r.lv-ertl)ln.f II it erf ?- . 'V . mi 12 POHT ( column one year, ).(I0 Afonrth column, ono your, dinars (10 lines) 1 insertion itery additional insertion, . fMioiml an J Business cards of not more than 5 linen, per year, iikli(ir. Bxccntor, Administrator ,01 A'siltnse Notices, nit.iriiil notice per I in. 16.00 76 . 60 5.00 2.M 15 n, d than one year are payable at the tnt they are ordered, and il not paid t( person ordering them' will ue held pontible for the money. Poetry. LEI" if PASS? fit not twifl io uk effaBM Let it pais Anger li a to lo tents Lfl it pttt t Hrool not dxrkljr o'er a wrong; Wkiok will disappear sra lon-f JUf ber ting tbU enter oo( 11 il pat . Ltl II put Strlf enrrodet Its pnrsat mlad t Let II patt I At tbs aoregarded wind, 11 It p4 Any vulvar touts Ibal lit Ma- eosdema without reprttta 'I'it lbs nobis who forglts, Lsl II pats I Let il pan ! Echo nnt as angry word Ltl it put ! Tbluk bow often you hart srrsJ Lfl il patt ! ' Hinot our Jojrt mutt pant away, Like lbs dewdrop on lbs 'pray, Wherefore thoutd our torrowt ttay J Lot I hem pan t Ltl (bim patt ! If tot food you' taken lit, Lei li patt I Ob I be kind aud genii slitl Lrl il patt I Time at Intl mki all thing airtight ; l.el ut not resent, but wail, AnJ our triumph shall bt great Let il past .' ' Let il ptti ! Itut your oger to depart, Let ii ptm I Lay thee bom worde to heart, 'Let it pee J" Follow not the giddy throng, Doner to be wrongs I than wrong Therefore ing the cheery tuug Let it p tne Let li t-a I All the. Year Ilmivl. H o 1 c t rf a 1 . ArSIMPSONS. "Any lattora for E. P. VanCleof T' ia a nervous, anxious voioe was ask t l by a well-fed, woll-clotlied, close cropped young fellow of the hotel ck-rk. "Ah I what name T' demanded kb.t elogaut functionary, not becuuso .e bid not beard perfectly M ull, but 1 1 tied tune to loouge over tlio ten U;et iutui veiling betweou himself aud jllio luttuf boxen. Tim nnmu was venoated iu a sharp j-iick tne. ".No i uoihing. "Please look iu 'C.' ' Tb j clerk stare 1 i wondorol whit up ; relloctoil iu it tun now com Tliad brought but lilllo baggage i ii-ii tally resolved to keep an eye oil i m i HbuflljJ oer tbo luttera iu the u I x i uhook bia liuud, ami then ,!:itM(td into HQ nnn-cbuir overooiue uitli the exertion. Flunk took the ulivator, lot him- bolf iuto his room, lit a ciur, reflect t l, nn.l then a wore. Kii;bt years iu Europo, homo at Itst, suinnier well uudur woy, a fair inlietitiiuco. npocipullv iu Cliieiwo pronorty, am' a proapeot of boitig iii(l'nunda but brush for tbo rest ut bis 1 HiK'h were the time anl circiibiQiicoH uouer wuicu ue tounu l.Uiaclf. Nothing to bweur at ia Hut a moderate wine bill, the tip Ko tbo waiters and a bad run of luck Vt the poo's, made upou the miles sua in each twenty-lour Hours on the voyage over, bad exhausted the cold remaining in bis pocket after be Iliad paid bis passage money. His Sawyers and the executors of bis late Aunt Miranda estate bad been iu t traded, however, by the previous nail to remit money to bim at the lurutiswiok. so that was a matter of po moment. But tbo remittance Ciixd not arrived. Most of bis bag aira bad been expressed to Chicago Drnm Hia nl lh Inn tliinarilMi pnd ia it tbe address of bis now law ten" "Mr lawyers sounds well, be Mooted, "but I wish to tbe deuce tbey d send roe some money. lueaday came, but witb tt no let it oecame annoying, uui sun . t i . .-ii ' noold wait Freaeutly be went font for a stroll, found it warm, and rnraed tbe luok that kept bim from ptMig away from tbe beat and dust ft) iYiwport, where be was to j jiu "Do Heads witb whom be bad f pu the v. inter in Home. I'.Qterinir th iottl. the clerk band M bim a letter. Ab 1 money at ml No i it was a note, addressed fa q Anglo -Uo ton hand ; CarMr. VanCleof: "Come ami ilina with ns to-niffht. pVt saw your arrival the Partbia's pmsenger list in tbe morning paper, utl aro anxious to know bow you "f and where you are goiug to Plieni the anmmer Come at 7. piling by sunlight is like "playing "V ao we eat late. Yours, sincerely, Auaia. "No. 23 West 4ith street." "Now. who tbe i Mario, Marie r-I don't know any Marie, eapeoial- '7 any Marie who is particularly to