Bale at
A'uis office.
The yards surrounding several of the
Resiliences in this place are beautiful
io look upon.
From all accouuta thoro is every
prospect for a good yiu'd uf poichos in
,tliis county this year.
It yot wish to seo old Dame Nature
jn her gorgeous spring atlire, Uko a
troll through tho, country.
The sinall boy now frequent the
watering placet, and comes homo with
Jii thirt turnod wrong side out.
Aaaivso WH, Mr. AUiion Swau.
after a protraolod abaanoe, bas arrivtJ
in lowo and wo art all r.'JiioeJ to to
We are glad to soe our friend Peter
JUuoh on our stroots again having ru
turnod from a Wostora tour of inspou
tion. In seventeen million years the sun
.w ill ceaso to shitio, so scientists tell us;
Abut no oiie seems to bo alarmed at the
Primary Election tied fur Saturday,
Judo 7th. Tha attndiug CuinioUtae ui I
ca Tusiday last and tiad lbs aLova data
for lbs Primary Klsotiu n.
A family of (jipaieo consisting of
man, woman, 7 children all of a sue,
Dpurpi big and little, a creaching old
iddle aod boiriblo sounding banjo.
The printing of a vjluiuinouo Taper
Book for the Supreme Court J000
X'irculars and other Job work has
lolayod thin iiue after tho usual dty.
Tl)e sweet season looms when a laxy
man can tit at hia door-step, mop his
Jirow and throw a neighborhood into
agony with the awful suspicion that lie
)ios boon working.
Court commenced Jfonday morning,
Ji. L. Junkiii and uocialea )'odernd
O'Neil on the Bench. Atlondanco
large. Complete court jurouoedings
,will appear, in our next iuaue.
Io a neighboring county .the thievat
have a new dodge. They call oil a
farmer and inform him that his broth,
r or some relative was fatally iujurod
and desires to aee hjni. It lie, la fool
isb enough to bolivo thoir story they
Job hia house during hie absence. -pa llppday pigbt last
aoas UUUvons soaipp or tsaipps atpls
Cat. aatiUiu Uira lV0, .wklu a.le
,rolars Cpr blah b woyld bardly
taksa a bouts aal tut oa blala 8irU so
MfblysUJbo prIZs tbaia. St lbs ba4
,'ola bis wbaki largo ototk of forlpg k
lua)dtrgoodp wbtab bo ulif at sux
VrUUgty w Miss ks would aot mppra
,tko om keif oo. iospty. Wo wUa. k
i04 aUomsr tko tkltts bo weU gito
Sflqlt of I'tnniytvania.
CotiHiv or smyoxb
appoarod before mo one of tho justices
of the Peace in ond fof sniJ county,
Jeromlah Crouse who boing duly sworn
according to law deposeth an I saith :
"On or about the latter part of April
1870" at the "rear, of tho hall." in the
Court house, I 1)11) NOT KEQUK3T
Isaac D. Conn it) "to gets. A. Wctxol
"to decline allnwinir his tinniA to lm
"used at a candidate for tho office of
"ProthonMary'Ias stated in an affidavit
mado at Sclinsgrovo. May l'Jth 1S70.
and published in Thr Tribunf. i NOB
1)10 I HAY TO SAID Isaac D. Cioim:
"Don. I beljevo Unit you are the only
man "Unit can do me this favor, and
"if Squire Woltel will not bo a enndi
"date for Prothonutsry this time, I will
"go for him for Prolhnuotsry next time,
" will ranvsss the county for him. ami
"aloo use my press in hi Interext, J
HtU tto mhelp m ()o I j" NOR DI I)
I "at the ssmc tiiuo clasp his
hniid in inine." And deponent futlier
onitli that the whole of said oflhUvil
msdo and published at Helimgrovo and
momioiicd abovo is FAIiK in every
Sworn and tulscrilied before
me this 20 day of Slav, A.
1). WJ- ' )
To the Snyder County publio.
I rgrat ry niuoh lb it l.oior Uo I)
Conrs.l, prrhftpa, tbrongb a Jcfoli nieiii.
ory or ronfuluii of 'lilTi-roiil ontrrnaiiuni
l dilTerral times and plnuri aoJ reUiitg
10 B. A' WUfl Mi lni 'p, tiolnilhilKiiJiag
a eonvtrraliun with Mm to wbiob lis sx-
prs tard dculiis about litis vary mnller
Si llillg I bit It TIIOt'llllT I hfll.l t0" It
B ''T'iLkOAULr CtHiu" I "Nioilf NOT
' iaiii to" t L Hi us "oiifbl hsvp cod
fu d siaitaicnls Ac. ttiar J a i)ui'dina cf
Vfraoity batffaea us. Now, I tbink the
lollnwing facts and oiroumatsacri will
Disks Ibia mntlrr IniD to rtr fair deal
ing and oao mu who wilt site it an
uabiaaeij cxaininallon. Upon lae one
able is Poclor'a n.iked'-ilfidavlt with faola
directly agnlo'l il on lbs olber btiuj is
Ibo following atato of f.cta which aloua
abowa bia niiatake.
