The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 22, 1879, Image 2

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    JTft ePost.
irnddleburE lUY, 221379!
J. C ROUSE, Edlor A Proprelor.
The iiiobI proiuiflin necouutu of
the peach orchard of lAthware) aud
Maryland continue to coma to U3.
JoLn SSburaiaD wy C'bii will go
Republican tiuxt full no iliHunmuo
bo way be tbu caudiduto for Oj?
Wby is it Democrats nro o terri
bly afraid of tlio army 7 Did a niun
cvor pea troopn inlorforo with an
election in the North No, novor.
The Ilnrmhnrg jfiV;riA naya
luat Senator John A. Iinon, of
Rlair county, U prominently tnon
tionod for tbc Koptiblienu nomina
tion for Stfito Treasurer.
Tlifl Republic m curiod Indi.n
npolis, Ind , by l.'Jii majority at tlio
municipal cli't-tion on Tuesday.
This is a gain of 1,000 ami bLows
uliicb way tlio wind id blowing out
Tho 8tato Scnato Las panned a
lull ollormtr a premium of one 1.1
lor for every four eha lo or fruit
troos planted on a roadnido anil
punsbiu any pjeaon injuring tbo
FpoaLiufr editorially of tbo tlnbnto
in tbo IIouho on tbo Warner Silver
bill, tbo New York Time buys
"Tbo debate was nu minimally nui
niatca one, timuks to a vigorous
speech from Mr. I inher, of enu
nylvania, who worried bis c illeajjuii,
wr. neiiey, most ttniuorriruily.
Tbo burning coul mino nt Wilkes
liniro is in n dunircruns coa lition.
l'orbnps a groat portion of tbo mines
nro nu ro mantraps, uoro luo
damp don't tbroatun.ravinH iu umko
lifo iusoouro. And yot logiHlution
lias boon bad for yearn to wako tlio
tuinos safe. Cuu uo practicublj
roniody bo discovorod and applied T
Guess tbo pooplu nro beginning
la uihcovo Hint in AJr. I islwr thuy
poHKhs a worthy representative A
man who ban viows and is a Wo to
express tbuni in a clear, logical and
convincing manner. Ho is not a
tlunimy in tbu llotiso, as bis enemies
predicted, but already holds a load
ingfiluco in that body.-llunttnytloii
Tbo lYuntulv.Hiia Trninii bill is
now tbo law, having boon npprovod
by tbo Governor. It will go iu.o
operation on tho loth of August. In
tlio meantime tbo professional tour
ists may seek now pastures. Tboy
cannot mako tnoir absence conHpie
tlons too Noun: Tbo law will not nu
press tbo poor, but it does iiiiposo
jjuuuuLiua upuu iixiu, viuious, preua
tory trumps.
Tbo Democratic Stato Comiuittoo
met at Ilaiiihbuig lust week, and do-
termed to bold lha S'tato Convention
lit Uiiiribbiirg on tho 10th of July
Tbo only State officer to nominate
this year is a Treasurer, and as tbo
voto may bo Email, tho Potnoeraev
think tboy may bavo soiao chuueo of
Bueoooilmg. A light voto is raruly
favorablo to lli i ul Jioun Huceocs
National issues may Lecomo promi
nent in tho couttbl next f ill, and if
no tho voto u.iy bo larger than is ex
A letter from tho editor of tho
J'hila lolpbia 'lime. to tho (iovernor
of Kuntiu.'i, imlviii'' fur information in
regard to tho nogro immigration to
that State, lms elicited a from
Clov. St. John iu w hich bo says that
vn tho .rth innt., not nioro than 3000
iircrrotH had nrnved iu that Stnto
'J hat tlii'V nro tuostlv furmm-u nn.i
uuxions for work, and that thiy bavo
Knuoraiiy senurtii cwploymont. Jlu
tbinkntlio esodiiH will bo permanent,
and tliat it will extend into olhor
vestern and uoitbwcfctoru St.itcn.
Tbo ri'fugi'OH, tho Governor 6:ivh,
n!i'eo fmb.stantiallv that the rananVl
tl.i ir having tho Solllu ftxinls in tlin
fact that thi-y bavo boeu ucfuirly
dealt with, really lobbod year after
year of thuir earnings, and not oiily
deprivod of their political rights, but
ior years nave noon lnnociiro in both
lifo and liroiiurlv. Tho lnirnnr
adds, "As forKausas, I think I speak
tho sentiment of tho iocplo wbeu I
Bay tbut thoy fiball never bo turned
r . 1 . . a ...
jium our noors lor want oi iroa4.
Ihe Coinngo Bill.
Puring tho ii.,onnsion iu tho
JIoiiho l ut woek, of tbo Wiirnnr
r-ilvcr bill. Hon. II. G. do
livered nu able f.jieocb iu opp.ositiou
to tho bill. 1 1 o was warmlv con-
fcTutulutird by many on both sides
of tho IJouho, uud the kadintr news
papers spunk in high torms of bis
Btrong nnd logirnl reasoning. The
ow Yorlt y'wayai Mr. Fisher
is a now wemiior, nnd bis bdoccIi.
vbicb was htioiignud logical, inuile
o very favorablo impicssion. Ho
caused Judgo Kellcy coufidcrublo
hnnoyanoo by tiuotiug from bis
Bpon bes, made sovjt.i1 j ears ago,
against tbo silver ilollui s, aud con
tiiihling them with some of bi.-i
inoro recent uttcruueos iu favor of
the nnbmiteil coiuago of silvor.