lerestsd ia me, aud who writes a charming note, saying things which with women pass for wit, and,'' welling of the paper, "wlto asoa ex- Jrtct of violet liberally. Well, I'll sure to go it may divert ray wind from my pecuniary embarrass Hunt "I'll bay to make a oleaa Weast o( it to the clerk soon, and probab be arrested for a swind or A ma who expeota remlttaaoea and 'luu't know t'lUwjw's addraaa, who no r wbs roony ta to If VOL. 16. "Evening dress r olaw-hitnwer coat, etc., but no' cloves no tioa t why, money is a momentary necessi ty, by Jove 1" said Frank, as be took tbrao articles from bis trunk. I can't go to dinner and find out my unknown friends if I don't have gloves. Ob, if there wan only a Mont do 1'iete io New York by Jove, Simpson's t I will arise aud go unto my nuole and say undo, Lend met 10."'. Frank laughed, then grew sober again. There was a sense of degra dation in tho mere idea- Then, witb a shrug, he thought needs must when tbe devil drives, and takinir out a box of jewelry, none of it ex pensive, ho turned it over. "Hello, boras just the thing, be thought as ho took out a locket. It was an odd affair cameo with the boad of tbe Savior on it. AtoudJ it coiled a golden serpent, with bril liantly enninelod scales and a pair of "pigeon s-blood ruby eyes, r rank hud picked it up in a little shop in Loudon just before ho sailed for homo. Jt was one of tho funcios in which he had begun to indulge him self when ho received the first remit tauco from bis new lawyors and now property. "This bauble is principally ao- couutablo for my being short of mon ey ho thought "I will make it ro- luomber me.' Uu tbo back of tbo qunint old locket were the initials . D. V. sod bo!o tbetn 'il h. There had been a picture in it once. but tbore was loft only tho marks of tbe knife witb which it mid been priml ouV. It wns growing late, and calling a back Fratik jumpo 1 iu and toll tbe driver to take bun to the new Court-house. Arrived there bo told tho driver to wait, puetiod tbrongh tho building and out the other door, walked briskly to Simp son's, hesitated a moment, b ltj,l in tbe door, and iu a moment stood in a box at tbo counter where a poor wo man wasptitvuing soma clotbin for food. Frank shuddered, drew out tbo locket and laid it Jowu. A dark man took it up, looked at it, turned it over, snrunliuized the iuitiulH, tested the gold ou a corner und said, laconically : "How much ? "Teu dollars ' The man turnml a vay, made out the tn-kt, banded Frank tbe m-tiy and bis d.ipliculA ticket, aud turuud to thn next corner. With a sih at tho atrnoRp'ioro of misery hanging around tho place. from the dark corners of wlii.ili tint hollow faces of the spoiHora of want ami starvation se.4ion leering at him Fruuk parsed quickly out of the door, regained his cab, Slid to tho driver, ' Brunswick quick 1' and rolled away. II. Two littlo red lip quivered psr ceptibly, and two big black eyes till ed with tears. To bo hungry ab solutely, unpootically and practically hungry was a novel experience to IfusHio riang. Io bo hungry in a fashionable lo lging-house, with plouty down stairs iu a well filled larder and cool, pleasant dining room, was absolutely absurd. Sit- tinir in a pretty room, amid a mass of pretty feminine knick-knacks and brio-a-bruc. bearini? tbe rattle of knives and forks come np on the air from the lunch tables below i and yot to be hungry was "positively, maddemugiy incongruous, sue thought. To be sure there was no reason why. she should not have gone to the landlady and explained her situation and been sure of proper treatment, but tbey bad been in the bouse but a few days, and bad been taking their meals out at aneijhborins restaurant (Jessie's mother bad been called away to visit a sick sister who was ill, and she bad left ber little girl alono, not without misgivings, and tho night before Bessie bad lost ber purse or bad ber pocket picked coming from dinner at any rate it was gone, and with it tbe money which was to have bought her food for the next two days. A praotical woman would have done tbe obvioua thing and in terviewed ber landlady. Bat Uessie was even more than most women seusitive about goiug to