Ibree years ago, "or aim ul lbs lat of
April lb'G," Fquirs Wctiel w Not a
oaxdioats roa I'anTiioiioTAaT, so for si
I know, bencs ILers was uo neeaily to
reijiieil the Doctor to gel tTeKel lo with
draw, but oo iba onir try Mr. Wtzl i
lalkad of aa a can liJuie for Ueisler A
Reorder, and i here were arrangvuiunia
auleicd Into I lint If ho would not In i
candidal rita fur tiit offic lo wil
Regiiter a Keoor tor ibraa yetri hence
tbul Is now Iba parly who ua.'d Ibe ti
praa.tion ' l will au iisi.p Ml ooii" wus lo
aupporl Wolitcl for lleg. Sc Urc. f I necr
u,e llieeXpreiiiootabovo quoted snj iiali
oixd and unvd In funtad'a 15JailJ J
will aiuhtnlioais Ibia tutuoeut iu a vary
iborl lime.
Now, emi any Mr mindod man who
jii.)ia me ll.ii. k for ot.e nioniont lhal 1
would oiaka aucb rrqiiyai when nrgotia-
ioua of ibis kind u.rra making and Squire
Wriial out a taudiilnie for Iba utlice tu
which I w.a adringril lava alaj
nid lLal as lung aa 1 auiird ibo people
and Ibcjr were dsirous Ibal I ahould ecrvu
ibem aa Ibeir pul.lio aervant, I would ac
at'pl aa olicn aa ibry rboae tu etrol nit,
ud tt-iir 'I "''a would rereita niy
warmest ibauk fur Iho sout lec they
eridenilf bve io Diy qi.aliScailmia lo i 'y
the odioe of 1 rolLobuiary Itvadcr
k youi aelf lbs quaaii ,n lid lr. Cuurad
wboia a oluie luijUior and apporuutly
Ibo bovine liictd of S, A. Wetial, kuow
trial, tLiveycuri ngo, iba 8ou!r was not
a enudid.ti Tor rrotbooolary t VU be
know ibat Mr. M'eiial was bou a
eandiJato for Beg. & Recorder ?
ll l well n in ibia and of Ihe
county that Mr. Waixel baa been talked
uf, aud lhal L bimaell baa talked of I a
ing a OAsviDATS roa vaoitran A iiscos
is roa a ai'MBia or va snj i dtn l
think bp bad a very serious ootiou at any
lims of being a candidate sgainit me,
but beretoftfs urged, aa be new la, to bo
a candidate by Jovrpb A, Lumbard wbo
bai aiivaya appoaoj me, not only at the
Primaries but at jiiKliastRAL Elictiuv i
Why is Ibia 8 laleiueut of Dr. CcnruJ't
not eurroliural dby Iba afiidaiit ul Squirs
Woual aud tbua pliioa tba mailer lu a
shape tu I credited ootwiibatauding the
faqt that 1 bad do opposition tbreo ycarl
ago ojiber iu lbs persua of Mr. Wetie! or
toy busy els.
oani) oa (sis ouss roc kit. 1 a tu lorry
that Doc tor's persistano io bis mistake
has ono-pelled a eouaiar atlidavil and
ouly from a tense of duly to Ihs Repub
lican parly as wsU to uiysolf bar 1
yielded to urgent demands fur a reply.
Aod btrt I eau Hon Iho party to b oo the
lsuk-eut for alshooda aud trickery lo b
praoliraJ oo lbs v of eleoilon fur my
aA,VAus oi'i oyaaTS ssid they would
prasiio tbsir old games" at tho last
hours wbio it would bo loo 1st for con.
KATZKytt i. Ahkao. -John 3. Bea
ver furnishes the following! : "I have
at my store Aen't rpg rheasiiring PJ
arountl the greatest diameter and 7 lit
Inches around shortest diameter.'