Tbo Now York JJcrold says; Mr.
xihbor, of 'ounsylvatiia showed
that tbo Wui nor bill was a fraud on
tbo working meu and women of tbc
country, and maintained tho Bound
uoctnuo tbut a silvor dollur ought
to contain a dollar' worth of silver.
Tbo l'liilttJclpliia Timet, Dot ut
Ml fnendly to Wr, Futhur, puys bim
tbo following Laudsutuo comtdiiuunt :
la the House, Fisher, of t'enusyl
vania, roado ou extraordinarily good
firot effort io opposition to tho silvor
bill. lie spoke clearly and distinct
ly and with groat forco oud tlircot
lie loceivtd unasuul ntttn
tion (or a diucusyioa of tbia kind.
Mr. Fisher's Speech.
Our rcpresentativo ia (Jongrosi,
Hod. 11. U. Fitiher, mad? a pprcch
on tho army bill, wLich is an ablo
argnmout iu favor of Liborty, Jas-
licoanda Tree ballot. Wo logrtl
tbut nro bavo only room for the con
eluding passages :
It is argued hero because a Jirit
isb king baa not exorcise 1 the vat
power for one bundled aud fifty
years, tho Kt'.i'iitivj should not ;
that tbo two forms of government
arc nualogoiis. With tho distin
guished gentleman from Now Jersey
(Mr. Hoburtrtotij I duty tbo analogy.
What an analogy exists between tlio
Houko of Lords nod the Scnato of
tho L'uited fc'tatos T What analogy
between tbo Sovereign of Great Itu
tain and tho Lxccutivo of tho L'uit
ed States ? None. The former is
hereditary, tho latter id chosnu by
tho pooplo every four years. Indeed
tho Kx ctilivo is closer to tbo JiOopJn
than aro our Sonators i certainly
much clofor than a hereditary king.
nr l xcrulive cannot declare war as
does tho King, Lor has be the kingly
power to dissolvo tho Mousoof lie
preseutatives at will as tho English
sovereign can dissolvo l'urliamont,
which power in exorcised. I would
remind the gcntlimon on the other
sido of tho llouso that if tho Chief
Magiblrato cf this nation had such
right and would now choose to ex
erciHO it yonr lenso of power hero
would in all probability bo just two
jtura cboi tor than it is now.
Tho rrentlcinan from Kentucky
in tho chair (Mr lilavkburn) in bis
beautiful peroration npostrophi.od
tho 1'uthor of bis C'onntry, and do
elared that if be should step down
from yonder framo and rosuma those
powers thut tho grateful pooplo of
an iufant Republic confoired upon
liim as their li rut Chief Magistrate,
even to bim bo would not conseut to
yield dangerous and unwarranted
powers. Oli, no ; no ono bore could
believe that Wiuibingtou would ask
it, but if it were possible for linn to
step down in living, breathing nnd
animated form, it is much more rca
sonablo to believe that bo would loaf
over bis last and bent legacy to tho
American pooplo aud address somo
of tbo gentlemen ou tho other sido
with this paragraph :
"Tbo unity of government which
constitutes you ono people is also
now dour to you. It is justly so, for
it is a main pillar iu the oditico of
your real independence, tho support
of jour tranquility nt home, your
pcaco abroad, i f your hiifety, of your
prosperity, of Unit very liberty which
you so highly prizo. Dut as it is
easy to forsco that from dilVoreul
causer, nnd from different ijuartors
much p uns will bo taken, many ar
tifieos employod to weaken iu your
minds tho couvietion of thin truth ;
as this is tho point iu your political
fortress ngainst which tho butteries
internal nud external enemies will bo
most constantly and actively (though
often covortly and iusiduously) di
rccted, it is of infiuito moment that
you should properly rstimato tho
itummiso valuo of your National
I nion to your colloctivo and indi
vidual happiness . that you fchonld
cherish a cordial, babituul, nnd im
movable attachment to it, accustom
iiigyoursolvcs to think nnd speak of
it as of tho palladium of your politi
cal safety and prosperity, watching
for its preservation with jealous anx
iety, disconnteuanaing whatever may
suggout oven a suspicion that it can
in any event bo abandoned, nod iu
dignnntly frowning upon tbo first
dawning of every uttcmpt to alion
ato nny portion of our uountry from
tbo rest or to enfeeblo tbi saarod
lies which now link together tho va
rious parts."
Could yon in roply eay io tho
words of tho young mun iu tlio
Scriptures, "All thiso precepts have
I kept from my youth op. ' What
would you say ? Ob, what could
j on eay f
Soveral gonllomen liavo taken ra
ciihion to disavow tho sentiments of
a eertuin Missisiippt paper quotod
from by tho geinlemau from Maine.