strangers wheu in trouble, especially about money matters, and feared to en counter suspioion t so she wont with oat hor breakfast, aod at lunch-time was raveuousiy unogry. wuat a curse a gooa appetite is at times i Then it occurred to ber that she bad heard her cousin Tom joke about bis "Undo,'' and she kuew tbat he was alluding to a pawnbroker. What a borrid thing a pawubroker must be i A kind of a orop between a "Shy look' and a 'Fagin,' she thought, aud they would ogle ber perhaps. Oh, no I Hbe'd starve before she would go there. But as tbe afterooou wore on and hunger increased, and witb it her perplexity, aba began to ory. But orylng didn't help matters any i ou tho coutrary, tne pangs oi ouu ger rather increased, aud with them her determination to tiud her cousin Turn's 'Uuole,' Sua resolved tbat no una but herself should ever know of ber perplexity, 'uot even Maiuma, nor of ber visit to a pawnbroker's never that.' From under a mass of ribbons and laoea. aititlcUl - flowers and dainty loo handkerchiefs, tumbled into a bureau drawer, aba Ashed out a small boi and drew from it a queer old lookifc, Ik was a carved head of Ctri- t-rroMli- by ft brilliantly - r" - xTlM i-"; C7t3, t-i C MIDDLEBUltO, SNYDER COUNTY, on the back the Initials M. E.. and nnderneath V. D. V. "Poor old grandma i how horrifi ed you would be if yoa only know, and hadn't been dead tbeso ton years 1' she said to herself softly, as sne put tne iockoi uaeK into its case, and rao-down stairs in tbe late sum mer afternoon. It was a long walk down Broad way, tho pavements were hot and scorcbod lier fuut, bar face grew flashed with tho exertion, and her black curls clung damply to her white forehead. Heides,sbe was weak from loug fitting. She thought at last that sho did not koow whero she was going, but sho mustered up con r ago to ak a policemm. Ho ey ed her curiously, but told ber civilly enough whore tj go. Hot waves of crimson dyed ber face and nock as she passed in at tho d lorway utidor tho trio of golden balls. And stood at tho countor. Sho board a p or woman next bur refuse 1 the amount sho begged f r ou an old sba vl It was moth-eaten, and tbey did not want it at any price Then a voico said : "Well, MissT She produced tbo locket. Mlo much r A tor a hurried ex animation sue was much relieved to ooo that tho mau took to her novel niriiittliin COilllv flliulirli. nn.l ulut I spoko for tho first time. "Ton dollars, pleaso.' Tbo money was counted out ; sho bestowed ono dollar of it on tbo poor woman whoso shawl bad boon rejected, and who still stood in a dazod way ou thn side-walk, escaped from ber thanks iuto a Fourth Ave nue car, and was soon b-Uoing io her cool room, and forgotful, no that ehe had tuouey, of her bnuger Just then a note reached her : "Heaiiest Heshik Do come over and diue. I- rod, aud I aro in town a lay or two. In haste lliinn. Mvhie. "No. 28 West Forty fourth street.' ' 'ut money iu thy purse, and thou sbalt bj invited to diuner.' thought (Jessie, us sho mentally re solved togo at nnco t J hor old school fellow and husband. Ill "Mr VanClonf,' said the man scr. vant, opeuiug the d ior of thn drat ing room of No iiS West Foin ty- fourth street, and l-raulc was usher ed iuto tbe cool rooms and the pres ence oi a lull, huo lookioi; m m. whom ho ha l never seen beforo in his life, a blonde, m itrouly tittle, w J man that's Mario.' ho thought aud a charming L'irl in wiiito, with great black eyes, and a m is of soft, black hair rolled upon tho small, clean cut hold. For a turnout tin situation was ombariasn'ng Then Mr. Fruncklyn stepped forward, and Frank said : There seems to bo some mistake i I must have iiuaiuosako somewhere.' "Oh, no t we a'o oousius to your late Aunt Miranda, who has just made you ber legateo, an I us you bavo oomo home at last wo mean, now tbat you aro hero, t make you accept a cousin's place in our house aud our frieudship,' said Mr. Frauck lyn. It is enough to say that the din ner was perfect, tho hostess charm ing, the boat a jolly good fellow und Bessie so bewitching tbat Frank was iu love over hoa I and ears before tho dinner was liuisbod. Tho lottor from "my lawyers" w is at tbe hotel