W. It. K., your deitch brief is penr
wekm and we would like exceedingly
well to publish it for the reason that
it contains some very good things, but
its personal allusions make it some
what out of place Just now. We will
be glad to hear from you ngain
Sharpen your pen and try ncitln.
Brai.LAOt A short time ago btirgUn
entered the Tailor shop of John Pa.lan-
hanob. In Deaverlnwn, and oarrte l away
fonr lulls of clothing and lereral new
ablrts. These wsrs ineaa oossel or ihrr
would have piled by a pour but bonesl
and Industrious m m as ta Mt. II. and
aleancd out some one wbo cuuld belter
afford Ibo loi.
West Beaver lo lie taken by Storm
by joule Lumbard. Tho l!i.ow Houn
nys he will go up stid b-ad ft column
of Heaver men Into Vtt llraver a day
or two before (ho flection niul will
turn Went fcaver over just where he
wants it. S i, West Heaver republic tin
you may look for his ejmiug. Isn't
that "heavy ?"
- . . .. . .
The mail West on Saturday eve
ning killed a valuable cow for John
Felmy at Paxtonvillu John i a poor
man ; an In. nest loan, and a k"I citi
.en but remarkably U'lfortininte iu cow
line n thin in tho M, or lib, be li u lost
at the rail road. Hi prciuiu iiru bad
ly located the rail road running in at
back kitchen door nnd out the front
parlor door, hence n ,'.;iiy disasters.
If Aiiitiiiini May 20, 1S7!.
En. Pout : Tlio bill w'nicli I n-ad
in place creating a bounty on Foxes,
llosRf Tw p., May 22, 1870.
Ed. Post :-On tho 19ih, inst., a very
sad. accident occurred near Winfield,
Union county, A gentleman by the
nnmn of Reun, together with his wife
and .Viss Amanda Hummel were out
at the boom In the Wtst llranch, and
in getting into tho boat, it upmt, and
both ladies drowned, Tho affair east
n gloom over the community. The
funerals of tho unfortunate ladies look
place yesterday ; the gathering, of tho
people, took pluco nt the respective
homes of the deccattrd, iu 10 o'clock A.
M. ; after tho usual ceremonies there,
they retired to Iho ltaptUt church, nt
Wlnfiohl. Hero tho funeral sermons
of MiM lltimni'd mid ,1r. rtiin wore
preached respectively by Itov. 1 1 ill
and Itcv. Pine. After theic services, '
(ho bodies nf the deceased were follow
ed to their hut resting phu'os, by ft very
irpe rtnetiiirc "f people that ofMi
llumnicl to Kralz'u viilc, and that of
Mrs. Pcnn to New erlin.
Mrs. lcnu had Lmi iMStriel less
than nine Inonthii.
The bereaved f each fiw,iily l.nvej
tho sympathy of the entire coii.iniinily.
7 Ac 'A ii'iA).;,',) Jmir.hil an.i Si I 1
nf ll.ullh. 'I lie ntiTiiln r for June o,'
ibis excellent lainlly ma;aine c!oi
ils sixly-eii'lilli volume. lis reading
matter eoni-ls el.ii ;lv (,f a tine Sl;et( i
of tiovernnr I'resoll , of Niw II imp
shire : n muMcily Keply to nil Attack
on l'l iri'iu '.. , whicli leeently up.
pearcd in mi Kii;li.,;i iiim.i.'.hc, ami
was copied by n Well-known New
Yolk monthly; An entctlciuinu' dc-
scnplionor I wo t iueiU't Orehiil ; A
1 II illilj a
STXswsrf jawc
The Uvvni c?.,h)E3 With tin SVojui Js
Iliul rO M (! IVOtlltl HIl tllMl lilt's -:ill I l'll- ;i
i ' , ( ,
ts!" r s o t y r
i;iB.itfjisio . taw c
r 'i
Wo wnul 1 Ciill the nMelilion .f the citir'e: of S"t
n l,nt tl... I.AI.MJ KfiT. ttniAPl
I IN a tvtr li l'i.ii! i IV. led tin in. ali.l wo w onkl u. li :
ind buy our j", which foiihistt) of
. II
:; : t
rl h -.1 We 1 t V . I,. V
. ;( '1 A 'Vl I-
I'.i f ; '.i l'i n v tu at. 1 too
VI "I "'-'
f' rc-i r
of nil Mylos iiinhtv. color. Hl,.itc una pi.' i a t i t Hi" sm
KIKcinlty of (ietiN 1'iincv I 'ifsiuei 41 Suits fur .-piii.L,' i.i.'