Uut u paper whoso character nud iu
tluoneo no ono will quesliou, tho
iiisvillo "Courii.r-Jourual," sayf,
"This iu a nation," sJumiily said
Gai field Wo aro indued Mr. Gar
field, a nation of Stales, Ihirtviigbt
iu uumber." And is this nil i tell
us geiillnuon ou tlib other sido, is
that tho whole of il I)o you dony
that wo me forty-five millions of
people living under ouo Government,
obey ono Coustitutiou, aud rocog
uiiug ono ll.ig ? Uo you seo noth
ing iilxivo and beyoud thirty-eight
Stales ? Wo of thu North believe it
to bo a union ouo and indivisible.
W'c have hem d iu tho course of this
di:bato of wrongs and injuries with
out paiollel inllicted upon the un
happy people of this country by tho
Republican party during tho period
it bus shaped Irgisiuliou. Not one
word bad wo board of tho iuuihi-
uimily of thU groat party until tho
gentieiuau from ieunessoo (Mr.
House) yesterday, iu bis speech,
paid a merited tributo to the Re
publican party iu theso words :
Mr. Chairman : I am not un
miudful of the fact thai thi Hepob
liean party when they wore in power
passed amnesty laws romoviug the
political disabilities of sonthen men
who bad participated iu tho late civil
war nud rendered thorn eligible to
till all positions of honor aud trust
to which their follow citizoua might
seo lit to elect them, nor do I seek
to detract from tho Republican party
auy of tho honor tbut may belong
to them for tho passage of those
In its dosiros for peaco and harmo
ny and a restored Union it bus
ruudo it nossiblo for tho vioo-nresi-
dent of tbo late confederacy to be
ooido a member of this body, and
also a distinguished membor of Jelf.
uaviu cabinet, as well as scores of
men who struck ut the 1W of their
country and who put forth their bot
efforts to trail it in dishonor all
these are Lero low avowinur exalted
dovoliou to the CuiutiUliou aud tbu
Union. In rogird to this action of
the Republican party it is possibly
not yot tho proper time to speak, but
(lod forbid that history should re
cord this great magnanimity nt tho
most previous error that shall be
laid at the door of the grandest po
litical party that ever cxistod among
a flee pooplo.
U nlnityt gi'! pitin la bttr en
ijciiiih on ih iMreet, la lha Loun or at
mtJilnfM of nj kiml, Per tbls reu-ou,
ai well m oihem, I b itc ilcrolel iim an. I
jlinty for )nr Mil to flml rrnieJj tlmt
will 11evii tii'i ours tnr n fios-llilc,
rnn n y of my frllowii who are IraubtaJ wilb
hi urieTom, wenriny, tcnriiift, wMlitig
ciiisn, nnd I think tli Clycrroto Cough
Syrup rcncbfn mors ci of bn.l eoiifthi
uil niluctiuni than any oibcr
rriucly of lis kiii'l. 1'riee 10 cents nJ
$1 f r bnr.
I'rp)fircJ by E. K. Tbotopujn, 1 it us
Tille, I . ,
For lulo by JoLo A. Moan, Midllcbnrg,
Is. totf
Plr tnnfinnr M"in"l A.
Wrtfrtl. l.. lltjivi-r township nt!i'..
u ,, 1 .: f.irlii1 "Ill", ttt lr Oi ki n n-jr at 111?
r.lint.'K 1'nm.irT l.;.--l..u. lr. W.-t'.'l H T
it-'iiv jronmr Krpni li.-an : tt es Tilonl birnl.
ul luftu anil till make ft (4I1I1I11I otllcrr.
.Torre Orotif rMicttu'ljr fttinonwtt lilmveir
nu'lliUto f r PrutbiMioiarr.
lUyhlcr C llctoritcr.
I'.iiiTos Post :
A the titna il sp.
proiohin(? when wa will be cillcJ upon to
rcLct a siiilii'ile prrna to till the olfiro
of KrglFler ft Itrcor lvr, ftii I il ia cur duty
to nrled cur befit men, you will tbrffnr
plaiee nnnoiiiica the onmeord. K. HeliucK
it aiiitiiMo pcrnon to fill fnl'l nltiuc, bo
baa been irlcil nnd Ins Hccor l line bran
ao well e-tililiflinl for Lis promptacii in ;
attrn'linK 10 hie buiincen, unit Lo l.i
provpil litniu'lf lo lie liotici'l, (ol .or u l in.j
luKlriiua, not In ptcry way iUitlilicJ to I
fill I ho oflicj of which be Lain thorough I
kuowlclge, ao that no further reooninicn- ;
Mlinn la ncceary he noe'is the aympalliy
of tbo party, aa bo baa been uiif.irlunnip
Ihroujih tickars anJ loanea a that be is
in tipl of belp. let 11 nominnie ou
airougcat tueti, au I we wilt be aur nf m
Mn. PrtT. Von will il.ikFe annonfiro .lnm'. ,
1. V aotan'it. 01 ii i nci"ir. 1 ein'ii'iro
lur l,Qrfi"or nil., i.v"iriir. ill- " lino iiinr
n.l Hi ... ft,. II.A r.lllpM um t i.l ll.i w tn 1h It. .