when Frank returned, covorod with tho postmark of balf tbe "New Brunswick' in tho Coun try, among which it had traveled whilo he was waiting for it at tbe Hotel Hrunswick. Tbo last murmur that bo made as be dropped off to sleep was "Found an 'uuole, two cousins and and ' and he was drnamiog of a black eyed girl in an other minute. The phlegmatic clerk at tbo pawn broker's turuod over two lockets ap parently just aliko, and examined tbem curiously, then put them back iu their wrappers aud was about to put them away when a fellow clerk approached aud also looked at them. Tbey changed tbem about a little and then placed thorn in the wrap pers aud iu tho safe. Tbe next day both lockets were redeemed. Tbey thought it curious at tbo moment, but odd things are of daily occur rences in tbe ofuoe of a pawnbroker, the theater of the daily tragedy of woe and want, poverty, hanger aud dirt Frank looked at tbe locket wheu be reached his hotel t it was tbo same. There was the bright spot where the pawnbroker's acid bad touched the oorner of the case, but . . . BkI tne rest was tne same exactly, .iu he rubbed bis eyes whoreaa when he took tbo lookot to tbe pawnbrok er tbe initials ou tbe oaso bad read i y. o y. M. E. Of this ba was perfectly sure i yet iiorsuow, thoy were plaiuly reverseJ, aud read M K. V. D. V. tie Diixzled over it soma time Then bo weut dowo in a nab and do m inded of the pawnbroker an axpla nation. Tbe young man told him of tha two lockets, exaotly alike, left within an boar of eaoh other on tbe nreeeedinir day. . eaoh pledged fot 1 10, eaoh redeemed io tha morning, tzl epliai!3Ci tin tht nr2i! si wOlftaa t-a Uad l.nnk a.thuMt aartv manna, anrl tha 'V. I i.. li.i..' l - . I .s SsTSW . have btoon changed. Tbo young man hoped there bai been no harm donet remembered that the other locket was left by a '.young woman i' real ly didu't reraotuber what she looked like, and tban went back to bis work. Frank rsturnod homo puzjled. It really didn't matter it was only a chance purchase of a nniquo trillo io jewelry i he hadn't tbo romolsst idea whose the initials were, but he was siipjistitions about it, and itttonbl el bim That tbo locket bad a double in Now York there could be no doubt, and so Frank resolved not to tell the story, but to wear the lociu-t on his watch chaiu, iu the hops that it would somo tiruo at tract tho atloo'.ion of some one who could solve my story. " v' "Mamma,' cried Boesio- tbo uxl day when, her oonfessiou made, Iij had roJoemud her precious locicut an I was examining it, "Mamma, this is uot my locket. I his is the other ouo. This is tbo other one. This is poor giaodma s gaeo d'amour to her fuithlesi lovor com j bick to lor grandchild t see, see, 'she rallied ou in wild excitement, Mrs l'rayue ljke.l Hhun.lv. - i tun levorsod in ai ds, and was a excited ia a mo (liutit as Ilissio. Cousin Tj:u whs dispatched to tho pawnbroker's for itiforinatiou. Ho learned but littlo more than Frank, ntul so tho mys tery was talked of and speculated upon for tbe next week. Grandma's lovo story was told over and over, liricllv it was this : Mary Emoraou and Van Dyke Voddcr woio lovers years before. They exchanged lock eta made for them. Vedd. r Went sailing away out into tbe West and married, leaving grandma, - thou voiiug and prulty, to soon console hei self with another lover und husband. iSlie always kept tho lock et aud a warm spot iu her heart, lis every woman does for tbo man whom shii ouco loved. Ilutsho liov er saw or beard of him a;,"iiu iu life. Bessio received hor blessing, her lit tle fortune, and tho precious locket from grandma on ber deutu bed Aud now, lifter fifty years au 1 with out a crov , the lockets were changed iy some mysterious agency. VI. Two months later ilessie and Frank met ugaiu ut loo Fn oc-lyiis pietty house at Nowp.uV liiey had both forgotten the lockets, and S-ioil forgot lue woi I.I in eafil other. Ouu siimmcr evening IJehsio pr im ised to bo bis wifo, and, as two liMlc white arms went np aro and hi neck. Frank was guilty of a ui'st uiichi vniilioiial Jiroeeeduig. lit nctilaliy was surprise I out of taking immedi ate advantage of his tio-vly-acq iired privileges. Amoug