Icy i-p I ('
ri.i r w-w, i :t Hi
1,!V ( ,1.'. We ni"
11. .hi.-, .si mhi ;r ..lit.
J 5
Wild tats, Hawks, Uwls, Ac. pasted story, I'ncle Jimmie, the tipple;
the House and Hcnato, bi;t was return! I S. ino sii;:e.-tive remarks mi llf ii.-e
ed tolhu H )iie again without tho ap-j Alteration, which are ilhe-tratrd ; A
provulofthe Governor, staling that it j highly esthetic bit of writing en , !ol
would le iu diicet iintagonism with I Tho Search after the Ideal, Lynn
the 3rd Article of tho 7tli tection of English contributor ; A valuable eon.
tho Constitution. And therefore is no 1 tiilmlion to therapeutics iu 'l'r.iino itie
very instructive pnpi r .in The World's jol (al'lltN I ll'l 1 i 1 1 i 1 ; s(Miiis ih Mil 11 ';l e ir:
Work lor Women ; A li 10 Pmlrail
and Sketch of the l.y.lia Jl'uwler ; Tlic
continuation nf the excellent juvenile
'lit I 1 1 In I'liceM I 'nil nil i hec ullf iU lihUO t-U.!. jf
!iu utl i'u!oti. blylcsi ami piiei.-H.
l I I ! I. ' III
i , S 1 ,
II!. ,
iii'il ir'.T 'l
'll ! li k
hi e 1 ilm;;
1 fll.V,
Cilia Mil. I. nt.
Tetanus ;m V lively little Sketch, Piety
is. ilealth, tlid other pi. tliinj;.
As the July number be-'ns a freh
.... . I . 1 . ,. .11. , omiii. 11 1 n -'."' veniei 1 1 111 c ..r s 1
wool winch inr It-ngih, wliiu-nrrs and t it, .. .
1 H MI L" IIMII II Nf.1'1114 TO 114 I i-I, V'-...
is a mere tiiiiu f ir so ahnil Ic a lib-
which will ba a year ul 1 iu Juno. T, 1 "l'n,"m IM ' " " ' """l.
specimen measures iu Icnitih 11 innb.. '"" 111 '''i" price lint put.'.islier.H ..ll'. r
Wool. AleX. A. Kninig, of West flea
ver, brjjLl to our nfll a Ppociinan of
Ivituro ennnol tie l enien nny where. lie !
sheared a.' lbs. from two Canals. Hhrer.l
in 1 tnre nloek. ihhI c;;:eeiliii'l v lev i riei k. l-'im- 1 i,,r
Nllirt r-t, eln :i. r thin vel. 'ill 1m, 'oiliirs. Nei'l
vuib lv, in shoit. i vi rvlliiii' usually kept iu u l:i.-l 1 i ! chin ; '
I'ol' the ,t: t Uftr j I ;il .1 We liaV" lei !i ( in the '!oi!,t..
will lieur w it i.i . t i oi:r ut. if i t,i fiir .ilin,;. e i.. i,. n.'-r. ; . .:
mvH. nnd iu nil tmtisaeii ma i n h iivre I t p;in. p, n,.ct i. iu l.e;i;:i.
vvn tiiict le-pectf i ! T v ask a culitiutlatiotl cf tlio h.iitio.
April I'lth, 17:1 tf
? t t ik 7 -' rr tj
1 !:. 1 jiimI !';
lie- , I 5 ; j i ii 1 1 r
M I" I I I ..!. . I .
Let us hoar from other psi la of ibo coiiuly
lex. ij so to.r(.rislLZ yoi,r.g f iriiisr
and knawatbiil il is proktable tu raiss the
hetl a'nuk lo ba obluiuc 1, Ilessys foruli
Slock bu'l nay.
Personally S r tri-il
Jiirip3 ti. I.oiij, aim i.cii'ir ilnly .worn
s-ijs ilisl. it is iinuorcd , .tern Crous !
silvisfd me in ho a esndid.its f ir Jury!
('niuinli.,n.'r) 1 am nni a con lidjie for
Jury Onnimissiimer nnd Crouds t u, ,
pin n rvtK tu m r aii-iI't iitimi a rant
I'ATis. I wns ii'lvi..i iu he a racd' ! .le
by my f)ii;Jj suj Ini mowna i.ui on
rrflecliun concluded ii"l In lip a Isio
JAM KS ll. LUN.l.
Pworn and lubscrihed hsf..rp nie May
Stub, lt-7i. VV. II1KP1SQ, J. P.
valuable premium to eacii su'i-eriher.