i uMI'n aity aoJ ueod uj lurthor roe-ouiuiun-datlon.
t.n. I'nar Ann'.nnco A. II. KTX'K, r- ,
a a ofi'l li'Hlo, nt tl.a O'Utiliiif J'rl-iirtrj- K10:
tnn, br IteMitor an-l Kncofh r. hulo K,.lt
l.'i aotlv Itui'Ui'lli'An rulnct
mun vomiwirni In all ruJ "'ti I., till tl.a .!H
yjioitbf (M rinnn nnl Lnnllih l!ui'Ltl;, anl
will 111 uk (i a Komi cnU'or.
Dhltict Atformy.
Vninun rnnraa : Wo wnuM call tho alton-
tlun ol tlm l(i'nMloAn I'arl), to Ihe f ot, ll.l
tlio not tionilnatlon fur tilatrlol Aiennr;
liiina'lly anil rUoilullv bolon u H. .VI.I.K.
MAN, r.. S'ijiiI I .llr, Allmimn rrorlva iho
tlm liomlnatlon. wttluu we aru .'nfi l"n, he
w III. by a ituQ n.aji,rit)'. our .-iy wilt
tlirri linve nn Itff tlrltot, Kne'llilioiui wll I hna
nuvnr llltH'F.e I . a l.ii f yor ol Miillitv, itn I a pnii.
tlvtnan ul known tii'Tiil character. Mr. A'te.
min aa lila.rlot Attornoy ttilt t. r.o bouor t
the 'rty am! a crM lotl.o county.
A llLrt'llLll'A!,
Kt. Tout :
Atnioilnni II, II., K-'..
of Waahli'iiton, a a anit,hltf ,iroti 10 nil itn-
ill o: lii-irK-t iittuioi.y, Mr. i,.i.iiiii 1 p.-.
li.iion at lha ami hl naiurii aiol a.'.nnil
ahilily Ut hnu lor a pr i:uil aiul fill n ut aia
t'haiKo iJltuu ilutlua piictA.tnuv to tlm u.Q'o,
IV LSI Dl' A Villi.
Jury C'otnt'iliiiittnci;
Mr. Vnal nniioutiPo William, of MM.
illvcraek, aa a auiiaUn oiioM.Uio for Jury
(ViitniU-loncr, Air. (Illtiorl 1 an live. u:k.
Ii-.K ii."il"lioan anil tuerlti toPoaBiilun ul
bla pirty Fcrvl-ci. 1 y
lliai' oTKa.i.
FiiiK7n i:mi"8i: I'lai'i ann uia ln(!
How it-a crtiiill'lnte lur Jury t'oinoil itmir r.
Mr. Kua la oi.e ul Hie Koi ii'.il 'an w irkorii la
i'onn lowimulp. Ha hifalifya ito l oy uia
i ir'.y, ia au uoiioal. C'liiit ul 01 :.i 1 ri'i' inni '
man, anil la now Uu.arv Wu ol iIiIk ainiiit I ,vor :
Ir il-i tUDH'irly. Lot ua u.ititlllHt-1 Ii" u0 Il-J-V, .
auil wo will tavo a iivuil ui iu e'i u. 1 H jkm .
n u.r UJ ,vi:j.
.1. I'ronto, j.luvi anu un'o In''. II Hull
ufi'ontra. aif a auit'iolo i'ur m for luu o,tl.a u
Jur) ( loiiimlaalouor. Mr. Il..ll ia fuiiyumi.
I'Olout lor au cicK'Ut .l..-.'hv' Of tlio uulloa
"I til- iilU"
III! Wl'.U.
II j. kck:ji:i;t,
l:'KUKHi" 1I.OOK,
Sc'inimre, l' nn'a.
rrof" bntlnea promptly atttimlol to,
.May 'J'.'.
W tl rU V ,',Aot' n'owvAi
$Ui$t' XlwnJsHI 'tiiaAvoapuiii
S 'twtlS 'in otj jo yosuaurj
jo; Xpowj-j iRtuv t ptt.t treig gr
JTVlera of a.luilnlatratlon on the ealnte ol
hllna'ein M01U. late of the lloru ol AlliMla.
bur, Htiyilor (Jo., ilaa'it bavInK btan grant
ad to tl.a umlerala-ueil, all xraona knowlua
!.emralvea lu.lautoil to auhl aatat are re.Ua,l
i la make liuuiaillala puyruout, while llioa
Lavl.K vlalwaw III pruioul thorn duly authautl
aUiU Iu r aoltleuieut in
JtlO. Y.SniNllFI,,
A r. IT, TO. AJuilulairator
j oiit,iuaii 101 nainia inoniaa 4r f
nmi!ntAt:ii iiriu 'nur j'we 'i'i 'o
JUnujj p.jvi -'pwi-udun tiijJi ,"irlC
5'W.iof rg mii ,jom an; A .tlfii
ptpind otj, ,x rv(lyfH km
fruf,n ..a unif .5 ,vvt3 H n RPrl"','S
" m '1 jvA h eJb s
Notice Under Insolvent AcL
Notice in boreby f.'len that Lander
W wraith will (.n aeiit hla Anal i.nUllon to IU
tV.url of tjomioou I'I Ra f ir In county of Nnyilor
on lha 4th alomlay of May in 11. for lb U-naut
uf ilia luaoltaiil Aot au l thai ll aan,a will Im
coMllroiaU by lb UouH uulua (itiotia be sled
tuaraW aivlilliM lo lw
J. CatQlifcK, VreU',
Apr. iriu, Uin.