tho laco ubout llessie s neck rested the other locket, l'bo lovo tokens were lovo tokens still. Bessio told ber grandmother's littlo romance, and initials were ex plained to Frauk, who exclaimed, almost with awe . "Van Dyke Ved der, the faithlejs l iver of your grandmother, Mary lliuersou, was my graudfather. In a handsome houso in Fifth avenue there bangs upou tho parlor wall a velvet case. In it aro two lockets, each ns liko the other us cm well bo imagined, a cameo head of Christ surrounded by au enameled suako with rudy eyes. Over tbem bang throe golden bulls. When to Gut Up. Tbo Duke of Wellington always slept on an iron bedstead eighteen inches wide. "When a man wants to ttiru over," bo said, "it is time for him to turn out '' Tho Emperor Nicholas did tho samo. Mr. Owen says, "llie principle is wen euongu i b it I thiuk tbo detail is wrong. Sleep itself is far too important to bo made uuoomfot table. My old fi iotiil, Uossitor, tixo I bis alarm so that, at tbo lore-ordmuod tuouiont. tlio bed-clothes wero drawn I into the bod and U iRsiter lay shivering.1 I bavo myself aomew hero tbo draw ings and spocilioatiotis for a patent (which I bavo nevor applod for). which arranges a set oi cams ami whoolwork uador the bedstead, which, at the tnomnet appoiutod. lifts the pillow end six feet, aud do- livers tbe sleeper on bis toot un me now hoiixontal footboard, llo is not apt to sleep long after that Kossitor touuil another coutrivauoo which worked bettor. Tbo alarm clock struck a match, whioti lighted the lump which boiled tho water for Itossitoi s shaving. it 1. issuer staid io bed long, tbe wator boiled over ou hie razor aud clean shirt, and tbe prayer-book bis mother gava him. aud Coloridiro's autograph. aud bis open pocket-book, aud all the other precious things he would put in a basin uudoroeath before ho went to but so bo hud to get up before that niomant came."' OU und A'eto- A roan of Norristown, Pa., aged 23, baa married bis stepcrandmotuor aged 00. Tbe hair of tha buff do ianow largely employed in rraking over eoats, which are all wool. Mosteety ia prioelaes virtue i but if, lika tbe paint on a wotesn's oheok itosly io,itloaM iu t-Ju ta aauMM Ik i l.-f 44. PA, MAY IB, 187'.). Old Si. 01 1st rams loto the nflbe rather looked la'e yesterday morning and out ' humor. "What Is the matter now V we aikel pleasantly. "NuiHo.'cepia dat ef I konw'd do Wav t-r ou ob ties hvar Yankee o uck t'uetries, I 'low bit would not take mo loiiir ter gltdar I 'Whyf aven't you got t clock T' "Well, l'ss ko er box lull of eou VtnsLt ins dal'tbraudid dat way.'' "And what about it 1' Jess a low dty a$o ono of dea ler Ytukee pod Hers run 'long wi I or wsio lodo of c'ooUs, au' he talked Hi Ou about do chub dat Ijc-a up an' bought do ou dt he snd was do bust io le lit. Hit was two feci In-jb an' et lull of varus woilin wncula et er sirdeo bx is wid let-tie times I tell you hit le.iksJ m o atou emai l, Out el ick 'li I 1" " Did it rau all right 1" "Kuti I W'p. dar hit is. Pit clock cum see down in a trot alert der prtddlur' s ba sot inter one, and a'onpod ennui 'lore ho ir t ter tie lie xi plscc, when lie wa'itud to swap lor lusnnv, s he Btil . W hut did yeu do wilh it!" "Well. I tiukore I on Int. nn' link ered an sol it coin , but tori ootid git uiy U l put up, it 'ui be Muoilin' dure vt. tileni i-x a bead board in s cuiiuirr cuuicierj. ..... "Aud yuuceuld not got it to ruott'win-l toro'igli l!io groves, mid all! "Ab, yet, I cnt hit ter run. yon Can 'puud ou dat I Y'r s-o, 1 tho't1 i m-y be dat der wsu t weight mill io uiuke tl.r wkdul u round, si I wiu Is hor cp un' dat soumli l like woi kin er chain pamp an' 'inched ti uii iron to do end no ao striug an im necessiiy our cany settlers whit do yet- tiuki V could not givnrtc!i ntteution totlie "I dou'l kuow." laying out of burial places ; but the ' W'y dat blatm'd clock tack i hit neglect of our couutiy cemeteries is iu his uiouf ho' ruu lerty--ix h uii- .growing to bo a national eliaracter do laet duy an' de ole 'em in wu. . istio. I ho country is now getting oiiliing'd dat siio til supper at 'leveti ( older, richer and more densely popu cleck in tho lueriiitiK hit - er lin k !''late l ; it is quite tune, therefore; to "And how hsvti V'iu regulate I it T' "Jess by sfitm' hit out ia de back vard uu' ii'liiu' do chiHuu ler tu ele into ku'p up wid tie town cl ick, it' it lakes er werk UT git I rem one 'out in ,nk to de oJdei I ' A lit it a Con- Chinamen and Odium. Wall Sluing, nu omploye at a bin dry cstablishiueut in Alleghniiy, entered a ding store lio other morning, and, throwing down a uiekel said : 'Five cctiteo opium." While the clerk was gettin bi n the drug a reporter, engaged the Cuiiiauieii in couvetsati u . 