It is also uil'i.rcd "on trial'' six iu inth
il.iHl. Single iiiituhcrs, "I tents. A.l
dress S. 1!. Will, Co., I''i.-,
7IS7 liruad'.Miy, Nt w Y ik.
rrce heading
lltni.ilinl-l M.iii:! e from Jin- '
WWW i dMIa
V..t . m
i t:
iney ': I
Iiii'lv. il;;u
;. , f
: .. ! ".'.r ."1 I "incl H
r iv 1 v.- 1'
i' f : r I t! i I'll.ij'O
A' OI'iT.Yl! :'!.)! I I .
n i'i u
1 A
ilI! j
port-lmid together with a t Oil t'ino
mo, for ...' rents tin rtiinp-l lo uny
peion who has not sfeu I In- Maaiiie
since in recent eiihiineii.eni :u I nn
proteuieiit. Alo, the 'e tiiii,.1., . i,.r.
TllltoWINU X Pi Put HL, Sl.KDoK. On i ''' retlliln :! i'lo.i.l liil.-f l.
Wednesday cvcniii ' a knot of Struit-i I lead, in u hh li e.i, e the i.rir i, , ,
: I 1 1 I
ua.ytoApiil l-7f inehi.iv,., , .., Sr nrt, UCHT-Ti XW v V r" FT7f4 V
over l'i itmty t'i I Si..- iLa Lxll! O Vir C tclif fji4aj iT-Vj. alU V V Cat L L 1, Cft ii. U i O
His, I eeins. l.-viv
ll.. ll.anv iliU. Kl.t (
iil.'ret. 'i l in pi ice uf tin-.'
i t o cell's ; but t'cv v iil I
tc, coin a riuiu i
i. tint .' il
luail. il, I
Richl Bros., have on exhibition a
largo variuty of Farm ImplomouU,
among t'.ioiu a 'inagniticMit iittlo
Stoainor and Separator of the latest
improved Btylejof manufacltire.
We have tuis to say for the Kiohl
brothers that they aro practical farm
ers that they represent tho boat ma
ihiue offorod the pubjio, and puroh
asors place all eotitldeiKo in their jop
roauntatioQ can and mode of busiuoss.
The 9ood peqplo of Troxolyillo aud
vicinity wore atiout to oroct a Church
and wore kila-tL'ylntC tbo lumber, win
dow boxing fnd door frames whon
somehow, hut Saturday thji wbolawas
destroy td by fire.
CoMUiaioH 8svios(Uar. Irsdata ootll
proash Ibo preparatory ssrmos oa BaU
urday fla.raooa sad oa lluaday adwlaa
lator tboLord'o Sepper Ul. Uo- JbtUkora
Ckarsk U Ibis plaos.
Contr oounty haa thirtoou bands
and Prof. Fohor, of - So'.iruKrovf , U
ci-"tmiT,is v sMira niiwawf-'.
He I gathered in front ci the Washing
ton Honso and Rave au exhibition of
their Htipnc.Ui bv tlironiuir tho Pledge.
Considorablu Sleiiiht and stren -th w is 'r-acn ininiui;: !riu i lo
shown, but nolwiihslaiKliiig nil oIToil-i 1""'"" J" 1 i'-u
the White Se Willi.' f .Ll'l.l III, l ! f" I
'. C. c. tvrbold was I ho villi;,, throw
ing it a distaueo of 10 feel, with one
arm. If any village in litis county can
beat that bit us Lin. y il and wo will
publish the result but wo want a fair
from Port Trevorlou.
May P.ith, 17;.
Mr f" i ii tor : To day while a young
man was engaged, in dii;gini: for fih
bait at Dowers Island, above thiu i.lac.
my; noun ers w in i.-j tru ;i4. i m
cliai.g for them. An .!.. d ,..ii,i.i;
at (in i y pi "t i I'i, e in tl,.. I nil . ,1 i-:i, .
nn. I t '.in. el l. M.inv of our ji n:.. nn
I prr lav " '
III. Hi bee. A. hire..-
S. S Wo.. n.
1!.J I'.ioa I way, !nn Ymk City.
CsiBII'f Mi! Ciirrs liM.'i.-M ssl ::'.'r.i.
t-iUd 1 K tiifs fcf.-vb .;:?.!! iu'-1.-; :
tiSij'i J li ws u'.i f.!'i'.'.: sr.' ' ;r:s.
C'-Ct if Si. a We tii'.t U !.. i..;r;..i':. K l-
h. .id by Jnn. A. Mom.. M i.i llul iir,. 'a.