Anirr?ieo Aooonnts.
"VTOI'IUE ia hereby niren Ihtt the fol.
It low in jf A?aigneea Account hare been
Mail In tbc office cf the prothnootary nf
1 be Court of C. 1. of-Snr-lT county snl
will lie preeotel to tbe next court for
eiienrmation, and unleaa auffiolanl eenae
be ehiwa lb Contrary the tame will
be confirmed,
Afonnt of J. II. lUrtmtn AMlftaee of John
t, Sptuaitr,
Amount nf J. M. Birtaaa Anliina ot Cath
erine Nap?.
Account nf J, O. Krcltanr anI 3. R. Mall Aa-ilQ.-p
of Abraham 4 a iict r,
Ari- itiotuf J.8. llai ror AiigDe cfttenry M.
Accngul of llinry Kroute Algno of Jlatirr
A. f-"tt;lof J. O. ".both Aiilnnen of llonry
IU ) ot.
A.vnnnt of H. II. F lr Anynot of Pnti r
AccomiiI M A.Um It. Wjll .r Al lt'nt of O.
1. llerr.
Arivoinl of Anitrcw J. ll;wrrsns Atttae ot
Cyrnv .1Irk.
Aroonrtt of I)l4 Urw Aiom) of Nlraou
V . Kyr.
Ac ouutof 11. W, llow Al;nr. cf William
A.-ponut of Uavid k tor Asalgno of .Tacob
Aoomint of Samnol Market Aatiimeo cf llonry
I'l trl. Ii.
Vlnal .-rru, of c. I', t'lrloh AWnoe of
Wak-t.aill..r k Sou.
A ("lint of A. W. riir Ai-Unl of ). W.
AT-iinl ol l. 8. Rli'.IIy Aalrnc of John
A'-o oiinl of Jioei F.amlili Alnce of Sawn
rl M irarr,
t. !itot:sf: lToth'y.
Prnthy'i litnee, Msyl, 'Jj,
1 ICKXSE NOTICK. Notice is
1J Iroroliy RlT. u that
dnra'. (Inynf, ScllnauMTf,
.l..l,n H K.vkl. r,
Jnmn.'l II. l!rI,
I..-WIN A111I1,
ilno. w. WrkTrr, IVrry,
liaoinl K-i..r.
Killtun K itii. rmol, Franklin,
.1 ..n I.lmiM rl, Ml.MirburK,
rti-r li:t.tinau, ilcntrr,
.I.J. M itt lu ll,
llnnry :i-iti. Chapman,
1.1.1,1 Mr-r 1,1. 1.
S iRiin'l ICiinO.,1 b, '
.l..,ii H. vv,., ii.,, I'.nn
.1 In, Km k, v-t II aor,
,1).. a S.r bl, lloir.r
1 It. l onra l "
V.. I', Itivl'ill'rn, "
r.ii.:, c rcio.o, WwlilnRlon,
.1.1,.. V'-l i. Mt.l.l...rrk,
II. 11. Wltmrr, I'ol. ll,
Ira M,yar. M 'tir w,
.1 .rtn ..inlt,
u. :1 Clian,
hire nt"ilt!iPlrri"tttlon,orTvrrnU..otie with
, I.M I 'l..rb ..( Mil, Pl a r ..
the I 'llirfc III lltlflHlPSMI,l.illin( Htil-.U,rt.,Hnl
nn.l thoriitno will l.n ri ontcO lor arrroval ou
loii'!f,y, tl.' -iith dny el rpt.
An t now. .!,ni uir, i-il, is.;, It la onloro I
lliat tlio I'lprw ot thp pi.urt ln3rt In iho piihll.
. .ii.-ii in i,iimp, ,ji..-i-e" Hir-i.Tirr a o'Hl.'O
Ihiltnll l.l'.C'ii'o. vr.tiral by t:ia iVotrt will ho
...ill ..n.l ...I I ll.H .....I . .1.-11
"- ,ii,lc ..IV l. ll ' II, VIIW1I llb
Ihpaauia wit'. In .moon il i nr'nr he a unn
Khali h, a holla urn 11 I hi I l.n ,.r . I nr., Im. i.f a
rori-lt liom '.ho o.'ur.ty Trai uiar to iba 'I'.rk
01 iil.l i.'ourt, ti nt ti.o I.l o ff I 0 tin 1,11.
l'M. I 1 11 I'f'itlA.U.
e liin r i:ior u.
of WiJ iws Appralncrncntr
uiidur the $:;oJ Law. Notioo if
hereby gievn that Die following wi towa
ap rnisenipni Iitp bon tilml with ibe
Oli-rk of tkctlrphniie' t'ourl nf Mnjilvr Co.,
for ponfirinMion ou Mou lay, the !lb ilny
of May next.