'ii.iy much opium, Web T'" ' I'live, tuu, lil'leeu euiiteo worth a day." "I'so it on shirts t" "Hello, no 1 S moke it " ' Like it T" "Holly ;;ood," on.l a happy smile spread over his iiiumiiiy-liko fea luies. "Toll mo something about i',." said tbo reporter, "what kind of tin effect does it produce bow does it inako you feel T" "Makes Cbiuamen feel likco-' an'l here be was stuck for a compar-non to denoto perfect hapiiiuuess and contentment ; "makes Cbiuamen feel likeo likea Meliean man Gen eral Grant, alien time plenty motley, no much workee, taken things easy.'' Makes you forget your troubles, docs it V "Ye i foglet troubles alio samo likee when yon sleep." "Seo nice things iu your dreams 7" "Belly nice. Everything big ami boufltiful," and ho made and en nip tured gesture "ith bis hands. 'hverything grand, 1 euppose "Kelly graud. Ciiiuamau a cellar look likeo Central otel." "Is it possihlo T" "Smoothing-iron look likoo train of cars aud washe was-ttil) steamboat." like "You don't say so f And what else 1 ' Oh, lieep clso. Wall likco sold out and irone China with twoutytlive huudred dollars." Womanly Modesty. Man ' lovos tho mvsterio'i. A cloudless sky and the fullblown rose leave htm unmoved i but tho violet which hides its blushing beauties be hind tho bush, and tho moon when emerging from hehiud a cloud, are to hint sources of inspiration and ol pleasuro, Modssty is to merit what shade is to a figure iu paiuting--it gives boldusss and prominence Nothing adds moro to female beauty than modesty, it sheds around tho ooutiteuauce a halo of light which is borrowed from virtue. Botanists have giveu tho rosy hue which tinges the cup of tbe white roses tbo Otttiio oi "maiden blush. tin pure aud delicate hue is the only paiut ChtisUlu virgins shoal I use i it ia tbe richest ornament. A wo man without modesty is liko a faded dower diffusiug an unwholesome odor, which the prudent gardener will throw from bim. Her destiny ia molauoholy, for it terminates in shame and repentance. Uoauty passes liko tbe flowers of the albe. which bloom and die in a few hours i but modesty gives the female oharms which supply tbe place of the trans itory freshness of youth. To bs dumb foe tba remainder of lift U bottr thaa to apak Ulaely. If ll aft fjf ft. 1.- T) r U. i l 4 NO. 4 Neglecting tho Graveyard. Ever) traveller through tbe United States, a from the car Window be surveys the country through which bo passes, ever ntul ntnm observes in the distance, on some lull-side or on thenakod field, n small cullcctioii of whitu tnarbla headstones. Thest collections denoto our country coin etries, aud each headstone niaikf thn resting plaoo of sotuo deputed member of tho human family. Were it not that one know it to bo so from observation, tho uninitiated might bo tempted to tako th -so couiotoi ie for ortists' marblo yards, for little else iudicates that they nro burial places. Tbey havo no trees, no swoul-scetited shrub, no flower bed, no walks, no seats, and no songbirds nothing, except loo cold marble slab and a luxurious growth of weeds is there to be found. Is this H1 it onjrlit to be t 7avo those who departed, noma in tho bloom of youth, others in wintry age, left no relatives, no friend behind that will cherish their uieinoii s or boau tify their resting-places beyond the pt K'in of a stone o;i the r.ive ? in lviropH, at least in Northern r.urope. :he country cemeteries pre i nut a different aspect. Though the p irish ui ly bo small and po r, the ichiirchyard blooms like, a paradise "ith lovely plantations of trees and 1.1... p-iriiiMicrv. v-ieau, giaceilll H.'lliis lliong'l. tusieiKl