Pr. I.. I. Wsvm itv's iVltuiia nvH sv.ti !'.
aA roniMlT n."l TlltHTV K1VK VtAHS
in ir! v ,l.i tr. ikf, sua nsvi r .
I'siiv .-uie
I it ii i:i .m ArifJM,
. ivl i-"!s4. t.-r 'il , S. . ..i... ,ry , i
il.. Hi. . .. im o .. si. 1 v.: a.-, i 111
. r ,mn .,.--. .. I....I.. ill.. n.'Ul. i..1.iel.-.l, I. liu o.I.r.J U
...W .... w ... A .11,1111, ll, (J 1 I'll). II,
feci below tho surface, upon removal L,oo I.vYh k w'k! ViiVx ViITN'i'cVi!
it Drove it to Im the remmns e.f Mr UJl -. f -ir, ,
I ttdti! i ri"' t rc- ,i
'k r-ii i !:.-; ..f n.
i ants ol the bul y .- il '
i f tho 'nbtic ). ::
i A W M '!
on., and all. toc.ll nf.'. .-
With;ry tb.ii.ks fvi :
ef tul'v i.iif. iUIic.. .) II,
ii .". t
I t -. t.i.
.I. M; h I f 'I !.
.': I I. iw t! 'i.i t i i.' :
. ,. h.u, i th. I bl ind :
lis t ll.llliO t'.K- iZ '1 . . .' i
. my .!.!. Any t-l;. !. . f .--i.
St ts t.U I :i l I'"' ' f"! V- '
uy l.i.-j.
I 1. .."
. l, -.
.' . I
v-v I. r
, I'.. ,
t f mi'
' I '
.'.i ...I-.
' i i :t tm
M u : ' r a. tint
! : i : .!.!-, un'j
i. :,: ..-u-!i
. .t. 1 t
. . ) '1 .lv-:.-e.I.
t I ' ti.:i..,;'.i nils.
TV" PIT -5 A .-r.-ss-.
motto is Gno Price and Ko flisveproscntations I
For vonr riiwip fUM.Vg'M ATiD VlE to
Wilholiuof Danville, who with his lit tto
sou who drowned nt the above, place
last fall. His nnmo was punctured
upon the arm, which led to Lis ideuti.
To ( :.s!usijj 5v n.
tut of f lit drtA I -ii-
I'l- r ti. ljr, id m i
ii-U i t, P-iu iiiii ti y cm.
-',,...' 1 l , by sii.
ii it Hit, V ' kiM.rn i In si i
... . . . I utir' 'I, in ifii i i c p cf il . uiit'titti
upon 1 1 io la i.i i id, aim tbo r.unilv uots r c.mij wm. i n.-.-n., ,,lr !
fjvlJ, liOi'ftPll!- Hk'11,' tli- .mr uhl.-b II,- W'il
Wool Wanted.
Wild & 01'1'KNHKIllER .ay
hlglifsl Market Pries for wool in
euauga for Clotting, Carprls, Oil Cloihs,
Ao-, (to., ko., ko., fio., bring Wool and
you oan buy aa ninny gooda al at low
prion aa you pan for Unilad Sistss (jjlj
coin. Wo hava lbs Ileal, Cbcapeat,
Largast Stook uf Q Joda ws sver otfored
Ihs paopls now la ,u tiir.a tit a aoosrt.
d lima niaks uo delay d.a'l ba
eatigbl slaeplng or you wilt loss bargains
blob will n.aks you uubappy your whole
Uvea and you will die poor, if you doa'l
tats bead than go naked.
A 7oT Fl'MMKtl rKRKKTKlib An
uuusiiully liQt summer is predioted by
Prof. Piazza Kmith, iho astruuomcr
royal of Scotland. Uo bsiM Lis pro
dictions on the rocords of tho tcuiper-J
aturo of I'Minbursh as during tho last.
forty yeojs by the earth Ihcinoincter
of the observatory of thai city. These
observations show, be says, that a
groat heat wave come tdpn ho earth
wiUiout, presumably from tho sun,
about every ebyen jrears ; aid It ap
pears tlut tho t0t Leal-wsvo may ie
oxpeotcd in the suiujnor of tthis ear
Prof. Smith Ihipks Jthese aoasono ajo
likely to be glowiiiKly hot. and the
following winUir eaceuliunably uUld., J
riouii ficijni will on toi toia
Motin rtciotil isin inmtu i)iittl?i
nutlll riCIUtl) tlt' lOOa iu mini ItSh
h?uii Poctorsl Nkitu uiiL l koiba u
Xj l.A. Mou il(a kwra, SlldJUbau,
I S NI'Hl Cl Hit fur roMtl'MI'l-LO. ArtTI.h. k
.....'. iii i ik, a. , rums, . i.i. nw ' Ii. r, . . i -li'Ml.
w.ll . '.' I lr.'.s. K. A. M, l.
run., o.-, h iiiiu.'i.' .rtfu, j. i
Jau. .' ,'7j 9 a.