Ar-fralaxncnt ol fhriatlani flit'lilRcr U.i
ot r'ieloi.-k llililori.r, it-ic'tt.
- Ai t ru'a mi t ut LI 14 El l lc of John
tw 1. ilo M.
...i.raiMuipril of livi-lat) Iiritf wlduw of Krun.
i ta I. Hli. (IiipM.
Ai'iir.i.m ioi lit of djrah Moyuf 1.1, w of () o.
I. M J.T, .1.
Aiirali-oioxiil of Maillla 8'artl .),, of
lUrrl-un Mivur'l, iter I.
Appralioouaut of Jilary ftilil r low nf John
si,.: i.iiw.'ii.
Ant.ral '"lU'int of stoi'lil, H ok wi.l iw of ,t ihn
II. .h,.i.tM.
Ai .r.,i. :u. nt of lUtliarlD I.enl wI Ijv ol
Ju.U l.i-l.lf, .IitM.
A pni. 11 nt .f ',tharlnc H.i:l;nit o wl tow
of .1. r liu'J ,al-, .li..i'.l.
A. -al-viaiOil of i-'.finy Ki-or,b,r,(ir rll"W
of .1 !,!, ,lipM..tlC'jr'.r, 1.t'iI
May l.'Tl. i. tiliOCSK, C. r I), tl
WmCZ TO TilE3?A5WR3.
T ft the iin.lnrHii'riuil Citiona of
Wubl It..aTer T iwoal.ln Soyiler coritr fl) ,'antlon all iirina l,o to tr -,a-a on
i.r i.'i.,iiia. a K.ilii.-i l.y Ho i'iii", I'lMo f, 11
r- it. ir -r .-t' 1 r wl, wiMntit l.avo, will Uwalt
nitii a'-.'nitlti.K to Law.
I. . I. II' nil . A :noa Hiiif-k,
A. .. I, ! '.Vin.ft. io.i.'i,
K il. Sn - k, .1. hi, II. Haunter,
Win. il :,;ncr, ll. p.- W'li-r.
,l..l. Miitirn, A'rarn W.a lcr.
II . .t t'l-' , S il.ui "i Slioiilot'. r,
,ia II. I! ml, It-nrj 1 . srt
io. 1 1 h Kim-, li.Mi'icn H'.oiilii.-r,
.1 1.'.. I' 11 ten,, irtnrr, Aflrow l'-h,
.1- t,.i Vl-'.i, Alvln A.
filih Arli-Kliaal. I'iullp .1. Manlawk,
M .. i r, Oh., lli.ory II Vi..,
W l... 11. II. rl .lcr. .la-oh I. ll i.i,
il orvi Ku i.y, 'rank;i nK-vli,
S wm WnaiKf, J iho (J Wtfiuif.
A;oi Sli t, IM.
In the mitttrr of Ihf m!,iU Ahl:i!l !
O'T, lute of S'l'hhr nmnhi, rtfrnnr.l.
To Ji oathau HII-or an I f'nrl !
Illlncr fI.Mnu In t'ontro Cu., It. ; Ilotiiy
ll'V'r. far;, Vyaul itt In., ii'iln t John III
aor. MMillahura, i'a. ; I'.illth llllnor. Mary E.
IMcrinarrto l wiiii Jaooh Swarni, Srlli.fiiroro,
Fa.; Other lillror imormarrlMl with Jeroml
ah Swln hart. II .vprtiwn, llarka 'o, Fa. 1
II V. Wetinl rorl.lln k al Tnruiiiae'lle, Nor
ihun i,riaut cnutty, rinu)iranln, Na
tVituUl '.Vct.-ui, t.. 'I lint,; at Ai ulleoe,
Kauai tlary Ann W 1 t.'ol intonnnrrle l wltb
lianl. I liamn, Dsorun II. Wolal who ra
lor 1.1a KU"'llan lianh l illlimyer, be-lra nf
iLninan "ni.'i a km Hannah lliluor rol ling
at I'auvllle, MoDi. ur County 1 ouniy;vaol ;
I'olia See bold torinarrleil with t'avlil
H . lluol, Fotuvlllo. I'll.: Ilarr ami .lunula
crUi.l who have for their inianllau Jacoh
'.iiuur, new ueriin. cntouiia., ra, ; Be.
110111 wini uaa tor uer uoarotan nlartln 1
Krbo'.'li. Npw liarlln. Ta , hrl a at liw ol tho
aalri ALIicall llllyi r, iloo'il. Whpiaaa, Frnok.
tin M niluer tiled hla arpll0(.tln In tl.a Or
I Lana C urt ol Snylor ou' ty for a rltatlon
aaanllna a, , Inc iiarlorinaao of oontracl, So.