oi tlin costly lieal ' stone, they may bo but a simple wooden cross, yet nt its base one may be sure t iin l a rose or Iiy aciutli, or other ll iral treasure, to j bear tvi.Ienco that the sleeper is nut forgotten ly tho living. jmake a change ; there is uo 1 uiger 'any excuse for the present condition f rural eenieteiles. Djslrov the weeds uu 1 briars, and havo instead a velvety grass sod. I'lant flowers. hardy evergreens an I dnci liousliees I to beautify and shad1) the spot, 'i.tnl I tlieiu for tin.1 sake of toe s-icro I ' meni'ii y of t'ion'1 ymi Lave biiiied. i 'iaiit tlieiu for y ini' own H ikenliij visit and clierisli t'ie spot I'l i'it 1 tlioiu lor the sake of tiio cxmiuunitv iu vhicl. you lire, whose r.vtht-tie I t intejou wiil thus help In educate. No Legal Dissolution of P.irt ursliip without Public Notice Something that is very often nog looted by business men, tin I which neglect, very often. results disis troilsly, is the precaution toalver tiso iu tho public newspaper a notice of "liss )l utioti of Partnership ' A partnership may bo undo in un hour, but catiuot bo dissolved fully in less than four weeks, not until af ter the same has been u Iverti" I iu s oolitic n,nMiijiiwr in mii1i nf tliAiM't counties in wincii tiio liriu has b i l places of business. A recent decision of court hi i 111 I llll - ad 'lphia i that, no matter b w long tit? dissolution of a lirui tuiv exist, there is no legal diss ilution .until after public notice is given of the same through tne columusof the county paper, and a private uotioe sent to all having open accounts with tho turn at the timo of dissolu tion. In tho abovo ciiso it was prov n that each member of tho tirm 1ml admitted that the tirm bad been dis solved many years ago, and tho ao coiwits settled Up eveiythillg ne cessary d itto but advertising ; but the court instructed the inrv tint thero was no leg il diss ilution, and a veiiliet was teiulereil aecoMinglv. Until the full letter of the law i ful tilled, either sniviving partner is lia- !b!e for any debts tho other partner or partners may uiako over the fii tn h kignaturo. previous to the first no' ice i iu the newspapers, which will stop Sung feel ! nil proceedings, but it is not com back tolnlcte until the sime lias b eii nib lished for four cousevutivo week. Evil Companions- Society is tho atmosphere of i nils. aud wo necesianly imbibe some thing which is either infectious or salubrious. Tho society of virtuous persons is on joyed beyond their com. pany, whilo vice carries a sting iuto solitudo. Tho society, or tho com pany you keep, is both tlio indica tion of vour character and tho for mer of it. Iu company, thero re quires more guard than usual, be iiiso tlio luiu.l is thou passive. Either vicious company will please vou, or it will not i it it J es not pl'iaso yon, thn eud of your going will bo defeated, xou will feel your levrcuoa for the dictates of conscience wear oft, aud that name at which angels bow and devils tremble you will bear condemned and abused The Bible will supply material for ntiinoauiug justs or impious biifYtou try tho consequence of this sill bo a practical deviation iuto vice the prtuuiplo will become ssppea ami the funces of conscience broken down i aud, when debauchery has corrupted the character, totsl in version will take place, aa the apostle spooks, they cbry in their shame. Trapeao performers are desperate persona, i uey are oouou 10 wsss'oirrt ft living if tbay bat to swiag tor it ,fs. k . - I rubllsliod ever Thursday Everhig JEREMIAH CBOTjrStaPropV Terms of Subscription,. TWO WU.S M TICll ANM,-f. lVyV alilo vithin sit tmnilhs, or f-.oOtfrtof paid within the year, tio paper dir continued until all mreerivM sre raid unless at Uie epliun of lue uul lixher. HulHic.riptjons outside of the count PtYAKI.K I.N A I) V NCR. firrersniis lifting Mid usinfc patters' sddres-ed i othrs beetviissnlsioriliore' and ire lisllo furlde price ofthopspsr IJENUY A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and Harnosf Maker Cenlrovllo, Snyder County, Ponna K-epxm has'l. n-l itntkea to ol-.lef alT klSit 'if llsrne--, Wn.tO lt. Hn.ll-, Whip. Uoltrir e,ki. wrk vnrnnit tor one Jr Mr. 1'itf!T Irn l,tt a trlitl to linitl Ihat ttf uti'leriiKn.ln ma tmln-. So l,'T4. W. II, It I Pit A. PRrVCTICAL MILL-WRIflHr 3trhr Station. Snirt-r C '., V. (Form-rly frem L-i loo Jaiolinn ) Aee it f r Hi- t tt-t tinirnv I T ''im Wi. TKH WllKUI V S1T l M'Klm, H iLTI ItU, KSlI llUl.TINU :i.'ITII, ao. II At, SO. rnt r.r iik - ihMF. (S'atel t V VI I.I.K, Miiiul eir Inn .ti',, aa-1 ciui nri- t-itinpunl-. rl:iMe -,'! rt-fll-nci at Mrla-r si.iina ii. 