I will mall ( Fro. ) Il.s n 'In ,.p a slnt :
Vtiiisris.K Ui. Iht sill ronu.B ls.
I-hc i. L . I'. ! :.. n I ll. ,.r. Icsrlrfi
thKkln i. elexr and l sutllul : il.u In.
-ilSajKKfer MA KIT
c m 1 )iioi- T j ft li : I .'i:"s tiric:
lilU. I
H sa iuisi.1111 hm'i t.i "ij.i-ss sal'- -- - r-
i arvom. m w r-uwnc a n im i it a i r n
lav V. .
! W
VSBlBn il atiaa SjaBjSakaBaaaiiam4STMSIaaM m aTiesl 1 1 a a,. . s.
svy.nis 'X
VhiteScwing Mch:neC3. Clcvelanp, OHIO.
i ru,'i.n lr .r ijnij a 1 nuri.mi s r Hi
I nl h.ilr on a LiklJ hMA,l Lr ..l.totn
d.a). ineliolna- st.i.n., t'L.N. V A Mil l.f
. i'U., 10 Ai.u M. N. V. Jan. ;jiui.
l ilinii if (' . .lo'''. rti.s. 'o ...
1. 1- a ; i i
K.vv;;.u.:0" join run ciiLiNif
M i ku t tmi htt irvd. J, . M.l-Nv li V.
riartswu..t, V.
. 1 1 i i
. A . UO
N Ot.NTI.KM AN wli..ui1i.t f .r rs from 1 t'l TD S'lOll ! .,"',l 'l"u 7
X.vroH li.'l.iluv, Pr,nitiir Lriy. ana ll ' IU wJJt l I l
IL sd.s-ts r youllif,.! Iiiw.v.-r.'ti'in.
shi ol sudi-rltig huiiitnitv, kL.I Ires la i
nssl If, lli r.'rh s.i.l Jir.-lliu ft.r ti,.m Hi
Uiupls rt'titiy kj- wtil. li li w is rnr.l. ri.nt. r
rrs l.lil.ii l,t ,r..ill hv Uo. a .rl.r' ('..n.
.noi oau .!. ... l.y svljrs tti p. iriri-, i-.ii.S-.I-...S.
J'ilM 11. ISJI'L.N, it i.s.r Mm
lk Jau. kJ, 'T'.Sui.
Ii-tl 1 r
I St., .. t tLs I. un 1 1 t
lit f.-r Ihs t1' I.'!" 'U .'snl si .r'un svry .(.. in I
in l-w t'ai-iMi I n ?..-. ui 'i . j-.- at 1.4 i
li. r-t' I'll, luit tnJtl. "1. s '!t.' ltl"! 1.. '
AM 1 .1.. ttl"ii. IIVO'IUI'.'!.,,
l.. N . V . V
Ir jli- l N
n 4 1 .-ii 1 i
I' "
It .Hi' b I, r, 1 ii .
I nr. 1 1 '. .-!. I r
W a-tlCal.-tl N J.
' V t .' '
... .
V ' l
I- - ' 1- .
1 1 n t. i
-r ir"
; . i"s-a
-A lOa Vrlermrt t.a Haras a lioTssskn, 4i
South Tti.r.1 Mlrst Pbila.i.ih.s bt.s-ts K.u.M
suit soi l aitkar t.r aaali m ca uiatam .Vay
HtU, SKr:i
U.8.1'. l i ' , !
Ourr.ii.-y, I's laa'J Ul'. :
M I's ll, nrs iii; I."
I'snnsyltaiiia at. K ST , 111,
Hlulail.'lpli.s aud K-Jiu It. K ... 1T-N, I. C
trlnsh Vallor K. K t K',
Lrlnsb iVal a Kt. is. is i ! iVaatilrs of .J Ui If !