Vou arj'roly oii-iioatnli,i to h ami appear
on the llrat iUy i.l May Tviiu uf aatd Oourl. to
alt 1 thu Mtli ita 01 Miiy nui u. abow oauae
whk a iKtoroe lir that purniao abould not be
made II you tblhk proper.
Air. 17, ?. flerk O. O.
S&eriiTs SaIe.
BV virtue of Leaari Faclaa luaue I cut
of Ibe Court of Common I'leaa of Hny.
dcr ootinty and lo me directed will be ex
ported to I'uMio ttule at tbc Court lloudo,
iu Middlohurj-. on
Xtiturday, Men 24A, 1879.
at 10 o'clock A. M. Ibe following dciorlb
cd Itual Katiite, to wit :
ailuale in tbe Itorough of Middlehurg,
lintinded North by an alley, Kant by lot
No. 47, Boutn ly Market rllreet Went by
au Alley, conlaininK eixty foet In from
aud one hundred nnd aiily feet In depth,
whereon uie creeled ft two-alury weather
and other outbuilding. ALHO, lot No.
17 In ihe ground plan of aaid llorougb,
bounded on the North ty an Alley, Caal
by lot of Dr. J, V. SUiudtl, routh by
Market Htreot aud Weal by Iho alicae
tueutionod lot eoutulniog eixty feel iu
rront auj one liutidrrd and inly feet to
duptli, wbrroon are created a
Peized, taken iu eXsouiiou and lo be
eold aa the property of Aaron Kenulnger
and Uaariel il. Itcnuluger.
I). llOLIiNDEBT EberllT.
Plierlff'e Onioe Mlddicburg, April 22, '70.
X l-l.otura of a4nitnlatratl(aou Ibeeataleol
iMWla Iv.r.l. Ili.r, lataof ('hanoao Tu., rluy.lor
County, I'a. dao'd haa lawn Kraiifed to the
uoilormunad. All rar ua kaowlon Uiauiaelrea
luili'htod toial'l astute will iileaae make Im.
oioillata payment while thoae havlnii elulma
aiialnat eald aaiat
niont to OA1II
u eaiaia win preaeui tnein lor autu
nitUavMlOK MLKrt l r.TTK.U.
Hay I, 'T. AiinilnlalraUtri.
riotDii Ptfctorar win curt roi court
. hltiill h'.lrlil turbi UMMneSI OultklT- '
numi Itci'ird bs'es vm ut mum m.
hml luteal coeitt to ttuii, $ toitiu n. - -
At J. A. Mwie iruf Vtvrt, tiUdlbur.
H. T. HElItlBOlD'Si
Fluid Extract
or tub
Bladder & Kidneys.
For PcWIIly, Lo of Mctnnry, Tndl'pa.
fiiion lo Dx. nioo or Itn-lnifi. Shorliio
of llrrnlli, Trouhlol with Tbniigiiie nf
IHaPitaoa. Dimnca of Vilon, l'n'n In lh
llck. Cleat, and Ileal. Rita!i of I'lood lo
the Ilca4, Tale Cuuulin.inec, and Dry
If lliteo aymplnms nre allnwrd to ft nn,
eery frequently Kpl1c;.tio Fit an I Conn
euinptloii follow. H'licn I he I'or.niitull'in
liecotnca erti'ttoil II rrquiria thn aid of on
invigor il inn imp lieitu lo Hlrciigtlmu nud
louo up the pynen nuicli
"HelmboItTs Bnctaf
riy ntiy remedy known. It Ii prpcrihe-.l
by iho inuFl ( inni'.'Ut pbynioiuiie u'.l cvti
tbo world, In
P.I!tUMAT!iM. ma ronpor.A,
M'.l KA ! ,
hKiivtrss F.H.I,
lVftl'KI'Ml A,
CON8TI I'ATfiiy,
KIDM.Y llhK.f'.i:.
m:kvi'8 ii;niLiTr,
l'Art AI.YStS,
SPIN AI, l):sEAisi:M,
.N'l.liWiiIH COMI'LAtST.
FKMALb t. OMI'I.'IH, io.
Ilnn I'icho, Pnin in (Uo filioublrrs, Cougih
I'it jinina, i r Stoni'ioh, l.riipl 'r ir, 1: 1 1
I irito in the Month, I'nlpll ,1 ion of Itn
Henri, l'.iin in Ihe r. ioii ot ihj Kidni'ya,
'i ud n lliou-aii'l oibur puiui'ul nyuiplouia,
ire t lie oUupritigi vf iyapepio.
HelmbOId's Bncta
And allnjulalo Ihe Torpid Mver, Bnwlra.
and Kidneys lo lieu'.thy action, in cloau
eing tho blood of nil irupuritiea, nnd im
parling now lifo aud, vigor lo tbe whole
A tingle trial will be quite enfTioirnt In
oooeinoe I lie noil bctilatiog of lie valua
ble remedial u,uaUUoa.