'Tl.lt. NICHOLS, SHEPAHD CO., Ilattle Crifc, Mlrrt. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE "Vi i j ir jv rr on THBESHIKG mSCHIKERY. THT atufcliloM (irilnAtlnr. 1 ImeiT'nr, ni Mn-v -atf Tirt.' rr. r' ., . and f iets U n .. i n !.' r i't W. tt, t,,; Cimuv bdffr stivlug t.ra.u fi-.u Wat.ff STY IM INtwpr 1 lirScr t spti-tnltr I-'. ' f h' I.I, t , U't'l," e -t . ' r -tr.l 01 II I'nrlTntril M-nm TIn--H-r lnltii, Till' l riKK T'irHn l'wiie esil ofira iM,.,,r.i,' inn.. I1. -.I i l' .: '.j it. ft r (.'.. VI II I , ... it. I IA ..lb,. CKtlN Knira will ei aul mil Inih. ranr im M.,pMl.r.h aiH e. l-f.rn- - -r. f I. -il,r m, him., wh:, wtv ; (..""l a tb. .111. i.m. kjor Onlf Vn.ilf fctirlr fir "'ml, ', m ,1 I - t o.i , e. Tln'.h.i hi I Lt. 1 .in- Mll. I' i-- -l l'l l, ' w4 "r-b.lMtai" w Th'tron-h Mrlfntfih!p. H-rtst flnlah, t frt..fl .f ,ri.. Cm:, I.Ct, rt f ,r U.. isa.twB 1 nrnaar ebiii ai u-a.vaaii. TTR'H U fur Mniplt.-it rr rart, aalriff I than p- n-tf !i hr't a -I tr. If aasaf K '.u H 1 1, v :iti no .i!i(f iti tt K a.ii t in-. r'H !( nf h-prMur Ni l-, Rrlnff f (!'-'' -he H t.t mm, and tu klti-s H"Uw t H-- I'ni r . 1.14 n riK rnrth'utitri. ('ill nn oor D-ahr. tw 'il u ue Ut II.. j-,.. I irc.lar. uk fall tT J.VMi.S n F.I S Kit, Agent, M i!i mlo li.i. Snvd-r T. PE'INSYLVAIA R. R, Trln Ijv t.n,'l-l"-ti .Tin-lion lullo wi VI A I.N l.lM.-WL.-il W AKLI. I'lttaiiurati Kcrea 1 i' a m. j I-.! it I t,""a i a. io. W.iv l'-iitfcr lot; a. in. I ll t oo j. n. Il'a-ll.lo 4..ib. KASTWAIIU. ! I'i.r tn't'hlft l!lTeM ln,-lh" l.tr-- i..iitil iu I. term I'M' a. n. l.i on to. 1 1 ' 4 . m. ft I" 11- 01, . m M'ntilic Kiire't The Kl l.ln. Wr r.i""i-' an 1 . li I-tt,r--. un I I'io Pa.'I.V in I Atiaullo tiiwieei run ,.l l v .v lr nt lir .itUont Id Mllllln ountr all.jll w -1 f nn. .tw tan. a in. lo bi 10 M 10 l SI v-: io u lo . 0 ilranrltle Anlfri.in'i l.-iimli-ll'tw W v- 'n i .itMtmilc VI rv ir.l N. II million a. m. 10 s i M f,7 11 I II U 11 J 11 ;wi li j i ft 11 Hi tlH 1 11 4 t' 4 47 i 4 15 4 ' 4 4 II 4 I'm r,lit" l:t',r wt -a k ' flftic('t at M-Vert'iwi i i m. ami 16 AiUutui pr-M ea-i at - v in. Ihe Phasnix Pecloral. rroTl li'f to tie tie'nltarlr I'ip'al I" ira na. e.inej-n -i 1 ) an I ru-ltr-n II l.t- a cilil. Il -l i,t -eiKt ll .OI n. ..-..r.ti-.Ti It ui?-- I.iat.tnl relief, li a tn j tti'H"l, I' tc.'n Tft. II (. iMl HIT core tli in any ntlirr ni ll-lni. Tuau.anl "f iOim i-ioan ui r.i-rn !' nnylir4'i i ht.a ! i I" ' T"" i""' !'" t-'h rn-f Hrl-a, -. intt ir 5 I- ttla a fur l . I'rl'ire t It l.erl i llm h Oirr M. Ti. tn4 I i i.y lo.m . Moan. Mi l llai'irj. aa I S u onion . tttr'r. t oiraTiiie, I a. Avnl Jt I, l- v. I y. It U it twpsjr f H f:i.l ft -i t isj ftira.d Hill. II: . ,,:,tt.nt:,l h a .1 b f4Wr.l u.u -l - a- ftSi-l 'tcwitfa-ta, ii.lft-Mpr, w- 1 b ),.? ,th ftt, iu t i i IB wh.ii wi--r fti.-i.rU a it Hi-, tu ti.ii.-ft tl ? is atri n1- ftKf V I ft ft U ' '.ri H U lusi ft ,..i V .'.' ( HI ftllt..ft w ih k'.Mtli .ftlsftii-wi) it ?wviia frmri-?t tu !;:4.ft4. J Tftbslrf I i 'tt l V'iae4 MaMi'tuft A. "'U if.'u!-r Pt iui.. i4ly it sa iu ftraaa mU.iiim -Hril 14 He MSft M ',.. I ft r.ai H.1H iuri iol l-ur A ir (.. tvw l M lift, ! - Iv'ftw'. lun Mftft." tiiiH" : " !,, rorhcal-. im KtArkaH ri-Mr rrUili ' Oft a fftltturut fti I 4. is lt ft , Ba" - ial.t i'.t.i. V o r rhrvntsi. lil-sVh, 1 aialMftftftas.lH l ft I ak, '' i ttt i--. -1 ' I "wwl-t - f l ft rinr i. isi-4. t it Chi . ra Iftssl Mm rl ' ahaia it l'otja-l!i sw-Usla. 0 U wfti h A i . -r, TMl i J .,M---nss- - lf c j livaii, ...... ii lui ft -neS iHts-w-ml l. mmi." " J , i.u .llKi-J i4 tlev-itt n-i a IfU hit t:MII tl ttATWS, ! Wtbm 1 T, aa1KXV. . H-rUl ar v m "s. rawny OARnitieaa. ii viaia , a ill. in t- ait's ! , u a oo..