Honliara I enlral K. K. V. IS Is
iulS loo iM
Sil- StSto. Salaff J
ir i.. ai ' ir i
Moult, ana lt liri lii'lrroui- -4 r iiutr.l i
l. A HI 1.1. r M AM l'ii 1 1 liiNU 4 ;
t laik Mr al, I Una . I
t a kt 4 1 i
!! H S
. i a .rT
i a. ....-. ;t
U w Ilorlin, ra.'.XUr, a.ud. by
rt. t. Hidnty kohlt-r. Mr briab Fabar
of Frdrii)kbur, Labanaa Co., Ta lo
lliaa Jaonis Hsabold, of Naw Ssrltn, )'a
la Bvllni,-rovs oo lbs 21ih. lnl , by
KT. p. 4 tUilsuiaa Mr Allan U. Kra.
war and alias Aii(Hiia Millar bolb frjai
aaarHoiubiroaa, ta'fioi t'o. Pa.
la rtaaijlin two , Mat tL kiaiaa Kltaa-
balk, davAtrr V 'rodar oa aad Maltada
wttan, LJV.t. yssirs, . haoOllM ud XV
ffl Mi. and l-ata.
LJ . lo nt Ail-
1 . M INt U A k ll'., l'or.r, I'vl.
sai Hi at assa ,.lansr aas lhawor.l C-l fi'
I N' li au, ttniUKft ll, an. initsi on halts ao
olkar. Ask ysr mi I'ayaU'iaa as to Its ma.
us oyer allvthara
rroirtitUn Tors.
PAKI N rs, Jos aJ as loag-r Ikrvw
y.x.r I oil. Ins a i-h.-a. kvii'ia ts.y ' k.l.
wora, iw aiKiwaut ul ilolsa tkrouak Wis T. M.
kUtlwt iba
Or A. . T. Co."
II li A V li T I 1'
Atti tl. Wyttr
li tlm j nt I'titi ;
rvui i'j' 1 t I 'sil ' i '
rt l .f InuO S Cu 1, i
t rj wti i I loir -rlr'
' jTeji; : t .f -i .rs
lDt t;i u tin !
i l t'. r.:
U M-stl I l , ' 11 I
A. t 4 .
- '.. .M . M
I i N i. -ii il i.i "
H'.lt l ' I to All J aV 1 I: I '
tD. .aW-
m .if
" a
sw nie nun
tlUII t.UVi .UatiVUiV
i- i
. 'I
U ii
II . M t
J. 'I' '
I U.
atiKITa WHTKO r Ika Its aaJ H
ast salltaa ftaaw ksl H ks a4 bus la. I'l -s
lallwlllr)) aut. h lllulli, Pvaalaa.Sri
' ralUSstvkia. ia-
uiivw rimiimi: r i.i.. n.i
r.a i io .1 iu I'. -u a -la a m i u-a won, . . . i...
('' i :i. i . w I i fl . iit.i J ll..
iimiu I io i; . I . to. .rl lo s. U'i4 l i
aaaioi. ii ru j. a mi'ia tM tM k
ult .or . uaii4. t. . .K'Ur' a s j
l it., tiaLtvr. ata.
V lv
' . I. I
I -.I'.,
1 lis
IV-. a I.-.
... St- . .nMp-r.
I N.,r
' t . ,
wenrair cf a Ejrajjiuj,
A i- Hruaa-a t n l'l iVw. SUM
pivtiiAisKi. a . a, ssvia, siika fc.
al Sit .liMr.i.j fa a-, iho Uaioaikd Woaiu.
il la. a-al liva I.. u wS .ui a- i t )k
aJ a. in, .'at .aV A Mnaa, 4. lllllv.
jltiN,iili.. ) nrt , N
-- a- a -
W ,i.
V .'I
tl. ! i-v. ,.
. K. ...
ti ; .i, i i '.
n i
I. ..
A. I.M I
a "I A. I -u
.""I. V -I is .- .
.or. li .,
oa L l - ,
I 'IH.' I klott
I 'lio ll. W
iMiNiraTiM; s x;ru c -
l altars of a -hv-ti4laaa :", .a
-A lata vl i ka tiaa k . at v-. r
aoaxiy. I". 4 ( J lna ata.. t
ut s-l AU rr u aa- ., I' aila
u4t.. sv aahl a-,a.a i at a s.1, la..
sibN -aiaa.l a au taiiMMS aaviaia
,.i a.J wssa .i , raaa, i , m,,,
Mt lu i ii.nnV,m,oi i
ir 1. " v ww ai. -o
- . ., , . a,- . r s- . . J-H ' 7 J
i i i ' iT " V ' i"1isia siisst - Sr ,aa... ....-aim.., i rs- It l - I ai I - --"laaaiY-
,w I l . S. II.. I t . H.J..J -I