DeliTored lo any edJrej free from cb
lerealioo, "ralienU" may ornatiH by loiter, re
ceieiug the eame alteution na by calling,
by tnawering lb following queetion;
1. Give your name and pnatoflilce ail.
drem, couniy and State, and your neareet
eXpreee olUoe T
2, Tour rtge end eeX t
8. Occupation T
4. Married or iinglc t
6. Helmut, weight, now nnd In beuliu t
0. How long have you been eick
7. Your complexion, oolor of Iialr and
cye T
8, Hating you ft alooping or oroot gait t
0. Helate without reaervntlon all you
know about your cae. Ennloao one aid.
Inr ascouiuliniioa free. Your lottor will
then receive our atinntlun, and we will
give you tbo nature of your dieeaao and
our oanum opiuion oonoernlng ft euro.
Competent 1'byalulana atti nd to eorree
pondaul. All loiter ehould be ftddroaa
d to ninpensatory, 1217 Filbert filroel,
l'blladulphia, I'a.
Druggiel and Cboiolit,
., Pa.
Saled of 1878 over Galea of 1870, 228.509 Ha.
chines. A Three-fold Increase I
AH Former Years Outdone.
nndnr tho o!l entom of PcllinsrHowin'r
wlioso cnpiilitv hat oftn led to iniiirunrosontilinn nn.1 fnm1.
! or tlio jn-otrclion ol tuo fiuMicnud
rhnie. .) i,'t'i im n'ili hi. Wo lidvo uholi;i!iod tlio "uiuldlowan" and coll
tUrirtlij throuih our vifn tahtrii'.d 'mjent, whom wo aro nblo to contml.
W'o vna tbiiM fivo to tcr yureh i,wr of a ( running Sitifor Suwinf Mi.
cliinn tlio ptini Hiity of a company of '25 years ntundin, Hint nny lualiioo
eold by ft "bmiur ngout is cxnctly wtmt it i rqn-cHcntod.
Tlio Jiiroronoo litlwcon bucIi n fruuriinty. nnd tlio fiirtrr!nly of nn irro.
pponttiblo, liunpry canvnuiior, wliom tlio Hircbnuur litis novor eoon btfora
nud uiny novor sro n'uiu, in loo uiirkad to le-juiio cuinuiout.
Wc Warrant Every
Tlii Suitor Compnny lmvo c6tablisliod nn offioo in PRl'O
STOKi:. SKIilNSfiltOV K, I'a, Muc'uiuca will bo uoldon thoinstnliiiKiit
plan ul leduuod pricus.
cT Ji1 JlTmiZi? ACT,,
UuroU a:, 'rjm. selinsguovi:, pa.
IMI'OHTANT rJ'0 lAIcMmiN.-We nro
una iriisre.1 to .lolirrr ll.l" luallr relrtiriiiaj
t'in. An analvrlr or lot l i til Marl
iia uk, li) (iaurKO it. :ook , State UluIuhI
I'lioi-rnnnip Arm,
Hll.H'ir Aiilli,
1 lT M.U,
1.1 M.-,
S Mti It..
6-IU II a.
f 7 1" II..
1 I In Hi.
8 J-lu ilia.
1 ho M"rrt Jnwj Mart t'on mny bavo ttielr
nu ii iurvii4: . .y inlxc i, at ! t: Hilar tl .emtriv. a to raj.;.iy fciri atiual to tbo tample aiial.
1 1. if u.iri i.- K in; lo i i mi nnaao-01 n.ii urm
Iruio lnuicm anl trucknuli ol Ua ai
Vn o- n i.f it ,r! "rlc AeM rnl I'c.wt
inuitm a. tin l 't bc uil vn luo to ti I urine u
UllUUI HllviiUBtl 'lli fV,, -n ill KICU k
Koi-t. 12, ",-S.
Ladies Coats.
Ladies Coats are in great demand at present.
Every and in SnWler county can be supplied
S. WEIS' Selinsgrove,
thcro aro stacks of them there, which in qual
ity and cheapness cannot bo equaled.
nmi o:
iiaa."J J-i? jejg. MJ HM1 M) , : '
Everbodv is invited to call and see the full
lino of NOXIOUS and FICY G00D3. Th
prices aro unqus:tisnabls lcT7erl thr.n ever. ,
1 1
I :' ill
Many ribinns liavo prown rn
chinen through "Midllomon,"
onrRclvcs wo liavo ubumlmal thin
Itlar.tieae oU by us.
nnrl at t"'lnta alun i q s. ai r.. It. U. at ' im
taken ir .in a tiniturm alien cut from tlie luoeot th
- I ol .Now Jer.ey, iliow at lullon :
I'i o.oxirit or Iiioaj
V A'l KH.
a e-ie iti.
17 i I" It a.
1-10 I l.a.
luo Ilia.
I'arl cnt Iroai tbc tor to the brttnm ef thu t.l.
crops ami nnrseruur teatluiutUll con be LuB
rtii i l a
nl'.Tii ti.kkc It ut onrr tht phflftpasl tnil bcula
ovtr ! j r I'ULp. ur fa!1 ) r tun.
J. CROl'SK. Apt., MidJlibnrrr,
MOHS SJ'lX'llT, ACt., Uoavcrtown.
mn.H mm im'Mwmtmnrt
gate I
Ladies Coats.
loor ml cum
i a . ,
0ta 18, 1$.
1 a.